4 minute read
President’s Letter
ALTA Is Back!
We know it has been a very long spring for all of us. So much of what we love has vanished from our lives because of COVID-19. Yet, our eyes were opened to so many other things — spending more family time; developing new hobbies; reaching out to help others, including healthcare and frontline workers; and simply enjoying the many things we have always taken for granted. We knew it couldn’t last forever, and as things start to open back up, ALTA is once again offering league play for the summer. ALTA is back!
It was so exciting and invigorating to be back on the tennis court for my first ALTA match for the summer. Yes, my “play” is a bit rusty… but all of us were a bit rusty! I loved seeing my teammates, meeting the opponents, and having just a great, competitive match. We all “physically distanced,” but still “socialized” and caught up on our past three months of life. Our opponents were fun, happy, and great players. It almost seemed that some of the “petty irritations” (like line calls) that might occur in a match were not even present. Could this be because we have now realize how MUCH we love this game and being on the court? Playing this first 2020 summer match made me realize what a large part of my life, my social being, and my physical health ALTA tennis contributes to my everyday life. I sure have missed ALTA over these past three months — and I sure have the soreness to prove just how much my muscles/body have missed ALTA!
This summer season will look different for sure — gone are the great refreshment “spreads” so often at our matches (even though not required); gone are the handshakes and high fives, but we all talked just fine at our six-foot distance after the match. And as an effort to help our facilities with the “gathering” requirements, gone are our full third sets, replaced with the mandatory third-set 10-point tiebreaks for this summer season. ALTA will continue to ask our members to follow the CDC Guidelines and other governmental regulations, but with tennis, we can play our matches and still adhere to being smart and safe. We are all collectively responsible for one another’s safety during these challenging times.
If you’re already a member, we can’t wait to have you back on the courts. If you’re thinking of joining ALTA, we would love to have you! It is now documented by several health officials that tennis is one of the safest activities in which you can participate. ALTA continues to be the greatest way to be social and stay active, while meeting many new and potential lifelong friends.
ALTA is back! We can’t wait to see you on the courts!

Sandy Depa, 2020 ALTA President
For the latest news, information and events. altatennis.org facebook.com/Atlanta Lawn Tennis Association instagram.com/ALTA_tennis netnewsmag.com

2020 ALTA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 300 Colonial Center Parkway, Suite 140, Roswell, GA 30076 Phone: 770.399.5788 Website: altatennis.org
President First Vice President Secretary Treasurer VP Men’s League VP Thursday Women’s League VP Sunday Women’s League VP Senior Day Leagues VP Senior Leagues VP Mixed Doubles League VP Junior Leagues VP Junior Challenge Ladder VP Special Programs VP Media Appointed Member 2019 President 2018 President ALTA Foundation Rep

Sandy Depa Debbie Gaster Camille Puckett John Lowell Lamar Scott Keri Beck
Chequetta Allen
Kim Dlugolenski Roger Dennington Cameron Turner
Rita Maloof Brenda Maddaleni
Bob Kohmescher Michelle Ruiz Barbara Ingram Bill Price Joyce Vance Candace Cole
Chairman Bob Fitzgerald 2018 ALTA President Joyce Vance 2019 ALTA President Bill Price 2020 ALTA President Sandy Depa The ALTA Foundation Diana Burger President 2018 Elected Member Didi Chapdelaine 2019 Elected Member Larry Waters Treasurer John Lowell Secretary/ Debbie Gaster
First Vice President
President Diana Burger Treasurer John Lowell Secretary Candace Cole
NEW SOUTH PUBLISHING, INC. 9040 Roswell Road, Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30350 Phone: 770.650.1102
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Circulation Manager Accounting Larry Lebovitz John Hanna Emmy Powell Cory Sekine-Pettite Tracy Stalling Megan Willis
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