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4 Tips for working from home
By: Toni Becker
When the Covid-19 virus infiltrated the globe, we all had to make quick lifestyle adjustments, and one of the most universal adjustments was learning to work from home. Remote working sounds great in theory, but it can quickly take its toll and it does come with particular problems that you will need to address and work through.
Always get dressed for the work day! In fact, the easiest thing you can do to get your day going is get dressed for it. The action of getting ready for the day, just like you would do if you were going to an office, will propel your motivation and get you on the path of productivity faster than you would if you were in comfy pjs and a baggy gown.
Also this routine lets you know when the workday begins, and once you take off your work clothes and put on your baggies - you know when it has ended and it's time to put your feet up and relax. PRODUCTIVITY! If you want to be productive while working from home, you need to create a space that is conducive to getting your work done. Yes, your comfortable couch may seem appealing, but a desk space is probably your best option when it comes to creating a productive work environment. Remember, it is important that you set up clear divides between what is a work space and what is a space for relaxation if you want your freelance work to be successful.
Working from home may feel empowering, but again it all comes down to creating structure. It is vital that you set your working hours and you stick to them.
Many remote workers soon find themselves unable to separate home life from work life and end up working 24/7. When your work day has ended make a point of checking out of your work emails and turn off any work related notifications. If you do not stick to your structure, your work will slowly infiltrate your home life and that is a whole
other blog all together.
Create daily or weekly schedules and task lists! Think about it - when you sleep in and take the day at your own pace, do you ever realise it is all of a sudden the end of the day and you still have hundreds of tasks you need to complete? When this happens your stress will quickly overwhelm you and your work will be subpar (at best).
This is why you need to ensure that all your days are structured. Create a schedule for your week, stick to it as much as possible and when you get to Friday you actually get to enjoy that “Friday Feeling” as opposed to that “Friday Rush!”