Architecture portfolio

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Nicholas Eccles // Portfolio



CANBERRA CITY LIBRARY BRIEF: Design a Public Library the site of which is located in Canberra. As a hybrid architecture, in addition to considering library’s primary spatial needs as listed below the challenge is to include a small day-care center and an auditorium both of which might operate beyond the business hours of library, 9-5pm. Another dimension of public dimension of the project concerns the architectonic of civic building, the podium and scale. Whereas the element of podium, or terrace making, relates to the processes of the reconstruction of the given site, the notion of scale has to do with volumetric composition, and the transformation of material to materiality. The strategies chosen to address these two issues have aesthetic connotations that should be conceived and designed in reference to space, structure, and circulation of your project. RESPONSE: Though analysis and research the building has unveiled itself as a monument that both responds to the sites environments and morphology as well as the symbol of a library. The library is designed to be an every-man building that embodies the book and its ability to inform, enlighten, entertain and shock. The main motifs are of knowledge and ideas being a higher calling to all, this is shown in the design though controlling light and space leading into the reading room and auditorium. These rooms are located at the top level with generous areas allowing the occupant to slow and be comfortable






Auditorium Reading room


Staff offices Childcare WC/Utilities Cafe


LERIDA ESTATE BRIEF: A new winery is proposed among the string of wineries currently established at Lake George. These wineries take advantage of a northern facing sloped topography, which offers good drainage, a highly visible location on the Federal highway attracting passing trade, and a microclimate whose wind patterns coming from Lake George and accelerating up the cliff behind mitigate the effects of frost in a cool climate environment. There are two main functions for the building/s, one associated with the making and selling of wine, and the other for functions. The building or buildings will also include an internal space suitable for small functions up to 120 people, such as for weddings. It will also include a small servery for drinks and canapÊs. Further areas for the erection off temporary marquees to increase the capacity (non-air— conditioned) to 300 should also be considered.


Phase 2: Develop a proposal for a Public Building and its Site on a location to be identified in the Analysis phase.


Phase 1: Analyse the area of Kingston bounded by Giles, Howitt, Eyre and Kennedy Streets. The larger context to include Telopea Park and Wentworth Avenue and as far as the Kingston Foreshore. Factors to be considered include but are not limited to: open space, use, built form, street type and character.



BRIEF: Public building in Kingston This semester, the studio has two parts and will be conducted in two phases:




INTERSTITIAL LIGHT EXPLORATION, A SPACE WITHIN A SPACE PROGRAM FOCUS: Interstitial light enables an understanding of the ‘interstitial space’ found at the meeting of the inside and the outside of a space. It is the ‘in between’ space that mediates the edge or boundary of a space, the transition space between an inner space and an outer space. It is a space of ambiguity and spontaneity, a ‘both and’ space rather than an ‘either or’. A ‘liminal’ space that is adaptable and flexible to various uses and needs, a space that supports or surrounds a contained and usually specific use space and by its nature only exists because of the contained space adjacent or within. As such it is a space affected or deformed by the nature of the space adjacent or within. It is a space of sectional play and void, of tension and shift, a space both to pass through and a space to be in. It can be considered both residual, left over space, and prelude, introductory, preceding space –a space of anticipation as well as a space of respite.



French: To drift, an unplanned journey through urban landscape, the pull of extraordinary within ordinary This research-led teaching program invites Undergraduate Architecture students to study in a stimulating, cross-cultural setting. Tokyo is chosen as living laboratory for testing our understanding of built environment, provoking awareness of spatial and formal expressions, and exploring the ways in which they can be captured, represented, mapped, and shared, with emphasis on urban design analysis and research explorations. In explorations of selected Tokyo precincts we are embracing the methods of dérive developed as part of the Situationists International psychogeography. The focus is on ordinary, everyday spaces avoiding the habitual practices of our own everyday…in searching, seeing, feeling, sensing… This workshop is conducted as part of the collaboration between University of Canberra (led by Milica Muminovic) and co+labo architecture and urban design laboratory at Keio University. Full project -

Location: Kikuzuka Start: 11:56 Distance: 3.2km Elevation: 15m Elapsed time: 1hr 23min Date: 20 / 6 / 2015 Link to GPS data:



» Larger entrance will allow better natural light and cross ventilation


» Deciduous trees


» Grey water pond » Vegetable garden with compost



» New door for better outside access and cross ventilation of the house

The re-arrangement of the spaces within the house are to work with the re-structured roof and to create more space within the same footing. There will be more opportunity for larger areas for cross ventilation, which will also give a greater feeling of openness to the house. The garage has been reduced to fit only one car as the location of the house is near a brand new public transport terminal as well as cycle paths. There is extra space within the garage to allow for a small workshop area to encourage the DIY and repair of collateral that comes with a family home. Note: Householders to buy accredited renewable energy from the electricity grid.

» Rainwater tank/solar mass » Single garage now with space for a small workshop to repair and maintain household items

Ground Floor

» Space for bookshelf or sculpture

» Toilet moved into bathroom » Laundry has been moved to have better connection to other wet areas of the house » Grey water tank/solar mass

1 : 100


SUMMER 1:100



» The living green roof will work as thermal mass and reduce the heat island effect.

» The living green roof will work as thermal mass and reduce the heat island effect.

» Adjustable louvers on the north of the house will allow the suns radiation to enter the house,

» Adjustable louvers on the north of the house will block the sun from contacting the interior and thermal wall and floor.


» Low openings will bring cool air across the cooler floor slab, thermal green roof and water tanks.

» The suns radiation will enter the house and heat up the concrete slab and thermal wall » Closing the house will allow the thermal mass of the house to keep the air and rooms at a stable temperature

» Tall openings will allow for warm air to be moved up and out. » Deciduous trees will provide shade over the warmer months

» Deciduous trees will lose their leaves and allow sun to pass through into the house

» Site location

The changes to the house are to take better advantage of solar passive energy, while not creating more shadows for neighboring houses. Increasing the availability and flexibility of the north facing assets such as opening windows and adjustable louvers means the house can be sailed like a boat. Using minor adjustments and being aware of the internal and external contritions the house can be made to work in most circumstances without the need for appliances. The addition of the thermal mass by insulated water tanks at the south of the house and the green roof mean there is a much better chance of achieving a more constant average temperature.

» Improve the performance of existing windows and doors by using draught-proofing strips. Install these between the door and frame, at the door base and between the openable sash of the window and the frame.

» The glass additions will be LowE glass with timber frames » Insulation will be : Walls – R.20 + Sarking, Ceiling – R5.0 + Sarking to Roof

» Seal gaps between the window and door frames and the wall before fitting architraves in new additions.

» The louvers will be made from scrap and recycled timber from surrounding building sites.

» Avoid using down lights that penetrate ceiling insulation.

» Use airtight construction detailing, particularly at wall−ceiling and wall−floor junctions. » Control ventilation so it occurs when and where you want it. » Use windows and doors with airtight seals.

» Duct exhaust fans and install non-return baffles. In addition with these changes to the design of the house, it will under go draught sealing. “Air leakage accounts for 15–25% of winter heat loss in buildings”1 draught sealing will be achieved by doing the following

CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY BRIEF: Students were required to select one of the examples of sustainable architecture (small to medium scale buildings-preferably already analysed within the group) and to consult and have their examples approved by the tutor, before submission of the assignment. Students are asked to imagine the scenario: A new owner of the house (chosen from your examples) has hired you to (radically) redesign and/or requalify the building, which demands: - Exploration of functional, structural, material, aesthetic and environmental changes which would bring new project up to the highest standards of environmentally and culturally responsible architecture - Clear design statement position that will act as the design manifesto for the 21st century. Note: Minimal intervention needs to ensure a proper bioclimatic performance of the building.

Northern windows allow the winter sun to penetrate deep into a home and can be shaded easily in summer due to the change in the sun’s angle throughout the year. During cooler months, northern windows are the perfect way to heat an insulated concrete slab so that it will re-radiate warmth into your home for many hours. In summer a simple eave can block the sun’s rays and your home will remain cool and comfortable.2

Sources: 1 Your Home, 2 Jigsaw housing,



Metal flashing Grey water irrigation Edge material Growth material

» Drinking water

» Root barrier » Drainage » Water proofing


» Grey water irrigation


» Filtered grey water from the green roof for pond and vegetable garden

Part of the new waste water management design is the green roof. The roof will not only aid in creating a thermal mass and reduce the heat island effect3, it will also reduce storm water. Using the grey water to irrigate the growth material on the roof will also provide a basic filtration of the water that can later be used in the water pond that has access to the vegetable garden on the east of the house.

The water strategy is split into two systems. A rain water system that is used for drinking water, and a grey water system that takes waist water and uses it for toilets, gardening and green roof. These two systems will use there contents at the west of the building as a thermal mass for the house. The over arching affect of this system is to make the occupants aware of water usage/re-usage. The green roof and pond will offer a great opportunity for family’s to see the cycle of water in action.

Sources: 3 University of Florida,

N Program Mass : Green roof

N Program Mass : Solar Energy

N Program Mass : Water Flow

» Larger entrance will allow better natural light and cross ventilation


» Larger entrance will allow better natural light and cross ventilation


» Larger entrance will allow better natural light and cross ventilation » Larger entrance will allow better natural light and cross ventilation




// Nicholas Eccles a | 15/11 Howitt St, Kingston ACT, 2604 e | // Education 12 January 2013 - Current Bachelor of Arts in Architecture - University of Canberra • Expected completion date: November 2015 Achievement (Masters degree in 2017) • GPA 6.1 // Skills summary Design expertise - developed through architectural studies • Aptitude for both schematic and concept design. • Entry level 3D visualisation. • Design presentations. • Highly developed graphic design ability. // Technical • Entry Level knowledge of construction methods and detailing. • Experience in producing presentation renders both 2D and 3D. • Entry skill level in AutoCAD and Revit software. • High level in all Adobe software. // Communication • Highly developed verbal and written communication skills demonstrated through consistent high results for written assignments and class presentations. • Communicate confidently and effectively with people at all levels and from diverse backgrounds. // Teamwork and time management • Work effectively in a team, both as a leader and a team member, proven through successful group assignments at university and as an Arclub executive committee member. • Consistently completed all projects before deadlines at university and in current employment. // Architectural & academic achievements March 2013 – Current 2015 Golden Key International Honour Society, lifetime member. 2015 New Colombo Plan (NCP) alumni - DISCOVER TOKYO SCHOLARSHIP. 2015 Arclub executive committee member 2014 Deans excellence award: achieving a GPA above 6.0 2014 COX student prize finalist – Space of light project completed in first year 2014 DESIGN CANBERRA– Studio 1.2 project displayed at pavilion. 2013 The Big Draw: National Portrait Gallery – Architectural installation.

// EMPLOYMENT HISTORY // Phantom Media: Graphic Design & production manager - August 2010 / Current • Design development and implementation design and layout for Australian Aviation and ADBR magazines • Design advertisements for clients both web and print • iPad app creation and design for both Australian Aviation and ADBR magazines • Develop and refresh websites • Develop iPad apps for third party clients such as events and trade shows. // Australian General Practice Network (AGPN) - 2010 Online Media Officer, graphic and web design. Build and Maintain AGPN’s online presents and spear head production materials for national campaigns such as the close the gap initiative and Nursing in general practice. I was also involved in the 2010 budget campaign for Medicare locals. // Australian Academy of science - 2009 Website update (full overhaul and re-structure on to new web site) including design elements and construction of PHP, CSS and HTML. This role also included designing of any image material for the site. I was also contracted as a freelance designer at a later date. In total over 3000 pages were created. // Enduro Mountain Bike Magazine - July 2007 to December 2011 Writer, product reviewer. In this role I was given the latest high-end bikes and equipment to the Australian market to test and critique. After using a product for up to 8 weeks I would also model it for photo shoots that would feature within the magazine. I was also able to make design and editorial contributions thought out this period of time // Other Interest • Cycling and occasional competition • Restoring furniture and making small furniture pieces • Automobiles, particularly Alfa Romeo • Reading: design and architectural books and periodicals, poetry and classic literature • Music // Personal Development NGA membership since 2012 NGA LECTURE series since 2013 Attending Australian Institute of Architects National Architecture Conference. Canberra CSO member and subscriber since 2012 Pedal Power ACT member 2015 // Previous tertiary education January 2007 - November 2008 Canberra Institute of Technology - Advance Diploma of Graphic design Additional professional experience

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