ND Times Issue 01 2023 January 12

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A helping hand close to home

For Chesterville residents, getting access to food when in need has probably never been easier. Chesterville’s Christ Church United offers a Food Pantry twice per week with no registration required and no questions asked. The Pantry is essentially a food bank, but runs informally as a way to ensure that those who need food have it without needing to travel far.

Pantry on January 6

istrator at Christ Church United. She explained that the Pantry actually began as a second part of another project – a community garden. In 2021, the Church started a FAITH Garden, which stands for “Food Available in the Home”. Anyone from the community was invited to come to the FAITH Garden and help themselves to fresh produce. The project was very well received, allowing for it to be doubled in size in 2022.

A wide variety of

things are planted in the FAITH Garden, but what people have seemed to enjoy the most were the fresh tomatoes. Soon after the Garden was started, members of the community began dropping off things such as cans of soup and boxes of cereal at the church for others to take when they were in need.

Christine and other Church members began to realize that there may be a need in the community for food year round, so the decision was made

to move the operation indoors for the winter months. The Church began setting up the Pantry in the back of their building in a wheelchair accessible location, where food is laid out on a table. The Pantry has been well used, and the Church is hoping that even more people will be comfortable to come in and use it.

North Dundas residents have other options available when they are in danger of going

The Voice of North Dundas Vol 4, No 1 Reaching by direct mail to over 5,500 homes and businesses in Winchester and area January 12, 2023 cont'd on page 2 AUTO CENTER INC. Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Automotive Sales & Service Quality Used Vehicles Tires 12034 Cty Rd 3 (Main St.), Winchester 613.774.2000 www.rtauto.ca "Proudly serving our Community" Dan Pettigrew Owner & friendly neighbour T: 613.774.1958 Dan.Pettigrew@sobeys.com foodland.ca 12015 Main Street Winchester, ON BLINDS SHUTTERS DRAPERY WALLPAPER & THE FULL LINE OF CANADIAN MADE CLOVERDALE PAINT STEVENS CREEK DECOR CENTRE 2678 COUNTY RD 43 KEMPTVILLE
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Christine Cross-Barkley is the Office Admin- Food on display at the Christ Church United Food

cont'd from front page

hungry, including the Community Food Share in Winchester, and the House of Lazarus Food Bank in South Mountain.

Christine is aware that the House of Lazarus Food Bank makes deliveries, including to some places in Chesterville. However, registration is required. She believes that some of the people who use the Church’s Food Pantry do so to avoid having to register, particularly if they only anticipate having to use the service one or

two times. “It could be a tough time, there could be an emergency situation,” said Christine. The Pantry also offers a convenient location for those who live in Chesterville who don’t drive or don’t want to travel far. Christine made it clear that House of Lazarus is aware of the Food Pantry, and that the two organizations would like to work together, where possible.

Christine was careful to note that the Pantry offers dry goods, toilet-


190 countries sign deal to stifle global development and agriculture

ries, and a few household necessities, but perishable products such as dairy items, bread, and meat are not offered. If anyone comes into the Pantry who needs dairy, bread, or meat, the Church will provide a gift certificate to Mike Dean’s grocery store so they can go out and buy these items. The food and the gift certificates are all funded by donations from members of the community. “Your community – not just the Church but your com-

munity – is here to help you,” said Christine. “We don’t want people to go hungry.”

The Food Pantry is open every Tuesday and Friday from 9 am to 12 pm at Christ Church United, located at 5 Casselman Street in Chesterville. If you are unavailable during those hours, an appointment can be made for a different time by calling 613-619-5960. Don’t hesitate to stop by – you will be welcomed with open arms!

are collectively losing track of what food is all about.”

Canadians for Affordable Energy President Dan McTeague has previously told Farmers Forum that he’s “gravely concerned” about policy prescriptions arising from such UN conferences. “I do worry about any type of summit that might be akin to what we heard from the leaders of the World Economic Forum, which is, ‘You’ll eat less meat, you’ll not own property and you’ll be happy,’” McTeague said in July 2021.

courtesy of Farmers Forum

More than 190 nations got together in Montreal this month to figure out how to protect nature from people. They came away with a deal for the world that is so vague, it’s difficult to assess what it means.

The United Nations biodiversity conference — dubbed COP15 to avoid the jargonistic tangle of the ‘Convention on Biological Diversity Conference of the Parties 15’ — lasted more than a week. It was hosted by the Chinese Minister of Environment, whose own country ironically doesn’t appear to give a dam on the Yangtze about environmental issues. China is the biggest polluter on the planet. On the climate change front, China mined a record amount of coal in 2022, according to Bloomberg News, and also produced a record amount of coal-fired electricity, according to Reuters.

The headline-making deal mandates that each country “conserve,” or not develop, 30% of its land and water by 2030. It’s not clear how this might apply in Canada, where over 80%

of the land is uninhabited anyway.

Perhaps more important for Canadian agriculture is the requirement that each country cut the “risk” of pesticides by 50% by 2030, just seven years from now. This is likely more austere than merely cutting “usage” of pesticides by volume. The deal similarly calls for the signatories to cut in half “excess nutrients lost to the environment,” in an apparent blow to fertilizer usage, again by 2030. Canadians stood up and applauded this deal when it was signed.

The deal also cancels $500 billion U.S. in global annual subsidies for agriculture, industrial fishing and oil and gas extraction — subsidies described as a “harm to biodiversity” and orders signatories to agree to redirect those funds to “sustainable practices.”

It’s not clear how Canada might ratchet down its own farm subsidies, to comply with the deal, or if this might necessitate a reworking of the federalprovincial Canadian Agricultural Policy Framework — tellingly renamed the “Sustainable Agricultural

Policy Framework” earlier in 2022.

OMAFRA minister Lisa Thompson’s office was still trying to assess what it all means for this province’s farmers, when contacted by Farmers Forum.

“We are currently reviewing the proposals to understand the potential roles and implications for Ontario, set out in the UN agreement signed by the government of Canada,” Jack Sullivan, communications director for Thompson’s office, said in an email.

The environmental movement’s growing antipathy toward agriculture and food production was on full display when delegates actually debated — but defeated — a motion for the EAT-Lancet diet forcibly limiting dairy, meat and seafood to 10% of their diet.

“Governments should stay away from our nation’s private kitchens. Full stop,” Dr. Sylvain Charlebois, Dalhousie University professor of food policy and distribution, tweeted in response to the motion. “Eco-extremists believe when a person eats a steak, it’s everyone’s problem now. Quite scary. We

He has also weighed in on the COP15 deal, condemning it as a threat to liberty and prosperity and called it “ridiculous.”

He told Lee Harding, of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy: “This has nothing to do with environment. This is about control of society and population. This is also dramatic and significant interference into the sovereign conduct of affairs of any nation.”

Several African nations bitterly opposed the global plan as heavy-handed and impeding their own development.

In a statement, Federal Environment Minister Stephen Guilbeault, a former Greenpeace environmentalist member, said, “Science tells us this is the minimum needed to protect the future of our planet.”

At the conference, Justin Trudeau pledged $350 million to help developing countries with their goals. Combined with previous commitments made by the governing Liberals, Canadian taxpayers are funding $1.5 billion in foreign biodiversity projects.

The North Dundas Times The Voice of North Dundas 2 www.ndtimes.ca January 12, 2023 Taylor’d Safety Services Inc. Safety services tailored to your business needs james.taylordsafety@gmail.com www.taylordsafety.ca 47 Christie Lane Winchester James Taylor, General Manager 613•797•3032 • HVAC • CUSTOM SHEET METAL• VENTILATION Jack Lalonde, RSE, President, Operator Serving The Ottawa, Dundas and Cornwall Areas Residential, Commercial VALLEY AIRWAY MECHANICAL 613- 915- 5820 Valleyairwaymechanical @gmail.com • 3D Design • Interlock • Natural Stone • Lighting • Planting • Water Features Services 613-316-7710 www.ardron.ca COLLISION CENTER Phil Carkner, Owner 24 Hour Towing Assitance 1.800.663.9264 613.774.2733 www.dscollision.com admin@dscollisioncenter.com 12029 Dawley Drive, Winchester, ON Certified collision center. Insurance approved. Lifetime warranty on repairs. It’s your choice, choose local
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"Happy Birthday to Us!”

Winchester Hospital turn 75

More than 75 years ago, an entire community came together to plan for the new Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH). It all began with a letter to the editor of the Winchester Press by Dr. J.J. McKendry in 1944. Dr. McKendry outlined the problems he was having getting his seriously ill patients cared for due to hospital overcrowding and long waiting lists. He suggested that perhaps it was time that Winchester Village had a hospital. The Council of the Village of Winchester formed a committee and planning began - everything from choosing the right location to gaining financial support. Four years later, WDMH opened its doors.

While the hospital officially opened on December 8, 1948, the WDMH Auxiliary was already hard at work. On August 3rd, 25 ladies from Winchester, Elma and Russell met in the town hall to start planning, with Mrs. C.R. Robinson elected Auxiliary president. Membership quickly rose to almost 1,000 volunteers in the first year and they got to work, making curtains and hospital linens, and helping to create a beautiful new hospital close to home for their neighbours.

In 2023, we are excited to be celebrating the 75th anniversary of WDMH and the WDMH Auxiliary. We are also recognizing 45 years of caring next door at Dundas Manor Long-Term Care Home.

“This is a wonderful milestone, and we are grateful to

The Inkerman train disaster

On March 31, 1941, just over eighty years ago, the small hamlet of Inkerman was the scene of a train accident that took the lives of three men and badly injured others. It took place at the station itself, and the extent of the destruction to the buildings and railway was quite incredible.

A Canadian Pacific passenger train, known as “The Perth Local”, was on its way from Montreal to Perth on the main Montreal to Toronto line, when it pulled into the Inkerman station around 6.30 in the evening. A few passengers and some empty milk cans were the cargo that day, the

cans being returned to local farmers after their daily milk delivery to Montreal dairies. Just as it was coming to a stop at the station, a freight train heading in the opposite direction was passing through. Most of the freight train had passed the station when an axle on one of the rear freight cars broke, causing 24 of the 68 freight cars to pile up in an enormous crash of wood and iron.

Some of these cars hit the locomotive of the passenger train sideways on, pushing it over on its side in front of the station. The freight cars hit the station building, knocking it around three feet off its foundations, but leaving some empty milk

cans still standing, as can be seen in the photograph. Many of the cars were reduced to matchwood, and the rails were torn up and twisted with the force of the impact. The wreckage was piled 30 feet high in places.

Fred Plato of Smiths Falls, and Wallace Plunkett from Mountain, the crew of The Perth Local, were killed. Witnesses said that Fred, the train’s engineer, tried to escape the cab, but didn’t make it. William Maxwell, a Canadian Pacific Section Foreman, jumped through a window in the station, but was badly scalded by the steam escaping the wreck, and although he was taken to the Ottawa Civic Hospital

for treatment, he died the next evening.

Another CP employee in the station building, Edward Pennett, the Station Agent, who was sitting in his office when the crash occurred, also escaped through a window, suffering a badly gashed arm and burns to his face. A local farmer, George Suffel, along with his father and a farm hand witnessed the accident from their nearby land, and rushed to help. George helped Edward Pennett by putting a tourniquet on his arm and cutting away clothing to ease the pain from burns. Edward was treated in Winchester and recovered from the traumatic event.

our community for everything you have done to support our hospital and Dundas Manor over so many years,” notes Cholly Boland, CEO at WDMH and Dundas Manor. “We are planning some fun events and walks down memory lane over the next 12 months to celebrate together!”

“The WDMH Auxiliary is proud to have supported our local hospital for more than 75 years,” adds WDMH Auxiliary Co-Chair Elinor Jordan. “It’s going to be a fun year of celebration.”

If you would like to provide comments or suggestions about hospital services, please contact Cholly Boland, President and CEO, Winchester District Memorial Hospital at 613.774.1049 or by email at cboland@wdmh.on.ca.

George and his wife took the photographs that recorded the scene that day. He could have been much closer to the accident than he was, as he usually waited at the station to retrieve his milk cans on their return from Montreal. But he hadn’t shipped any milk that day, and so was not waiting on the station platform when the accident occurred.

There were some amazing close calls for others who were there at the time. Asa Hanes was a mailman from Inkerman who was waiting to get mail bags off the passenger train. He was bending over to pick up some bags when the force of the collision between the trains knocked him over. As he lay there, with wreckage flying around him, a military truck that had been on a flatbed of the freight train sailed right over his head. Asa walked away without injury.

Danny McDonald, a transient from Montreal, had hidden himself on the tender of the passenger train when it stopped at Chesterville, hoping to hitch an unpaid ride to Smiths Falls, where he was hoping to

find work. Even though he survived the accident with heavy bruising to his legs and needed medical attention, he survived the accident, only to be sentenced to ten days in jail for vagrancy.

None of the 24 passengers on the train were injured, but other crew members received cuts and bruises, broken ribs and burns. A grain store shed around 90 feet from the station was also demolished by a derailed freight car, sending twelve tons of grain showering the scene of the accident. The track was ripped up for 300 feet and trains had to be diverted for some days before the rails could be relaid.

The total of deaths was not complete. The day after the accident, A. J. Logsdail, Dean of the Kemptville Agricultural School, and his wife drove to Inkerman to view the scene. As they walked from their car to the site, Mrs. Logsdail collapsed with a heart attack and died.

The station building was later removed and became a residence in Mountain.

The North Dundas Times 3 January 12, 2023 The Voice of North Dundas www.ndtimes.ca
Submitted by Jane Adams Winchester District Memorial Hospital opened on December 8, 1948. Wreckage at Inkerman Station after the crash The station building was moved 3 feet off its foundations, but remained intact. The milk cans on the platform are still standing after the impact.

It’s all in your head

The holiday season is over. For many, that simple statement of fact can cause real, debilitating feelings of depression. A survey conducted in 2015 reveals that in fact 64% of people experience feelings of depression after the holiday season is over. That means it’s not just a common problem, but something of a norm. There are more people who get depressed after Christmas than those who don’t.

Psychologists are quick to theorize why we feel the way we do after the holidays. Things such as increased alcohol consumption and high calorie intake – both of which are associated with increased depression – are often blamed since these activities are staples of the holiday season. A more obvious explanation is that something exciting which we had been building up to for a long time has come and gone, and we are now back to the daily grind.

Like most people, I love the holidays. It’s not just

Christmas Day or New Years Eve, it’s the entire monthlong season of generosity, good cheer, family gatherings, and magical traditions that makes me excited for the month of December every single year. It’s not about a particular day or particular celebrations so much as it is about the whole atmosphere of the season. It feels warm. Adults become kids again. It feels like the whole world is coming together to be merry all at once.

It's no wonder why January hits so hard. For many, finances are less than ideal after a month of buying gifts and hosting gatherings. Those who had time off are thrust back into the world of long work weeks and weekends that feel too short. Perhaps the worst part is that we are at the longest possible point away from returning to the magic of the Christmas season. And all those New Years resolutions – I’m already upset and I agreed to EXERCISE? The horror!

A commentary on the glum nature of the month of January would be unfair without some advice on

what to do about it. I am a Mental Health Counsellor by training, but I only dabble in the field. When it comes to common mental health issues, I often think about the ages-old saying, “it’s all in your head”. If you want to upset someone experiencing mental illness, tell them it’s all in their head. They will positively flip out at the perceived suggestion that they are making it all up. The problem, however, is that mental illness is indeed, in your head. You wouldn’t suggest to someone that their depression originates in their foot any more than you would tell a person with a broken leg that some eye drops should make them feel better. I am reminded of the final film in the Harry Potter series, in which Harry and the previously deceased Dumbledore find themselves chatting in a glowing white setting reminiscent of London’s King’s Cross railway station. Toward the end of their conversation, Harry asks Dumbledore if what is happening is real, or is only happening inside his own head. Dumbledore answers,

Studying the best COVID-19 treatment plan for immunocompromised patients

Patients are now being recruited for a new clinical trial at Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH) focusing on COVID-19 treatment for patients who are immunocompromised. The goal is to determine how long the treatment should continue for the best outcome.

In a healthy individual, your immune system works to clear the body of any viral or bacterial infections. However, certain conditions, medications, or diseases can cause the immune system to become compromised or suppressed. Immunocompromised patients with COVID-19 are at a higher risk of developing severe symptoms.

Paxlovid is an approved treatment for mild-moderate COVID-19. For immunocompromised patients, the current five-day treatment protocol may not be long enough to fully clear the virus from the body. This study will explore the efficacy and safety of various treatment lengths, to determine the most effective protocol.

Dr. Mary Naciuk is the principal investigator for this clinical trial and explains the benefits: “COVID-19 continues to put immunocompromised patients at risk for severe outcomes, prolonged disease, and the generation of new variants. It is important for us to discover the optimal duration of treatment with antivirals.”

The study is open to people who are 12 years of age or older, are immunocompromised, and have recently been diagnosed with COVID-19 with at least one symptom. All participants will receive the study drug for 5, 10 or 15 days. Participants will be enrolled in the study for about six months and will need to attend at least 10 study visits during this time. These visits may be a combination of in-clinic and at-home. The study team will provide more details and help determine if this study is right for your family.

Clinical trials can provide safe, positive impacts for many patients in the future, offering benefits such as new treatments or better drug options. “This study aligns with my clinical interests as a family and emergency doctor who is learning to optimally treat this disease,” adds Dr. Naciuk. “By working with the WDMH research team in a multinational study, we have a unique opportunity to participate in research that can benefit our residents and have a positive global impact.”

To learn more about WDMH’s clinical trials, including this one, please visit www. wdmh.on.ca/clinicaltrials or email research@wdmh.on.ca.

“Of course it’s all happening inside your head, Harry, but why should that mean it’s not real?” Words to live by when it comes to mental illness.

So what can you do to get the January blues out of your head and out of your heart? Firstly, it would be irresponsible of me not to backtrack on my joke about the horrors of exercise. Exercise is actually one of the best natural treatments for depression symptoms. It doesn’t even need to be vigorous. I myself have started walking to the post office to get the mail, rather than grabbing it on the way driving to or from home. I particularly enjoy walking at night – highly recommended if you know the proper safety protocols and feel safe doing so. It’s calm and a great way to clear you head.

Another great thing to do is to look for new things to look forward to. Perhaps you have a family gathering planned in a few weeks time, or a vacation planned in the spring. If nothing that exciting is planned, try looking

for a new TV series or a few good movies to look forward to watching. My wife and I have shows that we like to watch before bed. Having such things to look forward to during the workday is very uplifting.

Despite depressed feelings, people also sometimes get renewed energy in the new year. The holiday season is relaxing, enjoyable, and filled with cheer and generosity, but it is not always productive. Work performance can get lax, as can things such as house rules and routines. A new year can mean new beginnings. Tackling things you have been putting off can be a great way to lift your spirits. Productivity brings many positive feelings. An example of this could be finding new, more efficient ways to do chores so that you have more time for yourself during the week. Another example could be hammering out specific days where the whole family is expected to eat dinner together at the table and catch up on life, if you have fallen into the habit of having meals in front of

Tid Bit Musings

Tid-bit musings is designed to encourage individuals to contemplate their beliefs, behaviors and thoughts and can not "force" anyone into change. Only the brave will contemplate and apply new strategies to their lifestyle! One of the catch phrases these days seems to be "it is not my problem" and the situation is dismissed. Is it socially responsible to say that and walk away? Is it healthy and productive? Where is the boundary?

Some things are beyond our capabilities and we indeed are not capable of instituting change. BUT if you can be the catalyst for change, are you morally, legally and socially obligated to take action?

the TV.

Above all, don’t forget about self-care. Some people get into such a rut of sadness that they actually forget what they enjoy. Take a few minutes and figure it out. Ask yourself what you enjoy, what preparation you need to make your self-care activities happen, and what days and times you can dedicate to self-care on a regular basis. These could be things like taking a bubble bath, searching online for new music to listen to, or taking up a hobby such as puzzles or woodworking.

As I write these last few words, I realize that one thing that is sure to brighten my January is continuing to connect with readers and help provide a voice in the community. Maybe reading the newspaper with a good cup of coffee can be one of your self-care activities – it certainly is one of mine. No one knows what 2023 will bring in terms of news and events in North Dundas, but I look forward to finding out together. Happy New Year!

Does saying "it is not my problem" makes the onus of accountability and responsibility null and void? Is it a cop-out?

When it comes to the safety and welfare of others there is a legal and moral responsibility to report abuse and suspicions of abuse. The laws also mandate the wearing of seat belts and not being intoxicated behind the wheel. Common sense went out the window leaving us to be mandated into safety practices such as bike helmets, car seats, etc. If someone is in violation to the laws, do we simply turn our head and say "not my problem?"

Sometimes the pendulum swings from the far right to the far left leaving the individual in this obscure position of what action to take. Overt abuse is easy but when neglect or less definable

actions are in play, the viewer is perhaps escaping behind the phrase "not my problem."

What if everyone adopted that ideology, how would society develop and progress? The tenacity with which you tackle issues brings about change. Change is hard but most often productive. Will you assume accountability or dismiss with "its not my problem?"

The North Dundas Times The Voice of North Dundas 4 www.ndtimes.ca January 12, 2023 www.ndtimes.ca ISSN 2291-0301 Mailing Address P.O. Box 1854 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Accounting Pat Jessop cfo@ngtimes.ca OFFICE 613-215-0735 Editor Brandon Mayer editor@ndtimes.ca 613-215-0735 Production production@ndtimes.ca 613-215-0735 The North Dundas Times is published bi-weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing/Sales Melissa Ottenhof marketing@ndtimes.ca
Editorial Classifieds classifieds@ndtimes.ca 613-215-0735

North Dundas Parade of Lights thank you

On behalf of the North Dundas Parade of Lights Committee, I would like to thank everyone who helped make the return of our beloved parade such a huge success.

Aging well at home

or struggle in the dark and cold to put on their glasses so that they can puzzle with their phones to arrange a ride. It’s a rare young person who stops to help, let alone notices the problem.

How will today’s society be judged in the future? On the surface, it appears that our eldest citizens are not always the recipients of the care and respect we claim they deserve.

Thank you to all the businesses and community organizations who participated in the Vendor & Trade Show and in the parade. Thanks to Erica WopatScott and Ron Porteous for doing a great job of emceeing the parade from the main corner. As always, we are grateful to the community organizations and businesses who offer dinners and refreshments on parade day, and those who opened their doors and parking lots to spectators during the parade, the Legion for hosting its annual after party, and to the Winchester Fire Department for arranging a ride in the parade for Santa. Thank you also to the

volunteers who lent a hand on parade day.

Of course, none of this would be possible without our sponsors, and for them we are truly grateful.

We are always amazed at the effort and creativity that goes into the floats every year, and this year was no exception. We had 42 floats, and choosing winners for our float contest is never an easy task, but it’s one our planning committee takes seriously. Floats are judged on a number of criteria, including creativity, originality, effort, detail and audience interaction.

Here are this year’s float category winners:

Best Overall: EC Carruthers & Sons

Best Business Float: Whitetail Construction

Best Non-Profit Float: Scouts Canada

Best Agricultural Float: Agri Partners Crop Centre

Best Animal Float: The Capital Cowgirls Drill Team

Most Lights: D's Collision

People's Choice: Hydro One

Most Original: Morewood Recreation Association

Float winners receive a gift basket with local products. Congratulations to all our winners.

I am very grateful for the dedication and hard work of my fellow parade committee members, Brianne Scott and Matthew Roy. This year, Cheryl Beasley took over planning for the Vendor & Trade Show and did a fabulous job.

Of course, what’s a Christmas parade without the Santa? Thank you, Santa, for taking time from your busy schedule to take part in our event.

We can’t wait to see everyone again at next year’s parade.

It’s been said that parents should be nice to their children. “After all, they are going to choose your nursing home.” So it is punishment or reward when children choose to help their parents stay living in their own homes?

Some lifestyle choices are clear as night and day. Don’t smoke. Do exercise. Don’t lose sleep. Do eat a nutritious diet. But there is no clear answer to the question of where it is best to live out the senior years of life, with significant consequences for everyone in the family.

Factors affecting in the decision are plentiful. Healthcare needs and cost of care. Housing suitability and safety considerations. Family location and friend groups. Availability of transportation and other services. And there’s no mistaking that as one gets older, these factors change in unpredictable ways.

As important as these issues are, another factor might be even more crucial. Attitude plays a vital role in happiness, good health and longevity. A positive attitude has been linked in many studies with improved measures of well-being.

A fascinating study conducted 20 years ago by Yale

University researchers found that older individuals with more positive self-perceptions of aging lived 7.5 years longer than those with less positive self-perceptions.

Findings like this offer a strong rationale for a positive mindset. But happy thoughts only go so far when a decision to age at home bumps up against the common, everyday challenges of a world designed for younger people.

In the home, being able to open a tin can or a bottle of wine makes the difference between having a good meal and enduring a frustrating barrier to it. Taking out the trash, doing the laundry, or keeping up with home maintenance are significant challenges for people with precarious mobility.

Technology’s innovations and solutions have worked wonders for society, but not always for seniors seeking to maintain their independence. The failures of technology to serve the interests of seniors are observable, for example, outside urban concert venues that attract young and old alike. When the event is over and crowds emerge onto the streets, the young jump into waiting Ubers while seniors search for rare taxis

The influential baby boomer generation has an opportunity to change things for the elderly. The oldest boomers are now pushing into the second half of their 70s. They are goal-oriented and accustomed to getting things their way. It’s reasonable to anticipate that they will demand enhancements in lifestyle options for their senior years, whether at home or in assisted group residences, which no doubt they will rebrand.

But until they do, the realities of senior living are still big challenges for most. For those seeking to stay at home, there are more services today than in the past, from food delivery to in-home healthcare and personal support. The question remains debated whether institutional settings have learned how to protect health while also promoting it.

Has the COVID pandemic ignited new thinking among children about helping their aging parents stay at home? So it seems. Occupancy rates in assisted living facilities are down and “aging in place” is a top trend in senior housing.

Sign-up at www.docgiff. com to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, contact-us@docgiff.com. Follow us on Instagram @ docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

The North Dundas Times 5 January 12, 2023 The Voice of North Dundas www.ndtimes.ca Contact us today info@atelair.ca WE’RE HIRING Immediate Openings HVAC Service Tech • Refrigeration Or Air Conditioning License • Gas Fitter 1 or 2 License • Comfortable on small commercial & residential equipment • 5 years experience in the field • Boilers • Geothermal • Cold Climate Heat Pumps • Fresh out of school with the 1 year college certificate • Gas Fitter 2 License All Positions Offer • Full time positions 12 months a year • Top Wages • Benefits • Truck • Tool Allowance • Birthdays Off with Pay • Automated Systems (no more paperwork) HVAC Installer

Facebook scam about a criminal on the loose

There is a new scam in town, appearing not long after the notorious air duct cleaning and car detailing scams have finally begun to disappear from social media. The most recent duping attempt comes in the form of a Facebook post warning Winchester residents of a danger posed by a criminal on the loose. The post is in fact false, and the mug shot of the fake local perpetrator is one of an alleged offender south of the border, whose real crimes were not nearly as serious as those described in the scam post.

Scams must have a purpose to be worth it for scammers to pursue. A

A Visionary Gift

decade ago, when Facebook was a simpler platform, pages that had high post exposure (through “likes” and the sharing of posts) were said to earn higher ad revenue. This inspired posts that targeted the big-hearted and the naïve, with promises, for example, that a child in need of life saving surgery would receive it if the post received 1,000 “likes”. Facebook is now more complicated, but it does not stop people from using it to try and part others from their hard-earned money.

The well-known air duct cleaning scam is one that is somewhat more complex in its nature. Typically, though certainly not always, these scammers who post on social media or cold call from a fake number do not ask for money upfront. Instead,

The Morrisburg & District Lions Club has done it again! Recently, they presented a cheque for $1,000 to the WDMH Foundation’s Ophthalmology Fund.

Lions Clubs believe in changing the world by serving the need of local communities. One of their key areas of focus is vision, working to improve the lives of the visually impaired and prevent avoidable blindness. At WDMH, we provide eye care services through outpatient clinics, the ophthalmic lab and in the operating room. So it’s a great fit!

Since 1999, the Morrisburg & District Lions Club has donated $138,695.24 to the WDMH Foundation, including a $100,000 donation toward ophthalmology equipment in 2002.

they seek to know the size of your house and details about your ductwork, only to offer a “great deal” that costs well below what a reputable company would charge. Only after the totally unqualified scammers show up at your door and put on a show that makes it seem they are doing a good job do they upsell unneeded, expensive extras.

The fake criminal on the loose is a scam with a different kind of twist. When a post is “shared” on social media, it is still the original post which is seen by those who are friends with the person who shared it to their own page. When the original post is modified, the new version replaces all of the shared versions, which can mean hundreds if not thousands of shares.

In the case of the post

“Thank you to the amazing volunteers who are part of the Morrisburg & District Lions Club,” notes Kristen Cas-

about the fake criminal, the post is likely to be widely shared in the spirit of neighbours helping neighbours. After all, Winchester is a small community, and such a heinous criminal on the loose in a small town would be a real danger for everyone. However, the same post is modified to have names of different towns and cities and is then shared locally all over the country, and even internationally, to get regular people to share the post locally and do the scammers’ dirty work for them. After the post is widely shared, the original post is modified, typically to a rental property listing. The wide reach of the post, which is now seen by thousands of people due to the sharing campaign, is bound to reach at least a few naïve individuals willing to e-transfer rent up front in order to secure an apartment in the current housing market. And voila – the scam comes full circle.

Stopping the spread of scams starts with ordinary social media users. Don’t be afraid to put a few key words in Google before sharing to check if a post contains legitimate information. Never share personal information with strangers, no matter who they identify themselves as. Never send money for products or services site unseen. And if something is too good to be true, it probably is.

selman, WDMH Foundation Managing Director. “They have been longtime supporters and we are so grateful.”


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A screenshot of the shared scam post in a local group, “What’s on Winchester”. Note that the details provided in this post are false and nothing more than a scam At the presentation are (l-r): Linda Robinson, Lions Club President; Kristen Casselman, Managing Director, WDMH Foundation, and Lions Club member Jeff Wilcox.

Health & Wellness

5 tips for staying safe and healthy during winter

(NC) The colder months can present risks to anyone, but for those living with arthritis, staying safe and healthy can be more challenging. While winter does present some hazards, you can help protect yourself by following these tips from Arthritis Society Canada.

1. Move your physical activity indoors

Slippery conditions, snow covered trails and fewer daylight hours can pose a risk for outdoor activity, but spending more time indoors shouldn’t mean less movement. Exercising on a regular basis has been shown to reduce the pain of arthritis. Use light weights or resistance bands to work on making muscles stronger while doing low-impact indoor activities such as stationary cycling or swimming to improve your cardiovascular health.

2. Ensure a safe outdoor environment

A well-lit pathway, as well as a salted or sanded walkway will help you avoid slips and falls, especially in the dark.

If you use a mobility aid such as a cane or walker, replace the tips if they are worn out. Consider adding ice-pick-like attachments onto the end of your cane for additional traction when walking in the snow.

3. Safe snow removal

Consider having someone assist with snow removal to guarantee it’s done on a regular basis. If you decide to do it yourself, ensure you use proper shoveling techniques or invest in a snow blower. Keep the shovel close to your body and try to push the snow rather than lift. As with any physical activity, don’t overdo it and take regular breaks.

4. Dress appropriately

Ensure you’re dressed for the weather with the right footwear and layers for warmth. Choose boots that are waterproof, lightweight, comfortable and have good quality lining or insulation to keep the feet warm.

Dressing in multiple layers will help you keep warm and reduce heat loss. As a guideline, wearing two or three thinner layers of loose-fitting clothing is usually warmer than a single thick layer.

5. Stock up on essentials

Be prepared in case of emergency. Keep your fridge, pantry and medication cabinet stocked with at least three to five days’ worth of supplies. Stock up on non-perishables and keep flashlights and batteries handy. You can find more tips at arthritis.ca.



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Baldwin's Birds

into the lee of the house by our basement windows and peaked in! What a lovely surprise, and one that enabled me a much closer view than I normally get of them. In the shelter they both "hunkered down", as they do, for a while and kept themselves warm in their beautifully colored plumage. The pigeons kept their distance and stayed under the garden feeders competing with the Bluejays and squirrels and the occasional Cardinal!

New Year Birds

A very Happy New Year to you from all your feathered friends and myself who, like you, have stayed here to endure and, maybe enjoy, some of our winter months. The weather has certainly not helped in making us feel like it will be too jolly, especially with today's freezing rain! Anyway enough of that and on to what I am supposed to be doing, and that is to talk about the birds, who set a good example to us and "carry on regardless"! Their's, and the three

variety of squirrels', daily attendance at my feeders are a good indication of that!

The very snowy December days certainly made the feeders more attractive and necessary in the birds' quest for food of some sort, and they certainly attracted them. Our flock of Rock Pigeons were evident as were the Mourning Doves and Juncos, who, being mainly ground feeders, appreciated the sprinklings of bird seed that I made as I restocked the higher ones. A couple of Mourning Doves came right

Claude’s Gardening and Landscaping Forum

aphids or webs from spider mites. You can help to control aphids with a jet of water to knock them off, then spraying them with insecticidal soap. It usually takes a few applications to control them. Spider mites like a dry environment, so watering is crucial. Planting chives, marigolds, cilantro around your roses will attract beneficial insects and help reduce the population of the harmful insects.

Besides our ground feeders, my suspended feeders got, and still get, continual usage from the Gold Finches, Chickadees, both sorts of Nuthatches, and the occasional House Finches, the male of whom added some red coloring to the scene. Of course the red spot on the heads of the male woodpeckers also did this too, so the lack of really bright colors is not that complete during our long winter, which is something to be grateful for and enjoyed. I hope you get to see some of them too in this new year,--- enjoy! Stay safe and well, Cheers,

featuring Claude Smith

Dear Claude, My roses lose their leaves after blooming - what am I doing wrong?

From Sandy

The first thing that comes to mind is heat stress. Roses usually bloom in late June, early July and that’s when the temperature starts to climb. They will need lots of water to get them through

Waste bin woes at Ferguson Forest Dog Park

Putting together dozens of dogs to socialize in a securely fenced-in space is the purpose of a dog park. The dog park at Ferguson Forest in Kemptville is top notch, offering a large area with a mix of trees and open space. There are few dog parks in the area that come close to its size or layout quality. One reality of putting many dogs in one closed in space, however, is that dogs poop – a lot.

Like most dog parks, waste bags are provided at various stations around the dog park for park users to take and use when their dog goes “number two”. For years, pet owners have been able to put their dog’s waste in a small garbage bin located underneath each bag dispenser. It was announced last week that this will no longer be the case. The Park contracts out the removal of pet waste, but the contract specifies the removal of pet waste only, not garbage such as coffee cups, which park

the heat of the summer.

The best way to check if they’re getting enough water is to push your finger at least three inches into the soil to check for moisture. If the soil is dry, it’s time to water. Make sure you water at the soil level and not overhead.

The loss of leaves could also be caused by insects. Look closely at your plants for signs of soft bodied

Other causes for leaf drop could be certain fungi such as black spot, rust or powdery mildew. Cleaning up the dead leaves to suppress the spread is an important step in dealing with fungi. Powdery mildew especially likes humidity, so leaving some space between plants is crucial for good air circulation.

Happy gardening!

users have been routinely bringing to the park and disposing of in the dog waste bins for years.

Social media activity as early as 2018 shows that this is not a new problem. What’s the fuss? Dog waste, while plentiful in a dog park, takes up relatively minimal space in trash bins. Coffee cups and other household garbage fill the bins much more quickly by comparison. In one instance in early 2022, an empty dog food cans box was placed in one of the on-site dog waste bins, effectively taking up all of the space in the bin. One other issue noted in a social media post is that the bags are difficult to remove from the bins for disposal in the winter months, particularly after a thaw and freeze.

The announcement on social media was met with mixed feedback. If anything, this issue demonstrates that over-reliance on social media as a means of communication can be problematic. Many Facebook users pointed out that warnings against placing household waste in the dog waste bins have only

ever been posted on Facebook. Physical signs placed at each bin would have been guaranteed to reach the right people, but posts on social media only reached those who use Facebook and follow the Park’s page.

What now? Complimentary bags will still be provided to park users to clean up dog waste, but pet owners will now be expected to carry the waste around with them for the duration of their stay at the park, and dispose of it in a large waste bin in the parking lot before leaving. This is standard practice with dog parks in other areas, such as in Ottawa. Owners with larger dogs, multiple dogs, and dogs who engage in more “business” than others will inevitably find this difficult, particularly if they need use of their hands to help control their dog. An unfortunate possibility is that pet owners will now simply fail to pick up dog waste, or pick it up and leave the bags on the ground. Only time will tell if solving one problem has created a new one.

The North Dundas Times The Voice of North Dundas 8 www.ndtimes.ca January 12, 2023
The main entrance dog waste bag dispenser at the Ferguson Forest Dog Park. A small waste bin which used to sit below the dispenser has now been removed

January 18 deadline for On-Farm Climate Action Fund grants

Courtesy of Farmers Forum

Ontario farmers have until January 18 to apply for federal environmental money through the Ontario Soil & Crop Improvement Association. Individual grants range up to $30,000 for nitrogen management projects and up to $20,000 for cover-cropping or rotational grazing projects, through the second round of the On-Farm Climate Action Fund. Grants are also capped at 65% of project cost.

Projects eligible for funding must involve techniques that are new to the involved acreage on the farm.

One example of a nitrogen management project would be adding nitrification inhibitors to a side-dressing regime.

Approved cover crop projects must be planted in 2023. If a cover crop is to be harvested or grazed, a minimum 6 inches of growth must be left undisturbed over winter (November to March.)

The rotational grazing segment is aimed at farmers wanting to set up fencing and livestock watering systems for new rotational grazing areas or to expand existing ones. The project must involve at least 10 pasture acres containing four paddocks.

The federal government selected the OSCIA to administer the Fund’s $25 million Ontario allocation last March. It awarded millions of dollars in first-round funding to applicants last summer.

Apply here: www.ontariosoilcrop.org/ontario-on-farm-climate-action-fund

The Food Corner


During the festive season, oysters are popular with a lot of folks. Canada has several varieties of them and if you want to learn more about them, you can consult Oysterater. com. Who knows, you might become an Oyster connoisseur and able to distinguish between the subtle flavours. As for me, I just enjoy them, no matter what the variety, from the huge gulf oysters in Florida to the small sweet Malpeques from Prince Edward Island. Costco has a package of a dozen on sale that we tried recently and they were great. So, consider this a starter kit for an Oyster Fest for either having them “au naturel” or lightly pan-fried.

Oyster Fest


1. You can enjoy oysters in the shell or already “shucked”, i.e., taken out of the shell.

2. If you have shucked oysters, proceed to #6 below.

3. If you have oysters in the shell:

a. You will need to shuck the oyster with a kitchen tool designed for that purpose, or:

b. You can even use a carpenter’s chisel, if you’re desperate;

c. Take a tutorial on-line for oyster shucking so you don’t harm yourself (cause you can).

4. Once the oyster is shucked, you can either eat it raw off the shell, or cook it;

5. If you are eating it raw off the shell you can either:

a. Loosen the oyster from its muscle and tip the oyster and juice into your mouth; or

b. Squeeze a little lemon onto the oyster before you eat it; or

c. Place a dollop of seafood sauce on it before eating (recipe below).

6. Now usually if you have oysters already shucked, you are planning to cook them, so:

a. Coat each oyster with flour, dip in egg wash and coat again with panko crumbs;

b. Fry in a pan on medium heat in salted or unsalted butter (to your taste);

c. Only cook enough to turn the outside golden brown (don’t overcook, as with all seafood).

7. For a quick and easy seafood sauce, combine an quarter cup of tomato catsup, a teaspoon of horse radish (or more if you want a bit more bite), a squeeze of lemon, a shake of Tabasco and the same of Worcestershire.

Do enjoy with a nice white Chablis. Please let me know how you made out at pcormier@ranaprocess.com.


3. Not achieved 4. Specifics

Animal companion


Solutions to last week’s Sudoku




Solution to last week’s Crossword

The North Dundas Times 9 January 12, 2023 The Voice of North Dundas www.ndtimes.ca
Ceremonial splendor
Skin disease
Electronic letter
Feudal worker
Talk 18. Metallic-sounding 19. Location 20. Complete 22. Streak left by tears 24. Connections 26. Direct 27. Actuality 30. Towards the rear 33. Something neglected 35. Perspiration 37. Was victorious 38. Sometimes describes one's nose
Inscribed pillar
An anti-riot weapon
Artificial waterway
Give a speech
Russian emperor
Lubricates 67. Snouts
Female chickens
Left dreamland
Greek district
Border DOWN
41. US spy
48. Newspaper bigwig 51.
2. Bounce back
55. Flat-bottomed
56. Buckeye
57. Comes
cows 58. Flower stalk 60. Warbled 61. Celtic language 64. East southeast
6. Leave
7. Flowing tresses 8. Mexican party item 9. Scatter about 10. Largest continent 11. Against 12. Observed 15. Harps 21. Luau souvenirs 23. Adjusts 25. Arouse 27. Seating sections 28. Overact 29. Not me 31. Discerned (Br. sp.) 32. Nigerian money 34. North-northwest 36.
39. Mesh 40. Primordial matter
Permission 44. French for "State"
Den 47. Inhale 49. An aromatic flavorful vegetable 50. Marked by stiffness

Ideas for outdoor winter recreation in North Dundas

opposed to the much more public (and perhaps overly supervised) setting of an indoor rink.

When it comes to winter recreation, few things are more Canadian than skating. North Dundas has an abundance of skating opportunities. Both Winchester and Chesterville have indoor skating rinks, used for both public skating and for local

hockey games. Four smaller North Dundas towns - Morewood, Inkerman, Hallville and South Mountain – have outdoor skating rinks.

It’s not often that the smaller towns are the luckiest, but some feel that’s the case when it comes to the outdoor rinks. There is a certain appeal to outdoor skating rinks. Sure, they aren’t nearly as well main-

tained and are susceptible to poor weather conditions, but they are also typically more private due to less frequent use, meaning they present a great opportunity for families to teach little ones how to skate, or get an ad hoc game of hockey going. An argument could also be made that bored teens are more likely to use an outdoor rink with a few friends, as

Winchester resident Kelly Windle, owner of The Planted Arrow Flowers and Gifts, thinks that an outdoor skating space would be a great addition to Winchester. Kelly’s husband Stefan ran for a Council seat in the October municipal election, largely running on a platform of bringing more recreational amenities to the Township. This comes as little surprise given that the couple has three young boys who will be teenagers a few years down the road. Recreation is important for children of any age, but teens need good recreational opportunities to stay out of trouble. While Stefan did not secure a seat in the election, he has continued to show a strong commitment to the community by spearheading recreational initiatives anyway, including the new Winchester Ontario Recreation Committee (WORC).

Kelly has recently reached out to the Township’s Director of Recreation and Culture, Meaghan Meerburg, to ask about the

Is it Chesterville’s turn for a dog problem?

breed, and location which are spotted roaming free in town. Are these dogs missing from their homes, or are they strays? Likely a mix of both.

I am one to see the positive side of most issues, and this one is no exception. Are there stray dogs in North Dundas? Of course. Is this sad? Yes, very! Do some pet owners have trouble keeping their dogs in the yard or keeping them leashed? Absolutely! But the fact that we as a community work so hard to make sure that lost dogs (and even cats in some cases) make it home shows what a great place North Dundas is to live.

possibility of an outdoor rink in Winchester. The response came back that if a spot was found to be available for an outdoor rink in Winchester, the cost for the required materials would be just over $63,000, not including boards, a fence, or a water supply, and assuming that volunteers would be willing to make the project a success.

Another idea that drew immense popularity from social media users was the idea of creating North Dundas’ own version of the Rideau Canal skateway by cleaning the ice on the South Nation River between the Cass Bridge conservation area site south of Winchester town limits, and the town of Chesterville to the east. The project could in theory be extended to the town of South Mountain to the west as well, but not any further east past Chesterville owing to the dam in town. The South Nation River is sourced by a spring southwest of North Dundas. It flows across the entire Township and other municipalities before emptying into the Ottawa River in the Plantagenet area. Such a resource already presents

great recreational opportunities in the summer, such as kayaking – why not consider its use for family fun in the winter months as well?

On this subject, Director Meerburg told Kelly, “We can potentially look at this project in a few years as there are many variables to it and unfortunately we don’t have the staff resources for the time being. It would be ideal if a community group would like to take on the research for the program and see if it could be a feasible project.”

In North Grenville, the “Kemptville Creek” has entered its third straight year of becoming a Rideau Canal style skateway in the winter. This project is a revival of an old tradition from decades ago. While much work and planning would need to be done to make the same thing possible in North Dundas, it is certainly an idea worth considering. Recreation planning only makes sense with the input of those who use the amenities, and that means it starts with average North Dundas residents like you and me.

For much of last year, Winchester social media was plagued with frequent reports of dogs on the loose. For reasons that will remain a mystery, it seems that just as

instances of stray and missing dogs appear to be happening less often in Winchester, it’s now Chesterville’s turn to have a so-called “dog problem”. Social media posts on the popular “What’s up, Chesterville?” page have been frequently identifying dogs by size,

I have no trouble admitting that I have been part of the “dog problem” in another neck of the North Dundas woods –South Mountain. Our two black labs have the privilege of a sizable fenced-in backyard from which they have not (yet!) figured out how to escape. The front door is another story, particularly when they think we are going to leave them home alone.

When our dogs were

young and a bit more cautious of new things, they would gladly return to the front door when called if they happened to get out. To our surprise one day, they took off down the street and calling them back was about as effective as a plastic fireplace poker. They ended up meeting a couple of new dogs in a yard down the street, and my oldest son was reminded by the homeowner to control his dogs when he went to retrieve them. It’s understandable to be upset when your own dog is accosted in their yard. We all have to remember, however, that dogs are born explorers, and are often smarter than we give them credit for. Dogs are going to get loose no matter how careful we are. Posts on social media providing a description and location of unaccompanied dogs are a great way for members of the community to look out for one another.

Aren’t small towns great? Cheers to wet noses and wagging tails!

The North Dundas Times The Voice of North Dundas 10 www.ndtimes.ca January 12, 2023 MELISSA OTTENHOF Marketing Consultant Phone:613 329 0209 Email: melissa@ndtimes.ca www.ngtimes.ca Send in your letters, stories, events to editor@ndtimes.ca Classified to classified@ndtimes.ca
The South Nation River at Bridge St. in South Mountain, looking east. It is possible to travel in this direction along the river continuously through the southern outskirts of Winchester and into the village of Chesterville. Many locals believe that when frozen, the river would make a great recreational skateway. Oakley and Cooper – a couple of local North Dundas dogs belonging to Times editor Brandon Mayer. They are NOT (currently) missing! by Brandon Mayer
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Dr. Suru Chande retires after more than 50 years at WDMH

funded by the WDMH Auxiliary. Dr. Chande has also been a passionate supporter of WDMH, helping to raise thousands of dollars through events such as an annual golf tournament and several fundraising plays staged by local doctors.

Up until recently, Dr. Chande could still be found in the Operating Room every Friday assisting with surgeries. He also spent two to three days a month in Morrisburg doing consultations and minor procedures. But Dr. Chande says it’s now time to spend time with his family and enjoy a well-deserved retirement.

Dr. Suru Chande received his 50-year pin last year.

submitted by Jane Adams, Communications Lead

As 2022 comes to a close, it seems fitting to celebrate the wonderful career of Dr. Suru Chande. He retired this year, after 51 years of providing care at Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH).

In an interview last year when Dr. Chande received his 50-year long service pin, he described WDMH when he arrived back in November 1971: “There were only two surgeons at WDMH. I worked alongside Dr. Duane Justus in those early years, doing all kinds of surgeries included pediatric care before CHEO opened in Ottawa.” Dr. Chande also remembers his work at the clinics in Iroquois, Morrisburg, and Ingleside.

“The Ingleside clinic was close to a local school,

Festive Baby brings Joy at Christmas

so I got occasional calls from the playground or basketball court to deal with a dislocated finger or laceration,” he remembers.

Dr. Chande’s accomplishments – both at WDMH and beyond – are many. He has served in many administrative roles at WDMH. He has taught hundreds of surgical residents, family medicine residents, medical and nursing students –anyone who wanted to learn. He was one of the inaugural board members of the Ontario Association of General Surgeons. He received the Lifetime Membership Award from the Ontario Medical Association in 2016. And he was one of the first surgeons in the region to perform minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery in the early nineties – using equipment

“Things won’t be the same without Dr. Chande walking down the hall at WDMH,” notes Chief of Staff Dr. Brian Devin. “He has been much more than a colleague. He has been a mentor and teacher to many. We want to thank him for his decades of dedication to the patients and families we serve.”

Dr. Chande says he will miss his colleagues and his patients. “We always had terrific support from the CEO and the Board, the Operating Room team, everyone at WDMH, and my partners at the St. Lawrence Medical Clinic,” he says.

Congratulations Dr. Chande!

Mother Sarah knew she wanted to deliver her third baby at the same place where her first two children were born – at Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH). Having the first WDMDH Christmas baby of 2022 was an added bonus!

Sarah’s daughter Aila was born on Christmas Day at 5:25 pm. Aila’s older siblings (a four-year-old sister and a seven-year-old brother) stayed home with

Dad in Ottawa to open their Christmas presents.

“I am very happy,” said Sarah. “Everything went very well. Thank you very much.”

“I am so glad I had the opportunity to help with the miracle of life this Christmas at the Winchester Hospital,” notes Dr. Shamsa Deeb who delivered the baby. “This is the family’s third baby at the hospital and I’m grateful to have been with them for all of them. The labour and

delivery went very well with the exceptional support from the WDMH team that I am very happy to be a part of.”

The WDMH team provided little Aila with a festive hat, mitts and booties. Congratulations to the whole family!

WDMH’s First Baby of 2023 arrives on January 2!

month of January. “We’ll be having three birthday parties in the same month, which should be pretty fun,” says Selena. Ruby’s older siblings Cora and Elliot are almost five and almost two, and had a video chat with their new sister soon after she was born. “Cora is ecstatic because she really wanted a baby sister. Elliot isn’t quite sure about what is going on but he’s in for a big surprise,” adds Selena.

Ruby Bergeron took her time ringing in the new year, joining the party at 6:13 am on January 2. She is the first baby born at Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH)

in 2023 and her parents

Selena and Marc couldn’t be happier!

The Bergerons, who live in Vars, have had three children at WDMH – all born during the

“We love Winchester Hospital because it is a small, cozy hospital where you get exceptional care,” sums up Selena. “The whole experience and the team are wonderful, and I wouldn’t go anywhere else.”

Congratulations to the Bergeron family from everyone at WDMH!

The North Dundas Times 11 January 12, 2023 The Voice of North Dundas www.ndtimes.ca
Celebrating are (l-r): Dr. Shamsa Deeb with Mom Sarah and baby Aila and her mother-in-law. Cora and Elliot Bergeron with new baby sister Ruby

Our area’s coolest weatherman

Christmas blizzard stopped trucks, forces farmers to dump

1.7 million litres of milk

“It’s a bigger problem than not just getting the milk picked up. The townships don’t have enough extra plow truck drivers,” observed Waldroff, who personally serves as a spare plow truck operator for a contractor handling area county roads.

A 8-year-old Kemptville boy is arguably the coolest weatherman around, though he could soon gain an even higher honour as Faces Magazine’s Podcaster of the Year. Local boy Finn is the star of Finn’s Friday Forecast, a popular weekly weather podcast that he has been hosting since September of 2019. The podcast plays on Friday mornings at blasttheradio.com.

“It started out by Finn hearing John Mielke do a weather report on his online station and Finn saying he wanted to do a weather report and send it to John,” Finn’s mother, Tara, told the Times. “John thought it was adorable and aired it. It was short and sweet and just had that Friday’s forecast. The Following week he ended up doing it again, and the listeners loved it, so we created Finn’s Friday Forecast which quickly became an entire weekend forecast.” Over the first year, we started adding banter between Finn and John and Finn developed his own reporting style and signature send off, including a regional acknowledgment saying ‘From the unceded territory of the Algonquin Nation in Kemptville Ontario, THIS IS YOUR BTR weatherman Finn, ONLY on Blasttheradio.com… back to you John … See Yaaaaaaaa’.” John now jokes that Finn has more fans than him. Finn has done special weather reports, including those ahead of storms which include important safety tips. Tara explained that her husband, Bram has his own weekly radio show that airs in the

Netherlands. This helps with Finn’s show, since they have the equipment available for recording and editing. The segment targets the Ottawa area forecast which is where blasttheradio.com is located.

According to the Faces Magazine website, “The Annual Faces Awards is Ottawa's largest awards event, spanning over 150 categories to recognize professionals and businesses that make Ottawa such a world-class city.” Finn’s name has been put forward for awards in the past, but this year he is one of 15 nominees for the Podcaster of the Year award.

“Just making it to the list of nominees is an honour and Finn was really excited about the news,” Tara explained. “We told him that we are just proud of him for all his hard work and dedication doing a weekly forecast for almost 3.5 years and sticking to it. It’s always been Finn’s choice to do the forecast and stop at any time. He sometimes will do a 1-3 week break if we are super busy or away, and sometimes he makes a special weather report from Europe when we are regularly in the Netherlands or destinations we happen to be at

on the Friday. He has even called in to John’s studio to record it over the phone from the middle of nowhere.”

Despite his gifts, Finn doesn’t necessarily want to be a weatherman when he grows up. His current aspirations are to be a police office, firefighter, pilot, or inventor.

“His interests include soccer, swimming, music, airplanes and creating things out of Lego or recycled items which he calls ‘re ventions’ because they are inventions made from recycled things,” said Tara. “He is kind and energetic and has a big heart and genuinely cares that people know what weather is on the way and how to prepare for it.”

Finn is proud of the work that he does. “It’s cool and fun,” he said. “I like to give the weather forecast to people so they don’t get into accidents. I feel proud to be a weatherman.”

Voting for the Podcaster of the Year award begins on January 15. Don’t forget to cast your vote!

Courtesy of Farmers Forum

Ontario dairy farmers dumped about 1.7 million litres of milk due to the Christmas weekend blizzard that left roads impassable to traffic, including the tanker trucks that pick up milk from dairy farms every other day.

Former Dairy Farmers of Ontario board member Nick Thurler estimated the volume of dumped milk at 1.7 million litres across the province. Thurler said his own farm south of Ottawa didn’t miss a pickup and didn’t have to dump milk.

However, about 40 % of Ontario dairy farms missed at least one scheduled pickup and instead emptied their bulk tanks down the drain during the “once in a generation” storm event, according to the Dairy Farmers of Ontario.

Some farmers missed two scheduled pickups as high winds, whiteout conditions and drifting snow kept milk haulers off the roads for periods of time during the major continental storm that slammed the province Dec. 23-24.

There was no impact on the supply of milk and dairy products for consumers, ac-

cording to DFO.

The organization has informed producers that it will reimburse farmers that dumped milk. All producers will share the pain as DFO temporarily lowers the blend price by 2.5 cents per litre, to fund that payout.

“Our ability to share in the impact of this natural occurrence is among the greatest strengths of our system,” DFO said in a statement.

“While there are several key learnings through this challenging time, we remain thankful for our transporter and processor partners for trying to make the best of an extremely difficult circumstance.”

Berwick dairy farmer

Theo Elshof supported the decision to share the cost of dumped milk across the DFO membership, after missing a scheduled pickup on Christmas Eve. He said his own farm dumped about 4,200 litres of more valuable Jersey milk worth about $5,000.

Newington dairy farmer

Jeff Waldroff reported having to waste just over 1,800 litres of milk worth about $1,800 on Christmas Day.

“I can’t begrudge them not going to pick up milk,” Waldroff observed.

Waldroff said it was the first time he’s had to dump milk, adding he barely managed to avoid that outcome during the 1998 Ice Storm.

“The trouble is, the trucks are so much bigger now and worth so much more money, if you put one of those upside down in the ditch … it’s not good, and safety for the driver is important,” he noted.

Inverary dairy farmer Gary Gordon said his farm fortunately skipped no pickups, though he knew of two nearby robotic producers that weren’t so lucky and had to empty their bulk tanks. Gordon said that roads were terrible in his neck of the woods during the storm, with 5 tractor trailers ditched just east of the farm. A milk truck also went into the ditch, requiring its cargo to be pumped into another truck, he said.

“For a good 40 hours, we couldn’t see anything,” Gordon said of the blizzard.

While DFO says it has a policy of allowing farmers to store up to three days milk in the event of a missed pickup, Gordon said that producers were told to empty their tanks completely if the milk truck failed to show up.

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Local weatherman, Finn of Finn’s Friday Forecast reprinted with permission from Farmers Forum newspaper.

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