Silver Digest September/October 2019

Page 37


invested in a balanced fund

staying exposed to equity and

retirement pot further into your

throughout your life. We can see

listed property can dramatically

retired years. Of course, you will

that your investment value of

reduce the probability of outliving

experience more ups and downs

around R10m at age 60 lasts to

your money.

in your investment value, and

age 79 as you withdraw an income

In conclusion, if you’ve saved

your reaction to this needs to be

while earning only a real 2%

enough to retire comfortably

managed carefully, hopefully with

return (shown by the light grey

and you’re more concerned

the help of a financial adviser.

area). However, by continuing to

about reducing volatility, then a

However, if you save some of the

earn a 5% real return (depicted

conservative approach might be a

higher returns from good months

by the darker grey-green area),

viable option for you. However, if

to make up for the lower returns

you build up much more value

you haven’t saved enough and are

from bad months, this could go a

in your retirement pot over the

concerned about outliving your

long way towards overcoming the

years, and it lasts to age 90, or 11

retirement savings, you should

fear of volatility. •

years longer, while still drawing

seriously consider holding more

the same income. Put differently,

growth assets to help build that

First published in MoneyMarketing, August 2019



iscussions around

stage in your life when you start

retirement typically

drawing retirement income

revolve around having the

from your portfolio. But one of

required funds to live comfortably

the key concerns for any person

once a person stops working. This

approaching retirement is whether

‘income for retirement’ is what

there is enough saved, especially

most of us save up for during the

given how life expectancy has

bulk of our lives.

increased over the years.

But what happens when

So, instead of spending 10 or

it comes time to decumulate

15 years in retirement, this could

that wealth?

easily translate to 20 or 25 years.

Arthur Case, Brand

This puts an enormous amount of

Marketing Director at Evergreen

pressure to ensure people’s funds

Retirement Holdings, believes

still work for them when they are

more must be done to highlight

no longer able or inclined to.

investment strategies around this critical aspect. Decumulation refers to the

“Of course, this is not only a challenge in South Africa but Continued …



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