Page 1






20 NĂM





Heä thoáng vaên phoøng cho thueâ 48

Thö chuùc möøng


Nhöõng daáu son ñaày töï haøo 50


Vò trí chieán löôïc 52

Thö cuûa Chuû tòch Hoäi ñoàng quaûn trò



Khôûi ñaàu moät chaëng ñöôøng


Nguoàn nhaân löïc tinh thoâng 57

Ban laõnh ñaïo - Hoäi ñoàng quaûn trò


Nhaân söï söùc maïnh & chìa khoùa thaønh coâng

Ban giaùm ñoác



Keát noái ñeå thaønh coâng


Tieán böôùc töông lai 64


Tieân phong, thay ñoåi vaø böùt phaù 24

Döï aùn môùi




Döï aùn saép trieån khai


Nieàm vinh döï lôùn lao


Ñaùnh giaù cuûa ñoái taùc 78

Caùc coät moác lòch söû 30

Ñaùnh giaù cuûa khaùch haøng

Le Dong Phuong 32

Hoaït ñoäng xaõ hoäi 80

The ADORA 38

Töï söï nhaân vieân 82

AÙo cöôùi Thanh Haèng 46

Lôøi keát


Foreword 7

Offices buildings for rent


Letter of congratulations


Proud landmarks


Chairman’s letter


Strategic locations






The small start of a big journey


Competent human resources


Leadership - Board of management


Human resource - the key to success


Board of directors




Connect to success


Towards the future


Pioneering, changing and through-breaking 24

New projects




Upcoming projects


The great honor


Partners’ review


Major landmarks


Customer review


Le Dong Phuong


Social activities


The ADORA 38

Sharing of Dong Phuong group staff


Thanh Hang bridal











Kính chaøo Quyù baïn ñoïc,

Dear valued readers, Dear all the members of Dong Phuong Group,

Cuøng toaøn theå thaønh vieân Ñoâng Phöông Group! Nhaân kyû nieäm 20 naêm thaønh laäp, Ñoâng Phöông Group xuaát baûn taäp Kyû yeáu nhaèm oân laïi moät chaëng ñöôøng hình thaønh vaø phaùt trieån, ñoàng thôøi giuùp caùc theá heä tieáp noái hieåu roõ hôn quaù trình phaán ñaáu vaø tröôûng thaønh cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group. Baèng nhöõng hình aûnh chaân thaät vaø sinh ñoäng, aán phaåm seõ mang ñeán caùi nhìn toaøn dieän veà böôùc khôûi ñaàu, nhöõng thôøi khaéc quan troïng, caùc thaønh töïu ñaït ñöôïc cuõng nhö muïc tieâu môùi trong töông lai. Kyû yeáu cuõng laø nôi theå hieän tình caûm chaân thaønh vaø loøng töï haøo cuûa caû taäp theå - nhöõng ngöôøi ñaõ vaø ñang gaén boù, cuøng traûi qua nhöõng thaêng traàm, thaønh coâng ôû moãi giai ñoaïn phaùt trieån. Nhöõng neùt son trong lòch söû 20 naêm ñöôïc khaéc hoïa trong Kyû yeáu vôùi mong muoán truyeàn caûm höùng cho moïi nhaân vieân. Theá heä keá thöøa seõ tieáp tuïc phaùt huy nhöõng giaù trò truyeàn thoáng vaø môû ra nhöõng trang söû môùi ñaày veû vang cho Ñoâng Phöông Group.

On the occasion of our 20th anniversary, Dong Phuong Group publishes this yearbook to review a past journey of our foundation and development, also to help next generations of the group to understand more about the process of continuous effort and upgrowing of Dong Phuong Group. With real and lively images, the publication will bring about a comprehensive view of the foundation, landmarks, achievements as well as new targets in the future of the group. The yearbook is also where the family of Dong Phuong Group express their heartfelt feeling and pride to the group - they are the people who have been maintaining and go through the ups and downs with the group over each of its development stage. Proud moments through the 20 years are highlighted in this yearbook with a hope that they will inspire all staff. The next generation of the group will continue to develop traditional values and open new glorious pages for Dong Phuong Group.



Töø khi ra ñôøi ñeán nay, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ luoân maïnh daïn ñaàu tö, tích cöïc ñoåi môùi vaø naém baét xu höôùng thò tröôøng ñeå trôû thaønh moät taäp ñoaøn lôùn maïnh trong ngaønh dòch vuï meán khaùch.

As of our foundation, Dong Phuong Group has been bold and proactive in transforming itself, grasping market OÂng/Mr. Chaâu Vaên La

Chuû tòch UBND Quaän Taân Bình Chairman of Tan Binh District People’s Committee

demand to become a strong company in hospitality.



Nhaân dòp kyû nieäm 20 naêm thaønh laäp Ñoâng Phöông Group, toâi thaân aùi göûi ñeán Ban laõnh ñaïo vaø toaøn theå nhaân vieân Taäp ñoaøn lôøi chuùc möøng toát ñeïp nhaát. Nhöõng naêm qua, thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh giöõ vai troø ñaàu taøu kinh teá cuûa caû nöôùc, luoân ñaït möùc taêng tröôûng cao, cô caáu chuyeån dòch ñuùng höôùng, quy moâ ñöôïc môû roäng, chaát löôïng taêng tröôûng ñöôïc caûi thieän. Nhöõng thaønh quaû ñaït ñöôïc khoâng theå taùch rôøi söï ñoùng goùp tích cöïc cuûa caùc doanh nghieäp hoaït ñoäng treân ñòa baøn. Traûi qua 20 naêm hình thaønh vaø phaùt trieån töø moät nhaø haøng tieäc cöôùi ñöôïc khai tröông vaøo naêm 1996, ñeán nay Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ trôû thaønh Taäp ñoaøn sôû höõu chuoãi Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò coù quy moâ lôùn nhaát taïi thaønh

On the occasion of 20th anniversary of Dong Phuong Group, I would like to cordially send to the Board of Directors and all employees the best wishes. In recent years, Ho Chi Minh City has played the leading economic role of the country, with high growth, structural change in the right direction, expanded scale, and improved quality of growth. These achievements are inseparable from the positive contribution of the enterprises operating in the locality. Over 20 years of development, from a wedding restaurant opened in 1996, Dong Phuong Group now has owned the largest scale chain of Wedding and Convention Centers in

phoá. Vôùi kinh nghieäm hoaït ñoäng laâu naêm cuøng söï am hieåu saâu saéc trong ngaønh dòch vuï meán khaùch, ngoaøi thöông hieäu Le Dong Phuong, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ laàn löôït trieån khai ñaàu tö xaây döïng môùi caùc coâng trình vaø ñöa vaøo khai thaùc caùc Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò The ADORA ñaït chuaån 4-5 sao, goùp phaàn taêng cöôøng phaùt trieån cô sôû vaät chaát vaø dòch vuï ñaúng caáp veà lónh vöïc naøy treân ñòa baøn thaønh phoá. Thay maët UÛy ban nhaân daân quaän Taân Bình, toâi xin ghi nhaän vaø bieåu döông nhöõng keát quaû Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ ñaït ñöôïc, vaø tin töôûng vôùi söï naêng ñoäng, kieân trì saùng taïo, ñoåi môùi cuûa Ban laõnh ñaïo vaø ñoäi nguõ nhaân vieân, Ñoâng Phöông Group seõ tieáp tuïc môû roäng quy moâ vaø vöôn xa hôn nöõa trong töông lai.


Nhaân ñaây, moät laàn nöõa, toâi xin chuùc möøng Ñoâng Phöông Group nhaân kyû nieäm 20 naêm thaønh laäp vaø tin raèng nhöõng thaønh coâng trong thôøi gian qua seõ laø neàn taûng vöõng chaéc ñeå Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaït ñöôïc nhieàu thaønh töïu môùi trong xu theá hoäi nhaäp cuûa ñaát nöôùc. Xin traân troïng caûm ôn, Chaâu Vaên La Chuû tòch UBND Quaän Taân Bình

the city. With rich experience and insights of the hospitality industry, in addition to the Le Dong Phuong brand; Dong Phuong Group has in turn invested and launched new centers: The 4/5-star Adora Wedding and Conference Center, to contribute to further development of infrastructure and services on the field in the city.

On this occasion, once again, I would like to congratulate Dong Phuong Group’s 20th anniversary and I believe that the past success will be a solid foundation for Dong Phuong Group to gain new achievements along with the integration trend of the country.

On behalf of the People’s Committee of Tan Binh District, I would like to acknowledge and praise your achievements, and I believe with your dynamics, persistent creativity and renewal of Board of Directors and staffs, Dong Phuong Group will continue to expand the scale and gain further success in the future.

Chau Van La Chairman of Tan Binh District People’s Committee




20 NĂM





Hai möôi naêm tröôùc, töø moät nhaø haøng tieäc cöôùi quy moâ nhoû, moïi thaønh vieân cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ lieân tuïc khoâng ngöøng hoïc hoûi, kieân trì töøng böôùc hoaøn thieän vaø ngaøy nay, chuùng toâi ñaõ ñaït ñöôïc nhöõng thaønh quaû raát khaû quan veà heä thoáng kinh doanh, cô sôû haï taàng, chaát löôïng saûn phaåm vaø dòch vuï. Nhöõng thaønh quaû naøy ñöôïc hình thaønh bôûi moät taäp theå Ban Giaùm Ñoác vaø toaøn theå nhaân vieân ñeàu ñam meâ ngheà nghieäp, nhieàu taâm huyeát vaø söï phaán ñaáu beàn bæ cuøng chí höôùng xaây döïng doanh nghieäp, söï uûng hoä cuûa khaùch haøng, söï ñoàng haønh cuûa caùc ñoái taùc, söï giuùp ñôõ to lôùn töø caùc caáp chính quyeàn. Hoâm nay chuùng toâi môùi coù cô hoäi nhìn laïi chaëng ñöôøng 20 naêm ñaõ qua vaø cuøng höôùng ñeán töông lai ñeå tieáp tuïc chinh phuïc nhöõng ñænh cao môùi. Kinh doanh trong moät ngaønh dòch vuï ñaày caïnh tranh quyeát lieät, taäp theå Ban Giaùm Ñoác luoân nhaïy beùn trong ñieàu haønh, taäp trung naêng löïc cao ñoä, chieâu moä vaø coù chính saùch ñaõi ngoä nhaân taøi, phaùt huy nhöõng saùng taïo vöôït khoù nhaèm thöïc thi hieäu quaû chieán löôïc phaùt trieån. Quaù trình naøy ñaõ tích luyõ ñöôïc boán tieâu chí quaûn

For past 20 years, from a small scale wedding restaurant, every member of Dong Phuong Group has been continuously learning and gradually improving and now, we have achieved very positive results in terms of business system, infrastructure, quality of products and services. These achievements are shaped by the passion and devotion of Board of Directors and all employees who persistently struggle with same sense of purpose, along with the customer support, the companion of the partners, the great help from the authorities. Today we have an opportunity to look back the path of 20 years of development and seek the directions to conquer new heights. In the competitive service sector, the Board of Directors have been always acute in operation and management, had excellent talent strategies, promoted creativity to overcome difficulties in order to implement effectively

trò neàn taûng ñeå mang laïi thaønh coâng cho Ñoâng Phöông: Saûn phaåm chaát löôïng - Nhaân söï tinh thoâng - Taøi chính laønh maïnh - Ñaàu tö baøi baûn. Vôùi nguoàn löïc hieän coù vaø hai thöông hieäu haøng ñaàu trong ngaønh Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò Le Dong Phuong vaø The Adora, Ñoâng Phöông Group seõ tieáp tuïc naâng cao chaát löôïng quaûn trò, thu huùt nhaân taøi, ñaàu tö saâu cô sôû haï taàng trang thieát bò cho caùc saûn phaåm söï kieän hoaønh traùng, thieát keá caùc chöông trình tieäc cao caáp, toái öu hoaù giaù baùn ñeå mang ñeán lôïi ích cao nhaát cho khaùch haøng. Vaø ñaëc bieät trong voøng 3 naêm tôùi Ñoâng Phöông Group seõ môû roäng heä thoáng taïi nhöõng vò trí ñaéc ñòa cuûa caùc quaän trung taâm nhaèm ñaït muïc tieâu taêng 40% doanh thu chieám lónh thò phaàn. Baèng nhöõng thaønh quaû ñaït ñöôïc vaø nhöõng kinh nghieäm tích luõy trong thôøi gian qua, Ñoâng Phöông Group vöõng tin tieán böôùc vaøo töông lai. Thaønh coâng cuûa Taäp ñoaøn ñöôïc keát tinh töø söï thaønh coâng ôû moãi caù nhaân. Toâi mong raèng toaøn theå nhaân vieân seõ neâu cao tinh thaàn ñoaøn keát, loøng ñam meâ coâng vieäc, môû roäng tö duy vaø khoâng ngöøng phaùt trieån söï nghieäp.

Töông lai, toâi tin raèng theá heä tieáp noái coù trình ñoä chuyeân moân cao, baèng söùc treû vaø yù chí töï cöôøng seõ tieáp tuïc phaùt huy nhöõng giaù trò ñaõ ñaït ñöôïc vaø gaët haùi nhieàu thaønh coâng hôn nöõa treân con ñöôøng chinh phuïc nhöõng ñænh cao môùi trong töông lai. Toâi xin baøy toû lôøi tri aân saâu saéc ñeán taát caû caùc khaùch haøng, toaøn theå ñoäi nguõ Ban Giaùm Ñoác vaø nhaân vieân, caùc ñoái taùc kinh doanh, caùc caáp chính quyeàn vaø cô quan quaûn lyù ñaõ ñoùng goùp vaøo söï hình thaønh Ñoâng Phöông Group vöõng maïnh hoâm nay. Traân troïng,

Vuõ Thanh Taâm Chuû tòch Hoäi ñoàng Quaûn trò

development strategies. From the process, four fundamental governing principles are shaped: Quality product - Elite People Healthy finance - Methodical investment.

individual’s success. I hope that all employees will uphold the spirit of solidarity, devotion, and non-stop development of mindset and career.

With existing resources and the two leading brands in the banquet & convention industry namely Le Dong Phuong and The Adora, we will continue to enhance the quality of management, attract talents, invest deeply in infrastructure and equipment for the monumental events, high-end party programs, optimize price to bring the highest benefits to for our customers. And especially in the next 3 years, Dong Phuong Group will expand the system into the favorable positions of the central districts to achieve the target of 40% revenue increase.

In the future, I believe that the next generation of high-qualified professionals, with youth and self-reliance will continue to promote the achieved values and reap more success on the road to conquer new heights.

With these achievements and experience accumulated in the past period, Dong Phuong Group firmly take the next step to the future. The success of the Group comprises of each

I would like to express deep gratitude to all customers, board of directors, employees, business partners, and government authorities who have made contribution to the establishment of strong Dong Phuong Group today. Best regards,

Vu Thanh Tam Chairman





GẮN KẾT, TẬN TÂM và NỖ LỰC KHÔNG NGỪNG Ñeå coù ñöôïc vò theá vaø quy moâ nhö hieän nay, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ traûi qua moät haønh trình ñaày thöû thaùch vôùi söï noã löïc phaán ñaáu vaø saùng taïo khoâng ngöøng cuûa caû moät taäp theå. Naêm 1996, thò tröôøng aåm thöïc taïi thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh chöa ñi vaøo giai ñoaïn chuyeân nghieäp. Caùc ñôn vò kinh doanh trong ngaønh chæ laø nhöõng nhaø haøng quaùn aên quy moâ nhoû, khoâng ñöôïc quaûn lyù baøi baûn vaø coù heä thoáng. Nhaän thaáy tieàm naêng ñaày trieån voïng cuûa thò tröôøng yeán tieäc chöa coù ñôn vò naøo tham gia ôû quy moâ lôùn vaø chuyeân nghieäp, oâng Vuõ Thanh Taâm - ngöôøi saùng laäp, ñaõ quyeát ñònh ñaàu tö vaøo lónh vöïc naøy baèng caùch mua laïi moät nhaø haøng nhoû vaø khôûi söï kinh doanh dòch vuï tieäc cöôùi. Cô sôû ñaàu tieân naøy chính laø nhaø haøng Ñoâng Phöông. Cuøng vôùi caùc thaønh vieân trong gia ñình, moïi ngöôøi vöøa laøm vöøa hoïc hoûi vaø hoaøn thieän moïi vieäc töø khaâu xaây döïng thöïc ñôn, thu mua haøng hoùa cho ñeán tính ñònh möùc, ñònh löôïng moùn aên, caùch thöùc phuïc vuï. Sau moät thôøi gian ngaén tham gia thò tröôøng, oâng nhaän thaáy raèng muoán “toàn taïi” ñöôïc trong ngaønh thì phaûi ñaàu tö nghieâm tuùc vaø coù ñònh höôùng laâu daøi. Vaøo thôøi ñieåm ñoù, maët baèng nhaân löïc vaø cô sôû vaät chaát vaãn chöa phaùt trieån, chuû yeáu thueâ möôùn laép gheùp caùc dòch vuï beân ngoaøi, nhaân vieân chæ laø lao ñoäng phoå thoâng khoâng ñöôïc ñaøo taïo baøi baûn. Vieäc quaûn lyù chaát löôïng saûn phaåm vaø dòch vuï khaù khoù khaên phöùc taïp. Do ñoù, vaán ñeà ñaët ra laø phaûi kieåm soaùt ñöôïc chaát löôïng aåm thöïc, chuû ñoäng laøm phong phuù caùc dòch vuï vaø naâng caáp tieâu chuaån phuïc vuï. Vôùi Ban quaûn lyù “moät thuyeàn, moät beán, moät gia ñình”, caùc thaønh vieân trong gia ñình ñeàu gaén keát, taän taâm vaø laøm vieäc heát mình vì söï nghieäp chung cuûa Ñoâng Phöông. Vieäc caùc thaønh vieân gia ñình naém giöõ caùc vò trí chuû choát coù moät öu ñieåm ñoù laø coâng taùc quaûn lyù chaët cheõ, traùnh toái ña thaát thoaùt vaø naêng suaát laøm vieäc cao. Quaûn

trò gia ñình ñöôïc nhìn nhaän ôû goùc ñoä tích cöïc ñaõ taïo neân moät löïc löôïng gaén keát vaø trung thaønh vôùi con ñöôøng phaùt trieån doanh nghieäp. Tuy nhieân vaãn coøn haïn cheá so vôùi phong caùch quaûn trò chuyeân nghieäp maø sau naøy Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ xaây döïng ñöôïc. Vì vaäy, töø ngaøy aáy, Ban laõnh ñaïo Ñoâng Phöông ñaõ cung caáp nhöõng chính saùch ñaõi ngoä toát ñeå tìm kieám nhaân söï boå sung vaøo ñoäi nguõ quaûn lyù, löu giöõ nhaân vieân vaø oån ñònh chaát löôïng phuïc vuï. Nhieàu caù nhaân ñaõ gaén boù vôùi Ñoâng Phöông ñeán ngaøy nay, vaø hoï ñeàu ñaõ trôû thaønh nhöõng nhaø quaûn lyù noøng coát cho heä thoáng. Ñoàng thôøi, vieäc lieân tuïc taùi ñaàu tö, söûa chöõa vaø naâng caáp cô sôû vaät chaát, chaát löôïng dòch vuï, tìm kieám vaø hoïc hoûi caùch thöùc quaûn lyù chuyeân moân veà lónh vöïc naøy cuõng ñöôïc öu tieân haøng ñaàu. Chính söï nhaïy beùn vaø thöïc thi caùc bieän phaùp quaûn lyù kinh doanh quyeát ñoaùn cuûa oâng Vuõ Thanh Taâm maø nhaø haøng Ñoâng Phöông ñaõ nhanh choùng trôû thaønh moät trung taâm tieäc cöôùi chuyeân nghieäp. Ñònh vò ôû phaân khuùc trung caáp vôùi möùc giaù raát caïnh tranh, Ñoâng Phöông ñaõ taïo ñöôïc tieáng vang treân thò tröôøng vaø daàn môû roäng ñeán caùc khu vöïc saàm uaát taïi ñöôøng Hoaøng Vieät quaän Taân Bình, Luõy Baùn Bích quaän Taân Phuù vaø Nguyeãn Vaên Quaù quaän 12. Qua giai ñoaïn 10 naêm ñaàu beàn bæ hoaït ñoäng vaø kieân trì vöôït khoù, Ñoâng Phöông ñaõ tích luyõ ñöôïc kinh nghieäm, nhaân löïc vaø taøi löïc laøm neàn taûng cô sôû vöõng chaéc ñeå thöïc hieän cuoäc böùt phaù, trôû thaønh ngöôøi ñöùng ñaàu veà quy moâ kinh doanh, tæ leä nhaän bieát thöông hieäu trong ngaønh dòch vuï Hoäi nghò tieäc cöôùi ngaøy nay.



UNITE, COMMIT and CONTINUOUSLY STRIVE FOR THE COMMON CAUSE It has, for Dong Phuong Group, been a challenging journey that demands collective effort and creativity to acquire the position and size it now enjoys. It was in 1996 and F&B market in HCMC was still immature. Market players were operating on a standalone basis without professional and systematic management. Seeing the promising potential of F&B service where there were no big players in sight, Vu Thanh Tam, founder of Dong Phuong Group, decided to enter this field. He started by acquiring a small restaurant and his wedding services began. This first establishment is Dong Phuong Restaurant. Vu and his family members shared responsibility in managing the restaurant, all learning on the job, that involved building menus, purchasing, quantifying servings, servicing, ect. After a short while, the leaders concluded that it required serious investment as well as long-term vision to survive and develop in the industry. The company’s human resources and infrastructure were still underdeveloped then. It still depended heavily on outsourcing services and its staff mainly were untrained laborers, causing difficulties in controlling product and service quality. This set forth key issues for the company including controlling food quality, diversifying services and improving service standard. The leadership, being on one same boat and belonging to one same family, worked in solidarity, dedicated to the common cause of developing Dong Phuong. This familyowned model enjoyed the advantage of close management, high productivity and minimized loss of labor and cost. From a positive perspective, this model brought about a force that is committed and loyal to

the development of the company. However, it also revealed some limits as compared to the professional leadership and management that Dong Phuong Group built up later. With that vision in mind, Dong Phuong leadership has gradually reached out to outside talents, offering preferable policies to maintain staff and standardizing service quality. Many people have come and stayed with the company for years, all becoming key managers of the whole system. Also, the company takes as its top priority the constant reinvestment, infrastructure maintenance and improvement, service quality enhancement and the adoption and learning of professional management style. It is the shrewdness and determination in the implementation of business management measures of Vu Thanh Tam that makes Dong Phuong quickly become a professional wedding center. Positioned at middle segment with competitive pricing policies, Dong Phuong has built up its prestige in the market and has step by step spread out to high density residential districts of Tan Binh (on Hoang Viet St.), Binh Tan (Luy Ban Bich St.) and District 12 (Nguyen Van Qua St.). Over the course of more than ten years of persistence, Dong Phuong has accumulated sound and profound experience, human and material resources, which in their turn pave the way for a breakthrough, bringing the company to the forefront in the industry in terms of business extent and brand awareness.





OÂng/Mr. Vuõ Thanh Taâm Chuû tòch Hoäi ñoàng Quaûn trò Chairman of the Board

Baø/Ms. Ngoâ Thò Yeán Phoù Chuû tòch Hoäi ñoàng Quaûn trò Vice Chairman of the Board




OÂng/Mr. Vuõ Thanh Tuøng Thaønh vieân Hoäi ñoàng Quaûn trò Member of the Board

OÂng/Mr. Nguyeãn Ñình Nhaân Thaønh vieân Hoäi ñoàng Quaûn trò Member of of the Board




OÂng/Mr. Huyønh Vaên Vaên Managing Director

Baø/Ms. Ñoaøn Nga Group Marketing Director

Hôn 26 naêm kinh nghieäm trong lónh vöïc Nhaø haøng - Khaùch saïn, oâng Huyønh Vaên Vaên töøng naém giöõ caùc vò trí quan troïng taïi Khaùch saïn New World, khaùch saïn Century Saigon, Trung taâm Hoäi Nghò vaø Tieäc cöôùi Metropole, oâng baét ñaàu ñaûm nhieäm vò trí Giaùm ñoác Ñieàu haønh taïi Ñoâng Phöông vaøo ñaàu naêm 2016

Vôùi hôn 20 naêm laøm vieäc trong ngaønh dòch vuï meán khaùch, Baø Ñoaøn Nga töøng kieâm qua caùc chöùc vuï sau: Marketing Manager cuûa khaùch saïn Sheraton Saigon, Marketing Director cuûa Windsor Vietnam Group, Director of Sales and Marketing cuûa White Palace Convention Center.

Over more than 26 years of experience in hospitality, Huynh took important position in at the New World Hotel, Sheraton Saigon Hotel, Century Saigon Hotel, Metropole Wedding & Convention Centre,... He started the position as Managing Director at Dong Phuong Group in early 2016.

Over more than 20 years of experience in hospitality, Doan was Marketing Manager of Sheraton Saigon, Marketing Director of Windsor Vietnam Group, Director of Sales and Marketing of White Palace Convention Center.

OÂng/Mr. Ho Wing Sang F&B Development Director

OÂng/Mr. Wong Tuck Wah James Master Chef

Gaàn 20 naêm ñaûm nhaän vò trí beáp tröôûng taïi nhöõng khaùch saïn danh tieáng nhö New World Saigon, New World Hongkong, beáp tröôûng Ho Wing Sang luoân nhaän ñöôïc nhieàu lôøi khen ngôïi töø nhöõng vò khaùch maø oâng töøng phuïc vuï.

Ñaàu beáp James Wong laø moät trong nhöõng ñaàu beáp ñaùng kính nhaát trong lónh vöïc Nhaø haøng - Tieäc cöôùi vôùi gaàn 25 naêm chuyeân moân aåm thöïc, töøng tham gia coâng taùc raát nhieàu trong nhöõng thöông hieäu khaùch saïn ñaúng caáp quoác teá nhö: Conrad International, Sofitel Plaza, Sheraton...

During nearly 20 years working as chief cook at famous hotels such as New World Saigon, New World Hong Kong, Ho has always receiving multiple praises from the customers he’s served.

Chef James Wong is one of the most respectable Chefs in the industry despite joining high-end International Hotel chains such as Conrad International, Sofitel Plaza, Sheraton… He brings over his conspicuous passion for cooking, together with close to 25 years of culinary expertise, to Dong Phuong Group.

OÂng/Mr. Nguyeãn Vieät Trung Group Sales Director

Baø/Ms. Hoà Thò Thaûo Ly Sales Events Director

OÂng/Mr. Nguyeãn Thanh Tuøng Public Relations Director

OÂng/Mr. Phan Minh Hoaøng Legal Director

Vôùi hôn 13 naêm laøm vieäc trong ngaønh dòch vuï meán khaùch, OÂng Nguyeãn Vieät Trung töøng laø Director of Sales cuûa White Palace Convention Center, Assistant Director of Sales Events cuûa khaùch saïn Park Hyatt Saigon.

Vôùi 15 naêm kinh nghieäm laøm vieäc taïi khaùch saïn New World vaø hieän ñang phuï traùch boä phaän Kinh doanh cuûa DONG PHUONG GROUP, baø Hoà Thò Thaûo Ly ñaõ goùp phaàn xaây döïng, ñaøo taïo vaø reøn luyeän ñoäi nguõ Sales chuyeân nghieäp ñöôïc nhö ngaøy hoâm nay.

OÂng Nguyeãn Thanh Tuøng töøng laø Giaùm ñoác ñieàu haønh vaø Tröôûng vaên phoøng ñaïi dieän cuûa caùc coâng ty lôùn trong ngaønh xuaát nhaäp khaåu, baát ñoäng saûn vaø ngaønh xaêng daàu.

OÂng Phan Minh Hoaøng coù treân 15 naêm kinh nghieäm laøm vieäc trong ngaønh Quaûn trò Nguoàn Nhaân löïc vaø Phaùp cheá Doanh nghieäp taïi nhieàu Taäp ñoaøn lôùn veà saûn xuaát, kinh doanh Thöông maïi - Dòch vuï, Xaây döïng - Baát ñoäng saûn treân ñòa baøn TP.HCM.

With more than 13 years of experience in hospitality, Nguyen was Director of Sales of White Palace Wedding & Convention Center and Assistant Director of Sales Events of Park Hyatt Saigon.

With more than 15 years of experience in New World and currently as the head of sale and marketing department of Dong Phuong Group, Ho has contributed greatly in the building and training of the dedicated staff.

Nguyen was executive director and head of representative office for big companies in im-exports, real estate and petrol.

Phan has more than 15 years of experience working in human resource management and business legal at many big corporations in production, trading, service, construction and real estate in Ho Chi Minh City.

OÂng/Mr. Seah Seow Kwang Master Chef

OÂng/Mr. Ñoaøn Dieäp Thanh Phöông GM of Le DONG PHUONG 1

OÂng/Mr. Nguyeãn Tieán Tuyeán GM of Le DONG PHUONG 2

OÂng/Mr. Traàn Baøng Phi GM of Le DONG PHUONG 3

Ñaàu beáp Kwang laø chuyeân gia trong aåm thöïc Trung Hoa. Tröôùc khi ñeán Vieät nam, oâng khoâng chæ noåi tieáng veà tay ngheà cao trong naáu aên maø coøn coù nhieàu naêm kinh nghieäm trong lónh vöïc Nhaø haøng - Tieäc cöôùi. Ñeán vôùi Ñoâng Phöông Group, ñaàu beáp Kwang ñaõ ñem theo taát caû nhöõng kinh nghieäm quyù baùu, nhöõng bí quyeát vaø nieàm ñam meâ aåm thöïc Trung Hoa cuûa mình ñeå coáng hieán vaø phuïc vuï taän taâm cho khaùch haøng.

Töøng coù 15 naêm kinh nghieäm taïi caùc Nhaø haøng - Khaùch saïn noåi tieáng nhö Ramana, Gala Royale,... oâng Ñoaøn Dieäp Thanh Phöông hieän ñang ñaûm nhaän chöùc vuï Toång quaûn lyù cuûa Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò coù soá löôïng saûnh lôùn nhaát taïi DONG PHUONG GROUP.

OÂng Nguyeãn Tieán Tuyeán coù 15 naêm kinh nghieäm quaûn lyù taïi caùc nhaø haøng, khaùch saïn noåi tieáng nhö Khaûi Silk, Sheraton Saigon, Grand Hoà Traøm, Gem Center...

Hôn 10 naêm kinh nghieäm laøm vieäc taïi caùc nhaø haøng, khaùch saïn ñaït chuaån 5 sao nhö Sheraton, Imperial vaø White Palace ñaõ giuùp oâng Traàn Baøng Phi coù nhöõng chieán löôïc quaûn lyù hieäu quaû vaø saùng taïo, goùp phaàn laøm haøi loøng nhu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng.

Chef Kwang is specializing in Chinese Banquet dishes, before arriving in Vietnam. Chef Kwang is not only high skilled in his cooking but also throughout many years of on field engagement, he brought with him the experiences, the know-how and the passion of Chinese cooking to Dong Phuong Group.

With 15 years of working experience in famous hotels and restaurants such as Ramana, Gala Royale,... Mr. Phuong is currently taking the position as General Manager of the Center Banquet & Convention which has the largest quantity of banquet halls at Dong Phuong Group.

Nguyen has 15 years of experience working as the manager of famous hotels and restaurants such as Khai Silk, Sheraton Saigon, Grand Ho Tram, Gem Center, ect.

More than 10 years of experience working at five-star hotels and restaurants like Sheraton, Imperial and White Palace allows Tran to work out effective and creative management strategies, contributing to the customer satisfaction.


OÂng/Mr. Buøi Tieán Ñaït Human Resources Director

OÂng/Mr. Hoaøng Hoàng Haø Director of Security

OÂng/Mr. Huyønh Vaên Thaønh Accouting Manager

Baø/Ms. Chaâu AÙi Hoa Training Manager

OÂng Buøi Tieán Ñaït ñaõ coù nhieàu naêm kinh nghieäm trong lónh vöïc ñaøo taïo vaø quaûn lyù nhaân söï. Trong ñoù, coù 7 naêm ñaûm nhieäm vò trí Giaùm ñoác nhaân söï caáp cao cuûa khaùch saïn 5 sao Caravella.

OÂng Hoaøng Hoàng Haø töøng coù 15 naêm laøm vieäc taïi Coâng an quaän Taân Bình vaø caùc coâng ty dòch vuï baûo veä chuyeân nghieäp. Luoân ñaët hieäu quaû coâng vieäc leân haøng ñaàu, oâng Haø ñaõ xaây döïng moät ñoäi nguõ an ninh - baûo veä chuyeân nghieäp, goùp phaàn naâng cao hình aûnh cuûa Taäp ñoaøn trong ngaønh meán khaùch.

OÂng Huyønh Vaên Thaønh coù hôn 10 naêm kinh nghieäm trong ngaønh Keá toaùn - kieåm toaùn. Trong ñoù, coù 4 naêm giöõ cöông vò keá toaùn tröôûng trong lónh vöïc truyeàn thoâng - thöông maïi.

Gaàn 10 naêm kinh nghieäm laøm vieäc taïi Caravelle Saøi Goøn, baø Chaâu AÙi Hoa goùp phaàn khoâng nhoû vaøo vieäc phaùt trieån chaát löôïng dòch vuï taïi caùc trung taâm baèng nhöõng chính saùch ñaøo taïo nhaèm naâng cao naêng löïc nghieäp vuï vaø kyõ naêng meàm cho toaøn theå nhaân vieân.

Bui has multiple years in human resource management, including as Director of Human Caravelle Hotel .

Hoang has more than 15 years working at Tan Binh District Police Department and other professional security companies. Being result-oriented, Hoang has built up a group of professional security guards, contributing to promoting the image of the Group.

Huynh has more than 10 years of experience in accounting and auditing, including four years as chief accountant in media and trading field.

Chau has nearly 10 years of experience working at Caravelle Saigon and currently is leading training department of Dong Phuong Group. She has contributed greatly to improving service quality at the group’s centers by training policies to upgrade professional, soft skills for the whole staff.

OÂng/Mr. Nguyeãn Vaên Phuù GM of Le DONG PHUONG 4

OÂng/Mr. Nguyeãn Vaên Xaây GM of The ADORA Nguyen Kiem

OÂng/Mr. Lyù Caåu Taøy GM of The ADORA Grand View

OÂng/Mr. Voõ Phuùc Khaûi GM of The ADORA Premium

OÂng Nguyeãn Vaên Phuù coù hôn 15 naêm kinh nghieäm trong lónh vöïc Nhaø haøng - Khaùch saïn vaø töøng ñaûm nhaän caùc vò trí quan troïng taïi New World, Boâng Sen. Luoân ñeà cao söï töï hoïc hoûi, naâng cao tay ngheà, oâng ñaõ xaây döïng ñöôïc moät ñoäi nguõ nhaân vieân ñoaøn keát, chuyeân nghieäp vaø taän taâm vôùi khaùch haøng taïi Le DONG PHUONG Nguyeãn Vaên Quaù.

Vôùi 14 naêm kinh nghieäm laøm vieäc taïi caùc Nhaø haøng - khaùch saïn danh tieáng nhö Renaissance, Grand Palace oâng Nguyeãn Vaên Xaây ñaõ phaùt huy theá maïnh vaø kyõ naêng quaûn lyù cuûa mình khi goùp phaàn ñöa The ADORA - Nguyeãn Kieäm trôû thaønh moät trong nhöõng Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò haøng ñaàu ñöôïc öa chuoäng taïi khu vöïc trung taâm Quaän Goø Vaáp vaø Phuù Nhuaän.

20 naêm laøm vieäc taïi caùc khaùch saïn vaø nhaø haøng danh tieáng nhö Sheraton, White Palace, oâng Lyù Caáu Taøy tích luõy raát nhieàu kinh nghieäm veà quaûn lyù vaø ñieàu haønh. Ñieàu naøy ñaõ giuùp oâng xaây döïng The ADORA - Grand view trôû thaønh moät Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò ñöôïc öa chuoäng nhaát taïi trung taâm Quaän 5 bôûi nhöõng tieâu chuaån chaát löôïng dòch vuï ñænh cao.

Coù thaâm nieân hôn 20 naêm kinh nghieäm trong ngaønh aåm thöïc taïi caùc khaùch saïn lôùn nhö New World, Caravel hay InterContinental Asiana, oâng Voõ Phuùc Khaûi luoân ñaët tieâu chí chaêm soùc khaùch haøng toát nhaát coù theå vaø taäp trung phaùt trieån doanh nghieäp treân moïi phöông dieän.

Nguyen has more than 15 years of experience working in hospitality and has taken major roles in New World and Bong Sen. He gives high value to selflearning and he has built up an united, professional and customer-oriented at Le Dong Phuong - Nguyen Van Qua.

With 14 years of experience working at prestigious hotels, restaurants like Renaissance and Grand Palace, Nguyen has proven his strengths and managerial skills when he helped to build The ADORA Nguyen Kiem into one of the leading wedding and convention centers in the central areas of Go Vap, Phu Nhuan Dist.

During 20 years working at famed hotels and restaurants like Sheraton, White Palace, Ly has accumulated enriched experience in management, which, in its turn, allows him to build The ADORA - Grand View into the favorite wedding and convention center in central District 5 due to premium service standards.

Vo has more than 20 years of experience working at big hotels like New World, Caravel or InterContinental Asiana. His top priorities include serving customers as good as possible and focusing on business development at all angles.

of experience training and seven years Resource at








Sau 20 naêm phaùt trieån, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ taïo ñöôïc vò theá vaø daáu aán thöông hieäu treân thò tröôøng. Coù theå noùi söï thaønh coâng cuûa taäp ñoaøn ñöôïc hoäi tuï töø chính söùc maïnh noäi löïc. Beân caïnh ñoù, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ thieát laäp ñöôïc moät maïng löôùi nhaân söï, ñoái taùc vaø xaây döïng nhöõng moái quan heä ña daïng, roäng khaép ñeå phuïc vuï toát cho khaùch haøng, töø ñoù hieän thöïc hoùa nhöõng muïc tieâu cuûa taàm nhìn chieán löôïc. Vôùi phöông chaâm “Cuoäc soáng laø chia seû”, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ keát noái vaø huy ñoäng thaønh coâng noäi löïc vaø ngoaïi löïc laøm ñoøn baåy cho söï phaùt trieån maïnh meõ cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group trong thôøi gian qua.

Vôùi phöông chaâm “Cuoäc soáng laø chia seû”, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ keát noái vaø huy ñoäng thaønh coâng moïi nguoàn löïc laøm ñoøn baåy cho söï phaùt trieån maïnh meõ trong thôøi gian qua.

Baûn saéc vaên hoùa cuûa taäp ñoaøn chòu aûnh höôûng saâu saéc töø ngöôøi saùng laäp - OÂng Vuõ Thanh Taâm - Chuû tòch Hoäi ñoàng Quaûn trò Ñoâng Phöông Group. Ñoù laø caùch öùng xöû mang ñaäm tính nhaân vaên, luoân xem nhaân vieân, ñoái taùc laø caùc coäng söï thaân thieát. Ñoái vôùi khaùch haøng, Ñoâng Phöông luoân ñeà cao taàm quan troïng cuûa khaùch haøng vaø linh hoaït ñaùp öùng moïi nhu caàu cuûa hoï. Chính ñieàu naøy ñaõ taïo söï keát noái chaët cheõ caùc moái quan heä vôùi nhau. Ñeán thôøi ñieåm naøy, coù nhöõng ñoái taùc cung caáp dòch vuï ñaõ coäng taùc vôùi Ñoâng Phöông Group gaàn 20 naêm. Taäp ñoaøn luoân traân troïng vaø taïo moïi ñieàu kieän ñeå caùc ñoái taùc phaùt huy theá maïnh, ñieàu chænh caùc khieám khuyeát ñeå cuøng nhau phaùt trieån. Töø caùc ñoái taùc lôùn nhö nhaø thieát keá kieán truùc, coâng ty xaây döïng cho ñeán caùc ñôn vò cung caáp dòch vuï nhö aâm thanh aùnh saùng, vuõ ñoaøn, ban nhaïc,... laø nhöõng nhaân toá gaén boù vôùi taäp ñoaøn qua nhieàu naêm, nhieàu döï aùn treân suoát chaëng ñöôøng phaùt trieån cuûa taäp ñoaøn. Nhieàu ñôn vò ñaõ töøng böôùc lôùn maïnh theo quy moâ cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group vaø coù naêng löïc phuïc vuï cho caû heä thoáng 7 Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò cuûa taäp ñoaøn. Ngoaøi ra, caùc ñoái taùc nhö nhaø thieát keá kieán truùc, cung caáp laét ñaët

trang thieát bò, coâng ty xaây döïng, nhaø cung caáp nguyeân lieäu thöïc phaåm, ñeàu coù quaù trình hôïp taùc chaët cheõ nhieàu naêm lieàn vaø luoân ñaùp öùng kòp thôøi moïi nhu caàu khaét khe nhaát cuûa taäp ñoaøn. Maët khaùc, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ taïo moái quan heä maät thieát vôùi khaùch haøng baèng lôøi cam keát thöông hieäu, mang ñeán söï haøi loøng veà chaát löôïng aåm thöïc, phong caùch phuïc vuï vaø tieâu chuaån dòch vuï, ñoàng thôøi caùc chöông trình öu ñaõi cuõng ñöôïc aùp duïng linh hoaït ñeå ñaùp öùng ñuùng nhu caàu cuûa hoï. Vì vaäy, raát nhieàu caùc gia ñình khi ñaõ töøng söû duïng dòch vuï tieäc cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group, sau ñoù ngöôøi thaân cuûa hoï seõ tieáp tuïc ñeán vôùi yeán tieäc cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group vôùi söï haøi loøng tuyeät ñoái. Beân caïnh ñoù, moâi tröôøng laøm vieäc ñöôïc toå chöùc chuyeân nghieäp vaø caùch öùng xöû giaøu tình caûm nhö moät gia ñình lôùn ñaõ truyeàn caûm höùng cho nhaân vieân. Trong ñoù, moãi moät thaønh vieânï khoâng chæ phaùt huy ñöôïc naêng löïc maø coøn ñöôïc ghi nhaän nhöõng giaù trò coáng hieán vaø ñöôïc ñaõi ngoä xöùng ñaùng. Ñoâng Phöông Group coù raát nhieàu thaønh vieân ñaõ gaén boù gaàn 20 naêm vaø ñoùng goùp tích cöïc vaøo söï phaùt trieån cuûa taäp ñoaøn. Döôùi moät maùi nhaø chung, moïi ngöôøi ñeàu cuøng laøm vieäc heát mình, coù nhöõng caù nhaân saün saøng linh ñoäng ñaûm nhieäm nhieàu coâng vieäc cuøng luùc maø khoâng coù baát cöù quaûn ngaïi naøo. Söï taän taâm vaø heát loøng cuûa caùc thaønh vieân ñaõ giuùp Ñoâng Phöông Group vöôït qua moïi thaùch thöùc vaø ngaøy caøng phaùt trieån vöôït baäc. Vôùi söï noã löïc maïnh meõ, phong caùch laøm vieäc chuyeân nghieäp vaø tinh thaàn hôïp taùc chaët cheõ, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ nhaän ñöôïc söï toân troïng vaø coâng nhaän cuûa khaùch haøng, ñoái taùc, giôùi chuyeân moân vaø söï tin töôûng cuûa toaøn theå nhaân vieân. Ñoù cuõng chính laø taùc nhaân quan troïng nhaát ñeå Ñoâng Phöông Group thöïc hieän nhöõng böôùc tieán ñoät phaù vaø tieáp tuïc chinh phuïc ñænh cao môùi trong töông lai.


After 20 years of development, Dong Phuong Group has had a solid position and brand in the market. It can be said that the success of the Group comes from the internal power. Besides, Dong Phuong Group has established a network of human resources, partners and built diverse and wide relationships to provide the best service to customers, thereby materializing the goals of strategic vision. With the motto “Living is sharing”, Dong Phuong Group has successfully connected and mobilized both internal and external resources as the leverage for the strong development of Dong Phuong Group. Mr. Vu Thanh Tam - Chairman of the Board and our founder has made a strong impact on the Group’s culture. It’s his behavior of bearing humanity and always seeing employees, and partners as close associates. For customers, Dong Phuong Group always appreciates the importance of the customer and flexibly satisfies their needs. This has created tight and close connections. So far, some service suppliers have collaborated with Dong Phuong Group for nearly 20 years. The Group has always respected and created favorable conditions for partners to develop the strengths, and adjusted the defects for development. From important such as architectural designers and construction companies to the service providers including sound and light, performance, music band, etc. are all going with the Group over the years, through many projects and along with the Group’s path of development. Many partners have gradually growth with the scale of Dong Phuong Group and currently have the capacity of serving for the whole system including 7 wedding conference centers of the Group. In addition,

partners such as architectural designers, equipment suppliers, construction companies and food suppliers have cooperated closely with the Group for many years and always meet the strictest demands of the Group. On the other hand, Dong Phuong Group has created an intimate relationship with the customers by our brand commitment, bringing the satisfaction on food quality, service style and service standards. Moreover, promotional programs are applied flexibly to meet customers’ needs. Therefore, customers having used the banquet service of the Dong Phuong Group keep recommending the service to their relatives with absolute. Besides, the professionally organized working environment has inspired the staff. Our people develop their capacity, their dedication are acknowledged and subject to preferential remuneration. Many personnel have worked here for nearly 20 years, contributing greatly to the development of the Group. Under a same roof, everyone has worked hard; some individuals are even willing to take on more works simultaneously without any concerns. The dedicated and devoted members help Dong Phuong Group overcome all challenges and grow rapidly. With the vigorous efforts, professional working style and spirit of tight cooperation, Dong Phuong Group has received the respect and recognition of our customers, partners, experts and trust of all staff. The trust and respect are the most significant motive for Dong Phuong Group to make breakthrough steps to conquer the new heights.

With the motto “Living is sharing”, Dong Phuong Group has successfully connected and mobilized both internal and external resources as the leverage for the strong development.




Töø khi ra ñôøi ñeán nay, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ luoân maïnh daïn ñaàu tö, tích cöïc ñoåi môùi vaø naém baét xu höôùng thò tröôøng ñeå trôû thaønh moät taäp ñoaøn lôùn maïnh trong ngaønh dòch vuï meán khaùch.

Söï thay ñoåi cuûa thò tröôøng laø aùp löïc voâ hình khieán moãi doanh nghieäp phaûi luoân töï thaân vaän ñoäng, ñeå toàn taïi vaø phaùt trieån. Thôøi ñieåm 20 naêm veà tröôùc, trung taâm tieäc cöôùi vaãn chöa nhieàu, nhu caàu cuûa ña soá khaùch haøng chuû yeáu chæ caàn “aên no vaø chi phí thaáp”. Laéng nghe thò tröôøng vaø thaáu hieåu khaùch haøng, ngay töø khôûi ñaàu, nhaø haøng Ñoâng Phöông khoâng chuù troïng vaøo moâ hình “coâng ngheä tieäc cöôùi” nhö moät soá nhaø haøng aùp duïng taïi thôøi ñieåm ñoù maø chæ taäp trung vaøo vieäc taïo ra moät khoâng gian aên uoáng vui veû, töôi ngon vôùi giaù caû phaûi chaêng. Phöông chaâm “ñaõi tieäc cöôùi coù dö mang veà” ñaõ giuùp khaùch haøng tieát kieäm ñöôïc chi phí toå chöùc maø vaãn ñaûm baûo chaát löôïng tieäc chieâu ñaõi. Ñieàu naøy trôû thaønh yeáu toá nhaän dieän ñaëc tröng cuûa nhaø haøng Ñoâng Phöông vaø ñaõ nhaän ñöôïc söï uûng hoä cuûa ñoâng ñaûo khaùch haøng. Töø ñoù, nhaø haøng Ñoâng Phöông nhanh choùng ñaàu tö môû roäng theâm caùc ñòa dieåm kinh doanh môùi, gia taêng thò phaàn vaø trôû thaønh thöông hieäu daãn ñaàu phaân khuùc taàm trung maø giôø ñaây ñöôïc bieát ñeán laø Le Dong Phuong. Trong nhöõng naêm gaàn ñaây, ngöôøi Vieät coù xu höôùng chi tieâu maïnh vaøo dòch vuï cöôùi hoûi. Nhu caàu veà tieäc cöôùi cuõng thay ñoåi raát nhieàu, khaùch haøng luoân coù söï so saùnh löïa choïn, chuù troïng hình thöùc toå chöùc, chaát löôïng dòch vuï vaø söï khaùc bieät. Hieän nay, treân thò tröôøng ñaõ coù raát nhieàu trung taâm hoäi nghò tieäc cöôùi phuïc vuï caùc phaân khuùc khaùc nhau. Naêm 2010, tieân ñoaùn ñöôïc xu höôùng thò tröôøng, hieåu roõ thò hieáu ña daïng vaø ngaøy caøng cao caáp hôn cuûa khaùch haøng, Ñoâng Phöông Group nhaän thaáy thôøi cô ñeå thöïc hieän moät cuoäc böùt phaù ñaõ ñeán. OÂng Vuõ Thanh Taâm xaùc ñònh, ñeå trôû thaønh coâng ty ñöùng ñaàu trong ngaønh, Ñoâng Phöông khoâng chæ ñaàu tö môû roäng ñòa baøn kinh doanh vaø cô sôû vaät chaát, maø coát loõi chính laø phaûi taùi

caáu truùc toaøn boä doanh nghieäp, kieän toaøn boä maùy tröôùc khi böôùc vaøo cuoäc chinh phuïc thò tröôøng. Vì vaäy, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ maïnh daïn thueâ caùc ñôn vò tö vaán chieán löôïc, tö vaán quaûn trò chuyeân ngaønh ñeå thöïc hieän baøi baûn töø vieäc nghieân cöùu thò tröôøng, ñònh höôùng chieán löôïc kinh doanh, xaây döïng chieán löôïc thöông hieäu vaø toå chöùc boä maùy quaûn lyù hieän ñaïi, chuyeân nghieäp theo tieâu chuaån quoác teá. Treân neàn taûng ñoù, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ töï tin môû roäng thò tröôøng taán coâng phaân khuùc cao caáp baèng thöông hieäu The ADORA coù tieâu chuaån quoác teá, song song vôùi caùc tieäc cöôùi cao caáp coøn cung caáp khoâng gian vaø trang thieát bò cho caùc söï kieän chuyeân nghieäp cuûa caùc coâng ty. Lieân tieáp trong voøng 3 naêm töø 2011 ñeán 2014, ba trung taâm hoäi nghò chuyeân nghieäp mang thöông hieäu The ADORA ra ñôøi The ADORA Nguyeãn Kieäm, The ADORA - Grand View, The ADORA - Premium vaø nhanh choùng ñi vaøo hoaït ñoäng oån ñònh. Thöông hieäu The ADORA laø minh chöùng cho taàm nhìn daøi haïn, vieäc hoaïch ñònh chieán löôïc ñuùng ñaén vaø thöïc thi hieäu quaû cuûa Ban Laõnh ñaïo, ñaõ ñöa Ñoâng Phöông Group leân moät taàm cao môùi vaø trôû thaønh moät taäp ñoaøn ñöùng ñaàu vôùi quy moâ vaø tính chuyeân nghieäp trong lónh vöïc kinh doanh hoäi nghò tieäc cöôùi. Lónh vöïc yeán tieäc hoäi nghò vaãn laø ngaønh kinh doanh thu huùt caùc nhaø ñaàu tö vì doøng voán xoay voøng nhanh, möùc sinh lôøi haáp daãn neáu coù moät heä thoáng maët baèng toát, cô sôû vaät chaát vaø heä thoáng quaûn lyù chuyeân nghieäp. Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ xaây döïng moâ hình hoaït ñoäng hieäu quaû vaø coù khaû naêng nhaân roäng, laøm tieàn ñeà höôùng ñeán muïc tieâu phaùt trieån, môû roäng vaø nhöôïng quyeàn caùc Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò trong töông lai.


The changes in the market are invisible pressure that pushes each business to find a way for itself so that it can survive and thrive. 20 years ago, the number of wedding centers was still limited and most customers required “big dishes at cheap price”. However, foreseeing the future needs, from the beginning Dong Phuong did not follow the “technology of wedding party production” as most restaurants were applying at that time. Instead, we focused on creating a cheerful space with quality food at reasonable price. The policy “customer bringing home the remainings of the party” has helped many of our customers save cost and guarantee party quality at the same time. This has become a trademark for Dong Phuong, which has enjoyed the support and welcome from many customers. Based on this, Dong Phuong Restaurant, whose name now is Le Dong Phuong, has quickly spread out to new locations, increasing its market share and becoming leading brand at middle segment. In recent years the Vietnamese are willing to pay more on wedding services. Needs on wedding parties have also changed a lot and customers make comparisons among different restaurants; they also pay more attention in the wedding organization, service quality and difference. Currently there are many wedding center servicing the needs of different customer segments. In 2010, understanding more and more diversified and premium tastes of customers, Dong Phuong Group saw the coming opportunity for a breakthrough. Vu Thanh Tam identified that to become the leading company in the field, Dong Phuong needed not only to invest more in spreading out and infrastructure but

also to restructure the whole system and get it prepared before entering the market conquest. With that in mind, Dong Phuong Group hired strategic consulting partners to do a thorough review from market research, business strategy direction, brand building strategy as well as the organization of a modern, professional and international-leveled management. Based on the good preparedness, Dong Phuong Group was confident in attacking premium segment with the brand The ADORA operating on international level. Beside offering premium wedding parties, The ADORA also offer space and facilities for companies to hold their events. For three continuous years from 2011 to 2014, three professional conference centers under The ADORA brand were introduced, including The ADORA Nguyen Kiem, The ADORA - Grand View and The ADORA - Premium. All were quick to settle down to smooth operation. The ADORA is the evidence for the longterm vision, correct strategy, and excellent implementation of the leadership, bringing Dong Phuong Group to a whole new level and becoming a leading group with great extent and professionalism in the field of wedding party services. Banquet & Convention are still a sector of great attraction to investors due to quick capital turnover and lucrative profits as long as there are good locations, improved infrastructure and professional management. Dong Phuong Group has built up an efficient business model that could improve on itself. This paves the way for the realization of the goals of developing and franchising wedding centers in the future.

PIONEERING, CHANGING and THROUGHBREAKING Since its foundation, Dong Phuong Group has always been bold and proactive in its investment and improvement as well as quick in grasping the market trends to become a strong group in hospitality field.





Treân chaëng ñöôøng xaây döïng vaø phaùt trieån, Ñoâng Phöông Group khoâng chæ giaønh ñöôïc söï tín nhieäm lôùn töø phía khaùch haøng, ñoái taùc maø coøn ñaït ñöôïc nhöõng thaønh töïu ñaùng ghi nhaän. Nhöõng giaûi thöôûng, danh hieäu, chöùng nhaän laø nhöõng daáu son ñaùng töï haøo cho nhöõng gì Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ vaø ñang laøm ñöôïc trong suoát 20 naêm qua. Ñaây laø vinh döï lôùn lao ñoàng thôøi cuõng laø traùch nhieäm, nghóa vuï maø caû taäp theå phaûi tieáp tuïc duy trì vaø hoaøn thieän, tieáp tuïc noã löïc phaán ñaáu mang ñeán nhöõng lôïi ích thieát thöïc nhaát cho khaùch haøng, ñoái taùc vaø coäng ñoàng.

°° Trusted Quality Supplier 2012 - Nhaø cung caáp chaát löôïng 2012 do Trung taâm Ñaùnh giaù chæ soá tín nhieäm Chaâu AÙ - Thaùi Bình Döông khaûo saùt vaø Toå chöùc chöùng nhaän NQA (National Quality Assurance) - Vöông quoác Anh giaùm saùt chaát löôïng, Vieän doanh nghieäp Vieät Nam caáp. Ñaây laø thöôùc ño uy tín, chuaån xaùc veà chaát löôïng saûn phaåm vaø dòch vuï cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group.

°° Giaûi thöôûng “Cöôùi toát nhaát 2012” do ngöôøi tieâu duøng bình choïn trong chöông trình Gala cöôùi naêm 2012. Giaûi thöôûng do taïp chí Tö vaán vaø Tieâu duøng phoái hôïp cuøng IFM Media vaø New Daily toå chöùc. Giaûi thöôûng laø minh chöùng cho söï tín nhieäm cuûa khaùch haøng daønh cho Ñoâng Phöông Group.

NIỀM VINH DỰ LỚN LAO THE GREAT HONOR On its journey of development, Dong Phuong Group does not only gain credit from its customers and partners but also obtain notable achievement. The awards and certifications it has been offered are proud marks and evidence for what it has been doing over the last 20 years. For Dong Phuong Group, this is a great honor that goes hand in hand with the responsibility and obligation that the whole group have to live up to in their everyday work. For the time to come, Dong Phuong Group will continue its efforts and improve itself on every aspect as well as bring about practical benefits for its customers, partners and the community.

°° Trusted Quality Supplier 2012. This award is validated by Credit Rating Center for AsiaPacific, supervised by United Kingdom’s National Quality Assurance, and granted by Vietnam Enterprises. This award is a creditable and correct measure of Dong Phuong Group’s service and product quality.

°° Best Wedding 2012. This award was voted by the consumers in the program Wedding Gala 2012, held by the magazine Consumption Consultant in cooperation with IFM Media and New Daily. The magazine’s readers voted over a series of their publication as well as online via The award is the evidence of the trust that customers have in Dong Phuong Group.


°° Top 20 Thöông hieäu Vieät - Haøng Vieät ñöôïc yeâu thích nhaát naêm 2013, giaûi thöôûng uy tín do Lieân hieäp Khoa hoïc Doanh nhaân Vieät Nam thaåm ñònh vaø ngöôøi tieâu duøng bình choïn. Vôùi giaûi thöôûng naøy, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ thaät söï khaúng ñònh chaát löôïng dòch vuï vöôït troäi vaø söï tín nhieäm cuûa khaùch haøng daønh cho thöông hieäu.

°° Top 20 Favorite Vietnamese Brands. This is a prestigious award validated by the Vietnam Entrepreneurs Scientific Union on the votes of consumers. With this award, Dong Phuong Group reintegrated its exceeding service quality as well as the trust of customers. The award was a momentum for Dong Phuong Group to continue challenge itself and offer the best service to its customers.

°° Giaûi thöôûng “Nhaø cung caáp dòch vuï cöôùi xuaát saéc 2014” cho 2 thöông hieäu Le Dong Phuong vaø The Adora. Ñaây laø chöông trình uy tín ñöôïc toå chöùc thöôøng nieân bôûi (keânh thoâng tin cöôùi soá 1 Vieät Nam) do khaùch haøng vaø coäng ñoàng coâ daâu bình choïn. Ñaây khoâng chæ laø giaûi thöôûng coâng nhaän uy tín vaø chaát löôïng dòch vuï maø coøn theå hieän söï tin töôûng vaø yeâu meán cuûa khaùch haøng ñoái vôùi caùc thöông hieäu cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group.

°° Giaûi thöôûng Trusted Quality Supplier naêm 2015 (Trusted Brand 2015) cuûa 2 thöông hieäu: Le Dong Phuong & The ADORA - Chöùng nhaän nhaø cung caáp chaát löôïng do Trung taâm Ñaùnh giaù Chæ soá tín nhieäm Chaâu AÙ - Thaùi Bình Döông khaûo saùt vaø Toå chöùc chöùng nhaän NQA (National Quality Assurance) - Vöông quoác Anh giaùm saùt chaát löôïng, Vieän doanh nghieäp Vieät Nam caáp. Giaûi thöôûng laø minh chöùng giaù trò cuûa doanh nghieäp veà naêng löïc cung caáp chaát löôïng tröôùc caùc ñoái taùc, khaùch haøng trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc.

°° Marry Excellence Awards for the two brands of Le Dong Phuong & The Adora. Marry Excellence Awards is a prestigious annual program held by, the number one wedding information channel in Vietnam that honor excellent wedding service suppliers as voted by Marry’s customers and brides. The award not only acknowledge Dong Phuong Group’s credit and service quality but also prove the trust that customers have for brands by Dong Phuong Group.

°° Trusted Quality Supplier in 2015 (Trusted Brand 2015) for the two brands of Le Dong Phuong & The Adora. This award is validated by Credit Rating Center for AsiaPacific, supervised by United Kingdom’s National Quality Assurance, and granted by Vietnam Enterprises. The award is an objective and valuable evidence proving that the company is competent of providing good service and product quality to its partners and customers domestically and overseas.






Khôûi ñaàu vôùi Nhaø haøng Ñoâng Phöông goàm 5 saûnh tieäc taïi 431 Hoaøng Vaên Thuï, Phöôøng 4, Quaän Taân Bình.

Naâng caáp Nhaø haøng Ñoâng Phöông thaønh Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò Le Dong Phuong 1 vôùi 12 saûnh tieäc, söùc chöùa 600 baøn.

Founded Dong Phuong Restaurant with five ballrooms at 431 Hoang Van Thu Street, Ward 4, Tan Binh District.

Build up Dong Phuong Restaurant into The Wedding & Convention Center Le Dong Phuong 1. The center has 12 ballrooms with the capacity of 600 tables.

2003 Khai tröông Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò Le Dong Phuong 2 Hoaøng Vieät vôùi 6 saûnh tieäc, söùc chöùa 250 baøn.

Open The Wedding & Convention Center Le Dong Phuong 2 at Hoang Viet Street. The center has 6 ballrooms with the capacity of 250 tables.


2009 Khai tröông Cao oác Vaên phoøng cho thueâ taïi 404 Phaïm Vaên Hai, Quaän Taân Bình.

Open an office building at 404 Pham Van Hai Street, Tan Binh District.





Khai tröông Trung taâm Yeán tieäc

Ñaùnh daáu söï chuyeån mình maïnh

& Hoäi nghò Le Dong Phuong 4 -

meõ vaø naâng taàm ñaúng caáp cuûa Ñoâng

Nguyeãn Vaên Quaù vôùi 6 saûnh tieäc,

Phöông Group qua vieäc khai tröông

söùc chöùa 280 baøn.

Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò The

Khai tröông Trung Taâm Yeán Tieäc &ø Hoäi Nghò The ADORA Premium vôùi 5 saûnh tieäc, söùc chöùa 200 baøn, heä thoáng aâm thanh Taynnoy, maøn hình LED 400 inches.

ADORA - Nguyeãn Kieäm. Open The Wedding & Convention Center Le Dong Phuong 4 at Nguyen Van Qua Street. The center has 6 ballrooms with the capacity of 280 tables.

Mark the transformation and class improvement of Dong Phuong Group with the inauguration of The Wedding & Convention Center The ADORA Nguyen Kiem.

2011 Khai Tröông Trung Taâm Yeán Tieäc &ø Hoäi Nghò Le Dong Phuong 3 vôùi 6 saûnh tieäc, söùc chöùa 250 baøn taïi 107 Luõy Baùn Bích, Quaän Taân Phuù.

2013 Khai tröông Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò The ADORA - Grand View vôùi 7 saûnh tieäc, söùc chöùa 500 baøn.

Khaùnh thaønh toøa nhaø vaên phoøng cho thueâ Dong Phuong Plaza, cao 08 taàng, toång dieän tích söû duïng

Open The Wedding &

2100m2 taïi 666 Caùch Maïng Thaùng

Convention Center The

8, Quaän Taân Bình.

ADORA - Grand View with 7 ballrooms and 500 tables.

Open The Wedding & Convention Center Le Dong Phuong 3 at Luy Ban Bich Street. The center has 6 ballrooms with the capacity of 250 tables. Inaugurate office building Dong Phuong Plaza with the total area of 2,100 square meters, 8-storeys high at 666 Cach Mang Thang 8 Street, Tan Binh District.

Open The Wedding & Convention Center The ADORA - Premium with 5 ballrooms and 200 tables, Tannoy sonic system and LED TV 400’’.

CHUYÊN NGHIỆP TRONG QUẢN LÝ VẬN HÀNH và QUẢN TRỊ THƯƠNG HIỆU Khi nhaø haøng Ñoâng Phöông ñaõ taïo ñöôïc tieáng vang treân thò tröôøng veà chaát löôïng aåm thöïc, dòch vuï, giaù caû. Ban laõnh ñaïo ñaõ nhanh choùng môû roäng theâm caùc ñòa ñieåm kinh doanh môùi taïi caùc vò trí chieán löôïc treân ñòa baøn thaønh phoá vaø khoâng ngöøng ñoåi môùi ñeå baét kòp xu höôùng cuûa thò tröôøng vaø ñaùp öùng toaøn dieän caùc nhu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng.

Hình aûnh thöông hieäu vaø giaù trò coát loõi cuûa Le Dong Phuong ñöôïc chuyeån taûi tinh teá qua logo Le Dong Phuong. Logo ñöôïc caùch ñieäu töø caùc chöõ caùi ñaàu cuûa teân thöông hieäu, chöõ “D” vaø “P” ñöôïc thieát keá theo kieåu chöõ chaân phöông, loàng gheùp vaøo nhau taïo söï meàm maïi vaø laõng maïn. Saéc naâu ñöôïc choïn laøm toâng maøu chuû ñaïo taïo caûm giaùc tin caäy vaø gaàn guõi cho khaùch haøng, ñoàng thôøi taïo söï giaûn dò, tao nhaõ cho moät thöông hieäu haøng ñaàu trong ngaønh kinh doanh tieäc cöôùi, hoäi nghò.

The brand image and core value of Le Dong Phuong is reflected subtly in its logo. The logo is mannered from the alphabet D and P, also the initials of the brand name. The symbol of a rose pedal transfers a message of love and it combines gracefully with the alphabets, creating a sense of smoothness and romance. Brown is chosen as the main color of the logo, creating feeling of trustworthiness and closeness for customers, also bringing about a sense of simpleness and elegance for a leading brand in hospitality field.

Vieäc lieân tuïc taùi ñaàu tö caùc trang thieát bò hieän ñaïi, söûa chöõa vaø naâng caáp cô sôû vaät chaát, chieâu moä nhaân söï quaûn lyù coù kinh nghieäm, tuyeån duïng vaø huaán luyeän nhaân vieân phuïc vuï ñaït tieâu chuaån caû veà kyõ naêng vaø ngoaïi hình, xaây döïng thöïc ñôn phong phuù, cung caáp caùc goùi trang trí tieäc cöôùi, giaûi trí vaø khuyeán maõi haáp daãn ñi keøm, ñaõ ñöa Ñoâng Phöông trôû thaønh chuoãi trung taâm tieäc cöôùi chuyeân nghieäp vaø daãn ñaàu phaân khuùc thò tröôøng trung caáp. Naêm 2009, nhaän thaáy taàm quan troïng vaø giaù trò cuûa thöông hieäu trong quaûn trò kinh doanh hieän ñaïi, Ban laõnh ñaïo ñaõ thöïc hieän taùi ñònh vò thöông hieäu nhaø haøng Ñoâng Phöông. Teân thöông hieäu ñöôïc ñieàu chænh thaønh Le Dong Phuong, logo vaø maøu saéc ñaëc tröng cuûa thöông hieäu ñöôïc löïa choïn vaø thieát keá tinh teá. Cuøng vôùi caùc tuyeân boá söù meänh vaø giaù trò song song vôùi phöông thöùc quaûn trò khoa hoïc, Le Dong Phöông chính thöùc trôû thaønh chuoãi trung taâm tieäc cöôùi ñaàu tieân chuyeân nghieäp trong quaûn lyù vaän haønh vaø quaûn trò thöông hieäu. Ngaøy nay, hình aûnh gôïi nhaéc ñaàu tieân veà Le Dong Phuong ñoù laø söï beà theá nhöng aám cuùng thaân thieän, 4 trung taâm hoäi nghò tieäc cöôùi coù soá löôïng saûnh lôùn nhaát thaønh phoá, goàm 30 saûnh tieäc toång coâng suaát 1.350 baøn, söùc chöùa dao ñoäng töø 200 ñeán 800 khaùch. Hôn nöõa, Le Dong Phuong luoân mang ñeán khaùch haøng söï haøi loøng vôùi khoâng gian saûnh tieäc tieän nghi, lòch söï vaø aám cuùng, phong caùch phuïc vuï taän tình, chu ñaùo; thöïc ñôn phong phuù vaø gaàn guõi. Hieän Le Dong Phuong laø thöông hieäu coù söùc huùt lôùn vaø laø löïa choïn haøng ñaàu ñeå khaùch haøng coù theå hoaøn toaøn an taâm löïa choïn cho caùc tieäc cöôùi, söï kieän cuûa gia ñình treân ñòa baøn thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh.


PROFESSIONAL IN BUSINESS AND BRAND MANAGEMENT Founded in 1996 and with continuous efforts, Dong Phuong has been famous in the market in terms of food quality, service quality and price. Its leadership has quickly opened new business venues in high density residential districts of the city. Nowadays Dong Phuong continues with its transformation to grasp the market trends and meet customers’ demands in a comprehensive way. The continuous reinvestment in facilities, infrastructure maintenance and improvement, talent recruitment, hiring and training service staff that meet expectations in terms of both services skills and appearance, diversification of menu, offer of wedding decoration packages with attractive promotions have made Dong Phuong a professional and leading wedding center that is prominent in middle segment. In 2009, realizing the importance and value of branding in modern business management, the leadership conducted a rebranding campaign. The group was renamed as Le Dong Phuong with a new logo that was elegantly designed in harmonious colors. Beside its statement of mission and value, it also boasts scientific management method, Le Dong Phuong officially became the first wedding center chain professional in the operation and branding management. Nowadays the first image of Le Dong Phuong that comes to mind of its customers is the magnitude but the cozy ambience that it brings. It boasts four wedding centers with the largest number of ballrooms in the whole city, including 30 ballrooms with 1,350 tables and capacity ranging from 200 to 800 guests. Moreover, Le Dong Phuong always makes customers satisfied with luxurious, comfortable and cozy space, considerate and professional service staff and diversified menus. Le Dong Phuong is the brand of huge attraction and the first choice for customers when it comes to choosing venues to organize wedding banquet as well as other family parties in HCMC.




Toïa laïc taïi vò trí ñaéc ñòa vaø laø trung taâm khôûi ñaàu trong heä thoáng Ñoâng Phöông Group ñöôïc ra ñôøi vaøo naêm 1996, Le Dong Phuong - Hoaøng Vaên Thuï ñaõ chöùng kieán söï hình thaønh vaø phaùt trieån maïnh meõ cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group, vaø ñoàng haønh cuøng vôùi nhieàu khaùch haøng trong haønh trình ñeán vôùi thaønh coâng vaø haïnh phuùc.

Located at a favorable area and is the first center in the Dong Phuong Group chain which was founded in 1996, Le Dong Phuong - Hoang Van Thu witnesses the birth and thrive of Dong Phuong Group. It has been a loyal companion for many couples and customers in their way to success and happiness.

QUY MOÂ/ DIMENSION Toång dieän tích/ Total square: 10.000m2 Soá saûnh tieäc/ Quantity of banquet hall: 12 Soá baøn tieäc/ Quantity of table: 600 Ñòa chæ/ Address: 431 Hoaøng Vaên Thuï, Phöôøng 4, Quaän Taân Bình, TP.HCM



Le Dong Phuong - Hoaøng Vieät toïa laïc taïi khu vöïc yeân tónh vaø thanh bình nhaát ôû quaän Taân Bình. Ñaây laø ñieåm lyù töôûng cho nhöõng leã cöôùi, hoäi nghò vöøa vaø nhoû, mang ñaäm chaát truyeàn thoáng vaø khoâng khí gia ñình.

Le Dong Phuong - Hoang Viet is located at the most peaceful area in Tan Binh District. This is the ideal venue for small to medium wedding banquet and conferences, feeling with traditional and family ambience.

QUY MOÂ/ DIMENSION Toång dieän tích/ Total square: 4.800m2 Soá saûnh tieäc/ Quantity of banquet hall: 6 Soá baøn tieäc/ Quantity of table: 250 Ñòa chæ/ Address: 32 Hoaøng Vieät, Phöôøng 4, Quaän Taân Bình, TP.HCM




Le Dong Phuong - Luõy Baùn Bích laø nôi lyù töôûng toå chöùc caùc tieäc cöôùi, söï kieän vaø hoäi nghò cho khaùch haøng taïi quaän Taân Phuù vaø caùc quaän laân caän. Nôi ñaây seõ mang ñeán moät söï khôûi ñaàu myõ maõn cho cuoäc soáng löùa ñoâi vaø khôûi nguoàn thaønh coâng cho nhöõng söï kieän, hoäi nghò quan troïng cuûa caùc doanh nghieäp.

Le Dong Phuong - Luy Ban Bich is an ideal venue to organize wedding banquet, events and conferences for customers in Tan Phu District and nearby areas. This is the perfect beginning for marriage life and important events of enterprises.

QUY MOÂ/ DIMENSION Toång dieän tích/ Total square: 4.800m2 Soá saûnh tieäc/ Quantity of banquet hall: 6 Soá baøn tieäc/ Quantity of table: 250 Ñòa chæ/ Address: 107 Luõy Baùn Bích, Phöôøng Taân Thôùi Hoøa, Quaän Taân Phuù, TP.HCM



Toïa laïc taïi vò trí trung taâm keát noái quaän Taân Bình, Quaän 12 vaø Goø Vaáp, Le Dong Phuong Nguyeãn Vaên Quaù sôû höõu khoâng gian roäng lôùn vaø ñöôïc ñaàu tö theo chuaån möïc cao caáp nhaèm mang ñeán phong caùch môùi cho caùc tieäc cöôùi, söï kieän cuûa coäng ñoàng khu vöïc naøy.

Located at the center that connects the three districts Tan Binh, 12 and Go Vap, Le Dong Phuong - Nguyen Van Qua owes a spacious area with premium design and facilities, bringing new style to the wedding banquet and events of the community here.

QUY MOÂ/ DIMENSION Toång dieän tích/ Total square: 4.800m2 Soá saûnh tieäc/ Quantity of banquet hall: 6 Soá baøn tieäc/ Quantity of table: 250 Ñòa chæ/ Address: 491 Nguyeãn Vaên Quaù, Phöôøng Ñoâng Höng Thuaän, Quaän 12, TP.HCM


Treân con ñöôøng höôùng ñeán söï phaùt trieån beàn vöõng, hieän ñaïi vaø chuyeân nghieäp hoùa, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ thöïc hieän cuoäc ñoåi môùi caû veà noäi löïc laãn hình thöùc quy moâ.

The ADORA chính laø bieåu töôïng ñaëc tröng cho trung taâm hoäi nghò cao caáp. Vôùi ñònh höôùng chieán löôïc höôùng ñeán caùc khaùch haøng sang troïng, bieåu töôïng The ADORA söû duïng keát hôïp giöõa font chöõ Trajan coå ñieån vaø quyù phaùi. Söï aán töôïng cuûa kieåu chöõ naøy taïo lieân töôûng maïnh meõ ñeán ñònh vò cao caáp cuûa The ADORA trong nhaän thöùc cuûa khaùch haøng muïc tieâu. YÙ töôûng thieát keá logo xuaát phaùt töø chieác khaên aên ñöôïc xeáp moät caùch tæ mæ, tinh teá trong nhöõng buoåi yeán tieäc sang troïng. Ñoàng thôøi nhöõng ñöôøng neùt nheï nhaøng, bay boång trong logo theå hieän söï thanh thoaùt nhö nhöõng hoa vaên uoán löôïn ñöôïc trang trí caàu kyø trong khoâng gian yeán tieäc hoa myõ, traùng leä.

The brand name The ADORA is the symbol of the premium wedding and convention center. With the aim to target premium customers, The ADORA logo use the classical font Trajan. This font creates a strong association with premium position that The ADORA would like to create in the mind of its potential customers. The logo design was inspired by the image of a napkin which is folded elegantly in luxurious parties. High-faulting lines and curves in the logo are also styled based on the smoothness and unique folds of the napkins; they also remind of the elegance and complicatedness of magnificent parties.

Baèng vieäc tieân ñoaùn ñöôïc xu höôùng thò tröôøng vaø thò hieáu ngaøy caøng cao caáp hôn cuûa khaùch haøng, Ñoâng Phöông Group tieán haønh caùc böôùc nghieân cöùu thò tröôøng, phaân tích thò hieáu vaø mong öôùc cuûa khaùch haøng ñeå laøm neàn taûng thöïc hieän cuoäc böùt phaù, taán coâng phaân khuùc cao caáp ñaày tieàm naêng maø caùc taäp ñoaøn quoác teá ñang naém giöõ. Vaø The ADORA Wedding & Convention Center ra ñôøi vôùi saûn phaåm vaø dòch vuï höôùng ñeán vieäc toå chöùc söï kieän cuûa caùc coâng ty theo tieâu chuaån quoác teá. Chæ trong voøng 3 naêm, ñaõ coù 3 trung taâm hoäi nghò cao caáp The ADORA ra ñôøi vaø nhanh choùng khaúng ñònh ñöôïc uy tín, vò theá treân thò tröôøng. Toïa laïc taïi caùc vò trí ñaéc ñòa cuûa thaønh phoá vôùi vôùi kieán truùc Chaâu AÂu loäng laãy, The ADORA Wedding & Convention Center laø chuoãi trung taâm hoäi nghò tieân phong trang bò maøn hình led tieân tieán 400 inches cuøng heä thoáng aâm thanh aùnh saùng hieän ñaïi trong 21 saûnh tieäc coù noäi thaát sang troïng hoaønh traùng. The ADORA laø moät ñòa ñieåm tuyeät vôøi cung caáp khoâng gian vaø trang thieát bò cho caùc söï kieän, hoäi nghò hay trieån laõm saûn phaåm chuyeân nghieäp cuûa caùc doanh nghieäp. Ñeå mang laïi ñaúng caáp thöïc söï cho thöông hieäu môùi naøy, Dong Phuong Group ñaõ laøm moät cuoäc traûi thaûm cho caùc nhaân söï cao caáp trong ngaønh. Beáp Tröôûng töø caùc khaùch saïn 5 sao vaø nhaø haøng “Fine dining” noåi tieáng nhaát ñöôïc môøi veà ñeå taïo ra moät phong caùch aåm thöïc sang troïng vaø ñaúng caáp cho The ADORA. Ñoäi nguõ giaùm ñoác ñaøo taïo, giaùm ñoác kinh doanh vaø tieáp thò, cuõng ñöôïc chieâu moä ñeå ñöa The ADORA saùnh vai vôùi caùc thöông hieäu quoác teá taïi Vieät Nam. Kieán truùc sang troïng, khoâng gian loäng laãy, phong caùch phuïc vuï thaân thieän vaø chuyeân nghieäp cuøng caùc dòch vuï ñaït chuaån 5 sao ñaõ giuùp The ADORA taïo ñöôïc daáu aán rieâng, chinh phuïc loøng tin cuûa caùc coâng ty cuõng nhö caùc khaùch haøng cao caáp khoù tính. Töø thaønh coâng ñoù, Dong Phuong Group ñang trieån khai ñaàu tö phaùt trieån theâm 2 trung taâm môùi, The ADORA - Dynasty taïi trung taâm Quaän 1 vaø The ADORA - Luxury taïi Quaän Phuù Nhuaän.


On its ways toward sustainable development, modernization and professionalism, Dong Phuong Group has made changes inside out. Forecasting market trend and customers’ increasing need for premium services, Dong Phuong Group conducted market research to analyze customers’ needs and expectations, which would serve as the basis for it to make a breakthrough, attacking high potential premium segment which then belonged to international brands. The brand The ADORA Wedding & Convention Center was born with a mission to hold company events in accordance with international standards. Within three years, three premium Wedding & Convention Center under the brand The ADORA were introduced and quickly grasped a firm and prestigious position in the market. Located in favorable areas in the city with elegant European architecture, The ADORA Wedding & Convention Center is the convention center chain that pioneer in facilitating LED TV 400’’ with modern sonic and lightning systems in 21 luxurious ballrooms. The ADORA is an excellent space for events, including both conventions or exhibitions. To build up this new brand into the best of its kind, Dong Phuong Group has opened its arms to welcome talents. Chiefs from five stars hotel and the famous restaurant “Fine Dining” are hired to create a sense of luxury for The Adora’ cuisines. Competent training directors as well as business and marketing directors are also invited so that the brand Adora could stand shoulder to shoulder with international brands in Vietnam. Premium architecture, gorgeous space, friendly and professional staff and five-star service have come together to create an unique mark that has gain the trust of companies as well as other difficult premium customers. With the success of The ADORA Wedding & Convention Center, Dong Phuong Group is planning to build more centers, namely The ADORA - Dynasty and The ADORA - Luxury.




The ADORA - Nguyeãn Kieäm coù vò trí voâ cuøng thuaän tieän, naèm ngay giao loä lôùn Phaïm Vaên Ñoàng tieáp noái giöõa caùc quaän trung taâm cuûa thaønh phoá. The ADORA - Nguyeãn Kieäm coù toång dieän tích treân 4.800m2 vôùi 9 saûnh tieäc coù söùc chöùa 550 baøn, saûnh lôùn nhaát coù söùc chöùa leân ñeán 2.000 khaùch. Ñaëc bieät saûnh Grand Ballroom roäng 2.500m2, ñöôïc trang bò maøn hình Led 400 inches. Thieát keá theo phong caùch kieán truùc La Maõ coå ñaïi vôùi nhöõng töôøng ñaù traéng keà beân vöôøn treo cuøng saûnh ñöôøng roäng lôùn, The ADORA - Nguyeãn Kieäm ñöôïc ví nhö toøa laâu ñaøi traùng leä vaø nguy nga giöõa thaønh phoá naùo nhieät, moät khoâng gian tuyeät vôøi cho tieäc cöôùi, hoäi nghò vaø caùc söï kieän troïng ñaïi.

The ADORA - Nguyen Kiem is well located right at the big crossroad Pham Van Dong that leads to other central districts in the city. The ADORA - Nguyen Kiem boasts an area of more than 4,800 square meter with nine ballrooms at 550 tables, the biggest ballroom could hold up to 2,000 people at one time. Especially the Grand Ballroom is 2,500 square meter and is equipped with a LED TV 400’’. Taking the Roman design with walls of white stones next to hanging gardens and spacious ballrooms, The ADORA - Nguyen Kiem is viewed as a magnificent and impressive castle in a hustle and bustle city. It really is an excellent space for wedding, conventions and other important events.

QUY MOÂ/ DIMENSION Toång dieän tích/ Total square: Soá saûnh tieäc/ Quantity of banquet hall: Soá baøn tieäc/ Quantity of table: Ñòa chæ/ Address:

4.800m2 9 550

371 Nguyeãn Kieäm, Phöôøng 3, Quaän Goø Vaáp, TP.HCM





Toïa laïc treân truïc ñöôøng lôùn Ngoâ Gia Töï beân caïnh nhaø thôø Ngaõ Saùu coå kính, The ADORA - Grand View vôùi dòch vuï ñaït chuaån 5 sao ñaõ khaúng ñònh vò theá cuûa mình trong lónh vöïc hoäi nghò - tieäc cöôùi. Khoâng gian ñöôïc thieát keá theo phong caùch Chaâu AÂu sang troïng, saûnh ñöôøng roäng lôùn vôùi 7 saûnh tieäc vaø toång dieän tích hôn 4.600m2 coù söùc chöùa hôn 4.000 ngöôøi, toaøn boä ñöôïc trang bò maøn hình Led 400 inches, heä thoáng aâm thanh D.A.S vaø saân khaáu kính, The ADORA Grand View chính laø ñòa ñieåm lyù töôûng cho nhöõng caùc söï kieän, hoäi nghò hay tieäc cöôùi ñaúng caáp. The ADORA - Grand View coøn töï haøo vôùi ñoäi nguõ phuïc vuï taän tình, dòch vuï ñaúng caáp, trang thieát tieân tieán cuøng thöïc ñôn tinh teá ñöôïc cheá bieán bôûi caùc ñaàu beáp tröù danh.

Well located on the main road Ngo Gia Tu and beside the ancient Nga Sau church, The ADORA - Grand View is the ideal venue for premium events, conventions or wedding banquet. The interior takes a luxurious European style with 7 ballrooms making up for 4,600 square meters that can hold more than 4,000 people. All ballrooms are equipped with LED TV 400’’, DAS sonic system and glass stage. Beside all that, The ADORA - Grand View also boasts professional staff, five-star service and delicious menu prepared by famed chiefs.

QUY MOÂ/ DIMENSION Toång dieän tích/ Total square:


Soá saûnh tieäc/ Quantity of banquet hall: Soá baøn tieäc/ Quantity of table: Ñòa chæ/ Address:

7 500

421 Ngoâ Gia Töï, Phöôøng 9, Quaän 5, TP.HCM






The ADORA - Premium laø Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò ñaúng caáp 5 sao ñaàu tieân taïi khu ñoâ thò Phuù Myõ Höng. Toïa laïc taïi vò trí vaøng cuûa thaønh phoá, The ADORA - Premium ñöôïc xaây döïng treân toång dieän tích 3.300m2 vôùi 5 saûnh tieäc, dieän tích moãi saûnh 419m2 - 960m2 traûi ñeàu ôû 3 taàng, coù söùc chöùa hôn 3.000 khaùch. The ADORA - Premium laø bieåu töôïng töï haøo cuûa The ADORA khoâng chæ bôûi kieán truùc Chaâu AÂu sang troïng loäng laãy, saûnh ñöôøng roäng lôùn ñöôïc trang trí ñoäc ñaùo theo nhieàu phong caùch khaùc nhau maø coøn bôûi heä thoáng aâm thanh, aùnh saùng, maøn hình Led 400 inches hoaøn haûo baäc nhaát cho caùc tieäc cöôùi, hoäi nghò hay söï kieän taàm côõ.

The ADORA - Premium is the first five-star Wedding & Convention Center in the urban complex Phu My Hung. Located at the city’s golden location, The ADORA - Premium has an area of 3,300 square meters with five ballrooms on three storeys, each wide 419-960 square meters and can held more than 3,000 people at one time. The ADORA - Premium is the symbol of pride for The ADORA, not only due to its luxurious European architecture, unique and diversified styled ballrooms but also due to international-levelled service, modern sonic and lightning systems and LED TV 400’’. It is the destination for premium weddings, important conventions and other events.

QUY MOÂ/ DIMENSION Toång dieän tích/ Total square: Soá saûnh tieäc/ Quantity of banquet hall: Soá baøn tieäc/ Quantity of table:

3.300m2 5 200

Ñòa chæ/ Address: 803 Nguyeãn Vaên Linh, Phöôøng Taân Phuù, Quaän 7, TP.HCM




Ngoaøi hai thöông hieäu Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò Le Dong Phuong vaø The ADORA, Ñoâng Phöông Group coøn sôû höõu thöông hieäu aùo cöôùi Thanh Haèng. Ñaây cuõng laø moät phaàn trong chieán löôïc phaùt trieån cuûa taäp ñoaøn höôùng ñeán xu theá dòch vuï cöôùi troïn goùi ñang ñöôïc thò tröôøng yeâu chuoäng.

AÙo cöôùi Thanh Haèng ñöôïc thaønh laäp vaøo naêm 2004. Traûi qua moät chaëng ñöôøng phaùt trieån, Thanh Haèng ñaõ trôû thaønh thöông hieäu quen thuoäc vaø laø ñòa chæ ñaùng tin caäy cho caùc ñoâi uyeân öông tìm ñeán trong ngaøy troïng ñaïi. AÙo cöôùi Thanh Haèng cung caáp caùc dòch vuï toát nhaát töø cho thueâ aùo cöôùi, trang ñieåm, chuïp aûnh cöôùi, aûnh ngheä thuaät, cho ñeán thieát keá album.

Trong thôøi gian qua, aùo cöôùi Thanh Haèng khoâng ngöøng naâng cao chaát löôïng dòch vuï vaø saûn phaåm, naém baét xu höôùng vaø thò hieáu thò tröôøng ñeå mang ñeán söï löïa choïn hoaøn haûo nhaát, giuùp khaùch haøng chu toaøn töøng chi tieát trong ngaøy haïnh phuùc cuõng nhö löu giöõ laïi nhöõng thôøi khaéc vaøng son aáy.



Apart from the two Wedding & Convention Center brands of Le Dong Phuong and The ADORA, Dong Phuong Group also own the wedding dress brand Thanh Hang Bridal. This is a part of the group’s development strategy towards the popular trend of package wedding services.

Thanh Hang Bridal was established in 2004. Over a journey of development, it has become a household name and a creditable destination for couples who want to prepare for their important day. Thanh Hang Bridal provides best services, ranging from dress hiring, makeup, photography, and album designing.

Over the years, Thanh Hang Bridal has been continuously improving its service and product quality. It is quick in grasping the new trend in the market as well as in the customer tastes so that it can bring about the perfect option for the customers. This guarantees that its customers can be assured of little details in their wedding and can save those happy moments for life.





Dong Phuong Office Building

Dong Phuong Group Plaza

402 Phaïm Vaên Hai, Phöôøng 15, Quaän Taân Bình, TP.HCM

666 Caùch Maïng Thaùng 8, Phöôøng 5, Quaän Taân Bình, TP.HCM




Dong Phuong Group Plaza 666 Caùch Maïng Thaùng 8, Phöôøng 5, Quaän Taân Bình, TP.HCM Dieän tích ñaát/ Total area: 330m2 Dieän tích saøn/ Usable area: 2.100m2 Ñoâng Phöông Plaza ñöôïc khaùnh thaønh vaøo naêm 2011, coù toång dieän tích söû duïng 2.100m2, cao 10 taàng, 1 taàng haàm, 1 löûng laø nôi mang ñeán cho caùc doanh nghieäp nhöõng traûi nghieäm toát nhaát veà khoâng gian vaên phoøng cho thueâ. Khoâng gian nôi ñaây ñaùp öùng linh hoaït cho taát caû caùc loaïi hình kinh doanh, maët saøn coù theå chia thaønh caùc dieän tích ña daïng töø 50 ñeán 450m2. Trong thôøi gian qua, Ñoâng Phöông Group Plaza ñaõ thu huùt nhieàu khaùch thueâ lôùn laø caùc coâng ty trong nöôùc vaø nöôùc ngoaøi.

Dong Phuong Plaza was opened in 2011. It has an usable area of 2,100 square meters, 10-storey high, a half-storey and a basement. It offers best experience for companies. The space here could meet the demands of all kinds of business and its platform could be flexibly divided into different areas from 50450 square meters. Recently Dong Phuong Group Plaza has attracted many big domestic and international companies as its clients.

Dong Phuong Office Building 402 Phaïm Vaên Hai, Phöôøng 15, Quaän Taân Bình, TP.HCM Dieän tích ñaát/ Total area: 500m2 Dieän tích saøn/ Usable area: 4.820m2 Toïa laïc ngay trung taâm thaønh phoá, Cao oác vaên phoøng Ñoâng Phöông coù toång dieän tích saøn cho thueâ laø 4.820m2, moãi saøn 400m2, cao 7 taàng, 1 treät, 1 löûng vaø 1 taàng haàm vôùi ñaày ñuû tieän ích phuïc vuï caùc vaên phoøng, saûnh hoäi nghò cao caáp cho caùc doanh nghieäp trong nöôùc vaø nöôùc ngoaøi. Cao oác vaên phoøng Ñoâng Phöông ñöôïc xaây döïng theo tieâu chuaån quoác teá, chuù troïng ñeán söï an toaøn, dòch vuï chaát löôïng cao vaø ñöôïc trang bò caùc phöông tieän hieän ñaïi nhaát.

Located right at the heart of the city, Dong Phuong Office Building has an usable area of 4,820 square meters, including 7 storeys, each wide 400 square meters, a ground storey, a half storey and a basement. The building is well-equipped with premium facilities and convention rooms for domestic as well as international companies. Dong Phuong Office Building was built in accordance with international standards with a focus on safety, high service and modern facilities.





cao oác vaên phoøng vò trí ñaéc ñòa/ office building

2.100 nhaân vieân/ staffs


thöông hieäu/ brands: Le Dong Phuong, The ADORA, Thanh Hang Bridal, Shang Garden, Stella Event Planner


04 trung taâm tieäc cöôùi/ wedding centers



trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò sang troïng, ñaúng caáp/ the Wedding & Convention Center

khaùch haøng ñöôïc phuïc vuï cuøng luùc/ guests received at one time

03 döï aùn ñang trieån khai/ on-going project

70 saûnh tieäc/ ballrooms



8 1 2 10


3 9




VỊ TRÍ CHIẾN LƯỢC STRATEGIC LOCATIONS 1. Le Dong Phuong 1 431 Hoaøng Vaên Thuï, Phöôøng 4, Quaän Taân Bình, TP.HCM 2. Le Dong Phuong 2 32 Hoaøng Vieät, Phöôøng 4, Quaän Taân Bình, TP.HCM 3. Le Dong Phuong 3 107 Luõy Baùn Bích, Phöôøng Taân Thôùi Hoøa, Quaän Taân Phuù, TP.HCM 4. Le Dong Phuong 4 491 Nguyeãn Vaên Quaù, Phöôøng Ñoâng Höng Thuaän, Quaän 12, TP.HCM 5. The ADORA - Nguyeãn Kieäm 371 Nguyeãn Kieäm, Phöôøng 3, Quaän Goø Vaáp, TP.HCM 6. The ADORA - Grand View 421 Ngoâ Gia Töï, Phöôøng 9, Quaän 5, TP.HCM 7. The ADORA - Premium 803 Nguyeãn Vaên Linh, Phöôøng Taân Phuù, Quaän 7, TP.HCM 8. The ADORA - Luxury 198 Hoaøng Vaên Thuï, Phöôøng 9, Quaän Phuù Nhuaän, TP.HCM 9. The ADORA - Dynasty 1A Toân Thaát Tuøng, Phöôøng Phaïm Nguõ Laõo, Quaän 1, TP.HCM 10. Dong Phuong Office Building 402 Phaïm Vaên Hai, Phöôøng 5, Quaän Taân Bình, TP.HCM 11. Dong Phuong Group Plaza 666 Caùch Maïng Thaùng 8, Phöôøng 5, Quaän Taân Bình, TP.HCM 12.


Shang Garden 23 Nguyeãn Khaéc Vieän, Phöôøng Taân Phuù, Quaän 7, TP.HCM





Xaùc ñònh nguoàn nhaân löïc chính laø yeáu toá quan troïng nhaát taïo neân söï phaùt trieån beàn vöõng, Ñoâng Phöông Group chuù troïng xaây döïng moät ñoäi nguõ nhaân söï huøng maïnh coù trình ñoä chuyeân moân cao, thu huùt vaø phaùt trieån nhaân taøi, boài döôõng nhöõng nhaân söï treû tieàm naêng cuõng nhö khoâng ngöøng hoaøn thieän heä thoáng quaûn lyù ñieàu haønh.

Identifying that human resource is the key factor that leads to sustainable development, Dong Phuong Group focuses on building a strong and competent talent pool, attracting and developing talent, nurturing young potential staff and continuously completing the system of management.





2.000 7.000

nhaân vieân chính thöùc full - time staffs nhaân vieân staffs

40% 60%

Toát nghieäp CÑ- ÑH College/ University graduate Toát nghieäp THPT High school graduate

Caáp Nhaân vieân Staff level

Caáp Giaùm saùt Supervisor level

Caáp Quaûn lí Manager level





Caáp Giaùm ñoác Director level


Tuoåi Age





Ngoaøi nhöõng giaù trò höõu hình maø Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ ñaït ñöôïc, söùc maïnh con ngöôøi chính laø taøi saûn voâ hình ñöôïc tích luõy, vun ñaép trong suoát thôøi gian qua, vaø laø chìa khoùa cho moïi thaønh coâng cuûa taäp ñoaøn. Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ quy tuï moät nguoàn nhaân löïc quaûn trò cao caáp, gioûi chuyeân moân vaø ñoäi nguõ nhaân söï naêng ñoäng, saùng taïo. Hoäi ñoàng quaûn trò vaø Ban giaùm ñoác luoân laøm vieäc saùt caùnh beân nhau ñeå xaây döïng ñoäi nguõ nhaân söï huøng maïnh, boài döôõng nghieäp vuï vaø vun ñaép nhaân taøi song song vieäc hoaøn thieän heä thoáng quaûn lyù cho phuø hôïp vôùi nhöõng ñònh höôùng môùi. OÂng Buøi Tieán Ñaït - Giaùm ñoác Haønh chính - Nhaân söï Ñoâng Phöông Group chia seû: “Moät trong nhöõng bí quyeát giuùp Ñoâng Phöông Group vöôït qua moïi khoù khaên trôû ngaïi ñoù laø tính lieân keát, chuùng toâi luoân chia seû thoâng tin laãn nhau ñeå thoáng nhaát quan ñieåm, chuû tröông, caùch thöïc hieän, vì vaäy moïi vieäc khi tieán haønh ñeàu mang tính ñoàng nhaát vaø ñaït hieäu quaû cao.”

Ñoâng Phöông Group chuù troïng vaán ñeà phaùt trieån con ngöôøi, ñaûm baûo 100% nhaân vieân phaûi ñöôïc ñaøo taïo veà nhöõng ñieåm maáu choát cuûa ngaønh dòch vuï meán khaùch, ñoàng thôøi taïo ñieàu kieän cho caùc nhaân söï tieàm naêng ñöôïc phaùt trieån naêng löïc baûn thaân ñeå coù cô hoäi vöôn leân tham gia vaøo haøng nguõ ban quaûn lyù; trao quyeàn theo töøng caáp ñoä vaø ñaøo taïo naâng cao kieán thöùc theo töøng caáp baäc chöùc vuï. Maët khaùc, caùch ñoái nhaân xöû theá hôïp tình hôïp lyù cuûa Ban quaûn trò laø ñoäng löïc cho söï toaøn taâm toaøn yù coáng hieán cuûa taäp theå nhaân vieân. Ban quaûn trò quan nieäm: “Ngöôøi thuyeàn tröôûng phaûi taïo nieàm tin cho nhaân vieân, noùi ñöôïc laøm ñöôïc, giuùp caùc anh em vöôït qua moïi khoù khaên. Soáng döôùi maùi nhaø chung, quan troïng nhaát laø cuøng nhau daán thaân vaø cuøng chinh phuïc nhöõng thaùch thöùc maø doanh nghieäp ñang gaëp phaûi.” Ngöôøi laõnh ñaïo luoân ñònh höôùng, daãn daét caû taäp theå vöôït qua thaùch thöùc, ñoàng thôøi trao quyeàn cho caáp döôùi, taïo moâi tröôøng tin caäy vaø hôïp taùc;

quan taâm, hoã trôï ñeå moïi caù nhaân ñeàu tìm thaáy cô hoäi phaùt trieån. Nhöõng ñieàu naøy ñaõ thaép saùng nieàm tin cuûa toaøn theå nhaân vieân vaø taïo ra moät löïc löôïng nhaân söï gaén keát, taän taâm vaø trung thaønh. Beân caïnh ñoù, Ñoâng Phöông Group xaây döïng cheá ñoä phuùc lôïi, khen thöôûng xöùng ñaùng daønh cho nhöõng caù nhaân, taäp theå xuaát saéc; ñoàng thôøi chaêm lo ñôøi soáng toaøn theå nhaân vieân, toå chöùc thaêm hoûi dòp leã teát, laéng nghe taâm tö, nguyeän voïng cuûa hoï ñeå hoã trôï kòp thôøi. Ngoaøi ra, Ñoâng Phöông Group cuõng toå chöùc caùc hoaït ñoäng vaên theå myõ, sinh hoaït noäi boä, taïo ñieàu kieän vui chôi, giaûi trí du lòch cho toaøn theå nhaân vieân. Taïi Ñoâng Phöông Group, taát caû thaønh vieân cuøng ñoaøn keát laøm vieäc treân tinh thaàn toân troïng, hôïp taùc vaø chia seû ñeå hieän thöïc hoùa söù meänh cuûa taäp ñoaøn, ñoàng thôøi mang ñeán lôïi ích toái öu cho caùc khaùch haøng, ñoái taùc.



°° Luoân töï haøo vaø gaén boù vôùi Ñoâng Phöông Group trong moïi hoaøn caûnh. °° Luoân giöõ uy tín vôùi khaùch haøng, ñoàng nghieäp vaø caáp treân. °° Luoân laáy hieäu quaû coâng vieäc laøm ñònh höôùng vaø thöôùc ño cho moïi hoaït ñoäng. °° Luoân laáy nieàm ñam meâ coâng vieäc, tinh thaàn hoïc taäp vaø saùng taïo khoâng ngöøng ñeå phaùt trieån söï nghieäp. °° Toân troïng tính nghieâm minh cuûa noäi quy, kyû luaät cuûa toå chöùc. °° Luoân nhieät tình, vui veû, chaân thaønh vôùi tinh thaàn ñoàng ñoäi vaø toân troïng taäp theå.

Thaáu hieåu vai troø ñaëc bieät quan troïng cuûa vaên hoùa doanh nghieäp trong söï phaùt trieån, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ xaây döïng neàn vaên hoùa mang ñaäm baûn saéc rieâng. Ñoù chính laø söï keát hôïp giöõa phong caùch laøm vieäc, tinh thaàn taäp theå vaø söï töông taùc giöõa caùc thaønh vieân vôùi nhau cuõng nhö thaùi ñoä öùng xöû vôùi khaùch haøng.

Boä quy taéc vaên hoaù doanh nghieäp naøy ñaõ giuùp toaøn theå caùc thaønh vieân töø Ban laõnh ñaïo ñeán moïi caáp baäc nhaân vieân cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group trôû thaønh moät taäp theå ñoaøn keát vaø thoáng nhaát, laø chìa khoaù vaø söùc maïnh cho thaønh coâng trong moïi hoaït ñoäng kinh doanh cuûa taäp ñoaøn.




Beside tangible values that Dong Phuong Group has achieved, human resource is the intangible value which the group has accumulated and nurtured over all those years and it is the key for each and every success of the group. Dong Phuong Group has gathered competent high ranking managers and proactive and creative staff force.

of the staff are trained on key points in hospitality. At the same time, potential staff is given nourishing environment so that they can improve themselves and promote themselves into managerial positions. Delegation of authority is conducted adequate to each level, who receive enhanced training courses to upgrade their skills.

The Board of Management and Board of Directors are always working closely with each other to build up a strong workforce, train and nurture talents, at the same time continuously improving management system to be relevant with new directions. Mr. Bui Tien Dat, Human Resources Directorof the group, said: “One of the secret that help Dong Phuong Group surpass any obstacle is the connecting and communicating within the group. We are always share information with each other so that we can agree upon a common view, policy and implementation. Hence, when a task is conducted, all are consistent and gain high efficiency.”

On the other hand, proper treatment of the BOM is also a momentum that encourage the whole staff to put their heart and mind to the group. The BOM acknowledged: “The captain of the boat must create trust among their staff. He must be the man of his words and help other staff to overcome difficulties. Living under the same roof, the most important thing is to come together to go forward and conquest the challenges that face the group.” The leader must always give directions and guide the whole group to surpass obstacles. At the same time, he must delegate to junior levels, which will build up a sense of trust and cooperation among the staff. He also has to tend to the needs of individual staff and support them with opportunities to grow. It

Dong Phuong Group focuses on human development, guaranteeing that 100 percent

is those qualities that light up the trust of the staff, bringing forth a workforce that is united, connected, devoted and loyal. Besides, Dong Phuong Group also works out proper welfare and compensation policies for individuals and teams that deserve. Each and every staff receives the care and consideration of the group’s leadership both in life and at work; the leaders pay a visit to the staff’s houses on occasions of Lunar New Year or other special occasions; they also listen carefully to what the staff has to share so that they can provide timely support to them. Moreover, Dong Phuong Group is also proactive in organizing off-work activities, internal workshops, touring, and other entertainment activities for the whole members of the group. At Dong Phuong Group, all members are working in unitedness with one another on the spirit of mutual respect, cooperation and sharing to realize the mission of the group, at the same time bring about optimal benefits for its customers and partners.




Always be proud and stay loyal to Dong Phuong Group in any situation.


Always keep the promises with customers, colleages and senior managers.


Always be result-oriented and take the final results as the measure for the success of the work done.


Always take inspiration from the passion for work, the spirit of continuous learning and creativity to push oneself on the career way.


Always respect the group’s internal regulations.


Always work enthusiastically with team spirit.

Given the acknowledgement of the extremely important role of corporate culture in the group’s development, Dong Phuong Group has built up an unique culture within itself. It is the combination of the unique working style, collective spirit, the interactiveness among members of the group as well as the attitude to serve outside customers.

The code of conduct has helped all levels of the group, from the BOM to junior staff, become a solidary and united collective, which in its turn is the key and dynamics for every success in every aspect of business of the group.



Vôùi khaùt voïng xaây döïng moät taäp ñoaøn phaùt trieån beàn vöõng vaø tieán ñeán ñaúng caáp quoác teá, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ khoâng ngöøng tìm kieám cô hoäi ñeå trieån khai nhöõng keá hoaïch taùo baïo vaø taïo söï böùt phaù maïnh meõ. Töø Le Dong Phuong cho ñeán The ADORA laø moät haønh trình ñaày aán töôïng, ñaùnh daáu khaùt voïng vöôn leân moät taàm voùc môùi vaø söï chuyeân nghieäp cuûa taäp ñoaøn. Nhöõng quyeát ñònh ñoät phaù trong töøng chaëng ñöôøng ñaõ theå hieän yù chí khaùt khao ñoåi môùi cuûa caùc theá heä laõnh ñaïo Ñoâng Phöông Group. Vieäc thay ñoåi tö töôûng quaûn trò, maïnh daïn taùi cô caáu haønh chính nhaân söï töø moät doanh nghieäp gia ñình sang taäp ñoaøn chuyeân nghieäp laø moät cuoäc caùch maïng lôùn. Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ thaønh coâng trong vieäc quy tuï caùc nguoàn nhaân löïc öu tuù töø caùc taäp ñoaøn danh tieáng ñeå tieáp thu kieán thöùc, hoïc hoûi kinh nghieäm vaø hoäi nhaäp. Nhöõng khoù khaên, xung ñoät ban ñaàu trong quaûn trò ñaõ daàn ñöôïc xoùa boû vaø thay vaøo ñoù laø söï trao quyeàn vaø tin töôûng bôûi caùc chính saùch nhaát quaùn vôùi chuû tröông, taàm nhìn cuûa Hoäi ñoàng quaûn trò. Moät quyeát ñònh ñaõ ñöôïc maïnh daïn trieån khai vaø thaønh coâng vang doäi laø vieäc ra maét thöông hieäu The ADORA. Söï naêng ñoäng vaø quyeát ñoaùn cuûa Ban laõnh ñaïo ñaõ taïo neân böôùc tieán vöôït baäc, minh chöùng baèng toác ñoä phaùt trieån maïnh meõ cuûa The ADORA.

Theá heä saùng laäp ñaõ taïo laäp neàn taûng vöõng maïnh veà heä thoáng taøi chính laãn cô sôû vaät chaát. Vieäc phaùt huy nhöõng neàn taûng ñaõ coù trôû neân chuyeân nghieäp vaø hieäu quaû hôn laø nhieäm vuï tieân quyeát cuûa theá heä ñöôïc chuyeån giao. Ñeå tieán xa hôn, theá heä tieáp noái caàn toå chöùc moät heä thoáng chuyeân nghieäp hôn, hoäi tuï ñöôïc nhöõng con ngöôøi coù naêng löïc cao, ñeà ra ñònh höôùng roõ raøng, thoáng nhaát caùc muïc tieâu vaø cuøng trieån khai hieäu quaû. Vieäc ñaàu tö chieám lónh thò phaàn cuõng laø nhieäm vuï quan troïng ñöôïc ñaët leân haøng ñaàu trong moät thò tröôøng ñaày tieàm naêng chöa baõo hoøa. Cuï theå laø thöïc hieän caùc muïc tieâu troïng yeáu trong giai ñoaïn 10 naêm tôùi. Trong giai ñoaïn 5 naêm ñaàu (2016 - 2020), Ñoâng Phöông Group seõ khai tröông theâm The ADORA - Luxury vaø The ADORA - Dynasty, naâng soá Trung taâm hoäi nghò tieäc cöôùi cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group leân 9 Trung taâm vôùi khoaûng 72 saûnh tieäc, coâng suaát khoaûng 3.600 baøn tieäc; song song ñoù laø vieäc caûi taïo, xaây môùi vaø naâng taàm quoác teá caùc trung taâm Le Dong Phuong. Trong giai ñoaïn 5 naêm keá tieáp (2021 2025), Ñoâng Phöông Group seõ phaùt trieån theâm caùc ngaønh dòch vuï hoã trôï vaø phaùt trieån vieäc Quaûn lyù, Tö vaán, Nhöôïng quyeàn thöông hieäu ñeán caùc tænh, thaønh nhö Haø Noäi, Ñaø Naüng, Caàn Thô,... OÂng Huyønh Vaên Vaên - Giaùm ñoác ñieàu haønh chia seû: “Ñeå ñaït ñöôïc muïc tieâu treân, Ban laõnh ñaïo luoân ñaët troïng taâm vaán ñeà phaùt trieån con ngöôøi, coù con ngöôøi toát môùi coù nhöõng saûn phaåm toát laøm haøi loøng khaùch haøng vaø qua ñoù cô hoäi kinh

doanh seõ ñöôïc phaùt trieån theâm. Theo toâi ñaây laø moät maét xích raát quan troïng: Nhaân vieân Khaùch haøng - Phaùt trieån kinh doanh. Moïi giaù trò coát loõi cuûa taäp ñoaøn ñeàu daønh cho Khaùch haøng vaø caùc Coäng söï vì ñaây chính laø hai yeáu toá cöïc kyø quan troïng ñeå moät doanh nghieäp thaønh coâng, ñaëc bieät laø trong lónh vöïc dòch vuï meán khaùch.” Beân caïnh ñoù, vôùi nhaän thöùc raèng nieàm tin cuûa khaùch haøng, ñoái taùc daønh cho Ñoâng Phöông Group laø moät taøi saûn lôùn, theá heä keá thöøa seõ tieáp tuïc vun ñaép vaø phaùt huy nhöõng gì maø theá heä tröôùc ñaõ gaày döïng. Caùc vaán ñeà caàn ñöôïc cam keát ñeå gia coá nieàm tin cuûa khaùch haøng seõ bao goàm: ñaûm baûo chieán löôïc giaù toát nhaát xuyeân suoát treân thò tröôøng; phaùt trieån veà khaû naêng phuïc vuï khaùch haøng ñeå ñaùp öùng roäng hôn, saâu hôn trong lónh vöïc tieäc cöôùi vaø hoäi nghò; ñaàu tö cô sôû haï taàng taïi nhöõng nôi coù vò trí ñaéc ñòa, ñaàu tö trang thieát bò hieän ñaïi nhaèm mang ñeán lôïi ích cao nhaát cho khaùch haøng. Chaëng ñöôøng phía tröôùc vaãn coøn daøi vaø nhieàu thaùch thöùc, theá heä keá thöøa seõ tieáp tuïc söù meänh phaùt trieån taäp ñoaøn trôû thaønh moät ñôn vò coù naêng löïc vaø chuyeân moân cao trong ngaønh hoäi nghò tieäc cöôùi theo chuaån möïc quoác teá vaø trôû thaønh doanh nghieäp coù khaû naêng ñoùng goùp cho ngaønh coâng nghieäp meán khaùch taïi Vieät Nam. Vôùi khaùt voïng chinh phuïc vaø coáng hieán, theá heä tieáp noái seõ khoâng ngöøng phaán ñaáu ñeå ghi nhöõng daáu aán veû vang cho moät chaëng ñöôøng môùi vaø xöùng ñaùng vôùi söï kyø voïng, tin töôûng cuûa theá heä saùng laäp.



TOWARDS THE FUTURE PROMOTING FUNDAMENTAL VALUES BREAKTHROUGH DEVELOPMENT and MULTIPLY SUCCESSES With a desire to build up a sustainable corporation that goes shoulder to shoulder with international brands, Dong Phuong Group has continuously been seeking opportunities to realize its bold plan and make giant leaps. It has been an impressive journey from Le Dong Phuong to The ADORA, marking the group’s desire to reach to new level and to professionalism. Breakthrough decisions on the journey have revealed the will to change of the group’s leadership. The changes in the view of management, in which the company restructured its organization to go from a family business to a professional corporation, are a real revolution. Dong Phuong Group has been successful in recruiting talents from other prestigious companies to learn from their experience. Initial difficulties and conflicts in the management board were gradually taken place by the BOM’s delegation of authority and trust due to policies consistent with their aim and vision. An extremely successful decision by the Board of Management is the introduction of the brand The ADORA. It was the proactiveness and decidedness of the Board of Management that has created breakthroughs for the group, which the rapid growth of The ADORA is the sound evidence. The founders and builders of the group have created a solid foundation in terms of both financial system and infrastructure. It should be the top priority of the next generation to develop based on that foundation so that the group will be more professional and efficient. To move forward, the next generation needs to organize a more professional system that gather competent people, work out clear direction, unionize goals and implement efficiently those plans. In such a highly potential market that has not reached its saturated stage, there is also another important task of acquiring market share. In particular, the group needs to realize key goals in the next decade. In the first five year (2016 - 2020), Dong Phuong Group will

open The ADORA - Luxury and The ADORA Dynasty, bringing the number of its centers to 9 centers with about 72 ballrooms, 3,600 tables; besides, the centers branded Le Dong Phuong will also be improved in accordance to international standards. In the next five years (2021 - 2025), the group will spread into supporting services and deploy the management, consultancy and franchise of the brand into other locations such as Hanoi, Danang, Can Tho, ect. Mr Huynh Van Van, managing director of the group, said: “To achieve those goals, Board of Management focuses on human development. Good people produce good products which can satisfy customers and based on that more business opportunities will turn up. I see this as a very important chain: Staff - Customers - Business Development. All core values of the group aim at our customers and partners as these are extremely important factors that constitute the success for an enterprise, especially in hospitality.” Apart from that, being aware that the trust of customers and partners is a tremendous asset, the next generation of the group will continue to nurture and develop what the prior generation has built up. Issues that need high commitment to maintain customers’ trust include: guarantee the best price policy in the market; improve service quality; invest more in infrastructure at good location; invest more in modern equipment in order to bring out the best benefits for the customers. The journey ahead is still a long ones with many challenges. The next generation of the group will continue the mission of develop the group into a highly professional supplier in wedding services that operates at international standards and become an enterprise that contributes greatly in hospitality industry in Vietnam. With a desire for market conquest and social contribution, the next generation of the group will carry nonstop effort to make glorious marks in the new way ahead, deserving of the expectations and trust of the founder generation.




DỰ ÁN MỚI Tieáp noái thaønh coâng cuûa caùc thöông hieäu Le Dong Phuong vaø The ADORA, trong thôøi gian tôùi, Ñoâng Phöông Group seõ trieån khai maïnh meõ caùc döï aùn môùi, môû roäng quy moâ ñaàu tö treân dieän roäng ñeå tieán ñeán muïc tieâu phaùt trieån thò phaàn, phuû roäng ñoä nhaän bieát thöông hieäu vaø taêng doanh soá, khoâng ngöøng naâng taàm ñaúng caáp, trôû thaønh taäp ñoaøn lôùn vôùi caùc thöông hieäu coù söùc huùt vaø chuoãi Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò quy moâ theo tieâu chuaån quoác teá.

NEW PROJECTS Following the success of the brands Le Dong Phuong and The ADORA, for the time to come Dong Phuong Group will boldly start new projects with increased investment to push market share, increase brand awareness and revenues, upgrade the brand name and become a Wedding & Convention Center chain operating at international standards.



The ADORA - Luxury vôùi kieán truùc sang troïng, coù toång dieän tích saøn toaøn coâng trình khoaûng 11.205 m2, cao 4 taàng, 1taàng haàm, 2 taàng löûng vôùi 7 saûnh tieäc coù söùc chöùa 350 baøn, döï kieán hoaït ñoäng vaøo thaùng 7 naêm 2016. Noäi thaát tinh teá, khoâng gian roäng raõi vaø caùc dòch vuï cao caáp, The ADORA - Luxury xöùng ñaùng laø khoâng gian ñaúng caáp cho caùc tieäc cöôùi, hoäi nghò sang troïng vaø aán töôïng.

The ADORA - Luxury boasts elegant design with the total area of about 11,250 square meters. It will have four storeys, one basement, two half-storeys with 7 ballrooms and 350 tables. The center is planned to go into operation in July 2016. It has delicated interior, airy space and premium services. The ADORA Luxury deserves to be the place for premium and magnificent wedding parties, conferences and events.

QUY MOÂ/ DIMENSION Dieän tích/ Total square: Soá saûnh tieäc/ Quantity of banquet hall: Soá baøn tieäc/ Quantity of table:

2.500m2 7 350

Ñòa chæ/ Address:198 Hoaøng Vaên Thuï, Phöôøng 9, Quaän Phuù Nhuaän, TP.HCM



NÔI TRAÛI NGHIEÄM AÅM THÖÏC TRUNG HOA MANG PHONG VÒ HIEÄN ÑAÏI Toïa laïc taïi vò trí ñaéc ñòa cuûa khu ñoâ thò môùi Phuù Myõ Höng, nhaø haøng Shang Garden ñöôïc thieát keá ñaäm neùt thanh lòch Phöông Ñoâng nhöng raát hieän ñaïi vaø sang troïng. Caùc beáp tröôûng ngöôøi Hoa vaø Singapore cuûa chuùng toâi vôùi hôn 30 naêm kinh nghieäm laøm vieäc taïi nhieàu quoác gia treân theá giôùi chaéc chaén seõ mang laïi cho thöïc khaùch nhöõng traûi nghieäm aåm thöïc ñoäc ñaùo vaø khoù queân. Nhaø haøng phuïc vuï böõa tröa vaø böõa toái vôùi thöïc ñôn phong phuù vaø ña daïng caùc moùn Hoa mang phong vò hieän ñaïi cuøng Dim Sum haûo haïng. Caùc moùn baøo ngö, vi caù, haûi saûn töôi soáng,... cuøng caùc moùn aên ñaäm saéc thaùi cuûa neàn aåm thöïc Trung Hoa nhö Vòt Quay Baéc Kinh thôm löøng, Phaät Khieâu Töôøng huyeàn thoaïi vaø voâ soá nhöõng moùn ñaëc saéc khaùc taïi Shang Garden ñaûm baûo quyù khaùch luoân ñöôïc traûi nghieäm nhöõng moùn aên ngon ñích thöïc. Vôùi söùc chöùa cuøng caùc phoøng VIP roäng lôùn seõ laø moät löïa choïn toát nhaát cho caùc buoåi hoïp maët gia ñình hay caùc buoåi ñoùn tieáp ñoái taùc kinh doanh sang troïng cuûa quyù khaùch. Vôùi chuaån möïc cao veà aåm thöïc vaø dòch vuï, Shang Garden seõ laø moät ñieåm ñeán lyù töôûng cho nhöõng ai yeâu thích aåm thöïc Trung Hoa taïi Thaønh Phoá Hoà Chí Minh

A PLACE TO ENJOY CHINESE CONTEMPORARY CUISINE Located at the breeding ground in Phu My Hung New Urban Area, the restaurant Shang Garden boasts an oriental elegance that creates a feeling of both modernity and luxury. Our Chinese and Singaporean chiefs, all with more than thirty years of experience working in multiple countries all over the world, are ready to present you with unique and unforgettable cuisine experience. Our restaurant serves lunch and dinner with a rich menu composed of Chinese modern cuisine such as delicious Dim Sum, abalone, fin and other special dishes from fresh sea products. In addition, you also can find here traditional Chinese food like the irresistible Peking Duck, the legendary Buddha Jumps Over the Wall to name a few. With such a variety on offer, Shang Garden is committed to bringing to you real delicious cuisine. With a capacity of with spacious V.I.P rooms, Shang Garden is the best choice for cozy family reunion or dining with important business partners. With our high standards for quality in both cuisine and service, Shang Garden is the ideal destination for those lovers of Chinese food in HCMC.

Ñòa chæ/ Address: 23 Nguyeãn Khaéc Vieän, Phöôøng Taân Phuù, Quaän 7, TP.HCM








The ADORA - Dynasty toïa laïc ngay vò trí vaøng cuûa trung taâm thaønh phoá, kieán truùc hoaønh traùng goàm 8 taàng, toång dieän tích saøn söû duïng 6.702m2, 5 saûnh tieäc, coâng suaát 250 baøn vaø nhaø haøng Hoa Haûi Saûn vôùi söùc chöùa 300 choã, döï kieán hoaït ñoäng vaøo naêm 2017. The ADORA - Dynasty ñöôïc thieát keá roäng raõi, taän duïng toái ña khoâng gian cho caây xanh, saân vöôøn nhaèm taïo söï thoâng thoaùng vaø hoøa quyeän vôùi moâi tröôøng xung quan. Ñöôïc söû duïng vaät lieäu tieân tieán ñeå taïo hieäu öùng phaùt saùng vaøo ban ñeâm, The ADORA - Dynasty nhö moät chieác ñeøn loàng lung linh toûa saùng treân neàn khoái kính vaø goã.

Located right at the golden area of the city, The ADORA - Dynasty boasts impressive appearance with 8 storeys covering a total area of 6,702 square meters, 5 ballrooms, 250 tables as well as a restaurant named Hoa Hai San with the capacity of 300 guests. The center is planned to go into operation in 2017. The ADORA - Dynasty is designed in a way that provide more space with optimal areas for green trees and gardens to create a sense of unity with the nature. The materials chosen are modern that can light up themselves at night, so The ADORA - Dynasty will look just like a shining lantern made of glass and wood.

QUY MOÂ/ DIMENSION Dieän tích/ Total square: Soá saûnh tieäc/ Quantity of banquet hall: Soá baøn tieäc/ Quantity of table:

2.800m2 6 350

Ñòa chæ/ Address: 1A Toân Thaát Tuøng, Phöôøng Phaïm Nguõ Laõo, Quaän 1, TP. HCM





Le Dong Phuong - Hoaøng Vaên Thuï seõ ñöôïc caûi taïo, xaây môùi thaønh truï sôû chính cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group vaø trôû thaønh Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò lôùn nhaát Vieät Nam vôùi 20 saûnh tieäc, coâng suaát 1.000 baøn, cao 4 taàng vaø 2 taàng haàm. Ñaëc bieät Grand Ballroom seõ coù dieän tích 3.500m2, traàn cao 9 m, khoâng coät vaø coù thang naâng xe hôi vaøo saûnh tieäc. Ñaây seõ laø saûnh tieäc daønh cho caùc söï kieän ñaúng caáp quoác teá, hoaønh traùng vaø sang troïng. Döï kieán Le Dong Phuong - Hoaøng Vaên Thuï seõ ñi vaøo hoaït ñoäng vaøo cuoái naêm 2018.

Le Dong Phuong - Hoang Van Thu will be improved into the headquarters of Dong Phuong Group. It will become the biggest Wedding & Convention Center in Vietnam with 20 ballrooms, 1,000 tables, four storeys and two basements. Especially, Grand Ballroom will boast an area of 3,500 square meters, 9 meters high, no columns and there are elevators for cars to park right at the entrance of the ballrooms. This will be the ballroom dedicated to international and luxurious events. As planned, Le Dong Phuong - Hoang Van Thu will go into operation in late 2018.

QUY MOÂ/ DIMENSION Dieän tích/ Total square: Soá saûnh tieäc/ Quantity of banquet hall: Soá baøn tieäc/ Quantity of table: Ñòa chæ/ Address:

10.000m2 20 1000

431 Hoaøng Vaên Thuï, Quaän Taân Bình, TP.HCM




Le Dong Phuong - Hoaøng Vieät seõ ñöôïc caûi taïo thaønh moät Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò hoaøn toaøn môùi vôùi kieán truùc sang troïng, khoâng gian roäng lôùn, cao 3 taàng, 2 taàng haàm vaø 6 saûnh tieäc vôùi söùc chöùa 350 baøn. Döï kieán ñi vaøo hoaït ñoäng giöõa naêm 2019.

Le Dong Phuong - Hoang Viet will be improved into a wholly new Wedding & Convention Center with elegant architecture, roomy space, 3 storeys, 2 basements, 6 ballrooms at the capacity of 350 tables. The center is planned to go into operation in middle 2019.

QUY MOÂ/ DIMENSION Dieän tích/ Total square: Soá saûnh tieäc/ Quantity of banquet hall: Soá baøn tieäc/ Quantity of table:

2.800m2 6 350

Ñòa chæ/ Address: 32 Hoaøng Vieät, Phöôøng 4, Quaän Taân Bình, TP.HCM





PARTNER’S REVIEW Chuùng toâi ñaõ cuøng Ñoâng Phöông Group hôïp taùc nhieàu naêm lieàn. Söï phoái hôïp ñoàng boä chuyeân nghieäp vaø hieäu quaû cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ giuùp tieán ñoä coâng trình luoân ñöôïc ñaûm baûo ôû möùc cao nhaát. Ñoâng Phöông Group luoân taïo söï tin töôûng vôùi tinh thaàn traùch nhieäm vaø söï linh hoaït khi giaûi quyeát caùc khoù khaên gaëp phaûi trong quaù trình hôïp taùc.

We have been a partner of Dong Phuong Group over many years. Their synergetic and professional cooperation has always been helpful that assures the timeliness of our work. Dong Phuong Group always give us a feeling of trust in their sense of responsibility and flexibility in dealing with challenges in our cooperation.”

OÂng Nguyeãn Vieát Haûi Toång Giaùm Ñoác Taäp ñoaøn Xaây döïng Hoaø Bình

Mr. Nguyen Viet Hai Director General of Hoa Binh Construction Corp

Ñoâng Phöông Group luoân ñeà cao chaát löôïng dòch vuï vaø söï haøi loøng cuûa khaùch haøng, ñoái taùc. Trang thieát bò cung caáp cho Ñoâng Phöông Group ñeàu nhaèm muïc ñích mang laïi saûn phaåm vaø söï phuïc vuï toát nhaát cho khaùch haøng, ñoàng thôøi taïo ñieàu kieän thuaän lôïi vaø ñaûm baûo lôïi ích toái öu cho ñoái taùc. Toâi raát vinh haïnh khi ñöôïc laøm vieäc cuøng Ñoâng Phöông Group vaø hi voïng seõ duy trì moái quan heä hôïp taùc toát ñeïp trong töông lai.

Dong Phuong Group always focus on service quality and the satisfaction of their customers and partners. All the facilities equipped for Dong Phuong aim at bringing best service to their customers, also making favorable conditions and guaranteeing optimal benefits for their partners. I feel honored to have the opportunity to work with them. I hope that this good relationship will continue into the future.

Baø Lyù Minh Giaùm Ñoác Coâng ty Lyù Baûo Minh Cung caáp trang thieát bò nhaø haøng khaùch saïn

Ms.ø Ly Minh Director of Ly Bao Minh - Company specializing in supplying hotel and restaurant facilities

Ñoâng Phöông Group luoân coù yeâu caàu cao veà tính ñoäc ñaùo vaø myõ thuaät cao trong töøng döï aùn ñaàu tö. Ñoøng thôøi chuùng toâi cuõng ñaùnh giaù cao söï am töôøng chuyeân moân trong ngaønh Hoäi nghò Tieâc cöôùi maø Ñoâng Phöông mang laïi cho chuùng toâi nhöõng kieán thöùc môùi meû qua töøng döï aùn thöïc hieän cho hoï

Dong Phuong Group holds high expectation for the uniqueness and fairness in each of their project. Besides, we think highly of the insights in wedding and conference organization field that Dong Phuong brings to us in each project we work with them.

KTS Leâ Thanh Haûi Giaùm ñoác Cty thieát keá kieán truùc HAIA

Architect Le Thanh Hai Director of architecture company HAIA



CUSTOMER’S REVIEW The ADORA Wedding & Convention Center laø löïa choïn haøng ñaàu cuûa toâi khi toå chöùc caùc hoäi nghò, tieäc chieâu ñaõi quan troïng cuûa coâng ty. Ngoaøi cô sôû vaät chaát hieän ñaïi, khaâu toå chöùc chu ñaùo, trung taâm coøn coù ñoäi nguõ nhaân vieân thaân thieän, nhieät tình vaø raát chuyeân nghieäp. Chính söï aân caàn cuûa nhöõng nhaân vieân nôi ñaây khieán toâi ñaët troïn nieàm tin vaøo The Adora. Khoâng gian Hoäi nghò ñeïp vaø sang troïng. Caùc moùn aên khoâng chæ ngon mieäng maø coøn khieán thöïc khaùch maõn nhaõn.

The ADORA Wedding & Convention Center is my first choice when it comes to organizing important conferences and reception parties for my company. Apart from modern facilities and thorough organization, the center also boasts friendly and professional staff. It is the consideration of the staff here that makes up the complete trust I have in The Adora. The space here is beautiful and luxurious, the cuisines are both delicious and so eye-catching.

Baø Nguyeãn Thu Höông CTHDQT Cty Truyeàn Thoâng Nam Höông

Ms.ø Nguyeãn Thu Höông President of BOM, Nam Huong Media Company

Thaønh coâng myõ maõn vaø löu laïi aán töôïng ñeïp laø nhöõng gì maø The ADORA ñaõ mang laïi cho söï kieän vöøa qua. Toâi ñaùnh giaù cao tính chuyeân nghieäp vaø tinh thaàn traùch nhieäm cuûa ñoäi nguõ The Adora, luoân hoã trôï chuùng toâi kòp thôøi trong suoát söï kieän. Vôùi trang thieát bò coâng ngheä hieän ñaïi, phoøng Hoäi nghò vaø saûnh chöùa coâng suaát lôùn, dòch vuï cao caáp, khoâng gian lòch laõm. The ADORA khoâng chæ thoûa maõn veà ñaúng caáp, chaát löôïng maø coøn veà yeáu toá vaên hoùa - thaåm myõ.

Complete success and awesome impression was what The ADORA brought to the latest event. I think highly of the professionalism and sense of responsibility of The ADORA staff. They were always helpful and provided us with timeline support during the event. With modern facilities, high-capacity conference rooms, premium service and elegant ambience, The ADORA meet all the expectations of luxury class, quality and cultural and aesthetic demands.”

OÂng Phaïm Quoác Thaùi Phoù Chuû Nhieäm BP Keá Hoaïch - Phoøng Tieáp Thò 2 - Coâng ty TNHH Phaùt Trieån Phuù Myõ Höng

Mr. Pham Quoc Thai Deputy Director of Planning Department Marketing Dept. 2 - Phu My Hung Development Corporation





Song song vôùi hoaït ñoäng kinh doanh, Ñoâng Phöông Group luoân yù thöùc roõ vai troø traùch nhieäm ñoái vôùi coäng ñoàng xaõ hoäi. Trong nhieàu naêm qua, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ tham gia caùc chöông trình thieän nguyeän hoaëc taøi trôï caùc toå chöùc töø thieän ñeå giuùp ñôõ nhöõng ngöôøi coù hoaøn caûnh khoù khaên. Quan nieäm “Chia Seû Vì Coäng Ñoàng” haøi hoøa lôïi ích doanh nghieäp vôùi lôïi ích xaõ hoäi khoâng chæ ñöôïc theå hieän trong caùc chính saùch phuùc lôïi cho ngöôøi lao ñoäng, maø coøn trong caùc hoaït ñoäng phaùt trieån coäng ñoàng.

Chöông trình hieán maùu nhaân ñaïo “Nhöõng traùi tim yeâu thöông” ñaõ thu huùt söï tham gia cuûa haøng traêm caùn boä, nhaân vieân ñang coâng taùc taïi taäp ñoaøn. Taäp theå Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ tình nguyeän hieán hôn 260 ñôn vò maùu cho caùc beänh nhaân ñang caàn truyeàn maùu. Ñoâng Phöông Group laø ñôn vò taøi trôï chính thöùc cuûa chuoãi söï kieän Giaûi thöôûng “Daûi Baêng Ñoû” nhaèm tuyeân döông nhöõng caù nhaân ñoùng goùp tích cöïc cho phoøng choáng HIV/AIDS taïi Vieät Nam vaø keâu goïi coäng ñoàng giaûm kyø thò phaân bieät ñoái xöû vôùi ngöôøi nhieãm beänh.

Ngoaøi ra, Taäp ñoaøn coøn taøi trôï cho chöông trình “Thaép saùng löûa yeâu thöông” haèng naêm do Hoäi doanh nhaân Coâng giaùo toå chöùc, ñoùng goùp cho Quyõ cöùu trôï ngöôøi ngheøo vaø khoù khaên cuûa Quaän Goø Vaáp, Quaän 5, Quaän 7, ñoùng goùp Quyõ töø thieän xaõ hoäi Quaän Taân Bình haèng naêm; ñoàng thôøi taøi trôï caùc chöông trình “Moå maét”, “Moå tim” cho ngöôøi ngheøo. Vôùi söï tham gia nhieät tình vaøo caùc hoaït ñoäng thieát thöïc höôùng veà coäng ñoàng, Ñoâng Phöông Group ngaøy caøng nhaän ñöôïc söï tín nhieäm, yeâu thöông cuûa coäng ñoàng cuõng nhö taïo daáu aán nhaân vaên, traùch nhieäm trong coäng ñoàng xaõ hoäi.




Parallel with business operation, Dong Phuong Group is always aware of its responsibility with the community and society. Over the years, Dong Phuong Group has taken part in charity programs or sponsored charity funds. The thought of “sharing for the community, harmonizing corporate and social benefits” is reflected not only in welfare policies for indoor staff but also in community development activities. The blood donor program “Loving Hearts” has attracted the participation of hundreds of staff working at the group, contributing more than 260 blood bag for patients in need.

Dong Phuong Group is the official sponsor for the series Red Banner Awards honoring individuals with active contribution to the cause of HIV/AIDS fighting in Vietnam, also calling for the public to reduce unfavorable treatment with the patients. Besides, Dong Phuong Group is the annual sponsor for the program “Lighting the fire of love” organized by Catholic Enterprise Association. It also contributes to the fund for the poor and the needing of Go Vap District, District 5 and District 7 as well as to the social charity fund of Distric Tan Binh. It also sponsors programs to help the poor do eye and heart surgeries.

With enthusiastic participation in practical community activities, Dong Phuong Group is gaining more and more trust and love from the community; all the way it is making humanitarian and responsible contribution to the community.



Nguyeãn Thò Kieàu Dieãm Sales Manager Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò The ADORA - Grand View

Nhöõng naêm thaùng sinh vieân, toâi ñaõ laøm theâm baùn thôøi gian ôû caùc chi nhaùnh Le Dong Phuong vaø nhaän ra mình coù naêng khieáu trong lónh vöïc naøy neân khi ra tröôøng toâi quyeát ñònh xin öùng tuyeån vaøo taäp ñoaøn. Ñoù laø vaøo thaùng 11 naêm 2009, ôû thôøi ñieåm ñoù, tuy moïi thöù coøn nhieàu haïn cheá nhöng toâi luoân nghó Ñoâng Phöông Group laø moät moâi tröôøng toát ñeå toâi phaùt huy naêng löïc baûn thaân. Nhöõng ngaøy ñaàu, moïi thöù ñeàu ñöôïc baét ñaàu baèng kinh nghieäm thöïc teá. Sau ñoù, kyõ naêng cuûa toâi ñaõ ñöôïc naâng leân ñaùng keå qua caùc ñôït ñaøo taïo, huaán luyeän baøi baûn cuûa taäp ñoaøn, ñaëc bieät nhaát laø nhöõng buoåi chia seû cuûa OÂng Buøi Thanh Löông - Giaùm ñoác ñieàu haønh ñaõ giuùp toâi cuûng coá theâm caùc kyõ naêng meàm. Coøn hieän giôø, söï hoïc hoûi trao ñoåi qua laïi vôùi ñoàng nghieäp vaø caáp treân laø ñieàu kieän tuyeät vôøi nhaát cho söï phaùt trieån baûn thaân.

Thaám thoaùt thôøi gian troâi nhanh, toâi ñaõ gaén boù vôùi Ñoâng Phöông Group ñöôïc 15 naêm. Moâi tröôøng laøm vieäc hoøa ñoàng, thaân thieän vaø söï hoã trôï tích cöïc töø caùc caáp laõnh ñaïo cuõng nhö caùc phoøng ban ñaõ giuùp toâi raát nhieàu trong vieäc hoaøn thieän baûn thaân vaø thaêng tieán töø vò trí nhaân vieân leã taân ñeán ñaûm nhaän vò trí Tröôûng phoøng Kinh doanh. Tuy nhieân, khoù khaên lôùn nhaát maø toâi phaûi ñoái maët laø “laøm sao ñeå mang ñeán söï haøi loøng toát nhaát cho nhöõng khaùch haøng khoù tính nhaát”. Ñaây cuõng chính laø muïc tieâu phaán ñaáu treân con ñöôøng söï nghieäp cuûa toâi. Söï va chaïm trong coâng vieäc, phaûi thöôøng xuyeân tieáp xuùc vôùi khaùch haøng, ñaëc bieät laø nhöõng khaùch haøng khoù tính, nhöõng tình huoáng khoù khaên ñaõ giuùp toâi tích luõy ñöôïc nhieàu baøi hoïc quyù baùu trong cuoäc soáng cuõng nhö trong coâng vieäc. Vaø quan

Ñoâng Phöông Group laø moät moâi tröôøng laøm vieäc raát thaân thieän vaø nhieàu tieàm naêng cho nhöõng caù nhaân bieát noã löïc. Ñoàng nghieäp raát hoøa ñoàng vaø saün saøng hoã trôï nghieäp vuï, chia seû khoù khaên, buoàn vui trong cuoäc soáng. Trong thôøi gian laøm vieäc taïi Ñoâng Phöông Group, coù nhöõng thay ñoåi tích cöïc ñaõ ñeå laïi aán töôïng cho toâi, ñaàu tieân laø söï hình thaønh boä maùy haønh chính vaø caùc ban ngaønh ñaõ taïo ra moät dieän maïo hoaøn toaøn môùi cho taäp ñoaøn; chính saùch tieàn löông, thöôûng vaø taêng khaåu phaàn aên laø moät söï thay ñoåi lôùn trong chieàu daøi phaùt trieån cuûa coâng ty. Taàm voùc cuûa taäp ñoaøn laø nieàm töï haøo khi toâi keå ñieàu ñoù cho baïn beø vaø ngöôøi thaân. Moâi tröôøng thuaän lôïi, cô hoäi phaùt trieån vaø nieàm ñam meâ ngheà nghieäp ñaõ vaø seõ giuùp toâi gaén boù laâu daøi vôùi Ñoâng Phöông Group. Toâi tin raèng thaønh coâng laø keát quaû cuûa söï coá gaéng. Haõy laøm vieäc, baïn seõ nhaän ñöôïc thaønh quaû töông xöùng.

troïng hôn heát, töø söï höôùng daãn taän tình cuûa caùc anh chò ñi tröôùc, toâi ñaõ lónh hoäi ñöôïc nhieàu kinh nghieäm trong ngaønh dòch vuï meán khaùch. Ngoaøi ra, toâi coøn ñöôïc tham döï caùc khoùa ñaøo taïo kyõ naêng meàm, kyõ naêng baùn haøng vaø kyõ naêng quaûn lyù do Ñoâng Phöông Group toå chöùc ñeå naâng cao kieán thöùc vaø nghieäp vuï. Töø laâu, toâi ñaõ xem Ñoâng Phöông Group nhö ngoâi nhaø thöù hai vaø xem caùc ñoàng nghieäp nhö caùc anh chò em trong moät ñaïi gia ñình. Loøng yeâu ngheà vaø söï ñam meâ ñaõ gaén boù toâi vôùi Ñoâng Phöông Group cho ñeán ngaøy hoâm nay. Ñoâng Phöông Group maõi luoân laø nieàm töï haøo cuûa toâi, cuûa caùc anh chò em ñaõ vaø ñang laøm vieäc chung moät maùi nhaø.

Leâ Anh Vieät Assistant Operations Manager Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò The ADORA - Grand View

2 naêm tröôùc, khi nhaän ñöôïc lôøi môøi veà Ñoâng Phöông Group, toâi ñaõ tìm hieåu vaø nhaän thaáy ñaây laø moät taäp ñoaøn coù ñònh höôùng phaùt trieån laâu daøi neân quyeát ñònh gia nhaäp. Toâi ñaõ phaûi maát moät khoaûng thôøi gian ñeå tìm hieåu vaø hoäi nhaäp vaên hoùa taäp ñoaøn. Ñieàu may maén laø toâi ñöôïc söï tin töôûng tuyeät ñoái cuûa caáp treân neân ñöôïc giao phoù ñieàu haønh coâng vieäc moät caùch chuû ñoäng. Beân caïnh ñoù, söï uûng hoä cuûa ñoàng nghieäp, söï hoã trôï chæ ñaïo kòp thôøi cuûa caáp laõnh ñaïo ñaõ giuùp coâng vieäc oån ñònh ñaït hieäu quaû nhaát ñònh. Traàn Baøng Phi General Manager Trung taâm Yeán tieäc & Hoäi nghò Le Dong Phuong - Luõy Baùn Bích

Ñoâng Phöông Group laø moâi tröôøng naêng ñoäng vaø ñaày thöû thaùch, laø nôi ñeå toâi phaùt huy naêng löïc vaø phaùt trieån söï nghieäp. ÔÛ cöông vò hieän taïi, toâi thöôøng ñaøo taïo caáp döôùi ñeå boå trôï vaø giuùp caùc baïn laøm vieäc toát hôn, maët khaùc toâi vaãn thöôøng xuyeân nhaän ñöôïc quan taâm vaø ñöôïc huaán luyeän, chia seû kinh nghieäm töø caùc caáp laõnh ñaïo. Trong thôøi gian coâng taùc taïi Ñoâng Phöông Group, toâi ñaõ ruùt ra cho mình nhöõng baøi hoïc

Toâi gia nhaäp Ñoâng Phöông Group khi ñaõ coù 12 naêm kinh nghieäm trong lónh vöïc dòch vuï meán khaùch. Toâi nhaän thaáy ñaây laø moät moâi tröôøng laøm vieäc chuyeân nghieäp, thaân thieän vaø nhieät tình. Ngaønh dòch vuï meán khaùch thöôøng bieán ñoäng veà nhaân söï, tuy nhieân Ñoâng Phöông Group luoân coù chính saùch ñaõi ngoä vaø cheá ñoä löông boång toát neân nhaân vieân ñeàu gaén boù laâu daøi, khoâng nhöõng theá coøn thu huùt ñöôïc nhieàu öùng vieân môùi coù trình ñoä cao vaøo laøm vieäc taïi taäp ñoaøn. Ngoaøi vieäc quan taâm ñeán ñôøi soáng caùn boä, nhaân vieân, Ñoâng Phöông Group coøn tích cöïc giuùp ñôõ coäng ñoàng xaõ hoäi thoâng qua caùc chöông trình thieän nguyeän. Beân caïnh ñoù, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ hôïp taùc vôùi caùc tröôøng ñaïi hoïc, cao ñaúng ñeå taïo

quyù giaù laø phaûi luoân hoïc hoûi khoâng ngöøng ñeå khi coù cô hoäi laø phaùt huy; ñöøng sôï maéc sai laàm, haõy cöù nhieät huyeát vaø haønh ñoäng; neân laøm vieäc theo caùc böôùc Leân keá hoaïch - Trieån khai Thöïc hieän - Theo doõi tieán ñoä - Kieåm tra laïi. Toâi mong raèng lôùp nhaân vieân treû cuõng seõ luoân laøm vieäc vôùi tö duy cuûa moät ngöôøi chuû, luoân naêng ñoäng, saùng taïo vaø khoâng ngöøng hoïc hoûi kinh nghieäm cuûa nhöõng ngöôøi ñi tröôùc. Toâi muoán gaén boù laâu daøi vôùi Ñoâng Phöông Group vì toâi ñaõ tìm thaáy con ñöôøng töông lai cuûa mình taïi ñaây. Chuû ñaàu tö, ñaëc bieät laø Ban giaùm ñoác ñaõ raát tin töôûng vaø trao quyeàn cho chuùng toâi, vaø quan troïng hôn laø luoân theå hieän söï quan taâm kòp thôøi khi chuùng toâi gaëp khoù khaên, trôû ngaïi. Nhaân kyû nieäm 20 naêm thaønh laäp, toâi xin chuùc cho Ñoâng Phöông Group luoân phaùt trieån vöõng maïnh vaø thu huùt ngaøy caøng nhieàu nhaân taøi ñeå ñöa Taäp ñoaøn vöôn xa hôn treân thöông tröôøng.

ñieàu kieän thöïc taäp, laøm vieäc cho caùc sinh vieân chuyeân ngaønh nhaø haøng, khaùch saïn, cuï theå laø hôïp taùc vôùi tröôøng Ñaïi hoïc Coâng ngheä Tp.HCM (Hutech). Ñoâng Phöông Group laø nôi toâi coù theå phaùt huy naêng löïc, trao doài kyõ naêng ngheà nghieäp vaø laøm vieäc vôùi nhöõng ngöôøi coù chuyeân moân cao. Trong thôøi gian coâng taùc, toâi luoân nhaän ñöôïc söï chæ ñaïo vaø höôùng daãn kòp thôøi cuûa caáp treân moãi khi gaëp khoù khaên trong coâng vieäc. Toâi ñaõ hoïc hoûi raát nhieàu kinh nghieäm vaø caùch thöùc giaûi quyeát coâng vieäc töø ban laõnh ñaïo. Toâi töï haøo laø thaønh vieân cuûa moät taäp ñoaøn coù quy moâ lôùn nhaát Vieät Nam trong lónh vöïc yeán tieäc, hoäi nghò.

Leâ Thò Thu Trinh Tröôûng phoøng Haønh chính - Nhaân söï


DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT, OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH AND THE PASSION FOR WORK CONSTITUTE THE UNITEDNESS Time flies when I realized that I’ve been with Dong Phuong Group for 15 years. Over years of effort, from the position of a receptionist now I am promoted to sales manager. It is the harmonious and friendly working environment as well as the enthusiastic support from leaders and other departments in the group that has helped me a lot in completing myself and getting promoted in my career.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Kieu Diem Sales Manager The ADORA - Grand View

As a student, I worked part time at different centers of Le Dong Phuong. Upon the realization that I am competent in this field, I applied to the group after graduation. That was November of 2009. Despite the group’s limitation then, I have always thought that Dong Phuong Group is a good environment for me to fulfill myself. At first, I trained myself on the job. After that my skills have improved gradually through the group’s training courses, especially the sharing sessions of Mr Bui Thanh Luong, Managing Director which helps me nurture soft skills. At present, the experience and knowledge that I accumulate from communication and cooperation with my colleagues and seniors are contributing best to my fulfillment. Dong Phuong Group is a friendly and potential working environment for those who strive.

The biggest challenge I face is how to make the most difficult customers satisfied. This is also the target in my career. I’ve drawn many valuable lessons both in life and in work as I am in constant contact with customers, especially those challenging ones, and have to deal with various difficult situations. And

above all, I have gained enriched experiences in hospitality thanks to the guidance of my seniors. Apart from that, I also have had many opportunities to take part in training courses on soft skills, sales skills and management skills that Dong Phuong Group offers to improve staff’s knowledge and expertise. For long I have considered Dong Phuong Group as my second home and my colleagues as brothers and sisters in a big family. The love for my work and passion have me stay with Dong Phuong Group till this day. Dong Phuong Group will always be the pride for me and my brothers and sisters working under one roof.

The staff here is very cheerful and supportive; they are willing to share with you everything, from happiness to sadness in life. Changes in Dong Phuong Group that create good impression on me include the formation of a dedicated administration department as well as the completion of the group organization that bring about a new face for the group, compensation policies and improvements in staff’s serving. All are big changes of the group. It is the magnitude of the group that makes me proud whenever I talk about it with my friends and relatives. Favorable working conditions, promotion opportunity and passion for work have always been instrumental in getting me stay for long with Dong Phuong Group. I believe that success comes from effort. Work and you’ll get what you deserve.

Mr. Le Anh Viet Assistant Operations Manager The ADORA - Grand View

Mr. Tran Bang Phi General Manager Le Dong Phuong - Luy Ban Bich

I have been working at Dong Phuong Group for nearly two years. After receiving invitations to join it, I studied and found that this was a group with a long-term vision so I agreed. It took me two months to socialize the group’s culture. I am a punctual person with clear goals in mind and I supervise the progress of work closely. At first, the staff was not family with my working style and they were still behind schedule and were not efficient in their work. On the other hand, there was a lack of connection and understanding among team members, which posed some certain challenges to the team. Luckily, I gained the absolute trust from the BOD who assigned me with proactive power to independently execute my authority. Besides, the support of my colleagues and timely guidance of the leadership helped me settle down the work and began to show good results. Dong Phuong group is an active and challenging environment where I can use my talent and

I joined Dong Phuong Group after 12 years of experience in hospitality. I find that this is a professional, friendly and enthusiastic working environment. Hospitality industry has high employee turnover rate; however, due to preferable treatment and good compensation policies all the staff here maintains their longterm commitment with the group, at the same time the group could attract new talents to join it. Beside their care of staff’s lives, Dong Phuong Group is also proactive in helping the communities via their charity programs. Moreover, the group is also cooperating with colleges and universities to receive their students majoring in hospitality as trainees, especially the cooperation with HCMC University of Technology.

develop my career. Now I train my juniors and help them work more effectively. In my turn, I often receive training and sharing as well as the consideration from my seniors. The time at Dong Phuong Group gives me valuable lessons such as: learn constantly, be enthusiastic and take action, work in the order of Planning - Deploying - Implementing - Tracking - Checking. I hope that the young generation of the staff here will also work with the mind of a master who is always proactive, creative and is always learning from the seniors. I want to stay long here because I find my future in Dong Phuong Group. The BOD is showing confidence in me and they are always showing their timely support whenever we encounter obstacles. I wish Dong Phuong Group will be always developing and attracting more and more talents so that the group will be quickly brought forward into the future.

Dong Phuong Group is where I could realize my potential, improve my professional skills and work with experts. I have always been receiving timely guidance from my seniors whenever I encounter challenges at work and I have learnt a lot about dealing with difficulties from the leadership. I am proud to be a member of the greatest corporation in wedding and convention field in Vietnam.

Ms. Le Thi Thu Trinh Human Resources Manager

LỜI KẾT Quyù baïn ñoïc thaân meán, Taäp kyû yeáu phaàn naøo ñaõ khaéc hoïa ngaén goïn lòch söû hình thaønh vaø caùc giai ñoaïn phaùt trieån quan troïng cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group trong 20 naêm qua. Nhöõng trang kyû yeáu Quyù vò vöøa xem laø nhöõng gì coâ ñoïng vaø yù nghóa nhaát veà quaù trình phaán ñaáu cuõng nhö nhöõng thaønh coâng nhaát ñònh maø Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ ñaït ñöôïc. Vôùi söï ñoaøn keát, naêng ñoäng cuûa ñoäi nguõ laõnh ñaïo vaø söï nhieät huyeát saùng taïo cuûa toaøn theå nhaân vieân, Ñoâng Phöông Group ñaõ taïo ñöôïc vò theá haøng ñaàu trong ngaønh dòch vuï yeán tieäc, hoäi nghò. Tuy nhieân, chaëng ñöôøng phía tröôùc vaãn coøn voâ vaøn nhöõng thöû thaùch, chuùng toâi tin raèng vôùi truyeàn thoáng saün saøng vöôït khoù, yù chí vöôn leân cuøng söï tín nhieäm vaø uûng hoä cuûa taát caû caùc cô quan ban ngaønh ñòa phöông, khaùch haøng, ñoái taùc, Ñoâng Phöông Group seõ nhanh choùng chinh phuïc caùc muïc tieâu vaø nhöõng thaønh töïu lôùn hôn trong töông lai. Theá heä ñi tröôùc ñaõ thaép saùng nieàm tin cho theá heä mai sau böôùc vaøo moät thôøi vaän môùi. Lòch söû veû vang cuûa Ñoâng Phöông Group seõ ñöôïc vieát tieáp trong caùc aán phaåm sau bôûi nhöõng ngöôøi keá thöøa ngoïn löûa nhieät huyeát cuûa theá heä ñi tröôùc.

CONCLUSION Dear valued readers, This yearbook describes in part the history and development as well as landmarks of Dong Phuong Group over the course of 20 years. The pages that you have gone through is the succinct brief of the effort process as well as certain success that Dong Phuong Group has achieved. Given the solidarity and proactiveness of the leadership as well as the enthusiasm and creativity of the staff, Dong Phuong Group has put itself in the leading position of hospitality field. However, the journey ahead remain challenging. But we believe that with our tradition of overcoming difficulties, strong will and the trust and support of all government agencies, our customers and partners, Dong Phuong Group will quickly meet its targets and gain more bigger achievements in the future. The old generation has light the fire of hope for the next generation into a new destiny. The glorious history of Dong Phuong Group will be written down in the next yearbooks by those inheriting the enthusiasm of the foregone generation.



431 Hoang Van Thu St., Ward 4, Tan Binh Dist., HCMC Tel: (84-8) 6296 6114 | Fax: (84-8) 62923058

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