Silver Digest June/July 2021

Page 24


IS HAND SANITISER ENOUGH? You seem to be spritzing all the time – at the shops, restaurants, and at home. But is hand sanitiser the best defence against COVID-19?

Clean hands, open heart”

mucous membranes [by rubbing

remove actual dirt and debris,”

has become a mantra during

your eyes or nose],” says Christine

says Smedley. “Soap kills germs,

the ongoing coronavirus

Smedley, Infection Prevention and

binds them, and with the water,

pandemic – and rightly so. The

Control Co-ordinator: Mediclinic

helps physically remove them off

question mark, however, is about

SA. Performing hand hygiene

your skin and down the drain.”

the most effective and safest way

reduces the risk.

to clean your hands.

Remember to wash your hands

The Centre for Disease

often with soap and water for at

Control and Prevention (CDC)

least 20 seconds, especially after

hand-sanitising sprays and gels

recommends washing your hands

blowing your nose, coughing, or

and you probably keep a bottle

with soap and water whenever

sneezing. It’s especially important

Although the focus has been on

or two in your car or bag, it’s best to think of these as a portable alternative when you can’t access

possible to reduce germs, droplets and chemicals on your hands. But if soap and

to wash before… • eating or preparing food • touching your face

water are unavailable,

soap and water. Yes,

using a hand sanitiser

… and after

contrary to what you

with at least 70%

• using the bathroom

may think, soap and

alcohol can help you

• leaving a public place

water is the most

avoid getting sick and

• blowing your nose, coughing or

effective way to kill viruses and remove them from your hands. It’s important to understand

spreading germs and


viruses to others.

• handling your mask

Alcohol-based hand

• changing a nappy

sanitisers can quickly reduce

• caring for someone sick

that respiratory illnesses, such

the number of microbes on hands

as those caused by the common

in some situations, but they

• touching animals or pets.

cold viruses, SARS-CoV-2,

don’t eliminate all types of germs.

seasonal influenza and respiratory

Also, you might not be using

performed together with observing

syncytial virus (RSV), are spread

enough sanitiser or may wipe it off

social distancing, wearing a mask

via droplets. When someone who

before it’s dried.

and avoiding crowded, poorly

Hand hygiene must be

has the illness coughs or sneezes,

Research shows that, while

this disperses droplets into the air,

hand sanitisers can be effective in

which others then inhale.

a hospital setting where hands are

be stored out of the reach of young

generally clean, they may not be

children and only used with adult

may also occur when respiratory

as effective in other environments


secretions that fall onto surfaces

when your hands are visibly

are transmitted by the hands to

dirty or greasy. “Sanitiser doesn’t

“Transmission of viruses



ventilated spaces. Remember, hand sanitisers should

This feature first appeared on www. on 1 June 2021.

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