Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Review April 2020

Page 33


No mess, no fuss bio-based cleaning technology Are you interested in developing a product with exceptional household and industrial cleaning applications that meets the demands for effective yet eco-friendly cleaning? Steposol Citri-Met surpasses the cleaning power of products containing up to 40% petroleum-based solvents. It is supplied fully blended and ready for dilution.


teposol Citri-Met from Stepan

concentrated solutions produce stronger

ink without damaging the coating

Company is a revolutionary fully

products for the industrial market.

on the surface.

Effective in various applications

Stepan Company recommends starting

chemistry, ecologically responsible citrus

This extraordinary, eco-friendly technological

with a more dilute system and increasing

terpenes and emulsifiers. Diluted to a solution

breakthrough is suitable for use in a variety

the concentration as needed to achieve

of 96% water, Steposol Citri-Met promises

of applications. For example, a carpet or

the minimum dilution required for cleaning.

exceptional cleaning benefits and removes

upholstery cleaner requires a 1:14 dilution

Some surfaces are more sensitive to high

the need for complicated mixing and

to create a product ideal for removing dirt,

concentrations, such as porous materials,

chemical formulations.

coffee, wine, grass, blood, ink and pet stains.

rubber, latex and coated surfaces. Dilutions

formulated solution consisting of Nobel Prize-winning metathesis

This patent-pending technology has a

When using Steposol Citri-Met,

A 1:32 dilution is suitable to create a

low VOC of just 0.5% at a 1:14 dilution level.

kitchen degreaser that is effective on

The active ingredients are derived from bio-

moderately soiled or oil-soiled surfaces such

based sources to give it a greener profile.

as a stove top.

Various dilutions can produce products for

of 1:14 and greater are safe for most surfaces. Steposol Citri-Met is available locally from Millchem. •

Steposol Citri-Met is even effective in

the home market which clean glass, carpet

removing permanent ink or marker stains. A

and multiple surfaces, and remove stains

1:14 dilution is suitable to produce a cleaning

left by tar and permanent markers. More

product that can remove permanent

Millchem – Stepan Company –

P C Review | APRIL 2020 |


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Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Review April 2020 by New Media B2B - Issuu