NICHE Fashion Magazine Vol 01 Issue 01 - Winter 2013

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Fashion & Beauty | Home & D茅cor | Travel & Lifestyle


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NI C H E editor’s message


to N I C H E magazine!


lthough this is our debut issue, the passion behind these pages began many decades ago.

It was probably 1969 – hair was big, boots were go-go style and there was no shortage of black eyeliner. I was at the beauty parlour, waiting for my mother to finish with her weekly ritual – shampoo, set and spray. The most fabulous woman I had ever seen was sitting next to me, lost in the pages of a glossy fashion magazine. She was so beautiful, I was sure she too was a magazine girl, and I secretly marvelled at how wonderfully glamorous her life must be. On that day, I decided that I would be in magazines too. Of course, as a young girl, that meant dreams of being a runway model or a well-heeled society lady. As years passed, I never did succeed at either of those! However, as I honed my creative skills, indulged my addiction to magazine subscriptions, and completed my MBA, I inadvertently carved out my future in print media. I have spent twenty years writing, editing, and managing publications in the magazine industry, and loved every word of it. I guess you could say it is my calling - my niche. Like each of us, NICHE magazine is uniquely original; an engaging combination of smartly written, thought provoking editorial features in a beautifully designed, upscale glossy magazine. Encompassing fashion and beauty, home and décor, lifestyle and travel, NICHE embraces the three essential elements of the good life – where we live, what we do and how good we look getting it all done in a fast-paced modern world. In this debut issue, NICHE shows you what is stomping off the runway this season [Fashion Forward p.20]. In ICON, we talk candidly with Canadian leading man, Ryan Gosling [p.12]; take a fascinating trip to the romantic Italian city of Venice [p.66] and the exotic locale of Bora Bora [p.10], share the fascinating story of Christian Dior [Fashion Legend p.46] and uncover China’s terracotta warriors [Arts & Finds p.84].

cele b rate t he l a u n c h o f

My hope is that within the inspiring pages of NICHE, you will discover yours.


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Tracey Drake Editor in Chief

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i c o n | Ryan Gosling A candid conversation with Canadian actor Ryan Gosling; discussing his take on Oscar, women and choosing the acting path less travelled.


f a s h i o n f o r w a r d | Winter 2013 Runway Fierce, fiery and fabulous – three words that can only describe the couture coming off the runway for this season.


d e s i g n p e r s p e c t i v e | Room to Breathe From NYC to downtown Vancouver, urbanites are learning to live creatively in a lot less square feet – and doing it well.


f a s h i o n l e g e n d | Christian Dior The pioneering couturier with intuitive and aesthetic genius who changed the world of haute couture forever.


t r av e l w i t h n i c he t o . . . | Venice, Italy As a city that, against all odds, continues to flourish in a modern world, Venice is beloved the world over for its dolce vita and the annual Venice Carnival.


a r t s & f i n d s | China’s Terracotta Army An epic journey that spans more than two thousand years and uncovers the secrets of Emperor Qin Shi Huang and his terracotta warriors. fa c e b o o k . c o m / NIC H E o n l i n e


jan/feb 2013

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@ NIC H E o n l i n e


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NI C H E inside

jan/feb 2013 Departments 1 10 62 96

E d i t o r ’ s m e s s a g e | Discover yours F a r & Aw ay | Bora Bora bound Re i n v e n t e d | The little black dress C l o u d N i n e | Dreamy evening gown couture


18 20 31 44 46 56 57 58



Be a u t y [ r e ] M a r k s | Perfecting your canvas F a s h i o n F o r w a r d | A diverse textile season M ay b e l l i n e Me m o i r s | The birth of a beauty empire F a c e I t | This season’s hottest beauty buys F a s h i o n Le g e n d | Christian Dior m a r i ly n m o n r o e | 50 years after her death Ge t t he L o o k : Fa s h i o n E d i t i o n | Get your runway on C o n t r a s t | Ethical fashion


32 60 76 82

d e s i g n p e r s p e c t i v e | Room to breathe Ge t t he L o o k : H o m e E d i t i o n | West coast elegance A r c h i t e c t u r e : The O u t s i d e S t o r y | Miami hot house De c o r at e U | Inspiration is everywhere


12 40 52 66 74 84 88 92

I c o n | Ryan Gosling H i d d e n Ge m s | A chilly night at Hotel de Glace T r av e l B i t e s | One for the road T r av e l w i t h NIC H E t o . . . | Venice Italy S t u a r t B r o w n | A taste of Italy A r t s & F i n d s | China’s terracotta army L o c a l G o u r m e t | Two dashes of preparation We l l N o w ! | Yoga for the real world

10 44

58 6

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retail therapy





NICHE magazine

Don’t get left behind. b e c o m e a NIC H E i n s i d e r o n l i n e @ n i c he m a g a z i n e . c a

NI C H E inside

p u b l i s h er

steve D R A K E

magazine’s 1st annual

Editor in Chief

TRACEY DRAKE C reat i ve D i rect o r


V al u ed at m o re than $1,150

A s s o c i ate E d i t o r

CHELSEA FORMAN c o n tr i b u t o r s

E ditorial Stuart Brown, Ryan Cooney, Sylvia Day, Elizabeth Dean, Tracey Drake, Chelsea Forman, Janelle Gauthier, Jill Lang, Amy Longsdorf, Peter Mandel, Sheila May, Gillian Presley, Ed Stephan, Sara Rose, Sharrie Williams C reative Richard Avedon, Jonathan Bell, Hung Chung Chih, Tracey Drake, Janelle Gauthier, Emily Harris, Lukas Hlavac, Svea Leigh, Anton Opari, Lev Radin, Oscar Schnell, Nata Shaw, Sophia, Ron Thomas, John Waller, Manolo Yllera A cc o u n t E x ec u t i ve s

S teve drake , J I L L L A N G , A L E X L AV R I N E N K O, M I K E S T O V E R , S T E P H A N I E H AY E S S o c i al M ed i a M a n ager

M AT T H E W P H I L L I P S f a s h i o n i ll u s trat o r

nadja P H I L L I P S I n ter n s

Kellie Smith, Sandra Bulakowska NI C H E M a s c o t s [ C a n i n e ] BOGIE, PAYTON, CHEWIE & CHLOE

NIC H E m a g a z i n e t h a n k s o u r g e n e r o u s contributors: MEXX Langford, Hive Hair, M i l l e F i o r i S pa , B a r b e r & F r i t z , I n d i g o A p pa r e l , I n s i d e o u t H o m e s t o r e , a n d G l o Re s t a u r a n t & L o u n g e

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fa c e b o o k . c o m / NIC H E o n l i n e @ NIC H E o n l i n e n i c he m a g a z i n e . c a S E N D C O M M UNI T Y N E W S A N D E V E N T S T O : SUBS C R IB E R S E R V I C E S 1.855.595.7870 | 250.595.7870 | | Published by : Avenue Media Group - 110B-2187 Oak Bay Ave. Victoria V8R 1G1 Printed in Canada by Dollco, a division of The Lowe-Martin Distr ubution: Black Press - A l l r i g ht s re s e r v e d . No p a r t of N IC H E m a g a z i n e m ay b e c opi e d , re pr i nt e d or re pro du c e d i n a ny f or m w it h out pr i or w r it t e n c on s e nt f rom t h e pu b l i s h e r. For p e r m i s s i on re q u e s t s , p l e a s e c a l l Av e nu e Me d i a G roup at 1 . 8 5 5 . 5 9 5 . 7 8 7 0 . NICHE magazine is proud to be 100% Canadian – produced, published and printed in Canada.


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C o p y r i g h t © Av e n u e M e d i a G r o u p 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3

NI C H E lifestyle


E c o Ch i c i n B o r a B o r a

On this mystical island with its necklace of white-fringed coral islets, Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora redefines the South Seas escape. Exotic over-water suites, sprawling beachfront villas with pools and a cathedral-like spa immerse you in ultramodern comforts and the warm and welcoming spirit of French Polynesia. 10

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Bora Bora

Ce n t r e o f t he R o m a n t i c U n i v e r s e by Elizabeth Dean | travel columnist


ICHE talked with the good folks at Tahiti Tourism about the magical allure of Bora Bora. An island with a lagoon resembling an artist’s palette of blues and greens, Bora Bora is love at first sight. Romantics from around the world have laid claim to this island where the castle-like Mount Otemanu pierces the sky. Lush tropical slopes and valleys blossom with hibiscus, while palm-covered motu circle the illuminated lagoon like a delicate necklace. Perfect white-sand beaches give way to emerald waters where coloured fish animate the coral gardens as they greet the giant manta rays. From the dramatic scenery to the privacy and amenities of the overwater bungalows, Bora Bora is the most romantic island in the world. Wh at ’ s i n a n a m e ? Pora Pora - the ancient name, meaning “first born,” came from legends describing this as the first island to rise when Taaroa, the supreme god, fished it out of the waters after the mythical creation of Havai’i, now known as Raiatea. Although the first letter “B” does not exist in the Tahitian language, when Captain Cook first heard the name he mistook the softened sound of the Tahitian “P” for “B” and called the island Bola Bola.


NI C H E lifestyle


RYAN GOSLING A c a n d i d i n t e rv i e w w i t h C a n a d i a n he a r t t h r o b , e v e r y d ay he r o a n d c r i m e f i g h t e r 12

j a n u ar y | f e b r u ar y 2 0 1 3

Even if Hollywood movies pretend to be about people, they’re still science fiction. Cause nobody looks like that or talks like that. It’s fantasy.

by Tracey Drake in collaboration with Amy Longsdorf | celebrity columnist


photo credit: courtesy of warner bros.

013 is going to be a very busy year for Canadian icon, Ryan Gosling. With Gangster Squad due to release in mid-January, and two more films in post production, it’s easy to see why the Ryan Gosling of today radiates the calm of a man with nothing left to prove; missing the selfconscious intensity which used to be his M.O. “I think when I was younger, I was full of angst all of the time,” he says. “I was sitting around, smoking, thinking about the meaning of life and watching too many James Dean movies. Now, I see there’s more to life than those things.” With his lanky good looks and emotive brow, the Canadian actor had already made a name for himself in The Notebook, won critical acclaim for The Believer and gave an Oscar worthy performance in Half Nelson. Off camera, Gosling’s ‘average Joe’ laid-back attitude gives him folk hero status to many of his fans. In recent times, Ryan Gosling broke up a street fight in NYC that became a Youtube sensation, saved a British journalist from stepping into the path of an oncoming New York cab; started a fund for a 3-year old Ugandan girl named Joyce who had been badly burned by the Lord’s Resistance Army rebels, and spent several months in Biloxi, Mississippi helping Buddhist monks rebuild a monastery in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The actor does his best to downplay his generosity. “Look, I get just as much out of those situations as I give,” he says. “Biloxi is an experience I will take with me for the rest of my life. It’s such a rich experience. I can’t even put into words that time in my life.”


NI C H E lifestyle

You cannot get more ‘stand up guy’ than that… Since his break out role in The Believer (2001), Ryan Gosling has been very choosy about his roles. He originally turned down the role of Willy Beachum in Fracture (2007). “When I first read the screenplay, I was in a different place and so was the script,” he notes. “But I love the thriller genre and, all off a sudden, Anthony Hopkins was involved. I know that I can’t have a better partner than Anthony. Also, [director] Greg Hoblit (Primal Fear) came onboard. I suddenly felt there was a real potential for this movie to be great.” There are a lot of critics who think Gosling has just as much raw ability as anybody in the business. “[Gosling] burns with so much talent that it’s a challenge to find a project that can sustain his heat,” Entertainment Weekly critic Lisa Schwartzbaum once wrote. That might be a direct result of his upbringing. Born in London, Ontario and raised by Mormon parents, Gosling grew up in Burlington and Cornwall. His parents divorced and Gosling, who was home-schooled after being involved in a series of playground scuffles, began his film education when he was eight years old by studying vintage movies on video. “We couldn’t afford to get new movies from the video store so we just got them from the library,” he recalls. “They had a pretty limited selection but I watched everything they had. I got to see some cool stuff.” The video that made the biggest impression on Gosling was, of all things, Hold That Ghost starring Abbott and Costello. I had a completely weird visceral experience watching it,” he remembers. “I was scared and I was laughing and I was crying. It was like ballet, so elegant and masterful and beautifully shot.” Afterwards, Gosling found himself longing for the spotlight. As a cast member of the Mickey Mouse Club from 1993 to 1995, Ryan performed alongside Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Keri Russell and Justin Timberlake, whose family put a roof over Gosling’s head while he filmed the show. “When I got hired on that show, they thought that I could do more than I actually could. You’d be hard-pressed to find me in that show; I’d come in at the beginning and at the end-sometimes a little something in the middle--but for the most part, I didn’t work very much. I spent the years riding roller coasters and hanging out in Disney World.” Gosling worked in scores of T.V. shows before nabbing the role of a Neo-Nazi Jew in The Believer. The actor earned rave reviews and the film won the Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize in 2001. “I didn’t even know they made movies like that,” he insists. “I didn’t know that [kind of acting] could be a job. It really set the bar for the kind of experiences I wanted to have. I’ve just been trying to build on that ever since.” 14

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Show me a man who wouldn’t give it all up for Emma Stone and I’ll show you a liar.

“Beautifully Designed,

Ethically Sourced “

Having grown up heavily influenced by the females in his life, Ryan Gosling is known for his intense acting methods and genuine love of the craft. Following his lead role in The Notebook, widespread recognition came with his Oscar nominated appearance in Half Nelson, followed by leads in full feature films including Crazy Stupid Love, Drive, Ides Of March, Blue Valentine and The Place Beyond the Pines. He’s a big advocate of charities, women’s rights and although romantically involved with Sandra Bullock and Rachel McAdams in the past, Gosling has been dating Eva Mendes since September 2011.

photo credit: courtesy of warner bros.


832 Fort Street, Victoria BC 250-381-1105

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NI C H E lifestyle

Half Nelson, the film that earned Gosling an Oscar nomination was shot on a $500k budget, and barely earned $2.5 million at the box office. “A lot of my heroes never got nominated so I kind of felt like I blew it at 26,” he says. “But then I didn’t realize how happy it was going to make people in my life. My family was so proud that I decided to take my mom and my sister Mandi with me to the show.” Gosling enjoyed the ceremony but the biggest thrill, for him, remains Oscar nomination morning. “My mom and my sister were both telling me I was going to get a nomination but I told them they were nuts. When I called my mom and said, ‘Hey, I just got nominated,’ she started screaming and I honestly couldn’t understand what she was saying because she was crying so hard. I had to call back later. I had to give both my mom and my sister time to calm down before I could have a human conversation with them.” Ryan Gosling is perfectly suited – literally and figuratively - to the tone of his current movie project Gangster Squad. Set in 1940s Los Angeles, the movie was inspired by the true story of Brooklyn Mobster Mickey Cohen (played by Sean Penn), who moves west to take over. Law men Sergeants John O’Mara (Josh Brolin) and Wooters (Ryan Gosling) make it their mission to stop him. In the process, Grace Faraday (Emma Stone), who is Cohen’s girlfriend, falls for Gosling in a big way. The romantic chemistry between these two actors, which began in Crazy, Stupid, Love carries over nicely into this new project; the love triangle intensifies the story plot. It has all the makings of a blockbuster and will finally have its theatre debut in mid-January. Now that he’s an Oscar nominated actor with an impressive list of excellent film credits under his belt, Gosling is continually inundated with scripts. True to form, he’s filed most of them in the wastebasket. Clearly, Gosling is still marching to the beat of his own drummer. 16

j a n u ar y | f e b r u ar y 2 0 1 3

I’m looking for something that strikes some kind of balance--things that aren’t about characters but about people. I think there are many stories I’d like to see that aren’t being made. Life is full of endless material.

photo credit: courtesy of warner bros.

I love being Canadian. I think growing up in Canada gives you a world perspective that I certainly enjoy.


NI C H E beauty

b e a u t y [ re] marks by Sara Rose | beauty columnist

Your You… Winter Blues Personally, I have been trying for years to find those BEST for ME type products to add my style - but where to find them? Of course, it is an ongoing journey and one that we can take together. I have come to find that working on your canvas is the best way to start working on perfecting your you. You know what I mean… it’s like one of those days when you feel fabulous; walking out of the house with a bounce in your step and your head held high – thinking to yourself - “Yeah, I feel good today.” Well, let’s get ready to have that kind of day - every day!


& S Q U E AK

Exfoliating and facial masks should already be part of your regular beauty routine but I know some people have plenty excuses as to why they aren’t. If you are a member of the excuse crew, it’s never too late to change, so how about we start now? Exfoliating removes dead skin and dirt that builds on the top layer of your skin (epidermis) and promotes the regeneration of healthier, clean, glowing, skin (think polished!).


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Get to know your c a n va s Your canvas is your skin; the foundational surface that becomes step one in looking and feeling your best. Skin is the body’s protective layer; think of it as your beauty armour that should be kept polished and shiny. With winter weather here, your skin is probably not receiving the moisture it needs. Perhaps your skin is dull and has lost its luminous summer glow? No need to panic! There are many regular exfoliators, masks and moisturizers to help you perfect your beauty canvas and let your inner Beyoncé out.

Put the voom back in your va va How often you should exfoliate depends on your skin type; dry, oily or combination, so let’s say we cover all the bases? a Dry skin Use a delicate exfoliator once or

twice a week to bring the voom back to your va va!

b Oily skin Don’t roll your eyes or be irritated

with it! Oily skin is proven to age with grace. Use an exfoliant two to three times a week to get your glow on and keep it going.

c Combination skin Finding the right

exfoliator for your easy going skin type should be easy. Of course, be sure and try any product on your inner elbow, with this region of sensitive skin it can give you a good indication whether or not to go ahead with approaching your face. Believe it or not, BC’s winter weather lacks the humidity we need to keep our summer skin aglow and exfoliating can be a big skin booster - to aid in creating your you.


Finishing touch Now that we covered the essentials to keeping your summer glow through the winter blues, let’s talk makeup! Makeup is much like diamonds; both are a girl’s best friend. From basic to bold, makeup can change your outlook on the day and your image completely. Since your canvas is now glowing from exfoliating and moisturizing, begin building your makeup with some basic products: tinted moisturizer, foundation and highlighter (white or light foundation works for me), bronzer and either a liquid or powdered finishing product with an iridescent glow. Depending on the day or application, start by applying with your chosen tinted moisturizer or foundation, followed by a light application of white or light foundation under the eye, along the bridge of the nose, as well as a smidge next to your nostrils and on the brow bone. Blend the lightness out with the applied base product and work from there. Your bronzer will be used to intensify the cheek bones, alongside the nose and forehead creating an E shape along each side of your face. The iridescent finishing product can now be placed strategically to become the pièce de résistance of your now perfected canvas, adding a small dusting below your temples and brow bone. Practice makes perfect; each day your application may change. Remember to use discretion when applying products and as long as you’re feeling fabulous, then you’ve perfected it. Don’t let winter weather bring you (and your skin) down. Create your best you, your year-round you; shining brightly with a fresh canvas that everyone will envy.

Moisturizers, similar to exfoliators, need to be chosen based on your skin type and sensitivity. The good ole’ trial and error was my best friend to discovering my favourite product that now has my canvas staying in its happy place. Note to [your]self: Moisturizing is even more important to me than exfoliating, so make sure you keep it on your ‘must-have-at-all-times’ list. From hairline to décolletage (neck and chest), moisturizer should be softly applied twice daily. Applications should occur once in the morning after a fresh cleanse, and once in the evening after the dirt of your busy day has been washed away.

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NI C H E fashion


clockwise left photo credit: anton Oparin, anton Oparin, anton Oparin, nata shaw, Bottom: anton Oparin

F ORWARD by Janelle Gauthier | fashion columnist


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Sally Lapointe

Sally Lapointe


Theyskens’ Theory

Vera Wang

ew Romance’ can still blossom in winter and it’s a budding example of how tradition and luster can embody a sense of ease. In a growing market catering to polished looks that offer comfort within a specific price bracket, it’s no surprise as to which the strongest contenders are. Both Oliver Theyskens and Vera Wang possess esteemed careers in luxury, his past experience in Haute Couture and her ongoing success in Bridal Wear. The king of Contemporary Romance - Oliver Theyskens - won over the hearts of the fashion industry through his critically acclaimed careers at Rochas and Nina Ricci. Now as creative director of Theyskens’ Theory, his attainable collections have pleased consumers around the world. To the delight of many, his strong DNA can be spotted throughout his new range and heightens towards the end of his show as his separates shift to slinky gowns of chiffon and spattered gems. Vera Wang’s approach to her ready to wear line is soft and enchanting, yet she manages to sneak urban elements into the mix. Sheer nude chiffon and lace contrast against structured wool pieces and the most valiant example is a black embroidered jacket molded to the body and paired with a printed flowing skirt, reminiscent of a watercolour painting. Sally Lapointe, a young up and comer, boasts an undeniable strength in this category. She understands proportions and executes to elongate the wearer. Her rise in popularity lends thanks to a special celebrity client, Lady Gaga ambassador of love, originality and romance. A most fitting match as Lapointe’s looks are feminine yet play with devilish geometry and a dash of grit.

Rebecca Taylor



Alexandre Herchcovitch


conquered the runways this season and the sheer abundance urged for diversity. As a result, designers explored new territory by rendering leather in unique ways. The designer of Calvin Klein, Francisco Costa has an immaculate image to uphold. Abiding to the houses’ sensibilities, each season he flourishes through clever diversions. This season released a bittersweet sense from ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ Trilogy. The rigidness and strength hit high notes on the runway and few geometric bobs matched appropriately with front row actress Rooney Mara. An exquisitely tailored leather peplum jacket brought structure to the hemline through the use of darts. With the lack of a horizontal seam to create the volume, we’re reminded of Costas’ inherent ability to manipulate patterns and edit out the unnecessary, making us all believers in a less is more mantra. His leather paneled skirts and dresses were appreciated by all and left Costa standing in a category all to himself. There’s truly no match for the caliber of his easy to wear garments. 22


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Calvin Klein Collection

Céline Phantom Calfskin Tote Bag in Black

Left to right Photo Credit: Lev Radin, Nata Shaw, Nata Shaw, Lev Radin Bottom Right photo Courtesy of Céline

NI C H E fashion

NI C H E fashion

R Proenza Schouler

Narciso Rodriguez


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to the fashion innovators who’s forward thinking and unapologetic visions of the future enthrall us all. Nicolas Ghesquière, a simple Frenchman with a not so simple fashion policy is a daring trailblazer. As the creative director of Balenciaga, he doesn’t rely on the house’s extensive archives. Instead he invites us to a world highly immersed in the avant-garde with a fortress of unseen before looks. With colour alone Phoebe Philo at Céline dropped any recognition of a drab winter and sent uplifting messages floating down her private showing. With a baby on the way, one couldn’t help but conclude that the bright and heartening chimes resonated from a delicate place. With stripes, colourblocked accents and sensationally bright pieces, Philo committed to a lasting fun impression without loosing her oh-so cool factor. Although ethically questionable, her calf length pink fur jacket was a shocking sight and all fur accents for that matter can be interpreted on an individual basis. Proenza Schouler has a technical mandate concerning their identity. Thinly sliced leather strips were woven into large panels to create the most exquisite leather jackets and skirts. The many angular cuts and stringent lines were inspired by Eastern ideals but designers Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez dissected their muse and returned her to international appeal. Some may label Narciso Rodriguez a minimalist due to his clean lines and meditative designs, but it’s a slightly misrepresented title and undermines his detailed work. His strength lies in his seamless cuts and use of texture; he flirts with basic colour or rather shades of colour and opposes bold contrasts hindering the illusion of minimal. Overall, there’s a handsome quality in innovation when it’s properly executed.

clockwise Left photo Credit: Lev Radin, Nata Shaw, anton oparin, anton oparin



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Diane Von Furstenberg

NI C H E fashion

F AS H ION e t c . c o m ,

in its review of the

Balmain collection, had this to say:

A Fabergé egg owned by the late Dame Elizabeth Taylor-the extravagant meeting the even-more-extravagant. What could be more Balmain than that?

Jenny Packham

Jenny Packham


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Prepare for a season full of expression, pieces adorned, embroidered and devoted to every detail. For some these looks may run along a fine line of excess but there’s an underlying sophistication here. Without a doubt the most powerful message came from Balmain, designer Olivier Roustieng used embroidery, appliqué and embossing techniques on nearly every piece in his collection. A mixture of pearls, crystals and needlepoint housed some of the most coveted pieces of the season – the embellished jacket and decorative velvet trouser! Continuing in the lap of luxury, Jenny Packham stunned with her 40’s inspired Hollywood Glamour. As a successful Bridal Wear designer, her Ready to Wear line doesn’t hold back where crystals and sequins are concerned and her looks are commonly seen on red carpet starlets. Diane Von Furstenberg embraced art deco inspired appliqué in repetitive circular shapes contoured by alternating rays of silver. Her quintessential seventies glitz and glamour shone through and left some with visions of her famous past.

clockwise Left photo Credit: Lev Radin, lev radin, photo courtesy of balmain, photo courtesy


Leah Alexandra Designs available at:

Violette Boutique 1303 Government St. Victoria |

Banquet Atelier and Workshop

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Emporia Boutique 1223 Government St. Victoria | Balmain

l a n v i n fa l l / w i n t e r

co l o ur

Fashion allows no excuse for a dismal winter. This season packs a punch of colour with plenty of inspiration found in the technical ingenuity, novelty adornment and romantic sub-themes. Within the studied categories lies an approach suitable for any wearer. Runway trends will trickle down to become accessible on every consumer level, found at your favourite local boutiques.


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all images photo Credit: james bort bottom right courtesy of lanvin paris

NI C H E fashion

C r y stal R ibbon N ec k lace from the Lanvin Winter 2013 collection has an old Hollywood feel. Recently seen around the neck of Kim Kardashian, this lovely bauble retails for about $3,800.


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NI C H E beauty

MAYBELLINE by Sharrie Williams | celebrity columnist t he b i r t h o f a b e a u t y e m p i r e under cold water, and after she had chipped ice from the ice-block and pressed it to her forehead, and even after she had stopped feeling the physical pain of what had happened. She stared dejectedly at her plain reflection in the looking glass. The finely shaped brows and long eyelashes that had always tempered her fairness were gone. Tom Lyle caught the sorrowful look in her eyes and the pain of losing the star she had been chasing in Chicago and understood what it was like to feel so hopeless. When Mabel saw her brother watching her, she spat out, “My life is ruined. I’m ugly. Mother will be very happy to know I will be going into a convent!” Her brothers couldn’t cheer her and resolved to do their best to act as though nothing were different, hoping their sister would recover from the accident. But Mabel was stronger than she at first appeared and as plucky as any of the others in the Williams clan. One evening, Tom Lyle looked in on Mabel to say goodnight and discovered her perched in front of her vanity. She was rubbing something on her eyebrows. Fascinated, he watched and asked what she was using. “Vaseline, it will make my eye brows and lashes grow faster and thicker,” she said. “I think it makes them show up too.”


usiness was going very well, with several thousand dimes a day coming in by summer’s end. An old feeling crept back into Tom Lyle, that sense that something big was going to happen, if only he could think of what that was. The novelty business would not be an expanding market, but a diminishing one. A gag once played, can’t be replayed endlessly. An ideal product would always need replacing, creating an endless demand for supply. He wanted to sell something new and desirable that customers would reorder again and again. Cosmetics! Yes…that would be perfect…except every essential beauty product must already be on the market, he thought. Where could he possibly fit in? And then something happened that causes one to ponder whether a specific event was a simple accident that just coincidentally occurred at a stunningly opportune moment in time, or was it fate? One morning Mabel was making cake frosting by melting sugar on the stove, but when she leaned over to stir the pot, a flame shot up and singed away her eyebrows and eyelashes, but thankfully nothing worse. Tears continued to stream down her cheeks, even after she had run her face

He was instantly struck with the thought, here was an important feature of the face that many women must be concerned about, yet, there was nothing on the market for beautifying the eyebrows and eyelashes. He immediately went to a wholesale drug manufacturing company, Park-Davis and talked to one of their best chemists. He explained that he’d like them to formulate a fine, pure product that would be beneficial for eyebrows and eyelashes. They soon submitted a sample product consisting of refined white petroleum with several fine oils and a touch of perfume. He then placed his first order for ten pounds. Mabel, Tom Lyle and Noel melted it in a teapot and then poured it into small aluminum containers labeled, Lash-Brow-ine. Tom Lyle worked out a small one and a half inch ad using an eye illustration, with copy saying: “Beautify your lashes with Lash-Brow-ine - send 25 cents,” and placed it in Photoplay. Woman quickly responded, thousands of them who never before had recognized the fact that the eye lashes and the lips are the two primal features of the face which accent beauty. As soon as the magazine came out, thousands of quarters started pouring in. Returns from the first ad left a large profit after the expenses were paid and Tom Lyle repeated in Photoplay, Ladies Home Journal, Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar Magazine. Business Boomed! Sharrie Williams is the heir to the Maybelline legacy, Tom Lyle Williams’ great-niece and Evelyn Boecher Williams’ granddaughter. Growing up in their homes, and steward of the vast Maybelline archives, Williams tells the story of the birth of the Maybelline Empire and reveals intimate details about the fascinating family dynasty. Throughout 2013, NICHE invited Sharrie to give readers an inside look into this beauty empire – sharing excerpts from her book, The Maybelline Story, available online at


NI C H E lifestyle

room b r e at he Br i t i s h n o vel i s t J o n at h a n R a b a n s a i d t h i s : “ L i v i n g i n c i t i e s i s a n a r t, a n d w e n ee d t he v o c a b u l a r y o f a r t, o f s t y l e , t o d e s c r i b e t he p e c u l i a r r e l at i o n s h i p b e t w ee n m a n a n d m at e r i a l t h at ex i s t s i n t he c o n t i n u a l c r e at i v e p l ay o f u r b a n l i v i n g . The c i t y a s w e i m a g i n e i t, t he n , s o f t c i t y o f i l l u s i o n , m y t h , a s p i r at i o n , a n d n i g h t m a r e , i s a s r e a l , m ay b e m o r e r e a l , t h a n t he h a r d c i t y o n e c a n l o c at e o n m a p s i n s tat i s t i c s , in monographs on urban sociology and

photo credit: Ron Thomas

demography and architecture.�


j a n u ar y | f e b r u ar y 2 0 1 3


by Tracey Drake

rbanity has become a trending phrase and loft living has become a trendy way to live in the city. Is it because of the chic interior design possibilities in renovated warehouses and repurposed commercial spaces? Or, is it due to the spiralling cost of real estate and our need, especially in British Columbia, to learn to live large in fewer square feet? Happily, it doesn’t really matter because the elements work together in harmony – trendy space options, inner-city locale and relative affordability. Loft living, whether of the expansive or micro varieties, has become a way for many to jump onto the property ladder and still maintain a downtown lifestyle. NICHE magazine had the opportunity to peek inside two exceptional loft spaces – both in large metropolitan areas where space is at an ultimate premium – Vancouver, BC and New York, NY. The big question then becomes: How do you fashion a home that has more vertical square footage than floor space? Soaring ceilings are a feast for the eye but can be a decorator’s nightmare – trying to find an aesthetically pleasing balance between scale and stunning décor.


NI C H E home

Che l s e a i s a p l a c e f o r c i t y l i v i n g with an


large in Che

photo credit: Manolo Yllera

exceptional mix of tenements, apartment blocks, town houses, brownstones and of course, loft conversions. It is home to the world famous Chelsea Market, as well as a large number of art galleries which has turned this neighbourhood into the eclectic heart of NYC’s art world.

Expecting guests?

Chelsea is a fashionable neighborhood on Manhattan’s West in New York City. To the northeast is the Garment District, to the east are NoMad and the Flatiron District, to the southwest is the Meatpacking District and to the southeast is the West Village. Our featured NYC home is a duplex loft renovation that was once a running track and basketball court for a gymnasium. A previous conversion had covered much of the building’s magnificent structural elements which Selldorf Architects uncovered and left them for all to see. To further enhance the industrial aesthetic, the architects used casement windows, blackened steel railings, and concrete floor tiles. The upper level of this Chelsea loft houses the large open living spaces including great room, dining area and kitchen. A double-height atrium opens to the more private lower level that contains the master retreat, two additional bedrooms and a family room. The interior design styling in this Chelsea loft is perfectly suited to its bones. The colourful La Michetta by Meritalia modular tufted sofa and ottoman in the lower family room works exceptionally well to visually anchor the space. The warm wood and low slung furniture in the upper lounge and dining space make the ceilings appear to soar even higher. Each piece was carefully chosen for this space, and as eclectic as the mix is, none competes with the oversized windows and all pay tribute to the glory of this space with its palpable breathing room. 34

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People need to be made more aware of the need to work at learning how to live because life is so quick and sometimes it goes away too quickly. - A n d y Wa r h o l


NI C H E home O n ly i n a l o f t c o n v e r s i o n could you enjoy such a m a s s i v e b r e a k fa s t b a r i n a n a i r y g a l l e y k i t c he n t h at l o o k s d o w n t o t he city through oversized v i n ta g e w i n d o w s


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NI C H E home


j a n u ar y | f e b r u ar y 2 0 1 3

UP in Yaletown Yaletown, a neighbourhood in downtown Vancouver, is a former industrial region that is dominated by rail yards, warehouses and commercial buildings. Following the 1986 Expo, this area has been converted into one of the most heavily populated districts in Vancouver. With its stunning parks, exceptional marinas and converted heritage buildings, Yaletown is known as one of the most important urban renewal projects in North America. Our featured BC residence is a character penthouse loft in this sought after district. Also a two-level home, the massive timber beams and charming exposed brick give this million dollar property a genuine coziness. The space seems to have a life of its own; a grand spiral staircase, focal fireplace and expansive windows breathing new life into the open floor plan. Soaring 24’ ceilings draw the eye up to the second level that begs for rainy weather, fine wine and a chunky cable knit sweater. Boasting reclaimed wood floors and exposed concrete, it is a little like living in a work of art.

photo credit: Ron Thomas

True to our West Coast sensibility, this Yaletown loft is a warm mix of functional pieces and artistic splurges. The upholstered chaise sofa and deep seated chair are comfortably elegant, juxtaposed against the modern lines of the chrome and glass dining table and cream leather dining chairs. The chandelier pendant hangs in the dining space from the lofty ceiling above and does double duty as a focal point to draw the eye up.


Exclusive to NICHE, view 20 additional images online at


NI C H E lifestyle

A F r o s t y Re c e p t i o n at

Quebec’s Hôtel de Glace by Sheila May


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photo credit:

NI C H E lifestyle

The only hotel in North

Hôtel de Glace is just ten minutes from downtown Quebec City and for the 2103 season, is open from January 5 to March 24.


uebec’s Hôtel de Glace brings new meaning to the term winter wonderland. Set in the pristine icy banks of Quebec City, this world renowned seasonal hotel is structured from an impressive 500 tons of ice and 15,000 tons of snow. Hôtel de Glace has been a tourist hotspot in the area for more than 10 years; travelers coming from near and far to marvel, experience and just chill out. Here’s why… While some may see this chilly retreat as a once-in-a-lifetime romantic escape, others [myself included] don’t exactly warm up to the idea of sleeping in an ice chamber whose temperature sits between a crisp minus 3 and minus 5 degrees Celsius throughout the night. For those willing to brave the cold, the architectural brilliance of the guestrooms probably leads to an evening of fairytale – night you will never forget – magnitude (although admittedly I never got that daring!). For the rest of us, the Hôtel de Glace offers tours of the magnificent structure, showcasing its icy artwork and offering a chance to sip vodka from an ice-carved vessel.


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photo credit:

from ice and snow,

photo credit:

America made entirely

Each year, the construction of the hotel begins in early December and for six weeks a team of 50 snow savvy professionals work tirelessly to realize their frozen glassy empire. Every minute detail is carefully considered, painstakingly planned and visually perfected from snow or ice. Chandeliers, tables, chairs, beds, glasses, a wedding chapel and a variety of other celestial sculptures make this castle a winter must-see in the city. Visitors can simply gaze upon the details of this striking art form, belly up to the extraordinary bar with a 400-person capacity, or try an exhilarating slip down the Grand Slide. Before you go: All beds have a solid ice base with a wooden bedspring and a mattress on top. Mattresses are covered with blankets, and guests sleep inside arctic sleeping bags designed to stay warm in temperatures as low as - 30° celcius. Hotel de Glace recommend that you slip inside your sleeping bag wearing just thermal underwear to keep humidity to a minimum.

As unique as it is cold, the Hôtel de Glace delivers the wow factor with a punch few other hotels in Canada, or possibly worldwide, can offer. At the very least, spend a few hours and take the tour. If you stay for a memorable arctic night. Just pack your long johns‌

photo credit:

are more adventurous than me,


NI C H E beauty

Face it! The h o t t e s t b e a u t y b u y s o f t he s e a s o n

by Sara Rose | beauty columnist

Inset: Model Cara Delevingne Marc Jacobs Backstage A/W 12

Make Up For Ever HD

An oil free foundation that works wonders for light or full coverage. Maintaining a flawless look from day time to evening is possible with HD invisible foundation. This Sephoraexclusive foundation comes in 25 shades to suit all skin tones. Sephora ($46) 44

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Photo Credit: Patrick McMullan

Le t ’ s f a c e i t - it takes a little work to prepare your skin and allow it to be your shining star, even on the dreariest of winter days. Beauty columnist Sara Rose shares her top picks for getting the job done this season.

K at e S o m e r v i l l e E xf o l i K at e I n t e n s i v e E xf o l i at i n g T r e at m e n t

Bring Kate Somerville into your home and weekly skin care routine. With the refreshing essence of cinnamon (ingredient) and the effects of Kate’s hands on your face, bid adieu to lacklustre skin. Gentle ExfoliKate for the sensitive skin types also available. and Sephora ($19 - $175)

Shhhh, Victoria’s not so best kept secret,

the Hollywood

Red Carpet

Oxygen Facial, available only at Glow Luxe. Josie Maran 100% Argan Oil

This 100% Pure Argan Oil is a simple ‘spoil’ for your skin. Rich with Vitamin E and essential fatty acids, all you need is a few drops to enhance your shining armour. Day or night, all skin types, Josie Maran has all bases covered. ($14-96) and Sephora ($18-125)

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M •A •C S t r o b e C r e a m

Who needs to drink green tea when you have a beauty product to brighten your day? M•A•C Strobe Cream is infused with botanicals, vitamins and antioxidants that work to brighten and clarify the skin. Your skin will be left with a dewy iridescence that screams red carpet. Adding a small dollop to any body moisturizer and applying it to your décolletage, arms or legs brings a WHOLE new reason as to why this product is on Beauty Buys. M•A•C Cosmetics (30ml-$18 & 50ml - $40)

E s t ee L a u d e r B r o n z e G o d d e s s S o f t M at t e B r o n z e r

Bring out your inner goddess by highlighting facial features with this luxurious, oil free bronzer, as recommended in Beauty [re] Marks. Want that ‘just back from Bora Bora’ glow? Add summer warmth to your winter weary skin with this glorious MATTE bronzer. Estee Lauder beauty retailer ($40)

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NI C H E fashion


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FASHIO N Ch r i s t i a n D i o r The m a s t e r c o u t u r i e r o f s i m p l i c i t y a n d g o o d ta s t e by Chelsea Forman


NI C H E fashsion

r Christian dio


mature lady was assisted by two men into 30 Avenue Montaigne in Paris, France on February 12th, 1947. She donned fine furs, white gloves and an air of absenteeism. Inside the fashion house, she sat on the soon to be coveted couch, where she appeared to sleep for the duration of the press showing of 171 designs of haute couture. The next day, the same woman returned to the fashion house alone and requested to see ten dresses again. So meticulous were her descriptions of the dresses, down to the very last stitch, that it took the sales staff no longer than 15 minutes to locate the ten garments. She left the house and made the famous phone call to America describing the line as the “New Look”. The woman was none other than Carmel Snow, iconic Editor-in-Chief of famed fashion magazine Harper Bazaar, and the house she entered that changed the fashion industry forever, was that of Christian Dior.


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A mere three years before the debut of Dior’s first collection on that February day, the German troops of the Third Reich were occupying Paris. Parisian citizens were living through a period of poverty and dismay. The New Look returned to woman the femininity which had been put aside during the tragic war years. In essence Dior offered women a new look and a renewed outlook. The first collection – Corolle - featured rounded shoulders, cinched waists and full skirts – celebrating femininity in its finest, most glamorous form. The elegance and extravagance of the ‘Corolla’ theme (the botanical term for a circlet of flower petals), with its distinctive off-the-shoulder décolleté and yards of magnificent material marked a new era for fashion.

in chief o w, E d i t o r Carmel Sn azaar harper’s b


from left to right photo credit: Irving Penn, Willy Maywald, TOPFOTO, Topfoto, Richard Avedon, Walter Sanders.

THE EARLY YEARS 1946 | House of Dior becomes a reality in a private home at 30 Avenue Montaigne, Paris

Dior was like a magnificent painting you hang on the wall. -Yves Saint Laurent

1947 | First collection, New Look, debuts on February 12th, and is made instantly famous by Carmen Snow 1947 | Miss Dior perfume is launched -named after Christian’s sister, Catherine Dior. 1948 | Christian Dior opens fashion house on Fifth Avenue, NYC

Christian Dior loved to play with silhouettes and shapes, and once stated “I have designed flower women.” In the 1950’s, haute couture fashion from the House of Dior were crafted from sumptuous fabrics, embellished and supported with boning, bodices, petticoats, and hip padding to give any woman wearing a Dior garment a graceful yet curvaceous figure.

1955 | Dior hires a young Yves St. Laurent 1957 | Christian Dior dies on October 3rd in Montecatini 1957 | At 21, YSL becomes head designer at Christian Dior


photo credit: Anton Oparin

photo credit: Anton Oparin

NI C H E fashion

couture gown designed John Galliano, 1998

Women from every walk of life loved Dior and he quickly became a household name. The couturier dressed the world’s most fabulous people. From first ladies and movie stars to royalty and socialites, they came from all corners of the globe to visit The House of Dior and be dressed in his famous fashion house at 30 Avenue Montaigne, Paris.

My architecture. I think of my work as ephemeral architecture, dedicated to the beauty of the female body. - Ch r i s t i a n D i o r

Dior was an artist. He found great inspiration in the female form - a spectacular canvas to which he created extraordinary, timeless works of wearable art. He mentored a future generation of haute couture designers, including Yves St. Laurent. Dior’s untimely death in 1957 left a void in the fashion world. While he only designed for a decade, Dior was a pioneer of French fashion and today, remains the legend that inspired the spectacular French city to be dubbed the world’s capital of fashion. The House of Dior remains a true exemplar of fashion and with the inspiration of Dior at its helm; the line will continue to be at the forefront of imaginative yet wearable haute couture. 50

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Ch r i s t i a n D i o r

“I will only say now that elegance must be the right combination of distinction, naturalness, care and simplicity. Outside this, believe me, there is no elegance… only pretension. Elegance is not dependent on money. Of the four things I have mentioned above, the most important of all is care. Care in choosing your clothes. Care in wearing them. Care in keeping them. But it is possible for a woman to be elegant without spending very much money on her clothes, if she follows the basic rules of fashion and is careful to choose the clothes that suit her personality.”

photo credit: Anton Oparin

…on the topic of


NI C H E lifestyle

one for the ROAD

The w o r l d ’ s t o p c o c k ta i l h o u r p o u r s


by Peter Mandel | travel columnist obert Louis Stevenson once explained that he travelled “not to get anywhere, but to go.’’ The great affair, he said, was to “move.’’

“Sure,’’ I would have replied had I been there in the 19th-century novelist and travel writer’s study, listening closely, single malt in hand. “Movement is just fine. But for me, the whole thing is, well, more liquid. I sail, and get on planes, and pilot my car in quest of interesting drinks.’’

This is the point where Stevenson would have either refilled my glass, or sent me packing. 52

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Main Image: Rio de Janerio, Top Right: Iceland Geizer, Bottom Right: Brazil River Cruise

But let me explain. It isn’t daylight I like, but dusk. And similar to a ship at sunset, reaching a new port lets me moor for at least a night, and taste (I should say sip) what it has in store. I find out more from the snap of a country’s signature liqueur than by visiting sights or taking guided tours. France, of course, has its Kir (a blend of creme de cassis and white wine) and England enjoys its Pimm’s Cup (a gin drink using quinine and herbs). But for a traveler, these are only two of the world’s top cocktail-hour pours. In Iceland recently for the first time, I ran smack into a juggernaut in a bottle called Brenniven and known to locals as the “Black Death.’’ Similar to Aquavit in Scandinavia, Brenniven is a Schnapps that’s made from potatoes and jazzed up with the scent of caraway seeds.

Much like a looming volcano - like the Icelandic landscape itself - this national drink is a raw and mysterious thing. The scary-looking jet-black Brenniven label depicts Iceland’s coastline, as if it were a tipple just for fishermen. In fact, while trying to get a glass of Black Death down, I learned that it is excellent for chasing away the taste of Hákarl, an Icelandic delicacy derived from rotting shark meat. (No one had any Hákarl handy.) And I didn’t die from drinking my shot. But my throat and stomach felt like molten lava and my brain like a just-extinguished blaze. During a rain forest cruise on Brazil’s Reo Negro, I was handed my first Caipirinha, a concoction that tastes as fresh as jungle fruits or flowers (that’s the lime in there), but that coils inside you like a cobra waiting to strike. I started asking deckhands and discovered that Caipirinha comes from “caipira,’’ meaning a person from the countryside. But after a second glass, the name of this national drink started to sound to me like samba. “Caipirinha, Caipirinha,’’ I sang out loud on the windswept deck. “Copacabana, Ipanema.’’ (This was the work of cacha-a, a local sugar-canebased rum.) The cries of parrots overhead blended in, along with splashes of fish and fat tropical drops from a storm. For the first time, I understood why Brazilians seem never far from a guitar. Sometimes a drink evokes what has been going on in a country’s work life. For reasons I have never understood, alcohol has an eerie sense of economics and often reflects the pace of the place where it is mixed and poured. An extreme example of this is in Myanmar (formerly Burma), which has been isolated for decades because of its repressive military regime.

Caipirinha 1/2 lime, quartered 1 teaspoon white sugar 2 1/2 oz cachaca 1 cup ice cubes

Pimm’s Cup 2 oz Pimm’s No. 1 4 oz lemon-lime soda lemon twist Add your choice of cucumber, berries & lemon

new food. new drinks. new experience. come and see it for yourself 104 - 2940 Jutland Rd. Victoria [Selkirk Waterfront] 7 days a week | 11am - Late Night | 250.385.5643


NI C H E lifestyle

One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. -Henry Miller


j a n u ar y | f e b r u ar y 2 0 1 3

Beijing China

Myanmar’s rural roads are clogged with herds of gentle cattle. Churning by on bikes and donkey carts, everyone smiles. When my wife and I asked about spirits in a shop, the owner dredged up a dusty bottle about three-quarters full. Noticing our hesitation, he rummaged cheerfully in the back, and flashing a grin, presented us with a fifth of “Country Time’’ brand Burmese gin. We bought it on the spot. An opposite universe, in many ways, was urban China. The busy Beijing restaurants I ate in pulsated with energy, with a zest for consumption that matched the frenetic streets. Unlike Myanmar, the carts here transported Peking duck, ready for slicing, and jingling bottles of baijiu, the country’s ubiquitous ‘white liquor’’ that is distilled from sorghum and can be as strong as 120 proof. After a cup of the stuff was passed my way and I took a few sips, I began to feel that baijiu was more than just a drink. It was Beijing in a bottle. It reminded me of riding in Chinese buses, of touring around a car-choked downtown. “What is this taste?’’ I asked aloud, and a Chinese man at my table was quick to reply. “It tastes like diesel fuel!’’ he replied, clapping his hands and laughing delightedly beside four baijiu-drinking friends. He was correct. I was slowly learning.

Time for another cup

NI C H E beauty

50 years

a f t e r he r d e at h

brief by Ed Stephan

Born Norma Jeane Mortenson on June 1, 1926. Died Marilyn Monroe on August 5, 1962 Norma Jeane’s mother was a filmcutter at RKO Studios who, widowed and mentally ill, abandoned her to a sequence of foster homes. At nine, the LA Orphans’ Home paid her a nickel a month for kitchen work while taking back a penny every Sunday for church. At sixteen, she worked in an aircraft plant and married a man she called Daddy; he went into the military, she modeled, they divorced in 1946. She owned 200 books (including Tolstoy, Whitman, and Milton), listened to Beethoven records, studied acting at the Actors’ lab in Hollywood, and took literature courses at UCLA downtown. In 1948, Columbia gave her a sixmonth contract, turned her over to coach Natasha Lytess and featured her in the B movie Ladies of the Chorus (1948) in which she sang two numbers. Joseph L. Mankiewicz saw her in a small part in The Asphalt Jungle (1950) and cast her in All About Eve (1950), resulting in 20th Century resigning her to a seven-year contract. Niagara (1953) and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) launched her as a sex symbol superstar. When she went to a dinner honouring her in The Seven Year Itch (1955), she arrived in a red chiffon gown borrowed from the studio (she had never owned a gown). The same year, she married and divorced baseball great Joe DiMaggio. After The Seven Year Itch (1955), she wanted serious acting to replace the sexpot image and went to New York’s Actors Studio. She worked with director Lee Strasberg and also underwent psychoanalysis to learn more about herself. Critics praised her transformation in Bus Stop (1956) and the press was stunned by her marriage to playwright Arthur Miller. They travelled to England where she made The Prince and the Showgirl (1957) with Laurence Olivier, fighting with him and falling further prey to alcohol and pills. Two miscarriages and gynecological surgery followed. So did an affair with Yves Montand. Work on her last picture The Misfits (1961), written for her by departing husband Miller was interrupted by exhaustion. She was dropped from the unfinished Something’s Got to Give (1962) due to chronic lateness and drug dependency. On August 5, 1962 Marilyn Monroe was found dead in bed. The coroner stated she had died from acute barbiturate poisoning, and it was a probable suicide.


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NI C H E fashion

winter 2013 rebecca minkoff

photo credit: anton oparin

Lake Eliza Jacket by Emu 100% merino wool with shawl collar and removable leather belt. [ $340. Indigo Apparel, 118-560 Johnson St.]

B r av e r y B r o o c h b y L o v e Me d a l s Sterling silver with pin back. [$389, Violette Boutique, 1303 Government St.]

F a u x F u r Ve s t b y Ke n s i e 100% polyester with pleather trim. [$88. Indigo Apparel, 118-560 Johnson St.] Ch o r u s B l a c k G l o v e s by Soia & Kyo Lambskin leather, wool interior and buckle detailing. [$69. Suasion, 552 Johnson St.]

g e t t he

Pony Zip Wa l l e t b y S i t k a 100% leather, double zip with chain wrist strap. [$49. Carmanah Boutique, 122-560 Johnson St.]

look how to get your r u n w ay s t y l e R i n a H i d d e n We d g e Bootie by 80%20 Pebble grain black leather with rounded toe and back zip. [$210. Still Life For Her, 550 Johnson St.]

De l a n e y S l ee v e D r e s s b y M i l ly 100% silk Italian Galaxy print on silk twill with bateau neckline, v-back with exposed zipper. [$428. Bernstein & Gold, 608 Yates St.]


NI C H E fashion


e t h i c a l fa s h i o n

E t h i c a l f a s h i o n : Fashion produced with respect for people, animals and the environment. V i n ta g e : Giving new life to pieces from the 1920’s to 1960’s.


by Chelsea Forman

here is no mistaking the trending textiles for Fall 2012 / Winter 2013. Runways from Vancouver to Tokyo flaunted an abundance of furs and leathers – some real and some faux. No matter where you stand on the issue of ethical fashion – couture lovers the world over agree that there is something undeniably fascinating about a six-foot super model stomping the catwalk wearing a chic fur vest and a pair of sleek boots. Although we are moving towards a world of fashion that is kinder to animals and our environment, there is admittedly still a great divide.

Ve g a n : Products that are made from “vegetal leather” using products including Amazonian rubber and other recycled or man-made materials, instead of animal skins. De m i C o u t u r e : Custom made fashion that encourages quality and slow production instead of massproduced disposable fashion.

For the fashionista who chooses the ethical path to looking great, there are plenty of options to keep you looking your fabulous fashion forward self, without tossing personal ethics in the hautecouture hamper. Demand, technology and a little creativity have been the major players in the successful reinvention of luxurious and principled materials that do a wonderful job simulating fur and leather. Rubber, recycled TV parts, cork and organic plant-based materials have all contributed to creating some of the finest looking (and feeling) vegan leather and fur couture. A number of high profile celebrities have also been brilliant advocates for ethical fashion – their demand for high-style, luxurious products that are animal friendly has begun a new eco-chic trend itself. Until the divide closes, there is no need to compromise fashion or ethics this season. Stay warm, look fabulous and stomp those streets like the fierce super model inside you was meant to. Feeling good inside… looking great outside. 58

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photo credit: justin coit, rachel zoe

olsen haus, faux suede & leather bootie

high fashion. Positive consequences. Vshoen provides a large selection of fashion-forward handbags, footwear and accessory options with a small impact on the earth and the animals that inhabit it. Progressive luxury for the stylish and conscious minded.

Rockstar Fur by Gunas

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Creatively collective.



Coalescence Design Co.

is comprised of artists and designers working together to create distinctive pieces of handmade artwork, clothing, accessories and jewellery from recycled materials.

Coalescence Coalescence

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| 250-590-8337

NI C H E home

ge t t he

look Wh o c a r e s w h at t he J o n e s ’ a r e doing this season! Whether your décor aesthetic is casually elegant or traditionally formal, a room should reflect your good taste and lifestyle. Around the world, and most especially on the West Coast, home is all about comfort and familiarity. Let our local take on this issue’s inspiration room inspire you to create your room, your way…

Henderson dry goods w a l n u t s e r v i n g t r ay [$170. Emporia Boutique, 1223 Government St.]

kobo soy candle [$36. Emporia Boutique, 1223 Government St.]


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De c o r at i v e B a l l s by Pier 1 Imports $125. Pier 1 Imports, 755 Finlayson St.]

I ta l i a n Discus Mirror by Global Views [$89. Luxe Home Interiors, 2655 Douglas St.]

Arbutus Rise by Blu Smith [$2600. The Avenue Gallery, 2184 Oak Bay Ave.]

Va s e b y Monarch Furnishings [$30. Monarch Furniture, 1807 Store St.]

G a lva n i z e d S i lv e r C i r c l e W a l l De c o r b y Ph i l l i p s C o l l e c t i o n [$125. Luxe Home Interiors, 2655 Douglas St.]

Ch a i r b y Birchwood Furniture [$899. Modern Living, 1630 Store St. modern-living]

L i n d a C o ffee Ta b l e b y De c o r - Re s t [$598. Dodd’s Furniture & Mattress, 715 Finlayson St.]

Lamp by Monarch Furnishings [$189. Monarch Furniture, 1807 Store St.]

Citrus Blossom Va s e b y G l o b a l V i e w [$89. Chintz & Co, 1720 Store St.]

Th r o w B l a n k e t b y Cynthia Rowley [$55. InsideOut Homestore, 1627 Store St.]


NI C H E fashion

the little

Black Dress 87 years after its debut 62

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Shot on location at Cinderbloc Studio in Victoria BC Model: Sophia / Elite Toronto Makeup: Svea Leigh Photographer: Jonathan Bell ( Stylist: Janelle Gauthier

It’s a new era in fashion there are no rules. It’s all about the individual and personal style...

- a l ex a n d e r m c q u ee n


by Tracey Drake

n essential in any woman’s wardrobe, the Little Black Dress has transcended trends and time, fashion eras and female fickleness. The LBD always has been, and will continue to be, the right thing to wear, no matter the occasion. In 1926, Coco Chanel caused quite a stir when she introduced the Little Black Dress. It was a simple black crepe garment with a high neckline, long fitted sleeves and cut just above the knee. It was free of embellishments – no buttons, no fringe, no fussy bits. It was genius in its simplicity. Eighty seven years later, it remains the one fashion trend that never ever went out of style. In fact, it has become a steadfast fashion standard, recognized and understood – by women and men alike - around the world.


NI C H E fashion

The LBD i s a universal symbol of well-dressed elegance. The November 1926 issue of French Vogue dubbed Chanel’s LBD as the ‘uniform of the modern woman’. It ushered in an era where any woman, of any means, could have one classic multi-purpose dress. By simply switching up jewellery, accessories, hats or footwear, every woman could be fashionably chic all year round, effortlessly transitioning from day to evening wear. Since then, the LBD has gone on to inspire traditional couturiers and cutting edge fashion designers through the decades, constantly reinventing its shape, cut, fabric and detail. The silhouette of the Little Black Dress has definitely changed over the years, but in all its forms, remains supremely chic. While some may put its lasting popularity down to the fact that the colour black is believed to flatter one’s complexion and forgive figure flaws, most reach into their closet for the Little Black Dress because of its ability to be perfect for any occasion. 64

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For Coco Chanel, it was merely a matter of impeccable taste. In reference to her Little Black Dress, the iconic fashion designer had this to say…

Really, they are so badly dressed. I will put them all in black to teach them good taste.

Le s s o n l e a r n e d .

NI C H E lifestyle


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Travel with

NICHE to... I ta ly

To build a city where it is impossible to build a city is madness in itself, but to build there one of the most elegant and grandest of cities is the madness of genius. - A l ex a n d e r H e r z e n


NI C H E lifestyle


by Sheila May

ocated in the marshy Venetian Lagoon, stretching along the shoreline between the mouths of the Po and Piave Rivers, is a grouping of 118 small islands separated by meandering canals. This area was at one time inhabited by fisherman (or Lagoon Dwellers as they were known). Today, the islands in their entirety, and the stunning lagoon in which they bask, make up one of the world’s most impressive and extensive historical sites, a romantic paradise known as Venice. Venice has been given countless titles over the centuries, most of which have been inspired by the cities magical impression of floating amongst the Adriatic Sea. The city ignites passion and romance in her visitors, and awakens a magical inclination long since lost in childhood. Venice is renowned for the beauty of its setting, art, history and architecture. Four hundred foot bridges and one hundred and seventy boat canals connect the city to make it an entirely unique island hopping experience. The ancient city is slowly decaying, descending a little more every year into the cool waters of the Adriatic Sea. The irresistible romance of this historic wonderland sinking into the depths of an enchanting ocean is reason enough for millions of visitors to flock to Venice each year. If it isn’t the romance that inspires the journey to the City of Canals, it is often the splendid history the city holds. 68

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It is the city of mirrors, the city of mirages, at once solid and liquid, at once air and stone. - Erica Jong

The finest way to meet Venice is to travel down the Grand Canal. The 3.5 km journey will reveal many secrets about how the city has, and will always operate. While the palace-lined waterway may be void of the overloaded merchandise boats that once swarmed the area, the Grand Canal remains the thoroughfare of the city. With a little imagination it will offer insight into the past workings of the city. Come armed with a little understanding of how this enchanting city works, and an appreciation for her past, and this city will be yours to devour. The most spectacular way to see the city, feel the city and discover her many mysteries, is to simply get lost in the ancient stone streets. Every turn will overwhelm and astound. When you tire of walking, sit at any café and watch the world go by – this simple act aside from offering up delicious coffee, will also garner some visual snapshots to take home of Venice.

Venice is composed of six districts, at the heart of which is the tourist hot spot, San Marco, where the famed Piazza San Marco [St. Mark’s Square] is located. The square was named after the remarkable cathedral, Basilica Cattedrale Patriarcale di San Marco, which sits regally on the east end, adjacent to the ancient Doges’ Palace. The slender bell tower of the Basilica, named the Campanile di San Marco, is one of the squares most spectacular attractions. It is the best place to observe the breathtaking bustle of the square below. A journey across the Bridge of Sighs from the Doge’s Palace to the old Piombi prison is a truly memorable experience. The bridge received its name in the 19th century after Lord Byron’s famous reference in his poem Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage - “I stood in Venice on the Bridge of Sighs, a palace and prison on each hand”. The bridge was the last time many prisoners would catch a glimpse of freedom before entering Piombi. The prison was once home to the seductive legend Casanova. Three sides of St. Mark’s Square are connected by the Procuratie Vecchie of the 12th century and Procuratie Nuove of the 16th century, which were the apartments and offices of the procurators of Venice, government officials who oversaw the administration of the Venetian Republic. The buildings now house Venice’s renowned Correr Museum. The museum holds a number of collections reflecting both the history and art of the city.

Hotel Cipriani Hideaway to the rich and very famous, Hotel Cipriani is the place to stay for an ultra-luxurious Venetian experience.

Several outstanding cafés spill out into the intricate stone square below the Correr Museum. Caffè Florian in Venice is an iconic favourite for locals and tourists. The café was opened on December, 29, 1729 and is arguably the oldest Café in the world. The most delectable coffee and wines have been served at Florian´s to famed clients including Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Lord Byron, Charles Dickens, Marcel Proust and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Not far from the historical St. Mark’s Square is the fashion mecca of Venice. An exquisite selection of boutiques and top designer labels, including Prada, Armani, Valentino, Versace and Laura Biagiotti, lace throughout the pathways of the San Marco district. The prestigious collection of stores ensures that the latest industry trends are readily available.


NI C H E lifestyle

The original and main bridge that crosses the Grand Canal is the Rialto Bridge. It is lined with a tremendous number of exquisite little shops and is the gateway to the Rialto Market, an intriguing and lively food market. A quick walk from the Rialto Bridge is the perfect local resting place – Al Volto, is an extraordinary wine bar that has been thriving since 1936. The bar is made up of two, small, dimly lit rooms, whose roofs are plastered with wine labels dating back to the venues opening. It is a classic restaurant offering simple fare and an impressive wine list. When your legs tire from wandering throughout the city a leisurely trip down one of the canals is the perfect way to unwind. The ever famous Gondola is believed to be one of the most charming ways to see the great city. The gondola ride is traditionally believed to bring couples closer together. If romance is not what you seek the public waterbus, or Vaporetto, offers an invigorating and exciting alternative. Better still, head down to Brussa and rent your own boatthey are easy to operate and give you total freedom. Taking a day trip to neighboring islands will offer a quiet escape from the busy city. Murano is a favourite for the wondrous Venetian glass that is made there, and Burano is a colourful community famous for lace. There are truly endless ways to spend your time in The Floating City. Venice is yours to explore, you can shape your Venetian experience into anything you dream it to be. The only thing that is for certain: everyone falls in love in Venice – whether with the art, the culture, the food, a new partner, or more so with an old one – Venice will enchant you, and forever hold you under her romantic spell. 70

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Love at first sight Franco & Elsa DeMarchi on their wedding day in St. Marks Square, Venice - 1949


NI C H E lifestyle

The secret of wearing a mask is to invent a personality for yourself and interact with the people around you. -Master mask maker, G u e r r i n o L o vat o o f Ve n i c e


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Carnevale di Venezia Cities come to life during festivals. The splendour of colours, lights, laughter and people make streets dance with vitality. Forty days before Easter every year, roughly two weeks before Ash Wednesday, the city of Venice hosts one of the most renowned celebrations in the world: Carnival. Originally, Carnival was a time for all members of society to don masks and elaborate costumes and celebrate in the streets together with no knowledge of identity, or more importantly class. The masks offered citizens a truly liberating experience, no identity gave people the freedom to do and behave as they pleased without fear of reprcussions. Today Carnival is much tamer than it once was. The 10-day celebration dates back to the mid-13th century. Highlights include mask parades in St. Marks Square, gondola and boat parades down the Grand Canal, the Carnival for Children in the Cannaregio district and the great fireworks show on the final day of the festival.

global cuisine. local


try our signature 4 course Tuscan Table

4512 West Saanich Rd. | 250.727.3444

NI C H E lifestyle

a taste of

Venice T

by Stuart Brown | wine columnist

he area surrounding the city of Venice is flourishing with flavours that could be easily described as unique, diverse and abundant. For many years, the port of Venice was a centre for trade of both products and culture. The city was truly an Italian gateway to and from the rest of the known world. Now more famous for its canals, architecture and romantic tourism, Venetian wine and food culture still thrives in true Italian fashion. At first glance, the diversity of the wines produced in the area surrounding Venice can be slightly daunting. You will want to enjoy the many selections from the neighbouring regions known as The Tre Venezie: Veneto, TrentinoAlto Aldige and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. At second glance, stimulation of your imagination and sense of adventure are reaching new peaks. Your journey would likely begin in a wine bar full of locals, and your mission would be to experience “what the locals drink�. It would be amazing if we could easily identify with a Tocai Friulano from the Colli Orientali del Friuli or a Recioto Della Valpolicella from the Veneto region. Pardon me? We are obviously


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You might be relieved to view the words Pinot Grigio amongst other Italian words on a chalkboard in the corner

Stuart Brown is a sought after certified Sommelier who also serves as Vice Council Gastronomique for the Victoria Bailliage of La Chaine de Rotisseurs. Formerly the Sommelier at Bear Mountain Resort, Stuart now represents the wines of People, Place & Time with The Trialto Wine Group, and is an instructor for the International Sommelier Guild on Vancouver Island.

speaking a foreign language here. Also, asking for help might prove difficult. Confidence building, you would ask a bartender for one. You know you would have taken the safe way out and not truly experienced one of the unique or more interesting local wines, but you would be better poised for more adventure after the first glass. Now you would come to realize why Pinot Grigio is so popular worldwide! Delving deeper, you might want to taste a Soave Classico (white), Valpolicella Classico (red), or Amarone Della Valpolicella (big red) from the Veneto region, or a Pinot Bianco (white) or Cabernet and Merlot (red) blends from the Friuli region. And let us not forget to check out the increasingly popular and diverse Prosecco from the Conegliano - Valdobbiadene region (white sparkling).

Need help finding your Italian wine? Come in and talk to Store Manager and Wine Buyer Colin Southcombe

Now I’m getting hungry… Many have described the food in Venice as a strange and intriguing mixture of Spanish style seafood, preparation techniques often seen in France, and many traditional, home-grown dishes that can have quite hearty portions. Flavour and culture are diversified by its international port location. Most Venetians will enjoy spending their evening out moving from bàcaro to bàcaro - little stand up wine bars, taking pleasure in tasting size glasses of wine and eating cichèti - Venetian style tapas. Ah yes, cultural thoughts of Spain come to life. While sipping wine, you might snack on toast points with codfish, garlic, parsley and olive oil, polpette (finger sized portions of potato and veal meatballs), assorted olives, and a local favourite, risi e bisi. This dish consists of a mixture of pancetta bacon and pea risotto served as a hearty soup.


Pair risi e bisi up with a glass of

Soave Classico and a view of the many canals, and you are truly feeling Venetian lifestyle And don’t forget about our good friend Prosecco. We are so used to only enjoying sparkling wine for celebratory or special occasions, but these fantastic bubbles compliment cichèti splendidly. Try Prosecco with the sardelle in saorsardines marinated in vinegar, caramelized onions, pine nuts, raisins and Eastern spices or with folpeto - a tiny boiled octopus seasoned with a delicate and aromatized extra-virgin olive oil and lemon. If you are a lover of red wine, and we all should be, you will want to appraise another local dish of polenta - creamy cornmeal, served with fegato alla veneziana- calves’ liver and onions or some tramezzini - sandwiches in soft dark bread, filled with pork or salami. Wash this down with some of the Valpolicella Classico from the Veneto region or even some great Pinot Noir from the Trentino-Alto Aldige region up north.

Selections from Venice; Allegrini Valpolicella DOC Corte Giara Valpolicella Ripasso Corte Giara Pinot Grigio Zardetto Prosecco Brut Inama Soave Classico DOC Zenato Amarone Classico DOC

919 douglas street victoria 250-370-9463

NI C H E home


o ut s id e s t o ry

Just as a well-structured c o at h i n t s o f t he f a s h i o n b e n e at h , t he a r c h i t e c t u r e o f a h o m e o ffe r s a c l u e a b o u t t he i n t e r i o r a e s t he t i c . by Sylvia Day | design columnist


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NIC H E ta l k s architecture w i t h t he h u s b a n d a n d w i fe t e a m t h at d e s i g n e d t he h o m e o f Ch r i s B o s h , Ce n t r e f o r t he M i a m i H e at

T H E arc h i tect s ouzet Studio is a Miami, Florida design and architecture studio founded in 2004 by Carlos Prio-Touzet and Jacqueline Gonzalez Touzet, whose vision is creating excellent design that inspires and elevates the lives of people and is mindful of the context: both climate and cultural. This dynamic duo brings a wealth of design experience and a broad perspective gained over a decade of designing for extremely particular clients in North and South America, Europe and Asia. High profile clients include the New York Times, Swire, Disney, Apple and Morgan Group – to name but a few.



NI C H E home

T H E OUTSID E STORY Q & A NI C H E : Were you faced with any major challenges with this project?

NI C H E : How is each court defined?

T o u z e t : Our client, the original homeowner had a fondness for the colour white. We normally would have added more natural materials and a warmer palette. But in the end, we liked it - it gives the project a special quality and luminosity.

T o u z e t : The street side of the property contains mature oaks which define the character of the first court. This court, the Tree Court is bound by the Florida keystone-clad wall of the Guest Quarters and the ficusrepens covered garage. Tree Court is sheltered by the natural canopy of the majestic oaks. The first perpendicular element, a glass-clad bridge, extends from the main bar and rests on the Guest Quarters. It shields the home’s entry and frames the entry to the second court. This court, the Rain Court is bound on three sides by the circulation spine of the main bar, the Guest Quarters, and the two-story living room and opens onto a dense garden wall. The third court, the Water Court faces the Bay, contains the pool and spa and was designed to create an exterior environment that encouraged full access and enjoyment of the Bay and its long vistas and sunsets.

NI C H E : What specific features did the homeowner request? T o u z e t : The owner originally had a Mediterranean style home, was very interested in a Courtyard style home, and asked us to design a modern interpretation for Miami Beach. We also love courtyard houses and wanted to make sure this architecture style work in the Miami climate so we studied examples from Cuba and the Caribbean. NI C H E : What is unique about this particular Courtyard design? T o u z e t : This version of a courtyard house is designed as a long main bar, running East-West, positioned on the North side of the property. This bar is intersected by two other elements, thus forming a series of three courtyards - each with its own separate and unique character. 78

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NI C H E : Why did you nickname this property the Parasol House? T o u z e t : In addition to the views and the courtyards, we spent a lot of time considering how to make the indoor/outdoor spaces really work. The concrete “parasol” is a double roof that extends above the living room and because it is lifted, allows the Bay breezes to flow through the property, keeping both the Water Court and Rain Court cool.

HO M E HIS T O R Y •Located on North Bay Road in Miami Beach, this spectacular modern courtyard house was designed and built in 2009 by Touzet Studio. •Current homeowner is Miami Heat Centre Chris Bosh. •Chris Bosh paid $12.5 Million in 2010. •12,000 square feet with seven bedrooms and eight bathrooms •Home features 20-foot ceilings, gym, elevator and a spectacular infinity pool that overlooks Biscayne Bay. carries the perfect shoe to compliment the residence of Miami Heat centre, Chris Bosh


S p e c i a l A d v e r t i s i n g F e at u r e

J.L.A. Society:

The Modern Bride Show


very young girl dreams of her wedding day; the gown, the engagement ring, the venue, and of course, the man of her dreams – details that inevitably change and evolve as a young girl becomes a woman. How many of those young girls dream of letting someone else take care of all the wedding day arrangements, leaving the stress behind and focusing only on the happily ever after?

For bride-to-be Vanessa, it’s a dream come true! The details of Vanessa’s wedding are taking shape before her eyes. All of the finicky details and expensive niceties – the engagement party, wedding attire, décor, reception and more have been taken care of by a handful of Victoria’s finest vendors. Vanessa gets to skip the bustle and anxiety that so many brides-to-be face when preparing for their big day, and has only made one plan, one decision: to walk down the aisle in a remarkable LIVE wedding finale at the Modern Bride Show on February 2, 2013 at The Bay Centre. Prior to the nuptials of Vanessa and fiancé Rob, the public is invited to attend the Modern Bride Show. Admission is free, and everyone will be treated to an interactive and informative bridal exhibition unlike anything Victoria has ever seen. Attendees can expect to be amazed from the moment they walk the red carpet into the exquisite event at The Bay Centre. The show will boast The Bay sponsored girly lounge for brides and man cave for grooms (yes grooms, you are welcome too!), a cocktail hour, wedding cake displays, luxurious décor ideas, numerous exhibitors and a number of sample services to indulge in. Whether you are prepping for your own wedding, or just want to be a part of an unforgettable day, there is something for everybody. 80

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What makes the 2013 Modern Bride Show at The Bay Centre particularly unique is its host. Just Love Animals Society (J.L.A.) is a local non-profit organization providing education and awareness on holistic animal care and the ethical treatment of animals. All proceeds from the Modern Bride Show benefit J.L.A.’s current campaign to cease the sale of animals in pet stores in Victoria. Powered by the passions of Lonnie Powell, Jordan Illingworth and Anne Lee, J.L.A. Society has realized tremendous success educating and creating awareness through a distinctive method of creating demographic selective events. As creators of the popular Pet-A-Palooza and Victoria’s Food Truck Challenge, they bring a special brand of excitement to their fundraising efforts, ensuring that all of their guests have a memorable time while supporting a worthy, local society. Visit the Modern Bride Show at The Bay Centre on February 2nd between 10am-6pm. You will be dazzled by the aesthetic delights and have a unique opportunity to bear witness to the matrimony of Vanessa and Rob – while you bask in their love, the simplicity of your presence will be not only be supporting a new couple, but inspiring a local movement for animal advocacy.

Read Vanessa and Rob’s love story at

S p e c i a l A d v e r t i s i n g F e at u r e

2 0 1 3 MOD E RN BRID E S H OW – F E BUARY 2 , 2 0 1 3 – T H E BAY C E NTR E title sponsors


exh i b i t o r s Adore Jewellery Ageless Living Alida’s Custom Gowns Aria Health & Wellness Clinic Arthur Murray Dance Studio Candu Music Casino Royale Rentals Delta Hotels and Resorts


designHouse Salon Earls Kitchen and Bar En Vied Events The Garden of Eden Janet Theresa Jewelry Shades of White Bridal Fashion The Source Sunlovers Destination Weddings

The Victoria Soul Gospel Choir J.L.A. Society KMP Architecture LA Limousines Ma-Luxe Manscape Spa Maximum Furniture Salon J

Sex Therapist Jayne Weatherbe Outlooks for Men Poets Cove Resort & Spa Skin N.V Team Beach Body Tara McHugh Flowers Tiger Lily Events Vancouver Island Brewery

February 02, 2013


ride show

February 02, 2013 - 10am-6pm The Modern Bride show at the Bay Centre is a day-long celebration featuring displays, giveaways and the elite of the wedding industry. The event concludes with a live wedding!

FREE to the public

· Bridal Lounge & Man Cave brought to you by The Bay

· Wine and beer tasting · VIP bridal swag bags.


· Complimentary mani/pedi/massage · Full hair salon set up · One lucky couple will win a week getaway

at a 5 star luxury hotel in the Mayan Riviera

· Come celebrate Victoria’s first ever LIVE wedding. Rob and Vanessa will marry at The Bay Centre

NI C H E home


D E CORAT E Discover Yours.

A trio of trip tips: 1. Take photos. Visual references, even low resolution snapshots on your cell phone, will become invaluable as you narrow your search for the perfect piece. 2.

Bring promps. If you have a favourite pillow, fabric swatch or paint chip, don’t leave home without it. You will be amazed at how many shades of white are out there.

3. Be realistic. It might be lovely in the showroom, but does it really fit into your home and lifestyle?


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by Sylvia Day | design columnist t wasn’t long ago that furniture stores and home accessory shops were built warehouse-style; jamming as much product into spaces with massive ceilings and concrete floors. It was impossible to visualize any piece of furniture in your own home because the lighting was harsh, rooms were not to scale and the layout was lifeless. Taking the lead from fashion boutiques and interior designer shops, over the past decade, furniture store owners have begun to realize that if they simulate an upscale home environment, not only could they sell more product, but that a pleasant shopping experience would result in happier customers who quickly become loyal clients. Furniture retailers woke up to the fact that interior design was less about the mechanics of the furniture and more about the art of home fashion.

Inspiration is everywhere…

Walk into many shops today and instantly imagine how a sofa, chair or chandelier would look in your home. Modern retailers recreate stylish rooms and home fashion vignettes from which you can take just a few of the design elements, or take the whole room home with you. It is easy to feel the look, understand how different elements play together, and of course, properly measure room scale.

Shown here are Jonathan Adler, Boston (left) and Mrs. Howard, Atlanta (above). Wouldn’t you live in either of these fabulous rooms? And yet, they are both retail showrooms. Jonathan Adler offers a modern approach with bright, fresh colours and bold design elements. Mrs. Howard is more traditional in its approach, offering a mix of old and new, but lovely just the same and very relevant to the local market. In Victoria, there are many retailers that offer an ‘at home’ shopping experience. A few of our favourites include InsideOut Home Store and Chintz & Co, who use vignettes to inspire customers.

Putting the accent on your style is our niche.

ROYAL OAK DRIVE in the Broadmead Village Shopping Centre 250-658-5578

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NI C H E lifestyle

Qin Shi Huang & His TerraCotta Warriors by Gillian Presley | arts columnist


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Qin Shi Huang Ancestral name: Ying (嬴) Clan name: Zhao (趙) Given name: Zheng (政) Shi Huang was the king of the · Qin Chinese State of Qin from 246 BC to 221 BC Warring States Period]

the first emperor of a unified · Became China in 221 BC · Ruled until his death in 210 BC [age 49]


NI C H E lifestyle


ging gracefully… Maybe it’s the lights in this most recent bathroom I’m using, or perhaps it’s the fact that around my eyes and decorating my forehead are wrinkles. Most people would agree that as we approach and embrace our thirties, aging happens. I believe in eating well and good anti-wrinkle cream, but there’s an element of aging gracefully that comes with accepting the process. I recently found two long, white hairs growing out of my head, so naturally I plucked one to marvel in its truth and beauty. The first emperor of a unified China, Qin Shi Huang, reveled in truth and beauty, too (consider the Great Wall of China and the Terracotta Army), except he couldn’t revel in the truth and beauty of himself; he loathed aging and deeply feared death. Sometimes people who fear death feel a need to control everything, and not surprisingly Qin Shi Huang was known as much for his creations as he was for his tyranny. According to legend, a rich merchant named Lu Buwei befriended a prince of the Qin State during the latter years of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Buwei’s wife had just gotten pregnant, so he arranged for the prince to meet and fall in love with her. When she gave birth to Ying Zheng in 259 B.C., the prince believed the baby to be his own. When the Prince died in 246 B.C., Ying Zheng inherited the Qin state and ruled under the guise of Qin Shi Huang for the next 35 years. The Warring States Period was dangerous, but with the unification of China, Qin Shi Huang proclaimed himself emperor and allowed a mounting fear of death to underpin all of his policies and commands. He viewed Confucianism and other schools of thought as threats to his authority and ordered all books not related to his reign burned. He also ordered a mass execution of 1,000 or more scholars for daring to disagree, from which point the only approved school of thought was legalism: follow the emperor’s rules or else. Still, the Qin Empire faced recurring threats by Xiongnu nomads to the north. To fend off the Xiongnu, Qin Shi Huang ordered the construction of an enormous defensive wall, which formed the first section of what would become the Great Wall of China. Unfortunately the Great Wall couldn’t save Qin Shi Huang from aging and he became obsessed with living forever. As he approached middle age, he ordered court doctors to concoct potions containing “quicksilver” mercury (an element today understood as mostly lethal), to keep him alive. 86

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High levels of mercury have been found in the site soil, giving some credence to ancient accounts of the emperor’s tomb

Occasional Terracotta Army sightings had been reported for centuries, but the 1974 discovery finally prompted Chinese archaeologists to investigate and unearth the largest pottery figurine group ever found in China

As emperor, Qin Shi Huang reorganized the bureaucracy, built a network of roads, simplified the Chinese script, standardized weights and measures, and minted new copper coins

Emperor Qin Shi Huang didn’t foresee the elixirs killing him, but in the event he didn’t live forever, he also ordered the construction of an enormous tomb for himself, which came equipped with molten rivers and crossbow booby traps. To guard his precious corpse in the afterlife, the emperor also ordered the construction of some 8,000 life-sized terracotta clay soldiers to be placed in the tomb, along with terracotta horses, real chariots and bronze weapons. The emperor eventually died from ordering people around, but (much to his probable delight) his legacy continues to live on in the magnificent and mysterious “city of death.” The exquisite Terracotta Army was discovered on March 29, 1974, to the east of Xi’an in Shaanxi province by farmers who were digging a well at the foot of Mount Li, a location favoured for its underground springs, gold and jade. According to the Shiji, or “Records of the Grand Historian,” the mausoleum precinct (city of death) began construction shortly after Qin Shi Huang became king, and continued until shortly after his death.

Qin Shi Huang had four pits excavated to house the Terracotta Army, although only three were filled by the time construction ceased. Pit 1 is the largest pit, Pit 2 is the most spectacular, and Pit 3 houses the command headquarters. Traces of Chinese purple and other colours may be seen on some of the half solid/half hollow terracotta warriors, and the bronze swords unearthed in Pit 2 remain sharp and surprisingly pliable. When a 331-pound terracotta warrior was removed from one of these swords, the sword slowly returned to its original shape. Scientific studies concluded that the Qin swords were coated with chrome, which is interesting since chrome oxidation is a relatively recent phenomenon. How did Chinese ancestors do it more than 2,000 years ago? In 2007 and 2008, the British Museum in London displayed a collection of 120 objects and 20 terracotta warriors in an exhibition titled “The First Emperor: China’s Terracotta Army.” For seven months, visitors flocked to the museum in herds to marvel at the extraordinary casting techniques and artistic abilities that dominated the ancient Qin Empire. Qin Shi Huang has indeed had a profound influence on Chinese history and culture, and while we do our best to unveil the mystery, let’s take a moment to learn something; history doesn’t have to keep repeating. A plausible alternative could be to accept the process and age gracefully. Perhaps this is the secret Emperor Qin Shi Huang was searching for all along…


NI C H E lifestyle


t w o d a s he s o f p r e p e r at i o n , one cup of f r ee t i m e


Cauliflower Cheddar Gratin Recipe online - 88

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ave you ever watched those cooking shows and wished that you had the magic of T.V. oven that effortlessly pops out amazing dinners? This year you do. My time spent in restaurants has taught me many valuable lessons and this winter season I am cashing in on one of the most important: preparation. A little preparation goes a long way to put you back in the party instead of hearing the distant echoes of merriment from down the hall way. Play your cards right and you may even have time for a pre‐dinner cocktail. Chef John Waller and I set out to our favourite local forage, The Root Cellar, with a clear goal in mind - a slow cooking winter feast that will leave you wondering how to fill your newly found free time. Victoria’s local harvest did not leave us wanting for inspiration; we were greeted by the golden skinned gourds of locally grown banana squash that begged to be roasted with a touch of comforting cinnamon and maple. Next we came across the irresistible temptation of aged cheddar, produced in our own Comox Valley, a simple yet elegant cauliflower gratin bubbled into being. Lastly, a wheelbarrow of often overlooked Rutabagas, became the inspiration for a straightforward mash to accompany our slow roasted pork belly.

writer Ryan Cooney chef John Waller Photographer Emily Harris

Prepare these simple yet charmingly rustic recipes a day in advance. Second, let your oven do the hard work. The next step is a tough one, try not to forget about dinner as you personally attend to your guests with a cocktail in hand. Finally, remove your succulent feast from the oven and serve to your awe struck friends and family. Be prepared to answer questions like, “How did you find the time?” and, “Do you have a chef hiding back there?”


NI C H E lifestyle

Pork Belly with Mashed Rutabaga and Apple Relish 2kg 2 tbsp ¼ cup

Pork belly Fennel or dill seed Equal parts sugar and seasoning salt to cover

Rub Pork belly with cure – salt sugar and fennel or dill seed refrigerate overnight for best results Preheat Oven to 250 C, cover in foil and bake for 4 hours Remove foil and bake at 400 C until skin is crisp and golden. Remove from oven and rest and serve with skin on or off, which ever is your preference

Apple Relish 3 Apples – Fuji, Macintosh, or Pink Lady will do 2 cups Sugar ¼ cup Apple cider vinegar 1 Lemon, juice and zest 1 pinch Salt 1 Cinnamon stick Wash and cut apples into thin slices place in a pot over medium heat WARNING: too high a heat will caramelise your sugar, leaving you with an undesirable finished product

Pork Belly with Mashed Rutabaga and Apple Relish

Add sugar and stir gently, letting the sugar draw out the juices. Once the sugar begins to dissolve, add juice and zest of one lemon, cinnamon stick, and cider vinegar Simmer for 10 min, or until the apples are translucent and sticky

Apple Relish

Let cool and serve cold, can be made ahead of time and refrigerated

Mashed Rutabaga 2 Large Rutabagas 2 Green Onions, bulb on 1 tbsp Butter Wash and roast green onion along side your squash at 375 C for 1 hour. Peel and cube rutabaga. Quickly sauté with butter and salt in a large pot for 5 min Add water to cover and bring to a boil. Boil until the rutabaga is fork tender. Strain and mash with butter Slice roasted green onion into the mash Season with salt and pepper 90

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Instead of waiting penitently beside our slow cooking creations, John and I decided it best to celebrate our found time with a cocktail or two, and sought out the talents of our favourite local barman, Marc Wilson. Inspiration is contagious when it comes to the true lovers of food and drink, and Marc is one of them. He is a master of the classic sipper from the golden era of the cocktail. Immediately upon hearing of our succulent pork belly and maple squash roasting away, Mr. Wilson began shaking up something special. I present to you The Immortal, sure to stand the test of time as its name suggests.

The Immortal 1oz White Rum ½ oz Apple Brandy ½ cup Lime juice ½ cup Simple syrup 2 dashes Bitters Shake over ice and pour into preferred vessel. Garnish with green apple or lime zest


You can download all recipes, including the unpublished Roasted Maple Squash in the Lifestyle section of our website @

NI C H E lifestyle

yoga for the real world Inhale love, exhale gratitude – Yoga is for everybody and every body by Jill Lang | wellness columnist


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yoga teacher from Vancouver once told me that she started doing yoga because she wanted to look like Madonna. Like many yogis, further exploration into the practice showed her that the physical benefits were merely a bonus. Looking good doesn’t mean being skinny, but exercise is not an option. You have to love yourself to feel good and yoga helps you along in this process. When we love ourselves, we dance in harmony with ourselves and with each other. Ancient yogis considered yoga a dance between Shiva and Shakti, the masculine and feminine energies that comprise all human beings. You’ll often hear yoga referred to as a “mind-body-spirit” activity, which means we learn to nourish and honour all three. Yoga clears the mind and purifies the heart while restoring balance in the body.

Meditation: open mind, open heart, grounded spirit You may hear some yogis claim savasana or corpse to be their favourite yoga pose, because they get to lie outstretched on their backs and feel comfortable. Little do these yogis know, however, that the benefits of this posture lie in its comfort. As the body integrates the yoga for us, all we have to do is breathe and relax. Savasana is a necessary component of each yoga practice, though perhaps equally important in the yoga practice is anjali mudra or prayer pose. Mudras or hand gestures can be performed alone or as part of an integrative yoga practice, and offer surprising therapeutic benefits to the mind-body-spirit when practiced safely. With anjali mudra, we place the hands together in front of the heart to practice and cultivate gratitude. Gratitude helps us harness the three qualities of the heart—loving kindness, compassion and forgiveness—and it is through these qualities that we begin to foster self love. When we love ourselves, we look good.

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Oscar Wilde once said

“One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art,” which I also understand as feeling good is looking good. And the best part about yoga is you can still be a yogi and indulge in wine and chocolate, or eat macaroni n’ sausage n’ cheese. Yoga is the perfect cross-trainer to just about any activity, and can be done by anyone anywhere. Like fashion and home décor, yoga styles and traditions are truly endless, so find one that works and feel as good as you look all year. Many people don’t realize it, but when referring to styles of yoga, “hatha” yoga is one of six branches of yoga. Hatha (physical body cleansing and balancing), Raja (meditation), Karma (service, generosity), Bhakti (devotion), Jnana (mind, intuition), Tantra (ceremony/ritual – most misunderstood and misinterpreted branch of yoga) A hatha yoga practice, meanwhile, distinguishes a method of physical yoga that is slower and more static than a traditional flowing Vinyasa yoga practice. Other practices include ashtanga or power yoga, Iyengar yoga, kundalini yoga, vijnana yoga, hot yoga, yin, restorative, gentle and therapeutic yoga.

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retail therapy buyers guide

C o ver | Kati Stern’s Venexiana line by Globa Moda Inc. blush pink and black Rock-n-Roll Princess Gown, price upon request,, 212-629-6868. T a b le o f C o n te n t s P age 6 | Gunas, Rockstar Faux Fur bag, $375, available at Vshoen. Far & A wa y P age 1 0 | Four Seasons Bora Bora, Fa s h i o n F o rward P age 2 0 | Sally Lapointe, insect-inspired printed mock neck dress, sally P age 2 1 | (upper left to right) Sally Lapointe, white draped sweater and skirt, Theyskens’ Theory, soft grey chiffon gown, Vera Wang, fitted black jacket and patterned skirt, (Bottom) Rebecca Taylor, tailored crop jacket over printed maxi-dress, P age 2 2 | (left to right) Alexandre Herchcovitch, metallic dress, Calvin Klein, fitted leather jacket and skirt, Calvin Klein, black belted dress, Marchesa, black detailed leather dress, Céline, Phatom Calfskin Tote Bag, $2600, P age 2 4 | Proenza Schouler, biker chic cropped jacket and skirt, Narciso Rodriguez, white skirt and black fitted top, P age 2 5 | Diane Von Furstenberg, grey cloak with maroon Bently Dress, Diane Von Furstenberg, oversized mustard jacket, P age 2 6 | Jenny Packham, silver gown, Jenny Packham, one sleeve cocktail dress, Balmain, embroidered clutch, balmain. com. P age 2 7 | Balmain, embroidered dress, P age 2 8 | Lanvin, Green Sculptural Rubber Dress, Lanvin, Dark Red Washed Double Techno Skirt with Compact Felt Jacket, Lanvin, Yellow Sculptural Rubber Dress, P age 2 9 | Lanvin, Fox band and Paint dress, Lanvin, Mid-Beige Washed Matt Organza dress with Red Cropped Beaver Coat, Lanvin, Barbara Choker, lanvin. com. R o o m t o Breat h e P age 3 2 | Yaletown Loft, listing agent Mark Chernoff RE/MAX Masters Realty, H i dde n G em s P age 4 0 | Hôtel de Glace, from $288 per night, Face It P age 4 4 | Make Up For Ever HD, $46, available at Sephora. Kate Somerville, ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment, $19 - $175, available at Sephora. P age 4 5 | Josie Maran, 100% Argan Oil, $18 - $125, available at Sephora. M.A.C, Strobe Cream, $18-$40, available at local M.A.C Estee Lauder, Bronze Goddess Soft Matte Bronzer, $40, available at local Estee Lauder counter. Fa s h i o n L ege n d : D i o r P age 5 0 | Dior, polka dot voluminous chiffon dress, Resort Ready to Wear 2012, Dior, Lady Dior Handbag in red patent leather, price upon request, G et t h e L o o k : Fa s h i o n P age 5 7 | Emu, Lake Eliza Jacket, $340, available at Indigo Apparel. Kensie, faux fur vest, $88, available at Indigo Apparel. Love Medals, Bravery Brooch, available at Violette Boutique. Sitka, Pony Zip Wallet, $49, available at Carmanah Boutique. Milly, Delaney Sleeve Dress, $428, available at Bernstein & Gold. Soia & Kyo, Chorus Black Gloves, $70, available at Suasion Boutique. 80%20, Rina Hidden Wedge Bootie, $210, available at Still Life For Her. et h i cal f a s h i o n P age 5 8 | Olsen Haus, faux suede and leather bootie, Rachel Zoe, Brooklyn Faux Fur jacket, G et t h e L o o k : H o me P age 6 0 | Kobo, Soy Candle, $36, available at Emporia Boutique. Henderson Dry Goods, Walnut Serving Tray, $170, available at Emporia Boutique. Pier 1 Imports, decorative balls, $125, available at Pier 1 Imports. P age 6 1 | Arbutus Rise, by Blu Smith, $2600, available at The Avenue Gallery. Birchwood Furniture, armchair, $899, available at Modern Living. Global View, Citrus Blossom Vase, $89, available at Chintz & Co. Monarch Furnishings, lamp, $189, available at Monarch Furniture. Global Views, Italian Discus Mirror, $89, available at Luxe Home Interiors. Phillips Collection, Galvanized Silver Circle Wall Décor, $125, available at Luxe Home Interiors. Monarch Furnishings,


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white vase, $30, available at Monarch Furniture. Decor-Rest, Linda Coffee Table, $598, available at Dodd’s Furniture & Mattress. L i ttle Blac k D re s s R ev i s i ted P age 6 2 | Ted Baker, black dress, Bernstein & Gold. P age 6 3 / 6 4 Brixton, wool hat, Still Life for Her. Vintage, black blazer. P age 6 5 Cheap Monday, black dress, Reunion.T ravel w i t h N i c h e t o … V e n i ce P age 6 9 | Hotel Cipriani, T h e O u t s i de St o r y P age 7 9 | HERSTAR, Miami Heat Limited Edition Crystal Pumps, $294.99, available at C l o u d n i n e P age 9 5 | Kati Stern Venexiana by Globa Moda Inc.Golden maize silk gown, price upon request,, 212-629-6868. Find the entire collection at

Join the NICHE Retail Therapy Network NICHE magazine wants to bring new customers into your boutique, showroom or retail shop, and provide you with a value-added giveaway for loyal clients. Six times a year, the NICHE distribution team will hand deliver magazines to your business location. Give them away to your customers, free of charge! Not only do we include your business name, address and specialty to our online Distribution List (when a shopper is looking for a magazine location), but we also add your business information to our online Retail Therapy Directory – providing added exposure to your business free of charge and driving more customers to your business. To join NICHE magazine’s Retail Therapy Network, enrol online at Offered as a free service, for a limited time only!


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NI C H E fashion











Hungarian fashion designer Kati Stern certainly thinks so, if her current collection is any indication. As demonstrated here and showcased on this issue’s cover, Kati’s design aesthetic is gracefully simple yet provocatively complex. For 2013, seventy one flowing looks feature eloquent embellishments and long, lean strapless A-line bodices and bustiers that dreamily take us back to a time of unapologetic dress up and make believe.

N 96

View the entire collection of Kati Stern gowns – available exclusively online at

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Photo Credit: Lev Radin


2013 cut & enjoy the niche 2013 calendar

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