Studio 07_NO VACANCY_Journal_Chun Yu Ng

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Javier Lopez-Menchero Ortiz de Salazar | Gumji Kang

Journal by Chun Yu Ng

On Heritage Before we question the importance of heritage, we ask ourselves: ‘What is the value of heritage?’ The notion of heritage architecture is often seen as archaic and decaying. Such preconceptions will lead to issues such as under-use, and lack of appreciation. The age or lifespan of a building does not determine the value of heritage. Heritage is the inherited quality that ages over time. To understand heritage, we ask ourselves: ‘Is heritage part of our future?’ Heritage reconstitutes our future with unprejudiced of the old and new. It is the amalgamation that restores the cultural identity, place, and time. As a critical medium of the reimagining heritage, the architecture needs to evoke significant memories through various emotive layers and the site. The intervention comes into play in adding more meanings to the future of heritage – it is both preserving and constructing memories. In awareness of heritage and its importance, we answer ourselves: ‘Heritage is the ethics of the future society.’ It reconciles the cultural and tangible in forms of intervention. It empowers the community of their past, present, and future.


History and origin of materials to the site



Soldiers returned from WWI becomes main labour forces behind the construction of brickwalls in Victoria to reintegration of soldiers into the community. Vocational training and other educative opportunities are provided to soldier; some of them are brick-making, brick laying. They contributes to the reshaping the city and rises of brick structures in the post war period.

i. Returned soldiers in brick-laying class, 1920 - Australian War Memorial ii. Returned soldiers as brick-layers - Australian War Memorial



English and Flemish bond Traditional method found in most of the older warehouse in South Melbourne before cavity wall is introduced. Alternating stretcher and header creating a strong bonding system for solid structural wall. It is not economical as it requires more facing bricks than more recent bonds.

i. TB Guest House from Munster Terrace ii. Biscuit Factory Warehouse from Laurens Street iii. English bond




Stretcher bond & cavity wall After the crash of 1893, cavity walls becomes common for external brickwall Load-bearing cavity wall for lower rises (1-2 storeys) Importance of watertighteness and neat finish without header appearances

i. Warehouse from Laurens street ii. Stretcher bond

Worn, English Bond - Pre-date WW2

Bright red, Stretcher Bond - Modified interwar, post WW2


Recycled, English Bond - More recent modification


Difference in tone of external brickwalls suggest that they were built in different years. The thickness of brickwall due to different laying method

i. Lauren Street Brick Facade Panorama ii. Plan showing walls built in different times


1929- present


In 1929, Brockhoff ’s factory has been rebuilt with a plastered brickwall. Rusticity of brickwall being discarded in favour of smooth surface. It is unusual that rendered aesthetic is applied during the Great Depression period Loss of red brick character

i. Brockoff ’s factory from Munster street

Past - Construction of heritage

Contemporary - Reconstruction of Heritage


Material embodies the essence of time, however building methods change. Careful intervention that respects the materiality tells the story of the industrial past of the site. Reconstruction of heritage reinteprets traditional building methods, adding new meanings to the material

i. Lauren Street Brick Facade Panorama ii. Plan showing walls built in different times



Precedent 2


Shelter Brewery | Paul Burnham Architect Brewery Australia 1417m2

Agniasim inusapi endione videssitatet pos maxim unt que nusanti oriaes solor aliquia sum id es at. Temquam, quamus, nulparum numqui officiate nam quia vendi sunt. Am qui nations erferibus soluptum fugitio nestese ndiciti comnis aut et enimpostis arument. Bit, aut a velloribus cusapero officiatas re, omnis mil

i. Shelter Brewery

Technical | Practical

i i. Plan of Shelter Brewery



Agniasim inusapi endione videssitatet pos maxim unt que nusanti oriaes solor aliquia sum id es at. Temquam, quamus, nulparum numqui officiate nam quia vendi sunt. Am qui nations erferibus soluptum fugitio nestese ndiciti comnis aut et enimpostis arument. Bit, aut a velloribus cusapero officiatas re, omnis mil

i. Interior view of brewery

Precedent 3


Avling Kitchen & Brewery | LAMAS Brewery Canada 10500m2

Agniasim inusapi endione videssitatet pos maxim unt que nusanti oriaes solor aliquia sum id es at. Temquam, quamus, nulparum numqui officiate nam quia vendi sunt. Am qui nations erferibus soluptum fugitio nestese ndiciti comnis aut et enimpostis arument. Bit, aut a velloribus cusapero officiatas re, omnis mil

i. Interior view of brewery

Technical | Practical


Agniasim inusapi endione videssitatet pos maxim unt que nusanti oriaes solor aliquia sum id es at. Temquam, quamus, nulparum numqui officiate nam quia vendi sunt. Am qui nations erferibus soluptum fugitio nestese ndiciti comnis aut et enimpostis arument. Bit, aut a velloribus cusapero officiatas re, omnis mil

i. Section of Avling brewery



Agniasim inusapi endione videssitatet pos maxim unt que nusanti oriaes solor aliquia sum id es at. Temquam, quamus, nulparum numqui officiate nam quia vendi sunt. Am qui nations erferibus soluptum fugitio nestese ndiciti comnis aut et enimpostis arument. Bit, aut a velloribus cusapero officiatas re, omnis mil


i. Connection of taproom to brewery ii. Roof top garden



Manifesto Meandering memories of grain is a project that responds to the waste of the grain industry and the need for cultural activation for the future housing development of Arden. Arden Brewery is a reprocessing point for leftover bread from local bakeries and supermarkets from the city that celebrates a participatory brewing experience for local communities and tourists alike to learn and taste the reprocessed brew. It espouses the awareness of the circular economy of the brewing industry and the innovation hub in experimenting with new sources of beer while expanding the Melbourne brew scene. The site sits within the future Arden development plan that projects a demand for social and cultural growth on the currently vacant warehouse of the Weston Milling industry. Once an industrial remnant, the site envisions as a vivid public ground that shares the collective memory of grain in the brewing industry. The concept of Corten steel ribbon draws upon the rhythm of the existing structures and the former industrial flow illustrates an immersive journey in exploring the brew-making and tasting process.

i. Narrative collage | Memories of grain

To preserve the industrial character of the site, the intervention explores the appropriate uses of the existing spaces and Corten steel ribbon as an experiential operation on industrial heritage and corresponds to the red-brick materiality. At different nodes, the ribbon slows, diverts, intervenes, and connects to create a distinctive spatial relationship that responds to different programs and connection to the existing structures. The existing warehouse is cut and connected by the ribbons into different halls that capture the process of brewing, innovating, and celebrating the tasting experiences. The flowing nature of ribbon then intervenes the TB Guesthouse building along Munster Terrace, drawing spaces for a local business to start up and work collaboratively in Arden. Through a morphological means of intervention, the collective memory of grain and celebration of brew culture that bound in between the red meandering ribbon.


ii i. Map | Brewscene in Melbourne ii. Map | Site plan


ii i. Axonometric diagram | Selected site ii. Images | Tangible traces of materiality, objects and form


i. Axonometric diagram | Demolition and replacement


ii i. Diagram | Intangible traces of milling industrial flow ii. Diagram | Milling process


i. Concept sketch | Meandering memories of the former industry


ii i. Diagram | Existing and Intervention ii. Diagram | Circulation and Intervention


i. Diagram | Intervention of steel ribbon



i. ‘Junction’ steel sculpture by Richard Serra ii. Verb list by Richard Serra


ii i. Diagram | Spatial relationship ii. Diagram | Spatial relationship


ii i. Perspective | Laurens entry ii. Plan | Ground floor


ii i. Perspective | Tasting room ii. Plan | First floor


ii i. Perspective | Innovative coworking hub ii. Plan | Second/ third floor plan


i. Detailed plan | Brew school


i. Detailed plan | Munster lobby



i. Section A ii. Section B


i. Detailed section | Brewing hall


i. Perspective| Brewing hall


i. Detailed section | Upper connection


i. Perspective| Dining hall


i. Detailed section | Street interfacae


i. Perspective| Street interface


ii i. Elevations ii. Detailed elevation| Facade and Materiality


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