Vietnam Heritage - March-April 2016

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2:6 MAR-APR 2016

ISSN 1859-4123


The valley that captures hearts

CONTENT No 2, Vol.6, March - April 2016


COVER STORY Travel The 8 valley that captures hearts Food

12 The smell of success Architecture

14 Fragments of God 16 Hanoi village gates Commerce

18 Catching profits Festival


20 Blood and soil Culture

22 Praising the Lord of the Sea Tourism

24 United we stand History

26 Air France: Caring for the Vietnamese



in the skies

Book review

28 'Saigon' - A Photographic Collection Charity

30 With a Little Love Advertorial

31 The Palace Hotel in Vung Tau City 32 Events

34 Value for money


Published by the Cultural Heritage Association of Vietnam


Publication licence No: 1648/GP-BTTTT from the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the English-language edition of The Gioi Di San (The World of Heritage) magazine Editor-in-Chief: Le Thanh Hai; Public Relations Director: Bui Thi Hang; Sub-editing: Erik Johnson; Assistant: Van Thanh Nga, Nguyen Dang Khoa; Production: Nguyen Hoang Kim Long; Contributing Photographers: Nguyen Ba Han, Hoang Quoc Tuan, Hoang The Nhiem, Huynh Van Nam, Le Hoai Phuong, Nguyen Anh Tuan; Ngo Nguyen Huynh Trung Tin; Correspondent: Pip de Rouvray; Advertising and Circulation: Green Viet Advertising JSC Advertising and Subscriptions Service: Email:; Thuy Phuong 0969 47 3579 Hanoi Advertising and Subscription: The He Moi MHN Viet Nam Co.Ltd, Mr Song Hao: 0903 476 999 Nha Trang Advertising and Subscription: Bach Cat Co. Ltd,; 22/6A Bach Dang Str. Nha Trang City Tel: (58) 360 7070 Fax (58) 387 0099, Email: Contact in the US for subscription and advertising: 2628 Sturla dr. San Jose, CA 95148

Vietnam Heritage is published monthly, produced in Vietnam and printed at Army Printing House No 2. © All rights reserved.


39 Directions

Cover photograph: Bac Son mountains in clouds, Lang Son, 2013- 2014. This photo series won first prize in Vietnam Heritage Photo Awards 2014 Photo: Nguyen Phung Chi Vietnam Heritage Editorial Office: 4th Floor, 1/1 Hoang Viet St., Ward 4, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (84-8) 38 11 88 46 Fax: (84-8) 38 11 87 75 Email: l

Vietnam Heritage

Vietnam Heritage

Hoi An in rain

Photo: Tran Thi Tuyet Mai Second prize - Vietnam Heritage Photo Awards 2012


The valley that capture


ac Son is a 6,979km2 mountainous district of Lang Son Province, where archeologists have found traces of Neolithic settlements of the ancient Viet people. The province records show that Bac Son has 13 national vestige sites, and 12 provincial sites, such as Mo Tat Village, the outpost of Mo Nhal, Pac Mo Village, Nong Luc Temple, etc. A brochure produced by the Lang Son government also described Bac Son as a mostly mountainous area with majestic views and beautiful landscapes at Tam Hoa Lake, Vu Lang Lake, Pac Mo Lake, etc. Among the many attractions of the district, to some photographers and tourist Bac Son valley is a must-see “at least once in a

The beauty of Bac Son requires effort to reach, but is well worth the climb

lifetime.” The valley is quite wide, surrounded by row after row of cloud-covered mountains. The township of Bac Son occupies just a little patch of this level valley. Paddy fields take up the rest of it. Tay people’s habitats, rice fields and hundreds of stilted houses, have a contributed to the dreamy grandeur of Mother Nature’s creation, making a poetic picture of subtle idyll.


The colors and the overLang Son Province all feel of Bac Son change all the time. After rice- planting season, the valley is filled with the sweet damp green of young rice leaves. Before the harvest, it’s a golden carpet shining in the sun. Photographer Nguyen Phung Chi, who has been to Bac Son Valley over ten times, remarked, “Even within a day, the valley changes its beautiful dresses so many times, due to the constant change in density and movement of mist and clouds. These two elements and the sun in its daily journey from dawn to dusk create countless subtle nuances in the colors and shades over the valley.”

s hearts


The mesmerizing height

“One way to capture the beauty of Bac Son Valley in its entirety is to climb up the nearby peaks, and Na Lay Peak is the best. This 600m-high spot offers a 360-degree view of the breathtaking, ever-changing wonder. Some photographers bring tents and supplies to Na Lay Peak to stay a whole week to capture the moment,” Chi added. “First, it takes about 30 minutes to climb the 1,200 precarious moss-covered stone stairs. Then an hour’s hike will take you to the Na Lay. The view there will blow away all the fatigue,” photo hunter Duy Lang shared. He described the view: “At dusk, the river in the middle of the fields glows mysteriously, and the land seems to pull the last golden rays of the sun to keep it from lll

TRAVEL sinking. The sky slowly darkens. One after another, lights in the town come up, like fireflies playing among silent gigantic limestone monuments. Early in the morning, the valley seems to slowly emerge from under the fluffy blanket of mist and bobbing white clouds. When the first sun rays appear from behind the rugged curtains, they light up the sky and reveal the soft shawl of clouds around the neck of the mountains. And then, the splendid red disk rises, promising a glorious day and taking away the hearts of contemplating souls.” Another photo hunter shared in “Traffic” newspaper, “The ascent is quite steep, and one must be careful not to slip. The hike rims the mountain’s skirt, under dangling branches and leaves. Backs sweaty, faces red and short of breath, (yet) none of us was numb in the legs. Here and there, the path curved out to the open space, exposing us to bright light and a corner of Bac Son appeared like a promise of love, giving us an adrenaline surge that speeded up our pace. Having photographed it so many times, I still can’t help feeling overwhelmed, standing on Na Lay Peak. Endless green mountains that shine under the sun embrace the valley. The coquettish blue river gracefully belts the paddy fields. Some patches harvested, some not yet, all are blurred under the smoke of burned thatch. It’s such a warm, radiant picture of fertility that can soften any heart.”n


Bac Son is about 160 km to the North of Hanoi. There are many ways to reach this place from Hanoi. The easiest way is to cross the Nhat Tan Bridge and follow National Highway 3 to Thai Nguyen, then turn to National Highway 1B and go another 80 km. At Bac Son, one can hire a guesthouse room for 150,000200,000 VND a night. To experience the local lifestyle, one can stay at a Tay stilted house at the village of Quynh Son for 80,000đ100,000 VND/person per night.



The smell of success

Carefully-prepared braised fish have gone from local necessity to national delicacy


long time ago, Vu Dai bananas were known as the kind for royal consumption. Nearly a century ago, this village of Hoa Hau commune, Ly Nhan district, Ha Nam province, found fame again as its native, Nam Cao, wrote his masterpiece “Chi Pheo”. In recent years, the name Vu Dai is being heard of once more for its braised fish, which is an everyday food item in the villagers’ meal. No elder in Vu Dai knows when this dish first appeared. Only a few remember that the village was very poor, as their paddies were scant. But there were a lot of ponds around that gave them fish. Perhaps that’s why they invented many dishes from it, including braised fish. This food can stay fresh and delicious for weeks and so it can be wrapped and sent as gift to friends and relatives far away. Little by little, the rich taste and flavor became known far and wide. Many come to Vu Dai to eat and learn how to braise the fish. And so, some Vu Dai families came up with the idea of commercializing their modest treasure. 1981 was the year Vu Dai braised fish came to the market. As the demand grew, some established their own businesses. In 2009, a business owner took his product to the Internet. “Now the whole country knows Vu Dai braised fish, and everybody loves it,” he said, full of confidence. Vu Dai now has over 10 braised fish establishments. This is the only fish-braising trade village of Vietnam. The place is bustling before the lunar New Year. Last


month, some families earned 200 million VND for 800 pots of fish. Vu Dai near lunar year-end is like a braised fish fair. At the moment, many families post braised fish ads on the internet with countrywide delivery. Prices vary between 400,000 and 1,000,000 VND a pot, depending on the pot size.

Sophisticated artisans

The main character is black grass carp, 4 kg and above, cleaned of scales, guts, head and tail, cut in equal chunks, and washed in salt water to remove skin mucous. Supporting roles include alpinia, ginger, coconut juice, lime juice and top-notch fish sauce. The pot must be good quality terracotta, and the fish has to be cooked in boiled water. “Without this step, the juices would be absorbed by the pot, making the fish tasteless,” a fish braiser said, showing off his expertise. Ingredients ready, the pot bottom is tiled with alpinia slices. Then, some layers of fish chunks and the ingredients fill the pot. After 14 hours on a simmering fire, the fish is “well done." “The process seems quite simple. But folks outside of Vu Dai can hardly make the braised fish taste and smell this good,” according to fish-braiser Nguyen Ba Toan. To prove his words, Mr. Toan revealed a few delicate secrets: “It’s a meticulous process. The alpinia slices must have the exact thickness, so the fish will be well-cooked without getting parched underneath. Fish chunks with big bones must be at the bottom, the ones with small bones at the top.” There are many as experienced people in Vu Dai. They can tell the taste by the smell of fish, and the amount of water left in the pot by the bubbling sound. Some even go as far as to pick firewood. “Longan wood is the best because its fire is the hottest and most stable. Moreover, it removes the terracotta smell of the pot,” fish-braiser Tran Thi Ngan said.n


Photo: Internet

Photo: Nguyen Huu Thanh

Photo: Nguyen Huu Thanh

Photo: Internet


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Quang Nam Province

Photo: Nguyen Duy Hung

Fragments of God

n 1885, while wiring telegram cables, some French troops discovered a Champa temple complex under the cover of trees and vines in a valley 2 km in diameter. The valley is beside My Son village of Duy Phu Commune, Duy Xuyen district, 70 km to the South-West of Da Nang City. In 1895, a French man named C. Paris had the area around the temples cleared. In 18981899, French scholars L. Finot and L. De La Jonquière discovered 35 steles with inscriptions (1/5 of the total number of Champa steles found in the whole Middle of Vietnam.)

Champa ruins reflect a religious tradition imported from India

In 1901, French archeologist and architect H. Parmentier came here to study the art of architecture. Their first research papers, published in the journal of the École française d'Extrême-Orient, served as the basis for subsequent studies of Champa culture. Experts say an early stele found at My Son recounts that around the IV century, King Bhadravarman had a wooden temple



built at the site to worship God ShivaBhadravarman. It said, “Bhadravarman offers a land as an eternal tribute to the God, with Suhala mount to the East, Mahaparvata Mountain to the South and Kucaka mount to the West...together with the people living on it and all of its produce.”(1) According to the description of the mountains in the stele, researchers conclude that My Son Valley, surrounded by high sacred mountains, was chosen to be the spiritual capital of the Champa Kingdom. This spiritual valley was not far from the state’s center of power, Simhapura (Tra Kieu).This

Photos: Tran Minh Quan


fact shows that since the IV century, the Champa Kingdom had adopted Hinduism, thus accepting the influences of Hindu civilization. Some later steles say that the wooden temple was completely burnt down by the end of the VI century. After that, by Royal order, a new temple was built in place of the old one. Since then, every new Champa King comes to the Holy Land of My Son to be inaugurated, make offerings and build a new shrine. And so, from the VII to XIII centuries, over 70 towers were built in My Son valley. Almost all the architectural structures at My Son are spiritual edifices to worship, make offerings, commemorate great conquests, and for Champa Kings, to communicate with the Gods. This is also where the Kings’ spirits rejoin the Hindu Gods, espe-

cially Shiva, worshipped by some sects as the Supreme Being. Almost all architectural styles of Champa art are found here, from the oldest ones to later ones such as Hoa Lai, Dong Duong, My Son, Po Nagaf and Binh Dinh. Not only temples and shrines, but also hundreds of priceless sculptures were found at My Son spiritual capital. The stone and brick sculptures reflect a creative way of mixing local culture with foreign influence. The most common themes include flowers, leaves, elephants, lions, Apsara dancers, musicians, divine governing body, and the aquatic monster Makara. Most of the sculptures found at My Son in the early XX century are exhibited at the Champa sculpture museum of Da Nang. According to the reports of French ex-

perts, before 1946 at My Son, there were 68 architectural remains, quite well preserved. But after the Vietnam-French and VietnamAmerican wars, most of them are ruined. The spiritual capital of the kingdom, deceased in 1832, has only about 20 temples left, none whole. From 1980, the My Son vestige restoration subcommittee lead by architect Kazimierz Kwiatkowski was established. After 10 years of reinforcement and renovation, the holiest expression of Champa art has been somewhat revived. On Dec 1st, 1999 the My Son temple complex was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. To preserve the site, a green vegetation belt was restored around it. That somehow creates the feeling that Champa souls have blended in with today’s life.n


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he gate is the symbol of many Northern plains villages, as a part of water rice civilization. It’s iconic and carries the messages of community aspiration. The village gate ties many families and clans into a community with common customs, traditions and language. Each village gate is unique, expressing the culture of those living behind it, unassuming, just to affirm its standing in the conglomerate of Northern plains villages,” according to the Home Page of Vietnam National Library. Some villages have a stone sign “dismount” at the gate to remind guests that even noble people have to walk in to show respect to the local rules. To many natives of the Northern plains, the village gate occupies one of the tenderest spots in the depth of their heart. Because of the importance of the gate in

Hanoi villa the people’s spiritual life, though they may dwell in huts and be in want and need, all villages tried all means to have a gate. Big or small, brick or stone, it’s a proof to outsiders that the life behind it is peaceful and orderly. According to culturologists, the village gates appeared very early in the Red River Delta. As the capital, Hanoi was among the the first places to have village gates. In the XV century Hanoi had 36 villages, bordered by bamboo lines, all having a gate. By the XIX century the number increased significantly but none was without a gate. Late in the XX century, Hanoi had a countless number of village gates. But in recent years, because of rapid and widespread urbanization, many ancient village gates of Hanoi have been destroyed for road widening. Mourning the vanishing village gates, painter Quach Dong Phuong spared no ef-


forts to collect their pictures for a meticulously arranged exhibition. Also, pained at the sight of the bulldozed antiquities, Mr. Vu Kiem Ninh from the Nam Dong area of Hanoi sweat to study and photograph many of the gates. After over 10 years of hard work, Mr. Ninh published a 300-page book about Hanoi village gates, with 109 illustrating pictures. The book (in Vietnamese) can be ordered via

Where to find old village gates

Thuy Khue Street runs along the South shore of West Lake in Tay Ho district. The west end of the street near Buoi road is an area with many old architectural remains, including centuries-old village gates. Among the ten found on this street, Yen Thai village gate (no. 562 of Thuy Khue St.) is best known because it was conferred with



the golden words “Virtuous Lifestyle” by King Tu Duc in 1867. If Thuy Khue has the most of gates in the city, then Cu Da village has the best- preserved ones in the suburban areas. Just about 20 km from the Returned Sword Lake, this village of Thanh Oai district is quite accessible to tourists. Cu Da on the Nhue River was a purely farming community with its houses neatly arranged in a fishbone plan. The village had 3 gates. The biggest one was at the entrance, with big Chinese characters reading, “Cu Gates” and parallel sentences written by an erudite villager of Tu Duc area on two sides. The smallest gate was at the tail of the fish, with the same structure as the big gate. In 1947, these two gates were leveled by French tanks. The only surviving gate is the one at the village center, with the characters “Loyalty and Faith,” the community’s motto. The

gate has curved roofs, with a big clock underneath, Dr. Trinh Sinh of the Vietnam Archaeological Institute describes. Dr. Sinh also recounted that in the 20’s30’s of the last century, many Cu Da villagers moved to downtown Hanoi to open businesses. Earning a lot of money, they built Western-style villas at home with alley gates open to the river bank to make it convenient for travelling and transportation on land and water. These alley gates are reduced replicas of the village gates, with a sign at the top, such as Pagoda Hamlet, Temple Hamlet, Patrol Hamlet or a phrase expressing the people’s aspiration such as “Shared Happiness,” “Quiet Joy,” “Piety and Harmony”. And there is always a pair of parallel sentences in the side pillars. In those good old times, the villagers raised money to buy bricks to pave some sections of the river bank and built stone pil-

lars with a toad and a river light on top to guide boats at night. At the time, Cu Da village also had a regulation that girls marrying a man from the village must contribute three Indo-Chinese franks to buy 1000 bricks to pave the village roads. The price for marrying a man of another village wassix franks, called “hanging” money. Gradually, village roads became clean and neat. But little of that can be seen today, as motorized traffic requires betonization. “As in other places, village and alley gates of Cu Da bear the simple beauty of pure Vietnames temple architecture. To the Cu Da villagers who drifted away and then come back, seeing those gates is seeing a part of their childhood, a part of their own persona. The gates are the cherished heritage of each human life, and an eternal heritage of the character in the Vietnamese culture,” Dr. Trinh Sinh remarks.n


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Farmers find that building fish traps is more lucrative than farming


hu Si commune of Tien Lu District, Hung Yen Hung Yen Province is Province known for its trade of fish trap and cage plaiting. Many farmers here put aside farming tools and get down to making these two fish, eel and crab catching tools. The trade is most popular in Noi Lang and Tat Vien villages. These farming villages are quiet. Groups of people silently plait cages and fish traps in the courtyards and on terraces. An elderly woman told me, “Old and young, men and women, everybody here is handy.” The cages and traps are made of a thin kind of bamboo brought from the forests. The bamboo is split into slender splints for the frame, and laths, as thin as wires. The laths are then woven around the frames to make the fish cages and traps. On average, each cage is made of 20 splints and 25 laths. It takes a person 1520 minutes to make a cage or trap. The products are then sold in the neighbouring provinces such as Bac Ninh, Hai Duong and Hai Phong. Each cage is sold for 3.500 – 4.000VND, and each trap for 5.000- 7.000VND. As cheap as they are, making them brings in more income than farming. A Thu Si commune official told us the plaiting trade brings 50% of the income to the Tat Vien and Noi Lang households. This same official remarked perhaps that’s why the fish cage and trap plaiting trade in this two villages is quite stable.n 18 • VIETNAM HERITAGE - MARCH-APRIL 2016



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Blood and soil

he Hung Kings are The Fathers of the Viet people. They were the wise leaders and the founders of the country. Worshipping the Hung Kings is the most unique feature of the Viet people, where faith and culture blend into a single spiritual entity. Thousands of years since, and ever after, the Viet people always see themselves as descendants of the Hung Kings, Hung forefathers, sons of the Dragon King and Mountain Lady. To the people, the image is the symbol of their selves. The faith is simple: remember that water comes from a source when relieving your thirst, that a fruit bears the sweat of the tree planter, and that we are all akin.


uniquely Vietnamese. Forefathers’ Day is not only an occasion for the descendants to come back together and commemorate ancestral legacy, but also a time for cultural exchange between different parts of the country. Bearing the idea that ‘the ancestors are where their descendants live’, the Viet people worship the Hung Kings as the personified spirits of a strong, independent nation. According to ‘Vietnam Worshipping Practices’, (1763), our country had only 73 villages worshipping the Hung Kings. In 2005, according to ‘Hung Kings Worshipping in Vietnam’ by the Bureau of Local Culture and Information, Ministry of Culture and Information, the Hung Kings and related figures of their times are currently worshipped in 1,417 localities. The worship of the Hung Kings – In Vietnamese minds, the Dragon King a cultural, non-religious faith and the Lady of Mountains gave birth to a This faith in the Ancestors and Nation bundle, which contained 100 eggs that Founders is a purely cultural feature, which is hatched 100 Kings of brotherly tribes. The 20 • VIETNAM HERITAGE - MARCH-APRIL 2016

first Hung King was the eldest, the leader and the nation’s founder. That’s the origin of the notion of dong bao, which literally means ‘same bundle’. Trees have roots Water comes from a spring Birds look for their nest Humans find their ancestors

On the 10th of the third lunar month every year, people from all over the country turn their minds to the Forefathers’ Land. The Hung Temple Festival at Hy Cuong Commune, Lam Thao, Phu Tho is the culminating point of Vietnamese spirituality. Vietnamese people share the same mentality and common sense, social order and structure, history and future, and we share the same ancestors. That’s our community culture. Everybody understands that we are brothers and sisters, because we came from

FESTIVAL Opposite: The altar in the Temple, Hung Temple Relics Park, Phu Tho. Above and below: Incense at the Hung Temple Relic, Phu Tho; Hung Kings' death anniversary ceremony at the Hung Temple in Phu Tho

the ‘same bundle’. The whole nation is a single family. The history of Vietnam has proven that in times of peace or war, prosperity or difficulties, the Hung Kings have always been an inexhaustible source of inspiration for every person, every family, wherever they live, at home or abroad. They motivate the nation to go forward, develop and make big strides toward progress, and to be one with the global community of nations. The Hung Forefather Day celebration is organized by the Government every tieth year, by the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism every fifth year, and by the local province in all other years. The ritual part includes a ceremony of incense offering from delegations of guests at the Upper Temple. The festive part is jubilant around the foot of the mountain. It’s a mixture of traditional and modern cultural elements, most notably, the bronze drum beat and rice-braying dance. The festival today still carries the common characteristics of village festive activities of the northern midland and lowland areas. It also bears the particular ancient features of the Phong Chau region. The Forefather land festival is also classified into pre-agricultural types (hunting and fishing, etc.), agricultural types (praying for rain, for good harvest, and related customs such as rice bud train, statue casting, rice soul prayer, rice calling, etc.), and a hero-commemorating type (with tutelary gods, historical and cultural figures, etc.) The Hung Temple festival is a beautiful custom in Viet ancient traditions. For thousands of years, in the minds of Vietnamese people, the Forefather land has been the birth place of the nation. Through a long history with dramatic ups and downs, the festival has always been held. This fact alone expressly demonstrates the extraordinary maturity of national character in bright colors of cultural mosaic.n VIETNAM HERITAGE - MARCH-APRIL 2016

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Praising the Lord of the Sea

nce, Avalokitesvara was sitting on a lotus that flew above the oceans and saw thousands of fishermen caught in a vicious storm. The Bodhisattva tore His frock into pieces and threw them down to the sea and read an incantation. Each piece became a whale and pushed the fishing junks ashore. Since then, when a dead whale is washed ashore, people perform a sacred funeral ritual and build a temple to venerate it. From then on, they gather every year on the same day to pay respect to the Fish Lord.

A story of divine rescue is the genesis for whale worship


The custom of whale worshipping has been noted in over 300 year old historical records. Over 200 years ago, the Nguyen kings knighted the whale as “South Sea Great General.” This is typical of the many legends assoCulture experts say that the “Greeting ciated with the custom of whale worship of the Lord” festival is the most important one fishing communities in the mid and south to the fishing communities of mid and of Vietnam, including Binh Thuan. south Vietnam. Many villages along this stretch of shore line have a temple to worship the Lord. To Whale worship in Binh Thuan As in many other places, to Binh Thuan show their respect, fishermen call the whale people living by the sea, the Fish Lord is the “Lord”, “Fish Lord”, “South Sea God”, etc.



most sacred deity. Each time before going out to sea, fishermen come to the village’s Fish Lord temple to pray to Binh Thuan the Lord, asking for Province protection and a big catch. Many believe that if the prayer is solemn and respectful, the Lord will appear when and if they face any peril at sea. Binh Thuan has the most Fish Lord temples. Along its 192 km shore and on some islands of the province there are 26 palaces and temples of the Lord, most notably the Van Thuy Tu Palace at Ngu Ong Street, Duc Tang Ward, Phan Thiet.

Van Thuy Tu Palace, one of Binh Thuan’s oldest, and a National Relic, was built in 1762. In its 500m2 area, it has a main edifice and two houses of worship, Tien Hien and Vo Ca, which contain many relics of sea living and Chinese-Vietnamese cultural blending, expressed in statues, shrines, lacquered boards with words of wisdom, a big bell and 24 decrees of conferment, given by the Nguyen kings. Van Thuy Tu, through the history of its existence, has stored many 100-150-year-old whale skeletons. It currently keeps on display a giant 22m-long, very well-preserved skeleton, said to be the largest in Vietnam. Every year on the 20th of the sixth lunar month, the fishing community of Phan Thiet shore has a Fish Lord festival, also

called the “Pray for Fish” festival. It lasts the whole day with solemn rituals and games. The main ritual is the “Greeting the Lord” procession, starting from Hon Lao Island to Hon Cha estuary, then across Ca Ty River to Van Thuy Tu Palace. Once the Lord is home, the community’s respected elders begin the sacred ritual, praying to Him to bring peace to the country and the people, prosperity to the villages, safety and rich catches to fishing boats at sea. Then follow other rituals such as, “Setting free,” “Flying lights,” “Floating boats,” etc. The fun part includes traditional games and entertainments of the Mid-Vietnam fishing folk such as boat races, squid catching contest, and a variety of song, dance and performed art shows, etc.n


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United we stand

e normally think of ASEAN- the Association of South East Asian Nations-as a weak federation. Certainly it is so compared to the European Union. The latter may have its problems, but at least it has achieved, in general, the free flow of goods and services and in large part, monetary union. Still, there are many positive aspects of cooperation between the ten member states, and among them, a highly competitive world trading bloc is evolving. Vietnam Heritage Magazine is proud to have been involved in its Tourism Forum, the latest edition of which took place in Manila in January, and in which our Editor in Chief, Madame Le Thanh Hai, took part as a delegate. We were there along with giants such the BBC and CNN, Trip Advisor and the various national and regional tourism Boards. All the ASEAN countries have a multitude of delights to offer for the tourist dollar. Fine hot sunny weather and beaches is a top draw. Then there is the warmth of the people, and discovering their customs, dances and festivals. The easy chance to enjoy delicious food and exotic fruits are also high on the list. Most countries have cooler mountain resorts, great river trips and mysterious jungles to explore. Tourism gives a country an incentive to conserve nature, although, sadly, there have been failures to keep some of the animal life of the region which people come to see. For the history buff, there are intriguing ruins and ancient cities to explore. Actually, these countries have just about it all, except perhaps for a skiing holiday, and even that could be arranged at Singapore's 'Snow World'! The intense competition between the Asean nations can benefit the tourist. For example, Vietnam last year lifted visa requirements for people from four key tourism markets.

The 2016 Asean Tourism Forum in Manila

Northern parts, rural landscapes and ethnic culture are the main attractions. Sea tourism and culture are the lures, not surprisingly, in coastal areas. Ho Chi Minh City and environs are tops for a city break and the M. I. C. E. market. Finally, the Mekong Delta is favoured for its river adventures. The forum introduced the main travel events forthcoming in Vietnam for 2016. Firstly, from 14 until 17 April in Hanoi. “The Vietnam International Travel Market” will take place. Then there will be the 'Hue Festival' from April the 20th until May the 4th. In Danang from June 24-26, you can see the' Beach, Leisure and M.I.C.E. Travel Mart'. Later in the year comes 'The 12th International Travel Exhibition' in H C.M.C from 8-10 September and the 5th International Beach Games in Danang from 24th September until 2nd October. 2016 will also be 'Visit the Mekong Delta and Phu Quoc Island' year. The Philippines was keen to promote two particular areas. Firstly, Bohol in the central Visayan Islands got promotion for its scenery, especially the green Chocolate Hills and its wildlife as the home of the cute-eyed Philippines tarsier, one of the world’s smallest primates. The opening of the new Panglao Island International airport in 2017 will be of special interest to the diving community. The tiny island state of Singapore provides a shining example of how to draw in visitors even though you lack natural attractions. It has an open door policy, with very few countries needing an entry visa. The Vietnamese in 2015 were in the top ten visiting nationalities. As a large entry port, it has world-class shopping and the ethnic diversity of its people ensures a place as a culinary Country by country Let us begin with our home country, mecca. Then there are its manmade attracVietnam. In the central Highlands and the tions, such as the zoo with its stupendous 24 • VIETNAM HERITAGE - MARCH-APRIL 2016


night safari and the innovative F1 Singapore Grand Prix, to name but two. Another small country is oil-rich Brunei. It has beaches, jungle adventures and the culture of five ethnic minorities on offer. However, it had only 200,000 foreign arrivals by air in 2014. It announced that the 19-mile road bridge linking the main part of the country across the sea to the detached Temburong district will open in mid-2016. As this is already accessible by a rather scenic ferry ride or by road through Malaysian territory it will bring little benefit to the tourist. The Malaysia presentation revealed some secrets for success. Firstly, it advertises its wonders incessantly, as anyone who watches satellite T.V. will know. Then, it is extremely well-connected globally by air with eighty foreign cities served directly. Communications are modern and well-developed .It offers all the best that Asia has with great diversity of culture and attractions and it is 'Truly Asia'. Malaysia portrays itself as a safe and value for money destination. I have visited several times and can testify that all of this is true. I have particularly fond memories of its hill stations of Fraser Hill and the Genting Highlands and also the island of Penang for its history and nature as well as its street food-ranked third in the world by Virtual There is news, too, of a proposed high-speed rail link between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore-the first in ASEAN. Myanmar (Burma) in the past has been tough for the tourist. Firstly, visas were hard to come by for anything but a short trip and then the military regime put many of us off a visit. All that has changed with 'Lonely Planet' voting it the world's top tourist destination in 2014. The new government has prioritised the development of the tourism industry. This large country with one hundred and thirty three ethnic groups has great cultural diversity. There are stupendous golden temple complexes starting with Schwedagon in the capital Yangon. There

Photo: Le Thanh Hai


Tourism Ministers of Asean countries at the closing ceremony of the ATF 2016 are amazing cave systems some housing ancient temples and idyllic beaches on the western coastline. Myanmar even has snowcapped mountain ranges. Another large country to explore is Indonesia with its 300 ethnicities, 750 languages and dialects and 13 thousand islands. It has the fourth largest population in the world. In the last few years a lot has been done to make entry into Indonesia easier. ASEAN countries and a few others are totally free and a further seventy five others can enter visa free for up to seventy five days at certain airports and harbours. This has done a lot to enable it hit the target of ten million visitors in 2015. The twenty-million mark is hoped to be reached within the next decade. Thailand now attracts 29 million visitors a year. Thailand excels in many areas of hospitality from beaches to historical and religious monuments to ecotourism, wildlife and scenery. It is also hot on cuisine (pun intended). It succeeds where some others are failing in getting repeat visitors. Who does

not love Thailand? But Ms Kokarn Watttangrankul, governor of the Thai Tourism, had some noble thoughts to share. "It is not just about figures, building friendship is more important". "Her words reflect the strong Thai commitment to build peace and to connect the hearts and minds of the ASEAN peoples commented the website Travel Daily News Asia. On to the neighbours and Cambodia, which styles itself as the 'Kingdom of Wonder'. Not surprisingly, Vietnamese are the people who most visit here with the Chinese a distant second. The two biggest draws are a city break in Phnom Penh with its rich culture and architecture, vibrant nightlife and shopping and the must see major world heritage sites at Siem Reap, Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat. Then there are the beaches, marine tourism, the islands the mighty Mekong River and eco-tourism, particularly in the North East. Finally Laos, Asean's most sparsely populated land. Just getting away from the madding crowd and being able to drive for

miles with very little traffic together with the peaceful and courteous nature of its very religious people is reason enough to come here. The Laotians they say do not grow rice, they listen to it grow! Its tourism slogan too reflects the Lao value of simplicity. Laconic, it sums up Laos in two honest words-'Simply Beautiful'. With its rivers and jungle Laos was keen at this conference to promote its eco-tourism. It is rich in gilded temples too with visits to the UNESCO world Heritage site of Luang Prabang and the mysterious Plain of Jars being 'must dos'. This meeting in Manila, then was a great opportunity for all the players in the industry to meet up and swap notes-all those involved in the industry from government officials to owners of hotels and travel companies as well as the travelling public in general. It was also an excellent time to show the strength and co-operative spirit of the ten ASEAN countries and to showcase their attractiveness, beauty and positive aspects to the world in general.n


• 25

Air France: Caring for the Vietnamese in the skies


ietnam and France are two beautiful, well-watered green lands lying at opposite extremities of the vast European Asian landmass connected by history and, since 1930, by air. Travelling between them these days could not be simpler. There are frequent direct flights by Air France from both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City that do the trick in only around twelve hours. Curious, I went along to the Air France office in the latter city to talk to Country Manager Mr Guilhem Laurans to learn more about the history of this air link and also about its marketing strategy and how it engages with the public in Vietnam. The first flight, now eighty-six years ago, was operated by Air Orient. It took ten days and required seventeen stops for refueling! Mr Laurans has a plaque on his office wall detailing the route. It stopped over in countries that are today pretty much off limits-Iraq, Iran and Pakistan. The flight landed at the airfield in the Phu Tho area of District Eleven, H.C.M. Space City close to where the Saigon Horse Race Track was to be built two years later. Air Orient was to merge with another airline in 1933 to form

Photos provided by Air France



Air France, which apart from a few years due to war, has operated the line continuously since that year. Mr. Laurans explained that Air France is the only European airline that has direct flights to Vietnam and it has a vast network of connecting flights within Europe, as it merged with K.L.M. Dutch airlines a number of years ago. Vietnam Airlines also flies direct to Paris and a couple of other European capitals. Increasingly, as the country gets wealthier, the Vietnamese are travelling more for leisure. Paris is an attractive destination for them. Whilst European holidaymakers, businessmen and expatriates still make up the greater percentage of passengers on the Paris-Vietnam routes, it is now a two-way street. 'Our aim', Mr Laurans said, ‘Is to be the most Vietnamese-friendly foreign airline.’ He explained that there is always at least one Vietnamese-speaking cabin crew member on every flight and that there is always a choice of Vietnamese meals served. In case of visa refusal, ticket fares are reimbursed one hundred per cent. This applies even to discounted and promotional fares. Air France has done thorough market re-


search into the needs of its customers. 'We have listened to our Vietnamese customers’, said M. Laurans. Recently, a marketing campaign called 'Air France va Tôi' (Air France and I) was undertaken. Twelve of the more perspicacious customer comments have been recorded in the 2016 Air France calendar, which I was shown. Mr .Laurans went on to say that they have learned that it is not just in the cabin that the airline needs to excel, but also in services on the ground. There is one airline I know which aspires to Air France's Skytrax four-star status that fails abysmally in this area. Mr Laurans went on to give a general profile of the Vietnamese leisure travel. 'They tend to like to travel in groups', he said. He gave the reasons for this. Firstly, as lessexperienced travellers they feel more confident in a flock. Then, given the limited holiday time they have (typically only fifteen days per year) it makes it easier to see more if the itinerary is arranged for them. Then also for a people that like to carry cash, they feel there are fewer money worries this way. Aeroplanes flying long distances necessarily will use up a lot of polluting aviation fuel, but I nevertheless asked about Air


France's environmental policy. They are responsible as it is possible to be in this area. Firstly, the KLM part of the company is at the forefront into research into the use of biofuels. Reducing their negative impact on the environment is at the very heart of the airline's strategy and in 2015, Air France was recognised for this by being awarded the number one spot in the airline category of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the eleventh consecutive year. Air France also invests in research into how to make aircraft lighter and both airlines have introduced a uniform recycling policy. Every employee plays a part in helping this to be a socially

responsible business. Turning to Air France's commitment to society at large, the Air France Foundation supports charities. Notable among these in Vietnam are one that provides poor deaf people with hearing aids and May Nha (Roof) in Mui Ne, which not only provides a home for orphans but takes care of their education, social development and training until they are of an age to enter the workplace. The company sponsors many events too, for example, when I attended an event a few years ago at the 'Vattel Hotel and Restaurant Training School', the first prize for a competition was an Air France return

ticket to Paris. I consider myself very lucky to live in the centre of one of Asia's great cities, which once had the sobriquet of 'Pearl of the Orient', and where with a twenty minute drive to the airport, I can be on a plane that can get me to Paris in half a day's time. Not only can I make this journey in comfort, but I and my family can be well looked-after on the ground by a company that takes its role in society seriously and works for the common good. This company and I may be European, but like myself who has a Vietnamese family, it takes good care to integrate itself into the country it serves.n



A Photographic Collection BY RITCH PICKENS


t took Hoang Trung Thuy an entire year to take the photographs of the city he has called home since 1975. It is simply entitled 'Saigon' with the telling subtitle of 'Reflection’. It is quite a hefty tome and deals with iconic Saigon-the kind of Saigon a visitor will usually come to know over a stay of a few days or a week or two. Whilst there are pictures of pagodas and historical places, this collection mainly pays homage to the modern city of high-rise buildings that has arisen over the past quarter of a century. Thuy has not only photographed buildings, but also their

torbikes. The first half of the book treats the established landmarks of this city. First, there is a normal snap of each building and an interesting paragraph of cultural and historic introduction. I did not know, for example, that the Saigon Opera House served as The Lower House of Assembly of the Southern Vietnamese Government from 1955 until 1975. The other iconic buildings reflections in the panes of other glass build- in this section include: The People's Comings in the water of nearby canals and rivers, mittee Hall, The Independence Palace, The in the glass windows of tourist buses and Central Post Office, The Notre Dame even in the rear view mirrors of cars and mo- Cathedral, Ben Thanh Market, The Car-


BOOK REVIEW avelle and Continental Hotels and the Chinese Thien Hau Temple. The next part treats post-1975 Saigon with mainly new developments such as the up-market Phu My Hung urban satellite area, the lotus flower-shaped Bitexco Tower, the French colonial style Park Hyatt Hotel, and the Vietcombank Tower, which has only just recently opened its doors. The photographer is clearly proud of the architectural advances in his life time which have made his city so modern and world class. The final section concentrates not so much on the buildings, but the other factors that give this city its soul and distinctive character. The hard-working people are depicted enjoying colourful festivals that give them their breaks and musicians are captured with their costumes and instruments. Then there is a very human touch of a mother sitting on a chair while his children are practicing classical dance inside a hall. There are high-speed snaps of athletes. One is of runners splashing through a waterlogged track nearing the finishing line with their energy, concentration and sweat reflected in the puddles beneath their feet. Also, there are scenes of daily life-the famous Saigon rumble tumble of motorbikes and buses, folk enjoying the new promenade along Nguyen Hue Street, scenes from a day at an amusement park and finally, Tet street celebrations. The last page is a double spread night scene of the downtown high rise skyline with fireworks illuminating district two and reflected in the waters of the Saigon River below. The text is bi-lingual Vietnamese and English. The English language translations, whilst fully intelligible throughout, would benefit from editing by a native speaker. But all in all, it is an excellent picture book of the city you have visited or sojourned or even lived in and the photos are works of art with their clever use of reflections in natural objects around each subject. ‘Saigon’ by photo artist Hoang Trung Thuy subtitled ‘Reflections’ is published by Vietnam News Agency Publishing House (Nha Xuat Ban Thong Tan); Price 500.000 VND, you can order Mr Duc 090 333 9009.n VIETNAM HERITAGE - MARCH-APRIL 2016

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With a little love

s I live in the so called ‘Japanese Quarter,’ I am aware of the huge importance of Japan as a trading partner of Vietnam these days. For those of you who were wondering, ‘JBAH’ stands for the Japan Business Association of Ho Chi Minh City Their association has five main functions as reflected in its organisational structure. The social activities section gives back to the community by raising funds and donating needed goods to charity. I recently had the honour of accompanying my Japanese friends on two greatly contrasting donation missions. The first was to help the Lam Quang Buddhist temple situated in a poor alley of District Eight where behind its shrines, nuns take care of hundreds of infirm and homeless elderly ladies between the ages of fifty to ninety lacking in family support. The second is an orphanage of mainly unwanted children set up by a rich industrialist lady in the Di An District, a factory area of Binh Duong Province, but still within the Saigon conglomeration. The Association does have its administrative staff, but all the people I accompanied on these two early days were volunteer businessmen and women. The donation was the culmination of many freely given hours of fund raising, recipient identification and meetings on what actually to donate. All the basic needs of the elderly ladies I met were being catered for in several wards of hospital- type beds. All the ladies I met and spoke to seemed as sanguine and hopeful as the general Vietnamese population. About ten Japanese moved around the wards making donations to the ladies individually, directly giving articles of personal hygiene such as tiger balm, towels and Salonpas and chatting in basic Vietnamese. I also noticed some local girl volunteers keeping their elders company. I felt sorry that these ladies spent their lives indoors. The nuns were serving humanity at the grass roots. A couple of days later, I drove out


with my new Japanese friends again. This time, the needy were at the other end of lifeorphans. The Japanese were donating fifteen thousand dollars’ worth of computers, washing machines, clothes drying machines, school uniforms, old clothes, rice milk, instant noodles, and packets of snacks, puddings and ice cream. Organised on the scale of a company, including a performance stage and school and kindergarten, this is the 'Que Huong Charity’, just an hour's drive from central Saigon. Near the entrance opposite the nursery where some young French lady volunteers were holding babies was a picture of the founder Madame Huong with the caption: ‘Mother of 330 children'. Huong made a fortune out of bottled water before turning her attention to these


unwanted bairns. There was a junior master chef competition as children donned chef clothing and prepared blancmanges from packets from the Japanese technology company 'House Foods' These Japanese folk, I have witnessed, work selflessly for the common good. They involve themselves directly and personally with the recipients. If you feel you too would like to donate the information is given below.n The Japanese Business Association of Hi Chi Minh City Room 1407 14th Floor, Sun Wah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Street,District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, email:, Vietnam Tel.(84)3821 9369.

The Palace Hotel in Vung Tau City


he Palace Hotel is the first recognised 4-star hotel in Vung Tau City. One of the Top Ten 4-star hotels in Vietnam (an award conferred by the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism/Vietnam Tourist Association). It also belongs to The National Oil Services Company of Vietnam. Located right in the city center on Front Beach (Bai Truoc), The Palace Hotel is quite convenient for tourists to visit interesting historical places, recreation areas, shopping centers and other attractions such as The White House (Villa Blanshe), The Light House, which is equipped with telescopes to follow and guide ships and boats at sea, the 136meter statue of Jesus Christ, Niet Ban Tinh Xa Pagoda (Pagoda of the Lying Buddha), the Whale Tomb and the shopping center of the city – Old market, New Market, Ben Dinh Market, Co-op-Mart, Metro Supermarket and the Handcraft & Fine Arts Supermarket. In particular, the Palace Hotel is an ideal destination for businesspersons and experts in short-term and long-term business trips


in Vung Tau. At the Palace Hotel, with its complete service system, professional service style and friendly hotel staff, you will find great satisfaction. With 112 rooms and deluxe suites elegantly furnished and overlooking Front Beach of Vung Tau City, each fitted with an air-conditioner, IDD telephone, Internet access (ADSL), satellite TV, and more, the Palace Hotel is everything a four-star international hotel should be. There are also 14 luxurious self-contained apartments-the ideal choice for long-term stays. An elegant restaurant in a charming setting features international favorites and Vietnamese specialties. Private-function reservations are available upon request. The Palace Lobby Bar is a perfect place for business meetings with wireless Internet access in a relaxing atmosphere with music. After a hard day of work or sightseeing, it as best to indulge yourself at the Spa Club and relax - in the Jacuzzi, steam bath or dry sauna. A gym is also available. You can also unwind at the outdoor swimming pool or tennis court. If

you visit the slot machine club of the hotel, you may become a lucky winner. The largest ballroom in the city and five function rooms can accommodate from 10 to 500 guests. Modem audio-visual equipment, wireless Internet connection and a well-trained staff ensure the success of any function held at the hotel. The outside catering services in hotel are also available. Conveniently located in the heart of the city, just a minute’s walk from Vung Tau’s beautiful Front Beach, close to business entertainment areas and shops, the international four-star Palace Hotel offers unique features such as Internet access in all public areas, 24-hour services, slot machine entertainment and the largest convention center in Vung Tau City. The Palace Hotel is the ideal home-away-from-home for both leisure and business travelers.n

The Palace Hotel

01 Nguyen Trai Str., Ward 1, Vung Tau City, Vietnam; Tel: (064) 3856411/ 3856265/ 3856238 - Fax: (064) 3856878


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EXHIBITIONS ‘Les Enchanteresses’ March 3rd - April 3rd, 2016 | 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Free entrance Hotel Lobby, Sofitel Plaza Hanoi

Sofitel Plaza Hanoi presents the exhibition entitled ‘Les Enchanteresses’, featuring 20 works of art by Artist Ngo Duc Hoang. The collection of paintings highlights Vietnamese women’s charm. In French, ‘Les Enchanteresses’ means ‘enchanting women with joyful spirit’. Through the portraits, we can easily feel Hoang’s love for Vietnamese folk culture and for the beauty of women. Hoang paints single and group portraits of the many kinds of people that make up Vietnam’s multi-layered society. Ngo Duc Hoang is a talented and creative painter who has organized many successful group and private exhibitions in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City as well as Singapore, Korea and New York City. Hoang brings elements of the ancient Hang Trong and Dong Ho woodcut painting techniques into his own practice - the influence is plain in the way he streamlines compositions, flattens depth, and emphasizes impossibly bright colors. The figures themselves, standing out in color blocks, are full of life in their stunning costumes and enjoying the festive springtime. The exhibition is at the hotel lobby until April 3rd, 2016. Free entrance. Sofitel Plaza, No 1 Thanh Nien Road, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi; tel: (04) 3823 8888 “The Destination Point of an Oblique Line” Art Vietnam Gallery

2nd floor, 24 Ly Quoc Su St, Hanoi Opening from Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Artist Dinh Thi Tham Poong holds an exhibition entitled ‘The Destination Point of an Oblique Line’ at Vietnam Art Gallery from until 26 March. One could say all of life is the intersection of oblique lines or occurrences. As we go throughout life, our point of view shifts, like the world on its axis, poised between just one aberrant movement that could send all into total chaos. In this artist’s view, life is orderly. Tham Poong‘s childhood began in nature in close alignment with the seasons and the phases of the moon. Life was simple and free to morph and align with the shifts in nature. This natural spirit resides in the artist to this day and has always been reflected in her art. After graduating from the Vietnam Fine Arts University in Hanoi in 1993, Tham Poong quickly established herself as one of Vietnam’s leading female artists. Art Vietnam Gallery, tel : ( 04) 3928 5190 ‘Daily stories’ 1 to 30 March L’Espace, 24 Trang Tien St., Hoan Kiem Dist, Hanoi

A solo exhibition entitled ‘Daily stories’ by female artist Le Kim My, who is considered to be-


long to ‘the greatest artist generation’ in the period of Economic Renovation (from 1986) in Vietnam. The artist showcases her artworks to the public for the first time after 30 years being a lecturer at the Vietnam University of Fine Arts. Her valuable and rare lacquer and silk artworks are inspired by her father, the great artist Le Quoc Loc (1918-1987), who passed the exam to begin study at the lacquer faculty of Indochina Fine Arts College in 1936. He was then considered one of the leading artists in the fine arts field with famous lacquer works. Entrance free. ‘World, Magic & Fun’ From 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. (weekdays) 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. (weekend) 5th floor, Hanoi Creative City No 1 Luong Yen St., Hai Ba Trung Dist, Hanoi

A special concert features five disciplines of Vietnamese traditional music of Tuong, Cheo and Ca tru, Chau Van and Hat xam (or so-called operettas originating from the rural northern part of the country) will be performed at L’Espace Convention Hall in Hanoi’s Old Quarter area. These traditional folk arts, which combine trance singing and dancing, are a religious form of art used for extolling the merits of beneficent deities or deified national heroes. Tickets: VND170,000/ adult, VND100,000/ L’Espace member & VND80,000/ student. Jazz Concert with Noga 8 p.m., 19 March L’Espace, 24 Trang Tien St., Hoan Kiem Dist, Hanoi

A chic 3D painting exhibition called ‘World, Magic & Fun’ is on display at Hanoi Creative city for visitors to admire and to ‘selfie’ as well. Following four successful editions in Belgium (one in Brussels and 3 at the Belgian coast during summertime), ‘3D World Magic & Fun’ starts its first edition in Hanoi. The unique exhibition features huge painted backdrops and visitors can complete the scene by carrying out some act. The backdrops include ‘The Minions’, ‘The Simpson Family’ and the ‘Ocean World’. Tickets VND50,000/ person from 4 years old. Part of the benefit from tickets will go to a charity project. A night of Vietnamese traditional music 8 p.m., 12 March. L’Espace, 24 Trang Tien St., Hoan Kiem Dist, Hanoi

Jazz singer Noga was born in Switzerland from an Israeli family with roots in the Ukraine and Germany. She chose to study classical and jazz vocals before exploring body-mind tools and adopting various practices, such as circle-singing and improvisation. As singer-songwriter and composer ever since, the artist has headed many music projects in French, Hebrew, English, and even an invented language. Tickets: VND170,000/ adult, VND100,000/ L’Espace member & VND80,000/ student.


A Night of Russian Music 8 p.m., 19 March Opera House Lam Son Square, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City

The concert ‘A Night of Russian Music’ will be preformed by HBSO Symphony Orchestra, together with the participation of conductor David Gomez Ramirez and violinist Anna SowannaTakeda. Part 1 of the concert will present Overture “Dawn over the Moscow River”, from the opera Khovanshchina by Modest Mussorgsky and ‘Violin Concerto in D Major, op. 35’ by Piotr Tchaikovsky while Part 2 will feature ‘Symphony No. 1 in G Minor’ by Vasily Kalinnikov. Tickets are from VND200,000 to VND550,000 and VND80,000 for students. For delivery, contact (08) 38237419, online booking: Ho Chi Minh City Book Fair 21 to 27 March Le Van Tam Park, Hai Ba Trung St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City

The ninth Ho Chi Minh City Book Fair, themed “Book, Culture, Integration and Development” will present about 200 domestic and foreign publishing houses and book distributors, featuring 500 stalls showcasing works of economy, history, science, tech-

nology, foreign language and literature. The book fair will also hold book exhibitions, talk shows between readers and authors, and discussions on reading habits and skills. Ao dai Festival 5 to 20 March Youth Cultural House 4A Pham Ngoc Thach St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City The opening ceremony of Ao dai Festival 2016 will take place at 6.30 p.m. on 8 March with an ao dai performance. The festival is scheduled with multiple activities in different locations in the city such as photo exhibitions entitled ‘Ao Dai through the Ages’, held at the Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts, Ao Dai Museum, War Remnants Museum, and Chi Lang Park on Dong Khoi Street from 5 to 31 March. The organizer will also hold talk shows and presentations focusing on the history and cultural value of ‘ao dai’. There will be an ‘ao dai’ contest with participants from different backgrounds, including Vietnamese schoolgirls, housewives, company employees and female staff from embassies and foreign business associations based in Ho Chi Minh City as well as an ‘ao dai’ drawing contest for elementary and secondary school students and an ‘ao dai’ designing contest for university students.

sively Polaroids -Tirage d’Auteur to photograph. For the past seventeen years, Philip has specialised in the of lighting Australian, French, Indian, Chinese and S-E Asian TVCs and music videos feature films in some of the most extreme and demanding mental and physical conditions. Philip has resisted the digital age in his photography and continues to immortalise his subjects with portraits of people, landscapes, life styles, and slices of life with a 1961 Vintage Polaroid Land Camera with an original German Rodenstock lens. It’s this perseverance in keeping alive this 50year-old technique which is the force and beauty of the images we see today.


Ladies Championship 2016 22 – 27 March The Dalat at 1200 Country Club Daron Valley, Don Duong Dist, Lam Dong Province In the first Ladies Professional Golf tournament sanctioned by the Korean Ladies Professional


Golf Association (KLPGA) and The Dalat at 1200 Country Club & Private Estate, one hundred and twenty professional female golfers from Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Vietnam, will compete for the $ 420,000 prize money. Televised live across five countries, for five hours a day and delay telecast in eight other countries, the Ladies Championship will increase awareness and interest across the region for Dalat and Vietnam. At the same time, The Dalat at 1200 Country Club and Private Estate will showcase its world-class villas, resort residences, recreation facilities and stunning surroundings.

Photo exhibition by Philip RANG Until 4 April The Refinery Restaurant 74 Hai Ba Trung St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City

Philip RANG is a member of the Australian Cinematographer’s Society, based in Paris and working globally and who uses excluVIETNAM HERITAGE - MARCH-APRIL 2016

• 33


Mai Chau Ecolodge

Na Thia Village, Na Phon Commune, Mai Chau Dist, Hoa Binh Province Tel: (0218) 3819888 Mai Chau Ecolodge has recently provided daily shuttle bus services from Hanoi to Mai Chau and vice-versa on 16-seat transit cars. The trips usually take three hours by car. Located in the northeast mountainous area, the place is a completely different world of pure air, untouched nature and fascinating tribal culture. Mai Chau Ecolodge is located right at the heart of Mai Chau Valley within walking distance to Lac and Pom Coon villages. The Mai Chau Ecolodge was built entirely from natural materials with thatched roofs, bamboo interiors, wooden furniture and jungle showers. Every bungalow was meticulously designed to embody the local stilt house style and traditional Thai ethnic culture. Price starts from VND2,300,000. Visit

U Sapa Hotel

No 8, Cau May, Sapa Town, Sapa Dist, Lao Cai Province Tel: (020) 3871996

U Sapa Hotel in Sapa Town of Lao Cai Province has a promotion on its room rate with 25% discount for stays 1 March to 30 June; plus special restaurant credit of $25 per room per stay; applied for minimum two- night stay booking. Price starts from $94 or around VND2,000,000 per room with breakfast and internet accesses.

Novotel Suites Hanoi

05 Duy Tan St, Cau Giay, Hanoi Tel: (04) 35766666 Accor Hotels has launched a new hotel in Hanoi-the Novotel Suites Hanoi, which is located on Duy Tan Street, a fast-growing and developed economic area of Cau Giay District in the east part of Hanoi. The hotel offers 151 comfortable units, including the contemporary “Live N Dream” studio rooms and one to three bedroom apartments. Each studio comes fully equipped with a kitchenette within at least 32-square meters of space. Featuring Food Exchange Restaurant and Gour-

met Bar, the hotel is opening a new horizon of living experience for clients who come to Hanoi for business purposes and also for their families in long term. Visit

Paradise Vietnam

Hanoi Office Unit 201, 2nd Floor, Hanoi Tower, 49 Hai Ba Trung St, Hoan Kiem Dist, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3941 6666

Paradise Vietnam introduces its newest line of cruise ships, La Vela Cruises, which will be launched on April 1, 2016. The leading 5star Halong Bay cruise company ensures that their unrivalled levels of quality and service will now be extended in this recent venture. The La Vela Cruises fleet consists of just two ships: The La Vela Classic and the La Vela Premium. The La Vela Classic holds 28 cabins – 26 deluxe cabins and 2 suites – whereas the La Vela Premium holds 21 cabins – 13 premium cabins and 8 balcony cabins. Unusual for Halong Bay cruise ships, there are also options for connecting cabins for family travelers. Both La Vela Cruise ships are steel boats that reflect the Roaring ‘20s in their sophisticated Art Deco design, and thus are in contrast to Paradise Vietnam’s traditionally designed Indochina wooden cruise ships. Expansive sundecks that come fully furnished with sunbeds are an extra highlight of both cruise ships. The La Vela Cruise ships are open for bookings now and offer 1-day, 2-day and 3day cruises, as well as themed cruises for special occasions, all of which will reflect the high standards set by Paradise Vietnam. For more information, visit:

Chef Patrick Morris at Hemispheres Steak & Seafood Restaurant introduces 4 different types of meat on one plate: rabbit, venison, quail, pigeon. Price: VND1,600,000/ set for 2 persons.

Indochine Palace

105A Hung Vuong St, Hue Tel: (054) 3936666 email: Indochine Palace in Hue is offering an ‘Escape To Hue Package’ at VND2,229,000 for two persons, valid until 31 October. The package includes 2 days and 1 night’s accommodation in a Palace Deluxe room, daily international buffet breakfast, dinner for two persons at La Brasserie Restaurant and welcome fruit basket on arrival date.

InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort

Bai Bac, Son Tra Peninsula, Danang Tel: (0511) 3938888

InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort has a promotion called ‘Advance purchase offer’. Clients book their rooms in advance & save 15% on room rate. Free international buffet breakfast, late check-out and internet access. Promotion is applied for 14 days booking in advance of your stay and based on two adult.

Sheraton Nha Trang

26-28 Tran Phu St, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 388 0000

Sheraton Hanoi Hotel

11 Xuan Dieu St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3719-9000 Oven D’or at the Sheraton Hanoi has a wine brunch every Sun. during April VND1,350,000++/ person. Also, Dinner Buffet 15-17 April VND1,200,000 ++/ and Dinner Buffet from 26th April to 1st May, inc. foie gras, grilled lobster, sushi, sashimi and grilled meat. Price: VND1,300,000 ++/ person (include free flow wine, Tiger Draught beer and soft drinks). Enjoy afternoon tea Monday to Sunday (12 :00 – 16 :30) VND200,000 ++/ set. Also,


Sheraton Nha Trang is offering a ‘Family Package’ that will offer 50% discount on the second room for kids (up to 21 years). The package includes daily breakfast for two, con-

necting rooms (if available) with the purchase of two or more rooms, free participation in Sheraton Adventure Club activities (up to two children per room), complimentary Kids Menu for lunch or buffer dinner for kids. (Kids under 12 eat free with purchase of adult meal in restaurant).

sort project will feature a golf academy, Disneyland-styled entertainment areas, and a five-star hotel and a premium amusement park on an area of over 250 ha. The project is expected to turn Vinh Phuc into a leading tourist attraction in the north, developing its service and industrial structure.

Eastin Grand Hotel Saigon

Palm Garden Resort

253 Nguyen Van Troi St, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 38449222 Eastin Grand Hotel Saigon offers a meeting and accommodation package valid until 30 April priced from VND2,450,000++/ person ($ 108++/ person), including one night at Deluxe Room Accommodation, Full Day meeting package, including 2 coffee breaks, 1 lunch and free welcome cocktail and complimentary Wi-Fi connection. Contact at or +84-838449222.


FLC Vinh Thinh Resort

Vinh Tuong Dist, Vinh Phuc Province Tel: (0211) 3785 888

Lac Long Quan St, Cua Dai Beach, Hoi An City Tel: (0510) 392-7927 E-mail: ‘Family at Get-Away Paradise Package’, valid until 20 December. VND5,999,000 ++ The package includes a two-night accommodation in a Superior Garden View room with buffet breakfast, round-trip airport transfer from/to Danang International Airport, lunch or dinner for the family, one extra bed, two discount vouchers of 50% off for body massage at Palm Spa, 20% discount on laundry service, 15% discount on sport & recreation and free activities at the Kids Club for children.

A La Carte Danang Beach

200 Vo Nguyen Giap St, Son Tra Dist, Danang Tel: (0511) 3959 555


complimentary ice cream sets for two children aged below 11 served at pool bar, half-day free bikes rental for parents, full-day free scooters rental for two children under 11, complimentary tea, coffee and cake served at Pool Bar from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. everyday, a Mui Ne Sand Hill tour shuttle bus service between Muine Bay resort and Phan Thiet City.

Novotel Phu Quoc Resort

Duong Bao Hamlet, Duong To Commune, Kien Giang Province Tel: (077) 6260999 Novotel Phu Quoc Resort has recently been opened by the Accor on Phu Quoc Island. As the fifth Novotel in Vietnam, the resort is conveniently located near Duong Dong and is close to many of the island’s top attractions, such as Sao Beach, the fishing village of Ham Ninh and various pearl farms. Guests can choose from the resort’s 366 contemporary spacious room types, including 120 suites and villas. Each accommodation type features a sofa bed, a balcony or terrace and 42-inch LCD TVs, while 20 of the villas boast private pools. The resort is home to two contemporary restaurants and three intimate bars as well as 650 square metres of flexible meeting and event space can cater 550 persons at a time. On the opening occasion, the resort also offers special rates at prices starting from VND1,850,000, valid until 30 April.


The FLC Group has officially opened the FLC Vinh Thinh Resort in Vinh Tuong District of Vinh Phuc Province on 6 March, 2016. Located in a spacious area of 7,4 ha in the northern part of the province, around 80km from Hanoi Centre, the resort promises to be a weekend getaway destination with its environmentally-friendly landscapes, fresh air, and peace and tranquility. It provides extensive meeting facilities with high-tech audio and visual equipment. The resort’s skilled event team can assist customers with planning out a conference on a small, medium, or large scale. The resort’s restaurant, boasting a royal style and Asian-European cuisine and local flavors, can seat up to 300 guests at a time. Other facilities include a hotel, bungalows, a mini golf course, tennis courts, indoor and outdoor swimming pools and children’s play areas. ‘The resort is opening a new horizon of living experience for clients who come to Vinh Phuc Province for business and also for companies to hold parties or teambuilding events,’ said the resort’s CEO. In the second phase, FLC Vinh Thinh Re-

Lackah restaurant, Crowne Plaza West Hanoi A la Carte Danang Beach is offering a ‘Value Added Offer’ valid until 31 May. Guests who stay two nights get a complimentary signature drink at Top Bar; those who stay three nights and get a complimentary Vietnamese Set Menu at Fishca Restaurant; those who stay four nights and a complimentary 60-minute massage treatment at Spice Spa. All complimentary items are one-time deals only.

Muine Bay Resort

Quater 14, Mui Ne Ward , Phan Thiet City Tel. (062) 222-0222 email: Family Getaway valid until 31 October. VND2.210.000 / Family Room / Night (Room Surcharges on weekend at VND300,000/room/night). Package includes one night’s stay in a family room (three adults or two adults and two children under 11), one food & beverage voucher valued at VND600.000 to be used at Cho Que outdoor restaurant, two cocktail glasses for parents served at Pool Bar, two

36 Le Duc Tho St, My Dinh 2 Ward, Nam Tu Liem Dist, Hanoi Tel: (04) 6270 6688

Crowne Plaza West Hanoi has ‘The Korean Food Festival’, which takes place from 25 to 31 March 2016 with guest Chef Sang Geun Bae, from the Holiday Inn Gwang Ju, Korea. Korea is marked by four distinct seasons and Koreans have traditionally believed that eating fresh seasonal foods helps them to stay healthy throughout the year. As a matter of fact, seasonal foods are highly nutritious, so they help boost your immune system and also have the best flavour. Visiting Hanoi Chef Sang will introduce the very best and freshest ingredients


• 35


from Gwang Ju, a southwestern city famous for its rich agriculture and also known as the bread basket of Korea. The most famous Korean signature dishes will be presented throughout the week including, Kimchi, Bibimbap and Bulgogi. Korean Food Festival is available at Lackah restaurant for Lunch and Dinner. Lunch buffet is at VND450,000/person, Dinner buffet is at VND600,000/person.

Rooftop Sky Lounge & Club

25th floor, Bavico International Hotel NhaTrang, 02 Phan Boi Chau St, Xuong Huan, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province Contact: Mr. Thang – 0901 911 788 Happy Hour at Rooftop Sky Lounge & Club: Visit Rooftop Sky Lounge & Club not only enjoying our outstanding music, but also get 1 free glass of draught beer when you order one. 7 to 9 p.m. Applies to draught beer only.

Caravelle Saigon

19 Lam Son Square, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3823-4999

Restaurant Nineteen 27 March, Easter Sunday Brunch, with roast boneless rabbit in red wine sauce, prime meat grill station and stuffed dark chocolate Easter eggs. The price starts VND890,000 excluding beverages per person.

Reflections Restaurant From 22 to 26 March, the Culinary Art of Thierry Drapeau, with Three-Course Testing Menu at VND 1,050,000 and Degustation Menu at VND1,570,000. Cooking Class at Reflections Private Rooms will be available for a limited number of attendees on 25 March, at 2.30 p.m. Price at VND980,000 per person

Le Meridien Saigon

3C Ton Duc Thang St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 62636688 Latest Recipe Restaurant Every Friday & Saturday night in March and April, Canadian Lobster Nights, including rich and creamy lobster bisque, enticing grilled lobster with garlic and butter, crunchy lobster pizza enhanced with BBQ sauce, unique and flavourful lobster Tom Yum. Price: VND1.200.000 ++, including wine, coffee and tea.

Latitude In March, Café Gourmand, experience the way Parisians enjoy their coffee, with a set of artisan petite French pastry accompanying any of your favourite choice of coffee at VND180,000 per person.

PARKROYAL Saigon Hotel

309B – 311 Nguyen Van Troi St, Tan Binh Dist, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3842-1111 14 to 20 March, Singapore Food Festival, Executive Chef Jackson Goh from PARKROYAL Beach Road will present Singaporean culinary culture with the special menu of authentic Singaporean favorites like Gado Gado, Ngoh Hiang, Chicken in Prawn Pastem, Bak Kut Teh, Beef Rendang, Yang Chow Fried Rice, Chilli Crab, Fried Kway Teow, Singapore Chicken Rice, Oyster Kai Lan. Indulge in desserts like Burbur Cha Cha, Pulut Hitam and Goreng Pisang. Buffet lunch at VND529,000++/person and buffet dinner at VND 799,000++/person.

Renaissance Riverside Hotel 8-15 Ton Duc Thang St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-0033

Riverside Café In March, Dinner Buffet – Spring Seafood at VND900,000++/person including free flow beer & soft drink. Group booking from 20 people will enjoy free flow of Prosecco, beer, soft drinks, house wine, selected spirits & Liquors, sodas.

Kabin Restaurant In March, enjoy 8 amazing dishes created with Red Bean Curd on the special A La Carte menu made by Chef from Hong Kong. VND450,000++/dish

Liquid Sky Bar In March, every Saturday & Sunday, from 3 p.m. to 8.p.m., Weekend Pool BBQ, at VND400,000++/person, free flow of Prosecco, beer, soft drinks, house wine, selected spirits & Liquors, sodas. 18 to 20 March, from 7.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m., Italian Food paired with Liquid Gold


cocktails, with Italian flavors created by Chef Amigo. VND2,000,000++/person

Pullman Saigon Centre

148 Tran Hung Dao St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3838-8686 Cobalt Restaurant and Rooftop Bar Offers a package including three small plates designed to share as well as a bottle of wine, only VND700,000++, daily until 10pm. Every Tuesday in March, “Hospitality Industry Night”, at VND50,000 for draught Heineken, and VND80,000 for glasses of wine and VND100,000 for selected cocktails. Just show your Business Card or Industry Card and get all the benefits you are worth. From 6.30 p.m. until 10.30 p.m. A DJ will spin some tunes from 8 p.m. until late.

LOTTE LEGEND HOTEL SAIGON APPOINTS NEW JAPANESE CHEF Yoshino Restaurant 2A-4A Ton Duc Thang, Dist.1, HCMC T +84.8.3823.3333, Ext. 222

Japanese Chef, Mr Hirokatsu Fukuzato with 35 years of experience in the culinary field now starts working for Yoshino Restaurant at Lotte Legend Hotel Saigon. Mr Fukuzato has served dignitaries and VVIP from over the world and been recognized as an expert in authentic Japanese culinary. In his new role at Lotte Legend Hotel Saigon, Mr. Hirokatsu Fukuzato will be in charge of authentic Japanese cuisine for Yoshino Restaurant, where he can present his specialties in the traditional Japanese Kaiseki course. From 15 March – 30 April, Yoshino’s diners can either dine with chef Fukuzato or enjoy traditional Japanese Kaiseki prepared by himself throughout the promotion “Chef’s Table”. Chef’s Table Special Menu is at 1,600,000++/person and accompanied with a glass of sparkling sake.


Vietnam House

ietnam House at no.187 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien ward, district 2, Ho Chi Minh City features one of the few large exhibitions of handicraft products of Vietnam. With a total floor space of 3200 m2, the gallery has 50 show rooms displaying 12 categories of traditional handicrafts, including woven bamboo and rattan, objects made of sedge and water fern, ceramics and porcelain, wood carvings, laquer art, embroidery, stone carvings, loom textile, handmade paper, art paintings, metalwork, etc. One inside the free entrance, visitors can feed their eyes to satiety with thousands of handicrafts made by Viet Nam’s master artisans. Most of the items exhibited here are representative of famous trade villages from all over the country. Vietnam House is open every day from 9 am to 6 pm. From 10:30 to 11:30 am on Wed., Sat. and Sun. every week, the house hosts a show of Vietnamese traditional music. If a visitor fancies making something by him/herself, such as a paper painting, a mask, a candy figurine, or palm leaf animals,

etc. some experienced artisan will be ready to provide guidance. I observe that Western visitors are very excited when learning to make pottery. The kids show no less passion to learn a trade hands-on from the true artisans. Little girls are totally absorbed in paper painting, while the boys love to make masks and palm leaf animals. Each of them can finish their work of art in just 15-20 minutes under the guidance of the House staff. “I love to learn to make paper paintings here. After one brief session I managed to make a simple picture of flowers, grass and a butterfy. This weekend I’ll ask my parents to bring me here again so I can learn how to make more beautiful pictures,” little Ngoc Linh shared. With a big road at the front and Saigon river behind it, Vietnam House is airy and cool. It is accessible both from land and water. Built in an open space and decorated mostly with wood and bamboo, Vietnam House looks very friendly. The House was designed by Mr. Vo Trong Nghia, a famous architect of Vietnam,



who won many domestic and international prizes for his green, eco-friendly designs. Coming soon are a restaurant and a bar to serve Vietnames foodand beverage, and a little supermarket with specialties from around the country, such as grean bean curds from Hai Duong, coconut sweets from Ben Tre, tea from Thai Nguyen, etc. “Vietnam House is a place for foreign tourists to learn about Vietnamese culture through hand-made products. Here, international importers can also quicly gain an overall picture about the strengths of artisanal trades of Vietnam,” shared Ms. Phan Dinh Tram Anh, Vietnam House director, who has nearly 20 years of experience in the field of handicraft trades. Ms. Anh added, “This is also an interesting place for Saigon families to visit, shop and spend time during week-ends. The products being showcased and on sale at Vietnam House have been carefully selected by the company at their places of origin. So they are not only representative and sophisticated, but also very reasonably priced as compared to many other shoping centers.”n



(TELEPHONE CODE: 020) Sapa is a former French hill station in northwestern Vietnam, in Lao Cai Province, near the Chinese border. A number of minority cultures including the H’mong, Dao and Tay live in villages in the countryside around Sapa. HOTELS, RESORTS Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily Cat Cat View Hotel 46 Fan Xi Pang St, Sapa, Lao Cai Province Tel: (020) 3871-946 VND735,000 to VND3,780,000 ($35 to $180) Cha Pa Garden Boutique Hotel & Spa 23B Cau May St, Sapa, Lao Cai Province Tel: (020) 3872-907 Email: From VND1,470,000 ($70) Chau Long Sapa Hotel

Topas Ecolodge Thanh Kim Ward, Sapa, Lao Cai Province Tel: (04) 3715-1005 From VND2,300,000 ($110) Victoria Sapa Resort and Spa Xuan Vien St, Sapa, Lao Cai Province Tel: (020) 3871-522 Email: From VND3,657,000 ($172) RESTAURANTS Buffalo Bell Restaurant 25 Cau May St, Sapa, Lao Cai Province Tel: (020) 3873-455 Delta Restaurant 33 Cau May St, Sapa, Lao Cai Province Tel: (020) 3871-799 Fansipan Restaurant 23 Cau May St, Sapa, Lao Cai Province Tel: (020) 3871-556


(TELEPHONE CODE: 033) With around 1,600 islands and islets in the Gulf of Tonkin, Halong Bay, about 170 km east of Hanoi, is well known for its limestone seascape. Overnight boat trips out of Halong City are a popular way to see it. HOSPITALS

Bai Chay Hospital Gieng Day Ward, Halong Tel: (033) 3846-557

24 Dong Loi St, Sapa, Lao Cai Province Tel: (020) 3871-245 Email: From VND2,100,000 ($100) Holiday Sapa Hotel 16 Muong Hoa, Sapa, Lao Cai Province Tel: (020) 3873-874 Email: VND588,000 to VND2,100,000 ($28 to $100) Mường Thanh Sapa Hotel 44, Ngu Chi Son, Sapa, Lao Cai Province Tel: (020) 3887-766 Email: From VND900,000 ($43) Royal Hotel 54B Cau May St, Sapa, Lao Cai Province Tel: (020) 3771-131 Email:

Traditional Medicine Hospital Cot 8, Hong Ha Ward, Halong Tel: (033) 3838-113 Vietnam-Sweden Hospital Thanh Son Ward, Uong Bi Commune, Halong Tel: (033) 3854-037 TRAVEL

Halong Tourism 1 Halong St, Halong Tel: (033) 3846-272 Quang Ninh Tourism Company Ha Long St, Bai Chay Ward, Halong Tel: (033) 3846-350 Syrena Cruises Hung Thang new urban area, Bai Chay, Halong Tel: (033) 3847-043 Hanoi Sales Office: Syrena Tower, 3th Floor, 51 Xuan Dieu St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3719-7214 Email: HOTELS, RESORTS

Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily

Asean Halong Hotel Hau Can St, Bai Chay Ward, Halong Tel: (033) 3640-034 Email: From VND1,600,000 ($76) Halong Hidden Charm Hotel Block 22D, Tuan Chau Villas, Halong Tel: (033) 3842-360 From VND350,000 ($17) Halong Palace Hotel 1, Block 20 Dong Hung Thang, Hoang Quoc Viet St, Bai Chay Ward, Halong Tel: (033) 3619-819 Email: From VND3,800,000 ($181) Halong Plaza Hotel 8 Ha Long St, Bai Chay Ward, Halong Tel: (033) 3845-810 Email: VND1,500,000 to VND3,800,000 ($71 to $179) Heritage Halong Hotel 88 Ha Long St, Bai Chay Ward, Halong Tel: (033) 3846-888 Email: VND2,310,000 ($110) Mường Thanh Halong Hotel No.7, Block 20, East of Hung Thang, Bai Chay Ward, Halong Tel: (033) 3812-468/ (033) 3819-777 Email: From VND1,400,000 ($67) Novotel Ha Long Bay 160 Ha Long St, Bai Chay Ward, Halong Tel: (033) 3848-108 Email: From VND2,625,000 ($125) Saigon Halong Hotel Ha Long St, Bai Chay Ward, Halong Tel: (033) 3845-845 From VND950,000 ($45) StarCity Halong Bay Hotel

168 Halong St, Bai Chay Ward, Halong Tel: (033) 3846-058 Email: In the centre of Halong, StarCity Halong Bay Hotel offers 152 well-

equipped rooms, with many breathtaking views of Halong Bay Tuan Chau Island Holiday Villa Halong Bay Tuan Chau Island, Halong Tel: (033) 3842-999 Email: RESTAURANTS

Co Ngu Restaurant Halong St, Halong Tel: (033) 3511-363 Jumbo Vietnam Floating Restaurant 119 Le Thanh Tong St, Halong Tel: (033) 3624-888 Sea Food Restaurant Halong St, Halong Tel: (033) 3845-822

Halong Gold Restaurant Halong St, Halong Tel: (033) 3845-142


Emeraude Café 6A Le Thanh Tong St, Hon Gai, Halong Tel: (033) 3849-266 Royal International Gaming Club and Villa Bai Chay, Halong Tel: (033) 3848-777


Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily Catba Princes Hotel

303 Nui Ngoc, Cat Ba Island, Hai Phong City Tel: (031) 3888-899 Email: From VND500,000 ($24) Catba Sunrise Resort Cat Ba Island, Hai Phong City Tel: (031) 3887-360 Email: From VND3,045,000 ($145) Avani Hai Phong Harbour View 12 Tran Phu St, Ngo Quyen Dist., Hai Phong Tel: (031) 3827-827 Email: From VND2,772,000 ($132)


• 39

A quare 1. B aD inh S Ba Dinh Square


2. H oa L oP Hoa Lo Prison rison


3. S ’s Cathedral Cathedral Stt Joseph Joseph’s


ouse Opera House 4. Hanoi O pera H


Cot Co Tower 5. C ot C oT ower


Women’s Museum 6. Women’s


Ho Chi Minh 7. H oC hi M inh Museum


Citadel Thang Long hang L ong 8. IImperial mperial C itadel of T






Vietnam History F3 9. V ietnam National National Museum of History Vietnam Military History 10. V ietnam M ilitary H istory Museum D2 illar 11. O ne P One Pillar


ausoleum 12. H oC hi M inh M Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum


13. Ngo on T emple Ngocc S Son Temple


14. Dong Da H ill Hill


15. Dong X uan M arket Xuan Market




An entry in the Directions section is either editorial or advertising To advertise, and be certain that your entry appears, please contact

1 4 14


Ms. Thuy Phuong Mobile: 0969 47 3579


Ba Trieu...................E3, E4 Bac Son.........................D1 Bach Dang.....................F2 Bach Mai........................E4 Bat Dan..........................E2 Bich Cau........................C2 Buoi................................A1 Cat Linh..........................C2 Cha Ca....................E1, E2 Cua Bac.........................D1 Cua Dong.......................D2

Da Tuong.......................E3 Dang Tat.........................D1 Dao Duy Anh.................D4 Dao Duy Tu.............E1, E2 Dien Bien Phu................D2 Doc Ngu.........................A1 Doi Can.............A1, B2, C2 Duong Thanh.................E2 Gam Cau........................E1 Giai Phong.....................D4 Giang Vo.....A3 ,B3 ,B2,C2

Hai Ba Trung.....E2, E3, F3 Ham Long......................E3 Han Thuyen....................F3 Hang Bac.......................E2 Hang Bo.........................E2 Hang Bong.....................E2 Hang Buom....................E2 Hang Can.......................E2 Hang Chuoi....................F3 Hang Cot........................E1 Hang Da.........................E2 Hang Dao.......................E2

Hang Dau.......................E1 Hang Ga.........................E2 Hang Gai........................E2 Hang Khay.....................E2 Hang Khoai....................E1 Hang Ma.........................E1 Hang Quat......................E2 Hang Trong....................E2 Hang Chieu....................E1 Hang Luoc......................E1 Hao Nam........................C2 Hoa Ma...........................F3

Hoang Dieu.............D1, D2 Hoang Hoa Tham............... ....................A1, B1, C1, D1 Hoang Van Thu..............D1 Hoe Nhai........................E1 Hung Vuong............D1, D2 Huynh Thuc Khang........A3 Kham Thien.............C3, D3 Kim Ma..............A2, B2, C2 La Thanh.................B3, C3 Lang Ha..........................B3 Nguyen Chi Thanh.........A3

Le Dai Hanh...................E4 Le Duan............D2, D3, D4 Le Hong Phong.............D2 Le Lai..............................F2 Le Thai To.......................E2 Le Thanh Tong...............F3 Le Van Huu....................E3 Lieu Giai........................A2 Lo Duc......................F3, F4 Lo Su..............................F2 Luong Ngoc Quyen.......E2 Luong Van Can..............E2




12 1 11

15 8

7 5 10 13 3


Ly Nam De..............E1, E2 Ly Quoc Su....................E2 Ly Thai To.......................F2 Ly Thuong Kiet........E3, F3 Mai Hac De..............E3, E4 Ngo Quyen.....................F3 Ngo Si Lien....................D2 Ngo Thi Nham................E3 Ngoc Ha.........................C1 Ngoc Khanh...................B2 Nguyen Canh Chan......D1 Nguyen Cong Hoa.........B2

Nguyen Dinh Chieu............ .................................E3, E4 Nguyen Du..............D3, E3 Nguyen Huu Huan........ F2 Nguyen Khuyen.............D2 Nguyen Luong Bang.....C3 Nguyen Thai Hoc....C2, D2 Nguyen Thuong Hien......... ........................................D3 Nguyen Van To..............E2 Nha Chung.....................E2 Nha Tho.........................E2

Nui Truc..........................B2 Pham Dinh Ho................F3 Pham Ngu Lao...............F3 Phan Boi Chau.......D2, D3 Phan Chu Trinh..............F3 Phan Dinh Phung..........D1 Phan Huy Chu................F3 Pho Duc Chinh...............F3 Pho Hue...................E3, E4 Phu Doan.......................E2 Phung Hung............E1, E2 Quan Su..................E2, E3


Quan Thanh...................D1 Quang Trung...........E2, E3 Quoc Tu Giam...............D2 Son Tay..........................C2 Thai Phien......................E4 Thanh Cong...................B3 Thanh Nien....................D1 Tho Nhuom.............E2, E3 Thuy Khue.......................... ....................A1, B1, C1, D1 To Hien Thanh...............E4 Tong Dan........................F2


Ton Duc Thang..............C3 Tran Hung Dao................... ...........................D3, E3, F3 Tran Huy Lieu................B2 Tran Khanh Du...............F3 Tran Khat Chan..............F4 Tran Nguyen Han..........F2 Tran Nhan Tong......D3, E3 Tran Nhat Duat..............E1 Tran Phu........................D2 Tran Quang Khai............F2 Tran Qui Cap.................D2


Tran Quoc Toan......D3, E3 Tran Thanh Tong............F3 Tran Xuan Soan................. .................................E3, E4 Trang Thi........................E2 Trang Tien................E2, F3 Trieu Viet Vuong......E3, E4 Trinh Hoai Duc...............C2 Tue Tinh.........................E3 Yen Phu..........................E1 Yersin..............................F4 Yet Kieu..........................D3



Finland 31 Hai Ba Trung St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3826-6788

Algeria 13 Phan Chu Trinh St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3825-3865

France 57 Tran Hung Dao St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3944-5782

Argentina 41A Ly Thai To St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3831-5263

Germany 29 Tran Phu St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3845-3836

Australia 8 Dao Tan St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3831-7755 Austria 53 Quang Trung St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3943-3050 Bangladesh Villa D6B 5 – Khu Vuon Dao Ngo 675, Lac Long Quan St, Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3771-6625 Belarus 52 Ho Tay St, Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3829-0494 Belgium Hanoi Tower, 49 Hai Ba Trung St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3934-6179 Brazil T72-14 Thuy Khue St, Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3843-2544 Brunei Villa 8-9 No 44/8-44, 9 Van Bao St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3726-0001 Bulgaria 5 Nui Truc St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3845-2908 Cambodia 71A Tran Hung Dao St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3942-7636 Canada 31 Hung Vuong St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3823-5500 China 46 Hoang Dieu St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi. Tel: (04) 3845-3736 Cuba 65 Ly Thuong Kiet St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3942-4775 Czech Republic 13 Chu Van An St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi; Tel: (04) 3845-4131 Denmark 19 Dien Bien Phu St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3823-1888 Egypt 63 To Ngoc Van St, Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3829-4999

Hungary 12th floor of Deaha Building, 360 Kim Ma St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3771-5714 India 58-60 Tran Hung Dao St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3824-4990 Indonesia 50 Ngo Quyen St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3825-3353 Iran 54 Tran Phu St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3823-2068 Iraq 66 Tran Hung Dao St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3942-4141 Ireland 8th floor of Vincom Tower B, 191 Ba Trieu St, Ha Dong Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3974-3291 Israel 68 Nguyen Thai Hoc St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3843-3141 Italy 9 Le Phung Hieu St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3825-6256 Japan 27 Lieu Giai St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3846-3000 Laos 22 Tran Binh Trong St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3942-4576 Libya 298B Kim Ma St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3845-3379 Malaysia 43-45 Dien Bien Phu St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3734-3836 Mexico Coco Villa T-11, 14 Thuy Khue St, Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3847-0948 Morocco 9 Chu Van An St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3734-5586 Mongolia 5 Van Phuc, Kim Ma St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3845-3009


Myanmar 298A Kim Ma St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3845-3369 Netherlands 6th floor of Deaha Building, 360 Kim Ma St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3831-5650 New Zealand 63 Ly Thai To St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3824-1481 North Korea 25 Cao Ba Quat St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3845-3008 Norway 8th Floor, Hanoi Tower, 49 Hai Ba Trung St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3974-8900 Nigeria 44/1 Van Bao St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3726-3610 Palestine 6 Dang Van Ngu St, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3852-4013 Philippines 27B Tran Hung Dao St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3943-7948 Poland 3 Chua Mot Cot St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3845-2027 Romania 5 Le Hong Phong St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3845-2014 Russia 191 La Thanh St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: 3833-6991 South Africa 31 Hai Ba Trung St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3936-2000 South Korea 4th floor of Deaha Building, 360 Kim Ma St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3831-5111 Spain 15th floor of Deaha Building, 360 Kim Ma St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3771-5207 Sweden 2 Nui Truc St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3726-0400 Thailand 63-65 Hoang Dieu St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3823-5092 Turkey 14th Floor, HCO Building, 44B Ly Thuong Kiet St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Tel: (04) 3822-2460 United Kingdom 31 Hai Ba Trung St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3936-0500

United States 7 Lang Ha St, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3772-1500 MEDICAL CENTRES Acupuncture Institute 49 Thai Thinh St, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3563-1069 Hanoi French Hospital 1 Phuong Mai St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3577-1100 International SOS Clinic 1 Dang Thai May St, Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3934-0666 Thuy Tran Otolaryngology Clinic 6 Do Quang St, Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi (6/61 Tran Duy Hung Avenue) Tel: (04) 3556-6124 Mobile 098 368 0276 Email: Vinmec international hospital 458 Minh Khai St, Hai Ba Trung Dist, Hanoi, Tel: (04) 3974-3556 AIRLINES Air France 1 Ba Trieu St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3825-3484 Qatar Airways Hilton Hanoi Opera Building, M floor, 1 Le Thanh Tong St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3933-6767 Singapore Airlines 17 Ngo Quyen St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi. Tel: (04) 3826-8888 Vietnam Airlines 25 Trang Thi St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3823-0320 TRAVEL

Amega Travel Hancorp Plaza, 72 Tran Dang Ninh St, Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3783-3570 Buffalo Tours 10th Floor, 70-72 Ba Trieu St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3828-0702 Emeraude Classic Cruises 46 Le Thai To St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3935-1888 Email: Exotissmo 3rd Floor, 66A Tran Hung Dao St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3828-2150 Email:

DIRECTIONS HANOI Topas Travel 52 To Ngoc Van St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3715-1005 Email: HOTELS Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily Fortuna Hotel Hanoi 6B Lang Ha St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3831-3333 Email: From VND1,920,000 ($91) Hanoi Daewoo Hotel 360 Kim Ma St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3831-5000 Email: Hanoi Emotion Hotel 26 – 28 Hang Bot St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3848-9848 Email: The hotel also provides Vietnamese, Japanese and International cuisine Hilton Hanoi Opera Hotel 1 Le Thanh Tong St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3933-0500 Email: Hotel de l’Opera 29 Trang Tien St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 6282-5555 Email: Melia Hanoi Hotel 44B Ly Thuong Kiet St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3934-3343 Email: Mövenpick Hotel Hanoi 83A Ly Thuong Kiet St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3822-2800 From VND3,622,500 ($172.50) Parkside Sunline Hotel 72-74 Dai Co Viet St, Hai Ba Trung Dist, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3974-7272 Email: Pullman Hanoi 40 Cat Linh St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3733-0808 From VND2,448,600 ($115.50) Sunline Hotel 18 Bao Khanh Lane, Hoan Kien Dist, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3934-1818 Email: info-sunline@

Silk Path Hotel Hanoi 195-199 Hang Bong St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3266-5555 Email: From VND2,173,500 ($103.50) Sheraton Hanoi Hotel 11 Xuan Dieu St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3719-9000 From VND4,956,000 ($236) Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi 15 Ngo Quyen St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3826-6919 Email: From VND6,090,000 ($290) RESTAURANTS Au Lac do Brazil II 6A Cao Ba Quat St, Ba Dinh Dist, Hanoi Tel: (+84-4) 3845 5224 Fax: (+84 - 4) 3747 4330 Email: Green Tangerine 48 Hang Be St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3825-1286 Serving French food with a Vietnamese cuisine Hoa Vien Brauhaus 1A Tang Bat Ho St, Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3972-5088 The restaurant has been famous for its production of Czech beer Le Tonkin Restaurant 14 Ngo Van So St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3943-3457 Serves Vietnamese food


Infostones Bookshop 41 Trang Tien St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3826-2993 Thousands of magazines and books by hundreds of publishing houses worldwide SHOPS

Craft Link 43 and 51 Van Mieu St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3843-7710 Email: Ha Dong Silk 102 Hang Gai St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3928-5056 Tan My Embroidery 66 Hang Gai St, Hanoi Email: Tel: (04) 3825-1579

Viet Culture 1 Trang Thi St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3934-7417 Mekong Quilts 13 Hang Bac St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3926-4831

Ho Chi Minh Museum 19 Ngoc Ha St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3846-3752 Open: 8 a.m. to noon (Monday and Friday), 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (other days) Entry fee: VND25,000

Dome Yen The 10 Yen The St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3843-6036

Imperial Citadel of Thang Long 12 Nguyen Tri Phuong St/ 9 Hoang Dieu St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 37345427 Open: 8.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Closed on Mondays) Entry fee: VND30,000

FURNITURE/ INTERIOR Dome Au Co 9 Au Co St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3718-5866 Email:


Ba Dinh Square 36A Dien Bien Phu St, Ba Dinh Dist, Hanoi Ba Dinh Square, where President Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam’s independence in September 1945, is a complex of historic sites. Cot Co Tower 28 Dien Bien Phu St, Ba Dinh Dist, Hanoi Cot Co Tower, the so-called Flag Tower, is now part of the Vietnam Military History Museum complex. The Tower was built in 1950, under the Nguyen Dynasty, with the help of French engineers. The tower has 36 flower-shaped windows. At the top of the tower flies the flag of Vietnam. Hanoi Opera House 1 Trang Tien St, Hoan Kiem Dist, Hanoi Designed by a French architect along the lines of the Paris Opera House, it is embellished with wonderful Gothic statuary. For many decades, Hanoi Opera House has been a centre for theatre, traditional music and dance, symphonies, traditional and classical music. This, the largest theatre in Vietnam, was completed in 1911. Hoa Lo Prison ‘La Maison Centrale’, the prison on Hoa Lo Street in Hanoi, was built by the French in 1896 and became the place where generations of Vietnamese freedom fighters were held. St Joseph’s Cathedral 40 Nha Chung St, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi Fresh missionaries built this cathedral in the late 19th century. The small but beautiful panes of stained glass were created in Paris in 1906. Also of note is the ornate altar, with its high gilded sidewalls. MUSEUMS

Hanoi Museum 2 Pham Hung (next to Vietnam National Convention Centre), Me Tri Commune, Tu Liem Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 6287-06 04 Opening hour: 8 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Free entrance

Vietnam National Museum of History 1 Trang Tien St, Hanoi 216 Tran Quang Khai St, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3824-1384 Open 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Closed every first Monday of months. Entry fee VND 20,000 ($0.95) for adults and VND10,000 ($0.48) for children Vietnam Fine Arts Museum 66 Nguyen Thai Hoc St, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3733-2131 Email: Open 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Entry fee VND20,000 ($0.95) Vietnam Military History Museum 28A Dien Bien Phu St, Hanoi Open 8 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Closed on Mondays Entry fee VND30,000 ($1.43) Vietnam Museum of Ethnology Nguyen Van Huyen St, Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3756-2193, Open 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed on Mondays Entry fee VND40,000 ($2) Women’s Museum 36 Ly Thuong Kiet, Hanoi Tel: (04) 3825-9936 Open 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Closed on Mondays Entry fee VND30,000 ($1.43) SPA

Elite Fitness & Spa 51 Xuan Dieu St, Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi Tel: (04) 3718-6281 Spa de Palace Fortuna Hotel Hanoi, 6B Lang Ha St, Tel: (04) 3831-3333


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(TELEPHONE CODE: 030) Emeralda Resort Ninh Binh

UNESCO World Heritage in 1993. Hue is also known for its particular cuisine. HOTELS, RESORTS Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily

Imperial Hotel 8 Hung Vuong St, Hue Tel: (054) 3882-222 Email: From VND2,940,000 ($140) Lang Co Beach Resort

Alba Spa Hotel

Email: From VND1,575,000 ($75)


(TELEPHONE CODE: 038) Muong Thanh Song Lam Hotel 13 Quang Trung St, Quang Trung Ward, Vinh, Nghe An Province Tel: (038) 3737-666 Email:



Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily

29 Tran Quang Khai St, Hue Tel: (054) 3828-444 Email: Indochine Palace Hotel 105A Hung Vuong St, Hue Tel: (054) 3936-666 Email: From VND2,940,000 ($140) The hotel is surrounded by lush green gardens that make it an outstanding landmark in Hue and give the city the feel of a resort. This luxurious, international standard hotel is created to appeal to Vietnamese and international visitors to Hue. Century Riverside Hotel Hue 49 Le Loi St, Hue Tel: (054) 3823-390 Email: Hotel Saigon Morin

Bao Ninh Beach Resort Ha Duong, Bao Ninh, Dong Hoi City, Quang Binh Province Tel: (052) 3854-866 Email: From VND1,120,000 ($53) Sun Spa Resort My Canh, Bao Ninh Commune, Dong Hoi City, Quang Binh Province Tel: (052) 3842-999 Email: From VND1,870,000 ($89) TRAVEL

30 Le Loi St, Hue Tel: (054) 3823-526 Email: From VND2,173,500 ($103.50) Hue Riverside Boutique Resort & Spa

Oxalis Adventure Tours Phong Nha Commune, Son Trach Village, Bo Trach Dist., Quang Binh Province Tel: (052)3677-678

463 Lac Long Quan St., Lang Co Town, Phu Loc Dist, Thua Thien Hue Province Tel: (054) 3873-555 Email: Pilgrimage Village Boutique Resort & Spa 130 Minh Mang Road, Hue Tel: (054) 3885-461 Email: Vedanā Lagoon Resort & Spa Zone 1, Phu Loc Town, Phu Loc Dist., Hue Tel: (054) 3681-688 Email: RESTAURANT

Thien Tam Vegetarian Restaurant 110A Le Ngo Cat St, Thuy Xuan Ward, Hue Tel: (054) 3898-220 Thien Tam Vegetarian Restaurant features a Hue garden house with a simple design and a serene atmosphere. The restaurant serves a variety of Hue vegetarian food, from royal to local dishes, at a reasonable price. The menu has many choices, with prices starting from VND45,000 per dish. The restaurant also serves as an art playground for Hue artists. Guests have chance to get their portraits drawn by the owners at a reasonable price. Vegetarian cooking classes are also available. The restaurant is about 1-2 km from Tu Duc tomb



Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily


(TELEPHONE CODE: 054) Hue is a city on the Perfume River in lowland central Vietnam and was the capital of the Nguyen dynasty from 1802 to 1945. Many imperial structures remain. They were named part of

Pullman Danang Beach Resort Vo Nguyen Giap St, Khue My Ward, Ngu Hanh Son Dist., Danang Tel: (0511) 3958-888 Email: Novotel Danang Premier Han River 36 Bach Dang St, Hai Chau Dist., Danang. Tel: (0511) 3929-999 Email:

Van Long Reserve, Gia Van Commune, Gia Vien Dist., Ninh Binh Province Tel: (030) 3658-333 Email: Ninh Binh Legend Hotel Tien Dong Zone, Ninh Khanh Ward, Ninh Binh City Tel: (030) 3899-880

Tel: (0511) 3981-234 Email: From VND5,225,000 ($243)

588 Bui Thi Xuan St, Thuy Bieu Dist., Hue Tel: (054) 3978-484 Email:


Grand Mercure Danang Lot A1, Green Island, Hoa Cuong Bac, Hai Chau Dist., Danang Tel: (0511) 3797-777 Email: Hyatt Regency Danang Resort & Spa Hoa Hai Ward, Ngu Hanh Son Dist., Danang

Sandy Beach Non Nuoc Resort Danang Vietnam, Managed by Centara

255 Huyen Tran Cong Chua St, Ngu Hanh Son Dist., Danang Tel: (0511) 3961-777 Email: VND1,785,000 to VND5,670,000 ($85 to $270) Ho Chi Minh sales office: 4th Floor, Ben Thanh TSC Building; 186-188 Le Thanh Ton St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3914-7940 Vinpearl Luxury Danang Truong Sa St, Hoa Hai Ward, Ngu Hanh Son Dist., Danang Tel: (0 511) 3968-888 Email: MUSEUM

Danang Museum of Cham Sculpture 2, 2 Thang 9 St, Danang Tel: (0511) 3572-935 Open 7.15 a.m. to 5 p.m. Entry fee VND30,000 ($1.43)


(TELEPHONE CODE: 0510) A major port town from the 15th to 19th centuries, Hoi An has well preserved vestiges of Vietnamese, Chinese and Japanese cultures. The buildings are now often used for tailor’s shops. The old town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Hoi An is a little over 30 km south of Danang, on the central coast. HOTELS, RESORTS

Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily Anantara Hoi An Resort 1 Pham Hong Thai St, Hoi An, Quang Nam Province

DIRECTIONS HOI AN, QUY NHON, NHA TRANG Tel: (0510) 3914-555 Email: Golden Sand Resort & Spa Hoi An

Le Belhamy Hoi An Resort & Spa Ha My Beach, Hoi An Tel: (0510) 3941-888 Email: Sunrise Hoi An Beach Resort Au Co Road, Cua Dai Beach, Hoi An, Quang Nam Province Tel: (0510) 3937-777 Email: Palm Garden Beach Resort and Spa

Thanh Nien Road, Cua Dai Beach Hoi An, Quang Nam Province Tel: (0510) 3927-555 VND3,759,000 to VND7,644,000 Ancient House River Resort Hamlet 2, Cam Thanh Village, Hoi An, Quang Nam Province Tel: (0510) 3930-777 Email: From VND2,310,000 ($110) Hoi An Beach Resort 1 Cua Dai St, Hoi An, Quang Nam Province Tel: (0510) 3927-011 From VND3,415,500 ($163) Hoi An Silk Village 28 Nguyen Tat Thanh St, Hoi An, Quang Nam Province Tel: (0510) 3921-144 Email: Hoi An Historic Hotel

Lac Long Quan St, Cua Dai Beach, Hoi An, Quang Nam Province Tel: (0510) 3927-927 Email: From VND4,485,000 ($214) River-Beach Resort & Residences Hoi An

Hotel Royal Hoi An, Mgallery Collection 39 Dao Duy Tu St, Hoi An, Quang Nam Province Tel: (0510) 3950-777 Jolie Villa Hoi An Homestay 14 Luu Trong Lu St, Tan An Ward, Hoi An. Tel: 0934 847788 Email: Kiman Hotel & Spa 461-463 Hai Ba Trung St, Hoi An, Quang Nam Province Tel: (0510) 3920 430 Email: Website:

Best Western Premier Havana Nha Trang Hotel

Quang Trung Museum Block 1, Phu Phong town, Tay Son Dist., Binh Dinh Province Tel: (056) 3580-320 Open 7 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Entry fee VND10,500 ($0.50). Free for children under six

38 Tran Phu St, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 3889-999 Email:



(TELEPHONE CODE: 058) On the central coast, Nha Trang is a city originally known for beautiful beaches but these have lately been found to suffer from pollution due to modern life, development and tourism, like other popular resort areas in Vietnam. It has large numbers of foreign tourists, island-hopping, scuba diving, sightseeing and lounging on the beach. HOTELS, RESORTS

Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily 5 Cua Dai St, Hoi An Tel: (0510) 3927-888 From VND1,350,000 ($65) ($179 to $364)TRAVEL

10 Tran Hung Dao St, Hoi An, Quang Nam Province Tel: (0510) 3861-445 Email: From VND2,127,500 ($101)

Royal Hotel and Healthcare Resort Quy Nhon 1 Han Mac Tu St, Quy Nhon, Binh Dinh Province Tel: (056) 374-7100 Email: VND1,155,000 to VND1,365,000 ($55 to $65)

Rose Travel Service 37 - 39 Ly Thai To St, Cam Chau Ward, Hoi An, Quang Nam Province Tel: (0510) 3917-567 Email: MUSEUM

Hoi An Centre for Cultural Heritage Management and Preservation 10B Tran Hung Dao St, Hoi An Tel: (0510) 3862-367 Open daily 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Champa Island Nha Trang Resort & Spa 304, 2/4 St, Vinh Phuoc, Nha Trang Tel: (058) 3568-888 Email: With architecture reflecting nearby Po Nagar temple, Champa Island Nha Trang offers exquisite cuisine and many entertainment services that promise a memorable stay in Nha Trang Bavico International Hotel 02 Phan Boi Chau St, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 6266-555 Email:

Diamond Bay Resort & Spa Nguyen Tat Thanh Blvd, Phuoc Ha, Phuoc Dong Dist., Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 3711-711 Email: Evason Ana Mandara Nha Trang Beachside Tran Phu St, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 3524-705 Email: Galina Hotel and Spa 5 Hung Vuong St, Loc Tho Ward, Nha Trang Tel: (058) 3839-999 Email: Green World Hotel Nha Trang 44 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai St, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 3528-666 Email: InterContinental Nha Trang Hotel 32-34 Tran Phu St, Nha Trang Tel: (058) 3887-777 Liberty Central Nha Trang Hotel 9 Biet Thu St, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 3529-555 Email:



Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily AVANI Quy Nhon Resort & Spa Ghenh Rang, Bai Dai Beach, Quy Nhon, Binh Dinh Province. Tel: (056) 3840-132 Email: From VND3,024,000 ($144) VIETNAM HERITAGE - MARCH-APRIL 2016

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DIRECTIONS PHAN THIET Michelia Hotel 4 Pasteur St, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 3820-820 Email: From VND2,200,000 ($105) Mường Thanh Grand Nha Trang Hotel 6 Duong Hien Quyen St, Vinh Hoa Ward, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 3552-468 Email: From VND1,400,000 ($66) Six Senses Ninh Van Bay Ninh Van bay, Ninh Hoa, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 3524-268 From VND18,837,000 ($897) Sheraton Nha Trang Hotel & Spa 26-28 Tran Phu St, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province. Tel: (058) 3880-000 Sunrise Nha Trang Beach Hotel & Spa 12-14 Tran Phu St, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 3820-999 Email: VND2,520,000 to VND4,305,000 ($120 to $205) Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang Hon Tre Island, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 3598-598 Email: Vinpearl Resort Nha Trang Hon Tre Island, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 3598-188 Email:


(TELEPHONE CODE: 062) Sitting on the coast about 200 km north of Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet is a beach city with many resorts and hotels.


Khanh Hoa Salanganes Nest Company 248 Thong Nhat St, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 3822-472

Saigon - Suoi Nhum Resort Thuan Quy, Ham Thuan Nam Ward, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3683-240 From VND1,700,000 ($81) Romana Resort & Spa

Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily Allezboo Beach Resort & Spa 8 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St, Ham Tien, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3743-777 Email: From VND2,100,000 ($100) Anantara Mui Ne Resort & Spa 12A Nguyen Dinh Chieu St, Ham Tien Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3741-888 Email: Bamboo Village Beach Resort & Spa

Ly Thai To St, Tan Tien, Lagi, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3874-458 Email: From VND1,900,000 ($90) Muine de Century Beach Resort & Spa 16 Huynh Thuc Khang St, Ham Tien Ward, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3743-668 From VND1,701,000 ($81) Muine Ocean Resort & Spa 10 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St, Ham Tien Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3741-616 Email: From VND1,050,000 ($50)

38 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St, Ham Tien Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3847-007 From VND2,835,000 ($135)

Muine Bay Resort

Hoang Ngoc (Oriental Pearl) Beach Resort & Spa Quarter 14, Mui Ne Ward , Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 2220-222 Email: VND2,205,000 to VND6,195,000 ($105 to $295)

Km 8, Phu Hai, Mui Ne Ward, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3741-289 Email: Sandunes Beach Resort & Spa

5 Quarter, Mui Ne Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3748-868 Email: Saigon Mui Ne Resort 56 - 97 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St, Ham Tien Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3741-044 Email: From VND1,908,000 ($90) Seahorse Resort & Spa

Mui Ne Unique Resort 152 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St, Ham Tien Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province . Tel: (062) 3847-858 Email: VND1,600,000 to VND6,090,000 ($75 to $287) Phu Hai Resort


Alexandre Yersin Museum Pasteur Institute, 10 Tran Phu St, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province Tel: (058) 3822-406

Mom Da Chim - Lazi Beach Resort



Au Lac do Brazil III 101 Trinh Phong St, Tan Lap Ward, Nha Trang Tel: (+84-58) 351 6661 Fax: (+84-58) 351 6663 Email:

Tel: (062) 3812-799 Email:

Km8, Nguyen Dinh Chieu St, Phu Hai Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province


Km 11 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St, Ham Tien Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province. Tel: (062) 3847-507 From VND1,680,000 ($80) Sunny Beach Resort & Spa 20B, Nguyen Dinh Chieu St, Ham Tien Ward, Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3741-617 Email: From VND2,898,000 ($138) Ocean Dunes Resort 1 Ton Duc Thang St, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3822-393 Email:

64-66 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St, Ham Tien, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3741-355

DIRECTIONS DALAT, BINH DUONG, HO CHI MINH CITY Email: From VND2,940,000 ($140) The Cliff Resort & Residences Zone 5, Phu Hai Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3719-111 From VND2,667,000 ($127) Sea Links City Resort & Golf Km 9, Nguyen Thong St, Phu Hai Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 2220-088 Email: From VND1,995,000 ($94) Victoria Phan Thiet Beach Resort & Spa Phu Hai Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3813-000 Email: From VND1,980,000 ($90) Villa Aria Mui Ne

HOTELS Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily Dalat Edensee Resort Tuyen Lam Lake, Zone VII.2, Dalat, Lam Dong Province Tel: (063) 3831-515 Email: From VND2,450,000 ($117) Ana Mandara Villas Dalat Resort & Spa

Le Lai St, Dalat, Lam Dong Province Tel: (063) 3555-888 From VND3,150,000 ($150) Saigon-Dalat Hotel

60A Nguyen Dinh Chieu St, Ham Tien Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province; Tel: (062) 3741-660 Email: From VND2,520,000 ($120) White Sands Resort

KM8, Nguyen Thong St, Phu Hai Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province Tel: (062) 3741-175 Email: From VND1,344,000 VND ($64) MUSEUM

180 Ba Thang Hai St, Dalat, Lam Dong Province Tel: (063) 3556-789 Email: ; Located in the heart of Dalat, SaigonDalat Hotel is a four-star-standard hotel, comprised of 160 luxurious and comfortable rooms with air-conditioning throughout and other modern amenities. Four restaurants, two bars, one tennis court, one indoor swimming pool, one fitness centre and one beauty salon and spa help make your getaway experience complete.


(TELEPHONE CODE: 0650) An Lam Saigon River

Cham Culture Exhibition Centre Song Mao intersection, Phan Hiep Commune, Bac Binh Dist., Binh Thuan Province; Tel: (062) 3641-456. Open: 7.30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Free entrance


(TELEPHONE CODE: 063) Dalat, founded in 1893, has Frencharchitecture, pine forests and a perpetually cool climate. It is in the southern Central Highlands, about 300 kilometres from Ho Chi Minh City.

21/4 Trung St, Vinh Phu Ward, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong Province Tel: (0650) 3785-555 Email:


Australia 5B Ton Duc Thang St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City. Tel: (08) 3829-6035 Belgium 91 Nguyen Huu Canh St, Ward 22, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3512-7968 Cambodia 41 Phung Khac Khoan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3829-2751 Canada Metropolitan, 235 Dong Khoi St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3827-9899 China 175 Hai Ba Trung St, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City. Tel: (08) 3829-2457 Cuba 45 Phung Khac Khoan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3829-7350 France 27 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai St, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3829-7231 Germany 126 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3829-2455 India 55 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-7853 Indonesia 18 Phung Khac Khoan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3825-1888 Japan 13-17 Nguyen Hue St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City; Tel: (08) 3822-5314 Kuwait 24 Phung Khac Khoan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City, tel: (08) 3827-0555 Laos 93 Pasteur St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3829-7667 Mexico 11 Tra Khuc St, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3848-6290 Netherlands 29 Le Duan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3823-5932 New Zealand Metropolitan, 235 Dong Khoi St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-6907 Panama 7A Le Thanh Ton St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City. Tel: (08) 3825-0334 Russia 40 Ba Huyen Thanh Quan St, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3930-3936

Singapore Saigon Centre, 65 Le Loi St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-5173 South Korea 107 Nguyen Du St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-5757 Switzerland 42 Giang Van Minh St, Dist.2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3744-6996 Thailand 77 Tran Quoc Thao St, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3932-7637 United Kingdom 25 Le Duan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3825-1380, (08) 3829-8433 United States 4 Le Duan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-9433


Columbia Asia Gia Dinh International Hospital 1 No Trang Long St, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3803-0678 FV Hospital 6 Nguyen Luong Bang St, Dist.7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 5411-3500 Stamford Skin Centre 254 Dien Bien Phu St, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3932-1090 Email: AIRLINES

Air France 130 Dong Khoi St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3829-0981 All Nippon Airways 115 Nguyen Hue St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3821-9612 American Airlines 69 Ba Huyen Thanh Quan St, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City. Tel: (08) 3933-0330 Asiana Airlines 39 Le Duan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-8710, (08) 3829-3038 . British Airways 170-172 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia St, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3930-2933 Cathay Pacific Airways 72-74 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-3203 Emirates Airlines 170-172 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia St, Dist.3,


• 47

DIRECTIONS HO CHI MINH CITY Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3930-2939 Japan Airlines 88 Dong Khoi St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City. Tel: (08) 3821-9098 Jetstar Pacific Airlines 112 Hong Ha St, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3955-0550 Philippine Airlines 2nd Floor Saigon Royal Building 91 Pasteur St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3827-2105 Qatar Airways 1-5 Le Duan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3827-3888 Royal Brunei Airlines 787 Tran Hung Dao St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh CityTel: (08) 3924-5100 Singapore Airlines 29 Le Duan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3823-1588 Thai Airways International 29 Le Duan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3829-2809

Trails of Indochina 10/8 Phan Dinh Giot St, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City; Tel: (08) 3844-1005 Email: From VND4,830,000 ($230) Hotel Equatorial Ho Chi Minh City


Caravelle Saigon 19-23 Cong Truong Lam Son St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3823-4999 Duxton Hotel Saigon 63 Nguyen Hue Blvd, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-2999 Eastin Grand Hotel Saigon


Lotte Legend Hotel Saigon 2A-4A Ton Duc Thang St, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3823-3333

Transviet Travel Travel House, 170-172 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia St, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3933-0777

Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily

Tel: (08) 3827-1717 177-179 Le Thanh Ton St, Dist.1 Tel: (08) 3823-9269

242 Tran Binh Trong St, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3839-7777 Email: Facebook: Hotel Equatorial Ho Chi Minh City is an international 5-star hotel, located where the borders of the city's four main districts intersect; hence in the heart and true centre of Ho Chi Minh City. Tan Son Nhat International Airport can be reached conveniently within 30 minutes, while the city's major commercial and entertainment area is only a mere 8minute drive.

Northern Hotel Saigon 11A Thi Sach St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3825-1751 From VND1,505,000 ($71) Three-star boutique hotel, 99 rooms in Superior, Deluxe and Suite categories, a short walk from major entertainment and shopping venues. Novotel Saigon Centre

Hotel Majestic

United Airlines Suite 708 Sun Wah Tower, 115 Nguyen Hue St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3823-4755

167 Hai Ba Trung St, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City. Tel: (08) 3822-4866 Email:

Vietnam Airlines 115 Nguyen Hue St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3832-0320

Palace Hotel Saigon 56-66 Nguyen Hue Blvd, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3829-2860 Email:

Vietjet Air 8Bis Cong Truong Quoc Te, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3827-0123

253 Nguyen Van Troi St, Phu Nhuan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3844-9222 Email: First Hotel

InterContinental Asiana Saigon Corner Hai Ba TrungSt. & Le Duan Blvd, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3520-9999 Email:


Asiana Travel Mate 113C Bui Vien St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City. Tel: (08) 3838-6678 Buffalo Tours 81 Mac Thi Buoi, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3827-9168 Email: Buffalo Tours operates in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. The Buffalo Tours portfolio caters to all types of tours. Exotissimo 261/26 Phan Xich Long St, Phu Nhuan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3995-9898 Saigon Tourist 45 Le Thanh Ton St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City. Tel: (08) 3827-9279

1 Dong Khoi St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City. Tel: (08) 3829-5517

Kelly Hotel 18 Hoang Viet St, Ward 4, Tan Binh Dist, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3844-1199 Email: Grand Hotel Saigon 8 Dong Khoi St, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City. Tel: (08) 3823-0163 Email: Built in 1930, the Ancient Wing of Grand Hotel Saigon offers a cozy and elegant atmosphere. The Luxury Wing, opened in November 2011, adds a modern style. 230 rooms and suites, a ballroom, recreation area, VIP Lounge, Western & Asian restaurants, Bars & Grand Café at Roof Garden Hotel Nikko Saigon 235 Nguyen Van Cu St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City, tel: (08) 3925-7777


Park Hyatt Saigon 2 Lam Son Square, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3824-1234 Email: From VND 7,887,850 ($376) PARKROYAL Saigon 309B – 311 Nguyen Van Troi St,Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3842-1111 Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon

42-44 Thu Khoa Huan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City. Tel: (08) 3823-3364 Email: From VND750,000 ($36) An elegant and cosy hotel with good service. Within walking distance to Ben Thanh market, Independence Palace and several museums. Vietnamese food is served at reasonable prices. Liberty Central Hotels in Ho Chi Minh City 17 Ton Duc Thang St, Dist.1

8-15 Ton Duc Thang St, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-0033 Royal Hotel Saigon 133 Nguyen Hue St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City, tel: (08) 3822-5915

DIRECTIONS HO CHI MINH CITY From VND1,092,000 ($52) The Reverie Saigon

18 An Duong Vuong, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3833-6688 RESTAURANTS

Beef No.1 Restaurant 1 Hoang Viet St, Ward 4, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Tel: 0935891818/ 0919898253 22 - 36 Nguyen Hue Blvd. & 57 - 69F Dong Khoi St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3823-6688 Email: Rex Hotel 141 Nguyen Hue St, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3829-2185 Email: From VND4,620,000 ($220) Sheraton Saigon Hotel & Towers 88 Dong Khoi St, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3827-2828 Email: Sofitel Saigon Plaza

17 Le Duan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3824-1555 Email: From VND3,864,000 ($262)

Chit Chat Restaurant Hotel Equatorial Ho Chi Minh City, 242 Tran Binh Trong St, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3839-7777 Email: New daily menus for lunch and dinner buffets, all served in a relaxing atmosphere. Eight live cooking stations with over 60 varieties of mouth-watering domestic and international dishes. A meeting place to enjoy delicious house-made pastries and cakes and a cup of coffee from selected premium blends.

Windsor Plaza Hotel

Sax N’ Art Jazz Club 28 Le Loi St, Dist 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-8472 Thao Nguyen Café Floor 7 and Rooftop of Restaurant Ngon 138 138 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia St, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3827-9666 Open from 7 a.m. until 10.30 p.m. SHOPS

Authentique Home 113 Le Thanh Ton St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-8052 71/1 Mac Thi Buoi St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3823-8811

Au Lac do Brazil I 238 Pasteur, Ward 6, Dist.3, HCMC Tel: (+84-8) 3820 7157 Fax: (+84-8) 3820 7682 Email:

Doma Vina Co., Ltd 50C Tran Binh Trong St, Ward 5, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3550-0558

Lemongrass Restaurant 4 Nguyen Thiep St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-0496

Dong Gia Enterprise 114 Xuan Thuy St, Thao Dien Ward, Dist.2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 6296-0147

Mam Son Restaurant 35 Ton That Thiep St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3915-3653 Tandoor Restaurant

Handed by crafts from Vietnam 47 Dong Khoi St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: 0908 447 282 IPA Nima 85 Pasteur St, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City, tel: (08) 3824-2701 IPA Nima is well-known for its bags.

Sonnet Saigon Hotel

14 Truong Dinh St., Ward 6, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3930-1999 From VND925,000

Tel: (08) 3910-6903 Email:

39A-39B Ngo Duc Ke St, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3930-4839 Vatel Saigon Bistronomique-Lounge 120 Bis Suong Nguyet Anh St, Ben Thanh Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 5404-2220 BARS & CAFÉS

Elle Cafe 45 Ngo Duc Ke St, Bitexco Financial Tower, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 6291-8769 Caffe Molinari 5 Le Duan St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City

Lu's Handmade 240 Ly Tu Trong St, Ben Thanh Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Facebook: Lu's Handmade Tropic Shop 89 Dong Khoi St, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-3714


Mint Culinary School 778/45 Nguyen Kiem St, Phu Nhuan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3844-5500 Email: Saigon Cooking Class 74/7 Hai Ba Trung St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3825-8485

GALLERIES Artists Long & Ngoc Gallery Grand Hotel (at the lobby), 8 Dong Khoi, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City TeL: (08) 2246-6839 Mobile: 0908 229 708 Email: Apricot Gallery 50 Mac Thi Buoi St, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-7962 Craig Thomas Gallery 27i Tran Nhat Duat St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Mobile: 0903 888 431 Email: Open: 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Mondays and Sundays Galerie Quynh Level 2, 151/3 Dong Khoi St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3824-8284 Tuesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sàn Art 48/7 Me Linh St, Ward 19, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 6294-7059 Opening: 10.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. every. Closed on Sunday and Monday Tu Do Gallery 53 Ho Tung Mau St, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3821-0966 Opening: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. everyday SIGHTSEEINGS

Notre Dame Cathedral Cong Xa Paris Square, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Built in 1877, and the Cathedral opened to the public in 1880. The bricks used to build this marvellous structure were shipped from Marseilles. Ben Thanh Market Le Lai St, Ben Thanh Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City The original market was located on the bank of the Ben Nghe River by the old Gia Dinh Fort. In 1859, when the French invaded Saigon and overtook Gia Dinh Fort, Ben Thanh Market was destroyed. It was rebuilt shortly after and remained standing until it was moved to its present location in 1899. Now, Ben Thanh market is a trade centre and a favourite tourist destination, offering a wide range of Vietnamese handicraft, fresh fruits and local specialities. Chinatown – Cho Lon It was set up at the end of the 18th century when the Minh Dynasty in China was overthrown. Chinatown has many shops and private workshops. The most interesting places are Binh Tay market, Soai Kinh Lam fabric


• 49


1. Independence Independence Palace Palace


2. Notre Notre Dame Cathedral Cathedral


3. Vietnam Vietnam History History Museum


4. Fine Fine Arts Arts Museum Museum of of Ho Ho Chi Chi Minh Minh City City E4 E4 5. Ho Ho Chi Chi Minh Minh City City Museum


6. Southern Women omen Museum Southern W


7. War Wa ar Remnants Remnants Museum


Ben Thanh Thanh M arket 8. Ben Market


9. Tao Tao Dan Park Park


10. Post Post Office Office


Zoo 11. Z oo


Nha Wharf 12. N ha Rong W harf


An entry in the Directions section is either editorial or advertising







To advertise, and be certain that your entry appears, please contact

Ms. Thuy Phuong


Mobile: 0969 47 3579


3 Thang 2..........A2, A3, B2 Alexandre De Rhodes........ ........................................E2 An Duong Vuong....A4, B4 Ba Le Chan....................D1 Ba Huyen Thanh Quan...... ........................................C2 Ban Co...........................B3 Ben Chuong Duong........... .................................D4, E4 Ben Van Don...........D4, E4

Bui Thi Xuan..................C3 Bui Vien...................C4, D4 Cach Mang Thang Tam..... ......A1, B1, B2, C2, C3, D3 Calmette.........................E4 Cao Thang.....................B3 Chu Manh Trinh.............F2 Co Bac.....................C4, D4 Co Giang............. ...C4, D4 Cong Quynh............C3, C4 De Tham........................D4

Dien Bien Phu..................... A3, B2, C2, D1, D2, E1, F1 Dinh Tien Hoang............E1 Do Quang Dau...............C4 Do Thanh.......................B3 Doan Cong Buu.............C1 Doan Nhu Hai..........E4, F4 Dong Du.........................F3 Dong Khoi................E3, F3 Hai Ba Trung....................... ...........................D1, E2, F3 Hai Trieu.........................F4

Ham Nghi.................E4, F4 Han Thuyen....................E2 Ho Hao Hon...................C4 Ho Tung Mau...........E3, E4 Ho Xuan Huong.............C2 Hoa Hung.......................A2 Hung Vuong...................A4 Huyen Tran Cong Chua..... ........................................D3 Huynh Thuc Khang........E3 Huynh Tinh Cua.............D1 Ky Con.....................D4, E4

Ky Dong...................B2, C1 Le Duan...................E2, F2 Le Hong Phong.................. ...........................A2, A3, A4 Le Lai.......................C3, D3 Le Loi..............................E3 Le Quy Don....................D2 Le Thanh Ton...................... ...........................D3, E3, F2 Le Thi Hong Gam............... .................................D4, E4 Le Thi Rieng............C3, D3

Le Van Sy.......................B1 Luong Huu Khanh.........C3 Ly Chinh Thang.......C1, C2 Ly Thai To......................A3 Ly Tu Trong......................... ...........................D3, E3, F2 Ly Van Phuc...................E1 Mac Dinh Chi...........E1, E2 Mac Thi Buoi..................F3 Mai Thi Luu..............E1, F1 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia............ ...................C1, D1, D2, D3




6 4 11 11

7 2

10 10




9 8


12 1 2

Ngo Duc Ke....................F3 Ngo Thoi Nhiem ....C2, D2 Ngo Van Nam.................F2 Nguyen Binh Khiem.............. .....................................F1, F2 Nguyen Cau...................D1 Nguyen Cong Tru............... .................................D4, E4 Nguyen Dinh Chieu............ ......B3, C2, C3, D2, E1, F1 Nguyen Du..............D3, E3 Nguyen Hue.............E3, F3

Nguyen Khac Nhu.............. .................................C4, D4 Nam Quoc Cang.....C3, C4 Nguyen Phi Khanh.........E1 Nguyen Sieu...................F3 Nguyen Son Tra................. .................................B3, C3 Nguyen Tat Thanh..........F4 Nguyen Thai Binh............... .................................D4, E4 Nguyen Thai Hoc....D3, D4 Nguyen Thanh Y............E1

Nguyen Thi Dieu............C2 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai........ .................................B3, C3 Nguyen Thien Thuat........... .................................A3, B3 Nguyen Thong........B2, C2 Nguyen Thuong Hien........ .................................B2, C3 Nguyen Trai.............B4, C4 Nguyen Trung Ngan......F2 Nguyen Trung Truc........E3 Nguyen Truong To.........E4

Nguyen Van Cu..............B4 Nguyen Van Thu......E1, F1 Pasteur................................ ...............D1, D2, E2, E3,E4 Pham Ngoc Thach.........D1 Pham Ngu Lao........C4, D4 Pham Viet Chanh...........B3 Phan Ke Binh..........E1, E2 Pho Duc Chinh...............E4 Phung Khac Khoan.......E2 Suong Nguyet Anh........C3 Thach Thi Thanh.....D1, E1

Thai Van Lung................F3 Thi Sach.........................F3 Thu Khoa Huan.......D3, E3 To Hien Thanh................A1 Ton That Dam..........E3, E4 Ton Duc Thang..............C3 Tran Binh Trong......A3, A4 Tran Cao Van.................E2 Tran Dinh Xu...........B4, C4 Tran Hung Dao.......C4, D4 Tran Minh Quyen...........A3 Tran Nhan Tong.......A3, A4

Tran Phu.........................A4 Tran Quang Dieu...........B1 Tran Quang Khai.....D1, E1 Tran Quoc Thao......C1, D2 Tran Quoc Toan......C1, D1 Truong Dinh............C1, C2 Tu Xuong.......................C2 Vinh Vien........................A3 Vo Thi Sau........C2, D1, E1 Vo Van Tan..............C3, B3 Vuon Chuoi..............B2, B3 Yersin..............................D4

DIRECTIONS VUNG TAU, LONG HAI, CON DAO, CAN THO, MY THO, CHAU DOC whole-sales market, the street of herbal medicine located on Hai Thuong Lan Ong and Thien Hau Temple on Nguyen Trai Street. MUSEUMS

Ao Dai Museum 206/19/30 Long Thuan St, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City Open daily, closed on Monday from 8.30 a.m. until 5.30 p.m. The entry ticket is VND100,000 for adults Fine Arts Museum of Ho Chi Minh City 97A Pho Duc Chinh St, Nguyen Thai Binh Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3829-4441 Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Mondays

Fito Museum

Tau does not have the most beautiful, or cleanest, beaches in Vietnam but can act as a quick getaway from the buzz of the city. HOTELS, RESORTS

Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily Grand Hotel Vung Tau 2 Nguyen Du St, Ward.1, Vung Tau Tel: (064) 3856-888 Email: From VND2,058,000 ($98) Muong Thanh Vung Tau Hotel No 09, Thong Nhat St, Ward 1, Vung Tau Tel: (064) 3835-567 From VND1,890,000 ($90) Kieu Anh Hotel

41 Hoang Du Khuong S, Ward 12, Dist. 10, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3864-2430 Open daily from 8.30 a.m. till 5.30 p.m. Ticket: VND50,000 The first museum of traditional Vietnamese medicine 257 Le Hong Phong St, Ward 8, Vung Tau Tel: (064) 3584-179 Email:

Independence Palace 135 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia St, Ben Thanh Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3822-3652 Open daily, 7.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m., 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Palace Hotel 1 Nguyen Trai St, Ward 1, Vung Tau Tel: (064) 3856-411 Email: From VND2,062,000 ($97)


White Palace 6 Tran Phu St, Ward.1, Vung Tau Tel: (064) 3852-605 Open daily 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Long Hai is a beach town, 30km northeast of Vung Tau and 124 km southeast of HCMC. The Grand Ho Tram Strip Phuoc Thuan, Xuyen Moc, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province. Tel: (064) 3788-888 Email:


The Island Lodge

390 Ap Thoi Binh, Thoi Son Ward, My Tho City Tel: (073) 6519-000 12 Truong Cong Dinh St, Ward 2, Vung Tau Tel: (064) 3624-748 Email: From VND1,085,700 ($52) Petro House Hotel



(TELEPHONE CODE: 0710) Can Tho is the largest city in the Mekong Delta, about 170 km southwest of Ho Chi Minh City, and acts as the area’s economic, transportation and cultural centre. Sitting on the Mekong River, Can Tho is popular for its nearby floating markets, canals and rivers that can be explored by boat. HOTELS, RESORTS

63 Tran Hung Dao St, Ward 1, Vung Tau

52 • VIETNAM HERITAGE - MARCH-APRIL 2016 Victoria Can Tho Resort Cai Khe Ward, Ninh Kieu Dist., Can Tho Tel: (0710) 3810-111 Email: From VND3,700,000 ($175) MUSEUM

Can Tho Museum 1 Hoa Binh St, Tan An Ward, Can Tho Tel: (0710) 3820-955 Open: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.); Saturday and Sunday (8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.). Closed on Friday. Free admission



Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily Victoria Chau Doc Hotel

Six Senses Con Dao Dat Doc Beach, Con Dao Dist., Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province Tel : (064) 3831-222 con-dao/destination From VND14,490,000 ($690)

Petrosetco Hotel

Southern Women Museum 202 Vo Thi Sau St, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3932-7130

(TELEPHONE CODE: 064) A popular beach resort town for residents of Ho Chi Minh City, Vung Tau is about 128 km southeast of HCMC. It can be reached either by road or by a 90-minute hydrofoil boat from HCMC. Sitting on a peninsula that sticks out into the East Sea, Vung

Romeliess Hotel 31 - 33 Thuy Van St, Vung Tau Tel: (064) 3613-366 Email:


Ho Chi Minh City Museum 65 Ly Tu Trong St, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3829-9741 Open daily 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The History Museum 2 Nguyen Binh Khiem St, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 3829-8146 8 a.m. - 11.30 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday. Closed on Monday War Remnants Museum 28 Vo Van Tan St, Ward 6, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City, Tel: (08) 3930-5587 Email: Open daily 7.30 a.m. to midday and 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Tel: (064) 3852-014 Email: From VND1,260,000 ($60)

Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily Golf Can Tho Hotel 2 Hai Ba Trung St, Tan An Ward, Ninh Kieu Dist., Can Tho Tel: (0710) 3812-210

1 Le Loi St, Chau Doc Town, An Giang Province Tel: (076) 3865-010 From VND3,169,000 ($149) Victoria Nui Sam Lodge Vinh Dong 1, Nui Sam, Chau Doc, An Giang Province. Tel: (076) 3575-888 MUSEUM

An Giang Museum 11 Ton Duc Thang St, My Binh Ward, Long Xuyen City, An Giang Province Tel: (076) 3956-248 Open hour 7a.m. to 11a.m. and 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Closed on Monday Entrance fee: VND42,000 ($2)


(TELEPHONE CODE: 077) Phu Quoc Island, off the southern tip of Vietnam in the Gulf of Thailand, has some of the most beautiful beaches in the country. White-sand beaches, scuba diving around coral reefs or exploring the protected jungle. Accessible by either the Rach Gia hydrofoil boat or a 50-minute flight from Ho Chi Minh City. Modest family-owned bungalows on the beach to fivestar resorts.

DIRECTIONS PHU QUOC, OVERSEAS HOTELS, RESORTS Note: Prices at many hotels depend on occupancy and change daily Ancarine Beach Resort

CLEMONT-FERRAND Kim Anh 6 Bis r Elie Gintrac Tel: (33-4) 7391-9364 Serves traditional Vietnamese food, from €12.80 per dish Open 11.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (closed on Sundays). GRENOBLE Kim Ngan 22 r Nicolas Chrier Tel: (33-4) 7649-0847 Serves Vietnamese food with prices starting at €8 per dish

Group 3, Ong Lang. Cua Duong, Phu Quoc Tel: ( 077) 3996685 Email: Chen Sea Resort & Spa Phu Quoc, Centara Boutique Collection Bai Xep, Ong Lang, Cua Duong, Phu Quoc Island Tel: (077) 3995-895 Email: From VND3,381,000 ($161) Eden Resort Phu Quoc

Cua Lap Hamlet, Duong To Ward, Phu Quoc District, Kien Giang Province Tel: (077) 3985-598 La Veranda Resort Tran Hung Dao St, Ward 7, Duong Dong Town Phu Quoc Island Tel: (077) 3982-988 VND5,082,000 to VND8,694,000 ($242 to $414)


(Telephone code: 1) Xe Lua 254 Spadina Ave, Tonronto, Ontario Canada M5T2C2 Tel: (1-416) 703-8330 Xe Lua has been open since 1996 and serves phở for $6 a bowl Open: 11.30 a.m. to 12 p.m Chau Kitchen and Bar 1500 Robson St. Vancouver, British Columbia Tel: (1-604) 682-8020 Serves Vietnamese dishes with prices starting at $7 per dish.


(Telephone code: 33)


(Telephone code: 1) CALIFORNIA-CA Emerald Restaurant Pacific Gateway Plaza 3709 Convoy Street, Ste 101, San Diego, CA 92111 Tel: (1) 858-565-6888 Serves Vietnamese food

514 12th Ave Seattle, WA 98122 Tel: (1) 206-860-8164 Moonlight Café 1919 S Jackson St Seattle, WA 98144 Tel: (1) 206-322-3378 Massachusetts-MA Saigon Hut 305-307 Meridian St. Boston, ] MA 02128; Tel: (1) 617-567-1944 Xinh Xinh 7 Beach St (Washington St.) Boston, MA 02111 Tel: (1) 617-422-0501


(Telephone code: 44) Little Saigon Restaurant 6 Bigg Market, Newcastle upon Tyne, England Tel: 01912330766 Vietnamese dishes


(Telephone code: 61) La Mint 62–64 Riley St, East Sydney NSW 2010 Tel: (61) 293-311-818 Email: French and Vietnamese dishes


(Telephone code: 62) Pho 24 Pondok Indah, Plaza I, Jln. Taman Duta 1Blok UA 35 Jakarta Selatan Tel: (62) 0217-505-909 JIn. Wolter Mongonsidi No. 71, Kebayyoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan Tel: (62) 0217-278-8411 Pacific Place Mall, 5th Floor, SCBD, JIn. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Tel: (62) 0215-140-0531

Hung Ky Mi Gia 5237 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA 92115; Tel: (1) 619-229-2188 Serves noodle varieties with prices starting at $5 per dish Open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. International Restaurant 1 4444 – A University Ave, San Diego, CA 92115 Tel: (1) 619-281-9999 Little Saigon 7 Linden Ave (Railroad) South San Francisco, CA 94080 Tel: (1) 650-589-1398 New York-NY Saigon Grill 620 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10024 Tel: (1) 212-875-9072 Serves over 100 Vietnamese dishes including vegetarian options Open 11 a.m. to 12 a.m. Mai Lan Vietnamese 505 N State St Syracuse, NY 13203 Tel: (1) 315-471-6740 L’Annam 121 University Pl New York, NY 10022 Tel: (1) 212-420-1414 VIRGINIA-VA Minh’s Vietnamese 2500 Wilson Blvd Arlington, VA 22201 Tel: (1) 703-525-2828 Prices start at $15 per dish Open 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. (closed on Mondays) WASHINGTON-WC Ho Bac 1314 S Jackson St Seattle, WA 98144 Tel: (1) 206-860-8164 Kieu Nga Lemongrass Restaurant VIETNAM HERITAGE - MARCH-APRIL 2016

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