Tavico pro 2015 eng 051015 final

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Tree planting

Table of contents 03 06 08 09 10 12

Timber Supply Chain Chairman’s Message Tavico’s History Corporate Strategy Tavico Overview Tavico Distribution System

12 Hardwood Sources 14 Tavico Distribution Center

Tavico is striving to become “an important link” in the timber sector worldwide supply chain...

Tavico is striving to become “an important link” in the timber sector worldwide supply chain, creating a legal, efficient and stable source of timber for local and international customers.

16 Bonded Warehouse

18 20 22 24


Timber material

Human Resources Service Business Corporate Social Responsibility

Wooden Furniture and


Interior manufacture


Tavico Profile Company 2015



“The leading imported hardwood distributor in Vietnam” “We’re always searching for the world’s best legal hardwood sources to create the stable and efficient market for our clients while contributing the protection of the forest in Vietnam and the world.”


Tavico Profile Company 2015


Dear clients,

our challenges whilst encouraging Tavico. In particular, we also appreciate greatly the consensus and high-degree

In context of global integration, Tavico has been striving to

determination shown by all staff and employees who have

become “an important link” in the timber sector worldwide

shared Tavico’s many difficulties and challenges in order to

supply chain. “A link” that creates legal, efficient and stable

achieve our today success.

sources of lumber for timber processing factories, wooden furniture manufacturer and timber supplier etc., all the while

On behalf of the company, we would like to express our

contributing to the sustainable development of the timber

sincere thanks to all of you, who have trusted and supported

sector in Vietnam.

us. We believe that our relationship will continue to ensuring our better future of sustainable development.

Over the period of Tavico’s establishment and development, We have been widely recognised as a professional imported

Yours sincerely,

hardwood distributor in Vietnam, a fact which is a source of great pride to us. This success and honor is attributable to

Vo Quang Ha

the reliance shown to us by our valuable clients, suppliers


and partners of Tavico since the beginning. We are also proud of how Tavico has developed step by step with the Vietnamese timber sector. This sense of provides Tavico with a strong spirit and confidence in our business. The existence of the Tavico Timber Distribution System once again affirms Tavico’s commitment to our valuable clients, suppliers and partners and also the Vietnamese timber sector. The timber supplied by Tavico comes from the best timber exploitation in the world, Tavico’s timber distribution center, bonded warehouse and service zone. We believe that our system creates and delivers the best products and services to both local and regional markets, such as South East Asia countries, China, Japan, and

“Tavico is becoming the foremost professional hardwood distributor in Vietnam and South East Asia.” Vo Quang Ha - TAVICO’s Founder


Chairman’s message

South Korea. Each step we have taken marks a memorable milestone and we are appreciate grateful to our valuable clients, suppliers, partners and shareholders who have shared

Tavico Profile Company 2015



Corporate Strategy

Thoughout years of Tavico’s operation, we have strived to realise our mission of securing stable and efficient sources of timber for our clients. Pushing through difficulties and challenges, Tavico has achieved a firm foundation and great progress which will help to boost the business in the nearest future.



“Tavico’s mission is to create a legal, stable and efficient source of timber for the market.” Vo Quang Ha - Chairman



Business stabilisation and expansion

Reaching out

• In 2005, Tavico Timber was

• In 2010, Tavico continued to stabilise

• In 2015, Tavico officially set



Business strategy

Tavico’s mission is to create a legal,

Becoming the foremost professional

Tavico will strengthen and stabilise

stable and efficient source of timber

hardwood distributor in Vietnam and

the local timber market, expanding

South East Asia.

its distribution system to the whole

established and specialised in

timber sources and markets, and

up a professional timber

for the market.

sawing and drying logs which

expanded the business by sourcing

distribution system and joined the

By realising this mission, Tavico is also

were imported from different

lumber from other prestigious

international timber supply chain.

creating the following values:


annual growth and build up our

parts of the world.

suppliers in the world. Tavico Mart

• Bringing “Go Tay (foreign timber) to

Corporate culture is built upon the

warehouses in order to make products

principles of “Development, honesty,

available throughout South East Asian

equality, cooperation, and compliance”

countries, China, Japan and South

which are nurtured in each person at


Vietnamese houses”.

was born and became the first

• Contributing to forest protection

timber supermarket in Vietnam.

throughout Vietnam. • Bringing about a better life for each

country in order to maintain stable


person at Tavico in accordance with

Commitments made of Tavico:

Tavico will build up a pool of skilled and

the principle: “joint efforts– mutual

• To clients: securing a stable and

highly qualified staffs and employees


efficient source of timber. • To staff and employees: joint efforts, mutual development • To Vietnamese Timber Sector: legally imported timber for the sake

in order to ensure efficient operation, resource management and enhanced competitiveness. This will allow us to adapt to and meet the precise needs of our clients.

of forest protection in Vietnam. Products





enhancing cooperation with suppliers in the world’s largest timber producing zones. Other timber sector related products will be included, such as screws and other fixings. With our well-planned and long-term business strategy, Tavico will bring

18.000 m3 Sawn logs

12.000 m3 Dried lumber

45.000 m3 Sawn logs

40.000 m3 Dried lumber

72.000 m3 Sawn logs

our practical values to our clients and

75.000 m3

partners, both local and international,

Dried lumber

thereby ensuring our growth and professionalism.



Tavico Profile Company 2015


Tavico Overview Strategic location

Tan Vinh Cuu Joint Stock Company (Tavico) was established in 2005. After 10 years of operation, Tavico is widely regarded by many enterprises in the Vietnamese timber sector as the leading imported timber distributor in Vietnam.

The company is located in Tan Bien ward, Bien Hoa city, close to national highway 1A – which is a national arterial route, and provides access to many of the big cities across the country. This road access advantage makes it convenient for our clients and partners from all parts of the country to visit Tavico.

Binh Long



Bao Loc

Tavico Distribution Center

Total area

158,000 m


Sawn logs zone

Sawn workshop



54,000 m

60,000 m

Tay Ninh

Cat Tien National Park

sawn log/year Thu Dau Mot

Bonded warehouse

38,000 m2

Warehouse and supermarket

61,000 m2


Drying workshop

30,000 m3 sawn and

Phan Thiet

Ho Chi Minh City

dried lumber/year



Vung Tau

Cao Lanh

Ba Ria

My Tho

Recreational area

5,000 m2


300 persons

Ben Tre Vinh Long

Bonded warehouse


Tavico Overview

Tavico Profile Company 2015


Tavico distribution system Hardwood sources

Distribution system

Tavico has cooperated with many prestigious natural timber logging corporations and organizations in the world, including those from Europe, United States, Canada, Japan, Russia and Australia...

Tavico is the largest imported timber distribution system in Vietnam, including Tavico distribution center and Tavico bonded warehouse.

With premises totaling an area of up to 158.000m2, the company is able to store different types and large quantity timber, thereby meeting our client’s needs at any point of time. Tavico comprehensive facilities provide clients the various options of high quality timbers with minimal timber loss. Quality-based timber’s classification also helps clients easily select timber appropriate for their intended use, optimize cost and shorten their implementation timeline. Our professional and highly qualified staffs and employees are ready to meet all of our clients’ needs, ensuring quality service and delivering the highest quality and correct specification timbers to our customers. In addition, Tavico’s timber consulting services provide clients with a better understanding of and more appropriate use of timber. Tavico also provides comprehensive services with our two Having an understanding of the

Afforestation and timber logging in

Tavico therefore has brought about

fully-equipped and professional workshops – one

need for timber with a clear origin,

these countries are very well managed

values for our society to promote

sawing workshop and one drying workshop.



and strictly controlled; therefore, their

both a reduction in deforestation,


timber sources are diverse and stable.

as well increasing awareness of the

development, Tavico has cooperated

For this reason, all timber imported by

importance forest resource protection



Tavico has the necessary certificate of

in Vietnam. This also helps to enhance

timber logging corporations and

origin showing that the timber logging

the competitiveness of Vietnamese

organizations in the world, including

was appropriately controlled and in

wood products in the world market.

those from Europe, United States,

compliance with laws in our source

Canada, Japan, Russia and Australia...





security and


Tavico Distribution System

Tavico Profile Company 2015


Tavico distribution center Tavico is known to many enterprises

of timber, from logs or ready dried

Information about different types of

in Vietnam timber sector as the largest

lumber from the supermarket. Tavico

timber is published in detail, including

timber distributor in Vietnam. Our

is ready to provide any client’s special


timber stock is diverse with any types

requirements for sawn and/or dried

origin. They are also properly arranged

of timber including oak, ash, beech,

logs, as the center has a well-equipped

in separate sections, making it simple

cherry, and poplar imported from

and professional sawing and drying

for clients to find and select their

different timber producing zones of

workshop, allowing on-site production

desired timber.

the world.

of high quality timber with minimal

Clients can select from a wide range

timber loss during actual application.

Client service

Log market

Sawn workshop



Tavico Distribution System

Sawn/dried timber supermarket




Drying workshop

Tavico Profile Company 2015


Tavico bonded warehouse

Location Long Binh JSC, Bien Hoa, Dong Nai

The bonded warehouse is located inside the

timber stock enables clients to promptly

ICD Tan Cang - Long Binh JSC in Bien Hoa

select their desired products from a broad

city, with an area of up to 38,000m . The

category of timber, saving time and feeling


bonded warehouse stores a large quantity

secure as they can check the timber quality


of imported dried lumber. Readily available

before buying.



Tavico Distribution System

Tavico Profile Company 2015


Human resources Tavico convenes young, highly-qualified staffs who are enthusiasm with company strategy and delicate to the company development.

Tavico is home to active, dedicated and responsible individuals.


Human Resources

Tavico is home to active, dedicated

The acquisition, development and

encouraging our staff to develop their

and responsible individuals. Each staff

retention of skilled and highly qualified

capacity, personal skills and future

and employee is striving towards one

people is the top priority at Tavico


single objective, which is bringing

as this lays the foundation for any

about satisfaction and confidence for

success. We focus on creating a

clients and partners.



Tavico Profile Company 2015



Services At Tavico, our clients will be provided with completed services, ranging from free-of-charge consultancy to sawing and/ or drying and transport of timber to their target sites or workshops. Free-of-charge consultancy

Other services

A team of dedicated experts with many years of experience

timber and lumber.

and a deep understanding of timber consult and provide to clients with inputs about timber specifications, intended

Selling/buying and consigning of different types of

Cooperation in the implementation of large scale

use, storage methods and efficient ways of utilization or

projects, such as apartment buildings, sky-rise

sawing or drying of timber.

buildings, hotels, and resorts etc.

Tavico frequently organize workshops to promote sharing

24/24 delivery service. A delivery team and various

and exchange of information in the timber sector, at the “Go

capacity trucks ensure that our products will be

Tay” club-house.

delivered to our clients at the earliest time possible. •

Large recreational area, pick-up cars, free lunch and

Timber sawing and/or drying service

rooms that make the comfort for our clients to visit

Timber sawing and drying is an important step in timber


processing. With skilled, highly qualified human resources and comprehensively equipped infrastructure, Tavico is able to meet any requirement for timber sawing and drying to produce timber of any specifications and humidity.




Wood Consultant Impressive benefit


Timber sawing and/or drying Any particular requirements


Selling/buying and consigning Timber categories


Cooperation In the construction of large project


Tavico Profile Company 2015

Delivery To clients’s destination


Pick-up, lunch and rooms Free for clients



Mr. Bill Courtney President, Classic American Hardwoods, Inc.

Tavico builds business cooperation upon the principle of confidence, respect and benefits. Many of Tavico’s partners have acknowledged the practical values brought about by the company.

“We, at Classic American, are proud of the relationship we have had with Tavico since 2009. We, of course, appreciate Tavico as one of our largest customers, but perhaps more importantly, appreciate Tavico as one of our best friends. Over the course of any business relationship, two companies will inevitably experience price fluctuations in the market, challenges in product requirements, and changes in the marketplace. It is not these challenges that define the relationship, but rather the way in which they are handled that defines the relationship. Tavico and Classic American Hardwoods have always approached these challenges together as partners rather than as advisories, and as a result have built a trusted relationship


that transcends business.”

Tavico is constantly expanding our

furniture manufacturer in Vietnam.

Our success of timber exportation in

distribution systems, both local and

Aside from the local market, Tavico is

the fastidiuos markets which defines

worldwide, to ensure stable and

also expanding international markets

Tavico to the top level of timber brand

efficient supply of timber to clients.

and supplying timber for regular

in Vietnam and worldwide.

Our nationwide distribution system

clients in developed countries such as

meets the timeline purchase order

Japan, South Korea and other potential


markets like China and Singapore, as

At present, Tavico is supplying timber

well as developing countries like Laos,

for large and prestigious wooden

Cambodia and Myanmar, etc.

Mr. Volker Ohnemus Owner of M&O, Germany “We are very happy, that we found in Tavico one of our best and trustful business partner. Tavico was always a stable and constant business partner at any time and circumstances. Hope that this cooperation will continue in friendship forever.”

Mr. Le Dinh Thanh Vice President, Thanh Khue Company “The 5 year relationship between Thanh Khue and Tavico has been wonderful. We appreciate Tavico as a quality and prestigious hardwood distributor. Their lovely services make us feel so comfortable when we are working together. As a wooden furniture professional handicraft Pte. Enterprise. We appreciate every supports


which we had from Tavico.” Over the past few years, Tavico has



our long term and efficient operation.

developed cooperative relations with

business relationship with the Bank

Tavico also cooperates with ICD Tan

large and prestigious corporations,

for Investment and Development

Cang – Long Binh JSC for logistics

both foreign and domestic.

of Vietnam (BIDV) - a local partner

and customs services.

Our international timber suppliers are

helping us to secure stable finance for




Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Thien President, Huy Phan Phat Company “Before Tavico, we used to buy cheery wood in Vietnam which is hard to find and

all reputable and trusted partners,

less profit. So since 2010 till now, we’ve earned a better profit by using oak wood

coming from Europe, the United

from Tavico as it’s stablize at both its source and price help us gain initiative in

States, Canada and Russia etc.


Financial partner

Affiliate partners Mr. Hoang Xuan Huong President of Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam - Dong Nai Branch “Tavico success is a cause of their effort reputation and responsibility. Their Board magement has built an judicious, realistic development strategy vision.”



Tavico Profile Company 2015


Social Responsibility “Working for a better society” is one of an important job which Tavico always enjoys to do. Tavico cares lot about people life, give out their helping

At the same time, Tavico not only is a great sponsor for

hand for everyone in need by organizing so many sport

local activities such as maintaining local roads, but also is

programs for their staffs and children that help bringing

a member of Society Supporting Program which organized

people together for a healthier life.

by HAWA organization (Handicraft and Wood Industry

Mr. Nguyen Phu Cuong Vice Chairman of Bien Hoa People’s Committee

Mr. Huynh Van Hanh HAWA’s Vice Chairman

“Tavico is one of representative company of Dong Nai,

“We appreciate everything which Tavico has done for the

Bien Hoa. Beside contributing money for city budget,

society, especially their donation for Flood Relief Fund for

creating many career opportunities, Tavico also help local

people who are effected by flood in Binh Dinh, Nghe An.

people have more comfortable life in urban civilization by

Japanese Tsunami, etc. which are organized by HAWA

maintaining the roads, building a public park.”


Association of Ho Chi Minh City).

About hardwood, Tavico always focus on legality of wood, ensuring the ecological quality for all enterprises. This is a new way of social responsibility.”


Social responsibility

Tavico Profile Company 2015



“We commit securing a stable and efficient source of legal timber for our clients�


Tan Vinh Cuu Joint Stock Company - Tavico Headquarters Quarter 9, Ward Tan Bien, Bien Hoa City Dong Nai, Vietnam Tel: (84.61) 3 888100 - 3 888 101 Fax: (84.61) 3 888 105 Office 204/5 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, District 2 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tel: (84.8) 7307 8088 Hai Phong branch 7 Apartment 116, Cat Cut Ward, Le Chan District Hai Phong City, Vietnam Tel: (84) 0936 678 699 - 0318 602 609 Fax: (031) 3 955 469 http://www.tavicowood.com

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