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Achieve more with NFC tags and RFID chips
Achieve more with NFC tags and RFID chips
Near field communication (NFC) tags and radio frequency identification (RFID) chips help blur the lines between the physical and digital world, exceeding expectations with better product availability, revolutionising checkouts and increasing access to information. Jessica Busa of Siyakha Imperial Printing reveals how.
Using NFC, a link to a video can be embedded in a product’s label, providing consumers with detailed info on how to use an item
Consumers desire personalisation, a connection with products and immediate access to information. In today’s retail landscape, consumers will go where their
individual needs are better met. When included inthe labelling of individual products, NFC enablesconsumers to get more information about theproducts they want to purchase. Possibilities suchas linking to a video on how to use an item or arecipe can all be realised with NFC.
AUTOMATION AND CONSUMER EXPERIENCEThe benefits of RFID in accurate inventorymanagement include avoiding consumerdisappointment with out-of-stock items andincrease response time with product location.Ultimately, this leads to savings and improvedconsumer experience.
RFID can also considerably reduce the timeconsumers waste in queues. Retailers that haveintroduced automatic RFID-powered checkoutshave eradicated the tedious task of scanningindividual barcodes.
HOW IT ALL WORKSNFC and RFID systems work with radio waves– picked up after scanning a small electronic taginserted into an item’s label or packaging – usingmobile or stationary readers. The tag can beencoded with a unique identifier. RFID allowstagged items to be identified without directproximity, as is needed with a barcode.
NFC and RFID costs, which have traditionallybeen too expensive for consumer applications,are starting to become more accessible and theirpotential in retail applications is growing as thetechnology evolves.
Siyakha Imperial Printing is a committed partnerto its customers, helping them increase efficiencieswith better item-level accuracy throughout theirglobal supply chain. In doing this, we also helpcustomers achieve their sustainability goals byreducing waste and their overall environmentalimpact. We work with longstanding partners andindustry leaders to provide the best collaborativesolutions for the future. •
Siyakha Imperial Printing – www.labelprint.co.za