1 minute read

Johnson, Katrina

I believe that it is important for a designer to be many things while approaching their work. Being diligent, persevering, and responsible are important for completing a project. Being creative, original, and imaginative is the heart of any design project. However, being empathetic, honest, considerate, and giving is just as important in design. This is how a designer reaches a client and integrates the human element in to the project.

Do you have any plans after this semester?

Yes, I would like to complete at least two more semesters and an internship to complete my degree in interior architecture and design.

What type of designer would you like to be?

I would like to work with either historical structures or public buildings such as schools or public libraries. I also have an interest in architectural sculpture.

Can you tell me about any problems you ran into in the studio or outside?

I had issues throughout this semester balancing time with my family, taking care of my friends, studio work, and self care. I was often having to significantly sacrifice most of these other parts of my life to get studio work done.

What kind of place would you like to design next?

I would love to try designing more residential, retail, or public arts projects.

What do you think makes a good workplace?

I think a good workplace requires plenty of space, natural light, and good amenities that encourage work-life balance.

Can you tell me what evidence-based design means to you?

Evidence based design means creating a design that comes from research and that has a specific purpose behind it.

Compared to previous semesters, the semester may be challenging in many ways, but you may be able to see your accomplishments. Reviewing your accomplishments, what did you learn from this studio?

I learned this semester a lot about developing a concept and applying that concept throughout my project. I also learned a lot about construction documents and how to create them.

Would you like to share anything with future students of this studio?

If I could share something about this semester with future students, I would say that it is wise to work consistently and just to keep going. You will be glad that you consistently worked hard throughout the semester!



Work Stations Monumental

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