2 minute read

Campbell, Ashley

In my life, I often aim to be many things, one of the most important to me is for people to show that they can trust me. To have others trust me feels as though I am almost being rewarded. Uplifting myself and others is a day-to-day thing. I try to be uplifting to others by being caring and empathetic because those are qualities that I would like someone to demonstrate to me. Being calm goes hand and hand with this as it can help others to feel the same. Having an easygoing attitude and mindset on things can ease the process of helping yourself and others. My admiration for many of my family members has taught me many things about real-world scenarios and how to treat people. For the most part, they taught me how to be mannerly and respectful to the people around me. Having faith in what you believe in and sharing those thoughts with others can often be challenging or seem unfair when it comes to comparing other beliefs and ideas. Reminding myself to be fair in those situations is important and I try to continue to practice fairness with others.

Do you have any plans after this semester?

After this semester I plan to go home for the holidays and spend time with friends and family. I also intend to update my resume and portfolio over the winter break.

What type of designer would you like to be?

I hope to be able to be any type of a designer to gain experience in different areas of design. If I had to choose one area of design currently, I am most interested in residential design.

Can you tell me about any problems you ran into in the studio or outside?

A consistent problem I ran into inside of studio and outside was time management. I find it very difficult balancing studio with other classes and life outside of studio.

What kind of place would you like to design next?

I would like to be able to design a residential place to learn more about what I am interested in. Also something along the lines of retail design would interest me and I would enjoy doing something we havent designed before.

What do you think makes a good workplace?

I believe that in a good workplace there should be teamwork and frequent communication. Having communication in the workplace can solve several instances in itself. I also believe respecting one another makes for a good workspace.

Can you tell me what evidence-based design means to you?

To me, evidence-based design means that you design something based off of the existing conditions, concerning site analysis as well as building analysis. Also, creating a design based on gathered evidence of what the site may have previously been or will be.

Compared to previous semesters, the semester may be challenging in many ways, but you may be able to see your accomplishments. Reviewing your accomplishments, what did you learn from this studio?

In this studio I did learn a lot throughout the weeks. Construction documents was one of the largest things I have learned this semester. I also learned a new way of developing a concept and the process we took to get there was more in depth.

Would you like to share anything with future students of this studio?

I would like to prepare future students for the intensity of this course as well as the time commitment. Although, this is nothing new in the aspect of studio, it is much more accelerated, but you will learn a lot.



Innovative Synergy is the design concept for the NEXT project. I chose these words to represent my project because the company strives to maintain collaboration and encouragement in the workspace. Innovation suggests ideas and creativity and synergy signies determination. The materials in the space were chosen to encourage those in the ofce and the consistency of arrows and guided paths helps those who travel through the space to feel as though they can achieve something great while working with others.


Main Floor Plan

Zoning Diagram

Block Diagram

Mezzanine Floor Plan

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