Bishop Karen Oliveto By Kent Ingram, Senior Pastor
The Rocky Mountain Conference and the Mountain Sky Area has a new bishop. Her name is Karen Oliveto. Bishop Oliveto is currently the pastor of Glide UMC in San Francisco, the largest church in our jurisdiction. She is the only woman pastor of a church in the top 100 largest churches in the United Methodist Church. She has a PhD and teaches United Methodist Polity, History, and Doctrine at several seminaries. She is a published author, and in demand as a speaker all across the country. She was elected from the nine qualified and strong candidates for bishop from our jurisdiction. Oh, and she’s gay...
If you have followed the news you know that we have elected the first out lesbian bishop in the United Methodist Church. In fact, that may be all you know about her, because that is what the focus had been in all of the media. The response has been strong and predictable from across the church, and I suspect it mirrors the feelings of those in this congregation. Some are thrilled that we have created a church of inclusion and acceptance. Others are angry, feeling betrayed and disappointed in a church that has reversed two thousand years of history and practice on this issue. And, frankly, many of you don’t have very strong opinions one way or another. I was in the middle of this election, and I need to tell you what happened from my perspective. Going in to the conference there was a strong push by some to elect a gay candidate. Two were nominated. I talked to our delegation about the need to elect the best person available, the person that may be our bishop some day! I was not going to support any movement to elect someone because of their sexual identity. Sexual identity is not a qualification for the office. I wanted us to elect the best person.
We interviewed all nine candidates. They were strong and competent, each with their own skills and gifts. When our delegation met with Dr. Oliveto, as soon as she left the room, we looked at each other and knew that she was the strongest of them all.
She was articulate and bright. She was humble and has a servant’s heart. She had that hard to define quality of leadership. You want to follow her. She has vision and clarity. She is deeply spiritual, she loves Jesus and the church. She takes her calling seriously, but doesn’t take herself too seriously. Others saw that as well, and she was elected. Of course, there was great concern about how this might affect the church. There was deep anguish over knowing that many would be hurt and disappointed. But there was also great joy in that some who felt excluded from our church would now feel welcome. We will now see how this all unfolds in the days and weeks to come. You know that I have always been in favor of greater inclusion. But I am the pastor of all in this church. If you are hurt or angry and need to talk, please do not hesitate to call me. I look forward to civil and thoughtful discussions with anyone! Pray for our new Bishop. Pray for the church. Pray above all that God will use us to touch the world with God’s own love. See you in worship, Kent
First United Methodist Church 420 North Nevada Avenue. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-471-8522 •
Considering Membership at First UMC? If you are interested in membership at First United Methodist Church or have questions, please call 719-471-8522 ext. 270 for more information.
Sunday Worship Service Times 7:30 am Early Riser in the Chapel 8:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary 9:30 am Contemporary in the Sanctuary 11:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary Live broadcasts of the 11:00 am service on FOX, channel 21.2 (cable 7) and CW 57. Closed captioning available.
The Encounter is printed and published once a month by First United Methodist Church, 420 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Materials for inclusion are due three weeks before publication date and are subject to approval. Not all submissions are guaranteed to be included. Articles, comments, or suggestions are welcomed by emailing, or calling, 719-471-8522 ext. 272.
Sunday School Classes are at 9:30 & 10:45 am
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LELAND REECE, LAY LEADER Like most people, I have found that I tend to procrastinate on tasks I really don’t like doing, while other things usually not nearly as important, I readily “clear the decks” and make them happen. Sailing is one of those things I love but it’s only with a mild sense of guilt, knowing that the job will still be there when I return, I forget about the yard work and other duties and go. There has always been something about “knowing the ropes,” the nautical language, rules of right-of-way and seamanship that appeals to me. I often tell friends who go with me for the first time that, “You can learn to sail in a single day but it takes the rest of your life to sail well.” It is a journey that takes practice and dedication. I feel the same way about my spiritual life. Prayer, church attendance and Bible study have all been important in my spiritual journey. It’s the practice, dedication and discipline that deepens my knowledge of who God is and how I can best worship and honor him that make a difference in my relationship with him. I hope to see you at church, Leland Reece
CONGRATULATIONS REV. DR. TODD SPENCER! After 7 years of studies and writing his dissertation, Todd Spencer, graduated with his Doctor of Ministry Degree at Fuller Theological Seminary. This photo was taken at Fuller's Doctoral Hooding Ceremony in Pasadena, California this June.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE THE GOLDENWEDS CELEBRATION We are in the process of planning for the Goldenweds celebration, which will be held on Sunday, August 28. Whether you would like to help plan, decorate, serve or cleanup for this event, the choice is yours! Let’s celebrate with the couples that still say… “I do” and honor their love and wisdom for one another! If you are interested in helping plan the 2016 Goldenweds celebration event, please contact Melissa Williams at or at 471-8522, ext. 237.
SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS 2016 It is almost time to head back to school! The Scholarship Committee and the Foundation of the First United Methodist Church are pleased to announce the scholarship recipients for the 2016-2017 academic year. The Committee chose Haley Hoffman to receive the Debra Hadley and the Martin/Agee Student Scholarships. The Stave-Kentner Scholarship was presented to Tia Guillan. Will Hook will receive the Patricia Puryear Scholarship. The Joseph R. Simansky Scholarship is awarded to Alexis Morgan. Ellora Bultema was selected to receive the Bereans’ Scholarship. Ethan Cole, Devin Cole, and Ashlynn Vallin will each receive Joyce and Perry Trytten scholarships. Renee Doran is the first recipient of the Kenneth L. Henshaw Scholarship. Stephanie Jones has received the Miriam Barrett Scholarship for advanced theological studies. Please keep these and all our students in your thoughts and prayers. Since these scholarship funds, along with the Debra L. Hadley Youth Singers and the Kris Lohrmeyer Youth Scholarship, were established the Scholarship Committee has awarded more than $101,000 in scholarships toward continuing education, youth mission trips and youth choir tours. The challenge of determining awards becomes more difficult each year as the applicants continue to become increasingly outstanding. Members of FUMC have a long history of generosity and our Foundation has an excellent record of growing the established funds. Deepest appreciation is extended to all those who have endowed these scholarships and/or contributed to them through the years. If you are considering establishing a scholarship fund or would like to contribute to an established scholarship, please contact Elizabeth Herdes, President of the FUMC Foundation, at 719-531-9341, or at You may also contact the Foundation online at (click the Foundation menu at the bottom of the Home Page and then click on ‘Contact Us’ from the side menu). Thank you again for your generosity!
COMMUNION STEWARDS Are you looking for a place where you can serve God and your church family? We may have just the ministry for you! We are looking for at least two Communion Steward teams. These teams prepare Communion the Saturday before the first Sunday of each month in the Parlor kitchen. Complete training will be provided and you will be able to “shadow” one of our current Communion Steward teams before you are assigned a date. Each team will serve 3 or 4 times a year and the dates will be worked around your schedule. For more information, please call Rev. Jerry Hurst at 471-8522, ext. 209. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 3
FUMC NIGHT AT THE SKY SOX Friday night, August 5 is the annual FUMC Night at the Sky Sox. 107 tickets were sold for a block of seats reserved for FUMC family and friends. Be sure you have picked up your tickets/parking passes from the Music and Arts Ministry Office BEFORE going to the game. Chancel Choir members need to arrive and be seated by 6:30 p.m. The game begins at 7:05 p.m. Non-choir members: be sure to be in your seats prior to 7:05 p.m. so you can hear our wonderful Chancel Choir sing the National Anthem!
FIRST COMPANY ANNOUNCES AUDITIONS FOR “AND THEN THERE WERE NONE” First Company is holding auditions for its next theater production, “And Then There Were None.” If you are planning on auditioning for this show, please attend any one of the audition days, August 16 or August 17 at 7:00 p.m., in the FUMC Theater. Appointments are not needed. Rehearsals for this show will begin Tuesday, September 6. SHOW DATES: October 28, 29 & 30 and November 4, 5 & 6
YOUTH SINGERS WORKSHOP It’s “that time of year” again! Time to gather our wonderful youth choir for the August Workshop! On Saturday, August 20, any youth (Grades 7th-12th) are invited to join us as we sing and share about our recent summer tour. New members to Youth Singers (Grades 7th-12th) should come to the Choir Room at 8:00 a.m. for registration and donuts/juice. Returning choir members should come to the Choir Room at 8:30 a.m. for registration and donuts/juice. Rehearsal will be from 9:00 - 11:45 a.m. We will conclude with pizza lunch from 11:45 to noon. Youth Singers will then be singing in worship the next morning, August 21 at 8:00 a.m. — warm-ups will be at 7:30 a.m.
CHANCEL CHOIR WORKSHOP AT THE RANCH This year, our Chancel Choir Workshop will be held at John Wesley Ranch (near Divide, CO), Saturday, August 27 from 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. New members are welcome and encouraged to join us for this great time of singing! A light breakfast will be served at the Ranch. Please bring a sack
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lunch with drink. We will be singing through most of our fall music as well as our Christmas concert music and we’ll take a “sneak peek” at our spring concert music. If you are a prospective new member and need a ride to the Ranch, call the Music Ministry Office at 471-8522, ext. 221. If you wish to join the choir, but are not able to attend this Workshop, please join us for our “Back to Choir” Pot Luck on September 8 (see article below for details).
“BACK TO CHOIR” POT LUCK The annual “Back to Choir Pot Luck” for the Chancel Choir is Thursday, September 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. New members are invited to come as our guests (don’t bring anything but yourself!). Current/returning choir members need to bring enough food for your family plus 4. We always eat well at these pot luck dinners! Drinks/table service will be provided. Our first full rehearsal for the fall will follow at 7:30 p.m. in the Choir Room. NOW is a great time to join as we will be well into music for the fall/Christmas in the next few weeks. Joining later means you will be behind in learning music!
CHILDREN’S CHOIR PROGRAM GEARING UP FOR THE FALL Our wonderful Children’s Choir program will be starting in September. We offer the following singing choirs: Cherub Choir: 4-5 year olds Chorister Choir: 1st-3rd Grades Cathedral Choir: 4th-6th Grades Cathedral Ringers (hand bells): 4th-6th Grades We may even be able to offer hand chimes for some younger players. Look for more details, times, dates, and locations in the September Encounter.
FIRST COMPANY HONORED BY THE GAZETTE! For the second time, our own First Company has been honored by the Gazette with two Best of the Springs 2016 awards! First Company received the GOLD award for Arsenic and Old Lace and the BRONZE award for A little Princess. If you were in attendance for either (or both) of these performances, you know how well deserved these awards are! Congratulations to Marty Fennewald, Director of Arsenic and Old Lace and Katie Harmon, Director of A Little Princess for leading their cast in these performances. Additionally, both productions had a number of individuals who worked “behind the scenes” to ensure outstanding performances. Be sure to read Encounter and First News for upcoming First Company performances.
Thursday, August 4 Friday, August 5
NOAH Breakfast — The Egg and I (Citadel Crossing, 733 Academy Blvd.)
9:00 a.m.
FUMC Night at the Sky Sox — (See details on page 4)
Saturday, August 6
ManUp! Backyard BBQ — (See details on page 9)
11:00 a.m.
Saturday, August 6
Ladies’ Day at The Ranch — (See details on page 10)
10:00 a.m.
Saturday, August 13
BBQ at the Ranch— (See details on page 9)
11:00 a.m.
Tues or Thurs, August 16 or 17 First Company Auditions — Theatre
7:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 18
Contemplative Journey II Program — (See details on page 10)
Saturday, August 20
Youth Singers Workshop — (See details on page 4)
Mon & Tues, August 22 & 23 NOAH Hits the Road — Rocky Mountain National Park
9:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Saturday, August 27
Chancel Choir Workshop — John Wesley Ranch
8:30 a.m.
Saturday, August 27
Pizza/Candle Making Party for Acolytes
5:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 28
Goldenweds Celebration — Fellowship Hall (Following the 11 o’clock service)
Thursday, September 8
A Journey with Jesus Bible Study — Large Conference Room (3rd Floor)
1:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 8
“Back to Choir” Pot Luck — Fellowship Hall
6:30 p.m.
Sunday, September 11
Miracle Sunday! Building a Future for Homeless Teens
Wednesday, September 14
Faith Academy and Wednesday Night Dinners Resume — (see info below)
Wednesday, September 14
Grief Support Group — (See details on page 10)
Saturday, September 17 Friday, September 30
“Healing and Strengthening the Soul” Conference — (See details on page 11) 10:00 a.m. Chanticleer Concert — Sanctuary
A JOURNEY WITH JESUS The Book of Mark This September, the “In The Word Bible Study” will be focusing upon the life of Christ through the words of Mark. Please join us in this spiritual journey, which will not only offer you insights into Christ’s character but also a desire to draw closer to Him. We will begin our studies on Thursday, September 8 at 1:00 p.m., on the 3rd floor Large Conference Room. We use “The Joy of Living” as a reference guide. This group is made up of those who encourage, praise and rejoice in each member being “In the Word.” Please call Betty Howard at 531-6315 or e-mail if interested. Everyone is welcome to join us!
7:00 p.m.
MILITARY FAMILIES EAT FOR FREE IN SEPTEMBER! It’s time for fellowship! Faith Academy Classes and Wednesday Night Dinner will resume on September 14. Dinner is served from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall and Faith Academy classes follow, starting at 6:30 p.m. Registration for the classes is not needed. Military families can enjoy dinner for free on September 14, 21 and 28. Sunnyside Catering will be preparing the dinners again this season. Start a new tradition with your family this school year. You are invited to come and enjoy a home-cooked meal and fellowship. Look for additional information in September’s Encounter. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 5
(9:30 AM)
“One Way” to Jesus! Have you ever been on a road vacation trip? There are many signs to watch for while driving a car such as, STOP, BUMPY ROAD, EXIT, DO NOT ENTER, ONE WAY. We invite you on a journey “off the map,” while we look for directions in life’s ultimate map and guidebook, the Bible! Please join us for Sunday school. It’s always an exciting time! We offer ageappropriate classes for birth through 6th grade.
CHILDREN’S WORSHIP (11:00 AM) Following the lectionary text that is preached on Sunday’s services, Children’s Worship is a wonderful mixture of traditional, contemporary and just plain fun ways to learn about God’s word. We hope that you will join us!
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WE WANT YOU… TO CARRY THE LIGHT OF CHRIST! If you are entering 3rd through 6th Grade, we would like to invite you to be an Acolyte! There will be a short training, from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. with a Pizza/Candle Making party on August 27. We will bless our volunteer Acolytes the next morning, August 28 at either the 8:00 or the 11:00 a.m. service. Please prayerfully consider bearing Christ’s light! It is a beautiful way for the children to give a little back (an act of stewardship) in service to the church, but more importantly in service to God. For more details, please contact Janita McGregor at, or 884-2466.
PARK CLEAN-UP AND CAPTURE THE FLAG Wednesday, August 3, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Meet at Monument Valley Park off of Fontanero On this night, we’ll give back by picking up trash and cleaning up the park and then we’ll play a couple of rounds of Capture the Flag. Directions from downtown: Go north on Cascade, past Uintah, left on W. Fontanero, go 2.5 blocks, park at parking lot where Fontanero takes a hard left curve, go down steps to field below. Bring: Plenty of water!
SUNSET HIKE AND TRAIL CLEAN UP AT GARDEN OF THE GODS Wednesday, August 10, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (No Meal) BRING: your own bottles of water. Meet at Garden of the Gods in the main parking lot. Directions from 30th Street: Go West on Gateway Rd. into the park. Take Juniper Way Loop to right (it’s one-way). It will curve left. The main parking lot will be just around the curve on your left.
EPIC (EVERYTHING’S POSSIBLE IN CHRIST) Led by John McGee, Todd Spencer and Debi Spencer 9:30 a.m., Room 52
We will be enjoying the beauty of hiking Garden of the Gods at sunset and picking up any trash as we go.
Led by Bruce Phillips, 11:00 a.m., Room 52
Wednesday, August 17, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., The Zone Snack dinner will be provided. After a snack dinner, we’ll create teams and have a blast competing in our annual downtown scavenger hunt!
Dear FUMC Youth and Friends,
I have some important news to share with you. United Methodist clergy persons are supposed to take an extended Renewal Leave every 7 years. After over 30 years of ministry, I have yet to take one for myself. So, it’s time! I am writing this note to let you all know that this August-October of 2016, I will be entirely away from my ministry responsibilities at FUMC. I’ll be doing a lot of fly-fishing, visiting family members and friends out of state, attending worship with other congregations and doing a few other things for my own professional and spiritual growth. While I am away, the Youth Ministry will be in the very capable hands of Rev. Tiffany Keith ( I fully expect that this Renewal Leave will bring deep refreshment and joy, so that when I return, I will be even more ready for the adventure of leadership with you here at FUMC in the days ahead! I kindly ask that you keep me in your prayers as I go. And please, do everything in your power to support Tiffany as she takes the helm of the ministry for a while. I am deeply grateful for this special opportunity to rest and grow!
TEAM BUILDING NIGHT: FORMING OUR SMALL GROUPS, PART 1 Wednesday, August 24, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., The Zone Snack dinner will be provided. After dinner, we’ll create our new small groups and compete in fun challenges as we get to know each other better!
TEAM BUILDING NIGHT: FORMING OUR SMALL GROUPS, PART 2 Wednesday, August 31, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., The Zone Snack dinner will be provided. This night, we’ll continue our small group team-building with fun and lots of laughter!
In Christ’s Grip Always, TODD
First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 7
This year, our annual Goldenweds celebration moves up into the month of August. We hope that many of you that wish to attend will be able to join us on Sunday, August 28 for this treasured annual observance and recognition of members in our congregation who have been married for 50 or more years. We wish to celebrate this accomplishment with you by hosting a luncheon following the 11 o’clock service on this day. For those of you who have special dietary needs we have added, in recent years, gluten-free options to the menu. Please plan to join us and make your reservation to Donna DiMuccio by calling 719-471-8522, ext. 203 or by sending an email to Please, make your reservation by the previous Sunday, August 21 so that we can be sure to include you in our planning. Congratulations to all of you and we look forward to seeing you at your Goldenweds Luncheon! Art & Helena Ackley Paul & Dee Anderson Gar & Shar Anneler Herschell & Sandi Atkinson Chuck & Jan Baggs Todd & Sue Barnhardt Carl & Claudia Barteck Ed & Judy Bates John & Flo Bernabei John & Gail Biga Don & Marilyn Billings Bill & Shirley Boucher HD & Martha Bradley Frank & Betty Broadston Tom & Debra Brokaw Don & Mary Alyce Brooks Nelson & Charlotta Burton Tom & Barbara Canavan Ivan & Norma Carper Ron & Phyliss Chisman Dave & Jan Clark Lee & Judy Corder Hal & Sue Cowles Bill & Marilyn Cox Bill & Lila Craig John & Marilyn Dansby Michael & Nanette Demaree Morris & Audrey Deul Floyd & Jolene Devitt John & Karen Dougherty Clay & Patricia Dump Robert & Evelyn Edgar Lowell & Betty Edwards Earl & Darlene Eivins Joe & Ann Fitzgibbons Ken & Judy Folsom
Jim & Kathy Fortner Charles & Joy Fredrick Bob & Sue Freeburg Martin & Ursula Frick Bill & Carol Gaessler Robert & Marie Gardner Rod & Mary Gibson Chuck & Janice Gilland Gordon & Shirley Girod Jim & Mary Greeley Gordon & Helen Greenley Jim & Nancy Hackett Jerry & Jerry Ann Hall Barry & Bernice Harmer Clarence & LaVonne Harris JD & Pat Hart Don & Joanne Hastings John & Virginia Heilman Jerry & Mary Heimlicher Don & Shirley Hendrix Ralph & Jeralyn Hibbard Jim & Nancy Higham Art & Jane Howells Donald & JoAnn Huddleston Jim & Ann Hurd Duane & Donna Imhoff Jim & Mary Gean Ivy James & Janet Jackson Dick & Shirley Janssen Jim & Denita Karabensh Paul & June Kardel Bob & Jan Kirkpatrick Paul & Robbi Knott Jerry & Margaret Knox Roger & Marit Knutsen Duane & Carol Knutson
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Chuck & Pat Kosley Ralph & June Kruger Gordon & Elaine Kunzman Ed & Charlotte Ladouceur Gene & Jennifer Littlepage Bill & Gretchen Lloyd Jim & Marilyn Luce Jerome & Sharon Malek Francis & Carolyn Mason Harvey & Frances McAnulty Jim & Pat McGee OB & Allene McWilliams Charles & Jane Merritt Dick & Jackie Mills Glenn & Helen Montgomery Richard & Barbara Montgomery Bruce & Norma Morrell Gene & Lynn Nirk Jim & Norma Null Harlan & Alice Ann Ochs Cleon & Norma Ochsner Ed & Mary Osborne Ozzie & Betty Oswald Gary & Suzanne Palanuk Harold & Jo Parlier Dick & Carol Prock Ben & Zell Rector Jerry & Mary Rhoades Jim & Carolyn Richardson Randy & Roberta Rickey Ron & Connie Rider Dave & Eileen Riead Mons & Mary Roll Ray & Barbara Ross David & Val Sarton Hans & Lilly Schmidt
Bill & Frances Scott Bill & Berta Selah Mark & Lynne Siefert Don & Barbara Singmaster Steve & Jan Sinn Tom & Dorothy Slade Bob & Jean Smith Brooke & Karolyn Smith Dale & Marieta Smith Jim & Gerry Smith Lark & Carol Smith Robert & Helen Starks Bob & Arlene Stein William & Marion Stephens Jim & Kathy Steward Dick & Dorothy Stewart Bob & Mona Stratton Harley & Delores Stutzman James & Shirley Sutherland George & Holly Tracy Reo & Martha Trail Ron & Joyce Trimble Henry & Nancy Trujillo Dave & Mary Ulmer Van & Carol Van Melle Jim & Mary Waddle Rod & Sally Warren Larry & Connie Williams Terry & Jeannine Woodward George & Sara Zeigler
NOAH BREAKFAST All adults 50+ are invited to join us for the NOAH breakfast on Thursday, August 4, at 9:00 a.m., at the Egg & I in the Citadel Crossing, 733 Academy Blvd. You don’t need a reservation. Just come for the Christian fellowship and a good breakfast! Don’t forget your money to pay for breakfast!
MANUP! BACKYARD BBQ Are you ready for some fun?! It’s time for a backyard BBQ! Leland Reece is inviting the men’s group for a BBQ gathering in his backyard at 1631 Alamo Ave. on Saturday, August 6. The fun begins at 11:00 a.m. until around 3:00 p.m. We will grill burgers and brats. Please bring your favorite munchie or drink to share. We’ll have yard games and card games galore. There is no charge for the event, but we will have a donation basket out to help with the cost. Stop by the registration table in the Hospitality Center on Sunday, July 31. We need to know how much food to prepare! If you can’t be here on Sunday, call Rev. Jerry Hurst at 471-8522, ext. 209 to get your name on the list.
BBQ AT THE RANCH Join us Saturday, August 13, is the John Wesley Ranch “Back-toSchool BBQ.” It will run from 11:00 am until 4:00 pm. If any of our ManUp! men are available, we could use your help with the grilling and serving. Call Rev. Jerry Hurst at 471-8522, ext. 209 to sign up to help with this church-wide event.
NOAH HITS THE ROAD Our NOAH group is headed to the Rocky Mountain National Park on Monday and Tuesday, August 22 and 23. Our bus will leave FUMC at 8:00 a.m. on that Monday morning. We’ll enjoy the sights as we head over Trail Ridge Road. Our destination is Grand Lake, Colorado where we will spend the night at Gateway Inn. A continental Breakfast will be served Tuesday morning and we’ll head back home via Doc Susie’s home in Fraser. Lunch is planned at Village Inn in Denver. We will return to FUMC around 3:00 p.m. Be sure to bring money for 3 meals and souvenirs. This trip is full. If you are not sure whether or not you are on the list, call Rev. Jerry Hurst at 471-8522, ext. 209.
OUR BUS MINISTRY NEEDS YOUR HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEL Our Bus Ministry provides rides every Sunday morning for individuals who have no transportation to church. We are in need of several new drivers. Your commitment would be to serve a few hours on Sunday, on a rotational basis, about once every 5 weeks. Drivers are scheduled to allow each to attend their usual Sunday school and worship service, as well as other Sunday commitments. A CDL license is not required; just a regular driver’s license. For more information, or to sign up, contact our Bus Ministry Coordinator, Catherine Marshall at, or at 484-9347.
RANCH BATHROOM FUNDRAISER The Ranch renovation project has reached 64% of its $10,000 goal! Thank you for your generous contributions! We have rescheduled the start of construction to September to be able to reach our goal. If you would like to support this project, your donation may be sent to the church c/o "Ranch Bathroom Reno" or given to Chris Thornton directly. For online donations, go to, click the GIVE tab on the top menu, ‘Contributions,’ select ‘The Ranch’ (add "Ranch Reno" to the comment box). Questions regarding this project, may be directed to Chris Thornton at 719-687-2148, or
THANK YOU TODD AND FUMC YOUTH! You did a wonderful job at the Ranch! FUMC members you need to come see the freshly painted interior of the bunkhouse and the new trail the youth began this year! If you would like to see the work the youth did this summer, please contact Chris Thornton at 719-687-2148 or
WEDDING AT THE RANCH! We had a wonderful wedding at the Ranch on July 2! Next time you see them be sure to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Zach Walker!
First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 9
LADIES’ DAY AT THE RANCH The UMW is sponsoring “Ladies’ Day at The Ranch.” Join us and enjoy a day in the mountains, Saturday, August 6, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Ranch Lodge. Buses will be available to the Ranch and back, departing from FUMC. To make reservations to ride the bus, call Charleen Colvin at 637-3503. Meet at the church at 8:45 a.m. for a 9:00 a.m. departure. A motivational speaker, Rev. Schawn Kellogg, will present her message, “The Country Mouse and The City Mouse, and The Story in Our Soul.” We will be led “to connect to our deepest center through memory, story and personal truths.” Rev. Kellogg is an ordained deacon of the United Methodist Church and serves as Co-Chair of the Order of Deacons. Trained as an R.N., she works at the Institute of Life and Care in the Denver area. The event will conclude with a salad luncheon. Please, bring a salad to share. All interested women are invited to attend!
CONTEMPLATIVE JOURNEY II PROGRAM Are you hungering to go deeper in your intimacy with God? Contemplative practices facilitate and strengthen our relationship with God. The Contemplative Journey Program, offered through First United Methodist Church in conjunction with Contemplative Outreach (an ecumenical, international organization whose purpose is to renew the contemplative dimension of life), is an opportunity to explore contemplative prayer and to go deeper in your faith journey. Starting on August 18, Contemplative Outreach will offer the second semester of the Contemplative Journey Program. Persons who have completed semester one, or those who have an established centering prayer practice, are invited to participate. This program will be presented in an 11-week session which includes facilitated discussions, videos produced by Contemplative Outreach, LTD, readings and reflections and personal Soul Friending. Classes will be held at FUMC on Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. - noon, from August 18 through November 17. Cost is $140. Scholarships are available. For more information or to register, contact Rev. Patty Walker at, or 471-8522, ext. 204.
COULD GOD BE CALLING YOU TO BECOME A STEPHEN MINISTER? Stephen Ministers are laypeople who receive Christian caregiving training in their congregation and then provide one-on-one care to hurting people. Stephen Ministers provide care to individuals facing a variety of crises or life challenges such as grief, divorce, cancer, and financial difficulties, chronic illness, job loss, disabilities, loneliness, a spiritual crisis, or other
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life struggles. A new class of Stephen Ministers will be trained (20 sessions) at FUMC starting in January, 2017. For an application or more information come to the Stephen Ministry table in the Hospitality Center on August 28, or contact Rev. Patty Walker at, or 471-8522, ext. 204.
RESTING IN GOD: CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER Thursday Mornings In our fast-paced culture, we often find ourselves running from one thing to the next. But our souls need time to stop, to simply be, and open ourselves to the presence of God. You are invited to join a contemplative prayer group that meets in the FUMC Prayer Room on Thursday mornings, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. This time provides for a period of Centering Prayer (a silent form of Christian meditation), followed by Lectio Divina (meditative reading of Scripture). Familiarity with the spiritual practices of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina are not necessary as an introduction can be provided at any time to newcomers. This is a drop in prayer group, meaning that you can come as your schedule allows. For more information contact Rev. Patty Walker, at, or 471-8522, ext. 204. There is also a Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina group, called Holy Listening, that meets on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm in the Campbell Reading Room. For more information about that group contact Dan and Lori Lohrmeyer at 630-1809.
ARE YOU GRIEVING? Grief Support Group begins September 14 If you are grieving please know that we would love to surround you with support and care. Grieving folks are invited to participate in a grief support group that will run for 8 weeks on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., beginning on September 14. In addition, we might be able to offer a day group if there are enough people who prefer that option. The cost for the materials, book, and course is $40. Scholarships are available. This support group will provide a place for people to integrate their loss, educate themselves around grief misconceptions, as well as provide information that helps affirm, honor and normalize what the grief experience brings. For more information and to sign up for the support group, please contact Rev. Patty Walker at, or 471-8522, ext. 204. This group will be a closed group (meaning you need to pre-register, it is not a drop-in class you can join half way thru), in order to create a community of trust and cohesion among its members. Also, it is a support group specifically for those grieving a death. If you need help locating a support group for other losses, such as divorce, unemployment, etc., please contact Patty.
“HEALING AND STRENGTHENING THE SOUL: MISSION AND MINISTRY WITH VETERANS” CONFERENCE The Mile High Pikes Peak District is sponsoring “Healing and Strengthening the Soul: Mission and Ministry with Veterans” on Saturday, September 17, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at FUMC. Faith communities are uniquely positioned to heal the soul and strengthen the spirit of the veterans and their families. This workshop will help both clergy and laity, develop skills to welcome and journey with our veterans and their families toward well-being, healing and wholeness. The workshop will explore the needs of our returning warriors and their families, provide awareness and education of the challenges facing returning service men and women, and assist the local church in creating ministries and resources to help them find meaning and reconciliation. The concepts and models of care for veterans who have experienced trauma have relevancy to those in our congregations who have experienced other difficult times in their lives such as natural disasters, sexual violence, etc. The speaker will be Chaplain (Colonel) David Smith, who served as a senior leader in the United States Army Chaplaincy for 30 years, was deployed 9 times, and is currently the Coordinator of the Soul Care Initiative for Just Peace, in Washington, DC. Registration information may be found at the Mile High Pikes Peak District website:
“WHEN DO WE EVER SEE YOU?” MIRACLE SUNDAY! Did you know that more than 350 children and young adults up to age 24 are homeless on any given night in Colorado Springs? Youth become homeless for a variety of reasons. They may be fleeing from an abusive or neglectful household, or they may have aged out of foster care. Some youth are forced from their homes because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Youth experiencing homelessness may become the target of abuse through human trafficking or sexual exploitation. Substance abuse is also prevalent among youth experiencing homelessness. First United Methodist Church is committed to making a difference in the lives of these young people through our partnership with Urban Peak. September 11 will culminate our drive to raise funds, which will enable Urban Peak to move forward on opening a day center; a safe place for youth without homes to gather, receive case management and receive life skill classes. Volunteers are indispensable at Urban Peak. Urban Peak offers daytime, evening and weekend opportunities to fit your schedule. Do you have an
hour or two each week? If so, Urban Peak places volunteers where their passions lie. Like to cook; repair bicycles; teach a life skill; work as an e-Volunteer? Urban Peak will offer a volunteer orientation and training at their facility, 423 E. Cucharras Street, on August 13 from 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Julian at, or Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens at Continue to prayerfully consider how you might best contribute to our partnership with Urban Peak.
GIVING HEARTS Did you know that there is a group of ladies representing the Mary Martha circle and other UMW circles in our church who work throughout the year recycling old cards and making these available to us at low cost? Each year, the UMW ladies decide in what mission area to use the proceeds from their card sales. This year, Mission Ministry is proud to announce that the UMW will donate $1,000 toward the FUMC “When Do We Ever See You?” campaign to help Urban Peak towards its goal of opening a day center for youth without homes in our city. Thank you and many blessings to these women who are so faithful and work diligently to help support our church. Greeting cards made by the UMW Card Group are available for purchase in the card rack located by the Welcome Desk.
ESM FOOD SUNDAY As summer has rolled in, our ESM food Sunday items have decreased. We touch many lives through the many ways we support Ecumenical Social Ministries. ESM Food Sunday is a vital way to help those who find themselves in need in our community. This summer, ESM is experiencing a large increase in the numbers of families in need in the area and is dependent on our collections to keep its shelves stocked. Please remember to bring nonperishable food items, gently used or new clothing to the boxes located around the church on any Sunday, but most especially the first Sunday of the month.
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