Nypta newsletter may jun 18

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May/June, 2018 Volume L, NO. 21

Empire State Physical


The O fficia l N e ws l et t e r o f t h e Ne w York Phy si cal The rapy A ssoci at io n , In c.



2018 Lobby Day Showcased Our Collective Strength Cover Story (page 1, 3)

State of the Chapter 2018 President’s Letter (page 2, 4-6)

2018 Leadership Development Workshop Recap

2018 Lobby Day Showcased Our Collective Strength By Jacob I. McPherson, PT, DPT, MSCS, Public Policy Committee Chairperson

(page 7)

Member Spotlight: Mike Mattia, PT, DPT, MS, MHA, NYPTA President (page 9-10)

2018 NYPTA Award Winners (page 11)

2018 Spring BOD-DA Photo Gallery (page 12-13)

2018 -2020 Elected Members (page 17)

Elected Delegates to the 2019 HOD (page 17)

2018 Mini-Conferences Overview (page 18)

On Tuesday April 17, 2018 advocates for physical therapy traveled to Albany to fight on behalf of our profession. First, I would like to offer a sincere “Thank You!” to everyone who took the time out of their busy schedules in order to attend the event. Second, thank you to our legislative liaisons who scheduled appointments and provided logistical support to our members, and finally thank you to NYPTA staff for their planning and onsite efforts to make the day a success. The morning began with a crescendo of energy as participants began to arrive at the Legislative Office Building, gather with their colleagues, and arm themselves with talking points and support materials for our legislators. By 9:30 am we were off to our meetings where we introduced ourselves as private practitioners, educators, staff therapists, students, and most importantly of all – supporters of physical therapy. We educated our representatives on the importance of expanding our current direct access provisions in order to ensure more timely access to care for all New Yorkers. Participants also explained the financial hardships faced by our patients due to disproportionately high physical therapy copayments and emphasized the importance of achieving licensure for physical therapist assistants.

continued on page 3 www.nypta.org

May/June, 2018 • Empire State Physical Therapy 1

Volume L, No.21 May/June, 2018

State of the Chapter 2018


President’s letter




Volume XXXIX, No.(8), November/December, 2005


I am very proud and pleased to report to you that the state of our chapter is strong. I believe that we are as strong as an organization as we have ever been at any time in our history. We are strong because of our continued collective energy, which drives this organization to greater and greater success. Over the next few minutes, I will share some facts and perspectives as we explore our journey since we last examined our chapter in 2017. Where have we been this past year and what have we accomplished? I would like to frame our discussion around our mission statement. As we all know, our mission statement is: “The mission of the NYPTA is to empower and support its members in advancing the practice and profession of physical therapy through advocacy, education, “We are strong because of our continued and research” collective energy” Mike

Financial overview

In order for us to achieve our mission and our goals, we require financial resources. I am once again pleased to report to you that our chapter is in a very strong financial position. Our operating budget for 2017 was approximately $754,000.00. We ended the fiscal year with a net operating revenue surplus of $68,000.00 This is a direct result of the adoption of best practice efficient office management led by our Executive Director Kelly Garceau, and fiduciary management practiced by our leaders, and our finance committee lead by our treasurer, Keri Gill-Smith. We are financially stable with a diversified portfolio, which includes our chapter office building. This fixed financial asset has provided us with a state of the art workspace, which enhances our chapter staff workflow, work environment and improves efficiency and the staff’s ability to support our members. Michael Mattia, PT, DPT, MS, MHA

In addition, our property has provided us with a steady non-dues revenue income for the first time in our history of approximately $17,000.00 While we are stable, we can and need to continue to grow. As you all know, member dues income is the main source of our operating revenue. Once again, I am pleased to report you that we have achieved and surpassed our strategic plan goal of 2% member growth each of the last 3 years and for the first time in Chapter history we surpassed the 7,000 member level. This increase in membership improves our financial position, but of equal importance, it adds to our ranks. Colleagues who can lend their voices and energy to our initiatives and demonstrate that some, if not all, of our approaches to continued on page 4 2 Empire State Physical Therapy • May?June, 2018

New York Physical Therapy Association 971 Albany Shaker Road Latham, NY 12110 Phone: 518.459.4499 • Toll-Free: 800.459.4489 Fax: 518.459.8953 www.nypta.org

Editor / Designer Gloria Baker Empire State Physical Therapy is published 6 times yearly, with combined January/February, March/April, May/June, July/ August, September/October and November/December issues. Its purpose is to provide physical therapists, physical therapist assistants and physical therapist/physical therapist assistant students with accurate and timely information relevant to the practice of physical therapy. The editor reserves the right to edit all communications. Anonymous letters will not be published. Views expressed are those of the author and do not represent the formal position of NYPTA unless expressly stated.

Editorial Board Catherine Talbett, PT, DPT, PCS, Cert. MDT Alanna Pokorski, PT, DPT


All advertisements in Empire State Physical Therapy must comply with the ethical standards of the APTA. Acceptance of advertisements in this publication does not imply endorsement.

Submission of Material for Publication Submissions should be sent via email to Gloria Baker, Editor, at gbaker@nypta.org. Submissions are subject to the discretion of the editorial board.


NYPTA members automatically recei ve this publication. Nonmember subscriptions are $100 (US) or $150 (non-US) annually. This price includes sales tax, shipping and handling.

Deadlines Editorial and advertising deadlines are the first business day of the month prior to the month of publication.

Chapter Officers

President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Speaker Chief Delegate

Michael Mattia, PT, DPT, MS, MHA Tracy Sawyer, PT, DPT Keri Gill-Smith, PT, DPT, CLT-LANA JJ Mowder-Tinney, PT, PhD, CSRS, NCS Lynn Rivers, PT, PhD James Dunleavy, PT,DPT, MS

Chapter Directors Brooklyn/Staten Island Catskill Central Eastern Finger Lakes Greater New York Hudson Valley Long Island Southern Tier Western

Michael Masaracchio, PT, PhD, OCS, FAAOMPT Jill Taylor, PT, GCS Jonathan Small, PT, DPT Sarah Gardner, PT, OCS Andrew Bartlett, PT Rebecca Kalb, PT, DPT, SCS Nannette Hyland, PT, PhD Robert M. Streb, PT, PhD John Winslow, PT, DPT, MTC, ATC, OCS Jacob I. McPherson, PT, DPT, NCS

Chapter Office Staff

Executive Director Kelly Garceau kgarceau@nypta.org Communications Manager Gloria Baker gbaker@nypta.org Meetings, Marketing & Membership Manager To Be Hired Administrative Assistant Liz Obuya lizobuya@nypta.org

Copyright 2018 by the New York Physical Therapy Association. Requests for reprints should be directed to Gloria Baker at NYPTA, 971 Albany Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110.


2018 Lobby Day Showcased Our Collective Strength That morning we were also able to attend a speaking event by Assemblyperson John McDonald. Assemblyperson McDonald gave a very motivating speech highlighting the importance of physical therapy in helping to combat the opioid crisis. He also encouraged our continued participation in the legislative process stating that active and persistent participation is one of the best ways to create change. As the afternoon progressed we finished our meetings and completed our summary forms detailing the results of our interactions. These forms enable the chapter office to know which legislative offices need to be followed up with in order to provide any additional information or answer questions. Utilization of the chapter’s new legislative app allowed for these forms to be completed online for the first time. In the coming weeks we will be following our bills, monitoring for any additional co-sponsors, and looking for opportunities to help our bills through committee and eventually to a vote. For any members who were unable to attend Lobby Day, now would be an ideal time to schedule an appointment with your legislator to meet within your local district. Reinforcing the messages sent during Lobby Day and engaging them in another conversation can only help our efforts. This is a great opportunity to build a relationship with your elected officials and help those in your community who benefit from physical therapy. For anyone interested in local legislative visits, there are tips for successful meetings, talking points, and legislator materials available on the NYPTA website. Please stay tuned for any urgent Legislative Action Alerts issued by chapter office which will request support in contacting your legislators if our priorities need immediate support. Thank you for all of your efforts to stay up-to-date on the quickly changing legislative issues impacting physical therapy. Your persistence and actions are necessary to advance and protect our profession. I wish you all the best for a safe, happy, and healthy summer! Sincerely, Jacob I. McPherson, PT, DPT, NCS, MSCS Chairperson, NYPTA Public Policy Committee


May/June, 2018 • Empire State Physical Therapy 3

State of the Chapter 2018 (continued) membership initiatives have been successful. Since we last examined our chapter, our student special interest group has been reorganized and is functioning, bringing membership engagement opportunities to our schools and our students across the state. Advocacy Our advocacy program under the leadership of Jake McPherson, along with our Public Policy Committee, our lobbyist Brain Lucey, the Executive Committee and you the members have seen our legislative efforts rewarded with the passage of the DPT Title protection bill, and we twice passed the PTA Workers Compensation bill. Unfortunately, as you know our governor vetoed the bill for two consecutive years. This past year we also introduced our unrestricted direct access bill, reintroduced a revised high co-pay bill, which is now known as “patient access” bill and we introduced a bill to change the language in the PTA practice act to recognize our PTA colleagues as a licensed and not as certified. This activity is a direct result of our legislative program and its increased focus on grassroots advocacy and on establishing and building relationships with our lawmakers in Albany and other health care stakeholders. We have also been able to present more data driven rationale as to the value of physical therapy services and the importance of early access to our care to the residents and communities throughout our great state. We continue to foster and develop strong collaborative relationships with other healthcare providers such as the OT, Speech and Nursing Associations and the Medical Society of NYS. A shift in our place in the health care system in NYS As an example of this new attitude, outside stakeholders and agencies are seeking our expertise to take a seat at the proverbial table as opposed to our asking for permission to sit in with policy and decision makers throughout the state. We now have a seat on the Erie County Opioid Task Force, on the Brain Injury Association of New York State, and in the near future, I will be attending a pain management summit in NYC to discuss the role of Physical Therapy in the management of pain. Across the state, we are aware of more and more opportunities for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants to be involved in initiatives and programs that have been difficult to access to this point. All of these activities provide us with vital opportunities to get our message and brand out to the public and other providers. Perhaps the best example is something that I’ll share with each of you today. I hope that you all received an important message from me on this topic, but it bears repeating. Earlier this year Jake McPherson, our Lobbyist Brian Lucey, Kelly Garceau, public policy committee members, Brendan Sullivan and Marcia Spoto and I met face to face and over a conference call with the Workers Compensation Board of New York State. That conversation, driven by a presentation developed by Brendan and approved by the other members of the team, was a 90 minute focused discussion centered on novel data that demonstrates our value and how we are uniquely qualified and positioned to help the system and the injured worker in New York State. I will tell you that the board was listening and did take notes. On May 8, 2018, I received a letter, addressed to me as President, from Clarissa Rodriguez, the Chair of the WC board, asking me to inform the board what we believe is a fair rate of payment for our services under the workers compensation fee schedule. 4 Empire State Physical Therapy • May?June, 2018


State of the Chapter 2018 (continued) My fellow members this is historical for us and we will for the first time have an opportunity to have planning and implementation impact on payment for our services in any system in our state. Research Our ability to succeed in these initiatives is directly related to the increased access to, and utilization of, relevant data. Data is the universal language that moves the needle in today’s healthcare environment. Our chapter has supported and continues to support research, especially research that demonstrates the value of our services. This past year we completed our commitment of $125.000.00, to the Foundation for Physical Therapy and our $300,000.00 commitment to our Flower City Research Grant. The Flower City Research Grant which was approved by our Board of Directors in 2013, has to date produced 4 publications which provide us with data that we utilize in our advocacy and other public policy initiatives. Practice This year in response to a charge from the Board of Directors, we formed a Practice Act Task Force. The task force’s mission is to examine our current practice act and propose potential changes in its language that is reflective of current evidence based physical therapist practice in New York State. As I previously mentioned, our introduction of our unrestricted direct access bill and the change of designation of our PTA colleagues from certified to licensed, both developed through the work of the practice act task force and our practice committee. The task force is continuing to work on this very vital initiative as the chapter, our leadership, and committees rigorously monitor both opportunities for and threats to our ability to practice our wonderful profession. Education Our chapter continues its mission to deliver high-level continuing education opportunities via our biannual conference, our mini conferences, sponsorship of our student conclaves, and offering administrative support to our districts and SIGs as they deliver high quality cost efficient continuing education opportunities. A “thank you” from your President My fellow members, it has been a very good year, but our work continues. There are still and always will be challenges that confront us: • Reimbursement • Access to care • The shifting landscape of health care delivery and payment • POPTS • Infringement on our scope of practice to name just a few. Our strength lies in our collective energy each of us together moving us forward, together our future is bright my friends. Everyone knows by now that I am a Beatles fan. During my time, I have often used a title of a Beatles song, which is “All together now”. As John Lennon would have described the song, “it’s a simple little ditty” but it is a powerful reminder that we must be all together now. Together with laser focus, ready to act, and utilizing our collective energy to get things done. As you know, this is my last letter to you as your President. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors, current and past. To all of our committees and their members. To our past presidents for their mentorship and guidance. To our Executive Director Kelly Garceau who


May/June, 2018 • Empire State Physical Therapy 5

State of the Chapter 2018 (continued) has been my right hand and our chapter office staff which supports every one of us each day. To every one of you, our members for your confidence and your support during my four years as president. Last but most importantly, my family who have been unwavering in their support of my efforts on behalf of our chapter and have sacrificed time spent with me during the last four years. Four years ago, I ran for this position to continue the great work that went before and wanting to utilize my skills to continue to move us forward. I leave feeling very satisfied that I gave it all I had for 4 years. I think we kept moving forward and we improved the work of the chapter to you the members (our internal stakeholders), our employees and to external stakeholders throughout our state. I wish our newly elected officers and leaders all of the best as they embark on their new roles and I promise to continue to assist our chapter in any capacity to help to keep us moving forward. Thanks and all the best of everything, Mike


2018 Mini - Conferences The NYPTA has heard what members are asking for, and we are delivering! Requests to have continuing education courses held throughout the state have resulted in the second year of the NYPTA Mini Conference Series. We are thrilled to offer locations in Long Island and Schenectady, that will feature full day continuing education seminars. • September 15th – Danford’s Marina Hotel, Port Jefferson • October 20th – DoubleTree Hotel, Schenectady

More information on each mini-conference can be found on page 18.

Congratulations to Greater New York District - the 2017 Recipient of the Golden Goniometer Award! ng district had a variety of submissions, including creating an NYPTA team of 63 participants to participate in a 5K, whichncer research. The district also hosted a student social, challenged all district members to change their social media profiles to the #ChoosePT frame, posted #ChoosePT statistics on social media accounts, 6 Empire State Physical Therapy • May?June, 2018


2018 Leadership Development Workshop Recap By Audrey Paslow, PT, DPT, NCS, Leadership Committee Chair

In my last article, I wrote about a button I have at work for inspiration which simply reads “#PTTransforms.” This year at Delegate Assembly I heard the buzz of a new phrase, that we are “#BetterTogether.” Participation in governance certainly creates the opportunity to be just that! It was a theme I saw echoed at our annual Leadership Development Workshop. Scheduled for the Friday afternoon prior to Delegate Assembly, the Workshop is a free, five-hour seminar hosted by the Leadership Committee where attendees can learn about the organizational structure and governance of the APTA. This year, we were honored to welcome back Dr. Matt Hyland and Dr. Lynn Rivers as our speakers and excited to host 27 participants that included a strong mix of practicing physical therapists and physical therapy students. Dr. Hyland began by detailing the history and set up of our professional organization and, after learning about the background of the APTA, participants had the opportunity to sit in on the NYPTA Spring Board of Directors Meeting and see the Board discuss a motion. Following this, they returned to learn about participation in governance where Dr. Rivers reviewed the guidelines for the Delegate Assembly and House of Delegates. At the conclusion of the workshop, attendees joined in a mock Delegate Assembly, debating current motions that are coming before the House of Delegates in Orlando at the end of June. As one participant aptly put it, "participating in the Workshop and being a first-time Delegate to the Delegate Assembly was both refreshing and inspiring! An opportunity to have your voice heard, see changes happen within your Chapter, and speak up for national initiatives that can help advance your practice alongside equally passionate colleagues does offer a fresh perspective!" I couldn’t agree more. As the Leadership Committee continues its important work, we will pursue ways to bring these opportunities to you; approachable, inspiring ways to engage with your Chapter on a level that works for you. If you are interested, please make a note to attend our Workshop next year, or perhaps consider signing up for our Volunteer Interest Pool! I know we’d love to get to know you, because we are #BetterTogether. Audrey Paslow PT, DPT, NCS Leadership Committee Chair


May/June, 2018 • Empire State Physical Therapy 7

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8 Empire State Physical Therapy • May?June, 2018


Member Spotlight: Michael Mattia, PT, DPT, MS, MHA, NYPTA President

1. What would you say was your greatest accomplishment as NYPTA President? When I ran for the office, I believed that my unique skill set and experience would assist our Chapter to move forward in positioning itself to deal with the rapidly changing landscape that is healthcare delivery in our state. I believe that as I finish my term, our chapter is now able to respond to opportunities for our profession and also to anything or organization that threatens our ability to practice in our state. This is directly related to enhanced chapter's office function, improved member engagement, collaboration of our committees, and the tireless dedication of our executive committee and our board of directors. As a direct result of this collective effort external stakeholders and other healthcare provider groups are now seeking out the NYPTA to offer us a seat at the table and for our input on vital healthcare initiatives throughout the state. We are well positioned to navigate our future. 2. What was your biggest challenge as President? Educating each member to know that our chapter is hard at work every day, 365 days a year to enhance each member's ability to practice and to move our profession forward in New York State. 3. Do you have any lessons learned to share with members, from your experience serving as president?

I have always written and spoke about our “collective energy and knowledge”. As APTA President Sharon Dunn has said “we are better together”. We have so much knowledge, experience and talent in NYS, that we need to continue to work together with a laser focus, all energies in one direction, together for the common good of our profession in our state. 4. What advice or “words of wisdom” would you share with the incoming NYPTA President? I would advise our incoming President to listen intently to everyone’s input and opinion on the issues that the NYPTA leadership and its members bring forward. I always thought of myself as a facilitator in the sense that I wanted ideas and also wanted everyone’s expertise on a subject. I would allow the group to brainstorm and come to a consensus on an approach or in taking on an initiative, giving my advice or opinion when needed so that we truly are working off of the collective energy of the group. 5. How would you complete this sentence? “I would like NYPTA members to remember me as the President that….” Carried forward the great work done by his predecessors and utilized his skills to help the chapter and its members be more proactive, more responsive, more engaged and more effective in advocacy, research and education while helping to ensure our Chapter's financial stability for the future.


May/June, 2018 • Empire State Physical Therapy 9

Member Spotlight (continued): Michael Mattia, PT, DPT, MS, MHA, NYPTA President

6. What is a favorite tip you have that you could share with others in our industry? (Productivity, technology, networking, etc.) Never stand still. Be reflective and aware of your strengths and weaknesses, strive to improve and constantly survey what is still a very quickly evolving landscape of healthcare delivery. Each member must stay ahead of the curve, be a disruptor and not be the practitioner or organization that is disrupted by the changes in healthcare that may and in many cases will occur. 7. What else would you like your fellow NYPTA members to know about you? (Feel free to tell us a little about yourself here, whatever you’re comfortable sharing – family, hobbies, pets, fun facts about you, etc.) I have been married for almost 38 years to my childhood sweetheart, Regina. We met when I was 15 years old. She has been at my side throughout my career and I would not be where I am today if not for her unwavering support. We have 6 children (3 of our own + 3 spouses) and 4 grandchildren. My greatest title is “Grandpa Mike” and being with my grandchildren is the most important thing for me at this point in my life. I am an avid fisherman, an improving golfer, I play the drums, and as you all know by now, I am a big Beatles fan. 8. What is your favorite app or social media outlet? Instagram and linked in, but I could honestly take or leave any of them. (Does that mean I’m getting old???) 9. What is your guilty pleasure? (TV show, sweet treat, etc.) A good wine and my Corvette. Separately of course.

10 Empire State Physical Therapy • May?June, 2018


2018 NYPTA Award Winners

Dr. Marilyn Moffat Distinguished Service Award Michael Masaracchio James Smith

Leslie J. Wood Outstanding Service to Chapter Award Michael Mattia Leadership Development Award Keri Gill-Smith James Dunleavy Certificate of Appreciation William O'Keefe - Nominating Committee Thank You for Serving on the NYPTA Board of Directors Mike Mattia - President Tracy Sawyer - Vice President Michael Masaracchio - Brooklyn/Staten Island Lynn Rivers - Speaker of Delegate Assembly Rebecca Kalb - Greater New York District Director Robert Streb - Long Island District Director Outstanding Service to District Award Joanne Katz - Brooklyn/Staten Island District Jill Taylor - Catskill District Laurie Hepler - Eastern District Andrew Bartlett - Finger Lakes District Carrie Fuller - Greater New York District Nan Hyland - Hudson Valley Sylvene Blissett - Long Island District John Winslow - Southern Tier District Alanna Pokorski - Western District


Minority Affairs Student Future Leader Award Eliza Ferrer - Long Island University - Brooklyn

Minority Affairs Student Awards Emily Quinn - Ithaca College

Student Participation Award Allison Benson - Hunter College Tyler Denn-Thiele - Ithaca College Amanda Drake - Utica College Johanna Falkenham - SUNY Canton Erin Froehlich - Touro College Bay Shore Program Michelle Francine Kowalski New York University Cory Kutcher - SUNY Stony Brook Tonya Lacey - Niagara County Community College Vincent Luppino - Touro College Lexi Momberger - Nazareth College Kerry O'Hara - Nassau Community College Siobhan Pfaff - Upstate Medical University Heather Raymond - Herkimer College Alvin So - SUNY Downstate Medical Center Jessica Tau - New York Institute of Technology Ariel Wynne - SUNY Buffalo

May/June, 2018 • Empire State Physical Therapy 11

NYPTA 2018 Spring BOD-DA Photo Gallery

12 Empire State Physical Therapy • May?June, 2018


NYPTA 2018 Spring BOD-DA Photo Gallery


May/June, 2018 • Empire State Physical Therapy 13

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May/June, 2018 • Empire State Physical Therapy 15

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16 Empire State Physical Therapy • May?June, 2018


News & Announcements

2018 - 2020 Elected Members! NYPTA President

Peggy J. Lynam, PT, DPT,NCS

NYPTA Vice President Michael Tisbe, PT, DPT


Robert M. Streb, PT, PhD

Nominating Committee

Vicki Wilkins, PT, DPT, GCS, OCS, FAAOMPT, Cert. MDT

Elected Delegates to the 2019 HOD

Jeremy Crow (GNY) Nanette Hyland (HV) Michael Masaracchio (B/SI) Michael Mattia (BI/SI) Jake McPherson (W) Marilyn Moffat (GNY)

Audrey Paslow (E) Lynn Rivers (W) Adam Rufa (C) Robert Streb (LI) Michael Tisbe (C) Cary Kandel (GNY)

Connect with us on Social Media!

Upcoming Events Fall EC/BOD Meeting October 18-19, 2018 DoubleTree Schenectady, NY Mini-Conference October 20, 2018 DoubleTree Schenectady, NY Winter BOD Meeting Web-based January 19, 2019


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May/June, 2018 • Empire State Physical Therapy 17

2018 Mini-Conferences Overview September 15th – Danford’s Marina Hotel, Port Jefferson Course Title: Rehabilitation of Balance and Vestibular System Disorders Presented by: Arturo Miguel, PT, MS, MBA Course Description: Rehabilitation of Balance and Vestibular System Disorders is an evidence based introductory course that will train clinicians in identifying balance and vestibular impairments and formulating comprehensive treatment plans for their patients in an inpatient and outpatient setting. This course will include a detailed review of balance senses and balance strategies as well as discussion of balance screens and treatment considerations. In addition, there will be a brief introduction into vestibular therapy including anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system, oculomotor screening and treatment techniques. The material will be presented in lecture, demonstration, lab and video format. CEHs: 6.5 Online Registration: Will be available late summer

October 20th – DoubleTree Hotel, Schenectady Course Title: Get Your Head in the Game: Rehabilitative Strategies to Address Concussions Presented by: Audrey Paslow PT, DPT, NCS Course Description: This introductory course will cover the basics involving concussion management evaluation and treatment strategies for the physical therapist. The speaker will present a multi-faceted evaluation approach, the domains of health affected by concussion, and the treatment strategies that accompany each evaluation technique. This includes assessment of the cervical spine, oculomotor and vestibular evaluations, balance assessment, and finally, addressing the importance of including exertional testing and retraining with a specific protocol. The speaker will include information on health literacy and learning as it affects this population, as well as a break-out sessions of patient case examples to work through. CEHs: 6.5 Online Registration: Will be available late summer

18 Empire State Physical Therapy • May?June, 2018



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May/June, 2018 • Empire State Physical Therapy 19


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If you have any issues, please call 1.855.VIP.DOCS (1.855.847.3627). Now you’re ready! When you need to request a doctor consult, call the Teladoc number above or visit teladoc.com/feelbetter.

This plan is NOT insurance.The plan is not insurance coverage and does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under the Affordable Care Act or Massachusetts M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CMR 5.00. This discount card program contains a 30 day cancellation period. Discount Medical Plan Organization: New Benets, Ltd., Attn: Compliance Department, PO Box 671309 Dallas, TX 75367-1309, 800.800.7616. © 2015 Teladoc, Inc. All rights reserved. Teladoc and the Teladoc logo are registered trademarks of Teladoc, Inc. and may not be used without written permission. Teladoc does not replace the primary care physician. Teladoc does not guarantee that a prescription will be written. Teladoc operates subject to state regulation and may not be available in certain states. Consults are not available outside of the U.S. Teladoc does not prescribe DEA controlled substances, non-therapeutic drugs and certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. Teladoc physicians reserve the right to deny care for potential misuse of services. Teladoc phone consultations are available 24 hours, 7 days a week while video consultations are available during the hours of 7am to 9pm, 7 days a week.

20 Empire State Physical Therapy • May?June, 2018


New York Physical Therapy Association A Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association 971 Albany Shaker Road Latham, NY 12110


May/June, 2018 • Empire State Physical Therapy 21

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