3 minute read

Beladi, Parisa

I am dedicated to leading a life filled with love and caring for those around me. The way I act involves treating everyone with kindness, as I believe in spreading positivity through my interactions by being helpful and considerate. Consistency is a hallmark of my character; I prioritize being truthful and dependable in every aspect of my life, always striving to uphold my promises. A defining aspect of my personality is my passion; whether it’s design, films, music, nature, or a variety of other interests. These passions act as a sanctuary during moments of stress or low spirits, allowing me to step back and truly appreciate the small yet significant moments in life.

Do you have any plans after this semester?

I plan to return to Dallas to spend quality time with my friends and family. Additionally, I intend to dedicate time to updating my portfolio and pursuing opportunities to secure an internship for the summer of 2024.

What type of designer would you like to be?

I am intrigued by workplace, retail, and hospitality design. While I haven’t pinpointed a specific preference yet, I am eager to dive deeper into these areas while exploring various internship opportunities.

Can you tell me about any problems you ran into in the studio or outside?

Throughout the semester I found myself having a difficult time balancing a social life with studio work, and also not having time to exercise to manage my stress and well being

What kind of place would you like to design next?

I think it would be fun to have a semester to focus on retail design, and design a store of our choosing.

What do you think makes a good workplace?

Prioritizing employee well-being in workplace design is essential for creating a positive and productive environment. This involves thoughtful considerations such as ergonomic furnishings, natural lighting, and spaces for relaxation to enhance productivity and reduce stress. Investing in employee well-being contributes to a positive company culture.

Can you tell me what evidence-based design means to you?

Evidence-based design goes beyond traditional design principles to create environments that cater to the needs of the users. It takes into account factors such as user behavior, preferences, and the impact of the environment on the well-being of the occupants. Evidence-based design means utilizing research findings to develop spaces that not only please aesthetically but also enhance functionality, comfort, and overall user satisfaction.

Compared to previous semesters, the semester may be challenging in many ways, but you may be able to see your accomplishments. Reviewing your accomplishments, what did you learn from this studio?

One significant lesson I’ve learned this semester is the importance of trusting my instincts and committing to my ideas. Navigating through difficulties has shown me the value of resilience and the positive outcomes that can arise when I stay true to my creative vision.

Would you like to share anything with future students of this studio?

For future students, I recommend prioritizing well-being alongside academics, emphasizing good time management, and staying resilient against external opinions. Trust your instincts, commit to your ideas, and view challenges as opportunities for personal and creative growth. Your unique perspective and dedication are valuable assets, so stay true to yourself!


NEXT, an established LA-based architecture firm, is launching an innovative Uptown Dallas office. This project aims to create a dynamic and inclusive workspace for its diverse team of 46 employees spanning different generations. NEXT values sustainability, inclusivity, and diversity. Their design vision centers around creating a flexible, technology-integrated hybrid work environment that reflects their company values. The utilization of Steelcase office furniture is an important element in achieving these goals. This project showcases NEXT’s commitment to excellence, inclusivity, and innovation while inspiring employees to return to the ofice, boosting efficiency and teamwork.


The design concept for this office revolves around the nexus, symbolizing a point of convergence where elements connect. Aligned with company values such as collaboration, inclusivity, adaptability, and well-being, the office incorporates an organic-shaped ceiling and sustainable materials, fostering a connection to nature for improved creativity and well-being. The primary goal of NEXT is to encourage the return to the workplace, enhancing engagement and overall experience. The office layout strategically combines open and closed spaces to provide privacy, natural light, and facilitate connections, transitioning seamlessly from fixed to fluid spaces through movable furniture for adaptability and flexibility.

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