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Ticks of Pennsylvania Ticks of Pennsylvania
Ticks and tickborne diseases are widespread in Pennsylvania and throughout much of the United States. These diseases cause a variety of ailments in multiple veterinary species, including dogs, horses, and cattle. Spring and summer is tick season, so it is a good time to brush up on tick identification and review what tickborne diseases are present in your area.
Ticks and tickborne diseases are widespread in Pennsylvania and throughout much of the United States. These diseases cause a variety of ailments in multiple veterinary species, including dogs, horses, and cattle. Spring and summer is tick season, so it is a good time to brush up on tick identification and review what tickborne diseases are present in your area.
Different life stages and sexes of ticks may look different!
The blacklegged tick, also called the deer tick, is the most common species of tick in Pennsylvania. 1 Often found in forested areas, this is the only species in the Eastern United States that can transmit the bacteria which causes Lyme disease.
The blacklegged tick, also called the deer tick, is the most common species of tick in Pennsylvania. 1 Often found in forested areas, this is the only species in the Eastern United States that can transmit the bacteria which causes Lyme disease.
Blacklegged ticks can carry the pathogens that cause Lyme disease anaplasmosis in dogs and horses (and people too). o n
The American dog tick is a common species of tick throughout the entire Eastern United States. It is especially prevalent in pastures and prairies with tall grasses.
The American dog tick is a common species of tick throughout the entire Eastern United States. It is especially prevalent in pastures and prairies with tall grasses.
–American dog ticks can carry the pathogens that cause rocky mountain spotted fever in dogs (and people), as well as bovine anaplasmosis in cattle.
Both males and females have white, weblike markings on their back.
Both males and females have white, weblike markings on their back.
Blacklegged ticks can carry the pathogens that cause Lyme disease and anaplasmosis in dogs and horses (and people too).
American dog ticks can carry the pathogens that cause rocky mountain spotted fever in dogs (and people), as well as bovine anaplasmosis in cattle.
Female ticks are red on half of their body.
Female ticks are red on half of their body.
Both males and females have white, weblike markings on their back.
Male a r T i c kA m b l y o m m a a m e r i c a n u m
The lone star tick is an aggressive biter that was historically found throughout the Southern United States. However, in recent years the range of this tick has been expanding northward, and it can now be found in Pennsylvania. 3 kThe bite of this tick can transmit tularemia in dogs and cats. kThe bite of this tick can transmit tularemia in dogs and cats. 2
Female s –
The palps are important for Identification s i
The palps (sensory organs on the front of the tick, like their “antennae”) have points that extend outward.
1 Pak, D , Jacobs, S B , & Sakamoto, J M ( 2019 ) A 117year retrospective analysis of Pennsylvania tick community dynamics Parasites & Vectors , 12 ( 1 ), 189 https : //doi org/ 10 1186 /s 1307101934516
2 Machtinger, E . & Springer, H . R . ( 2019 ) . Protecting Companion Animals Against Ticks in Pennsylvania . Penn State Extension . https : //extension . psu . edu/protectingcompanionanimalsagainstticksinpennsylvania
3 Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection . (n . d . ) . Tick Surveillance and Testing . Commonwealth of Pennsylvania . https : //www dep pa gov/Business/ProgramIntegration/VectorManagement/Ticks/Pages/default aspx
4 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (n d ) The Asian Longhorned Tick : What You Need to Know and What You Can Do United States Department of Agriculture https : //www aphis usda gov/aphis/maps/animalhealth/asianlonghornedtick
5 Oakes, V J , Yabsley , M J , Schwartz, D , LeRoith , T , Bissett, C , Broaddus, C , Schlater , J L , Todd, S M , Boes , K M , Brookhart, M , & Lahmers , K K ( 2019 ) Theileria orientalis Ikeda Genotype in Cattle, Virginia, USA Emerging Infectious Diseases , 25 ( 9 ), 1653 –1659 https : //doi org/ 10 3201 /eid 2509 190088
Female Male Male Female Nymph Nymph Female T i c k I d e n t i f i c a t i o n O n ly Insect Identificatio n Laboratory Depa rtment of Entomology 501 Ag. Science & Industries Building University Park, PA, 16802 https://ento.psu.edu/about/contact/ instructions -f or -i nsect -i dent ificationrequests N e e d A s s i s t a n c e I d e n t i f y i n g a T i c k ? T i c k & P a t h o g e n I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Tick Research Lab of