Viviana Nicole Hamilton The Truth Will Set You Free
“...Her mission to see the Kingdom come in lives and hearts in those around her.”
Dr. Nia
“Everything in my life has changed literally within a 24 hour period ”
Prophet Andrew Towe
“Raising up an army of
Apostle Misha Wesley
“Rejected, Overlooked & Under-estimated by man, but God still called me”
March 2019 Issue 3
believers from the dry scattered bones and equipping them to advance the kingdom of God”
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ntold Chronicles showcases the difficult issues, life changing events and experiences of leaders, men and women of God that caused them to want to throw in the towel, stop going to church and for some utimately leave God. However, God has a different idea and each featured guest narrate their account of deliverance, while demonstrating to those also affected, there is a way out (solution). Untold Chronicles deals with the immensely hard issues we endure so as to offer, establish and maintain a connection with others who have similar testimonies or experiences. Through steps, sacred writings and supplications, they look to offer guidance on how to obtain, regain and restore relationships with Christ, while also learning to trust again.
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Contents Cover Story 6 Dr. Nia
Everything in my life has changed literally within a 24 hour period
Features 14
“...Her mission to see the Kingdom come in lives and hearts in those around her.”
By: Viviana Nicole Hamilton
21 The Nurse’s Station Diabetes Mellitus (DM) -aka Diabetes By: The Nusing Staff
“Rejected, Overlooked & Under-estimated by man, but God still called me” By: Apostle Misha Wesley
31 In the Kitchen
CousinWanda’s Crawfish Pasta By: Chef Andrea Dillion
31 Untold Chronicles | 4
Contents 32 “Raising up an army of believers from the
dry scattered bones and equipping them to advance the kingdom of God” By: Prophet Andrew Towe
43 Business Benefits
Are You Focused? By: Omekia McNeal
45 The Single Sanctuary Keep Believing By: Dee Hardy
47 The Coins Corner
2 Ways to Stay in Budget to Honor God By: SamanthaTalks
50 Prophetic Words for the Soul
I Am The Fountain Of Life Within You By: Becky Porter
For Publication Inquiries Contact: Omekia McNeal Ph: 1 (561) 900-5079 Email: Editor-in- Chief: Gerald B. Colson
47 Untold Chronicles | 5
About the author Dr. Nia:
Unconventional, unorthodox, and unapologetically me when it comes to ministry.
She believes the Word of God as stated in Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” However, she knows that the changes in society and time mean that we must change how we convey the Word of God to this new generation. Nia’s ministry is to the downtrodden, the outcasts, and to those the church has given up on. She has a strong love and compassion for these types of people; she understands that deep feeling of rejection all too well. At one point, it was her. Her mission is to engage millennials with uncommon practices in inistry— practices that actually appeal to them. She then equips them with the Word of the God and all the necessary armor that they need for today’s battles. Finally, she sends them forth, empowered that they may bring others into the Kingdom of God.
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The Life of Just Nia Part III
ello United States Navy! I went into the armed forces at the age of 17, a month before my 18th birthday and I literally had no clue who I was or what I wanted to do in life. My only thoughts were I definitely did not want to stay in Bessemer, AL. I did not want to go back to Chicago, IL. I would never in life return to either of those places to live (remember guys I was 17 and had no earthly idea of the changes that could happen in life and it bring you right back to where you started). I had no clue of what I wanted to do in my life! See enlisting in the military was NEVER my first choice it
seemed to be my last choice. As I told you before I didn’t think that I was smart enough to go to college and I had no one to tell me or guide me into believing or thinking any different about myself. This is why my mission now is to lead and guide young ladies so that they don’t have to go through what I went through. They have someone like me in their lives that can provide them direction and lead them to Christ. I am sorry ya’ll I got sidetracked from the story, so back to our story lol. I left for the Navy in July 1992 as an undesignated airman (had no idea what this was and what I had gotten myself into OMG).
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Granny always told me she was 89 years old and each year I would say granny you were that age last year she would “no I wasn’t, don’t they teach yall that rithmatic in that smart school you go to”
he significance about me leaving is that before leaving I did have a chance to go back to Chicago and visit my family for a week and while being there I get to go and visit my favorite girl, which was my granny (great grandmother) who I learned at this time was in the hospital. Granny always told me she was 89 years old and each year I would say granny you were that age last year she would “no I wasn’t, don’t they teach yall that rithmatic in that smart school you go to” lol…I am not making this up. Anyway, granny was really like 103 (bless God)! While being there in the hospital with her as I always did when I saw her I would comb her stark white hair, grease her scalp and braid it for her. Now anyone that knows me, knows I can’t do hair to save me life so you already know those braids were not neat and pretty lmbo. Allow me to give you an exact visual, you guys remember the Coca Cola commercial where LL COOL J was sitting on the front porch combing his daughters hair and when he got done her braids were sticking
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up all over her head all “wich a ways” and he thought he had done something…well that was my granny’s hair all the time. She would be so grateful and never complain, you couldn’t tell my granny nothing about her Tiany (that’s Tonia in a country elderly person twang). I had no clue that at that time of my granny’s hair that would be my last time spending time with her or even seeing her again. While in her presence she keeps saying she was tired and ready to go home. Remember guys I am 17 and had no clue as to what she really was talking about, she was talking about going home to heaven to be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…Hallelujah! So I left believing that I would see my granny again, but unfortunately the day I made it back to Alabama I was awakened by my aunt calling me into her bedroom and telling me how much she loved in order to break the sad news of my granny passing. It was like a ton of bricks hit me hard and I couldn’t believe that I would no longer be able to see, touch her or talk to her…I now understood what she meant
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about going home. Well my leaving meant as we took our test was named Petty Offiall the more to me and I couldn’t wait to cer Rainwater and she was over 6 feet tall be gone from my current environment all and just didn’t look like a regular women. the more. It took me hours to tinkle and by the time So the day comes when I have to leave for I was done they allowed you to go sleep the Navy and I am flabbergasted, I can’t and I only had maybe 1 hour. believe the day has finally come for me to The next morning I am awakened fly the coup. As I leave of course my fam- to the beat of the large tin trashcan, you ily is acting as though they are all torn up will never guess what I did? I thought I about it. I get to boot camp and OMG I was dreaming and I jumped up from the am wondering what I have done by join- bed, and forgot I was on the top bunk and ing and these people immediately yelling as I jumped from the bed I immediately at me and giving me orders that I have hit the floor. Do you think that anyone never heard before…I AM IN TOTAL checked to see if I was ok? Heck no, they SHOCK! “.. my mission now is to lead screamed at me As we arrive at and guide young ladies so that and told me to NAS Orlando there they don’t have to go through get my you know are all types of peowhat on that line. what I went through..” ple, from all walks of WHAT HAVE I life in the same predicament I am and we DONE! As the trashcan served a purpose can’t help each other, but we are all scared for us, all things that couldn’t be shipped to death! They take us to this very large back home went in the trashcan. We were cafeteria that I later find out they call taken to a place where they would give us theygalley, our eating place for the next 9 jogging suits and tennis shoes until we got weeks. We are then told to line up heel to completely acclimated into the system. As toe with the person in front of us as they the next days go on our company starts begin to pull us out of the line according to form up and we find out that we are to the numbers in your social security in one of the first co-ed companies that number. After the separation they imme- exist. Everything in my life has changed diately begin to tell us that we have to do literally within a 24 hour period and I am a urinalysis, the kicker is we have to do it now property of the United States Navy… with someone watching us. The petty of- no turning back now! ficer that was designated to watch over us
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Vivianna Nicole Hamilton ...Her mission to see the Kingdom come in lives and hearts in those around her.
ivianna Nicole Hamilton is a Pastor at to go after people and to pursue them with the BOLD Church in Bastrop, Texas that love of the Father to compel them to come in to seeks to establish the heart of God in the Kingdom.
the lives of people, cities, regions, and nations.
She specializes in the creative arts
Vivianna Nicole Hamilton a Texas native and and has traveled the state leading and equipping has worked in the ministry for over 11 years. the body in the arts. Her desire is to see a genShe is a board member of the DJ Bling Foun- eration arise that is equipped to uniquely and dation that provides over 700 kids with school boldly express who the Father is to the world supplies every year. She currently makes it her at large through the arts. She believes the best mission to see the Kingdom come in lives and form of leadership is through service. Her heart hearts in those around her. Her area of grace in is to live life like Christ and love people while the Kingdom is in the prophetic, teaching and doing it. She assists the homeless and mentors evangelism functions. Her prophetic grace al- women in the community. lows her to move in demonstrations of power as a sign to the unbeliever and encouragement to Contact Information: the body, while the teaching grace allows her to Ph: 561-900-5079 build the body on sound doctrine. Finally, the Email: evangelistic grace gives her the fire and passion Untold Chronicles | 15
kay, wherever you are, whomever you the church. It was intense!! Literally everything are I want you to think back to the that could go wrong did. My little life I had built most painful thing that has happened with my expectations of marriage, acceptance
to you recently. Replay it, think about it, pro- within the church and support from my famicess the reality and pain of that situation. Then ly just quietly crumbled. So, in the end, when I I want you to say out loud, “I choose life, and I was left with the debris of loss, I had to decide bless and release ___ in the name of Jesus”. And what would I do from there? Would I leave the if when you say it, if everything inside of you church world because of the way I felt? Would I disagrees with that statement, I want you to say give up on love and decided to become guarded it again. And again... And again... And again, and bitter? Would I become cold, distant and until when you say it, you mean it.
withdrawn because of the lack of family support
Now, you might wonder why at the be- during one of the hardest times of my life? Cra-
ginning of this exercise I had you think of your zy thing is, for most painful memory of late, that is because a little while, I chances are, that whatever immediately popped did just that. I into your mind, you haven’t fully healed from retreated into yet. And the reason why I asked you to recall the my
fullness of that situation, and not just brush it to and began to the side, it because hurt happens, it is very real, let them dicand we must as a body learn how to fully pro- tate my realicess THROUGH the pain to the place of heal- ty. I began to
I begin to listen to the hurt and the pain. Now, in the midst of, my saving grace was the Lord continued to compel me to seek Him in the midst of my pain
ing. What do I mean by this? There are so many listen to the hurt and the pain. Now, in the midst times in life when we get hurt, that we just keep it of, my saving grace was the Lord continued to moving, fighting the good fight, *insert any oth- compel me to seek Him in the midst of my pain. er religious phrase we use to cover up the pain* Then, one day I ran across this teaching by John and never really deal with the pain. This has to Bevere about the bait of Satan. It broke me all stop. I didn’t learn how important it was to pro- the way down, I remember just crying because cess through the pain, until I went through an everything he said I could identify with. After extended season of very intense personal pain. listening to the entire teaching, he gave me the And of course, it came at me from all sides, my key I needed to begin to set myself free from family, the person I was in relationship with this prison I had built around me. I need to pray and thought I would marry, and from a very for and bless those who had hurt me the most painful situation that happened to me within Matthew 18: 21-35. Untold Chronicles | 16
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“He began to unfold the bigger picture at hand, the plan of the enemy in all of this which is to hurt us and get us wounded as individuals so he can try to destiny us.”
he tough part is that meant I would such a liberating time in my life for me, because had to face what I had tried to cover up as I went through that process, as painful as it with self-sufficiency and just shove to was, God won in my heart. Satan no longer had
the side. Day one was the worst. I think I cried a foothold in my life, which is what he ultimatemore than I prayed. I honestly think I prayed ly wanted, and is why he causes negative things angry for about the first week. My prayers would to happen in our lives. He wants us to grant us get about three words in before I began feeling permission to have access in our lives by putso angry and upset at everyone and everything, ting painful situations in our lives that producbut I kept going. Then about a month in I be- es seeds of anger, pain, depression, bitterness, gan to notice a change, I could say the prayers etc.; then in stead of letting go of them, he wants without getting depressed and angry. By month us to receive these seeds as our own and plant three I was praying for them, and I remembered them in the garden of our hearts, so that we berealizing I actually meant it. While praying the gin to produce his kingdom in our lives.
Lord also began to reveal to me how I too had am now so thankful for that season of intense caused many people much pain in my life per- pain, because I learned the beauty of facing sonally at various times, and extended the op- pain. So I want to highly encourage you today, portunity to repent of those things. He began if there areas of deep rooted pain in your lives, to show me the enemy in all this pain wasn’t look them head on and face them and being to even the people by which it had been done to release them in prayer. Bless those who have me, they were just being used, just as I too had hurt you, no matter how deep the wrong. And been used during different times in my life. He even release yourself from the times you have began to unfold the bigger picture at hand, the been the agent of pain in the life of another. Do plan of the enemy in all of this which is to hurt not let darkness hurt you, and then use you to us and get us wounded as individuals so he can produce more darkness through you. There is a try to destroy us. He hates us because we bear better way!! Let us be free indeed and walk in the image of the one he sought to be like but the light which we have been called to. We have couldn’t, and receive the affections of God Al- a world to change family, let’s get this!! mighty when he didn’t. Looking back, that was Untold Chronicles | 19
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Diabetes Mellitus (DM) -aka Diabetes By The Nursing Staff
It was said many years ago that if you eat too much sugar you will get diabetes. That may hold true for cavities but not so much for diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic or chemical reaction disorder whereby the body has an impaired ability to produce insulin. Insulin is produced by the pancreas which sits directly behind the stomach. Like any other organ the pancreas has its own contribution to how the body operates and its function is two-fold. The pancreas produces and secretes (releases) two hormones; insulin and glucagon. The pancreas releases glucagon when the body is deficient of a balanced amount of sugar and produces insulin when the body has too much sugar. Insulin acts as the “code key” or “access key” into the body’s cells. Sugar cannot enter into the body’s cells unless it is escorted by the insulin. If there is too much sugar in the blood stream and not enough insulin escorts, the sugar has nowhere to go and hangs out in the bloodstream creating a condition called hyperglycemia. If the body continues to accept sugars and convert things like carbohydrates into sugar for energy and the amount of insulin escorts are not produced rapidly enough to keep up with the additions and conversions, blood sugar levels can spike well into the mid to upper hundreds. Normal blood sugar level range between 70-110 mg/dl if one has not eaten. Two to three hours after a person has eaten, the acceptable sugar level should be below 180 mg/dl. Some of the symptoms one may experience with diabetes are fatigue, increased hunger, thirst and urination, blurry vision, unexplained weight loss (even if you are eating a lot) and headaches. If you are experiencing some or all of these symptoms and have not been diagnosed with diabetes, it is strongly recommended that you see your physican so that he/she can attempt to catch this in its earliest stage and put a regime into effect. In our next segment of the Nurse’s Station, we will briefly discuss the types of diabetes. Untold Chronicles | 21
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Apostle Misha Wesley Rejected, Overlooked & Under-estimated by man, but God still called me
Misha Wesley was raised as a muslim and has experienced years of bondage through that religion. However, she has been set free through faith in Christ Jesus and the healing power of deliverance. She is now The founder of School of Prophetic Arts and Worship, the author of two books, and owns a publishing company. Apostle Misha, tells her powerful testimony in her
new book, “The Heart of A Young Prophet�. Not only does Her book tell her powerful testimony, but it is a powerful journey of discovery, for every new believer as they navigate the prophetic realm. Within the pages of the book, she teaches her readers about the lifestyle of the prophetic and walking into the office of the prophet.
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“I thought maybe I made too many mistakes, I don’t measure up to this calling on my life, and I am not worthy to be called an Apostle of Christ. However, Jesus told me, it’s not man that called me, it’s God.”
hen I wrote my first book, I was in a season of immense warfare, immense training and learning, but also more than ever, growing. In this particular season of my life, I was attending a church, in Southaven, MS. I was a shareholder in this church. This is the place where I was birthed prophetically, healed and cleansed. Like a newborn baby, I was birthed in the prophetic atmosphere and then cleansed and washed in the blood of Jesus through deliverance. This is the season and the place that the Lord began to download a multitude of visions, dreams and strong spiritual encounters that I was his Apostle. I was invited to join the deliverance team that they had in the church and I graciously accepted. I made sure I never missed a meeting, throwing myself at it all, in order to serve and grow. While being here in this house and serving, I was led by the Holy Spirit to share with many of the leaders, prophetic words I had, visions and dreams, that I knew was accurate because they were coming to pass and lined up with God’s word, many confirmations
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came forth concerning them. Therefore, I wanted them to weigh the words I had written, guide me, give me insight, direction or training, or something to let me know I was doing it right! Unfortunately, no one said a peep. No one offered to train me or offered me further training in the areas I was gifted in. It was this time, I began to cry out to the Lord and he told me to keep a notebook of all the prophetic messages and spiritual encounters he took me on. About a year or two later, my ministry began to increase and grow. I started to get serious about God’s business and the ministry God put in me. I began to gather government documentation, like a business license, articles of incorporation, and business accounts. However, one day, I sat in church and he honestly said to everyone there in attendance, that he would not train, or release anyone and if they are looking to be trained or released, this was not the place. I was shocked and hurt all together.
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“It was my second chance at life, because I died as Christ, with Christ and now I know, I am truly living as Christ!”
owever, something burned in me to teach, train, coach and mentor those called to the fivefold even the more and raise up other gifted, and well-rounded believers for their work in the kingdom of God. Despite knowing this, I still continued to serve and stay. I began to intensely study the scriptures and my hunger for righteousness, the word of God and the prophetic, was growing intensely strong! The more my ministry expanded, God supplemented, by placing in my path mentors and midwives, people from different walks of life to birth and develop everything in me. I sought out training classes and began to put together intense prayer groups, online and over the phone. Throughout my ministry, I have always been met with people who’ve seen me and I would reach out to them and ask for help and desire to learn and be trained, however, they’ve literally chosen not to help me. They choose to see me struggle. Even where I am currently, there are still some leaders who choose to overlook me. Despite being overlooked, the Lord still brought me from the back to the front.
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He brought me a spiritual father that looked at my flaws but told me how to perfect them into strengths. This same father took me into a loving family and company of believers, he coached me, fed me and my children, prayed with me, covered me, I mean this man was literally like the father I never had! Because I kept my heart pure and obeyed God, I was still ordained twice; once as a minister and next as an Apostle of Christ Jesus. The very seal of my Apostleship is not in the many churches I have planted, although I will soon, however, it’s the people I’ve built in the spirit. I went through deliverance just to go back to save the souls of my sisters, my husband, and my children, because if the change does not happen in your own backyard, what good can you do for the nations? All of the training, wisdom and knowledge were activated in the place of prayer, in the secret place; God downloaded everything in me by the Holy Spirit. In certain seasons of my life, I was like Elijah, battling Jezebel and being fed by ravens. In this season right now, I am like Paul; some don’t believe or think that I
am called as an Apostle. However, I know who I am in Christ. There’s a knowing in my spirit of my Identity first as a daughter, then as an Apostle of Christ chosen to do the will of God. Even though this journey seems so filled with rejection and deep hurt. The rejection was only a set-up to protect me and keep me from eating at the table of Jezebel. All the closed doors I faced, God was only saving me for a place that truly valued what was in me. This life of serving must be filled with deliverance, worship and being hidden in the secret place. I am a strong advocate of self-deliverance and also, of full deliverance sessions. I have been freed of weights, yokes, burdens, fear, rejection, deep hurt from people not accepting me, misunderstanding me, I am now free from it all and I have only but the blood of Jesus to thank. I thought, because so many people rejected me, didn’t want me, over looked me, even in the recent network I was a part of. I thought maybe I made too many mistakes, I don’t measure up to this call-
ing on my life, and I am not worthy to be called an Apostle of Christ. However, Jesus told me, it’s not man that called me, it’s God. It was his reckless love that found me, chased me down when I was deeply entangled in a sinful life style that God’s love fought for me. It was the blood of Jesus that cleaned me up. I have nothing to prove to anyone but to only show them the love of Christ. I didn’t feel worthy for so many years, stuck in rejection, even while in ministry, pursuing what God has called me to do. I never gave into the spirit of oppression and depression, even when I was attacked heavily. The blood of Jesus saved me and continues to save me. I know what it means to carry the spirit of longsuffering. I love serving and I’ll never stop serving, teaching, equipping the fivefold, healing people of sickness and infirmity, I’ll never stop this life. It was my second chance at life, because I died as Christ, with Christ and now I know, I am truly living as Christ!
“In certain seasons of my life, I was like Elijah, battling Jezebel and being fed by ravens. In this season right now, I am like Paul; some don’t believe or think that I am called as an Apostle. ” Untold Chronicles | 27
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Community & Ministry Sharing The Dreamers Network in the Community:
Misha Wesley is an Apostolic/Prophetic Voice with accuracy in writing, speaking and releasing on-time prophetic words over cities, regions and territories. She flows heavy in the gift of healing, deliverance, interpretation of dreams, visions, and numbers. God has mandated her to teach and bring to Christ unbelievers while also developing, training and equipping each fivefold office and birthing forth mantles and destinies. She is the founder of the School of Prophetic Arts and Worship and The Dreamers Publishing House. The School of Prophetic Arts and Worship is both an online, private, Christian based college, located in the Memphis, TN area. This school offers biblically based, spirit-filled diploma courses, that will awaken the gifts to fullness and birth them forth. Our courses are designed for those who desire to go higher into the prophetic realms of the spirit, while delving deeper in intimacy with Jesus Christ. Misha Wesley has written 2 books The Dreamers Advantage and The Heart of a Young Prophet both of which are available for purchase. Contact Info: Apostle Misha Wesley Email: Social Media: Ministry Phone: 901-654-7411 Address: Memphis, TN 38175
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After marrying and motherhood in Chicago, I developed Bon Manger Catering to be a catering business focused on bringing clients an experience that exceeds their expectations. My recipes have grown from my southern Louisiana childhood and its intrenched traditions. My life has been a fusion of Creole and American styles, steeped in a lifetime of entertaining experience that began with my grandmother in Louisiana. Life is all about experiences, and now as a Mom, I can’t wait to share them with you.
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Prophet Andrew Towe Raising up an army of believers from the dry scattered bones and equipping them to advance the kingdom of God
ndrew Towe is an emerging prophetic voice to this generation! The anointing of God was recognized upon him at a very young age, as he began singing and ministering in local churches, crusades and camp meetings at the early age of eight years old. While other teens were busy with age-related activities, he was consumed with hunger for God and completely focused on seek-
ing His presence. Andrew and his wife, Brooke, together pastor Ramp Church Chattanooga. Even as Ezekiel was carried out by the spirit to the valley of dry bones, Pastor Andrew has been called to speak the prophetic message of awakening to the Tennessee Valley, raising up an army of believers from the dry scattered bones and equipping them to advance the kingdom of God.
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y story is not a victim’s story be- while she was preaching, and if she needed cause I am an overcomer! Like a tissue or dropped something, I was always many reading this, I was raised there to help. Moreover, I was captivated by in a good Christian home. My parents were the power of God and how it changed peothe founders and pastors of a local church ple’s life. Therefore, it was during these times in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I have always of service that the desire to be used of God been very serious about the things of God, was birthed in me. and I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost At the age of eight, I recorded my first when I was only four years old and have nev- album. Word began to spread of this little kid er been the same since. I had a taste of the with a big voice. Doors begin to open and I Power of God and could never settle for any- begin to sing in churches; at conferences; and thing less. at camp meetings. When I was eleven years We were at church every time the old, I began to record another album. The doors were open, but “The Word says, your mind is production of this alinstead of resenting bum was entirely at renewed by the Word of God, it like a lot of preachanother level. We had and I was desperate for a new er’s kids; I thrived and invested more moneven craved the envi- mind. So, for one year all I did ey than my previous ronment. I loved the was feed myself the Word. I recordings and I was presence of God and cut out television, music, and living my dream. One serving in church. everything else, but the Word.” weekend, when I was Whenever you are a out of town singing pastor’s kid, you learn that you are volun- at a church with another musical evangelist, teered to every position whether you wanted I came home to finish recording vocals for that position or not. For instance, if help was my new album. When I arrived home from a needed in the nursery, you were on nurs- long day at the studio, in one brief moment ery duty. If help was needed in duplication, my world came crashing down. My paryou were the master duplicator. My favorite ents, the Pastors, who were seen by many as place to serve was in the music department, the Barbie and Ken of ministry, were going because I have always been a worshiper. As through the dreaded word, DIVORCE. a child, I had great dreams of recording and I felt so confused because there had not been touring, and I also loved being my mother’s fighting and arguing, all the signals we think armor bearer. I would sit on the front row would be there that would lead to this outUntold Chronicles | 35
“Andrew’s parents were no longer the Pastors. We love our new Pastor. They don’t belong here anymore. It is so much better now... It was as if we were cast aside and we didn’t matter anymore.” come. My parents were and are Godly people. Not just good people, they were the real deal. They taught me how to seek God. It was through them that I learned how to host the presence of God. How could this be? There must be some mistake. This can’t be real! How did this happen? Everything I knew was being shaken. I had only known two people at this point who were divorced. I had been very protected and my innocence sheltered; therefore, I could not wrap my brain around what was happening and the fact that I had no control of anything made it that much worse. I did what I had always done and went to my prayer room. Ever since I was very little I knew how to get a hold of the presence of God. I can remember praying that day, my heart was broken and tears poured out to the Lord. He so graciously filled the room and met with me. I recall how real He was to me in that moment! I had no idea what our future looked like because everything I knew was gone. My identity was wrapped up in the church and ministry. I was an overweight child, who was extremely shy. However, I had a lot of confidence in what God had Untold Chronicles | 36
called me to do and the gifting that He had given me. The leadership of the church had contacted a well-known minister, who came and took over the church, our church, our people, and our family. Where did that leave us? One Sunday my question was answered when one of the church kids announced, in children’s church, that “Andrew’s parents were no longer the Pastors. We love our new Pastor. They don’t belong here anymore. It is so much better now.” I remember thinking, is that true? We built this building and we were here night and day. The entire family sacrificed a lot to pour into the people of this church and in a instance we don’t belong here. You guys use to hang all over us telling us how much you loved us and now… You don’t want us here. It was as if we were cast aside and we didn’t matter anymore. I prayed, “God, why did you allow this to happen? Without church, I am nothing. I am not gifted in sports and other areas like others. Everything I am is now gone.” We ended up leaving our church. The new Pastors felt it was best for a fresh start.
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e have always been planted in church, even before my parents became pastors. I was taught the importance of not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together. My family had been instrumental in helping to start several other churches in our city. We donated chairs to one church; gave property for another to build their building; and allowed the use of our facilities to several others, until they could move into their own building. Surely one of these churches will be thrilled to have us become a member and a part of their now flourishing churches. We really needed ministry and healing. One Sunday we got dressed and went to church and the very ones that we had helped treated us as if we had the plague. They would not speak to us and I remember vowing, “God I love you and will always serve you, but I will never go back to church in this area again.” I went a few times here and there, but never again tried to get plugged into a local body of believers. It is here that most Preachers’ kids or those who have been hurt by church walk away from God and want nothing to do with church. I have encountered so many that, because of rejection and hurt from the church, turned to other ways to soothe their pain. Thankfully, God kept me. I was hidden under the shadow of His protection. I remained active in itinerant ministry.
I told God that “I would do anything for Him, but I did not want to preach and would NEVER Pastor.” Many times I received Prophetic Words that I would preach. However, I would correct the Prophets and say that “I will preach in my music.” Be that as it may, I was in a bad car accident, in which I broke my pelvis and took a year to recover. During this time of isolation, which led to depression, I unplugged all my phones, blackened out all my windows, and left my house very few times for three years. I have always been able to hear the voice of God, but during this time, I heard nothing. Also, during this time, I had wasted away to 130 pounds, which for a man with my frame is beyond unhealthy. One day I had lain in bed for three days; had not showered or shaved; and was blankly staring at a wall, when I began to contemplate what I could take in my medicine cabinet to end the pain. It wasn’t that I wanted to die; I just could not take the hopelessness anymore. As I was thinking of medicines I could take, thankfully I had the television turned to Christian television hoping somehow for anything to reach me. Although I had not heard any of the song, at the end the line, “There is no God like Jehovah” was repeated. That line hit my Spirit and I grabbed my Bible! Then, I cried out, “If the God, who I have served my entire life, is really real, then I need you to deliver me today! At that moUntold Chronicles | 39
ment the presence of God filled the room and delivered me completely! The Word says, your mind is renewed by the Word of God, and I was desperate for a new mind. So, for one year all I did was feed myself the Word. I cut out television, music, and everything else, but the Word. Next I started becoming active again in ministry. I moved to Alabama and worked for a ministry there for a year. At that time, I felt God leading me back to Chattanooga, where I started weekly meetings. I first started a Bible study in my grandmother’s garage; then moved to a store front; and eventually to the location where we are in now. One of the amazing things about God and His restoration power is that the building, in which my wife and I currently Pastor, is the same building that my parents built and the very church where I had endured such pain. God is a restorer! Today, a big part of our vision is to minister to those, who have been hurt or rejected by the church. We are called to wrap arms of love around the hurting and to restore the broken.
Contact information: booking information Email: Ramp Church website Website: Andrew Towe Instagram / Facebook / twitter Ramp Church ChattanoogaInstagram / Facebook / Twitter Weekly Services- Sun. 10:30am & Thurs. 7:00pm Friday Fire Weekly Facebook Broadcast, Fridays, 2:00pm Eagles & Architects Conference, April 4-6 Charolette, NC
“One of the amazing things about God and His restoration power is that the building, in which my wife and I currently Pastor, is the same building that my parents built and the very church where I had endured such pain.” Untold Chronicles | 40
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Are You Focused? By: Omekia McNeal Attention to detail is a signature saying that came to be an elaborate part of my everyday life during my military days and has continued even after the transformation back to the civilian world. Basic Training for the United States Army took me through nine weeks and a day of indoor and outdoor activities specifically designed to break me down in order to build me up. Simple things like making the bed a certain way, color coordinating socks/underwear and stripping us of our old life forced the mind to be retrained to a different way of living. Using their collective years of expertise to expose the different ways to complete tasks, the Drill Sergeants also taught us how be team players, trust and most importantly to always Focus. According to the dictionary focus is defined as the center of interest or activity or the state or quality of having or producing clear visional definition. This is important because it has a multitude of functions that we are able to use in several different areas. It can help with every aspect of your life, you can study, work, recite, deliberate and when you think about it, there is nothing it cannot be used for. Do you know your God Given Purpose or has your assignment for your life been revealed? I believe answering these two questions will be key to exactly what your focus will be geared towards. Once you have discovered your purpose or at least have an idea of direction concentration along with focus will go hand in hand and efficiently help GET THE JOB DONE! My journey so far has taught me peace of mind is a key element in focusing so that the mind is clear from distraction, irritating thoughts or anything that does not pertain to the agenda. Control of my thoughts keeps the end result and what needs to be done in between at the front of the line while helping to strengthen my perception. Combating procrastination, like for many is a potential road block when it comes to focus so recognizing the weakness allowed me to identify the area where work is needed. One of the activities that works for me is creating daily check-lists to keep up with tasks and when they should be completed. We were not born knowing how to pay attention rather it is a skill that has to be learned, nurtured and practiced on a daily basis. Do not allow what others have to say or their opinions take your eyes off of the prize rather concentrate on God’s word while building a foundation strong enough to withstand all obstacles that WILL come your way. Individuals are expected to develop a “selfmade” plan of action specifically geared towards sharpening where and when to focus your mindset. Consistent prayer and relying on the man above are also a must in this process in order to combat the planted thoughts of the enemy that tell you failure is inevitable. Knowing where your everything comes from and that victory is already promised, makes it easier to drown out the outside voices and naysayers. These are not all-inclusive ways of perfecting concentration and focus by a long shot rather they are tidbits to give a starting point to whatever your purpose may be. Stepping out on faith and believing in what God has for you is a great motivator and learning how to keep a clear mind builds up to knowing how to properly focus on what is important and necessary. See you right back here next month for more on Business Benefits. “Where Your First Step Makes You a Success” Untold Chronicles | 43
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Keep Believing By: Dee Hardy
“Just then a woman who had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding came up behind him. She touched the fringe of his robe, for she thought, “If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.” Jesus turned around, and when he saw her he said, “Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at that moment.” Matthew 9:20-22 NLT The woman with the issue of blood had relentless faith. Despite the many years of suffering, she continued to move forward and BELIEVE. She pressed through the crowds and touched Jesus. She didn’t let the crowd, the multitude, nor the noise (the chatter, the whispering of others) distract her. She never gave up! You too may be in a faith fight standing and waiting for your promise to materialize. Let me encourage you while waiting for him, your king, your Boaz, your knight in shining armor, to show up, keep BELIEVING. You must press through the crowd, the naysayers, your thoughts, your flesh, your friends, the enemy of your soul, the issues of life, and touch Jesus! You must have relentless faith! You are at your Jordan, now cross over and seize your promise by faith. You must press through like the woman with the issue of blood. In spite of the years, time, and money spent waiting for her healing, she still BELIEVED help was available for her somewhere. She was a woman of faith with a set mind. She BELIEVED that greater was somewhere in her future and she could not quit until it manifested. When the promise seems so far away, keep BELIEVING. Through ups and downs, keep BELIEVING. Perhaps you are at your wits end and break through seems off the radar. Your body is screaming and the clock is ticking. Beloved, do not settle for Ishmael when God has promised Issac. Dare to believe God and his word like the woman in the story. God will do the work by his spirit. You can’t see the spirit, but you will see the manifestation of His promise if you continue to BELIEVE. Stay in faith, reading and believing His word. Put Him in remembrance of his word. Stay vitally connected to Him in prayer. Finally, keep BELIEVING, dreams do come true!! Blessings Untold Chronicles | 45
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2 Ways to stay on Budget to Honor God By: SamanthaTalks TM
Do you ever just desire to get hired at a job and you tell them the salary you want? Do you ever just say to yourself, why can’t I make the money I want? Why did I take this offer knowing it isn’t going to provide for my family? We have all done this more time than I can count. I have taken jobs not realizing the job, wasn’t going to take care of all my bills and responsibilities. Here was the problem, I wanted some money. I want you to know this is the wrong attitude. So, I just jumped up and took a job, never calculating all my expenses, including tithes and offerings. Yes, I said tithes and offerings. You are probably right now thinking, why would she say tithes? Why would she go there? I mean that is legalism, and why would I put myself in this bondage? I got the job to get out of bondage, and now she is telling me to succumb to bondage. Well, newsflash from your Coin Strategist SamanthaTalks, you are already in bondage if you examine your heart. You are only agreeing to not pay tithes and offerings because of a heart issue, not a legal matter. God designed principles to help bless us and protect us from our adversary the devil. Tithing brings protection to you and your finances. Now, who doesn’t need financial protection? Ummm, all of us! Savings, investments, and budgets protect us minimally, however, tithing and offering give us as believer a full force of protection. Now, we all love to jump to Malachi, right, but throughout the Bible we see Jacob realize the Lord’s provision and protection in Genesis 28:18-22, we see Jacob saying that he will give God a tenth of everything for his protection and blessings. Now, Jacob was not a Levite or a priest. Jacob, as we know, was supplanter, and he is the grandson of Abraham, who was from Nimrod. If we read the word of God prior to Jacob we see where Abraham gave Untold Chronicles | 47
a tenth of what he had to Melchizedek in Genesis 14: 18-20. Melchizedek was a priest, and Abraham blessed him with the spoils from the battle. This brought a special blessing upon Abraham. Here are two people that did not follow Levitical order set forth for Aaron, his sons, and the Levites who served the tent. Now, you are probably wondering what all of this has to do with you. Well, let me tell you tithing and offerings are all about your worship level. I want to give you a few tips in this blog on how to worship God prior to getting your first paycheck. I wish years ago someone had taught me how to take a salary from a company, and include God in that decision. Now, I want you to do this before you say, “Yes”! to the position. I am going to give you three tips for figuring your salary and making your employer an offer. If you are like me a soloprenuer, well let’s discuss how you set your pricing so, you are paying God, yourself and your bills. The key to all this is confidence, negotiations, and faith. Now, this takes faith to look at a job and let it go because the money doesn’t allow you to honor God. God blows my mind at how he backs people, who stand for him. He will show up with the right job if you are focused on honoring him over yourself. Here are ways to determine your tithes: I. Sit down and write your bills out. I mean write out all your personal or company bills, and calculate them fully. Don’t leave anything out. Calculate each month what you pay. II. Next calculate your Medicare, Social Security tax, Federal withheld and State withheld. These numbers are basically the same every month. The Federal and State withholding is up to you. The IRS has calculated the percentages of the withholding for 2018, I suggest you use the IRS Withholding Tax calculator to figure out which amount you want to be withheld. Play with it so, by the end of these tips you can figure out just what type of salary or revenue you need for the lifestyle you are living. Social Security Tax, Medicare Tax & FICA is 7.65% to 6.2%. Use the higher end percentage to give yourself a stretch of your faith. Don’t play it safe! Once you have determined your bills and taxes out of the salary you are negotiating, figure out 10% of that annually. Add these numbers together and then determine what salary you will need to make sure God gets His share, and your responsibilities are taken care of monthly. The key to not be stressed over money, is to include God first and then bills. We get the Untold Chronicles | 48
house and then include God. Keep him first. You are sure to see your life become well balanced, when you calculate paying him first. Join me every month here in “The Coins Corner� where we will talk about finances for entrepreneurs. SamanthaTalks is a financial guru to faith-based solopreneurs. She is experienced in taking little money and building profitable businesses. Frustrated and confused faith-based soloprenuers call on SamanthaTalks to figure out how to balance their money, grow from coins to millions and speak life into their money. She has a weekly podcast called, SamanthaTalks Tuesdays where she gives solutions to money and life as a faith-based soloprenuer. SamanthaTalks is an accountant holds a MBA in Accounting from Saint Leo University, has over 15 years in the financial industry, she has helped setup businesses and manage books for other small businesses. Want to get more information follow SamanthaTalks on all social media @coinstrategist8. You can visit her website and geta free offer every quarter to help you grow your business at
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Prophetic words for the soul I Am The Fountain Of Life Within You By Becky Porter
I hear the Lord saying: Things are about to pick up speed in a way that will startle and amaze you! Things you have hoped for, prayed for, and stood and waited for are SUDDENLY going to come to pass! Harvest time awaits you – the harvest doors are about to be opened, and oh, the abundance of harvest blessings that await you! Your steadfastness and tenacity have paid off – I am well pleased with your progress and your “stick to it” attitude – you did not give up, even in the midst of great adversity. Well done, My good and faithful one – well done! Your rewards will far outweigh all of the difficulty that you have walked through, and all that you have learned and gleaned from those experiences has positioned you and prepared you for what lies ahead. If you had not walked through those great difficulties and adverse circumstances, you would Untold Chronicles | 50
not be equipped for the destiny and future that I have prepared for you. You have learned much and you have grown much – there is a wealth of knowledge on the inside of you that is a fountain of life that I am going to begin to pull up and pour out on those who have need of it. The wisdom I have placed inside of you far exceeds your natural age, and I will use that wisdom to minister to the young and the old, the learned and the unlearned, those who have position and rank, and those who do not. It is a supernatural fountain of life that will spring forth from deep within you and pour into the desert places wherever you encounter them. Do not pay attention to the giants in the land, for wherever there is new territory, there are always new obstacles to overcome, but remember that I have placed within you every single thing you need for every situation you will ever encounter – you lack absolutely nothing!
There is a newness of life on the inside of you, and it will spring forth as a never-ending fountain of life that will satisfy the thirsty, the hungry, and the weary. I will bring those to you who are in need, and as they begin to share their hearts with you, it will tap into the rich wells of life I have placed within you, and those Living Waters will begin to pour forth in ways that will surprise, amaze, and delight you! You will immediately recognize that I Am
The Fountain Of Life within you, and I Am the One who gives the people what they need. Without Me you can do nothing, but with Me, you can do ALL THINGS! As you continue to spend intimate time in My Word and in My presence, you will have an abundance of fresh and Living Waters continuously pouring forth from your innermost being.
Scriptures to keep in mind Psalm 36:9 For You are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
John 7:37-38 On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”
2 Corinthians 12:9 But He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you [My loving kindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available— regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness.” Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me.
Proverbs 13:14 The instruction of the wise is like a life-giving fountain; those who accept it avoid the snares of death.
Proverbs 18:4 Wise words are like deep waters; wisdom flows from the wise like a bubbling brook. James 1:2-4 Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience] produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace]. And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed [in your faith], lacking in nothing.
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