November/December, 2019 Volume M, NO. 29
Empire State Physical
The O fficia l N e ws l et t e r o f t h e Ne w York Phy si cal The rapy A ssoci at io n , In c.
IN THIS ISSUE NYPTA Current Financial Status and the 2020 Approved Budget Cover Story (page 1, 3-4)
What I am Thankful For As NYPTA President President’s Letter (page 2, 5)
Public Policy Committee Update
NYPTA Current Financial Status and the 2020 Approved Budget
By Keri Gill-Smith, PT, DPT, Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair
(page 6-7)
2019 Conference Highlights (page 8)
Research Programming at the 2019 Conference/RDF Call for Applications (page 9-11)
The Marquette Student Challenge (page 12-13)
Member Spotlight: Clarence Chan, PT, DPT (page 15-16)
Awards Article, Description and Nomination Form (page 18-20)
HOD Nomination Form (page 21)
The NYPTA Board of Directors approved the 2020 operating budget at the Fall Board of Directors meeting on October 17, 2019. There was one amendment to the draft budget that provided funding for the Archivist to attend the Spring BOD meeting. The formulation of the budget begins in early summer when Chapter leaders submit budget requests for their area of responsibility. Lin Morin our bookkeeper and Kelly Garceau the Executive Director compile all this information. The Finance Committee (FC) then meets in August to create the draft Chapter budget. The FC consists of the Treasurer, Keri Gill-Smith as Chair, and members Michael Huson (Finger Lakes), William O’Keefe (Long Island), Alanna Pokorski (Western) and the President Peggy Lynam (ex officio). The Finance Committee also proposed a motion to pay off the remaining mortgage on the Chapter office building. The board of directors approved this motion unanimously and the Chapter will move approximately $53,000 from the investment account to cover this liability. Other items of note from a financial perspective: • Due to continued membership growth, we have realized an increase in dues revenue for several years, enjoying the highest dues revenue
2019 Conference Photo Gallery
continued on page 3
(page 22-25)
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 1
Volume M, No.29 November/December, 2019
What I am Thankful For As NYPTA President
President’s letter
Volume XXXIX, No.(8), November/December, 2005
As 2019 comes to a close, and I reflect back on this past year, I want to share a few thoughts about what I am most thankful for with respect to my involvement with the NYPTA. First of all, I am thankful for all of my volunteer leader colleagues at the Chapter level. My fellow Chapter Officers, the Chapter Directors, and the Committee Chairs, individually, and as a group, contribute a wealth of knowledge, insight and ideas that keep the Chapter functioning in the best interest of our members and the profession. One specific example of the Chapter functioning well is our current financial position. Under the leadership of our Treasurer, Keri-Gill-Smith, the Chapter finances have grown such that the Board of Directors, at the fall BOD meeting, was able to approve paying off the outstanding mortgage on the Chapter Office building - a full 6 “Overall, I am thankful for all that I have learned and continue to learn” years early! Peggy
I am also thankful for the dedication of our Peggy Lynam, PT, DPT District leaders across the state who work hard to keep members engaged at the local level and communicate your concerns to the Chapter leadership. In addition, those members who serve on Chapter and District committees and task forces deserve thanks for the time and effort they give to Association activities. I am definitely thankful for our Chapter staff who, under the capable leadership of Kelly Garceau, our Executive Director, provide the support that Chapter and District volunteers need to fulfill our responsibilities. Kelly, in addition to overseeing all Chapter Office and staff functions, serves an important role in assisting the Chapter in our public policy advocacy efforts. Gloria Baker, our Communications Manager, keeps us well-informed, while Erin Stack, our CE/Events Coordinator, makes sure our meetings and conferences run smoothly. I want to offer a special welcome to our newest staff member, Adilah Abdul-Matin, who started as our Membership Coordinator in November. Adilah will be focusing on assisting the Chapter in retaining current members and recruiting new members.
continued on page 5 2 Empire State Physical Therapy • November/December, 2019
New York Physical Therapy Association 971 Albany Shaker Road Latham, NY 12110 Phone: 518.459.4499 • Toll-Free: 800.459.4489 Fax: 518.459.8953
Editor / Designer Gloria Baker Empire State Physical Therapy is published 6 times yearly, with combined January/February, March/April, May/June, July/ August, September/October and November/December issues. Its purpose is to provide physical therapists, physical therapist assistants and physical therapist/physical therapist assistant students with accurate and timely information relevant to the practice of physical therapy. The editor reserves the right to edit all communications. Anonymous letters will not be published. Views expressed are those of the author and do not represent the formal position of NYPTA unless expressly stated.
Editorial Board Catherine Talbett, PT, DPT Alanna Pokorski, PT, DPT
All advertisements in Empire State Physical Therapy must comply with the ethical standards of the APTA. Acceptance of advertisements in this publication does not imply endorsement.
Submission of Material for Publication Submissions should be sent via email to Gloria Baker, Editor, at Submissions are subject to the discretion of the editorial board.
NYPTA members automatically recei ve this publication. Nonmember subscriptions are $100 (US) or $150 (non-US) annually. This price includes sales tax, shipping and handling.
Deadlines Editorial and advertising deadlines are the first business day of the month prior to the month of publication.
Chapter Officers
President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Speaker Chief Delegate
Peggy Lynam, PT, DPT Michael Tisbe, PT, DPT Keri Gill-Smith, PT, DPT Debra Engel, PT, DPT, MS Robert Streb, PT, PhD Roger Herr, PT, MPA
Chapter Directors Brooklyn/Staten Island Catskill Central Eastern Finger Lakes Greater New York Hudson Valley Long Island Southern Tier Western
Hammouda Soliman, PT, DPT Yvonne Egitto, PT, DPT Adam Rufa, PT, DPT Audrey Paslow, PT, DPT Michael Huson, PT, DPT Kaitlyn Parrotte, PT, DPT Nannette Hyland, PT, PhD Keith Perrucci, PT, Genevieve Smith, PT, DPT Jacob McPherson, PT, DPT
Chapter Office Staff
Executive Director Kelly Garceau Communications Manager Gloria Baker Membership Coordinator Adilah Abdul-Matin Events/CE Coordinator Erin Stack
Copyright 2019 by the New York Physical Therapy Association. Requests for reprints should be directed to Gloria Baker at NYPTA, 971 Albany Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110.
NYPTA Current Financial Status and the 2020 Approved Budget
By Keri Gill-Smith, PT, DPT, Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair
in Chapter history in 2018. We are on pace to match this for 2019. • The Chapter office building rental property is projected to generate $15,300 in revenue for 2020. The rental property has generated less income than budgeted in prior years due to construction work required for permitting purposes. The projected revenue includes only the currently rented residential unit. The Chapter will begin to aggressively market the smaller commercial space with the plan of realizing additional rental income in 2020. • The 2018 budget ended with at $61,000 surplus. Expenses were $65,000 below budget, due primarily to staff vacancies. Year-end revenue failed to meet budgeted levels. Chapter leadership continues to work hard to both control expenses and maximize revenue opportunities. • The Chapter approved funding for several Special Projects in 2019. These are one-time expenses that are funded outside of the operating budget. This included funding for an advocacy workshop and a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the PTA, both held at the 2019 NYPTA Conference. Overall, the NYPTA remains in a strong financial position with over $1.4 million in total assets and approximately $380,000 in liquid assets. The continued focus on growth of our membership and judicious control of our spending will best position the NYPTA to serve our membership and the profession, both now and in the future. As always, reach out to the Chapter office and/or Chapter leadership with any questions you have. _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Finance Committee 2020 Approved NYPTA Revenues
Membership Dues.................................................... $ Commissions............................................................ $ Career Center...........................................................$ AIPT Projects...........................................................$ CEH Processing.......................................................$ Continuing Education Mini Conferene(s).................................................... $ Conference Exhibit Booths........................................................$ Registration............................................................ $ Sponsors................................................................. $ Labels.......................................................................$ District Events (on-line registration)........................$ Website Advertising................................................. $
2020 Approved NYPTA Expenses
595,000 4,500 10,000 5,000 36,000
Chapter Governance.................................................$ 60,625 Association Leadership............................................$ 41,120 Continuing Education..............................................$ 10,315 Chapter Committees.................................................$ 42,864 Legislative & Payment.............................................$ 56,700 Research...................................................................$ 10,000 Public Relations & Communications.......................$ 12,500 Professional Service.................................................$ 49,200 Administration.........................................................$ 345,028 Building Expenses....................................................$ 50,410
6,400 ---3,000 1,250 2,500
TOTAL EXPENSES............................................... $ 678,761
Sub-Total Revenues................................................ $ 663,650 Property Rental........................................................$
Detailed breakdown of expenses are on the following page
TOTAL REVENUES..............................................$ 678,950
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 3
Finance Committee 2020 Approved NYPTA Detailed Expenses 1.
Chapter Governance
Executive Committee President..............................................$ 10,041 President’s Stipend...............................$ 6,000 Vice President......................................$ 1,495 Treasurer..............................................$ 806 Secretary..............................................$ 1,492 Member at Large.................................$ 442 General Executive Expenses................$ 1,500 Board of Directors Brooklyn Staten Island........................$ 617 Catskill.................................................$ 450 Central.................................................$ 498 Eastern.................................................$ -Finger Lakes........................................$ 711 Greater New York.................................$ 438 Hudson Valley......................................$ 585 Long Island..........................................$ 697 Southern Tier.......................................$ 579 Western................................................$ 876 Directors’ Interns.................................$ 2,000 General Board Expenses......................$ 15,500 Delegate Assembly..................................$ 15,000 Strategic Planning TF..............................$ -Speaker of Assembly...............................$ 897 Total Chapter Governance................................$ 60,624 2. Association Leadership Chief Delegate.........................................$ 7,805 Delegate to House of Delegates...............$ 30,000 Northeast Caucus (next 2021).................$ -PTA Caucus Representative.....................$ 3,315 Total Association Leadership............................$ 41,120 3. Continuing Education CEH
In house processing.........................$ -Management Company....................$ 7,000 Mini Conferences....................................$ 3,315 Conference...............................................$ -Total Continuing Education..........................$ 10,315 4. Chapter Committees Archivist..................................................$ Awards Committee..................................$ District Allocations..................................$ Ethics Committee....................................$ Finance Committee..................................$ Judicial/Reference Committee.................$ Leadership Committee.............................$ Leadership Workshop..............................$ Marketing & Engagement Committee.....$ Membership Committee..........................$ Minority Affairs Committee....................$ Nominating Committee...........................$ Opiod Alt Special Committee..................$ Political Action Committee (PAC)...........$ Practice Committee..................................$ Program Committee.................................$ PTA Committee.......................................$ Public Policy Committee.........................$ Research Committee................................$ Regional Mini-Conclaves........................$ Student SIG of NYPTA...........................$ Ubit Tax...................................................$ Total Committees...........................................$ 5. Legislative & Payment
-1,935 21,000 -2,227 650 -700 388 1,830 650 806 -2,649 770 759 1,052 2,524 674 3,000 1,000 250 42,864
Advisory Forum-Fed................................$ State Policy & Payment Forum................$
2,000 1,200
4 Empire State Physical Therapy • November/December, 2019
Workers' Comp Meeting..........................$ -Lobbyist...................................................$ 51,000 Lobby Day...............................................$ 850 Lobbying Activity....................................$ 150 PT Action Advocacy App........................$ 1,500 Total Legislative.............................................$ 56,700 6. Special Interest AIPT of NYPTA......................................$ AASIG of NYPTA...................................$ Student SIG of NYPTA...........................$ Total Special Interest.....................................$ 7. Research
Arthur J Nelson Research Fund...............$ 10,000 Total Research................................................$ 10,000 8. Public Relations & Communications Advertising..............................................$ 500 icontact.....................................................$ 3,000 Database Membership Program...............$ 9,000 Total PR & Communications........................$ 12,500 9. Professional Services Accountant...............................................$ 9,200 Legal........................................................$ 6,000 Bookkeeping............................................$ 34,000 Total Professional Services............................$ 49,200 10. Administration Salaries.........................................................$ 241,134 Overtime..................................................$ 1,000 Payroll Taxes FICA..................................................$ 18,447 Futa....................................................$ 168 NYS Disability..................................$ 300 NYS Unemployment.........................$ 575 Worker’s Compensation.....................$ 1,750 Benefits....................................................$ 36,000 Pension.....................................................$ 6,400 Professional Staff Development..............$ 1,500 Travel Executive Director...............................$ 4,854 Staff.....................................................$ 3,000 Internet Service........................................$ 1,650 Insurance..................................................$ 750 Postage.....................................................$ 250 Supplies...................................................$ 2,500 Equipment under $500.............................$ 300 Telephone.................................................$ 3,500 Conference Calls......................................$ 750 Computer Service/Supplies/Prog.............$ 7,500 Computer Equipment*.............................$ 2,500 Dues and Subscriptions...........................$ 2,500 Tokens of Appreciation............................$ 450 Contributions...........................................$ 750 Service Fees.............................................$ 3,500 Photocopier..............................................$ 3,000 Total Administration......................................$ 345,028 11. Building Expenses Water & Sewer.......................................$ Property Insurance.................................$ Mortgage/Interest..................................$ Dumpster...............................................$ Gas/Electric...........................................$ General Repairs & Maintenance............$ Real Estate Taxes...................................$ Total Building Expenses................................$
750 6,800 8,010 1,350 6,500 15,000 12,000 50,410
TOTAL 2018 EXPENSES.....................$ *From Fixed Assets
What I am Thankful For as NYPTA President (continued) My final thank you is to all the individual members of the NYPTA. The Chapter would not exist without your continued dedication to “belonging.” As an individual member, you can help grow our NYPTA community by participating in APTA’s new member referral campaign “One-by-One.” APTA launched this initiative on October 1, and it will run through September 2020. NYPTA is a participating Chapter in the “One-by-One” campaign which encourages current members to recruit new members by offering incentives and prizes including one free year of APTA membership (National and Chapter dues), iPads, and complimentary registration to an APTA meeting. More information about this member referral campaign can be found at: Overall, I am thankful for all I have learned, and continue to learn, from you, my fellow members, while serving the Chapter as President. I welcome your feedback, comments and ideas on how to continue to move the NYPTA forward in the coming year. Happy Holidays, Peggy
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 5
Public Policy Committee Update Greetings fellow members, As we start preparing for holiday celebrations with friends and family, I am grateful to be able to share some exciting updates from your NYPTA Public Policy Committee pertaining to our planned priority efforts for 2020. New Legislative Counsel Effective September 2019, Kate Herlihy, Partner with Whiteman Ostermann & Hanna, LLP has taken the lead of our legislative counsel/lobbyist services. Kate has worked with NYPTA in the past on projects previously managed by Brian Lucey. Kate brings with her a wealth of insurance experience as well as a deep interest in the issues facing physical therapy in NYS. Kate has been brought up to speed on our legislative agenda and has already been hard at work on issues including the Athletic Training bill, planning for introduction of our Copay bill, and helping to prepare us for Authorized Provider status within the Workers’ Comp system. Legislative Workshop In conjunction with our recent Chapter Conference we held a legislative workshop titled “Legislative Advocacy: Turning Passion into Progress.” We were fortunate to have Senator Neil Breslin’s Chief of Staff, Evan Schneider, speak to our group about how legislative offices manage the numerous meetings with different stakeholder groups and how we can be most effective with the time spent educating our legislators. Kate Herlihy took several questions on the process and mechanics of the legislative session. Following a review of NYPTA’s legislative agenda and some legislative meeting role playing sessions, APTA Vice President Matt Hyland gave a very motivating keynote address to close out the event. We will be looking for future opportunities to engage our members and enhance the advocacy skills of PTs, PTAs, and students across NYS. Rebranding and Approval of the NYPTA Legislative Plan In an action by the NYPTA Board of Directors, our document previously known as a Legislative Plan has been transformed into NYPTA’s Public Policy Priorities. The motivation behind this move was based on the fact that many of our policy efforts extend beyond legislation and include regulatory changes and other means of advocating for physical therapy in NYS. Approval of 2020 Public Policy Priorities The NYPTA Board of Directors has also adopted the Public Policy Priority document for the 2020 Legislative session. Since the end of a productive 2019 session we have been evaluating our legislative and regulatory priorities as well as potential advocacy strategies. With the two-year legislative cycle in NYS, all of our previously introduced bills from 2019 will carry through into 2020 and will maintain their current cosponsors. As the holidays and New Year approach I want to take this opportunity to provide an overview of our updated plan and to share some new initiatives which we believe will help us build on the momentum gained during the previous session. The complete Public Policy Priority resource for the 2020 session can be found on NYPTA’s website here. Here are a few highlights from the document:
Patient Access to PT/High Copays. We will continue to pursue Physical Therapy copayments which are consistent with those for primary care services. We have received multiple letters of support from external stakeholder groups supporting our position on eliminating disproportionate PT copays and look forward to building on this support.
6 Empire State Physical Therapy • November/December, 2019
Public Policy Committee Update Direct Access. We will pursue removal of current direct access limitations within New York State. This change will remove barriers which restrict New Yorkers from accessing physical therapist services in a timely manner. The evidence supporting early physical therapy for neuromusculoskeletal conditions is mounting and continues to demonstrate reduced costs, decreased opioid use, and better outcomes for our patients/clients. Licensure of the Physical Therapist Assistant. We will pursue advancement of the statutory recognition of the PTA from “certified” to “licensed”. This change will accurately reflect the academic training and passage of a national licensure exam currently required to achieve certification. We believe this is a necessary step in achieving payment for PTA services across all payers within NYS. I would again encourage you to review the full document on our website as the above points are only highlights. I also would like to express to sincere Thank You to all of our members who were engaged in the legislative process in 2019, responded to our “Call to Action” blasts, made legislative visits, and/or attended Lobby Day. I will echo the sentiments of previous writings in that WE NEED YOUR PARTICIPATION! Please stay tuned for updates as the next legislative session begins. We will be hard at work over the next several months to ensure that our priorities are able to take off once again. I am proud of the work that our association has accomplished and I look forward to working with our members to build upon them in the upcoming year. Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season, Jacob I. McPherson, PT, DPT Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist Chairperson, NYPTA Public Policy Committee
Upcoming Events in 2020 NYPTA Events
EC/BOD Fall Meeting October 15, 2020
Winter BOD Meeting Web-based January 25, 2020
APTA Events Combined Sections Meeting February 12-15, 2020 Denver, CO
EC/BOD Spring Meeting April 30, 2020
2020 HOD May 31-June 3, 2020 Phoenix, AZ
Delegate Assembly May 1, 2020 Lobby Day May 12, 2020
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 7
NYPTA’s 2019 Conference: Expectations Met! By: Michael Masaracchio, PT, DPT, PhD, Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy, Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Sports Physical Therapy, Fellow American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists, NYPTA Program Committee Chair
On October 18-19, 2019, the NYPTA held its bi-annual conference in Saratoga Springs, New York. New to the conference was the 50th Anniversary of the Physical Therapist Assistant. This celebration, which was held on Friday, October 18, 2019 featured exceptional speakers including NYPTA President, Dr. Peggy Lynam, as well as Larry Flowers, an inspirational PTA with over 30 years of practice and service to his patients, students, and community. The celebration culminated with the first ever PTA Excellence Award, which was deservingly awarded to Ralph Mitchell. Special thanks to David Faccini, PTA Committee Chair, Tracy R. Hardes, PTA Caucus Representative, Carrie Fuller, Past PTA Caucus Representative, PTA committee members, and the NYPTA Chapter staff for planning this historic event. In addition, this year’s NYPTA conference added an advocacy workshop on Thursday, October 17, 2019 prior to the formal start of the conference program. This workshop was planned collaboratively between the Program, Leadership, and Public Policy committees to present a combination of lecture and lab-based interactive activities with the goal of enhancing participants’ familiarity with the legislative process. This year’s NYPTA conference featured an outstanding slate of continuing education courses for practicing clinicians and students. The topics included business management, documentation, and social media, as well as clinical courses in pediatrics, geriatrics, cardiopulmonary, and orthopedics. Thanks to dynamic speakers such as Dr. Marilyn Moffat, Dr. Karen Kemmis, Dr. Michael Mattia, Dr. Mark Amir, Dr. Ellen Godwin, Dr. Ethel Freese, Dr. Juanita Benedict, and Dr. Brittany Popkin all 200 participants at this year’s conference had the opportunity to benefit from innovative programming specific to their practice setting or clinical interests. Feedback from the course participants was positive, raving “truly applicable clinical material that can be immediately applied to patients.” Another participant was quoted as saying, “the business management track and Medicare documentation presentation was well organized, while the speakers made the material fun and entertaining!” The conference also featured keynote speaker, Robert Tucker. Mr. Tucker is an author, consultant, and professional motivational speaker, specializing in innovative growth of fortune five hundred companies. His captivating presentation provided key strategies for success and sustainability in one’s career, highlighting the promising future of the physical therapy profession. The 2019 NYPTA conference was a success and met the expectations and vision of everyone involved. Looking ahead, the 2021 NYPTA conference will be held at Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, New York. With an outstanding 2019 conference behind us, we look forward to an even bigger and better 2021 conference ahead. In closing, I would like to thank the NYPTA Chapter staff, the Executive Committee of the NYPTA, and the entire Program committee, as well as all exhibitors and speakers for making the 2019 NYPTA conference a great success.
8 Empire State Physical Therapy • November/December, 2019
A full day of Excellent Research Programming at the 2019 NYPTA Conference Research programming was included on Friday, October 18 at the Fall Conference in Saratoga Springs. For the morning session, Chad Cook, PT PhD MBA FAPTA, provided his perspectives on Research – It’s Been a Lousy Investment. His thoughtful and provocative presentation touched on many controversial topics in research including the explosive growth of “evidence”, much of which is of dubious value, challenges in the pursuit of funding, research design and analysis, and the peer-review process, predatory publishing, research fraud, declining health outcomes and the impact of social media. Dr. Cook challenged the audience to become good consumers of research as clinical practitioners. The afternoon sessions comprised 7 platform, and 19 poster presentations. Both platform and poster sessions were well attended and were characterized by lively discussion between authors and conference participants. Included in the afternoon session was a platform presentation by Dr. Laura Hagan who was the 2017 Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund award winner. Platform presentations included: Laura Hagan PT, DPT, MS, ABD. The Lived Experience of Exemplary DPT Students in Clinical Education: A Phenomenological Study. (Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund award) Saren Ahearn, PT, DPT; Mackenzie Pert, PT, DPT; Pauline Rishty, PT, DPT; Deborah Safdieh, PT, DPT; Amit Sheth, PT, DPT; Victoria Stambolian, PT, DPT. Identifying Facilitators and Barriers to Physical Activity in Office Workers: Results to Date Gianna Cavalier, SPT; Shannon Fillmore, SPT; Holly Franke, SPT; Marissa Hajec, SPT; Anthony Thomas, SPT and Gabriele Moriello, PT PhD. Outcomes following LSVT BIG® on Balance, Mobility, and Function in an Individual with Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: A Case Report. Jacqueline Eadi, SPT, Melissa Sayles, SPT; Marissa McNamara, SPT; Karsten Barbagelata, SPT. Aquatic therapy reduces pain and fatigue in people with breast cancer: A systematic review Farhad Haeri PT, DPT, OCS, MTC. Can feedback type alter muscle recruitment during Lumbar Motor Control Exercises? Theresa A. Kolodziej, PhD, PT, DPT; Amy Hulin, DPT; Luke Schaefer, DPT; Kevin Stiles, DPT; Ashley Strub, DPT. The Lived Experience of Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Neeti Pathare, PT, PhD; Patricia Carreau, SPT; Moira Hilt, SPT; Nicole Kingsley, SPT. Physical Activity in Children with Congenital Heart Disease: A Systematic Review Poster presentations included: Amber O. Anson PT. “A Pilot Knowledge Translation Project Implementation in a Pediatric Hospital Setting” Danielle Vittone, PT, DSc MSPA, OCS; Erin L. Elkins, PT, DPT; Sabrina L. Derhammer, DPT; Abigail M. Frateschi, DPT. “Effects of Pelvic Floor Muscle Training on Function, Strength and Quality of Life Outcome Measures in the Pelvic Organ Prolapse Population: Systematic Review” Erin L. Elkins, PT, DPT; Brandi L. Bishop, SPT; Samantha A. Carlo, SPT; Megan R. Ferguson, SPT; McKenzie C. Will, SPT. “Is the addition of pelvic floor muscle training effective to treat urinary incontinence in female athletes: A Systematic Review” Erin Elkins, PT, DPT; Nancy Hellman, PT, DPT, DCE; Tracey Continelli, PhD. “ Wage Disparities Among Female and Male Physical Therapists: An Analysis of the American Community Survey” Laura Favaro, PT DPT OCS; Jennifer Bogulski, PT DPT OCS; John Bard SPT; Margaret Fitzpatrick, SPT; Kristina J Hines, SPT; Adam Kerr, SPT; Michael Morganstern, SPT; Taylor Pestle, SPT; Katie Seifert, SPT; Thomas Styn, SPT. “The immediate effects of whole-body vibration and static stretching on range of motion, force output, and functional hop in individuals with hamstring injury”
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 9
A Full Day of Excellent Research Programming at the NYPTA Conference (continued) Jennifer Fay, PT, MS; J.J. Mowder-Tinney, PT, PhD, NCS, CSRS, CEEAA. “Influence of Leadership Instruction on Doctor of Physical Therapy Students’ Leadership Behaviors During a Clinical Education Experience” Laura Z Gras, PT, DPT, DSC, GCS; Deborah L. King, PhD; Joshua Tome, MS; Courtney Yehl SPT. “A Comparison of Two Walking Programs on Balance and Gait in Older Adults who reported Being Fearful of Falling” Dr. Janet Hakey-Brusgul; Dr. Danielle Vittone; Kerri Laurenza, SPT; Melissa McAllister, SPT; Leigh Parker, SPT; Lauren Rosenberg, SPT. “The Effects of Taping on Lateral Epicondylitis: A Systematic Review” Alice Hamilton, SPT, Lauren Bachner, SPT, Tyler Wenzel, SPT, Evan Priest, SPT, Patrick Shea, SPT, Jim Smith, DPT. “The Impact of Physical Therapy on Health Service Utilization and the Cost of Care for Low Back Pain in the United States: A Systematic Review” Megan Hotchkiss PT, DPT; Christine McNamara PT, DPT; Samantha Brown PT, DPT, GCS; Kaitlyn Sevilla Student PT; Sarah Fishel PT, DPT, NCS. “Highly Challenging Aquatic Group Exercise Improves Balance in People with Parkinson Disease” Jack Fitzgerald, SPT, ATC, Brad McCaffery, SPT, Juan S. Victoria, SPT, Jordan Yando, SPT, Nancy Hellman, PT, DPT. “Examining the Relationship Between Youth Sport Specialization and Risk of Injury. A Systematic Review” Marilyn Moffat, PT, DPT, PhD, DSc, FAPTA, Elaine Becker, PT, DPT, MA, Gina Robertiello, MSN, RN, CHSE, Natalya Pasklinsky, MS, ACNP-BC, CHSE, Beth Latimer, DNP, GNP-BC, CHSE. “Building Mutual Appreciation: Physical Therapy and Nursing Students Learning Together Through Interprofessional Collaborative Simulation Scenarios” Neeti Pathare, PT, PhD; Nick Kossor, SPT; Alaina Possumato, SPT; and Chris Riley, SPT. “Effect of Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training on Measures of Balance, Gait and Aerobic Capacity in Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review” Neeti Pathare, PT, PhD; Emily Barnes, SPT; Anthony Lafiandra, SPT and Steven Kiak, SPT. “The Impact of Being Overweight and Obese on Postural Control and Balance in Children: A Systematic Review” Samantha Lapido, SPT, Megan Rafferty, SPT, Jeffrey Ramirez, SPT, Stephen Rodriguez, PT, DPT, DSc, OCS, FAAOMPT, Karl Rusch, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC. “A Novel Application of Manual External Stabilization Applied to the Pelvis or Hip Improves Movement During a Forward Bend in a Healthy Adult Population: A Pilot Study” Jordan Placella, SPT, Anthony Marmet, SP, Gianfranco Bravo, SPT, Eric Parker, SPT, Gurpreet Singh, PT, PhD. “Predictors of Burnout in Physical Therapists: A Survey Study” Alyssa Tatro, SPT, Gurpreet Singh PT, PhD. “Exercise to Improve Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review” Alyssa Williams, Cody Martucci, Genevieve Schoff, SPT, Gurpreet Singh, PT, PhD. “Robot Assisted Gait Training for Improving Gait in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review” Toni A. Zuccaro, PT, PhD, NCS. “Management of a Patient with Acute Vertigo and Oscillopsia One Year after Resection of a Malignant Astrocytoma: A Case Report” The Research Committee acknowledges the contributions to physical therapy research and thanks all the presenters for their efforts. Gary Brooks, PT DrPH Ayse Edeer, PT, PhD Andrew Ray, PT, PhD Lisa Muratori, PT, EdD, MSCS 10 Empire State Physical Therapy • November/December, 2019
Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund New York Physical Therapy Association Call for Applications Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund (RDF) The New York Physical Therapy Association invites applications for the 2020 Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund. The chapter will fund up to $10,000 for projects designed to facilitate clinical research in physical therapy. The fund is intended to provide a mechanism for investigators to collect pilot data to support the development of larger, more comprehensive research proposals. ____________________________________________________________________________ Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund Details ____________________________________________________________________________ The NYPTA Research Committee will review all applications based on the following guidelines: 1. Relevance of the study to physical therapy practice, research or education 2. Clear identification of how the pilot data will be used in a larger grant proposal 3. Research design and methodology 4. Organization and clarity of the application 5. Investigator’s readiness and likelihood of completing the project 6. Appropriateness of the budget request The committee will recommend recipients for the awards to the Board of Directors. ____________________________________________________________________________ Eligibility ____________________________________________________________________________ The principal investigator must be a member of the APTA, be licensed to practice physical therapy in the state of New York, and maintain an active New York State Education Department Registration. Pre-professional (entry-level) students are ineligible to apply. _____________________________________________________________________________ Application Deadline ______________________________________________________________________________ Applications for the Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund can be obtained from the Research Committee webpage on the NYPTA website ( and must be returned electronically to the Chapter office by February 3, 2020 at midnight. There will be no exceptions to this deadline. To obtain further information about the application procedure, please contact a co-chair of the Research Committee (GaryBrooks, or Ayse Ozcan Edeer,
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 11
New York PT Students Raise Funds for Physical Therapy Research By: Jessica Strupp, SPT; Monica Geiser, SPT; Ashley DeJaco, SPT; Hannah Howell, SPT
Students from physical therapist (PT) programs in New York were among the 153 schools that participated in the 2018-2019 Pitt-Marquette Challenge, raising $266,019 for the Foundation for Physical Therapy Research (FPTR). Since inception of the student fundraising Challenge in 1989, more than 320 schools have participated in the effort raising more than $4.3 million. The Marquette Challenge is a grassroots, student-led fundraising effort to advance the mission of the Foundation for Physical Therapy Research. Each year, hundreds of physical therapist (PT) and physical therapist assistant (PTA) students, with the support of their program directors and community, hold fundraising events across the U.S. to fund physical therapy research. The Challenge has funded over 27 physical therapy research grants and scholarships. “Students are really connecting with research in a way that matters,” said Hannah Howell, SPT. “The Challenge raises more funds each year than any other FPTR activity.” The students of Ithaca College, New York University and Utica College contributed to New York’s total of $12,399 in support of the Challenge in the 2018-2019 year. The success of the Challenge would not be possible without their contributions. New York University received an Award of Excellence for raising over $10,000. The top fundraising schools for 2018-2019 include: • 1st Place: Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) • 2nd Place: University of Pittsburgh • 3rd Place: University of Delaware As the top fundraiser, VCU earned first place by raising $34,327. VCU will serve as co-host and won naming rights for the 2019-2020 VCU-Marquette Challenge. “The Foundation is so grateful for the hard work the students put into making this such a successful fundraiser,” said Erica Sadiq, Foundation Director of Development. “Students involved in the Challenge connect with research in a meaningful way and are able to develop leadership skills that help them throughout their careers.” The Challenge supports grants, scholarships, and the rigorous peer review process which results in the awarding of all Foundation scholarships and grants. Using a review process modeled after the National Institutes of Health, the Foundation identifies and funds the best qualified candidates to develop the next generation of physical therapy research leaders. Eric Anson, PT, MPT, PhD an Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester’s Department of Otolaryngology, is the recipient of the $40,000 Pitt-Marquette Challenge Research Grant. His project titled “Investigating Fear and Perception at Virtual Heights in Individuals with Fall Risk” will harness virtual reality to improve self-motion perception and fear of falling in older adults and identify mechanisms contributing to those changes.
12 Empire State Physical Therapy • November/December, 2019
New York PT Students Raise Funds for Physical Therapy Research (continued) By: Jessica Strupp, SPT; Monica Geiser, SPT; Ashley DeJaco, SPT; Hannah Howell, SPT
Cherie V. LeDoux, PT, DPT, at the University of Colorado is recipient of the $7,500 PODS I Scholarship funded by the Pitt-Marquette Challenge. Her project is entitled “Social Determinants of Physical Activity in Older Adults with End-Stage Knee Osteoarthritis.” Faculty and students of PT and PTA programs in the state of New York are encouraged to visit the Marquette Challenge website at to learn how they can support the Foundation and physical therapy research through the 2019-2020 VCU-Marquette Challenge. Contributions for the VCU-Marquette Challenge should be submitted by April 16, 2020. Donations are tax deductible and can be made online at or sent to its headquarters at 1111 N Fairfax St, Alexandria, VA 22314. About the Foundation for Physical Therapy Research The Foundation for Physical Therapy Research, formerly known as the Foundation for Physical Therapy, is celebrating forty years of funding research and researchers. Founded in 1979, the Foundation has awarded more than $17 million in grants, fellowships, and scholarships to nearly 600 researchers. Learn more about the Foundation’s investments in the physical therapy profession at
Member Congrats! Brendan Sullivan, PT, DPT recently represented the New York Physical Therapy Association as well as the PT profession at a NYS Senate Hearing on strategies for reducing overdoses, improving individual and community health, and addressing the harmful consequences of drug use. Brendan currently serves as the chair of the NYPTA Opioid Alternative Special Committee. Click on the link below to watch Brendan’s testimony on behalf of your professional association..
Ralph E. Mitchell, PTA was honored at the PTA 50th Anniversary Celebration held during the 2019 NYPTA Conference as the first recipient of the PTA Excellence Award. The NYPTA created this award to recognize a PTA who serves as a role model and inspiration to patients/clients, peers and students, and strives to achieve optimal potential as a PTA.
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 13
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Member Spotlight: Clarence Chan, PT, DPT PTA Program Director LaGuardia Community College City University of New York
How long have you been a member of the NYPTA? What is your best experience thus far?
I’ve been a member of the NYPTA since 1987. I started as a student member. The best experience with the Association is being able to learn and work with leaders of the profession from across the state and to have the opportunity to help shape the future of the profession.
Tell us a little about your background and how your path led you to where you are in your career today. What’s a favorite moment of your career to date?
Ignorance can really be bliss! As a new immigrant from Hong Kong, I discovered the profession physical therapy in New York by chance. Having zero knowledge of the health care field and little knowledge of the American way of life, I randomly picked pre-podiatry as my major in college. I thought I was smart! Soon I realized I wanted to do more than just managing foot problems. At the time, the college had articulation with SUNY Downstate for a number of health related professions, except physical therapy. Not knowing what it was and out of curiosity, I went and asked the health career advisor and the department chair about this field and why the exception. They both told me: “Don’t even think about it; podiatry is a much better career and it’s impossible to get into the Downstate PT program.” But they did not tell me what physical therapy is. So what else can I do to find out more about it? I went and applied to Downstate PT... and only Downstate. I was definitely ignorant but I guess I was lucky too. Since graduating from Downstate, my curiosity about PT took me on a path of professional discovery by the way of working in hospital, pediatric, geriatric, private practice, and home health settings for almost twenty years. Likewise, I “ventured” into the world of academic in September of 2001 under the same spirit and ignorance perhaps. I thought I was smart enough to join the faculty team at the LaGuardia PTA program just because I was offered an adjunct teaching position. Indeed, for years I did a lot more learning than I did teaching before I became a full time professor at the college. I am now serving as the director of the program, but the learning continues. From ignorance and unable to knowing and learning was the spirit that guided me through my career in physical therapy. Similarly, I will say the many best moments of my career were having the privilege to witness patients and students alike overcome their challenges through the discovery of physical therapy and the realization of their ability to learn and to improve.
What are some of the key opportunities and challenges facing the physical therapy profession?
We often speak of our health care system as being in crisis. Physical therapy is an integral part of this complex system. The Chinese phase for crisis is “危機”. But separately, these two words can be interpreted as “risk/challenge” and “opportunity”. For a better part of the past century, physical therapy in America was under the aegis of a hierarchical medical system where we were more or less shielded, in terms of liability and responsibility, from the risk of being an autonomous medical profession. However, it also limited us from the opportunity to establish physical therapy as a legitimate entry point to health care. Vision 2020 established by APTA at the new millennium served as the blueprint for the profession to evolve from serving as an ancillary member of the health care team to becoming the practitioners of choice to improve the quality of life for our society. The current APTA Vision Statement adopted in 2013 is now pointing to a set of principles, [Identity, Quality, Collaboration, Value, Innovation, Consumer-centricity, Access/Equity, and Advocacy] that is intended to guide the profession forward and outward into the future. Although these principles speak to the importance of our professional development, each of them also represents both challenges and opportunities for the
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 15
Member Spotlight (continued): Clarence Chan, PT, DPT PTA Program Director LaGuardia Community College City University of New York
profession. To achieve this vision of the future, we must demonstrate real value to members of the society by providing innovative and quality care. In order to help make physical therapy more accessible, we must collaborate with members of the health care team and advocate for the members of the community. Ultimately, I think the biggest challenge, as well as opportunity, is to establish our identity as a distinct and valuable member of the health care team. Identity is like honor. In order to be recognized, it must be earned. None of these will be easy. Physical therapy is still very much in the midst of “危機”.
What advice would you give NYPTA members who are new to the profession?
Be a moral agent, commit to life-long learning, keep an open mind, provide compassionate care, and honor and support your profession.
What is a favorite tip you have that you could share with others in our industry?
Be a volunteer to support your community and be a member of the Association to serve locally and nationally. It’s a great way to learn about the profession, and the people that shape it.
What are you passionate about?
I am a PTA educator and I am passionate about PTAs and their role in the profession. 2019 marks the 50th Anniversary of Physical Therapist Assistants joining this profession. The first class of 11 PTAs graduated from St. Mary’s Junior College, Minneapolis in 1969. For five decades, PTAs had worked alongside PTs to serve our communities. However, they did not share as big of an impact on shaping the profession in terms of association governance and development of the profession, locally and nationally. I wish to see more PTAs involved with the Association and contribute to the future of this profession. PTAs can make a difference. A case in point, I am most delighted to see the passing of the Motion RC 32-19 at the APTA House of Delegates this year where PT and PTA colleagues voted to adopt a new Core Values for the Physical Therapy Profession. It effectively replaced two separate APTA core value documents, one for PTs and one for PTAs. Such decision signified a continual evolution of physical therapy as a unified profession. It also demonstrated the value in PT/PTA collaborations, as noted by the combined effort in bringing this motion forward by the PTA Caucus and the chapter delegations from the state of Oregon and Washington. I am proud of our PT and PTA colleagues for moving the profession forward in a positive direction. I urge you all to do the same.
What else would you like your fellow NYPTA Members to know about you?
• Wings and Wheels - It’s not a rock band. I love the mechanical wonders of airplanes and automobiles. • Martial Arts - I watch them, learn them, and teach them. • Fish - I have a Koi pond in the back yard and aquariums large and small all over the house, salt water and fresh water.
What is your favorite app or social media outlet? YouTube.
What is your guilty pleasure? Watching movies and videos.
16 Empire State Physical Therapy • November/December, 2019
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November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 17
Awards Nominations: The Deadline is Approaching!! By: Kathleen Birnbaum, Retired PT, Awards Committee Chair
We have seen that call more than once from Chapter office. Calls for nominations for chapter officers, calls for research projects, calls for speakers and vendor suggestions for the conference, calls for reports for Board of Director meetings and the Delegate Assembly and calls for nominations for Awards. The NYPTA has a long history of honoring members and other supporters of the physical therapy profession with awards. There are now 10 Chapter awards and an Outstanding Service to District Award. Some chapter awards have been named in recognition of a person who embraces the essence of the award and ensures honoring their legacy. Examples are the Doreen Frank Legislative Award and the Leslie J. Wood Outstanding Service to Chapter Award. Another award is named in honor of a member who tirelessly moves the profession forward: the Dr. Marilyn Moffat Distinguished Service Award. The recipient of this award “... demonstrated consistent service to the development of the physical therapy profession....” The Outstanding Service to District award was created in the 1980s to recognize a member whose contributions were at a district level. There are many members who thrive at a district level and in turn the district thrives. This is an opportunity for the leadership of the district to have that member recognized beyond the district. The awards for the 2020 cycle include 2 new awards: PTA Excellence Award (the first one was awarded to Ralph Mitchell at the PTA 50th Anniversary Celebration during NYPTA 2019 Chapter Conference) and PT of the Year Award (the winner will be nominated by patients/clients.) Why is it important to nominate a colleague for an award? Here are some thoughts from a member who submitted a nomination for the Dr. Marilyn Moffat Distinguished Service Award: “Recognizing someone who sets their personal performance bar above the rest is a way to express your appreciation to them for the contributions they have made to the profession. The nomination also signals to others the quality of performance and/or professional attributes that we all should aspire to. When a physical therapist is the recipient of an award within their institution or outside their institution, the entire profession of physical therapy is elevated. When colleagues are recognized with awards within the components of the physical therapy association, their educational institution or their practice also benefits. On a personal level, it feels great to express to an awards committee why you admire the person you are nominating. It is a way to express gratitude for the nominee’s contributions, of saying thank you, and of encouraging the nominee to continue making great contributions.” Some thoughts from a recipient of the Merit Award: “I was so honored to receive the NYPTA Merit Award. I felt very fortunate to receive this prestigious honor. I think like many of us, we became physical therapists to help our patients get their lives back, but also realize the importance of joining Chapter and Association Committees and task forces, while advocating for our patients and the profession. I hope to continue to provide the best care to my patients, support our profession, and inspire the new generation to do the same.” The above comments show that nominating someone has benefits for the nominator, and a recipient wants to take the honor of the award and share the recognition and continue to improve. It is a win-win situation for the nominators, recipients and the profession. As we approach the next cycle of awards to be given at the 2020 Delegate Assembly, think of your colleagues and which ones you will nominate-answer “ the call”.
18 Empire State Physical Therapy • November/December, 2019
AWARDS COMMITTEE SEEKS NOMINATIONS Any Chapter member or district may submit nominations. It is important that all nominations be well supported with information about the nominees’ activities that indicate their appropriateness for the award.
in one of the following capacities: as a member of the Chapter Board of Directors, as a task force or committee Chairperson, or by committing time and resources to the Chapter and the profession.
To be considered valid, all nominations must be submitted on the official form by April 2, 2020. Multiple entries may be submitted.
5. Doreen Frank Legislative Award. The nominee shall have demonstrated consistent, outstanding participation in the legislative arena by promoting initiatives that preserve, protect and advance the practice of physical therapy in NYS.
The following is a list of descriptions of NYPTA awards: 1. Dr. Marilyn Moffat Distinguished Service Award. This award recognizes an NYPTA member who has made an outstanding contribution to physical therapy. The recipient will have demonstrated consistent service to the development of the physical therapy profession, beyond that which is inherent in being a member of the profession. This commitment of service is demonstrated by contributions to the profession in the following areas:
Activities shall include the following: a) attendance at Lobby Day b) interaction with legislators re: current legislative issues c) promotion of and participation in PAC activities d) involvement in legislative activities on a district and/or chapter level. 6. Public Relations Award. The recipient will have fostered public awareness of the profession of physical therapy through utilization of the media, community activities, special events or promotion of PT Month, etc. Nominations may be submitted for Districts, individuals, facilities or schools, and must be substantiated by written information, photographs, brochures/ printed materials or copies of articles, etc. Activities of Chapter committees are not eligible for consideration.
1. The profession of physical therapy in any of the following areas: a. Education. The recipient has fostered the development of quality learning experiences that promote sustaining and improving the physical therapy profession, including teaching in areas such as academic, in-service or continuing education; development and implementation of teaching methods; administration of a PT program. b. Clinical research. The recipient has initiated or participated in laboratory and/or clinical research that has promoted the development of the physical therapy profession and has published or disseminated the results of such research. c. Service. The recipient has demonstrated service to the profession in patient care, consultation, administration or education as a liaison to other health care organizations and/or committees. 2. The APTA or its components: The recipient has promoted the organization and its goals.
7. New York Chapter Appreciation Award. This award is not limited to physical therapists or APTA members. The individual will have fostered the ideas and/or ethics of physical therapy through service to the New York Chapter or the profession. 8. Outstanding Service to District Award. The recipient will have made outstanding contributions to a district. 9. Leadership Development Award. Recipients of this award should exemplify the spirit of leadership development within the profession through, but not limited to, the following: a) Participation or promotion of mentor/protégée relationships; b) Participation or promotion of attendance at the Leadership Development Workshop, Delegate Assembly, Lobby Day or other association leadership activities; c) Creation and implementation of innovative ideas for developing leaders within the profession; c) Creation and implementation of methods to keep the spirit of leadership alive throughout the professional life cycle.
3. Community: The recipient has demonstrated involvement in organizations such as service organizations; local, state or federal government in an elected or voluntary capacity. 2. NYPTA Lifetime Service Award. The recipient shall have demonstrated a commitment to the profession of physical therapy by serving NYPTA: 1. Throughout their physical therapy career on an ongoing, consistent basis. 2. Through service primarily to the Chapter in any elected or appointed capacity but may also include District or National activities. 3. By providing contributions that are worthy of mention and which will be judged on the basis of results and not merely the duration or continuity of that service.
The following outlines further specifications for this particular award: a) Nominations may be submitted for Districts, individuals, facilities or academic programs; b) Nominees should be Chapter members; in the case of facilities or academic programs, the individual spearheading the effort should be a chapter member; c) Nominations must be substantiated by written information including data collected regarding numbers of individuals affected by the leadership efforts; d) Members of the Chapter Leadership Committee are not eligible for this award while in office.
3. Leslie J. Wood Outstanding Service to Chapter Award. The recipient will have made outstanding contributions to the New York Chapter in promoting the organization and its goals. 4. Merit Award. The recipient will have made meritorious contributions
Chapter Award General Criteria:
10. PTA Excellence Award. This award recognizes a PTA who serves as a role model and inspiration to patients/clients, peers and students and strives to achieve optimal potential as a PTA.
1. Candidates must be members in good standing of the APTA and may be nominated by any member of the New York Chapter. However, candidates for the New York Chapter Appreciation Award need not be APTA members. 2. Nominations must be submitted on the official form found on the next page. 3. Unsupported nominations will not be considered. 4. A committee appointed by the Board of Directors will consider all nominations and choose recipients. 5. Recipients of the Dr. Marilyn Moffat Distinguished Service, New York Chapter Appreciation, Public Relations and Merit Awards will be notified two weeks prior to the Delegate Assembly to ensure their presence during the presentation of awards. 6. All awards will not necessarily be presented each year.
11. Golden Goniometer Award. This award is given to an individual or district who creates and/or participates in activities that raises awareness of our profession through events that support: • Fall Prevention Awareness Day (Late September) • National PT Day of Service (Mid-October) • National Physical Therapy Month (October)
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 19
NYPTA Awards Nomination Form All portions of this form must be completed for the nomination to be valid. The form may be photocopied to accommodate multiple entries. Please send this form to the Chapter office: NYPTA / 971 Albany Shaker Road / Latham, NY 12110 Attn: Awards Committee. • • • Deadline for submitting nominations: April 2, 2020. • • • Please print or type Nominee’s name: ____________________________________________________________________ District: ____________________________________________________________________________ Award:
Dr. Marilyn Moffat Distinguished Service Award NYPTA Lifetime Service Award Leslie J. Wood Outstanding Service to Chapter Award Merit Award Doreen Frank Legislative Award Public Relations Award New York Chapter Appreciation Award Outstanding Service to District Award (only one individual to be submitted by each district) Leadership Development Award PTA Excellence Award Golden Goniometer Award
Association activities: These include elected or appointed positions at the national, chapter and/or district levels, and involvement in committees, task forces, etc. Please provide as much information as possible, including dates. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ How do the candidate’s contributions affect eligibility for the award? Please be specific. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ (For Public Relations Award only) Please describe activity in detail and submit materials as specified in award criteria: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Nominations submitted by: (individual, committee, board member, district)
20 Empire State Physical Therapy • November/December, 2019
The House of Delegates is an APTA policy-making body comprised of voting chapter delegates, non-voting delegates (the Board of Directors and section, assembly, and PTA Caucus delegates), and consultants.
House of Delegates Nomination Form
The House meets annually for 3 successive days each spring during which time delegates make decisions on issues that may have far-reaching implications for the association and for the profession of physical therapy. Any physical therapist member who has been an APTA member in good standing for two years immediately preceding the annual meeting of the House of Delegates for which you were elected may serve as a Chapter Delegate. APTA is holding the 2021 HOD in conjunction with the Centennial celebration September 9-14th in Washington, D.C. You have until December 16, 2019 to nominate yourself for Delegate to APTA’s 2021 House of Delegates.
Nomination Form and NYPTA Consent to Serve Form for Delegates to APTA’s 2021 House of Delegates, Date/Location: September 9-14, 2021|Washington, D.C DEADLINE: December 16, 2019 Instructions: Individuals wishing to become Delegates to the APTA House of Delegates must now submit their own Nomination Forms. Please print or type on the form below and mail or fax it to the Chapter Office (NYPTA / 971 Albany Shaker Road / Latham, NY 12210). The completed form must be RECEIVED in Chapter Office by December 16, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. There will be no exceptions to this deadline. Qualifications: Only Physical Therapist members who have been APTA members in good standing for two years immediately preceding the annual meeting of the House of Delegates for which they are elected may serve as Chapter Delegates. Full name of nominee: ___________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Phone: (H)(_____) _____________ (W)(_____) ________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________ Current District Affiliation: ________________________________________ Date of membership in Chapter: ___________________________________ Please list specific Chapter, District or National Association activities (offices, committees, etc.) in which you have been involved. Please include dates and be specific. The information you provide is used by the Delegate Assembly to evaluate candidates. (Please attach your Association activities to this form, using additional sheets, if more space is necessary.)
Don't want to fill out a paper form. You can nominate someone online by going to:
Chapter: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ District: ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ National: _______________________________________________________
2021 HOD Nomination Form Deadline: 12/16/2019 2020 Awards Nomination Form Deadline: 4/2/2020
_______________________________________________________________ The conditions below are mandatory pre-Delegate activities required for Delegates to the House of Delegates. Please initial your consent adjacent to the statements: _________IF ELECTED, I WILL ATTEND DISTRICT MEETINGS WHOSE PRIMARY PURPOSE IS TO DISCUSS ISSUES RELATIVE TO THE DELEGATE ASSEMBLY OR HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETINGS. _________IF ELECTED, I WILL ATTEND THE DELEGATE ASSEMBLY HELD PRIOR TO THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETING FOR WHICH I AM ELECTED. _______________________________________________________________ Date Signature
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 21
22 Empire State Physical Therapy • November/December, 2019
2019 NYPTA conference PHOTO GALLERY
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 23
2019 NYPTA CONFERENCE Photo Gallery
24 Empire State Physical Therapy • November/December, 2019
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 25
News & Announcements
APTA's Engage The new member volunteer platform to make it easier to volunteer at both the national and Chapter level. Use APTA Engate by: • Log-in with an APTA ID and password • Create your volunteer profile • Opt-in to APTA Engage to receive notifications on opportunities that match your interests • Search and apply or sign up for opportunities at the national or Chapter level More information can be found at: To get started go to:
NYPTA dues may be tax deductible. Below is the portion of your dues that is not deductible as an ordinary and necessary expense to the extent that APTA and NYPTA engage in Lobbying: The non-deductible portion of your Chapter dues is 8% The non-deductible portion of your National dues is 20%
2020 NYPTA Events Winter BOD Meeting Web-based January 25, 2020 EC/BOD Spring Meeting April 30, 2020 Delegate Assembly May 1, 2020 Lobby Day May 12, 2020 EC/BOD Fall Meeting October 15, 2020 2020 APTA Events Combined Sections Meeting February 12-15, 2020 Denver, CO
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2020 HOD May 31-June 3, 2020 Phoenix, AZ 26 Empire State Physical Therapy • November/December, 2019
Thank You! To Everyone Who Made the 2019 NYPTA Conference a Success: Speakers Mark Amir, PT, DPT, MPH Juanita Benedict, PT, DPT Chad Cook, PT, PhD, MBA, FAPTA Ethel M. Frese, PT, DPT, MHS, FAPTA Ellen M. Godwin, PT, PhD Karen Kemmis, PT, DPT, RN, MS Michael Mattia, PT, DPT, MHA, MS Marilyn Moffat, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA Brittany Popkin, PT, DPT Robert B. Tucker, Keynote Speaker Exhibitors 1099 Accountant LLC Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy Allard USA Biodex Medical Sytems, Inc. Cardon Rehabilitation Carisk Intelligent Clearinghouse e3Audiomedtric Technology Harlan Health Products, Inc. Mobilegs National Multiple Sclerosis Society Optima Healthcare Solutions PMR Newkirk, Inc. Shophysio Stat Biomedical Technicians, Inc. The College of St. Scholastica Touro College Orthopedic Physical Residency & DPT Program Coffee Break Sponsor 1099 Accountant LLC Advertiser HHS Rehabilitation Network
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 27
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If you have any issues, please call 1.855.VIP.DOCS (1.855.847.3627). Now you’re ready! When you need to request a doctor consult, call the Teladoc number above or visit
This plan is NOT insurance.The plan is not insurance coverage and does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under the Affordable Care Act or Massachusetts M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CMR 5.00. This discount card program contains a 30 day cancellation period. Discount Medical Plan Organization: New Benets, Ltd., Attn: Compliance Department, PO Box 671309 Dallas, TX 75367-1309, 800.800.7616. © 2015 Teladoc, Inc. All rights reserved. Teladoc and the Teladoc logo are registered trademarks of Teladoc, Inc. and may not be used without written permission. Teladoc does not replace the primary care physician. Teladoc does not guarantee that a prescription will be written. Teladoc operates subject to state regulation and may not be available in certain states. Consults are not available outside of the U.S. Teladoc does not prescribe DEA controlled substances, non-therapeutic drugs and certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. Teladoc physicians reserve the right to deny care for potential misuse of services. Teladoc phone consultations are available 24 hours, 7 days a week while video consultations are available during the hours of 7am to 9pm, 7 days a week.
November/December, 2019 • Empire State Physical Therapy 31
New York Physical Therapy Association A Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association 971 Albany Shaker Road Latham, NY 12110
32 Empire State Physical Therapy • November/December, 2019