VIKING VOICE November, 2015
Welcome Viking Nation! I want to thank those of you who attended Parent Teacher conferences in October and taking the time to keep current with your students’ progress at Mazama. We had several teachers attending a national conference on PLC’s and I hope that was not too difficult to visit with them, it was the only date that they could attend. Remember you can always monitor your students’ academic progress, attendance and behaviors via the Home Access system. If you don’t have your students log in information or need some assistance with the program please contact the guidance office. This is located on our school web page If you have a current Freshman or Sophomore, keep on top of the application requirements for STEM&M at Mazama. The process will begin near the start of second semester. In case you are wondering, below is the intro from our web page, but if you visit the link, you will find a ton of information for the program including all the benefits for the students selected. STEM is a national movement towards Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in education. At Mazama High School, we’re all about STEM, but we’re also leveraging our community’s unique resources and educational partners in the area of health science. We are partnering with Oregon Tech for this program. This allows us to add an additional “M” for Medical pathways as well. Mazama’s STEM&M program is application based and begins in a student’s sophomore year. Students complete a rigorous, college prep curriculum and one of several unique sponsor multiple extra-curricular activities for STEM&M participants each year. STEM&M is a great place for aspiring students with an interest in science, engineering, and/or medicine to work together. Students who complete the STEM&M program will meet Oregon Tech admissions requirements along with those of most four year universities. Steve Morosin Principal