March/April, 2021 Volume M, NO. 37
Empire State
Physical Therapy The O f f i ci al Ne wsl etter o f the N ew Yo r k Phys ic a l Th era py As s o c iatio n, I nc.
IN THIS ISSUE NYPTA is Planning a Virtual Lobby Day Cover Story (page 1,3)
A Positive Meaning of "See Something, Say Something" (President's Letter) (page 2,4)
2021-2023 Slate of Officers (page 5-13)
Research Committee Vacancy (page 14)
Member Spotight: Julie Wolfley PT, DPT (page 15-16)
NYPTA PT of the Year Award (page 17)
Call for Posters & Platform Abstracts (page 18)
Winter 2021 BOD Report (page 19)
NYPTA is Planning a Virtual Lobby Day
By Marcia Miller Spoto, PT, DC Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy NYPTA Public Policy Committee Chair
The year 2020 was impactful in so many ways for Americans, and especially for the healthcare system. Healthcare providers in New York State were especially affected by COVID, with the surge in cases during the spring last year. Given the necessary shift in focus to treating COVID patients and controlling the spread of the virus, the NYS legislature, like most state legislative bodies, was consumed with managing the pandemic. As a result, the NYPTA annual lobby day was cancelled last year. Although things are looking much better this spring, with the mass vaccine distribution effort and the hope for a return to somewhat normal life within reach, the traditional mechanism for engaging with the legislature will not be possible in 2021. Like many other professional groups and organizations, the NYPTA is planning for a virtual lobby day as a viable alternative to in-person meetings with legislators. This will allow for a meaningful engagement with our elected officials for the purpose of promoting legislation that will ultimately improve our ability to deliver essential healthcare services to our patients. continued on page 3
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A Positive Meaning of "See Something, Say Something"
Volume M, No.37 March/April, 2021
President’s letter
Volume XXXIX, No.(8), November/December, 2005
“If you see something, say something”. This phrase is posted in many transportation hubs and other public areas across this country: in airports, bus terminals, train stations and shopping malls. The message, in its usual context, is meant to convey the importance of being vigilant to identify any potential dangerous situations. As I sat on a New York City subway the other day staring at this posted message, I realized it could also be interpreted in a positive way. Recently, a first year DPT student of mine at LIU sent me an email asking if she could talk to me about our DPT program getting involved in APTA’s “PT Moves Me” campaign. She said she had seen an article in the February issue of APTA Magazine about this new program and hoped our DPT program could get involved. As Chapter President, I was not aware of this program. I discovered that “PT Moves Me” is a new student recruitment “Let's use the montra of see something, say somecampaign, started in thing in a positve way to identify October 2020, whose opportunities” aims include: increasing Peggy overall applicant pools for DPT, PTA, and Peggy Lynam, PT, DPT residency and fellowship education programs while expanding the diversity of these pools, and furthering the awareness among the general public of the physical therapy profession and the understanding of what PTs and PTAs do. The “PT Moves Me” initiative includes an ambassador program that involves academic programs identifying one student and one faculty or staff member to serve as a liaison between their education program and APTA. Since optimizing student recruitment and increasing diversity within our student cohorts are current goals of the LIU DPT program, the faculty decided to join this initiative. Our faculty believe the resources and collaboration available through this program will enhance our individual recruitment efforts. The student who brought this program to our attention agreed to serve as our program's student ambassador, thus taking the first steps to becoming more involved in service to the profession. So, this student saw something, and said something, which resulted in positive outcomes for both our DPT program and the student.
New York Physical Therapy Association 971 Albany Shaker Road Latham, NY 12110 Phone: 518.459.4499 • Toll-Free: 800.459.4489 Fax: 518.459.8953
Editor / Designer
Gloria Baker Empire State Physical Therapy is published 6 times yearly, with combined January/February, March/April, May/June, July/ August, September/October and November/December issues. Its purpose is to provide physical therapists, physical therapist assistants and physical therapist/physical therapist assistant students with accurate and timely information relevant to the practice of physical therapy. The editor reserves the right to edit all communications. Anonymous letters will not be published. Views expressed are those of the author and do not represent the formal position of NYPTA unless expressly stated.
Editorial Board
Catherine Talbett, PT, DPT Alanna Pokorski, PT, DPT
All advertisements in Empire State Physical Therapy must comply with the ethical standards of the APTA. Acceptance of advertisements in this publication does not imply endorsement.
Submission of Material for Publication
Submissions should be sent via email to Gloria Baker, Editor, at gbaker@ Submissions are subject to the discretion of the editorial board.
NYPTA members automatically receive this publication. Nonmember subscriptions are $100 (US) or $150 (non-US) annually. This price includes sales tax, shipping and handling.
Editorial and advertising deadlines are the first business day of the month prior to the month of publication.
Chapter Officers
Chapter Directors
President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Speaker Chief Delegate
Peggy Lynam, PT, DPT Michael Tisbe, PT, DPT Keri Gill-Smith, PT, DPT Debra Engel, PT, DPT, MS Genevieve Smith, PT, DPT Roger Herr, PT, MPA
Brooklyn/Staten Island Hammouda Soliman, PT, DPT Catskill Yvonne Egitto, PT, DPT Central Adam Rufa, PT, DPT Eastern Audrey Paslow, PT, DPT Finger Lakes Michael Huson, PT, DPT Greater New York Kaitlyn Parrotte, PT, DPT Hudson Valley Nannette Hyland, PT, PhD Long Island Keith Perrucci, PT, Southern Tier Sarah Fishel, PT, DPT Western Julie Wolfley, PT, DPT, OCS
Chapter Office Staff
Executive Director Kelly Garceau Communications Manager Gloria Baker Membership Coordinator Adilah Abdul-Matin
Copyright 2021 by the New York Physical Therapy Association. Requests for reprints should be directed to Gloria Baker at NYPTA, 971 Albany Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110.
continued on page 4 2 Empire State Physical Therapy • March/April, 2021
NYPTA is Planning a Virtual Lobby Day
By Marcia Miller Spoto, PT, DC Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy NYPTA Public Policy Committee Chair
Hosting a virtual lobby day will require a lot of pre-planning and preparation just as an in-person lobby day. Our public policy committee and legislative liaisons will be busy over the next few weeks reviewing the language in our bills, preparing talking points, identifying sponsors, coordinating with district members that volunteer to participate, and contacting key legislators to schedule meetings. This year, as in years past, we will be advocating for reducing co-payment for physical therapy services, expanding direct access through eliminating the 30 day or 10 visit provision, define the practice of the PTA as a licensed profession, and remove restrictions on PTAs eligibility to treat patients in the Workers' Compensation system. Our virtual lobby day will take place on May 13th this year. A registration link will be posted on the NYPTA website. We will be utilizing virtual platforms for meetings with legislators and will assign members to sessions with district representatives. Please consider signing up to volunteer. This is a great opportunity to advocate for the profession and if travel in the past has limited your ability to participate, this may be your year to get involved. There is power in numbers and standing up for our patients and the profession has never been more important.
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A Positive Meaning of "See Something, Say Something" My overall message to the membership by sharing this story is that all members, from students to “prime timers”, should be vigilant in identifying opportunities for involvement in District, Chapter and National activities. You never know when or where you might “see something” that will lead to more participation in your District, the Chapter or National Association. Do not assume that those in leadership positions already know about an issue or activity. Take a chance and reach out – your idea may be the next big initiative. “If you see something, say something”. As always, I welcome your comments. Best Regards,
2021 NYPTA Events Spring BOD Meeting Virtual Friday, April 30, 2021 Delegate Forum Virtual Friday, April 30, 2021 (Evening) Delegate Assembly Virtual Saturday, May 1, 2021 2021 APTA Events Centennial Gala Weekend Washington, DC September 10-14, 2021 House of Delegates Washington, DC September 11-12, 2021
4 Empire State Physical Therapy • March/April, 2021
2021 - 2023 Slate of Officers
Mark Amir, PT, DPT, MPH, DipMDT NYPTA District: Brooklyn/Staten Island
Date of Membership in the Chapter: 1993
Education: BS. Physical Education, 1990, Brooklyn College MA – Physical Therapy, 1993, Touro College, t-DPT, 2010, Evidence In Motion, MPH – Health Care Policy & Administration, 2016, City University of New York School of Public Health PhD, Higher Education Administration - Anticipated graduation 2022, Liberty University Present Employment: Dominican College – Director of Clinical Education, 2019 to present; Dominican College – Assistant Professor 2016 – 2019; Touro College – Adjunct Instructor – 2010 to present;Kingsborough Community College – Adjunct Instructor – 2018 to present; ProActive Works, (Fit for Work licensee) – Managing Partner – 2014 to present; Madison Physical Therapy – 1998 to present – Founder Activities: Chapter: NYPTA - Director, Brooklyn / Staten Island District 2008 - 2010 NYPTA - Chairperson of APOL (Advisory Panel On Legislation) 2009 - 2011 District: Legislative Liaison, Brooklyn / Staten Island District 2017 – present Co-Chair AIPT - Alliance of Independent Physical Therapists 2016 – 2017 Vice-Chair, Brooklyn / Staten Island District 2006 - 2008 House of Delegates 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017 Delegate Assembly – 2004 – 2010 and 2015 - 2020 APTA: APTA – Payment & Policy Contractor 2010 – 2015 Additional Information: Consultant to private practices for over 20 years Attended multiple Lobby Days and Federal Affairs Forums since 2005
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2021 - 2023 Slate of Officers (continued)
Mark Amir, PT, DPT, MPH, DipMDT NYPTA District: Brooklyn/Staten Island Date of Membership in the Chapter: 1993
Candidate Statement: One of the most important goals for the Finance Committee is to prepare and balance the Chapter’s annual budget. Given the current socioeconomic condition, what strategies will you employ to achieve this annual goal while maximizing the resources available to support the operations of the Chapter and all of its components? Over the past 27 years, I have pleasantly served in various roles at NYPTA including legislative chair and board member. From 2010 through 2015 I worked as a contractor for Payment and Policy at APTA leading strategies towards improving physical therapy practice, especially as related to payment. I was a speaker and presenter at multiple state and national association events, participated in state and federal lobbying efforts, represented the BK/SI district at Delegate Assemblies and NYPTA at the House of Delegates. As a business owner of several physical therapy clinics and an industrial wellness company, I can appreciate the daily strain and constant barrage of challenges faced by private practice owners. Now, I am an assistant professor and Director of Clinical Education at Dominican College, teaching and mentoring the next generation of clinicians who will move our profession to greater heights. My experience has always been enhanced by the people I serve and work with, especially the numerous, energetic, intelligent and driven association volunteers. I am blessed to learn from so many of our past leaders and colleagues and the honor to be asked to serve as treasurer is of serious importance. As a business owner, I had fiduciary responsibility that impacted dozens of employees and their family’s livelihoods. As a teacher, I take the charge of caring for my students as if they are my own kids. As treasurer, I will ensure that the NYPTA funds are well managed, accounted for accurately and I will work with the board and executive committee to execute the will of the members so that we grow our profession. I view my role as treasurer, aside from accurate recordkeeping, is to offer advice and expertise as part of a team that prioritizes a growing membership, allocates resources for improved practice standards, and ensures financial stability for many years to come. It is an honor to be nominated as treasurer of NYPTA.
6 Empire State Physical Therapy • March/April, 2021
2021 - 2023 Slate of Officers (continued)
Michael Huson, PT, DPT, OCS NYPTA District: Finger Lakes Date of Membership in the Chapter: 1999
Education: Doctor of Physical Therapy, 2008, AT Still University Master of Physical Therapy, 2001, Ithaca College Bachelor of Science, 2000, Ithaca College Present Employment: Clinical Associate Professor, Nazareth College, 2014-Present Current teaching responsibilities include: Gross Anatomy, Musculoskeletal I and II, Business and Administration in Physical Therapy, and Patient Client Management I Owner, Run Healthy ROC Activities: Chapter: NYPTA Finance Committee: 2018- Present NY Delegate to House of Delegates 2018, 2020 NYPTA Board of Directors 2019-Present District: Finger Lakes District Director, 2019-Present Finger Lakes District Treasurer, 2015-2019 District Delegate to Delegate Assembly 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 APTA: None Additional Information: Treasurer and Vice President of the Physical Therapy First Alliance (Formerly PTAUNY) Owner and Sole Member, Huson Physical Therapy 2003-2018
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2021 - 2023 Slate of Officers (continued)
Michael Huson, PT, DPT, OCS NYPTA District: Finger Lakes Date of Membership in the Chapter: 1999
Candidate Statement: One of the most important goals for the Finance Committee is to prepare and balance the Chapter’s annual budget. Given the current socioeconomic condition, what strategies will you employ to achieve this annual goal while maximizing the resources available to support the operations of the Chapter and all of its components? The New York Physical Therapy Association (NYPTA) has not been immune to the economic impact of COVID-19. For the past 3 years, as a member of an agile Finance Committee (FC), I assisted in developing proactive recommendations to the Board of Directors (BOD) regarding prioritization of spending and asset allocation in order to keep the NYPTA financially strong. As treasurer, I will analyze the everchanging fiscal situation and collaborate with our financial advisors, Executive Committee and FC to make recommendations to the BOD to fund the organization within a reasonable budget that prioritizes funding for growth. While preparing the budget for 2021 the FC made recommendations to control expenses including making our meetings financially sustainable. Virtual meetings have been beneficial on costs and efficiency of communication and governance at the cost of in-person meetings. I believe we can work toward a hybrid model while reaping the benefits of both. Recently, the NYPTA has seen fluctuations in membership dues with a marked decrease noted secondary to COVID’s impact on the lives of our members. This trend has reversed over the past few months with dues income increasing. As economic recovery continues, I will continually analyze the budget and make recommendations to fund areas cut from the current budget and allocate resources to fund projects for growth and outreach. My experience as a member of the FC, BOD as well as a practice owner and professor have prepared me to help lead the NYPTA through these unprecedented financial times.
8 Empire State Physical Therapy • March/April, 2021
2021 - 2023 Slate of Officers (continued)
Secretary ,
Debra Engel, PT, DPT, MS NYPTA District: Greater New York Date of Membership in the Chapter: 1983
Education: 1986: SUNY Buffalo - BS in Physical Therapy 1994: Brooklyn College - MS in Exercise Science 2003: Creighton University- DPT Present Employment: Full professor in the Physical Therapist Assistant Program at LaGuardia Community College 1998-present, Chairperson of the College Senate Curriculum Committee – LaGuardia Community College 2012present Activities: Chapter: NYPTA Secretary - 5/19- present NY Delegate to the HOD-1993, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2013 NYPTA Nominating Committee- 2004-2007 NYPTA Finance Committee- 6/18-6/19 NYPTA Chair of the Ethics Committee- 2008-2011 District: GNY Treasurer- 2005-2009 and 2017-present District Chairperson/Chapter Director- 2009-2014 District Nominating Committee- 2003-2004 and 2014-2019 District Delegate to NYPTA Delegate Assembly- 1988-present APTA: None Additional Information: I would be honored to be slated for the position of Secretary
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2021 - 2023 Slate of Officers (continued)
Secretary Debra Engel, PT, DPT, MS NYPTA District: Greater New York Date of Membership in the Chapter: 1983
Candidate Statement: What do you feel is the role of the Secretary on the Executive Committee of the NYPTA? The role of Secretary on the Executive Committee of NYPTA is primarily to be a contributing member to the effort of facilitating business at the Chapter Level. As the Secretary for the past nearly two years, I have been fortunate to be part of Chapter leadership that has been busier than ever, in the wake of the pandemic. The Executive Committee has communicated and/or met almost weekly since March to address members’ concerns, discuss budget revisions, participate in virtual Executive Committee, Board and Delegate Assembly Meetings and to revise and/or modify policies and procedures to facilitate business for the Chapter membership. The Secretary is responsible for documenting all meetings in an accurate manner and distributing the minutes to the Executive Committee, Board Members and Delegates in a timely manner. Timeliness and attention to detail are essential skills to the role of Secretary, skills that I have developed over the years as the Chair of LaGuardia Community College’s College Wide Curriculum Committee which as part of the governance process, reviews and votes on all curricular related items in the College from all Departments. Collegiality and the ability to represent the members’ interests are key in providing input at all meetings in collaboration with leadership, staff and members. It has been an honor to serve as Secretary and I would appreciate your support for a second term.
10 Empire State Physical Therapy • March/April, 2021
2021 - 2023 Slate of Officers (continued)
Catherine Talbett, PT, DPT NYPTA District: Finger Lakes Date of Membership in the Chapter: 1992
Education: 1995: D’Youville College - BS/MS 2007: Daemen College - DPT Present Employment: Director of Rehabilitation Services, Jones Memorial Hospital. Hired 2001, Director 2014-Present Director of multi-disciplinary department consisting of PT, OT, SP, Massage, Audiology, Cardiac/Pulmonary Rehab and Occupational Medicine. Job Duties include all areas of operations and management for all areas. Also continue to see out-patients and provide acute care coverage. Activities: Chapter: Public Policy Committee Member 2013-Present (initially on Advisory Payment Panel prior to consolidation to its current form); NY Delegate to HOD 2019, Editor NYPTA Newsletter; NYPTA Early Intervention Task Force 2013. District: FL Legislative Liaison 2009-2017, FL Vice Chair 2015-2018, District Chair 2018-Present; District Delegate to Delegate Assembly 2016,2018-20, Chief Delegate 2019-2020, District Secretary. APTA: Transition Worksheet for Early Intervention and School-Based Physical Therapy Providers, 2014. Assisted in taskforce group to develop worksheet. Additional Information: During time of active involvement in NYPTA and the Finger Lakes District, I have served as District Secretary, as well as have served as interim secretary when the position was open and not filled. Candidate Statement: What do you feel is the role of the Secretary on the Executive Committee of the NYPTA? The role of Secretary on the Executive Committee (EC) is twofold. Firstly, it is to provide communication to the membership regarding the actions of the EC concisely and transparently. The Secretary takes in all of the information and discussions during meetings and activities and has to be able to synthesize that to provide an unbiased and accurate account for the members. Secondly, as a voting member of the EC, the Secretary has the responsibility of participating in discussions and voting on policies, keeping the best interest of the membership and the profession first and foremost in their mind. As a member of the EC, the Secretary works with the other members of the Committee to set the direction of the Chapter, identify priorities, and to be fiscally responsible with the monies provided by the dues of the membership.
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2021 - 2023 Slate of Officers (continued)
Chief Delegate
Roger Herr, PT, MPA NYPTA District: Greater New York Date of Membership in the Chapter: 1985
Education: 1987: Temple University, BS, PT 1992: NYU Wagner, MPA Present Employment: VNSNY Home Care Agency Vice President overseeing Queens, Long Island and Westchester NY Aug 2018 – current Independence Care System (ICS) a health plan for people with disabilities. Vice President of Quality Activities: Chapter: NYPTA Chief Delegate, 2019-2021 District: GNY District Legislative Co-Chair, 1999-2004, Delegate Assembly, 1998-2003 APTA: Secretary APTA BOD 2016-2019, APTA Board member 2010-2016, Executive Committee 2012-2014, 20162019, Public Policy & Advocacy Committee 2010-2012, Committee on Sections & Chapters 2004-2006, Government Affairs Committee (appointed) 2007-2010, Geriatrics Section - New York State Liaison, 1996-2002, Health Policy & Administration Section member, Home Health Section - President 2001-2003, 2004-2006, House of Delegates 20022006, Treasurer 2000-2001, Federal Legislative Liaison 1999-2002, Nominating Committee 1997-1999, Chief Delegate WA 2009-2010 Candidate Statement: What attributes do you feel are essential to the role of the Chief Delegate and what virtual tools might you use to maximize year-round governance? Respect for individuals and a strong understanding the APTA culture, process, roles, and functions. The Chief Delegate should maintain respect for each individual and facilitate the business of the delegation. Understanding the rules, process, functions and resources of APTA and the chapter are foundational, as are the uniqueness of each delegate, our history and culture of the chapter and APTA. Understanding this spectrum is the role and function of the chief delegate in one of APTA’s largest delegations.
12 Empire State Physical Therapy • March/April, 2021
2021 - 2023 Slate of Officers (continued)
Chief Delegate
Roger Herr, PT, MPA NYPTA District: Greater New York Date of Membership in the Chapter: 1985
Candidate Statement (continued): Use of coaching skills to enable each delegate to participate to their highest level. The chief delegate needs to encourage each delegate to utilize the diversity of our chapter to explore critical issues. These include our clinical education, experience, perspectives and differences. Each delegate also brings insights based on the communities we serve, and live. The chief delegate needs to create opportunity for each delegate to utilize their different perspectives in debate so we can come to well thought recommendations and conclusions. Success is when a delegation engages its diverse members for productive conversations and decisions for the association and profession. Use of technology to connect us across geography and respect the safety of all. This past year we have missed our traditional in-person opportunities of the past. With technology in 2020 we were able to do our NYPTA and APTA House of Delegate work. Virtual is not the same as in-person, but the successful quick pivot to virtual meetings allowed us to complete the 2020 work. Besides public health concerns in 2020, we saved member time and NYPTA financial resources using technology. Going forward I support the use of virtual meetings to establish rapport and complete some work. These include: • Hub/community for posting documents, updates and resources • Virtual meetings, such as zoom, with planned agendas, assigned leads • Align NYPTA governance (bylaws) to adapt with changing APTA House of Delegates timing • Continue Assign leads to each topic, motion and important discussion points • Support mentoring of members by pair those with different experience • Continue NYPTA national candidate discussions as a group, with contributions being on what each candidate brings to the office and organization I continue to embrace technology and different ways of working for year-round governance. I look forward to when we can meet, eat, debate and celebrate in person.
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2021 - 2023 Slate of Officers
Nominating Committee Member
There are no candidates
Research Committee Vacancy Deadline: May 1, 2021 The Research Committee is currently seeking a new committee member to join the Research Committee starting July 1, 2021. The primary responsibilities of the Research Committee are to review abstracts for the Chapter Conference, organize and implement a research-related program at the Chapter Conference, review applications and recommend funding for the Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund, and serve as consultants to chapter members for research activities. Responsibilities also may include other special projects related to objectives established by the committee. Although members of the committee are often physical therapists who have earned advanced research degrees, membership is open to clinical experts who can provide input and clinical perspective when reviewing abstracts, grant applications, and when assessing the needs of the membership with regard to research mentorship. Terms of appointment are 4 years. If you are interested in being considered, please forward your resume or curriculum vitae electronically to Further, feel free to contact a current member of the committee if you have any questions about service on the Research Committee. Ayse Ozcan Edeer PT, MS, PhD (Co-chair) Andrew Ray PT, PhD (Co-chair) Lisa Muratori PT, EdD Jaya Rachwani PT, MSPT, MS, PhD
14 Empire State Physical Therapy • March/April, 2021
Member Spotlight: Julie Wolfley PT, DPT Orthopedic Clinical Specialist Natural Physical Therapy of East Amherst
How Long have you been a member of NYPTA?
I have been a member of the NYPTA since 1998, I joined when I was a PT student. I have served as Western District Corresponding Secretary for two years, District Chair for 4 years and am currently serving as Chapter Director. What do you enjoy most about NYPTA? The part I enjoy most about being a member of the NYPTA is how it connects you to other PTs in the state on a personal and professional level. Even during this pandemic, the NYPTA has been able to effectively connect us virtually. Tell us a little about your background, and how your path led you to where you are in your career today. I graduated from Daemen College in 1999 with my BS, returned to Daemen for my DPT in 2004 and received my Orthopedic Clinical Specialist in 2013. I have been practicing in outpatient orthopedics for my entire career, with a short period of time in pediatrics. I practiced in a traditional outpatient clinic for a majority of my career and in 2019 opened an out-of-network/cash-based PT clinic to provide 1:1 intervention with two accomplished female PTs; Amy Barbasch, PT, DPT, OCS & Allison Hoestermann, PT, DPT. What’s the most rewarding part about your work and what are some challenges? The most rewarding part of my work is restoring a patient back to their personal health goal, all while establishing a bond with that patient. A current challenge of my work is effectively communicating the difference between an in network and out of network outpatient orthopedic PT treatment session to a new patient who has yet to arrive at our clinic. What is a typical day like for you? A typical day for me consists of treating orthopedic and vestibular patients 1:1 in our clinic, located within a gym. I communicate regularly with my patients and problem solve with my co-owners about our small business. A constant in my typical day is a work out and caring for my family.
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Member Spotlight: Julie Wolfley PT, DPT Orthopedic Clinical Specialist Natural Physical Therapy of East Amherst
Who is one of your role models and why? One of my role models is Dr. Susan Bennett, who sadly passed away in 2020. She was also a Daemen grad (first graduating PT class), a previous NYPTA president, a passionate female physical therapist who was a leader, educator and mentor to every PT that crossed her path. I would be remiss in this APTA Centennial year not to include Mary McMillian, our founding PT mother, as another one of my role models.
What's the most important trend you see today? The most important trend that I see today is the use of, and increased utilization of telehealth in Physical Therapy. Personally, it went from a service I rarely used to a permanent tool I use in my toolbelt to provide PT services to my patients.
What advice would you give NYPTA members who are new to the profession and want to make a difference? The advice I would give to new PTs and PTAs new to our profession is to utilize the NYPTA’s well established network to become involved in legislation and join a committee that you are passionate about, to make a difference. Stay open minded to your ability to positively influence and advance the field of physical therapy. Maintain long-standing connections with your patients, they will be your strongest advocates and you will make a significant difference in their individual lives. As your career evolves, align with other specialists to allow for a full circle treatment approach.
How do you make time to volunteer and be active in groups you're involved with? “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart” -Elizabeth Andrew. Volunteering for a program or group that you are enthusiastic about makes finding the time easy and enriching.
What else would you like your fellow NYPTA members to know about you? I am a proud mother of 3 children, married to a Physician Assistant, grew up in Owego, NY before moving to Western NY in 1995. I’m an exercise enthusiast, avid reader, “Uber” driver for my children and Netflix addict. I love attending my kids' sporting and school events, enjoy spending time outdoors and with friends. Thank you, NYPTA for this honor of being the member spotlight for February.
If you know someone or perhaps it's you for a member spotlight, contact Adilah Abdul-Matin at 16 Empire State Physical Therapy • March/April, 2021
Are you Building a community that advances the profession of physical therapy to improve the health of society? Are you Transforming Society by optimizing movement to improve the human condition? Do your patients/clients think so? Here is an opportunity for a recipient of PT services to nominate their favorite PT for a newly created award "PT of the Year". In 2019, the Board of Directors approved the award to give those whose lives have been transformed by a Physical Therapist an opportunity to acknowledge that therapist to colleagues and fellow NYPTA members. An honor indeed. How do we get the word out to your patients/clients? Here is a flyer you can post in your office, place of work, or even hand out to patients/ clients. Submission Deadline is April 9, 2021 Click here to download flyer
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CALL FOR POSTER AND PLATFORM ABSTRACTS FOR THE 2021 NYPTA VIRTUAL CONFERENCE October, 2021 ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: APRIL 12, 2021 AT 12 MIDNIGHT Submission Procedure: – Each abstract should be submitted as an email attachment to – The attached abstract should be a Microsoft Word document. The title of the file should include the last name of the primary author, preferred presentation format, and the conference year (i.e. Smith_Poster_2013.doc). – Late submissions will not be accepted. Submission Content: – At the beginning of the abstract document, please include the following information: Presenter Contact Information: name, email address, phone number Title, Authors, and Affiliations Category of Abstract: Clinical Research, Basic Science Research, Case Report Presentation Preference (Poster or Platform), and whether or not you would be willing to present in an alternate format (i.e. Poster if your preference was Platform). – For Clinical Research or Basic Science Research, the body of the abstract should include each of the following sections: Background & Purpose, Research Design, Research Methods, Results, Conclusion, and Relevance to Physical Therapy – For Case Reports, the body of the abstract should include each of the following sections: Background & Purpose, Case Description, Examination & Diagnosis, Intervention, Outcomes, Discussion, and Relevance to Physical Therapy – The number of characters in the body of each abstract should not exceed 3,125 including spaces (Title, Author, and Affiliations, Category, and Presentation Preference are NOT included in the character count). Review Process: – Abstracts will be reviewed by the Research Committee without knowledge of authorship or affiliations. Members of the committee will evaluate all abstracts on the basis of scientific and clinical merit. – The Presenter for the abstract submission will be notified about the status of their abstract at the Presenter Contact email address provided. – Accepted posters will have to be recorded and they will be placed on the NYPTA website for views throughout the month. The student research abstract submissions are highly encouraged. To obtain additional information about abstract submission, please contact a chairperson of the Research Committee (Ayse Ozcan Edeer, PT, PhD: or Andrew Ray, PT, PhD:
18 Empire State Physical Therapy • March/April, 2021
Winter 2021 NYPTA Board of Director's Report The Winter Board of Directors Meeting was held on January 23rd 2021. Below is a summary of the Motions approved and some discussion topics. Please refer to the 1/23/2021 Winter BOD draft minutes on the website for more detail. The following Motions were presented and approved: • Adoption of the 2021 Public Policy Priorities as printed. • The Chapter Public Relations Award was renamed the Tracy Sawyer Public Relations Award to posthumously honor Tracy Sawyer, Chair of the Marketing & Engagement Committee at the time of her passing. • The NY Chapter supports the submission of an NC-1 for Matt Hyland, Past President of NYPTA for APTA President. • The NYPTA Board of Directors will submit a motion to the 2021 Delegate Assembly to amend the bylaws so that the term of office for all Chapter Delegates to the APTA House of Delegates shall begin in the year of election/ selection on the date that the APTA Delegate Roster Submission Site opens and shall end upon the opening of the APTA Delegate Roster Submission Site the following year. • The policy of the New York Physical Therapy Association was amended for 2021 stating that Districts cannot hold continuing education courses in the month of October but may hold them in September and November. • The President of the New York Physical Therapy Association, in consultation with the Executive Committee, Executive Director, lobbyist, and Public Policy Chair and Vice Chairs, is charged to write a letter to Governor Cuomo requesting that physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and eligible students be included as eligible to take part in the New York State Vaccination Training program for COVID-19. Generative discussion: • President advised the Board that a letter was sent to FSBPT from the Council of Chapter Presidents regarding licensure by endorsement to assist foreign trained PTs to become licensed. • NYPTA planning of a virtual district challenge board for fund raising at the Delegate Assembly was presented by the NYPTA PAC Chair. • Program Committee Chair discussed the plan for a month-long virtual conference in October of 2021. • Program Committee gave an update on the virtual continuing education program as it currently exists and will provide a newsletter article with further updates. • Discussed the difficulties with insurance approval waiting periods. Members are encouraged to send issues regarding payment to the Chapter Office or the Public Policy Committee so that they can be tracked. • Discussed the need for a formal succession plan for leadership positions. The Nominating Committee asked for input from the Board. • In addition, there is a need to establish a data base and mentorship/intern program for new and upcoming leaders. • The President thanked everyone for participating and their thoughtful ideas for moving forward. • Reminded everyone of upcoming deadlines/dates. Bylaw motions were due by 1/29/2021. The Spring BOD meeting is Friday, April 30th with the Delegate Assembly forum that evening. The Delegate Assembly will follow on Saturday, May 1st, 2021. • The meeting concluded with Good and Welfare with special thanks to the Treasurer and Finance Committee for their excellent work. Thank you to the Board for their continuous work and engagement and special thanks to the Centennial Scholars, the APTA Student Core Ambassador and the new SSIG President for attending the meeting. Respectively Submitted by, Debra Engel PT, DPT, MS NYPTA Board Secretary
March/April, 2021 • Empire State Physical Therapy 19
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For the latest Lobby Day information and updates go to: . NYPTA dues may be tax deductible Below is the portion of your dues that is not deductible as an ordinary and necessary expense to the extent that APTA and NYPTA engage in Lobbying: • The non-deductible portion of your Chapter dues is 8% • The non-deductible portion of your National dues is 20%
2021 NYPTA Events
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Spring BOD Meeting Virtual Friday, April 30, 2021 Delegate Forum Virtual Friday, April 30, 2021 (Evening) Delegate Assembly Virtual Saturday, May 1, 2021 2021 APTA Events Centennial Gala Weekend Washington, DC September 10-14, 2021 House of Delegates Washington, DC September 11-12, 2021
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New York Physical Therapy Association A Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association 971 Albany Shaker Road Latham, NY 12110
26 Empire State Physical Therapy • March/April, 2021