5 minute read
Reflections on an Auditor General report
submitted by Steve Gabell President, Local Ontario Greens Constituency Association
A bombshell report was released by the Ontario Auditor General this week on changes to the Greenbelt, and it should serve as the death knell for Premier Ford’s and Minister Clark’s political careers. The AG found that developers received “preferential treatment” in determining which land was to be removed from the Greenbelt.
In a June 2022 mandate letter, Premier Ford directed Minister Clark to conduct “swaps, expansions, contractions, and policy updates” related to the Greenbelt, despite both promising numerous times before the election that the Greenbelt would not be opened up for development. Minister Clark’s Chief of Staff implemented this policy, and he received packages from prominent housing developers with specific sites to target. A team of government employees were bound by confidentiality and given just three weeks to identify and assess 22 parcels of land for removal, and when the lands failed to meet development standards to allow for removal, the criteria was changed to specifically allow pieces of land owned by developers with access to the government to be removed. In total, of the 7400 acres to be removed from the Greenbelt, 6700 or 92% was removed as a direct result of developer access to Clark’s Chief of Staff.
The three developers who own the land to be removed from the Greenbelt stand to benefit from an increase in land values of at least $8.3 billion, and some of this land was purchased shortly before being removed from the Greenbelt. In February of this year, there were concerns that developers had been tipped off as to which land was to be removed from the Greenbelt, which would be a scandal, yet we now find that land was being removed at the direct request of developers who stood to benefit.
Premier Ford and Minster Clark are trying to claim they did not know how their policy was being implemented by Clark’s Chief of Staff. Are they telling the truth, in which case they should resign for gross incompetence, or are they trying to protect themselves by creating a sacrificial lamb?
The removal of land from the Greenbelt, which was meant to be protected from development in perpetuity, is claimed to be needed to meet housing targets yet key planning figures have told the Province that the Greenbelt could remain untouched without impacting housing goals.
Ontario Greens leader and MPP Mike Schreiner said:
“What this demonstrates to me is a total lack of care for the people of Ontario – a willingness to break all the rules to sell off the land that feeds us and protects us to wealthy insiders, leaving the rest of us to foot the bill. While the rich get richer, we lose thousands of acres of prime farmland, wetlands, and woodlands.
Ontario Greens want a Province where everyone has a great place to live in an affordable, connected community. Where we make sustainable decisions that will help us grow now and in the future. Where the government works for the people it represents, instead of trying to deceive them.
We are calling on Minister Clark, our local MPP, to resign both his position as Minister and as MPP, and to cooperate fully in any future investigations into this scandalous episode. We need to restore the public’s trust in politics, to stop this corrosion of public life.
One last jam with Bradley Smith, August 19, Kemptville Street Piano
submitted by Lisa Poushinsky
It's open mic jam time! Join host Bradley Smith at the Street Piano this Saturday for the last jam of the season. Whether you’re a new performer or a pro looking for a place to make music (and friends) on a Saturday afternoon, this jam’s for you. Come to listen and/or to play, all levels / genres / instruments welcome.
Bradley Smith, host with the most, will entertain you with his favourite tunes between musical get togethers. No stranger to the stage, Bradley has been playing piano, singing, and running jams and open mics for over 50 years. When not performing solo, Bradley plays Southern Rock, 80’s Rock, and Country music with several bands.
What? The Kemptville Street Piano Concert Series presents
Who? One Last Jam with Bradley Smith
When? Saturday August 19, 2pm
Where? North Grenville Public Library terrace
How much? Free! (Cash donations welcome, or see the featured section on our FB page for the link to our GoFundMe campaign.)
Learn more about Bradley Smith at www.suckerforaballad.com.
Street Piano concerts are family friendly, accessible, and take place rain or shine (in case of inclement weather, concerts move indoors). Dogs on leashes welcome!
Municipal Office Hours
The Municipal office is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Visit our events calendar to find out what’s happening in the community: www.northgrenville.ca/events
Sign-up to receive Mayor Peckford’s e-newsletter at: northgrenville.ca/connect.
Please see the Council agenda for further details on how to participate in Council meetings. All Council meetings will be live streamed on YouTube at: youtube.com/user/NorthGrenville/ featured and on the Municipality’s website at: www.northgrenville.ca/meetings.
To make a deputation in relation to an item on the agenda, please provide your comments no later than two hours prior to the start of the meeting to clerk@northgrenville.on.ca Council agendas are available at: www.northgrenville.ca/meetings.
• Tuesday, September 5 at 7:00 p.m. (Open Session) – South Gower Pavilion
Committees may be meeting in-person or virtually. Please see the Committee agenda for details on how to attend. Agendas can be found on the Municipal website at www.northgrenville.ca/meetings
• Environmental Action Advisory Committee – Monday, August 28, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
• Arts and Culture Advisory Committee – Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
Engineering Technologist – Water Wastewater
The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking to fill the position of Engineering Technologist in the Public Works Department with Water Wastewater. Interested applicants may submit a cover letter and resume outlining qualification in confidence to Human Resources by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 1, 2023.
Facilities Attendant (Part-Time)
The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking to fill part-time positions of Facilities Attendant in the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department. Interested applicants may submit a cover letter and resume outlining qualification in confidence to Human Resources by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, October 2, 2023.
Advisory Committees
Join the conversation regarding the community! The Municipality continues to accept applications for members to various advisory committees. Visit northgrenville.ca/committees for more information on how to apply. For questions, please contact the Clerk by email at clerk@ northgrenville.on.ca or by telephone at 613-258-9569 ext 171
Financial incentives are available for businesses and property owners to continue the revitalization of Downtown Kemptville. As part of the Downtown Kemptville Community Improvement Plan, intake is now open for the following financial programs: Façade & Signage Grant, People Make the Place Grant, Building Fees Grant, and Tax-Increment Equivalent Residential Grant. The Development Charges Exemption is still in place for downtown. Intake is on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted. If you have questions or are looking to apply, please email vision@ northgrenville.on.ca or call 613-258-9569 ext 177.
NG Green Gift Card will be expiring on August 23, 2023. Don’t let the remaining value on your NG Green Gift Card go to waste! If you have any questions or require assistance email ecdev@northgrenville.on.ca or call 613-258-9569 ext. 153. Thank you for supporting local.
The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Rd. 44, PO Box 130 , Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620 general@northgrenville.on.ca www.NorthGrenville.ca
Building: 613-258-9569 x130 Fax: 613-258-1441
Fire Services Info: 613-258-9569 x201 Fax: 613-258-1031
By-Law Services: email: bylawinquiries@northgrenville.on.ca 613-258-9569 x211
Police Administration: 613-258-3441 Animal Control: 613-862-9002