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BIA gets new Board Chair
submitted by Deron Johnston
At the Old Town Kemptville (OTK) BIA Board of Management Meeting on Monday night July 24th, the Board appointed a new chair to lead the organization until the end of the Board’s term in December of 2026.
Shelley Mitchell, the owner of To Be Continued Consignment Shop, who has been a long-term BIA Board member and is currently Chair of the BIA Marketing and Programming Committee, was acclaimed as part of the election process. Shelley will assume the role and responsibilities immediately as she takes over from Vice Chair Meagan Cumming CEO of Kemptville Stress Relief Centre who had been Acting Chair for several months.
“I want to thank Meagan Cumming for her role as Chair of the BIA over the last few years; the Board and the downtown businesses greatly appreciated and benefited from her expertise. As a downtown business owner for the last 14 years, 13 or so of those on the BIA Board, I am excited to take on the role of Chair. The BIA will be busy completing our Strategic Plan and pursuing Board development over the next few months but I’m happy to connect with any business owner or friend of the downtown to discuss any issue relating to downtown.”
– Shelley Mitchell – Board Chair Old Town Kemptville BIA.

After the election and at the close of the Board Meeting, Meagan tendered her resignation from the Board effective immediately. She cited significant professional and personal commitments which she has been struggling to fulfill and felt comfortable about passing the torch to such an experienced Board member who was capable of leading the BIA Board.
“It’s no surprise that Meagan stepped up when the BIA was suddenly without a Chair earlier this year. She has always been there when she was needed, volunteered at every event and agreed to be Vice Chair this term to support the new Chair Dave Leger who unfortunately had to resign due to an increased workload at his full-time job. We’ll definitely miss her professionalism and her unwavering commitment to the BIA and Buskerfest.” – Sierra Jones-Martel Treasurer Old Town Kemptville BIA. cont'd from front page county road motorists to stop when the signals are likely to be red as they reach the intersection, preventing potential collisions and making North Grenville roads safer. traffic lights aren’t working yet as they are waiting on Hydro One for completion of installation – Hydro’s schedule is apparently quite busy, Lafarge was informed it will be somewhere near the end of September before they are able to do the work.”

“As Chair of the Board in the previous term, Meagan navigated the BIA through the pandemic which turned out to be the most challenging period the BIA has ever faced. With her remarkable people skills, especially her ability to truly listen to people, she was able to provide strong, compassionate leadership to the Board at a time when many small businesses and individual business owners were extremely vulnerable. She will be sorely missed.” –Deron Johnston – Old Town Kemptville BIA Executive Director.
When the traffic light does commence operation, motorists of all vehicle types will be safer. The approach to the intersection from both the north and the south includes a set of warning lights designed to prepare