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Newsletter ‘PERIOD’ Issue III ...........Attn: Just in from the NEW Pride Agenda.......... Safe Haven For Trans Youth & Families S2475B-Passed W W W . N E W P R I D E A G E N D A . O R G SEPT/OCT 2023 MARCH WITH NEW PRIDE AGENDA HONORING O’SHAE SIBLEY TABLE OF CONTENTS VOGUE BUFFALO NPA END OFF SUMMER BBQ KIKI BALL Expansion of the Lorena Borjas Transgender and Non-Binary Wellness and Equity Fund WORDS FROM ELISA CRESPO LEGISLATIVE W I N S 2023 ORGANIZING TOOLKIT ORGANIZING October 21 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT 2023 National Trans Visibility March Rally and March Stonewall Inn 53 Christopher Street, New York, NY, United States The highlight of the NTVM Week is the 2023 Rally and March on Saturday, October 21st from 12pm-2pm. The Rally/March will kick off at the historic site of Stonewall with featured speakers and then head down Christopher Street to Heritage Pride’s headquarters with more speakers and pop-up areas

Institutions & centers such has In Our Own Voices and the New Pride if I may say so myself are instrumental. Because if we as a community and as a movement, are going to move beyond a post marriage equality movement.. One that does not center assimilation and acceptance. One that centers the social and economic rights of the most vulnerable people in our community.

It is institutions like In Our Own Voices, the NEW Pride Agenda, Black and Brown led organizations that have unparalleled lived experience It is going to be us that takes us another 54 years in this movement. We are our ancestors wildest dreams -E.Crespo


Greetings NEW Pride Family,

As I reflect on this past Summer, I'm feeling an immense sense of gratitude and hope for our community. Despite all of the challenges we are facing, we still find the courage to be visible, to take up space, and to make our voices heard. Each time that I am fortunate enough to be in community with you all, I am reminded of just how resilient we are. Rooted in our culture of chosen families, we make sure to keep each other safe and tap into our creativity and resourcefulness to ensure that none of us are left behind I'm always left in awe at the community that I get to be a part of

Some highlights for me this Summer were, of course, our 3rd Annual BBQ at Marsha P Johnson State Park This year, we organized a Kiki Ball as a part of our annual BBQ Watching so many of our young leaders participate in the ball and experience joy while the sun set over one of the world's most recognizable skylines - was truly a fulfilling experience for me Another highlight for me this Summer was traveling the State for all of the Pride festivities From Harlem, to Albany, to Buffalo - Team NPA were on the ground celebrating with you We had a time at the 17th Annual BIPOC Pride in Albany organized by In Our Own Voices Watching Angie Stone perform was definitely a bonding moment for the team We also paid a visit to our siblings in Buffalo for Upstate Black and Latino Pride!

Finally, we celebrated another policy victory this Pride season I was thrilled to watch the Safe Haven for Trans Youth and Families Act be signed into law by our Governor, right before kicking off the Annual NYC Pride March Together, with team members, organizational partners and stakeholders, we made history again by ensuring New York state will be a sanctuary for life saving Gender Affirming Care I am so proud of the many individuals, community members, and partners who traveled up to the Capitol with us to demand this law be passed There's nothing we can't do when we join forces and unite I'm so proud of us and the message we sent around the country - New York welcomes you with open arms

As we near the end of Summer, our work isn't over. We are gearing up for next year's legislative session where we intend to take on some big issues from protecting Transgender people in custody to advocating for Comprehensive Sexuality Education in our schools. Last but certainly not least, I am excited to share that we have officially moved into our new Empowerment Center, located at 210 W 29th Street, Floor 4, in New York City Team NPA now has our own private space for just you to feel safe and affirmed in Over the next few months, we will share more exciting news about brand new in-person programming and drop-in hours, so stay tuned

The ‘2023’ Ken
JULY Elisa
Award by IOOV



To mainstream

I scream

In wearied protest

Against all rest

A life of variance

Nefarious Criminal by minority

Wicked inferiority

My rebelliousness

My crown

Kicked all over The ground

I pick it up with pride

In refusal to hide

They murder me in the tweets

And crush my body In the streets

Everyone's immune

They've already heard this tune

I am nobody to the masses

The lowest of classes

I'm trying not to hate

As I wait

For history to find me

On a safer shore

Memory of: O’Shae Sibley 29 July 2023


O’Shae stood up for what he believed in O’Shae stood up because he was a protector,” recalls Otis Peña, O’Shea Sibley’s close friend, during memorial service at The Center. Moments after, hundreds of people tethered to orange balloons and candles, followed a procession led by O’Shea’s family and friends down to the Piers. This is an image I’ve titled “Voguing is not a crime” and it features Da’Vone Washington, one of O’Shae’s friends, voguing in front of other dancers, family, friends, and supporters.



28 year old O’Shae Sibley was taken from this world for expressing his true liberation of self through the art of dance. On July 29th 2023, O’shea & a group of friends were targeted with anti black & homophobic slurs from another group at a Brooklyn gas station. O’shae was stabbed in his chest during an altercation that should have never happened to begin with. The radiant light of O’Shae Sibley’s life was taken senselessly, fueled by hate of authentic self love, freedom of self, and the visibility of self empowerment.


“We must fight for every ounce of air we fill our lungs with!”
-Brittan Hardgers

L I B E R A T I O N w h e r e h a v e y o u f o u n d

1 the act of setting someone free from imprisonment, slav or oppression; release

2 freedom from limits on thought or behavior

Dear liberated reader,

Liberating Our Existence

This Summer was a huge transition period for me I matured a great deal and had a w end of the Spring 2023, I found my older brother, Senica, dead in his apartment from a he had been dead for 2 days My family was left completely devastated At the tim engaging in risky behaviors and spending time around toxic influences but we did not this coming, his death happened all of a sudden and we didn’t know much about h that he was dating a girl that he was constantly in conflict with. My family was left wit and wondering thoughts, but the bottom line was that he was physically gone and drugs he took came from

In the weeks that followed, I discovered that my brother was spiraling out of control for about a year and had been leading an unhealthy lifestyle in many ways He was dealing with getting laid off from work, a horrible drug addiction, depression, financial issues, malnutrition/ rapidly losing weight, severe asthmatic episodes, an eviction from housing court, etc He was lying to us about all of it At first, I was oblivious to some of the red flags of these issues because he was always such a sensible, intelligent, independent and private person He was an amazing, loving father to his son and had always been a responsible adult; so I just assumed if he was in funk, he’d eventually figure it out and be OK– But just as I started to realize that what he was going through was more than just “a funk” and just as my family began to discuss the possibility of having an “intervention” for him, he died Just like that!

I would like to note, there is a huge difference between drug use and drug abuse; some substances can be done recreationally, others can be medicinally, or maybe even in experimenting But it can all be dangerous, especially with fentanyl becoming so popular with street drugs and overdose deaths in recent years I also want to note that the power of drug addiction doesn't discriminate against anyone: it doesn't matter what your age, race, gender, ethnicity, financial income, sexuality, or education level is. Drug addiction doesn’t only affect the person using the substance but it (in retrospect) also affects all the people that care about that person as well It’s not true that “only bad people get addicted to drugs” – it’s possible for anyone to obtain a drug addiction– good, respectable, admirable people included Most of the time the individual that is acquiring the addiction isn’t fully aware of the severity of them becoming addicted, especially if no one in their family or in their support system is aware of what that individual is doing Some consider drug addiction to be a disease or illness that needs to be treated; Others look at it as a habitual choice that can be reversed and stopped if one really wants to stop I don’t know what I think about that, but what I do know is that there is professional help out there in NYS for people suffering from bad drug addictions (ie: harm reduction services, 12 stepprograms, support groups, rehabilitation centers, Wellness programs, etc)

Immediately after his passing, I had been assigned to take the lead on cleaning out Senica’s cluttered, junky apartment before the month of June was over and we had to return keys to the landlord I was the one that had to make sure it got done in a timely manner if there was anything of his I wanted to keep or else it was all going to the garbage. I didn’t ask for help because I thought clearing out his apartment alone was my only chance to investigate what was going on in his life I was also embarrassed to ask for help because of Senica's living conditions There was mess and clutter everywhere Challenged with the tasks of having to clear out heavy sets of furniture, junk in boxes, loads of garbage and a bunch of other things– I thought to myself about how shitty I’d been feeling physically and I thought about the process of grief and how that contributed to how I was feeling physically I felt tired, weak, achy, emotional, heavy and unmotivated all the time but yet I knew this had to be done

where have you found L I B E R A T I O N

Even though I was dealing with a lot of pain inside, the world was not going to stop moving and I was not going to be excused from the course of my actions– No matter what happens in life, the world will keep on spinning and if you’re not careful with time, it’ll leave you behind I still had to continue living, working, sleeping, eatting, walking my dogs, etc. Turning my pain into purpose wasn’t going to be easy but at the time I figured that the best way of utilizing my built up anger was to somehow channel that energy into physical strength and clear through everything in that hoarder's apartment

As the weeks went on and I cleared out his apt, I very quickly realized how out of shape I was I would do something as simple as washing the bathtub, then I would be easily exhausted In my daily life, I lacked the motivation to exercise regularly and didn’t even consider stretching my body before beginning any of the physical activities in his apartment Day after day I was physically pushing myself to the limit in order to get as much activity done as I could but I was going about it all wrong I wasn’t taking care of myself, I was not sleeping well or eating well and it was affecting every aspect of my life

I was jeopardizing my well-being, not just my body but my mental and emotional health too As my mind kept filling up with compulsive, obsessive thoughts of grief, loss and regret, I desperately had to redirect my thinking. I didn’t want any of my poor coping mechanisms to become self-sabotage. So as I began to honestly reflect on my own behaviors around health, habits and my lifestyle choices I began repeating to myself: “Turn your pain into purpose so that some kind of goodness comes from all this sorrow”

Just because I looked like I was in shape, didn’t mean I was in good health or practicing the healthiest habits I had a rude awakening in June when I unconsciously passed out in his apartment in the early daytime and woke up at midnight when it was dark. I cried myself back to sleep after that and just felt like I was killing myself I felt guilty and at fault and I was somehow punishing myself I didn’t know what else to do I was so hurt from losing him and felt like there was something I could’ve done to prevent this

I don’t know if there was but what I did know was that there was something I could do from that moment forward and that was to take better care of myself. Live for Senica and do all that I can do in life because he no longer can I had to live on if not for myself for him, I still had a chance at living As kids, we would talk about traveling the world as explorers, and I now needed to fulfill that dream for the both of us But first, I needed to improve all aspects when it came to practicing appropriate fitness, health & wellness, and self-discipline As it turns out, this entire process of clearing out Senica’s apt in the after-math of his death, was also a huge reality check for me to assess where my own life was leading and how I was contributing to my own quality of health Working out wasn’t only to get stronger or maintain my weight, it was also to keep my sanity and to digest my emotions better and regulate my process of digestion in general because if I didn’t then I would have stayed constipated with all that heavy baggage from life’s hardships And that’s no way to live, people ought to learn how to shit all that stuff out I am already HIV positive and have been for more than 15 years I especially needed to make sure I was properly taking my medication, keeping up with my appointments, and supportively checking in with my other siblings and family members, especially my parents who have their own sets of health issues at their age We have to take care of ourselves before we can take care of anyone else… Or we can put ourselves first while also being caring in general with everything/everyone we care about

The fact that my brother was no longer alive or being able to do better for himself was a reality check for me to learn better habitual ways of being The thought of my nephew being robbed of his father/ best-friend and my father having to bury his son was fuel for me to start practicing many healthier habits daily. I started with my nutrition and making better choices while shopping at the supermarket: learning what foods increased my energy and what foods were high in proteins or high in fiber I traded in the cakes and cookies for more fruits and vegetables I drank a lot more water to stay hydrated over the Summer too I started journaling so that the negative thoughts and feelings of sadness would exit my mind and live on the paper instead of running on my train of thought It required one conscious, purposeful choice after another, I considered who I wanted to be and how I wanted to feel I was reminded that I can control my reactions to life or allow my how i reacted to life to control me. I had to keep in mind that I needed to trust the process and not overwhelm myself to the point of depression or self destruction If I was going to exist in this world I needed to liberate myself from what was holding me back, keeping me small, and getting in my way of successfully growing and excelling in life It was all up to me at the end of the day I had to Believe it was possible and it is

where have you found L I B E R A T I O N

I am grateful for my job as the Community Health & Outreach Coordinator at The New Pride Agenda because it has kept me productively busy this entire year and that’s been good for me I was even able to create an event in June to bring awareness to Substance Use in our Communities and get folks trained in how to use Narcan ( also known as Naloxone, which is a medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose) so that they can possibly save a life one day Personally, I have pushed away from certain people, places and things because I knew that part of my liberation was to free myself from the toxicities in my life. It hasn’t been easy and I’m still working on myself but I can say that over the summer I’ve transformed I have a gym membership now at planet fitness and I go after work with my coworker Jocelyn My exploration around nutrition and dieting has been fun, I’m trying vegan foods and cooking for myself more regularly instead of eating fast foods I’m looking into therapy options and continuing my journaling because it’s working for me to improve my mental health Senica’s son, Xavier and I video call each other a lot more often now We’re growing a closer bond nowadays This summer, Xavier’s baby mother V gave birth to their 3rd child. They live in North Carolina but I’ve been trying to convince them to return to NY I have to choose to improve everyday and do something each day to contribute to that commitment I made to myself It’s hard losing those that we love and care for but we must keep in mind that there is always a reason to keep on going and strive to live our best lives; be the best version of ourselves I don’t have all the answers but I know that my body has been feeling so much better and I must learn to listen to my body when it tells me certain things What we know is more important than what we feel and We can not primarily lead with our emotions because we will lose overtime. Knowledge is power and I’m learning about myself every day. I still have demons I am facing but I know I am facing them and not denying them I believe in the future I will thank myself for not letting myself go I pray that Senica is guiding me and protecting my path in life but I must empower myself and my people to guide and protect themselves Sometimes from themselves when self sabotage is creeping nearby I aspire to get physically fit and be sporting my little speedo next summer so I’ve got more work to do I aspire to make these new changes my new habitual ways of being but it requires practice and being consistent. I’m a work in progress but this summer I was liberated from falling into a dark place and was fortunate enough to know that it was worth it to do so I have a new bedtime now and it’s almost that time right now, so until next time reader Practice turning your pains into purpose and prioritize taking care of yourself and each other

1 SAMHSA National Helpline Confidential free help, from public health agencies, to find substance use treatment and information 1-800-662-4357 2 OASAS NY https://oasasnygov/harm-reduction-delivered DIRECT TO YOU Free naloxone and drug testing strips are available to detect harmful additives, prevent overdose deaths and save lives cont

w h e r e h a v e y o u f o u n d


The first time I met Miss Major, "Mama Major", was at the M4BL Convening in Cleveland, OH held in July 2015 It was the leadership of Black trans women who exposed me to the radical politics of possibility.

Miss Major was present at the Stonewall Riots in 1969, influenced by the Attica Riots, fought for the justice of murdered trans women and through the AIDS epidemic She's purchased a home turned retreat space, became a parent, and earlier this year she published a book. At the start of the summer she was brought here to NYC to speak with the community and affirmed that it is our duty to fight back. Here I was meeting this living legend - again - but instead of being greeted from the stage, I was met with a hugging embrace

Love is the most liberating experience It's the type of possibility that Black trans people need.


For me, growing up questioning your sexuality in a dense minority populated neighborhood such as East Harlem in the 90’s & early 2000’s; one did their best at staying under the radar You tend to develop a sense of street smarts to dress the part and not out yourself in a time where being LGBTQ+ wasn’t as openly accepted Over the years things had progressed to a point where we were more openly accepted in society and in media I felt more comfortable being myself, so much so, in my early 20’s I had a point where I experimented with dressing in drag while working at a popular nightclub

Flash forward, the current climate surrounding the LGBTQ+ community has shifted again to where we often have to question our safety solely based on someone else's biases It’s safe to say that it taps into fears and emotions that I have not visited since growing up Adhering to societal gender norms, back to dressing in a masculine presenting manner just became a habit, a self defense mechanism that I was able to fall back into

So when planning to go to Ezoo this year, a popular NYC music festival, I knew I had to get an outfit together. I went shopping. But oddly enough I found myself in the women's dept finding all the pieces I needed to pull my look together. OK, so the day of it’s time to get dressed and the entire time I wondered if I had made a mistake in picking an outfit that leaned more to the feminine side Was it too cunty? Are people going to stare? But most importantly, Will I be SAFE?

I put my outfit on, head high and headed out to my event. Putting all my hesitations and doubts aside, wearing whatever the hell I wanted and not plan based on what was socially accepted. To be in the moment enjoying myself like everyone else was, for me was a liberating feeling Yes, people in my neighborhood looked, but a week later I was approached and told how good I looked and was asked where I was headed

Moral of the story is it’s ok for people to look and stare. Some of the restrictions and fears we put on ourselves are just that, self-imposed. Living life to your standards can be a liberating feeling.


w h e r e h a v e y o u f o u n d


At the beginning of Summer 2023, I was awarded the Avis Pendavis Angel Award at the Latex Ball. It was a liberating experience for me because I was recognized not for my beauty or competing in Ballroom, but for what I have done outside the Ballroom community for the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. Being recognized and rewarded from my community made me feel seen. Seen, for what I have done to give back and not for something as vain as my appearance. This was liberating for me!


For so long I struggled with my purpose in life I think one of the key reasons for this was the battle of being who I created myself to be vs who society and folx around expected me to be This summer was a pure reminder that who I created.... is more than qualified to live, breathe, and exist as freely as possible

When I created Next Generation Men of Transition in 2018, I came up with a slogan: I Chose Me To Survive No one truly knew the underlining to this now lifelong affirmation used daily in my transition from surviving to thriving The thoughts run through my mind as I think back to all the sacrifices I needed/had to make as I embarked on this journey Trusting a being I had only seen in my sub conscious mirror and my dreams I had given the world the mere version of who I was expected to be for too long, I could no longer suffocate my ability to thrive Brittan could no longer live in the shadows; my destiny lie within his eyes Comfortability was no longer a cushion I remembered thinking if I don't choose me...then whats next...??

I relocated temporarily to Jacksonville, FL for a short time to find some type of grounding within myself Prior to my move, my ex-wife and I divorced, I know longer woke up to my children getting ready for school, or Sunday family dinners because all of those things had become the roadmap to what I thought was the rest of my life A major change after 10+ years In those moments of truly starting my life over, many days I would journal about every door that has opened thus far I trusted myself more than I had ever; knowing I couldn't let me down "I Chose Me To Survive", I returned home about 6 months later with a bond I created with selfbased on sacrificing what I knew I had in life vs the undying urge to live in the ever

growing "me" that I had ran away long enough to nurture. I was now able to BREATHE on my own Today, I cherish each moment I sacrifiiced whole heartedly, I thought I was leaving my children behind yet the bond we have today reassures me I made the right decisionIn choosing me to survive, I broke the expectations placed on me from the moment I came into this world Learning to thrive daily while sharing with others that you to have the ability to make a decision too Here is your courage

As teenager I started traveling to NYC for pride in 2005, I would always return to Rochester saying everyone needs to experience this form of liberation I had never seen so many people free, proud, and visible in my life 18 years later as I traveled through the state experienceing prides in almost every region. I was thankful to see what was once just a mere thought in my mind; is now a state wide liberation 365 days a year! To be a part of an ever growing change in society ensures me every sacrifice was worth it for the lives that will continually be changed in this generation and many many more to come To live in a time where support, love, and a passion for change aligns with folx across the state as well as the nation, reassures me choosing me was never just about me I may not be here to watch the tree grow branchs but I was here planting the seeds



“It was a rebellion, it was an uprising, it was a civil rights disobedience it sn’t no damn riot” torme DeLarverie

I am

Not at all

What you think

I am At first glance

Nor second or third glance

I am something

Entirely different

Yet I am sure

I am very much

The same as you

These differences

And idiosyncrasies

Make life interesting

Fun, and bearable

These similarities

Make life understandable Enou

To make it also kind

And worth living.

Bhuma she/her/them

Faris Ilyas (they/them) began as Policy Counsel for The New Pride Agenda in October 2023. Faris was born and raised in NYC and is passionate about gender justice, trans liberation, and reducing the impact of the criminal legal system. As Policy Counsel, Faris will conduct research on the most pressing issues facing the TGNCI community, sex workers, and those living with HIV, and they will work to promote local and state-level reforms aimed at uplifting these communities in New York. Faris also hopes to build capacity within the TGNCI community through educational programs and amplifying the work of advocates and movement organizers.

Prior to joining The New Pride Agenda, Faris worked as a legal fellow with the Sex Workers Project of the Urban Justice Center in New York, where they advocated for the decriminalization of sex work and expanding services for sex workers living in NYC. During their time as a law student, Faris worked for the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, where they provided legal assistance to incarcerated TGNCI people, and they worked with the Exploitation Intervention Project of The Legal Aid Society, where they assisted with postconviction advocacy on behalf of sex workers, victims of trafficking, and victims of domestic violence. Faris received their J.D. from NYU School of Law in 2022.


V o g u e ‘ B U F F A L O ’


ART S u b m i t t e d B y : C h a r l o t t e S h e / H e r
“No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us.”-Marsha P Johnson
Harlem, NY Manhattan,NY Queens,NY Queens, NY Albany,NY Manhattan,NY Solidarity ACCEPTANCE LOVE RESILIENCE Visibility
Happy LGBTQIA+Making History
HISTORY MONTH Happy LGBTQIA+Making History Harlem, NY Buffalo,NY Syracuse,NY Bronx, NY Rochester,NY Brooklyn, NY Pride Inclusion LiberationADVOCACY EMPOWERMENT Equity

It's been a pivotal and transformational year of growth for NPA. That includes on our Board of Directors - which has grown and welcomed new members who each add tremendous value to the organization. I often think about how fortunate I am as a young leader, to have such a dynamic and talented group of people that believe in my vision and support my leadership every step of the way. I feel truly honored to do this work and attribute much of my professional development, and the success of NPA, to our incredibly passionate staff and our hard working board members. Thank you for your unwavering support, and most of all, thank you for believing in the potential of NPA. I would be remiss if I did not take an opportunity to say thank you to Doug Wirth, who has served as Co Chair of the Board for nearly 5 years. Under Doug’s leadership NPA has soared in both development and impact. It has been an absolute pleasure to be mentored by Doug. I am equally as excited to share that Doug will be passing on the Co Chair title to Kyle Ishmael, someone I consider a friend and mentor, as well. Kyle brings a wealth of policy and leadership experience to our board that will be crucial to our vision moving forward. I can’t wait to get to work with Kyle on behalf of our community.”




ASpecialThankYoutoKai,Nova,andSyd-NPA'sFirst SummerYouthEmploymentProgram(SYEP)Interns!

OnbehalfoftheentireteamatNPA,Iwanttoexpress myappreciationtoyouall Collectively,youareNPA's firstcohortofSYEPInterns,andwe'llforeverremember youallforthat Eachofyoubroughtyourownunique personalitiesandskillstoourworktoadvanceequityfor LGBTQ+NewYorkers Thankyouforshowingupasyour trueselves Welookforwardtofollowingyour professionaljourneys,andwatchingyoustepintoyour fullpower Theworldisyoursforthetaking Keepupthe goodworkandknowthatourdoorswillalwaysbeopen toyou

WithGratitude, Elisa

Here are a few steps to get you prepared for the upcoming legislative session Register to vote.



Research bills & elected officials sponsoring the bills. *Focusing on bill history

Studying elected champions; understanding who is most contentious Identify your bill priorities

Join groups & coalitions aligned with your chosen priorities. Attend advocacy & educational town halls virtually/in person.


Statewide Monthly Advocacy Virtual Town Houses Coming Soon

Current 2024 Legislative Priorities



A709(Rozic) / S2860(Salazar)

Ensures culturally competent treatment and gender-aligned housing placements of trans people experiencing incarceration


Requires curriculum to be comprehensive and inclusive of SOGI in NYS public schools DECRIM SVSTA-


Amends statutes so that consenting adults who trade sex or patronize adult sex workers will not be criminalized

SpecialThankYou’ s
2. 3. 4. 5.

Knowing how to be solitary is central to the art of loving. When we can be alone, we can be with others without using them as a means of escape


Your paragraph text


Ni aquí, ni allá

Pero vamos a ver

De que podemos hablar

Si tenemos algo en común

Haz me preguntas

Yo te devuelvo el favor

Tengo tiempo para amigxs

Pero toma dos personas

Para lograrlo en verdad

Tírame si quieres intentar

No muerdo Lorenzo they/them/elle


Staff Retrea t

Last weekend, on the last the last day of September, the NPA team took a trip to the Catskill Mountains of Upstate NY. As a team we were able to share moments under the stars, break bread over breakfast and dinner, take a hike on the trail, work as a team to build a fire and so many other amazing experiences. Moments such as these make us a stronger, more confident and driven team, .We celebrated the birthday of our executive director by throwing her a ‘pink barbie’ themed slumber party as we challenged each other in Mario party 2 night in a row. I will always cherish the conversation around chess, the ability to think beyond the moment and strategize every possible upcoming move is exactly what we do in each of our roles at NPA. Building memories, strengthening each other and remembering the sounds of the hidden forest.

STATEWIDE EVENTS OCTOBER 2023 OCT 21 Event details can be found here:




An Intimate Fireside Chat with NPA Executive Director, Elisa Crespo, and the incomparable Qween Jean of Black Trans Liberation.

On October 24th at 6:00pm, the pair will join together at the NPA Empowerment Center at 210 West 29th Street 4th Floor, for an open and honest conversation about the issues impacting the health and wellbeing of Queer and Trans New Yorkers. Attendees will get a special preview presentation of NPA's forthcoming “We Got You Covered” program.

RSVP for this event early, by emailing and writing "RSVP for 10/24 Fireside Chat" in the Subject line.

Trust us, you dont want to miss this conversation.

We will share more information and details about the event in the coming weeks.







The New York Transgender Advocacy Group is a Trans-led organization. Our mission is to advocate for more inclusive gender-based policies that benefit Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming/NonBinary (TGNCNB) individuals through building community leaders, educating practitioners, and influencing policy makers. Our vision is to create an equitable society for TGNCNB people. To achieve this, we work with stakeholders around New York to train and empower the TGNCNB community to become active leaders in shaping the world around them.

"PrEP is for Every Body!" #PrEPAwareWeek2023

Prep Week 2023 is a vibrant and inclusive event dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). This weeklong gathering will bring together healthcare professionals, researchers, advocates, and community members to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and explore the latest advancements in PrEP. Esteemed in the field will deliver thought-provoking talks on various topics, including the effectiveness of PrEP, strategies for improving access and uptake, innovative PrEP medications, and addressing barriers in marginalized communities.

Attendees will also be able to participate in interactive panel discussions about PrEP with a diverse group of community members. These conversations are to support community with practical skills and tools to effectively implement PrEP in their life, while empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their sexual health.

The LGBT Center

208 W 13th St, New York, NY 10011

Free ENTRY 10/26/23

QR Code

5 pm to 6 pm (food & beverage reception) 6 pm to 8 pm (panel)

1st 50 people signed up - $25 gift card

Moderator - Jaszi Alejandro from New Pride Agenda


Brooke-Lynn Rowland, PrEP Ambassador Tomik Dash, Founder & President of The Black & Brown Equity Coalition of Fire Island

We are currently looking for one more panelist if you are interested scan the
Event details can be found here:




Hey New Pride Family,

Can you believe this is the 3rd issue of Period'.?

Our summer was filled with reminders of the liberation and the freedom we continually fight for daily. Thank you for trusting us to uplift and amplify voices throughout the state. Pride season kicked off with victory in the air. Governor Kathy Hochul signed the Safe Haven For Trans Youth & Families Bill, the Lorena BorjasTransgender and Gender Non-Binary (TGNB) wellness and equity fund expanded by 3 million dollars, and the LGBTQ+& HIV Long-term Care Bill of Rights. 2023 marked the 4th consecutive record breaking year for anti- trans legislation. It is time to mobilize. Are you ready? We are quickly approaching the 2024 legislative session, we are calling on you our community-family to helps us secure another win. In 2023 alone, 574 bills have introduced throughout 49 states, 83 have passed another 125 failed and we currently have 366 active. We must continue to fight together It is our duty to make sure TGNCNBI New Yorkers and those relocating to New York- the home of Stonewall and now the Safe Haven for Trans Youth & Families are protected by the work we are all putting in. We are firm believers at NEW Pride that “No equality for some of us without equity for all of”. We will fight until we have equity for ALL.

Brittan N Hardgers

IhaverecentlyacceptedtheNewPrideAgenda DirectorofAdvocacy&CommunityEngagement.Iam thrilledandexcitedtoembarkonthisnew journey.Stay tunedformoreaboutourmonthlyadvocacytownhalls, our2024advocacyagendaandadvocacydayinAlbany.

“Together will we build on the state wide vision of equity for all!

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