2020 July/August NYPTA Newsletter

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July/August, 2020 Volume M, NO. 33

Empire State

Physical Therapy The O f f i ci al Ne wsl etter o f the N ew Yo r k Phys ic a l Th era py As s o c iatio n, I nc.

IN THIS ISSUE 2020 House of Delegates Report (Cover Story (page 1,3)

Lessons Learned - President's Letter (page 2)

Spring 2020 BOD, Special BOD Meeting and the 2020 DA Report (page 3-4)

In Memoriam: Susan Bennett, PT, DPT, PhD (page 5-6)

To Be or Not To Be....Better Together: Dr. Tracy Urvater (page 7-8)

Nominating Committee Article (page 9)

Nomination Forms (page 10-12)

News & Announcements (page 14)

2020 House of Delegates Report by Roger Herr, PT, MPA Chief Delegate NY 2020-2021

2020 is my first term as NY Chapter Chief Delegate. First, thank you to all the NYPTA Delegates, Alternates and PTA Caucus member who made the first virtual/remote APTA House of Delegates due to COVID-19 self-quarantine/no travel. We covered forty-two motions in three days: thirty-three passed, six of which were bylaw amendments. Two motions referred, one defeated and six motions were not considered. Our process shifted from onsite meeting in Arizona to online meetings in our home/office to address candidates and motions, mostly using Zoom. The delegates served the Chapter well with dialogue, discussion, debate and follow up with motion makers and other components as needed. The meetings were in the afternoon and evenings with 1.5 hours online and one-hour breaks. The first motion to be discussed was RC 41-20 Charge: Appropriate use of Telehealth in Physical Therapy. A motion brought by NY prior to COVID and had strong support of the House such that it was moved to first order of new business. The motion language presented and passed: That the American Physical Therapy Association develop best-practice strategies to guide the use of telehealth in physical therapist practice.

continued on page 3 www.nypta.org

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Volume M, No.33 July/August, 2020

"Lessons Learned"


President’s letter


Volume XXXIX, No.(8), November/December, 2005


As I began my second term as NYPTA President last month, I reviewed my first President's letter to the Chapter membership which was published in the July/August 2018 newsletter. The title of this first letter, “Learning the Ropes”, led me to reflect back over the past two years of my first term to gain insights into “lessons learned”. The main theme of my first letter was how to optimize communication and member engagement. My first lesson learned is that there is not an endpoint for this goal. These two issues are just as important now, two years later, and should continue to be priorities for the Chapter – even more so with the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. How we communicate with each other will continue to evolve as new technologies are developed and circumstances beyond our control dictate change. In-person meetings are what I personally prefer (and miss the most), but I have learned that virtual communication platforms can be an effective method for getting the work of the Chapter accomplished. We have successfully held two Board of Director meetings and the annual Delegate Assembly via Zoom since March. Member engagement is of the utmost importance currently as the Chapter has experienced a significant decrease in member dues income since “I am continually thankful for all of the support the beginning of the pandemic. and wise counsel I have received Developing new ways to during my first term” keep members engaged and Peggy demonstrate the value of membership remains a Chapter Peggy Lynam, PT, DPT


priority. As one solution, the Chapter

Program committee has planned a series of continuing education webinars being offered at a reduced cost. The Chapter will begin hosting informal Zoom chats next month as another way to keep members engaged. Another lesson learned is the importance of perseverance. Everything takes time and usually more time than we may initially estimate. Some of the themes of my other President letters has been what the Chapter has done in the past and what we are planning to do for the future. It can seem as if we are always working towards the same outcomes, especially with our legislative agenda, but I have learned it is okay to take our time to accomplish goals. I believe our work results in better outcomes when we spend more time on specific issues, rather than rushing through just to be able to say we accomplished something. My third lesson learned is that the challenges of serving as President are far outweighed by the rewards that being the leader of such a dedicated team of Chapter and District volunteers brings. I am continually thankful for all the support and wise counsel I have received during my first term. I am excited to continue to serve the Chapter as your President and to continue to learn the best ways to meet your needs. Please reach out with your suggestions and comments. Best regards,


New York Physical Therapy Association 971 Albany Shaker Road Latham, NY 12110 Phone: 518.459.4499 • Toll-Free: 800.459.4489 Fax: 518.459.8953 www.nypta.org

Editor / Designer

Gloria Baker Empire State Physical Therapy is published 6 times yearly, with combined January/February, March/April, May/June, July/ August, September/October and November/December issues. Its purpose is to provide physical therapists, physical therapist assistants and physical therapist/physical therapist assistant students with accurate and timely information relevant to the practice of physical therapy. The editor reserves the right to edit all communications. Anonymous letters will not be published. Views expressed are those of the author and do not represent the formal position of NYPTA unless expressly stated.

Editorial Board

Catherine Talbett, PT, DPT Alanna Pokorski, PT, DPT


All adver tisements in Empire State Physical Therapy must comply with the ethical standards of the APTA. Acceptance of advertisements in this publication does not imply endorsement.

Submission of Material for Publication

Submissions should be sent via email to Gloria Baker, Editor, at gbaker@nypta.org. Submissions are subject to the discretion of the editorial board.


NYPTA members automatically receive this publication. Nonmember subscriptions are $100 (US) or $150 (non-US) annually. This price includes sales tax, shipping and handling.


Editorial and advertising deadlines are the first business day of the month prior to the month of publication.

Chapter Officers

Chapter Directors

President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Speaker Chief Delegate

Brooklyn/Staten Island Catskill Central Eastern Finger Lakes Greater New York Hudson Valley Long Island Southern Tier Western

Peggy Lynam, PT, DPT Michael Tisbe, PT, DPT Keri Gill-Smith, PT, DPT Debra Engel, PT, DPT, MS Genevieve Smith, PT, DPT Roger Herr, PT, MPA

Hammouda Soliman, PT, DPT Yvonne Egitto, PT, DPT Adam Rufa, PT, DPT Audrey Paslow, PT, DPT Michael Huson, PT, DPT Kaitlyn Parrotte, PT, DPT Nannette Hyland, PT, PhD Keith Perrucci, PT, Sarah Fishel, PT, DPT Julie Wolfley, PT, DPT, OCS

Chapter Office Staff

Executive Director Kelly Garceau kgarceau@nypta.org Communications Manager Gloria Baker gbaker@nypta.org Membership Coordinator Adilah Abdul-Matin aabdulmatin@nypta.org Events/CE Coordinator Erin Stack estack@nypta.org

Copyright 2020 by the New York Physical Therapy Association. Requests for reprints should be directed to Gloria Baker at NYPTA, 971 Albany Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110.

2 Empire State Physical Therapy • July/August, 2020


2020 House of Delegates Report by Roger Herr, PT, MPA Chief Delegate NY 2020-2021

You can find all motions using the links below. The official minutes will be available on August 14, 2020 on the APTA Hub/Community. Resources: A Post House Packet and Power Point Presentation and future minutes 2020 Post House Packet on APTA Hub/ Communities: http://communities.apta.org/ select: House of Delegates, Motions, House Reports, and Background Papers. Specific link: http://communities.apta.org/p/do/si/topic=43 Next steps: suggest candidates for national office, identify motion concepts for 2021 and bylaws recommendations by the special committee of the House of Delegates. I have the honor to serve a second year of my term. The 2021 House of Delegates will be in Washington, DC September 2021, to coincide with APTA Centennial Year events.

Spring 2020 BOD, Special Meeting of the BOD and the 2020 Delegate Assembly Report The Spring Board of Directors Meeting on April 30, 2020 and the Delegate Assembly held on May 2, 2020 were virtual meetings. In addition, a virtual Special BOD meeting was held on June 23, 2020. Below is a summary of those meetings. Please refer to the minutes on the website for more detail: https://www.nypta.org/page/A9#BOD Spring BOD on April 30th: The following Motions were passed: • Approval of the Research Committee’s selection of Bokkyu Kim, PT PhD to receive the Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund award for 2020. The title of Dr. Kim’s Project is Transcranial Photobiomodulation: Illuminating the brain to promote fine hand motor skill learning in chronic stroke survivors – a pilot study. • NYPTA approved sponsorship of one APTA Centennial scholar. • Creating a Centennial Scholars Selection Task Force consisting of 5 members with at least: one member from the Leadership Committee, one member from the Awards committee, one member of the EC two members-at-large and one staff member. • Accepting the Finger Lakes District Bylaws as amended. Audrey Paslow was elected as Member-at-Large Generative discussion: • The Treasurer presented information on the financial status of the Chapter. Investment reserves have dropped in addition to membership dues revenue. In addition, the APTA dues grace period has been extended to 90 days in order to maintain members. Discussion ensued regarding the impact of a reduction in dues/ members over the first quarter. • Scheduling of the 2021 DA with consideration of the 2021 HOD in September. Discussed options for the DA meeting in 2021with a virtual meeting at a later time to discuss the House of Delegate motions when Packet I is available. • Discussed the impact of COVID -19 on practice settings across the state. • Discussed ideas for conference presenters. • CMS has provided waivers to provide telemedicine during the COVID 19 crisis. The meeting concluded with Good and Welfare and a Moment of Silence for the victims of COVID- 19.


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Spring 2020 BOD, Special Meeting of the BOD and the 2020 Delegate Assembly Report (Continued)

2020 Delegate Assembly on May 2nd: Election results: Peggy Lynam- President; Michael Tisbe- Vice President; Genevieve Smith - Speaker of the Delegate Assembly; Clarence Chan- Nominating Committee. The following were elected as Delegates to the 2021 HOD (alphabetical order): Jeremy Crow, James Dunleavy, Nanette Hyland, Theresa Marko, Michael Mattia, Jacob McPherson, Marilyn Moffat, Kaitlyn Parrotte, Lynn Rivers, Adam Rufa, James Smith and Michael Tisbe. Alternate Delegates elected in ranking order were: Lori Hochman, Audrey Paslow, Bronte' Cardenas, Melanie Gillar, Joanne Katz, Tracy Sawyer, Michael Huson, Mark Amir, Jenna Kantor, Jennifer Towarnicky, Tyler Thiele, Janet Dolot, Wendy Featherstone, Sharon Martino, Venise Mule'-Glass, Gina Dowden and Richard Cowan. The President led a discussion on the new APTA Brand Strategy. A formal vote will be taken at a Special DA meeting later in the year. Bylaw motions will also be voted on at that meeting. Discussion was limited during the DA but a poll was conducted online which gathered delegate responses and comments on the RCs for the 2020 HOD. The meeting concluded with awards and certificates of appreciation. Special BOD Meeting on June 23rd: • Motion passed to create a “Minority Affairs Committee Revision” task force charged to investigate the feasibility of expanding the roles and activities of the Minority Affairs Committee to more fully encompass the issues of diversity, equity and inclusion related to Chapter operations and activities. • Discussion on developing a Chapter policy on public statements. • Nine financial motions were passed to address the loss of dues revenue and budget concerns of the Chapter. • Discussion led by the Treasurer on funding recommendations for 2021. The meeting concluded with Good and Welfare and special thanks to the Treasurer and Finance Committee for their excellent work. Submitted by Debra Engel PT, DPT, MS NYPTA Secretary

4 Empire State Physical Therapy • July/August, 2020


In Memoriam: Susan Bennett, PT, DPT, PhD

We are deeply saddened to share the news of the passing our friend and colleague Dr. Susan Bennett. Sue dedicated her life to serving her patients, students, and our profession. For over 40 years, she worked tirelessly on behalf of others. Sue’s focus on comprehensive rehabilitation services for individuals with neurologic conditions made her and her practice a household name among patients and other healthcare providers. More specifically, Sue was a national pioneer in the field of rehabilitation for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis, helping to advance the standard of care and improve the quality of life of thousands of patients. Sue served as President of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, the preeminent international professional organization for medical/rehab providers involved in the care of patients with MS. Here she led physicians, nurses, and other rehab professionals in advancing research, advocacy, and clinical practice for the MS community. In 2016 the CMSC awarded her with the Lifetime Achievement Award which recognizes an individual whose decades-long commitment has driven significant advances in the care of people with MS. She was the first rehabilitation professional to have received this award. Sue started her physical therapy practice as a solo practitioner in 1992. Since that time, her team has grown to include 24 employees staffing 5 Western New York locations. Sue invested significant personal time mentoring and grooming the clinicians within her practice who have gone on to become experts in rehab for multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, vestibular/balance disorders, post-concussion syndrome, and other neuromusculoskeletal conditions. As a testament to her ability to foster a one-of-a-kind practice environment, her business has never lost a single full-time provider as an employee in 26 years! As part of her legacy, Sue has planned for her practice to continue on as her way of helping people long after she herself has stopped treating patients. Sue has also been a dedicated professional servant to the NYPTA throughout her career. She served on the NYPTA Board of Directors (1988-1990) before joining the Executive Committee first as Vice President (19901992) and then as Chapter President (1992-1994). She later went on to lead New York as Chief Delegate, Legislative Chairperson, and NYPTA PAC Chairperson. Sue has remained active in advocacy efforts on behalf of NYPTA and was still serving as a member of the Marketing and Engagement Committee since 2018. Among many honors, Sue was awarded the Dr. Marilyn Moffat Distinguished Service Award in 2000. Since graduating from Daemen College physical therapy program in 1977, Sue went on to earn a Master’s Degree in Health Science Education and an Educational Doctorate in Health Behavioral Sciences from the University at Buffalo (1984, 1988). She was committed to physical therapy as a doctoring profession and earned her DPT from Marymount University in 2009. Sue was a Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist and held additional certifications in Vestibular Rehabilitation and management of individuals with MS. Sue’s background in health science education combined with her vast clinical expertise made her a highly regarded educator within the University at Buffalo and D’Youville College Doctor of Physical Therapy Programs. She also held faculty appointments within the Neurology and Neurosurgery departments at UB. Throughout her career in education, Sue taught thousands of student physical therapists how to provide compassionate care that enhances the function of patients with neurologic and vestibular dysfunction. Her clinical touch and empathetic nature will live on for generations through the students that she has impacted. www.nypta.org

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In Memoriam: Susan Bennett, PT, DPT, PhD (Continued)

Outside of her practice and professional service, Sue was dedicated to helping those in her community. For many years she celebrated Thanksgiving by making and delivering meals to her homebound patients. Sue even spent time mentoring foster children. She started with one 8-year-old girl who had 2 younger sisters. Sue couldn’t stand leaving the other 2 behind and soon started taking all 3 girls on special weekly outings. In an enduring act to serve our Western New York Community, Sue and her partners formed a not-for-profit organization in 2015, The WNY Center for Neurologic Wellness, whose vision statement is to “Live to your fullest capacity.” This organization provides and supports wellness services for individuals with varied neurologic conditions. Sue has touched the lives of many thousands of patients, students, and healthcare providers. Anyone who ever met Sue has immediately sensed her kindness, devotion, and focus on improving the lives of others. While we are devastated by the loss of our friend and leader, we are also comforted knowing that Sue has imparted her values of service, dedication, and compassion on to all who knew her. She will be deeply, deeply missed. With appreciation and admiration, Jake McPherson, Lacey Bromley, and the rest of the Bennett Rehabilitation Family

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TO BE OR NOT TO BE.... BETTER TOGETHER! I am a physical therapist licensed in the state of NY (and NJ!). I have been in practice for 32 years, driving myself forward year by year through constant improvements in clinical skills and evidence based practice. I graduated with a BS from NYU and couldn’t have asked for a better learning opportunity. With the development of the DPT degree, I was determined to “keep up with the younger professionals” and therefore decided to take the plunge in a DPT program. I graduated with a DPT degree from Utica College in 2012 and once again could not express my gratitude to those who contributed towards such an amazing learning experience. My pride has not diminished as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, not because of the degree, but because of the elevated level of quality education that I possess to apply interventions that I have implemented with my orthopedic and sports medicine patient population. After spending these past few years passionately dedicating my every waking moment to the welfare of my patients, it began to haunt me as to why we are limited by our current practice act considering the level of education we uphold. My quest to understand more about our profession took me front and center to the APTA. Being a member since 1987 and not taking advantage of all it had to offer, I was a deer in headlights trying to reach the right person to express my dissatisfaction with our current practice limitations, most pressing being our direct access restrictions. As naïve as I was about how the organization and hierarchy of the APTA and NYPTA, I thought it would be as easy as “hey, can’t you just tell them that we should be practicing like any other healthcare provider?” and that’s it… POOF… practice act changes. WOW…was I in for a very rude awakening. After finally reaching some key players in my Hudson Valley district, it became evident that I had absolutely no idea what went on behind the scenes of my profession, what pain-staking efforts were being done to move our profession forward, the endless hours of work done by our fellow PT and PTA colleagues on behalf of all of us. My annoying persistent emails to those in higher positions within the NYPTA finally sunk in and the lightbulb in my head went on…. “Tracy, you can’t just wave a wand and expect things to happen, there’s a very long intricate process that’s involved and certain people within the organization are already working on it”. Thank you to Jake McPherson and a couple of others who very delicately, professionally yet appropriately put me in my place when I wanted things to happen yesterday and my naïve suggestions and ideas were not able to be implemented on the spot. How dare I even thought that I could conquer the entire state by myself to express my dissatisfaction with current laws regarding PT! Ha! Never being one who enjoyed politics, I was introduced to Kathy Birnbaum who took her own personal time to meet me at my office and sit me down to explain the hierarchy within our organization and the steps it requires to pass laws. After a very good attempt to educate me, the overwhelming amount of information temporarily caused me to back away and go back to the “status quo” as I thought my endeavors were never going to come to fruition. Yet as time passed, my internal passion continued to fester….. so I chimed in on a few conversations on LinkedIn and some PT Facebook pages about Direct Access. Through that, I virtually met Theresa Marko who has been very active in PT legislation and advocacy for a while. I had an immediate bonding with someone who lives my passion (there were others too!). When she discovered that I lived in NY, she took me under her wing (and wouldn’t let go!). Through more and more ongoing conversation, she led me to attend my first Lobby Day. What an amazing experience… I actually got to collaborate with like minded PTs and PTAs and finally sit in conference rooms with legislators explaining our position on certain bills that we are supporting (or opposing) that will help our future profession. I met people on the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee as well as many other influential people striving to make a difference each and every day. And the best part of this first experience was that NYPTA leaders “buddied” me with other more seasoned professionals that could mentor me along the way. I left Lobby Day with such a sense of satisfaction and needless to say a true better understanding (by all means not a full understanding) of what has taken place, what needs to take place and the role that I can play in adding to this teamwork. I knew we had a lot of work to do and that the more voices we had in all parts of the state, the more we accomplish.


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I wasn’t let off the hook there. I was persuaded to attend the NYPTA Conference where, along with a few good courses, a Board of Directors Meeting would take place and I could request to attend as a guest. In my head… “I’m really not cut out for this, it’s too intimidating, I won’t know what to do or what to say or what’s even going on…Take the plunge, Tracy… see what it’s all about… you’ve been in this profession long enough to know what’s going on”. Sitting in a room watching proper BOD procedures, discussions and decisions being made was more than I even thought it would be. Granted, I was not brave enough to speak but in my head I knew I could contribute. Brilliant dedicated people all sitting in one room, discussing how to make our profession better and better…. What more could you ask for? Thank you to Peggy Lynam for allowing me the opportunity to sit in as a guest. What was equally exciting was the socials after the meeting where I was able to meet so many awesome people on a more social level and talk about PT and non-PT related things. Sitting with Brendan Sullivan, listening to his passion and future ideas was invigorating! Attending after dinner social gatherings with people who openly welcomed the newcomer and made you feel like you were a part of the team. Could this be the beginning of my new addition to the profession? Did I say I hated politics and legislation? I thought I did! But “advocacy” has become my middle name. I continued to stay on top of as much as I could through NYPTA and APTA emails swelled with information that is so pertinent to our existence. Keeping my entire company (Access Physical Therapy and Wellness) involved in advocacy by bombarding them with templated letters distributed by our governing organization to be sent to legislators has become my chosen role… if we don’t do this, then WHO WILL? I decided to take on the role as legislative liaison co-chair of the Hudson Valley District under the mentorship of Stacey Rittenberg. My first tiny step towards a position within the NYPTA, knowing that every single person’s role contributes towards our entire membership’s success. Again somewhat coaxed but gratefully, I further recently took the plunge to be a district delegate for the Delegate Assembly. My first meeting was scheduled to take place in early May in Saratoga, however due to the unfortunate COVID-19 pandemic, this took place virtually. I again had no idea what to expect and what I was going to witness. Again, thanks to Kathy Birnbaum and Theresa Marko who responded repeatedly to my quest to understand terminology, proper meeting etiquette and overall organizational structure prior to this meeting. Feeling intimidated and unsure at the onset of the meeting lasted approximately 3 minutes… I saw familiar faces on Zoom, heard varying debates on current motions brought forth by the APTA and witnessed elections of new nominations for various positions, awards given to those who have well deserved them for their commitment to NYPTA and actually participated in voting on what I thought was best for our profession moving forward. Another invigorating 6 hours on Zoom that wasn’t a minute of wasted time! I might even be brave enough to speak at a DA meeting next time around! My confidence did soar, though, during post meeting discussions at the local district level prior to finalizing votes as I felt comfortable voicing my support or opposition for proposed motions. Do you know how it feels to have a voice in a profession that you are so passionate about and have given so much time and dedication to? Do you know that PT goes well beyond treating patients every day? Do you know that without our advocacy efforts, our profession stands still? My motto is now this…. TO BE, OR NOT TO BE…. For all these years I was the “NOT TO BE”, and thanks to some of my influential colleagues, I now choose “TO BE”! I hope you will too… One little step at a time. I wish to thank so many of you who have taken the time to welcome me, mentor me, and be a lending hand while I understand the world of PT beyond the clinical side…. the side that moves our profession towards becoming better and better. Stealing the words from Jim Smith during the DA meeting... “BETTER TOGETHER”. That sums it up! Dr. Tracy Urvater NYPTA - Hudson Valley District

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NYPTA is Looking for Chapter Leadership Dear Colleagues, The Nominating Committee is pleased to present to you the following open NYPTA leadership positions. The following slated candidates will be voted upon at the 2021 NYPTA Delegate Assembly: • • • • •

Chief Delegate Treasurer Secretary Nominating Committee Member PTA Caucus Rep

The NYPTA is committed to its mission, to empower and support its members through advocacy, education and research. If you are interested in becoming a part of this mission through a leadership role in the NYPTA, please consider running for one or more of these open positions! If the time is not currently right for you to serve, please consider nominating one of your colleagues. Your encouragement and nomination could be the catalyst to bring a talented leader forward to serve in one of these open positions. To nominate yourself, or someone else, for Chief Delegate, Treasurer, Secretary or Nominating Committee Member, please simply complete this online nomination form: https://www.nypta.org/page/20212023Nomination Please note the deadline for nomination submission to NYPTA office is November 16, 2020, by 5pm. • You can find information about the time commitment for each of these positions following this link: https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.nypta.org/resource/resmgr/imported/time_commitment2011.pdf • For job descriptions, please click on this link: https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.nypta.org/resource/resmgr/imported/Job_desc2011.pdf In addition to the above open NYTPA leadership positions, nominations for the APTA 2022 House of Delegates and PTA Caucus Representative are also being accepted. You may access the following forms here: 2022 HOD nomination form: https://www.nypta.org/page/2022HOD Please note the submission deadline to the NYPTA office is December 15, 2020, by 5pm. 2021-2023 PTA Caucus Representative form: https://www.nypta.org/page/20212023PTACaucus Please note the submission deadline to the NYPTA office is December 15, 2020, by 5pm. The NYPTA Nominating Committee is committed to bringing a strong slate of candidates for these open positions. If you have any questions regarding the open positions, the nomination or election process, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you! Sincerely, Vicki Wilkins, NYPTA Nominating Committee Chair, vlwpt@aol.com Nanette Hyland, NYPTA Nominating Committee Member, nhyland@mercy.edu Clarence Chan, NYPTA Nominating Committee Member, cchan@lagcc.cuny.edu Printable nomination forms are available on pages 10-12.


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Nomination Form T e r m

o f

O f f i c e :

2 0 2 1


2 0 2 3

Nominations are being accepted for the offices of Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Delegate and Nominating Committee Member (1). Instructions: Complete one copy of this form for each nominated individual. Submit this form to the Chapter Office. If you wish, you may nominate a person for more than one elected position on this form. The completed form(s) must be RECEIVED by the Chapter Office no later than November 16, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. There will be no exceptions to this deadline. Please print or type. Individual’s full name:__________________________________________________________ Complete home or work address: ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Telephone numbers: (h) (_____) ____________________ (w) (_____) __________________ The above individual is nominated for election to the following office: _____________________________________ or ___________________________________ The Chapter Office will solicit the consent to serve and biographical information from the person you nominate. The individual must have been a member of the association for two years preceding the election date and be qualified to execute the duties of the elected position(s). Please print or type. Your full name: _______________________________________________________________ District: _____________________________________________________________________ Your signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________________________________ Designate in what official capacity you are submitting this form; e.g., elected District Officer, Chapter Committee Chairperson, or Chapter Member. If no designation is noted, the Chapter Member capacity will be assumed. ❑ ❑

On behalf of committee: ____________________ On behalf of a district: ____________________

Individual member:

_______________________ _______________________

_____________________________________________ Title of Office

Committee Name

Title of Office

District Name

10 Empire State Physical Therapy • July/August, 2020


The House of Delegates is an APTA policy-making body comprised of voting chapter delegates, non-voting delegates (the Board of Directors and section, assembly, and PTA Caucus delegates), and consultants. The House meets annually for 3 successive days each spring during which time delegates make decisions on issues that may have far-reaching implications for the association and for the profession of physical therapy. Any physical therapist member who has been an APTA member in good standing for two years immediately preceding the annual meeting of the House of Delegates for which you were elected may serve as a Chapter Delegate.

House of Delegates Nomination Form

Nomination Form and NYPTA Consent to Serve Form for Delegates to APTA’s 2022 House of Delegates, Date/Location: TBD DEADLINE: December 15, 2020 Instructions: Individuals wishing to become Delegates to the APTA House of Delegates must now submit their own Nomination Forms. Please print or type on the form below and mail or fax it to the Chapter Office (NYPTA / 971 Albany Shaker Road / Latham, NY 12210). The completed form must be RECEIVED in Chapter Office by December 16, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. There will be no exceptions to this deadline. Qualifications: Only Physical Therapist members who have been APTA members in good standing for two years immediately preceding the annual meeting of the House of Delegates for which they are elected may serve as Chapter Delegates. Full name of nominee: ____________________________________________

You have until December 15, 2020 to nominate yourself for Delegate to APTA’s 2022 House of Delegates.

Address: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Phone: (H)(_____) _____________ (W)(_____) _________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________ Current District Affiliation: _________________________________________ Date of membership in Chapter: ____________________________________ Please list specific Chapter, District or National Association activities (offices, committees, etc.) in which you have been involved. Please include dates and be specific. The information you provide is used by the Delegate Assembly to evaluate candidates. (Please attach your Association activities to this form, using additional sheets, if more space is necessary.)

Don't want to fill out a paper form. nominate someone online by going to:

You can

Chapter: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ District: ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

2021-2023 Officer Nomination Form https://www.nypta.org/page/20212023Nomination Deadline: 11/16/2020 2022 HOD Nomination Form https://www.nypta.org/page/2022HOD Deadline: 12/15/2020 NOMINATE SOMEONE TODAY!


National: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ The conditions below are mandatory pre-Delegate activities required for Delegates to the House of Delegates. Please initial your consent adjacent to the statements: _________IF ELECTED, I WILL ATTEND DISTRICT MEETINGS WHOSE PRIMARY PURPOSE IS TO DISCUSS ISSUES RELATIVE TO THE DELEGATE ASSEMBLY OR HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETINGS. _________IF ELECTED, I WILL ATTEND THE DELEGATE ASSEMBLY HELD PRIOR TO THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETING FOR WHICH I AM ELECTED. _______________________________________________________________ Date Signature

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New York Chapter Nomination Form Representative to the 2021-2023 PTA Caucus Deadline: December 15, 2020

Instructions: Please print or type on the form below and mail or fax it to the Chapter Office (NYPTA, 971 Albany Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110) by the deadline above. The completed form must be RECEIVED in Chapter Office by December 15, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. There will be no exceptions to this deadline. Qualifications: Only Physical Therapist Assistant or Life Physical Therapist Assistant members who have been APTA members for one year immediately preceding election may serve as Chapter Representative. Submitted By:

Full Name: Address: Phone: Email:

Membership #: (H) ( )

(W) ( )

Date of Membership in Chapter:

If this is a self-nomination, please sign below showing your consent. Date

Signature Please mail or fax this form to New York Physical Therapy Association 971 Albany Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110 q Fax: 518-459-8953

Nominations for NYPTA Caucus Representative can be submitted online 2021-2023 NYPTA Caucus Representative https://www.nypta.org/page/20212023PTACaucus Deadline: 12/15/2020 NOMINATE SOMEONE TODAY!

12 Empire State Physical Therapy • July/August, 2020


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July/August, 2020 • Empire State Physical Therapy 13

News & Announcements

Elected Delegates to the 2021 APTA's House of Delegates

Jeremy Crow - Greater New York James Dunleavy - Hudson Valley Nanette Hyland - Hudson Valley Theresa Marko - Greater New York Michael Mattia - Brooklyn/Staten Island Jacob McPherson - Western

Marilyn Moffat - Greater New York Kaitlyn Parrotte - Greater New York Lynn Rivers - Western Adam Rufa - Central James Smith - Central Michael Tisbe - Central

2020 - 2022 Elected Officers

Peggy J. Lynam, PT, DPT - President Michael Tisbe, PT, DPT - Vice President Genevieve Smith, PT, DPT, - Speaker of Delegate Assembly Clarence Chan, PT, DPT - Nominating Committee Member

Upcoming NYPTA Webinar Evidence-Based Examination and Management of Rotator Cuff Pathologies, a four-hour presentation on Saturday, August 22, 2020 by Michael Masaracchio, PT, DPT, PhD Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy, Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Sports Physical Therapy, Fellow American Academy Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists. To learn more and to register go to: https://www.nypta.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1385661

Connect with us on Social Media! 2020 NYPTA Events Virtual Lobby Day Date Pending EC/BOD Fall Meeting Date TBD

to Competent Professional Services Professional misconduct and unlicensed practice of the professions are against the law!

2020 APTA Events Combined Sections Meeting February 24-27, 2021 Orlando, FL

To report suspected cases of professional misconduct or unlicensed practice of the professions, call 800-442-8106 or email conduct@mail.nysed.gov.

14 Empire State Physical Therapy • July/August, 2020

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July/August, 2020 • Empire State Physical Therapy 17


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18 Empire State Physical Therapy • July/August, 2020


New York Physical Therapy Association A Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association 971 Albany Shaker Road Latham, NY 12110


July/August, 2020 • Empire State Physical Therapy 19

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