APTA Newsletter September/October

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INSIDETHISISSUE CATCH UP WITH APTA NEW YORK MAKE A DIFFERENCE As we gear up for our Fall Board of Directors meeting, we are looking to the future! We are working to create a driving force in the physical therapy community. We advocate for our members and help them each day to help move the profession forward If you've ever wanted to become more involved, there are always opportunities Contact your District Director for more details! We are so excited to share that our students are getting involved in APTA Advocacy! Sometimes you can make a change with just the click of a button. APTA NEW YORK NEWSLETTER September/October2022 President's Letter Cont. Education Member Spotlight SSIG Board SSIG President Spotlight Chapter Happenings Q&A with Delegate V.R Gaming in Rehabilitation ... pages 2 5 ... page 6 ... pages 7 8 pages 10 page 11 ... page 12 ... pages 13 14 ... pages 15 17


In mid August of this year, at the close of APTA’s House of Delegates, I transitioned from my role as President Elect to attain my current role as President of APTA New York. It is a role I am honored to fulfill and humbled by the confidence placed in me by my peers.

I want to share with you my thoughts on this journey and express gratitude for those who have carved the path, walked the trail ahead of me, with me, and for those whom I hope to join alongside me to continue to move our profession forward.

For me, it started with an idea, a thought, a notion that being a part of a professional organization, like APTA New York at the time, was what a therapist did when they began to practice

After 20 years of being a passive member, attending a few meetings, seeing the challenges in my profession, I began to be concerned over the future of not only my profession but my future. My ability to advance in the healthcare industry, to earn an income, along with the care and effort I placed in my patient outcomes were at the forefront of my mind

As a graduated BS PT, Vision 2020 concerned me. Like many others, I felt as though the organization looked at me as not good enough, and future patients and therapist may view me the same way. My concern led me to enroll in a transitional DPT program. I was treating patients during the day, raising my children in the evenings, studying, and taking classes at night and on weekends It was a daunting time to say the least

All the while I questioned that vision, the present was painful, the vision for me had no purpose, and I saw no economical reason as a Physical Therapist to believe it would be worth it I earned my degree; my children grew and my love for the profession increased, I felt invigorated by what I had learned and was ready to take on new challenges, determined to move myself, and my profession forward. I was equipped with greater skills and knowledge to care for my patients.

Admittedly, during this time I was a passive member of APTA New York, often a grumbling one as well. I did not understand how APTA New York was helping me, and how becoming a DPT was helping me

I felt as if I was a member, but no one cared.

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It started with a crazy idea at a district meeting. A co worker and I went to hear a physician give a talk on shoulder injuries. There was talk of elections, and I said to him, ‘let’s do this, let’s get elected and start changing the things we don’t like.’It was a crazy idea. Admittedly, I am not the most accomplished, the most intelligent, or the most skilled I am a PT that loves my profession, my role in healthcare, and who wanted to enter the organization and make a difference Well, a crazy thing happened, I became the Central New York District Director

The role of a district director is to be a conduit of information, taking information and ideas from the members of the district, payment concerns, practice issues, community service ideas and events, and bring them to the board of directors; made up of all the district directors from each of the 10 districts of New York At the Board of Directors meetings, all the ideas, concerns and issues from each district can be presented and discussed, evaluated, and explored and often actively responded to as either regional trends or state wide issues.

The Directors then bring those discussions and actions back to the members of the district they represent I was awed by the number of intelligent, dedicated, passionate, and inspired individual who were there to effect change, just like me. I realized by listening, observing, and assessing the boards it wasn’t APTA New York that needed a revolution, it was my perspective that needed evolution. I began to understand the challenges faced and efforts made by the volunteers of this organization before me, then and now.

I came to the realization that we were all there to create a change that would alter the nature of our profession for the better. They were dedicated to the issues that concerned us all, I just didn’t realize that change is hard, and to effect change one must work harder than the change they want to create, be tireless, and be resilient

APTA NEW YORK NEWSLETTER September/October2022
"I came to the realization that we were all there to create a change that would alter the nature of our profession for the better."


As a director, I was honored to serve on Strategic Planning Task forces, a Payment Task Force, as wells as serving on Membership and Program Committees. The work of our organization is performed by the dedicated and caring volunteers that have chosen to do something and have become active in an area of interest for them and an area of need for all of us. These committees are organized to enhance the experience, address concerns, manage the needs of our organization and help direct the efforts of our community for the betterment of the profession and the service of its members The volunteers who are on these committees work by day and help advance the profession by night

They understand the need and have answered the call to help.

The collaboration of these committees has enabled our organization to become nimbler in the response to the needs of the profession, our members and to advocate efficiently and effectively for our profession.

"The work of our organization is performed by the dedicated and caring volunteers that have chosen to do something and have become active in an area of interest for them and an area of need for all of us."

A perspective here to consider is the long road to direct access. It took passionate volunteers, countless hours, meetings, revisions, iterations, letters, phone calls to educate and influence a hard change for the healthcare community It took years, tears, and resilience to move that vision forward Did changing Physical Therapy programs to produce Doctor of Physical Therapy facilitate this change, enhance the public and political view of Physical Therapist?

Perhaps, my colleagues may not have understood the vision then, as I have dedicated my energies into the service of APTA New York for the last 11 years becoming an active and engaged member in 2012, 20 years after becoming a member of NYPTA and APTA.

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It is my sincere hope this letter speaks to those of you who are uncertain if you are ‘good enough’ or ‘smart enough’ to become more involved. I would ask you try, to convert your passion for what you do to make our professional organization stronger.

APTA New York faces many hard changes to evolve into the organization members want it to be, to represent the Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistants we all want to be

There is much work ahead to accomplish our vision of being recognized as an entry level practitioner into the healthcare system. Our need to be at the forefront of the development future care models to impact society, to transform the human experience through movement. We need to strengthen and develop our community of Physical Therapist and Physical Therapy Assistance to promote the improvement of access to our service and the betterment of the health of society in New York State Best regards, Mike

"In the years to come we will need to understand the change we want to see; we will need new volunteers with a want to help, an idea to explore, and a resilience to endure the change we chose to create."
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APTA New York is proud to offer everyone a complimentary CE hosted alongside the NYS Workers' Compensation Board! We will be hosting this event via zoom on Thursday, November 10th 2022 from 7:00pm 9:00pm. Speakers will be presenting on multiple topics including:

Independent contractors versus employees Essential tips to be aware of Refresher / overview of workers’ compensation (WC), disability (DB) & Paid Family Leave (PFL)? **with COVID 19/variant

How to get the best claims results & What are some ways to lower premiums?

There will also be a designating speaker to review the Expanded Provider Law and how it pertains to Physical Therapists (PTs).

How to become a Board Authorized medical provider What’s changed for PTs? How will PTs be paid for treatment of workers on workers’ compensation? What will Board Authorized PTs be able to do? What is the application process?

Formal Registration to follow within the coming month! APTA NEW YORK NEWSLETTER APTA New York | September/October| 6



New York

a great leader

a reformed 'workaholic' who

finding her way


Meryle Richman is a long-time APTA
member and is
in the profession. Meryle is
retirement"! Meryle talks more about her experience in the PT field, shares the value of APTA New York and more! Learn more about her by clicking the link below! "Therearewonderfulbenefitsto beingalifetimemember.Once youareamembereitherfor30 yearsorreachtheageofsixtyfive,theyearlymembership ratesarereducedandthereare noNewYorkChapterdues." APTA New York | September/October | 7 Setpember/October2022


Megan R. James

Megan James is a dedicated APTA New York member who dedicates her life to the profession and keeping healthy outside of work!

She shares her vast knowledge about the profession and what she would tell her younger self.

PLUS! She's ran 10 marathons and is on her way to being an Adirondack 46 er!

Read more about Megan's passion for physical therapy and her background below! "IlovethatIhavetimetobuildrelationships withmypatients,andsometimestheirfamilies, whileguidingthemthroughtheprocessof rehabilitationorworkingtoimprove performance." APTA New York | September/October | 8 Setpember/October2022
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"I'd like to introduce myself as the new Student Special Interest Group President. The Student SIG holds elections for their executive board every July with new officers beginning their terms in early August I'm lucky to say that this is my second year on the board and we're already up and running with a vibrant and motivated group of physical therapy student professionals. I'm excited to have this committed team to work with as I know we'll accomplish making APTA a more inclusive and engaging place for students

One of the goals for my term this year is to increase the cohesiveness between Student SIG and our connections with each accredited PT/PTA program throughout the state so that we can reach as many students as possible with networking, mentorship, and involvement opportunities So far, I'm excited to say that we've already had some successes with mobilizing students to participate in the APTA Flash Action Strategy that took place on September 14 and 15 as well as filling all the slots for a trip to the "Today Show" to shine a light on PT Awareness month. I definitely want to continue this momentum, and I'm excited to see what this year brings! "

I am in my 3rd year at Daemen University in Buffalo, NY.

My favorite memory of Student SIG so far would be from my previous year when, as Advocacy Chair, I attended Federal Advocacy Day in Washington, DC! (An amazing experience I would recommend to anyone!)

I'm a mom of one vibrant and energetic 3-year old!

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APTA NEW YORK NEWSLETTER CHAPTER HAPPENINGS APTANewYorkMembersthisyear'sHouse ofDelegates! JavierBecerra,theSecretaryofHealthand HumanServices,cametospeaktoour members!Weareproudofourwhole dedicationstandingforPT! WehadvolunteersfromAPTANew YorkoffertheirtimefortheSpecial Olympics! Thisissuchaspecialprofession thatallowsustoputasmileona newfaceeveryday! APTA New York | September/October| 12 APTANewYorkmembersMatthewand NannetteHylandtofundanendowed scholarshipthatsupportsDoctorof PhysicalTherapystudentsatMercy College! Welovetoseeourmembers supportingfuturePTs! Setpember/October2022



As a student PT I intermittently attended district events After graduating from PT school and working for a few years, a PT colleague invited me to fill the role as the Central District corresponding secretary.

Nominating Committee Chair for Central District of APTA NY (previous co-chair for 8 years)

Delegate to APTA New York Delegate to House of Delegates


After one year as the corresponding secretary, there was a vacancy in the Central District co chair position so the district e board appointed me to that role Initially I took on the leadership position to fill a void but the ability to collaborate with PT colleagues while providing a service to the district members is what kept me in the position for eight years.


House of Delegates was an amazing experience. I was completely immersed in a body of physical therapists who share a common interest in the progression and betterment of the profession I was fascinated by the policymaking process that defines the House of Delegates as well as the passion that many delegates articulated on various issues that arose in the general discussion of motions. Until this experience I did not appreciate the tremendous effort that goes into the preparation and execution of this annual meeting. I was honored to be a part of this body and, from this, am eager to continue serving the APTA and fellow physical therapists as a future delegate

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Having recently stepped into a new role as a member of the Central District Nominating Committee I believe my goal is in alignment with that of the committee: to serve the district and chapter by educating and recruiting physical therapists who are excited to fill open positions and continue the work of the district.


If people are interested but are unsure what role they’d like to fill and/or how to get involved

I recommend that they attend their district business meeting Business meetings take place multiple times throughout the year and are a great source of information for events and opportunities to get involved. The APTA New York website is also a great way to gather information on opportunities in leadership, legislation, volunteering, and other resources.


APTA New York is the central body for dissemination of all information related to leadership, legislation, volunteering, continuing education, and research

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Yasser Salem PT, PhD, NCS, PCS Ahmed Elokda PT, PhD

Virtual reality video gaming is a popular recreational and entertainment activity for children and adults across the world. The incorporation of physical activity into video gaming facilitates the integration of this technology into rehabilitation therapies. A virtual reality video game offers enjoyable gaming experience for the player, and it has characteristics that are different from more traditional video games. Video gaming technology using virtual reality systems can effectively deliver has enabled users to become active participants in the virtual environment while performing engaging, high repetition movement practice

Progress in the fields of virtual reality and video gaming technology has offered and continues to offer the possibility of incorporating these games in the field of rehabilitation. The use of the gaming system as a rehabilitation tool provides real time practice of tasks and activities, and provides opportunities to engage in intensive, meaningful, enjoyable, and purposeful tasks related to real life environment

The physical activities in these games include practice of movements and tasks that involves a wide range of sensory feedback; adjustable movement amplitudes, speed, and precision levels; and incorporation of a variety of visual spatial, cognitive, and attention tasks. The practice of these activities may be promising as it may increase participation and motivation during therapy and can be used as part of the home therapy program.

Virtual reality video game technologies varies from a simple non-immersive presentation on a screen (i.e., computer, or smart device) to immersive systems, such as head mounted displays, or up to a room size system. In general, the commercial non-immersive virtual video games are less expensive than the immersive systems. Several reports indicated that immersive systems provide more intense experience compared to non-immersive systems

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Yasser Salem PT, PhD, NCS, PCS Ahmed Elokda PT, PhD

In the last two decades, there has been increase in the use of virtual reality gaming systems in rehabilitation Although using the virtual reality gaming systems has become a popular form of rehabilitation, some those gaming systems have been developed and tested for the purpose of entertainment and may not be designed as therapeutic tools.

Before recommending those virtual gaming systems for use in rehabilitation, it is important to understand the evidence regarding their feasibility and effectiveness. Fortunately, there has been much progress in research to examine the use of those systems as a rehabilitation tool in various populations including adults and children with disability as well as aging population. The growing body of evidence in this area of research suggests that those virtual reality gaming systems are somewhat helpful in improving motor skill rehabilitation of a wide range of functional deficits in several patient populations

Despite the promise for virtual reality technologies in rehabilitation, several key themes have emerged from the review of current literature The use of virtual reality gaming systems in rehabilitation appears promising and can offer several benefits over traditional therapeutic approaches. Exercising using virtual reality gaming systems is an attractive form of therapy and may motivate patients to participate, improve performance, and increase adherence to the rehabilitation program. The virtual reality gaming systems allow the participants to actively engage in tasks and movement activities that can be fun, enjoyable, and therapeutic with environmental conditions that encourage self initiated activity with natural restraints One potential application of the virtual reality gaming system is to increase intensity or access to affordable practice to augment rehabilitation of individuals with disability.

The consensus from the literature is that virtual reality gaming systems are valid tools to augment rehabilitation. While studies provide useful information regarding its validity as a novel treatment, there is lack of studies that examined if the use of virtual reality gaming systems is superior to traditional approaches or can be an adequate substitute of traditional rehabilitation

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At this point, clinicians and patients should not consider using a virtual reality gaming system as a replacement for a physical therapy program; it should be used to increase the intensity of exercises and to complement traditional exercises

Several case reports have raised concerns about injuries, particularly musculoskeletal injuries from repetitive use of the virtual reality gaming system

The safety of using those systems particularly in home settings especially for people with disability has not been verified in literature Given the number of injuries that may be associated with virtual reality gaming systems, it is important to provide appropriate supervision, particularly for children and individuals with disability and to avoid improper body mechanics during exercises.

The role of clinicians has been essential to prescribe and promote use of virtual reality gaming systems as they relate to patients’ physical function and wellness. A major responsibility of clinicians is to select and educate patients on use of virtual reality gaming systems that are safe and appropriate for the patient’s goals and needs. Clinicians should consider dosing intensity of training and the balance between practicing tasks using virtual reality gaming systems and practicing functional tasks outside the simulated environment Selection, application, and progression of training should allow transfer of training from simulated environment to the real life environment.

In summary, use of the virtual reality gaming systems into rehabilitation is appealing and motivating. The use of the virtual reality gaming systems in rehabilitation provides the patients with opportunity to participate in an exercise program that is fun, enjoyable, and at the same time beneficial to address their disabilities. Consensus of the current evidence suggests that virtual reality gaming systems provide an appropriate therapeutic environment that can be used to augment rehabilitation and to increase intensity of therapy At this point, clinicians and patients should not consider using a virtual reality gaming system as a replacement for a physical therapy program; it should be used to increase the intensity of exercises and to complement traditional exercises.

Yasser Salem PT, PhD, NCS, PCS Ahmed Elokda PT, PhD
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APTA NEW YORK NEWSLETTER WE APPRECIATE YOUR MEMBERSHIP APTANewYork 971AlbanyShakerRoad Latham,NY12110 518.459.4499 wwwaptanyorg Publisher Editor/Designer EditorialBoard ChapterOfficers ChapterDirectors ChapterOfficeStaff JulietBarney TheAPTANewYork Newsletterispublished6 timesperyear CatherineZacherPT,DPT AlannaPokorskiPT,DPT President VicePresident Treasurer Secretary ChiefDelegate MichaelTisbePT,DPT MichaelMasaracchioPT,DPT,PhD MichaelHusonPT,DPT DebraEngelPT,DPT,MS LynnRiversPT,PhD Brooklyn/StatenIsland Catskill Central Eastern FingerLakes GreaterNewYork HudsonValley LongIsland SouthernTier Western AnnaLenPT,DPT YvonneEgittoPT,DPT AdamRufaPT,DPT AudreyPaslowPT,DPT CatherineZacherPT,DPT KaitlynPaarrottePT,DPT NannetteHylandPT,PhD EricGreenbergPT SarahFishelPT,DPT JacobMcPhersonPT,DPT,OCS ExecutiveDirector CommunicationsManager ContinuingEducation&EventsCoordinator KellyGarceau JulietBarney ErinStack Copyright 2022 by APTA New York Did you know? Graduating student members who participate in the Early Career Discount Program receive a 50% discount on their first year? Learn more. Did you know? There's a new APTA Mastercard that can help with personal AND business loans? Plus! It supports the PT Fund. Learn more. by clicking here. Did you know? You can save up to 75% on office and school supplies? Take advantage of this offer! APTA New York | September/October | 18 Setpember/October2022

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