Beauty sleep and the microbiome
If you’re looking to harness natural ingredients to promote healthy, hydrated and glowing skin, Millchem’s principals, Ashland and Hallstar, have launched new solutions. These novel skin care actives are based on a balanced microbiome and the longstanding benefits of beauty sleep.
ightessence biofunctional
Clean sleep
Unique multifunctional concept
is a natural extract from
The beauty sleep or clean sleep
Biome Oléoactif from Hallstar Beauty
premium true lavender
concept is extremely trendy.
is an exclusive active ingredient,
flowers, developed by
Clean sleep focuses on habits and
which regulates skin microbiota
Ashland using the patented and
behaviours that can improve the
and reinforces skin barrier function,
proprietary plant small
quality of sleep and help one feel
thanks to its unique composition of
RNA technology.
better rested.
innovative active molecules.
This is the first of its kind
“Based on scientific research,
It is increasingly clear that the
biofunctional tailored to optimise
Ashland has defined the
skin’s night-time needs, allowing
biology of the skin at
consumers to awaken with skin re-set
night as ‘noctology’,
for the day ahead. It helps restore skin
which describes
overnight, for a rested, renewed and
the needs of
function. Extrinsic
illuminated look in the morning.
skin through
and intrinsic factors
essential nocturnal
may influence skin
Consumers understand the link
cutaneous microbiota makes important contributions to normal skin immune development and
between sleep and lifestyle factors
processes and
disruptions by inducing
with skin appearance, mental and
molecules for
dysbiosis linked to
physical health.
night repair of daily
“A recent Mintel study reports that
damage,” explains
80% of women in France, Germany,
Joël Mantelin, vice
Italy and Spain all agree that getting
president: marketing and
enough sleep is an important part of looking after their skin,” says Justine Cotton, global marketing manager
the decrease of the microbial diversity notably characterised by a loss of protective bacteria, such as
business development, Ashland. “Our
Staphylococcus epidermidis and
Nightessence biofunctional enhances
an overgrowth of pathogenic or
skin’s naturally occurring nocturnal
opportunistic microorganisms, like
process, dysregulated by hectic
Staphylococcus aureus.
and new business
lifestyles, visible light and sun, and
development, Ashland.
helps skin boost essential night-time
conditions, experts recommend using
molecules such as timezyme
cosmetics that preserve the skin’s
and melatonin.”
microbiota ecosystem.
Nightessence biofunctional is ecoconsciously designed from field to skin. The company’s Lavandula angustifolia premium lavender is grown
The Nightessence biofunctional active ingredient was clinically tested on
To prevent imbalanced skin
A randomised single blind study was performed to evaluate the impact of Biome Oléoactif on cutaneous
sustainably, on the mountain slopes
a group of 36 Asian
microbiota and skin after
in Provence, France, 140km from the
volunteers, who
repeated applications
Ashland biofunctional facility.
worked night shift
for 15 days. The results
or stayed up very
showed Biome Oléoactif
The cultivation and harvesting techniques used by Ashland are
late. After using the
said to respect nature. It is extracted
product for a month,
using green chemistry to offer a
the volunteers showed a
novel type of lavender essence to the
more rested skin with fewer
cosmetics market.
dark circles.
| MAY 2020 | P C Review
preserves the bacterial diversity (Shannon index) and the microbiota global composition (Phyla level) of healthy skin.