Ibizan 763 eissue 4th December 2014

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Photo: Claire B

Christmas in Ibiza Town by Claire B The Christmas lights have now been turned on in Ibiza Town, the cathedral has been adorned for ‘Nadal’ (Catalan for Christmas) spelled out in lights above the clock and the Christmas market is in full swing

in Vara de Rey. With a marquee selling gifts, decorations and nativity scene pieces, and stalls selling food and drink, including my favourite, the Companatge stall which sells bread, local cheese and sobrasada/botifarra with a cup of wine for a bargain 1€ as well as churros and

The Ibizan, Thursday 4th December 2014, Issue 763

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crepes, there’s something for everyone. From December 5th to January 6th from 11am-2pm and 5-8pm the craft market will also be open. What better way to get in the festive spirit with a bit of shopping and a drink and a snack. Ibiza’s nativity scene (El Belén) can be seen now in the church of St. Elmo, C/ Josep Verdera in La Marina. The fair (Feria de atracciones) is also on now at C/ de Es Cubells in Can Misses (near the bowling alley) until the end of January with a big wheel and the other usual rides and stalls. A full program of activities has been put together with festivities taking place from now until Reyes on January 6th. The varied program includes concerts, theatre, children’s activities and workshops, films and sports, such as the popular cycling race of the turkey on December 7th, the running race in Ibiza Town on December 8th, a musical Disney Ibiza 2 on December 13th-

Sound Limiters for Bossa. In a bid to reduce the level of noise pollution and complaints by residents, the Town Hall in Sant Josep has this week changed an existing by law obliging tourist businesses to install sound limiters. From now on all bars, restaurants, beach clubs, hotels, cafe conciertos and discos in Playa den Bossa will have to install sound level control metres. The law applies to those businesses located in the tourist area defined as being from the municipal border with Ibiza Town to the historic Sal Rossa defence tower on the beach and inland as far as the airport motorway. Before the change in law such sound limiters were only compulsory in cafe conciertos, discos and beach clubs.

14th in Can Ventosa and the screening of children's films on December 22nd, 23rd, 29th and 30th at Can Ventosa at 11am for 1€ - Lego, Frozen, Futbolín and Planes. The activities last until Monday January 5th, culminating with the parade of the three kings through the streets (for Reyes), where the kings throw out sweets to children (symbolising the gifts they took to the baby Jesus in Bethlehem). Here’s the programme of all the events up until January 6th in Catalan and then in Spanish (keep scrolling down). http://www.eivissa.es/portal/ images/stories/ pdf/2014_programa_nadal.pdf

Physical and Psychological Abuse of Women. The physical and psychological abuse of women and children on the islands of Ibiza and Formentera has continued to rise in the last year. There have been 497 victims reported to the authorities who have received help, protection and counselling. 440 were women and 57 were children (24 boys and 33 girls). This figure is 7,4% up on 2013 and, more worryingly, every year there are more and more young women reporting abuse. This year one girl as young as 16 years old and two of 18 have received help. To officials, it appears that there is a need for more education of teenagers so that they get the right idea of love. 70% of all cases were physical and psychological abuse whilst just under 5% were of a specifically sexual nature. Sadly, the authorities believe that lots of women do not report psychological abuse until it also becomes physical as well because it appears that the victims think no action will be taken until there are marks to show. Reportedly, women over 40 years old find it hard to denounce that they are being abused because the abuse has become so ingrained in their daily lives. In the case of the women under 20, they are not aware that what they are experiencing is abuse until they seek help from other people for symptoms they are experiencing, such as problems sleeping, arising


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Bossa Delays Send 300 million € of Ibiza Investment to Brazil and Mexico. With the plan they had to carry out a major transformation of part of the Playa den Bossa tourist area on hold because of bureaucratic and political obstacles, the Palladium Hotel Group, part of the Matures group, are going to invest elsewhere. A spokesman said this week that they cannot have the money which they had set aside for the Playa d’en Bossa project doing nothing and would instead invest sixty million euros in Brazil and Mexico with possibly more investments in the Dominican republic and Jamaica. Not giving up on their plans for Playa den Bossa, the Palladium Hotel Group are

from the abuse they are suffering. Emergency cases have led the authorities to temporarily house 34 women and 29 children for varying periods of up to 61 days with the average being around 30 days. Electricity Connection Starts. The laying of the 126km long high tension electrical supply cable between Talamanca on the Ibiza coast and Santa Ponsa on the coast of Mallorca started this week. One of only two ships in the world designed to carry out this specialised work, the Skagerrak from Norway, could be seen at work laying and burying in the ocean bed the new cable. The laying of the cable will improve and guarantee electricity supply on both islands whilst ending what has been 108 years of the electricity used in Ibiza being provided entirely by the local generating station on the outskirts of Ibiza Town. Demolition Starts After 10 Year legal Battle. After a legal battle lasting 10 years, workmen finally moved in this week and started the complete demolition of a villa built illegally in the protected area of Puig d’en Serra. Work has to be completed in under two weeks to

apparently just optimising their investment portfolio whilst the situation becomes clearer as to what investments and projects they eventually will be able to carry out in Play d’en Bossa. The original plan was for an investment of 300 million euros in Playa d’en Bossa. Instead, between now and 2016, the group are investing in upgrading the Grand Palladium Imbassaí Hotel in Brazil and are looking at opening an Usuhaïa in the area known as Florianopolis in the south of Brazil as well as the other investments possibly being projected for Mexico, Dominican Republic and Jamaica.

comply with the court order or there could possibly be more legal problems for the Sant Josep Council and the owners of the chalet. 4 Hurt in Accident. Four men on their way to work were hurt when the van they were travelling in skidded on the wet road heading to Sant Miquel and crashed into a telephone post. Four ambulances arrived at the scene taking two men to hospital with fractures and leg injuries whilst the other two received paramedic treatment at the scene and were allowed to go home afterwards. 17,000€ To Repair Walls. As long as the wall is around an agricultural property not in any way used for tourism, the Town Hall in Santa Eulalia has access to 17,000€ of funding to help pay up to 40% of the cost to repair any dry stone walls around such a property. Funding will also be available to repair traditional well heads, windmills and water tanks. 9,9 Million Euros to Offset The Impact of Mass Tourism. San Antonio Town Hall has presented projects to try and access 9,9 million euros of EU funding

designed to offset the impact of mass tourism. The aim is to improve the infrastructures and the natural environment so that the town can accommodate the tourism which visits in summer without the local population being adversely affected. The plans presented include such things as improving the drainage in the town, passing telephone and electricity cables underground instead of overhead and renewing paving, urban furniture and road surfaces. Street lighting will be changed to low cost led lighting. If approved, a fibre optic network will be installed in the town and to surrounding villages where also telephone and electricity cables will be passed underground instead of overhead. Finally, forested areas near beaches and tourist installations will be protected whilst fire breaks will be set up to help prevent forest fires in summer. Prefabs Out. What to do with the prefabricated classrooms? That's the question facing the education authorities now that the Es Pratet-Sa Joyeria School in Ibiza Town no longer needs them. They can't stay much longer where they are as they are taking up valuable car parking space

The Ibizan, Thursday 4th December 2014, Issue 763


Feed The Poor! Bread, Work & a Roof for all, Claiming that Ibiza is not the rich island it is claimed to be but that the prices of basic products are some of the highest in Spain whilst the salaries are often very low and the employment situation insecure, fifty residents held a protest by the statue in Vara del Rey in Ibiza Town last Saturday. With 20% of the population in risk of social exclusion and hundreds been evicted from their homes all over the island because of debt related problems, the organisers called for on the multicines car park in the town. Where to relocate or store them appears to be becoming a nightmare for the authorities who are perhaps now realising the advantages of renting such installations rather than buying them as happened in this case. It was suggested that any registered residents association or school, who could use the classroom container type structures, could make an application to have use of the structures as long

a collective response to try and force the authorities to recognise the gravity of the situation in Ibiza. The protestors want humane, practical and effective solutions to the problems rather than the politicians appearing to pretend the problems don't exist and portray a false image of Ibiza to the rest of Spain and the world. With the slogan Bread, Work and a Roof for all, the protest ended without any incident.

as they had a location for them. No New School for Ibiza Town. It appears that, for the time being and despite offering a 10,000m2 site as well as considering other forms of financing if money was the problem, the application for a new school in the Can Escandell area of Ibiza Town has been rejected by the Balearic Government Educational authorities. With the Balearic authorities siting that the

planning of a new school was a complicated and drawn out process as being their reasons for rejecting the Town Hall offer, this stance brought a strong condemnation of the decision from the Town Hall and the Parents Teachers Associations who say that the new school is needed sooner rather than later. Spectacular Crash. A young driver escaped without injuries when, for unknown reasons, he lost control of his Audi 3 on the San Antonio to Ibiza dual carriageway near Sa Coma and crashed into the tractor unit of a lorry without a trailer attached. Though spectacular in terms of the damage caused, the driver walked away from the scene after having first proved negative to a breath test. In another incident this week a Renault Clio fell 5 metres into a ravine as it crashed against a stone wall and lunged off the Sa Llosa Bridge on the Can Guasch road entering into Santa Eulalia Town. The occupant was unhurt but the car was badly damaged. In Ibiza Town a car carrying three youths skidded in the heavy rain and crashed into a hedge row and garden on the La Paz Avenue in Ibiza Town. Despite a heavy impact and extensive damage to the vehicle, the youngsters walked away unhurt from the crash.

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Ibiza News Drugs, Guns & Stolen Goods. This week the police detained a minor who was found in possession of a shotgun and was discovered to be living in a flat where drugs were being sold and stolen goods distributed. The gun had been reported stolen from a house in Playa d’en Bossa a few days ago. The youth was found in possession of the fire arm as well as a small quantity of drugs when he was stopped by the police in a routine search. This led them to search the flat where he lived, with police finding marijuana plants, speed and MDMA pills as well as substances to cut drugs. Other people occupying the flat were also detained. Schools Maths to Pay Their Bills Don’t Add Up. Because of a 25% cut in budget in the last year and because of a liquidity problem within the Balearic Government, the Education authorities are making it hard for the secondary schools on the island to meet their running costs and pay basic service bills. It is calculated that each school is owed on average 15,000€. The Balearic Government claim that the situation is only temporary and often happens in other departments of the Government from time to time. This time it is affecting education but the authorities say that the directors of the schools will soon receive what they are owed to be able to ease their own liquidity issues and clear the debts that they are accumulating with the basic service suppliers. Dolphin Put Down. A dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) had to be put down this week after it tried repeatedly to beach itself on the rocky coast line of Es Viver in Ibiza Town. Environmental agents repeatedly carried the creature 100s of metres out to sea on a special stretcher to see if the dolphin would head off out to deep water but the animal kept returning to the rocks and injuring itself. These injuries, added to those the animal already had from before due to contact with fishing nets, led the vets on hand to decide to humanely sacrifice the dolphin. An autopsy will hope-

Christmas Editions & January Break

With Christmas and New Year’s Day falling on our normal publication Thursday, we have made the following changes to our schedule over the holiday period.

Issue 765 - Thursday 18th December (normal). Issue 766 - Monday 22nd December (Advertising deadline Saturday 20th 5pm)

Issue 767 - Monday 29th December (Advertising deadline Saturday 27th 5pm) We then take a break with the next issue being

Issue 768 - Thursday 29th January from when we are back to Normal.

fully show the reason of this dolphin’s strange behaviour. As another dolphin was found dead only days ago, it is being suggested that it could be a virus which caused the death or possibly something to do with the preparative work being carried for possible future oil exploration in the sea around the islands. Airport Houses Insulated. At a cost of 1,8 million euros, the airport authorities announced that they had finished insulating 163 houses to help stop the noise pollution the residents experience from the airport and flights passing overhead. With this latest phase of the work completed, it means that 70% of the 501 homes that area adversely affected by the noise generated by the airport have had their noise problems reduced to a tolerable level. Cheaper Parking in San An. From Monday this week, three streets in San Antonio will no longer be blue, pay-to-park zones: from Carrer del Mar to Cervantes, from Cervantes to Bartolomé Vicente Ramón, and from Estrella to Antonio Marino Riquer. The parking in the rest of the blue, pay-to-park zones in San Antonio will be reduced to 50 cents for an hour. This reduction will last until the 31st March (Continued on page 15)

The Ibizan, Thursday 4th December 2014, Issue 763


Food & Drink

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Restaurante Martina

Richard Lawson A flat calm laps, the beach almost silently under the gaze of a milky winter sun. The numerous mooring buoys out to sea are unoccupied, as most of the island’s boats are either under wraps or out of the water for the winter. The beach too is deserted and all of this meets with the approval of dozens of cormorants serving as an audience on the nearby rocky outcrop of an offshore islet. We’re sitting on the beach in front of the Restaurant Martina on the Cala Martina beach awaiting the imminent sunset – and life is good. Two old Ibicencos in flat caps row slowly past, having cleared the pile of accumulated seaweed from the front of their ancient boathouse. They disregard the option of an outboard motor, perhaps to better preserve the authentic tranquillity of this perfect Ibizan winter afternoon. Sparrows hop around expectantly in the sand at our feet beneath the table, occasionally brawling over the odd crust lobbed their way by the audience of diners. In the meantime wagtails studiously inspect the water’s edge, as if to prove their superior intelligence and decorum. This is clearly a venue preferred by the birds for its laid back vibe… A waiter politely breaks into the moment and responds to our request for a menu with a memorised breakdown of today’s specials. This basically consists of a summary of the best of what the local fishermen delivered to this morning’s fish market. Today they have magnificent looking St. Peter fish, Roya and both Silver and Red Pagel. The name "St. Peter's fish" comes from the story in the Gospel of Matthew about the apostle Peter catching a

fish that carried a coin in its mouth and it can be found in hieroglyphs dating back to 1500 BC. Having only a few small bones, it is relatively easy to prepare and is delicious when freshly fried. Roya, also known locally as Rotxa, is similar to red mullet and scorpion fish, but is renowned for the fullness of its flavour. The Pagel, also known as the Pandora, is similar to sea bream and has soft and delicate flesh. However, it doesn’t keep for long, which is why Restaurant Martina buys it in on a daily basis. They’ve been buying fish for the Chiringuito every day for some fifty years now, so you can rest assured that they’re at the front of the queue of local restaurants seeking the best fish at the market on any given day… All of this we discovered after the waiter returned with the menu, upon which we found all of these delicacies simply described as ‘Another Fresh Fish of the Day’. Quite understandable as a pre-printed menu can’t forecast what’s going to be the best choice at the fish market on any given day. However, the menu does feature Prawns, Squid, Mussels, Hake, Sole, Monkfish, Sardines, Grouper, Sea Bass and Gilt-head Bream so you’ll always be spoilt for choice, but if you want to try the day’s ‘specials’ you’ll have to check out the chilled display cabinet to the left of the bar. On the other hand, if you just don’t fancy fish whilst you’re sitting there with your toes in the sand soaking up the view, and often down to your T-shirt in the sun even in the winter, the menu offers a range of meaty options, pizzas, pastas, paellas, sandwiches or baguettes that constitute a meal in themselves, and so on. You can even have bacon and eggs (5€) if that’s what rocks your boat?

However, the reason for the longevity of this place and its popularity has a lot to do with its location. Very often, when the rest of the island is wearing its hat of cloud, this place always seems to bask in sunshine. It could be because there are no hills nearby to attract and accumulate clouds, or simply a gift from the gods. On one occasion we did witness a huge electrical storm out to sea from here and it was hugely entertaining, but generally their motto is true – “Sun all day long”… Restaurant Martina is one of the few remaining authentic Ibicenco chiringuitos on the island. It has no aspirations to become a ‘beach club’ and this is reflected in the prices. The opening hours haven’t changed much over the last fifty years either. They’re open for a morning coffee, while you read the paper for a couple of hours on the covered terrace if that’s all you fancy, and they won’t close until the sun goes down, or until the last of the regular locals decides to go home…

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R.I.P. The Duchess Of Alba: Spain’s Eccentric Fashion Queen Of The Balearics

Timeless Fashion Pieces for Women - Part 1 Sophia V New trends come and go all the time. One minute its hot, the next it’s not, and you’re left with a wardrobe full of clothes you’d never wear again having missed the opportunity to actually wear! I’m even guilty of unworn outfits still with tags on. With high-

waisted shorts, crop tops, bralets, bustier tops, plunge swimsuits, dungarees and more, not everyone can pull them off. By all means, follow what’s on the catwalk, what the celebrities are promoting, the shops are advertising and what’s new, however, pay special attention to what suits your body type for that flattering outfit. To save money, invest in some timeless fashion pieces that will always be in the spotlight and forever popular.

Christmas can be a bad time to be alone. For some that may raise thoughts of a return to relationships past. Sophia V gives us her views on the big question ...

The Kaftan, Kimono.

A must have holiday garment. The kaftan / kimono can be worn over a bikini to the beach, glammed-up for a sunset bar on

the night with accessories and wedges, or worn as a light fitted jacket. Kaftan and kimono’s come in a variety of designs:

…should I or shouldn’t I? Sophia V. You’ve recently been dumped, or have dumped someone. What if there’s a chance for reconciliation. Should you take it? There are many pros and cons to getting back with an ex. Your partner may apologise to you over and over, shower you with flowers, promise you that it will be different the second time around, etc. Confusion may overcome you, and you just don’t know what to do. Remind yourself why you split up in the first place. If it was a major issue that involved infidelity, violence, etc. Can you be certain it won’t happen again? Will the relationship be good for only a matter of weeks, then return to having issues, the same arguments, and the same problems that arose before? Communication is key. You need to make sure that you’re not returning to an ex due to familiarity, desperation or fear of moving on. It needs to be for the right reasons. The relationship might not be the same the second time

around. If you still bear a grudge and feel resentment towards them, don’t take them back. You’ll endure nothing but arguments. You need to be absolutely ready to let things go. However, getting back together may be the right thing. First you must give one another some time to be alone, so you can both think about what you really want. If you think about that person every single day, and they truly are remorseful and willing to change, who says that they can’t? Ensure that your feelings are genuine towards them, and not due to missing being in a relationship. Talk to your friends and family and see if they support the idea. Often, people can see what we can’t, they do say love is blind. If you’re still unsure, maybe a trial run for a certain period of time to see how you get on may help. Who knows, it may even strengthen the relationship.

animal print, mixed print, fringed, floral, tribal, polka-dot, tartan or even see-through for that more casual look. The style can be low cut, buttoned at the front, wrap over, cord-secured, over-sized and more. More to follow soon

Amanda O’Riordan She was the world’s most titled person and still wore fishnet stockings, lipstick and pearls up until the day she died at 88, last week at her palace in Seville. Spain’s fabulous, flamboyant and well-loved aristocrat the Duchess of Alba - Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart – leaves behind the extensive and eclectic Alba dynasty as well as a fascinating life story worthy of any Jackie Collins novel, Dynasty style TV series or oldschool Hollywood glamour movie. If you’ve never heard of the Duchess or wonder why she features in a fashion blog like Zips It Up, you only have to Google or Wikipedia her to realise what a colourful character she was, with a great love for Ibiza. So rich and with that many titles, she actually made it into the Guinness Book of Records. Apparently, her privileged status entitled her to ride horseback into Seville Cathedral and she didn’t have to curtsy to the Pope. Life has its privileges. Owning 24 castles, an impressive villa in Ibiza and SIX PALACES from Madrid to Seville, where she died, her inherited fortune amassed more than €3 billion. This is now divided between her six children and eight grandchildren. As well as an invaluable collection of books and priceless art – we’re talking Picasso and Rembrandt here – no Athena posters on her stately walls. That she was fond of a little help in the ‘cosmetic surgery’ department was obvious to say the least, with comparisons to ‘the bride of Wildenstein’ following her

amongst the gossip press. Plus, having married three times, once to a Vicar and lastly to a man almost 25 years her junior, she wasn’t short of scandal in her life. As a child, she lived in London and mixed with Royalty – her Father was the Spanish Ambasador. She spent playtimes with the Queen and Princess Margeret at Buckingham Palace and later in life became Bffs with Jackie Kennedy, amongst many famous faces, worldwide elite and socialites. Her love of partying and quirky fashion taste made her a favourite with the paparazzi and she graced the pages of most magazines long before we could all say Hello or OK. But in recent times it was her love of Ibiza and Formentera that made her such a fascinating and larger than life celebrity. Being an octogenarian and revealing flesh didn’t bother her. Only last summer the Duchess was spotted lapping up the surf at Cala Bassa in her favourite destination SAN ANTONIO. She was often seen lazing on the beach with a caipirinha just outside Plastik, Itaca and the Ibiza Rocks Bar fully clad in bikini, beads, designer sunnies and hippy sun hats, with her young and handsome husband. Besides the 50 year age gap, she blended in with all the sun-kissed Ibiza clubbers recovering on the beach impeccably. A true example of living life to the full. A life filled with fun, frills, lace, pearls and fillers, with a dash of young men, scandal, palaces and wealth beyond our wildest dreams – she ultimately fell in love with Ibiza and thats why she is my iconic legend. RIP Duchess.

The Ibizan, Thursday 4th December 2014, Issue 763

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A-Z of Christmas Gifts Under £50

Amanda O’Riordan brings you the good, the bad and the controversial in fashion and lifestyle.

I was excited to have genuinely graced the ‘Party People’ pages of this week’s Grazia Magazine. I was papped with celebs Mary Portas andKelly Hoppen at the ‘Warrior Games Action Against Cancer’ event at Home House, London. My other half graced the decks and filled the night air with David Bowie and Grace Jones. I still have blisters from the combo of tunes, white wine and red stilettos. That’s me in my favourite Red Stetson.


I is for Instagram

temptation of clicking on Amazon’s ‘expanded view‘ or ‘roll over image to zoom‘ link, *chokes*.

The Rainbow Willy Warmer one size, long £4.99

How about your favourite Instagram picture being mounted on canvas for the coolest piece of artwork above your fireplace? We have them all over our pad at home and you can really feel proud to display your own taste in art and design. An in-house gallery of your finest captures? Simply send your screen shot via your smart phone to their website with prices from £29.99 www.my-picture.co.uk


onto this handy purse friendly Kindle from £50 – it’s the only way to keep up with Christian, Anastasia and the Red Room while you’re on the train, on the way to work, Uni or college. Get the the three steamies onboard in time for the movie, out on Valentines Day 2015. www.amazon.co.uk

I hope you are all feeling festive, but if you need a little prod here are some awful cracker jokes to get you in the mood. What’s brown and sweet and glides around an ice rink?

Bourneville and Dean

Grazia Magazine p96 In my online blog this week we continue our A-Z of Christmas Presents under £50, covering I – L, which means we’re half way through. You can see my gift ideas A - H by visiting me at www.amandazipsitup.com

Whilst researching this edition’s offerings on Amazon I found this amusing seasonal stocking filler, the Rainbow Willy Warmer. It seems to be rather popular, as they only had 3 left in stock. I avoided the

Why would you invite a mushroom to a Christmas party?

He’s a fun-gi to be with. Why was Santa’s little helper feeling depressed?

He had low elf-esteem.

I hope you enjoyed Black Friday, go easy on the gold card and make everyone green with envy with those purchases! x

J is for Juicer We all know that juicing is great for our health. I’ve tried the whole “five pounds in five days” diet, but after much experimentation (and limited success) I’ve come to the conclusion that one day week is sufficient. I present to you the ultimate machine for under £50. Philips HR1863/01 Viva Collection Juicer, 2 Litre, 700 Watt, Brushed Aluminium, normal price £110 but currently on Amazon for just £49.95! www.amazon.co.uk

K is for Kindle Get that Trilogy of Fifty Shades of Grey uploaded

L is for Latex Four way stretch means the ultimate in comfort. These Latex boots are great for fetish wear or club wear and gracing Kim Kardashian! Fabulous finishing touch to any wet look outfit. We’re loving the sensuous wet look material. From £19.99 http://www.uberkinky.co.uk

Santa baby – put a present under the tree, for me – ’cause I’ve been such a good girl.. x

The Ibizan, Thursday 4th December 2014, Issue 763


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Ibizan Christmas Christmas Night Market Claire B

Looking for a different shopping experience this Christmas in Ibiza Town? Then visit the International Christmas Market in Calle de la Virgen (Carrer de la Mare de Deu). Organised by the Ajuntament d’Eivissa, it will be open on December 4th-8th and 19th-31st from 8pm to 3am. Many of the bars in the street will be offering traditional Christmas drinks and food at very affordable and festive prices, including mulled wine, Ibizan specialities, German sausages, Belgian waffles, sushi and Christmas sweets and the like. Perfect for combining a bit of Christmas shopping some bar hopping.

CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Thursday 4th from 5.00pm in FREDDIE'S BAR, Calle Progreso, San Antonio. Lots of lovely Christmas goodies will be on sale. Don't forget to bring your knives with you so that Capable Chris Pearson can sharpen them for you at 2€ a go. Isabel Hommer Cake Pops Ibiza is creating some of her wonderful cakepops. Zoey Evans is still working away on her sewing machine.Thomas Green's Ibiza have everything all stacked and ready. Helen Mather is also busy working on her wonderful creations

Moe’s Christmas Market Moe’s Bar in Es Canar have started their Christmas market on Friday mornings. They have all kinds of Christmas goodies and many other lovely items. Don’t miss it! They are also having a Fundraiser on Sunday December 14th, form 1pm, called Day of the Music, organized by the children of CMCI Santa Eulalia. There will be children’s games, food, a small market and lots more. Moe’s, Avd. Punta Arabí 113, Es Canar.

"Dinner for One" is back at Teatro España for Christmas Thursday 11th December at 9pm. Once again Penya Escènica celebrates Christmas with Miss Sophie and her always faithful and solicitous butler James… and to celebrate their 4th consecutive year representing this play, they are having great ‘Proms’ by the Conjunto de Metales de la Escuela de Música de Santa Eulalia And what are Proms? The musical director doesn’t only direct his musicians but also the public, which means the public interacts forming part of the show, singing, dancing… and with fun suits while waving flags from different countries. The music represented is from various countries. So don’t forget your suit or your flan! Advanced sale at Holidays Santa Eulalia and Holysport Ibiza (numbered seats)

The Christmas Fairground The fair which is installed for the Christmas season in the plot between Can Cantó and Can Misses behind the Diario de Ibiza, opens this Friday with more stands and new rides. In total, the number of stands goes from 26 to 30 and among this year’s novelties are the Witch’s Train, a great Ferris

The Ibizan, Thursday 4th December 2014, Issue 763

wheel and the “V”, there will also be a booster, a bingo and a Spanish ham tómbola (fair raffle). The fair, which will remain open until the end of January, will be open in the evenings until the schools stop for Christmas holidays when it will also open in the morning. As every year, there will be some special days, Dia de los niños (Children’s day), with the rides at half price.

Carol Services Sunday 14th at 11am RC Chapel of Lourdes, Santa Eulalia and Sunday 21st at 10:30am RC Church in San Rafael.

No Children in Ibiza Without Toys ‘Recollint Somriures’ (Collecting Smiles) is the name of a campaign started by children in Ibiza Town, with the support of the Town Hall, so all the children in Ibiza Town have toys this Christmas. This campaign was presented on Tuesday by the Ibiza Town Education Councillor, Mar Sánchez, together with the student’s representatives. This campaign has been driven by the students and will consist on a


toy collection which will then be given to the poorest children of the municipality. Sánchez was accompanied at the presentation by Paula from the IES Sa Blanca Dona, Maria and Fatima from IES Santa Maria, and Daniel from La Consolación. Together they explained that the idea for the campaign started with the Commission for the Children and Youth Municipal Participation Group, in which 19 minors between the ages of 8 and 16 expressed their concern that all children from the municipality could get a present. For this reason they decided to start the toy collection campaign. They will install 22 toy collection points in various parts of the municipality: schools, public nurseries, high schools, Es Viver swimming pool, the SAC, Can Ventosa… At each collection point there will be an explanatory panel designed by the children who promoted the campaign. They have also recycled card-

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board boxes so people can deposit their donations. The campaign will take place between the 3rd and 17th of December, and on Saturday 20th the toys will be handed over to the Cruz Roja (Red Cross), who will be the entity in charge of the distribution. Mar Sánchez also reminded that the municipality of Ibiza was declared Ciudad Amiga de la Infacia (A City Friend Of Childhood) on the 14th of November and that this recognition aims to make the city a tool for the promotion and implementation of human rights among minors. Unicef recognises in this way the municipality’s work in favour of children.

The Ibizan, Thursday 4th December 2014, Issue 763


Community Far East Two Old Rockers Contra Cancer Fair. Another reminder that this year’s Contra Cancer Ibiza and Formentera Christmas Fair is to be held on Sunday 14th December at the Recinto Ferial in Ibiza Town, starting at mid-day. We hope to have the full programme next week, however we do know that there will be fun, games, raffles, a Children’s Corner, Father Christmas in his grotto, Bric a Brac, clothing sales, food and drinks, the fabulous Grand Auction, for which the organizers are urgently appealing for donations of prizes, plus any other items that can be used to raise money for this very worthwhile charity. There is also an urgent need for clothes hangers and rails. Raffle tickets are now also on sale from various people and at various outlets, please be as generous as you can. Remember that every euro raised remains here to be used on Ibiza and Formentera. If

you’d like to offer a little time to help, either prior to, or on the day, then call Lyn on 677630514. If you have anything to donate then this can be dropped off at Thomas Green’s Shop in Cala de Bou or the Queen Vic in Santa Eulalia, open from 3pm Monday – Friday and 12.30pm Saturday and Sunday. If you have any larger items then please call Lyn on 677630514 who will arrange collection. One of Ibiza’s leading hotels has recently been re-furbished and they have kindly donated some high quality bedroom/lounge chairs (see foto) which will be on sale at the fair.

The Fair is the Associations biggest and most important event on their calendar and everyone is working hard to ensure its success, so please try to “do your bit” in supporting them, both prior too, and on the day itself. Cinema. Teatro España Santa Eulalia. Fri 5th to Sun 7th 8pm. Interstellar. A team of explorers

travel through a wormhole in an attempt to find a potentially habitable planet that will sustain humanity. Stars Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain. Wed 10th and Fri 12th to Sun 14th 8pm. Kill The Messenger. A reporter becomes the target of a vicious smear campaign that drives him to the point of suicide after he exposes the CIA's role in arming against rebels in Nicaragua and importing cocaine. Stars Jeremy Renner, Robert Patrick, Jena Sims.

View from the Pew Have you heard about Messy Church - it’s the antidote for restless children who find it impossible to be “seen and not heard” during an adult church service. Messy Church is a fresh expression, a new concept of what church can be. Traditionally, Ibiza had lots of retirees drifting here to settle down under the sun, however times are

Page 10 Right: Messy Church: Does Exactly What It Says On The Tin

changing. The new wave of residents are young families, whose work is often internet-based, seeking a good place to raise their children. Many of these families have the desire to bring their children up in the Christian faith but need help to do so and Messy Church is a form of church which is much more accessible to young families. It is church for children plus parents and grandparents who can be occupied with different “messy” craft activities, as well as an opportunity to meet and chat with other parents. These craft activities are associated with the theme for the day… or season. Needless to say the next theme will be Christmas! Another perk about Messy Church is that youngsters can hand/foot paint, paste, colour, cut (make a mess) someplace other than their own homes. The next Messy Church will be on Sunday December 14th at the Sant Rafel Social Centre (just across from the Petrol station) at 4pm. The get-together also includes a brief talk on the theme, some lively songs, plus a light meal of soup, sandwiches, `healthful´ cake or fruit. There are also toys and games for tots too young to participate with the crafty stuff. We have a core team of four creative people who organize the themes and craft activities with the patience of a saint. The amazingly artistic masterpieces produced by the children are displayed in “adult church” the following Sunday. “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of God.” Mat.18:3 For more info on Messy Church call: Rosi - 619523053. Services Sun 7th BCP Communion, San Rafael, 9:30am. Service of the Word with Praise and Worship at 11am. Carol Services Sun 14th at 11am RC Chapel of Lourdes, Santa Eulalia and Sun 21st at 10:30am RC Church in San Rafael. Food collection baskets will be in the churches for the needy.

Letter From Juan Now we know why it is called “Black Friday”, if you go shopping for a bargain on that day, especially in England, you are likely to end up black and blue from all the pushing and shoving trying to get your bargain. At least I heard it was a lot more civilised over here in Eivissa town! Now of course as I write this letter we have “Cyber Monday” although I have not had much of a chance so far to test it out. However the brief look I have had did not strike me that the bargains were a lot different than what you can usually find on the Internet. Anyway I hope you had a successful day surfing for bargains. So here we are getting ready to panic as there only 24 days before Christmas and I haven’t even bought any Christmas cards. Maybe my cards will have to be of the cyber variety and sent by email or through one of those internet card companies. If not I had better stop writing and get into town to buy some cards, write them and send them in the next day or so if they have any hope of getting round the world. There was a time when I used to send out a newsletter, the “Ibiza Times” which was about four pages of A4 with accounts of various happenings in the year with photos. However I gave that up after 16 issues in December 2006. Mind you probably writing this letter every week had something to do with it – I had exhausted my need to communicate any more words to people. So perhaps next year when I hang up my Ibizan pen after my alleged 500 letter I will revert back to writing my newsletter to my friends abroad. Oh, the poor people, I hear you cry! But that is in the future let’s sort out the present and get out and get these cards and presents. Best of luck in your search and I hope you have a great week. Yours, Juan.

The Ibizan, Thursday 4th December 2014, Issue 763


Page 11

Mind Body & Soul Thursday 4th to Wednesday 10th December

The Challenge of Change ... Sabina Brownstein The winds of change can often blow into our lives at the most surprising moments. These are the times when things seem to be going along smoothly… you feel like everything is pretty much under control and then… suddenly it is not. Something unexpected comes out of the blue to rock your world by creating big changes in some area of your life Doris Loves The World Happy Hollidays Facebook comments disgusted at Tesco, But we all join in shopping fiasco, Though overloaded, house full of stuff, Hard to say “No thanks, I‘ve got enough!” So trawl thru’ Amazon Black Friday deal, Knocked Cyber Monday off even keel, Pontificating on new diets and fads, Lounge in pyjamas with warm eco-rads, While shopping basket mounts up pounds, Robin red breast prepares for his rounds, Sharing good tidings, fresh holly wreath, But behind closed doors, behind gritted teeth, Fierce machinations plot the demise Of our NHS that they’d privatise, Lockheed Martin’s lobbies and ploys Hidden amid ads of penguins and toys, Listen to Harry Smith’s veteran speech, Ninety-one years of history to teach, How they created free National Health Which must never come to question of wealth, Outrageous that in this day and age, People can’t live from their weekly wage, Homeless and hungry, wolf at the door, Kids with no dinner, families poor, So please this Christmas let’s all unite, So that the bully boys’ dentures can’t bite, I know I’m shouting from my high horse (While me own teeth devour a four course), Let’s wish on a star that we’ll find new ways, For love, justice, peace and happy holidays!

Luv doris, the new age guru x www.dorisandfriends.com

– it can be relationships, finances, health, career, or whatever. Dealing with these upheavals always presents a real challenge, because it is so easy to get nervous and confused. So here are a few simple tools to help you handle life’s ups and downs. Accept What Is

Understand that the change has already occurred and time cannot be turned back. Take a deep breath and realize that your willingness to accept the newness of your life situation will help to integrate it into your life. Remember that every change represents an opportunity to find a new direction. Trust the Process

What looks like a disaster at first can often turn out to be a blessing. Think back to the many times in your life that positive things developed from what initially seemed like a bad situation. Remembering those times will give you the perspective you need to stay calm and see where the situation is going. Ask for Guidance

Change can be very confusing and disorienting, but fortunately you have a source of guidance that can lead you through it. The wisdom that comes from your heart is your inner GPS system that will always give you the right answers as to what direction to take in your life. The key is to calm down, quiet your mind, and then ask your inner wisdom

to tell you what to do next and how to do it. Listen closely and you will be guided. Take the Next Step

Life always proceeds one step at a time, and sometimes that first step can be the hardest one to take. Stay in the present moment and don’t dwell on what has just happened or what might happen in the future. The only real time is Now. So stay focused and summon the courage to leave the past behind and set forth on your new journey. Count Your Blessings

Consciously give thanks for all of the good things in your life – big and small. Once you start to really look around you will see that there is so much to be grateful for. Doing this on a regular basis will lift your vibrations so that you can face life’s challenges with calm confidence. Start your day by thinking about all the things that you are grateful for, and do the same thing just before you go to sleep. This will give you the positive attitude that you need in order to see the new opportunities that life’s changes will open up for you. I like the way Alan Watts looks at change: “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”

For contact details see Sabina’s advert in local services.

ARIES – Five of Cups Emotions are close to the surface this week, making it harder to cope with situations you thought were manageable. You’re at an emotional crossroads, there’s no going back, it’s time to look forward and believe that better times are ahead. The past cannot be changed so there’s no point lamenting over what might have been or trying to change others. TAURUS – Prince of Swords If you must confront others regarding their actions then make sure you know all the facts before wading in. Loved ones or associates are easily provoked, which could lead to arguments. You’re in no mood to slack off so expect to get a lot done this week however, avoid being bossy. Best to work by yourself as much as possible! GEMINI – Three of Swords Not the easiest week; you’ll either be caught in the middle of stressful situation or will find yourself having to do battle with someone who’s pushing your buttons. Because you’re under pressure, be careful not to have a scattergun approach to airing your grievances. Others will not take so kindly being compared to the real culprits of your displeasure. CANCER – Eight of Wands A great week to forge new alliances, especially as they will help you career wise in the long term. It’s time to set your sights higher when it comes to fulfilling ambitions. New opportunities are on the horizon so it will pay you to go out and socialise with those who find you good company and want you on board. LEO – The Moon Last week you were active and looking forward to what the future holds; now however, you’re much quieter and more reflective. Don’t doubt recent decisions or fear the worst; let your intuition guide you. There’s a full moon on the 6th in your solar 10th house. Perhaps it’s time set aside fears regarding your ambitions and to banish any self-doubt. VIRGO – Two of Pentacles Yes, the festive season’s nearly here, but that’s no excuse to go out spending money you don’t really have! This card advices prudence in your financial affairs; it would be unwise to borrow or lend money this week, as it will leave you short. Also, an unexpected expense could blow your funds, which is why it’s wise to be careful! LIBRA – Two of Cups (reversed) Relationships are not easy this week; including friendships as well as those with your nearest and dearest or colleagues. There’s a parting of the ways for some of you. Maybe the situation’s run its course and it’s time for you to accept it and move on. Yes, you will be sad for a while but be this too shall pass. SCORPIO – The Fool Freedom and trust will be big issues this week. You value your personal freedom so think long and hard about aligning yourself to anything or anyone that might cramp your style. Trust that you’ll make the right decision based on the facts you have; maybe there’s no right or wrong here, so just feel the fear and do it anyway! SAGITTARIUS – Strength This is a wonderful power card and matches up with the fact the Sun is in Sagittarius right now. There’ll be no stopping you, as you’re on track to complete an important business deal or get what you’ve set your heart on personally. Health wise, a niggling worry no longer gives you cause for concern; you receive reassuring news. CAPRICORN – Eight of Swords (reversed) If you’ve received news recently that really shook you up, then be assured that this week you hear about something that gladdens your heart. It may not solve your problems immediately, but at least you know that the ‘cavalry’ is on its way! We all go through tough times; but you’ll have learnt about your strengths and overcome your fears. AQUARIUS – The Hanged Man Be patient as everything comes to he or she who waits. You cannot force things to happen so take it easy this week. This is the best time to study or do research for an important project; you can make headway by being diligent. You must also put yourself first this week, so don’t make any unnecessary sacrifices for others. PISCES – Three of Wands Set your sights on furthering ambitions this week Pisces; especially if you are dealing with people or projects that are overseas. The fiery energy of the three brings you extra dynamism and the will to push through plans that bring you acclaim or a wider audience. You also get a breakthrough regarding a property matter. Investments made now bring dividends.

The Ibizan, Thursday 4th December 2014, Issue 763

Local Life

15th anniversary World Heritage



Claire B A cultural programme of events is taking place in Ibiza Town from December 4th-8th to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Ibiza’s declaration as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A variety of events are taking place, including music, a photography exhibition, sporting events, parades, fireworks and guided tours. On Thursday December 4th at 5pm the Observatory of Ibiza in Puig des Molins reopens after its refurbishment (Carrer Luci Oculaci, 29). Later that evening at 7pm an exhibition opens 15 fotógrafos, 15 ciudades únicas (15 photographers, 15 unique cities) in the Old Refectory in Dalt Vila, which can be found at the back of the Town Hall Building in Plaça España. Then there will be a concert by Elvira Ramon Rodriguez and Juan Carlos Tur (piano and voice). The exhibition runs until January 5th. Open Monday to Friday 10am-2pm and 5-7pm and Saturdays from 11am-1pm. Free entrance. On Saturday December 6th from 10am there will be kayaking excursions from the port to view the Renaissance walls of the city from the sea (max. 24 people). At 6pm there’s a parade and fireworks with the ‘Dimonis de Hiachat’ (Hiachat Demons) from Mallorca and ‘Es

Mals Esperits’ (The Bad Spirits) d’Eivissa’ from S’Alamera to the Portal de Ses Taules (the main entrance/ramp into Dalt Vila). The same performers will parade from S’Alamera, Mercat Vell, La Marina to Avinguda de Santa Eularia on Sunday 7th at 12pm and again on Monday 8th at 12pm from S’Alamera. On Saturday and Sunday December 6th-7th from 10am7pm there’s a market in la Marina and the Port selling local produce and crafts and from 8pm there’s also an international night market in Calle de la Virgen (C/ de la Mare de Déu) which will include paintings and sculptures from l’Associació Multiart Eivissa (AMAE). Look out for the brochure in the tourist office and bars around town (La Cava and Ebusus had them) for more details about the sporting events and guided tours. Sunday at Bar Mariposa and Funky Family @ Guaraná Carly Sorensen On Sunday, four Bay dwellers and their two offspring donned their glad rags, packed up a car and headed east in the pouring rain to Cala Llonga and Santa Eulalia in search of festive fun. After a short 'we're not from round here' detour, (we weren't lost, just temporarily unable to locate our destination), we arrived at Mariposa bar. My first impression was a good one: this lovely little bar is nestled into the hillside overlooking Cala Llonga and boasts great views as well as a pool and lounge area outdoors. Unfortunately, it was wetter than an otter's pocket so we couldn't make the most of the outdoors and nor could the intended Christmas fair. However, the proprietors weren't about to let rain stop play and were doing their level best


to get all sixty guests who'd booked in for lunch indoors and seated with minimal delay. No mean feat in a place that didn't have that many chairs, but the staff were efficient, apologetic, friendly and ensured everyone had drinks while they waited. It was crowded and a bit chaotic but with a festive, fun atmosphere and smiles and drinks flowing... not too dissimilar to trying to squeeze everyone into a flat for a student bash, only with a more diverse age range and no throwing up in the plant p o t . We were seated and served a huge dinner of turkey, ham, stuffing, roast spuds, parsnips (I was pleased to see this as they're a personal favourite) broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, gravy and cranberry sauce which we ate at various stages of warmth due to our taking in turns to wander about entertaining my restless one year old, who was intent on grabbing anything she could get her paws on and flinging it. Once our scrumptious belly busting dinner was over, we had a visit from Father Christmas. He called kids out by name and handed them each gifts as they posed for pictures and told him what they wanted for Christmas. In spite of her having missed her nap and being decidedly out of sorts, my little monkey went for a quick cuddle and got a lovely little rag doll. All the kids were delighted to have met Santa and received such fun, age appropriate presents. Very impressive and thoughtful planning on the part of his elves at Mariposa! After dinner and meeting Father Christmas, we decided the kids needed hyping up further so headed over to Guarana in Santa Eulalia marina where their Funky Family Sunday was taking place. Ela napped briefly on the drive then awoke and went straight in to the play area

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with her big buddy Blue. The two of them had a whale of a time on the slide, playing on mini motorbikes and cars and pushing trucks about until it became too busy for a baby trying to climb the slide to play with the big kids anymore. I took her off to do some colouring whilst Blue got painted to look like Father Christmas... A genius festive request on his part amidst all the spidermen dashing about! While kids played and got painted, parents sipped drinks, chatted and kept an eye on the play area in very chic surroundings: white leather furniture, spinning bar stools, Sky frescoed ceilings, minimalist decor and ambient purplish lighting. It

felt like a grown up evening out with kids in the mix and none seemed to mind me spinning on my stool, with or without my baby in my arms! Very tolerant and welcoming folk indeed. The only downside, in my opinion, was that the music became a bit loud and heavy on the bass for a family evening, and the fact that most of the families had moved outdoors by seven o clock seemed testament to this. Aside from that, though, we all had a jolly old time and drove home with a one year old and four year old fast asleep. All in all a great day and very fun way to meet new people, try out new venues and tire out the kids. I'll definitely be venturing East again.


Information ...

Directory Emergencies 112 092 091 061 902109356

Crime? call 902 102 112 to report crime to the Policia Nacional in English.


Friday 19


Saturday 18o

Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Diocesan Caritas Homeless Shelter Doctor and Nurse (ATS) Home Visit Ambulances Red Cross Rosario Clinic Del Mar Red Cross Clinic Can Misses Hospital

616088883 902114147 971311762 971190966 971399977 971399977 971390303 971301916 971191212 971397000


Sunday 19o

Airport (information) Iberia/Air Nostrum Air Europa Air Berlin Ryanair Easyjet British Airways Norwegian Airways Transmediterranea Balearia Inserco Mediterranea Pitiusa

971809000 902400500 902401501 901116402 +44 8712460011 11899 902111333 902484080 902454645 902160180 971322110 971322443


Monday 17o


Tuesday 17

Locum Chaplain Teatro España (English Cinema) Motor Vehicle ITV (MOT) Ibiza Lighting (breakdowns) Gesa (breakdowns) Aqualia (breakdowns) Aqualia (customer care) Aqualia (readings) Endesa (customer care) Endesa (electrical breakdowns)

971343383 971332519 971195906 971191687 971226262 902136013 902186018 902266026 902530053 902534902

Town Halls Consell Insular Ibiza Town Hall San Antonio Town Hall Santa Eulalia Town Hall San Jose Town Hall San Juan Town Hall

971195900 971397500 971340111 971332800 971800125 971333003

Exchange Rate Wednesday 3rd December 2014 €:£ 0.7949 £:€ 1.2577 Euro to GBP Past Month

Bes Media Holdings 1999 S.L. CIF B-57852295 Deposito Legal DL 1-303-1999

0.805 0.800 0.795 0.790 0.785 0.780 0.775 0.770

Edificio Playa Bella, Local 1, c/ Jaén, 2, Cala De Bou, 07829, Ibiza Tel 971 348 271 Mob (Eng) 638 923 119 Mov (Esp) 633 310 527 www.theibizan.com editor@theibizasun.com

03 Dec


971398831 971301100 971340502 971330227 971333005 971330841 971800261 971340830

29 Oct

Police Commissioner Guardia Civil Eivissa Guardia Civil San Antonio Guardia Civil Sta. Eularia Guardia Civil San Joan Local Police Sta. Eulalia Local Police San Jose Local Police San Antonio

For Details Of Pharmacies In Your Area Including Out Of Hours Visit www.COFIB.es

26 Nov

Fire Local Police Guardia Civil (Police) Ib-Salud British Consulate

19 Nov

Thursday 19o

Page 13

12 Nov


05 Nov

The Ibizan, Thursday 4th December 2014, Issue 763

Editor: Nicholas Gibbs Deadline: Tuesday 5pm Print: Diario de Ibiza

Ibiza Market Guide (Winter) (d = daytime, e = evening) Mo






Las Dalias San Carlos


San Jordi Flea Market



Cala Leña 2nd Hand Market


Atzarò Agroturismo


San Juan Sunday Market


Gorila Market Cala De Bou


Passeig de S'Alamera Sta Eulalia




Animal Rescue ... Ibiza’s animal rescue charities are always looking for loving homes for many abandoned and neglected dogs, cats and other pets. If you can offer a home to these animals or would like to find out more about adoption please contact… Care4Cats 646574602 care4cats1@aol.com Ibiza4Patas 665023510 creawebs@ibiza4patas .org D.U.O. Ibiza 971197430 info@duo-ibiza.de Sa Coma 971192281 cpa@eivissa.es Adoptando Ibiza adoptandoenibiza@gmail.com


Wednesday 12o

Taxi Stop San Antonio Airport Taxi Stop Radio Taxi Ibiza Radio Taxi San Antonio Taxi Santa Eulalia/San Juan

971340074 971800080 971398483 971343764 971333333

Formentera Town Hall Medical Centre Guardia Civil Tourist Office Municipal Police Taxis

971322034 971322369 971322022 971322057 971322201 971322016

Tiggy (Care4Cats) 8 to 10 week old male kitten found abandoned on the side of a busy road. Has had

Rubbio (Ibiza4Patas) Male, Year and a half old. He is well behaved and very sociable. Trained and

Fleur (Care4Cats) Female, 5-6 months old. Very affectionate and loves a belly rub. Neutered.

The Deadline to Register to Vote in Spain’s 2015 Municipal Elections is December 30th For more information on how to register, downloadable forms, and contact details of Ibiza’s Town Halls, go to

http://bit.ly/voteinibiza Join the group at www.facebook.com/groups/voteibiza/ Personal Assistance. Martin Makepeace will be at San Antonio Town Hall 12 noon every Wednesday to offer personal assistance and translation to those anybody wanting to register.

The Ibizan, Thursday 4th December 2014, Issue 763


Page 14

Classifieds & Local Services Transport

Classifieds Looking to rent? Choice of 1,2,3 and 4 bed s/contained, furnished apartments available in San Antonio, Cala de Bou, Port des Torrent. Contact: (00 34) 630 120641

Employment Wanted Former trainee Legal Executive / Legal secretary seeking office employment in the winter and / or summer 2015. Diploma in Law. Excellent written & computer skills, strong organisational skills, ability to work to deadlines, can work well individually or part of a team. CV available. English speaking, learning Spanish. sophia-valentine@hotmail.co.uk

For Sale: Jeep Wrangler 2.4TL 2006 Model, 60,000km, Spanish Registration, ITV to 2015. For sale at 13,000â‚Ź. For more photos and information call 680504351, or artash@me.com


Personal & Services

The Ibizan, Thursday 4th December 2014, Issue 763


Page 15

Sport from the back page (Continued from page 16)

whopping 7 wickets, featuring, well, er, not a lot. Once again, all the pundits are calling for skipper Cook's head, and this time, having defended him over the Test side, I do agree with them, as he's seriously struggling for runs but more importantly, as an opener, is keeping Alex Hales, a much better and dynamic one day player, out of the side. So, guys (and you selectors!), get yer act together and fast, otherwise we, once again, will be the fall guys in next year's World Cup. Rugby Union

At last, a headline that is quite rare so enjoy it! Northern Hemisphere 2 Southern Hemisphere 0! A good weekend for both England and Wales then in the last of the Autumn Tests, as the Red Rose beat Australia, for the 4th time in 5, this time 26-17 at Twickenham, in an absorbing contest which saw Gloucester No 8 Ben Morgan score a brace of tries and new fly-half, Bath's George Ford, convert 16 points. So, although we lost to the All Blacks and the Boks, both narrowly, these two wins, with the first against hard-hitting Samoa, should set us up nicely for the 6 Nations in February/March. Over in Cardiff, the Red Dragon at last put aside the bag of McCain chips on his shoulder with regard to beating S. Hemisphere sides, and scraped past South Africa 12-6 with 4 penalties to 2, in what I am told was a really tight match.


Running out of space here, so a quick precis of last week's results in Europe and the Premier League. In the Champions League, both Chelsea and Arsenal secured their passage to the knock-out round with a game to spare, the Blues as winners of their Group and the Gunners still needing a win to cement top. As for Man City, they beat Bayern Munich at the Etihad and now must win at Roma next week to go through as runners-up, whilst ditto Liverpool, after a 2-2 draw at Ludgorets, needing to beat Basle at Anfield. So, two definites and 2 probables in to the next round, methinks. In the Europa, both Tottenham and Everton won their games and booked their passage in to the k/ out round and top their relative groups. Meanwhile, it was back to the Premier last weekend, and although leaders Chelsea could only draw 0-0 at drawspecialists Sunderland in an enthralling contest of attack agin defence, where the Blacks Cats defence became the first team from 16 this season to stop Jose's side from scoring, Man City pulled two points back from the 8 point gap, and moved in to 2nd, after beating Southampton 3-0 at St Mary's, with Lampard, at the tender age of 36, scoring his 174th League goal, now only one behind Arsenal legend Thierry Henry. See, I'm not just a pretty face, y'know, as for those of you of my regular read-

Ibiza News next year. Also commercial establishments will be able to get to free parking passes, costing 50€ for the year, which they can give to customers to park free whilst they are making purchases at the shop in question. Finished shopping, the card is then to be returned to the shop and passed on to another customer needing this extra service offered by the shop. Hopefully, both measures will help encourage shoppers to use the small centrally located shops in the town.

continued from page 3

4 Times Over the Limit. A 50 year old local man was stopped and detained at a traffic control on the outskirts of Sant Joan village this week after being found to be four times over the drink drive limit. The man was apparently surprised by the result claiming that he was on his way home from work. Winter Finally Arrives. Heavy rainfall, strong winds, rough seas and falling tempera-

ers will recall, a few weeks back, I opined the fact that the Saints hadn't played any of the big boys yet and before we get carried away with their success, let's see what happens when they do – well, there's your answer, so there you go! And as for those so-called experts who predicted that the Blues were done and dusted with the title in the bag, with even betsters Paddy Power paying out already, c'mon guys, we're only just in to December and there's a long way to go yet! Interesting too, that at this stage last season, City were also 6 points behind then leaders Arsenal but still went on to win the title. Even Man Utd, in 4th, are putting a run together as they recorded their 3rd win in a row, this time 3-0 at OT v. Hull, but what is it with van Gaaaal (not a typo error!) as he's already complaining of the December fixture list with 7 matches in 31 days. Sorry, mate, but not only is it the same for all the other 19 teams, but those still in Europe and the League Cup (shame that Man U aren't in either!) have more, so get used to it! West Ham, now in 5th, secured a good 1-0 win at home to in-form Newcastle, who drop to 8th, “lucky” Arsenal won 1-0 at the Hawthorns against struggling West Bromwich, Tottenham are on their heels in 7th after their 2-1 win at the Lane against Everton, and, hey, how 'bout this, even Liverpool won, 1-0 at Anfield against Stoke, to break their miserable run of 4 matches without a win. To the

tures saw the island enter fully into winter this week. Rainfall of up to 40 litres per m2 was recorded, whilst roads flooded all over the islands. Waves of 3 metres hit the coast and the prevailing winds meant that the high seas affected coastal locations such as Talamanca on the South West coast. At this beach, debris from the sea was washed inland and the sewage system experienced a back flow creating obnoxious smells and pollution. Boats were also grounded as they broke anchor and drifted to the beach. Report Against Exploration. It was reported this week that a

bottom, and Our 'Arry must have been close to an 'art attack as QPR stunned Leicester 3-2 at Loftus Road, to climb up to 18th and finally, two more draws, firstly in the battle of the Claret and Blues, Burnley came back to level 1-1 with Aston Villa, now Keane-less, and Crystal Palace battled to the same score with

Swansea in the Principality. This week sees the December congestion begin with a doubleheader, with all teams playing Tuesday/Wednesday and Saturday/Sunday so, boo for you, van Gaaaal, and complications for next week's report, but, ever the optimist, I'm sure we'll manage! Ciao for now.

preliminary Central Government Environmental report by the Dirección General de Sostenibilidad de la Costa y el Mar del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (Department concerned with environmental sustainability) has come out against the proposed seismic oil exploration planned for the sea bed between the Baleares and Valencia coasts. Stating that it will adversely affect the marine life, including many protected species and the environment, there is a special reference made to the dolphins, whales and turtles which migrate through this area of the ocean each year. The report has

been passed to Cairn Energy, the company who want to carry out the exploration, for their information. However, the report recommends a zero tolerance policy to any oil exploration in this sensitive area so Cairn appear to have little room for manoeuvre. The situation is not completely over because the main report from the Central Government Environmental authorities, which should take this preliminary report into account, still has to be released, supposedly before December 10th.

The Ibizan, Thursday 4th December 2014, Issue 763

Ibiza Gift Wraps It For Bahia Ibiza 15 Bahia 22

Mike Blackburn Unlike England who learnt from last weeks game to beat Australia by 26 points to 17 with a pragmatic display of rugby, Ibiza failed to take care of the ball and offered up far too many mistakes for Bahia to take advantage of throughout this closely fought contest. Ibiza gifted Bahia with 15 of their 22 points through poor concentration and a lack of understanding of basic skills at critical times. Of the two teams Ibiza played the better more creative attacking rugby and had a greater share of both territory and possession, however, it usually culminated in a handling error at key times during the game. Ibiza CR were first on the scoreboard with a try direct from kick off when an awkward bouncing ball left the Bahia defence statuesque while Gianfanco Terroli gathered and drove over the line with a powerful leg drive. Within a few minutes Bahia hoisted a high ball deep into Ibiza's 22 and the full back fumbled resulting in a scrum to Bahia which Ibiza appeared to loose concentration allowing Bahia to drive over the line with ease. The try was converted and a penalty conceded once again a lack of concentration put Bahia in the lead 10-5 at the halfway mark.

Ibiza's scrum started to believe in their own ability and worked hard on technique and good old fashioned grunt. They grew into the game and began to dominate which gave Nacho Sparano a platform from which to attack to put Ibiza 12-10 in front with 20 mins on the clock, extended to 15-10 by a penalty 5 minutes later. What followed appeared to be several acts of team abnegation on the part of Ibiza CR when they gave Bahia an early Christmas present to draw level. A simple touch down in goal would have relieved the pressure but a rush of blood resulted in a very poor kick (placing all the Ibiza team offside and unable to defend) and gift wrapped the ball with bows, bells and mistletoe to the Bahia No 8 who duly obliged with a try. The final play of the game was the only creative piece of play from the Bahia 10 who worked some space and crashed through a poorly organised defence. It was heartbreaking for some of the players who gave so much notably Captain Vacar, Gianfranco with some thundering tackles and Danni Albaro with some real dog. Ibiza will need to pick themselves up for next week’s game against Corsaris in Can Misses, Sat 6th December KO to be confirmed.


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Sport Deporte Jezza´s Sports Report Jeremy Parmenter I start this week's report with the sad tale of two Australians, both masters of their individual sports, and a tale that perfectly illustrates the fickle finger of Fate, especially with regard to sporting accidents... Firstly, the tragic news from Down Under of the passing of international cricketer Phillip Hughes, who died last week from a severe head injury brought about from a cricket ball bowled at around 90

mph, during a Sheffield Shield match. No doubt, by now, you will have all read and seen the media reports, so I won't go in to detail, but, suffice to say, this was a freak accident with the chances of it happening around a million to one. And secondly, ex F1 Red Bull driver Mark Webber, now driving for Porsche in Endurance Racing, who incredibly survived a serious 185 mph crash in a race in Brazil on Sunday and is now recuperating in hospital but is safe and sound.

Incredible how one can compare the two incidents, both involving Australians, with, what, in theory anyway, should be the former accident that much more likely to survive than the latter, but thereby hangs that wicked finger of Fate. In the meantime, we send, with the rest of the sporting world our deepest condolences for Hughes' family and friends at their tragic loss but also spare a thought for the young Australian cricketer, Sean Abbott, who bowled that fateful ball. At the same time, however, we can celebrate the fact that Webber survived and pass on our best wishes for his speedy recovery. Cricket

Whilst talking cricket, England, true to form, have started their 7 match ODI Series in Sri Lanka with, yes, you guessed it, two losses from two, the first albeit only by 25 runs, featuring a spectacular ton from new boy Moheen Ali, but the second by a Phillip Hughes who died last week following a freak bowling accident. In action and holding Australia’s young-player-of-2008 award

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