July/August Newsletter

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NEWSLETTER July / August 2022



President's Letter ... pages 2 - 4 Thank You, Peggy ... page 5 Spring BOD Report ... pages 6 - 7

APTA New York's Chapter staff works hard every day to serve you.

Nominations ... pages 8 - 9

We answer calls, emails, and more to help our members. If there is a problem, we are here. If you have a question, we are here. If you want to share your story, we are here.

Member Spotlight ... pages 11 - 12

Help is here when you need it.


2022 Award Winners ... page 10

Advocacy ... pages 13 - 14 Chapter Happenings ... page 15 The Physical/Spiritual ... pages 16 - 18 Connection

We are so grateful to have such If you've ever wanted to a hard working team to become more involved, now is support the APTA mission. your chance! They work hard every day to ensure that APTA New York is there for its members.

Check out all of our open volunteer positions in this newsletter!


NEWSLETTER July / August 2022

A LETTER FROM OUR PRESIDENT Many of us take a vacation during the summer months. Have you ever wondered when APTA New York takes its summer vacation? The answer is that APTA New York leadership and engaged member groups do not take the summer off. Our agenda is just as active over the summer as during other times of the year. With the exception of Federal holidays, the Chapter office remains open all summer long, with Chapter staff continuing to provide support to Chapter leaders, committees, and the membership at large. Many APTA New York committees are active over the summer as well. Even though the NYS legislature is not in regular session during the summer months, the Public Policy Committee remains busy during these months dealing with any regulatory issues that may impact the membership as well as working with the Chapter lobbyist to prepare the Chapter’s legislative agenda for the next legislative session. The Finance Committee meets in August to develop the proposed 2023 budget that will be voted on at the fall Board of Directors meeting in October. The Executive Committee continues to meet monthly over the summer and remains engaged with e-mail communications between meetings. In addition to committees, most Districts hold planning meetings over the summer to get ready for district membership meetings in the fall and spring.

"The answer is that APTA New York leadership and engaged member groups do not take the summer off. "

One of the most active Chapter groups this summer is the NY Chapter delegation to the APTA House of Delegates (HOD). The twenty-four active delegates plus some alternate delegates, as led by Chief Delegate Lynn Rivers, have been very busy getting ready to represent the New York membership at the HOD.

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NEWSLETTER July / August 2022

A LETTER FROM OUR PRESIDENT CONTINUED... The first session of the 2022 HOD virtually convened on July 30th during which APTA elections were held. Our New York delegation spent time in June and July participating in the election process by conducting live Zoom interviews with candidates for APTA office as well as viewing APTA recorded interviews with the candidates. A virtual special Delegate Assembly meeting was held on June 18th to discuss the motions that will be debated and voted on at this year’s HOD. Other summer responsibilities of NY Chapter delegates to APTA’s HOD include monitoring the motion discussion forum on the APTA HOD Hub community and attending NY delegation Zoom caucus meetings. Our NY delegation will be attending the in person sessions of the House of Delegates in Washington D.C. on August 14th and 15th. APTA New York representatives will also be participating in other APTA Leadership Congress events in Washington D.C. this August. MIKE TISBE (as President-elect) and I will be attending the Chapter President and Component Leadership meetings. TRACY HARDES , NY’s PTA Caucus Representative will attend the PTA Caucus annual meeting on August 13. MARCIA SPOTO , chair of the Public Policy Committee, and Mike Tisbe will be representing New York at the APTA State Payment Advocacy forum on August 16th. In addition, two student representatives selected by APTA New York’s Student Special Interest Group will attend the Student Development event. One of my most important activities over this summer has been to orient our next President, Mike Tisbe, to the multiple roles and responsibilities of serving as President of APTA New York. Mike officially assumes the position of President at the close of APTA's House of Delegates on August 15th. Mike, who has done outstanding work as our Vice President over the past four years, is definitely ready to lead the Chapter into the future.

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NEWSLETTER July / August 2022

A LETTER FROM OUR PRESIDENT CONTINUED... "In closing, it has been a distinct honor to serve as your President over the past four years. I truly appreciate all the support I have received, not just from my fellow Board members and committee members, but also from the grassroots members I have had the privilege of interacting with, especially my Greater New York District colleagues. I want to thank the past Presidents who provided me with sage counsel over the past four years." A special thank you to all the Executive Committee members I have served with during my two terms: Vice President Mike Tisbe, Secretaries JJ Mowder-Tinney and Debra Engel, Treasurers Keri Gill-Smith, and Mike Huson, and the Members-at-Large I have served with: Nan Hyland, Adam Rufa, Audrey Paslow, Katie Parrotte, and for the past 3 months, Cathy Zacher. I have learned valuable lessons from all of these individuals. I look forward to continuing to provide service to the Association and my fellow members, hopefully as a mentor to our up and coming leaders. Please feel free to reach out to me anytime now or in the future. Best regards, Peggy

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NEWSLETTER July / August 2022



"I want to thank Peggy Lynam for her leadership and guidance over the past four years of her presidency in APTA New York. Peggy’s ability to lead the Chapter through the COVID-19 pandemic showed her strength and resiliency in difficult times. As Peggy’s term as President of APTA New York comes to an end, I’d like to wish her good health and happiness for the future."

"Who knew 4 years ago when you were elected that the world would soon turn upside down. It was an honor to serve with you as you led us through a uniquely challenging time!" KERRI GILL-SMITH


"I cannot speak to the lives and professional development of all those Peggy has touched in service to our profession. I could say her influence has been extraordinary related to her longevity in leadership, service to the professional association, mentorship and development of new association leaders, countless students, new professionals and to a state that has seen many exceptional leaders. However, my recommendation for this recognition speaks to the direct influence she has had on me, in recognition I am one of many impacted by her in this way. "

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NEWSLETTER July / August 2022

SPRING BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT The Spring Board of Directors Meeting was held on MAY 6, 2022. Below is a summary of the Motions approved and some discussion topics. Please refer to the Spring BOD draft minutes on the website for more detail. THESE MOTIONS WERE PRESENTED AND PASSED: The APTA New York Policy Manual was amended by revision. The content was reorganized into a more user-friendly format and certain outdated sections were updated. The Southern Tier District bylaws were amended to reflect current practice and the needs of the district. Approved additional funding of up to $5,500 as a Special Project for updating the APTA New York website by October 31, 2022. This will increase the amount allotted for this project to $11,000 which includes a one-time flat fee of $9,995 for the Brand+ Package through CommunityBrands design services, with additional funds allotted to account for sales tax. The Awards Committee will develop the following nominations for APTA Awards: Outstanding Physical Therapist Assistant Educator: Clarence Chan Lucy Blair Service Award: Matthew Hyland Lucy Blair Service Award: Michael Mattia HIGHLIGHTS OF THE GENERATIVE DISCUSSION: New York Health Act – Public Policy Committee: Life Member John Skelly addressed the Board regarding the New York Health Act legislation. Based on discussions that have been held and the lobbyists recommendation, the Chapter will remain neutral for the present time pending further discussion. Expectation of the Chapter for Districts: This topic was discussed informally at the Thursday evening meeting prior to the Board and further discussion is encouraged. Ideas were exchanged regarding the changing roles of the Districts outside of offering continuing education. There was a special presentation of the Minority Affairs Future Leader Award.

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NEWSLETTER July / August 2022

SPRING BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT Opioid Alternative Special Committee: A suggestion was made to restructure the Committee and to include it as a subunit of the Public Policy Committee. Quick Roundup of Key Federal Issues: The Federal Affairs Liaison gave an update on key federal legislative issues including Medicare cuts; extending PT telehealth services; pausing of student loan repayment and increasing diversity in college health programs. Ideas for Membership Retention and Recruitment: The Treasurer gave an overview of the current membership numbers, and reported that the Chapter lost 100 full members since January. The Chapter will need to continue to show the value of membership. Reports at BOD and DA meetings: Discussed streamlining Board and DA reports. When the Chapter Strategic Plan was developed, the suggestion was made to alter the reports to align with the strategic plan and to have a document online where activities/strategies can be recorded. Further discussion and development of a template will continue. GOOD AND WELFARE: President thanked: All Board Members, Chapter Staff, Directors from B/SI, LI and Western Districts for their service on the Board, Katie Parrotte for her service as the Member at Large and Mike Tisbe for his service as Vice President. Congratulations to Catherine Zachar on her election as the Member at Large. The entire Board thanked Peggy Lynam for her service as President with a standing ovation.

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NEWSLETTER July / August 2022

APTA NEW YORK NEEDS CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Dear Friends & Colleagues, It’s time for you to consider nominating someone for chapter office. The Nominating Committee is pleased to present to you the following 2023-2025 open APTA New York leadership positions. Treasurer Secretary Chief Delegate Nominating Committee Member PTA Caucus Representative ENVISIONED FUTURE APTA New York strives to be a leader in moving physical therapy forward by establishing evidencebased practice standards, preparing the next generation of physical therapy leaders and advancing APTA’s quest to promote societal health. The New York Chapter is committed to its mission, to empower and support its members and the profession through advocacy, education, and research. The Nominating Committee would like to develop a strong slate of candidates for these vital positions for the NY Chapter. If you are interested in becoming a part of this mission through a leadership role in the APTA New York, please consider running for one or more of these open positions. If the time is not currently right for you to serve, you may consider nominating one of your colleagues. Surely you know leaders, mentors, friends, or members of APTA New York in your district who are qualified for these positions. Leaders also need encouragement and inspiration.

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NEWSLETTER July / August 2022

APTA NEW YORK NEEDS CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Slated candidates will be voted on at the 2023 APTA New York Delegate Assembly. To nominate yourself or someone else for the 2023-2025 positions of Treasurer, Secretary, Chief Delegate, or Nominating Committee Member, please complete this online nomination form: Nomination Form. The deadline for the above nomination submissions to APTA New York office is NOVEMBER 15, .2022. AT 5PM. To nominate yourself, or someone else, for the 2023-2025 PTA Caucus Representative, please complete this online nomination form: PTA Caucus. In addition to the above open APTA New York leadership positions, nominations for the APTA 2024 House of Delegates are also being accepted. You may access the following forms here: 2024 HOD nomination form: HOD Nominations. The deadline for the HOD and PTA Caucus Representative Nomination submissions to APTA New York office is MARCH 15, 2022 AT 5PM . You can find the job descriptions and time commitment for each of these positions from this link. Should you have any questions regarding the open positions, the nomination, or election process, please feel free to contact us and we will be delighted to assist you! CLARENCE CHANG Nominating Committee Chair, defenspeutic@outlook.com THERESA MARKO Nominating Committee Member, theresa.marko@gmail.com KERI GILL-SMITH Nominating Committee Member, coreyandkeri@msn.com

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NEWSLETTER July / August 2022

APTA HONORS & AWARD WINNERS We are proud to announce that APTA will honor our amazing members at the 2022 Honors and Awards Program ceremony! APTA's Honors and Awards program celebrates outstanding achievements on the part of association members in the areas of overall accomplishment, education, practice and service, publications, research, and academic excellence.

PEGGY LYNAM: Lucy Blair Service Award YASSER SALEM: Lucy Blair Service Award PATRICIA J. OHTAKE: Catherine Worthington Fellow THERESA MARKO: Federal Government Affairs Leadership Award NIA I. TOOMER-MENSAH: Minority Faculty Development Scholarship CRISTINA MARIE FUENTES: Minority Scholarship Award OLUTAYO AKINBOBOYE: Minority Scholarship Award

REGISTER FOR: Developing your Role as a Clinical Instructor with Specific Strategies to Improve Clinical Education Experiences

August 25

This webinar will be focused on developing and applying skills to address ways to approach each of those challenges leaving you with increased confidence and improved ability to support both yourself and your student.


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Presented by: J.J. Mowder-Tinney, PT, PhD Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy, Certified in Neuro-Development Treatment, Certified Stroke Rehabilitation Specialist, Certified Exercise Expert for Aging Adults


NEWSLETTER July / August 2022

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT KRISTIN MENDE Kristin Mende is a relatively recent addition to APTA New York’s membership, only joining us 4 years ago. Even in that short time, Kristin has shown how valuable she is to our chapter, now serving as a district chair for the Catskill District. Kristin is a passionate clinical specialist in orthopedic physical therapy and brings her expertise in this field to physical therapy students at Marist College. Kristin talks more about her experience as an educator and how her grandmother, her personal role model, inspired who she is today. Learn more about her by clicking the link below!

"I encourage new PTs and PTAs to take advantage of as many continuing education courses or conferences as possible."



NEWSLETTER July / August 2022

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT JEREMY CROW Jeremy Crow is an avid traveler and even once represented the profession of physical therapy in Brazil during the 2016 Olympics! Jeremy currently serves our Greater New York District as treasurer and has had a long record of active service in our chapter, previously serving as vice-chair for the district. Jeremy has a fascinating story from a simple Iowa boy to an NYC-based Director of Clinical Services. Click the link below to learn more about how Jeremy has traveled to help improve PT care around the world!

"The most rewarding part of my work was the opportunity to serve as a field of play medical volunteer physical therapist for the volleyball venue at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games."



NEWSLETTER July / August 2022


I have always wanted to get involved in the APTA but could never find the right fit for myself. I desired to make an impact, but at the same time I wanted to have control and freedom on how and when I volunteered my time. I began reading about the challenges facing physical therapy at the federal (Medicare cuts) and state level and knew I wanted to get involved to fight for my profession. In turn, I began investigating advocacy on the APTA website. The first thing I did was become part of the APTA Advocacy Network through the PTeam signup; this allowed me to stay current on important issues and become aware of updates to legislation. I also downloaded the PT Action App, which is great for contacting your State Senators and Congressmen or Congresswomen. Your local politicians will automatically be inputted to form letters regarding the issue at hand and you will be connected to their e-mails, twitter, Facebook, etc. Engaging online was a start, but I wanted to do more; therefore, I became a key contact to my local Congressman. In this role, I would be the main contact to Congressman Higgins and his staff and would be assisted by our Federal Affairs Liaison. As a key contact, we would try and meet with the Congressman’s office each August during the recess and speak to them as issues would arise, such as the recent concern over the Medicare Fee schedule. While I have enjoyed the aforementioned activities, nothing will top being able to participate in a Legislative Fly-In like I was able to on June 23rd. The Advocacy Network had 100 members from all the states converge on Capital Hill and meet with Senators and Congresspeople. I was able to meet with staff from Senators Schumer’s and Gillibrand’s office and Congressman Higgins. We discussed several bills and issues that are trying to be passed in Congress and educating them on how they will affect us as physical therapists. I found that they were not familiar with details on particular bills or issues that affect our field and constituents, and it was both encouraging and rewarding to hear they want to support us. I must admit engaging in this advocacy work has brought me out of my comfort zone and I was very nervous meeting with all these important people.

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NEWSLETTER July / August 2022


However, the APTA provided extensive trainings before the meetings took place, including several online trainings and preparation at APTA Headquarters the night before the meetings were held. APTA provided talking points and handouts to leave at the offices for politicians and support staff all the way through. Because of this extensive support and preparation, my nervousness quickly abated.I was able to meet therapists from other states who were likeminded and talk about how various issues affected us across states. I felt privileged to represent physical therapists inside these important offices and converse with our elected officials. I am pleased I took this opportunity despite it being outside my comfort zone; it was a rewarding experience both professionally and personally. As an aside, the new APTA building is beautiful and worth checking out! For anyone interested in getting involved, my recommendations include downloading the PT Action App and visit the APTA website. Both contain resources, action campaigns to contact your representatives, and the ability to sign up for the advocacy network. After checking out these resources, decide how involved you want to get. Regardless if you are sitting on your couch writing e-mails or traveling to our nation’s capital, every action has an impact. Your voice and actions will help strengthen our profession and is definitely worth your time and effort. WE NEED YOU.

HOW TO GET INVOLVED Join the APTA Advocacy Network!

The APTA Advocacy Network is a vital link to APTA’s success on Capitol Hill. All network members receive a quarterly newsletter about legislative activity on Capitol Hill and Legislative Action Alerts on federal legislative and regulatory issues. Through the alerts we ask you to contact your members of Congress and federal agencies on particular issues of concern to your patients and the physical therapy profession.

CLICK TO JOIN! APTA New York | July/August | 14


NEWSLETTER July / August 2022

CHAPTER HAPPENINGS We are so grateful for our members who chose to donate their time to help out a local Special Olympics New York event. A special thank you to the Catskill District who organized volunteers from Catskill, Hudson Valley, Long Island, and Greater New York districts! We also had DPT and PTA students volunteering as well!

The Catskill District worked with Marist College DPT students and local golf professionals to offer an adaptive golf clinic to local kids! We love to see our members making an impact in their community!

You can now connect with your fellow district members through our Facebook groups!

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NEWSLETTER July / August 2022


In the Spring of 2022, I, along with an inspiring and heartfelt mix of people from various schools across the CUIMC campus, participated in an IPE (Inter-Professional Education) elective seminar called ‘Spirituality & Healthcare’ which focused on the past and present separations between these two concepts within the medical field and ways in which they can be integrated in practice, promoting better, more meaningful outcomes by strengthening trust, communication and connection between patient and provider. While this experience allowed me to dive deep into skills that will benefit me professionally, I was also greatly enriched personally. This elective came every Wednesday night, right smack in the middle of the week, during a wild and tumultuous semester that nearly squeezed me dry more than a few times. And even though every Wednesday evening I could feel the anxiety of putting my time towards something other than course work creeping up on me, I was always so grateful once I sat down and listened to what brought all of my peers joy that day, a practice we started each class with. Our professors for the course, Ssanyu and Naomi, guided us through rich and thoughtful discussion prompted by direct patient accounts, poetry, videos, movies, excerpts from various books, articles and guest speakers. We shared, but more importantly, we listened. While there were many moving pieces we discussed throughout the course, I found that one in particular really drove home the power and importance of all the material we were consuming together. For me, that piece was 'This Narrow Space' by Elisha Waldman.

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The excerpt is the account of a doctor’s experience with his patient Elisheva, a Modern Orthodox Jewish woman who had been receiving chemotherapy as this doctor’s patient for the past year. Elisheva is described as a “beacon of cheerfulness,” having an “outsize personality” that “lights up any room she walks into” and rarely seemed tired or down. At this point in the doctor’s story, Elisheva is in remission. She is in her early twenties, just out of school and “just starting to discuss marriage with her boyfriend” who left her after she received her diagnosis. But now she was done with chemotherapy and due to get started on returning back to her “normal” life. This doctor had recently taken a course in palliative care where they had learned a little bit about spiritual support. He decided to attempt to put into practice what he’d learned for the first time during their end-of-therapy meeting. From the excerpt: “I take a deep breath and feel my way forward. “Elisheva,” I say carefully, “I hope you’ll forgive me for asking and please let me know if I’ve crossed a line, but I was wondering about how this whole experience has affected your sense of community and your belief system, especially as an observant Jew? Has anything changed for you?” She is silent for a moment, and I look up just in time to see her burst into tears. It’s the first time I have ever seen her cry. After a few minutes of quiet weeping, as I sit there feeling terrible and wondering what to do, Elisheva unleashes a torrent of spiritual angst. She describes her sense of alienation from her community, her worries that she is now “damaged goods” and will never marry, and that despite having undergone ovarian cryopreservation she still might never be able to have children.

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NEWSLETTER July / August 2022


She asks repeatedly what she has done to deserve this. She worries that despite having done everything “right,” as an observant Jew she has somehow angered God and brought this on herself. I am mortified. A few minutes ago I had been so proud of our mutual accomplishments, of having successfully treated her cancer. But now that pride dissolves into despair, even panic, as I realize that I had neglected to address a critical aspect of Elisheva’s care. I am sending off to long-term follow-up someone who is physically cured, but who has been spiritually damaged. When I read this piece I felt the overwhelming gravity of responsibility that comes with choosing to work in healthcare. I felt the heft of the kind of work, on our part, that is necessary to be able to provide spiritually safe and meaningful care. For me, this story highlights just how important Narrative Medicine is in the future of healthcare. Learning how to ask people who they are, where they come from, what is important to them, and what they need… and more importantly, learning how to listen when they tell you… all so that our patients can maintain their sense of self, meaning and connection in a hospital room at the end of their life, at physical or occupational therapy learning how to move and live again, in their doctor’s office after receiving a life-changing diagnosis… and even in typical, “run-of-the-mill” care. Even though this doctor felt that he had failed his patient in some way, so much important work was done in the act of asking. This story shines a blinding light on the need for more of this work in our fields, and on the profound importance of being heard. I would like to say thank you to Ssanyu and Naomi, and all of my brilliant and heartfelt peers for making Hump Day enlightening and inspirational. It was a pleasure.

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NEWSLETTER July / August 2022


Going on vacation this summer? You can save on hotels, resorts, and travel packages with the Travel Savings Center.

Did you know? All APTA members can save BIG on GE Appliances at the GE store? Get high quality appliances for a low price!



APTA New York 971 Albany Shaker Road Latham, NY 12110 518.459.4499 www.aptany.org

Juliet Barney

Editorial Board

Catherine Zacher PT, DPT Alanna Pokorski PT, DPT

Chapter Officers President President Elect Vice President Treasurer Secretary Chief Delegate

Peggy Lynam PT, DPT Michael Tisbe PT, DPT Michael Masaracchio PT, DPT, PhD Michael Huson PT, DPT Debra Engel PT, DPT, MS Lynn Rivers PT, PhD

Chapter Directors Brooklyn/Staten Island Catskill Central Eastern Finger Lakes Greater New York Hudson Valley Long Island Southern Tier Western

Chapter Office Staff

Did you know? You can save 25% on New Balance shoes and apparel! Click here to get the deal. APTA New York | July/August | 19

The APTA New York Newsletter is published 6 times per year.

Anna Len PT, DPT Yvonne Egitto PT,DPT Adam Rufa PT, DPT Audrey Paslow PT, DPT Catherine Zacher PT, DPT Kaitlyn Paarrotte PT, DPT Nannette Hyland PT, PhD Eric Greenberg PT Sarah Fishel PT, DPT Jacob McPherson PT, DPT, OCS

Executive Director Communications Manager Continuing Education & Events Coordinator Membership Coordinator

Kelly Garceau Juliet Barney Erin Stack Adilah Abdul-Matin

Copyright 2022 by APTA New York

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