Overseer T. James Wilson
“Deliverance came one day I was home washing dishes”
The Truth Will Set You Free
“I tried extremely
hard to embrace and leave my past behind me…”
Pastor Sarah Grace “...I started having sex and using drugs and alcohol at the age of twelve”
Pastor Renee Curry “I knew the devil had a trap set for me...”
April 2019 Issue 4
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ntold Chronicles showcases the difficult issues, life changing events and experiences of leaders, men and women of God that caused them to want to throw in the towel, stop going to church and for some utimately leave God. However, God has a different idea and each featured guest narrate their account of deliverance, while demonstrating to those also affected, there is a way out (solution). Untold Chronicles deals with the immensely hard issues we endure so as to offer, establish and maintain a connection with others who have similar testimonies or experiences. Through steps, sacred writings and supplications, they look to offer guidance on how to obtain, regain and restore relationships with Christ, while also learning to trust again.
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Contents Cover Story 6 Dr. Nia
“I tried extremely hard to embrace and leave my past behind me…”
15 In the Kitchen
Cousin Tonya’s Snap Beans By: Chef Andrea Dillion
15 16
“...I started having sex and using drugs and alcohol at the age of twelve”
By: Pastor Sarah Grace
16 26 Business Benefits It’s Ok By: Omekia McNeal
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Contents 29 The Coins Corner
Accounting Lessons from Natural Hair By: SamanthaTalks
31 The Single Sanctuary
Continue to Say By: Dee Hardy
“I knew the devil had a trap set for me...” By: Pastor Renee Curry
42 “Deliverance came one day I was home wasing dishes”
By: Overseer T. James Wilson
48 Prophetic Words for the Soul
By: Becky Porter For Publication Inquiries Contact: Omekia McNeal Ph: 1 (561) 900-5079 Email: Belindagailmanagements@gmail.com Editor-in- Chief: Gerald B. Colson
40 Untold Chronicles | 5
About the author Dr. Nia:
Unconventional, unorthodox, and unapologetically me when it comes to ministry.
She believes the Word of God as stated in Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” However, she knows that the changes in society and time mean that we must change how we convey the Word of God to this new generation. Nia’s ministry is to the downtrodden, the outcasts, and to those the church has given up on. She has a strong love and compassion for these types of people; she understands that deep feeling of rejection all too well. At one point, it was her. Her mission is to engage millennials with uncommon practices in inistry— practices that actually appeal to them. She then equips them with the Word of the God and all the necessary armor that they need for today’s battles. Finally, she sends them forth, empowered that they may bring others into the Kingdom of God.
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The Life of Just Nia Part IV
“I tried extremely hard to embrace and leave my past behind me…”
The military life for me was a totally new journey in my life that I tried extremely hard to embrace and leave my past behind me…past failures that I had already experienced in my young life, past decisions, past mistakes, past things that were said about me and to me from those around me, past area of where I lived and grew up, past family, past life, shoot just leave Tonia (what my family called me) in the past all together and create yourself / myself to be someone new! You see I could do that because no one knew me here, they didn’t know where I came from, my family lineage or any of those things, heck they barely knew my last name (which is what we go by in the military). So because of all those things I could become anyone
in the world I wanted to be and I did. A new me for a new life! You see I was so unhappy with who I was in my life that this opportunity had presented itself and howbeit me not to take this God given opportunity. Who was I? People needed to know the NEW me and all I brought to this fabulous organization called the United States Navy. See it was a better place because I was there and giving my life for my country…I mean anything could have happen to me serving on those cold and crucial waters. With my new identity in preparation I was ready to give an answer when people began asking questions. Because we were still in bootcamp I didn’t have to worry as much
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“..I tried extremely hard to embrace and leave my past behind me…past failures that I had already experienced in my young life, past decisions, past mistakes, past things that were said about me..” because we were all trying to get to the same place, which was passing the course that we were all on to finish bootcamp. I am no matter what I’ve done to change my life a natural born leader and people, places, positions, and power always seem to find me out. So at this time I was still creating my character (the new me) and didn’t want to do anything extra in bootcamp other than get in, get out and get this new life of mine started. However; God had a different plan while in training! Every company has a cadence caller and there in Orlando Florida it was total showoff showdown of the best cadence calling skills that each company had to offer. Well my company I047 (one of the first integrated companies that the Navy would offer of this kind) had a cadence caller and he was quite good, I mean he had a country twang when he sang, but other than that he was still good. So he gets sick with laryngitis and can’t sing cadence, well you can’t march without a soulful cadence call! This is where my do nothing journey begins as the new fill Untold Chronicles | 10
in cadence caller of my company. I only stepped up as I felt this sudden urge to give it a try and guess what not only did my company commander Petty Officer Klausen like it, she loved it and preferred my voice over the gentlemen that normally sang. So there I was stuck in a position I really didn’t want and I had unknowingly taken the job from this fellow during his time of illness (I know you think it’s cruel, but hey this time it’s really not my fault lol). When the voice of the regular cadence caller was all better and he was ready to resume his job, she turns to me and asks me if my voice was broken and stated Now not only was I the new cadence caller (remember I didn’t want to do anything, I said that above…no one listens to me), I was also a mentor to girls in my company (my shipmates) that struggled with PT (physical training). OMG you wanna talk about a daunting task and by this time we had all gotten well-adjusted to being there and we were cruising right along to the finish line. Between our daily
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classes, PT, study time, chow time (3x per class petty officer that appeared to be reday), and the nightly bathing ritual our ally nice to me. He would allow me to call days were filled and we were quite tired home, take naps on my break and watch to say the least. I was moving on through television. All which were a major no no this process pretty quickly and we had in bootcamp unless you are given percome up to a very important juncture be- mission to do so by your Company Comyond the halfway point…WORKWEEK! manders. Well I’m almost complete with This is where you are assigned to a job on my workweek and the 2nd class calls me the base (understand it could be ANY- in to the copy room and asks me to help WHERE)! This was done in order to see him move some things around in there your work ethics and abilities to take on to make it look more presentable, he said new task given, were malleable. Well in my this instruction was passed down from position for “he said this instruction was passed the higher the week God down from the higher ups to have me to ups to have gave me fa- assist him in doing so, well in the process me to assist vor or so I of this he grabs me very forcefully and him in dothought and tight and will not let me go! He begins ing so, well would later kissing me, fondling my private areas, in the prolearn differ- and attempting to get my clothing loose..” cess of this ently. I was he grabs me assigned to the Quarter Deck (this is the very forcefully and tight and will not let main building of the base in which the me go! He begins kissing me, fondling my high ranking officials work) as a Yeoman’s private areas, and attempting to get my assistant (clerical job) in which I answered clothing loose (thank god for dungarees phones, made copies, sent faxes, greeted and those stupid hard belts). However as dignitaries, and things of that nature, be- he is getting closer to getting my belt looscause remember this was in 1992 when ened someone comes in and that stops desktop computers are really just coming him cold in his tracks. He heard the buzz on the scene and so at this time I really of the front door to the building. You see had no training for real on how to use a his office and the copy room were right computer and wasn’t asked to do anything up front and he couldn’t allow himself to regarding one, but all in all I found them be gone and some dignitary walks in… to be very fascinating. I worked with a 2nd you know our post is supposed to always
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be guarded unless properly relieved and definitely that area! He instructs me to fix my clothing and don’t come out until that is done properly, he also tells me as he is walking out in a very strong tone that if I mention this to anyone that I will be kick me out of the military! He stated besides no one would ever believe someone like me versus someone of his impeccable record. So I do as I am told to and when I come out of the copy room he gives me busy work to do for the remainder of the day, as if I had done something to him hmph. He then lets me know at 5pm that I can go back to my barracks as he reiterated to me that if I ever told or shared what happened to me with anyone that he would say I was lying and I would be kicked out of the Navy (talk about a scare tactic)! I couldn’t get kicked out of the Navy I had nothing else and nowhere else to go. So what was I to do! I walked back to my barracks just as we were freshening up to go to dinner. I was quiet the remainder of the day and everyone knew that was very unlike me, so people began asking questions. So much so it got my company commanders both asking me questions about what was going on with me. I was so jacked up that I couldn’t even open my mouth to do the cadence without wanting to burst out into tears. After chow my company commanders couldn’t
take it anymore and pulled me in the office to speak with them. After being given the third degree about I better speak up or else, I decided to tell them what happened and OMG let me tell you crap (can I say crap, yeah I can say that it’s not a bad word) crap hit the fan! They called people in from all over the base and had me talking to what seemed like a million people for hours telling my story over and over again. Petty Officer Klausen was the one that was affected the most, well other than myself because she felt responsible because she hand chose me for that position herself. She and I had a long talk and our relationship changed on that day, she was so understanding and was really concerned about my mental stability. Well after the situation occurred during workweek and the investigation began, I was just glad not to have been kicked out of the military as the petty officer stated would happen to me. I was also grateful that due to the situation also that I was not held back from graduating with my company. I went on to successfully complete my bootcamp training without further incident and was transferred to AIT training. The Story will continue in the Next Issue... Untold Chronicles | 13
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After marrying and motherhood in Chicago, I developed Bon Manger Catering to be a catering business focused on bringing clients an experience that exceeds their expectations. My recipes have grown from my southern Louisiana childhood and its intrenched traditions. My life has been a fusion of Creole and American styles, steeped in a lifetime of entertaining experience that began with my grandmother in Louisiana. Life is all about experiences, and now as a Mom, I can’t wait to share them with you.
Cousin Tonya’s
Snap Beans (my version)
Ingredients 2 lbs of fresh Snap Beans (washed and tips trimmed off) 1 Large Patoto (peeled and diced) 1 Medium Onion (peeled and diced) 5 slices of bacon (cut into bite size pieces) 1/2 lb of Smoked Sauage (sliced into pieces) 1 1/2 Cup of Chicken Broth 1 Stick of butter 1 Clove of garlic minced 1 tb of Creole Season (Tony Chachere) In a large Pot fry bacon for 2 minutes, addd onion, garlic and sauage. Sautee for 3 minutes. Add Snap Beans, Butter and Cerole Season. Stir stir and add Chicken Broth. Cover reduce heat and cook on low for 45 minutes (Stir occasionally). Add potatoes and cook another 15 minutes or until Potatoes are tender. Add additional Creole Seasoning to Taste. Enjoy! Bon Mange Catering and Event 773-870-0988 Untold Chronicles | 15
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Pastor Sarah Grace “...I started having sex and using drugs and alcohol at the age of twelve”
arah Grace is the founder and overseer of they play music, and offer prayer and encourDamascus Roads which is a church with- agement to all drop by. out walls and an outreach ministry that is
boldly declaring that Jesus Christ changes lives Sarah Grace and her family participate in outand with a mission to help people meet him, reaches to the homeless and their most recent know him, and share him with the world. Da- places they have volunteered include serving mascus Roads offers a mobile and virtual com- food at The Journey Home in Murfreesboro, munity of faith, online broadcasting network TN approximately once a month and the same with radio soon to follow, online bible school as a part of Cover Birmingham, also founded by courses, and “The Round Table” leadership fo- DPB in Birmingham, AL. In past years, Sarah rum. Log onto www.damascusroads.com to be was a frequent visitor and speaker at the Ruthnotified of virtual and physical opportunities erford County Juvenile Detention Center, a volfor fellowship and more.
unteer at then Den Hip Hop Themed monthly outreach in Murfreesboro, TN, and she has also
Sarah Grace is also one of many hosts the so- served as the outreach director in the inner city cial media program entitled “Late Night Praise” of Baltimore, and she has served as an associate founded by gospel hip hop artist, DPB with a pastor, and has pioneered and pastored a small mission to provide a place for people to minis- community based church prior to her latest enter to people. You can look for her on Thursday deavors with Damascus Roads. nights at 8pm CST along with her children as Untold Chronicles | 17
I was not the star child, A student, or perfect child in any way shape or form. Not long after I started recovering from a chronic illness that almost led to my death, I started having sex and abusing drugs and alcohol at the age of twelve.
was not the star child, A student, or perfect child in any way shape or form. Not long after I started recovering from a chronic illness that almost led to my death, I started having sex and abusing drugs and alcohol at the age of twelve. I lived a life that was no doubt destructive and could have and should have led to my death, as it did for many of my peers, but I survived. After years of binge drinking and drug abuse, promiscuity, abusive relationships, and the list goes on, I surrendered my life to Christ. It was a glorious time, and everyone told me I had a remarkable testimony. Just weeks after my conversion which also happened to be the around the same time I got married I was invited to speak publicly for the first time. I will never forget I stepped to that podium and the tears begin to flow. I was terrified of speaking publicly, but I did it out of respect for my pastors at that time and in hopes that someone else may know that God can bring them from the same dark place He had brought me from. Little did I know just a few years later I would be an associate pastor, and then just a few more years after that I would be pioneering my first church along with my husband. Not long after that I was traveling and speaking at other churches. For the first time in my life, I had a sense of identity and a sense of value that I nev-
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er had before. During that time my family also grew, and it wasn’t long before we had four boys and three girls, yes seven children as the fruit of my union with my husband. Our marriage was nowhere near perfect, but we became known as overcomers and known for our many accomplishments in life and ministry. Our reputation was remarkable considering that just a few years back we were both completely immersed in a very contrary lifestyle. I wouldn’t say that we didn’t intentionally put on a facade, but there was a quiet storm brewing underneath it all. Over the years the fighting between my husband and I became more and more intense, and my strength began to waiver even to the point where my body began to say what I couldn’t find words for. During the worst of my marital storm I spent two years in bed approximately 75% of my time having shifted from a healthy size to a level of obesity I never thought I could reach which was in part a result of back to back pregnancies all while fighting through thyroid disease, hypoglycemia, and a bout of full body eczema that included “butterfly rashes” that were so bad it led my doctors to biopsy me for Lupus. I was constantly in pain and couldn’t even bear a walk through the local Walmart, so I had to ride the electronic buggy to survive our grocery trips.
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“During the worst of my marital storm I spent two years in bed approximately 75% of my time having shifted from a healthy size to a level of obesity I never thought I could reach ..” Through all the pain I would get up and make my way to preach between one and three times a week and do my best to continue to serve my church family to the best of my ability until I just couldn’t take it anymore and began crying out to God to restore my body and restore my life and to heal my marriage. Two of the three things started to show improvement quickly, but my marriage continued to decline. Just when I thought we had been through the worst of it, more and more came out, and I became more and more overwhelmed with what I had to endure in my home on a regular basis. After years of fighting to see my marriage healed, and prayer and fasting, counseling, and doing everything I thought I could, I felt that ending the marriage would be the only option for an emotionally, spiritually, and physically safe existence for my family and I. Just a few months after that, the marriage was over, but the battle that was really just beginning. Within a few short months of the divorced my family and I fled our home and our city having to turn my church over to another up and coming leader who was still in training to ensure our safety and just weeks before our family home headed into foreclosure. We moved to a place we once called home expecting to find refuge and healing only to encounter more pain
as I was unexpectedly “sat down” and later demoted in the ministry to which I was invited to as a result of a promised promotion to one of the highest ranks in leadership there. There was no explanation given and no apology made for that major bait and switch move. Not only that, but within less than 30 days the leader I delegated my ministry back home to with the understanding that we would work as a team began to conspire with the ministry covering I was associated with to have me completely disconnected from the ministry and erased from the board. Though this was completely contrary to my heart’s desire and I had both planned and promised to remain connected to those people and continue to be a part from a distance and through travel, I was backed in a corner and given no real option other than to step away quietly and let them do what they saw fit, though it made no sense at all. I couldn’t even reach out to the members to explain what happened without risking further damage to my reputation and relationships not to mention it would have been seen as disrespect to my church and leader. It was horrifying to continuously hear the things that were said and the things that I was accused by those who claimed to be some of my greatest supporters. Despite how disillusioned I was and how much pain I was in, I stayed several more Untold Chronicles | 21
months out of loyalty until I was sure that God covering for accountability and guidance as I was releasing me and that I wasn’t running away had planned to continue my work in ministry from something just because it didn’t turn out only to be told that they didn’t know if I was how I had hoped. mentally healthy enough after interviewing a I had now had to walk away from my husband, small group inclusive of my oppressors from the my home, my job as a pastor, and now those life I just escaped from. My heart was broken who I considered spiritual family all while con- in a way I had never experienced. When seekstantly being told of the lies and rumors being ing to be restored in ministry I was shunned spread about me. During that first year after and treated as if I was an anomaly by a major my divorce, I had “Within a few short months of ministry all while being acmy first real introthe divorced my family and I cused by many of being a duction the sexual disfellowshipped wanderer fled our home and our city havand moral corrupbecause they didn’t see me ing to turn my church over to tion that was slith“in church” every Sunday. another up and coming leader ering through the Troubles continued to arise who was still in training... ” “Church” “under and even began to manithe radar” and was fest through my children’s even unsuccessfully health and educational propositioned by pastors who thought I might performance and feelings of helplessness and be interested in having a casual sexual rela- depression fought me daily. Thoughts of wanttionship with them. The people who I thought ing to die even afflicted my mind, but I refused would have helped with my healing only caused to buckle because I had committed to God to more damage to my heart and mind, finish what He put me in the earth to do. No I could go on and on about the difficulties I matter how hard it got, I continued to press, faced including identity crisis, poverty, home- to pray, to seek out counseling, to stay surrenlessness, car repossession, and the very rare in- dered, and to believe God for better days. It felt terjection of compassion from those who stood like two steps forward and one step back, I had by and watched while it all happened. Though good days and bad days and desired comfort in there were people who stood by us with us, there a way I never had before which landed me in were more who watched and judged, and many back to back unhealthy relationships where I of them were leaders, where it was those who had to learn some hard lessons on looking for sat on the pews without titles that showed more love and healing in people instead of God alone. compassion to my family and I then any. There In the midst of all this, as I began to regain some was even a time I sought to return to a former level of strength, I was quickly back traveling Untold Chronicles | 22
I had now had to walk away from my husband, my home, my job as a pastor, and now those who I considered spiritual family all while constantly being told of the lies and rumors being spread about me. and preaching again and eventually discovered a whole new audience who weren’t looking to judge but were amazed by my survival of such difficult circumstances. Voices began to arise in my life that spoke to I was in Christ and helped me embrace the hard truths that were necessary to accept to grow through my difficulties. As time went on, I began to find my identity as a daughter of God above all, I have recovered my health and been free from all medication including being “un-diagnosed” with Thyroid disease, I began to own my battle and seek God for comfort, direction, and strength to do what I had to do to pull through. Now almost seven years post-divorce, I am still single and a full time
mom to six, and number my oldest has moved out and started his adult life, and I am living a life I love, have authored two self-published books, started a company which now supports my family, and pushed into new arena’s and territory’s in ministry than I ever had before and I know in my heart this is just my beginning. In retrospect, I can look back through it all and see where God’s hand was guiding and protecting and providing for us even in our darkest moments and how He used the worst of my circumstances to bring out the very best in me.
Contact Information: Website: www.sarahsgrace.co management@sarahsgrace.co
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Community & Ministry v
Faith For The Hard Things Available @ www.sarahsgrace.co
Dream Catcher Coaching Available for Request @www.sarahsgrace.com
The Living Room Church Monthly Meeting in Murfreesboro, TN
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Accounting Lessons from Natural Hair By: SamanthaTalks TM
Now, I am a creative writer so, always be prepared on my blogs to learn accounting tips, strategies, and financial tips through creative prose. I love reading, at the same time I am so over reading the three-step professional blog, that doesn’t speak loud in my memory. Let’s face it, people only need 20 seconds these days to determine if you are boring or a hoot to hang with. I choose to become the hoot. So, you are going to hear a small story get three tips in this post, and I hope it starts you looking at your monies differently in 2019. I recently decided to come out the closet of denial about being an accountant. I built my business to help emerging creatives and those already out here making money to build successful businesses starting with managing their books. I love the bookkeeping side of accounting and being an outsourced CFO for companies. The same time I started this venture, I also was in the process of revealing my real curly, thick lady locks of natural hair to the real world. The craze we see in America now about au-
thenticity is really fake. The world doesn’t want the authentic you. All the years I spent in corporate America, the natural hairstyle was forbidden if you wanted to scale that corporate ladder. I mean walk into a board room with your big curly afro and a pair of hoop earrings to set it off, and you are probably looking at being skipped over for the bonus or next promotion. So, I never wore the real hair. I relaxed my hair, cut my hair, had wigs or weaves, but to let this thick curly hair show was like no way. Ok, ok I told myself as I was getting ready for work one morning, ‘don’t wear your wig.’ Now that was like the day, I had to tell everyone I had a Master’s degree in Business Administration and Accounting. I had to pull out my natural hair care products, determine which products would work best for an 8-hour day on my hair, and use those before hitting the door. I also stopped by my daughter’s room door and asked if she thought I looked okay. She gave me the best feedback. I was ready! I took a deep breath and went into work, Naked! I was naked! I was wearing my authentic self into work and taking the chance I would be rejected. These are the same emotions you undergo as a business Untold Chronicles | 29
owner when it comes to bringing your books to an Accountant or bookkeeping company. You take the chance they will reject you because your books are a mess, or will they accept you although you have not made large amounts of money. Well, I am here to tell you I was accepted at work that day. I walked into our boardroom meeting, and our VP said, “Oh My gosh! Samantha, I love your hair!” I was shocked, like the day I saw Channing Tatum with no shirt off at our local fire station filming. I was accepted. I sat down in that meeting presented my research findings in full confidence. Now, you have to do the same when you are looking for a bookkeeping company. The day I went to work Naked, I realized it was just like looking for an accountant or bookkeeping company to handle your books. You have to go into that consultation ‘NAKED!” Here are three very important pieces of information you want to bring into a consultation with an accountant or bookkeeping company (first don’t let anyone fool you into thinking you only can use a CPA; many startup businesses don’t need a CPA. We will explore this in another blog post). I. Get Naked! Yes! Bring the True picture of your books! You may not know your true financial picture, and that is okay. Tell your accountant or bookkeeper that information. I mean don’t walk into that consultation with your wig on, and not tell them the full details. If you are concerned information is going to get released, then have the accountant or bookkeeper sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement), which contains a confidentiality clause. II. Which natural hair product do I use? Untold Chronicles | 30
Ask Questions! Yes, you need to become the kindergartner who is learning his ABC’s. Ask tons of questions. Don’t stop at one question either. Ask them how often you will get reports, how often do they need to your bank statements. What are assets, liabilities, equity, etc. Get them to give you the 4-1-1 on accounting lingo. Ask if they are familiar with working with product based businesses, creative people (what we specialize in here at www. samanthatalks.com).If the accountant gets too moody to tell you, and just expects your blind trust walk out. You are new to the entrepreneurial world, don’t get in tax fraud issues early. Ask the questions. III. How do I look? Get Reviews Ask them for references. I believe if you are sitting in a consultation with an accountant or bookkeeper ask them about their previous clients. Now, I keep the negative reviews with the good ones so people can see and make wise decisions for themselves. Reviews are great aides in you choosing the right person to work with your business. Don’t just look at google, yelp, LinkedIn, Facebook reviews, ask them to provide you with references, who are willing to speak with them about doing business with you. Now, once you cover these three important areas you are ready to focus on growing your business and not managing your money. Money management takes a lot of time. Give the managing of your money over to the right Accountant. These three tips will help you in your selection process. If you would like to set up a consultation with our offices visit us at samanthatalks.com we would love to speak with you.
Continue to Say By: Dee Hardy
In the midst of us waiting on our promise it is very important to watch our words. That’s right, what we say while we are waiting on that special someone to come into our life is vital to us obtaining the promise. We need to quit throwing words around like they weren’t important and start using them like our lives depended on it--because, according to the Word of God, they do! (Proverbs 18:21). We can’t believe and pray for one thing, but then turn around and talk contrary to what we’ve ask. Hear me, it will not work! A double minded man is unstable in all his ways and will not receive anything from the Lord. Our words must consistently line up with the word of God. I have been guilty of this, as I know you have as well. All of us have done it at one time or another. (Repent and pray for a crop failure on those negative words spoken. Get back up and keep saying) We’ll say, for instance, that we’re believing God for our healing and then we’ll turn right around to someone and make a statement like, “This pain is about to kill me!” That’s perverted speech. It’s backwards from what God Word says. You may have said, I know I said that, but it’s not really what I meant. Listen beloved, the world of the spirit doesn’t operate on what you mean. It operates on what you say. So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Mark 11:23-24 NKJV Take note. That verse didn’t say you shall have whatsoever you mean. It says you’ll have what you say. It’s what you say that counts. Now, I’m not suggesting you should stressing all the time worrying about what your next phrase might be. Continue to say what His words says even if it doesn’t LOOK like what you are saying. CONTINUE TO SAY my promise is on the way! CONTINUE TO SAY my day is coming! Blessings Untold Chronicles | 31
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Pastor Renee Curry “I knew the devil had a trap set for me...”
rophet, preacher, psalmist, Christian author are just a few of the gifts God has bestowed upon his Pastor, Renee Harris. With a commanding presence, people are drawn to the anointing on her life, which helps Pastor Renee to fulfill her passion for the hurting, helpless and down and out. Her desire is to see souls saved, planted in the kingdom, healed, set free and delivered. She has a driven desire to have God’s glory manifested through signs and wonders. Plainly put, she is determined to have heaven on earth.
Saved at the tender age of twelve, Pastor Renee a Chicago native knew she was different from others because of the various visitations from angels and demons. She also began to write songs during this time, having parents who were heavily involved in ministry as evangelist, pastors and now apostles, there was not much running Pastor Renee could do. Knowing there was more God wanted her to do, she answered the call to the ministry in 1993, as an ordained evangelist she took her experiences of growing up in the hard core projects of rock well gardens and cabrini green of Chicago to boldly minister to people others would have walked past. Her fiery form of ministry launched an all out aggressive assault on the enemy’s camp that continues to this day. Currently Pastor Renee is co laborer and undershepherd, with her husband Pastor Leon, of Center of love kingdom ministries in Dallas, Texas. Their mission is to see families restored, made whole and brought back together, with man taking his rightful place in the home, their mandate is to help others come into their fullest potential. Having several certifications in the medical field, God has taken Pastor Renee formal education and put it to use in the kingdom. He has given her a unique healing ministry with tangible manifestations been seen and experienced. Pastor Renee is the beautiful bride of Pastor Leon for 20 years together they have five children and three adorable grandchildren. Untold Chronicles | 33
“.. I wanted to lead a song in the church choir I got up to sing I was so nervous one of the head leaders in the church says in front of everybody stop!!! Don’t you ever try to sing again you can’t sing!..”
always felt as if I had to be this perfect person wanting to please those who I loved and who I thought loved me. We grew up in a very strict religion to where you couldn’t do nothing, we stayed in church twenty four seven it seemed. I was so churched out, I felt I had enough church that lasted a lifetime. The church I grew up in was very strict in their doctrine. I never got the understanding behind the don’t, at that time. Because of church being strict, so was my home because of the doctrine we were submitted to at that time, we couldn’t wear pants or make up the reason we got was it was a jezebel spirit, a what? What is that? And that we were going to hell for wearing makeup or pants, I was a scared sista I use to sneak on jeans and make up take it off before I get home from work or school and pray lord please don’t send me to hell. For a long time, I wondered, if this is God why do we have to suffer so much if he is a loving God why all of the hurt. Why is there rejection going on in the church I remember one particular lady in the church use to tear me down with her words call me names compare me to the other young
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ladies in the church I was already dealing with low self-esteem I began to second guess myself thinking what is good about me, who would want me. I felt I wasn’t good enough. I would cry out to God and ask him to take what I was feeling away. The last straw for me was, I wanted to lead a song in the church choir I got up to sing I was so nervous one of the head leaders in the church says in front of everybody stop!!! Don’t you ever try to sing again you can’t sing! (!Do you see what the devil was trying to do in my life, I want to you to catch this, the devil only goes after those he know that is a threat to his kingdom.) I was so embarrassed and hurt while half the adults were laughing and pointing their fingers at me if I could have disappeared I would have. I cried all the way home and I said to God if your people are like this hurtful not caring about how you treat others, everything so strict, I don’t want to be a part of this there’s got to be more. Yes they had good intentions, but good intentions are not going to get it. I became rebellious and resentful because of the hurt and rejection. I strayed away not realizing that the word had already
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taken root in my inner man, that one day I to get comfortable there was a demon in would be calling on the God of my moth- the corner of the room breathing heavy, er that would later on become my person- foaming at the mouth had fangs hanging al God. I couldn’t wait until I moved out from his mouth, eyes blood shot red. And and be on my own and so I did. I was so I looked at that demonic spirit and pointexcited as I got settled in, I remembered ed at it and said the blood of Jesus I loose the dream I had when the devil said he angels with a flaming sword to send you was going to get me one way or the oth- back to the pit of hell and I turned over er, I knew the devil had a trap set for me, went to sleep when I turned over again see the devil know “.. I slept in the bed they had there was this anexactly what you been sleeping in and as I was gel at the foot of my long for. I wanted turning over to get comfort- bed I looked in the to be loved and ac- able there was a demon in the corner that demoncepted. Not abused corner of the room breathing ic spirit was gone I and rejected. I met heavy, foaming at the mouth looked at the angel a guy that was not had fangs hanging from his and he spoke peace churched at all he mouth, eyes blood shot red.� to my spirit and I was straight street went to sleep. I knew and he ran game on me I fell for this guy that I had angels of protection assigned to he became possessive and controlling and me I prayed to God for mercy while I was in God had been warning me all week to my mess I was still calling on the name leave where I was staying and I kept putof Jesus and during this time I was hav- ting it off until he showed me in a dream ing prophetic dreams, I knew that God what the enemy was trying to do. I woke was dealing with me prophetically and I up from that dream speaking in tongues, knew the call of God was on my life I was frantically I tried to warn my family memhaving angelic visitations since the age of ber and I told her exactly what was going nine and having demonic visitations as to happen as I saw in the dream. And it well. I remember this one encounter we did my aunt boyfriend tried to kill us we had a family member to stay at our house were able to get out of the house and we and this particular day they had left for ran to neighbors to try and get help we the night and I slept in the bed they had knocked on doors no one would let us in been sleeping in and as I was turning over we were crying out for help. By the time Untold Chronicles | 37
“And it did my aunt boyfriend tried to kill us we were able to get out of the house ...I had on shorts and a t shirt with no shoes on running in the winter time for my life.” we got to the 3rd house they let us in. I had on shorts and a t shirt with no shoes on running in the winter time for my life. The police came and arrested him he stated to me he wanted me dead. God spared my life. As I was standing there in shock, I realized that there was a God who loved me and that he will never forsake me. I was running from God because of the way we were brought up in church I did not want no part of church, I moved back home broken by that time I was dealing with rejection, low self-esteem, spirit of suicide, depression, I found out I was pregnant I was so afraid to tell my mother, but she already knew. I wasn’t a bad person at all I just wanted to be loved. God had to heal me from the inside out and yet I was still struggling in my flesh I was searching for love I wanted that void to be filled. later on I gave birth to my second child the church loved on me, welcomed me with open arms I truly felt the love of God My parents were pastors and the church was thriving and booming I became pregnant with my third child one leader found out and it wasn’t a pleasant conversation the Untold Chronicles | 38
concern was more about shame and embarrassment look what you have done you already have two kids I cried uncontrollably I had a choice to make and the father was well known in the city I had pressure all around me I wasn’t strong enough to stand up for myself I wanted their love and to please them and to be accepted I had the abortion out of fear of being abandon and rejected by what the church folks would say about me we had to go to another state because of fear of running into someone we may see. As I lay in that recovery room I was begging God for forgiveness my blood pressure was so high they couldn’t release me there was a nurse that came into my room and put a cool towel on my forehead I said to her I’m so sorry I didn’t want to do it I was asking my baby to forgive me and this nurse looked at me with a beautiful smile and said you are already forgiven it was something that was so soothing about how she spoke to me after that I feel asleep I don’t know how long I was sleeping when I came to, I ask for the nurse that was sitting in the room with me the nurse told me ma’am their
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wasn’t anyone in your room its only us. I told the nurse there was a nurse sitting with me I described her she said no one is here by that description I knew that God had sent an Angel to comfort me. What I did was wrong but even in my wrong God forgave me and showed me unconditional love. God had to deliver me and clean me up I was emotionally, psychologically and spiritually scared. My question to you today is WILL YOU? WILL YOU FORGIVE ALL THOSE WHO HURT YOU WHATEVER THE CASE MAY BE, WILL YOU ALLOW THE LORD TO HEAL YOU JUST AS HE DID ME. I SPEAK HEALING TO YOUR SOUL TODAY AND I DECLARE AND DECREE THE LOVE OF GOD TO FLOOD EVERY PART OF YOU TODAY! BE FREE IN JESUS NAME! NO MORE SHAME NO MORE GUILT YOU ARE FREE TODAY!!!! God began to show me even in the church I grew up in they loved the lord and was sold out to him once they became free of man’s doctrine they were able to reach back and help those who were still in bondage. We all are free today I keep in touch with them. That’s where my foundation in the lord started in a store front church! We serve a Great God Today my husband and I are Pastors at Center of love Kingdom Ministries in Dallas Texas. God has shown us how to Untold Chronicles | 40
Love his people and that the Church is a hospital, a place where they can come and be healed set free and delivered. You don’t take the word of God and beat people with it. They that win souls must be wise! Pastor Renee can be heard on www.fbrn. us/ in the Red Stream internet radio show Keeping the Faith With Much love Renee on Facebook live every Saturday@ 5pm CST- 6pm EST also on YouTube live Stream, also Pastor Renee is Co Host on the Pulze T.V Show which airs every Friday@ 8:30 pm CST- 9:30 EST. With two trips to hell and several heavenly visitations, including one visit from the Messiah Jesus himself, it is quite known in heaven and hell that the hand of God is on her life she is a valued treasure and a great asset to the Body of Christ and the Kingdom of God at large. Pastor Renee is the Author of GIVE ME MY P-A-N-T-I-E-S BACK is an uplifting read on Dorothy Harris- Curry spiritual grows and personal self-discovery. Here book can be purchased on Amazon, Kindle and Wal-mart on-line stores. Pastor Renee is an international speaker if you would like to contact Pastor Renee for Speaking engagements email @ reneeharrism@gmail.com or call @ (817)503-3783
Community & Ministry
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Overseer T. James Wilson “ Deliverance came one day I was home washing dishes...”
verseer T. James Wilson was born to the late parents of Mrs. Deborah Wilson and Mr. David F. Brown. Overseer T. James Wilson is a Native of East Orange where he attended and graduated from the East Orange School system. In pursuit of a higher education, Overseer Wilson furthered his education, attended Gibbs College in Montclair, NJ where he earned a B.A. Degree. He also attended Bible College. He has served in various capacities in the music ministry as director and soloist for numerous church choirs and groups. Overseer T. Wilson is a faithful and dedicated servant of God who worked diligently in the ministry of Faith Temple Center Church and the Community. Submitting himself under the teaching of his late Pastor, Overseer Wilson’s Prophetic ministry was nourished and cultivated. Through discipline, chastisement and love, God raised Overseer Wilson to do a great work for him. In 1993, he preached his initial sermon “They Already Have Their Reward”. As a result pf his Faithfulness in 1997 he became the assistant Pastor of the Faith Temple Center Church located in Newark, NJ under the dynamic and awesome Leadership of the Late Elder Sarah Wilson. After his grandmother passing, Overseer T. James Wilson’s work did not stop in 2007. He joined and served faithfully at St. Paul SOP. In 2011, God called Overseer Wilson to his own ministry. He became the Senior Pastor and Founder of The Greater Unity Faith Tabernacle, Located in Newark, NJ where lives are being transformed and revived. In August 2014 Overseer Wilson was Consecrated as the Overseer & Bishop of the Greater Unity Faith Tabernacle. Overseer Wilson has traveled extensively throughout the state of New Jersey, Bahamas and Europe, Singing and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. His main objective, goal and desire are to reach and impact the lives of those who are lost so that can be saved from the hands of the enemy. Overseer Terrell Wilson is a firm and faithful believer who knows a surety that his praise is his weapon.. Overseer T. Wilson’s Motto: ‘FOR THE DEVIL IS DEFEATED, GOD IS EXALTED AND WE HAVE THE VICTORY’ Untold Chronicles | 43
he church hurt that I’ve experienced out of many throughout my church life was the time early in the beginning of ministry for me when I was old enough to know that I needed to obey God for my Life and when I began to recognize that I was being used by God in the Holy Ghost...during my late teen years. I was beginning to operate in the Prophetic more and the Holy Ghost was dealing with me accurately. And this was during a time when I was active in other areas of the church (I was a choir director) over a few churches and local choirs and I was very passionate about it. I had the ability to bring a sound out of the choir with the power and anointing of God whereas choir directors ahead of my who by the way were my teachers had become jealous. Also, there were people at that time that were my mentors and who was supposed to help cultivate me in ministry began to hold me back. Instead of allowing me to follow the leading and instructions/obedience of God through the Holy Ghost I was told to sit but then they would turn around and do the very thing that Holy Ghost was dealing with me about as if the Holy Ghost had spoken to them first. And so many other things that time doesn’t permit me to say that I went through.....until one day!!! I received my Deliverance!!! So to sum all this up in a nut shell, my church hurt was from church leadership and mentorship seeing the call of God on my life, even acknowledging it but because of the spirit of jealousy they tried to control me. The very people that I looked up to, invested my love, time, money, blood, sweat and tears
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for, turned around and dogged me. Of then made the process for me to grow take longer because then I needed to get delivered from “church hurt”. Having that caused me to second guess God speaking to me, second guess if I was called to prophecy and second guess even if God called me at all. Deliverance came on day I was home washing dishes, I was praying as I was washing them and just crying out to God for help and while I was praying the Holy Ghost spoke to me and said “DONT LET THEM KILL YOU”. It was at that moment I started to pull away from that group of people. And even that was a process because of the soul tie through the spirit of control they had on me, I felt like at one point that in order for me to get anywhere in ministry I needed them to do it but when I realized that without them God was still using me, I kept on moving forward. I was very hurt during this process, like, how could they do this to me! After all I’ve done for them, this was my first encounter with the likes of people that your only good to them just as long as you do what they say when they say, your only good to them if they can control you. But God brought me out!!! So, when I left “from among them” I left with my; courage, my self-confidence, my own identity in God and most of all an Anointing that God gave me and not man. When I left my study habit increased, my prayer life increased and the heart for real ministry really increased...and I THANK GOD FOR JESUS!!!!!
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Community & Ministry Annual December coat Drive & Giveaway – Started on December 2017 to the present, where we are able by donations to Bless 25 to 40 people with coats in our local community, Scarfs and hats for the Winter set up at the church, while also providing them with Homemade soup and sandwiches. Annual Neighborhood clean-up – On the 4th Saturday in the months of April and May all of our Members come out between the hours of 11am to 5pm in participation with our City, to clean our local neighborhood, the streets , parking lots, front yards and vacant lots. Using this day of cleaning to evangelize and spread word of Hope. Our Annual Mother Day Celebration – On the 2nd Sunday of every May, Overseer Wilson & Great Unity choose mothers in the community to celebrate their hard work as mother and women pressing forward. This event consist of an award ceremony with Dinner prepared by the church Staff, with the attendance of 40 to 50 people In the Month of August is our Annual Community BBQ. We created a day the community can come out and enjoy the summer and have fun, with games, arts & crafts, with bouncy houses and back to school supplies for the neighborhood kids. We are getting the chance to spread a word of hope. With donations and sponsorships we are able to provide everything free and have been blessed with an enormous attendance each year. Every November in Partnership with two Local Shelters, we have our Thanksgiving feeding. Where Overseer Wilson & Greater Unity as a Church are able to go into local shelters and provide all food, feeding about 150 to 200 people without homes. Every three month we offer a Mental Health Workshop and seminar held at the church, open to all. We have Licensed and Certified counselors come in to show how to deal with stress and anxieties of life . Different exercises are conducted to provide tools of strategy and release. A lite Lunch is served … Upcoming Events Sunday April 7th at 4pm Greater Unity presents Family & Friends Day 2019, Inviting all Families, Cities and Towns in the State of New Jersey to Worship all together as one in unity. This event is sponsored by our Overseer T. James Wilson. Held at First New Born OFW Baptist Church, 466 South 10th Street Newark, NJ Sunday May 12th at 3:30 pm, Is our Mother’s Day Celebration, Honoring Mothers of the community and of the Faith, Held at Greater Unity Faith Tabernacle, 168 Ridgewood Ave Newark, NJ. Saturday August 10th is our Annual Community BBQ, Inviting all. Held on the outside of the church 168 Ridgewood Ave Newark, NJ. Time is from 11 am to 5pm. This is a Free Event!!!! Untold Chronicles | 47
Prophetic words for the soul Checkmate!
By Becky Porter I hear the Lord saying: Just like in a game of chess - I know every single move the enemy will ever make, and I have already “checkmated” him before he even gets there! No matter how hard he tries he will NEVER win, for HE IS ALREADY A DEFEATED FOE!!! As you spend time in My Word and in My presence, I will reveal the enemy’s plans to you in advance, and I will show you what move he is going to make before he makes it, and I will show you how to checkmate him EVERY time! It is of the utmost importance that you spend quality time communing with Me every day so that you will be prepared and equipped and will not be caught off guard by the tactics of the enemy. If you are prepared for battle and already know in advance what move the enemy is going to make before he makes it, then you can thwart his plans and “cut him off at the pass” and avoid his “land mines” and hidden traps. I have a glorious and perfect plan for your life, and I will unfold it with precision and impeccable timing. Often My people try to take things into their own hands and do it their way – the way that “makes sense” to their natural minds, but My ways are much higher than your ways, and My plans will NEVER fail if you follow My Untold Chronicles | 48
instructions and carry out My plans as I direct. Many of you are war torn and battle weary from fighting daily battles – battles of the mind and the flesh, battles in relationships, battles with finances, battles with health, etc. The enemy’s plan is to wear out the saints; to distract them and keep them occupied and focused on other things so they cannot carry out My plans. Many of you have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to recover from hits you have received from the enemy. This should not be so. The key is to get My Word into your hearts – renew your minds by reading My Word daily, meditate upon it and memorize it. My Word and I are ONE, and as you “eat” My Word you will be transformed more and more into My image and likeness. You will begin to think differently and talk and act differently, you will respond to others differently, and you will respond to circumstances differently. You will see yourself differently, you will see others differently, and you will see ME differently! As you renew your mind through the transforming power of My Word you will become stronger spiritually and it will become easier to put the flesh under and to walk in purity and righteousness. Be
quick to repent and quick to forgive – all of these things help you to close access doors to the enemy. Remember to put on your spiritual armor daily, (Ephesians 6:10-17). Praise is a weapon of warfare – listen to praise music daily and sing along with it. As you praise Me with a heart of worship I will clothe you with My glory, and chains of bondage will be broken off of your life. There are many songs that contain scriptures – as you sing My Word it will transform and strengthen you. You also need to have balance in every area of your life – not only do you need
to spend quality time with Me daily, but you also need to get the proper amount of sleep on a regular basis, you need to heave a healthy diet, and you need to get the proper amount of exercise. Everyone has certain daily responsibilities that they need to take care of, but you also need to have FUN in your life as well! Many of you are so burdened and stressed with your daily responsibilities, you don’t think you have time for fun recreational activities, but it is a very important part of life because it helps to keep you from getting “burned out.” If you give Me the opportunity, I will help you find the proper balance that you need, and as a result you will have a much higher quality of life.
Scriptures to keep in mind 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. Romans 12:2 NLT Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Isaiah 40:31 AMP But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Ecclesiastes 7:12 AMP For wisdom is a defense even as money is a defense, but the excellency of knowledge is that wisdom shields and preserves the life of him who has it.
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