Untold Chronicles - Issue 11

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ntold Chronicles showcases the difficult issues, life changing events and experiences of leaders, men and women of God that caused them to want to throw in the towel, stop going to church and for some utimately leave God. However, God has a different idea and each featured guest narrate their account of deliverance, while demonstrating to those also affected, there is a way out (solution). Untold Chronicles deals with the immensely hard issues we endure so as to offer, establish and maintain a connection with others who have similar testimonies or experiences. Through steps, sacred writings and supplications, they look to offer guidance on how to obtain, regain and restore relationships with Christ, while also learning to trust again.

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Contents 2 Top 4

Dr. Nia

6 Dr. Nia

About the Author



8 God Brought Me Out, There is Life After Abuse

By: Denita Gibbs

8 13 In the Kitchen

Apple Crumble By: Chef Andrea Dillion

13 15 In Our Lives, God Has Done Many Miracles

By: Apostles Tony & Marissa Freeman

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Contents 25 Business Benefits Whatcha Looking At By: Omekia McNeal

28 I Was Not Their Choice


By: Evangelist Trina B. Murphy

34 On The Road to Success The Power of Stillness By: Gerald B. Colson


36 Prophetic Words for the Soul We will commune together By: Becky Porter

38 Marriage Matters


Absence makes the heart grow fonder By: Apostles Johnnie and Tonia Foster

For Publication Inquiries Contact: Omekia McNeal Ph: 1 (561) 900-5079 Email: Belindagailmanagements@gmail.com Editor-in- Chief: Gerald B. Colson

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About the author Dr. Nia:

Unconventional, unorthodox, and unapologetically me when it comes to ministry.

She believes the Word of God as stated in Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” However, she knows that the changes in society and time mean that we must change how we convey the Word of God to this new generation. Nia’s ministry is to the downtrodden, the outcasts, and to those the church has given up on. She has a strong love and compassion for these types of people; she understands that deep feeling of rejection all too well. At one point, it was her. Her mission is to engage millennials with uncommon practices in inistry— practices that actually appeal to them. She then equips them with the Word of the God and all the necessary armor that they need for today’s battles. Finally, she sends them forth, empowered that they may bring others into the Kingdom of God.

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For ten years, I lived in a violent marriage by my ex-husband. In the beginning, I was young, he was handsome. And so, we were married walking joyfully together down a church aisle, our union blessed by God. Then came the angry words the verbal tearing apart. Now I was made to feel ugly, unintelligent, unworthy of any love, God’s or man’s. During times of my abuse, I lost the support of my own family, because I did what I wanted to do, I did not wait on God and my decision was the worst decision. Soon thereafter within the marriage, the violence grew in severity. I was pushed, beaten (suffering severe bodily bruises), thrown cross the room against walls in my home. His abusive, controlling behavior was coupled with his adultery, which seemed to escalate hand-in-hand. Still, I was blamed for everything he did that was literally hurting me. He started chipping away at my self-esteem, manipulating me. In my marriage, he would disappear for hours, wouldn’t answer my calls, and I learned he might be cheating on me. And he was. He was also mentally, verbally, and financially, sexual abusive controlling everything. If ever he felt like he wasn’t in control, his abuse would intensify. Over our ten years together, I was terrified of what he might Untold Chronicles | 8

do next, or how far he would take it. Outwardly, I pretended that everything was fine with my Family and at church. But on the inside, I was ashamed and embarrassed. You see, sometimes many people don’t can’t see the emotional pain, so they don’t understand it. They believe you should just “get over it.” This could not be further from the truth. “ It takes time and lots of support to deal with the emotional abuse and scars. Please don’t ever feel sorry for me! I am alive! I love life! I know God allowed me to live so I could help others and make a difference in the world. How the situation changed: When his violence became much worse and was being directed at me and my daughter. I began to pray to God to get me out of this marriage. Prayer was essential in my family; I came from a home of praying parents. Therefore, I believed in the power of prayer. God and Prayer was my weapon. Finally, after ten years of his torment of abuse, I began to see the reality of what was happening. Things got a lot worse towards the Untold Chronicles | 9

end. I remember last and finally horrible


incident that occurred during the night, while riding with he put my daughter

My advice to anyone that has been

and I out the car on a busy highway.

abused. Leaving permanently is the only

The light bulb finally switched for me.

thing that will change the situation. You

At this point, however, I had decided I

can’t make him better no matter how

wasn’t going to raise my daughter in an

much you love him. It is NOT your fault,

environment that lead her to believe this

it is his. You are a wonderful person

type of treatment was acceptable. That

and deserve so much better. You are not

was it for me, I made the decision, and

alone, there are many people who know

if I don’t get away, he was going to kill

what you are going through. Reach out

us. BUT GOD! In a short period of time,

to people and contact support groups

God brought me out and delivered me

like those who are the experts. Most of

from the abusive marriage. Years after, I

all trust God, pray and believe in yourself

began the healing process, I don’t look

and know you are strong. God brought

like all I’ve been through. Today, I am

me out it. There is life after abuse.

happily married to an amazing husband who is my best friend and treats me like

Contact Information

a Queen. website information: www.denitagibbs. Conclusion:

com For Booking Contact 256-493-9062 or

Yet, despite all of this, including the years E-mail: dgwministry@gmail.com of domestic violence, I am a survivor. My faith in God lifts me up, and I will continue to fight. I will NOT allow anyone or anything to get in my way. I am a Untold Chronicles | 10

Community & Ministry UPCOMING MINISTRY DATES December 6, 2019 God’s Glory Apostolic Church Birmingham, AL

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My name is Apostle Tony Freeman, and I am a walking miracle! I was born at home, in 1970, in Pinelake, Georgia. I was stuck in the birth canal for twelve hours, with the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck. My mom and I had no medical care, and it was a miracle that we both lived! My dad moved my mom, older brother, younger sister, and I to Vidor, Texas, because he got a job on the pipeline in Galveston. He was pastoring on the weekends and working on the pipeline during the week. I was going to the public schools in Vidor. Early on, I was diagnosed with several learning disabilities, including dyslexia. The school told my parents that I had an IQ of 70, and that I would never live on my own. But praise God, my dad did not believe those words. He told me I could do whatever I wanted to do, and that he believed God

did not bring me that far for nothing. He believed I was supposed to do something for the Lord. I was nine years old, when I committed my life to Jesus Christ. I was baptized with the Holy Spirit, at the same time! It was on my birthday, and it is obviously the best birthday gift one could get! However, even though I was saved, my home life was not so happy. My dad backslid, and he and my mom divorced, when I was ten. My mom was raising three kids on her own. My dad leaving us, and seeing the way he was being treated harshly by other ministers, started a seed of bitterness in my heart, toward the church. By the time I was eighteen years old, I had hardened my heart toward the Lord. Some Christian friends invited me to go hiking in the Catalina Mountains. I told them I would go, as long as none Untold Chronicles | 15

of them tried to talk to me about God. They agreed. We ventured out on our overnight hiking trip. The next morning, as we were hiking back, the weather suddenly changed. A severe snowstorm hit, and it was impossible to get out. We were lost in the mountains for 5 days. We all suffered from hypothermia and frost bite. At one point, my heart stopped beating, and one of my friends did CPR to revive me. While my heart was stopped, I had a life-changing encounter. I was in a tunnel, falling, hearing demonic laughter. But then, I saw a light, and I yelled out “Jesus, save me!” The Lord spoke to me and said He had plans to use me in signs, wonders, and miracles. I came back to life. A few hours later, the helicopters found us. I was pulled up by helicopter, in a harness. They flew me to awaiting ambulances, on the outside of the canyon. Who would be there, but my dad, that I had not seen since I was ten years old! At first, he said, “I love you,” and I did not know who he was. When he said it again, I knew it was him. He had been the one that told the search party where I would be. The Lord used him to find where my friends and I were at! I surrendered to the Lord that day and to the call of ministry on my life. I started off in ministry in 1990 as a Children’s Pastor. I then went on to study the Word through Berean University, out of Springfield, Missouri. I also got Untold Chronicles | 16

my doctorate of theology from King’s Seminary, in California. Going from a boy that supposedly had a low IQ to getting a doctorate, is a testimony of God’s goodness and miracle-healing power! I have since had awesome ministry opportunities, and have served as a senior pastor, church planter, evangelist, missions pastor, and currently as an apostle. I found the wife of my dreams, in 2015. Two years later, I married my best friend, Marissa, who had three wonderful boys. I love these anointed kids like they are my own. I have seen the Lord do many miracles, in my life of ministry. I was able to lead mission trips to Mexico, back in 2005. We saw crippled children get up and walk. We saw a man’s vision healed. We saw ears opened. A girl walked into a meeting with a fresh bullet hole in her hand. I poured anointing oil on her hand, and before our eyes, the hole completely disappeared! Legs grew out! The Lord kept His promise to me, that day He miraculously saved me from death, in the mountains! My wife and I are able to take that anointing to the lost and hurting that are around us today. Yes, before that experience, my heart had hardened toward God. I thought, because of the way my dad was mistreated in the church, that all Christians were hypocrites. But God pulled me out! And I encourage you, that God has a plan for you! Do not give up on Him!

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It is never too late. Just as an example, my dad did come back to the Lord, after I came back alive from the mountains. He recommitted his life to Christ, and preached for Him until he went home to be with the Lord, in 2014. It is never too late for God! My wife has an amazing testimony as well. Like me, she grew up in a Christian home and went to a Holy Spirit-filled church. However, both her parents had grown up in broken homes. Their marriage was being torn apart, but eventually, the Lord healed their marriage and restored their relationship. But Marissa carried those wounds into adulthood, even though she loved the Lord. She ended up going to Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. Once there, she joined a Christian group. She met a man that appeared to be a Christian. But after marrying him, she found out he was very controlling and abusive. For eleven years, Marissa, and eventually her three boys, lived in constant fear and stress. She prayed for God to deliver the boys and her and for God to change that man. She was growing hopeless, wondering when God would turn things around. Then one day, in 2015, Marissa had enough. She had been praying for her husband to change. She clearly heard the Lord say, “He has a free will, and if he hasn’t changed by now, he never will.” It took all her courage, but she and

her children left that relationship. They found counseling, and God started the process of inner healing. By the time I met her, God had started transforming her from a scared, easily intimidated person to a strong, bold, mighty woman of God! We both lead praise and worship and preach together, because God uses ministering couples. She feels called to minister to women that have been or are in abusive relationships. It is her heart’s cry to show these women that if they will allow God, He can deliver them from a life of fear and abuse and bring them into a life of fulfilment and joy! In our lives, we have seen God do many miracles. From surviving a traumatic birth to surviving trauma in the mountains, God has kept me from day one! I went from a bitter, torn young man to a man that is on fire for God. My wife went from a scared, timid person to a mighty woman who boldly preaches the Word of Truth! We both encourage you that no matter what kind of negative experiences you’ve been through, God can get you out! If you will allow Him to, God can totally take your mourning and turn it into dancing! He can turn your sorrow into joy! (Psalm 30:11) He can heal your body, your finances, your mind, your relationships, and anything you’ve been believing for! He can take your broken life and not only fix it, but transform it into a beautiful testimony for Him. Untold Chronicles | 19

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Community & Ministry Ministry Event: I am finishing up my book, “From Religion to Glory.” It’s about my testimony of getting set free from legalism. In my book, I talk about legalism, how it binds you, and how you can be set free. Ministry Info: • Apostles Tony and Marissa Freeman • Glory Realm International • tony@gloryrealm.org • 979-332-6321 • www.gloryrealm.org

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It was all so long ago but yet unforgettable when I decided to really get serious about God. I started attending a word of faith church in my hometown in Delaware. I was fresh out of the club but having felt an empty void I said I would go back to church. I found a church with a pastor who was very friendly and could teach and believed only in the teaching and laying on of hands which was healing ministry. He was a new pastor starting out from New Jersey so he was very excited about growing the church from the ground up. We became great friends. He would let me go to start outreaches and street teams and the church started growing. I was married to my ex-husband now and he was married to his long time spouse of his youth. We all seemed happy. The whole goal of the church was to stay married, speak faith and make it. He would always take time to talk to us, pray with us and take us all out to eat an encouraged being open about our weaknesses. We had very good times together. I was very young in the faith with a lot of zeal. I did not know a lot of word yet but I just wanted to do and go for God. And our pastor let me go. What I didn’t know at the time was that people in church could get jealous and be very mean and treat you like dirt if they felt some intimidation about you growing. I did not know that some pastor wives could put the word out on you like some street gang and try to mark you as the one who wanted their husband. When

you get marked, then the first lady and her gang of friends try everything they can to keep you quiet and in your place. I laugh now but I would go home and literally cry every Sunday from their cruel treatment. Always wondering why they did not like me and what was I doing. I kept asking myself was I dressed right, do I look too good, does my walk make me stand out? Why don’t they like me? Is this my discernment or am I going crazy but I am feeling some kind of way. Well the more they came for me the more I intended to prove them wrong. Our pastor still did not give up on me and he kept pushing me. I learned the word and about prayer. We would go to early morning prayer at 5 am during the week Monday through Friday. They say Prayer changes things and it did. The church started growing, we built another building and everyone was showing how successful we were by the houses and cars we bought. We were house hopping and acting like we were all the best of friends. Well I was married to my ex-husband who was a very successful executive banker. He was quiet and well mannered and they liked him but had a problem with me. We would argue and fight over it but he would tell me it was about him and they liked him so it did not matter about me. I felt so alone and so hurt and plus we had our own problems. He worked so much that we were living a sexless marriage and if I even Untold Chronicles | 29

he tells me how anointed I am and that I am a great preacher with a healing anointing and a prophetic gift but I don’t fit the image of the church so they will use my husband and they will not be able to use me. My heart was crushed and after telling my husband who was only concerned about himself, our marriage almost over Our marriage was miserable and all he cared because of a church fight. I left that church and about was his advancement at work and at left my husband still going there by himself. church. It didn’t matter that they treated me harsh or spread rumors. I wanted to lay all of I did not know or understand at the time that them out and show them who they were mess- there are hateful and manipulative people in the ing with but I did not. I did not want to come church. That my smile could make women asas the devil. I laugh because I sure wanted too. sume I wanted to screw their man and if you Yet, through all their negative treatment I still grow to much or past where they thought that grew. I still went to the street and outreaches there are snakes that would try to smother your with our teams and it didn’t matter because I dreams and goals because they only want it to be them. accepted my call and I wanted more. So what did I learn from my church experience? I finally get to teach our adult Sunday school. I I learmed to trust in God and to stop letting was so scared and yet it made me feel alive. He people label me and put me in a box. I learned would tell us what to teach and I was so happy to speak up when needed too. I was a people to do it. The church gang wasn’t happy because pleaser who wanted everyone to be happy with they thought I should not be allowed after all me and God wanted me to be pleasing to him. they did to try and stop me. They tried it but it The people that walked away I now know that I did not work. So I kept growing until one day did not need and God did not want in my life. they decided to let me be the last teacher for our God never wanted me to fit in. I was never supposed to be in the click or the group. I was not seven last words. chosen because I was never meant to fit in. PeoI studied and studied and prepared. The church ple would later come back to apologize to me was packed with hundreds of people and my after they found out the truth that covering for mother who at the time was my biggest support- a pastor I was privileged to know and that they er. They set it up to see if I would sink or swim. were blaming me but it was her closest friends I did not know if God could use me greatly or if that were stabbing her in the back. It hurt but I had a voice or not but I prayed that God would God did not want me to be there or get taintshow up/ Well God did show up. I taught but ed. I went along to get along and for that I was it came out more as preaching. The Holy Ghost wrong. But guess what the church is one of the took over and afterwards many people came to largest black churches in their area. I thank God say how God had touched them. My pastor told for the lessons I learned but now I know there me don’t let their compliments go to my head are some that are real with God and some who and I didn’t. Well the church gang crew were use the things of God to satisfy their lusts and not too happy and turned their noses up at me. their egos. We must stand for God and know My mother said your pastor has to see who you when to walk away. No matter how high we go, God can humble us. Its time for all of us to adare and take you higher now. vance the kingdom and stop letting everything Little did I know that they were voting on the slide is what I know now. Our voice is to cry and look that they wanted the church to have. On a spare not! sunny afternoon I get a call from my pastor and asked for sex he would go into a rage and tell me to stop putting pressure on him. I think for ten years straight I would pray to God to keep me and help me. I felt like I was too big when I was a size 8. I would talk to my pastor about it and he would say that it sounded strange.

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Community & Ministry Trina B. Murphy trinabmurphy@yahoo.com 302-747-4879 Church: New Image Christian Center Pastor David Eggleston Ministry-Host of the Conversations with Trina Radio Show on All Nations Radio.

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The Power of Stillness

By: Gerald B. Colson

The Power of Stillness what exactly does that mean? Stillness is a noun defined as 1) silence, quiet, hush and 2) absence of motion. We live in a world that is constantly in motion. We live in cities that operate 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We are constantly bombarded with news, music, television, sports and other various activities. Too often people are involved in things from work, to family, to school, to sports and to church that they don’t have time to breathe. They are so frantically running from place to place being busy that they run themselves into the ground. That was my situation I was so busy doing things for others that I did not have time to do for myself. This eventually landed me in the hospital. When you are lying flat on your back with needles in your arms and nurse wanting to take your blood every 5 minutes it seems like you will really understand the power of stillness. When we are constantly pre-occupied by the things in life we can start to lose our perspective on what is really important. For each of us that thing is something different. To me what is important is being with my family and being able to try and bring the vision God has shown me to life. I was so involved that I was starting to ignore my true source of strengthen my time of communing with the Lord. I had stop reading my word on a regular basis. I was always at church but I was always working and doing things behind the scenes that I was not really able to listen to the message from God there. I had stop buying the services on CD which at least allow me to hear the message later. One saving grace point for me was because of my duties at church I was able to listen to the recorded messages at a later date while working. I am like many people I have a strong work ethic and that work ethic is what drives me to be do things to keep busy. I have never understood how people can just sit and do nothing it befuddles me. I was always to that an idle mind is the devil’s playground so I tried to keep occupied doing anything I could. The problem with being busy is that it does not always translate into being productive. As I stated before I eventually landed in the hospital do impart to my work ethic. Let me explain what I mean by that statement. In my day to day activities I would take on more and more work and responsibilities and as this continued my health started to decline. I being the type of person who does not want to let people down once I have committed to doing something I will continue to go even when I am physically and mentally drained. My wife would get on me about this but I would say there’s no one to do it and so I have to do it until eventually I just could not go any further. I stayed in the hospital for a couple of weeks hating being there because I could not do anything but be still. That event actually became a blessing in disguise. How you may ask? Being in the hospital forced me to do something I was unable to do for myself voluntarily and that was rest. Rest to me was going to sleep, get up and go again. I would say I will rest when I’m dead. What a foolish statement. I know so many people who have said that same foolishness. When you are faced with the true possibility of death as I was you quickly realize that you want to live. During my stay in the hospital I was unable to move, go anywhere or do anything it was a time to be still. During this time of stillness I was able to hear from the Lord. When we are so pre-occupied by the distractions of life we can miss the Lord when He is trying to talk to you. It is like someone calling your phone and it is off the hook and they get the busy signal. Well that is same thing we do to God. We have our spiritual phones off the hook giving God the busy signal. God haven given us the free will to choose He does not hang the phone up for you but instead He tries to reach you later. Only once that phone is placed by on the hook will you be able to receive that phone call. The phone in my case was me being too busy with activities. Once my phone was back on the hook God’s calls started coming through. If my body had not of forced me to be still I could have kept missing a vitally important phone from the Lord. Are you willing to hang up your phone so your phone call can come through? Only through the power of stillness can we truly hear from the Lord. God will not hang your phone up for you but he will continue and try to call you later. Answer the phone it will be the best decision you would every make.

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Prophetic words for the soul We Will Commune Together As One By Becky Porter

I hear the Lord saying: You seek intimacy with Me, and you shall have it. I am going to bring you into a greater depth of intimacy with Me than you have ever experienced before. The two of us are going to commune together as One in a way that you did not even know was possible. I am going to reveal Myself to you in ways that only a husband reveals himself to his precious and beloved bride. I am going to take you to heights of ecstasy and intimacy in Me that you have never experienced before. I am going to captivate and capture your heart so that we will become One, and you will never part from Me again. You will so long for that place of intimacy in Me that nothing else will satisfy – nothing else will satisfy, but Me. I am going to show you things about Myself that you never knew before, and I am going to take you to a new place – new heights in Me Untold Chronicles | 36

and new depths in Me. I am going to reveal Myself to you in new ways and at new levels, and then you will teach others how to find Me in the same intimate ways that you have found Me. I am going to use you to bring people into My heart – My heart of intimacy – My heart of worship. I am going to teach you how to teach others to do this, because this is the key to everything in your life. I am the Key, I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the Door. No man comes to the Father, but through Me – through Me. I am the Door – I am the door to intimacy. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Seek Me above all else and you will find Me, and when you find Me you will find everything that you have been searching your entire life for. Hidden treasures will be found in Me – I will unearth them for you, one by one, and you will share them with the world. Press in,

press in My beloved – we are about to in the fire and let Me be your one desire begin a new journey that you’ve never, - I will take you to a new place as you ever experienced before! seek My face. Union with Me, union with Me - I am taking you to a place of You are the wick and I am the fire. I will union and intimacy with Me that goes consume you and light you on fire, and beyond anything you have ever experitogether, we will burn very brightly as enced before! The two of us will be so one in an intimate place of union that close that our hearts will beat together goes beyond anything you have ever as one, as one. experienced before! Shout My praises

Scriptures to keep in mind John 14:6 TPT Jesus explained, “I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with Me. To know Me is to know My Father too. John 10:9 TPT I am the Gateway. To enter through Me is to experience life, freedom, and satisfaction. Jeremiah 33:3 AMP ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.’

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Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder By: Apostles Johnnie & Tonia Foster

We’ve heard the saying absence makes the heart grow fonder. Many couples who get married never dreamed that there would be times in their marriage that one of them would have to leave for an extended amount of time. Usually this is due to job responsibilities such as: Military, Pilots, Flight Attendants, Actors, Musicians, Truck Drivers, etc. Having a relationship with Jesus can help us in times like these to stay focused, as well as gives us time to spend in His presence. God gives us peace in the midst of storms, especially when we are away from our spouses. In 1 Corinthians 13:7, the Apostle Paul tells us, “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” We have the responsibility to endure all things no matter how we may feel or whatever circumstance we must go through. Continue to count it all joy. These responsibilities can cause hardships in a marriage; however, there are many ways to endure it. 1. Video Calls will make you feel like your spouse is with you and that they never left you. With social media cameras, we can record ourselves and our spouses will feel as though they aren’t missing out on anything. 2. Text messaging every moment and sending enduring messages to keep the fire burning makes the spouse long for the companionship. This will create a greater anticipation and higher expectation upon their return. 3. Some couples still mail out post cards or write letters, so their spouse can treasure them and keep as a memento to reflect on those memories in years to come. 4. Take quick trips or vacations to visit your spouse. Especially if it’s another city or state not too far away. These add excitement to the relationship. Travelling great distances to meet up brings enthusiasm to the marriage. It is important that both are rooted and grounded in the things of God. This helps with those lonely times. You have your relationship with the Lord to sustain you. This will keep the temptations from getting the better of you. According to 1 Corinthians 10:13 God lets us know that temptation will come but we can stand up to it because as a child of God, He won’t allow more on us than we can bear. He will also provide a way of escape. Knowing that God has our best interest at heart gives us peace of mind that our loved one will be taken care of. One of the greatest things or most anxious times is when it gets closer to seeing each other face-toface. The anticipation causes our hearts to race. Just the thought of their touch; the smell of their cologne or perfume really gets us going. The thoughts racing through our minds are finally put into action and expressed in a love that can only be described as God ordained. I guess the heart truly can grow fonder when you are away for an extended period. Untold Chronicles | 39

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