>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> LO/0267/2008 validità dal 18/02/2008
YEAR 9 - n. 2 - NOVEMBER 2009
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CONTENTS Natural gas vehicles vehicles, energy, environment Milano, November 2009 Year 9 - Issue 2 Six-monthly magazine Reg. Tribunale Milano nº 416 del 9 giugno 2000 Registro operatori di comunicazione n° 8654 editor in chief: Alfredo Zaino editor: Com-Media S.r.l. Via Serio, 16 - 20139 Milano Tel. +39 02-56810171 Fax + 39 02-56810131 E-mail: info@watergas.it Internet: www.watergas.it Publisher: Com-Media S.r.l. Page layout by: Briefing - Milano advertising: Com-Media S.r.l. Printed by: Multigraf S.r.l. Via Colombo, 61 20155 Gorla Minore (VA)
>> TRENDs Mestre and its “canals” for bicycles ......................................................................................... 2 Biogas upgrading and purification systems ........................................................................ 4
>> focus oN NGV Reggio Emilia, the city that has bet on electric sustainable mobility ......................... 16 City air work: the three keys of the success of the Piaggio Porter............................. 18 The future of NGV in the vision of Federmetano ................................................................ 20 To be an environment councillor in Italy: is it an affordable challenge? ................... 24 The energy that drives world originates at the foot of Alps ......................................... 26 Interview to Paolo Petracchi Dresser Wayne Pignone ....................................................30
>> NGV sysTEm ITalIa sEcTIoN A group of twenty large firms, committed to the NGV sector ..................................... 32
>> TEcHNIcal sEcTIoN The new Ministry decree on multi-dispenser and self-service for CNG ....................38
>> EVENTs The eleventh IANGV Conference NGV 2008 – Rio de Janeiro Brazil ...................... 44
>> NEWs fRom NGV comPaNIEs News from NGV companies ........................................................................................................ 68 circulation: 5.000 issues Copyright © by Com-Media S.r.L. Milano All rights reserved. cover: Grande Punto Natural Power
>> usEful PaGEs Italian manufacturers of components for the NGV market ......................................... 77
Mestre and its “canals” for bicycles
In 2005 a turn has occurred to the policies for the sustainable mobility of Venezia: in the mainland the bicycles mobility plan BICIPLAN, has been approved for the main city of Veneto.
The clear target devised by the administration have allowed to elaborate an ambitious project, which contemplates the increase from 53 to 99 kilometres of the bicycle lanes and a series of other interventions to promote the use of the bicycle, for example the reduction of the vehicle traffic. When the plan will be accomplished, there will be sixteen main itineraries, crossing the whole city from suburb to downtown. The enquiries done revealed that in the city about 50% of the trips are no longer than 4 kilometres, a distance which can perfectly be travelled over riding a two wheeled vehicle. As it happens in Bolzano, the use of the bicycle is also promoted by means of information campaigns, aimed at renovating the positive image of the bicycle, proposing it in a different fashion compared to the way it is often seen by many people still today, i.e. a thrifty and uncomfortable travelling tool. “Riding a bike …. you taste the best part of the city”, “…the people”, “…your time”, just to quote some of the slogans used on the posters hanging on the walls all over the city: “The bicycle carries your smile around”. The plan substantially contemplates three steps, to be accomplished in the long run: step 1 is concerning the planning of the sixteen main urban itineraries which link the suburb to downtown, where there is a bicycle lane ring of Mestre; step 2 is concerning the planning of all the secondary bicycle itineraries and the re-qualification of the existing itineraries, to be connected to the main structure; step 3 will be the planning of the extra-urban itineraries and of the spare
time, to connect the bicycle lane structure on the main land to the most valuable itineraries reaching far places which are worth visiting. Some of the target: • increase the mobility by bicycle from the present 3-7% to 15-25% of the total trips, offering to bicycle rider safety, protection and comfort; • apply the rule that trips shorter than 400 metres are done on foot, those shorter than 4 km are done by bicycle, above this distance, the trips are done by means of other vehicles, better if they are collective usage vehicles; • re-qualification of the life of people and of the imagine of urban space; • making the bicycle a friend of the retail at the block shop via the creation of space and opportunities in downtown, where it be possible to establish a well settled mobility by bike like it is in the rest of Europe. Some fundamental criteria have been identified for the design of the bicycle lane network and of the measures to be taken for the modernisation of traffic, to create an efficient, practical and safe for users: hierarchy, continuity, capillarity, recognizability, globality, safety, linearity, attractiveness, comfort. The constant combination of these elements, the consciousness of their importance to obtain good results, seem to be now factors which cannot be renounced when planning of the interventions for promotion of the use of bikes. Mistakes in this planning would result in poor attractiveness of this network, discouraging people from using the bicycle lanes, or even the bicycle at all. And there is the risk of itineraries that might be less safe than expected. Venezia seems to be walking on the right path. The results of this are an increase of bicycle riders and a better satisfaction.
Last but not least, comes the promotion of the use of the bicycle and measures such as sufficient and efficient parking areas, which are suitably located; and interventions on the system of signs, which helps in particular the occasional users or the tourists to better orienting in the city.
Lorenzo Giorgio
Then there are special maps for bicycle users, and info points along the whole itinerary structure; dedicated traffic lights. There are bicycle transit counters, to monitor the trend of the use of the two wheeled vehicle, to analyse the bicycle user behaviour, to better know the “customer�, so to be able to offer him an even more satisfactory product.
bioGas UPGradinG and PUrification systeMs
Vehicle bio-methane is a first-generation bio-fuel that has kept its viability. It has no polluting effect in water and in air quality. After several years of tests related to bio-fuels, “crop-fuels" can no longer offer a solution to reduce our fossil fuel consumption and cut down on Green House Gas emissions. Their intensive production raises social, environmental and energy problems that cannot be resolved for the moment. The European Union encourages the diversity of bio-fuel use and second-generation bio-fuel development. This second-generation fuel comes from various types of bio-mass and allows the recycling of all organic residue found in organic products. It also eases the pressure on the ever-increasing encroachment of pollution on agricultural land. Nevertheless, Biomass to Liquid (BTL), which is the pathway of biomass transformation into liquid fuels, is far from being reached, since it still requires enormous investment in research and development, and could take up to ten years before its arrival on the fuels market. In the meantime, bio-methane for vehicle use still has its place as a secure bio-fuel. The procedure of bio-methanisation is not particularly complex; therefore it could facilitate its rapid development in production. It still offers a great potential, in terms of technological progress, as it is expected to be produced more by a better means in collection and treatment of the organic wastes as well as plant operation optimization. This means less bio-methane vehicle consumption for more efficient vehicles. To achieve the European target (5.75% of bio-fuel by 2010 and 10% by 2020), diversity is essential. Therefore, bio-methane is a bio-fuel with a great future. Today it still plays a marginal role in the natural gas industry. But the interest for it is growing, thanks to the undoubted environmental advantages it brings about, and to its characteristic as a renewable energy. In one of its former issues (autumn 2007), the magazine showed a panoramic of the biogas production potential, and the possible application in the automotive field. We have seen that the potential, even if subject to different evaluation made by the various experts of this sector, is anyway remarkable, and for sure biogas deserves to be included in the national transport framework, besides that of the other gas applications in the residential, industry and productive sectors.
We have also seen that biogas is an optimum “strategic partner” for CNG, as it is a renewable energy source, which can take profit from the same infrastructures. Politicians and decision makers at the national and EU level are more and more sensitive to this theme. Some experts believe that the fossil fuels have left now a short horizon, and in particular the liquid fossil fuels have peaked already; so we have to find alternative solutions as soon as possible. Among the renewable energies, biogas has probably a higher potential than solar and wind energy together. And it offers the side benefits of a remarkable contribution to sustainable waste disposal, and in some case also by-products that are still interesting, such as the natural fertilisers. But every peach has a stone; in fact we have also seen that even if the raw biogas, as it is, can feed an oven or a power plant steam generator, or a boiler, it can not be directly used as fuel for an automobile engine. Before it can, it need undergo some deep “refinery” process, which frees it from some components that are not proper, as corrosive, or because they reduce to an unacceptable extent the energy content, thus shortening too much the running range of the vehicle. It is necessary to remove from raw biogas carbon dioxide, which content is very high, varying from 30 to 40% and in some case even more that that. And it is necessary to eliminate all sulphur compounds, nitrogen and all other impurities (e.g. H2S, SO2, halogens, NH3, siloxanes, moisture, etc). By this way, the so called bio-methane is produced. Bio-methane is absolutely identical to the natural gas distributed by the gas pipeline network. In fact, some operator is already injecting it in the pipeline, and many others are examining this option, obviously in compliance with the Network Code (5). Bio-methane is even better than natural gas, because its composition is more constant over the time, and it is less differentiated with the different origin. And the constancy of characteristics is a feature to which car and engine manufacturers have always been very sensitive. For biogas purification and conversion to biomethane, a number of different methods, more or less energy consuming, complex and expensive, are available today. Some methods, the more traditional, have been in application for quite a long time.
typical biogas compositionl [% volume]
50 - 75
25 - 50
Fig 1 general scheme of the upgrading process
Fig 1b b detail scheme of the upgrading process (Cirmac)
methods, such as: water pressure laundering; pressure exchange adsorption; ammine laundering; chemical laundering (NaOH); bio-washers; activated carbon; membranes. main upgrading systems
main processes
physical absorption with water in cross-flow at high pressure (with or without regeneration); CO2 is more soluble in water than methane adsorption with activated carbon (PSA); purchase, as well as regeneration and disposal of activated carbon is rather expensive chemical absorption with polyethylene glycol (e.g. selexol), which is more effective than water as solvent cryogenic system membrane
condensation absorption on silica gel adsorption on aluminates adsorption with salt (NaCl)
absorption with selective activated carbon (PSA) membrane
absorption with activated carbon physical absorption with water
Physical processes: water washing (it is more soluble in water than methane, and is also more soluble than CO2); adsorption with activated carbon (PSA); chemical absorption with polyethylene glycol (e.g. selexol), which is more effective than water as solvent chemical processes: specific catalysts (e.g. based on Fe2O3); the subsequent regeneration with inert gas and oxygen, frees elementary sulphur, which must be removed from adsorbent pores, where it collects biological processes
adsorption with activated carbon (PSA); specific catalysts adsorption with silica gel
adsorption with activated carbon (PSA);
all components except CO2
TCR: this solution differs from the customary method by chilling the gas to around -25ºC. By this way, most contaminants condense with the moisture. Moreover, many remaining contaminants dissolve in the condensed moisture.
net heating value kWh/m
5,52 – 8,27
Wobbe index kWh/m3
5,9 – 8,15
composition modification after purification (example)
methane % vol
CO2 % vol
nitrogen % vol
oxygen % vol
HFC mg/m3
< 100
H2S ppm
< 100
net heating value MJ/m3
Wobbe index MJ/m
Requirements for upgraded biogas in the Netherlands • Wobbe-Index = 43,46 – 44,41 MJ/m3 • Mercaptanes < 10 mg/ m3 • H2S < 5 mg/ m3 • Total sulphur < 45 mg/ m3 • Oxygen < 0,5 vol% • HFC < 25 mg/ m3 • Ammonia < 3 mg/ m3 • Dew point < -10°C • THT = 18 mg/ m3 Biogas treatment systems The treatment of biogas is made by different
Carbon dioxide removal The more abundant undesirable component of biogas is carbon dioxide. Being an inert gas, it does not contribute to the combustion process, so it acts as “ballast”. It is anyway worth mentioning that it also has a beneficial effect on the characteristics which are
Some others have been provided by the research on new technologies and materials, and have just entered the market. Two main factors will determine in the short term the competitiveness of biogas on the energy market. One of them is the global cost of purification on a large scale. The other one is obviously the market price of natural gas. The wider the gap between these two factors, the higher the biogas competitiveness. Natural gas market prices follow the same dynamics as the oil product prices; so, in the near future they will likely tend to keep rather high. This is obviously a bad news for consumers, but it is a positive feature for bio-methane producers. Besides scale effect, biogas purification costs depend also on the adopted method.
affecting the engine performances of the gas used as fuel, as it increases the antiknocking power. A certain amount of it might hence be desirable (but only a few percent points at maximum), when the gas contains some higher hydrocarbons, such as ethane, propane and butane, which opposite, have the negative effect of decreasing the antiknocking power. In such cases hence the inert gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, helium, can compensate the effect of the presence of higher hydrocarbons. But most of the carbon dioxide and nitrogen content must be removed anyway, as they decrease to an unacceptable level the net energy content of biogas.
Main methods of carbon dioxide separation • Washing with water: it is the more classic method; it requires large amounts of water and energy to circulate it. An example of its application is in Tilburg, The Netherlands: a plant producing about 2,800,000 m3/year of biomethane. • Selective membranes: it is a more innovative method, with a low energy consumption, easy application; it is now well proven. It imposes higher costs for membrane purchase, and it requires the use of quite cumbersome appliances. An example of its application is in Collendoorn, The Netherlands, where the bio-methane production rate is about 200,000 m3/year. Another one is in Beverwijk, The Netherlands; production: 160 m3/hour. • Cryogenic System: cooling down of biogas below the condensation temperature of carbon dioxide; it requires a lot of energy to create the needed cooling effect (compression/expansion of biogas). But it also makes available an interesting amount of carbon dioxide in liquid state, which could be easily stored in cylinders and then commercialised. • PSA (pressure swing absorption, adsorption with depressurization), is a technology adopted for the separation of some kind of gases from a gas mixture under pressure, depending on their different characteristics and molecular species, taking profit of their affinity with an adsorbent material. It operates at nearly ambient temperature, hence it is different from the cryogenic distillation technologies for gas separation. Special molecular sieves and adsorbent materials are used (e.g. activated carbon and zeolites) which under high pressure adsorb in a preferential way some gas species. The adsorption of the various gaseous substances is determined by the dimension of the pores of the adsorbent structure, and by the process pressure. The pressure is then decreased to free the adsorbent material from the collected gas. The use of two tanks filled with the adsorbent material allows an almost constant production of the required
gas. It also allows the so-called pressure equalisation, in which the gas leaving the tanks during depressurisation is used to partially pressurize the other tank. This provides a significant energy saving, and it is common industrial practice. One of the main application of PSA is carbon dioxide removal as final stage in the hydrogen synthesis on large industrial scale for the use in oil refineries and in the production of ammonia. Another application of PSA is precisely the separation of CO2 from biogas to increase its methane content, converting it into a product which is just identical to the distributed natural gas. At present there are some research aiming at the application of PSA for the capture of large amounts of CO2 in the coal fired power stations, before geo sequestration, so to reduce the GHG emission of such plants. PSA is an economically convenient choice also in the case of small scale air separation production of oxygen or nitrogen of reasonable purity. The PSA technology is also adopted by the medical industry for production of oxygen, in particular in those remote or inaccessible parts of the world where the use of large tanks for compressed gases is not possible. The PSA method is also proposed as future alternative for the non regenerative adsorption technology used in the Primary Life Support System space suits, so as to save weight and to increase the operative range of the suit. • LP COOAB, Adsorption with active carbon (a process of CIRMAC(2)). Apart from the VPSA technology, developed and put on the market by CIRMAC in the late eighties, the most recent development in this field is the Low Pressure CO2 absorption (LP COOAB) technology. Active carbon must be periodically regenerated. Some examples of application are in Sweden, in Boras; production: 300 m3/hour; and in Goteborg; production: 1,600 m3/hour. It is an even more innovative method, and it has similar characteristics as those of membrane. The LP COOAB technology is based on low pressure reversible chemical absorption, specifically designed to remove CO2 from biogas. An essential element in this process is the absorption liquid, in this case a special amine composition with Cirmac’s trade name ‘COOAB’. In this process, the incoming biogas from the gas holder (storage) has a slight over-pressure, is saturated with water, and free from dust and water droplets. In most cases this slight overpressure needs to be increased in order to overcome the pressure loss over the system, for which purpose a blower is installed. Prior to removing CO2, H2S and other impurities like ammonia (NH3), must be removed. The H2S is removed by activated carbon (AC) with a onebed, alternatively a two-bed system, if required, combined with the removal of NH3. The AC process is attractive for relatively low concentra-
used and as much heat as possible is recovered. The gas leaving the contactor is compressed to 5-8 bar g depending on the required delivery pressure to the natural gas network. Then it is dried, by means of an adsorption drier. A small flow of the product gas is used for purging the drier, and returned afterwards to the inlet of the blower. The product gas, almost pure methane, is free from smell, so an odorant THT (terahydrotiophene, the same used in natural gas) is added by means of a dosing pump. This advanced technology offers: • No methane emissions to atmosphere • No methane losses (< 0.1 %) • No product gas losses • High reliability • Negligible global warming effect • Compact design • Low costs of operation and maintenance • Fully automatic control • Re-use of carbon dioxide (CO2) possible (purity 99.5%) Hydrogen sulphide removal Hydrogen sulphide concentration in biogas varies with the feedstock. It has to be taken out as early as possible in the process, to avoid corrosion in compressors, bottles and engines. Hydrogen sulphide is very reactive with most metals, especially with increasing concentration, pressure, presence of water and elevated temperatures. Hydrogen sulphide removal methods: • air/oxygen dosing to digester biogas, • iron chloride dosing to digester slurry, • iron sponge, • iron oxide pellets, • activated carbon, • water scrubbing, • NaOH scrubbing, • biological removal on a filter bed, • air stripping and recovery. Biological desulphurisation Biogas can be cleaned of sulphur by means of micro-organisms (most of which are of the Thiobacillus family). They cover their carbon need with the CO2 taken out from biogas. They produce elementary sulphur and sulphate, which forms in solutions sulphuric acid. It is necessary to add oxygen, corresponding to to 2 - 6% air in biogas, depending on the H2S concentration. Thiobacilli grow on the surface of the raw material in digester, which offers the necessary microaerophilic surface and nutrients. They form yellow sulphur clusters. Biological filters Digesters can use a combined procedure of water
tions up to 500 ppm. For extremely high concentrations of H2S an alternative pre-cleaning step, like CIRMAC’s biological process, needs to be installed, mainly to reduce considerable AC costs. The adsorption of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) on activated carbon is catalytic and the AC acts as catalyst. The chemical reaction is: 2H2S + O2 → 2S + 2H2O. The formed elementary sulphur will be adsorbed on the activated carbon. The activated carbon has to be replaced after it is saturated/loaded with sulphur. The advantage of a two-bed H2S removal system is as follows: both adsorbers are connected in line. As long as the first adsorber catches all the H2S, the second adsorber only acts as a check unit. As the first adsorber becomes saturated with sulphur, a part of the H2S will break through, which is removed in the second adsorber. When the output concentration of the H2S at the first adsorption bed is equal to the input concentration, the activated carbon of the first bed has to be replaced. After replacement of the activated carbon the flow will be changed in such a way that this new bed becomes second in line. In this way 100% of the capacity of the activated carbon will be used. As the installation stays in operation during activated carbon change-out, an uninterrupted process is ensured. The purified gas contains less than 1 ppm H2S. In the sections of the CO2 removal by low pressure CO2 absorption, the CO2 removal unit consists of: a contactor, a stripper unit, and heat exchangers with pumps. In the contactor the gas flows from the bottom through a packed bed to the top of the contactor. In the packed bed of the contactor the absorption liquid, called COOAB, flows in counter current to the gas. The COOAB absorbs the CO2 by chemical reaction and the loaded (rich) COOAB leaves the contactor at the bottom. The purified gas leaves the COOAB contactor at the top. The loaded COOAB is then fed to the top of the stripper. On its way down, the CO2 will be removed from the COOAB on the packed bed in the stripper column, by increasing the temperature. The required heat for CO2 removal is produced in the boiler at the bottom of the stripper column, where the COOAB is heated by wet steam to boiling point. The COOAB vapour, together with the released CO2 leaves the boiler and heats the CO2 saturated COOAB on the packed bed in the stripper. The lean COOAB almost free from CO2 leaves the stripper at the bottom. Almost pure CO2 leaves the stripper at the top, after cooling down in the condenser. The CO2 can be directly used in greenhouses or upgraded to industrial or food grade quality for sale. In the heat exchanger section two heat exchangers are installed: a so called rich/lean heat exchanger, and a cooler. The process is conceived so that the lowest possible energy is
scrubbing (absorption) and biological desulphurisation. The raw waste water or the press-separated liquor from digester is dispensed over a filter bed, where it meets biogas, added with some air. The filter bed provides the required surface for scrubbing and for the attachment of the desulphurisation micro-organisms.
Iron oxide Hydrogen sulphide reacts easily with iron hydroxides or oxides to iron sulphide. A minimum temperature of 12°C is required for this reaction to carry on, but the optimum temperature is between 25 and 50°C. The iron sulphides formed can be oxidised with air, thus the iron oxide is recovered. The product is again iron oxide or hydroxide and elementary sulphur. The process is exothermic, and heat is released during regeneration. Halogenated hydrocarbon removal Higher hydrocarbons, as well as halogenated (FHC) hydrocarbons, particularly chloro- and fluoro-compounds are predominantly found in landfill gas. They cause corrosion in engines, in the combustion chamber, at spark plugs, valves, cylinder heads. They can be removed by specific activated carbon. Small molecules like CH4, CO2, N2 and O2 pass through, while larger molecules are adsorbed. In two parallel systems, one is treating the gas while the other is desorbed. Regeneration is carried out by heating the activated carbon to 200°C, a temperature at which all the adsorbed compounds are evaporated and removed by a flow of inert gas. Siloxane removal Siloxanes may be present in biogas, and can cause severe damage to engines. During combustion they are oxidised to silicon oxide which deposits at spark plugs, valves and cylinder heads abrading the surfaces and causing serious damage. The organic silicon compounds in biogas are in the form of linear and cyclic methyl siloxanes. They can be removed by absorption in a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons with a special capability to absorb the silicon compounds. The absorbent is regenerated by heating and desorption.
• High pressure gas - separation with gas phases on both sides of the membrane, • low-pressure gas liquid absorption separation liquid absorbs the molecules diffusing through the membrane. High pressure gas separation The raw gas at a medium pressure (ex. 36 bar) is cleaned with activated carbon to remove halogenated hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulphide and oil possibly carried over from the compressor. Then the gas stream flows through a particle filter and a heater. Then there is a membrane (e.g. acetate-cellulose) which removes CO2, moisture and the H2S that has been left by the former treatment step. A clean gas with over 96% methane is thus obtained in 3 stages. The waste gas, with a residual 10-20% methane, is flared, or (far better!) it is fired in steam boilers. The present state of the art membranes can last up to 3 years. The membranes are specific for the substance to be removed. Thus, for example, H2S and CO2 must be treated separately. Gas-liquid absorption membranes The separation process based on gas-liquid absorption using membranes is quite new. A micro-porous hydrophobic membrane separates gas from liquid. Molecules from the gas stream flow in one direction, diffuse through the membrane and are absorbed on the other side by liquid flowing in counter current. The absorption membranes work at atmospheric pressure (1 bar) in a low-cost assembly. At 25 35°C the H2S concentration in raw biogas can decrease from 2% to less than 250 ppm. The absorbent can be either Coral or NaOH. Then the H2S saturated NaOH can be re-used in water treatment, to remove possible heavy metals. The H2S content of Coral is removed by heating, and Coral solution is recycled. CO2 is removed by an amine solution. Raw biogas is upgraded from 55% CH4 (43 % CO2) to more than 96% CH4. The amine solution is also regenerated by heating. The pure CO2 released can be profitably destined to many industrial applications.
Removal of oxygen and Nitrogen Oxygen and nitrogen can be removed by membranes, or low temperature PSA. Membranes Membranes are used in two systems:
Fig 2 membranes
Fig 4 scheme of a membrane plant
Fig 5 adsorption with activated carbon
Fig 6 scheme of the TCR process, by GtS
Costs The cost for production of bio-methane is variable as a consequence of local conditions, feedstock used, size of the plant. Nowadays, the still limited diffusion of this product, and the lack of scale effect, prevents a well defined and accurate evaluation of this aspect all over Europe. According to Dr Stephan Ramesohl from the German Wuppertal Institute, in the case of the German conditions, the production cost of biomethane, including the cost of supply from production plant to distribution site, and the cost of compression, would give a price 0.65÷ 0.90 €/ Nm3 (lower heating value = 10 kWh). In Sweden, where there are now 25 plants, the cost is estimated at 0.55 ÷ 0.65 €/Nm3. The size of
Fig 7 example of exercise costs
Fig 3 work principle of membranes
the Swedish plants is in the range of 1 ÷ 5 million Nm3/year. In the opinion of the Swedish experts, in this kind of plant it is possible to keep the biogas upgrading cost at 0.15 €/Nm3. In smaller plants this cost would obviously increase. In the case of the production based on crop, the definition of the cost is simpler than in the case of the municipal and industrial waste, for which it is necessary to compare the total net cost of waste treatment using various alternatives: anaerobic digestion processing, composting, incineration, or gasification. More and more municipalities chose to treat the wet wastes using the anaerobic digestion process, as this method can minimize the societal cost for waste treatment. The cost of production is a feature less important than the commercial value of the product, which is easy to determine. If no tax is put on bio-methane, the methane distributor will have to pay for bio-methane the price of natural gas and the fuel tax applicable to natural gas (e.g. 0.13 €/Nm3). The cost of compressed bio-methane is thus the price of natural gas (e.g. 0.32 €/Nm3) plus the NG tax (e.g. €/Nm3 0.13); then there are the applicable distribution costs (transport by pipeline or cylinder truck plus compression, e.g. €/Nm3 0.20) which means in total €/Nm3 0.65. In the case of production based on crop, the investments for plant are almost 50% lower than in the case of waste processing, which corresponds to about 0.10 €/Nm3 less. But the price of the feedstock, which must be purchased from farmers, depends on the level of the subsidies which may be granted for the use of set-aside-land. And the value of the residuals from the biogas production plant, that are good fertilizers, increases due to the attained purity level.
Fig 8 example of bio-gas cleaning costs
10 Fig 9 example of preparation costs (cleaning + enrichment)
with a peak and decline in oil and gas production, and the substitution can happen fast enough. An important study made in Germany(1) now makes the point: the EU has a biogas production potential large enough to replace all natural gas which, in the present energy plannig, will be imported from Russia by 2020. This projection is made by the Institut für Energetik und Umwelt, based in Leipzig, and by the Öko-Instituts Darmstadt. According to the study, if the current production trends continue, all of Europe's natural gas imported from Russia will be covered by locally produced biogas within 2 decades. Earlier, Ulrich Schmack, an energy advisor to the German government and manager of the world's largest biogas firm, came to the same conclusion. This projection created some controversy. But many experts tend to believe that it is right. At present, EU imports about 40% of all the consumed natural gas from Russia. In 2030, this dependency will have increased to 60%. This outlook worries many, as it opens obvious questions about energy security. In the recent past, the notorious gas disputes between Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, affected energy supplies to the EU. The Leipzig report on biogas, entitled "Möglichkeiten einer europäischen Biogaseinspeisungsstrategie" ("The opportunities of a European strategy to feed biogas into the natural gas grid") puts this geopolitical question into an entirely different perspective.
Fig 10 example of pipeline connection costs
Fig 11 example of global costs
The recent German study on Europe’s biogas potential As we have seen, there are some experts that maintain that we are fast approaching the peak of oil and gas production, and that the looming energy crisis will result in the collapse of the modern societies. The scientists are not that pessimistic. In their opinion, the substitution process has started already. They believe that there is more than enough sustainable biomass potential to cope
The main findings of the study are: • Europe has a potential for the sustainable production of bio-methane of 500 billion cubic metres of natural gas equivalent per year. This is by and large the total amount of natural gas currently consumed by the entire European Union. • The entire EU's natural gas needs for the medium-term future (2020) can be met by biogas; all imports from Russia can be replaced, while the excess can substitute petroleum and coal. • The production of 500 billion cubic metres of biogas, fed into the pipeline network, will result in a reduction of 15% of Europe's CO2 emissions. The Kyoto protocol imposes a reduction of 10%. • An efficient biogas-feed-in strategy will be build around the concept of 'biogas corridors': such corridors consist of biomass plantations established alongside the pipelines, so that the green gas can be fed into Europe's main natural gas grid without the need for additional pipelines and infrastructures. • A Europe-wide biogas-feed-in strategy will result in the creation of 2.7 million new jobs within the EU. Employment will be generated mainly in agriculture, in the manufacture, con-
BIoGas uPGRaDING aND PuRIfIcaTIoN sysTEms struction and management of biogas plants and biogas purification plants. The study states that in Europe, many different energy crops are being developed for the production of the gaseous bio-fuel. The researchers have found that dedicated maize varieties, as well as new grass hybrids, yield such high amounts of energy per hectare that Europe has enough land available for the biogas strategy. The study was commissioned by the German Biogas Association, the city council of Aachen which has pioneered feeding biogas into the grid, and the Green (Bundniss90/Grüne) fraction of the German Bundestag. The findings have been presented to the German Federal Government and the European Commission and start political and legislative work aimed at creating a framework for the launch of a Europe-wide biogas-strategy. The German plans The German energy company E.ON AG, one of the major public utility companies in Europe and the world’s largest investor-owned energy service provider, has created E.ON Bioerdgas GmbH, a company dedicated to feeding biogas into Europe's natural gas network. The new company has its headquarters in Essen and unites all of E.ON's biogas activities, in particular the purification process. The green gas is experiencing a real boom in Europe. In Germany alone, €1 billion was invested in the sector in 2006, making it the fastest growing segment of all renewable energies. Some 10,000 people have found employment in this sector in Germany in 2006 (planning, construction, manufacture and operation of biogas plants; producing feedstock), with some 3,500 medium-scale plants online, which produce about 5 billion KWh of electricity. The Association concludes that at this pace and with current technologies, the industry will tap a potential that can replace half of all Russian gas imports 'in the near future'. E.ON's initiative is based on successful trials in Sweden, where the company experimented with feeding biogas into the grid for several years. In Germany, a number of biogas purification plants, owned by E.ON, are now under construction. Meanwhile, the company is also building 150 biogas motorway filling stations to serve cars. Jürgen Lenz, technical director of E.ON Ruhrgas, said that "until now, 'normal biogas' was mainly used for the production of on-site electricity and heat. By feeding the gas into the natural gas grid, we can give it a much wider reach and make it available for the same applications as natural gas. The pipeline network becomes the bridge between the production site and the end-user." Bio-fuel will be fed into the main gas grid, so na-
tural gas capable cars (CNG) will utilize it without noticing it. E.ON said that of all current and future bio-fuels (including cellulose ethanol), biogas is the most efficient when it comes to the total wellto-wheel energy balance: per hectare of biogas crops (such as dedicated maize), an average CNG passenger car can travel 100,000 kilometers. This unparalleled efficiency explains Europe's growing interest in the fuel. The gas also has the lowest CO2 specific emission of all bio-fuels. EU After the ratification of the Kyoto protocol agreement in 2002, The European Union took effective steps relating to bio-fuels. The directive 2003/30/ EC of May 8, 2003 focused on raising the bio-fuel consumption rate up to 5.75% by 2010, and 10% by 2020, according to the European Council in March, 2007. The directive 2003/96/EC of October 27, 2003, which relates to restructuring the Community framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity, provides regulations to Member States that would like to financially support these directives. Article 15, stipulates: 1. “Without bias to other Community measures, Member States (under tax audit) may apply total or partial exemptions or tax reductions to: (a) taxable fuels filed under tax audit(s) in the field of pilot projects for the technological development of more environmentallyfriendly products or fuel-related products from renewable resources”. US Renewable Fuels Standard The bio-fuels legislation that came into force in the USA at the end of 2007, the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) stipulates the amount of bio-fuels that should be produced each year. For this year the figure stands at 9 billion gallons, but this increases each year up to 36 billion gallons in 2022. Of this amount, 21 billion (in 2022) must comply with the definition of Advanced Bio-fuels, and 16 billions gallons of this must be Cellulose Bio-fuel. The latter must achieve CO2 reductions of 60%. Advanced Bio-fuels and Conventional Bio-fuels must achieve CO2 reductions of 50% and 20% respectively. [source: GAVE news 11 March 2008] So the new US legislation demands for conventional bio-fuels a net CO2 saving set at 20%. This is quite odd, as to get just 20% CO2 emission reduction there is not indeed the need for bio-fuels. A shift from gasoline to natural gas is enough to give a reduction of about 25% of tailpipe CO2 emissions, and the net savings on a well-to-wheel basis would be around 20%.
Some news about Biomethane(3) Lombardy - at the end of January 2008, Lombardy joined Biogasmax. Bio-methanisation projects have increased, due to initiatives which promoted biogas in response to problems managed by local city councils, such as management of urban waste and public transport. Political decision-makers are taking on the baton when it comes to initiating these kinds of projects. Even if public transport or the processing of urban waste do not fall under the competence of the Lombardy region, it is up to the region to make decisions on matters of energy and environmental policy. In Lombardy region, between 2006 and 2007, there were already 24 bio-methanisation plants, 80 are under construction and 30 million Euros have already been released by the region to finance biogas production projects. Oslo - Oslo made this choice to alleviate the problem of urban waste management and to reduce CO2 emissions in public transport. Helge Heier, director of the Energy Department of the City of Oslo, reported that, with political support, the funds have already been obtained to develop initiatives between 2007 and 2010. The setting up of a tri-optic waste system (by identifying the colour of bags), building of a biomethanisation plant and putting into service a bus fuelled by gas should all be completed by December 2010. Gothenburg - Gothenburg is conducting several projects which aim to develop usage of biomethane. Sweden has for a long time been developing an ambitious energy and environmental policy, aiming for independence from fossil fuels by 2050. Today Sweden has the largest gasification plant for wood waste, GoBiGas (Gothenburg Biomass Gasification Plant) in order to cater for an automotive market which is asking to adapt by developing dual fuel techniques (gas and liquid fuel). UK - the «renewable natural gas» has attracted the attention of the UK government. English companies with an interest in natural gas
and renewable energies, supported by John Baldwin (Managing Director of CNG Services Ltd), are hoping to obtain the same financial status for this «green» gas as that accorded to «green» electricity. Since 2005, six new bio-methanisation plants have been built in the United Kingdom, increasing UK capacity by over 100%. In 2007, two new plants were started. The British Minister for Sustainable Consumption and Production, Joan Ruddock, declared that her Department considered «Anaerobic Digestion» the best process for dealing with organic waste. Many studies show that the energy cost of upgrading biogas to bio-methane is insignificant and there are no regulatory barriers to injecting bio-methane into the natural gas grid. The UK Gas Industry Trade Association, along with NGVA Europe (Natural Gas Vehicle Association) and REA (Renewable Energy Association) are lobbying for this renewable gas in order to get financial support from the government. They are claiming equivalent treatment for biomethane as that accorded to «green» electricity, so that gas suppliers could offer «green» gas tariffs. John Baldwin supports this campaign, pointing out that bio-methane production offers solutions to many problems: waste recycling, reduction in global warming and reduction in fossil fuel imports. To underline his point about the huge potential of bio-methane, John Baldwin quotes the experiences of Biogasmax partners such as Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, and the French town of Lille, which has an Organic Waste Valorisation Centre supplying bio-methane to the city’s buses. France - in France, fuel distribution and use require the government agreement. On July 16, 2007, the MEDD (Ministère de l’Ecologie et du Développement Durable), the French Environmental Ministry, informed with a letter the Lille Metropolitan Community Authorities (Metropole Communauté Urbaine, Biogasmax project coordinator,) that bio-methane, which is classified as natural gas for vehicles, will be taxed via the natural gas consumption tax (TICGN, a French tax related to the natural gas consumption). Whilst it is possible to compare bio-methane with natural gas in terms of quality, there is one major difference: biogas is renewable in environmental terms, in contrast to natural gas. Taking advantage of the Grenelle de l’Environnement, a public consultation about environmental issues that took place in France on October 2007, LMCU submitted the matter of the taxation status of the bio-methane for vehicle to MEDD. The MEDD answer was: bio-methane is liable to the TICGN because it is ranked as natural gas for vehicle.
Hence, a mere switch from gasoline to natural gas, or from diesel to natural gas in a dual fuel engine, would achieve the CO2 savings required by US legislation. And the use of bio-methane, could provide a much higher benefit in this regard. For the advanced bio-fuels produced from cellulose the American legislation target has been set at 50%. Also in this case the CO2 emission savings in the case of bio-methane are far higher, compared to the case of liquid bio-fuels.
This is a progress because technical status of the bio-methane for vehicle was not yet clearly defined in France. But those encouraging steps are only the first stage of a tax-free status for bio-methane as 100% renewable fuel. The Lille Metropolitan Community Authorities (Lille Métropole Communauté Urbaine, LMCU) hopes to receive a total tax exemption on bio-methane. The LMCU built a bio-methanisation plant producing enough bio-methane fuel to supply 100 city buses.
The company Esterra was entrusted with the waste collection of the LMCU, to set a target to fuel 70 of these bio-methane buses by 2013. This will prevent the emission of 9,000 tons/year of GHG. On January 2008, the CVO (Organic waste Valorization Center) of LMCU got out of its last testing stage and was able to fill with biomethane about 100 bus and 4 waste collection trucks from Esterra company. Stockholm - biomethane from local feedstock could account for 5% of the total fuel market in the metropolitan area in Stockholm. Sewage, urban waste and agricultural crops not needed for food production are taken into account in the estimations of the potential. 11 large and 15 small biogas plants would produce a total of 570 GWh. The larger plants would be connected to a new gas grid for biomethane that is planned for Stockholm. This study has been carried out as a Master's thesis at the Royal Institute of Technology in cooperation with the City of Stockholm. Notes (1) The report is available online at: Bündnis 90/Die Grünen / Öko Instituts / Institut für Energetik und Umwelt: "Möglichkeiten einer europäischen Biogaseinspeisungsstrategie" [*.pdf], Bundestag, January 2007. Or at Öko Instituts: "Möglichkeiten einer europäischen Biogaseinspeisungsstrategie" [*.pdf] - part 1. The German national television ZDF's Frontal 21 programme had the scoop about the biogas study. Its reporting, with a video, can be found at: Euractiv: Geopolitics of EU energy supply, - Feb. 8, 2007. (2) Cirmac International bv P.O. Box 995 Laan van Westenenk 501 7301 BE APELDOORN 7334 DT APELDOORN The Netherlands The Netherlands Tel. + 31 55 5340110 Fax. + 31 55 5340050 E-mail: info@cirmac.com Homepage: www.cirmac.com
(3) [News from Biogasmax website: http://www. biogasmax.eu/en/] (4) “Biogas upgrading and utilisation” IEA Bioenergy (5) Network Code = set of compulsory norms which determine the suitability of natural gas to be injected and transported by the pipeline system [see the text at the Snam Rete Gas web site] BIOGASMAX = The European Biogasmax project is a partnership with the objective of sharing biomethane related demonstrations and experiences and sharing procedures with the intent of applying best practices in managing public transportation. LP COOAB = low pressure CO2 adsorption Siloxanes = substances coming from industrial and residential waste discharges. Siloxanes break down into a white, abrasive powder which causes potential damages to utilizing equipment of biogas. A siloxane is any chemical compound composed of units of the form R2SiO, where R is a hydrogen atom or a hydrocarbon group. A siloxane has a branched or unbranched backbone of alternating silicon and oxygen atoms -Si-O-Si-O-, with side chains R attached to the silicon atoms. The word siloxane is derived from the words silicon, oxygen, and alkane. Siloxanes can be found in products such as cosmetics, deodorant, water repelling windshield coatings, food additives such as those used in certain McDonalds fast food products, and some soaps. They occur in landfill gas and are being evaluated as alternatives to perchloroethylene for dry cleaning. Perchloroethylene is widely considered environmentally undesirable. Polymerized siloxanes with organic side chains are commonly known as silicones or as polysiloxanes. Representative examples are [SiO(CH3)2]n (dimethylsiloxane) and [SiO(C6H5)2]n (diphenylsiloxane). These compounds can be viewed as a hybrid of both organic and inorganic compounds. The organic side chains confer hydrophobic properties while the -Si-O-Si-O- backbone is purely inorganic. In internal combustion engines deposits on pistons and cylinder heads are extremely abrasive and cause damage to the internal components of the engine.
Engines can require a complete overhaul at 5,000 hours or less of operation. Deposits on the turbine of the turbocharger will eventually reduce the components efficiency. Stirling engines are more resistant against siloxanes, though deposits on the tubes of the heat exchanger will reduce the efficiency
Some data shown in the article were taken from the proceedings of the conference: Biogas – Innovative Ansätze für die Netzeinspeisung Ergebnisse aus Energiesysteme der Zukunft" - Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2006 Wien, Diplomatische Akademie
TCR = total contaminant removal [patented by GtS gas treatment services Timmerfabriekstraat 12 - 2861 GV Bergambacht - The Netherlands T +31 (0)182 621 890 - F +31 (0)182 621 891 info@gastreatmentservices.com www.gastreatmentservices.com]
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reGGio eMilia, tHe city tHat Has bet on electric sUstainable Mobility
With its 160,000 inhabitants, Reggio Emilia is today an easy to live in city, top ranking among the most prosperous and comfortable cities in Italy. Among the many projects aimed at improving the quality of life of its inhabitants, the local administration in Reggio Emilia has distinguished itself over the last years for its commitment for the improvement of the quality of atmospheric air and the traffic congestion mitigation (especially in the north and centre). Well aware of interdependence of transport, health and environment, the Comune and Province of Reggio Emilia have created in the recent period a series of interventions to significantly affect the reduction of the atmospheric pollution and to develop the sustainable mobility. Among them, the use more and more diffused of electric vehicles for the mobility of people and goods in the urban areas: one of the most advanced experiences of zero impact transport developed in Europe, for which this city was awarded the title of first “electrical city” in Europe. This city has won prestigious international prizes, that have drawn the public attention of the scientific community on the "electric experimentation" in Reggio Emilia, effectively highlighted as an example of “good practice” worth following, not only in Italy. In 2003 Reggio Emilia was awarded the important "Global E-Visionary Award", the most significant award at Italian level by the WEVA (World
Electric Vehicle Association) to the cities which are most committed to the use and diffusion of electric vehicles in the urban areas. Two years later it won the "Best practice Award", awarded by the International Agency for Energy of the Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Implementing Agreement within the 21st International Symposium of the electric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicles, held from 2 to 6 April 2005 in Montecarlo. From 2000 on, in Reggio Emilia people make “common and daily” use of the electric vehicles. At present in this city there are 240 electric vehicles daily used by the public and private companies for the transport of passengers and goods and for other services. And the results are remarkable indeed: thanks to its "electric experimentation", Reggio Emilia has avoided – in the 2007 alone – the emission in the atmosphere of nearly 300 tons of carbon dioxide (which is the amount of CO2 that can be absorbed by a forest which is as big as the historical centre of Reggio Emilia). The reduction of the polluting emissions in downtown is accompanied by a remarkable reduction of noise, and an important saving of money of about 60,000 Euros in the 2007 alone, on the cost of fuel, (which means about 480,000 Euro, over the eight years of activity) The winning choice of the “ecorent” The project in which the City and Province of Reggio Emilia – with their Azienda Consorziale Trasporti and the controlled TIL – could give birth in 2000 to a very simple idea: "to convert" to the use of the electric vehicle the main public companies which every day, to do their job, exercise their vehicles on the roads of the territori of Reggio Emilia, and in particular in the history centre: to transport passengers, to clean the roads and collect garbage, to assist handicap or old people. The attention to environment has lead to the collaboration between the city and province of Reggio Emilia, ACT and TIL (head of the project) FCR Farmacie Comunali Riunite, AGAC Servizi Energetici e Ambientali (now Enia) and Confcommercio, which have chosen to adopt to an increasing extent the electric vehicles. This has given birth to one of the most advanced experiences of sustainable mobility of the last years at the Italian and European level. An original formula was chosen and launched: the “eco rent” (Econoleggio), i.e renting of the
The role of TIL The electric car rent service offered to the public companies and bodies, to traders, artisans, and people in Reggio Emilia (but many other Italian cities have joined in over the last years) is under the responsibility of TIL Trasporti Integrati Logistica, a company partially controlled by the local company Azienda Consorziale Trasporti. It was born on 17 November 1998 and it become operative on 18 January 1999. Today TIL is a company which specialised in the transport services in Reggio Emilia (it can integrate the service of local public transport with other services offered to some particular categories of customers: transport on demand for old and handicap people, the night time urban bus on demand by phone "Aladino", school bus and tourist rent vehicles). It is also the Italian and European leader company of Ecorent (Econoleggio). The fleet of electric vehicles of TIL TIL owns the largest fleet of zero emissions electric vehicles in Europe: more than 500 Porter Piaggio Electric Power (there are 240 of them in Reggio
alone). It is available in more than twenty different versions to meet all different specific needs (not only as a professional vehicle). The electric vehicles Piaggio are suitable to many applications: • Multiple use: transport of 4 passengers + load platform capable of 1,4 cubic metres load space • Urban commercial transport: 2 places, 3 doors and 3 cubic metres load space • Transport of people: 6 seats, used as shuttle, courtesy car etc • Transport of handicap people: 3 seats + handicap people, with electric driven lift platform • Transport of bulky goods: 2 seats with open load platform of more than 2,7 square metres surface • Road cleaning and green areas patrol: 2 seats with tilting garbage tank In 2007 the daily use on the roads of Reggio Emilia, of more than 240 electric Porter Piaggio, running in total 1,751,332 Km allowed: • Reduction of CO2 emissions of as much as 300 tons • Saving of more than 145,000 Litres fuel • Zero emissions of PM • Reduction of noise by 90%
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zero emission car and commercial vehicle, which allowed to fight the prejudices affecting the electric vehicles (e.g. too high purchase cost, after sale assistance level not meeting expectations, etc.) and to launch projects devised on the basis of the needs of the inhabitants of Reggio Emilia, who are now accustomed to what was once perceived as "alternative" and "environment friendly", and is nowadays a synonym of daily use and practice.
city air WorK: tHe tHree Keys of tHe sUccess of tHe PiaGGio Porter
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Presented in Reggio Emilia the new PORTER MAXXI with an even increased payload capability
It is a commercial vehicle, nimble and compact, but it has a good payload capability: Piaggio Porter is the solution for the middle and short haul urban transport. It is a small factotum which makes versatility its strength point. The success of Porter is evident: 100,000 units sold so far. In a world that moves faster and faster, also the transport of goods and passengers must cope with the frenetic life in the cities, more and more congested. The solution for people that work in cities, can only be a light and compact vehicle, nimble like, or more than a car, but with a good payload capability. Piaggio Porter is conceived to satisfy this need. It allows traders, artisans and transporters to do their daily work in a more efficient way. Nowadays Porter is a vehicle which has reached full maturity: it is cheap, clean, versatile, with a model range which is suitable to satisfy any need. The peculiarity of porter • Excellent ratio between the dimensions and the payload. Up to 1,100 Kg of payload with minimum hindrance • Compact dimensions and good drivability: 3,7 metres turn radius • Good accessibility to the load platform
• Also available in the 4x4 version, unique on the market of this segment • low environmental impact engines. Environment friendly Any vehicle in circulation today must pay a great attention to environment. Vehicles such as Piaggio Porter have their ideal place of utilisation in the urban areas. This is why also a commercial vehicle must be environment friendly. The sensitivity of Piaggio to the theme of environment lead to the construction of a range of cleaner and low environment impact engines, which vehicles can hence circulate even in case of traffic block. When the others stop, Porter carries on working. Besides the traditional engines (all certified Euro4), since 2008 the range of Porter models also includes in fact the Eco-Power bi-fuel version (gasoline and LPG) with a modern phased sequential electronic injection system, developed in partnership with BRC. There also are a CNG version (Porter Green-power) and the Electric Porter, a “zero emission” vehicle which is particularly suitable to operate in protected areas, dedicated to pedestrians, for public utility services. Many versions one mission With all its different versions, Porter can meet any
Piaggio porter maxxi The new Porter Maxxi is a commercial vehicle with the better ratio between payload capability and dimensions of the whole sector: as much as 1,100 Kg payload, while keeping the compact dimensions, the drivability and the low exercise costs that are ideal for the use "in city".
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need of the customer. Porter is available in many versions, each one with its own peculiarity and its specific mission: Pianale and Pianale Maggiorato truck and enlarged truck Pianale Ribaltabile tilting platform trick Van and window van Chassis All arrangements are available also in the four wheels drive version, to operate on difficult ground.
Porter Maxxi is destined to the use in the city, and it distinguishes itself for the care for environment: immediately available in four different configurations, and ready to the large range of special arrangements, it is offered to market also with the innovative and environment friendly Eco-Power version (bi-fuel gasoline/LPG).
tHe fUtUre of nGV
in tHe Vision of federMetano
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Interview to Dante Natali, President of Federmetano
Dante Natali, President of Federmetano
M&M The use of compressed natural gas as automotive fuel is becoming a real energy alternative, thanks to the growing commitment of the vehicle manufacturers. The possibility to refuel is not the same in all Italian regions. What role must be covered by the refuelling station sector to allow NGV to adequately develop? Natali The diffusion of the refuelling station network is a necessary or better, indispensable condition to reach the target of the coverage of the whole national territory. Nowadays the number of refuelling stations and their distribution on the territory are for sure better, even compared to the recent past, but we cannot ignore that in some of the Italian regions the service is not adequate and in particular, the compressed natural gas refuelling station network is very poor on the motorways. Federmetano is committed to fostering of the creation of a CNG service station network which may convert the use of the gaseous fuel from a peculiarity to something general, from niche product to normal fuel, so that it can support the growth of a mature and intrinsically efficient approach to mobility at the service of our country. On this regard, it is worth saying that the decree that has liberalised the fuel sale, on the one hand has met our appreciation, because we believe in the useful role of competition among fuel distributors, which can stimulate the improvement of the sector; on the other hand, it raised some perplexity in our mind, because of the risk that the unbalance of the territorial distribution of the refuelling stations, may even be worsened. We fear in fact that an unplanned development of the refuelling station network may lead to an increase of service in the areas where is sufficient already, without stimulating to the proper extent the construction of new refuelling stations where they are most needed. The creation of a CNG vehicle fleet which justifies the existence of a new refuelling station requires quite a long time because it is dealing with purposely built vehicles or converted, which are not purchased if the infrastructure to refuel them is not in place. We are dealing with the regional public administrations to define the minimum quality standard to be able to offer the car owners, not only a more
diffused service, but also a high quality service. The commitment of Federmetano should anyway be supported by incentive measures issued by the public administration because this sector is still budding and it must grow further before it becomes attractive for a larger customer share. Some simple measures are sufficient, such as the reduction of the ownership tax, or preferential access to the urban areas. M&M Until some years ago, the CNG refuelling stations were only of the dedicated type, so they were always in different location than the gasoline and diesel oil refuelling stations. Today, the growth of the refuelling station network is obtained mainly by means of multi-energy refuelling stations. What will be the structure of the CNG refuelling station network like in the future? Natali Federmetano is convinced that the pathway to the development of the refuelling station infrastructure of CNG is no longer just based on the single fuel refuelling stations, but it will also hinge on the multi-fuel option. This means that the most traditional single fuel refuelling stations must convert to be competitive with the others. In this way, maybe they will also offer some additional advantages, thanks to their long and valuable experience gained in this specific sector. Of course, the restrictive norms in force in the past have created situations that are difficult to match with the installation of refuelling systems for fuels different from CNG (suburban areas distant from the main roads, cumbersome structures, etc.). It is a real challenge, but unavoidable for us to keep competitive on the market. Many refuelling stations owned by members of Federmetano have done already this conversion, so we believe this is feasible. The quality of service of the CNG refuelling operation is important not only to keep our customer loyalty to the single refuelling station, but also to the CNG product as a whole. For this reason, we try to dialogue as much as possible with the service stations operators to convey to them the necessary knowledge to avoid that any management difficulty due to a lack of experience may negatively affect our customers. Another important aspect to which our experience can give an important contribution, is the technical
M&M Self service, business hours, services offered to customers, which is the prospect for improvement of the service of the CNG refuelling stations? Natali Federmetano considers in a positive way the recently enforced norm, that offer the chance for CNG refuelling in “self service” mode, and with “multi dispenser”. The strong technical and managerial limitations now imposed to the “self service” could be reconsidered after the necessary experimentation step. This at least is our expectation in view of offering a better service. After all, we share the cautious approach of the normative authorities in relation to the type of CNG vehicles presently in circulation in Italy. In many cases they cannot be refuelled in self-service mode for obvious safety reasons. The ever increasing adoption of on board refuelling devices in compliance with the most recent norms allows us to offer the self-service option to a substantial and increasing share of customers.
The multi-fuel dispensers with CNG represent, by the way, a remarkable step forward, because they allow the installation of CNG appliances and dispensers also in existing traditional fuel refuelling stations with limited availability of space. M&M Imagine of methane fuel and communication: two themes that so far have been poorly dealt with by the sector operators. Can we foresee that marketing will play some role into a sector which is leaving a market niche? Natali There is a problem of resources, but this is an important target. Federmetano wants to propose as player, in all the most important instances, to support the image of the NGV sector. We are interested in particular in giving information and in convincing our customers that CNG is easily available in most of the national territory. Already today the existing CNG refuelling stations could deliver CNG to a number of NGV that is two times larger than the actual fleet in circulation. We want to stress the environmental benefits besides the economical advantages of the use of CNG, and to highlight the present availability of this energy option, as opposed to what is the case for other solutions like for example hydrogen, bio-fuels or electricity, that for reasons of economy, technical or logistics, will not allow to really take profit of their technology in the short and middle term. In this regard, we have the same target as the car manufacturers and in particular we want to stress that the refuelling station infrastructure exists and is rapidly developing further.
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and economical optimisation of the plants, first of all in the start-up phase, when the new refuelling station must create its customers portfolio. This phase is longer for the CNG station compared to the liquid traditional fuel refuelling station, and might create some sustainability problems. Some other factors that contribute to the identification of the profitability of the new plant and the pay back on investment, besides the vehicle fleet to be refuelled, are for example the distance from the natural gas pipeline, and the inlet gas pressure at the compressor. Also in this case our experience can avoid mistakes.
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to be an enVironMent
coUncillor in italy: is it an affordable cHallenGe?
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Interview to Cesarino Romani councillor for environment, policy for the sustainable development, agenda 21, integrated management of coastal areas protected areas, and protection of rivers
We met councillor Romani at the stand that the Province of Rimini had at Ecomondo Fair to discuss with visitors about the theme of the environmental sustainability of the life stiles of our society. The whole stand is furnished with recycled materials (and this is already a clear message) except the technological components which enable each visitor to assess his own “ecological footprint”. It’s a simple concept: each one of us consumes natural resources: water, energy, round land, air. These things are limited quantity goods, hence each inhabitant of Earth has one portion at his disposal, based on a simple arithmetic division. If all of us would exceed the respective available share, this would mean that we are consuming more natural resources than the total available amount; and we would need more just one Earth planet. As a matter of fact, there are people that consume more than the available share, but there also are people that, not for their own choice, consume less than the available amount. The tendency is however towards a general increase of the consumption. So, even if the limit has not been exceeded already, we are close to that. Metano & Motori has always been sensitive to the theme of the safeguard of the environment, so we have taken profit of this opportunity to explore with councillor Romani the ambient; so to talk to a person who has been deputed by society to combine people’s welfare with the safeguard of the environment. M&M Your province is characterised by some situations that are very different one to the other, and desultory, with a lot of provisional inhabitants in summer, and far less people in winter. This is an environment which changes from the seaside to hilly region in a matter of some few kilometres. This is an ideal laboratory to face the challenge of the sustainable development. You have to take this challenge, and our first question to you is: what are the limits and the chances for an environment councillor?
Cesarino Romani The real challenge that each one of us must face is the chance of meeting the targets which he or she considers to be right and important. In the collective imagination, there are very high expectations because each one of us wants to keep and possibly even increase his or her own welfare. But at the same time, he or she would like to live in an uncontaminated Eden. These great expectations imply an enormous responsibility assigned to those who have to play the role of the environment councillor. Unfortunately, today an environment councillorship is more an office for the check and issuing of allowances, rather than an active primary player and a controller of an advanced balance between production and consumption on the one hand, and environment protection on the other hand. The difficulties originate not from the lack of ideas, that sometimes are even too many, but rather from the lack or inadequacy of the available resources which are necessary to transform these ideas into actual facts. For example, the prevention of the damages to the ecosystem is the priority commitment in a correct environment friendly policy. But on this side there is not always a common vision inside the public administrations; and this can slacken the process to meet our targets. When I was assigned this charge by the President of the Province of Rimini I devised a work plan which contemplated the systematic collection of data on the conditions of the environment, and recommendations from the inhabitants. The collected information has been used to define the ecologic footprint of the different areas of the province territory, and to create the priority and the sectors where we had to intervene. But the measures that are destined to affect the relations between man and environment are not effective if we don’t obtain the participation of the inhabitants. On this regard the communication is fundamental, but it is affected by two big limits: on the one hand, it is not easy and amusing making people to understand that we are consuming more natural resources than those available, and hence we are stealing them to somebody else. On the other hand, we are facing the tendency to avoid communicate about the concepts which are not productive from the political point of view, because those concepts may create some negative reactions from the side of consumers and traders. It would be necessary to reverse the concept of
On this regard we have developed in collaboration with the University of Siena a different way of assessing welfare, shifting from the PIL to the ISEW in order to take into account all what makes life easier and enjoyable, and is not strictly included in the concept of good. Environmental policies are the necessary condition to start a good strategy for the sustainable development, keeping the proper balance between consumption and the fruition of natural resources. Without this balance, in the long term, we won’t create wealth, we will destroy it instead.
As a matter of fact, we should not talk about mobility, but should rather talk about “immobility” because of the traffic congestion, that now has become chronic on all roads. Unfortunately, the private passenger car is the main tool for the mobility, while the public passenger transport is not able to offer any alternative which has an equivalent comfortableness and effectiveness. I think that we will have to do a lot of things to make the transport utilities quicker in meeting the needs of people with more mobility offer flexibility and differentiation. The public transport must catch the traffic flows and cope with them, otherwise we will keep on having overcrowded public transport vehicles in rush hours, and deserted vehicles in the rest of the day.
In this view we have devised and done a series of projects that have converted some potential competitors to the environmental policies into fervent supporters. Among these projects I would like to mention the promotion of the purchase of clean vehicles in the private sector, starting from the hotels, the agreement between some artisans such as the thermo-hydraulic technicians involved in a promotion campaign of the energy efficiency which has created some job opportunities for the operators and money saving to people.
Also the quality of public transport is important, so it will be necessary to renew the vehicle fleet choosing the cleaner vehicles available today.
Another project which is indeed extending to the international scale is that of the “eco-sustainable bathing-attendants”, who have installed inside their bathing establishments some systems for the selective collection of garbage, for the reuse of waste water, for production of renewable energy, and for energy saving. After a short time the ecological image of the partners of this project has become a commercial competition factor which has convinced also the most sceptical ones in that “environment is beautiful”.
The most ambitious target would be to create a system for exchanging vehicles so that everybody can chose the most suitable vehicle for the itinerary he has to cover, choosing between train, car, and bicycle. In this way the global efficiency would be far higher and the damages for the environment would be far lower.
M&M As for what is concerning the main theme of our magazine, what are in your opinion, the intervention possibilities for an ecologically sustainable mobility? Cesarino Romani From the point of view of the environment, mobility is the main problem on the whole provincial territory; it is the main source of pollution.
Also useful measures are to keep and to increase the number of trolley buses, the construction of light duty vehicle transport lines to connect the main places of the territory, the support for the non vehicular mobility, the adoption of preferential lanes for public transport vehicles, the laying down of bicycle lanes and the creation of a bike sharing system.
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environment protection, which is at present seen as an obstacle to the economic development; and we should make people understand that, opposite, it is a tremendous factor of enrichment, as it stimulates new technology development, tourism, and good life style.
tHe enerGy tHat driVes World oriGinates at tHe foot of alPs
focus oN NGV
Visit to the premises of Dresser in Talamona
Valtellina is a part of Italy that is normally famous for glaciers, gastronomy, and tourism… Of course all this exists and it is marvellous. Not so many people knows anyway that at the heart of this valley the multinational firm Dresser has built the worldwide famous industrial core of its gaseous fuel system technology. The main activity field of the firm in Talamona is compressed natural gas. Here the full system is manufactured (compressor and dispenser) and the product is destined to refuelling stations for trucks, buses and cars in the five continents. In our decennial itinerary of exploration of the NGV industry “made in Italy”, we got to the productive plant of Dresser, while bearing in mind the long history of Nuovo Pignone, historical firm in Firenze which, thanks to the entrepreneurial farsightedness of Enrico Mattei, become the strategic structure for the development of natural gas industry in Italy after the second world war. The firm in Talamona did meet the need for jobs for the population in the less developed areas of the country, but it also was a fundamental step to make it possible to build a modern pipeline network in a short time. Today the Dresser production plant in Talamona is no longer aimed at that strategy, now accomplished, but it faces new challenges, perhaps even more important, because they are dealing with the development of the conversion to natural gas of the transport system at Italian level and worldwide.
view of the Dresser di Talamona factory
Since the entry point of the industrial premises which coasts the main road, with the mountains on the background, the visitor feels the impression of entering a space where all is accurately ruled, starting from safety for people. The workers are bound to observe all safety norms and must take all necessary
precautions to prevent even the least accident. This also applies to visitors, who must behave so to comply with the same safety rules, and must use the safety devices imposed by norms, offered by the host. At first all this may seem redundant, and a bit extravagant. But later on, knowing that the adopted industrial system stops the procedure flexibility when the product quality or the safety of person is at stake, this observance of the rules will be appreciated. Let’s see how the production process of CNG compressors and refuelling stations is organised at Dresser in Talamona. The firm’s philosophy is to constantly add quality and reliability to the know-how already settled over the time. To this end, every single production step, from the quality check on materials and on semi-manufactured product at the inlet up to the finished product delivery, is supervised by means of a series of quality parameters applied in an extremely rigorous way. If even just one of said parameters is not within the tolerance margin, the process goes to a stop, or does not start. The cost reduction, hence the competitiveness of the refuelling systems, is attained without sacrifices on the side of quality, by means of outsourcing of the production of all components. In this way, unnecessary costs are avoided - for example the costs due to partial utilization of production plants – without the need to renounce to the quality of components, which pass the quality check only if they perfectly meet the design requirements and the reference standard. In the production plant in Talamona the most important production step is done: harmonization of the system by means progressive validation assembling and final approval testing. Before the building phase of the refuelling station, a specific design is done to optimise the compressor-dispenser system on the basis of the customer needs (inlet pressure, flow rate, number of filling points). All system components are standardised and made by modules so that the design is focused on the most appropriate combination in terms of efficiency, economy, and reliability over the time.
Of course all the construction procedure of the plant is transparent, as the customer can attend all tests and quality check while they are done.
Each component is digitalized and the full project of each single part up to the last bolt and o-ring, becomes in this way the guideline for those who will have to build, with no mistake possible. The real construction process begins with the positioning of the compressor base on the construction zone. Each component is added according to a preset procedure, which includes a series of functional tests to verify both the performance of the added component and its integration with what is already part of the product.
The particular care devoted to the construction of the compressor is justified by the fact that this represents the heart of the refuelling station. It is the most strained component, on which the good operation of the whole system depends. When the compressor is ready, the assembling of “CUBOGAS” starts. CUBOGAS is a metallic container which hosts all what is needed to take natural gas from the pipeline, to compress it, to store it to refrigerate and send to the dispensers. When this container will live the factory and will reach the destination, will be ready to immediately go in operation, with no need for other interventions, apart from upstream connection to pipeline, and downstream connection to dispensers. Also for the gas compression systems made by Dresser “the testing never ends”.
Compressor assembly zone.
When the compressor is finished with all its fundamental components installed, it is tested on test bench to check for abnormal friction. A machine which runs without excessive effort exceeding the design value, is a machine which will always run well.
Testing of the compressor
Before delivery, every “CUBOGAS” and every dispenser is subject to a full testing to certify the absence of any flaw, construction defect, or malfunction. Testing is done with natural gas which simulates the operating conditions which will apply in service on field. The testing bench installed inside the premises allows the simultaneous and independent of two refuelling stations.
Completion of the compressor
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Design of a compressor and a compression station
After passing the first construction step, on the compressor are installed all the functional joints to connect it to the other sections of the refuelling station: cooler, meter and control, driver, dispensers, etc.
“CUBOGAS” assembly line
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• Widespread net of authorised assistance points. The regular and extraordinary maintenance interventions are of course available everywhere in the world, as well as spare parts, even if there is not really such a strong need.
Il “CUBOGAS” at the end of construction process
Once the suitability of the finished product is verified, the refuelling stations are prepared for the delivery, and loaded on trucks which will easily take them to destination, or to ship, or airplane boarding points for intercontinental transportation.
The testing protocols of the finished products are particularly strict to avoid any subsequent intervention, after installation of the system on site, for the correction of malfunctions. This is a company policy to decrease the costs of external intervention, and to increase the customer satisfaction.
Shipment of a “CUBOGAS”
Testing area for compression plants and dispensers
In brief, the fundamental points of the production philosophy of Dresser in Talamona are: • durability and reliability; • maintenance ease and short time; • construction and management simplicity; • gas in under pressure only in the cylinder heads and not in the compressor crank case; • PED certification; • Quick and complete availability of spare parts thanks to high standardization of components; • Integrated management systems of the refuelling station and the payment system, to international standards; • Livery of sales points to the customer demand;
Production capability: 30 cubogas/month 50 compressors/month 120 dispenser/month Dispensing range: from 100 to 5000 Smc/h
Delivery time: starting from 30 days after order machine break down time for normal maintenance and emergency: 0,3% of utilization cycle (average data referring to machines that take apply our “Full Maintenance” maintenance service with SMS SCADA system)
Constant remote connection for monitoring of all function parameters with our SMS SCADA diagnostic system which ensures: - simulation of the real operation conditions - detection of the possible malfunction causes - maintenance “Just in Time” and availability of lower costs with the Contratto si Servizio - guaranteed monitoring via modem or other communication systems
Dresser Wayne has been working for some months, in collaboration with a partner from the gas industry, for the completion of the first pilot project, concerning a public CNG refuelling station which can operate in self-service mode. The project can now start the operational phase (at last, after a long wait…..), after the enforcement by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, of the recent DM 11 September 2008, (published on Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana on the 3 October 2008, hence in application since the 18 October), which prescribes the design, construction and management characteristics of an attended CNG refuelling station suitable for the selfservice mode. The partners of the project hope for the opening of this self-service CNG refuelling station in the first months of 2009 in the area of Milano.
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Pressure suction range from pipeline: from 0,1 to 200 bar
Paolo PetraccHi dresser Wayne PiGnone interVieW to
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Interview to Paolo Petracchi Vice President Gas and Retail Division Dresser Wayne Pignone
M&M What will be the future like for the use of CNG on vehicles in the vision of Dresser? Paolo Petracchi The use of compressed natural gas for vehicles is facing an extremely exciting situation today in the eastern countries such as Pakistan, Thailand, India, where there is a yearly growth trend over 40%. In Thailand in particular today more than 500 vehicles are converted every day, and the target is closet o 1,000. Another strong growth market is Middle East, with Iran in the first place. Then there are mature markets such as Latin America and some European countries in which there is a development of CNG but not to the same extent. Another very important market is that of USA. It made a god start some years ago, but then it came to a halt. Today there is some evidence that the interest for CNG is coming again, but without any significant practical consequence so far. Dresser is fostering this market expansion with an increase of its production capacity, which has increased from 50 CUBOGAS per year in 2005 up to 180 in 2008; and we expect to be able to manufacture 245 of them per year in 2009, and 1,100 in 2013. To meet these targets, besides our production plant in Talamona, we will build some more plants in Brazil, in China and in USA. The decentralised production at world level is allowed by the complete digitization of the projects and the standardisation of the components. To ensure a quick and effective technical assistance at world level, all the manufactured CUBOGAS are supplied with the PLC which is connected to the data processing centres to constantly monitor the functions and to immediately alert on possible malfunctions so to avoid unplanned maintenance break down (Full Maintenance with the SMS SCADA diagnostic and maintenance system) M&M Do you foresee any further technology improvement on the refuelling side of the full NGV application chain? Paolo Petracchi There is a constant improvement. Already today our compressors do not consume more than one litre of lubrication oil per 4,000 hours of service. Experts
are studying an on-board gas storage system which service pressure is twice as much as that of traditional systems, with a resulting running range which increases by more than 50%. Our refuelling appliances perform the refuelling operation on the basis of an algorithm that takes into account many different parameters besides pressure. In this way we can do a complete fill with a filling rate which is by 8-13% higher compared to the traditional systems filling at the same pressure. The use of LNG is an interesting option in prospect, but we still lack vehicles able to use natural gas in liquid form. These and other improvements are possible and Dresser is already applying them and it is studying them to make the refuelling operation more and more efficient, quick, safe and cheap. The scarcity of the metals in respect of the world demand is one of the problems now arising on the market of raw materials. The answer to this situation will be the more and more massive application of new non metallic materials provided by the technology development. This aspect will concern not only vehicles, but also our production, which is intensively applying metallic materials at present. As for the home compressors, I think they are complementary to a capillary road refuelling station network, in such a way as to ensure the possibility of using the NGV, independently from the availability of the home refuelling alone. M&M What facility do you offer your customers? Paolo Petracchi Dresser has created its own payment systems with all the financial options available today for an easy management of the stations. The self-service refuelling operation mode is already available and used abroad, and this has never created any problem. The maintenance of our machines is eased by the location strategy of the internal components, with wide working space available where necessary. Today we can deliver our products all over the world, with the dispatching no later than 30 days after order, and the technical assistance interventions are immediate, thanks to the network of technical centres scattered at international level. Dresser is looking after its customers, both in the preliminary phase for the optimisation of the systems based on the service needs, and afterward for upgrading of the machines, which can be done by acting on the revolution rate or by substitution of pistons and compression chambers, with extremely low intervention costs and time.
Fornovo Gas was formed in 1969, and it was responsible for : • CNG distribution in northern Italy • maintenance of CNG refuelling stations • Transport of CNG by cylinder truck. Having gained such a wide experience, Fornovo Gas also started recently with the design, manufacturing and sale of a new line of CNG compressors and dispensers which have become now the core business of the company. The firm has been certified to ISO 9001:2000 for its whole activity. The compressors built by Fornovo Gas are efficient, reliable and highly flexible in operating conditions. The compressors made by Fornovo Gas can work with a variable suction pressure between 0 and 220 bar, and require a power between 22 and 400 kW. Fornovo Gas is the perfect blend of skilful and motivated personnel, working in a young environment, with a long tradition but with a young and dynamic staff, ready to take and win the challenge of the market. Main products commercialised in the world: “GASVECTOR” – compression module certified CE – it is a preassembled module unit, optimised for the compression and distribution of CNG, adaptable to any intake pressure of gas from pipeline and to any need of flow rate. The module is also suitable to the compression of technical gases in various industria processes. It has the aspect of a cabin easily transportable, made of reinforced
concrete and steel. “ELECTRONIC DISPENSER OF CNG”: the device meters the actual mass flow of gas (Kg) delivered to the vehicle independent from pressure, temperature and density. The dispenser is designed for automatic operation, on various pressure levels. It has got an electronic counter and a self diagnostic programme, with a very high reliability rate and very easy maintenance, it can exchange operational data with the central control of refuelling data and/or the central unit of the firm. “TURN KEY CNG REFUELLING STATION”: turn key delivery - in Italy and in all the countries of the world – of the compression and distribution system of CNG, including ancillaries and connecting piping, commissioning, start up and training. The system can be a public refuelling station, or a refuelling station for fleets. We can develop the whole building process, from engineering, including the passage for the necessary administrative permissions, down to the start up of the plant. “AFTER SALE ASSISTANCE”: assistance contracts with many arrangements from programmed maintenance to “full service”, this is the result of forty years experience with our customer service, with 24 hour a day availability of our experts and assistants, all the year round. Fornovo Gas S.r.l. – Via P.M. Curie, 14 – 42100 Reggio Emilia. Tel. +39 0522-557675; Fax +39 0522 550112; E-mail: info@fornovogas.it
focus oN NGV
nGV tHe italian tradition sPread oVer tHe World
a GroUP of tWenty
NGV sysTEm ITalIa sEcTIoN
tHe nGV sector
larGe firMs, coMMitted to
Our magazine carries on also on this issue, with the profile description of the firms which are members of the Consortium Natural Gas Vehicle System Italia. We would like to remind our
dresser Wayne PiGnone
readers that this Consortium was founded in 1996, and it collects the most representative Italian operators of this sector, thanks to whom the use of natural gas as fuel for vehicles is today a reality.
NGV sysTEm ITalIa sEcTIoN
dresser Wayne PiGnone
NGV sysTEm ITalIa sEcTIoN
M &M
a GRouP of TWENTy laRGE fIRms, commITTED To THE NGV sEcToR
La ECOS s.r.l. “SOLUZIONI A PORTATA DI GAS”, nata nel 2000 come sintesi di specialisti nel settore del metano per autotrazione, oggi è un’azienda leader nel settore del gas naturale compresso, impegnata nella realizzazione di impianti di distribuzione di metano ed idrogeno. La ECOS s.r.l. opera nel settore del metano per autotrazione, spaziando dalla progettazione e consulenza [tecnica, legale e commerciale], fino ad arrivare alla realizzazione e alla manutenzione degli impianti per la compressione e la distribuzione del metano, nonché dei sistemi per lo stoccaggio ed il trasporto dei gas compressi in tutta l’area del centro-sud. Nelle attività aziendali della ECOS s.r.l. rientrano i servizi di tarature e verifiche periodiche dei sistemi di trasporto e misura di gas naturale compresso. Dal 2005 la ECOS s.r.l. profonde il suo impegno nella ricerca industriale e nello sviluppo precompetitivo nel settore dei combustibili alternativi, in particolare delle miscele idrogeno-metano; settore legato al tema della Mobilità Sostenibile che ricade tra le priorità della Comunità Europea, rappresentando uno dei principali argomenti del 7° Programma Quadro. La ECOS s.r.l. con la fattiva collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale e Meccanica (D.I.A.M.) della Seconda Università di Napoli (SUN), rafforzata nel 2007 con un Accordo Quadro per l’uso e l’incentivazione delle tecnologie legate all’uso delle miscele idrogeno-metano nel trasporto pubblico locale e privato, è già leader delle tecnologie legate all’uso del vettore idrogeno nella filiera del metano per autotrazione. Nella sede operativa dell’azienda è stato realizzato un prototipo funzionante di impianto per la produzione delle miscele idrogeno-metano (cosiddette miscele HCNG) che serve attualmente come piattaforma per una serie di prove con miscele a vario tenore di idrogeno rispetto al metano (gas naturale). Si sta conducendo, infatti, un calendario di prove che serviranno, nel prossimo futuro, per il trasferimento tecnologico nella conversione dei tradizionali distributori di metano in distributori di idrogeno e miscele idrogeno-metano. Infatti, le miscele idrogeno-metano rappresentano l’immediata soluzione di fruibilità del vettore Idrogeno utilizzando tecnologie attualmente applicabili nel settore del metano. La ECOS s.r.l. con altri partners, parallelamente alle prove sul impianto per le miscele, sta conducendo prove su strada con una Multipla Bipower alimentata a miscela idrogeno-metano, che riforniamo tramite il nostro prototipo di impianto (per maggiori info e dettagli: http://officinaidrogeno.blog.tiscali.it/).
Ecos - Ingegneria per impianti di rifornimento e trasporto metano su gomma Via S. Fede, 2 - 81024 Maddaloni (CE) Italy - Tel. +39 0823 203121 - Fax +39 0823 204684 ecos@metano.net - www.metano.net
NGV sysTEm ITalIa sEcTIoN
Tutto questo fa della Ecos s.r.l. una azienda qualificata, capace di offrire valide soluzioni tecnico-operative, in un settore in continua evoluzione ed espansione, quale quello del metano compresso, nonché dell’idrogeno, garantendo una puntuale efficienza e professionalità, attenta all’esperienze passate e continuamente aggiornata con il futuro. ECOS si occupa di progettazione, consulenza tecnica e legale, installazione e manutenzione di: - stazioni di rifornimento di gas metano per auto - stazioni di rifornimento idrogeno per autotrazione - stazioni di rifornimento carburanti liquidi tradizionali - stazioni di stoccaggio ad alta pressione di metano ed idrogeno - sistemi di trasporto di metano compresso ad alta pressione - impianti tecnologici e idraulici per gas metano ed idrogeno - impianti elettrici in aree pericolose
Ecos - Ingegneria per impianti di rifornimento e trasporto metano su gomma Via S. Fede, 2 - 81024 Maddaloni (CE) Italy - Tel. +39 0823 203121 - Fax +39 0823 204684 ecos@metano.net - www.metano.net
NGV sysTEm ITalIa sEcTIoN
M &M
a GRouP of TWENTy laRGE fIRms, commITTED To THE NGV sEcToR
www.emer.it - Cng and Lpg systems - Filling valves, cng cylinders valves and lpg multivalves - Pipes, high pressure tubes and systems accessories Emerging figure in the alternative fuel market since the beginning, Emer has always been synonymous of industrial innovation. Today Emer advanced technology is well known all over the world. All Emer new creations are developed, tested and homologated according and in cooperation with the major protagonists of world-wide the automotive industry. Emer mission is to create vanguard solutions for conversion to cng and lpg of automotive fuel systems, while guaranteeing high profile technical support programs, from the phase of development, until the delivery to the customer and beyond. Emer innovated lpg and cng systems offered in the market guarantee highest qualitative standards together with advanced technical solutions, like the new â&#x20AC;&#x153;CNG system at 10 barsâ&#x20AC;?, the only one in after market to work at a constant pressure of 10 bars, for high performances and an excellent driveability. Today Emer is certified according to Standard ISO/TS 16949:2002 and ISO9001:2000. The entire production is 100% tested for functionality and tightness control.
Valves assembly line
Valves tested by robot equipment Legal Administrative Seat: via Roma 104A - Collebeato (BS) - Cap. 25060 tel. +39 030 2510391 - fax +39 030 2510392 e-mail commercial@emer.it Productive Unit: via Bormioli 33 - Brescia - Cap. 25123 tel. +39 030 2350033
lE PaGINE DEll’NGV sysTEm ITalIa
tHe neW Ministry decree on MUlti-disPenser
and self-serVice for cnG
The ministry of internal affairs in October 2008 issued two new decrees covering the safety norms for CNG refuelling stations: the decree 11 September 2008 and the decree 23 September 2008, both published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana n 232 of 3 October 2008. These two decrees introduce some important amendments to the decrees 24 May and 28 June 2002, which had been partially amended already with the decree 27 January 2006. The amendments enforced have the aim of allowing the adoption of multi-dispenser (decree 23 September 2008) and self service (decree 11 September 2008) in public CNG refuelling stations. Mind you, in real terms, it is nothing new. Multi dispenser and self service are two aspects very common and well settled in the NGV sector, and they have been in application since long now in almost all the European countries having a NGV market, such as Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, and also in many extra-European countries, such as Argentina, Brazil, North America, just to mention those with the biggest NGV market. But In Italy both multi-dispenser and self-service were de facto prohibited so far. This appeared quite odd, when considering that no country in the world can boast a longer experience in the application CNG to the of NGV market than the Italian one. Or in better terms: back in the thirties this technology budded in the LD and HD automotive sector in Italy and in some other countries like France, America. Then in all countries but Italy, this application was totally abandoned, due to the booming low cost liquid fuels. More recently, in the two last decades, this technology came back in application and developed quickly, leveraged by an increasing economic and environmental interest of governments and population. The total NGV world population is now in excess of 8 million vehicles. IANGV (International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles) even predicted this population to grow up to a level around 65 million in 2020. In Italy opposite, CNG was never phased out, but has kept constantly at a niche market level. Multidispenser and self-service are thus a couple of innovations the Italian NGV sector operators were anxiously awaiting. It is worth noting by the way that the text of these measure contain some requisites that are very restrictive, if compared with the equivalent norms in application abroad. This aspect will likely tend to moderate the potentially positive impact of these innovations on the further
development of the NGV market in Italy, both on the side of the new CNG refuelling stations to be built, and that of the service management of new refuelling stations. But it is necessary to take a pragmatic approach. Usually the norms follow the technology development, and take profit of the experience built up with their application. In the future, the requirements of the new norm recently enforced may become less stringent. The practice will demonstrate, as it already did abroad, that self-service and multi-dispenser are two normal aspects of this market, and that they are fully compatible with the CNG refuelling station infrastructures of the plant of refuelling stations. It is also true that the large scale application of an innovative technology must always be subject to more stringent bonds compared to the state of the art. And this is also due to the entailed psychological aspect. Unfortunately, every year on the roads all around the world, gasoline and diesel vehicles are involved in many severe accidents causing serious consequences for their owners and users. At the national level, there are thousands of casualties every year. The norms on vehicle safety, the road codes, and the traffic management strategies do their best to limit this tragic blood tribute, but nobody would even think of abolishing gasoline and diesel cars for this reason. The liquid fuel transport vehicle is a feature which is strongly integrated in our stile of life, for which we are to a certain extent resigned to accept also negative points. Opposite, each time an alternative fuel vehicle is involved in an accident of any kind, the press promptly instils in the public opinion the doubt about the opportunity to use it at all. This because, right of wrong, what is new worries more that what is traditional. For this reason the norms covering an innovative solution must be more conservative. They must obviously meet the basic safety criteria. But they must also take into account the psychological effects that any mishap might have on the subsequent development of that innovation. In some way, it is like a worker at the beginning of his employment, when he is accurately put under test by his employer. During this period he cannot afford any major mistake, which would have disastrous consequences on his employment; and he must be 120% efficient. The alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure must be not only safe, but rather safer than their liquid fuel equivalents. And this is confirmed by various assessments done by laboratories and in-
Multi-fuel dispenser (multi-dispenser)
Fig 1 Multi-fuel dispenser with CNG (erdgas) in Germany Fig 1b Italian multi-fuel dispenser with CNG
The certification procedure When the decree 8 June 1993 was issued, it was possible to remarkably change the aspect of the CNG refuelling station. The steel reinforced concrete walls which in the old norm separated the dispensers, as an anti-splinter protection means, were abolished, while keeping in place the same safety distances. This modification was possible because in the mean time a new kind of certified, intrinsic safety dispensers were simultaneously imposed by the norm. The new dispenser had to meet the requirements of the CEI norms covering appliances installed in potentially explosive atmosphere environments. After the adoption of the ATEX directive, the dispensers, which previously had to be certified, must now carry the CE mark, to prove
them meeting said directive requirements. So, the intrinsic safety of the product once was certified by means of the national certification procedure; now instead the CE marking is to testify that the product meets the requirements of the European harmonised norms contained in the text of the ATEX directive. This system modification does not imply also modifications of the construction process of the dispenser, which are relevant to the safety norms. This new system has been enforced with the issue of the decree 27 January 2006 “Requisiti degli apparecchi, sistemi di protezione e dispositivi utilizzati in atmosfera potenzialmente esplosiva, ai sensi della direttiva n. 94/9/CE, presenti nelle attività soggette ai controlli antincendio. “ (Art 2, point 1; and Art 5, point 2). Safety aspects of the multi-dispenser The experts of the NGV sector believe that when examining the safety requirements of the selfservice multi-dispenser, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the self-service refuelling operation with gasoline, all in all, is intrinsically less safe that that of CNG. Some documents concerning the safety analysis done some years ago by the already mentioned Norwegian Boureau Veritas and the American EPA, categorically stated that CNG is at least as safe as diesel oil, so it is safer than gasoline and LPG. As already said, the norms in force in the other European and extra European countries already contemplate the use of multi-dispenser with CNG. If a multi-dispenser with CNG carries the CE mark, and meets the requirements of the ATEX directive, then it must be possible to install it also in Italy. In consideration of this, it was possible to include in the existing norms the necessary amendments to allow the installation of the multi-dispenser with CNG. Normative bonds The introduction of the multi-dispenser with CNG, de facto totally eliminates the internal safety distance between the single dispensers of gasoline, diesel, and CNG, which are now just different parts of the same appliance. The new decree confirm anyway the need to keep the traditional internal safety distance of 8 metres between the multi-dispenser and the other dispensers, be they single or multi-dispensers in their turn. Furthermore, all the other safety distances of decrees 24 May and 28 June 2002, must also keep in place (i.e. the internal safety distances, the protection distances, and the external safety distances). The multi-fuel dispenser must be conceived so that it is never possible to simultaneously operate it on liquid fuel (gasoline and diesel), and gaseous fuel (LPG and CNG); and also LPG and
dependent organisations such as the Norwegian Boureau Veritas and EPA (Environment Protection Agency). Let’s see in more detail the main aspects of the new norms.
THE NEW mINIsTRy DEcREE oN mulTI-DIsPENsER aND sElf-sERVIcE foR cNG CNG cannot be delivered simultaneously. So the appliance must have a function to allow delivering only one type of fuel at a time; i.e., when a NGV is refuelling, or even two, on both sides of dispenser, a special logic must operate, that physically inhibits the simultaneous refuelling operation of a liquid fuel vehicle (gasoline or diesel), or of an LPG vehicle, on both sides of dispenser. And opposite, when one or two liquid fuel vehicles are refuelling on one or both sides of dispenser, it will not be possible to simultaneously deliver also CNG or LPG. The interdiction of NGV refuelling during operation on gasoline, diesel or LPG must be done by means of the installation of a shutoff valve on the dispenser upstream of any inner dispenser component, (i.e., in practical terms, at the point where the high pressure piping reaches the multi-dispenser), to ensure that there is no connection with the high pressure CNG station piping during liquid fuel delivery. There is no need anyway to vent the whole dispenser gas piping, which can keep under pressure, waiting for the next CNG delivery to be done. The gas content of the high pressure piping is very small; a few tens of cubic centimetres. This requirement is a bit awkward for the NGV market, as it will force the gasoline and diesel customers to wait in line for potentially longer time than it happens today in the case of multi-dispenser not delivering also CNG. In practical terms, for example, the presence of only one car refuelling with CNG, on only one side of the multi-dispenser, will prevent the access to the multi-dispenser to any other vehicle, be it fuelled with gasoline, diesel or LPG, on both sides, until the CNG delivery is completed. And in case another NGV comes along in the mean time, and starts refuelling in its turn on the opposite side, maybe shortly before the first vehicle accomplishes its refuelling operation, the gasoline and diesel (and LPG) customers will be forced to wait even longer. And the opposite situation applies in case the multi-dispenser is already engaged by a liquid fuel vehicle when the NGV comes along, except that each single refuelling operation with gasoline or diesel is quicker than the case of CNG (in average, less than a minute, versus 2-3 minutes of CNG). Obviously, the norm does not address this particular problem. But the designer had better find a solution to mitigate this mishap. For example, some sort of â&#x20AC;&#x153;reservation buttonâ&#x20AC;? which automatically switches from the liquid to the gaseous fuel or vice-versa, at the end of the refuelling operation, to allow a more correct and fair refuelling queuing principle. The fuel station market will have thus to evaluate accurately in each single case the real opportunity to adopt the multi-dispenser, also taking into account the composition of the served vehicle fleet. Hopefully anyway, the time and the experience build-up, will
prove this requirement as not really necessary for safety. Notwithstanding this penalising aspect, the multi-dispenser with CNG is a solution which is particularly useful in the case of gasoline and diesel refuelling stations in which the available space did not allow so far installing a CNG dispenser. Self-service The decree 11 September 2008 allows CNG selfservice refuelling only if and when the refuelling station is attended by some personnel, to supervise the operation of the station. The supervisor must be adequately competent, and must be able to promptly intervene in case of emergency. A common person, without a specific competence, is not suitable. Before the operator is entitled a self-service CNG station supervisor, he must attend a training course addressing high fire risk environments, as dictated by DM 10 March 1998. Furthermore, he must get a perfect acquaintance with the stationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s emergency plan and the relevant intervention procedures. But this is nothing new. These are just the normal requirements for the operators of normal refuelling stations. Not meeting these requirements, self-service CNG refuelling is forbidden, and it must be physically impeded. So it will not be sufficient to put there a mere cashier to act as supervisor, unless he has got this expertise. The supervisor must also verify that the vehicle has got the necessary requirements to have access to the self-service CNG dispenser, including those relevant to the on-board cylinder compliance (validity, periodic inspections etc.). This is not new either. The present norms already assign this task to the normal CNG refuelling station operators. There is not an explicit obligation, to be true; the present norms only state that using and refuelling of the cylinders is forbidden in the intermediate period between the expiry time of validity and revalidation testing. What is new is the obligation to also check the vehicle itself being suitable for self-service refuelling (we will see later what this means). The amendments introduced aim at making the CNG refuelling station even safer than it is already. Further cautious measures are enforced, which are particularly restrictive, to take into account the fact that the CNG refuelling connector will not be used by expert operators, but it will be directly handled by customers. The customers may be any sort of people, but in general, at least at the beginning of self-service application, they will not be expert of the refuelling operation. The self-service mode requires some attention, also in consideration that the use of CNG in vehicles exists in Italy since such a long time, that it has paradoxically some aspects that
Fig 2 receptacle to be installed on the car body
Fig 3 receptacle to be installed in the gasoline receptacle compartment
To be suitable to self-service mode, the dispenser must have a particular connector, which must: • Meet the requirements of Regulation UN ECE R110 (“Uniform provisions concerning the approval of : I. Specific components of motor vehicles using CNG in their propulsion system; II. Vehicles with regard to the installation of specific components of an approved type for the use of CNG in their propulsion system). • Meet the requirements of prEN 13638 “NGV Refuelling Stations”. • Be suitable to the receptacle of the CNG vehicles made to the standard ISO 15501-1:2000 “Road vehicles — Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel systems, Part 1: Safety requirements” and “Part 2: Test methods”. • Ensure that the CNG delivery is done only when connection to the receptacle is done properly. • Be easy to handle by everybody. • Not require an excessive strength and a particular familiarity. The norm ISO 15500 is mentioned by the decree, as it specifies in particular the shape and dimension of the free space that the designer must leave around the receptacle, to which the connector must be plugged. This is quite an important aspect, since the experience has shown that sometimes, some particular solutions or too narrow space around the receptacle may make it difficult to reach and connect to some kind of connector. There are on the market a number of connectors of different design. As a consequence of the side functions incorporated (e.g. the venting system), the manufacturers adopt different solutions to ensure the correct plug and lock operation, by means of a ring nut, or a lever, or a small hand grip, or a big trigger, as in the case of the gasoline and diesel connector. Maybe this last one represents the better choice, just for its resemblance to the gasoline connector. Some manufacturers (e.g. WEH, STAUBLI), produce CNG connector models which have more or less the same shape and functionality of the gasoline one. In this way the refuelling operation is even simpler, and appears more “normal” to the customer. He will feel mo-
render the normal refuelling station of CNG as it is, not so suitable for self-service mode. This does not apply instead to the case of the NGV sector in all other countries, where this market has started forming later, in a more suitable time for this mode to be adopted. One of the aspects that require some attention is the refuelling receptacle location. A large portion of the NGV market is still represented by workshop converted aftermarket vehicles. In this kind of CNG on-board system the receptacle is located in the engine compartment. In the traditional retrofit NGV systems the receptacle does not contain a check valve and it has a shut of valve which, after connecting with the refuelling connector, must be opened to deliver CNG, and must be closed before disconnecting at the end of refuelling. All this leveraging and maneuvering is quite labour demanding and complex; all steps must be done in the correct sequence, and the whole operation might be uneasy in some cases for not expert people. So for example, the new norm prohibits the access to self-service to the converted cars which have the receptacle installed in the engine compartment. There are on the market some solutions which allow the installation of the refuelling receptacle outside of the engine compartment even in the case of retrofit vehicles. There are refuelling valves, that can include a check valve and a container box, which can be installed in holes made inside the gasoline receptacle compartment, when the available space is sufficient, or on the car body, or on the bumper (this last two options are not appreciated by many people, given the dimensions of the hole to be pierced in the car body or in the plastic bumper).
THE NEW mINIsTRy DEcREE oN mulTI-DIsPENsER aND sElf-sERVIcE foR cNG re at ease, as this connector requires nearly the same process of gasoline or diesel refuelling he is accustomed to. All in all, this can result in an even higher safety rate, and a lower risk of mistake, or awkward actions on his part. And the customer will be more eager to adopt this refuelling mode, rather than only looking for operator attended refuelling stations.
Weh TK 17 (new design)
Multidispenser with CNG
Fig 4 ergonomic connector WEH TK 17
Fig 5 ergonomic connector STAUBLI
Near the dispenser there must be some device that controls the delivery of CNG by means of customer’s continued manual action. The release of said device will cause the sudden interruption of delivery; after this, the delivery can only start again after a previous check done by the supervisor. The introduction in the norm of such a gadget, to be true, does appear quite anachronistic. The requirement for this “dead man button” was included for some time in the text of the draft norm prEN13638 NGV Filling Stations”, from which it was subsequently eliminated, as the experts realised that this requirement was of little use. But it stayed there long enough to be noticed and
adopted by other norms, and to spread abroad. It has been adopted by both the Italian norm on LPG self-service refuelling stations and (for “fairness”……..) the one on CNG refuelling-stations. We go so far as to comment that such gadget do not step forward in the direction of the ease of application of the self-service refuelling, as it forces the customer to keep a button depressed for the whole refuelling duration, i.e. a full couple minutes. And if the car cylinders were totally empty, some other cars are refuelling in the mean time, the compressor of the station is not too big, nor is the station’s storage, the button will have to be depressed even longer than that. All in all, this device does not add to safety. The gaseous fuel is not like gasoline or diesel; if the tank is full, CNG cannot overflow and flood on the floor over the dispenser area. The operating automatisms (i.e. the gas flow sensor, and the on-board check valve) stop the CNG delivery at the appropriate time without any possibility of gas escaping the system in any way. In the case of LPG, the fuel flow even stops when the tank is only 80% full. And the whole system is hermetical. Very likely, time and experience will prove this gadget as not necessary. In the proximity of the self-service CNG dispensers there must be at least one emergency shut off button that if necessary stops the operation, and shuts down the gas line. In this case, opposite than the former case, it is for sure a necessary requirement for safety. Obviously, this button must be located in a position that is visible and accessible, and must be always signalled by adequate signs. The customer must see it clearly, and must know immediately what it is. Nothing is ever more risky than having to look for something when, right or wrong, one is dominated by fear. Once the system has been shut down by pushing this button, it can be put back in operation only by expert personnel, i.e. the supervisor. Also this one is a very sensible and normal requirement, which is common to all the cases where such a safety measure is applied. In any case of an emergency shut down, automatically restarting must never be possible, without a previous on-site check done by a competent person. At present, no automatic procedure, regardless of how intelligent and elaborated it is, can substitute the human judgement. This entails a further need for the presence of a supervisor, who is capable of immediately starting again the system if the shut down button has been depressed by mistake, or if the problem is quickly and easily solved. But there are some more safety requirements to be met. The new decree imposes that in the self-service CNG refuelling station is installed at least one remote control point of the dispenser, through which the supervisor can arrest the gas delivery, if he deems this necessary. This requirement also entails the
receptacle made to ISO 14469.1 (NGV 1), which is located outside of the engine compartment (the customer must never open the bonnet in the refuelling station). If the vehicle’s on-board CNG system do not meet these requirements, it cannot be refuelled in the self-service mode, and it must be served by the operator only. Within 6 metres radius area from the perimeter of the dispenser case, it is prohibited: to use devices that are not adequately protected against the risk of fire ignition, including mobile phones; to smoke, even on-board; to light and to carry around flames. It is also prohibited to fill mobile tanks (cylinders). This requirement applies also to the normal refuelling station. During refuelling operation the customer must be helped by a system of signs and instructions that is as clear as possible, to instruct him on the necessary precautions, on the refuelling procedure, and on the emergency button location. In particular, the signs must give for example the instructions concerning the availability of the supervisor for any need, and of the communication system; the operation steps on connector, on receptacle, on the device controlling the CNG delivery, which must be activated during the whole filling procedure, and on the operations to be done at end of refuelling. Also the norm G 97 of 2005, drawn up by the Austrian OVGW “Guidelines for design, construction, installation and exercise of the NGV refuelling stations”, contains some requirement concerning self-service mode, i.e.: “SELF-SERVICE OPERATION of NATURAL GAS (CNG) FUELING SYSTEMS at NON-PUBLIC FILLING STATIONS is permissible without the supervision of a TRAINED or ELIGIBLE PERSON if only persons are allowed to use the CNG DISPENSING PUMPS who are familiar with them and who have demonstrably been shown their use and the possible dangers. The following information must be clearly and permanently displayed at the CNG DISPENSING PUMPS: gas type (NATURAL GAS), gas quality (e.g. “H“) and the FILLING PRESSURE of the CNG dispensed. At PUBLIC FILLING STATIONS with SELF-SERVICE OPERATION the information concerning gas type and FILLING PRESSURE as well as the fuelling ban for LPG-powered motor vehicles must be multi-lingual.”
presence of a person. Moreover, in the proximity of dispensers also a communication system must be installed, to allow the customer receiving assistance and instructions from the supervisor. This will be useful at the beginning, when most customers will carry out the self-service refuelling procedure for the first time. In this respect, the norms in force in other countries advise in some cases to do a previous short specific training of the customer. For example the G 651 norm, drawn up by the German DVGW (back in 1999!) “Guidelines for design, construction, test, commissioning, and operation of CNG refuelling stations”, at point 7, “Exercise and maintenance” (7.1, “General”, 2° paragraph), reads: “the refuelling stations can only be operated by persons older than 18. They must get the necessary acquaintance and the necessary competence on the requirements and norms for the operation of the dispenser.” Then, at point 7.3, “Instructions for refuelling operation”, (2° paragraph), it reads: “Only trained persons can operate the refuelling procedure of CNG. A person is considered trained when capable of carrying out the refuelling procedure following the relevant instructions.” Maybe this is a little bit too much; the familiarity with the self-service CNG dispenser is acquired (it must be possible to acquire it) very quickly anyway. On the dispenser there must be some device for the customer and the supervisor to check the proper re-location of the connector in its slot, after the filling operation has been accomplished. Also this operation must be as simple as possible. In our opinion, with these last two requirements the CNG dispenser becomes far safer than that of gasoline and diesel oil; it was already before, by the way. The general and specific instructions for the customer are very important. In the proximity of the self-service dispenser there must be a system of signs that gives in a clear and comprehensive way all necessary instructions and warnings to the customer, and instructs him on the prohibitions which apply. In particular, the instructions must inform that: the delivered product is compressed natural gas, not other fuels like for example LPG (they are extremely different, and to mistake one of them for the other may be really dangerous); self-service is allowed only if the vehicle has got a
tHe eleVentH ianGV conference
nGV 2008 – rio de Janeiro brazil
The tenth first Conference and Exhibition organized by the International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles (IANGV) was carried out in Brazil, from 3 to 5 June, with the participation of 75 companies dedicated to the development of gaseous fuel in the five continents. The conference was attended by 782 delegates from 21 countries. It managed 2 plenary sessions with 10 speakers each; 23 round tables with a total of 76 speakers; plus a session poster with 103 papers. At the exhibition there were 600 exhibitors on a surface of 3,680 square metres. It was visited by 17,000 people. Involved companies United States & Canada: Advance Fuel Systems, Angi International, Canadian Natural Gas Vehicle Association, Chart Industries, Clean Air Power, Clean Energy, Cummins Westport Inc., Dresser Wayne, Dynetek, Exterran, Fuelmaker, IMW Industries, ITT Conoflow, Kraus Global, Lincoln Composites, Micro Motion, NGV America, Swagelok, Teleflex GFI, Xebec Adsorption. Brazil: ABGNC, Companhia de Gás de São Paulo, Dover do Brasil Ltda, Editora Globo, F1 do Brasil, GNV Compressores, Guia Offshore, Ipiranga, Mat S/A, Metroval, NEOGás do Brasil, Revista TN Petróleo, Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Energia Indústria e Serviços, White Martins. Argentina: Agira, Inflex, Galileo, Tomasetto Achille, Aspro, PVR Technologies, Cidegas, Abac, Pump Control, Válvulas Hoffmann, GNV Magazine.com, NGV Communications, Mundo Gas. Italy: AEB, Emer, Landi Renzo, Lovato, OMVL, Rail SpA, Safe, Valtek, Vanzetti, Zavoli. Poland: AC S.A., Auto-Gaz, D.T. Gas System, KME Sp z o.o. Germany: Bosch, Gasotronic GmbH, Krohne, WEH GmbH. Switzerland: Atlas Copco / Greenfield , Endress + Hauser, Eugen Seitz AG. Asia : Advance Electronics Inter national, KwangShin Machine. New Zeland: IANGV, Oasis Engineering Ltd. Colombia: Orvisa Comunicaciones. France: Cryostar SAS. Czech Republic : Motor Jikov. Programme John Lyon - IANGV President - NGV Global Trends and Forecasts to 2020 Carlos Scioli - ALGNV President - The Latin American NGV Market – Overall Status & Expected Growth Lee Giok Seng – Petronas - The Growth of Asian NGVs and the Future Manuel Lage - Iveco - NGV European Perspectives:
Current and Future Trends Sylvie D’Apote – CERA (Cambridge Energy Research Associates) – Medium and long term prospects of Latin America Natural Gas supplying Andrew J. Littlefair – North American NGV status Bernie James – Powertech – Improvements through failure and accident analysis for gas cylinders Marco Seimandi – BRC Italy – Modern technologies applied to CNG compression Antônio Bermudo - NGV Consultant Topic: NGV Technology: Brazilian Current and Future Position Louis Verginelli – Delphi Develop’t Mgr - Dual Fuel Technology for Heavy Duty Engines Diego Goldin – ProGNC – Global harmonisation of standards for gas fuelled vehicles – Latin American Experience Jorge Venanciio del Freitas Monteiro – COMGAS – Virtual gas pipeline systems: a purpose of standardisation the design, construction and operation of natural gas storage and decompression stations Sayyed Mohammad Tajali Bakhsh – How the biggest Middle East car manufacturer became the first CNG car manufacturer Mark Lawday – Implementation of safety standards in the design and development of lightweight CNG fuel storage system for bus The conference proceedings can be purchased visiting the IANGV web site: www.iangv.com We selected some papers among the most interesting. Some papers John Lyon past president of IANGV. The NGV trends and forecasts at 2020 go for 65 million CNG vehicles, consuming as much as 400 billion cubic metres per year of CNG. The world today if faced with a number of major challenges: shortage of oil; global warming; air pollution; geo political. The world is running out of oil. Over the past years, annual oil consumption has consistently been higher than annual oil reserves additions. Fig 1 Relationship between crude oil demand, production capacity and price: • Present world oil consumption 86 M bbl/d • Present world oil production capacity 86M bbl/d • When demand is within 10% of production capacity, price will escalate rapidly and erratically • Below 90% utilization, industry can cope with demand/supply swings without major price fluctuations • The following issues will effect price stability:
THE ElEVENTH IaNGV coNfERENcE NGV 2008 NGVs are a significant part of the solution to oil Shortages, global warming, air pollution and geo political distortions. Reduce oil demand 8% by 2020. Improve energy choice flexibility. Improve security of energy supply. Improve world economic stability (dampen oil price). Improve balance of payments. Use renewable energy (biomethane). Reduce greenhouse gases by 25%. Reduce harmful vehicle emissions. So natural gas is the most efficient fuel choice. Fig. 3, Fig. 4 Many countries are using NGVs to solve their air pollution problems (NOx, SOx, CO, particulates, aromatics, etc.) Fig 5
Fig 1 difference between reserve addition and oil consumption
• World economics/GDP • OPEC • Geo political • Weather/natural disasters • Minor production disruptions Substituting oil in the transportation sector can have the single largest impact in lowering world oil demand. The transportation consumes 65% of oil production Fig 2
NGV’s government benefits: • Reduces dependency on foreign oil (reduces the addiction to oil; increases energy security; improve balance of payments; increases energy diversity) • Facilitates alternative fuel growth: CNG supports 50% of alternative fuel growth; It is a pathway to hydrogen • Improves the environment: reduces greenhouse gases by 25%; reduces harmful vehicle emissions NGVs’ benefits to gas utilities: 400 billion m³ of additional annual gas sales by 2020 • Gas load from a vehicle is equal to that of a house or more • Increases system load at a low cost • Load leveling: NGVs add load during evening hours making distribution system more efficient. NGVs add load all year, not just in the winter months • Increases profits
Fig 2 U.S. petroleum consumption by sector, 1970-2025 (million barrels per day)
Fig 3 WTW energy use comparison
Vehicle OEM benefits: 65 million NGVs by 2020 • Market: expected world market growth of 18% per year totalling 65M NGVs by 2020. Offering NGVs will add to OEM market share and increased sales • Meet government environmental regulations at a lower cost (greenhouse gases; harmful vehicle emissions; fuel consumption) • Pathway to next generation vehicles: facilitate the marriage of hybrid technology and NGV technology creating a hybrid/NG vehicle; NGV gaseous fuel technology will facilitate the transition to hydrogen vehicles Refuelling equipment manufacturers benefits: tens of thousands of additional CNG stations by 2020 • Increased market growth (volume increase; lower costs; higher profits) • Pathway to hydrogen refuelling systems: natural gas refuelling equipment will be the cornerstone to the development of hydrogen refuelling equipment • Environment: contribute to improvement of the environment
What needs to be done to ensure the continued growth of NGVs? (65 million NGVs by 2020) • Vehicle OEMs should increase production of competitively prices NGVs and increase offering of new models • Improve availability of economic, reliable, safe and environmentally friendly vehicle conversions: 65 million NGVs by 2020 • Natural gas industry with support of the International Gas Union (IGU) needs to develop strategies to aggressively advance the use of NGVs worldwide: 400 billion M³ of additional annual gas sales by 2020 • Aggressive development of CNG refuelling infrastructure: Tens of thousands of additional CNG stations by 2020 • Governments must implement and support a long term NGV (natural gas and biomethane) strategy: reduce oil consumption by 7 Million barrels per day by 2020 • NGV industry must develop and support strong NGV industry associations IANGV objective • Grow NGV market share to 9% (65M NGVs) of world wide vehicle population by 2020 through: • Government lobbying and policy assistance • Providing industry information to members and stakeholders • Standards development and dissemination • Standards harmonization • Organizing industry conferences, including our own conference held every two years (Rio 2008, Rome 2010, South Korea 2012) • Collecting relevant statistical data • Facilitating technical information exchange • Marketing and industry awareness activities
Fig 4 WTW GHG emission comparison
Customer benefits: lower costs, more convenient, improve the environment • Economics: substantially lower fuel cost; take advantage of vehicle cost reduction incentives in some countries • Convenience: refuel your vehicle either at home or at public stations; use vehicle in areas where gasoline and diesel vehicles are restricted; take advantage of other incentives like HOV single passenger use, free parking, etc. • Environment: contribute to improvement of the environment
Fig 5 NGV World Market “S Curve” 1991 to 2020
Andrew Littlefair Clean Energy was founded in 1997 as Pickens Fuel Corp. It became Clean Energy in 2001. It is based in Seal Beach, California. It is publiclytraded as CLNEon NASDAQ. It offers comprehensive services, such as: design, build & operate CNG/LNG fuelling stations; LNG production and delivery for HDVs; grant writing services; vehicle financing.
THE ElEVENTH IaNGV coNfERENcE NGV 2008 Some industry leading statistics: – 180+ CNG/LNG stations across North America – Over 20,000 customer vehicles fuelled daily – 75 million gallons dispensed and $117 million in revenue in 2007
Oil demand grows constantly in a healthy world economy. The production reached 84 MM barrels/day, in 2006 then it started to decline. The supply cannot meet demand; so prices increase and energy shortages develop. Now the opportunity for NGV is better than we ever imagined. More than 180 natural gas fleet models are available today (airport, transit, refuse, taxi, trucks).
pump prices (on equivalent basis) at may 2008 (gges)
$ 3.00
$ 4.48
$ 4.10
$ 4.85
$ 4.69
US offer incentives as federal tax credit that covers fuel: $ 0.50/gallon, and vehicles: 80% of incremental cost. The policy is focused on emission standards, renewable fuel standards (AFS), California Bond Initiative. Some million $ grants are also available from federal, state & local authorities. NGVs are cleaner. California Energy Commission Report estimates that NGV well to wheels green house gas emission reductions are 30% for light duty vehicles (passenger cars), and 23% for medium and heavy-duty vehicles. nox reduction – less smog
NOx treatment for diesel engines:
Diesel emulsions
Ethanol blends
Oxidations catalyst for diesel engine
Low sulphur diesel
pm reduction – less soot
≥90% con/cat
PM traps for diesel engines
Diesel emulsions
Biodiesel B20
Oxidations catalyst for diesel engine
Low sulphur diesel
Ethanol blends
A large supply of natural gas is available. There are more than 80 years of U.S. reserves (3040 years longer than oil). The shale production will increase the daily production and the U.S. Reserves beyond 100 years. The production is likely to increase by 4-5% for the next few years. The world NG reserves are estimated at 3 times that of Oil. Natural gas reduces dependence on foreign oil. The best markets: airports: taxis (6,000 gal/yr); hotel and parking shuttles (7,500 gal/yr); transit (16,000 gal/yr); refuse collection (10,000 gal/yr); transit fixed route (16,000 gal/yr); HD delivery trucks: port drayage (15,000 gal/yr); yard hostlers (10,000 gal/yr); pickup and delivery Manufacturers respond to ports with NG trucks, also available from Peterbilt, Autocar, and International Kenworth. International Kenworth Class 8 tractor • 15 litre Cummins ISX engine • Westport HPDI Natural Gas • 400 – 450 horsepower • 1,650 lb-ft torque • 33% lower NOx • 23% smaller carbon footprint Sterling Class 8 tractor • 9 litre Cummins Westport NG Engine • 320 horsepower • 1,000 lb-ft torque • 83% lower NOx • 23%-30% smaller carbon footprint Capacity Yard tractor • 9 litre Cummins Westport NG Engine • 250 horsepower • 730 lb-ft torque • 83% lower NOx • 23%-30% smaller carbon footprint Antonio Bermudo The Brazilian NGV program includes national fleet (passenger car national fleet: 28 millions NGV fleet: more than 1,540,000); CNG refuelling stations (1,522 at March 2008); installers (total: 747); annual conversions (more than 118,000 in 2007). Fuel consumption in Brazil in 2007: Diesel = 26,1%; Biodiesel = 25%; Gasoline = 23,4%; Ethanol = 22,1%; CNG = 3,4%. Requirements for conversion: • Use certified equipment (INMETRO –Res. 170/2002) • Regulations for installation of systems (INMETRO–RT 37) • Installation of the systems should be done by qualified (and certified) installers(INMETRO – RTQ33)
Marco Seimandi BRC Gas Equipment is among the world leaders in designing and manufacturing components and complete system for vehicle conversion from gasoline to LPG or CNG and complete CNG filling station. All the production complies with most stringent international rules in force. In 2003 BRC decided to look for new markets for expansion and diversification. CNG compressors were selected as new area for investment and development. The reasons of a choice: excellent market perspectives, commercial “proximity”with the traditional BRC products and customer network, niche market with high technological content, possibility of good synergies with the entire BRC Group. In beginning 2004 a specific team for CNG compressor development was created within BRC organization. In June 2006, after 2 years of development the 1st machine was sold. BRC Gas Equipment has developed a CNG refuelling station, and is engaged in designing and manufacturing complete “build in-house” products. The technical state of the art of BRC compressor is guaranteed by skilled engineers and technicians well experienced in CNG applications. BRC has thus reached, high targets in terms of safety, reliability and performances. Furthermore the user-friendly architecture of BRC machine implies easy servicing and operating. BRC compressor complies with P.E.D. the European rule in force on high pressure CNG machinery. The standard configuration consists with an alternative 3 stage compressor W shaped and with an hydraulic high pressure compressor (booster) Station. The compressor is located inside a canopy (the dimensions are the ones of a typical 20”container) divided in three different rooms: 1st room: without gas piping, containing the electrical control panel (with PLC), the hydraulic driver (to manage the booster), and the pneumatic panel with the air compressor. The 2nd room is containing the compressor, the booster, the lubrication circuit and the cooling circuit. The 3rd room is containing the cylinder cascade. The CNG filling station is composed by the following main parts: • Connection to the gas pipeline with filter and safety valves (not included in the filling station) • Alternative 3 stage compressor • Medium pressure CNG cylinders for damping and gas storage • Booster (driven by an hydraulic cylinder)
• High pressure CNG cylinders for damping and storage • Control panel to reduce the pressure from storage cascade to the dispenser • Safety valves with pneumatic actuator and draining system for humidity filtering in between storage cylinders and dispenser • Dispenser • Cooling tower. All the working parameters may be controlled by a PLC. The system can run in total security and complete autonomy the all operations required for the best management of the filling station. An optional modem is available for the remote control of the station. The BRC compressors have been specially developed for CNG applications, to fulfil the highest requirements in terms of security, effectiveness, reliability and easy maintenance. The BRC compression systems are completely conceived and manufactured by BRC, using the most advanced tools for a safe design. The BRC compressor shape allows an excellent balancing within compact dimensions, an easy overhauling and a high reliability of the whole system. A particular attention has been used to filter the impurities which could be present in the gas pipeline. Further the oil leakages into the compressed gas have been reduced to a minimum level, using special oil scraper rings and several «dry» sealing systems. To permit the good working of the compressor even without lubrication, P.T.F.E. composite piston rings have been used, reinforced by other synthetic materials in agreement with the most advanced technologies. The BRC compressors are completely cooled by forced circulation of a specific fluid inside a closed circuit, so that the compressed gas is cooled at the exit of each single stage. The results are an improved effectiveness of the machine and the increase of the life of the sealing elements. This solution finally allows a high cooling efficiency and a lower maintenance. The pressurized lubrication system is automatically managed by a PLC, and it is driven by an independent electrical engine so that the optimal lubrication is ensured in every working condition. The preferred choice to connect the electrical engine with the compressor module by a flexible joint, ensures the best effectiveness, a lower noise level, minimum maintenance requirements and compact dimensions. All the compressors are tested and balanced in the factory before delivery. The W shaped compressor is a piston, alternative machine with crankshaft, connecting rod, crosshead, rod and piston; it consists with 3 cylinders single or double effect, one for every compression stage. The gas inlet and output are made by concentric valves with plastic sealing rings.
• Vehicles should meet current national emissions regulations–IBAMA-PROCONVE - (Res. 291/2001) Light vehicle technology: Fuel Injection System (5th Generation) 2%; Open Loop System (2nd Generation) 68%; Closed Loop / Step Motor (3rd Generation) 30%.
THE ElEVENTH IaNGV coNfERENcE NGV 2008 A display shows the CNG mass delivered in kilograms or m³, as well as the total price, fixed according the unit prix per kg or m³. The dispenser equipped with two connectors is able to refuel the vehicle at 220 bar pressure, easily, quickly and in total safety. The service temperature range is: -40 +65°C. Mass flow: Micro Motion meter CNG050S: 6000 kg/h. Electrovalve ASCO ATEX: II 2G, Eex-m, IIB, T4, IP55, 24-220V, 50-60 Hz. Material: 304, 430 stainless steel or galvanized steel.
Fig 6 shaped compressor
Fig 8 BRC compressor
Fig 7 performance of BRC compressors
The Booster is a piston compressor driven by a hydraulic double effect cylinder. Basically it works as a 4th compressing stage filling up the high pressure cylinder cascade. The water-glycol solution used in the heat exchangers and for cylinder cooling, is cooled in a external air/liquid heat exchanger (usually located on the roof of the compressor canopy). It is equipped by air fans, circulation pump, water temperature transducer, minimum pressure manometer contact, safety valve and thermometers. The PLC also controls this circuit. The middle pressure storage capacity and the high pressure storage capacity are connected to the dispenser. A control panel is installed on the high pressure line to avoid the pressure to overcome 220 bar limit. In this panel are installed: one pressure reducer valve, two ball valves to cut out the pressure regulator, one safety valve plus a pressure manometer contact and one pressure transducer connected to the PLC. The dispensers are equipped by a mass flow measuring system which has as output an electronic signal proportional to the amount of mass delivered.
Garth Harris Standards and codes are at the hearth of vehicle and technology commercialisation. They Facilitate development of equipment (same stuff for different markets), they facilitate country certification, vehicle homologation, equipment certification/patent protection. They speed market entry. The costs to ultimate consumer are lower. They promote uniformity and safety.
Fig 9 levels of codes and standards
1998 UNECE Treaty Signatories: Australia, Azerbaijan, Canada, China, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, European Community.
The outcome of the first Step, the ISO Round Table 10 in Jan 2007 – Geneva: • Harmonised standards and regulations are needed • Performance standards must be improved • Better interchange is needed between standards and regulation bodies • Database of standards and regulations is needed, including work in progress • New standards are needed ISO Response: • TCs role is key in harmonising • Implement “global relevance policy”–performance based, global differences • TCs are to use the existing documents and work • We must work more closely with regulators
• High-temperature creep • Penetration • Bonfire test • Flaw tolerance • Acid-environment test • Drop test • PRD performance • LBB assessment • Extreme-temperature cycle Lightweight carbon composite cylinders provide a lower-cost fuel-storage solution over the life of a large vehicle. In low floor buses, lightweight cylinders allows: Improved fuel economy. Up to 2.5 times the fuel storage capacity, for the weight of a traditional steel set-up. 66% emptycylinder weight saving for storage volume of 315 scm. Fewer cylinders per vehicle reduces required valves, PRDs and tubing. Vehicles can carry additional freight and passengers. Inherently safer since cylinders are out of the crash zone.
New Standards -Vehicles • LNG and dual fuel standards and regulations for fuels and vehicles • NG and H2 mixtures and components • Interchangeable components, e.g. high pressure, low volume containers • Fuel quality and vehicle safety • Material compatibility for H2 operation Dave Myers Today a number of safety standards are in use around the world related to storage of compressed natural gas (CNG) onboard road vehicles. Cylinder manufacturers have designed and developed cylinders to meet these standards while paying close attention to cylinder weight and cost. Until the late 1970s, countries essentially used industrial gas cylinder standards. Italy was the first country to introduce specific regulations for lighter-weight, high-strength steel cylinders. In the 1980s, Type 2 cylinders were approved for use in the US by the US Department of Transportation (DOT). Various standards and regulations have since emerged: • NZS 5454 • CSA B51-1995 • NGV2 (1992 original) • ISO 11439 • ECE R110 Cylinder testing for ECE R110 / NGV 2 approval includes: • Burst • Ambient temp/cycle • Acid-environment cycle
Fig 10 scheme of a typical CNG fuel storage system
The presently used safety devices: • Excess-flow Valve: prevents gas leakage in the case of rapid pressure change (~€P≥2 bar), such as that caused by a break in the high-pressure tubing. The excess-flow valve will effectively reset itself once pressure in the system is equalized. • Thermal Pressure-relief Valve (Melting plugPRV): operates at 110°C ±6°C, so that in the event of a fire, gas is allowed to escape from the cylinder and dangerous pressure is not allowed to build in the cylinder. • Thermal PRDs trigger either through the use of
The targets of worldwide standard harmonisation are: to produce new and additional standards (NGV and H2) as required (but avoid international overlap/duplication). To Harmonise the existing standards. To expedite H2 standard development. To facilitate the codification of standards (codes and codes of practices).
THE ElEVENTH IaNGV coNfERENcE NGV 2008 a eutectic alloy, which liquates over a very small temperature range, or alternatively use a glass bulb containing a liquid that expands and breaks the bulb at the required temperature. A 320-litre cylinder, typically has three PRDs, one located at either end and a third located in the middle of the cylinder, connected via a pipe (or tube) from the valve. Each of the PRDs is directly in contact with the cylinder pressure at all times. • Solenoid Shut-off Valve: a solenoid valve will only open and allow gas to flow from a cylinder when the vehicle ignition is switched on. Under ECE R110, the use of a solenoid valve is mandatory. • Additional Safety Tap (optional): if a solenoid valve is damaged or otherwise becomes inoperative, the safety tap allows safe venting of the cylinder so that the valve can be removed for servicing or replacement. • Low-pressure Venting System: in case of damage to the high-pressure O-ring on a solenoid valve, the low-pressure O-ring prevents any leaking gas from exiting at the valve/cylinder interface and directs gas out via exit holes. This allows a low-pressure hose to be fitted to direct gas out of the vehicle.
Fig 11 scheme of a cylinder valve
Large composite cylinders can provide a safe, lower-cost CNG storage solution over the life of a bus. The initial investment costs should not be minimised at the expense of safety. To achieve the maximum economic benefit, the total operating life of a vehicle should be considered when choosing a CNG system. Safety aspects of United Nations ECE R110 should be considered as a minimum global standard for CNG systems. History of LUXFER Luxfer was founded in 1898 as a manufacturer of innovative structural glass and metal products. Over the years, Luxfer’s products and markets have changed, but the innovative spirit that drove our early success is still integral to our company culture today. Luxfer began manufacturing aluminium cylinders for global marketsin1958 in England, where we invented the cold-extruded aluminium cylinder. Today we also operate plants in the U.S., France and China, and Luxfer is the world’s largest manufacturer of high-pressure aluminium and
composite cylinders. In 2007, Luxfer launched its global Alternative Fuel Cylinder Division, including a new, state-of-the-art, 21,500 square-foot manufacturing facility at the large Luxfer manufacturing complex in California. Dedicated to the production of advanced composite alternative fuel cylinders, the new facility is already being expanded. European customers will also benefit from our new, dedicated European alternative fuel product warehouse and system-assembly facility in Italy. Luxfer Gas Cylinders is part of Luxfer Group, which has more than 20 manufacturing plants and more than 2,000 employees around the world. Economic and Safety-related Benefits of a Lightweight fuel storage system Improved fuel economy. • Up to 2.5 times the fuel-storage capacity compared to the weight of conventional steel setups, or alternatively up to a 66% empty-cylinder weight saving for an equivalent storage volume of 315 scm. • Increased vehicle range, which opens up longer routes and reduces time spent travelling to and from filling stations. • Increased cylinder size, reducing the number of cylinders required per system, thus also reducing the number of valves, PRDs and pipes (tubes). • Vehicles can carry additional freight and passengers. • Composite cylinders need only a periodic visual inspection, not a hydrostatic test, which reduces vehicle out-of-service time during tank inspection. • Given the increased freight/passenger capacity, greater vehicle range, improved fuel economy and lower operating costs, it is possible for bus and truck manufacturers to easily calculate the expected pay-back. • Roof-mounted systems are inherently safer, since they take tanks out of the crash zone and are ideally positioned to allow natural gas to vent upwards and away from a vehicle in the event of a fire. • Ideally suited for low-floor buses. Marcio Araujo A project agreement was formalized between Volkswagen and White Martins, to offer NGV to the market. The objectives are: to offer to the final consumer of NGV an original warranty, safety and excellent cost-benefit ratio, providing an opportunity to the Volkswagen dealer and also to the NGV market; to keep the pioneer image on the development of products that use alternative fuels. The original vehicle warranty is kept. There are standards for the installation and assembly process. The customer receives the NGV directly at the Volkswagen Dealer (“One stop shop”). The NGV System is designed and specifically developed for each Volkswagen model. White Martins, established in 1912 and part of
Rogerio Maues Ford’s main targets are: • to launch the Gasohol Ranger with the capability to receive any sequential multipoint CNG injection system without losing original warranty. The pick-up does not come with the CNG Kit from the plant, the customers should buy it separately from a Ford dealer • to develop the most advanced gasohol engine for the usage of any sequential multipoint CNG injection system. • to deliver to the customers a modern and reliable project with a low operational cost. Why did Ford invest on the CNG program for Midsize pick-up? Because of: • High demand for vehicles with alternative fuel (CNG). • Strong sales on the segment of midsize gasoline pick-ups. • Project aligned with corporate policy to have a better environment. • Stable offer of CNG in Brazil • CNG distribution follows a positive trend
A revised 2.3L DHE (Duratec High Efficiency) engine has been chosen, with unique high flow cylinder head, comprising hardened valve seats inserts and Eatonite 6 (Stellite-faced) intake valves. Calibrations were revised, due to new parameters. The advantage is higher torque and power during Gasoline or CNG Usage. A new cylinder head was designed, with a new design at air intake perimeter. CNG kit features: • Multipoint sequential injection system with CNG CPU • 25 m3 cylinder. • Pressure regulator • Sealed PCM Module for CNG • CNG Filter • Injection duct with 4 injectors • Safety valve • Unique on/off button on IP with LED that indicate consumption
PRAXAIR Group, is the most important industrial gases’ company in South America and has been producing CILBRAS Cylinders, in Brazil, since 1980. White Martins is worldwide acknowledged for its state-of-the art technology in manufacturing high-pressure cylinders to store gases. Well over 2.7 million gas cylinders are in service worldwide, in several countries in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia. [www.cilbrascylinders.com.] the M.T.M. S.r.l., an Italian company headquartered in Cherasco (Italy) since 1977, and owner of the BRC Gas Equipment trademark, is among the world leaders in manufacturing and marketing components and systems for converting vehicles from petrol to LPG and NGV. [www.brc.it.] In Brazil, MTM and White Martins form the joint-venture WMTM that provide all NGV Kit’s components.
Advantages from a multipoint sequential system compared to other CNG Systems • Lower loss of power due to a better response from the system • No power loss, when running with gasoline, as the system does not use a mixer • Improvement on dynamic and drivability results • Better emissions levels • Low maintenance cost • Easy diagnosis of problems • Eliminate Back Fire problem
150 cv at 5,250 rpm
133 cv at 5,250 rpm
218 N at 3,750 rpm
191 N at 3,750 rpm
8,9 km/l
9,0 km/m3
Running range
740 km
965 km (gasoline + CNG)
Top speed
147 km/h
147 km/h
THE ElEVENTH IaNGV coNfERENcE NGV 2008 Next steps will be: • flex technology, and the increase of the use of flex technology on alcohol/gasoline engines and also on gasoline/CNG engines • hybrid vehicle, to analyze local market for hybrid technology (gasoline/diesel+ electric motor w/ regenerator) • H2 ICE internal combustion engine • FCV –fuel cell vehicle–electric (hydrogen)
Ian Patterson How safe are NGV? Standards and certification procedures are in place nowadays, as well as good quality component suppliers, established procedures, and regulated, routine inspections of vehicles. Should the industry be concerned by the retrofit side of this market?
The results of unsafe cylinders and/or installations have been: • Preventable incidents that have resulted in death, personal injuries and property damage. • To put industry at risk of significant financial liabilities. • To make negative publicity for the NGV industry. • To impede the growth of NGV industry. • Government support for NGV may weaken or even be removed if safety becomes an issue. If NGV are to grow as forecast, the industry needs: recognition that NGV are safe, large scale conversion capabilities which includes small conversion centres. Small conversion operations can provide safe, reliable and cost effective work, but there needs to be a way of ensuring all vehicles are safe, regardless of where the vehicle has been converted. Regardless of where the conversion or OEM installation was done, all NGV require routine inspection. In many countries inspection capabilities exist. With present technology anyway, it is difficult to ensure that all vehicles are inspected as required. Methods of enforcing existing standards: • Educate regulatory authorities on safety standards for NGV. • Educate regulatory authorities on understanding the technicalities of approvals and implement them. • Encourage regulatory agencies to enforce safety standards without causing significant increase in the cost of converting vehicles. • Restrict conversions to trained & certified personnel. • Regular inspections • Regulation of conversion facilities • Control fuelling of vehicles. No means of ensuring vehicles being refuelled meet the correct safety standards and have been properly certified. The Result might be: damage to property, serious injuries, casualties.
The existing international codes and standards govern components and installation on CNG vehicles. There are government mandated limits on refuelling pressure: e.g. 200 bar. Inspection facilities have been established to monitor vehicles. There are no reliable means of ensuring that only certified vehicles are filled. The refuelling at 200 bar of uncertified vehicles is still potentially dangerous. Limiting maximum pressure to 200 bar results in under filling vehicles, thus reducing the running range. It is difficult to enforce existing installations and inspection regulations. It is advisable to promote the advantages of CNG as a safe fuel by only permitting approved vehicles to be fuelled, to prevent improper installations & inspections, and to ensure that only responsible companies who comply with government regulations are able to install, inspect & service CNG vehicle systems. It is necessary to devise a low cost vehicle identification that is reliable and tamper resistant, and to enable a solution to identify vehicles that is failsafe. We should provide a system that can be retrofitted at a reasonable cost to existing network of stations. And a system to provide the traceability for every vehicle and fueling transaction. The RFID Chips offer a possible solution to all this. They are not just getting smaller, they are getting more powerful, with more memory, containing more logic and intelligence
Fig 12 the RFID tag
The RFID Chips is suitable for harsh environments such as in NGV. It has more transistors than a mid 1980’s computer, and consumes less power than a Honey Bee’s brain. How the RFID works: • The vehicle is connected to fuelling nozzle. • A RF signal from nozzle antenna powers the tag. • The tag transmits vehicle data to reader to the Viridis controller.
• The controller validates the encoded data from the vehicle. • The controller authorizes the transaction. • The vehicle is fuelled. • The transaction data is captured by the Viridis RFID system. • Optionally, fuelling data can be written to the vehicle tag.
Fig 13 RFID frequency ranges
It is protected against EMI -Electromagnetic Interference; ambient and Intrinsic electrical noise; surrounding material and elements; metal, liquid, elements such as rain, fog and UV; mechanical shock, vibration, bending; dirt, contamination, temperature, moisture; diffraction, refraction, reflection. Many types of RFID are available. Each type is designed for specific applications. The RFID technology is available with self powered (active) and externally powered (passive) tags. Tags are available in many frequencies of operation, each one offers unique capabilities for its specific application. Fig. 13, Fig. 14
This system provides: • Reliable and secure means of identifying certified and inspected vehicles. • Automated fuelling of certified vehicles. • Secure central database of certified vehicles and installers, which ensures traceability of all vehicle systems. It can be retrofitted to existing CNG dispensers. The vehicle RFID tags are supplied by Viridis to authorized installers, OEM’s or inspection agencies. They are secured to vehicle adjacent to fuelling receptacle. The tag is destroyed if removed from vehicle. Tag data includes unique identifier for each tag to ensure only Viridis tags can be programmed. Programmable tag data includes vehicle ID, tank configuration, customer ID and other data as required by user. Vehicle tag programming requires the user to have a PC and internet connection. The user logs on to Viridis secure website with unique user name and password. The user enters vehicle equipment data, including tank, tubing, receptacle and other data as required. The information is verified by a Viridis server. After verification, data is downloaded to programmer attached to user PC. The tag is automatically programmed and verified by the Viridis server. The dispenser terminal operates as a stand alone unit, without external communications. An intrinsically safe RFID antenna is located adjacent to the fuelling nozzle, to automatically read the vehicle RFID tag, and verify vehicle is authorized to be fuelled. The system displays vehicle identification on dispenser, to permit operator to confirm that the vehicle license matches that on the tag. It also verifies that the vehicle tank configuration matches the system as identified on the tag. It
Fig 14 applications of RFID tag
continuously monitors tag during fuelling. Optionally, it can identify customer ID and change dispenser price. Optionally it can capture the transaction data and transmit to host system on or off site. Matthew Humphrys Elimination of Sulphur from NG at well head is sometimes needed. Sometimes raw Natural Gas contains sulphur compounds. Gas treatment is sometimes required to meet local National Transmission System pipeline specifications. For modern car exhaust treatment, precious metal catalysts are required for combustion of CO and unburned HC, and destruction of NOx. They can be poisoned by sulphur. EU5 total sulphur limit is set at < 10 ppm. Other poisons, e.g. heavy metals might be present. Fig. 15 PURASPEC JM captures H2S by irreversible chemical reaction. In most cases removal of H2S only will lower total sulphur in CNG to less than auto-fuel specification (Reactive adsorption process: MO + H2S →MS + H2O). Features: fixed bed; non regenerable; long lives; selective (no hydrocarbon losses); no operator involvement; no utilities; no energy consumption; no effluents or emissions; proven technology; reprocessable spent material through the PURACARE programme.
THE ElEVENTH IaNGV coNfERENcE NGV 2008 forget’ technology is applied, with no energy requirement, or emissions, which makes it ideal for urban applications hythane Pure methane has a relatively narrow combustion range and due to its molecule chemical stability (so it is non toxic) is difficult to ignite and combust completely. The addition of small amounts of hydrogen greatly improves the performance. JM has developed a compact auto thermal reformer that could be used to provide hydrogen locally to filling station.
Fig 15
Elimination of Mercury from CNG Sometimes fossil fuels may contain mercury, which surprisingly, is volatile. The levels vary from well to well. loction
Groningen (Holland)
180 –200
Arun (Indonesia)
250 –300
Albatross & Askeland(Norway)
Niger Delta (Nigeria)
North & East Coast Trinidad (Trinidad)
Goodwin, N. Rankin & Perseus(Australia)
SaihNihayda& Said Raul (Oman)
Mercury is a volatile, toxic heavy metal. It attacks the human nervous system and kidneys. It has immediate effects or build up in body. Can affect unborn babies. It causes corrosion to equipment. It is adsorbed onto metal surfaces, and creates problems to operators due to exposure during maintenance. It causes some difficulty in disposal of equipment. It poisons catalysts, and is harmful to environment. Some studies carried out in Korea show a content of mercury in LPG of 1,230.3 ± 23.5 ng/litre, thus leading to an emission of 26.9 ng/m3 in exhaust. Emissions are highest at street level in cities. The mercury removal PURASPEC JM fixed bed absorbents technology adopts the same concepts and features as sulphur absorbents. It can remove sulphur and mercury at the same time (2 MS + Hg→M2S + HgS). ADNOC of Abu Dhabi is installing a natural gas distribution system for residential, commercial & transport use, replacing LPG. It includes H2S removal at pressure reducing stations and at several vehicle filling stations, adopting PURASPEC vessels of 0.5 –3.3 m3 size. The H2S Specification is < 3.3 ppmvol. It achieves zero H2S, so utilize a small bypass. The ‘Lead-lag’ is used, to allow change of cartridge without interrupting supply. The ‘Fit and
Peter Williams There are in General two Leaks Types: • Path leak–An opening or “pore” that leaking molecules travel through. • Permeation leak–Molecules leak through a solid material via absorption-diffusion-desorption. Semiconductor market has driven Swagelok® component designs for sealing light gasses for over 20 years. Figures of merit typically involve helium leak rates measured down to the order of 10-9 atmcc/sec. Swagelok components have increasingly found their way into natural gas and hydrogen powered vehicle applications. Drawing on this historical experience Swagelok has committed to component development for hydrogen service. Viscous flow regime dominates. If a hole is “big”(>10 x) relative to the mean free path of gas molecules(He: ~ 0.25 micron at STP), the gas will flow with a laminar parabolic Poiseuille distribution. Gas viscosity and relative leak rate. A 1 atm helium, 1 mm long, 2.5 micron diameter metal seal defect (per Darcy) allows ~3x106atmcc/sec leak. A 350 atm hydrogen, 0.25 mm long, 0.25 micron diameter defect allows ~3x10-4 atmcc/sec or ~1 atmcc/hour leak. gas
viscosity (μgsec/m2)
leak rate relative to helium
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 85thed. –25°C, atmospheric pressure
When the hole size of a leak path is significantly smaller than the mean free path of the gas molecules, the leak assumes a Knudsen type diffusion. The molecules collide predominantly with the walls, rather than each other. Effects beyond the kinetic theory approach include surface adsorption, surface diffusion and other molecular interactions. Notwithstanding, successful mitigation of potential leaks in components requires designs that concertedly minimize micron scale holes, metal to metal seal defects and leak paths.
The objective is to eliminate continuous pore structures between mating seal surfaces. Bringing surfaces in close contact, important features are parallelism and flatness of the mating sealing surfaces. Surface structures or gap width have biggest impact. Seal length (diffusion length) reduces the leak rate proportionally. Seal annular gap width increases the leak rate proportionally.
Fittings–Also employ concentrated plastic deformation of metal surfaces but with features to enable fitting disassembly and successful reassembly. Low Temperature Carburization–Provides added hardness differential for more assured reduction of continuous pore structures between mating seal surfaces.
Fig 16 Main components of Phill
Swagelok patented technology: carburization of austenitic stainless steels at low temperatures, without forming carbides in the conformal diffusion case. Colossal super-saturation of carbon interstitials, carbon content at the surface as high as 12 atomic %. Case shows increased surface hardness (up to 1,200 HV, comparable to 70 HRC). LTCSS treatments provide extraordinary case hardness that assist in light gas sealing, the reduction of continuous pore structures between mating seal surfaces. These carbon diffusion cases retain significant ductility. These cases retain and even enhance corrosion resistance in a variety of tests and media. The corrosion response appears to be due to the high carbon concentration at the surface. Mario Pirraglia Fuelmaker began the design of the Philll HRA in 2001 to provide safe, convenient, low cost indoor natural gas fuelling. The end result of the development process is the Phill HRA, introduced into production in early 2005. It has the following specifications: • Indoor / Outdoor Installation • 120 /240 VAC Supply • Integrated gas dryer, gas sensor, exhaust fan • Maintenance-Free • Appliance Certified • P30 / P36 temperature pressure compensation • 1.8 m3/hr flow rate • 16 ––34 mbar (¼-½psig) inlet pressure • 8 Amp Current Draw • 45 / 40 dBA@ 5 m. Sound Level • General Purpose Electrical Rating Fig. 16, Fig. 17
Metal to metal seal principles Valves–Typically employ highly localized plastic deformation of metal seal surfaces.
Fig 17 installation of Phill
Development and field testing has continued since the introduction of Phill in 2005. Significant technical breakthroughs have resulted in the development of the Phill Generation 1.5. Main features are: simpler design, lower cost (at higher volumes), reliability improvements. Two bypass valves route gas flow around the dryer allowing dryer regeneration with single speed operation (full flow). Pressure bypass allows easy starting with single speed operation. These changes allow the introduction of a single speed motor. The introduction of a single speed motor has allowed significant simplification to the electronics. It eliminates the need for motor speed controller. Power supply is reduced in size and can be integrated onto main controller. The compact design allows further integration: 4 printed circuit boards vs. 8 printed circuit boards. The 240 Volt operation was chosen (elimination of 120 Volt, better efficiency).
THE ElEVENTH IaNGV coNfERENcE NGV 2008 The new design allows the introduction of a new mirocontroller-AtmelMega325.
The advantages are: • Lower cost. • Latest technology. • Improved I/O protection. • 5V operation for simpler device interfaces (LPT, HPT and etc.). • Integrated 1kbyte EEPROM memory. • Integrated voltage supervisor and watch-dog with separate oscillator. • I/O boundary scan capabilities via JTAG -Production testing improvement: the JTAG can test all ports of the micro. Fig 18
Fig 18 control system of Phill
Further simplification: integration of the gas detector and air flow switch (two circuit boards reduced to one, reduced wiring); more robust air flow switch design (immune to fluctuations in wind). Gas Detector and Air Flow Switch are now mounted on a common circuit board and base for lower cost and simpler installation. Air flow sail is wider and heavier for resistance to effects of wind. Other changes include: single speed DC fan (simplified on/off fan circuit vs. controlled voltage output); gas detector analogue signal is output to external communications port.
This allows remote monitoring of gas detector signal over extended time frame; designed for RoHS from day one; plastic housing modifications to allow simpler in-field modifications (hose change due to wear and tear); simplified venting; simplified mounting arrangement through fixed brackets; double isolation is available as an option. Safety features: • Gas Detection (during running and idle states) • Exhaust / Cooling Air Flow Detection • Current Monitoring • Temperature Monitoring • Inlet Pressure Detection • In-line break-away • Resistant to 10 V/m EMI (electromagnetic interference) • Hose, Nozzle and Receptacle Integrity Test (at beginning, during and end of refuelling) • Insufficient pressure rise detection • Sudden pressure drop detection • Excessive blow-down pressure detection • Blowback monitoring Vicente Ricardo The working life limits of new cylinders in service, and the role and responsibility of the involved areas are important features of the modern CNG cylinders. ISO 11439:2000 Main specifics concepts related to service life of the cylinder: • Service life determination. • Restrictions imposed to the chemical composition of the material that can be used. Maximum limits are determined for the sulphur (S), phosphorus (P) and the sum (S+P) of these elements. The standard imposed different limits according to steel strength level. • Leak Before Break. • Admissible maximum defect size. Service life determination: Point 4.1.3.-“The service life for which cylinders are safe shall be specified by the cylinder manufacturer on the basis of use under service conditions specified herein. The maximum service life shall be 20 years…..”Point 4.3.-“Cylinders shall be designed to be filled up to a settled pressure of 200 bar at a settled gas temperature of 15 °C for up to 1,000 times per year of service.” Point “Additionally, a periodic pressure cycling test shall be carried out on finished cylinders in accordance with A.13 at a test frequency defined as follows:
comparison between required conditions for standard iso 11439 and ngv2 about cycling tests for cylinders
Leak before break (LBB) In order to verify the LBB behaviour, the authors have developed a testing method based on the introduction (by means of mechanized) of external flaws in the cylindrical envelope of the cylinder. The developments require the use of external and internal flaws of different lengths and depths. Besides, the tests were made with water (hydraulic
isO 11439:2000 ece r 110
Minimum number of cycles for each year of design life
Minimum quantity of cycles required for the standard
Minimum life required
15 years
15 years
Pressure range into which cylinders should be cycled in periodical tests (batch tests)
20 –260 bar (maximum cycles rate 10 cycles/min) Point A-13.
26 –259 bar (massima frequenza: 10 cicli/ min) Punto
Both standards, ISO 11439:2000 and NGV2-2000, demand the manufacturer to assure, through an adequate design and the approval of different tests, a minimum life of 15 years. However, the number of cycles demanded for each year of design life is 33% higher in case of norm ISO 11439 than in NGV2-2000, in this way one can say that NGV2-2000 is less conservative than ISO 11439. Although the NGV2-2000 requires a smaller number of cycles than ISO 11439:2000 by every year of life specified by the manufacturer, the minimum number of cycles that must also fulfil is smaller and consequently NGV2 requires implicitly the same minimum life as ISO 11439:2000, that is to say, 15 years. Restrictions to the steel chemical composition (Drygas–Wetgas) point “4.5.2. Dry Gas: Water vapour shall be limited to less than 32 mg/m3 (i.e. a pressure dew point of –9 °C at 200 bar). Constituent maximum limits shall be: • Hydrogen sulphide and other soluble sulphides 23 mg/m3 • Oxygen 1 % (volume fraction) • Hydrogen, when cylinders are manufactured from a steel with an ultimate tensile strength exceeding 950 MPa” 2 % (volume fraction) “4.5.3. Wet gas: This gas has a higher water than that of dry gas. Constituent maximum limits shall be: • Hydrogen sulphide and other soluble sulphides 3 mg/m3 • Oxygen 1 % (volume fraction) • Carbon dioxide 4 % (volume fraction) • Hydrogen 0,1 % (volume fraction)”.
tests) and also with an inert gas (pneumatic tests), determine if different behaviours between both methods. “…A consideration in the design of CNG cylinders is the number of pressure cycles a cylinder may experience from filling operations. CNG cylinders will experience a significantly greater number of pressure cycles than cylinders used in industrial service. Repeated pressurization cycles will eventually result in the growth of fatigue cracks in metal cylinders and liners. A “worst-case” pressure cycle life was defined as 1,000 pressure cycles per year of life, i.e. 15,000 pressure cycles for a 15-year-design life. A higher or lower defect than the maximum defect defined by the manufacturer, could grow with different rates depending on the steel cleaning level, stress status, shape and size of the pre-existent defect, corrosive environment given by the gas or maybe during its use, etc. Even if in some prototype/batch approval test tend to simulate using service conditions, it is not used the fluid that cylinders would have inside. It’s because of that, that a minimum service life condition (15 years) has to be coincident with a maximum safety condition, looking forward the customer and the NGV system. Owners of cylinders should comply with the recommendations indicated by the manufacturers of cylinders. Also designers or contractors responsible for the installation of cylinders should comply with the recommendations indicated by the manufacturers of cylinders. They should have the qualifications required by the regulatory bodies. They should respect all the installation norms, and should define if the vehicle status is appropriate or not to perform the NGV system assembly. Designers or owners of equipment used to refill cylinders should respect and accomplish all the recommendations indicated by the organizations or regulation and control entities of the different countries that adopt the NGV system.
initially, one cylinder from each batch shall be pressure cycled for a total of 1.000 times the specified service life in years, with a minimum 15 000 cycles;…”
THE ElEVENTH IaNGV coNfERENcE NGV 2008 They should respect the filling conditions corresponding to the requirements indicated in the standards of cylinder manufacturers. (Temperatures and pressures) to verify that the loaded gas fulfils the requirements indicated in the standards used in the GNV storage systems (cylinders). Suppliers of natural gas should respect the gas chemical composition indicated in the cylinder manufacturing standards adopted by the regulation entities. For example: dry or wet gas. Regulatory authorities who have jurisdiction over cylinder use should provide the technical frame of the NGV system. More than 7,000,000 vehicles in the world use a CNG system (37.5% of them are in Argentina). In Argentina, with 20 years of historical NGV application system, there are CNG cylinders from 27 different manufacturers, of which today only 9 are still in operation. This lack of presence generates a loss of people responsible and then the undercover of actual customers of this product against quality problems or incidents. It’s necessary to explain that some of them disappeared due to incidents that came from the failures in their products. The system establishes the chance to manufacture or import cylinders under determined range of possible standards: • IRAM 2526 Edition: 1972 / 1992 / 1997 and 2005 • ISO 4705 Edition: 1983; • CAN/CSA B399 / DOT 3 AA; • ANSI/IAS NGV2 Edition: 1992 / 2000; • EB 926A; DM12/09/1925; • CTC 3AA; ANNCC / IGMC; • NBR 12790 A; BS 5045 -Pat1 –1983;
Most of the mentioned standards do not establish: • Maximum service life of the cylinder. • Degree of cleaning of the raw material (steel and aluminum). • Chemical composition of the gas. • Determination of the maximum size of admissible defect. • Design based on the LBB principle. Jonathan Burke Westport was founded in 1995, and created the UBC technology. It is now a world leader in heavy-duty gaseous fuel engine technology (natural gas, hydrogen, LPG, biogas). There are over 17,000 of our engines and vehicles on the road, with customers in 35 countries: Beijing, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Boston, Paris, Moscow, Delhi. More than 55 OEM vehicle manufacturers in 20 countries offer our engines. The company has got ~270 employees worldwide, 60 million Canadian $ revenue in FY07. And has global partnerships with OEMs. Field of activity: Mid-range trucks; heavy duty trucks, enabling technologies; market development; off-road trucks; hydrogen research. Fig. 19 Our heavy duty vehicle strategy Focuses on the largest users of diesel fuel: urban fleets such as buses and work trucks, Class 8 heavy duty vocational (urban) and highway trucks, Mine trucks and other off-road applications. New generation technology was launched in 2007. The main features of Westport HPDI Technology, the High Pressure Direct Injection: pilot diesel is injected just prior to natural gas, to provide energy for auto-ignition of gas injection. Natural gas is injected at high pressure at end of compression stroke (no pre-mixed air/fuel). There is a low diesel usage under all conditions. The Diesel engine performance is kept: same high power and torque; same or higher efficiency. A robust combustion is ensured over a wide range of fuel composition (no premixed air/fuel so, there is no chance of detonation). Identical torque curve as selected diesel ratings. The system provides compatibility with diesel drivetrain components. No change in cooling requirements vs. base diesel. Typical Emission Reductions: ~ 40% lower NOx; ~ 70% lower PM; ~ 20% lower GHG.
Fig 19 maturity and sustainability of technologies
Our experience and data is derived from: Demonstration programs • Norcalfleet in San Francisco (2001-2006: 9,000,000 km) • Challenger fleet in Ontario (2005-2006: 700,000 km) • NREL Norcalfleet in San Francisco (2006-2008: 600,000km) • Mitchell, Sands Fridge and Murray Goulburn Co-operative in Australia (2007-2008: 225,000 km)
Fig 20 high pressure direct injection
Engineering Vehicles and Test cells • 2006 Engineering vehicle in Vancouver (165,000 km) • 2007 Engineering vehicle in Vancouver (25,000 km) • Test Cell (~30,000 hrs of testing) Commercial release • ~40 Trucks in service • ~270,000 km to date Fig 21 Ingo Lipkau The costs of ownership of an NGV station consist of several major factors. Investment cost: infrastructure (land, building, ….); equipment (compressor, dispenser, storage,….). Operational cost: energy costs (compressing, cooling, auxiliaries,…); consumables (compressor oil, …); maintenance (spare parts, overhauls, …). Investment cost, equipment (compressor, dispenser, storage,….). the compressor may have an optimal size, but It´s starts and stops can’t be avoided. These have a negative impact on operational cost such as energy cost and lifetime of components starts & stops have to be reduced to the minimum. The utilization of a NGV equipment does not cover 24 hours a day, even if the station operates 24 hours; sales peaks are depending on quantity of cars and volume of filling. The variation of the Inlet pressure causes flow rate variation and increase of energy consumption. So an optimized and flexible layout is more and more important.
Fig 21 well to wheel GHG emission comparison
Station layout 1; bank storage system; storage with one group of cylinders Priority panel determines the flow of the gas: • from compressor to storage or dispensers • from storage to dispensers. Fig 22 Characteristics: • Filling by using pressure difference between storage and vehicle • approx. 10% of the stored gas, • pressure in the storage –max. 250 bar at start, • falling pressure increases filling time • falling pressure limits final pressure at the vehicle → start of the compressor. • Dispenser hoses will fill cars in parallel (influence on all hoses).
Fig 22 station layout with 1 bank of storage cylinders
Sales optimization of the station, Influencing factors: • Filling Speed -number of cars → compressor design • Filling degree -gas outlet temperature
â&#x20AC;˘ At peak hours a sufficient filling may not be possible. Usually there are 3 main peaks first early Morning, lunch time, evening.
Fig 23 compressor design for peak sale
Fig 24 compressor design for average sale
If the compressor is sized for average daily sale then it misses the peaks. If the compressor is sized for the sale on peaks then it is too big for rest of the day, which causes negative cost of ownership on motor, electric connection, power cost. An optimized use of storage is then necessary.
Fig 25 station layout with 3 banks of storage cylinders
A three bank system, is not just a storage divided in 3 sections. It optimizes the gas flow and the utilization of the storage. Storage with 3 sections allow usage of 30% to 40% of gas compared to 10% of a normal storage. By using an optimized â&#x20AC;&#x201C;and adjustable -3 bank system an utilization of 30 to 40% can be achieved. Compared with a regular utilization of 10% out of a 1 bank system, the benefit is obvious. A better utilization of the storage reduces Starts & Stops and total costs of ownership can be optimized. The capacity and footprint of the compressor will be smaller. The costs for the electrical connection are lower. The ware of the compressor is lower (less start and stops) Alex Lawson History of OBD 2 in North America The CARB OBD II regulation of 1989 was implemented in 1996. Prior to 2005, annual waivers were accepted for alternative fuel vehicle compliance. Some selected monitors were disabled in NG mode, since they were considered unreliable without further detailed testing. By 2005, OEM NGVs were OBD II compliant through relationships between the OEMs and NGV converters. Subsequent to 2005, aftermarket converters faced a significant challenge to be OBD II compliant, without the help of the OEM. But what is a OBD II? The OBD II system comprises a set of sophisticated monitors, which detect adverse behaviour in the engine management system. The monitors alert the driver with a Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL), when a malfunction occurs which will cause emissions to exceed 1.5 times the applicable emissions standards. A model is developed which predicts what the system should be doing. Predicted model outputs are compared with actual performance, and decisions are made if the system is good or bad. When fault thresholds are reached (1.5 times the emission standard) the MIL is illuminated. Fault thresholds are set up for gasoline operation, based on a correlation between the monitoring strategy and the emissions performance when the fault is detected by the monitor. The same correlation will not necessarily exist when the vehicle is converted to run on natural gas. Not all monitors are affected by switching to NG. The major monitors which are likely to be affected are: misfire; fuel trim; oxygen sensor; EGRCatalyst. What do you have to do to be compliant? Example: oxygen sensor monitor Generally a slew box is used to simulate a malfunctioning or aged O2 sensor by slewing out the signal response rate, slowing it down until the
Example: Catalyst Monitor The catalysts are progressively aged until the emissions reach 1.5 times the emissions standards. Usually done by purchasing a set of threshold catalysts, aged beyond useful life so that emissions will be close to 1.5 times the standard The threshold catalysts can cost $40,000 per set, so testing costs are high. The challenge for the aftermarket converter: It has a large learning curve to climb. The test work is very expensive: $100,000 per engine family. When it has completed its test program, it generally has no access to the OEM computer in order to reset MIL thresholds, which may or may not be necessary. The high cost of compliance may not be cost effective. Test program on typical Aftermarket conversions A test program was initiated to determine the extent to which the emissions would be out of compliance if gasoline thresholds were used without recalibration during NGV operation. The study covered different CNG conversion technologies, different OEM vehicles, bi-fuel and dedicated CNG conversions, and different levels of certification stringency. The method of testing for each monitor was to progressively create a fault during CNG operation, until the MIL was set based on the gasoline thresholds. FTP emissions were then measured which could be compared against the malfunction criteria of 1.5 times the emissions standard. Substantial costs are involved in developing OBD II compliance. Costs of $125,000 per engine family are common. Two sets of threshold catalysts, alone, cost in excess of $40K. The cost effectiveness of OBD II compliance for aftermarket NGV converters is therefore brought into question with the results obtained in the test program. Aftermarket NGV converters may be spending significant money for OBD II compliance, with little benefit to emissions compliance. The use of a gasoline OBD calibration may be quite adequate for an aftermarket NGV conversion. Provided the certification level remains the same as the base gasoline vehicle, gasoline thresholds may be considered adequate for aftermarket NGV conversions. Some form of additional monitoring should, however, be added for CNG specific components. When the certification level on CNG is more stringent than the base gasoline vehicle, then the threshold levels will likely have to be reset from the gasoline settings.
Claus Emmer What makes a vehicular fuel? energy density, safety, availability, environmental Impact. Natural Gas can be carried in bags, but there are better ways of carrying it. As for safety, by definition, a fuel carries energy that can be used. All fuels can liberate that energy. All fuels must be treated with respect. Energy is transported: as a solid, coal, wood, corn husks, etc; as a liquid, diesel, Gasoline, LNG, etc; as a Gas, natural gas, hydrogen; as electricity. The more concentrated it is, the lower the costs to get it from production to application. The more concentrated it is, the easier it is to use on mobile applications.
emissions reach 1.5 times the emissions standard, at which point the MIL is set to illuminate
Fig 26 energy of fuels per volume
How many conventional stations have pipelines to bring in the fuel? Answer: None. Fuel is brought in by tanker trucks, and stored in tanks connected to the dispensers. So why does a natural gas service station have to be connected to a pipeline? Answer: It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t. For a fuel to be cost effective, it must be transportable and have maximum energy in a given volume. Methanol, CNG and Hydrogen are in the lowest group. Diesel, Gasoline, and bio-diesel are in the highest group. LPG, Ethanol, and LNG are in the middle group.
THE ElEVENTH IaNGV coNfERENcE NGV 2008 will pay for itself very quickly. There are three types of vehicle tanks • Single hose fill: there are more than 7,000 on the market • Dual hose fill: estimated 20 • Pump equipped tanks: estimated 50 The single hose fill, being the most like a diesel tank, has become the industry standard. Fig 28
Fig 27 characteristics of fuels
The mother daughter system is not so cheap. The total compression energy requirements approach those of liquefaction. The transportation cost models are readily available.
The heat exchanger vaporizes the LNG; it does not add or change the pressure. There is a fill line to top fill the tank.
Pipeline Pressure Psia (bara)
energy to fill tube trailer kWh/kg
energy to recompress to fill kWh/kg
total energy compression kWh/kg
energy for liquefaction (100 tPD plant,) kWh/kg
% energy to liquefy vs. compressing to tube trailers
20 (1.38)
40 (4.14)
600 (41.38)
The choice of fuel is, partially, a function of usage. There is the need to use significant amounts of fuel to get pay back. Payback = $conversion/ (savings per Km x Km driven). Payback needs to be ≤1. The cost of conversion includes engine Conversion; fuel system; installation. An LNG Vehicle Tank in an SUV probably will never be economical. Fuel savings will never pay for the cost of the tank over the life of the vehicle. The installation of an LNG tank in a HD truck
Fig 29 LNG fuelling connector Carter Icebreaker Fig 30 LNG fuelling connector Parker Kodiak Fig 28 how vehicle tanks function
Some Guidelines for vehicle tank systems: • NFPA 52 –Vehicular fuel, 2006 • SAE J2343 -Recommended practices for LNG powered heavy-duty trucks • Individual Country codes. Korea just issued one. Europe starting to work on one. • Manufacturer’s guides. Now the practical aspects, some rules of the road: • You MUST get fill rate high enough for vapor to be condensed. • The fuel going into a vehicle tank needs to be saturated to maintain the minimum pressure required by the engine. • If the pressure in the tank is too low, the engine will not run. • Always mount tank with plumbing facing to rear of vehicle. • Better have too many than too few straps. A well supported tank is a happy tank. • Put a rubber liner between the tank and the strap. • Don’t play around with the fuel gauge. • And if you must play with the fuel gauge, use OEM parts. • Always use OEM relief valves. • Use large diameter piping –particularly on the liquid lines. • Long bent elbows have better flow characteristics than 90€ fittings. • Be respectful of LNG. o It is cold -163 ⁰C o Touch it too long and bodily harm will result. o Always wear eye protection
Hernani Fernandes Chaves Natural gas markets and prices have traditionally been dominated by regional, not global supply and demand aspects. Regional demand tends to become institutionalized. Regional supply tends to match regional consumption. In the case of the Brazilian experience, the national energy policy created demand for natural gas for energy production. National production developed accordingly. With the globalization of the natural gas markets, the Brazilian demand expanded beyond national production levels. Additional gas is supplied by pipelines (from Olivia) and also by LNG imports in future. Vehicular natural gas is now the fastest growing market for natural gas. Natural gas is now an entrenched part of the automotive fuel model adopted in Brazil. Natural gas reserves are more widely distributed worldwide than oil reserves. Natural gas reserve/production indicators are generally higher than for oil. the world situation
r/P oil
r/P gas
North America
Central and south America
Middle East
The vehicular natural gas could ease the transition from current liquid fuels to a hydrogen fuel system. The hydrogen fuel system of the future will first require natural gas to generate the hydrogen itself (until mid-century?). the demand for CNG is soaring and will continue to increase. Will R/P numbers decrease as demand soar? Will R/P supplies for automotive fuel uses be assured? The new technological frontier is the of gas hydrates.
Characteristics of connectors: 50 G/min flows; positive lock; O-ring seals. The LNG Vehicle tanks need to fill at a minimum rate of 75 LPM (20 GPM). The standard commissioning test in US for stations is to fill 12 vehicles/ hr/dispenser. The –Arrival to Departure– actual fuelling is around 2 minutes. The fuel content gauge is a capacitance gauge. It does emit a very small signal, so any moisture or bad contact will result in loss of accuracy. This is a high maintenance item. CHART has more than 80 models of LNG tank, ranging in diameters from 41 to 86 cm. In the simplest terms, a station has: a tank, a pump, and a dispenser. The dispenser is designed so it does: measure small volumes accurately; have no cool-down requirement; compensate for composition change; compensate for temperature change; Meet metering codes.
THE ElEVENTH IaNGV coNfERENcE NGV 2008 Fig. 31, Fig. 32 The total gas hydrate resources in the world are estimated at a total ranging from 10 E15 to 10 E16 cubic metres (Santos Neto, 2004). New logistic permits globalization of the natural gas market. Current world natural gas reserves are ample for the next 20 years. Natural gas from hydrates should be available thereafter.
Fig. 33, Fig. 34
Fig 31 gas hydrates
Fig 32 gas hydrate availability
Fig 33 gas hydrate localization
Biofuels fit in perfectly with the technological automotive fuel model which provides flexibility of choice, such as the one adopted in Brazil. The Brazilian model of a flexible fuel system, offers ample choice of fuels: pure gasoline, gasohol, pure ethanol, and CNG. Natural gas and flexfuel vehicles are the best choice for the automobile industry. The supply and demand side considerations are favourable over at least the next 25 years. The availability of natural gas in order to meet possible future demand for CNG will not be an obstacle, considering non-conventional sources of natural gas, such as the gas hydrates. novelty Robert Bosch, a leading global supplier of technology and services, showed the DG Flex system that allows diesel operated heavy vehicles to also operate with CNG. This technology has received environmental certification issued by CETESB (Company of Environmental Sanitation Technology), after performance, emissions and safety tests. Nowadays, the system comes installed in vehicles of fleets running in the states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, all converted in workshops from
Fig 35 DG Flex system
Fig 34 projected world energy demand
the Bosch Truck Service Network, and certified by INMETRO (National Institute of Metrology, Normalization and Industrial Quality. The DG Flex allows the engine to start working with the mixture of diesel and CNG, offering the same power and torque of the vehicle that runs on diesel only. In the mixture, the injection of diesel is reduced to the minimum possible, but it is still necessary because this fuel is responsible for the gas burning and temperature maintenance in the combustion chamber. The replacement of diesel, in certain conditions of full load and engine rotation, may reach 90%. In the absence of CNG, the gas injection system is automatically turned off and the engine starts to operate on the diesel mode. Tests performed show that vehicles reduce particulate emissions up to 75%, depending on the application and conditions of use, which are the main pollutant agents found in the bus and truck lanes of the big cities. The system also allows for economic savings of over 30% running in diesel-gas mode. Besides the use of CNG, the operation with the DG Flex is also possible with Biodiesel. Fig 35
NEWs fRom NGV comPaNIEs
Gas systeMs
Ottorino Lovato: his entrepreneurial spirit and his intuition and sense of economics made him to found the Officine Lovato in 1958 in Vicenza, where the firm has been since the very beginning a centre for innovation and experimentation. Ever since, Lovato Gas has gained more and more competence, and has developed more and more mature technologies, that today make this firm a leader in the field of the gaseous fuel (CNG and LPG) conversion kit for vehicles and a reference point for experimentation of innovative applications on scooters, marine engines and other types of internal combustion engines. Facing the technological challenges of the continuous evolution of engines and the ever more stringent need for a cleaner environment, Lovato offers today a full range of systems and components for the conversion of vehicles to CNG and LPG, in compliance with the more recent norms on polluting emissions. There are more than 5 million cars In the world that are equipped with a Lovato system. These are the best proof of the success of a design characterised by reliability and ease of assembling. The research and development of the
firm has a laboratory which can test all cars present on the market. Accelerated life tests are carried out using engine test benches. Lovato Gas makes quality the philosophy of the firm. It has been certified to ISO 9001 since 1999. Today the firm also delivers products directly to OEMs, and has been certified also to ISO/TS 16949:2002 to satisfy the present needs of the car manufacturers. The sequential injection new system easy fast metano The LOVATO EASY FAST METANO represents the most recent technological evolution of the conversion systems for CNG. In this phased multipoint sequential injection system, the gas is injected in the single cylinder by an injector that is synchronized with the phase of the cylinder, exactly in the same way as it happens in the case of gasoline. It has been conceived for engines ranging from 3 to 8 cylinders, including turbo and Valvetronic engines. Thanks to this technology the EASY FAST system has been certified to the most recent norms EURO 4. All the components of the system have been under evaluation and test for long by the Lovato Research and Development Center to ensure the maximum level of performance and reliability.
Wiring diagram 2 Pressure regulator with electric shut-off valve 3 Pressure indicator with fuel level gauge 4 Filter with sensors 5 Electric injectors 7 EASY FAST CPU 8 Wiring with black wire 9 Wiring with grey wire 10 Switch 11 Wiring for injector cut-off 12 Self diagnostic connector 13 Fuse 15 A
New pressure regulator RMJ3
Patented filter FSU with Integrated sensors
NEWs fRom NGV comPaNIEs
Installation diagram 1 Refuelling valve 2 Pressure regulator with automatic shutoff valve 3 Pressure indicator with fuel level gauge 4 Filter with sensors 5 Electric injectors 6 Nozzles
NEWs fRom NGV comPaNIEs
NEWs fRom NGV comPaNIEs n tHe neW Version of aeb on line is noW aVailable The new version of the software service AEB ON LINE is now available. This service will allow to see the installation schemes of the AEB products on any vehicle, just from your own computer, through an Internet connection. AEB ON LINE is an indispensable instrument for people who want to convert any kind of car to LPG or CNG with the AEB products: for each car model on the market with our database we offer our customers all information and the list of AEB products for a proper conversion to be performed. Thanks to AEB ON LINE all installation schemes are at hand with just a click: installation operation becomes in this way easy and quick. For more information visit or send a mail to aebasst@ aeb-srl.com And today two new AEB products are available: • the gasoline float emulator AEB393, especially conceived for the car Peugeot 407 • the wiring system AEB410M to be installed together with the converter AEB510N a san interface with the connector of the dead centre sensor for Opel vehicles. n france belieVes in tHe electric car The transport policy of France is at present in the process of deep renewal after the Environment Meetings in Grenelle, held before last summer, which among other things have confirmed this theme as a priority of the government. The quest for alternatives to the energy from fuels and the reduction of the greenhouse gases put into full light the interest for the electric engines fed by new generation high density batteries, or with electrical energy supplied by fuel cells. At present, these batteries, associated to an innovative electronic management system allow an average running range of about 150 km. The French car industry is working on this process since the eighties. Some prototype of second generation electric vehicles (with lithium batteries) are now ready, such as the Cleanova model, already used by the French Post (La Poste), Veolia, Accord, and EDF. Cleanova originated from a partnership between the companies SEV (Electronique Serge Dassault) and Heuliez, designer and manufacturer of market niche cars. The Bolloré group is working in partnership with the company Pininfarina on the BlueCar, project, a vehicle which should be ready by the end of 2008. By 2011, Renault-Nissan will manufacture cars 100% electric for Renault Israel within the project which budget is about 150 million Euro. Also by 2001, Renault-Nissan will manufacture for the Danish market vehicles totally electric designed together with the company Project Better Place and with the local supplier of electricity, DONG. In France, Matra is already selling electric cars built by the North American company GEM.
The development of electric vehicles in France is allowed by the large number of public electric recharge stations which cover wide urban areas. The municipal authorities are more and more sensitive to the need for hybrid vehicles or fully electric vehicles in the urban areas. n dHl eXPress italy laUncHes tHe GoGreen sHiPPinG serVice DHL Express Italy launches GoGreen, an added value shipping service, created with the target of reducing the emissions of carbon dioxide, produced by the international flight transport. this service is part of the eco-sustainability policy of the Deutsche Post World Net Group, to which DHL belongs, and which is committed to the reduction of the emissions of CO2 by 10% by 2012 and by 30% by 2020. The target is to compensate the emissions of carbon dioxide, produced by the international flight transport with projects destined to the safeguard of the environment, ranging from the fleet renewal up to the study of renewable fuels and the plantation of wood in the rainforest. Furthermore, DHL is constantly committed to the constant updating of its fleet with environment friendly solutions. the group is planning to substitute in the next 12 years 90% of the airplane fleet, and to increase the number of vehicles running on alternative fuels. At the international level, DHL is working on the production of photovoltaic systems for energy saving and is also working on the recovery of biogas from the agricultural activity. In Europe DHL has recently inaugurated the hub in Lipsia, which will use the solar energy and will install rainwater collector for plane cleaning. The solar panels which cover a surface of 1,000 square metres, will be used for feeding the buildings with electricity. n at Key enerGy ecoMondo tHe first Hybrid tHree fUel car Has been introdUced In a collective stand some firms, among which e-gas and Idromeccanica, have introduced a prototype car with peculiar characteristics. It is a hybrid car which is in circulation already, the Toyota Prius, on which some components have been installed to fuel its thermal engine with CNG and hydrogen. The novelty of this solution is the possibility of mixing hydrogen and natural gas or using only one of them. In this way it is possible to create some particular “low
NEWs fRom NGV comPaNIEs
NEWs fRom NGV comPaNIEs
NEWs fRom NGV comPaNIEs environment impact” areas where only the electric drive train is used in combination with the application of hydrogen as fuel for the thermal engine. The hydrogen CNG mixture allows in any case adequate performance, with a further reduction of polluting emissions on this particular car model. The partners of this project provided all components of the system, starting from hydrogen production up to its utilisation on the car: • e-G@S: since 2001 manufacturer of systems for vehicle CNG fuelling (www.e-gas.it) • F2M: systems for energy production from sun light and wind (www.f2m.it) • Idromeccanica: famous manufacturer of CNG compression systems for automotive application (www. idromeccanica.it) • MES-DEA sa components for electric vehicles (www. cebi.com) • Erre-Due on-site gas generators (www.erreduegaslab.it) • ENERCAT.ITALIA: hydraulic power generator (www. enercat.it) • ENERCONV: electronic systems for energy conversion (www.enerconv.it) n tHe Green PoWer tecHnoloGy offer Green Power Technology is active in the sector of the application of CNG to vehicles with an offer which is ranging from the simple delivery of compression modules up to the “turn key” installation of complete CNG service stations, with delivered gas flow rate ranging from 120 and 1,800 sm3/h. the high quality standards of the plants built and the strong innovation of the GREENGAS compressor put this firm at the highest level of this market: separate lubrication system with pre-heating and pre-lubrication functions, to get an increased efficiency and more reliability of the machine; compressor cylinders with jacket, to allow an easy and economical maintenance; liquid refrigerant cooling system for compressor cylinders and for gas, to get an increased reliability and flexibility of the plant; direct elastic joint drive, to get a higher efficiency and lower energy consumption; double effect compressor cylinders, to reach high flow rates and to get the minimal hindrance.
For information: G.I.& E. S.p.A. Ghergo Industry & Engineering Tel./Phone +39 071 9749378 Fax +39 071 9749238
n Honda ciVic Hybrid Honda Automobili Italia has officially announced the delivery of a Civic Hybrid as free loan to the communal administration, and the provincial administration, and to the environment councillorship of the Regione Puglia, and to the communal and provincial administration of Como. With this initiative Honda Automobili Italia is collaborates to the promotion of the sustainable mobility and at the same time is fostering the free circulation on the road with a car which has already win great appreciation in the USA, in Japan and in the rest of Europe. Civic Hybrid ideally combines a new electric engine and an efficient gasoline engine having a small displacement but which is particularly modern (the new 1.3 i-VTEC with 3 phasing stages). Both driver and engine are manufactured by Honda. The combined use of these drivers ensures starting and good acceleration whilst at low loads and speed (from 20 to 49 km/h) the car can be driven by the electrical engine alone, with zero emissions. The batteries are then automatically recharged during the deceleration and brake, in which case the electric driver automatically converts into power generator. Another important function which allows to further reduce the consumption of energy is that of the “automatic Stop & Go" which is active when the car is queuing. n tHe Hybrid concePt insiGHt Was Presented at Paris Motor sHoW The Paris Motor Show is for Honda an important occasion to show its present commitment and the future strategy of the brand, first of all in terms of the environmental impact of its products. The Insight Concept will constitute the stylistic basis for a serially produced car which will be put on the market in 2009. Insight represents a step of the important strategy for hybrids of Honda, which will also include three more hybrid models that will be commercialised in the next four years. This car is based on a new concept chassis; it will be offered in a 5 doors version withy five seats, thus offering practicality and functional capacity together with very low emissions and fuel economy. Starting from an important position on the market, Insight will allow to a new customer generation the access to the hybrid technology. Honda plans to widen its offer of hybrid cars thus reaching a lager customer share. Insight Concept represents the top result of 20 years of research and development in the field of the hybrid vehicles electric-gasoline and more than 35 years of development of low environment impact gasoline engines, which started back in 1972 with the CVCC engine. n iVeco at fiera Mondiale dei Veicoli a Gas natUrale e idroGeno Iveco was at the event II Fiera Mondiale dei Veicoli a
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NEWs fRom NGV comPaNIEs Gas Naturale e Idrogeno, the world fair and conference which was held in September 2008 in Torino, at Lingotto Fiere. Iveco was there as part of the Fiat Group, which offered to act as “gold sponsor” of the event, to prove its commitment to the sustainable mobility, to contribute to the diffusion of the culture of Natural gas for vehicles, and to show to public the most environment friendly solutions already available on the market. The increasing attention to environment and the target of sustainable mobility are also the basis of the technology innovations of Iveco. As for the Iveco strategy, the natural gas engine in particular is today the solution which allows the best satisfaction of the economical and ecological needs of the commercial road transport. This position is proven by the vehicles which were on show at the fair: a Stralis CNG and a Daily Citis CNG, in the stand, and an Irisbus Citelis in the open space outside of the exhibition pavillon. These are the most innovative technology solutions, from the point of view of the sustainable mobility and of the economic advantages for the final customer, which constitute the growth strategy of Iveco: Natural gas Vehicles Iveco is by far the European leader in the sector of the commercial vehicles fuelled with compressed natural gas. Its model range includes vehicle models which are destined in particular to the application in urban areas: a wide variety of buses, Daily, Stralis, and, starting from 2009, also Eurocargo. In total, there are today in circulation on the roads in the world more than 10,000 Iveco natural gas vehicles. Renewable fuels The vehicles built by Iveco are able to using both the biogas and the traditional fossil origin gaseous fuels, as well as the bio-Diesel, which can be mixed with fossil origin diesel oil up to a portion of 5% without the need for any engine modification. Iveco is also supporting the development of the renewable second generation bio-fuels, such as BTL (Biomass to Liquid) and HVO (hydrogenated vegetable oil). n reGGio eMilia - franKfUrt for less tHan 50 and, traVellinG on an lPG fiat 500 More than 850 kilometres, 10 hours trip across three countries. On monday 15 September last, a Fiat 500 “flower” Landirenzo, fuelled with an LPG Landirenzo Omegas Plus system, ventured upon a special test which has shown great economic and environmental advantages. The starting point was in Reggio Emilia, the arrival point was in Frankfurt. Here Landi Renzo S.p.A. was present with a stand at the 20th edition of Automechanika, a biennial event dedicated to the automotive sector. Landi Renzo is the world leader of the sector of the alternative fuels LPG and CNG components and fuel fuelling systems. The performance of Fiat 500 showed how much money is it possible to save, on the long haul, when driving an LPG car (in the case of the small Fiat, the money saving is close to 50%). Let alone the emission of CO2 of 134 g/km from the car's exhaust pipe, which means 10% reduction compared to the gasoline version.
The whole trip of the car, which was driven by a specialised press journalist, has been described in real time online through a small dedicated web site, which was accessible from the web site www.landi. it (http://www.landi.it/fiat-500-gpl/index.html). This initiative is fully in line with Automechanika 2008, which the last year has devoted a particular attention to the problem of global warming and to the proposed solutions to limit the detrimental effects of the polluting emissions, in particular those of CO2. The event held in Germany, a focal reference point for the whole sector, was attended by more than 4,600 exhibitors and 160,000 visitors. n eccellenza dei Prodotti oMb saleri OMB Saleri S.p.a. leader nella progettazione e realizzazione di valvole autotrazione GPL, CNG, IDROGENO opera da sempre al fine di raggiungere l’eccellenza di prodotti e servizi attraverso il continuo sviluppo di tecnologia e sicurezza per l’ecoalimentazione. Ogni fase di creazione e di sviluppo di un nuovo prodotto, applica la metodologia APQP con l'obiettivo di iniziare la fabbricazione di serie disponendo di tutta la documentazione e delle risorse necessarie per garantire la corretta esecuzione delle attività produttive e di controllo. L'azienda opera con sistema gestione qualità certificato ISO 9001, con sistema ambientale certificato ISO 14001 e si sta attualmente preparando per la certificazione rispetto ai requisiti della specifica tecnica del settore automotive ISO/ TS 16949. La nostra produzione per impianti GPL e CNG si articola in Multivalvole, Valvole Bombola Manuali ed Elettriche, Valvole di Carica, Elettrovalvole, Tubi ed accessori. OMB realizza prodotti customerizzati con partnership e studi dedicati.
NEWs fRom NGV comPaNIEs
neW factory for ProdUction of biGas international aUtoGas systeMs
The Bigas International Autogas Systems production system has reached a higher production potential level, after the inauguration of the new factory in Calenzano ( Fi ), Via di le Prata 62/66. It is a 4.000 m2 covered surface building in which all the production processes will be carried out: research and development, as well as design, production and quality check. A highly specialised internal workshop managed by one of the firm owner, will offer an additional service: the installation of the Bigas system for the final customer. This allows Bigas to get to know to the best possible extent all the problems connected to the installation of the systems, and to ideally solve all possible inconveniences. This will build up an endowment of experience which also results in a further immediate improvement of the production process. The long lasting philosophy of Bigas is to go for a constant increase of the perfection in the technology for its products. And this, while keeping loyal to the choice of the Made in Italy. Our firm has been certified to UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 by Tuv Sud â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Italia. This is confirming the commitment to the constant improvement of the quality in all the processes. Ever since 1968, when the firm started its activity, Bigas International Autogas Systems kept this commitment; perfect synthesis of Italian excellence in the field of mechanics. Bigas International Autogas Systems is a reference point for the reliability of its technology, for the solutions offered to car owners all around the world,
The new factory of Bigas International Autogas Systems
and for the constant improvement of its products. Its long history and a great credibility acquired on the international markets make Bigas International Autogas Systems a reliable protagonist of the new global energy scenarios. By working every day with dedication for the sake of welfare and environment safeguard, Bigas International Autogas Systems combines money saving and energy saving. We want to manufacture innovative products, to make the best possible use of alternative energy sources and low environmental impact energy sources. This is the new challenge that Bigas International Autogas Systems has to face! An high emphasis will be given to the new gas pressure regulator for CNG-hudrogen mixtures, which will be the real war-horse of Bigas International Autogas Systems in the near future. The prediction of the progressive extinction of the traditional energy sources led Bigas International Autogas Systems to look ahead to find innovative solutions. Hydrogen is the great hope for a future scenario characterised by zero emission vehicles, free from classic fuels; a clean energy which is renewable. During the inauguration the new web site has been introduced to the public (www.Bigas.it). It will be implemented in some few months to offer full and direct assistance to all installers who are already, or who want to become important partners of Bigas International Autogas
We carry on also on this issue with the publication of the directory of operators which are active in the NGV market in Italy. After publishing on the former issue of the directory of the CNG conversion, instalment and maintenance workshop, which attended the specialisation training courses patronised by CUNA, we publish now the updated directory of the Italian manufacturers of components for the NGV market. In the mean time we ask all readers to point out to us any possible incomplete or wrong information by calling at the editor’s office at (02 56810171), by fax (02 56810131) or mail (metanoemotori@watergas.it). Thanks in advance to all readers.
cylinder periodic inspection appliances Eco soluzioni Via del Palagio 17/N 52026 Pian di Sco’ AR Tel +39 055 960874 Fax +39 055 9631563 marco@progettoecosoluzioni.it; www.progettoecosoluzioni.it Interscambio Via U. Foscolo 18 35131 Padova PD Tel. +39 049 8774173 Fax +39 049 8787406 vacuumgas@interscambio.com; www.interscambio.com
systems and components for vehicle conversion Autogas Italia Via Dalla Costa, 2 41100 Modena MO Tel. +39 059 250174 Fax +39 059 253571 autogasitalia@autogasitalia.it; www.autogasitalia.it Autronic Via dei Barrocciai, 20/22 I 41012 Carpi MO Tel. +39 059 645483 Fax +39 059 6220231 autronic@autronic.it; www.autronic.it
Faber Via dell’Industria 23 33043 Cividale del Friuli UD Tel. +39 0432 706711 Fax +39 0432 700 332 www.faber-italy.com
Bedini Via Olanda 100 41100 Modena MO Tel. +39.059.312.030 Fax +39.059.311.437 info@bedinigas.com; www.bedinigas.com
Ofira Italiana Via N. Tartaglia 5/7 25064 Gussago – BS Tel. +39 030 24194.1 Fax +39 030 24194.201 www.ofira.it
Bigas Via A. De Gasperi, 31 50019 Sesto Fiorentino FI Tel. +39 55 4211275 Fax +39 55 4215977 bigas@bigas.it; www.bigas.it
TenarisDalmine Via Levate 2 24044 Dalmine BG Tel. +39 035 5603021 Fax +39 035 5601111 gascylinders@dalmine.it; www.tenaris.com
Centauro Via Euclide 20041 Agrate Brianza MI Tel. +39 039 6898062 Fax +39 039 6058297 direzione@centauro-srl.com; www.centauro-srl.com
Dsf Tecnologia Via Ruffini 3 20030 Paderno Dugnano MI Tel. +39 02 91080209 Fax +39 02 91080397 info@dsftecnologia.com; www.dsftecnologia.com E-Gas Via Del Lavoro 4 45100 Rovigo RO Tel. +39 0425 475145 6 Fax +39 0425 934476 tecno@e-gasweb.com; www.e-gasweb.com Emmegas Via Falcone 5 42020 Barco RE Tel. +39 0522 246500 Fax +39 0522 246502 info@emmegas.net; www.emmegas.net Imega Via Senese Aretina 155 52037 San Sepolcro AR Tel. +39 0575 720734 Fax +39 0575 721894 info@imega.it; www.imega.it Landi Renzo Via Nobel 2 40025 Cavriago RE Tel. +39 0522 943311 Fax +39 0522 943457 info@landi.it; www.landi.it Lo.Gas Via dell’Edilizia, 70/b 36100 Vicenza VI Tel. +39 0444 563901 Fax +39 0444 564189 info@lo-gas.com; www.lo-gas.com
usEful PaGEs
italian ManUfactUrers of coMPonents for tHe nGV MarKet
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Lovato Officina Lovato Strada Casale, 175 36100 Vicenza VI Tel. +39 0444 218911 Fax +39 0444 501540 info@lovatogas.com; www.lovatogas.com
Precision Fluid Controls Via S. Rita Da Cascia 33 20143 Milano MI Tel. +39 02 89159270 Fax +39 02 89159271 precision@precisionfluid.it; www.precisionfluid.it
M.G. Motor Gas Via Pietro Nenni, 7/C 80030 Cimitile NA Tel. +39 081 512 91 04 Fax +39 081 512 77 17 www.mgmotorgas.it
R.T.I. Via Ambrosoli 2/A 20090 Rodano Millepini MI Tel. +39 02 95328610 Fax +39 02 95328611 info@rti-tec.it; www.rti-tec.it
Matrix C.So Vercelli 330 10015 Ivrea TO Tel. +39 0125 615442 Fax +39 0125 615377 info@matrix.to.it; www.matrix.to.it Meplas Via Bellingera 3 21052 Busto Arsizio VA Tel. +39 0331 677037 Fax +39 0331 620422 info@meplas.com; www.meplas.com Metatron Via dei Lapidari 3 40129 Bologna BO Tel. +39 0514171911 Fax +39 0514171990 metatron@metatron.it; www.metatron.it MTM BRC Regione Oltre Tanaro, 6/B 12062 Cherasco CN Tel +39 0172 48681 Fax +39 0172 488237 info.brc.it; www.brc.it Omb Saleri Via Rose Di Sotto 38/C 25126 Brescia BS Tel. +39 030 3195801 Fax +39 030 3732872 info@omb-saleri.it; www.omb-saleri.it Omvl Via Rivelta 20 35020 Pernumia PD Tel. +39 0429 764111 Fax +39 0429 779068 omvlgas@omvlgas.it; www.omvlgas.it PHT Power Hi Tec Via Tiberina 175 06125 Pantalla di Todi PG Tel +39 075 5003911 Fax +39 075 5004530 info@baccarelli.it; www.baccarelli.it
Romano Via Passariello, 195 80038 Pomigliano d’Arco NA Tel. +39 081 8847218 Fax +39 081 8038360 romanosrl@romanoautogas.it, www.romanoautogas.it Tartarini Via Bonazzi, 43 40013 Castelmaggiore BO Tel. +39 051 6322411 Fax +39 051 6322401 info@tartariniauto.it; www.tartariniauto.it Tumedei Via del Perugino 3 40139 Bologna BO Tel +39 051 492406 Fax +39 051 493306 info@tumedei.it; www.tumedei.it Zavoli Via Pitagora 400 47023 Cesena FC Tel +39 0547 646409 Fax +39 0547 646411 zavoli@zavoli.com; www.zavoli.com
electronic components AEB Via dell’Industria, 20 42025 Cavriago RE Tel. +39 0522 941487 Fax +39 0522 941464 info@aeb-tech.com; www.aeb-srl.com Autronic Via Platone 2 41012 Carpi MO Tel. +39 059 645483 Fax +39 059 6220231 autronic@autronic.it; www.autronic.it
compressors and components for public and private refuelling stations Compair Italia Via Archimede 31 20041 Agrate Brianza MI Tel. +39 039 6551 429 Fax +39 039 6056458 sdaffan@compair.it; www.ariacompressa.it/compair Cotrako Via Milano 17 24040 Calvenzano BG Tel +39 0363 85077 Fax +39 0363 85141 info@cotrako.it; www.cotrako.it Dresser Wayne Pignone Via Giovanni Piantanida 12 50127 Firenze FI Tel. +39 055 3039200 Fax +39 055 3906444 info.distribution@dresser.com; www.wayne.com Ferrari Giuseppe Via Industriale 27 36043 Camisano Vicentino VI Tel. +39 0444 410325 Fax +39 0444 410326 amministrativo@ferraricabine.it; www.ferraricabine.it Fornovo Gas Via P.M. Curie, 14 42100 Reggio Emilia RE Tel. +39 0522 557675 Fax +39 0522 550112 assistenza@fornovogas.it; www.fornovogas.it G.I.&E Via Scossicci 51 62017 Porto Recanati MC Tel. +39 071 9749336 Fax +39 071 9749205 gascompressor@gie.it; www.gie.it Idro Meccanica Via S. Allende, 81 (Villaggio Torazzi) 41100 Modena MO Tel. +39 059 251 343 Fax +39 059 253702 info@idromeccanica.it; www.idromeccanica.it Mtm Via La Morra 1 12062 Cherasco CN Tel. +39 0172 48681
Maser Automation Via Degli Artigiani 20/E 40024 Castel San Pietro Terme BO Tel. +39 051 6946711 Fax +39 051 793718 info@maserautomation.it; www.maserautomation.it Safe Via Biancolina 4 40017 San Giovanni in Persiceto BO Tel. +39 051 6878211 Fax +39 051 822 521 info@safe-ita.com; www.safe-ita.com Samtech Via Mameli 54 35020 Albignasego PD Tel. +39 049 8629044 Fax +39 049 8629038 sales@samtechlpg.com; www.samtechlpg.com Sicom Via Roma 104/A 25060 Collebeato BS Tel. +39 030 2510391 Fax +39 030 2510392 commercial@sicomcompressori.it; www.sicomcompressori.it
dispensers and ancillaries Bn Opw Via Rinascita 38 40064 Ozzano Emilia BO Tel. +39 051 790478 Fax +39 051 795268 info@brevettinettuno.com; www.brevettinettuno.com Emerson Process Management Via Montello, 71/73 20038 Seregno MI Tel. +39 0362 2285.1 Fax +39 0362 243655 info.it@emersonprocess.com; www.emersonprocess.it Endress+Hauser Italia Div Flowtec Via Donat Cattin, 2A 20063 Cernusco Sul Naviglio MI Tel. +39 02 92192 1 Fax +39 02 92192.362 info@it.endress.com; www.it.endress.com Elettrogas Erogatori per Metano via Repubblica, 11
43045 Fornovo Taro PR Tel +39 0525 2278 fax +39 0525 2340 elettrogasfornovo@libero.it Krohne Italia Via Vincenzo Monti 75 20145 Milano MI Tel. +39 02 430066 1 Fax +39 02 43006666 ermanna.deldossi@krohne.it; www.krohne.it
Gas dryers Parker Hiross Strada Zona Industriale 4 35020 Sant’angelo di Piove PD Tel. +39 049 9712.145 Fax +39 049 9701911 www.dh-hiross.com
Gas odorisation appliances CPL Concordia Via Grandi 39 41033 Concordia s/S MO Tel. +39 0535 616111 Fax +39 0535 616300 info@cpl.it; www.cpl.it Pietro Fiorentini Via Rossellini, 1 20124 Milano MI Tel +39 02 66801911 Fax +39 02 6880457 vendite@fiorentini.com; www.fiorentini.com REGAS Via Borgoratto 5/7 24043 Brignano Gera d’Adda BG Tel. +39 0363 815839 Fax +39 0363 816196 regas@regasitalia.com; www.regasitalia.com
conversion workshops for heavy duty vehicles (dedicated or dual fuel) Etra Via Brennero 25 38068 Rovereto TN Tel. +39 0464 49 0015 Fax +39 0464 461666 info@etraspa.com; www.etraspa.it
NGV Motori Via Bacone 13/4 Loc. Masone 42029 Reggio Emilia RE Tel. +39 0522 340131 Fax. +39 0522 340232 info@ngvmotori.it; www.ngvmotori.it
design, construction and maintenance of cng refuelling stations Alpengas Via Keplero 1 39100 Bolzano BZ Tel. +39 0471 301853 Fax + 39 0471 325709 info@alpengas.it; www.alpengas.it Bernardini Impianti Via Galilei 35 48018 Faenza RA Tel. +39 0546 626713 Fax +39 0546 626741 info@bernardininet.com; www.bernardininet.com CAR.V.IM. Sp Bari-Modugno Contrada Maffiola 70026 Modugno BA Tel. +39 080-5367570 Fax +39 080-5367573 marketing@carvim.it; www.carvim.it Ecos Via Santa Fede 2 81024 Maddaloni CE Tel. +39 0823 203121 Fax +39 0823 204684 info@metano.net; www.metano.net Global Commerce Via del Consorzio 33 60015 Falconara Marittima AN Tel. +39 071 9156082 Fax +39 071 9156769 info@global-commerce.it; www. global-commerce.it So.Co.Gen Via Giordano Bruno 39 80010 Quarto NA Tel. +39 081 8546306 Fax +39 081 8546206 socogen@iol.it Tecnogas Via Chiusa Ferranda 15/A 43036 Fidenza PR Tel. +39 0524 532111
usEful PaGEs
Fax +39 0172 488237 info@brc.it; www.brc.it
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Fax +39 0524 81952 info@gruppotecnogas.it; www.gruppotecnogas.it
Fax +39 030 2510392 commercial@emer.it; www.emer.it
Thecla Vle XI Agosto, 100 50127 Firenze FI Tel. +39 055 4564653 Fax +39 055 4554884 info@thecla-online.it; www. thecla-online.it
OMAL Via San Lorenzo 70 25069 Villa Carcina BS Tel. +39 030 8900145 Fax +39 030-8900423 omal@omal.it; www.omal.it
Vanzetti Engineering Via Avv. Giovanni Agnelli 10 12033 Moretta CN Tel. +39 0172 915811 Fax +39 0172 915822 info@vanzettiengineering.com; www.vanzettiengineering.com
Nordival Via Iseo 6/A 25030 Erbusco BS Tel. +39 030 7722055 Fax +39 030 7722024 sales.nordival@nordival.com; www.swagelok.com/nordival
cylinder valves, receptacles and connectors Bulk Via IV Novembre 45 20021 Bollate MI Tel. +39 02 38305106 Fax +39 02 38305284 info@bulksrl.it; www.bulksrl.it Emer Via Roma, 104/a 25060 Collebeato BS Tel. +39 030 2510391
Valtek via Salvo d’Acquisto 4/b 42020 Albinea RE Tel. +39 0522 599763; 348515 Fax +39 0522 599036 info@valtek.it; www.valtek.it WEH Italia Via Veronese, 3 20096 Pioltello MI Tel +39 02 92104933 Fax +39 02 92105131 sales@wehitalia.it; www.wehitalia.it