4 minute read

Raabe, John

Ever since I was young, I was always driven to make a future for myself. I knew though to make a future for myself I needed to have the confidence to respect myself and others. One thing that has always been hard is going from being an independent person to sometimes realizing that dependance is not a weakness. Dependability can sometimes show the trust you have In someone, and it helps to sometimes release control over to someone else as it helps you remain calm and relaxed. Dependence also presents the strength in relation between one another, a companionship that tests the boundaries of loyalty and reliability. These ideals have help me to comprehend the aspect that I can invent the future I most care to create.

Do you have any plans after this semester?

My plans after this semester are to work on updating my portfolio and submit the updated version to firms to prepare for an internship this upcoming summer; Work on passion projects to further the residential side of my portfolio; Last is to work on things that slowed me down this semester and prepare for the project next semester.

What type of designer would you like to be?

The type of Designer I would like to be is one that focuses on flexibility in spaces. Crafting built ins that seem like one thing but offer so much more, whether its additional seating storage or something out of the ordering. As taught in first year, a wall can be so much more than just a partition.

Can you tell me about any problems you ran into in the studio or outside?

My main problems I had in studio was finding a concept early in my project. Due to running with a concept that I had not felt was driving my project and indepth, led me to change my concept a few days before Mid-Review and was hard to catch-up

What kind of place would you like to design next?

I would love to design a restaurant next, I have always thought that lighting in restaurants and the variety of seating would be a fun thing to explore. I thought the Restaurant design in the previous Paderborn project was one of my favorite things to work on and would love to focus on a project like that of a bigger scale.

What do you think makes a good workplace?

A workplace should not be a place that people dread but yet an atmosphere that fuels creative design. A space that allows for moltable meeting areas to allow for collaborative design and a place that allows for both private and public areas. This provides workers with flexibility of workplaces, wether it was a wellness room, that allows for private work or a work cafe that allows designs to be shared.

Can you tell me what evidence-based design means to you?

What evidence-based design to me is the research on a concept and research on the occupants that define design decisions. As told to me throughout my many years in this major, when making a design decision many things should be taken into account like, how the decision expands the concept and how the decision impacts the user.

Compared to previous semesters, the semester may be challenging in many ways, but you may be able to see your accomplishments. Reviewing your accomplishments, what did you learn from this studio?

The main thing I learned from this semester is that concepts are a strong part of design and coming up with one that you love earlier and more indepth is a key part to the design process. I have also learned many techniques on programs like revit, photoshop, and enscape that will help my presentations in the future.

Would you like to share anything with future students of this studio?

No matter if you end the year not liking your project as much as you thought you would, knowing you tried your best is all that you really can do wants final review is over. After all school is a place for learning and learning from mistakes now is definitely better then learning them later when it effects your life in a larger scale.

Network Network


NEXT is a global architecture and interior design firm that was founded in 1976 and located in LA California. NEXT has 3000 employees and 27 locations and is looking to expand. They are looking for employees who are eager to bring growth, learning, and creativity to the organization. NEXT is an organization that believes in collaboration.throughout the once, holding sustainability, diversity, equality, &inclusion. The company strives to bring an environment that all its clients can obtain and therefore is developing a new building in Dallas Texas due to the vastnumber of clients in that area. The space is 11,000 square feet and well. contain a reception & waiting area, private offices, and workstations for all theemployees. Many meeting spaces will be located throughout the project, including meetings.rooms, training classrooms, client presentation rooms, and huddle rooms. NEXT is also about collaboration and therefore will have many spaces that allow for socialization throughout the once, like the work café, wellness room, and mezzanine area.


My concept is a network based on the definition of “a group of systems of interconnected people or things.A network is visually seen as an intersection of lines but a network in a place of work can be the start of a community. Many people know about the train system that runs throughout the city of Dallas. The train system is a long network of lines moving together to bring people closer to other neighboring communities. When developing this floor plan, I took inspiration from the train system and created a wayfinding system that moves through space. The three colors, Yellow, Blue, and Orange are all inspired by the city’s train carts and their exterior design of colors. These elements of color will run throughout the space creating circulation and a wayfinding system for the new employees. The circular-on path is not only a circulation path but also during the dark lights up to illuminate spaces

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