Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Review Africa Q1 2021

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New Omron solution brings

innovation to manufacturing Omron has launched the world’s first robotic integrated controller.1 The new NJ501-R is based on the company’s industry leading NJ series of machine controllers for industrial automation.


ANY INDUSTRIES ARE facing labour


shortage issues and, due to new

By integrating the PLC, motion and robot control

global health concerns, the world is

in a single controller, complex manual work,

experiencing a major turning point with how

which could only be conducted by humans, can

society conducts business. As a result, the

now be completed by robots. The programming language for the PLC

demand for more advanced automation with robots has increased, along with a growing

and robot is unified in the generic IEC language,

demand for digitalisation.

which gives engineers who typically manage PLCs the ability to also manage robots.

Traditionally, automation equipment for

With Omron’s simulation technology,

production facilities has been controlled by several factors that create a major challenge

you can verify equipment performance

to setup and coordinate the speed and timing

at the early stage of equipment design,

between various devices. It is very difficult to

allowing mechanical designers and electrical

verify a process design in advance with a high

designers to work in parallel. As a result,

level of accuracy prior to the construction of

equipment commissioning can be completed

a machine or larger production line. After the

in a shorter time frame, higher production

equipment is commissioned, adjustments need to

capacity can be achieved, and mistakes and

be made onsite and backtracking and specification

setbacks during equipment commissioning

changes are common, resulting in a huge number

can be avoided.

of man-hours. As a manufacturer of motion sensors,

performance and achieving the world’s highest level of throughput.²

robotics and safety equipment for fully

Omron has also unified the programming

automated production lines, Omron has

languages for robot and machine control, making

now addressed these issues by seamlessly

it easy to simulate a production line with single

integrating the control equipment.

programming software. The system visualises the process, reducing man-hours for process


design and operational verification by up to

The robotic integrated controller automates

50%.³ Furthermore, all of this can be conducted

inserting and assembling processes that require

remotely. Through Sysmac Studio’s user interface,

delicate and skilful processing. The robots and

users can design, programme, troubleshoot,

equipment are controlled and fully synchronised in

operate and maintain future automation systems

real-time by a single controller, improving device

remotely from anywhere in the world.

To run the simulation, the user can use the emulation function in Sysmac Studio. The system does not require a connection to the actual machine for operation verification. Also, the production capacity of the robot equipment can be monitored digitally. • Reference:s 1. November 2019, according to the Omron research 2. November 2019, according to the Omron research 3. July 2020, according to the Omron research

Omron –

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Would you like to know more? +27 (0)11 579 2600 fh_series_177x65_ad_enza_02_d01.indd 1



09-06-20 10:22

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Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Review Africa Q1 2021 by New Media B2B - Issuu