August 2014

Page 1

Business Intelligence for the New North

Stand out crowd from the

As worker pool shrinks, talent management practices evolve among leading New North employers

Computing in the cloud Technology Historic delay averted From the Publisher

August 2014

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Business Intelligence for the New North

August Features 16


Stand out from the crowd

Talent management practices evolve among New North employers


For the fun of it

Region has leisurely pursuits covered


Cloudy future of cloud computing 22

The cloud is not the right fit for everyone and everything – just yet

Departments 28


From the Publisher


Professionally Speaking


Since We Last Met

10 Build Up Pages 33 Guest Commentary 34 Firefighters of Northeast Wisconsin Update 37 From the Editor 38 Who’s News 44 Business Calendar 45 Advertiser Index 46 Key Statistics

NNB2B | August 2014 | 3

From the Publisher

Back in the saddle End of historic tax credit program freeze will allow integral development projects to resume by Sean Fitzgerald, New North B2B publisher

A walk through the heart of downtown in any Wisconsin community doesn’t avail itself to the heritage of centuries-old buildings – at least in the sense one would experience in New England or European communities, where 300-year-old and 400-year-old buildings aren’t all that uncommon. Nonetheless, historic preservation is becoming more important in the state as a number of older commercial buildings reach the century mark and beyond, and the state’s Historic Preservation Tax Credit program enacted late in 2013 supports this significance to our local heritage. With transferrable tax credits available for up to 20 percent of qualified rehabilitation expenses – an amount now in line with the federal tax credit available for historic preservation – the business case for saving and repurposing a historicallysignificant structure can make more dollars and sense than tearing down and building anew. But the unexpectedly wild success of the state’s program in its first few months of accepting applications caused it to hit a road bump back in June and much of July when a temporary moratorium was put in place from issuing any further tax credits. Perhaps a good problem to have – at least in reflecting heavy developer interest to invest in historic building rehabilitation – the state estimated issuing about $4 million worth of tax credits in 2014, but in a few short months had already certified applications for 29 qualifying projects amounting to more than $35 million in tax credits. On June 23, Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. placed a moratorium on awarding any new tax credits. Those from northeast Wisconsin included among the initial 29 projects are: the rehab of portions of the former Larson Cannery building in Green Bay’s Broadway District for the Titletown Brewery expansion, in the amount of $880,000; another $200,000 for the refurbishment of the Meyer Theatre in downtown Green Bay; $16,000 to refurbish the 92-year-old Four Way Bar & Restaurant in Suamico; and $1.18 million for the nearly $6 million project to renovate the former Raulf Hotel in downtown Oshkosh, a project through the Oshkosh Housing Authority. While these projects move forward, others remained in limbo during the moratorium, which state officials partially ended July 14 for those projects in the Certified Historic Building 4 | August 2014 | NNB2B

program. However, the moratorium remains in force for noncertified structures built before 1936, a list which includes all of the above mentioned projects except for the Oshkosh housing project in Raulf Hotel.

A handful of redevelopment projects have yet to receive the green light for historic preservation, though the end of the moratorium should signal approval for tax credits soon. Among the most prominent such projects, Iowa-based Frantz Community Investors is looking to rehab the former Hotel Northland in downtown Green Bay, restoring the recently-used public housing project into an upscale 160-room boutique hotel. The developers are expecting nearly $7 million in tax credits for the project, which they hope to begin this October and wrap up during the summer of 2015. The project is listed on the U.S. Register of Historic places, so tax credit approval is expected. Two other projects, the former Eagle Mill renovation in downtown Kaukauna and the rehab of the former Frank Percy Gun & Fur House in downtown Oshkosh for the expansion of automotive industry digital marketing firm DealerFire, lay in wait even though both reside within designated historic districts. Both projects would repurpose buildings more than 100 years old, but neither are certified historic buildings. The Eagle Mill renovation is part of the greater Grand KaKalin project from Stadtmueller & Associates to restore the 88,000sq. ft. mill and eventually house the Kaukauna Public Library, among other tenants. The DealerFire expansion, announced this past April, could help the company create up to 120 new jobs during the next three years. B2B will keep readers updated on the progress of these projects as they eventually receive tax credit approval from WEDC.

More local data for readers

In B2B’s continual efforts to improve the value of information we provide readers, we’ve made two additions to our popular Key Statistics page (p. 46) this month: existing home sales and air passenger traffic. Like much of the other data on the page, both new data sets provide local snapshots of segments of the northeast Wisconsin economy that influence the decisions made by area business owners. Existing home sales are broken down by each of the counties in our readership area and reflect the number of sales by month in each county, as well as the median price of those sales, as reported by Wisconsin Realtors Association. Air Passenger traffic reflects the number of commercial passenger and charter flight enplanements departing from both Austin Straubel International Airport in Ashwaubenon and Outagamie County Regional Airport in Greenville.

Professionally Speaking If you have a particular labor/employment law question, forward it to Mr. Renning at If he responds to your email in a future issue, your name and company will be withheld to preserve your privacy. Professionally Speaking is a paid promotional spot in B2B.

EEOC guidance: Pregnancy Discrimination Act by Tony Renning of Davis & Kuelthau, s.c. 920.232.4842 Reader Question: What is the impact of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s new Enforcement Guidance (Pregnancy Discrimination and Related Issues)? Tony Renning: Most employers are generally familiar with the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) and its prohibition of employment discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth or pregnancyrelated medical conditions. On July 14, 2014, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued “Enforcement Guidance on Pregnancy Discrimination and Related Issues” that suggests the PDA’s coverage may be much broader than many employers previously thought. The EEOC’s guidance covers several issues related to an employer’s obligations under the PDA. It addresses an employer’s obligations to provide equal access to benefits, including light duty, leave, health care and various other benefits; requirements of the Americans with

Sean Fitzgerald Publisher & President Larry Avila Editor

Disabilities Act (ADA), the Family and Medical Leave Act, the reasonable break time for nursing mothers provision under the Affordable Care Act and other laws affecting pregnant employees as well as the EEOC’s best practices for avoiding unlawful discrimination against pregnant workers. The portion of the guidance probably most controversial is the EEOC’s interpretation of the interplay between the PDA and ADA, as it was amended in 2008. Although pregnancy in and of itself is not a disability within the meaning of the ADA, the guidance notes pregnant employees may have impairments related to their pregnancies that could qualify as ADA-covered disabilities, even if the employee does not qualify as “disabled” or is “not regarded as disabled.” Accordingly, an employer is precluded from denying a “non-disabled” pregnant employee light duty where it provides light duty to employees injured at work or who are “disabled” under the ADA. The issue of accommodation under the PDA (specifically “light duty” work) is the subject of a case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court (Young v. United Parcel Service).

With respect to contraception, the EEOC acknowledged the recent Supreme Court decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., which held that private, closely held corporations could refuse to provide contraception coverage if it violated their religious beliefs. The EEOC, however, reiterated its position that all other employers may be liable for violating Title VII if they deny contraceptive coverage. For advice and counsel concerning the application of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, contact Tony Renning at (920) 232-4842 or or any other member of the Davis & Kuelthau Labor and Employment Team. Tony Renning is a shareholder with Davis & Kuelthau, s.c. Mr. Renning provides counsel to private and public sector employers on a wide variety of labor and employment law matters. This article is intended to provide information only, not legal advice. For advice regarding a particular employment situation, please contact a member of the Davis & Kuelthau, s.c. Labor and Employment Team.

Green Bay NEW NORTH B2B is published monthly by WINNEBAGO B2B LLC for $20 per year or $3.95 for a single issue. POSTMASTER: send address changes to: WINNEBAGO B2B LLC, 923 S. Main St., Oshkosh, WI 54902.

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The appearance of any advertisement or product information does not constitute endorsement of any product or service by WINNEBAGO B2B LLC. Copyright 2014.

Contributing writers Rick Berg Lee Reinsch

Contact us: P.O. Box 559, Oshkosh, WI 54903-0559 • 920.237.0254

Reproduction of any contents of NEW NORTH B2B without express written permission of its publishers is strictly forbidden.

Fox Cities


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Fond du Lac

NNB2B | August 2014 | 5

Since We Last Met

Since We Last Met

Since We Last Met is a digest of business related news occurring in the Greater Green Bay, Fox Cities, Oshkosh and Fond du Lac areas in the one month since the previous issue of New North B2B.

June 23

July 1

Appleton Downtown Inc. was awarded a $50,000 tourism grant for the Mile of Music Festival from the Fox Cities Convention & Visitors Bureau. The funds will go toward promoting the event. This year’s festival is Aug. 7-10, across numerous venues in downtown Appleton. Visitors will have access to hundreds of performances, most of which will be free, augmented by dozens of hands-on, interactive music education workshops and demonstrations.

Oshkosh Area Community Foundation released its 2014 Transfer of Wealth in Winnebago County report indicating an estimated $1.99 billion will change hands during the next 10 years in the form of generational wealth. The study estimated $17.25 billion will be passed down over the next 50 years. The analysis for the study based Winnebago County’s net worth at $22.8 billion.

June 26 Wisconsin International School in De Pere closed suddenly after six years of educating students. School officials sent notices to teachers and parents, but otherwise left no explanation for the sudden closure of the private, independent primary-level school. July 1 The Fox Cities Convention & Visitors Bureau awarded a $6,488 Tourism Development grant to the Scheels USA Youth Sports Complex in Appleton for installation of signage. The complex hosts about 15 tournaments annually. The complex plans to place a sign along French Road, one of the major streets that boarders the facility, where there are no signs.

2006 August 7 – Lawrence University in Appleton received a $15 million anonymous donation, which will be applied toward the financing of a proposed $32.7 million, 100,000-sq. ft. campus center. The gift is the largest in the school’s history. 2007 August 20 – Oshkosh Corp. laid off an estimated 1,440 employees, nearly 10 percent of its global workforce, in an attempt to reduce costs after recently reporting its first quarterly loss in more than 10 years. There were no reports of how many employees were laid off from its operations in northeast Wisconsin, but many union laborers were not part of the layoffs. The cuts were accomplished through layoffs, early retirements and elimination of open positions.

6 | August 2014 | NNB2B

July 3 The state Department of Transportation reopened the Hansen Road Bridge which crosses U.S. Highway 41 in Ashwaubenon. The bridge, which was demolished and rebuilt as part of the massive reconstruction project of the Fox Valley highway corridor that began in 2009, has been closed since September 2013. The Hansen Road Bridge opened to traffic nearly two months ahead of schedule. July 3 The Mile of Music Festival in downtown Appleton was awarded a $37,000 grant from the state Department of Tourism to market and promote the event.

2009 August 12 – Gov. Jim Doyle declared a state of emergency in 41 counties suffering from drought conditions, including Outagamie County. The declaration expedites requests from farmers for temporary irrigation permits to divert stream or lake water to irrigate crops. 2010 August 17 – The Wisconsin Department of Commerce awarded Mercury Marine in Fond du Lac with $5 million in performance-based grants to bring 200 assembly jobs to Fond du Lac. Mercury officials announced the plans to move its MerCruiser engine and drive assembly operations from Oklahoma to Fond du Lac. 2012 August 21 – Outagamie County received approval from the governor’s office to join the Bay Area Workforce Development Board and leave the Fox Valley WDB from where it had been a member since its inception. Outagamie officials requested the change after the Fox Valley WDB came under fire earlier this year for alleged financial mismanagement.

July 3

Hall of Fame and construction of a new restaurant will be completed by 2015.

The U.S. Department of Labor reported 288,000 jobs were created in June, lowering the national unemployment rate from 6.3 to 6.1 percent. Job gains were widespread, led by employment growth in professional and business services, retail trade, food services and health care.

July 12 Christina Danforth was elected chairperson of the Oneida Tribe, narrowly beating out challenger Greg Matson. Danforth received 838 votes, while 811 voted for Matson. Both advanced out of May’s primary election from a field of seven candidates, which eliminated incumbent chairman Edward Delgado. Danforth has served as tribal treasurer since 2008.

July 7 Pitney Bowes Inc. reported it will lay off as many as 56 employees in September as part of plans to restructure operations at its facility in Neenah. A majority of the jobs, 49, are in sales and client support. The other seven positions are supervisory roles.

July 14

July 10 The Green Bay Packers reported 2014 revenues at $324.1 million, up 5 percent from $308.1 million in 2013. The $16 million increase was split between national and local revenues. The team said player costs rose $35 million, which translated to profits from operations dropping from $54.3 million a year ago to $25.6 million. Net income dropped from $43.1 million to $25.3 million. The team credited local revenue increases to the expansion of Lambeau Field’s south endzone, which added 7,000 seats, boosting ticket and concession sales. The team expects local revenue to continue rising following the latest renovations to The Atrium, which features a new Packers Pro Shop and new Harlan Plaza. Renovations to the Packers



The Port of Green Bay reported cargo tonnage handled in June totaled 350,654 tons, up 29 percent from 272,765 tons in June 2013. The port blamed the late start to the shipping season for its year-to-date numbers being behind last year’s totals. Year-to-date, the port has handled 671,097 tons of cargo, down 4 percent from 702,077 tons through June 2013. Port officials said 27 ships used the port in June, seven more than in June 2013. Through June, 56 ships have used the port, which was the same number through the first six months of 2013. July 14 West Corp., which offers contracted customer support and sales services to other businesses, announced plans to open

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NNB2B | August 2014 | 7

Since We Last Met Member FDIC

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an office at the former Associated Banc-Corp. headquarters in Ashwaubenon. The site will employ up to 240 people. Nebraska-based West Corp. employs about 1,000 people between two locations in Appleton. It also has offices in Middleton, where it has 500 workers, and Wausau where it employs about 400. July 16 Developers broke ground on a $4 million indoor athletic facility in the Fox Cities town of Harrison aimed at providing another hard-surfaced, year-round venue for youth basketball and volleyball. Construction of the 32,000-sq. ft. Lake Park Sportzone is expected to be complete by early 2015. July 16

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The Green Bay City Council denied Walmart’s rezoning request for a 154,000-sq. ft. store in the Broadway shopping district. The issue has been a source of contention among residents and downtown business owners as well as between city staff and elected officials. The city’s plan commission on June 9 recommended denying the request following a May 18 recommendation from a city council advisory committee to approve the plan. Walmart filed a new plan with the city of Green Bay on May 8 to build the retail center on the Larsen Green industrial site after the city’s plan commission rejected Walmart’s initial proposal in January, establishing guidelines limiting Walmart to a smaller store. Some members of the city council supported the retailer’s latest plan, which advocates said would attract additional mixed-use development. July 16 The U.S. Department of Labor awarded a $471,629 National Emergency Grant to the state Department of Workforce Development to assist 228 workers affected by layoffs at Oshkosh Defense, a division of Oshkosh Corp. The grant will be administered by the Fox Valley Workforce Development Board Inc. which will provide the affected workers access to re-employment services, including training for in-demand fields, career counseling and job search assistance. The state is also collaborating with the United Auto Workers, which represented those affected, to provide services. In April the company announced 760 workers would be laid off, following reductions in government spending as the U.S. reduced military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. July 21 Construction began on a $1.2 million project to improve 6.6 miles of State Road 32/57 from the south Brown County line (Man-Cal Road) to Deuster Street north of Greenleaf. Construction is expected to be finish by early September. The work includes repaving the highway, new pavement marking and signs. n More Solutions. Better Services. Faster Decisions. 8 | August 2014 | NNB2B




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Build Up Fond du Lac

2 1


Build Up

5 4


Fond du Lac

1 - 158 N. Main St., Fond du Lac Kwik Trip, a new convenience store, fuel station and car wash. 3 - 235 N. National Ave., Fond du Lac Moraine Park Technical College, a 5,212-sq. ft. addition to the existing educational institution to improve the main entrance and student services. Project completion expected in November. 3 - 246 Trowbridge Dr., Fond du Lac Grande Cheese Co., an addition to the offices at the cheese production facility.

4 - 191 W. Rolling Meadows Dr., Fond du Lac Love’s Travel Stop & Country Store, a travel center with a convenience store, two restaurants and a truck tire service center. Project completion expected in early 2015. 5 - 980 S. Hickory St., Fond du Lac Kwik Trip, a new convenience store and fuel station. 6 - 305 & 321 Camelot Dr., Fond du Lac Fond du Lac Regional Clinic South, a 50,000-sq. ft. addition to the existing medical clinic, as well as a separate 50,000sq. ft. building for an Agnesian Healthcare dialysis center. Completion of both projects expected in late 2014. Indicates a new listing

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Build Up Oshkosh


Build Up



7 - 639 Witzel Ave., Oshkosh City of Oshkosh Public Works Building, a municipal operations facility and yard. 8 - 3325 S. Washburn St., Oshkosh Bergstrom Kia, a 10,574-sq. ft. addition to the dealership. Projects completed since our July issue: • EAA Bendix King Building, 3000 block of Knapp St., Oshkosh.

Indicates a new listing

Get the

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NNB2B | August 2014 | 11

Build Up Fox Cities Build Up

Fox Cities 1 - W6400 County Road BB, town of Greenville Fox Valley Technical College Public Safety Training Center, a 93,000-sq. ft. training facility for fire protection and law enforcement personnel. Project completion expected in December. 2 - N850 County Road CB, town of Greenville Jansport/VF Outdoor Inc., a 19,432-sq.-ft. expansion of the existing industrial facility and offices. Project completion expected in late fall. General contractor is Keller Inc. of Kaukauna. 3 - 2150 Holly Road, town of Menasha Azco Inc., a 9,456-sq.-ft. addition to the existing industrial facility. Project completion expected in late fall. General contractor is Keller Inc. of Kaukauna. 4 - 2445 W. College Ave., Appleton Kolosso Automotive, a 49,000-sq. ft. dealership facility. Project completion expected in September. General contractor is Keller Inc. of Kaukauna. 5 - 1825 N. Bluemound Dr., town of Grand Chute Fox Valley Technical College Student Success Center, a twostory, 96,750-sq. ft. academic building. Project completion expected in August.

Indicates a new listing 12 - W811 State Road 96, Kaukauna Fox Valley Wood Products, a 16,000-sq. ft. manufacturing facility. Project completion expected in October. General contractor is Bayland Buildings of Green Bay. 13 - W3197 County Road KK, town of Buchanan US Cellular / Chipotle Mexican Grill, a 5,305-sq. ft. multitenant retail center. Project completion expected in the fall. 14 - N225 Stoney Brook Road, town of Buchanan Gameday Sports, a 1,600-sq. ft. addition to the existing restaurant / tavern building. 15 - 2121 E. Emmers Dr., Appleton Appleton East High School, an addition to the tech ed wing and a renovation of the third floor classrooms to the school. 16 - 1506 S. Oneida St., Appleton St. Elizabeth Hospital, a five-story, 90-bed patient tower, as well as renovations to the cancer center and behavioral health. 17 - N8770 County Road LP, Harrison Lake Park Sportzone, a 32,000-sq. ft. indoor athletic facility to include basketball and volleyball courts. Project completion expected in early 2015.

6 - 835 W. Northland Ave., Appleton First National Bank - Fox Valley, a 4,200-sq. ft. financial institution branch office. Project completion expected in November. General contractor is Keller Inc. of Kaukauna.

18 - 420 7th St., Menasha Menasha High School, two separate additions totaling 46,603 square feet of educational space, as well as interior renovations to the gym, locker rooms and swimming pool. Project completion expected in summer 2015.

7 - 710 W. Evergreen Dr., town of Grand Chute Kwik Trip, a 7,041-sq. ft. convenience store and a 1,736-sq. ft. car wash facility.

19 - 410 Oak St., Neenah Trinity Evangelical Lutheran School, a 4,500-sq. ft. addition for a new entrance, offices and elevator.

8 - 2701 Freedom Road, Little Chute Simon’s Specialty Cheese / Agropur, a 2,600-sq. ft. addition to the existing cheese production facility to expand the boiler room and warehouse.

20 - 417 N. Tullar Road, Neenah Country View Animal Hospital, a 11,000-sq. ft. animal care facility and offices. Project completion expected in November. Contractor is Bayland Buildings of Green Bay.

9 - 2121 Freedom Road, Little Chute Culver’s Restaurant, a 4,207-sq. ft. restaurant building. Project completion expected in August. General contractor is Bayland Buildings of Green Bay.

21 - 1125 W. Winneconne Ave., Neenah Qdoba Mexican Grill, as well as other vacant commercial space as part of a 4,968-sq. ft. multi-tenant retail center.

10 - 311 Oak Grove Road, Kaukauna PolyFlex Inc., a 60,000-sq. ft. manufacturing facility. Project completion expected in October.

Projects completed since our July issue: • Les Stumpf Ford, 3030 W. College Ave., town of Grand Chute. • Integrity Chiropractic/Cypress Homes, 1230 W. College Ave., Appleton.

11 - 1200 Maloney Road, Kaukauna Team Industries, a 26,020-sq. ft. expansion to the existing pipe fabrication facility. General contractor is Keller Inc. of Kaukauna. 12 | August 2014 | NNB2B



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NNB2B | August 2014 | 13

Build Up Greater Green Bay area



3 &4


6 7 8&9

10 & 11 12 13


Build Up

Indicates a new listing

Greater Green Bay area 1 - 1010, 1109 & 1112 S. Military Ave., Green Bay Broadway Pre-Owned, Broadway Hyundai and Broadway Ford, three separate dealership facilities. 2 - 520 North Broadway, Green Bay Titletown Brewing Co., complete refurbishment of the former canning factory for a brewery and bottling facility. Project completion expected in fall.

14 | August 2014 | NNB2B

3 - 301 E. Main St., Green Bay KI Convention Center, a 30,000-sq. ft. addition to the existing convention center facility. Project completion expected in spring 2015. 4 - 100 E. Main St., Green Bay CityDeck Landing, a six-story, mixed-use development to include 76 residential units and 7,000 square feet of retail space on the first floor.

5 - 839 Lombardi Ave., Green Bay Bank of Luxemburg, an 11,444-sq. ft. bank branch and office building. 6 - 2609 S. Oneida St., Ashwaubenon Gordon Food Service (GFS) Marketplace, a new grocery retail building. 7 - 840 Van Der Perren Way, Ashwaubenon Dell’s Service Center, an addition to the existing vehicle service facility. Project completion expected in August. 8 - 1030 Glory Road, Ashwaubenon Tenor Construction Supply & Rental, an 18,000-sq. ft. warehouse facility and office. Project completion expected in August. General contractor is Bayland Buildings of Green Bay. 9 - Label Drive, Ashwaubenon Green Bay Packaging Inc., a 240,000-sq. ft. coated products manufacturing facility. Project completion expected in late fall. 10 - 855 Glory Road, Ashwaubenon Truck Equipment Inc., a new truck service facility. Project completion expected in late fall. 11 - 810 Parkview Road, Ashwaubenon Astro Industries, a 19,000-sq. ft. addition to the existing manufacturing facility. Project completion expected in early 2015. General contractor is Keller Inc. of Kaukauna. 12 - 900 Main Ave., De Pere Unison Credit Union, a 3,900-sq. ft. financial institution office. Project completion expected in early 2015. 13 - 100 Grant St., De Pere St. Norbert College Gehl-Mulva Science Center, a 150,000-sq. ft. education and research facility to house the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Green Bay campus. Project completion expected in spring 2015. 14 - 750 Millennium Ct., De Pere Gandrud Detail Shop, a new automotive maintenance facility. Project completion expected in September. General contractor is Bayland Buildings of Green Bay. Projects completed since our July issue: • Associated Bank, 1482 W. Mason St., Green Bay. • Lambeau Field East Gate, 1265 Lombardi Ave., Green Bay. • Sherwin Williams, 3101 S. Ridge Road, Ashwaubenon. • Belmark, 750 Millennium Ct., De Pere.

Coming to B2B in September Innovative Manufacturing Industrialists from the New North discover creative solutions to unusual problems

NNB2B | August 2014 | 15

Cover Story

Retaining, attracting workers means standing out in a crowd As worker pool shrinks, talent management practices evolve among leading New North employers

Story by Larry Avila, New North B2B Editor

The phrase “Good help is hard to find” isn’t new by any means, but its meaning still resonates with employers today.

Finding the best people

A combination of the aging workforce, improving job market and shrinking labor pool has created an environment for those with the skills employers seek to be selective about the professions they pursue and employers for whom they choose to work.

Chris Weber, leader of talent management and leadership development for the organization, said at that time, “several of its leaders” were let go.

Businesses across northeast Wisconsin recognize this and in recent years have stepped up efforts to develop reputations as a destination employer, offering an array of perks from flexible work schedules to pledges of learning opportunities to help an employee grow into a future leader. Employers agree competition is fierce for top talent and will do what they can to ensure they hold on to their best people while also continuing to find ways to fill workforce needs with not only the most qualified, but with those who also are a good cultural fit. Menasha-based human services organization Goodwill Industries of North Central Wisconsin, contract electrical firm Faith Technologies in Menasha and SparkNet Corp., the De Pere-based Internet and application developer, are a sampling of northeast Wisconsin businesses that offer unique benefits to employees and those they recruit. 16 | August 2014 | NNB2B

About six years ago, Goodwill Industries of North Central Wisconsin began looking into its high turnover rate among its leadership.

“It was somewhat telling (of our own hiring practices),” he said. “We hired those people, now we were asking them to leave, so that’s on us.” Weber said the issue wasn’t the individuals themselves. “We followed traditional hiring practices and an interview process, and we based hiring decisions on what people said,” Weber said. “But we learned it wasn’t as reliable as we thought or wanted it to be.” This led to reexamining Goodwill’s hiring process and developing new procedures, which placed job candidates into interactive situations where they perform assorted tasks so staff can evaluate and observe their behaviors from problem solving to staff interaction. “When we decided to do this I remember (someone asking), ‘wouldn’t it be great if we could see someone lead before hiring

them?,’” Weber said.

Goodwill hopes to raise that to 90 percent.

The new process, which Goodwill refers to as Talent Day, has made an impact.

Weber said Talent Day is held monthly and typically features up to a dozen job candidates under consideration. These individuals likely will have supervisory roles or will have some influence over group operations.

Before the effort was implemented three years ago, leadership retention was 60 percent. Today it’s around 80 percent and

Top concerns about recruitment and retention z Creating an attractive organizational culture to engage employees z Sourcing the right candidates for the company z Addressing workforce turnover z Recruiting employees with reduced budgets, staff z Giving employees opportunities to use their skills and abilities z Offering a better salary/benefit package than competition z Providing flexible work arrangements that promote work/life balance Source: SilkRoad – The State of Talent Management 2014

It’s a daylong process, which begins with candidates giving a six-minute presentation about themselves. Candidates are then given written tests, leadership exercises, as well as a thorough tour of facilities and interact with staff. Weber said by observing candidates, Goodwill can assess whether someone will fit its culture. “It’s an observation interview, we don’t ask many questions, we watch,” he said. “It allows us to see behaviors.” Careful selection of leadership has changed the corporate dynamics, Weber said. “We have a higher degree of intellectual capital and higher degree of emotional intelligence here,” he said. “The quality of leader we have today is much higher than it was four years ago, that is evident in how you see the business being run.” Weber said employees comment on improved quality in internal leadership development programs and an improved NNB2B | August 2014 | 17

Cover Story collaborative environment since the operation employs more like-minded people.

Internal development

Contract electrical services firm Faith Technologies in Menasha recognized years ago in order to remain competitive and ensure its workers had the latest training available, it would need to develop internal academies to educate its workers as well as groom future leaders for the company. Leaders at Faith aren’t just those managing operations, said Stephanie Guin, executive vice president of human resources. “Our development programs more so are for the people in the field and people leading people in the field and in our support roles,” Guin said. “The strength of the business really depends on the employees within it … the stronger foundation we have through our employees, the stronger the business will be.” Guin said commitment to employee development speaks to the vision of the executive leadership at Faith. “Most of our executives here started at the bottom and worked their way up so they understand what it takes to be successful,” she said. The company today employs about 1,700 people across Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Kansas, Georgia and Minnesota.

Only selected employees are chosen for Faith’s High Potential Program. Guin said the program focuses on the top 10 percent of employees the company deems have the making of a future company leader. The high-potential program is a three-year process, she said. Participants are exposed to many facets of operations, including understanding company finances and regular interaction with executives, who serve as mentors on a range of topics from leadership to project management. “(High-potential) is geared toward challenging employees,” Guin said. “They are often assigned problems the company is facing and we see if they can come up with some innovation or new way of thinking.” But it doesn’t stop there. Employees on the front lines and on job sites also have access to ongoing training to improve their skills, whether through internal courses or offsite training. Continual learning is encouraged at Faith and employees have to keep their skills updated if they wish to pursue other jobs within the company. Guin said as jobs are posted, existing employees can view the position’s requirements and crossreference the needed skills with their own personnel file, which tracks training completed and what they may need to complete to be considered for the position. Guin said Faith invests heavily in employee development and it’s worth it. Existing employees are encouraged to refer potential candidates for jobs and are incented to make

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referrals, which increase if the individual is hired. “To give the best value to our employees, we have to be innovative because employees do have a choice to work elsewhere,” she said. “The construction industry is facing a skilled worker shortage and if we don’t do something to be different, we’ll be left in the dust.”

What matters to workers

Trying to learn more about a company and its culture isn’t always easy. Corporate websites, much like a jobseeker’s resume, often portray greatest strengths, said Mary Schills, a human resources instructor at Fox Valley Technical College in Appleton. Schills previously spent 13 years in the field with the accounting and consulting firm Schenck in Appleton.

Great relationships start with the right people. Bill Bradley has joined the Bank First team, with a focus on the bank’s Appleton expansion. Bill joins Bank First with more than 15 years of high quality Wisconsin-based community banking service. You can reach Bill at (920) 609-3401 or email bbradley@

“When I teach students, I teach how to be a good HR professional, but I’m also offering advice to them as a job seeker,” she said. Truly determining whether someone will be a good fit for a company comes through during the interview process, Schills said. “It won’t necessarily be through the words someone says.”


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Top talent management challenges

z Lack of skilled talent for key positions

z Shortage of talent at all levels

z Less than optimal employee engagement

z Too few high-potential leaders in the organization

z Loss of top talent to other organizations Source: Right Management/Manpower Group Talent Management: Accelerating Business Performance

Schills suggested taking notice of the small details including the cleanliness of a worksite, whether the grounds are well manicured. Also be mindful of how people interact with each other. “Are the smiling? Are they greeting each other? Are they making eye contact? What kind of impression did the receptionist make on you? … There are many clues you can watch for to get an idea of the culture,” she said. A clean worksite, particularly in manufacturing, may give the impression safety is stressed, Schills said. Matthew Stollak, associate professor of business administration at St. Norbert College in De Pere, said many

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Cover Story organizations may strive to differentiate themselves based on the unique employee prerequisites they offer, while ignoring some universal factors that all employees want and desire regardless of age. Those things may include quality co-workers, being treated with respect at work, being given the necessary tools and materials to do one’s job effectively, offering a fair and equitable salary as well as a safe and healthy work environment, he said. “Firms that offer many of those items will find applicants wanting to work there and sticking around for the long haul,” he said. Determining whether a company truly is a good place to work takes some research, but technology has made it easier. “The rise of crowd sourcing has helped address this issue,” Stollak said. “Much like Yelp has individuals contribute ratings of restaurants, or collects user reviews of their products, companies such as enable current and former employees to anonymously post about their work experience.” What job candidates seek varies depending on what stage someone is at in their life, experts say. Schills said for many people, it’s the bottom line that matters most. “For some, they need that strong paycheck and good benefits, but as people gain skills and experience they become more

Submitted photo Faith Technologies in Menasha created a hands-on training program to train its crews who will be working on cellular towers.

attractive (to employers) and they can be more selective about where they go,” she said. This is where other factors like a company’s reputation for being active in the community or what it does to encourage wellness come into play, Schills said. Stollak said job seekers want strong and open communication, recognition for a job well done, the ability to impact and control the work they perform, as well as clear goals and expectations of what’s required of them. “The best benefits package in the world will not keep employees satisfied if they dislike their boss and/or coworkers, find the work monotonous and boring, and are not trusted or vested in,” he said.

Standing out in a crowd

A first-time visitor walking into SparkNet Corp. in De Pere may notice one of the site’s unique features. So that workers can get from one floor to the next as quickly as possible, the company installed slides. It was done because the company values speed, said Loretta Bauer, human resources manager for SparkNet. “The slides are used a lot, our developers use it a lot,” she said. It’s part of the company’s culture to foster a creative environment. The office has some features other businesses may consider distractions, such as areas set up for video games or playing pool or ping pong. Break areas also have beanbag chairs. The idea is to give employees areas to relax and escape for a few minutes so they are not anchored to their desk during an entire work day, Bauer said. “Things like gaming are not seen as a distraction here,” 20 | August 2014 | NNB2B

she said. “Our team is good about recognizing that once in a while you need a breather and it’s OK to take a short break before jumping back into a project.” Human capital is important at SparkNet. The company also invests heavily in wellness initiatives to ensure its workers are healthy. “People need to be healthy not just physically but mentally so they can produce the best work possible,” Bauer said. “Emphasis is placed on healthy lifestyles because we want our employees to be as productive and creative as possible.”

Skills most sought by employers z Communication skills (verbal, written, listening) z Analytical/research skills (non-laboratory) z Computer/technical skills z Flexibility and adaptability z Multi-tasking/managing multiple priorities z Interpersonal skills

Getting noticed

Effective employee development initiatives get noticed. Guin with Faith Technologies said other businesses have reached out asking about its talent development programs. She said Faith participates in a national peer group, where it shares information about its employee training programs. One program that Faith developed was a course to train its workers in cellular tower installation. “We invested in a program to create in house a program to train workers who will be working on cell towers,” she said. Faith created its own curriculum Submitted photo Kristen Goffard, a graphic designer at SparkNet in De Pere, takes advantage of the slide, which her company installed in its fourstory building as a novelty but also to symbolize its fast-paced creative environment.

z Leadership/management skills z Multicultural sensitivity/awareness z Planning/organization z Problem solving, reasoning and creativity z Teamwork Source: University of California – Davis, Internship & Career Center

and developed ways to teach crews how to work on lofty towers safely. “Customers have been impressed with that,” Guin said. “A lot of our training and labs are very hands on.” Weber said Goodwill also has had observers during its Talent Day sessions. The program often leaves a good impression on visitors but may not be a good fit for all organizations, he said. Weber said instructors from area universities have observed sessions as well as employees from regional firms, including Oshkosh Corp. “(Oshkosh Corp.) as an organization is much different than what we do,” he said. “What we do may resonate with them and they may take something away from it, but they’d have to customize something to work within their environment. What we have really is outside the box.” n

NNB2B | August 2014 | 21

Leisure Industry

For the fun of it From making recreational gear to spirits, region has leisurely pursuits covered Story by Lee Marie Reinsch Submitted photo Workers from Pool Works in De Pere pour the deck for this in-ground project.

When was the last time you had fun? Not to be a wet blanket or anything, but how much did it cost? It’s appropriate that the word “leisure” comes from a 700-yearold Old French word meaning “time at one’s disposal” because, in today’s world, it usually requires disposable income, too. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the typical household spends 8.74 percent of its pre-tax income on entertainment, restaurants and alcohol. That’s around $5,734 for a couple earning $65,596 per year before taxes. Alcohol and restaurant-eating consume more than half of that sum – $3,129. The rest – $2,605 – covers everything from campground fees to concert tickets. With its water and wildlife and all of the recreation that goes with it, Wisconsin wouldn’t be doing its job if it didn’t partake in liberating discretionary dollars from the pocketbooks that imprison them. Luckily, the New North region has many businesses that exist to help people kick back a little. 22 | August 2014 | NNB2B

Tabulating leisure spending can be a rather squishy ordeal. In 2010, visitors to the Fox Cities area added $363 million to that year’s tourism coffers, according to the state Department of Tourism. But tourism and leisure time aren’t necessarily the same: That sum reflects things like hotel stays and restaurant meals, but it doesn’t take into account the accoutrements of American leisure time: the Joneses new hot tub, your son’s soccer-league dues or the new flat screen TV you just bought. So who are these purveyors of pleasure, and what do they have to say about figuring so prominently in the spending of northeast Wisconsin’s disposable income? They run the gamut from sports bars to pool installers, and even if they’re not manufacturing goods in the tangible, factory-line sense of the word, they’re making something more durable: Memories. Good times with family and friends – even when times are tough. As the co-owner of Green Bay Distillery put it, “It’s a quality of life thing.”

Keeping heads above water

Swimmers have been dipping into Pool Works pools for 27 years. Kim Sanders’ parents, Connie and Dave Kubiak, launched the De Pere-based company in 1987 after years in the pool business with Dave’s father and brothers. Sanders’ brother Matt Kubiak, her husband Nate and their oldest son, Tyler Sanders, all work there together, making it a three-generation enterprise. Sanders has seen the family business grow from a smaller showroom to a larger one with three inground pools, an inground spa, above ground pools, chemicals and a full service department. “We’re doing the things we always did,” Sanders said. “We’ve always had a store and a service department; we’re just doing more.” Pool buyers don’t fall into a tight demographic, Sanders said, other than they’re people who like the convenience of recreation in their backyards. “If you have a cottage, you have to pack and drive up there, but if you have a pool, it’s right here out your back door,” Sanders said. “How can you beat that.” Buyers are young families and septuagenarian grandparents. “The young parents love that they know where their kids are and who they’re with, and their kids want to play in the water and exercise,” Sanders said. Grandparents see it as a way to see their grandkids more often. “It’s a good way for parents to get their kids off the computer,” she said. Some clients grew up with Pool Works pools and want their own. Often, those with pools also have outdoor kitchens, Sanders said. “They go hand in hand – these are people who like to entertain.” The real change has been with shoppers, thanks to the Internet. “People are much more informed, and that can be good,” she said, adding that sometimes the information they glean online isn’t correct. Or they’ll want Pool Works to price-match an online seller. “Sometimes we can’t do it, and that’s just the way it is,” she said. Sometimes a cut-rate online retailer is “just a guy in his garage” but the website is so slick it looks like a big company. “We know that, but the customer doesn’t always know that,” Sanders said. Some manufacturers have begun warrantying their products

Submitted photo Soccer fans gathered at Green Bay Distillery to take in the recent World Cup tournament.

only if they’re sold by registered dealers. “The manufacturers have to start supporting dealers, because otherwise we won’t be here anymore,” Sanders said. Pool owners have long complained about maintenance. But even that’s gotten easier over the last three decades, from improved chemicals and filter systems to automatic covers. There’s even software that enables owners to manage their pools from their smart phones. More people use pools or spas for medical reasons than in the past, Sanders said. Recently, Pool Works installed a therapy pool for a family with a son with a disability. Sometimes insurance covers part of the costs, Sanders said. Pools with resistance-swimming capabilities can be good therapy for those with arthritis, fibromyalgia and other conditions. But swimming itself hasn’t changed. “At the end of the day, it’s still a nice way to get outside and enjoy some exercise,” Sanders said.

Boiling life down to its essence

The owners of Green Bay Distillery opened their venue in 2011, not merely amidst an economic downturn, but smack dab in the middle of the National Football League’s lockout. No one could dispute that it wasn’t an optimal time to start a sports bar. But friends Josh Kozinski and Mike McNerney plunged in, optimistically believing that if they provided good food, a good time and a gathering spot for music lovers, the product would sell itself. Thus, Green Bay Distillery restaurant and sports bar came into the world, ready to take on any challenge. Luckily for them the NFL lockout ended within a short time. “Certainly there’s no time like Packer time for us,” Kozinski said.

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Leisure Industry But there still was another problem: The economy. Kozinski and McNerney paid no heed. They know their audience: Nothing stands in the way of a Packers fan. “Regardless of how the economy is doing, there’s still going to be a sold-out stadium and people are going to come from near or far away,” Kozinski said. “They want to have a good time, a good weekend.” So prime-time for them on home-game weekends starts on Thursdays. “There will be people in our establishment and at the bar from open till close,” he said. Kozinski admits that in bad economic stretches, things tighten up on the restaurant side. People might not eat out as often, or if they do, they might not order the whole nine yards. But when it comes to reasons to celebrate, Green Bay Distillery customers don’t hold back. Whether it’s a concert by a national act or sports (like the Wisconsin Badgers or the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay men’s basketball during March Madness) people come out ready to shed some of those discretionary dollars as well as spreading good cheer. Diversifying products never hurts, so last summer, Green Bay Distillery launched its line of bottled vodka. It’s currently in 300 outlets around the state. “By late this year, we’ll be introducing Green Bay Gin and after that, whiskey, and probably a rum,” Kozinski said.

The next phase is to build its own distillery and make the vodka onsite. Right now Green Bay Distillery uses a third party. So why do people scrape their couch cushions to visit Green Bay Distillery? It’s that quality-of-life thing. “Regardless of how the economy is doing, even if somebody doesn’t have tickets for the Packers game, just to be down in the stadium district and to kind of experience the game from a distance, we have a lot of people in our building trying to experience that game feeling together,” Kozinski said. “People have to find a way to entertain themselves.”

Staying afloat

Wisconsin is known for its lakes, so it’s not too surprising boat manufacturers have established themselves in the state. One is Marquis Yachts, the parent company of Carver Yachts of Pulaski. CEO Rob Parmentier says his company caters to the “richest two percent” in the country. But even they have tightened their alligator belts. “The boating industry had one of its most devastating eras; it was hit extremely hard,” he said. Some sectors – pontoons and fishing powerboats -- were hit harder than others, with sales down 75 to 80 percent.


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24 | August 2014 | NNB2B

They’re also the first to start showing signs of recovery. But that’s all relative, Parmentier said. “This is (recovery) coming back from falling off a cliff,” he said. Parmentier said he’s seen five or six recessions during his 32 years in the yacht business. Marquis makes boats for several market segments: fiberglass inboard outboards, freshwater fishing (aluminum and fiberglass), saltwater fishing (mostly fiberglass), till boats or ski boats, pontoons, sporting yachts and yachts. It’s mostly Baby Boomers who buy their boats, he said. “It’s said that today’s 50 is yesterday’s 40, and it’s true,” Parmentier said. “A lot of Baby Boomers are taking good care of themselves, working out and watching what they eat. And they like to have fun.” Most of those boat-buying boomers are self-made people, business owners and entrepreneurs, people Parmentier believes, “built America.” “We don’t sell a lot of boats to doctors and lawyers and people who work for companies,” he said. But the way people entertain themselves on the water has changed, and Parmentier worries for the future. “These millennials, who are 18 to 34 now, a lot of them have unfortunately graduated during one of greatest recessions since 1929. They’ve got a lot of school debt, and there aren’t a lot of jobs out there,” Parmentier said. “You have a lot of college-educated kids having to settle for much less than they expected. And they don’t have the discretionary income as their grandparents and parents.”

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That generation likes different things – they grew up with iPhones, electronics and different activities than the Boomers did. “They have a different activity mindset.” Parmentier says he hopes they grow up with “the water gene.” “Whether they grew up fishing, boating, or being pulled round on skis, once you’ve established that inside a person, they never forget,” he said.

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Aren’t we all just kids?

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Between carnival seasons is an eternity for a kid who loves those colorful midway games of skill and chance. Bay Tek Games of Pulaski isn’t the first to come up with a fix for that, but it’s provided ways for kids and adults to escape their everyday concerns for 37 years. Its two founders were electrical engineers who stumbled upon a niche. “Somebody from their church operated carnival games, and somebody had to stand there and add it up on paper,” Ozarowicz said. “He said ‘If you could automate that, you’d save me a lot of time and effort.’” So they did, and they realized the world of games needed them. Ozarowicz says his company ships containers of games all around the world. “You name it – Dubai, Saudi Arabia,

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NNB2B | August 2014 | 25

Leisure Industry

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Qatar, Kuwait, Australia, South America, Europe, the United Kingdom, we run the gamut,” he said. Many up to six feet tall and over 500 pounds, these games populate Walmart lobbies, Chuck E. Cheese’s, Happy Joe’s Pizzas, Funset Boulevard, Tundra Lodge and dozens of other places. They’re all conceived and manufactured in Pulaski. In an age of weightless and size-less iPhone games, it might seem surprising that a company still makes such ginormous pieces of equipment. But Ozarowicz says their bulk is a plus. “We still can leverage the novelty of it,” he said. “You don’t play any of our games anywhere but at a location. It’s novel, it’s not something you can play at home or online or can get sick of; the only place you can play that equipment is at that Walmart or at that Happy Joe’s Pizza.” One of their hottest games is Road Trip, which has caught on with grownups. “An adult might put in $1 every time they go to Walmart; they may put $5 or $10 trying to win a specific prize,” Ozarowicz said. “Our games go from 25 cents to $1 a play. The average spend would be from $4 or $5 a person on up.”

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To make players (and their parents) feel like they’re getting something for their money, many games offer prizes. “Based on the skill you have and how well you play, you’ll get either a prize directly out of the machine,” or a ticket that can be redeemed at the prize counter. “One of the reasons why parents are able to allow their kids to play the games is they can get something for their time,” Ozarowicz said. “There’s play value there, it keeps them busy, it takes time and some level of interactivity, and they get something for their time, a piece of candy or plastic trinket or maybe a little bit bigger – a lava lamp or remote-control car.”

It’s good for us

A 2010 study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology reported that moods lift, and aches and pains feel better on weekends, even in people who say they love their jobs. So rather than kicking ourselves for the greenbacks that fly out of our pockets in the name of a frivolous concept like fun, we should all just lighten up and remember that life’s too short not to enjoy ourselves. Like the Green Bay Distillery’s Kozinski says, it’s that “quality of life thing.” n Lee Marie Reinsch worked 18 years at daily newspapers before launching her freelance business, edgeWise, in 2007. She lives and recreates in Green Bay.

26 | August 2014 | NNB2B

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The future of cloud computing is, well, cloudy Behind the hype is the reality that cloud computing offers great promise, but it’s not right for everyone and everything – just yet.

Story by Rick Berg If you buy into the rhetoric of some technology pundits, you might conclude that you’re way behind the curve if you have not yet migrated your business-critical processes to that sometimes nebulous technology environment that’s come to be known as “the cloud.” The truth is that while cloud-based applications are great tools for many processes and companies, you still have to do your due diligence to see if it’s right for your company and your needs. Steve Engmann, president of Appleton-based Competitive Strategies Inc., is an avowed cloud protagonist, but he notes that business owners and executives considering a move to the cloud need to consider a number of critical issues. For example, Engmann said, the issue of data ownership needs to be clear. “Who owns the data? There is nothing worse than 28 | August 2014 | NNB2B

spending years pumping data into a system, then finding out when the solution no longer does everything you want, that there is no easy way to get your data back out or to access any company information in the future,” Engmann said. One of the often-cited advantages of cloud computing is that software updates are usually automatic, relieving clients of the need to monitor the status of their software. However, said Engmann, even that feature has a potential downside. “Just recently we had a client that had integrated a cloudbased billing and service solution with their internal accounting system,” Engmann said. When the solution provider updated the software without informing the client, “the upgrade broke the integration link and caused all sorts of unexpected surprises and costs.”

The case for the cloud

That being said, Engmann and others believe that the cloud offers much promise to business owners and executives wearied by software version fatigue and the need to maintain an ever-expanding technology infrastructure. Ed Luck, managing consultant for cloud and infrastructure enablement at Skyline Technologies in Appleton and Green Bay, said small business owners are especially vulnerable to changing technology needs. “For the small business guy, the cadence has always been to buy a server, make it last as long as he can and hire a system integrator to come in yearly to fix things as they break,” Luck said. “It’s a very reactive model. The challenge has been that as the equipment becomes older, it becomes even more of a problem.” In addition, according to Luck, growing data structures and software requirements demand that businesses continue to expand their onsite infrastructure. “The value add for cloud services is that you don’t need that big infrastructure footprint anymore, and you don’t need to worry about version upgrades, because cloud platforms give you the capability to expand and always be current,” Luck said. Adam Simpson, president of Netsonic in Green Bay, said despite the many advantages cloud computing can offer, many businesses remain resistant. “The number one reason for the resistance is that people don’t like change,” Simpson said. “Also, they’re reluctant because there’s a lack of understanding and a lot of confusion in the marketplace about what the cloud is and what it can do. The

reality is that it’s a technology that allows you to scale to your needs at any time, it’s flexible, you have access to on-demand resources and there’s no single point of failure.” Simpson said most of his company’s clients are in the cloud to some extent. “A lot of people don’t want to go all-in with the cloud, but almost all of them are there in some way,” Simpson said.

A better fit for some applications

Tom Maurer, director of technology solutions for the Appleton-based accounting firm Schenck SC, said he hasn’t seen a lot of his large business clients moving their enterprise accounting platforms (generally known as enterprise resource planning or ERP software) to the cloud. That’s because those solutions are not well-supported in the cloud at this time. On the other hand, he says, accounting platforms for small to mid-size businesses, like QuickBooks and Sage 300 Online, have been widely adopted. Schenck provides both of those solutions, as well as enterprise solutions like Sage 500 (formerly MAS 500). Even so, Maurer said, some of the third-party add-ons for ERP platforms, including customer relations management systems and credit card processing, work well in the cloud, so some clients maintain a mix of on-premise and cloud solutions. Schenck CIO Jim Tarala has seen the cloud from both sides now – as a user for Schenck’s internal IT needs and as a provider for Schenck’s clientele. The story is mixed, he says. “We’ve used cloud solutions for a decade or more,” he said, “and we found that there was not as much initial upside as we expected. We used a project management solution that

The cloud defined Ask 10 people for their definition of cloud computing and you’ll likely get 10 different answers. These definitions, courtesy of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, will do as well as any: Private cloud. The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization comprising multiple business units. It may be owned, managed, and operated by the organization, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises. Public cloud. The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for open use by the general public. It may be owned, managed, and operated by a business, academic, or government organization, or some combination of them. It exists on the premises of the cloud provider.

Hybrid cloud. The cloud infrastructure is a private and public cloud infrastructures, bound together by standardized or proprietary technology that enables data and application portability. In addition, NIST defines three different cloud service models: Software as a Service (SaaS) uses the provider’s applications running on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various client devices through either a thin client interface, such as a web browser (web-based email, for example), or a program interface. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure such as network, servers, operating systems or storage.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) deploys cloud infrastructure to host consumercreated or acquired applications. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure (network, servers, operating systems or storage), but has control over the deployed applications and possibly configuration settings for the application-hosting environment. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provisions processing, storage, networks and other fundamental computing resources where the consumer is able to deploy and run operating systems and applications. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure, but has control over operating systems, storage and deployed applications.

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Technology was cloud-based and we experienced some reliability and performance issues, so we moved it back into a private cloud.” With the passage of time, many of those reliability and performance issues in the cloud have been improved, he says, so there’s no reason to avoid the cloud entirely. “You just have to do your due diligence – run a pilot project with your vendor to see what works and what doesn’t.”

What fits

“Virtually anything can be put up in the cloud,” Simpson said, but the current state of cloud technology and user confidence dictates that some processes are more readily adapted to cloud computing. Among the easiest to convert are collaboration resources like email, instant messaging and customer relations management. Luck notes that Microsoft already has 1.5 billion users on its cloud-based Office 360 platform, which includes Office applications like Word, Excel and Outlook. “With these major platforms, whether it’s Google Apps or Microsoft’s Office 360, their whole go-to-market strategy is built around supporting a lot customers securely in a public cloud,” Luck said. “The idea is to provide the same platform to everyone – whether they have five users or 100,000. It’s always current, always updated, always patched. People look at that and say, ‘Well, if there are 1.5 billion users on this platform,

they must be doing something right,’ so there’s a high level of confidence there.” “Having an outside service host their Microsoft Exchange e-mail or using Google’s gmail is actually using a cloud-based service,” Engmann said. “Most people don’t think of this as cloud computing, but it really can be the first step to help people realize they already use some form of the cloud.” For some businesses, data storage is one of the first processes to migrate to the cloud. “Small business owners are very protective of their data and want to maintain control over the systems they use,” Engmann said. “Yet, from a disaster recovery and business continuity standpoint, they realize having an automated, off-site backup makes sense and actually adds a layer of protection to their data.” “The great advantage of cloud-based data storage is that it allows you to scale up or down as your data needs grow,” Simpson said. Credit card processing is also a popular cloud solution, since it takes the PCI compliance issues out of the hands of the business and into the hands of supplier.

What doesn’t fit

Luck notes that “legacy applications” that businesses have developed in the past may not be good cloud candidates simply because the conversion cost is likely to be prohibitive. “Heavy lifting” applications like AutoCAD might also be problematic

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Your favorite non-profit could WIN a $10,000 or a $15,000 office technology makeover! To learn more, register, or nominate a non-profit, visit 30 | August 2014 | NNB2B

because “latency issues related to bandwidth might become a choke point as users try to access the platform.” Most agree with Maurer that core business processes or line of business applications like accounting software are least likely to migrate to the cloud at this point. “While some companies are moving core accounting to the cloud, this is still probably the area that a lot of companies are keeping in house,” Engmann said. “Over time, more companies will move core accounting to the cloud, but it may be that they choose only for someone else to provide the hardware in the cloud and they still maintain control over the software that is running on the hosted server.” Maurer says even ERP platforms are likely to move to the cloud at some point as the technology matures. He points to a study conducted by the research firm Gartner, which found that 47 percent of organizations surveyed had plans to move their core

top reasons the cloud might not be right for you


① You are concerned about how you retrieve your data if you change solutions. ② You have limited bandwidth. ③ You are concerned about lack of control over software changes. ④ Cost analysis tells you that cloud subscription services will be higher than your on premise solution.

⑤ You are not convinced that your data will be secure.

ERP systems to the cloud within the next five years. Just 2 percent said they already have core ERP operations in the cloud, according to Forbes magazine, which published the study. The biggest “doesn’t fit” scenario relates not to applications, but to the Internet environment in which a business exists.

“You have to ask how reliable your internet connection is,” Engmann says. “Companies need to invest in high speed, reliable connections at all locations to avoid downtime or slow processing speeds.” “We are sometimes geographically challenged in terms of connectivity – especially in the rural areas,” Maurer


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NNB2B | August 2014 | 31

Technology says. “Sometimes organizations simply don’t have access to the kind of bandwidth needed to run missioncritical applications in the cloud.”

Words to the wise

Sorting through the options and deciding if the cloud is right for your business – and if so in what capacity – is usually aided by some expert consultation. “We help our clients list out the advantages, disadvantages, costs and savings involved with each option available,” Engmann said. “The factor that most people miss is thinking about five years from now. You need to consider how to get the data back if you’re using cloud-based software owned by someone else. Your data has tremendous value and this one factor can sway any decision.” “My first step in meeting with a customer is to understand their business drivers and what their needs are,” Luck said. “We do both on-premise and cloud solutions, so in some cases we find that they have functions that

need to stay on premise and are not a good fit for the cloud.” “There’s always going to be a need for a dedicated onsite environment for some processes, so there’s not ever going to be 100 percent adoption,” Simpson said. “It’s not the be-all-end-all, but we’re continuing to see businesses recognizing the advantages the cloud can provide.”

“Adoption of the cloud is definitely growing, but I don’t think it’s ever going to be 100 percent,” Maurer says. “We try to help clients look at their options and see what fits.” “You do have to go in with your eyes wide open,” Tarala says. n Rick Berg is a freelance writer and editor.

top reasons the cloud might be right for you


① Cost analysis determines that monthly subscription costs are lower than

② You value flexibility for your employees, who are able to access your database

③ You have multiple locations that need to share data and resources. ④ You would rather focus on your core business and outsource many of your

⑤ Your business is growing and you want to be able to scale your IT needs to

the cost of maintaining your own infrastructure, hiring IT staff and maintaining software upgrades. and applications anywhere, anytime.

IT needs.

current business requirements on demand.

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32 | August 2014 | NNB2B

Guest Commentary

Panoptic global view Why ‘outsourcing’ is a permanent and necessary part of the modern economy by Tom Still The increasingly curious exchange between incumbent Gov. Scott Walker and challenger Mary Burke over the “outsourcing” of jobs illustrates how political campaigns and economic realities seldom mesh. Outsourcing is not a four-letter word. It is a part of how many companies – large or small, foreign or domestic – do business in the modern world. If you’re a small business owner in Wisconsin and you’re not quite ready to hire that next full-time employee, you might “outsource” some work to a consultant. That consultant may or may not become your employee in time, but the initial consulting approach gives both parties a chance to see how the relationship works. If you’re a large company executive hoping to crack into an emerging market in China, India or Brazil, an option you must consider is opening a production facility close to the source. That need not threaten production at home – you don’t want to jeopardize your U.S. markets – but it means adding production capacity elsewhere to control costs and open new sales channels. Outsourcing has become an issue in the governor’s race because Republican Walker has gone after Democrat Burke over the supposed outsourcing of jobs by Trek, the Waterloobased bicycle manufacturer. Founded by Burke’s father, Richard, and now led by her brother, John, Trek employs about 1,000 people in Wisconsin and another 800 abroad. It cranks out high-quality bikes in Wisconsin as well as Germany, Holland and China – precisely because Trek wants to be close to those markets, too. Burke has chastised the Walker administration because the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. awarded tax credits in 2011 and 2012 to two companies, Eaton Corp. and Plexus Corp., which later outsourced jobs abroad. Eaton is a global firm based in Dublin, Ireland, and it operates a plant in Pewaukee. Plexus is based in Neenah and operates in markets across the world. The political strategists will continue to slug it out over the details of what happened at Trek, Plexus and Eaton, but they do so at the peril of ignoring a much bigger picture voters deserve to understand.

Wisconsin represents roughly 2 percent of the U.S. economy and a fraction of a world economy that is growing relative to the United States, thanks to the emergence of a middle class in countries that previously had little ability to buy American goods and services. For Wisconsin to prosper, it cannot possibly sell everything it produces – on its farms, in its forests, in its factories or through its high-tech firms – at home. It must market and sell goods and services to a $72-trillion global economy. The United States has the largest gross domestic product in the world, but countries such as China, Brazil and India are moving up the top 10 list. Economic growth rates for the world have been estimated at 3.6 percent for 2014, compared with 2.8 percent for the United States and 5.1 percent for developing countries. Foreign direct investment is also vital to Wisconsin. Three years ago, the University of Wisconsin System organized a Task Force on Internationalization and Economic Development to take stock of the state’s global assets – and how the university could help leverage them. The report concluded there were 470 foreign-owned operations in Wisconsin at the time, representing 27 countries, with jobs and plants in 51 of the state’s 72 counties. In addition, hundreds of Wisconsin-owned companies do business overseas. Globalization has become a two-way street. The economies of the United States and Wisconsin are increasingly intertwined with those beyond our borders. An emerging flip side of global outsourcing is “reshoring,” in which companies bring back jobs and production to the United States due to rising labor and transportation costs, regulatory problems and political instability. Narrowly drawn political debates can appeal to voters whose values predispose them to believe the worst about an issue. But politics should be about bringing out the best in people and the election-year discourse, which is a unique platform for talking about major challenges. In this case, that means stepping back and recognizing the Wisconsin economy is tied to global trends that are too large to ignore or wish away. Better yet, the debate should embrace those new realities in a way that helps the state and its citizens prosper. Still is president of the Wisconsin Technology Council. He is the former associate editor of the Wisconsin State Journal.

NNB2B | August 2014 | 33

Firefighters of Northeast Wisconsin


of Northeast Wisconsin Lessons from the trenches can be put to practice in most any business Story by Sean Fitzgerald, New North B2B publisher Heading into the final stretch of B2B’s 2014 Firefighters of Northeast Wisconsin initiative, we aimed to use this update to share how the tactics used by our two committed business consultants might be implemented by other business owners facing similar challenges as our two driven-to-exceed businesses. Since April, both marketing guru Jon Wright of Wright Advisor in Appleton and financial strategist Gary Vaughan

with Appleton-based Guident Business Solutions have donated their expertise to 9th St. Wellness Center in Green Bay and Wisconsin Swim Academy in Appleton in an effort to help their owners put out the everyday fires in their businesses and think strategically about growing to the next level. Through their help each business has made significant changes, the same kind of changes most any business is capable of making.

Wright: 9th St. Wellness Center


Wright launched his own consulting firm in 2011 after a successful corporate marketing career spanning more than three decades. His background includes 17 years as a marketing executive with Kimberly-Clark Corp. in Neenah and six years with Green Bay-based Enzymatic Therapy. Wright also volunteers as a mentor through New North’s Fast Forward initiative, a program to assist promising start ups position themselves to obtain outside investment capital.

Wright, who held corporate marketing positions with Kimberly-Clark Corp. in Neenah and the former Enzymatic Therapy in Green Bay, has been working with 9th St. Wellness Center owner Karen Stoehr on creating greater awareness of her organization, its mission and to help with the launch of a summer program for children teaching various aspects of healthy living and sustainability. The two started by identifying the core values of the wellness center, and ultimately developing a 30-second pitch to consistently and clearly communicate its purpose. Those values – uplifting people, smart health, enriching environment and empowering advocates – became the script for the “BizIntro” Stoehr would eventually write with R.J. Foster of Wordsmithing by Foster.


New North B2B magazine kicked off its 4th annual Firefighters of Northeast Wisconsin initiative in April 2014, aimed at assisting those northeast Wisconsin small business owners who feel as if they’re constantly burning the candle at both ends, putting out fires, spinning their wheels, but intent on finding a way to improve.

Through the generous help of Jon Wright of Wright Advisor in Appleton and Gary Vaughan of Guident Business Solutions in Appleton, the two dedicated-to-improve businesses are receiving five month’s worth of consulting at no cost to help their owners work on the strategy of growing their business rather than regularly attending to problems.

We put out a call for nominations back in January. In the end, our staff selected Wisconsin Swim Academy LLC of Appleton and 9th Street Wellness Center in Green Bay.

B2B is providing a monthly update on the progress of their efforts in each issue leading up to a capstone article in the September 2014 issue of New North B2B magazine.

34 | August 2014 | NNB2B

In early June Stoehr held an open house for her new 9th St. Farmhouse and the launch of her Grassroots Wellness Development program. With Wright’s help, the planning and execution of the open house “was a stake in the ground to launch these communications tools,” Wright noted. “A lot of what the farmhouse open house was an opportunity (for Stoehr) to start putting together the tools that we put in place,” Wright said of the 9th St. tagline, elevator pitch, news release and other elements of succinct messaging communications. During the event and since, Stoehr recited versions of her tagline and elevator pitch dozens upon dozens of times. But more work remains. “I think she still needs a bit of practice,” Wright said. “We’re at a point now where she needs to fuel this with more (networking) opportunities.” In the final month of working together, Wright said he and Stoehr will identify continuing opportunities for grassroots promotion and engagement within the greater Green Bay area, ultimately helping to establish Stoehr as a wellness advocate and resource in the community.


Vaughan launched Guident in 2009 after spending his entire career teaching – both in the classroom and in business. Vaughan has professional experience in a variety of industries, including retail, petroleum, manufacturing and academics. He is a senior adjunct instructor for Concordia University of Wisconsin and a lecturer in economics and entrepreneurship at Lawrence University in Appleton.

Vaughan: Wisconsin Swim Academy

Vaughan, who’s owned a handful of businesses and teaches baccalaureate courses in finance and entrepreneurship, has been consulting Wisconsin Swim Academy owner Susie Van Ekeren in attempt to “corporatize” her business – that is, to help the swim school move beyond its start-up phase and into its second-stage growth. The two meet every week for about 90 minutes, and Vaughan said Van Ekeren puts in a good deal of time between meetings. Vaughan started out with a few reading assignments for Van Ekeren, asking her to digest both Financial Literacy for the Entrepreneur and The E-Myth. Van Ekeren consumed both books and found value in better understanding Vaughan’s consultation. “Her follow through on the reading gave us a foundation to start meaningful conversations about her business,” Vaughan said.

The next step was to help Van Ekeren take the swim school from “adolescence to adulthood” by developing a business model for the future of the business. The two worked on finessing the mission statement so every employee understood Van Ekeren’s vision for Wisconsin Swim Academy. She also conducted a SWOT analysis of her business, and is currently analyzing all of her data in order to use her strengths and take advantage of her opportunities in the market. From the financial perspective of Wisconsin Swim Academy, Van Ekeren developed an annual budget with an easy-touse profit and loss template Vaughan provided. Looking at financial data from the past helped the business plan for the future. “We identified current and future profit centers for the swim school and developed financial projections using her past history,” Vaughan said. In addition, the two worked on a break-even analysis so Van Ekeren is aware of the minimum number of students needed to achieve her financial goals. In the final month of working together, Vaughan said he and Van Ekeren will be talking about a marketing strategy, as well as forming the foundation for a strategic plan. These tasks will set the tone for steps Van Ekeren can do on her own after the Firefighter program is done later this month. n

Epiphany Law Welcomes Attorney

Daniel Hurst

Epiphany Law is pleased to add Attorney Daniel Hurst. Dan comes to Epiphany with 20 years of experience. He will lead the firm’s litigation practice, representing businesses and individuals who must resort to the courts to enforce or defend their legal rights. Dan currently resides in De Pere with his wife and three daughters. He has been recognized by Wisconsin Super Lawyers as one of the top lawyers in Wisconsin.


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NNB2B | August 2014 | 35

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36 | August 2014 | NNB2B

From the Editor

Stay at home dads Study shows more fathers want to be active in their children’s lives, and employers look to adapt half said they would consider being fulltime, stay-at-home dads.

by Larry Avila, New North B2B editor

I’ve lived by the motto there’s nothing complicated about life. It’s about making choices but making sure they’re good ones. Professionally, I followed a career path based on something I enjoyed doing – writing. It never grows old to me and whether the words I pull together end up in print or some electronic format, I’m confident anyone who reads those strings of sentences will find them useful and informative. I’ve always stood by the decisions I made – even the bad ones and accepted any blame for the fallout those poor choices created, but always worked to clean up the messes to mend fences or get a project back on track. One thing that has eluded me through the years is learning whether I would have made a good dad. It’s just one of those things where I always thought there would be time for it, but my nomadic career path made it difficult to settle in one spot for long to meet someone, plant roots and start a family.

However, the survey also found while dads expressed a desire to be a more active a parent, just one third of respondents said they shared caregiving duties, and of the more than half who said they would consider staying at home full time, only one in 25 indicated the stay-at-home parent was a man. The study notes the fact men are thinking more about being active parents indicates a shift is happening but it will take time before it becomes commonplace. Today’s workplace recognizes employees with children, especially new parents, likely will require more flexible work schedules and will do what they can to be accommodating. The Family Medical Leave Act allows men and women to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave from work to care for a newborn, but many companies take it further. Madison-based First Business, which has banking locations in Appleton, Green Bay and Oshkosh, follows what a majority of employers offer regarding paternity leave. Jodi Chandler, senior vice president for human resources, said male employees have the same leave opportunities as women under FMLA but if they want to continue being paid, they can apply accrued sick and vacation time toward their leave. The balance of any remaining time off taken under FMLA would be unpaid.

“We view our team here as family and we’re a tight-knit group … what it really came down to is knowing what is the right thing to do.”

Zach Pawlosky, owner of Candeo Creative in Oshkosh, provides his employees two weeks paid time off for paternity leave and will offer an Zach Pawlosky, owner of Candeo Creative additional four to six weeks paid time off to employees on paternity leave if they’re willing to work remotely.

I may have never personally experienced what life with a newborn at home is like – the early morning diaper changes or late-night feedings – but I’ve heard plenty of stories, and while my male pals shared their tales of dread, there’s a side of me that can’t help but wonder if deep down inside my friends actually didn’t mind those moments. It seems I’m not alone in thinking that way. A study released this year by the Boston College Center for Work and Family, based on surveys of 3,000 fathers, revealed men appear to want to be more active in their kids’ lives and a majority of respondents indicated their children were their top priority in life. About three out of four respondents expressed a desire to spend more time with their children. Two out of three said that caregiving duties should be a shared task and more than

“About 99 percent of the work we do can be done offsite, whether it’s graphic design or writing content,” he said. “It allows us to adjust their job duties so they can still be productive for us, be available to spend time caring for their children and also hold onto income at a time they really need it.” Pawlosky said before year’s end, he plans to start offering 80 percent reimbursement to employees for childcare. He recognizes he’s taking on additional overhead costs, but believes the investment is worth it for long-term growth. “We’re very people focused and if you have employees who are happy to be here, it shows in the work they do and that has been the key to our success so far,” he said. “We view our team here as family and we’re a tight-knit group … what it really came down to is knowing what is the right thing to do.” n NNB2B | August 2014 | 37

Who’s News


New North B2B publishes monthly new business incorporations filed with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions. Brown County

Badger State Food Safety Consulting LLC, Jennifer Lynn Johnson, 601 N. Superior St., De Pere 54115. Kerkhoff Farm LLC, Ervin Kerkhoff, 2934 Glenrock Road, De Pere 54115. Lealiou Cleaning Service LLC, Paul Lawrence Lealiou, 1770 Burgoyne Ct., De Pere 54115. Mixers Lounge LLC, Christopher L. McKeefry, 1122 Countryside, De Pere 54115. Kleuskens Electric LLC, Jonathan G. Kleuskens, 1418 Grant, De Pere 54115. Robinson Metal Exports Inc., Darrell LaCrosse, 1740 Eisenhower Road, De Pere 54115. Ukrainian Power Videos Inc., Olga Halaburda Hieptas, 325 Arbor Vitae Lane, De Pere 54115. Schneider’s Bee Products LLC, Larry Schneider, 608 S. Superior St., De Pere 54115. Work Order Publishing Inc., Terrence Dewayne Haynes, 1710 Patriot Way, De Pere 54115. The Bar of Suamico Inc., Mark Bartels, 444 Reid St., Ste. 200, De Pere 54115. Vans Valley Trade Mart LLC, Bart Michael Cornelius, W1194 Tip Road, De Pere 54115. Adam Madson Financial Services LLC, Adam Madson, 3091 Voyager Dr., Green Bay 54311. Red Jacket Photography LLC, James Pintar, 3409 Blackberry Lane, Green Bay 54313. Quinn & Sons Concrete Construction LLC, Daniel Quinn, 197 S. Northview Road, Green Bay 54311. OneLegacy Advisors LLC, Doug Hanrahan, 1444 13th Ave., Green Bay 54304. Staci Yoga LLC, Lorri Kieff, 926 Willard Dr., Ste. 234, Green Bay 54304. Surface Conversion Co. LLC, Ken Lardinois, 2200 Riverside Dr., Green Bay 54301. Arabella Spa & Salon LLC, Michaela Geurts, 2535 Parkwood Dr., Green Bay 54304. Eastern Nurture Spa LLC, Qing Qing Kibler, 2685 W. Mason, Green Bay 54303. Inception Websites Inc., Aimee Hamilton, 13382 Velp Ave., Ste. A, Green Bay 54313. Community Assistance Planning LLC, Angela Kowalzek-Adrians, 246 E. Allouez Ave., Green Bay 54301. Bugsy’s Exterminators LLC, Anna Lautenbach, 1233 Cass, Green Bay 54301. Baeten Counseling & Consultation Team S.C., Tina Marie Baeten, 272 Gwynn St., Green Bay 54301. Valet Waste of Wisconsin LLC, Bradley Matthew Johnson, 2261 Fox Heights, Green Bay 54304. Boncher Home Solutions LLC, Chad Neil Boncher, 1748 Nancy Ave., Green Bay 54303. Store-It Shelving LLC, Aaron Winker, 3428 Edinburgh Road, Green Bay 54311. Crowdfund Wisconsin LLC, David Townsend, 850 Ernst Dr., Green Bay 54304. Edge Barbershop LLC, Theodore Thomas, 402 S. Broadway, Green Bay 54303. Treats By Miss Jeni LLC, Jennifer Hall, 1325 Rockwell Road, Green Bay 54313. Howard Suamico Youth Sports Association Inc., William Monfre, 3563 Abbey Ct., Green Bay 54313. Rustique Pizzeria Inc., Joseph Witthuhn, 2844 Weeping Willow Dr., Green Bay 54313. Sullivan’s Custom Flooring & Remodeling LLC, Mikal Sullivan, 1740 Arnold Dr., Green Bay 54304. Dirty Dogs Saloon LLC, Matthew John Williquette, 2027 Velp Ave., Green Bay 54313. 38 | August 2014 | NNB2B

J.R. Deck Restoration LLC, James Radish, 2424 Cathedral Forest Dr., Green Bay 54313. Standing Stone Realty LLC, Jason Aguirre, 2552 Hazelwood Lane, Green Bay 54304. Green Bay Taxi LLC, Jennifer Kutska, 1823 Nancy Ave., Green Bay 54303. Cardinal Communications LLC, Karen Elizabeth Marchant, 815 Harrison St., Green Bay 54303. International Yacht Network LLC, Jarrett Daniel Bryzek, 230 E. Trillium Cir., Green Bay 54313. Nelson Garden Supply Inc. and Wisconsin Floriculture Inc., Kyler Austin Nelson, 2050 Riverside Dr., Green Bay 54301. Connection Bar And Grill Inc., Dale Oldenburg, 1318 Carole Lane, Green Bay 54313. Stone Repair & Services LLC, Chad Richard Reimer, 425 S. Jackson St., Green Bay 54301. Basements Unlimited LLC, Bradley James Fisher, 1501 Avondale Dr., Green Bay 54313. Events By Kristina LLC, Brian Burnell Lueth, 906 Hansen, Green Bay 54304. Green Bay Laser Tag LLC, Joshua William Sonesen, 2180 Casual Ct., Green Bay 54311. First American Homes LLC, Xia M. Moua, 318 S. Broadway, Green Bay 54303. Vander Kelen Farm LLP, Patricia Kaster, 1317 Lombardi Access Road, Green Bay 54304. Surgical Analytics LLC, Nathan Wotruba, 2304 Main St., Green Bay 54311. Business Solutions By J LLC, Jaylene M. Aho, 2473 Turnbury Road, Green Bay 54313. Silva’s Cleaning LLC, Arnold Silva, 1124 Colonial Ave., Green Bay 54304. Toothy’s Tackle LLC, Stephen Richard Wesoloski, 2051 Riverview Dr., Green Bay 54313. Dimage Photography & Design LLC, Diane Nitti, 3519 Glen Abbey Dr., Green Bay 54311. Mariclean LLC, Pro One Janitorial Inc., 1101 Ashwaubenon St., Green Bay 54302. Air Sealing & Insulation Specialists Inc., Paige Van Elzen, 2652 N. Packerland Dr., Ste. A, Green Bay 54304. Timothy P. Geary, Attorney At Law LLC, Timothy Geary, 2121 S. Oneida St., Green Bay 54304. Koltz Stables LLC, Geoff Koltz, 7039 County Road PP, Greenleaf 54126. Americare Home Care Companions Inc., Cassandra Marie Lipinski, 4870 Stella Ct., Hobart 54155. Ed Nail Queen LLC, Erin Farr-Demeny, 3113 Hawks Landing Way, Suamico 54173.

Fond du Lac County

Peapod Children’s Center LLC, Gillian Greenfield, 102 E. Jefferson St., Brandon 53919. Vapor Haven LLC, Anne Discher, 122 W. Main St., Campbellsport 53010. Ryan-Vu Dairy LLC, Mark Ryan, N3934 State Road 175, Fond du Lac 54937. Artesano Remodeling LLC, Aaron Jay Stark, 17 N. Park Ave., Fond du Lac 54935. American Dream Financial Planning LLC, Thomas Frank Leestma, W6869 Rogersville Road, Fond du Lac 54937. Fox Valley Contractors LLC, Kevin J. Jones, N6576 Carrington Dr., Fond du Lac 54937. Grebe Plumbing LLC, Mark Joseph Grebe, 111 4th St., Fond du Lac 54935. VC Transport LLC, Gary Lee Boyke, N5421 County Road K, Fond du Lac 54937. ASC Appraisals LLC, Kathy M. Bozich, N5481 Fairview Road, Fond du Lac 54937. Compact Tractor Attachments LLC, Jeffrey John King, N7802 Fine View Road, Malone 53049. Wifee And The Huzz Band LLC, Stephen Cooper, W1960 County Road HHH, Malone 53049. Advanced Roofing Pros LLC, Brian Wells, W13508 Tri County Road, Ripon 54971. Lemmenes Manufacturing & Sales LLC, Roy Lemmenes, N11135 Cottonwood Road, Waupun 53963. North Central Warranty Company Inc., Steven Homan, 925 W. Main St., Waupun 53963.

Oconto County

Executive Enterprises LLC, Tricia Ascher, 2916 County Road EE, Abrams 54101. Rock Trucking LLC, Ricky Dean Robenhorst, 3182 Timberwood Ct., Abrams 54101. RDR Trucking LLC, Ardie Robenhorst, 2940 Chandler St., Abrams 54101. Dale & Jane’s Pub LLC, Jane Vandenlangenberg, 4609 Brookside Road, Abrams 54101. Marc’s Mowmasters LLC, Marc Anthony Kinziger, 284 Mourning Dove Road, Little Suamico 54141.

Outagamie County

Lavender Butterfly Health Coaching And Yoga LLC, Cara Hettich, W5557 Brandon Way, Appleton 54915. JPro Coding Solutions LLC, Jill Ann Meyer, 2111 E. Esther St., Appleton 54915. J. Bartmann Bros. Construction Inc., Joseph Bartmann, 2706 S. Fountain Ave., Appleton 54915. Empire Inks LLC, Derek Colt Brown, 612 W. College Ave., Appleton 54911. Integrity Design and Construction Services LLC, Jody Stout, 12 Spring Meadow Ct., Appleton 54914. Atlas Capital Group LLC, Eric Sajdak, W3561 County Road O, Appleton 54913. Fox Valley PC Repair LLC, Jared Bender, 1427 N. Clark St., Appleton 54911.

Murray & Roberts Valuation Services Inc., Brian Murray, W6110 Aerotech Dr., Appleton 54914. Solid Ground Financing LLC, Jeffrey Daines, 4740 W. Packard St., Appleton 54913. Evergreen Painting LLC, Wayde Robert Rogoff, 1709 S. Telulah Ave., Appleton 54915. Justice Automotive Works LLC, Joshua Anderson, 2520 Coldspring Road, Unit 4 & 5, Appleton 54914. A & J Sealcoating LLC, Joshua Ver Bockel, W5950 Tranquil Way, Appleton 54915. Community Early Learning Center of The Fox Valley Inc., John Russo, 2401 E. Enterprise Ave., Appleton 54913. Vorpahl Legal LLC, Elizabeth Lynne Vorpahl, 2000 S. Memorial Dr., Appleton 54915. Appleton Audiology Associates LLC, Kent Schaefer, 1520 N. Meade St., Appleton 54911. Mr. Reynebeau’s Cookies LLC, Matt Reynebeau, 3710 N. McCarthy Road, Appleton 54913. Ashauer Trucking LLC, Cindy Ashauer, 5131 Wege Road, Appleton 54913. Budget Medical Transportation LLC, Anthony T. Xiong, 2317 W. Jonathon Dr., Appleton 54914. Bryce Durrance Automotive LLC, Bryce Arthur Durrance, 5838 N. Richmond St., Appleton 54913. Schroeder-Davis Plumbing Inc., Lori Locy, 1700 W. Northland Ave., Appleton 54914. Global Concrete LLC, Timothy James Nelson,

Jr., 914 N. Durkee St., Appleton 54911. Urban Shave Barbershop LLC, Susan Vanevenhoven, 3921 E. Appleview Dr., Appleton 54913. Burst Communications LLC, Katarina Elzbeth Kuehl, 3163 S. Stonemeadow Way, Appleton 54915. Salzman Pipe Organ Services Ltd., Thomas K. Salzman, 1706 N. Division St., Appleton 54911. Mento Cleaning LLC, Jose Sacramento Renteria, W3160 Westowne Ct., Appleton 54915. Serapios Mexican Restaurant LLC, Ma Socorro Zendejas Munoz, 3510 N. Juanita Lane, Appleton 54911. Moonlight Electric LLC, Jonathan Fischer, N1924 Christy Lane, Greenville 54942. Wright Inspections LLC, Peter Wright, N1381 Greenwood Road, Greenville 54942. Tri City Home Improvements Inc., Christopher Smith, W9014 Madeline Lane, Hortonville 54944. On-Trac Consulting LLC, Leroy Lauer, W10291 Cloverleaf Road, Hortonville 54944. Star Service Realty Inc., Jon Huss, N2335 W. Frontage Road, Kaukauna 54130. Selectric Services LLC, Sean Kindness, 427 Pheasant Run, Kaukauna 54130. Bleachers Bar & Grill Inc., Jeremiah Voigt, 106 W. 7th St., Kaukauna 54130. Katie B. Fitness LLC, Katie Baneck, N2065 Vandenbroek Road, Kaukauna 54130.


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Who’s News Swinkles Materials LLC, James Swinkles, N4289 Vine Road, Kaukauna 54130. Kerry Away Salon LLC, Robert Denson, 148 Lamplighter Dr., Apt. 9, Kaukauna 54130. TR’s Welding & Fabrication LLC, Theodore VanBoxtel, W2040 Patrick St., Kaukauna 54130. D-Traut Custom Hauling LLC, Brett Trautmann, W3635 Kropp Road, Seymour 54165. Liebergen CDL Testing and DOT Inspections LLC, Jennifer Liebergen, N8482 Miller Road, Seymour 54165.

Winnebago County

Independence for Living LLC, Cynthia Freson, 8443A Steeple Hill Dr., Larsen 54947. 4R’s Welding LLC, Inez Adell Rodriguez, 99 Oak Park Dr., Menasha 54952. Premier Paper Service LLC, Jeremy Slotke, W4585 High Cliff Road, Menasha 54952. Foursome Roofing LLC, Jorge Alfredo Frias Calzada, 975 Paradise Lane, Menasha 54952. Great Big Graphics LLC, Ann Penkala, 883 Blair Ave., Neenah 54956. Nail Passion LLC, Jennifer Moua, 1032 S. Commercial St., Neenah 54956. Suite One Salon LLC, Susan Krueger, 1233 S. Commercial St., Neenah 54956. Valley Immersion Printing LLC, Brent Schmeichel, 1617 S. Commercial St., Neenah 54956.

40 | August 2014 | NNB2B

D & E Property Cleaning LLC, Dawn Kay Golly, 1224 Greenacres Lane, Neenah 54956. Style Trolley LLC, Mariah Elizabeth Kottke, 313 E. Doty Ave., Neenah 54956. Wisconsin Trailers LLC, Michael David Johnson, 1423 Green Valley Road, Neenah 54956. Liv Life Coaching LLC, Liv Arafat, 1429 Windmar Dr., Neenah 54956. Green Valley Energy Inc., Bob Torgerson, 113 Wenban Ave., Neenah 54956. Tmd Fitness Management Inc., Tom Davidson, 333 N. Commercial St., Ste. 400, Neenah 54956. Bon Voyage Boutique Travel LLC, Geoffrey Bryan Hendren, 124 W. Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 9, Neenah 54956. Bluebird Marketing LLC, Anne-Marie Werner, 330 Park Dr., Neenah 54956. Freier’s Truck Caps Super Center LLC, Justin Freier, 1569 Remington Road, Neenah 54956. Click Photography LLC, Christine Louise Kuhlow, 805 Edward St., Neenah 54956. Phynix Estate Sales LLC, Dawn Romenesko, 1920 Bridgeview Dr., Neenah 54956. Brooklyn Lanes LLC, Randy Erdmann, 1366 Inverness Lane, Neenah 54956. Guardian Express Transport LLC, Erik T. Hubbard, 1558 Meadow Flower Ct., Neenah 54956. Ackman Fabrication LLC, Timothy Ackman,

6261 Woodenshoe Road, Neenah 54956. Integrated Construction of Wisconsin LLC, Brian Wilke, 4822 Rivermoor Road, Omro 54963. White House Painting LLC, Michael Lawrence White, 204 Jackson Ave., Omro 54963. Peyer Piano Studio LLC, Erin Michelle Peyer, 427 W. 14th Ave., Oshkosh 54902. Knuckleheads Booze Blues & BBQ LLC, David Lynk, 1226 Oshkosh Ave., Oshkosh 54902. Perfect Lawn Systems LLC, Bruce Neubauer, 2940 Clairville Road, Oshkosh 54904. Daisy Dukes on Main LLC, April Chase, 108 E. Gruenwald, Oshkosh 54901. Berholtz Home Improvement LLC, Scott Berholtz, 40 Sennholz Ct., Oshkosh 54902. A & E Residential Remodeling LLC, Alfonso Fonseca, 1827 Jefferson St., Oshkosh 54901. Glacial Ridge Stone LLC, Rachel Anne Cleven, 169 Wyldewood Dr., Oshkosh 54904. Achievable Senior Care Solutions Inc., Jolene Hasse, 2498 Hickory Lane, Oshkosh 54901. Artic Heating and Cooling LLC, Cindy Blank, 6775 Lee Harbor Lane, Oshkosh 54901. Hotdog Charlie’s LLC, Charles Nichols, 9 Church Ave., Oshkosh 54901. Miller Pavement Maintenance LLC, Bruce Miller, 587 Mt. Vernon St., Oshkosh 54901. Holy Rollers Salon LLC, Kristin Crum, 7561 County Road M, Winneconne 54986.

Building permits

B2B includes a monthly list of building permits (not to include residential projects) in excess of $400,000. Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, 2740 W. Mason St., Green Bay. $2,360,000 for an interior alteration of the Student Center at the existing education institution. General contractor is Miron Construction Co. of Neenah. June. Saranac / Fabry Glove & Mitten Co., 975 Lombardi Ave., Green Bay. $706,000 for an interior alteration to the existing industrial facility. General contractor is Iconica of Madison. June. West High School/Appleton Area School District, 610 N. Badger Ave., Appleton. $1,911,000 for an interior remodel of the school and a renovation of its plaza. General contractors are Boldt Construction Co. of Appleton and Hoffman LLC of Appleton. June 17. East High School/Appleton Area School District, 2121 E. Emmers Dr., Appleton. $850,000 for a remodel of the third floor classrooms and an addition to the technical education wing of the school. General contractor is Hoffman LLC of Appleton. June 17.

Love’s Travel Stop & Country Store, 191 W. Rolling Meadows Dr., Fond du Lac. $3,403,000 for a travel center with a convenience store, two restaurants and truck tire service center. General contractor is W.H. Bass Inc. of Georgia. July 3.

Mergers/acquisitions Fond du Lac-based American Bank acquired InvestorsBank of Waukesha, a private, family-owned full service bank. American Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of NEB Corp. InvestorsBank will operate under the American Bank name after the acquisition wins regulatory approval later this year. The combined organization will have assets of more than $450 million.

New locations Catalpa Health, launched jointly by Affinity Health System, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin and ThedaCare to provide mental health services to children and adolescents, opened a location at 1821 Witzel Ave. in Oshkosh. Agnesian HealthCare opened a new location at N6663 Rolling Meadows Dr. in Fond du Lac. It is staffed by Dr. Karen Miljour, and Katlyn Hansen, a nurse practitioner. The clinic can be reached at 920.907.3970.

First National Bank – Fox Valley, 835 W. Northland Ave., Appleton. $890,000 for a 4,200-sq. ft. financial institution branch office. General contractor is Keller Inc. of Kaukauna. June 20.

Cartridge World of Appleton moved to 2011 N. Richmond St. in Appleton. The store can be reached at 920.954.7252.

Steinhafel’s Furniture, 4750 W. Grande Market Dr., town of Grand Chute. $2,290,000 for a renovation of the 132,000-sq. ft. retail building. General contractor is Iconica of Madison. June 24.

Business Honors

Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District, 2231 N. Quincy St., Green Bay. $5,000,000 for various infrastructure improvements within the wastewater management facility. General contractor is Miron Construction Co. of Neenah. June. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran School, 410 Oak St., Neenah. $650,000 for a 4,500-sq. ft. addition to accommodate a new school entrance, offices and an elevator. General contractor is Blue Sky Contractors of Appleton. June 25. Paper Converting Machine Corp., 2300 S. Ashland Ave., Ashwaubenon. $1,480,000 for interior alterations to remodel the offices of the existing manufacturing facility. General contractor is Huotari Construction Inc. of Medford. June 25.

The Wellness Council of America presented Well Workplace Awards to the following northeast Wisconsin employers: Gold Level - University of WisconsinOshkosh, Foremost Farms USA in Appleton and Society Insurance in Fond du Lac; Silver Level - City of Oshkosh, Lutheran Homes of Oshkosh and Oshkosh-based CitizensFirst Credit Union; Small Business - Gabriel’s Villa Inc. of Oshkosh and Oshkosh Community YMCA. Fox Valley Technical College’s Agriculture department received the Outstanding Post-Secondary Agriculture Program award from Wisconsin Association of Agriculture Educators. The department received the distinction for establishing an innovative partnership with Case IH and Service Motor Co., its commitment to new technologies and hands-on learning labs, and for producing outstanding graduate employment rates for students.

I believe in options not obstacles. Enroll today. Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative gives its Members fair access to quality, compreshensive care. Call your agent or contact us today. 855.494.2667 |

NNB2B | August 2014 | 41

Who’s News




Jewelers Mutual Insurance Co. in Neenah and Secura Insurance Co. in Appleton were named to the 2014 list of Ward’s 50 top performing insurance companies. The award recognizes outstanding financial results in the areas of safety, consistency and performance between 2009 and 2013. ThedaCare of Appleton was named to Hospitals & Health Networks magazine’s “100 Most Wired” hospitals and health systems list. It is the 13th year in a row the health system made the list.

First Manitowoc Bancorp Inc., which operates locations in Ashwaubenon, Bellevue, Oshkosh and the Lakeshore, changed its corporate name to Bank First National Corp. The company’s stock ticker trading symbol was changed to BFNC.

New hires R.A. Smith, a surveying and engineering firm in Appleton, hired Alex Bomstad as a transportation engineer. Bank First named Kevin LeMahieu chief financial officer. LeMahieu has more than 19 years of public accounting experience, working primarily with financial institutions. He most recently served as director and senior manager at the accounting firm CliftonLarsonAllen LLP in Sheboygan. The Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce hired Carina Wilz as special events manager. Wilz most recently worked as the alumni and development program coordinator at the University of Wisconsin-Stout and as the sales and event coordinator/operations manager for The Marq in De Pere. Green Bay-based BayCare Clinic added the following physicians: Robert Sonnenburg, David Gossman, Heather Schwartz, Lisa Martin, Thomas Leow, Brandon Scharer, Nels Rose and Sean Kalagher. Drs. Sonnenburg and Gossman practice with BayCare Clinic Ear, Nose & Throat. Drs. Schwartz and Martin practice with the Hearing Center BayCare Clinic. Drs. Leow and Scharer practice through BayCare Clinic Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine. Dr. Rose practices through BayCare Clinic Emergency Physicians. Dr. Kalagher practices through BayCare Clinic Radiology.

42 | August 2014 | NNB2B




Consolidated Construction Co. Inc. of Appleton hired Rob Bergmann as project manager; Kristin Plamann as strategic account manager; Ethan Rau as construction estimator; and James Allred as assistant superintendent. Bergmann has more than 15 years of project management experience. Plamann has more than 20 years of business development and marketing experience. Rau has more than 10 years of experience working as an estimator and five years experience in project management, while Allred has nine years of industry experience. Remley & Sensenbrenner S.C., a Neenah-based law firm, hired attorney Matthew Brehmer and probate assistant Polly Ebben. Brehmer specializes in estate planning and taxes. Ebben has more than 15 years accounting experience.

Name changes




Weidert Group Inc., an Appleton-based marketing firm, hired Tim Holdsworth as project manager and Jamie Cartwright to its professional staff. Seroogy’s Chocolates in De Pere hired sales representative Ray Kopish for its business development staff. He will oversee corporate gifting, promotions and fundraising sales. McMahon, a Neenah-based engineering services firm, hired the following new employees: Joe Hoechst as a stormwater project engineer; Bryce Welch as an engineering technician; Spencer Kocken as a structural engineer; Michael Borski as a project architect; and Burton Greuel, Mike Martin and Steve Knuth as architectural designers/ draftspersons. Candeo Creative of Oshkosh hired Felicia Clark as a communication specialist. Clark previously worked for Forward Marketing in Appleton as the Shop Local community social media manager. Appvion Inc. named Ethan Haas vice president and general manager of its carbonless and specialty papers business. Haas will be based at the company’s Appleton headquarters. Haas has 18 years of management experience in the paper industry and most recently worked for NewPage Corp. Faith Technologies, a Menasha-based electrical and specialty systems contractor, named Julie Piton chief financial officer and Jim Totzke executive vice president of operations. Piton has more than 20 years of financial experience. Totzke held numerous leadership roles with Illinois Tool Works Inc. at various U.S. locations since 1996, most recently serving as the director of global operations for its welding group.







McCarty Law LLP hired attorney Jon Fischer to its Fox Valley practice in Appleton.




The Green Bay office of Wipfli LLP, a CPA and consulting firm, promoted Lisa Cribben and Suzanne Koss to partners of the firm. Cribben has 23 years of industry experience. Koss has 17 years of professional experience.

Catalpa Health in Appleton, a provider of youth mental health services, hired specialist Anne Whitney and therapists Jennifer Bushman, Jennifer Schinkten and Kim Charniak

BriMark Builders LLC in Neenah promoted Jim Riley to project manager. Riley joined the firm in 2013 as an intern. He has 12 years of experience as a foreman with a concrete company working primarily on apartment buildings.

Promotions Dave Gross was promoted to president and CEO of Appleton-based Secura Insurance. Gross has more than 30 years of insurance industry experience. He joined the company in 1997 as vice president of sales and marketing. He was named president and COO and successor to retired CEO John Bykowski last year. The Business Bank, with locations in Appleton and Green Bay, promoted Scott Yukel and Laurie Olson to senior vice president. Yukel joined the bank in 2005 and has more than 25 years of banking experience. Olson joined the bank in 2008 and has more than 20 years of experience. Nsight in Green Bay named Bob Webb vice president of fixed operations and technical projects. Webb previously served as director of Internet engineering and technical projects for Nsight. Webb has more than 20 years of telecommunications industry experience. Hinshaw & Culbertson promoted Appleton-based attorney Angela Rust to partner. Her practice focuses on health care providers with regard to regulatory compliance, transactions and affiliations among providers, bioethics, and reimbursement contracts between health care providers and commercial insurers, self-insured employers, and other purchasers of health care services.


Individual awards Holly Brenner, vice president of strategic development and business development with Fond du Lac-based Agnesian HealthCare, was ranked among the top hospital marketers during the recent first hospital marketing national conference, “Best Practices in Marketing Your Health Provider to Prospective Patients.� Brenner has been with Agnesian HealthCare since 2011. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay recognized the following professors with distinguished appointments: Meir Russ was named to the Philip J. and Elizabeth Hendrickson Professorship for Business for a five-year term. Russ is a professor in management for the Austin E. Cofrin School of Business at UW-Green Bay. Cristina Ortiz was named to the Patricia Wood Baer Professorship in Education for a five-year term. Ortiz chairs the modern languages program and coordinates the UWGB Spanish program. John F. Katers was named to the Frederick E. Baer Professorship in Business for a five-year term. Katers is a member of the graduate faculty in environmental science and policy.



Faith Technologies, an electrical and specialty systems contractor in Menasha, promoted Geri Waack from purchasing manager to director of purchasing. Waack has been with Faith Technologies since 2001. Brenner







NNB2B | August 2014 | 43

Business Calendar

Business calendar

August 14 Women in Management – Oshkosh chapter, monthly meeting, 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. at La Sure’s Banquet Hall, 3125 S. Washburn St. in Oshkosh. To register, contact Lisa at or visit for more information.

New North B2B encourages businesses and organizations looking to attract interested persons to upcoming events to email For more events, log on to

August 19 Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce Business Connection, 5 to 7 p.m. at Mercury Marine in Fond du Lac. Cost is $5. For more information or to register, go online to or call 920.921.9500.

August 5 Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Power Networking Breakfast, 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the chamber offices, 300 N. Broadway in Green Bay. Free for chamber members and $16 for nonmembers. For more information or to register, call 920.437.8704.

August 20 Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce Business Connection, 5 to 7 p.m. at Waverly Beach, N8770 Firelane 1 in Menasha. Cost is $5 for chamber members in advance or $7 at the door. To register or for more information, visit or call 920.734.7101.

August 6 Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce Coffee Connection, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. at AAA Insurance, 504A N. Rolling Meadows Dr. in Fond du Lac. Cost is $5. For more information or to register, go online to or call 920.921.9500.

August 21 A.M. Oshkosh, networking event of the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, 7:45 to 9 a.m. at Dockside Tavern, 425 Nebraska St. in Oshkosh. Cost is $2. For more information, call 920.303.2266 or visit

August 12 Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce Sales Club, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., at the chamber building, 120 Jackson St. in Oshkosh. Free for chamber members. For more information or to register, call 920.303.2266 or visit

September 3 Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce Coffee Connection, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. at Fox Valley Savings Bank, 51 E. 1st St. in Fond du Lac. Cost is $5. For more information or to register, call 920.921.9500 or go online to

August 14 Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce Social Hub, social media learning session, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., at the chamber building, 120 Jackson St. in Oshkosh. Free for chamber members and $5 for nonmembers. For more information or to register, call 920.303.2266 or visit

September 9 Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce Business Connection, 5 to 7 p.m. at Appleton Yacht Club, 1200 S. Lutz Dr. in Appleton. Cost is $5 for chamber members in advance or $7 at the door. For more information or to register, call 920.734.7101 or go online to


August 21 - Waterfest Back2Back HAIRBALL! A Bombastic Salute to 80’s Arena Rock Shaker and the Egg • Salsa Manzana

GENERAL ADMISSION: $12 before 7pm • $15 after 7pm • 2 for 1 Admission before 6pm!

August 22 - Waterfest Finalé America

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Sly Joe and the Smooth Operators The Presidents

Gates open 5 pm • General Admission: $10 before 6pm • $15 before 7pm • $20 after 7pm Reserved Special Patio Access available in advance $30

Visit for all concert information. ❘ 920.303.2265 ext. 22

September 9 Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce Sales Club, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. at the chamber building, 120 Jackson St. in Oshkosh. Free for chamber members. For more information or to register, call 920.303.2266 or visit September 11 Women in Management – Oshkosh chapter, monthly meeting, 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. at La Sure’s Banquet Hall, 3125 S. Washburn St. in Oshkosh. To register, contact Lisa at or visit for more information. September 11 Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce Social Hub, social media learning session, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. at the chamber building, 120 Jackson St. in Oshkosh. Free for chamber members and $5 for nonmembers. For more information or to register, call 920.303.2266 or visit

“Training from Fox Valley Tech is vital in helping us build a strong organization.” Paul Cleveland

Manager, Distributor Training Miller Electric Mfg. Co.

September 16 Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce Business Connection, 5 to 7 p.m. at Wisconsin Lake and Pond Resource, N7828 Town Hall Road in Eldorado. For more information or to register, call 920.921.9500 or go online to September 17 A.M. Oshkosh, networking event of the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, 7:45 to 9 a.m. at Fox Valley Technical College, 150 N. Campbell Road in Oshkosh. Cost is $2. For more information, call 920.303.2266 or visit September 18 Heart of the Valley Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours, 5 to 7 p.m. at Abel Insurance, One Bank Ave., Ste. A in Kaukauna. Free for members and $20 for nonmembers. To register visit or call 920.766.1616. n

Advertiser Index Bank First National ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Bayland Buildings ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Bellin Orthopedic Surgery ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Borsche Roofing Professionals ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Builders Exchange of Wisconsin ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Capital Credit Union ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 CitizensFirst Credit Union ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 City Center Oshkosh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Competitive Strategies ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Davis & Kuelthau, s.c. ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Epiphany Law ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 First Business Bank ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 First National Bank ~ Fox Valley ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Fox Communities Credit Union ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Fox Valley Savings Bank ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Fox Valley Technical College ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Services for Business & Industry

Customized. Innovative. Solutions. Contact our industry experts today! • Appleton 920-996-2949 Oshkosh 1-888-458-0449

Guident Business Solutions ⎮ . . . . Keller Inc. ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lutheran Homes of Oshkosh ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . Modern Business Machines ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

19 39 25 30

Moraine Park Technical College ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Network Health ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 NEW Building & Construction Trades Council ⎮ . . . . . . . 13 NWTC Corporate Training & Economic Development ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Outagamie County Regional Airport ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . 36 R&R Steel Construction Company Inc. ⎮ . 44 Sadoff & Rudoy Industries ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Security Luebke Roofing ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . 26 Spark ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 TEC ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Thomas James Real Estate ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 UW Oshkosh MBA program ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Valley Home Builders Association ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Waterfest ⎮ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Winnebago County Solid Waste Management ⎮ . . . 20 NNB2B | August 2014 | 45

Key Statistics

If there are indicators you’d like to see in this space, contact our office at 920.237.0254 or email

local gasoline prices july 20.......................... $3.59 july 13.......................... $3.63 july 6............................ $3.67 june 29......................... $3.69 july 20, 2013................$3.44

existing home sales


homes sold median price brown cty .....................340 .................... $151,500 Fond du Lac cty ............97 ....................$130,000 outagamie cty .............230 .................... $141,000 winnebago cty ............212 ....................$133,500 WI Dept. Revenue Collections may

$1.03 billion 2.5% from May 2013

u.s. retail sales june

$439.9 billion 0.2% from May 4.3% from June 2013

u.s. industrial production (2007 = 100) june


0.5% from May 4.3% from June 2013

air passenger TRAFFIC (Local enplanements) JUNE 2014 JUNE 2013 Outagamie Cty. ATW....................20,737 ...... 21,246 Austin Straubel GRB.....................28,183 ....... 27,708

local unemployment may april may ‘13 Appleton . ..... 6.3% ...... 6.7% ....... 8.0% Fond du Lac .. 6.0% ...... 6.3% ........7.3% Green Bay........7.0% .......7.6% ....... 8.6% Neenah ............7.1% .......7.2%........ 8.2% Oshkosh ........ 5.8% ...... 6.0% ........7.0% Wisconsin ..... 5.7% ...... 5.8% ....... 6.8%

natural gas prices Prices for small businesses using less than 20,000 therms. Listed price is per therm.

july.............................. $0.92 june............................. $0.86 july 2013..................... $0.70 Source: Integrys Energy

ism index Numbers above 50 mean expansion. Numbers below 50 mean contraction. june. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.3 may. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.4

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46 | August 2014 | NNB2B


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1805 Huckleberry Avenue, Omro

200 Tower Rd, Winneconne

Single Tenant NNN Investment Property

Purchase 22,200 SF Building Or Lease (22,200 SF) (13,200 SF) (9,000 SF)

3483 Jackson St., Oshkosh

31,000 SF Investment Property Flex Space 2 Bldgs 5 Separate Sections

2308 Jackson St., Oshkosh For Lease 3,900 SF Retail/Office Building At Signalized Corner

110 Washington St /200 Ingersoll Rd, Winneconne 90,000 SF Investment Property

2308-2316-2324 Jackson St, Oshkosh 1.76 Acres Of Frontage - Commercial Signalized Corner

ONLY $599,900

Stillman Dr, Oshkosh

Omro Rd., Town of Algoma

2850 Universal St, Oshkosh

For Sale 6.3 Acres - Industrial 1-2 Minutes From 45 & 41

Possible Liquor License Available 2.3 Acres Well Dimensioned Frontage

For Sale/Lease 6,370 SF Office Building W/Basement & Heated Garage w/Bathroom

Hwy 44 & Hwy 91, Oshkosh 2.5 Acres Of Frontage - Commercial Signalized Corner

2601 S Washburn St, Oshkosh

South Washburn St, Oshkosh

4.9 Acres Of Frontage - Commercial 1 Minute Off Of Hwy 41 & 44

25 Acres Of Frontage - Commercial Hwy 41 Visibility

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