January 30th 2013

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the north grenville


TIMES The Voice of North Grenville

Vol. 1, No.9

January 30, 2013

Mike Shultz’s Manotick Rink wins NGCC Senior Men’s Cash Bonspiel

L-R Keith Doe, Ron Barker, Gary Durie, Mike Schulz, Anita Maloney, Arno Giek By Jim Dolan


ixteen teams from Ottawa, Perth, Smith Falls, Manotick, North Grenville, Prescott and Brockville competed in the seventh annual North Grenville Senior Men’s Bonspiel held at the club on January 18. At the end of the day, Manotick curlers Mike Schulz-skip, Ron Barker, Keith Doe, Arno Giek scored the highest number of points, 40, in the two-game total point spiel to claim the first prize which was sponsored by the Royal LePage Gale Realty Associates, Anita Maloney and Gary Durie. The runner-up team

was skipped by Warren Richarwood of the Brockville Curling Club. The third place team was skipped by Brian Dougherty of the Smith Falls Curling Club, and the fourth place team was skipped by Frank Van Ryckeghem of Manotick. One game high winners were, in the first draw, Bob Day’s team from Perth and, in the second draw, Keith Goodhue’s team from the RA Centre in Ottawa. A special thanks to 20+club members who volunteered during the event: the success of our club events depend upon your active participation. Dave Brown eliminated in the semi-finals

at Senior Men’s Regional Playdowns Napanee, the hometown of Avril Lavigne, played host to the Ontario Senior Men’s Playdowns on January 19 and 20. Dave Brown and his teammates, Lester McInnis, Brian Moulton and Ambrose Arcand won their first game on Saturday against Trenton’s Jim Marshall. A loss to Ottawa’s Brian Lewis, the 2012 Dominion Senior Men’s Champion, dropped Brown into the “B” side of the double knockout event. Brown rebounded on Sunday morning to defeat Bob Ray of the Land O’Lakes Curling Club, to advance to the “B” side semi-final, where he was eliminated

by Huntley Curling Club’s Dwayne Lowe in a very close game. Brian Lewis won the “A” side and Rideau Curling Club’s Howard Rajala won the “B” side and will now go on to represent Region 1 in the Ontario Senior Men’s Curling Championship to be held at the Annandale Curling Club from February 20 to 24. NGCC Members Spencer Cooper and Kim Brown win OVCA Mixed Bonspiel Spencer Cooper, a member of the NGCC but representing the Ottawa Curling Club in the event, won the OVCA Mixed bonspiel held at various clubs from January 18 to 21. Kim Brown also a

member of our club was a member of Spencer’s team. Congratulations Spencer and Kim! Two teams from the club did very well at the event. Bill Bouwman and his teammates Wendy Bouwman, Wayne Pitt and Heather Pitt made it to the semi-finals in the third event of the Senior Division. Steve Vokey, Lynne Surette, Gary Drawson and Helen Vokey also made it to the semi-finals in the 2nd event of the open Division. Eileen Chambers a winner at NGCC Ladies Invitational Teams from Ottawa, Perth, Arnprior, North Grenville, Prescott, Brockville, and Morrisburg participated in the NGCC Ladies Invitational point spiel held at the club on January 23. Greta McGann and her teammates, Susan MacIntosh, Kathy Hardy and Claire Locke from Morrisburg won the early draw. NGCC’s Eileen Chambers and teammates Penny MacDonald, Marjorie Graham and Barb Gour won the late draw. Congratulations ladies. S p e n c e r C o o p e r ’s Team in Top Spot Thursday Fixed Team League After 13 games Spencer Cooper’s team sits in top spot in our 20 team Thursday night fixed team league with 112 points. The next five teams are Lester McInnis 104 points,

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Gary Drawson 100, Dave Brown 99, Dave Burgess 98 and Terry Scharf 95. Other members of Spencer’s team are Allison Farrell, Kim Brown and Trish Scharf.

Bishop’s Mills Annual Winter Fun Day and Pot-Luck Supper - Feb.10

Mark your calendar for this year’s Winter Fun Day at the Bishop’s Mills Park followed by a good old-fashion pot-luck supper. Activities at the Park start at 2:00 pm and include skating, broomball, and various winter games for the young and young at heart. The pot-luck supper will follow at the Community Hall between 5-6:00 pm. Why go down south to beat the winter blues! Come out and enjoy the positive aspects of our Canadian winter, have some healthy fun and share the community spirit. Don’t forget that the rink is always open for public skating. For further information or to discuss the pot-luck arrangements, please contact Linda Desroches at 258-2115.

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

In Memoriam: Margaret Rose Rupert January 7, 1938 – January 20, 2013

Beth Nicol


ou won’t have to travel far these days before you hear a “Marg” story. Be it a hamlet or the heart of downtown Kemptville, her many friends and former colleagues and students all seem to have a favourite memory to share. Shortly after graduating from High School in Finch, Marg’s teaching career began. Summer trips to Toronto allowed her to acquire the necessary qualifications to teach; the remainder of the year was spent shaking up the small community of Bishop’s Mills. The new, one room school teacher was young, enthusiastic and demanding. Encouraging students to examine, question, think instead of relying on rote learning put her on the cutting edge of educational change. To encourage school spirit, pride in achievement and some friendly competition, neighbouring schools took turns hosting afterschool baseball games. There were no buses. Ever practical, Marg solved the transportation problem by loading the entire team into her car. The ones that couldn’t fit inside rode in the trunk… and still smile at the memory. Changing times meant changing schools. Oxfordon-Rideau opened and there Marg spent the remainder of her career. She worked to improve her own education, earning a degree from Carleton by taking courses in the summers and in the evenings. From her classes, Miss Rupert required focus, attention to detail and effort. Respect was expected.

The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc.

Sales Representative Michael Pacitto mike@ngtimes.ca 613-710-7104 January 30, 2013

She usually got it. When such was not the case, the students learned to expect the unexpected. “It was the only time I have ever seen someone in a skirt and heels vault a desk and land on her feet running,” laughed a former student. Another memory, another smile. For Marg, retirement was only a word. She volunteered at the school; she chauffeured seniors; she canvassed. She tapped the trees at Maplewood, across from her home. She became involved with the Oxford Mills Community Association. She cut grass and used the earnings to send a child to Rideau Hill Camp. In 2002, an aneurism first put Marg into hospital and then the Elisabeth Bruyere Centre for rehabilitation. It should have killed her. Her high level of physical fitness, her resolve and the continued support from loyal friends all contributed to a slow but steady return to health. She took guitar lessons. She regained her license to drive. Although many saw Marg on her daily trips walking her dog through the village of Oxford Mills, what wasn’t as obvious was her continued involvement in North Grenville activities. To name a few: The United Churches in Oxford and Bishop’s Mills, The Oxford Mills Community Association, The North Grenville Historical Society, The Cancer Society, The Lions Club. Her charitable donations were numerous and frequently given. It was death that put Marg Rupert’s name in the news. In life, the contributions she made are far more noteworthy. The qualities for which Marg will be remembered are dogged determination, generousity of spirit and devotion to her community. She did not wear her kindnesses for all to see; hers was an unheralded service. She will be missed by many.




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Did You Know That....? - “It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.” [www.lipsum.com] - While it may have been understood by printers in the sixteenth century, the source of the text was lost until the 1980's. - This discovery was by a Latin professor at HampdenSydney College in Virginia named Richard McClintock, who looked up some of the more obscure words, and found the matching document by Cicero. - Variations on Lorem Ipsum have been developed recently, some for humourous effect, playing on the very familiarity of the text. Though whether Cicero would find it amusing to have his philosophical musings reduced to space filling is debatable.

by Michael Pacitto - Whenever a printer, or web designer, or graphic layout artists wants to fill in space temporarily in order to see how a lay-out might look when completed, they use the same block of Latin text, called the “Lorem ipsum”, as placeholder text. - Although it looks like a jumble of gibberish, the Lorem Ipsum is, in fact, a passage from a work on Ethics by the Latin writer, Cicero, dating from 45 B.C. - Lorem ipsum are the first two words of the passage, which allows people to see the lay-out and design without being distracted by the content of the passage, as very few people can read Latin these days. - It has been used in this way since the 1500's, and has survived every change in printing technology ever since, continuing into the web site design era.

2395 Bedell Road Structure Fire

North Grenville Fire Service At 4:42 pm on January 27, 2013, the North Grenville Fire Service received a 911 call for a reported house fire. When firefighters arrived on location they found heavy smoke and flames coming from the roof area of the house. Fire crews aggressively pulled ceilings to gain access to the attic space and quickly extinguished the fire. North Grenville Fire Service activated mutual aid and had Merrickville Fire Department assist with the fire. No injuries as a result of

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Quotable Quotes "If a child can't learn the way we teach, then maybe we should teach the way they learn!"

Thursday, January 31

Six Course Menu

the fire. Fire crews assisted with property conservation (salvage of personal belongs) throughout the evening. The fire remains under investigation but is not deemed suspicious.

Public Service Announcement

All wood burning appliances should be inspected and cleaned annually to ensure safe and proper operation.

Chief Hutt, Fire Chief North Grenville Fire Service

Wine Tasting with


$75 per person includes wine & liqueurs Tantalizing Food paired with a wine to compliment each course

(Ignacio Estrada) [Peggy McKee]

Event in Aid of Community Living 11 Bridge Street, Oxford Mills

TIMES Gord Logan gord@ngtimes.ca 613-258-6402


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Editorial Page Time for Talk David Shanahan Sometimes it is surprising how quickly an issue can catch the attention of people. Over the past couple of weeks, the subject of a different kind of Farmers Market for Kemptville has been raised in articles and has dominated the letters page in this newspaper. In this issue, there are more letters and a full-length response to Woody Armour’s articles by one of the vendors at the market who believes that Woody has missed some vital points in his suggestions about a revised market. There are a number of things to be said about this issue, as it has been developing. One is that the overwhelming public opinion as expressed in letters to the editor have been in complete support of Woody’s call for a different kind of market, with longer hours of operation and a broader vision of what a market could be. This is, in itself, a very positive thing: the community has become engaged by the topic and have ideas and comments of their own. Whatever the Farmers Market executive may say, the fact is that the community want something more than they have been getting in the past. However, Nancy Olive makes some very important points about regulations and procedures (albeit in a rather patronising fashion) that have to be addressed by the reformers. It is a sad fact of life these days that government and municipal regulations can prevent what might seem to be obvious and positive changes to events that deal with the growing and sale of food to the public. In the past, such regulations have effectively killed the local dairy industry in North Grenville, and they well make the kind of market envisaged by Woody Armour impossible or impractical. But let’s be positive here. Once again, this community has displayed a vision and willingness to be involved that can only lead to improvements and growth in North Grenville. Perhaps it would January 30, 2013

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Grammar Minute Patrick Babin

be a good idea for all sides and viewpoints to come together and openly discuss the issue, and see what is possible and desirable for the future of the Farmers Market? As the official sponsors of the Market, it may be that the Kemptville Kinsmen could call a meeting at which the matter could be openly and carefully debated? It is natural for the Farmers Market executive to be defensive in the face of such criticism. In spite of what they may say, it is a fact that many others have tried to get changes introduced to the running of the market, but have met with stonewall resistance from an entrenched executive. But both sides need to be heard. The Market has been a genuinely good addition to our community, and any measures which will improve it, or expand its effects on the area, would be welcome and should be encouraged. It is a nice piece of serendipity that this debate is taking place as the Municipality begin the process of drawing up a new Strategic Plan. The last Plan was somewhat narrowed down to economic development issues and largely forgot the more social and cultural aspects that had been identified by the people of North Grenville. The Farmers Market covers all of these areas. It is an important part of the economic development of downtown Kemptville, as well as for the many farmers and other vendors using the market during the summer months. It is also potentially a great venue for cultural activities, such as music and dance, for example. And the current Market, as Nancy points out, provides a Community table for local groups to advertise their wares. This is an area that could be expanded in the future, bringing together more and more of our community groups in an atmosphere of fun and well-being. There have been many people over the past few years who have suggested that the Farmers Market could expand to a year-long event by utilising the old Fire Hall,

or Armoury building in Riverside Park. This also needs to be discussed to see whether it is, in fact, a valid option. It may provide an indoor venue for year-round markets; but what would be sold there? What winter crops would be available, and in what quantities, to make such an event practical? Would such a use for the building be the best possible use? There is no doubt, from the correspondence that Woody’s articles have stirred up, that there is a desire in the community for extended hours of operation for the Farmers Market. In fact, some students from the University are interested in renting some farm land where they can grow crops to be sold at the Farmers Market. [See the notice elsewhere in this issue] Nancy, in her piece today, points out the problems this might cause to the vendors, who would have to get up ridiculously early, she says, to make it to the market in time. Surely, we can come up with a situation that meets everyone’s needs and wants. Either the Kinsmen, or perhaps the Municipality through one of its economic development initiatives, can bring together all shades of opinion and see what can be achieved through dialogue and imagination. One last positive to emphasise: all of this discussion to date shows that the people of North Grenville are not apathetic to the Farmers Market. No-one is opposing it, or claiming it is a waste of time. All sides agree that it has been a positive for our community, and want to see it grow in the most effective and efficient manner possible. We have such creative people involved; it is only a matter of leaving egos at the door and tapping in to the enthusiasm and energy available. It could be a win-win, if everyone is willing.

Etc. An abbreviation of the Latin et cetera which means

and other things. Et cetera is an expression made famous in the musical, “The King and I”. Remember Yul Brynner?

What is wrong with these sentences? 1. She bought one of them handbags. 2. This here drawing won first prize. 3. I will try and get the tickets. 4. I read where the price of oil is going up. 5. I haven’t no excuse. What is the meaning of the French phrase raison d’etre?

CLASSIFIEDS: First 15 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to classifieds@ngtimes.ca. Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville and be paid in advance by paypal!


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Beware: He was using so many commas in his articles that one day he lapsed into a comma. A MUST read: Lynne Truss’s Talk to the Hand: The Utter Bloody Rudeness of the World Today, or Six Good Reasons to Stay Home and Bolt the Door, Gotham Books, 2005. “Just as the rise of the internet sealed the doom of grammar, so modern communications technology contributes to the end of manners.” p. 23 Cell phones in public places: “For God’s sake, we can all hear you, shut up.” Truss, p. 113 HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED HOW DIFFICULT IT WOULD BE FOR CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS IF THEY COULD NOT USE expletives? “Mom, what’s an expletive?” “Go ask your Dad.” Must all abbreviations be followed by a period? No, abbreviations of government agencies are often written without periods. Ice tea is iced tea. An Exercise: Insert capitals in these sentences wherever needed: 1. Dad wanted to see chicago, which lies in cook county, illinois, at the foot of lake michigan. 2. In salt lake city we saw the mormon temple; after crossing the salt flats to nevada, we made our way toward the northwest and the pacific ocean. 3. Velasquez’ paintings, the forge of vulcan and portrait of the child don carlos, which are hung in the prado museum in madrid, were moved to geneva, switzerland, during the war. Last, but not least: You do not Put on an event; that phrase appears quite frequently in this newspaper. Even Lucy finds the weather AWFUL!

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Youth Section

The North Grenville Times Municipality Matters

The Voice of North Grenville

Municipality Matters is a regular feature in which Councillors, staff and Committee members talk about their work and what’s happening in their world.

KEMPTVILLE YOUTH CENTRE 5 Oxford Street., Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0, 613-258-5212, www.kemptvilleyc.com Helping the youth of North Grenville make positive lifestyle choices in a safe, non-judgmental environment —since 1994! Our programs are FREE to the youth of our community. PROGRAMMING: Daily Programs Monday to Friday RBC After School Program 2:15-6:00pm Homework in THE LAB 2:15-6:00pm Electronic Waste Drop-offs Accepted 2:15-6:00pm Weekly Programs Movie Monday’s Monday Night 2:00-6:00pm February 4 | Taken 2 [PG-13] February 11 | Valentine’s Day [PG-13] February 25 | Hotel Transylvania [PG] Classic Gaming Night Monday Night 2:00-6:00pm Pathfinders Meeting Monday Night 7:00-9:00pm Youth Council Meetings Monday Night 4:00-6:00pm Big Screen Gaming Night Tuesday Night 2:00-6:00pm Sports Night @ KPS Tuesday Night 6:00-7:30pm Leaders in Training (L.I.T.) Wednesday Night 3:30-4:30pm Butler’s Tea Lounge and Open Stage Wednesday Night 4:00-6:00pm Guy’s/Girls Night Wednesday Night 6:00-8:00pm Ross McNeil Cook Night Thursday Night 4:00-8:00pm February 7 | Breakfast for Dinner February 14 | Fajita Dinner February 21 | Saucy Chicken Dinner February 28 | Beef Stir-fry with Vermicelli Leaders in Training (L.I.T.) Friday Night 3:00-5:00pm Industrial Underground Teen Dance Friday Night 6:00-9:00pm Monthly/Special Programs Winterlude Trip February 2 9:00am-5:00pm Don`t forget that you can check us out on the web: www.kemptvilleyc.com for all our programs, permission forms and information “Statistical significance and educational significance are often two completely different things. One child out of a thousand who does something uniquely different from other children has no statistical significance, but it may have huge educational significance. We need only look at the history of mathematics and science to note the tremendous impact that some ‘statistically insignificant’ individuals have had by thinking vastly differently, and daring to deviate from the norm of their times.” (Michael de Villiers)

January 30, 2013

is important to note that the implementation committee quickly realized that both the development and implementation of the original Strategic Plan was really bigger than just a Council obligation and adopted the name “Community Plan” to better reflect the fact that the plan is indeed a reflection and a responsibility of our whole community. Another benefit to the original strategic plan was that it was the basis for our 2007 Economic Development Strategy. Key recommendations included the formation of our Economic Development Committee as well as the hiring of our Economic Development Coordinator. Two key results of this are that we are now actively recruiting new businesses to our community, while at the same time working just as hard on Business Retention & Expansion. The Municipality has also partnered with other business groups to form the BR&E Alliance, which actively works to provide educational seminars, training and tools to small businesses, helping to make them stronger, more resilient and also more competitive in our marketplace. Council approved going ahead with an update to the Community Plan in our 2012 Budget. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued in late 2012 and the contract was awarded to McSweeney & Associates (our consultants for the Original plan). Their familiarity with our community and our values will no doubt provide them

Tim Sutton North Grenville’s New Strategic Community Plan Development Process is about to begin! In November 2005, the Municipality embarked on the development of a Strategic Plan. This plan was widely discussed within the community, both through public meetings and written comment from residents and business owners within the community. Almost 600 individuals and community groups participated in a process that resulted in our first ever strategic plan. The Strategic Plan was adopted in 2006 and identified in five specific strategies for moving forward. These included: · Enable the Vision through Positive Leadership · Improve the Quality of Natural & Built Environment · Revitalize Downtown Kemptville · Diversify the Economy · Develop the Full Potential of Birthday Each strategy was assigned specific goals and most of the goals from the original plan have been met over the past six years. We are now a better, stronger, more self-sufficient and resilient municipality because of it. One of my first roles as a newly elected Councillor in 2006 was to serve as a member of the Strategic Plan Implementation Committee. This committee, chaired by Jim Armour, had the responsibility of overseeing the community’s progress on all of the goals contained in the plan and reporting that progress back to Council. I think that it 4

with unique insight as we develop this update. One of the most important things to remember as we go through this process is that this is a Community Strategic Plan for all of North Grenville. It is not just Council’s plan. Certainly members of Council, like many citizens, will provide input (as individuals) in the development phase of the plan. Council will also play an important role in the implementation process after the plan is adopted. However, it is important that all stakeholders be engaged and involved in both the development and implementation of this plan. Service Clubs, Churches, Community Groups, Sports Clubs and you as an individual

or business owner all have active roles to play in the development, implementation and oversight of this plan. It is important that we hear from as many of you as possible during this process. To accommodate this we will provide several opportunities for you to participate in the Community Strategic Plan development process. This will include web polls and questionnaires, emails, public meetings, and of course, traditional letter mail. Please consult the Municipal website (www. northgrenville.ca) for more details as they come about. I look forward to working with you as we chart North Grenville’s path to the future!

Quotable Quotes "Researchers usually find that students flourish where there is stability in the school, with an experienced staff, clear expectations, small classes, and a rich curriculum." (Diane Ravitch)

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The North Grenville Times

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor As a new resident of Kemptville, I would love to see a full day farmers market on Saturdays. If possible, I also agree with the suggestion of a half day market mid-week. As a large consumer of fresh fruits and vegetables, I would much prefer to purchase locally grown. Fruit and vegetables have a limited shelf life and by the time you get the produce from a chain store, much of the product being sold is already a week or more old. If given the opportunity, I would purchase fresh locally produced on Wednesday afternoons and on Saturdays. Personally I don't think Sunday is a great day to have a farmers market, as by then most people have already purchased their groceries for the next few days or even for the next week. Perhaps Woody Armour's article 'A New Farmers market?" should be given some serious consideration. A new resident of Kemptville. [Sandy Armstrong] Dear Editor; I am pleased to see that someone is taking a stand against the slow but certain demise of what once was Kemptville’s bustling downtown. At least that’s what I am told it was like. In any event I believe, at least in part that we have sold ourselves to the corporate invaders. Granted as you say; there are obvious benefits to playing host to these box stores, but at what cost? With business after business closing its doors it seems that the decimation of the downtown is imminent. With that said however; I am writing to you as there is an error or at least oversight in your column. I am the owner of Cheeky Monkeys and we are alive and moderately well in the downtown core. We closed our doors after 4 years on Prescott St. due to a decline in business, excessive cost of rent and a building that was in great disrepair. We could have closed permanently; however, whether by sheer fortitude or plain stupidity we chose not to yield to the looming threat. We had a customer base, a need to be filled and a great desire to service that need. January 30, 2013

We are located at 31 Clothier St. East right above Panache. We have been in operation there for over a year and continue to drone away in an effort to endure a poor economy and a mass exodus from the downtown. We are a licensed childcare that offers a before and after school program; birthday parties; tutoring a meeting place and a variety of other services. We currently provide care for more 20 children. In today’s economy it is becoming increasingly difficult to try to make a living running a small business, and more so with the emptying of our downtown. I am not sure what your readership is, but telling those people we are closed won’t help. Would you kindly print a retraction in the next issue of your newsletter? I really need people to know we are open. My family and I would appreciate it. Kindest Regards; Marcus Dickie Director; Cheeky Monkeys 31 Clothier St East- Upper unit Dear Editor I just finished reading the January 23rd edition .... Terrific effort, we enjoy it immensely. I wanted to add to the letter from Doug Brunton. My husband, Commander Donovan Arnaud (CD ret'd), is a recipient of the Diamond Jubilee Medal which was presented to him on June 2, 2012 during the North Grenville Sea Cadet Annual Review. Nominated be members of the Navy League, Donovan was totally surprised and most grateful. As his wife, I am very proud of him and believe it is well deserved. As one of the 'little people' in Canada, he makes a difference regularly through his ongoing support to the community as President of the Kemptville Branch of the Navy League of Canada, a member of the Rotary Club of Kemptville, a member of Kemptville Legion and a member of the KDH Board. North Grenville is very fortunate to have so many hardworking and community minded citizens! S i n c e re l y J e n n i f e r Franssen

The Voice of North Grenville

Discipline is not a Dirty Word Professor Matt Sanders

Dear Editor In response to Woody Armour article. I could not agree more: a two-hour market on a Sunday late afternoon is a waste of time and money. When it started a few years ago, it was OK; but things have changed and the market has not adapted. I disagree with the idea that the market should be run on a Saturday, as it would prevent vendors being at other markets, such as Brockville, or Metcalfe, or North Gower, which run on Saturday mornings. The fact that The Kinsmen Farmer's Market board of directors does not allow "employees" to run the booths, means there would be a loss of revenue for the producer, not being able to be in two places at the same time. Instead, I support a market that starts early... Let's say 11 a.m. on a Sunday morning, which gives time to sleep in a bit or to get ready, and run maybe until 3 p.m. This would allow, in my opinion, more traffic to go through the market, having the possibility of attracting the early bird..... the bird who decides to do also something in the afternoon, rather than waiting until 2 p.m. for the market to open its doors. The current Board of Directors say that booths may open earlier if they wish; yes, they can. But all the marketing and public notices gives the time as 2 - 4 p.m. Erick LePors

Many parents today are confused about how to discipline their children. Good discipline is simply about helping children learn that their behaviour leads to consistent consequences that are always enforced within a predictable, loving environment. As a clinical psychologist specialising in family concerns, and as a parent to my own two children, the best advice I can give is to always try and remain calm in the line of fire. Don’t let a single disobedient act escalate into a full scale battle of wills between child and parent. Discipline for children must involve clear, fair, age-appropriate rules and consequences carried out in a predictable family environment. It’s no good changing tactics one day because you don’t

feel up to the challenge. When your child breaks a rule they know about, have an effective consequence. Removing a favourite toy, banning the use of a bike, or turning off the television are all viable consequences of misbehaviour. Being “pro social” with your children involves changing the ratio of negative and positive attention to shift the balance toward more positives. For example, if your children are fighting over a toy, you might tell them to stop fighting, teach them about the importance of sharing and then show them how to go about sharing. If your child is being loud and interrupting, explain the importance of politeness and teach them how to gain mum or dad’s attention in a more acceptable fashion. The way you discipline your

children will vary with the age and personality of that child. For instance you can’t negotiate bedtime with a three year old, although you can with your teenager. And discipline for disobedience should always teach two things. Firstly, that “no” means to stop the behaviour that is not allowed and secondly, it should make clear the appropriate behaviour that should be seen instead. The trap that many parents fall into when dealing with misbehaviour is to unwittingly feed negative behaviour by nagging and criticising, often inconsistently, and by failing to praise and encourage children when they behave well. It isn’t magic that brings about these results, just effort, and an understanding that we all need a little help sometimes.

Professor Matt Sanders is founder of the Triple P - Positive Parenting Program.

Dear Editor: In reference to the question about a farmers market that would operate on Saturdays between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., as customers we'd definitely vote "YES." We would shop there. Sunday afternoon on gorgeous summer days is not the time for shopping, and besides, our lives are not so scheduled as to remember to go there during the limited two-hour time slot. We'd love to see the Saturday openings. Wed afternoon openings would be a bonus. Don Hekman

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The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville




1. Objectives 6. A person who is in charge 10. Cushions or mats 14. Bestow 15. Aquatic plant 16. Wicked 17. Stationery 19. Be worthy of 20. Make less severe 21. By means of 22. Give as an example 23. Burdened 25. Serf 26. Bottomless 30. Arch of the foot 32. Typographical error 35. The feel of a surface 39. Be attentive to 40. Showered 41. A dais 43. Demise 44. Chemical cousin 46. Memo 47. Spasm 50. Not outer 53. Violent disturbance 54. Picnic insect 55. Virginal 60. Decorative case 61. Snakelike 63. Does something 64. Leg joint 65. Mortise and _____ joint 66. Not us 67. Goulash 68. Go on a buying spree

DOWN 1. Effrontery 2. Margarine 3. Countertenor 4. Plenty 5. Metal 6. Derisive laugh 7. 1 less than a dozen 8. Opposed 9. Early 20th-century art movement 10. Discernment 11. Utilize 12. Repeat 13. Mixture of rain and snow

18. Ribonucleic acid 24. Not brilliant 25. Sextuplet 26. Expunge 27. Twin sister of Ares 28. At one time (archaic) 29. Nationalism 31. Small slender gull 33. Make fun of 34. Annul 36. Pearly-shelled mussel 37. Lease 38. Border 42. Distinguished

43. A large vase 45. Main course 47. Delicacy 48. Enlistment 49. Way to go 51. Night before 52. Leases 54. Requests 56. Stair 57. Prong 58. Nameless 59. Extend credit 62. Church bench

about eight "gamers" each evening (there's room for about thirty-five more, by the way) Everyone who enjoys board games is welcome to attend. Maplewood Hall benefited from a very early spring-cleaning this past weekend, as volunteers, led by the indefatigable Darlene McMartin, gave the building a good tidy and a thorough cleaning. Thanks to Marc, Nora, Maggie and John for their efforts. Sadly, this work party was followed on Monday with a reception for those who attended Marg Rupert's funeral service at the United Church in Oxford Mills. Marg was often in Maplewood, attending events and meetings, as she lived just across from the Hall. She will be missed.

It's never too early to start planning. Our Canada Day Celebration in Oxford Mills Committee is looking for a few new members. Help us make this year's celebration the best ever by contacting the OMCA (info@maplewoodhall.ca) Again, I encourage community members to come to our OMCA monthly meetings on the first Thursday of every month (the next is at 7:30pm on Feb. 7). You don't have to be on the Board of Directors, or be on one of our Committees to attend. If there is an event you'd like to see happen, or if there's an issue in the community you'd like to address, these meetings are a great place to begin. Unfortunately, until our website is updated, the

best way to get up-to-date information on events and community issues is to find the Oxford Mills Community Association on Facebook. Many residents believe the Municipality manages Maplewood Hall or that somehow it all happens by magic. In fact, the historic (1875) schoolhouse that serves as Oxford Mills' community centre is run by volunteers (OMCA's Maplewood Management Committee). It's made available at very affordable prices for a variety of events. To register an event please go to www. maplewoodhall.ca and complete a simple rental request form, call 613258-6485 or send an email to info@maplewoodhall. ca

Oxford Mills There’s always something interesting going on at Maplewood Hall

Answers to last week’s Sudoku

January 30, 2013

John Barclay, Oxford Mills Community Association This past week saw the Hall used for a video shoot. Local recording engineer and musician, Andrew Hunt (Fire & Neon) is creating a short promotional piece to solicit more session work as a drummer. Phil Morotti (Jamroom Productions) helped Andrew to mic the drums and record the audio, while Peet Dukes handled the lighting and video; running between two Hi-Def cameras to capture Andrew at his drum kit. Even though the OMCA has not yet started with the acoustic retrofit of the Hall, it proved a perfect location for this type of production. Every second and fourth Friday evening, the OMCA hosts a Game Night at 7pm. There's a pretty solid core group of 6


The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

North Grenville Photography Club

Photographer Caleb Gamble "This picture was taken on the nature path in Burritt’s Rapids during the Scott Kelby photo walk. A noise startled the geese on the water and as they were fleeing, I caught this shot. It was taken using a Canon Rebel XS with a 75-200 lens." The Kelby walk is a world wide photowalk which the club participates in each year. Next meeting is on February 6 from 7-9 pm at the Old Fire Hall, 25 Reuben Crescent, Kemptville. The Phtography Club will be demonstrating the use of lighting setups for portraits, and there will be several "lighting stations" to try out different techniques with your own camera. Bring your gear! The results of 'Find Colour in Winter' contest will also be presented.

Bruce Enloe and the Burning Sensations

Sales/ Advertising Gord Logan at gord@ngtimes.ca 613-258-6402


ruce Enloe is chef and owner of The Branch Restaurant and Texas Grill in Kemptville. Over the past few months, he has been working on a dream: a cd of his own songs, played with musician friends. Bruce explains: used to live in Austin, be in a band (with some dudes that went on to major labels and various other things...) and do the music thing. In '96, I got tired of rocking, became a chef, moved to California, wrote


January 30, 2013

a cookbook--eventually I moved to Canada and opened a restaurant/music venue, The Branch Restaurant and Texas Grill that has hosted some of Canada's finest indie and roots musicians in an intimate listening room. A few years ago, out of nowhere, the music all came rushing back, and now, at long last, I've finally pulled together some of my pals and recorded an album of personal, heartfelt, (occasionally even silly) tunes

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that reference my Texas country roots, my laid back California dreams, and my most recently acquired Canadian sense of fortitude and honesty. Couple that with a love of Beatle-y harmonies and genre hopping, a wide array of talented friends and some songs that felt important enough to put out in the world and you have 'Bonfire' a midlife 'cries "Yes!"' of an album that tells a story of life, love, community and even loss..

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The North Grenville Times

Home-Based Education: What You Need To Know Anne Walsh


here are so many reasons why some parents are choosing to home school their children. They may wish to instill and preserve religious values. Some find that their child is not being challenged enough in a regular school setting. In other cases, a special needs child does not succeed among a group of children taught in conventional ways, but thrives at home where s/he gets one-on-one attention and learns in a personalized way. Issues such as bullying, overcrowding, or driving distance to the closest school can also be deterrents. In Ontario, we can home school our children without reporting to local authorities: parents are respected as having full responsibility for their child's education. Most parents write, and submit, a letter of intent. They can apply to get their children tested for grades 3, 6, 9 and 10 if they choose to do so, but it is not mandatory. Most Universities have a home school admissions policy (except Queens University in Kingston). The University of Ottawa offers the Head Start Program, where high school-

aged students can take university level classes. Educating your own children may seem like an intimidating and daunting task. But if you're considering it, you wouldn't be alone: about 60,000 children are home schooled in Canada. The biggest misconception is that homeschooled children will lack social skills and feel isolated. For parents who home school for religious reasons, they can socialize through their Church or with other home schooling families. There are also home schooling support groups and online resources. We have the Brockville Home Learners, as well as the Oxford Home Learning Association for North Grenville. If you are considering home schooling, or you are just starting out, consult The Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents website for up-to-date information. Other ways to socialize your children include signing up for drama, dance, art or music classes, joining sports programs or organized groups such as Scouts Canada. You don't have to teach at home. You can go to museums, parks, art galleries and public events. Baking can be used to teach math; you can learn about nature while hiking through it; be introduced to colours by

creating art; experience the value of money through chores or grocery shopping; witness empathy by volunteering, and master the alphabet as you read and create stories together. Approaches to home schooling vary according to the preferences of parents and children. Some parents try to cover the Ministry approved curriculum, much in the same way that teachers do in school. You can check out the Ministry of Education website for details: http:// www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/ curriculum/elementary/ or http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/ eng/secondary.html. Here is a quick overview of schools of thought in home schooling: "Classical learning follows a particular pattern called the Trivium -- which consists of grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric. The students learn the grammar of each subject (that subject's "particulars"). They then learn dialectic, or the relationships of these particulars to one another, and then go on to learn rhetoric. That is, they learn how to express what they have gained in an effective and coherent fashion" (www. home-school.com). "If you want your children to become not only highly educated Christians with strong moral character but vigorous young

men and women with a clear Biblical worldview - you will want to take a good look at Principle Approach home schooling" (www.home-school.com). In the Charlotte Mason method, children are exposed to ideas and encouraged to narrate to the adults what they have learned. Children use language, their imagination and critical thinking through their learning. This approach exposes children to humanities at a young age and favors intrinsic motivation as opposed to rewards such as grades or stickers. Classes are kept short allowing for more leisure time. (www. home-school.com) Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett (U.S.A.B.) is a series of downloadable lessons on various topics. You can read articles, connect with other home schoolers and download series from their website (www.unitstudy.com). The Moore Foundation specializes in individualized studies which take into consideration your child's gender, special needs and the age of the learner. They help adult

MyView FilmFest will be joining the Kemptville Dandelion Festival this May by showcasing contest submissions by youth 12 to 18 of age from Lanark, Leeds and Grenville that show insight on the issues they face in their day to day lives and solutions to make it better. MyView FilmFest is a joint partnership between Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit, Big Brothers Big Sisters, the Municipality of North Grenville, Triune Productions and the Kemptville Youth Centre. Every submission from youth submitted before April 25th, 2013 will win a prize ranging from gift certificates to cash prizes. The first prize winner will earn a $1,000 cash prize. Second place will win an iPad. There will also be cash prizes for winners in each of the following categories: My Community, My Culture, My Health, My Environment, My Future MyView FilmFest is a combined effort from many community minded

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January 30, 2013

learners who are returning students as well as students who wish to complete their high school education (www.moorefoundation. com). Waldorf is a philosophy of education that can be used by home schoolers. It encourages the participation of children in our activities of every day life and an abundance of time outdoors. It also uses various creative outlets as tools of learning. As the child grows, critical thinking is developed as well as social responsibility. This approach frowns on the use of television and technology (www.waldorfhomeschoolers.com). Enki Education is yet another approach to home schooling, one that appeals to children's senses and engages them through movement. The arts are at the forefront of this approach. The curriculum is adapted to the reality of each family where thought is given to where the theme fits into every day life. Parents and children consider the "why" of the activities that make up their day. Skill building is fostered as well as a project approach to mastering each theme (www.enkieducation.org).

Unschooling is described as a "lifestyle". Unschoolers believe that children are naturally motivated to learn and that their interests and curiosity should be allowed to dictate what they learn. Parents serve as facilitators to this natural process (www.home-school.com). Some parents adopt an "eclectic approach" borrowing elements from each school of thought. You don't have to quit your job to home school your child. Some stay-at-home parents do it on their own but you can also hire a tutor, sign up for online home schooling programs or share responsibilities with other parents; each person teaching something they enjoy. Home schooling is not for every parent and certainly not for each child. However, with 60 000 Canadian children being home schooled every year, it's worth a look. If you would like more information about home schooling, contact Jeanne Lambert (grahams@ tdgraham.com) for information and access to the local Yahoo group and Facebook page, and for the Oxford Home Learning Association for North Grenville.

Youth Video Workshops and Contest



The Voice of North Grenville

Hear what you’ve been missing

“Ask the Maddens!”


youth advocates. Youth advocate and public health nurse from the Health Unit, Diana Steadman states, “My hope is that this film festival will give young people in our community a platform to express their ideas; and that local policy makers take a moment and listen up.” My View FilmFest volunteer, John Barclay from Triune Productions will be helping any interested youth with pre-production planning, production and post-production through a series of three free workshops in Kemptville. When asked about the workshops, Barclay stated, " Video can be an effective catalyst for social change. It's not necessary to have state-of-the-art gear to create an effective video. I look forward to helping the participants get the most out the equipment and materials they have on hand in order to get their ideas up on the screen." For youth who may not be able travel to Kemptville for the free workshops, Barclay hopes to make them available on-

line on the festival’s website www.myviewfilmfest. ca. One of the submission criteria for entering a video into the contest will be to attend a workshop, view them online or pay a $10 entry fee. Kemptville Youth Centre will be a resource for youth who are planning to take part in MyView Filmfest. Kemptville Youth Centre Executive Director Robin Heald expressed, “We’d love to encourage youth to express their thoughts, hopes and wishes; to come out to the youth centre to use our space, use our computers and share our resources in the process of planning and creating their videos. Having this contest in our community is a gift for us and our youth.” To check out where and when these free workshops will take place, check out www.myviewfilmfest.ca. If you have any questions, contact Drew MacLean at 613258-5212 or myview@ kemptvilleyc.com. www.ngtimes.ca

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

Dear Editor I would like to rebut Mr. Armour’s questionable comments in regards to Farmer’s Markets. I admire the fact that you wish to start a new Farmer’s Market in the North Grenville area. Obviously, the Saturday market at Oxford Mills and the Sunday Market at Kemptville do not meet your particular expectations, or requirements. I wish you great luck in finding the like-minded vendors that you will need once you find a venue, arrange insurance, the municipality on board, get everyone to agree on the rules, regulations and hours, as I am sure this new market will be a democratic affair as most Farmer’s markets tend to be…. As most market vendors can attest, if you are picking your produce fresh, you will indeed have to be up early to pick your crops, wash them, bundle them, box them and load them into your vehicle for the drive to your market area and set up your tables and signage before unloading and arranging your displays. Unless of course you are preparing your produce the evening before…….. And I am supposing you are not a fresh bread or baked goods vendor, as even with early rising to reach an eight o’clock start time, you would be starting your morning at, what? 2:00 am? As to your comment concerning cost effectiveness of shorter market hours for the vendors, I believe that KKFM had forty-five vendors last summer and a waiting list at the start of the season. Obviously, it was hard work but must have been worthwhile, as the majority of the vendors were returning for a third, or fourth season. I gather some of us are more willing to work for what profit we earn. In regards to a variety of produce, Kemptville Kinsmen Farmers Market enforces that vendors must grow their crops and/ or make their merchandise locally. I have seen twelve varieties of tomatoes and as many varieties of garlic at the KKFM every Sunday, along with six to ten varieties of salad greens. Some varieties of produce are not capable January 30, 2013

of growing in our shorter growing season. I personally have found that more esoteric varieties are not good sellers to the local audience. Local chefs tend to be more interested in fingerling potatoes, striped tomatoes, or purple carrots. Having said that, there is nothing to prevent an interested local farmer trying a greater variety of produce. Did you think there was a rule saying you could not bring Walla Walla onions to market? Grow them and bring them, hopefully they will sell, making your effort worthwhile. You made a comment about fresh eggs at the market. This is disallowed by the provincial government, unless the eggs have been professionally graded at some cost to the farmer. The government probably would not let you use a market area for gathering recycled hay and compost material either. I expect it would have some Health regulation or rule to prevent such an undertaking. But I am sure you are aware of the parameters that govern Farmers Markets in Ontario. Your comment regarding CSA’s I find interesting, as I was under the impression that most farms

CLASSIFIEDS: First 15 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to classifieds@ ngtimes.ca. Email must include name, address and phone Must be related to North Grenville and be paid in advance by paypal!

started and maintained their own CSA. Most CSA’s I am familiar with also attend local Farmers Markets with their surplus. It has been my experience that local restaurant chefs often do their produce buying at the KKFM, sometimes ending up dealing directly with the farmers during the growing season, asking them to grow specific crops. I, myself have been approached to grow vegetables for another vendor’s products. Your local restaurant may wish to speak to some of the vendors at the Dandelion Festival, which is usually the start off date for the KKFM, or to the executive of the Oxford Mills Farmers Market and the KKFM. As to surplus produce; I know KKFM vendors often produce their own preserves, etc. with their surplus, or give it to the Food Banks. Small businesses and restaurants are strongly encouraged to partake in the Market and isn’t that what the Market Plates event is about in September? This event has local chefs and farmers working together to raise money for the community? Perhaps I’m mistaken. Speaking of Community, there is a community table set aside each week at the KKFM to enable these groups to show their cause and to make money. It is usually booked through the Market executive. I know the Kemptville Kinsmen have a long and helpful history with the Farmers Market, hence the name, Kemptville Kinsmen Farmers Market. As a parting thought: although the local markets haven’t met your particular criteria, I can’t help but wonder why you haven’t approached either Market Executive and volunteer your services as others do to help run the signage, vendor liaison, market-

ing, treasury, Community liaison, Municipal liaison and other aspects of the bureaucracy of holding a Market. Once you do, I am sure that you will be able to convince the other forty-some individuals who are vendors, to meet with your expectations and provide you with a Market. One may wish for longer hours (you can set up before the 2 o’clock start time at KKFM), or more electricity, or bigger facilities but you also have to work with 40-50 individuals to ensure a majority rules. Good luck with your endeavour and let us know when you are ready for vendors! Nancy E. Olive BeaconHolme Farm KKFM Vendor& Farm Gate Sales

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Meet a Lion

The Lions Club of rence College in the craft. Kemptville periodically He has curled since High has the opportunity to School and is a member introduce you to some of of the Kemptville Curling our membership. As we Club. face the cold and ice at He joined the Lions this time of the year, it is a in 2004 and serves on the pleasure to be able to have Executive as part of the you meet Allan Suther- Program Planning and Orland, whose easy going ganisational Team for the smile and quiet sense of Shades of Gospel shows, humour provide some the blood donor clinics, as much needed warmth. well as many other activiAllan James Suther- ties. land, as the name implies, “Lions give me a is of Celtic heritage. Born chance to be an active PDF Creator © Foxit Software in Owen SoundGenerated in 1942,by Foxit member of For ourevaluation commu-only. http://www.foxitsoftware.com he moved to Ottawa in nity”, says Allan. “Kempt1958 and graduated from ville is a warm and sharing the Ottawa Tech High place to live, and with its School. He went to work growth and development, for Met Life Insurance on we all need to do our part Sparks street for several to keep this positive enviyears, while taking part- ronment.” time courses at Carleton As usual, the Lions University. He graduated Club looks forward to with a B.A. and start- meeting you out at one ed teaching at the High of the events which we School of Commerce until are privileged to support. 1999. Whether it be flipping Allan married Arlene burgers and dogs at the Barker, a nurse from Ot- Dandelion Festival, selling tawa, in 1966, and they 50/50 tickets, helping out have three grown chil- at Blood Donor Clinics or dren, James, Christina selling Christmas Trees and Robert, as well as and Easter bunnies, we six grandchildren - three love to be out and chatting girls and three boys. The with you. couple moved to KemptDon't forget, when you DUCT the CLEANING ville and live in Victoria support Lions Club Before Park. Allan has always with donations or time, loved music and singing, you are in fact "paying it and has been part of bands forward". We are proud and choirs, including the to support many local, reCapital City Chorus, the gional and international Nepean Northern Stars, causes and initiatives. and a group of retired As always we would After barber-shoppers, Ages in encourage folks who might DRYER VENT CLEANING Harmony. Currently, he is Before be interested in joining the a member of the Ottawa Lions Club of Kemptville Male Choir. to come out to one of our Wood carving is also a meetings. You'll be glad hobby with Allan, and he that you did. Call Scotty took courses at St. Law- Alger at 613 258-2252 for After more information about joining.

The North Grenville Times Health

On Turning Forty Anne Walsh This month, I'd like to write about a relatively new trend. I have observed the turmoil of colleagues and cousins celebrating their 40th birthday. These were married women with children, who appeared to be living a fairly successful life. I started talking to women just over the age of 40 and realized a majority of them had made significant life changes since their 40th birthday. This fascinated me. I recalled the midlife crisis faced by women turning 50 when I was growing up. Now, in this generation where women study longer, choose whether to marry and have children later, and where longevity has increased, our midlife crisis happens a decade earlier. I wondered what happened at 40 that resulted in going back to school or changing careers, having another child, or an affair, getting a divorce, or selling everything and moving to a new country. When I turned 40, I waited for my "midlife crisis". On July 21, 2012 I turned 42. What has changed for me in the past two years? I feel stronger, more confident and less tolerant of situations that deter me from my purpose. Now, as an insider, I understand that these changes come from a stronger identity and a clearer focus on what we want. If you are struggling with turning 40, consider what bothers you about this age: The number (I can't be that old!) Yo u r a p p e a r a n c e (whose face/body is this?)

Your accomplishment barometer (I thought I would be... by now) Mortality (parent died at a young age, running out of time) You can divide a sheet of paper into two sections. On the left side, draw yourself as you imagined yourself to be at 40. On the right side of your page, draw an image to represent your current life. Compare these images and rate the differences on a scale from 1-5. Assess these discrepancies. Are they based on your own ideals, or someone else's (e.g. My mother really wanted me to be married by now, or my father expected me to take over the family business)? Pinpoint the most significant difference between your ideal and current life. Pick one area you would like to improve and take an immediate step in that direction (e.g. I always wanted a close relationship with my sister, but I haven't seen her since Christmas. I will sit down and e-mail her right now). Life is a process. When we feel anxious or dissatisfied, it is a nudge to get us back on track. We don't need to make big changes. Sometimes, just remembering what is important to us and letting these priorities guide our actions and decisions can bring more satisfaction. Once we examine what we expected from our life, and compare this with our reality, we can see that we didn't reach all our goals, but we surpassed our expectations in other areas of our life. The important thing is to keep going, our eyes on our goals, one tiny step at a time.

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Over 30 people showed up for the Star Gazing Evening sponsored by Friends of The Ferguson Forest Centre January 30, 2013

Focus on Nutrition TASTE

The Voice of North Grenville

3 Bean Beef Soup By Heather Westendorp

1 pound extra lean ground beef 1 small onion, finely diced 2 carrots, finely diced 2 stalks celery, finely diced 1 10-14 oz. can diced tomatoes, undrained 1 10-14 oz. can dark red kidney beans, drained/rinsed 1 10-14 oz. can white kidney beans, drained/rinsed 1 10-14 oz. can black beans, drained/rinsed 1 (26 oz.) container low sodium beef stock (or 3 cups) 1 jar (25 oz.) spaghetti sauce 1 tsp. dried oregano (optional) 1 tsp. dried parsley 1 tsp. black pepper ---------------------------------------------------1 cup small rotini pasta (cooked)

our senses: touch, mouthfeel, smell, sight, hearing. And, finally, our brain responds positively or negatively to a food that we are consuming. Large corporations spend millions every year to study just those reactions. Fast food companies want a product that is: Cooked to the perfect temperature (for safety and taste) Made from just the right set of flavourings (to provide a positive taste experience) The food must be the right consistency (easy to chew and swallow) The serving size must be perfect to either fill you up, or leave you wanting more The product must be produced in a consistent and cost effective way We make food choices based on our own set of factors. You may feel run down, and you know that sugar will immediately pick you up, and you crave chocolate, or a sweet drink. You may be on the run and need a fast meal for your family at an inexpensive cost. You may want to treat your family to some form of entertainment while eating a meal. We think of food over one hundred times a day. The choices we make often result in good health or poor health, both long and short term. Feeding ourselves is not avoidable. We must eat every day. Making food into a battle weapon is not a good idea. NO FOOD IS BAD. All foods are mol-

by Heather Westendorp Taste for foods is a primal function. The foods you like are based on many things. 1. Habit (what you normally eat) 2. Association (you remember the time we had that delicious Cuban sandwich?) 3. Ethnic Heritage and Tradition (my grandmother made the greatest Goulash) 4. Values (“eating meat is bad because an animal must die”) 5. Social Interaction (who do you eat with, and what do they like) 6. Emotional State ( remember losing that first boyfriend? And the ice cream tub?) 7. Availability, Convenience and Economy There are many factors that play a role in the foods we choose. Science has identified taste in terms of sweet, salt, sour, bitter, and the highly debated umami. We can even look at pictures of the tongue and identify areas that allegedly “sense” these tastes. Taste is still a very young study. Why do human beings like a ratio of 10% sugar in a drink, yet if you increase or decrease this ratio, the drink is less desirable? Taste is the physical reaction we have to foods and drinks. Foods are cellular and we are cellular beings. We operate on neurological responses and these include chemical and synapse responses. One must include all 10

Brown and crumble ground beef. Drain excess grease. Add all the other ingredients (except the pasta) to the slow cooker and stir. Set slow cooker on low for 6-8 hrs or on high for 4-5 hours. During the last 15 minutes or so of cooking, add the cooked pasta and stir. This easy soup is packed with nutrients and protein for energy. Great for a cold winter night!

ecules. How those molecules are put together and what molecules are, has an effect. We talk a lot about foods and attempt to learn about balance in these articles. The human body needs calories and nutrients from the foods we eat, but the human spirit needs to neurologically enjoy those foods to encourage us to continue eating them. Hence, we look to taste. How the food tastes to us on an individual basis plays a large role in encouraging us to continue eating them. The fact is that a food that you really dislike is never going to give you any taste satisfaction. A food that you passionately love will always be a favourite! Our taste buds are more/less sensitive to certain foods and preparation techniques. I love cheese and always will love cheese. A life without cheese is one of desperate deprivation to me. Yet, cheese has all the components that will hurt my heart. It has fat, salt and plenty of calories. Trying to live without cheese makes me feel angry. Eating all the cheese I want makes me feel guilty. Why do I love cheese? What is the trigger that ignites my love for cheese? How much cheese do I actually eat? These are all the questions that inquire about the structure of my desire. The next step is to make suggestions

about what can replace cheese….. but… I love Cheese. For you, it may be cake, cookies, chocolate bars, or even your daily latte. We all have a passion. If we eat only the foods we LOVE, our body will not get the range of nutrients it needs. It is very important, when you are eating a healthy balanced diet, to eat a variety of foods that provide nutrients from each food group. An interesting fact is that we only really “taste” the first few bites of foods we love. Decreasing the portion may make you feel deprived at first, but no worse than someone telling you that the food is BAD and you can NEVER have it again. It is absolutely important to take the time to really “taste” your food. Enjoy it, chew it and allow the senses of sight, touch, taste, smell and sound of your food each time you eat. Food is an experience. Do not let major corporations turn your food into a carnival, a game, or a race! Do not let guilt rule your food choices. Just modify the portions and strive for healthy balance. ENJOY FOOD! Heather Westendorp is a graduate of the University of Guelph: Food, Nutrition and Risk Management Diploma. She has also lost over 50 lbs. and is now a healthy weight, improving her health status! www.ngtimes.ca

The North Grenville Times










The Voice of North Grenville



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(613) 258-7297

Jesrae Pottery 830 Law Road, Oxford Station. Please call 613-258-4671 for an appointment.

I Can Sew It: Rhonda Cybulskie-613-258-5248 Rhonda@ICanSewIt.ca

Creekside Centre 2878 County Rd. 43 Kemptville, On 613-258-0222


SERVICES Kemptville - Shop AVON at home Personal service and

100% guarantee. Anne Hunt 613-258-3806 baashunt@ sympatico.ca

Louise Arsenault www.louiseandcompany.com

Free Computer Training for Adults Free Computer Training on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday afternoons at the North Grenville Public Library. For your one-on-one training session contact sjones@ngpl.ca or call 613-258-4711.

Kemptville Snowmobile Klub presents

Snowarama 2013 and Breakfast Sunday February 3, 2013 $5 Breakfast at 8am, North Grenville Fire Station Hall on County Road 44 All proceeds to Easter Seals Antique Sled Show as well For more information, contact Cheryl at 613-258-6269 Everyone is welcome!

FOR SALE Older 27” Toshiba colour television: $10.00. 613-258-5998

HELP WANTED KEMPTVILLE - P/T Domestic Assistant. 2-3 hours a week, twice a week. General Duties include cleaning, maintaining home and property, preparation of healthy meals, errands. 613-978-4636

Complete set of 112 issues of Equinox magazine: $100.00. 613-2585998 Complete set of 216 issues of Harrowsmith/ Harrowsmith Country Life magazine: $200.00. 613-258-5998


Every Friday from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm Leslie Hall, Kemptville Everyone Welcome


Bedtime Story Hour at the Library

Do you have an acre or two of farm land Earn Extra Income you would be willing to lend, or rent at a CARRIER CONTRACTOR NEEDED low cost, to students at the University of Guelph. These students are interested in We’re looking for independent home delivery contractors to provide getting involved in the Kemptville Farmers dependable, prompt delivery. Market and need some space for growing Route available in: vegetable crops. The land will be returned in good condition. If are able to help, please contact the NG Times, who will connect you • 6 days a week to the students involved. • Reliable vehicle required

Come to our bedtime story hour - the whole family is welcome! Children may come in their pyjamas and bring a snuggly toy. Juice and Cookies are served. Tuesday, February 19 from 6:30 - 7:30 pm Tuesday March 19 from 6:30 - 7:30 pm Tuesday April 16 from 6:30 - 7:30 pm


Looking For a Better Job?

• Early morning door-to-door delivery • Approximately $420/month

Free training in essential skills, certificate courses, computer use. 613-258-8336 ext.61643

If you have a story of interest please email Anne Walsh at reporter@ngtimes.ca

January 30, 2013

For Advertising rates please contact Gord at gord@ ngtimes.ca or call 613 258 6402

Cathrine 613-258-7707

CALL: at:

NORTH GRENVILLE TOASTMASTERS First and third Thursday of month, 7 pm at O'Farrell's Financial Services CR 44 (613) 258-7665

YOUNGSTERS OF YORE Every Thursday afternoon Program Room, Library High Tea with refreshments erved Anyone over 50 welcome


Every Thursday - 6:30 pm St. John’s United Church Kemptville Cost $3.00 Partner preferred but not necessary For more information contact Elaine Pratt at 613-258-3783


Every Tuesday - 12:15 St. John’s United Church Kemptville Cost $3.00 Partner Preferred but not necessary For more information contact Ellen at 613 258-7778


North Grenville Photography Club

Nota bene: Many thanks to the twelve friends who sent Snoopy cards during my recent illness. Charlie Brown was ecstatic!

REMINDER Literary Follies March 3 Leslie Hall

P. Babin


Next meeting is on February 6 from 7-9 pm at the Old Fire Hall, 25 Reuben Crescent, Kemptville. Demonstrating the use of lighting setups for portraits, and there will be several "lighting stations" to try out different techniques with your own camera. Bring your gear! The results of 'Find Colour in Winter' contest will also be presented.

Bishop’s Mills Community Association The Bishop’s Mills Community Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting and Election of Officers on Sunday, Feb. 10, at 7 p.m. This will be taking place on the Winter Fun Day in the hamlet, and there will be a potluck supper immediately before the AGM. The event takes place at the Bishop’s Mills Community Hall. Keep the date clear in your diary. There will be further details on the Winter Fun Day and the AGM in the NG Times closer to the day.


Kemptville Legion February 3 registration from 12 – 1 pm. Stay for the Superbowl Party or come to the Superbowl party. Game time 5 pm Refreshments available for both events.

Kemptville Horticultural Society:

Please note our new meeting location: Kemptville Pentecostal Church 1964 County Road 43 Kemptville Wednesday, Feb. 20 Kemptville Pentecostal Church, 1964 County Rd 43 7:30pm Program: Guest Speaker: William Langenberg on Horticulture Therapy New Members & Guests Welcome Contact Arline: 613-258-4645

The North Grenville Times

Business Section

The Voice of North Grenville

Rob's Money Rant By Rob Lunan

Where's the Beef? If you examine your grocery bill, you will probably notice that, if you were able to remove or replace the meats in your diet, you would save quite a bit of money. With that in mind (and assuming you don't raise your own low-cost livestock), consider the following. Some Meat Facts: Fact #1: Meat is usually the most expensive part of the grocery bill. Fact #2: The average adult only needs two ounces of protein per day. Fact #3: Protein in meat can easily be replaced with cheaper vegetable sources like beans, grains and peas. Fact #4: Most meats are 25% - 30% protein. Fact #5: The following meals will provide a full-grown man with all the protein he needs in a day: Breakfast: 1 cup Oatmeal 1 cup Soymilk 1 Bagel Lunch: 2 slices Whole Wheat Bread 1 cup Vegetarian Baked Beans Dinner: 5 oz firm Tofu 1 cup cooked Broccoli 1 cup cooked Brown Rice 2 Tbsp Almonds Snack: 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter 6 Crackers You don't have to go all vegan to profit from this type of diet. Try alternating meat one day and no meat the next. Just doing that will make a substantial dent in your grocery bill (50% less meat in a year). For more information on sources of vegetable protein please see the following website: http://www. vrg.org/nutrition/protein.htm

"A man is like a fraction whose numerator is what he is and whose denominator is what he thinks of himself. The larger the denominator, the smaller the fraction." (Leo Tolstoy)


GORD LOGAN AT gord@ngtimes.ca

Burritts Rapids Renewable Energy Association receives support from the Eastern Ontario Development Program The Grenville Community Futures Development Corporation (GCFDC) and Gord Brown, Member of Parliament for LeedsGrenville, presented the Burritts Rapids Renewable Energy Association with an investment of $51,250. The funding will be used to determine the engineering and regulatory feasibility of a hydro-generation project in Burritts Rapids. The investment was provided through the Community Innovations Program of the Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP). Quotes “We are proud to support the Burritts Rapids Renewable Energy Association in their efforts to identify innovative means to meet energy demand and kick-start a new, viable economic sector in

Grenville County,” stated Norie Spence, Vice-Chair, Grenville Community Futures Development Corporation. "This announcement could lead to an exciting development here in Leeds-Grenville. Congratulations to the Grenville Community Futures Development Corporation and the Burritts Rapids Renewable Energy Association for the efforts," said Gord Brown, MP for Leeds-Grenville. “This project will benefit the Burritts Rapids community: it will enhance the Rideau Canal National Heritage Site and the Rideau River watershed, and it will provide investment directed back to residents and businesses in the area. This contribution from the Eastern Ontario Development Program is most timely in assisting

the community in achieving these objectives,” said David Simpson, Acting Chair of the Burritts Rapids Renewable Energy Association. About GCFDC GCFDC is a community-based, non-profit corporation funded by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario for the purposes of delivering community strategic planning, community economic development assistance, business financing, and business counselling services to new and existing businesses and organizations in Grenville County. About EODP The Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP) is a Government of Canada economic development initiative aimed at addressing economic

challenges in Eastern Ontario and taking advantage of innovative opportunities in the region. The EODP promotes economic development in rural Eastern Ontario leading to a diversified and competitive economy, economic stability, economic growth, and job creation, and contributes to the successful development of business and prosperous communities. EODP is funded by the Government of Canada, through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario and delivered via the Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) located throughout Eastern Ontario. For more information contact: Heather Lawless Executive Director Grenville Community Futures Development Corporation (613) 925-4275 ext. 21

The North Grenville 40+ Women’s Meet Up Group. women who moved to the area years ago and still haven’t created friendships because they commute to the city every day. Then there are the empty nesters and retired women who have more time on their hands to pursue leisure activities, but don’t have a network of girlfriends who are also free, willing and able. For all these women and more, Joan has created The North Grenville 40+ Women’s Meet Up Group. The group now boasts thirty members. The

Anne Walsh


Intelligent Accounting January 30, 2013

In September 2011, Joan Healey got tired of driving to Ottawa each time she wanted to have fun. Considering all the new housing projects being built, bringing new families to the area, Joan wondered how many women were feeling disconnected and lonely. There are stay-at-home moms who’ve lost their support due to the move, or time away from work, or simply because friends are in a different stage of their life. There are career


availability of its members varies and their diverse activities reflect this. They try to enjoy the programs already available in the area, and add their own bit of socializing before or afterwards. Why not skate at the North Grenville Arena, then enjoy a hot chocolate or coffee at Brewed Awakenings? How about joining other 40+ women for yoga at Jonssons Your Independent Grocer? You may want to meet the group for supper at Hurley’s Neighbourhood Grill then go the weekly

movie at the North Grenville Municipal Centre. The Meet Ups’ members connect over coffee, wine, special events, exercise and local programs. You can join the group through their website http://www.meetup.com/ The-North-Grenville-40Womens-Meetup-Group/. As a member, you have the option of creating your own activity that other members can see and join. Don’t spend one more lonely night on the couch, go out, have fun and make some friends! www.ngtimes.ca

The North Grenville Times

To “BE” or not to “BE”..? BR+E Seminar A Kevin Savoy – Owner & Certified Business Coach kevinsavoy@actioncoach.com Success

An Alternate view of Things to Come By Rob Lunan, CFO North Grenville Times There has been a lot written and commented on recently about what business in the future should look like in North Grenville. Some are concerned about the shopping-Mecca development at Colonnade and wish for the old days of prosperous small shops in the downtown core. I would like to offer my somewhat conservative view of what should be financially realistic over the next decade. Colonnade Unlike some of my colleagues here at the Times, I like the Colonnade development. It has allowed me to shop locally and not drive to Ottawa or Brockville. It has created scores of new jobs for local residents. One of the stores hired my son for some summer employment a year ago. This is not to say I only shop there. For instance, our family also shops for groceries at the Independent, Giant Tiger, B&H and Food Basics, building supplies at KBC and hardware at Blair's Home Hardware, etc. But the large box stores at Colonnade provide everyone in North Grenville an opportunity to do certain types of shopping in this area and not be temped away to the box stores in larger urban areas. Farmer's Market I too think a farmer's market should be a regular weekend fixture in Kemptville. I would like to see it open all day Saturday and Sunday. But I would like to see a permanent covered farmer's market that would operate yearround. This is an ideal vehicle for specialty products to get in front of the consumer at a low cost to the exhibitor. This is also a service to both local farmers and residents, so I think the municipality should provide the land and four-season structure and let the users pay for it through low rent booths amortized over 10 years. Downtown In my past work life ,I worked in the senior management of a retail chain and mail order company in Ottawa. Specialty stores are a tough sell in a small town. UsuJanuary 30, 2013

ally you need a minimum population of 400,000 with money to burn to support a specialty store and make the owners prosperous. North Grenville has less than 20,000 rather frugal inhabitants. So my advice to anyone thinking of starting a specialty retail outlet in North Grenville would be to locate in a larger municipality. Or if you are set on opening here ,then make sure you focus on Internet and mail order sales to carry you through. I think the downtown core has incredible opportunities for professionals to locate. Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Accountants, and Engineers are destination locations and do not need to be on the Hwy 43 strip. You don't just drop in to your dentist because you were out shopping at Walmart. So there is no need for professionals to be located near retail shops. Restaurants, higher end not fast food, should be successful in the downtown core. They will need to specialize to compete, and advertise to reach their target market. When I first moved to Kemptville over 20 years ago, there must have been seven pizza shops in town. Only a couple have survived. Restaurants (like all retailers) need to carve out their own specific niche to be successful. Condos and higher end rental units would be ideal for the downtown area. There is still a shortage of rental units in Kemptville. One person who has done a great job in the downtown is Bill Kollard. He bought the old Co-op store on Prescott that was a rundown building, renovated it and put his engineering practice on one side, rented out the other to a brewing store, built beautiful residential rental units at the back and offices upstairs that are now occupied by World Hope (a charity) and LedgerPal (an accounting software firm). The Kemptville Mall (where the Independent Grocer is) This Mall has become a disgrace. Half of the mall is abandoned. If I were an owner of one of the remaining stores, I would be raising a royal stink with the landlords. There is no reason for that mall to be empty when (I know from private conversations)

The Voice of North Grenville

several potential renters have been turned away by quoted rents that are higher than rents in downtown Toronto. Renting is like selling a house. If you can't sell month after month, year after year then your price is too high. The general word on the street is that rents in Kemptville are too high. Lowering rents will provide long-term tenants that can pay their bills and draw in more customers for themselves and neighbouring retailers. Abandoned storefronts scare away shoppers. Regardless of all the circumstances, the only way any retailer in North Grenville will survive is if they have constant sales, no surprise there. So if you have favorite retailer in the area, buy from them. Go out of your way to frequent their business and tell others about it. We are a small community and every business here needs your help. If you don't use them, be sure of this, you will eventually lose them.

So I’ll say it again… ”The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”. Isn’t that interesting? Here at ActionCOACH, we have a formula for Life Success: BE x DO = HAVE. For those of you who don’t know me, I have some history in Electronics Engineering so I love formulas, equations and numbers. Kind of a “digit-head” I suppose. Anyways the formula for Life Success doesn’t just apply to the Business Owner or apply to their company. It applies to everybody at all times. Please let me explain but first I want you to STOP right now, look at the equation and think about what it means to you. Here’s a hint…start at the end. In any situation in life, business, personal or whatever, when you want to achieve or “HAVE” something, you need a certain component of “DO” and a certain component of “BE”. Nowa-

The North Grenville Times is Locally Owned and Operated

days, it seems that whenever we want something we do, do, do…and work, work, work. In fact we’ve become “Human Doings” instead of “Human Beings”. We think if we just throw more elbow grease at a situation, things will turn out and we seldom address our “BE” or behavior. “DO” is the physical, tasks oriented activities whereas “BE” is how you chose to behave differently. How you chose to learn something new to help you achieve. How you listen to external information to think differently and ultimately behave differently. You see, if you have equal components of “BE” and “DO” as opposed to all “DO” and little “BE”, you can achieve (or “HAVE”) far greater results. As a coach, I ask questions to get business owners to think and reflect on themselves, their business and their personal life. I question you…when was the last time you chose to grow your “BE”? What was the last book you read? The last seminar you attended? The last time you just sat with an elder and just listened? Everybody knows you have lots of elbow grease, but what are you going to do tomorrow to increase your “BE” to achieve greater results?


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Gord Logan at or Mike Pacitto at

By Teri Devine This evening event had over 80 attend and it was a wonderful seminar: “Smart Marketing on a Small Budget” presented by Tom Graham, TD Graham + Associates and Kevin Savoy of ActionCOACH. Both very talented local entrepreneurs who took time out of their busy schedules to develop an extraordinary presentation and to share their knowledge, their expertise and their continued commitment to Small Business. The evening started with a mini tradeshow of our BR+E Alliance members providing the opportunity for business to visit their display table to discuss the business services provided to support local business. Attendance and interest continues to grow about the BR+E Alliance Seminar Series and with two more exciting sessions coming up, it’s expected to fill up fast. To learn more about the BR+E Alliance and the business services available and to register for the next no cost event, visit our website at www.northgrenvillebusiness.com. The presentation last night was recorded (audio) and will be posted on the Alliance website as soon as possible with slide deck and audio. This provides business with the opportunity to view and listen to the session if they were not able to attend and if they did attend, to go back and refresh their memory as they look to implement some of the great tools and strategies that came from the session.

Quotable Quotes "Real peace is liberty in place of tyranny, health instead of disease, hope instead of fear. It comes when people have the freedom to voice their views, choose their own leaders, feed their families, and raise healthy children." (Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the U.S.)

History Section

The North Grenville Times

The Voice of North Grenville

How My Kemptville Has Changed Part II

Jim Dolan as a young boy By Jim Dolan


would like to thank Diana Scanlan for her recent letter to the editor at NG Times. It serves to remind us that even in some of the darkest moments of downtowns, good things do happen, especially when positive people come up with great visions, buildings can come back to life. A fine example of this is the old Co-op building across from the former

originally known as the George Tuck Block, and dates back to at least 1903. When I was a boy, Don Hyndman had a barber shop there. Across the street from the Advance, at the corner of Asa and Prescott Streets, is another landmark: the Old Patterson Building. Before my teens, it, too, housed a dental office – that of Doc Patterson on its second floor, and Wilson’s Stationery and Gift Store on the main floor. More recently, until Gertie Flay decided to retire at the end of 2012, you could get a


once housed one of the largest and most luxurious hotels in eastern Ontario in the late 1800s. It stretched almost half a block. The book “North Grenville: Glimpses of The Past” shows a picture of the structure in all her glory. In early 2001, my Aunt Jeanne, my father’s sister who lives in Hamilton, told me that the hotel was destroyed by fire on New Year’s Eve, 1939, and that my father helped to salvage some of its contents, before it was completely engulfed in flames. The bank may sit empty today, but the building to its north, built not too long ago, and the subject of a future article, is quite impressive. Just down Asa Street was the Kemptville Egg Grading Station owned by Mr. M. Brandes. My Dad told me he once worked there - got paid pretty good money to candle eggs - $22 a week. At the time, my grandfather was making $18 dollars a week building barns. I feel myself being tugged sharply away from Prescott Street, westward toward Riverside Park. I grew up playing baseball there – little league hard ball, on the Lions Club, with Neil Forbes, Dave Gaw and even the Hawk, Jimmy Hodgson. Those were the best of times. Unfortunately, the Legion always won. They had a great coach, my Dad. He taught the fundamentals to the Christie Boys, Dick and Clarke, and a cast of other great players, including Billy Forbes. I couldn’t mention Riverside Park without talking about the Civic Holiday fastball tournaments, especially in

The Patterson Building today, photo by Jim Dolan, digital oil painting highlighted to emphasize brick work

The Old Co-op after its restoration, photo by Jim Dolan, digital water colour painting highlighted to show building detail

library. A few years back, it had seen better days, but today it is quite a beautiful restoration that has managed to maintain a small-town, down-home feeling. The owners are to be congratulated. art one of my trip ended at the edifice attached to the old Advance Building. It was

of 1959, saw me standing on the red painted pump island between the high-test and low-test fuel pumps. I was almost ten years old. I eagerly straddled the frame of the second hand bike my father bought for me, probably with my mother’s tips - hard-earned at the Mid-Town Grill. I pushed off, reaching for the peddles that were almost beyond reach. I was freewheeling, more like wobbling, for the first hundred yards, but once I caught my balance, I was gone - the wind whistling through my brush

fine haircut or perm at her Hair Gallery. Today, you can still find an old book or two at the book store next to Gertie’s shop. Do you remember Ab Johnston’s B.A. Station? I do. It’s long since gone, replaced by the Bank of Nova Scotia in 1975. The building now sits vacant. The spring

cut. Boy, I loved that bike. I could go fishing up to Burritt’s Rapids; I caught a few bass there. I could ride over to the bridge at Oxford Mills with a bucket of worms and my trusty bamboo pole to hook mudpout, when they were running in the spring. The bike proved valuable in the fall, when I would pedal out to the Kemptville College to steal apples. As a thief, you needed a quick getaway vehicle, even back then, to out-run the men chasing you. Little did I know it at the time, but one of the workers chasing me was probably my wife-to-be’s father, Beresford Groskopf. I never met the man, as he passed away while my family lived on the air force base near Cold Lake, Alberta. In 2000, I was not aware that the site of Johnston’s B.A. Station

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the 50s, 60s and 70s. This was a time when the bleachers were filled and town pride rested on every pitch. Boy, did we see pitching - Doug Boyd and Doug Berry from South Mountain, Barry Milne and Ronnie Arcand from Kemptville and later Murray Hyndman. I couldn’t leave out the legendary Ted Hoy of the Cardinal Pats. When Barry Milne threw orthodox, behind the back, or between the legs, batters stood in disbelief; but when Ted Hoy threw that change up, the whole park stood still as that ball danced part way to home plate and then seemed to stop. I drove through the park the other day. I stopped my car and looked toward number one diamond. I think I saw the ball just crossing the plate, strike three having been called so many years ago. I rolled down my window and I’m sure I heard Dave Rigby shouting words of encouragement at John, Bump, the two Teds and Joe. My dad often told me that there is always a story inside a story that sometimes needs to be told. I didn’t know what he meant back then, but with the passage of time

I am gradually beginning to understand. The new members of the North Grenville community probably are not aware that Riverside Park also had a half-mile dirt track years ago, and barns, which in their heyday housed trotters and pacers owned by the Van Allen’s, Russ Caldwell, Ross Curran and even the legendary harness race driver Herve Filion. For us who were there, if we close our eyes, we can still hear the sound of the hooves hitting the dirt track, the sound of the occasional crack of a whip and the voices of the drivers. I drove a car for the first time in my life around the old race track. It was winter and I was 11 years old. I was sitting in Ken Seymour’s car after one of his hockey games. There were other young men in the car, but their names escape my aged memory. But I remember. I was sitting between Ken’s legs and he kept saying: “Beaver, just keep her between the snow banks”. It was a thrill back then, and it is still a thrill to remember. Ken passed away a few years ago. At his funeral, his son, Mark, commented that his dad offered him a little fatherly advice when he was growing up. Ken told his kids be “Givers not Takers”. Ken lived this advice as he gave and gave, but so few people ever knew how much he gave. But many young kids in the community, who are much older now, were given the opportunity to enjoy the game of hockey and other sports because of Ken’s caring (a story within a story). www.ngtimes.ca

The North Grenville Times

Heritage Old Town Kemptville BIA Committee By Su Sally, BIA Chair organic milks, creams, yoghurt, and cheeses, elcome to the Old locally roasted coffees, Plan New W Town Kemptville artisan teas, gluten-free BIA (Business pastas, locally grown and Plaques ment Area)’s Improvemonthly milled flours, and Ca-


he Municipal Heritage Committee have identified four new locations for historical plaques, to be erected this year. In 2012, the MHC decided to place four plaques on bridges in the Municipality. These were researched and prepared by members of the Committee and erected at Rotary Park in Kemptville, the bridges at Oxford Mills and Burritt’s Rapids, and the last is to be located at the Hurd Street bridge in Kemptville now that the construction work at the bridge has been completed. The official unveiling will be in the spring, when the ceremonial re-opening of the bridge takes place. The locations for this year’s plaques are at the General Store in Heckston, the train station at Oxford Station, the Armoury (old Fire Hall) in Kemptville, and the Bishop house in Bishop’s Mills. Once again, the research and writing of the plaques will be undertaken by members of the MHC, and unveilings will be arranged at appropriate dates in the coming year. The heritage plaques are large, permanent installations, and contain a mix of photographs, plans and accompanying text describing the historical and heritage importance of each of the sites. They add a great deal to the public education on local heritage matters, and will be a real asset to local tourism initiatives.

CLASSIFIEDS: First 15 words free if submitted by email. Extra word 50 cents, photo $10, border $2, shading $5. Submit to classifieds@ ngtimes.ca. Email must include name, address and phone #. Must be related to North Grenville and be paid in advance by paypal!

column in the North Grenville Times. We would like to thank the Times for the opportunity to reach out with our message of what is happening in Old Town. We hope to share the many experience opportunities that are available in Old Town Kemptville, as well as information about new downtown businesses and upcoming special events. First, we are working on two colourful brochures that will feature our culinary cuisine and retail experiences. There are thirty businesses and services highlighted in these brochures. Old Town is home to a wide array of culinary experiences. From the Victorian tea room to the baker serving up French crepes, to the flavourful pizzas, festive Irish cuisine and glutenfree and vegan options, there are hundreds of taste sensations awaiting you in Old Town. We are also home to many unique retail and speciality shops that offer fine jewellery, hip and funky accessories, beautiful antiques, tools, home décor items, and an unparalleled variety of books. There is so much to explore and discover! You can learn more about these many experiences in the upcoming brochures; the launch date to the community is Family Day at the Municipal Center. Old Town is also home to twelve health and wellness centres and twelve professional services. Our dining and retail opportunities are growing. In December, Heather ’s Healthy Harvest joined our community at 15 Reuben Crescent. Owner Heather Shaw is currently offering a wide variety of organic veggies, free-range, antibiotic-free and hormone-free meats,

event (date TBA). These successful events will be the highlight of many new and exciting activities starting with Sweetheart Week. From February 7th to February 14th, we welcome everyone to visit Old Town Kemptville to find a handpicked gift for that special someone. Impress your sweetheart with a beautiful piece of jewellery, an elegant handbag, a new scarf, a new tool set, auto accessories, candy or sweets. Old Town Kemptville is also a great place to start on Valentine’s Date Night, which will be held on Friday, February 15th. Visit any restaurant and bring your receipt to the North Grenville Municipal Center at 8:00pm for a discounted admission (only $3.75 per ticket!) to the movie 10 Years, starring Channing Tatum and Rosario Dawson. In March, Old Town Kemptville will join O’Heaphy’s Irish Pub for Irish week. Join in the fun and wear green! The BIA also encourages you to join the excitement of the Kemptville College Royal, which will be held on March 8th and March 9th, 2013. The Royal includes a Hockey Tournament, Pancake Breakfast, Horse Shows, Farmers Olympics, Student and 4-H livestock shows, Horse Demonstrations, Student

nadian-grown wild rice. Heather’s Healthy Harvest is also home to the Low Allergy Kitchen. Each day, Meghann GervaisLynch whips up a variety of delicious gluten-free and vegan dishes for your lunches and dinners. Drop in on different days to try lentil vegetable stew, shepherd’s pie, organic split pea soup, Texas style chilli, or baked beans, just to name a few. Heather’s Healthy Harvest is open Monday to Thursday from 9:00am to 6:00pm, Friday from 9:00am to 8:00pm, Saturday from 9:00am to 5:00pm, and Sunday from 10:00am to 4:00pm. For more information, please visit www.HeathersHealthyHarvest.com. This spring, we will welcome another new business to our downtown core, Designer Consignor (which will be located at 148 Prescott Street). Designer Consignor’s clothing will be “by the community, for the community.” Owner Beverly Sims will carry hand-picked brand name clothing from designers like Armani, Vera Wang, Dana Buchman, Stella McCartney, Tommy Hilfiger, Hugo Boss and many more, for a fraction of the cost of regular retailers. There will also be a great selection of accessories, including shoes and sunglasses. For more information on the store and on consigning, please visit www.designerconsignor.com. As we welcome our new stores, the BIA is planning an exciting line up of special events and activities for 2013. We are preparing for the 3rd Annual Pirates Day (September 14th, 2013), the 2nd Annual Kreepy Kemptville (October 26th, 2013), and the 3rd Annual Old Town Christmas

and Celebrity Milking, and much more. Explore our College - it is part of our heritage! Stay tuned to our column for more information on these and other events. Old Town Kemptville is also very fortunate to be home to several community organizations, including the Kemptville Pool, the Kemptville Community Tennis Club, the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce, the North Grenville Curling Club, the North Grenville Historical Society, the North Grenville Public Library, and the Royal Canadian Legion. These organizations bring a life and vibrancy to Old Town and offer several recreational and educational experience opportunities to our residents and visitors. Visit the Library for a variety of family programs, play a game of tennis or enjoy skateboarding at Riverside Park, splash in the pool, or make an appointment to explore the North Gren-

GERONIMO 146 Prescott Street, Kemptville, Ontario 613- 215-0401 geronimo@cogeco.net Tue - Fri: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Sat: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

ville Historical Society Archives on Water Street. Old Town Kemptville is family owned and operated, not corporate owned and operated. We are a close-knit group with a strong sense of community. Please join our community online by liking our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/OldTownKemptville) or following us on Twitter (@ OldTownKemptvil).

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Anne Hunt - 613.258.3806 baashunt@sympatico.ca

January 30, 2013

The Voice of North Grenville


The North Grenville Times

Where There’s Smoke.... By Bruce Enloe


ne of the best things that ever happened to me was losing everything when I was 17. My family home was engulfed in flames in the middle of the night, a couple of weeks before Christmas. Firefighters never could figure out exactly what happened, except that it started in the furnace. It didn’t seem like one of the best things that ever happened to me at the time, of course; instead, it seemed incredible, beyond imagining, surreal. I didn’t lose everything either, not really, just some stuff. I was woken by my mother; I recall that it took more than one attempt to wake me and my brother as well...the deep sleep of innocence and youth being what it is. It took us a while to clue in that it was an actual emergency wake-up, as opposed to the usual “emergency” wake-ups that usually ended with us trudging off to school or church. Even after I got out of bed, the strangeness of the situation seemed to blend seamlessly with the dreams I was shaking off. My memories of that night are fragmented, spiked with moments of clarity and mixed with long vague patches of smoke. I remember being instructed to wake the neighbours to call the fire department and then trying to do so by ringing the doorbell once and waiting, only to be pushed aside, a minute later by my mother who rushed over to ring their bell repeatedly and furiously while pounding on their door, officially signalling that the rules had changed: politeness, the law, was suspended temporarily with the martial law of justifiable rudeness in its place. I remember having to choose what I would take (a trench-coat and a briefcase full of my adolescent poetry). I remember being able to see

my sister’s closet on the back of the second floor burning from the street out front. I remember my father salvaging our Apple IIe computer, a prize possession in those days. I remember the dog sleeping through much of the fire in her doghouse out back. I remember being sent to our neighbour’s house to sleep, and, instead, staying up singing the Talking Head’s song ‘Burning Down the House’ and laughing at our precocious sense of ironic detachment, giddy and stupid from the adrenaline overdose. I remember my mother, without makeup, in her nightclothes, sad, scared and as strong as I’ve ever seen her. My father, all action and no talk, after seeing to our safety, defying the smoke for at least three trips back inside the house for things he suddenly realized we couldn’t leave to chance. I remember brave firemen throwing a family heirloom antique desk out of a second story window in a bizarre, unguided and prescient act of preservation. It’s one of my sister’s only possessions that wasn’t burned to cinders. Silly what you get attached to—I think I was most upset about losing a candle bottle which had been the result of hours of wasted time moulding the wax into interesting patterns by choosing colours, turning candles, and directing the flow of wax as I fell asleep watching it for the several months prior. No, it didn't start the fire. It was worthless, but also uniquely irreplaceable. My family lost some pictures; my mother and father lost some of their childhood talismans, and a family bible. As I mentioned, my sister lost almost the entire contents of her room. My brother lost some things but was and is a stoic and refused to complain. We all lost our home. It was rebuilt, different, but similar, but the old building is and will always be gone. We lost furniture, of course,

Kemptville - Shop AVON at Home -

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AVON - beauty that delivers!

The Voice of North Grenville

and clothing. Even some I remember a miracle: still do not) fully compre- dogma or philosophy, things that seemed to sur- my mother’s wooden box hend the degree to which it was not even about vive were damaged by the of love letters from my a community is capable ‘whether or not to help’ it smoke and disintegrated father was less than ten of, and even desires, be- was about ‘how to help.’ in the ensuing months. We feet from the origin of ing good to one other. The fire was, in its own mourned, at first, and felt the blaze and opened to I have had my share of way, one of the best things a gap, and moved on as reveal not a single singed personal struggles with that ever happened to me. people do. But we didn’t page. I remember coming the dogma and philosophy I can feel my mom cringe lose everything. We were home to my grandmoth- of the Baptist church; but when I say that, but it’s insured. We had a support- er’s house within two days one thing is for certain, true. I wouldn’t be who ive community. We re- of the fire to find a room I was a Baptist that day. I am today if it had not placed all the things, even stacked from floor to ceil- Specifically I was a full happened. Standing on the the emotional attachments ing with donated clothes, fledged member of the lawn that night, I saw evwhich broke free of their canned foods and house- First Baptist Church of erything we owned going moorings, in time, docked hold goods. I remember Bryan, Texas. Unless you away, and I learned in an on the fertile shores of my school collecting hun- are a member of a commu- instant that things could new possessions. dreds of dollars for us. nity that joins together in be lost. Then, over time, I Later, on the morning I was confused and times of need (and I hope learned that things could of the fire, I remember gracious. I had never been that you are) you’d have a be replaced. I learned that the church, our commu- on the receiving end of hard time understanding. communities can and do nity, arriving, the pastor charity, and did not (and That day was not about come together. and his wife at first, then the church, as a group, arriving with hands to help and ratty clothes on, scrambling through the muck and salvaging what they could, our neighbours and friends, ankle deep in ashy mud. I remember the soggy crumpled Christmas tree and crushed presents and how Offer includes Pellet, Gas, & Wood strange it all looked with Stoves and Fireplaces. the sunlight streaming through where the ceiling used to be. I remember 6 Beverly St Spencerville SEE IN STORE FOR DETAILS that the fish survived, 613-658-3101 1-888-370-9859 financing available (OAC) KrisAlis Inc. DE 12 12 thestovestore@ripnet.ca and how important that www.thestovestore.com was. Everyone survived.

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Anne Hunt - 613.258.3806 baashunt@sympatico.ca

January 30, 2013



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