FUMC Encounter Newsletter - November 2019

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THIS HOLIDAY SEASON! First United Methodist Church

IN THIS ISSUE... Giving as a Spiritual Discipline Page 2

Every two years, First United Methodist Church presents the concert of Messiah, the undoubtedly most revered sacred choral and orchestral composition ever written. Handel’s Messiah was completed on September 14, 1741, in just 24 days of feverish work. Handel chose Dublin, Ireland for the premiere because he and his music enjoyed great popularity with Irish audiences. Messiah, with its great choruses and beautiful melodies, has continued its tradition of elevating the human spirit with the eternal magnificence of great music. On Sunday, December 8 at 3:00 p.m., Director James Steven Harter will conduct the performance of Messiah with the Chancel Choir and full orchestra. Joining in again this year will be the wellknown professional singers, Amy Maples, soprano; Valerie

Nicolosi, mezzo-soprano; Daniel Fosha, tenor; and Peter Tuff, baritone.

Around the Church & Beyond

Audiences attending will have the opportunity to connect with the timeless traditions surrounding Messiah, including standing for the Hallelujah Chorus which dates to the time when English King George II, so moved by the music, stood in amazement. When a monarch stands, so must everyone else!

Around the Church & Beyond

Tickets are now available after worship on Sundays in the hospitality center. They are also available in the Music and Arts Office during office hours, or online at:

Around the Church & Beyond


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Calendar of Events Page 5

Children’s Ministries Page 6

Youth Ministries Page 7 Page 8

Around the Church & Beyond Page 9

Around the Church & Beyond Page 10

Tickets: Adults: $15.00

Around the Church & Beyond

Students: $5.00 (21 and under)

Service of Lessons & Carols


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Back Cover

Giving as a Spiritual Discipline By Kent Ingram, Senior Pastor

contemplative worship. Opportunities abound to put ourselves in the way of God’s grace and be transformed by God’s love. One of the things we rarely talk about in the language of spiritual discipline is our giving to the church. But it is a spiritual discipline! Like singing hymns, praying, serving the families that find themselves homeless, and taking classes; our giving is a spiritual discipline. We can’t grow closer to God unless we learn to give generously and joyfully!

One of the goals of any congregation is to help people grow in their spiritual life. People look to the church to provide opportunities to grow closer to God and one another in the body We give to the degree that we trust. Let me say that again. of Christ. The people called Methodists are especially attuned to We give to the degree that we trust. If we are afraid, anxious this idea. At the heart of our theological identity is a doctrine about our future, we will cling to what we believe gives life. If we trust God’s promises to be true, we called “Sanctification.” In our tradition that will let go of that which promises life but means a life-long growing more and more into Many of us, does not deliver. We will see that God is the the likeness of Christ. It means that God is never through with us, God is always at work for far too long, have source for all we have and all we are, and we will trust God to use our gifts to bring in us, transforming and shaping us into the been counting on life to others. people God wants us to be.

Many of us, for far too long, have been We take this seriously at First Church. We others to give so that counting on others to give so that we don’t try to provide a number of worship services to. That’s like counting on others to pray that focus our attention on God and let us we don’t have to. have so we don’t have to, to serve so we don’t have offer praise and thanksgiving to a God who to, to study so we don’t have to. It doesn’t is the source of all we have and all we are. work that way! No one can sing your song for you. No one can We sing spiritual songs, we recite ancient prayers, we listen give for you! for God’s word, we offer our lives back to God. Worship is a spiritual discipline, one that allows God to work in and As we start our fall operating budget pledge drive, I want to through us. challenge you to see this as an opportunity to grow closer to But that’s not the only place where we are called to a spiritual God. You will find joy in letting go! You will find peace in discipline. We provide opportunities to serve through the trusting God in a deeper way. All of us, every single one of us, mission work of the church. We provide opportunities to has room to grow. I pray that you will step up and embrace grow in knowledge through various classes and learning the spiritual discipline of giving. It will change your life! opportunities. We have a number of opportunities to focus See you in worship, on our own spiritual development through prayer and Kent

First United Methodist Church 420 North Nevada Avenue. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-471-8522 • www.fumc-cs.org

Considering Membership at First UMC? If you are interested in membership at First United Methodist Church or have questions, please call 719-471-8522 ext. 270 for more information.

Sunday Worship Service Times 7:30 am Early Riser in the Chapel 8:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary 9:30 am Contemporary in the Sanctuary 11:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary Live broadcasts of the 11:00 am service on FOX, channel 21.2 (cable 7) and CW 57. Closed captioning available.

Encounter is printed and published once a month by First United Methodist Church, 420 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Materials for inclusion are due three weeks before publication date and are subject to approval. Not all submissions are guaranteed to be included. Articles, comments, or suggestions are welcomed by emailing, annaliec@fumc-cs.org or calling, 719-471-8522 ext. 272.

Sunday School Classes are at 9:30 & 10:45 am

2 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

Cover Photo: Performance of MESSIAH!


JAN CAFFEY, LAY LEADER Some people see a problem and think about it, others pray, some wring their hands, others send money, and some get out and do something to help. I call this putting feet on your faith. There’s probably a better way to say what I mean. At FUMC, we get up close and personal with our homeless neighbors through Rides for Rubbish and Family Promise (formerly IHN). We support Ecumenical Social Ministries, Marian House and The Place (formerly Urban Peak). Have you hugged a homeless person? I have! They are God’s beloved children, same as we. One of our R4R clients told me that our church treats him better than his family does. We are also part of the larger church working nationally and globally. I hope you heard about the Feed My Starving Children event we hosted. More than 100,000 meals were packed and shipped to Haiti. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is a fantastic organization. The United Methodist Women are dedicated to mission work. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to find your passion for helping others. It’s at the very heart of Methodism. But it’s bigger than Methodism or even Christianity. As the saying goes: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

POINSETTIAS GO ON SALE NOVEMBER 10! Leading up to Christmas, we offer the opportunity to purchase poinsettias “in honor of” or “in memory of” loved ones. These festive holiday plants decorate our chancel area in the sanctuary throughout the Advent season. Plants are $22 each this year. Sales start Sunday, November 10 and run through Sunday, December 8. Payment is due at the time of ordering and by completing the form on the You Can Count on Me bulletin insert. Please return it to the small conference room (by The Gate) to Catherine Marshall. Please do not place orders and payment for poinsettias in the offering plates.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

What the world needs more than anything is a sign of hope. We are a people of hope! Our hope is grounded in the promise of God’s love and care for all. We are surrounded by fear and troubles. We can be a shining ray of hope in this often dark world. Through our worship, our various ministries, our works of mercy and compassion, we are a beacon of hope. We touch thousands of lives every year with the Good News of God’s love! Your giving makes that possible. You will receive a letter from the church with a pledge card and a reminder of how much you pledged last year. Pray over that card. Consider what you are giving as a percentage of your income. Is it growing towards ten percent? Know that all of us have room to grow in our giving.

Bring your card with you to worship on November 3. If you are unable to attend that Sunday, please bring it to worship on October 27, or call it in or mail it in to the church. You can also pledge online at fumc-cs.org (click the GIVE tab on the top menu). Consider letting the church automatically withdraw your pledge so that the church has a steady stream of income. Above all, know that every dollar you give, every dime you give, is an investment in hope. Thank you for your generosity!

HANGING OF THE GREENS All are invited! Please join us as we prepare and decorate for the Advent season, Sunday, November 24, starting around 12:15 p.m. We will decorate the chapel, the parlor and the hospitality center. Snacks and refreshments will be provided for the volunteers. The sanctuary and other areas of the church will be decorated throughout the week of Thanksgiving. It is important that we have all the decorating completed by the first Sunday of Advent, December 1. If you are interested in helping, sign up with the You Can Count on Me bulletin insert. For more information, contact Melissa Williams at 473-8522 ext. 237, or melissaw@fumc-cs.org. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 3

CHILDREN’S CHOIRS The hour on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. that your child spends in children’s choirs at church is one of the most positive, life-impacting hours your child will spend in his or her life. Spirituality, musicality, friendship, discipline, dedication, constancy, mental health, service, education, guidance, leadership, confidence – these are just a few words to describe why children’s choirs have a long and rich history at First United Methodist Church. Consider enrolling your child in the next Wednesday class. • Cherub Choir – 4 year-old children (by September 1st) through 1st grade. • Chorister Choir 2nd and 3rd grade children. • Cathedral Choir 4th, 5th, and 6th grade children.


STORIES @ THE EDGE Some of our personal stories are not G rated. Nevertheless, those stories are worthy of sharing. On November 29, Stories @ The Edge will be an adults’ only evening of breaking bread and hearing deeply profound, personal stories. Childcare is available. We would love to have you join us at 324 N. Nevada Avenue, at 6:00 p.m. No RSVP is required. If you have a story that you’ve been hesitant to share because of the adult content, please let us know you would be interested in sharing. You can contact Rev. Tiffany Keith at tiffanyk@fumc-cs.org or our Storyteller Coordinator Asta Star at astastar2016@gmail.com, or indicate your interest on the You Can Count on Me bulletin insert. We have two locations: Stories @ The Edge at The Edge building at 6:00 p.m.: Fridays, November 1, 15 and 29 Stories @ The Edge at East UMC at 6:00 p.m.: Tuesday, November 19 4 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

Friday, December 13 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Join us for a spirited evening of food and fun to celebrate our Christmas season at The Ranch. A holiday dinner will be prepared by our wonderful chefs, Lori Lohrmeyer and Lynn Strong. Entertainment will be provided by the FUMC Youth Chorale. Join us and experience The Ranch in its winter glory! Tickets will sell out quickly for this event! Tickets: $20 per person (check or cash only). Tickets will be for sale in the Friendship Lounge, November 10, 9:00 a.m. - noon. Tickets may also be reserved by contacting Chris Thornton at christ@fumc-cs.org or 687-2148.

CHILDREN’S CHOIRS CHRISTMAS CONCERT Our Children’s Choirs annual Christmas Concert is on Sunday, December 15 at 5:00 p.m. in the Theatre. The concert will feature special music (including handbells) along with a short musical —Silent Night — based on the events surrounding the writing of our most beloved Christmas Carol. Don’t miss this great family event!


“Wonderfully Made” Worship Service — Kingdom City

5:30 p.m.


Centering Prayer — Ongoing

9:30 a.m.

Fri, Sat, Sun, Nov 1, 2, 3 Fridays, Nov 1, 15 & 29 Fri - Sun, Nov 1-3

First Company’s Production “HEIDI” — (Details on page 4) Stories @ The Edge — The Edge Building Youth Ministry Fall Retreat — John Wesley Ranch

Sunday, November 3

Pledge Sunday — Bring your Pledge Cards to Worship

Sunday, November 3

Native American Mission Program — Parlor

Wednesdays, Nov 6, 13 & 20

6:00 p.m.

11:00 a.m.

Faith Academy Classes — (Details on page 8)

6:30 p.m.

Faith Academy Class — (Kent’s same Wednesdays’ class)

9:00 a.m.

Thursday, November 7

NOAH Breakfast — First Watch The Daytime Café

9:00 a.m.

Thursday, November 7

The Place Night Out — (Details on page 7)

Thursdays, Nov 7, 14 & 21

Sunday, November 10 Thursday, November 14 Friday, November 15 Saturday, November 16

Sunday, November 17

First Stars — (Details on page 11) Contemplative Journey with Special Guest

9:30 a.m.

T4G (5th-6th graders only) — (Details on page 6) Grief Workshop — (Details on page 9)

Widows & Widowers Potluck — (Details on page 9)

12:00 p.m.

Tuesday, November 19

NOAH Lunch — BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse

11:30 a.m.

Tuesday, November 19

Stories @ The Edge — East UMC

6:00 p.m.

First Fellowship Dinner — (Details on page 8)

5:00 p.m.

Wednesday, November 20 Sunday, November 24

Special Sunday Offering — (Details on page 10)

Sunday, December 1

Service of Lessons & Carols (Details on back cover)

5:00 p.m.

Christmas Treasures — (Details on page 6)

9:00 a.m.

Messiah Concert — Sanctuary

3:00 p.m.

Christmas at The Ranch — (Details on page 4)

6:00 p.m.

Love Lights A Candle Service of Remembrance — Parlor

3:00 p.m.

Saturday, December 7 Sunday, December 8

Friday, December 13 Sunday, December 15

WINTER WEATHER This is the season we like to remind our members and friends that First Church follows School District 11 delay and closure policies. On the occasions when a storm intensifies on a day we have already been open for business, and the schools have completed for the day; we may, for the safety of our members and staff, choose to close early. All closures and delays will be posted on the FUMC website as they occur. Please remember to check the rotator slide on the homepage of the website: www.fumc-cs.org for information on delays, early closures, and complete closures. We also provide our closures and delays to KKTV, local Channel 11, and www.kktv.com as early as we possibly can to help you know when it is necessary to change plans for your scheduled church activities. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 5

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:30 AM & 11 AM In our Sunday School class, we follow the weekly lectionary by studying the scriptures and stories that are being taught in the worship services in the sanctuary. Games, crafts and videos will help us learn all about God’s love. Remember to bring your Bibles! In November, our discussions will lead us to being thankful and grateful for all our blessings, right in time for Thanksgiving! Our little ones, ages birth – 5, will also learn about thankfulness from our loving caregivers.

T4G Friday, November 15 5:30-7:00 p.m. T4G is a group of 5th-6th graders, created to serve as a bridge to transition between Children’s and Youth Ministries at FUMC. We have monthly meetings with a little devotional time, a little mission moment from time to time, and most importantly, a lot of fun while we build friendships that will last a lifetime. This month, we will be escaping from the rooms at The Greatest Escape Games! Invite your friends! This is a free event but RSVP’s are required. For more information, please contact Marjorie Gross at 471-8522 x246 or marjorieg@fumc-cs.org.

CHRISTMAS TREASURES Saturday, December 7 9:00 a.m. - Noon During this busy holiday season, come and drop off your children, ages birth - 6th grade in Kingdom City. The kids will be busy creating and wrapping gifts for those important people in their lives, while you get the chance to do some holiday prep on your own. For more information, please contact Marjorie Gross at 471-8522 ext. 246 or marjorieg@fumc-cs.org.

6 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

WOODWORKERS NEEDED! Are you a carpenter or woodworker who would like to help out behind the scenes in Kingdom City? We have a few projects that need your skills and creativity. For more information, please contact Marjorie Gross at 471-8522 ext. 246 or marjorieg@fumc-cs.org.

9:00-9:30 AM (The Zone) Breakfast Club (Continental breakfast and hanging out!) 9:30–10:30 AM (Hibbard Hall) Bible 101 - Song & Scripture 10:30-11:00 AM Hang Time in The Zone THE ZONE CLOSES AT 11:00 AM

WEDNESDAY NIGHTS MUSIC & MYSTERY, PRAYING & PRACTICE Wednesday, November 6, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. The Zone Sometimes we need a moment to express ourselves. It can be through music that speaks to our life or questions that perplex us. We will be taking time to talk about what we need and feel as we continue to work at bettering ourselves.

INSIDE OUT YOUTH SERVICES Wednesday, November 13, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. The Zone Inside Out Youth Services offers support and recreational activities for LGBTQ+ youth as well as counseling and education on various topics. In 1997, Inside Out Youth Services became a nonprofit and expanded their impact. Inside Out continues its work creating a safe space for LGBTQ+ youth and their allies, and promoting education and outreach into the El Paso County region.

BIBLE 101 - SONG & SCRIPTURE Sunday Mornings at 9:30 a.m. Who wrote it? How many books? Where do I start? The Bible can be a daunting book, but we should become more aware to God’s Word. So let’s break it down together!


SERVING FUMC (FIRST FELLOWSHIP) Wednesday, November 20, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall This is our night to show our appreciation by serving the church. We will be serving at First Fellowship. Then, we will sit back and relax with a movie.

THANKSGIVING BREAK! Wednesday, November 27, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. The Zone No Youth this week.


FALL RETREAT 2019 AT JOHN WESLEY RANCH Friday, November 1, begins at 5:00 p.m. Through Sunday, November 3, ends at 3:00 p.m. Cost: $35 Come get away with us to our place in the mountains! We will grow closer to God. We will grow closer to each other. We will learn from a senior youth leader and each other. Are you ready to rest, play, eat, and worship?! Friends are always welcome!


THE PLACE (FORMERLY URBAN PEAK) NIGHT OUT Thursday, November 7 How to Participate: Reach out to your family, friends, peers, and coworkers to raise awareness and support for “The Place.” Sleep outside with us at First United Methodist downtown November 7. Yes, it may be cold outside! November is National Runaway & Homeless Youth month, and your Night Out will bring more youth inside safe shelter this winter. • Adults and young people (minimum age 14) can spend the night at Night Out.


Adults are challenged to raise $1,000 or more.

We will be at our Fall Retreat Sunday, November 3 The Zone will be open.

Student or student groups of ages 14 – 21 are challenged to raise $250 or more. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 7

CONTEMPLATIVE JOURNEY Thursday, November 14 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Cost: Love donation Register by November 8 to: Leslee Terpay at 720.328.6581, or co-leslee@comcast.net. All are welcome for an inspiring and fun morning with our guest speaker, Fr. Carl Arico at FUMC. He will talk about his teachings on Consenting to God on the Christian Contemplative Journey. Fr. Carl J. Arico is a founding member of Contemplative Outreach and served as vice-president for many years. He currently is entrusted with the stewardship of Fr. Thomas Keating’s works. Father Carl is the author of A Taste of Silence. He is a popular retreat leader and has a wonderful sense of humor. Hope to see you there!

FIRST FELLOWSHIP A THANKFUL DINNER! Wednesday, November 20 All are invited to a delicious preThanksgiving dinner prepared by Lisa Robinson, Lori Lohrmeyer and Lynn Strong! Additional volunteers are needed to help with setting up dinner, serving and cleaning up. It’s an exciting time in the kitchen at FUMC! Come get involved and enjoy great fellowship! If you have any questions, contact Melissa Williams at melissaw@fumc-cs.org or call 471-8522 x237.

NO CONTEMPLATIVE WORSHIP IN DECEMBER There will be no Contemplative Worship in December. Contemplative Worship will resume Wednesday, January 8, with the Ninefold Path with the Beatitudes of Jesus. For more info on the Ninefold Path see: 9beats.org/ninefold-path/.

8 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

FAITH ACADEMY CLASSES - SESSION 2 CORNERSTONE: OUR FOUNDATIONS Leader: Rev. Tiffany Keith Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Location: Parlor November 6, 13 and 20 What did you think the last time someone was sitting in your pew? Was your first thought, “Cool! A visitor I can make feel welcome!”? Was your second thought, “I hope they don’t ask any hard questions...”? We would like you to feel prepared to answer any question when you meet a visitor. Or maybe YOU ARE the visitor! We would like to invite visitors and members alike to attend Cornerstone. This will be a chance to learn about United Methodist beliefs and First United Methodist Church.

MESSIAH Leader: Rev. Steve Harter Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Room 21 November 6, 13 and 20 This study of George Frideric Handel’s greatest masterpiece will examine how it came to be created, the scriptures on which it is based, progression of the “story line,” and what makes this great Oratorio Messiah, one of the most magnificent musical masterpieces ever written and why it continues to be popular almost 300 years after it was created.

BIBLE STUDY WITH THE PASTOR Leader: Rev. Kent Ingram Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. OR Thursdays, 9:00 –10:00 a.m. November 6, 13 and 20. Room 133 Rev. Ingram is leading a Bible study of the Gospel of Mark, the oldest Gospel in the New Testament. It offers insights into the earliest views of Jesus and what a disciple of Jesus would look like. All you need is a Bible. We can supply one if you need it! NOTE: Wednesday class repeats on Thursdays at 9:00 a.m.

THE REAL MESSAGE OF REVELATION Leader: Bruce Phillips Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Room 234 South Wing November 6, 13, 20 The book of Revelation is so full of confusing symbols, images, and language that we’re not sure what it means or why it’s even in the Bible. But if we examine and reject the misinterpretations and consider how its original audience understood it, we can discover the very relevant message Revelation has for us today. You are welcome to come even if you missed earlier classes.

NOAH BREAKFAST Are you 50 or older? Then join the NOAH group for breakfast! We will meet on Thursday, November 7, 9:00 a.m. at First Watch The Daytime Café, 7816 N Academy Blvd. Reservation is not needed.

GRIEF WORKSHOP Saturday, November 16 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. — Theatre We will be led by grief counselor, Kathy Sparnins, who will guide us on grieving during the holidays. We will view a brief film, talk about it, and share some of some of our own experiences. This is a safe space to come explore what you may be feeling. You will be received and welcomed to come as you are. For information, contact Rev. Ann McClellan at 471-8522 ext. 214, or annm@fumc-cs.org.

WIDOWS & WIDOWERS POTLUCK All widows and widowers are invited for a potluck lunch on the 3rd Sunday of every month in the Parlor at noon. Bring a food dish to share, such as: a main dish, side dish, salad, or dessert. Join us November 17 for our next potluck! We will watch the Bronco’s game while we eat. Feel free to wear your orange and blue and bring some game snacks too! Should be fun! Looking forward to being with you. Questions? Contact Rev. Ann McClellan at 471-8522 ext. 214, or annm@fumc-cs.org. Mark your calendar for December 15 - Our potluck lunch will be in room 235. We will make Christmas centerpiece decorations to give to older FUMC widows and attend Love Lights a Candle Worship Service at 3:00 p.m. in the chapel.

NOAH LUNCH The NOAH group meets once a month for lunch. You are invited to come! Our next lunch will be Tuesday, November 19 at 11:30 a.m., at BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse at University Village 5150 N. Nevada Ave.

WHEELS TO WORSHIP BUS MINISTRY We are so thankful to Catherine Marshall for leading the FUMC Bus Ministry for the past four years. She has spent many hours coordinating and organizing bus routes, recruiting and training volunteer drivers, making phone calls to our bus riders and listening to their stories. Hats off to Catherine for the dedication to this important ministry! Blessings!

We welcome Anil Dewan, our new Bus Ministry Coordinator. He is excited about the future of the bus ministry and to serve those who would not otherwise have an opportunity to come to worship at FUMC. Please welcome Anil! Let’s offer him our gratitude for taking on such a meaningful role. If you need a ride or know someone who needs a ride to Sunday morning worship, please call our Bus Hotline and leave a message, 719-884-2507. Anil will return your call. While we will try to accommodate everyone’s request for a ride to worship, it is not physically possible to provide rides for everyone. Unfortunately, some people just live too far away from the church to be included on a bus route.

LOVE LIGHTS A CANDLE Sunday, December 15 3:00 p.m.— chapel and parlor This is a worship service of remembrance and honor for those you are missing and grieving. Sometimes during the holidays we do not feel like wearing our happy green and red sweaters and sharing in the jolliness of the season. Come worship with us at the Love Lights a Candle service in the chapel to celebrate Christmas in a slightly different way. We will honor your loved ones and whatever else may be on your heart causing you to be feeling sad this holiday season. We will finish up in the parlor with some refreshments after the service. Come as you are to worship the Christ Child with love. For more information, contact Rev. Ann McClellan at 471-8522 ext. 214, or annm@fumc-cs.org.

Learn more about FUMC programs and events at www.fumc-cs.org

First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 9

ALL SAINTS DAY For those of us in the United Methodist Church, All Saints Sunday is a day for us to celebrate the tradition of the church. We remember the people that have gone before us in this journey of faith. We pause to give thanks for the gift of faith, practice, and love of God that they have passed down to us. On November 3 as we gather for worship, carry with you the names of those people that have shaped your faith, from Paul to the saints of the early church, to your parents and grandparents and to those you have lost this year. We will pause to give thanks for them and their witness. This day is also a day to reflect on the love of God we are passing down to the generations that come after us. It is a moment to pause and feel the weight of the responsibility we bear and give thanks to God for what He has entrusted to us. In 1789, John Wesley, founder of Methodism, called this day “a day that I peculiarly love.” Join us Sunday, November 3, as we pause to celebrate all the saints in our lives.

NATIVE AMERICAN MISSION PROGRAM The UMW will host a Native American program Sunday, November 3 in the parlor following the 11:00 a.m. service. We will share a potluck lunch. Please bring a dish to share (If you have a special Native American dish please consider bringing it!). Place settings, coffee and lemonade will be provided. Following a time of fellowship and food, a short film by Susie Silversmith will be shown in room 133. Ms. Silversmith is a member of the Navajo Nation now living in Denver. The Methodist Church had a history of removing children from their families and educating them in boarding schools believing this would allow them to experience better lives. Ms. Silversmith’s DVD “Triumph Over Trauma” tells her story of being forced to leave her family on the reservation to attend boarding school at the age of seven. It includes her experiences and the effects upon the entire family. Ms. Silversmith’s daughter represents Susie as a child in the film. Her husband, Rev. Richard Silversmith, is the minister at the Christian Reformed Church in Denver. They have both served with the United Methodist Committee on Native American Ministries within the Mountain Sky Conference. 10 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

UNITED METHODIST STUDENT DAY Sunday, November 24, 2019 “Get wisdom – it’s worth more than money; choose insight over income every time.” (Proverbs 16:16) TOGETHER, WE EDUCATE STUDENTS SO THEY CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD

Across the country, the people of The United Methodist Church are serving the people God loves in Jesus’ name. But the reality for most of us is that our responsibilities— home, family, work—don’t allow us to engage with every need we’d like to meet. What no one person or congregation can do alone, we’re doing together. •

We want to serve those in other places who are suffering.

We want to offer spiritual words of hope and life.

And we want to be well-equipped to do both!

Right now there are UMC young people—without the resources to attend a school of their choice, or, for some, any school at all. When you give generously, you are supporting these students as they prepare for a life that unites faith with knowledge. Remember, $1 per member per Special Sunday offering makes a big difference! Students in our annual conference – and perhaps our congregation – benefit from this offering. Please celebrate and give generously; without your gifts, many students may be turned away! Six times throughout the year, United Methodist congregations celebrate church-wide Special Sundays with offerings. Your support is critical to the survival of these important ministries and for sharing God’s gifts around the world.

CONTRIBUTIONS When making contributions in cash, please fully fill out the envelope in order to get credit for your contributions. If you have any questions, please contact Colleen Prior, in the Finance Office, at 471-8522 or at colleen@fumc-cs.org.



First United Methodist Church is a proud sponsor of the Night Out event led by “The Place,” formerly known as Urban Peak. This event supports youth in our community who find themselves in a homeless situation. Volunteers who are raising money in support of these youth come to the church and participate in activities which involve experiencing the challenges homeless youth encounter on a daily basis. These include difficulties such as: finding jobs, finishing their education, obtaining identification, accessing healthcare, personal hygiene and other issues. These volunteers sleep outside in our parking lot on what has proven to be often one of the coldest nights of the season! These folks then have to get up and go to work or school after sleeping out in the cold, just as a client at The Place might.

This Christmas You can be a Special Shining “Star” for Local Children.

How to Participate: Reach out to your family, friends, peers, and coworkers to raise awareness and support for “The Place.” Sleep outside with us at First United Methodist downtown November 7. • Adults and young people (minimum age 14) can spend the night at Night Out. • Adults are challenged to raise $1,000 or more. • Student or student groups of ages 14 – 21 are challenged to raise $250 or more.

ECUMENICAL SOCIAL MINISTRIES Can you imagine waking up in the morning after sleeping outside without a warm coat, sleeping bag, hat, or gloves? I know that I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult winter is for those experiencing homelessness in our city. As winter weather approaches, the guests we serve at ESM are in desperate need of winter weather gear. We are in need of the following items to keep our neighbors without homes safe and warm this winter—sleeping bags, blankets, boots, coats, hooded sweatshirts, stocking caps, gloves, mittens, hand warmers, socks, and blue jeans. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time for me to clean out my closets at home and donate items I’m no longer using! If you’re willing to help, donations may be dropped off at ESM, 201 N Weber Street, Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. You may also place the items in the food donation bins at the church. Thanks so much for all your support of ESM and those we serve. Rev. Ann Steiner Lantz, Executive Director

“First Stars Adopt-A-Student” is a local Christmas program sponsored by First United Methodist Church. Children are selected by their elementary school counselors based upon financial needs. For each child selected, suggestions for a toy and a clothing gift are provided by parents or guardians. A shopping list and a gift tag label are created with the child’s information. You will have the opportunity to select a child or children at the First Stars table in the hospitality center, from 8:00 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. on the Select-a-Child dates. If you are interested in volunteering to help during the Select-A-Child Sundays and/or gift drop-off Sundays, please fill out the You Can Count On Me insert in the Sunday bulletin and place it in the offering plate. You may also contact Laurie Anderson at 596-6860 to volunteer, or Carol McCallister at 591-7231 for more information. Please prayerfully consider helping to make the holidays brighter for these children by becoming their Special Shining Christmas Star! Select-A-Child Sundays November 10 November 17 November 24 December 1

Gift Drop-Off Sundays November 17 November 24 December 1 December 8

Stephen Ministry is Christ caring for people through people. The Stephen Ministry logo symbolizes that we all are broken people— and that only Jesus (through the cross) can make us whole. There is a verse in Deuteronomy that states, “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (DT 33:27 niv). The arms of God are always there but sometimes they can be really hard to feel, especially when one is faced with a crisis. During a crisis one can doubt the presence of God and one’s faith of hope can be most vulnerable. If you are going through a crisis or you are in need of caring support from Stephen Ministry, please contact Rev. Ann at 719-471-8522 ext. 214.

First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 11

The annual Service of Lessons and Carols is always a wonderful way to begin the season of Advent and an opportunity to invite family and friends to join in this magnificent celebration. This service is a re-telling of the prophecy and fulfillment of the birth of Jesus through the reading of scripture (Lessons) and anthems/ hymns (Carols). The service begins with an stirring candlelight processional, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Much of the music is enhanced by the sound of our majestic organ, a brass quintet and timpani. Don’t miss this exciting event on December 1 at 5:00 PM! The service is FREE and open to the public and will last about 90 minutes. 2 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

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