Studio Air Chun Yu Ng

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T abl eofCont ent s Aboutme A.1Des i gnF ut ur i ng A.2Des i gnComput at i on A.3Compos i t i on/Gener at i on A.4Concl us i on A.5L ear ni ngOut come A. 6Al gor i t hmi cS ket chbook Bi bl i ogr aphy

My name i sF r anci sNg and Iam bas ed i n Mal ays i a. I am a t hi r d year Bachel or of Envi r onment ss t udent .Overt he cour s e,Ihave r eal i z ed my per cept i on ofar chi t ect ur e has beenpr ogr es s i vel yevol vi ng.Under s t andi ngt he changi ng needsoft he wor l d,ar chi t ect ur et o mehasbecomemor ecompl ext haneverand t her ei snof i x eds ol ut i onf orever ypr obl em.T he devi at i oni nar chi t ect ur ehasgr eat l yf as ci nat ed me and enabl e me t ot hi nkbeyond t he t er m ‘ ar chi t ect ur e’ and i t s cor r el at i on wi t h ot her f i el dss uchass oci al ps ychol ogy,t echnol ogyas wel lasbi ol ogy.I n or dert of ur t herpur s ue my i nt er es t si nt hes ef i el ds ,Iam l ooki ngf or war df or t he l ear ni ng out come of S t udi o Ai r . Pr i ort ot hi sS t udi o,Ihaveequi ppedwi t hRhi no model l i ng s ki l l s , CAD dr awi ngs and Adobe i nf ogr aphi cs ki l l s .Ihave beeni nt r oduced wi t h par amet r i c des i gn whi ch i sa des i gn pr oces s bas edonal gor i t hmi ct hi nki ngus i ngpar amet er s asa dr i vi ng poi ntofar chi t ect ur e dur i ng t he s emes t erbr eak.Compar edt ocomput er ai ded des i gn ( CAD) ,par amet r i c des i gn al l owsmor e f l ex i bi l i t ybychangi ng t he val ue ofa s el ect ed par amet er t o al t er t he end r es ul t of t he al gor i t hm whi l e di r ect model i ng r emai ns a mer edocument at i ont ooli nar chi t ect ur e.Wi t h t headventoft oday’ st echnol ogy,par amet r i c des i gn al l owsar chi t ect st o opt i mi s e a des i gn goal agai ns tas etofdes i gncons t r ai ns .I not her wor ds ,we can ex pl or e mor es ophi s t i cat ed s ol ut i onsi nar chi t ect ur et hr oughdi gi t aldes i gn and f abr i cat i on.Over al l ,Ibel i eve t hatIam abl et odevel opanew par adi gm i nmydes i gn t hi nki ng al ong wi t h myopt i mi s m t owar dst he f ut ur e of ar chi t ect ur e i n t hi s s emes t er .




a.Di gi t al Des i gnandF abr i cat i on-Deni al Mas k

3C Ci t yWORKacbyAnt f ar m

3CCl i mat e, Convent i on, Cr ui s e.“I ti ss uppos edl ya ci t y bui l dt o accomodat e peopl e and ot hers peci es admi s t a heal t hy at mos pher e. ”

DES I GN A F UT URI NG . 0 1 byT onyF r y

Des i gn i sourabi l i t yt o pr ef i gur e whatwe cr eat e bef or et he actof 1 cr eat i on. I ti snotmer el ydr awi ng i deasand t hi nkcr eat i vel ybuta r evol ut i onar y act t o our f ut ur e envi r onment . When l ooki ng ant hr opol ogi cal l y,i ti sanappr oachofs ur vi valand t he ar tofl i vi ng. Es s ent i al l y,des i gni st hewaywel i ve,t obenef i tourl i f eandcr eat ea des i r edf ut ur e.Des pi t e,des i gnwi t houtunder s t andi ngwhati tneedst o 2 bemobi l i z edf ororagai ns t i snegat i vet ot hatofcr eat i onorknownas des t r uct i on.T oday,mos tdes i gner shaves of arf ai l edt or ecogni z et he 3 f undament al qual i t yofdes i gn.Ourf ut ur el i esi nt hehandofdes i gner s who needst o open t hei reyest ot he gl obalchal l engeswi t hi n our s pecul at i onr anges uchascl i mat echange,r es our cesdepl et i onand t heex ponent i algr owt hofwor l dpopul at i on.Ar eweabl et omi t i gat e t hef ut ur ecr i s i st hr oughdes i gn?T aki ngaccountofdes i gnf ut ur i ngi n ourdes i gn pr act i ces ,Ibel i eve t hatwe coul d devel op al t er nat i ve edi r ect our appr oach f r om def ut ur i ng and s ol ut i ons and r uns us t ai nabi l i t y. We asdes i gner ss houl dr et hi nkt he waywe des i gn and t he caus e of ef f ect t hat wi l l change our f ut ur e.

Gi vi ngr ecogni t i ont ot hepr epos i t i ont hatweonl yhave af ut ur ebydes i gnobvi ous l yt akesust ot heques t i on ‘ how canaf ut ur eact ual l ybes ecur edbydes i gn?’

1.F r yT ony,Des i gnF ut ur i ng:S us t ai nabi l i t y,Et hi csandNew Pr act i ce( Ox f or d:Ber g,2008) ,p.2 2.T ony,Des i gnF ut ur i ng.p.4. 3.T ony,Des i gnF ut ur i ng.p.3.

1 a

a.Dr opci t y-Geodes i cDome

CAS EA. 01( i )/ /DROPCI T Y Ar chi t ect s :GeneBer nof s ky,J oAnnBer nof s ky,Ri char dKal l wei tandCl ar kRi cher t Dat e


L ocat i on:Nor t hofT r i ni dad,S out her nCol or ado. Des i gnf ort henew envi r onmentas‘ des i gnf ort hef ut ur e’ :

I ns pi r ed byBuckmi ns t erF ul l erwhopi oneer ed i ngeodes i cdomes ,t hedr op out ar t i s t swer e abl et or ecr eat et he mat hemat i calut opi a wi t hs cr apsand det r i t us f oundar oundt hes i t e.T hei rgoal i ss i mpl e,i ns t eadofcr eat i ngwas t e,t heydef i ned anew l i f ef r om was t ebef or et het er m‘ gr eendes i gn’i sus edi nar chi t ect ur e.F r y’ s ment i oned i n Des i gn F ut ur i ng:“Aschange hast o be by des i gn r at hert han chance,des i gnhast o be i nt he f r ont l i ne oft r ans f or mat i ve act i on. ”1 Revi s i t ed t hei rdes i gnt hi nki ng,t hedr opar t i s t si deal i z edanew at t i t udet owar dsourf ut ur e; as us t ai nabl e,economi calandi nnovat i vewayt hatf os t eracr i t i calmes s aget o t hef ut ur egener at i on.Agai n,ourf ut ur ei sl edbydes i gner swhodet er mi nedf ora change i n at t i t ude and t hi nki ng.Have we been mor er es our cef ulwhen we des i gna pl ace f ort he communi t y?T oday,des i gner sand pl anner shave been ex per i ment i ngwi t hi nnovat i vecr eat i onst hatcoul dmi t i gat egl obalpr obl emsof t he f ut ur es uch ascl i mat e change and r es our ce ex haus t i on.I nS t eve Baer ’ s “Dome Cookbook’ ,s t udi es of nonconvent i onalt echni que i n ar chi t ect ur e hatar chi t ect ur e needst o be mor e economi caland s us t ai nabl et o s ugges t st r es pond t o ourf ut ur e envi r onment .F ori ns t ance,compar ed t ot r adi t i onal cons t r uct i onmet hod,dome s t r uct ur ei ss i gni f i cant l ymor er es i l i entand r equi r es l es smat er i al andwas t ewhi chi sani mpor t antf act ort ocons i der ,s pecul at edt hat wemayhavel i mi t edr es our cesi nt hef ut ur e. Wi t ht he adventoft oday’ sdes i gn t echnol ogy,t he dome s t r uct ur e can be r ef i nedf ur t herwi t haddedcompl ex i t ywhi l es i gni f i cant l yr educet het i met akent o cons t r uctt hedomes t r uct ur e.Des pi t e,t heyoungar t i s t swer eabl et obui l dhomes i ns pi r ed by mat hemat i ci ans and honor ed t he f i r s t Dymax i on Awar d by Buckmi ns t erF ul l erhi ms el f .Bei ng abl et o cr eat e dome hous eshasf as ci nat ed F ul l erofhow t hecommuni t i eswi t houtadvancemat hemat i cal backgr oundand s ophi s t i cat edt ool wer eabl et oi magi net hechangeofourf ut ur eanddes i gnt he new wayt ol i ve.I s n’ tt hi swhat‘ des i gnf ut ur i ng’i smobi l i z edf or ?2

b \\ T he cookbook i s publ i s hed as an i mpor t antmes s aget ot hepubl i cr at hert han j us t a manual . Of under s t andi ng t he f undament alqual i t i esofdes i gn,whati sour r ol e asa des i gnert o cr eat e pos s i bi l i t i est hat can l ead t o a bet t erf ut ur e.“Vi s i ons ar e needed t odayasmuch ast heyeverwer e; t hey s har pen cr i t i ci s m and s t r engt hen 3 hope. ” Wemus tbeawar eoft hechangi ng f ut ur e,whatmayi thol d and how we may s ecur eourf ut ur et hr ought hemeanofdes i gn f ut ur i ng. \\


Ref er ences : 1.T ony,Des i gnF ut ur i ng.p.6. 2.T ony,Des i gnF ut ur i ng.p.4. 3.T homas ,A.Mar kus ,Vi s i onsofPer f ect i on:Ar chi t cet ur eandUt opi anT hought ,( T hi r dEyeCent r e,1985) ,pg. 18. I mages : b.Secondedi t i onofDomeCookbookbyDavi dKr us chke. c.F abr i cat i onmanual ofGeodes i cDome.


a.Dol phi nEmbas s y ANT F ARM

CAS EA. 01( i i )/ /DOL PHI NEMBAS S Y Ar chi t ect s :ANT F ARM Dat e


L ocat i on:Specul at i vear chi t ect ur easapr act i ceofopt i mi s m:

S pecul at i vear chi t ect ur ei saf i ct i onal met hodol ogyofpr edi ct i ngourf ut ur e. T oday,ar chi t ect sar enotonl ydes i gni ngf ort hepr es entbutdes i gni ngacr os s t he pos i bi l i t i es f or t omor r ow’ s ar chi t ect ur e dr i ven by s pecul at i ve ar chi t ect ur e.“S pecul at i on i sconcer ned wi t h changi ng r eal i t yr at hert han 1 s i mpl ydes cr i bi ngi tormai nt ai ni ngi t ” . T heDol phi nEmbas s yf ocus espr i mar i l y ont hebui l tenvi r onmenti nbot har chi t ect ur aland ecol ogi cals ens eswhi l e s pecul at i ngourant hr opol ogi cal i mpactt owar dst hes ur vi val ofcet aceansi n t he f ut ur e.Wi t hout s pecul at i ve t hi nki ng,we ar e bas i cal l yl i mi t i ng t he pos s i bi l i t i est os hapeamor emal l eabl ef ut ur e.T heDol phi nEmbas s yi snott he f i r s tt o pr ove ouropt i mi s mt owar dsa s pecul at ed f ut ur e butt hi si deol ogy s houl d pus ht he young des i gner st oday t ot hi nk beyond t he pr es ent ar chi t ect ur eanddes i gnwi t ht hehopef orabet t ert omor r ow.

Whatdoesi tmeant ohaveabet t erf ut ur e?:

“F ut ur ei snota des t i nat i on buta medi um t o add i magi nat i ve t hough t o s pecul at e wi t h. ” ,2 Ant f ar m i samong t he paperar chi t ect swho ar e not bounded by t he l i mi tofpos s i bi l i t i esbutdes i gn outoft he cone wher e i magi nat i on l i es .( i mage d)T he Dol phi n Embas s yi st he r es ul tofdes i gn i magi nat i vel ybas edont hepr obl emst hatt heyhaves pecul at ed,f r om al i f e t hr eat eni ng wor l df ordol phi nt oa f ut ur eofcoex i s t encebet weendol phi n and human.( i mage d and e)Al t houghneverbui l t ,t he vi s i ondel i ver ed a power f ulmes s age t o human,a mes s age t hatwe des i gner shad been negl ect i ng s i nce t he devel opmentofweal t h and manki nd.Whatdoesi t meant ohaveabet t erf ut ur e?I st hatdi f f er entt oot herpeopl e( ors peci es ) ? ( pgs pecul at e)Ant f ar m envi s i onedaut opi anf ut ur ef ordol phi nsandhuman t oi vet oget her ,ani magi nat i ont hatdes i gnedt odevi at eawayf r om pr es ent day ‘ ant hr opocent r i ci s m’ .Cont r adi ct st ot hatofDr opci t y,t he Dol phi n Embas s y pr act i ced a nonhumancent r i c at t i t ude t owar ds t he f ut ur e. Al t hough i ti sonl y paperar chi t ect ur e,Ant f ar m’ si magi nat i on chal l enges how weval ueabet t erf ut ur eandvi ewi ngf ut ur ef r om aper s pect i veaway f r om ‘ ant hr opocent r i ci s m’ .

\\ T he wor d Ut opi ai scoi ned byT homasMor ef ort he t i t l eofhi smos tf amousbooki n1516.L i t er al l yi tmeansa ‘ nonpl ace’ .I ts er ved bot h asa cr i t i que ofhi sown s oci et yasavi s i onofapos s i bl ef ut ur e.\\3

Ref er ences : 1.Dunne,Ant hony& Raby,F i ona,S pecul at i veEver yt hi ng:Des i gnF i ct i on,andS oci al Dr eami ng( MI TPr es s ,2003)p.2. 2.Dunne,Ant hony& Raby,F i ona,S pecul at i veEver yt hi ng,p.3. 3.T homas ,A.Mar kus ,Vi s i onsofPer f ect i on,pg.7. I mages : b.ConeofPr ef er eabl eF ut ur ebyS t uar tCandy. c.Dol phi nEmbas s y

d.Dol phi nofPr es ent

e.Dol phi nofF ut ur e


3Dpr i nt i ng us i ng chi t i n ex t r act ed f r om s hr i mp’ s ex os kel et on t hat bi odegr adesi nwat er .

DES I GN COMPUT AT I ON A . 0 2 T heabi l i t yt odes i gni snotonl ydomi nat edbyhuman,butal s oat al entf or s t ur y comput er s t o gener at e al gor i t hmi cbas ed f or m wi t h 21 cent par amet er si nput by human. Ox mans i n‘ T heor i es of t he Di gi t ali n Ar chi t ect ur e’ment i oned “f or mat i on pr ecedesf or m” ,t he val ue ofour des i gn i sno l ongert he out come butf or mat i i on t hr ough t he l ogi c of al gor i t hmi ct hi nki ngwhi chhel psdes i gner st odayt ot hi nkbeyondcomput er 1 asa t oolf ordocument i ng and comput er i z at i on. Des pi t e bei ng abl et o br eakt hought het r adi t i onal ar chi t ect ur al met hods ,ourhopei npar amet r i c ar chi t ect ur e t hat r es ul t si n var yi ng out comes and j ux t apos es wi t h ever changi ngr eal i t y.T hi swi l lbecomet henew agendaf ort her edef i ned ar chi t ect ur alpr act i ce oft oday’ sdi gi t algener at i on.A t ypi calques t i on: “S houl dwel i mi tourdes i gnbyus i ngcomput er s ?” .Asades i gner ,Ibel i eve t hatt hedes i gnpr oces si snotass i mpl easgener at i ngs ol ut i onst opr obl em. I nf act ,we ashuman ar e capabl et o eval uat e,t hi nkemot i onal l y and cr i t i ci z ei nt hedes i gni ngpr oces sandhence,wes houl dbemor econs ci ous whi l e ex per i ment i ng wi t h t he comput er gener at ed des i gn. T echnol ogyopt i mi s t i cal l ys peaki ng,comput er spl ayan i mpor t antr ol ei n s hapi ngourf ut ur e.Per hapsi nt hedi s t antf ut ur e,comput er swi l lbeabl et o cr eat e t hei r own par amet er s ,i nj ect t hei rf eel i ngs and s i mul at ed t o communi cat et hei rcr eat i vi t y.I ns hor t ,di gi t al ar chi t ect ur ehaspus hedusf ar f r om convent i onall anguagewhi chwear eabl et oex pl or et hepos s i bi l i t i es i ns ophi s t i cat ed f or ms ,mat er i alt echnol ogy,per f or mance cont r oland a 2 s pecul at i vevi s i ont owar dst hef ut ur e.

I ns t ead ofmet hodol ogi cal l y deci di ng ever yt hi ng f r om t he t op down,we make deci s i onsf r om t he bot t om up,s peci f yi ng t he r el at i ons hi psbet ween 3 par t swhi l es at i s f yi ngt heneedf orover al lbal ance. Makot oSeiWat nabe

1.Ox man,Ri vkaandRober tOx man,T heor i esoft heDi gi t al i nAr chi t ect ur e( L ondon;New Yor k:Rout l edge,2014) ,p.3. 2.Ox man,Ri vkaandRober tOx man,T heor i esoft heDi gi t al i nAr chi t ect ur e,p.7. 3.Wat anabeMakot oS ei ,I nduct i ondes i gn:AMet hodf orEvol ut i onar yDes i gn,( Bi r khaus er ,2002) ,8.



a.AADRLBEHAVI OURALMAT T ER3-L i f eAquat echbyT hi nkT ank b.Det ai l ofr es pons i ves ki n c.Gr avi t at i onal f l ow i t er at i ons


CAS EA. 02( i )/ /L i f eAquat ech Ar chi t ect s :Ar mandoBus s ey,Edwar dRogerDougl as sL uckmann,Vi chayut hMeenaphant ,AnaMar gar i t aWangZ uni g Dat e


L ocat i on:T hef ut ur eofdes i gn-Comput at i onals i mul at i onast oolf ordi gi t almor phogenes i sandper f or mance: Wehavebui l thor i z ont al l yandver t i cal l y,butwhynoti nt el l i gent l y? I nt hedi gi t alage,t hewaywel ookat t het er m‘ des i gn’hast r ans cendedt oamor edi r ectwhi l ecompl exappr oach.“Di gi t al i nf or mat i oncanbe ex t r act ed,ex changed and ut i l i z ed wi t hf argr eat erf aci l i t yand s peed. ”L i f e Aquat echi sanex empl ar y pr ecedentt oex pl ai nhow gener at i vemet hodsi ndes i gncoul dchangeouri nt ui t i ont owar dsdes i gni ngt he f ut ur e.Des i gni snotcons t r ai nedby‘ f or mf ol l owsf unct i on’anymor easgener at i vedes i gnal l owsdes i gnt o communi cat ewi t hi t sdat aandf r om t hes chemeofL i f eAquat ech( pi cd) ,t hedat at hatwear el ooki ngf or i st hef l ui df l ow andt hei nt r i cat epat t er ni nducedbygr avi t at i onalf or ce.Ut i l i z i ngs i mul at i ons of t war e,t he anal ys i soft hes ei nf or mat i onar et r ans l at edi nt oapat t er ni nr es pons et ohow t hef l ui df l owsandt het her mal mechani s m der i ved f r om t he i nput geomet r y.Gener at i ve des i gn met hodol ogi es ar e capabl e of mani pul at i ng t hes e compl exi nf or mat i on accur at el yand make opt i mi z at i on t hr ough var i ousi t er at i ons whi ch i sal mos ti mpos s i bl e wi t houtdes i gn comput at i on.T hi si sex t r emel y di f f i cul tt o vi s ual i z e bef or e gener at i ve des i gni sdi s cover ed whi chi swhyt he 20t hcent ur ys t yl e ar er es t r i ct ed t o a mor er ect i l i near echnol ogi cal l ys peaki ng,di gi t al mor phogenes i si sappl i edi nt hecr eat i onofL i f eAquat echwher e f as hi on.T 2 convent i onalunder s t andi ng ar e cal cul at ed by t he chos en gener at i ve comput at i onalmet hods . By par amet r i cmeans ,t het eam wer eabl et ocal cul at et hepat hoft hef l ui df l ow us i ngt hegeomet r yasan i nputwhi l evi s ual i z i ngas i mul at edpat hwhi chal l owsf orf ur t herr ef i nementandopt i mi z at i on.( pi cd)

Wha tdoesi tmea nt obe gener a t i v e? \ \ Ge ne r at i v e de s i gn mi mi c snat ur e ’ s e v ol ut i onar y appr oac h t o de s i gn. De s i gne r sore ngi ne e r si nputde s i gngoal s i nt o ge ne r at i v ede s i gn s of t war e ,al ong wi t h par ame t e r ss uc h as mat e r i al s , manuf ac t ur i ngme t hods , c os tc ons t r ai ns . Unl i k et opol ogyopt i mi z at i on, ge ne r at i v e de s i gn e x pl or e s al l t he pos s i bl e pe r mut at i ons of a s ol ut i on, qui c k l y ge ne r at i ng de s i gn al t e r nat i v e s .I tt e s t s and l e ar nsf r om e ac hi t e r at i on what wor k sandwhat doe s n ’ t .\ \( aut ode s k ) ( d)

Evol vi ngf r om pr es entHVAC s ys t em,L i f eAquat echal s of eat ur edt hehydr oni cs ys t em asacool i ngs t r at egy, us i ngwat erast hepr i mar ychannelf orheatt r ans f er .T hi si sknownasper f or mat i vedes i gn,aconcept ual s t udy oft he per f or mance s ynt hes i z ed by a di gi t al l y gener at ed f or m,i nt er msofmat er i alpr oper t y, f unct i onals ys t em and r el at i ons hi p wi t ht he envi r onment .F ori ns t ance,t he t her malper f or mance ofL i f e Aquat ech s i mul at ed by a compr ehens i ve anal ys i soff l ui df l ow.S i mul at i on pr ogr am ar e capabl et o cal cul at et heheatpat hi nr es pons et ot hef l ow pat t er nwhi chal l owsdes i gner st os pecul at et heact ual per f or manceoft hedes i gnbef or ei ti sbui l t .T hi si sf undament al l yi mpor t antt ot oday’ spr act i ceasdes i gn becomesmor eper f or mancedr i veni nor dert oadaptt ot hechangi ngenvi r onment .


Ref er ences : 1.Kol ar evi c,Br anko,Ar chi t ect ur ei nt heDi gi t al Age:Des i gnandManuf act ur i ng( New Yor k;L ondon:S ponPr es s , 2003) ,p.13. 2.T homas ,A.Mar kus ,Vi s i onsofPer f ect i on,pg.7. I mages : d.Di agr amss howi ngs ys t em andper f or manceofL i f eAquat ech



a.MEDI AT EDMAT T ER-S i l kPavi l i onby Ner i Ox man b.6, 500s i l kwor mss pi nni ngs i l kt hr eads c.Domes t r uct ur ear t i cul at i ngt hes hapeofacocoon


CAS EA. 02( i i )/ /S i l kPavi l i on Ar chi t ect s :Ner i Ox manandMI TMedi aL abgr oup Dat e


L ocat i on:MI TMedi aL ab New agef abr i cat i onwi t hbi ol ogi calmat er i al : Ar chi t ect ur ehass hi f t edf r om s t udyi ngt hepr oper t i esofpr eex i s t i ngmat er i al st o t hedi s cover yofbi ol ogi cal mat er i al asadepar t ur eoft henew agef abr i cat i on. Embr aci ngbot hbi ol ogyand t echnol ogy,t heS i l kPavi l i onex pl or ed t heus eof s i l kasnew ar chi t ect ur alf abr i c and s i l kwor msast he gener at oroft he des i gn. S t udyi ng t he nat ur e ofs i l kwor mswhi ch i ss ens i t i ve t ol i ght ,per f or at i onsof di f f er ents i z esanddens i t i esar edi gi t al l ydes i gned.T hepr i mar yl ayerofs i l ki sl ai d byCNC ( comput er numer i cal l ycont r ol l ed)machi neand depl oyed s i l kwor ms asbi ol ogi calpr i nt er si ncr eat i onoft hes econdar ys t r uct ur e.( medi amat er i al s ) T he s i l kt hr eadspr oduced bys i l kwor msar e cont i nuousand eex hi bi tvar yi ng pr oper t i es( t oughex t er i orands of ti nt er i or )di f f er entf r om t hehomogenousr es ul t of3D pr i nt i ng.T hes i l kpr oducedbys i l kwor msi sr enewabl ewhi l er egener at i ve, cr eat i ng an ar chi t ect ur et hatcan bui l d ar chi t ect ur e.S t ar t ed wi t h 6, 500 s i l kwor ms ,t hey pr oduced 1. 5M eggs whi ch can pr oduce 250 addi t i onal pavi l i ons .T hechal l engei ndi s cover i ngnew mat er i al si nar chi t ect ur alpr act i ce hasbecomemor ecommont odaywi t ht headventofmoder nt echnol ogy.I n s hor t ,S i l kPavi l i on hass hown usmor et han j us ta new mat er i albutal s ot he pos s i bi l i t yofus i ngs i l kwor msasbi ol ogi cal 3Dpr i nt er s . “ Des i gnbyNat ur e” : T het er m “des i gnbynat ur e”i sdi f f er entf r om “des i gnf ornat ur e” .( vi meo)Nat ur e i sf ul lofr es our ces .T oday,we l ear n how t o des i gn f r om t he pr i nci pl esand pr oces s esofnat ur e and t hi si s“des i gnbynat ur e” .Rat hert hani mi t at i ng t he f or m ofnat ur e,t he S i l kPavi l i onhaspr ovent hatnat ur e candes i gni t s el fand s ynt hes i z ei t sownmat er i al s .Whencompar edt oBuckmi ns t erF ul l er ’ sBi os pher e, t heS i l kPavi l i oni smadeofor gani cs i l ks ynt hes i z edbys i l kwor mswhi l er equi r esno par t sandas s embl ywher east hebi os pher ei smadeofs ynt het i cpar t sas s embl e t oget hert oget heranddes i gnedf ort heenvi r onment .( vi meo)I snat ur eamor e s us t ai nabl e ar chi t ectt han human? I ndeed,t he cons t r uct i on ofnat ur e wi l l pr omi s e a mor es us t ai nabl ef ut ur et han mos toft he bui l di ngswe cons t r uct t oday.Wi t ht he ai d ofdi gi t alt ool s ,we ar e abl et o el evat e ourdes i gn wi t h pr i nci pl esofnat ur e,cons t r uctbi omi met i cal l yand wel come t he new l i ghtof or gani cmat er i al si nar chi t ect ur e.

d. Bi os pher e by Buckmi ns t er F ul l er “Des i gnedf orNat ur e” e.S i l kPavi l i i onbyMedi at edMat t err es ear ch gr oup-“Des i gnedbyNat ur e”

L i Qui d-

byAl i s aAndr as ek

T he L i Qui d pr oj ect chal l enges t he compos i t i on gener at ed byas s i gni ng “unnat ur al � val uesofgr avi t yandt he vi s cos i t yofl i qui d.

COMPOS I T I ON/ GENERAT I ON Whati nf or msconpos i t i on?Conver s el y,whatdoesi ti nf or ms ?Compos i t i on ex i s t si n many l evel s ,f r om t he mi cr os copi c compos i t i on ofDNA t ot he gr owi ngcompos i t i onofourur banenvi r onment s .T heywer ei nf or medbya s etofr ul eswhi ch def i nest he boundar yofcompos i t i on.I n ar chi t ect ur al s ens e,acompos i t i onmus tdel i vers omef or m ofphys i cal l ywhi chi nf or msus as peci f i cl anguage t o des cr i be t he compos i t i on,f ori ns t ance,dens e, cl us t er ed,ax i al andbal anced.Gener at i onont heot herhand,i sas t udyof t he compos i t i onalr ul esand t hr ough a s er i esofgener at i ve pr oces s esa compos i t i oni sf or med.I nt he t heor yofemer gence,gener at i oni nnat ur e hasas el f or gani s i ngs ys t em orbehavi ourwhi chhel pedt hem t oevol veor mai nt ai ni t s el f .1 S uchgener at i vef or cesmovef r om l owl evel uni t st ohi gher l evelofs ophi s t i cat i onascanbes eeni nt hecr ys t al l i z at i onofas nowf l akes whenf r act al scompos i t i onar e gener at ed and s l owl yf or mi ng a compl ex 2 T hus ,t hes e nat ur als ys t emsar es t udi ed and wi del yappl i ed i n s t r uct ur e. t oday’ sar chi t ect ur ei nr es pons et ot he f undament alr ul esi nnat ur e.Wi t h acces st oadvancet echnol ogy,compos i t i onals t udi escl os ert onat ur ear e madepos s i bl eandt hes ewi l lbecover edi nt hef ol l owi ngex ampl esi nt he COMPOS I T I ON/GENERAT I ONcas es t udi es .

A . 0 3

Oneoft hegr eatadvancesi nt houghti nourowner a happenedwhenaconnect i onwasf or medbet ween 3 t hepr oces s esofnat ur eandt hewor l doff or ms .

Sanf or dKwi nt er

1.Hens el Mi chael ,Emer gence:Mor phogenet i cDes i gnS t r at egi es ,( AD,2004) ,p.6 2.J ohns onS t even,Emer gence:T heconnect edl i vesofant s ,br ai ns ,ci t i esands of t war e( S cr i bner ,2002) ,p.5. 3.Ar anda/L as ch,Pamphl etAr chi t ect ur e( Pr i ncet onAr chi t ect ur l Pr es s ,2005) ,p.92.



a.BL OOM GamebyAl i s aAndr as ekandJ os eS anchez b.Modul e( i ndi vi dual par t )ofbl oom game c.S kel et al compos i t i oncr eat edbyBL OOM game


CAS EA. 03( i )/ /BL OOM Game Ar chi t ect s :Al i s aAndr as ekandJ os eS anchez Dat e


L ocat i on:L ondon

Cr eat i ngs oci alexper i encet hr oughar chi t ect ur eof‘ emer gence’ . Concept ual i z ed asur bant oy,t heBL OOM gamei sdes i gned t oengagepeopl ei ns oci alpl ay andt hei deaofgener at i vedes i gn.Us i ngt hepr i nci pl eofaggr egat i onmet hod,t hecomponent s 1 ar econnect edf r om j oi nt st oj oi nt st of or m amor ecompr ehens i ves t r uct ur e. Asacr eat i vet oy, i tchal l engespeopl et oex pl or et hedi f f er entgener at i veout comet hr ought hear tofpl ayand t hei ri magi nat i on.Whent heypl aywi t has peci f i cpat t er norr ul e,auni queout comei sachi eved andt hel i mi t l es spos s i bi l i t i esof‘ gr owi ng’anar chi t ect ur ees t abl i s hedanew s oci al ex per i encef or t he publ i ct o cr eat e and gr ow t hei rown pavi l i on t hr ough gener at i ve des i gn met hods . Emer genceasex pl ai nedear l i er ,evol vesf r om al owl evel uni t si nt oahi gherl evel ofcompl ex i t y i st hei deaf r om t henat ur als ys t em ofhow pl ant sgr ow andt hewaycr ys t alf or ms ,i st r ans l at ed i nt oani nvi t i ngs oci al act i vt i yandt os t ar tt hegamet hatcr eat esr andom compos i t i oni nf or med 2 Whencompar edt ot hear chi t ect ur eoft hepas t ,t hegener at i ve byt hepeopl ewhoi nvol ved. andi magi nat i veat t r i but esi nt heBL OOM gamei st heener gyneededi nt hepr es ents oci et y,t o abl et o cr eat e and i magi ne t he l i mi t l es spos s i bi l i t i esoft he f ut ur e dr i ven byt he conceptof emer gence.

1- Connecti ndi vi dual pi eces

2- Di s covers equencesyoul i ke

3- Putt hem t oget her !


Ref er ences : 1.Andr as ek.A.andS anchezJ . ,Bl oom,( Bar l et t S chool ofAr chi t ect ur eUCL ,2016) ,p.45. 2.J ohns onS . ,Emer gence,p.5. I mages : d.Di agr am ofBL OOM GAME


a.Pr i mi t i ves ,Veni ce-Ar andaL as ch

CAS EA. 03( i i )/ /Pr i mi t i ves( Veni ce) Ar chi t ect s :Ar andaL as ch Dat e


L ocat i on:Veni ce

F or mscomesf i r s tort hef unct i on? Combi ni ng t he r omant i ct r adi t i on ofr ui ned l ands cape and modul arf r act al s ,Ar anda L as ch cr eat edf r act al sofmodul aruni t swhi char econf i gur abl eandbet r ans l at edi nt odi f f er entt ypes 1 Bygener at i vemeans ,i t er at i onsofs i mi l arconceptar eex pl or edbychangi ngval ues off ur ni t ur e. ofpar amet er s .T hef or mf i ndi ngmet hodal l owsL as cht ocr eat el ar geamountofi t er at i onsdur i ng 2 t hef or mf i ndi ngpr oces sus i ngt hel ogi cofal gor i t hm. T hes ef or mst henhavet obeopt i mi z edor chos ent os ui ts peci f i cf unct i ons .I scomput ergener at edf or mt hes ameasS ul l i van’ s‘ f or mf ol l ows f unct i on’ ?‘ F or mf ol l owsf unct i on’s i mpl ydes cr i besades i gnedf or m needst of ol l ow t hepr ogr am det er mi ned pr i ort odes i gn.T hemet hodol ogyofcr eat i ng t hepr i mi t i veshoweveri si nr ever s e. F or m ar e gener at ed r egar dl es sofi t ’ sf unct i on and f unct i onsar e as s i gned t o each f or m af t er war ds .T he gener at i ve met hod opensup a new pos s i bi l i t yf ordes i gner st o engage ex t ens i vel ywi t hf or mf i ndi ngpr oces sbef or es t udyi ngt hef unct i onorpr ogr amsas s oci at edwi t h t hef or m.Of t enl y,t hi spr oces swi l lr es ul ti na concept ualr at hert haner gonomi cdes i gnwhi ch meanst hef or m hast obef ur t heropt i mi z ed t omeett hecr i t er i a of‘ f unct i on’orl ef tasi t sr aw uner gonomi cf or m.I ns hor t ,par amet r i c des i gn pr ovi desapower f ulconcept i on off or msby des cr i bi ng a r angepos s i bi l i t i esand t hi sdi ver t sar chi t ect st odayf r om f ocus i ng onf unct i onbut 3 cel ebr at et hei nf i ni t es ynt hes i soff or ms .

b \\ T heBauhausAccentT abl esar egoodex ampl esof ‘ f or mf ol l owsf unct i on’ .Compar edt oL as chPr i mi t i ves , t he Bauhaust abl esar e cons t r ai ned wi t hs i mi l arf or ms wher east he Pr i mi t i ve ar e mor e dynami ci nt er msof conf i gur at i onandf or m.\\


Ref er ences : 1." Pr i mi t i ves ,Veni ceBi ennal ei nAr anda/ L as ch, "Ar andaL as ch,l as tmodi f i edF ebr uar y 23,2017,ht t p: / / ar andal as ch. com/ wor ks / moder npr i mi t i ves veni ce/ 2.Ox man,Ri vkaandRober tOx man,T heor i esoft heDi gi t al i nAr chi t ect ur e( L ondon; New Yor k:Rout l edge,2004) ,p3. 3.Kol ar evi c,Br anko,Ar chi t ect ur ei nt heDi gi t al Age:Des i gnandManuf act ur i ng( New Yor k;L ondon:S ponPr es s ,2003)S ugges t eds t ar twi t hp17. I mages : b.BauhausAccentT abl es c.Pr i mi t i vesi t er at i vef or msofdi f f er entf ur ni t ur e

DALCanopyDes i gnbyDi gi t alAr chi t ect ur alL ab

Di gi t al t ool s and met hodol ogi esal l ow us t o cal cul at e and f abr i cat e a s ki nl i ke qual i t yi nar chi t ect ur e.

CONCL US I ON T he r ol e ofar chi t ect st oday hass hi f t ed f r om t he one i nt he pas t , awakened byt he di gi t alage,ar chi t ect sar e abl et o ex pl or e bot ht he vi r t ual andr eal i t yofades i gn.Ar chi t ect ur egr owsaswi deasourt hi nki ng 1 evol vesandwemus tadaptour s el vest ot heuncer t ai nt i esoft hef ut ur e. T hi si swhenar chi t ect ur es t ar t edt obui l di t spat hawayf r om convent i onal mode,r edef i ni ng whatdes i gni smobi l i z ed f ora bet t erf ut ur e.T he new des i gnpr act i cesi nvol ve t he s pecul at i ve and concept ualt hi nki ng t han s ol vi ngpr obl emsdi r ect l y.I ns t eadoff r om At oB,webegant oex pl or et he al t er nat i ves whi ch l eads t o di f f er ent out comes us i ng di gi t al mor phogenes i s .I ndel i ber at el y,we s t ar t ed t o ques t i on t he r el at i ons hi p bet weenhumanandcomput er si ns hapi ngourf ut ur e.Whenwel ooked atouri mpr act i cal i t yi nourpas t ,wer eal i z edt hatar chi t ect ur al des i gnhas t obemor et echnol ogi cal i nvi t i ngandwes houl ds t ar tt oact i vel yempl oy comput at i onal des i gni nt oday’ sar chi t ect ur al pr act i ces .Ofcour s e,f l aws par es t i l lpr es enti nt he di gi t aldi mens i on ofdes i gn,comput er sar e not abl et o‘ des i gn’yetandt heyl ackofi magi nat i on.However ,wecoul dnot t odayex pl ai n ar chi t ect ur e wi t houtex per i ment i ng wi t h di gi t alt ool sas s omet i meshumanact i vi t ymayhavebeenl i mi t ed byt hecompl ex i t yof t hef ut ur ewor l dandcomput erhel psust oconnectwi t ht hem.Whyt hi si s i mpor t ant ? Wel l ,comput at i onaldes i gn hel ped us t o s i mul at et he s cenar i osi nt he f ut ur e and gener at e pat t er nsand ef f i ci ents ol ut i onsi n r es pons et ot hedi gi t al l ys i mul at edcondi t i ons .

A . 0 4

“ T he ar chi t ecti sno l ongeran or gani z erof mat t erands pace,butades i gnerofs ys t ems wi t h mul t i l ayer ed component sand compl ex 2 –Li s sC.Wer ner r el at i ons hi p.

1.F r yT ony,Des i gnF ut ur i ng,p.2 2.L i sC.Wer ner ,[ En] Codi ngAr chi t ect ur e:Pr ef ace,( Car negi eMel l onUni ver s i t y,2013) ,p.9

Vous s oi rCl oudbyI wamot oScot t

Dr awn f r om Gaudi ’ s hangi ng chai nmodel s , comput er pr ogr am ( Kangar oo) al l ows s i mul at i onofgr avi t i onal f or ce t o gener at ea compr es s i ve vaul t s t r uct ur e.


OUT COME Depar t ed f r om a s hal l ow under s t andi ng of ar chi t ect ur al comput i ng,I begant os eet hel i ghtof i t scr i t i cali mpor t ancewhi chIf or mul at edf r om t he r ef l ect i onoft her eadi ngsandt hel ect ur econt ent . Ir eal i z ed t hatf or mi ng ar gument sonwhatIhave l ear ned i nt he cas es t udyhel ped me t o decode t het heor yoft het hr eemai nt opi cs :des i gnf ut ur i ng, des i gncomput at i onandcompos i t i on/gener at i on ofhow t heymayhaveappl i edi nact ual ex ampl es i nt oday’ sar chi t ect ur et han pur ef i ct i onali deas . T hr oughout t he s t udi es , Is t ar t ed t o l ook at ar chi t ect ur alcomput i ngasamor epr omi s i ngway t os ecur e ourf ut ur e whi l e cons t r uct i ng a new des i gnphi l os ophyi nt oday’ sar chi t ect ur al pr act i ce t of i nd t he nott he f or m oft he des i gnbutwhati s del i ver edf r om t hef or m us i ngdi gi t al t ool s .

A . 0 5


byF r anci sNg

Rever s e Engi neer i ng Di nar a Kas ko’ s ( al gor i t hmi cpas t r ychef ) Rubychocol at ecake


S KET CHE S A Par amet r i cs cr i pt i ngorknownasdes i gnal gor i t hm 1 henew i sa new f or m ofdi gi t aldes i gnt hi nki ng.T comput at i onal t hi nki ng f aci l i t at es gener at i ve f or mf i ndi ng and ex pl or e di f f er entout comesby changi ng t he val ues oft he par amet r i ci nput . S i mi l art o baki ng,di f f er entamountofi ngr edi ent s ( r epr es ent i ng par amet r i c i nput s ) wi l lr es ul ti n di f f er entf or m ofcakes .( i magea,b)Gr as s hopper pr ogr am al l owsdes i gneri ns cr i pt i ngi nt er f acesby s i mpl y connect i ng component s and del i vera par amet r i calt hi nki ng and met hodol ogi eswhen ex per i ment i ng wi t h des i gn.Ar anda L as ch s ai di n herbook:“a pr obl em wel lput i s a pr obl em hal f s ol ved” , al gor i t hm i s no l es st r ue i n t he f or mul at i onofar chi t ect ur et echni ques .2

. 0 6

When ar chi t ect shave a s uf f i ci entunder s t andi ng of al gor i t hmi c concept s ,when we no l ongerneed t o di s cus st he di gi t al as s omet hi ng di f f er ent ,t hen comput at i oncanbecomea t r uemet hod ofdes i gn 3 –Br adyPet er s . f orar chi t ect ur e.

1.Ox man,Ri vkaandRober tOx man,T heor i esoft heDi gi t al i nAr chi t ect ur e,p. 7. 2.L as chAr anda,Pamphl etAr chi t ect ur e:T ool i ng( Pr i ncet onAr chi t ect ur al Pr es s ,2006) ,p. 9. 3.Pet er s ,Br ady. ,Comput at i onWor ks :T heBui l di ngofAl gor i t hmi cT hought ,( Ar chi t ect ur al Des i gn,83,2,2013)p. 12.

WEEK1 / /Al gor i t hmsofPl ant s

Echi nocact usgr us oni i / /Gol denBar r el Cact us

I t er at i on1 <Pol arAr r ay> - 30

I t er at i on2

<Pol arAr r ay> - 15

Not es :Di f f er entdens i t i esar eex per i ment edbychangi ngt henumber st o<Pol arAr r ay>

al ( pi ne)

S peci esB

S peci esA

S peci esC

I t er at i onA1

I t er at i onB1

I t er at i onC1

S cal e:0. 65 Rot at i on:0. 40

S cal e:0. 65 Rot at i on:0. 40

S cal e:0. 65 Rot at i on:0. 40

I t er at i onA2

I t er at i onB2

I t er at i onC2

S cal e:0. 10 Rot at i on:0. 55

S cal e:0. 10 Rot at i on:0. 55

I t er at i onA3

I t er at i onB3

S cal e:0. 65 Rot at i on:0. 90

S cal e:0. 65 Rot at i on:0. 90

S cal e:0. 10 Rot at i on:0. 55

I t er at i onC3

S cal e:0. 65 Rot at i on:0. 90

Not es :Di f f er enti t er at i onsar eex per i ment edbychangi ngt hes cal ef act orandr ot at i onangl e.

L i ndenmayerT r ee

S peci esA

I t er at i onA1

S cal e:0. 75 Count :10

I t er at i onA2

S cal e:0. 50 Count :10

I t er at i onA3

S cal e:0. 60 Count :13

S peci esB

I t er at i onB1

S cal e:0. 60 Count :6

I t er at i onB2

S cal e:0. 75 Count :10

I t er at i onB3

S cal e:0. 50 Count :5

S peci esC

I t er at i onC1

S cal e:0. 35 Count :9

I t er at i onC2

S cal e:0. 45 Count :6

I t er at i onC3

S cal e:0. 35 Count :5

Not es :Di f f er enti t er at i onsar eex per i ment edbychangi ngt hes cal ef act orandcount

S edum S t ahl i i -Cor al beads

S hoot

Not es :Di f f er entdens i t i esar eex per i ment edbychangi ngt henumber st o<Pol arAr r ay>

WEEK2 / /L i nesPr ot ocol

Geomet r i c ( i ) Pr ot ocol 1.Dr aw l i nesont woedgeofpaper 2.Cons t r uctpoi nt sonl i nes 3.Dr aw aci r cl ei nt hemi ddl e 4.Cons t r uctpoi nt sonci r cl e 5.S hi f tpoi nt sonci r cl e 6.Connectpoi nt sonl i net opoi ntofci cl e

Geomet r i c Pr ot ocol ( i i ) 1.Dr aw l i nesont woedgeofpaper 2.Cons t r uctpoi nt sonl i nes 3.Connectpoi nt sont hel i neswi t hBi Ar c

Recur s i ve Pr ot ocol ( i ) 1.Dr aw acur ve 2.Or i entt hecur vet ot heendpoi nt 3.S cal et henew cur veby0. 9 4.Repeats t ep2and3

Recur s i ve Pr ot ocol ( i i ) 1.Dr aw acur ve 2.Or i entt hecur vet ot hecent r epoi nt 3.S cal et henew cur veby0. 8 4.Repeats t ep2and3



Condi t i onal Pr ot ocol ( i ) 03

1.Dr aw acur ve 2.Or i entt hecur vet ot heendpoi nt 3.Rot at et henew cur veby60ยบ 4.Cul l t hecur vecl os ert ot heedge 5.Repeats t ep2,3and4



Br anchi ng Pr ot ocol ( i ) 03

1.Dr aw acur ve 2.Or i entt hecur vet ot heendpoi nt 3.Rot at et henew cur veby60ยบ 4.S cal et henew cur veby0. 8 5.Repeats t ep2,3and4

Condi t i onal Pr ot ocol ( i i ) 1.Dr aw acur ve 2.Or i entt hecur vet ot heendpoi nt 3.Rot at et henew cur veby90ยบ 4.Cul l t hecur vecl os ert ot heedge 5.Repeats t ep2,3and4

Br anchi ng Pr ot ocol ( i i ) 1.Dr aw acur ve 2.Or i entt hecur vet ot heendpoi nt 3.Rot at et henew cur veby90ยบ 4.S cal et henew cur veby0. 7 5.Repeats t ep2,3and4

Mul t i pl e Pr ot ocol ( i ) 1.Dr aw t hr eedi f f er entcur ve 2.Or i entt hecur vet ot heendpoi ntaccor di ngt ol i s t 3.Rot at et henew cur veby45ยบ 4.Repeats t ep2and3

Mul t i pl e Pr ot ocol ( i i ) 1.Dr aw t hr eeci r cl es 2.Or i entt heci r cl est ot het angentofci r cl eaccor di ng t ot hel i s t 3.Rot at et henew ci r cl esby10ยบ 4.S cal et henew ci r cl esby0. 9 5.Repeats t ep2,3and4

WEEK3 / /Aggr egat i on

Rul e1 A 1’ 2 B 2’ 3 A A B BA

Rul e2 A 1’ 1 B 2’ 3 A AB B BA

Rul e3 A 3’ 1 B 2’ 1 A AB B B

Bi bl i ogr aphy Andr as ek.A.andS anchezJ . ,Bl oom,( Bar l et tS chool ofAr chi t ect ur eUCL ,2016) Ar anda/L as ch,Pamphl etAr chi t ect ur e( Pr i ncet onAr chi t ect ur l Pr es s ,2005) ,p.92. Dunne,Ant hony& Raby,F i ona,S pecul at i veEver yt hi ng:Des i gnF i ct i on,andS oci al Dr eami ng( MI TPr es s ,2003) F r yT ony,Des i gnF ut ur i ng:S us t ai nabi l i t y,Et hi csandNew Pr act i ce( Ox f or d:Ber g,2008) Hens el Mi chael ,Emer gence:Mor phogenet i cDes i gnS t r at egi es ,( AD,2004) J ohns onS t even,Emer gence:T heconnect edl i vesofant s ,br ai ns ,ci t i esands of t war e( S cr i bner ,2002) Kol ar evi c,Br anko,Ar chi t ect ur ei nt heDi gi t al Age:Des i gnandManuf act ur i ng( New Yor k;L ondon:S ponPr es s ,2003) L i sC.Wer ner ,[ En] Codi ngAr chi t ect ur e:Pr ef ace,( Car negi eMel l onUni ver s i t y,2013) Ox man,Ri vkaandRober tOx man,T heor i esoft heDi gi t al i nAr chi t ect ur e( L ondon;New Yor k:Rout l edge,2014) Pet er s ,Br ady. ,Comput at i onWor ks :T heBui l di ngofAl gor i t hmi cT hought ,( Ar chi t ect ur al Des i gn,83,2,2013) " Pr i mi t i ves ,Veni ceBi ennal ei nAr anda/ L as ch, "Ar andaL as ch,l as tmodi f i edF ebr uar y23,2017,ht t p: / / ar andal as ch. com/ wor ks / moder npr i mi t i ves veni ce/ T homas ,A.Mar kus ,Vi s i onsofPer f ect i on:Ar chi t cet ur eandUt opi anT hought ,( T hi r dEyeCent r e,1985) Wat anabeMakot oS ei ,I nduct i ondes i gn:AMet hodf orEvol ut i onar yDes i gn,( Bi r khaus er ,2002)

Reverse Engineering /noun

the reproduction of another manufacturer's product following detailed examination of its construction or composition.

CASE STUDY B 2.0 . // Incidental Space 2016 Venice Biennale

“Architecture needs mechanism that allow it to become connected to culture by continually capturing the forces that shape society as material to work with.�1 To understand Moussavi’s statement, we need to revisit the function of ornaments in architecture. Incidental space features the element of nature from its form to its materiality that explores a the new tectonics of ornamental architecture. Ornaments or more specifically in parametric context are able to create a relationship between the representational and social communication in contemporary architecture.

Reverse engineering the project provides an opportunity to study the natural habitat of blue-banded bees where they live in a burrowed environment in the dirt and eroded voids. Incidental space has a similar rugged quality and the curious atmosphere of exploring the space.

1. Moussavi, Farshid and Michael Kubo, eds (2006). The Function of Ornament (Barcelona: Actar), p. 5

0 3



Amorphous shape triggers curiousity and exploration of space Rough, eroded texture creates a tangible experience and habitat for BBB Caving/ voids forms spaces

Joints are almost indistinguishable, blending to the whole structure Dynamic form suggests that generative design can be applied during the form-finding process


B. 0 4


TECHNIQUE: B PROTOTYPE. “Architecture needs mechanism that allow it to become connected to culture by continually capturing the forces that shape society as material to work with.”1 To understand Moussavi’s statement, we need to revisit the function of ornaments in architecture. ZA11 pavilion features a hexagonal pattern to explore a new tectonics in parametrically calculated ornaments. The unique form and pattern patte quickly become an urban attractor, fostering social interactions in the historical surrounded plaza. Ornaments or more specifically in parametric context are able to create a relationship between the representational and social communication in contemporary architecture. Simply, architecture has evolved to when patterns are neccessary and inseparable from objects to represent cultural attributes in the society. In general, patterns can be decorative or applied, functional or integral, and mimetic or imitative.2 Ornament is crime? Loos was wrong. It seems that the ‘crime’ is neccessary not just to accentuate a specific quality of an object but also to express a new kind of spatiality in design in new language for ornaments.3

0 5

1. Moussavi, Farshid and Michael Kubo, eds (2006). The Function of Ornament (Barcelona: Actar), p. 5 2. Kolarevic, Branko and Kevin R. Klinger, eds (2008). Manufacturing Material Effects: Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture (New York; London: Routledge), p. 20 3. Garcia M. (2009), AD: Pattern of Architecture, (Wiley, London), p. 47

Specimen 1:

Using Physarealm box environment is a bounding environment, a box is created using laser cutting method with holes for tubes insertion. The location of tubes are simulated using the emiter and food component to simulate a generative growth within the box environment which creates a tree shape representing a simplified version of the tree iteration in B.04. It succeed without breaking as a more runny mixture is used as I noticed that the failed attempts were results of thick mixture and improper setting.

Specimen 2:

High strength concrete is used for the second specimen and it is slightly heavier and harder that the mortar specimens. It could achieve its early strength in a short amount of time, allowing the structure to present in a more dynamic behaviour without it breaking. Learning from specimen 1, I used a more runny concrete mixture to prevent discountinuity when casting the concrete in the mould. Similar curvature is applied to the mortar specimen but they ended up in specimen 5 as they were broken.

Specimen 3:

Only the base of the casting is left and it failed because the mortar mixture used is a little too thick. It also failed because the mixture dries up easily before in the air bubbles are removed from the casting mixture causing it to be hollow as well as discontinuous casting. However, I find the hollow core interesting to attract blue-bande bees for inhabitation as they like to burrow into hole.

Specimen 4:

The structure broke into pieces as the concrete mix is has too much sand in it. The discontinuity of the casting was a result of chunks formed in the mould due to a higher sand ratio. The result of using concrete and sand forms a harder specimen which is good for the structure of the embassy but discourages the habitation of blue-banded bees.

Specimen 5:

Specimen 5 shows all the broken and discontinuous parts from the failed attempts. Ranging from short to long, I noticed the composition of both mortar and concrete greatly affect the technique of using casting.

Final Reflection:

Using the same technique but different material, I found that mortar is more suitable to create potential habitats for bees while, concrete is better to form the core and foundation of the structure. For future prototype development, I would like to explore the hybrid of using the two materials to produce a synergic effect that will enhance the tectonics of the design. Through the process of prototyping, I found that it enables me to solve problems in experimenting with the logic of materials before proceeding to create the replica of the final form. In the next prototyping stage, I would also like to test on new techniques to create erosive texture to the design.


B PROPOSAL. 0 6 Developing from generative design and prototyping, we can now propose our computational techniques to the brief which is to design an embassy for bees. Parametric tools are generally used to create a relationship between the parameter and the criteria of the brief, but for a design to be meaningful, it requires us reason our design with an argument before we could propose a compelling design. To achieve that, it is essential to understand our clients and study fabric of the site while setting up an argument following the idea of a design. The following are questions/ checklist I am going to cover in B.06 proposal:

- What are the behaviour and characteristics of our clients? Are we designing a ‘better future’ for both human and our clients, if so, how? - Why is it important to speculate the future through design?

- What can we get from studying the site with different lens?

- What further techniques and inspiration can be developed from the research?

- What argument can I come up with throughout the course of proposing an embassy of bees?






‘If we die, we are taking you with us’ Blue-banded bees produces1/3 of our food and the pollinator for matted flax lily. The lily species maintains the food chain in the ecosystem. If bees die, human will only have 4 years to survive.

Hotter summer and colder winters decrease the survivability of bees and lily.








Neonicotinoids slowly decreasing bees population and causing pollinator replacement for matted flax lily.









Population of lily relies on the buzz pollination of blue-banded bees.

ECOSYSTEM DISRUPTION Disruption changes their behaviour and disruption, causing the food chain system to collapse.



Change of behaviour and living condition makes them more vulnerable to pest and diseases.

Deforestation destroys natural habitat of the endangered lily and native bee.

POLLUTION Air and water pollution are stressing factors for both lily and native bees species.

URBAN SPRAWL Rapid development disturbs their living pattern and destroy their habitat.





MEMENTO OF THE LAST BEE // The script is extracted from the diary of the last bee in 2040 //

I was punished with my home replaced with asphalt and my family died in the hands of human, but now captivated as a memento more precious than any gem in the world. Ironically, I cried to live in ‘true solitary’ as a solitary creature. Of what importance am I now to live alone with the dirty human on the barren megacity. They survive not through food but nutrient pills after the food apocalyse that wiped out their food on the table. While I was fed on man-made pollen engineered to make me stay alive. From inside, I see again the hands that killed my loved family reaching as if they were asking for help, to pleasure their palate with the sweetest forbidden fruit. The last bee, I can’t feed the 9 billion mouth but to see their suffer from the consequences of taking away from us. There is no meaning for such vengeance and I hope they could see for themselves the dystopia they have created. - Sent from the future -

Undisturbed habitat



Problematic habitat



Fossilized habitat




Cre Merri ek

Jones Park


Suburban Brunswick East 2km


CERES Comunity Environment Park

Phillips Reserve



Spring - 9.6 - 19.6°C

Summer - 14 - 30°C

Autumn - 10.9 – 20.3°C

Winter - 6.5 - 14.2°C

Flight pattern of every season is simulated by changing the detection radius of bee population in Physarealm using points extracted from the density of nature map.


Within 1km radius from CERES park, Merri creek cuts the suburban region in half. The creek is the natural habitat and food source for blue-banded bees and they can be seen in suburban yards within close proximity to the creek. Analyzing the voronoi webbing, the density of natural strips are visualized which is more concentrated in the middle while the larger voronoi cells showed that suburban sprawl has replaced the nature environments. Using points generated from the voronoi mapping, we could map the activity of blue-banded bees over the seasons. I noticed the blue-banded bees are very inactive in the winter. Research has shown that climate change has changed the weather pattern and temperature in Victoria, causing bees to wake up earlier before spring began and die in unbearable temperature.1 We need to aware of how human induced climate change will threaten the bee species as well as the environment.

1. An early spring may be bad news for bees by Alison Benjamin,


St Geo

Merri Creek

CE Route to


rges St

Tra k

or tw ne

High St




nd Rd Egan Reserve


Mayer Park


on St

Brunswick Velodrome


Croxton School

M A P P I N G Glenlyon


Suburban Brunswick East

Brunswick Primary School CERES Comunity Environment Park


Fleming Park

Phillips Reserve

Sumner Park

Northcote High School


k Road

High St




G e org es





The medium grain shows how human formed connections would disrupt the activity and the natural habitat of blue-banded bees. As we build transportation system and infrastructure such as tram lines and highways, we are unaware these important features for human becomes stress factors for the spreading of the species across the area, limiting the bees in the green corridor in the middle.

Edg ar C reek

Merri Creek Edwardes Lake Park


Northcote Golf Club


Queens Park CERES Comunity Environment Park


Edinburg Gardens

Green Acres Golf

Princes Park

Yarra Bend Golf Collingwood Children’s Farm Carlton Gardens

Fitzroy Gardens CBD


rt P hill

ip B


Royal Botanical Gardens


D A N G E R T H R E S H O L D Pre-development


Boom development


Distortion in nature


“ ... and the best part about being in Australia lies in the belief that its future is going to be more important than its past” - Daryl Jackson.

Irremediable destruction



Extracting points from the river lines of Victoria, a simulation of the natural fabric is conducted to visulaize how it changes over the years. I have speculated a distortion in the natural environment of the habitat of the blue-banded bees and the matted flax lily will happen if developmet becomes uncontrollable. When the danger threshold is reached, it is not only danger for the species in the wild but our life are threatened as well when the ecosystem starts to break down. Therefore, instilling environmental awareness in the present society is crucial to avert from the disastrous future.

Parametric design and production offering unprecedented freedom from standardization that defined design and production for much of the 20th century. Such variability presents a radical departure from the present normative practice. -Kolarevic, Branko and Kevin R. Klinger, eds-

LEARNING OUTCOME Objective 3: Developing “skills in various three-dimensional media” Translating the digital models to the logic of fabrication tests out the constrcutability and materiality of the design. The methodology that I have used which is casting is both uniquely experimental as concrete is a fluid material that can shape into amorphous form that represents the distorted landscape. Through the fabrication process, I realized that the result of casting is dependent of the composition and consistency of the mixture as well as the casting environment. Part of the prototyping process became an experiment of different test mixture as an exploration of materiality and structurality to find out which composition works best with the design. Although the prototype I made did not replicate what I have done in the digital model, the tubular form of the prototype sets a starting point to understand the logic of the generative algorithm (physarealm-path/form-finding tool) and the structurality of the form while developing the design from what I have learned from prototyping becomes the next step.

Objective 7: Developing “the ability to make a case for proposals” Frankly, constructing a case of non-human clients is more difficult than I have expected. Research on the native blue-banded bee and its habitat alone is not enough to create a proposal as other critical factors such as relativity to the site and the questioning of bee hotels need to be take into consideration as well. It is also important that we could identify the value of blue-banded bees to human and their relationship with human over the course of time through the speculation of future Merri creek. Designing through these constrains helps to narrow down the selection from the innumerable design possibilities that we created by generative means, forging a more compelling case that links all the rationality of creating a proposal for the bee embassy.

Objective 8: Begin developing a personalised repertoire of computational techniques In B.02, we were given the definition of a selected project and explored the different possibilities and see how it could develop beyond the original form by changing the parameters of the algorithm. This has given us the opportunity to understand the logic of parametric design and how it could be applied in the project in the later stage. I have also shown my understanding and ability of breaking down the rules of algorithm and reconstructing it through reverse engineering in B.03 which is essential for us to develop a parametrical design flow that enables us to translate from designing to prototyping and to fabricating the project. pr

B. 0 7












----- Manifesto -----


1 War of Territory ____________________________ The war has begun since the human fight with the bees for land, a war of territory. We no longer aware of the importance of such small species, their lives and their natural habitat. We no longer to able to tolerate with the life of bees to sustain our population. We no longer aware of the dying environment, slowly eaten away by the dreadful parasite.

----- Manifesto -----


2 Philosophical Speculation ____________________________ Territorial pressure on both sides ruptures when neither human or bees won the war. Without balance of the two territories, death prevails life. Nature distorts as they slowly engulfed by the human-made parasite full of thorns. We started to fear and aware of the incoming death as the thorns spread across the land imprinted with the work of human. While the remaining trees within proximity of the creek grows with parasite of hope. Of where the bees build their embassy. Striving to survive, they excavate and hive themselves in away from the human.

----- Manifesto -----


3 Vision of Awareness ____________________________ After the war, it uncovers the struggle between life and death. What is death? Death is when you fear of losing life, aware and guilt of the petrified nature. What is life? Life is when you appreaciate death, contemplate of one day balance will come again. The vision of awareness prepared for the speculated future. When bees do not live, the trees will be eaten by thorned stone again.

Patterning Iterations

Reflection At this stage, the design has to shift from iterative exploration to a more detailed and resolved design argument. What is lack from the current design stage would also be the context driven data, of how the population of bees manipulate the form of the stone parasite. By studying specific tree and its surrounding of a site will help to identify the population distribution and how the pods are controlled parametrically corresponding to the population. Task: 1. Choose site and study the population within a radius range 2. Allow Physaream to generate path where bee population is high (marked green) 3. Resolve detail model and tectonics of the structure 4. Show how final product assembled to the studied tree.

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