November 2015 encounter newsletter

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For Good! By Kent Ingram, Senior Pastor

I’ve often wondered what it must have been like to be a part of that group of people who moved to the new village of Colorado Springs in 1871 and started a Methodist Church. I am pretty sure that in 1871, there were people who focused on holiness of heart and life. I suspect that they were not terribly thrilled by the drinking and gambling, and other assorted vices connected to the mining town we now call Old Colorado City. Colorado Springs was a fresh start to create a new place for faith to grow and flourish.

We need to step up and take our turn to dream big, to reach far, to be the church God has called us to be in our time and place.

I’m pretty sure they had no idea what their humble beginnings would produce. This church grew as Colorado Springs grew. But its growth was even remarkable for that time period! Over the next one hundred years this church grew to, at one time, about 6,000 members. That is when Colorado Springs had about 70,000 citizens! Think about that, one in eleven persons in the city was a member of this church! We’d have to have about 60,000 members today to have that percentage! At that time, in the mid 50’s to the mid 60’s, this was the fifth largest Methodist Church in the connection. It was more than just size, however that made this a great church. First Church members dreamed big. They did big missions, did big community activities, built big buildings. They took their calling seriously in their time and place to be as faithful of a church as they could be. Things are different now. There are many more churches, many more United Methodist Churches, three of which were started by First Church. The city has grown away from downtown. Our membership is

about half of what it was at its height. But that doesn’t mean we are not vital and strong. Our worship attendance is about the same as it was 20 years ago. Very few historic downtown churches can say that! We still reach out to our community, maybe even more now than when we were at our largest. We still touch a lot of lives. Imagine what this community would be like if we weren’t here. Thinks of all the holes in our community that would be created by our absence. We make a difference, for good, downtown.

So now, it is time to make our pledges for 2016. With the stock market struggling, we can’t count on the support we have received from our Foundation. We need to step up and take our turn to dream big, to reach far, to be the church God has called us to be in our time and place. We will need pledges to increase by close to 10% for us to keep all of the ministries we have in place. That sounds daunting. But it comes to $2 a week for every $1000 a year we give to the church. Less than a Pumpkin Spice Latte a week! This church has always responded well to a challenge. We have retired debt, remodeled the building, purchased a home for the Ranch, cared for our magnificent pipe organ, purchased a bus, all in tough times. We have the money to secure our financial future. It is time for us to make sure that we stay Downtown for Good! See you in worship, Kent

First United Methodist Church 420 North Nevada Avenue. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-471-8522 •

Considering Membership at First UMC? If you are interested in membership at First United Methodist Church or have questions, please call 719-471-8522 ext. 270 for more information.

Sunday Worship Service Times 7:30 am Early Riser in the Chapel 8:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary 9:30 am Contemporary in the Sanctuary 11:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary Live broadcasts of the 11:00 am service on FOX, channel 21.2 (cable 7) and CW 57. Closed captioning available.

The Encounter is printed and published once a month by First United Methodist Church, 420 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Materials for inclusion are due three weeks before publication date and are subject to approval. Not all submissions are guaranteed to be included. Articles, comments, or suggestions are welcomed by emailing, or calling, 719-471-8522, ext. 272.

Sunday School Classes are at 9:30 & 10:45 am

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Cover Photo: MEESIAH!


LELAND REECE, LAY LEADER In early October, I participated in the Man Up! men’s retreat at the John Wesley Ranch. It was a lovely time of the year to be at the ranch. Fall colors were in full glory, and the crisp mornings were letting us all know that winter is just around the corner. With God’s natural beauty everywhere around us it seemed the perfect setting for our focus on “spiritual growth.” The subject matter consisted of a book entitled Falling Upward, written by Richard Rohr, a Franciscan friar. During the presentation and the subsequent discussion led by Bruce Sage, there were a couple of nuggets that hit home for me, which I believe are worth sharing in this article. Rohr states that there are two halves to everyone’s life. Most think of the second half as getting old, dealing with health issues and letting go of life-when, in fact, it should be rich and full of spiritual growth, maybe more than any other time within our life. Another point Rohr makes is that trying and falling (or failing) can be good; in other words “Falling Upward”! He contends that continuing to try and improve your spiritual life, even though you may sometimes fail, is better than not trying. God will honor your intent. I found Richard Rohr’s outlook on life and spiritual growth to be an inspiration to me, personally, as one who often fails. It has given me the resolve to continue trying to improve my spiritual life with the prospect that “the best in my life may still be coming.” I hope you may also feel the same. See you all Sunday morning, Leland Reece

DOWNTOWN FOR GOOD! A Meaningful Ministry We are truly Downtown for Good! Some of our members have been asked to talk about the good this church does downtown, and around the world. Listen as they share their stories: “The NOAH (Never Old At Heart) group is a blessing to me. It gives me an opportunity to meet with other seniors in fellowship and thanksgiving. We are able to share our joys and our sorrows. Some of the people in the group are alone most of the time and when we gather every month it is like coming home to family.” ~ Fred Stickel As you consider your pledge for 2016, remember every dime, every dollar you give touches lives. Your gift is a way of making sure that we stay Downtown for Good!

All across our country we have seen an exodus of congregations leaving downtown to go to the suburbs. Downtown churches have struggled, as the city has grown farther and farther away from its central core. Yet the city center still is a place where people live, work, and play. It is also a place where decisions are made that affect the lives of many people. First United Methodist Church of Colorado Springs years ago made a decision to stay downtown. We chose to be a witness of God’s love from the heart of the city, a witness that reaches the ends of the earth. We are Downtown for Good! But more than that, we are here to be in ministry to the people who live in the shadows of our church. We are here to be a witness to God’s love to the people who work, live, and drive to the downtown area each week. We are here to make a difference in the lives of people whom God has placed in our midst. We are here to do the works that God has prepared for us. It’s not easy to be in ministry downtown; the challenges are great. But we are convinced that God has given us the resources to accomplish the work He has given us to do. A part of those resources is your pledge to the church. Your gift — every dime, every dollar helps us be faithful to the calling God has given us. If we are to continue reaching out in God’s name, we need to grow in our giving. Giving the same each year means less ministry is done each year. Costs go up. Large and beautiful buildings are expensive. Security is always an issue downtown. The need is great. Consider how much you give on a weekly basis. Look at our giving as a percentage of your income. Together, we have all the resources we need to accomplish God’s work through us. Let us grow in our giving, so that God’s work might be done through us! You should have already received a pledge card in the mail. Pray over it. Fill it out with a sense of gratitude. Bring it to worship with you on November 1. If you can’t be in worship on that day, mail it in early, or call your pledge into the Finance Office at 471-8522, ext. 216. The pledge card can also be filled out online at Consider direct withdrawals from your bank as a way to make sure that our income stream is steady and regular. Remember that you can give online! But no matter how you give, your gift ensures that we will be Downtown for Good! First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 3

October 21 - November 18 THE SKY IS FALLING, THE CHURCH IS DYING, AND OTHER FALSE ALARMS Leader: Rev. Kent Ingram Reason 303, Room 133 S Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 pm *Thursdays, 9:00 am - 10:00 am (Same class as Wednesdays) “The mainline church is dying, it’s in its death throes and won’t be around much longer!” If you have been in the church for any length of time, you have heard someone say that. We have all seen a decline in church attendance. We have seen formerly strong churches close. We have seen young people leaving the church, or they have never been in the in church at all. But Ted A. Campbell, church historian, says that we need to see all of this in historical perspective. In his book, which provides the name for this class, Dr. Campbell challenges us to not give up so fast on the church. Our best years may be ahead of us! Come join me, as we look at the future of the mainline church!

WEAVING THE TAPESTRY Leader: Rev. Jerry Hurst Tradition 302, Room 233 S Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 pm This class will take a look at the early development of the Christian faith in Europe. It will specifically look at the beginnings of the Celtic faith, the Druidic and Old Testament influence and the merging with the Christian faith.

THE ACTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Leader: Bruce Phillips Scripture 201, Room 234 S Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Luke wrote both The Gospel of Luke and The Acts of the Apostles. As we examine the book of Acts, we will discuss how Luke tells the story of the early church – its early beginnings from the ascension of Jesus, the story of its growth, largely through Paul, and how Luke continues his important themes from his Gospel through the book of Acts.

GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Leader: Rev. Patty Walker Experience 304, Room 231 S Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Are you grieving? Please know that we would love to surround you with support and care. During Session 5 of Faith Academy, we continue the work with grieving individuals participating in the Grief Support Group on Wednesday nights, 6:30 - 8:00 pm, in Room 231 S. This support group provides a place for people to integrate their loss, educate themselves around grief misconceptions, as well as provide information that helps affirm, honor and normalize what the grief experience brings. For more information, please contact Rev. Patty Walker at or 471-8522, ext. 204. This is a support group specifically for those grieving a death. If you need help locating a support group for other losses, such as divorce, unemployment, etc., please contact Patty.

Thank you to all our Wednesday Night Dinners small groups! Men’s ministry group, Man Up! cooked a wonderful meal for everyone on October 7. Thanks to Bryan Hurst, who prepared a wonderful smoked pork for our pulled Pork Sandwiches. Lisa Robinson has also blessed us with her fine culinary skills. Thank you, Cindy Bronner and Joan Cox, for helping with the wonderful salad bar. The UMW has helped with homemade cornbread, and Elma Stikle has spoiled us with some of her homemade desserts! Thanks to Lynn and Lori for their wonderful meal and for their dedication to providing delicious meals for our fellowship time and special events. If you are looking for a fun way to get involved in the life of our church, please contact Melissa Williams at or at 471-8522, ext. 237. If cooking is just not your interest, we could use help with shopping, organizing, and clean up!

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November 1

Pledge Sunday — Bring your Pledge Cards to Church!


November 5

NOAH Breakfast — Village Inn (Garden of the Gods Blvd.)

9:00 am

FIRST COMPANY Presents “Arsenic and Old Lace” Fri, October 30 (7:30 pm)

Sat, October 31 (7:30 pm)

Sun, November 1 (2:30 pm)

Fri, November 6 (7:30 pm)

Sat, November 7 (7:30 pm)

Sun, November 8 (2:30 pm)


November 9

CHURCH IS CLOSED in Observance of Veteran’s Day (Nov 11)


November 10

AARP Driver Safety Class— (See page 9 for details)


November 12

Night Out to End Youth Homelessness — (See page 8 for details)


November 13

Vienna Boys’ Choir Concert — Ticket are available online and at church!


November 15

First Stars Program Begins — (See details on page 11)


November 15

Bereavement Ministers Lunch — (See details on page 10)


November 21

Man Up! Football — (See details on page 9)

Nov 26 & 27

CHURCH IS CLOSED — Happy Thanksgiving!


November 28

NOAH Trip to Rosemount Museum — (See details on page 9)


November 29

Service of Lessons and Carols — Sanctuary

5:00 pm


December 5

Christmas Treasures — Kingdom City

9:00 am


December 6

MESSIAH — Sanctuary

3:00 pm


December 8

Love Lights a Candle: Service of Remembrance

6:30 pm

Fri or Sat,

Dec 11 or 12

Christmas at the Ranch Dinner (See details on page 10)

6:00 pm

Thurs & Fri,

12:00 pm

ONLINE GIVING is an easy way to make contributions to the church. To access the giving page visit our website at and click on the ‘GIVE’ tab on the top menu. If you are a first-time visitor to the site, you will be prompted to sign-up for an account. You can easily set up your transactions as a one-time gift or a recurring donation. It’s that easy!


THE GIVING KIOSK is also available by the Welcome Desk. This is a convenient way to donate right at church. Just select a fund, enter an amount, and swipe your card! For more information, please contact Annalie Ceballos at 471-8522, ext. 272, or

First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 5

SUNDAY SCHOOL (9:30AM) Have you ever experienced a BIG MOMENT? During the month of November, we will be finishing our study of the BIG MOMENTS in the Bible and then having a mini-creation series before we launch ADVENT on November 29! We hope you will join us!

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP (11:00 AM) In November, we will continue our timeline of the Bible Rotation. Week 1: We will have a hands-on mission moment. Week 2: We will have a mini-worship service. Week 3: We will play games around the scripture from the worship service. Week 4: We will watch a movie to tie the story all together. This month, we will be learning about the Exile!

THE CRAZY CAN CHALLENGE HAS BEGUN! The Children are challenging the congregation to fill up the wooden ESM boxes every week in the month of November! Just think how easy it would be for every congregation member to bring in one can of food each week. What an amazing difference it would make in the lives of our Springs neighbors! What is the prize? Depending on who wins this challenge, the congregation or the children, will get to chose who gets a pie in the face… The choices are Kent or Janita! Who is it going to be? Bring as many cans as you can and make sure you win this challenge! The final count will be done on the first Monday of December. The winner will be announced the following week! Let’s fill up those boxes for the local Ecumenical Social Ministry (ESM) food pantry!

CHRISTMAS TREASURES We will be holding our annual Christmas Treasures event this year on Saturday, December 5, from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Christmas Treasures is an activity where our children, preschool through sixth grade, can work on a variety of crafts to make gifts for parents, family and needy community members. Not only do they come

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away with multiple gifts for Christmas, but this event gives parents an opportunity to do some shopping or decorating on their own. Registration forms for Christmas Treasures will be available in Kingdom City shortly before December. Hope your children can participate in this event again this Christmas Season – it will be lots of fun!

HANGING OF THE GREENS Just after the 11:00 am service on Sunday, November 29, we will meet very briefly to deck the halls of Kingdom City. We will enjoy Christmas Carols played by our Cathedral Ringers, decorate and share cookies, hot chocolate, music, crafts and most importantly the love of Christ as we begin our Advent Season.

HELP OUR CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES KIDS HELP STREET CHILDREN IN BANGLADESH Our FUMC Sunday school children have an Advent mission project to collect money for the ABC School, comprised of 95 street children in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The children will be given collection boxes to use during Advent (November 29 through Christmas). If you would like to help, take a box home and join us. We hope to earn money for student tuitions which are $250 a year. This tuition pays for teachers, books, uniforms, daily food, medical help for each family and other needs. All of it goes to the children – no administrative costs! If you participate, please make checks out to FUMC and note that the money is for the ABC School. Your money can be turned in at Kingdom City or given to any of our staff. Thank you for changing a life and making this a better world for our children! ABC Web site address:

THAT’S WHAT I LIKE ABOUT ME Wednesday, November 4, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, The Zone Tonight will be a fun one! We’ll be doing some activities to help us consider and notice how each of us has great value to each other and to God. Romans 8:38-39 says that nothing ever, anywhere, is able to separate each of us from the love of God. You and I are made for lasting, not brief, value. Hope to see you there!

BE A GREAT FRIEND Wednesday, November 11, 6:30-8:30 pm, The Zone Tonight’s theme is: When you think about friendship, what thoughts come into your mind? Let’s take this question one-step deeper. When you think about your closest friends, maybe a best friend, what thoughts come to your mind now? When Jesus was being crucified, hanging on a cross, bleeding and bruised from the beatings, he still looked beyond his circumstances and took time to minister to and care for his friends (John 19:25-27). Could God be inviting you to be even more trustworthy and caring, even when you are hurting the most? Join us!

AFFIRMATION STATION EPIC (EVERYTHING’S POSSIBLE IN CHRIST) Led by Iana McCubbin and Debi Spencer 9:30 am, Room 52 This youth Sunday School class is fun and engaging, focused on bringing teens’ faith and relationship with Christ alive through the use of movies, music, and other multimedia. Each class is structured to include games, large group lesson and small group discussions. Join us!

SCREWTAPE LETTERS New Sunday Morning Class for Youth!

Wednesday, November 18, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, The Zone Don’t miss tonight! We do this one a couple of times each year because it’s a classic part of our ministry – a real uplifting part of our lives together. After dinner and total group time, our small groups will be inviting each person in their group to take a turn in the Affirmation Station seat. While there, each of the others in the group will speak genuine words of encouragement about all of the positive attributes that that person shows to the world. For some, receiving compliments from others is a little difficult. But that’s Ok! It will be worth it.

NO YOUTH GATHERING Wednesday, November 25 Have a restful and fun Thanksgiving everyone!

Led by Bruce Phillips, 11:00 am, Room 52 Every Christian deals with temptation all their lives. Even Christ’s first act after his baptism was to go into the wilderness and deal with temptation, as the devil tried to lead him astray. C. S. Lewis wondered how the devil goes about tempting Christians today, so he wrote his satirical book, The Screwtape Letters – a collection of letters from an administrative demon instructing an apprentice demon on how to tempt Christians. Filled with keen insights and humor, this reversed look at the Christian faith will be the focus of an 11:00 am Youth Sunday School class this Fall. We will read and discuss how we are tempted and challenged by the world around us, and how we can use our faith and our church fellowship to keep us strong.

Youth Advisory Team Meeting: (Evaluating and planning team) — November 8 First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 7

On November 12, 2015, Urban Peak Colorado Springs and the First United Methodist Church of Colorado Springs will host Night Out to End Youth Homelessness. We're asking you to sleep outside with us in the church parking lot. This is the chance for you to get a glimpse of what it's like for a young person without a place to live. Help us raise funds for Urban Peak and create awareness of youth homelessness. Sleeping outside on November 12 will not be a walk in the park, for sure! But one night of discomfort helps us serve 150 youth who won't have to suffer in the cold this winter. WHEN: Thursday, November 12, at 6:00 pm to Friday, November 13, at 6:00 am

First Company opening weekend of its production of the classic American play, Arsenic and Old Lace is October 30th!

WHERE: 420 N. Nevada Ave, Downtown Colorado Springs

The play is a farcical black comedy revolving around the Brewster family. The hero, Mortimer Brewster, is a drama critic who must deal with his crazy, homicidal family and local police, as he debates whether to marry the woman he loves. Arsenic and Old Lace (1939), written by Joseph Kesselring, has become one of the most well-known and respected shows ever performed. It is also one of the best-loved. This is Scott Anthony’s third time acting in this show. “It’s a classic,” he says, “because it has everything. It’s got romance; it’s got humor; it’s got scary; it’s got suspense; it’s got everything! That’s why it’s my favorite.” Zach Engelman, returning to the First Company stage as Mortimer Brewster says, “Everyone studies it at some point or multiple points in college. It’s really iconic, and it sets precedents for darker comedies to come on stage.”

TICKETS: Adults: $15





SHOWS: First United Methodist Church Theatre Fri, Oct 30 Sat, Oct 31 (7:30 pm) Sun, Nov 1 (2:30 pm) Fri, Nov 6 Sat, Nov 7 (7:30 pm) Sun, Nov 8 (2:30 pm)


BOX OFFICE: 1.866.967.8167 8 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

HOW TO PARTICPATE: 1. Contact Andrea Thomson at so that she can forward you the registration form or call 719-630-3223 ext. 2820. 2. Urban Peak will set up your fundraising web page and send you the link. You can immediately start fundraising by asking family and friends. (Use of a web page is recommended but not required. You can also raise funds on your own directly, but please register so we can count you in). 3. Adults and young people (minimum age 14) can participate at Night Out. • Adults goal to raise $1,000 or more • Students age 14 - 21 goal to raise $250 or more 4. What to bring to the event: • NO TENTS • Sleeping bag • Sleeping mat or pad • Tarp or other covering for your sleeping bag • Pillow  Dress very warmly - gloves, hat, thick socks

First United Methodist Church is allowing access to their restrooms and main hall for emergencies.

NOAH BREAKFAST This month our NOAH Breakfast is Thursday, November 5, at 9:00 am. We will be meeting at Village Inn on Garden of the Gods Blvd., just west of I-25. No reservations are needed. Join us and have a great time with friends! You are welcome to bring a guest!

to the church. The cost for the trip is $10 per person to be paid to the church by November 22. You will also need money for your lunch at Cracker Barrel. Please contact Rev. Jerry Hurst for more information or to make your reservation at or at 471-8522, ext. 209.


Tuesday, November 10, is the next AARP Driver Safety Class. The class will meet in Room 135 South, from 1:00 – 5:00 pm. This is a great way to save money on your auto insurance through many companies. A certified instructor from AARP will teach this class. The cost for the class is $15 (cash) for AARP members and $20 (cash) for non AARP members. Bring your AARP card. To sign-up, or for additional information, please contact John Graves at 632-6132 or at

This year, the first Sunday of Advent is November 29. That means that it is time to recruit persons to light our Advent Candles and read the accompanying liturgy during each worship service of Advent. We will need readers for the 7:30 am Chapel Service and the 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am Sanctuary services for November 29, December 6, 13, and 20. Families, singles, and groups of friends are all welcome to participate. Please contact Rev. Jerry Hurst if you would like to be our Advent Readers for one of these services. The worship times will be filled on a firstcome, first-served basis, so be sure to claim your date as soon as possible. You can email Rev. Jerry at or call him at the church at 471-8522.




Are you ready for some football!? Our ManUp! men’s ministry group is ready. On Saturday, November 21, we will gather at Leland Reece’s house (1631 Alamo Ave.) from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm for a time of great fun and fellowship. There are 5 college football games with top twenty teams playing each other on this day. We’ll be checking out the ones we can, depending on their scheduled game time. Join us for food, fun and football! If you are not a football fan, we’ll also have a pool tournament, Bocce Ball, and card games. It will be loads of great Christian fellowship, so be sure to join us!

Our end of year Church Conference is scheduled for Monday, December 7. We will meet in Room 133 South. All are welcome to attend. The 2016 budget will be presented, end-of-the-year reports will be made and a video presentation of 2015 events will be shown. If you are a church committee member who needs to submit an annual report, they are due by Monday, November 16.



This year during Advent, on each night of Wednesday Night Dinners, a different nation (England, Nicaragua, and Germany) will be the theme for the meal and the speaker of the evening. This event will be from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. After the speaker for the evening is finished, members of our staff will lead us in a short Contemplative Worship time with an Advent theme.

Our NOAH group will be going to Pueblo on Saturday, November 28. We will be touring the Rosemount Mansion to see all the wonderful Christmas decorations. Each room in the mansion has a beautifully decorated Christmas tree and the whole house has its hall decked with holly and Christmas spirit. We will be leaving the church at 9:30 am. After our tour of the mansion, we will have lunch at Cracker Barrel and then head back

December 2, will be based on Christmas foods from England with Bruce Phillips speaking on Christmas traditions of that country. On December 9, the country and food will be Nicaragua with Rev. Chuck Stephens speaking. December 16, will feature Rev. Patty Walker speaking on the traditions of a German Christmas with food from Germany being served. The whole evening will take place in the Fellowship Hall so that you can sit back, enjoy your meal, the speaker, and end your evening with worship. We hope you will join us for each of these Wednesday night Advent celebrations.

If you would like to join the ManUp! gang and hang out with us on this day, give Leland a call at 635-3985, so he can plan for the right-sized crowd.

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DO YOU HAVE A HEART FOR THOSE WHO ARE GRIEVING? Bereavement Ministers Lunch Our Bereavement Ministers are lay persons who provide one-on-one care (through phone calls, visits, prayer, sending cards, etc.) for those in our church who have lost a loved one. To learn more or to join this ministry, please come to a luncheon with those currently serving in this ministry, on Sunday, November 15, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm. Please RSVP for the lunch to Rev. Patty Walker at 471-8522, ext. 204, or at

LOVE LIGHTS A CANDLE: A SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE December 8 at 6:30 pm Refreshments following Does the advent season feel difficult because you are grieving the death of a loved one? You are invited to a special evening of reflection, music, candle lighting, and communion to come together in grief, remember loved ones, and find light in a holiday season that may feel very dark. This is a time for remembering, sharing our hurting places with God, and preparing our hearts for the coming of Christ. This gathering will provide a space for those who are grieving or facing any kind of pain in the midst of this season of celebration and seeking the presence of Christ our Light, who goes with us in the darkness. You are invited to bring a photo or an object of remembrance of your loved one. Childcare will be provided. For information, please contact Rev. Patty Walker at 719-471-8522, ext. 204, or at

RESTING IN GOD: CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER John Wesley wrote: “Whether you like it or not, read and pray daily. It is for your life; there is no other way; else you would be a trifler all your days. Do justice to your soul, give it time and means to grow. Do not starve yourself any longer.” Do not starve yourself any longer! You are invited to join a contemplative prayer group that meets in the FUMC Prayer Room, on Thursday mornings, from 9:30 to 10:30 am. This time provides for a period of Centering Prayer (a silent form of Christian meditation), followed by Lectio Divina (meditative reading of Scripture). Familiarity with these spiritual practices are not necessary, as an introduction can be provided at any time to newcomers. This is a drop-in prayer group, meaning that you can come as your schedule allows. For more information contact Rev. Patty Walker, at or 471-8522, ext. 204. There is also a Centering Prayer group, called Holy Listening, that meets on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm in the Prayer Room. For more information about this group, contact Dan and Lori Lohrmeyer at 630-1809.

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THE BUS MINISTRY NEEDS YOUR HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEL The Bus Ministry needs your hands on the steering wheel. Many members of our Church don’t or can’t drive anymore, or do not own a car. Our Bus Ministry brings members to Church on Sunday, and for some, this is their only enjoyable trip away from a care center or independent living facility. The fellowship that develops between drivers and passengers, and between passengers, is very special. This is an opportunity to meet new friends, as well as to serve the Church in a very rewarding and important ministry. We are in need of several new drivers, which would give our group of 12 very loyal and dedicated drivers extra time between turns. They balance Church activities, family, jobs, and social life. Schedules are arranged in a way that allow drivers to attend their usual Sunday school and worship service. No CDL is needed, just a regular driver’s license. Your commitment would be to drive for a few hours on Sunday, about once every 5 weeks. Please consider becoming a part of this ministry. For more information, contact Catherine Marshall at or 484-9347.

GOLDENWEDS CELEBRATION 2015 On September 27, FUMC hosted the annual Goldenweds celebration for couples who have been married 50 or more years. Thank you to all staff and volunteers who made this event another wonderful one, Pat Kosley, who provided the traditional wedding cake, Lori Lohrmeyer and Lynn Strong, for preparing a delicious meal. This year, we honored Art & Helena Ackley with the love birds center piece as a celebration of their 71st Anniversary on October 4! Congratulations to all our Goldenweds!

CHRISTMAS AT THE RANCH Fri, December 11, 6:00 - 9:00 pm Sat, December 12, 5:00 - 8:00 pm Join us on Friday or Saturday, December 11 or 12 for a spirited evening of dinner and entertainment to celebrate our Christmas season at the Ranch. A special dinner will be prepared by our returning chefs, Lynn Strong and Lori Lohrmeyer. Entertainment will be provided by our one and only First Company, led by Marty Fennewald. Join us and experience the Ranch in its holiday winter glory. This envent will sell out quickly. Get your tickets soon! Tickets: $20 adults and $15 children per night (Check or cash only). Ticket sales will begin November 8, in Friendship Hall, at 9:00 am and 12:00 pm. Tickets may also be reserved by contacting Chris Thornton at or 687-2148 after November 8.

ESM FACES OF POVERTY FUNDRAISER AND LUNCHEON The Mission Council invites you to prayerfully consider attending this year’s Ecumenical Social Ministry’s annual fundraiser, “The Faces of Poverty,” on Thursday, November 12. This year’s theme is “The Widow’s Mite.” Come hear the story of ESM, learn how clients are giving back, and how you can support our work. Call 719-228-6781 for details. As in past years, this event promises to be inspirational and moving. Perhaps your small group or Sunday school class might be interested in hosting a table.

THE SHELVES ARE BARE! Two weeks ago, the executive director of ESM, Rev. Ann Lantz, reported that ESM had to close its food bank because the shelves were bare. She was anxiously awaiting our First Sunday food drive in order to help replenish those shelves. As usual, your generosity made a big difference. However, the need is great, particularly with the upcoming holidays. Non-perishable and/or canned items are essential. Fresh food is used but must be taken directly to ESM. We get lots of peanut butter but struggle to maintain jams and jellies. So please give generously to ESM not only on our First Sunday food drives, but throughout the month, particularly over the holidays. Thanks so much for your continue support of ESM Food Pantry. For more information contact Rev. Chuck Stephens at

RIDES FOR RUBBISH A TESTIMONY OF FAMILY Extended family come in all shapes and sizes, from the friends gathering for a card or board game to church groups, co-workers, at lunch, and community gatherings. There are times when extended families are equally or more important than one’s immediate family. Frequently, through a falling-out or perhaps the passing on of those most closely related, one comes to rely solely on an outside group for the inter-personal interaction critical to a healthy life. The trust built up in an extended family over time allows for communication that’s progressively more open and heartfelt. Burdens are always easier to carry when you have something to look forward to, when you have someone to walk and talk with, when a hand on the shoulder and a smile can replace those tough and unsmiling faces all too frequently met in what can seem to be a cold or uncaring world. This is probably the most understated benefit of a program like Rides-4-Rubbish. Far beyond simply getting bus passes into the hands of those who are in the most need of them, it affords a

wonderful opportunity to build an extended family of caring people who are genuinely concerned with the social and spiritual needs of a maligned, marginalized and all-too-often forgotten part of our society. In my years participating in Rides-4-Rubbish, I have come to greatly appreciate all of those involved with the program, not just for the obvious advantages, but for all those invisible and intangible benefits for self and community. My heartfelt and ultimately inexpressible thanks goes out to all involved. And I certainly don’t want to forget the Youth Ministry which regularly treasures us with their love feasts. Those who are “regulars” of these third Sunday gathering, I’m sure, know the value of this extended family as well. Seeing familiar faces each month, tracing their struggles and successes, encouraging their spirits, and extending a hand when needed is rewarding, sometimes humbling and frequently a learning experience which cannot be underrated. It is my sincere desire that Rides-4-Rubbish continue to reach out in this way and offer much more than “rides” to those who participate. It is a program that not only aids the entire community, but lifts and brightens the spirits of everyone involved. I am most grateful to FUMC for continuing to actively support and volunteer with Rides-4-Rubbish. Brian K. (Marion House client)

FIRST STARS This Christmas, Be a Special Shining “Star” for Local Children First Stars is a local Christmas program sponsored by First United Methodist Church. Children are selected by their elementary school counselors based on financial need. For each child selected and their siblings, suggestions for a toy and clothing gift are provided by parents or guardians. A star (label) is created with their information. You will have the opportunity to select a star(s) in the Hospitality Center from 8:00 am until 12:00 pm, on November 15, 22, and 29. If you are interested in volunteering to help during star selection Sundays and/or gift drop-off Sundays, please fill out the yellow You Can Count on Me insert found in the Sunday bulletin, or contact Val Stevenson at 481-9698. Please prayerfully consider helping to make the holidays brighter for these children! Select-a-Star Sundays November 15 November 22 November 29

Gift Drop-Off Sundays November 22 November 29 December6

“It is more blessed to give than to receive” ~ Act 20:35

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10 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

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