Encounter Newsletter- December 2019

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THE ADVENT SEASON First United Methodist Church The season of Advent is a busy time in the life of the church. Advent is a time of longing and hoping for the coming of Messiah. This season, we intentionally take time from our daily, ordinary routines in order to practice listening for God’s voice nudging at our souls and lives. Christmas is a season of sound. Carols and bells, choirs and symphonies that fill the air with music. Behind all of the beauty and decorations of the season are the sounds of the season. Underneath it all is a different sound, a Word made flesh and proclamation of Good News. This message is found in a variety of characters and in surprising ways. It is the message of Immanuel God with us. A relatively new Christmas song asks us this question, Do You Hear What I Hear? That will be the question of our season of worship. We encourage you to invite friends and family members to be a part of the Advent and Christmas season at First United Methodist Church. We begin the season with the glorious service of Lessons and Carols, December 1 at 5:00 p.m. Don’t miss coming on Wednesdays, beginning December 4, for dinner at 5:00 p.m.

followed by our Faith Academy Journey, “Light of the World” at 6:00 p.m. Come hear the special music during our Sunday services of worship. And above all, we have the joy of offering our praise to a God who loved the world so much that He gave us a son. Here is our worship theme for the holiday season: December 1 – Do You Hear…The Warning? Matthew 24:36-44 December 8 – Do You Hear…The Invitation? Matthew 3:1-12

IN THIS ISSUE... Slow Down! Page 2

Around the Church & Beyond Page 3

Around the Church & Beyond Page 4

Calendar of Events

December 15 – Do You Hear…The Good News? Matthew 11:2-11

Page 5

December 22 – Do You Hear…The Promise? Matthew 1:18-25

Page 6

December 24 – Do You Hear…What I Hear? Luke 2:1-20 Join us this Christmas Eve for a stirring message of hope (see times and details on the calendar) as we celebrate the birth of the Christ child. The magic of the holiday continues with the twelve days of the Christmas season, which begins with Christmas Eve and ends with Epiphany of the Lord (January 6) and the light shining into the darkness.

Around the Church & Beyond Around the Church & Beyond Page 7

Children’s Ministries Page 8

Youth Ministries Page 9

Messiah Concert Back Cover

the list and start getting ready for what comes next. In fact, I tend to do that for all of this season.

Slow Down! By Kent Ingram, Senior Pastor

“Time, like an ever rolling stream, bears all who breathe away.” Those words from a favorite hymn seem a little maudlin, but I did just have a birthday that ended with a “0.” You think about the passing of time when you hit milestones like that!

I’m not a Scrooge, I don’t complain and grumble about this season. I enjoy the parties, the decorations, the time with family, the special activities, I really do. I admit, though, that there is often a sigh of relief when it is all done, when I can get back to “normal,” whatever normal is. There is a part of me that wants to “get it over with.”

Not this year. I am making a covenant with myself to be present in this season, to be mindful of the music and liturgy and beauty of this time. I want to slow down enough to hear the call to wait patiently, to hear the angel “Slow down choirs, to see the newborn baby in a manger. I want to stop and see the and catch a glimpse looks on our children’s faces as they of God. When that stand before the mystery and awe happens, you will of this season. I want to relish the smells and sounds and sights of experience Christmas. I want to take my time Christmas in all to enjoy all this season has to offer.

Honestly, I’m fine with growing older. What has really struck me was how fast this year has gone by! Wasn’t it just yesterday that we filled the sanctuary at 5:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve, lit candles and sang Silent Night? Where did the year go? So much has happened, so many good things have been accomplished by our church. I am especially grateful for all those working with Patty and the new Prairie Campus. It is one of the most effective and fastest growing new church starts in our annual conference and I am thrilled at all of the new people who are making that worshiping community their church home!

of its glory!”

But back to time. As I write these words, I am thinking about the many special services that we have planned for Advent and Christmas. Our Advent services, our lessons and carols, our concerts, our Christmas Eve services are all powerful and meaningful. I have a tendency, however, to get through them one at a time and move on to the next one. I check them off

So, my challenge to you is to slow down. Look closely all around you. Don’t be thinking about the next thing, the next party, the next concert, the next event…be where you are. The next thing will come. I say this because I believe God is present in all of this. In the beauty and in the chaos, in the serene and quiet moments, and in the rowdy and raucous moments. Slow down and catch a glimpse of God. When that happens, you will experience Christmas in all of its glory! See you in worship, Kent

FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 420 North Nevada Avenue. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 INFORMATION: 719-471-8522 l www.fumc-cs.org

PRAIRIE CAMPUS AT BANNING LEWIS PREPARATORY Academy 9433 Vista Del Pico Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80927 INFORMATION: 719-471-8522 l www.fumc-prairie.org

DOWNTOWN CAMPUS SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES 7:30 am Early Riser in the Chapel 8:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary 9:30 am Contemporary in the Sanctuary 11:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary Live broadcast of the 11:00 am service is available on FOX, channel 21.2 (cable 7) and CW 57. Live streaming is available on the FUMC Facebook page and at www.fumc-cs.org.


COVER PHOTO: Advent Season at FUMC!

2 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

CONSIDERING MEMBERSHIP AT FIRST UMC? If you are interested in membership at First United Methodist Church or have questions, please call 719-471-8522 ext. 270 for more information. Encounter is printed and published once a month by First United Methodist Church, 420 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Materials for inclusion are due three weeks before publication date and are subject to approval. Not all submissions are guaranteed to be included. Articles, comments, or suggestions are welcomed by contacting Annalie Ceballos, Director of Communications, at annaliec@fumc-cs.org.


JAN CAFFEY, LAY LEADER How did the holidays get here so fast? My head is spinning! I’m reminiscing about past Thanksgivings and Christmases. When I was in the Army, I missed spending many holidays with my family. Fortunately, the military community is thoughtful and cares about single service members. Not a holiday went by that I didn’t get at least one invitation to spend it with friends and their families. I call this taking in strays. While I was in Virginia, I spent six Thanksgivings with my best friend and her family. They are now my east coast family. I have so many good memories. Lots of people are good at taking in strays. I hope we are as a church. If you have a neighbor, friend or colleague who will be alone for Christmas, please consider inviting them to church. Our services are very moving. And how about inviting them for dinner with your family? The Service of Lessons and Carols is a great kickoff to Advent. It’s Sunday, December 1 at 5:00 p.m. See you there! In all the hustle and bustle of decorations, cards, shopping and cooking, take time to remember what we’re celebrating. Our Savior is born! Hallelujah!

LIGHT OF THE WORLD Our Faith Academy Journey for Advent December 4, 11 and 18 6:05 p.m. (come early for dinner. See details below!) Fellowship Hall In Light of the World: A Beginner’s Guide to Advent, author, professor, and biblical scholar Amy-Jill Levine explores the biblical texts surrounding the story of the birth of Jesus. We will join her as she traces the Christmas narrative through the stories of Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary, the journey to Bethlehem, and the visit from the Magi. These stories open conversations around connections of the Gospel stories to the Old Testament, the role of women in first-century Jewish culture, the importance of Mary’s visitation and the revolutionary implications of Mary’s Magnificat, the census and the stable, and the star of Bethlehem and the flight to Egypt. Each week, we will hear a talk from Levine via video and then have table conversations around the questions that arise. If you would like to also read the book (by the same name), The Gate bookstore may have a limited supply. The book is also available via Amazon, Cokesbury and other fine outlets. Join us for the Advent journey towards the Christmas celebration!

FIRST FELLOWSHIP ADVENT DINNERS HONOR A LOVED ONE, CELEBRATE YOUR FAMILY! There is still time to order your Poinsettia! Sunday, December 8 is the final day. These festive holiday plants decorate our Chancel area in the Sanctuary throughout the Advent season. Payment is due at the time of ordering and by completing the form on the back of the You Can Count on Me Insert. Please return your order form and payment to the conference room to Catherine Marshall.

NO CONTEMPLATIVE WORSHIP IN DECEMBER There will be no Contemplative Worship in December. Contemplative Worship will resume Wednesday, January 8 with the Ninefold Path with the Beatitudes of Jesus. For more info on the Ninefold Path see: 9beats.org/ninefold-path/.

December 4, 11 & 18 This Advent season join us for dinner and the Advent program in the Fellowship Hall, from 5:00 - 6:15 p.m. Cost is $8.00 for adults and FREE for children and youth. Menu: Soup, Salad Bar, Dinner Roll, Dessert.

Learn more about FUMC programs and events at www.fumc-cs.org

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CALLING ALL YOUTH SINGERS ALUMS! Christmas Eve is the time for Youth Singers alums to gather with current Youth Singers and prepare for the 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service. There will be snacks available at 9:45 p.m. in Room 19. At 10:15 p.m., we’ll gather for music/robes and musical preparation for worship! Don’t miss out on this great event!

YOUTH CHORALE SINGING FOR CHRISTMAS AT THE RANCH! Friday, December 13 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Join us for a spirited evening of food and fun to celebrate our Christmas season at the Ranch. A holiday dinner will be prepared by our wonderful chefs, Lori Lohrmeyer and Lynn Strong. Entertainment will be provided by the FUMC Youth Chorale. Join us and experience the Ranch in its winter glory! For information, please contact Chris Thornton at christ@fumc-cs.org or 687-2148.

The Lessons and Carols service begins with a stirring candlelight processional, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Much of the music is enhanced by the sound of our majestic organ, a brass quintet and timpani.

YOUTH SINGERS COOKIE EXCHANGE The very popular annual Youth Singers Cookie Exchange will be December 15. You can find us in the hospitality center before, between and after worship! Come and select a dozen (or more!) home made cookies to use for your final holiday goodies and parties. All proceeds go to support the annual Youth Singers Summer Tour. 4 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church


December 1

A Service of Lessons & Carols — Sanctuary

5:00 p.m.


Dec. 4, 11, 18

First Fellowship Dinner — Fellowship Hall

5:00 p.m.


Dec. 4, 11, 18

Advent Faith Academy — Fellowship Hall

6:05 p.m.


December 5

NOAH Breakfast — Cheyenne Mt. Resort (Details on page 7)


December 7

Christmas Treasures — Kingdom City

9:00 a.m.


December 8

MESSIAH Concert — Sanctuary

3:00 p.m.


December 13

Christmas at The Ranch — John Wesley Ranch

6:00 p.m.


December 14

UMW Christmas Meeting — Hospitality Center

9:30 a.m.


December 15

Love Lights a Candle: A Service of Remembrance

3:00 p.m.


December 15

Children’s Choirs Christmas Concert — (Details on page 4)

5:00 p.m.


December 17

NOAH Lunch — Edelweiss German Restaurant


December 24

Christmas Eve Family Service — Sanctuary

11:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m.

A special service for kids, families, those young at heart, and those who would like to be home before dark. Led by Marjorie Gross, Director of Children’s Ministries.


December 24

Candlelight Service — Sanctuary

5:00 p.m.

A stirring message of hope and traditional Christmas hymns and anthems led by the Chancel Choir and instrumentalists of FUMC. Sermon by Rev. Kent Ingram.


December 24

Candlelight Service — Sanctuary

7:00 p.m.

A stirring message of hope and traditional Christmas hymns and anthems led by the Chancel Choir and instrumentalists of FUMC. Sermon by Rev. Kent Ingram.


December 24

Candlelight Service — Sanctuary

9:00 p.m.

A stirring message of hope with Christmas hymns and anthems led by the Crossroad Praise Team. Sermon by Rev. Kent Ingram.


December 24

Candlelight Service — Sanctuary

11:00 p.m.

A stirring message of hope and traditional Christmas hymns and anthems led by the FUMC Youth Choir. Sermon by Rev. Tiffany Keith.


December 25



December 26



December 29

All Regular Worship Services

January 1



7:30 ⚫ 8:00 ⚫ 9:30 ⚫ 11:00 a.m.

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The library is temporarily closed while it is undergoing some re-organization. It will reopen in early 2020. Several volunteers, Brenda Hawley, Lorena Mitchell, and Ed Scott, all of whom are retired professional librarians, have put in many hours of dedicated time to upgrade the church library. They have spent time sorting books, entering book information into the computer, and gleaning the collection of books.

This Christmas you can be a Special Shining “Star” for Local Children.

Why is there a need to get rid of some books? Many of the books have not been checked out in decades. Some of the books are no longer helpful (such as a book on How to Do Youth Ministry…from 1955). A church member who collects books has taken on the task to take these books to nonprofit organizations around Colorado Springs. Many thanks go out to Larry McCurry and the FUMC Custodial Staff for hauling boxes of books around the church and around town! Wilma Hunter has also been helping out with the transition of the library. We are very grateful to all of the volunteers who are pitching in to make this project successful! What can you expect when the library re-opens in 2020? The card catalogues will no longer be present in the library. You will be able to use the computer to find a book. The current software for the library computer is fairly slow, so we are considering purchasing a new program which will run more efficiently. There will gradually be some new books on the shelves as well. The hope is that the library will be accessible and user-friendly, so you can find what you need on Sunday mornings. The UMW books are currently on the shelves in the hallway behind the glass doors, and you can still get to these books to continue with the UMW reading program. Thank you for your patience and understanding while the library is getting a facelift! Please contact Ann McClellan with any questions or concerns.

CONTRIBUTIONS When making contributions in cash, please fully fill out the envelope in order to get credit for your contributions. If you have any questions, please contact Colleen Prior, in the Finance Office, at 471-8522 or at colleenp@fumc-cs.org.

“First Stars Adopt-A-Student” is a local Christmas program sponsored by First United Methodist Church. Children are selected by their elementary school counselors based upon financial needs. For each child selected, suggestions for a toy and a clothing gift are provided by parents or guardians. A shopping list and a gift tag label are created with the child’s information. You will have the opportunity to select a child or children at the First Stars table in the Hospitality Center, from 8:00 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. on the Select-a-Child dates. If you are interested in volunteering to help during the Select-A-Child Sundays and/or gift drop-off Sundays, please fill out the You Can Count On Me insert in the Sunday bulletin and place it in the offering plate. You may also contact Laurie Anderson at 596-6860 to volunteer, or Carol McCallister at 591-7231 for more information. Please prayerfully consider helping to make the holidays brighter for these children by becoming their Special Shining Christmas Star! Select-A-Child Sundays November 24 December 1

Gift Drop-Off Sundays December 1 December 8

FIRST FUND 2019 It’s that time of year to once again think of those in our community who are less fortunate than we are. First Fund provides money to ESM to help their clients meet their co-pay for medical and dental care, provide money for transportation for clients to pick up their prescription, and provide money for dental and surgical procedures. This includes helping clients secure needed eye glasses, helping clients with mental health medication, and providing one client and his caregiver transportation to Denver to see a specialist. You will be receiving a brochure in the mail along with a form you can complete to donate to First Fund. Your donation can be made “in honor of” or “in memory of” a loved one or a friend. A letter will be sent informing those who have been honored by your gift or to a designated individual if your gift is in memory of a friend or loved one. This year give the gift that saves lives.

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NOAH BREAKFAST Join us Thursday, December 5 at Cheyenne Mountain Resort for our Christmas breakfast. Please RSVP by December 1 by contacting Khan McClellan at khanm@fumc-cs.org to reserve your seat at the table. Hope you can make it!

UPCOMING NOAH EVENTS December 8, 3:00 p.m. — Messiah Concert at FUMC Join us for Messiah (See details on the back cover). December 13 — Christmas at the Ranch Reserve your seat on the bus with Khan McClellan at khanm@fumc-cs.org before December 1. Tickets are $20 for dinner.

UMW CHRISTMAS PROGRAM The annual United Methodist Women's Christmas gathering will be December 14 at 9:30 a.m. in the Hospitality Center. The Rev. Barbara Graham, a retired minister who served First Baptist Church in Colorado Springs, will be the keynote speaker. Rev. Graham is active in the community and is a joyful leader in our local Church Women United organization. The theme for this annual gathering is “Let Your Light Shine.” Rev. Graham will lead us in the Christmas study "Light that Interrupts." Mary Martha Circle and Sunshine Circle will be hosting the event. Several awards will be given, new officers installed and special holiday treats will send forth the Christmas spirit. Wear your Christmas "best." Everyone is invited!

WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS POTLUCK LUNCH Sunday, December 15 At noon in Room 235 Bring a dish to share for lunch! After lunch, we will make some Christmas center piece decorations to be delivered to older FUMC widows. Afterwards, we will attend Love Lights A Candle worship service. This group meets the third Sunday of the month for a potluck lunch. Come join us! For more information, contact Ann McClellan at 719-471-8522 ext. 214, or annm@fumc-cs.org.

LOVE LIGHTS A CANDLE A SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE Sunday, December 15 3:00 p.m. in the Chapel This is a special time of reflection, music, candle lighting, and communion to come together in grief, remember loved ones, and find light in a holiday season that may be feeling very dark. This is a time for sharing our hurting places with God, and preparing our hearts for the coming of Christ. This gathering will provide a space for those who are grieving in the midst of this season of celebration and seeking the presence of Christ our Light, who goes with us in the darkness. You are invited to bring a photo or an object of remembrance of your loved one.

NOAH LUNCH Our next lunch will be Tuesday, December 17 at 11:30 a.m. Join us at Edelweiss German Restaurant on 34 E. Ramona Ave. No reservation is needed. Hope you can make it!

YOU CAN BRING THE LIGHT OF GOD TO PEOPLE! You are invited to bring the light of the Christ child to our very own FUMC members! Take some time during this Advent season to reach out to our church family. Maybe you can reach out to someone who used to be in Sunday School class with you. Maybe you know someone who has had sickness or death in their family. Maybe you think of someone who used to sit near you in worship, and you have not seen for a while. Maybe you know a homebound person. Maybe you know a past (or current) teacher or small group leader at church. Make the effort in the busyness of the Advent season to deliver Light and Love to some special people who are part of our church family. You could call them, send them a note through the mail, or drop by their house, bringing them a good dose of Christmas cheer! You are part of God’s delivery system of the Good News! Spread the Love of God and delight God and some deserving people in the process! First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 7

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 AM & 11 AM Join us each week for Sunday School at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. During Advent, we will be reading the Bible stories about Mary and Joseph as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth. There will be games, crafts and videos! Our nursery is available for children ages birth to 5 years old. Our nursery is staffed by wonderful, trained adults who will help your little ones learn about God’s love and the birth of Jesus this holiday season.

CHRISTMAS TREASURES Saturday, December 7 9:00 a.m. - noon Drop off your kids (infants – 6th grade) in Kingdom City while you go and do whatever it is you need to do! The kids will be busy crafting and wrapping all sort of gifts for the loved ones in their lives. All children must be signed in and out by a parent.

T4G — 5TH AND 6TH GRADERS ONLY! Wednesday, December 11 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Our event this month will be together with the youth group! Make plans to meet in The Zone (the youth area) for dinner. We will have lots of Christmas fun!

CHRISTMAS EVE FAMILY SERVICE Christmas Eve, December 24 2:00 p.m. On Christmas Eve, we will have a special service for kids, families, those young at heart, and those who would like to be home before dark! Come and sing carols, hear about the birth of baby Jesus and celebrate His birth with us!

8 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

FAMILY WORSHIP Sunday, December 29 There will be no Sunday School for grades K-6th at the 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services. We encourage families to sit together in worship, while our teachers enjoy the opportunity to be in worship themselves. Nursery care for children, ages birth–5 years old, is available in the nursery.

SAVE THE DATE T4G CHILI COOK-OFF Friday, January 17, 2020, 6:00 p.m. in Kingdom City We will be preparing our famous chili for the chili cook-off competition on Saturday, January 18 for the “Sledding Day at the Ranch” on the 18th!

CHRISTMAS PARTY 9:00-9:30 AM (The Zone) Breakfast Club (Continental breakfast and hanging out!)

9:30–10:30 AM (Hibbard Hall) Bible 101 - Song & Scripture 10:30-11:00 AM Hang Time in The Zone THE ZONE CLOSES AT 11:00 AM

Wednesday, December 18, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (Bring food to share for a potluck). The Zone We made it! The end of the semester! Ready for January? Me neither! So on this evening, let us gather, eat, smile, play games, maybe watch Elf, and enjoy the Christmas spirit, by being surrounded by family and friends. Also bring your favorite holiday dish or side and we will have a feast.

CHRISTMAS BREAK - NO YOUTH Wednesday, December 25 & January 1 Enjoy your family time. Give more than you receive. Eat a lot. Celebrate the birth of Jesus. Travel safe. We will start up again on January 8, 2020!

SPECIAL EVENTS YAT Sunday, December 8, 11:00 a.m. The Zone

BIBLE 101 - SONG & SCRIPTURE Sunday Mornings at 9:30 a.m. Who wrote it? How many books? Where do I start? The Bible can be a daunting book, but we should become more aware to God’s Word. So let’s break it down together!

WEDNESDAY NIGHTS ADVENT Wednesday, December 4, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (Meal included) The Zone “In the darkness, we were waiting, without hope, without light, 'Til from heaven you came running, there was mercy in your eyes.” Join us for a time to remember that Jesus is the Light unto the World.


LUNCH WITH R4R Sunday, December 15, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall Jesus gathered around a meal, shared the good news, and invited all to a seat at His table. Let us do the same as we serve our downtown neighbors. Bring food (meat, side, dessert, bread) and help serve.

WINTER RETREAT AT JOHN WESLEY RANCH Friday - Sunday, January 31- February 2 Cost: $35 EARLY BIRD: Sign up by December 22, for $25! Register by January 22, by turning in your Trip Forms (download from www.fumc-cs.org) and $35 (checks made out to FUMC). Come get away with us to our place in the mountains - John Wesley Ranch. We’ll grow closer to God. We’ll grow closer to each other. Are you ready to rest, play, eat, and worship?! Friends are always welcome!

Wednesday, December 11, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (Meal included) The Zone We will have a blast in The Zone as we join up with T4G and spend some time expanding our community. We will celebrate and sing. There will be laughter and lots of fun! First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 9

2 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

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