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The results are in!
3 Amazing Keynote Panelists
+ 21 Speakers
+ 1 Wet Lab
+ 6 Classrooms
+ 13 CE credit hours
+ 28 Exhibitors
+ 251 veterinary professionals = Spring Clinic 2023
PVMA’s Spring Clinic held in scenic Happy Valley, State College, featured a 2-hour continuing education Keynote Panel Case Discussion with Andrea Carr, DVM, John Anastasio, DVM, DACVECC, and Stephanie LeNoir, LVT, VTS (ECC), “on emergency stabilization and case management that a General Practitioner can perform to assist ER care of the patient. General session lectures included Small Animal, Production/Large Animal, Technician, and CVPM/Professional Development. As always, there was a full exhibitor showcase for our veterinary professionals to engage with and learn about innovative products, professional services, career opportunities, and more. PVMA appreciates all who participated in this inspiring conference.