Time is the true measure of one’s possessions, the value of which can be marked by centuries of careful preservation, decades of innovation and years of craftsmanship. Building a collection whether of Picasso paintings or Patek Philippe vintage watches - takes time, dedication and patience, and timepieces symbolise the amplitude of such pursuits both literally and figuratively. They express a collector’s identity and style impeccably, a portable measurement of significant moments across lives, their allure lying in the stories current owners can add to such sagas. In 1997, Sotheby’s pioneered the transformative movement
Discovering Time with Sotheby’s of historic horology collecting with the world’s first stand-alone watch auction in Asia, eventually developing the region into a major auction centre. With an esteemed heritage dating as far back as 1744, watch auctions by the oldest auction house in the world now cover the expanses of Hong Kong, New York, Geneva and London. In 2013, the Hong Kong market alone totalled US$58.8 million – more than double of 2012 – the highest annual aggregate for this category in Asia. Time waits for no man – undoubtedly, profound interest in heritage timepieces is growing at exponential speed.
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