he Nominating Committee of the Delaware County Bar Association met on Monday, September 13, 2021, pursuant to the Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 1.
Directors with one year remaining: Honorable Frank T. Hazel Theresa Flanagan Murtagh, Esquire
Carrie A. Woody, Esquire, as President-Elect, will automatically become President of the Delaware County Bar Association in 2022 pursuant to Article II, Section 3 of the Bylaws. The Committee makes the following nominations for officers and directors of the Association for the year 2022 and will present these nominations to the members at the Annual Meeting of the General Membership to be held on Wednesday, November 17, 2021. Pursuant to Article VIII, Section 1 (A) “Additional nominations may be made by Petition signed by at least ten (10) members who are entitled to vote, at least one of whom shall be the nominee. Such nominating petitions must be filed with the Secretary no later than November 1, 2021.” President Elect
Patrick T. Daley., Esquire
Vice President
Rachael L. Kemmey, Esquire
Michael J. Davey, Esquire
Recording Secretary
Mary J. Walk, Esquire
Corresponding Secretary Matthew J. Bilker, Esquire
Patrick T. Henigan, Esquire Lorraine M. Ramunno, Esquire John P. McBlain, Esquire Daniel J. Siegel, Esquire
Past Presidents: Karen E. Friel, Esquire (As of 1/1/2022) Robert F. Kelly, Jr., Esquire (As of 1/1/2021) President of the Young Lawyers’ Section will be determined at the YLS November Election Respectfully submitted, Chair: Robert F. Kelly, Jr., Esquire
Members: Amber L. Falkenbach, Esquire (Member-At-Large)
Directors for a period of two years:
Karen E. Friel, Esquire
Lindsey J. Conan, Esquire
Jennifer L. Galante, Esquire (YLS President)
M. Elizabeth Naughton-Beck, Esquire
Craig B. Huffman, Esquire
Christina V. Hayes, Esquire
Vincent B. Mancini, Esquire
Brian S. Quinn, Esquire
Carrie A. Woody, Esquire •
Joseph T. Mattson, Esquire Francis A. Urso, Esquire
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