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Fun in the sun on Australia Day in Bulahdelah
AUSTRALIA Day is an opportunity to celebrate living in our country.
A time to reflect, respect and acknowledge the many cultures and traditions that make up our wide brown land.
After a few years of COVID restrictions it was full steam ahead under clear skies and balmy hot weather.
In Bulahdelah there were many activities to cater for many varied interests and pastimes.
The day kicked off with a breakfast at the Bulahdelah Historical Museum.
Bulahdelah Historical Society President Kevin Carter told Myall Coast NOTA, “We have had dinners for about 20 years so we thought we would try something new.
“Doing it this way lets people do what they want for the rest of the day,” said Mr Carter.
The event was well supported by the local community, with about 50 people attending eating the yummy egg and bacon/sausage rolls, together with the orange juice and fresh fruit.
It was a great start to the day and everybody had a good time.
The crowd was entertained by a patriotic speech from Bulahdelah Historical Society President Kev Carter about how lucky we are to live in such a great country and local community given the troubles we see in other lands.
The Aussie quiz and bush poetry by Diane Burns, Ray Towers and Irene Worth reminded us that there’s many great yarns to tell about this country.
This was topped off by some rollicking singalongs of Aussie songs with Thora-Lou Smith.
Thanks to all those who handled the ground preparation, cooking, flag raising and food catering on the day and to MidCoast Council for their support and donation that enabled this event.
This event was followed by a triples bowl day at the Bulahdelah Bowling Club where the crowd of hardy bowlers endured the heat in a fun contest before retreating into the clubhouse to enjoy their barbeque lunch.
A family day was held at Delhuntie Youth camp with drumming groups and whip cracking amongst other activities with the ‘Tower of Terror” proving to be the most popular with youngsters.
The day was topped off with a yummy lunch provided by Bulahdelah Lions Club.
The afternoon was a scorcher with people retreating to their homes after a morning of activities to enjoy this great country with their families.