SAO Newsletter 8

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Contents Feature Stories 焦點故事      

Career Leap Club & BBA-CG student won the Classified Post’s “Shadow a CEO Programme” President’s Reception for Parents, Teachers & Students International Day 2016 “Life Navigator” – Peer Mentor Scheme Organic Farming @ Evergreen College HSMC Volunteer Team Organizing Committee

Students’ Sharing 學生分享       

Winner of “Chuang Qing Chun” National Entrepreneurship Competition 2016 Recipient of 2016 Disney Scholars by the Walt Disney Company Foundation Recipient of the Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers Recipient of the Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship 2016-17 Interns’Sharing President of HSMC Student Union Participant of International Youth Exchange Programme 2016-17

p.2 - p.8

p.9 - p.15

Student Achievements 學生成就


Services Provided by SAO 學生事務處的服務


.The Commencement of JINESS Project

Event Highlights 精彩活動回顧

p.18 - p.29

Career Leap Club & BBA-CG student won the Classified Post’s “Shadow a CEO Programme” Mr. LAW Cheuk Kit, Andrew, a year three BBA-CG student and member of Career Leap Club has just won Classified Post’s “Shadow a CEO Programme” among hundreds of candidates. Andrew is one of the 8 elite students in Hong Kong who got selected after a competitive screening process and won the chance to shadow business leaders from renowned companies.

就讀企業管治工商管理三年級的 Career Leap Club 學生 羅卓傑同學從數百名申請者中脫穎而出,與另外 7 位優秀學 生 成 功 入 選 由 南 華 早 報 旗 下 Classified Post 舉 辦 的 「Shadow a CEO Programme」。該計劃讓學生成為大企 業管理層的「影子」三天,跟隨及觀察其日常工作,並了解 相關行業發展及運作。

With a keen interest in the aviation industry, Andrew is assigned to shadow Mr. Stanley Yau, Director of Human Resources & Administration of Hong Kong Airlines for three days during Dec 2016 – Jan 2017. During the period, he had the opportunity to attend internal meetings with senior executives and Management Trainees of the company. In addition, he joined an airport tour to visit check-in counters, VIP lounge, airport briefing office, cockpit and cabin and got invaluable exposure to the company’s operational procedure, organizational structure and corporate culture.

羅同學對航空業素有興趣,主辦單位將安排羅同學於 2016 年 12 月至 2017 年 1 月期間, 跟從香港航空人力資源及行 政總監邱志威先生學習三天。 羅同學會跟隨邱先生出席管 理層內部會議;參觀機場登機櫃檯、貴賓休息室、飛行講解 室和駕駛艙等,以及了解公司的營運模式、架構和文化。羅 同學特別期望能多認識香港航空在企業管治方面的工作,為 自己的未來發展做好準備。 羅同學一直積極參與各項活動,並在去年加入了學生事務處

Andrew was particularly interested in understanding more about the work of the airline on the corporate governance perspective. He believed that this experience was rewarding and earnt him a competitive edge on his professional development upon graduation.

舉辦的 Career Leap Club。透過 Career Leap Club 的活 動,他認識到不同行業的商界領袖,並學會積極裝備自己以 迎接不同機會。 恭喜羅同學!我們期待見證更多恒管同學在各方面的成就。

Congratulations to Andrew! We look forward to witnessing more HSMC students’ achievements in different fields. LAW Cheuk Kit, Andrew (BBA-CG Year3)


President’s Reception for Parents, Teachers & Students To have better communication and understanding with parents and the College, to introduce the College’s latest development, HSMC organised the 4th President’s Reception for Parents, Teachers and Students on 8 October 2016. Over 250 parents, students and staff attended the event. The Reception began with the College video, the President’s welcoming remarks and introduction on the College’s latest development, then followed by sharing from our student, alumnus and counsellor. President Simon S M Ho emphasized the unique “Liberal + Professional” education model, the valuable learning experience of small class teaching and close teacher-student relationship in HSMC. The College put quality teaching and students’ all-round development as the top priority, aiming at nurturing young talents with leadership skills and caring hearts. Committing to provide holistic learning experiences to students, HSMC was the first self-financing higher education institution in Hong Kong to adopt a unique Residential College (RC) system to create a “living and learning” environment for students.

為促進家長和校方的交流及分享學院的最新發展,恒 管於 10 月 8 日舉辦了第四屆「相聚在恒管–家長 · 師 生交流日」,並有逾 250 名家長、學生及教職員參加。 交流先由觀看學院短片開始, 並由何順文校長簡介恒 管的最新發展,亦有學生、校友及輔導員與大家分享。 何順文校長強調,恒管獨特的「博雅+專業」教育模式, 注重小班教學和緊密師生關係,以學生全人發展為首 要目標,在通識教育的基礎上學習及發展專業,培育學 生的領導才能與人文關懷。恒管也是全港首間自資院 校引入住宿書院概念, 這裏不只是學生留宿的地方, 更讓學生能與教授相互學習,將學習和生活融入其中。 及後,家長、學生與教學及高級行政人員輕鬆交談,並 參觀學生發展及服務的資訊站。茶聚過後,家長參加所 屬學院的分享會,及由學生大使帶領的校園導賞遊,加 深對恒管的認識。

Parents and students had brief exchanges with the professors on learning and student life in a friendly atmosphere. They visited the information booths of student development and services and parallel sharing sessions with School Deans, department heads and academic staff. Parents also joined the guided campus tours led by student ambassadors to have a closer look at the College.

Parents and students filled up the Fung Yiu King Hall 馮堯敬堂座無虛席

President Simon S M Ho gave a speech 何順文校長致辭 Campus Tour – Sports and Amenities Centre (Block B) 校園導賞遊 ─ 康樂活動中心(B 座大樓)


International Day 2016 Students and staff enjoyed the International Day

Over 120 non-local and local students gathered together to celebrate the first-ever International Day 2016 on 5 October 2016. Presented by Student Affairs Office, the event aims at promoting internationalisation on campus to embrace cultural diversity at HSMC. The campus was filled with festive atmosphere during the Day, with game booths hosted by exchange students and their buddies to showcase their traditions and cultures. In addition, returning students and exchange students were invited to share their exchange experience abroad and in the College. To conclude the Day, laughter and excitement were found among the participants at the Jump Rope Competition and Stolen Dans, a traditional game from the Netherlands, led by two exchange students. The International Day provided a great opportunity for all students to learn about different cultures, our partner universities and to build friendship among each other.

Stolen Dans - a traditional game from the Netherlands

Jump Rope Competition

“Life Navigator” – Peer Mentor Scheme Further to the success of the academic year 2015-16, with the financial support from “We-Care Fund”, SAO and personal growth and counselling team start a new chapter of Peer Mentor Scheme in Sep 2016. The objectives of the Peer Mentor Scheme include: a) cultivating a caring atmosphere on HSMC campus; b) enhancing HSMC students’ awareness of mental health; and c) training a group of Peer Mentors who are able to identify and assist students with social adjustment and psychological needs and make referral when necessary. The design of Life Navigator - peer mentor scheme includes a training camp focusing on team building and communication skills, as well as conflict resolution; foundation course of Mental Health First Aid and a talk on Positive Psychology. Apart from the training programmes, the peer mentors of last academic year became senior peer mentors, who could cooperate and lead current peer mentors to design and implement campus caring activities for their fellow students in RC and on the campus. Programmes included the launch of a Social Media page ( and “Cheering Stations” during examination period to promote a warm and caring the atmosphere on campus, and Mental Health Exhibition and game booths for enhancing student’s awareness of mental health.

Peer Mentors attended a 2D1N team building plus conflict resolution camp and Mental Health First-Aid Course before organizing campus caring activities.


承接 15/16 學年的成功經驗及《與你同行》資 助計劃的資助,學生事務處的個人成長及輔導 於 2016 年 9 月展開新一屆的朋輩導師計劃。 《朋輩導師計劃》的目標包括: 



培訓一批有能力辨識及提供支援予適應困 難及心理需要的同學,並在對方有需要時

To introduce mental health knowledges and stress management skills

轉介至專業人士提供協助的“朋輩導師” with game booth to let students to have fun, understand mental health knowledge and to get souvenirs in the Mental Health Exhibition.

整個《生命導航者 – 朋輩導師計劃》的設計包括一個聚焦於團隊建立、溝通技巧及化解衝突的訓練營、「精 神健康急救」、「基礎證書課程」及「正向心理學講座」。 除訓練活動外,去年的朋輩導師會擔任「高級朋輩導師」,帶領現屆朋輩導師設計、執行和推動一系列在住宿 書院及校園舉行的關愛活動。包括建立一個社交平台(及“考試打氣加油 站”以推廣此計劃及在校園散播關愛氣氛。另外,透過「精神健康展覽」及有關的小型攤位,推廣精神健康。

Jump Rope Competition Peer Mentors organized a talk on positive psychology by clinical psychologist, there were 85 HSMC students and staff attended the talk.

Organic Farming @ Evergreen College Evergreen College aims to promote the concept of green living and sustainable development to her residents. Thus, the college organized many green activities in order to enhance the residents’ green knowledge. One of the activities was “Organic Farming @ Evergreen College”. This semester, a group of the residents was recruited as the organic farmers. They took care of their own organic farming boxes placed outside their college carefully. From seeding to harvest, they not only learned the basic technique of organic farming, but also how to face the challenges and difficulties in the process. “Organic Farming @ Evergreen College” was a year-long activity. If you want to be one of the organic farmers in the coming semester, please be alert to the recruitment campaign.

有機耕作@綠延書院 綠延書院致力推廣綠色生活和持續發展的概念予宿生。 故此,本學年積極舉辦不 同類型的綠色活動,藉以增長他們的環保知識,其中一項就是「有機耕作@綠延 書院」。 是次有機耕作活動, 共招募了多名宿生成為綠延書院的有機農夫。他們用心照料書院外種植箱裏的農作物。正所 謂「一分耕耘,一分收穫」,從播種到收成,他們不但學會了基本的農務技巧,而且學會面對困難和挑戰。 「有機耕作@綠延書院」是一項長期活動。如你有興趣成為他們的一分子,謹記留意下學期的招募活動啊!

一班有機農夫用心照料書院外的種植箱裏的農作物。 A group of resident farmers took care of their own organic farming boxes placed outside their college.

綠延書院的同學不但於有機耕作工作坊體驗農耕的樂趣,一班同學更於十 月尾享受第一次收割的成果。 A group of resident farmers enjoyed the first harvest in late October.


HSMC Volunteer Team Organizing Committee To encourage more student-led service projects in the College, HSMC Volunteer Team is restructured into an organizing committee in 2016/17. 15 students were selected to join the organizing committee (OC) team to initiate plans and coordinate services for HSMC-ers. In the first semester, the OC Team worked in collaboration with NGOs, actively engaged in service planning and volunteer management in external services.   

Rehab Power Day 2016 Organ Donation Promotion Campaign Stewards’ Charity Sale 2016

在 2016/17 學年,恒生管理學院義工隊增設籌委會,藉以鼓勵同學 籌辦義工活動,帶領恒管人關心社會。經面試後,有十五位同學獲 選為今屆恒義籌委會成員。在剛過去的學期,籌委會與不同機構合 作,為所舉辦的義工服務提供支援,包括:人手安排、遊戲設計及 宣傳等,並於活動當日擔任義工隊的領袖,帶領恒管同學積極投入 義工服務。曾參與的活動包括: 

復康力量傷健共融日 2016


香港神託會 - 愛心慈善義賣 2016

「加入了恒義之後,我獲益甚多,除了增廣見聞外, 亦擴闊自己的眼界,使我對社會有更深入的認識和 瞭解。為商之道,在於義。常常參與義工服務不單








賴嘉浩 金融分析工商管理 (榮譽) 學士



施樂怡 管理學工商管理 (榮譽) 學士


「今年是我第一年成為恒義籌委會的一份子。起初也有點驚惶失 惜,因為恒義是代表整個學院的義工團隊。在籌委會成立後,我 們就要協辦大型嘉年華活動,為大會安排及管理義工。身為籌委 會成員,感動的是透過活動了解到其實很多恒管的同學都是關心 社會、樂於助人的一群。特別是看到大家在崗位努力工作的身影, 我深深感受到活動雖然短暫,但能為社會出一分力的感動是永恆 的。希望未來與成員組織更多有義意的活動,再次感受這份感 動。」 楊嘉欣 工商管理 (榮譽) 學士 二年級


Sharing by OC Members 籌委會成員分享

Students’ Sharing Our College adopts a “liberal + professional” education model to our students through which to foster student’s whole person development and to cultivate outstanding graduates. Here are the valuable experience that the students gained from their joyful university life.

BBA Students Won Silver Medal Awards at the “Chuang Qing Chun” National Entrepreneurship Competition 2016 Hang Seng Management College congratulated two BBA students in winning Silver Medal Awards at the “Chuang Qing Chun” National Entrepreneurship Competition 2016 (「創青春」全國大學生創業大賽 2016) in recognition of their outstanding performance. The “Chuang Qing Chun” National Entrepreneurship Competition, renowned as the inter-college “Olympic Games” in its field in China, had nominated impressive proposals out of the 110,000 preliminary entries from over 2,200 nation-wide institutions for the final contest. Mr LO Wai Hong Ares and Mr MOK Ka Chun Ian, BBA Year 3 and Year 4 students respectively, teamed up as the finalist with their business proposal “House Cook” (「屋煮」). Applying the concept of sharing economy, the mobile application “House Cook” served as a platform for customers to choose ideal cooks and cuisines in providing all-round services starting from preparation to cleaning-up. After days of exhibitions and presentations, Ares and Ian won panel appreciation towards their innovative proposal which finally granted them the Silver Medal Awards under the Business Proposal Category. With their extraordinary idea on integrating technology and services, the award was as an essential milestone on their road to entrepreneurship.

LO Wai Hong Ares (BBA Year 3) Seeking for jobs? Why not start up your own business? Graduation, employment and promotion are perhaps the most typical planning of your life. Have you ever thought of investing the time that you spent on realizing others’ business into your own dream instead? If you have a dream on entrepreneurship, just try and learn. Never let your dreams be dreams only.

MOK Ka Chun Ian (BBA Year 4) Entrepreneurship is not just a word, but an action. Most people believe that capital is a prerequisite for starting up a business and thus, makes it an unreachable dream. However, what most likely bringing you a success are your determination and a thoughtful proposal with affirmation to persist. Many organizations are dedicated to provide assistance and guidance towards entrepreneurship for young generations. All you need is to take your very first step.


BJC Student Awarded as the 2016 Disney Scholars by the Walt Disney Company Foundation CHOW Hoi Kit, a Year-1 new comer of HSMC majoring in BJC, was selected by the renowned Walt Disney Company Foundation to be one of the 2016 Disney Scholars with allround talents including academic achievement, extracurricular activities, community service and demonstrated leadership. Simon would like to share with us his insights towards studies.

Photo with Miss Chan Yuen Ting, the manager of the Eastern Sports Club in the Hong Kong Premier League

Sharing by Simon Disney Scholars Program is my first ever scholarship. In fact, I didn’t expect myself to be a recipient of this scholarship as I was competing with students around the world. Finally I succeeded! I think it is a very good gift for me before entering the post-secondary education. Striving to weigh a good balance between my academic results and extracurricular activities, I was enlightened by this award that hard work really paid off! I vividly remember the day when I came HSMC to have an interview on BJC programme. That was the first time I visited the campus as well as for an individual interview. Time flies and it has already been the end of my first semester. In these few months, I find that small class teaching enables us to develop close relationships with both professors and tutors. They can remember us just after one or two lessons. They welcome us to ask them questions after lessons or via emails. They will even have meals with us too! One thing they always ask is that “How do you relate your knowledge to your daily life or the society?”. This sentence inspires me a lot! When we were secondary students, we might only focus on textbooks and past papers and neglected to link our knowledge to the society. However, now, we can! The pressure from public examinations has already gone. Instead, we can learn and practise something we are interested in. This makes us closer to our dreams! Just now I have had a brief and basic understanding on journalism and communication. In the coming years, I hope I can learn more and gain practical experience of working in this industry. That’s why I need to be more active and keep pushing myself!


BA-ENG Student Awarded Received the Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers The Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers is set up by the Education Bureau, the Government of HKSAR. It aims to attract persons with proficiency in English to pursue relevant local bachelor degree programmes and/ or programmes for teacher training qualification. In the Academic Year 2016/17, there are 50 scholarships offered to 10 institutions. Rameen is our first student to receive this honour.

Rameen (BA-ENG ,Year 1) Recipient of the Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers

Sharing by Rameen “The moment I received the email informing me that I was selected for the scholarship, I jumped with excitement and joy! Honestly, I never thought I would ever be awarded a scholarship because I just thought I was a small fry of where I stand in studies.

When I first learnt about the Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers, I decided to give out 100% efforts to achieve it, as I was passionate to become a professional English teacher. I knew that it’s going to be very competitive considering the colossal number of applicants proficient in English, but I tried my best to make sure that I left no stone unturned in my preparation for the interview.

So once I received the email inviting me for the interview, I toiled days and nights doing research for the typical interview questions and preparing responses. Meanwhile, I fully observed the criteria of the candidates they were looking for to award the scholarship. This was especially important as my responses had to be in line with what they were looking for. Preparation is very critical to determining the success of the interview.

As the saying goes, if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. So moral of the story is that if you are determined, you can definitely achieve anything in life. No big deal! :)”


獲民政事務局嘉許「多元卓越獎學金 2015/16」 帆船,對我們來說可能只是海上交通工具,但對商學院一年級新生蔡一明同學而言,卻是啟迪心靈的人生鍛鍊。畢 業於香港航海學校的蔡同學,由對帆船知識一竅不通,至今天獨當一面參與國際帆船賽事,其刻苦耐勞的傑出表現 獲民政事務局嘉許「多元卓越獎學金 2015/16」。希望恒管同學藉著蔡同學如何「揚帆乘風,逆流破浪」,對人生 有所啟發。

過往六年,作為中學帆船校隊一員,接受帆船訓練及至參加本地 比賽,其後更獲選為港隊,代表香港出戰國際帆船盛事,為港爭 光。最終很高興能夠獲頒民政事務局「多元卓越獎學金」並入讀 恒生管理學院。

帆船這項運動令我有幾分感悟。駕駛帆船期間,船員必須時刻留 意海面的情況,包括風向、水流以及其他水上交通工具的狀況。 稍有不慎,小則令船速減慢以致比賽名次墮後,大則令船隻碰撞 以致船上的人受傷。相反,如能充份觀察海上的環境,不僅能在 比賽獲得良好成績,而且能減少船隻碰撞及覆艇的機會。在帆船 的訓練和比賽中,我學懂了全面觀察身邊事物的重要性。 另外,在比賽時可能會遇上強烈的陣風,這樣會令帆船受力過度 而覆艇和弄壞船具。初學帆船的時候,大風會令我感到絕望、無 助。但在訓練中,我不斷汲收經驗,發現有很多方法可以減少船 隻受力,例如調整帆的弧度、船隻受風角度以及定水板食水深度 等。我漸漸掌握大風的環境,並能駕駛帆船在烈風中馳騁。在無 數的失敗和教訓中,我學懂了辦法總比困難多。

蔡一明同學 工商管理 (榮譽) 學士 一年級

最後,我希望能好好運用獲頒的獎學金,將我從帆船中領悟到的 道理應用出來,繼續發展個人潛能並發揮自己所長。


Internship Sharing This is a very fruitful and rewarding summer internship. Bangkok is a fast growing city in economy which is far beyond my expectation. Being an intern at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), I helped out for both front and back offices that created an allround experience to me in event administration and management. It began with planning, logistics, operations and lots of networking work in different chambers of commerce which was very different from that of the past internships and university activities I attended. It also gave me a big thrill to sit in the meeting of Board of Directors. This opportunity was precious in which I learnt to enrich myself. Chung Hau Ming, Carmen (Middle) (BTB Year 4) Intern of HKTDC Bangkok Office, Summer 2016

Tang Chun Yu, Eve (Middle right) (BBA-MGT Year 3) Summer Intern in Liaoning Liaison Office of HKSAR Government

Eve and Angus (Middle), both are students of HSMC, participated in a rewarding and eye-opening summer internship in Liaoning, Mainland China.

Carmen enjoyed the dynamic projects during her summer internship in Bangkok.

I am thankful for having a fruitful summer internship by working in the Laioning Liaison Unit of HKSAR in Shenyan, a northeast city in the Chinese Mainland. With my duties covering preevent preparatory support and onside assistance for "Savouring Hong Kong Liaoning 2016", the internship offered me a valuable opportunity to work with not only colleagues in the office, but also representatives in various government departments, associations and corporations in the Mainland and from Hong Kong. Teamwork and time management are vital in managing such a mega event. I treasure the chance to promote Hong Kong culture to other cities though this internship. The experience has broadened my horizons and is helpful for my career development in future.


Sharing by the President of HSMC Student Union 學生會主席分享 學生會繼往開來,參與校政,致力為學生表達訴 求。至今即將踏入第七年,實有賴各位同學的鼎 力支持以及在各學生運動積極參與。除了感謝 外界, 我亦想藉今次機會, 好好感謝其他學生 會幹事,你們每一位都緊守崗位, 擇善固執, 發揮無限潛能做好每一件事。我一個人一雙手 拍掌並不響亮。莊員, 就是互相扶持,互相體 諒, 一起的撐。感謝幹事們擔任副手,造就今 天的我,造就今天的學生會。


International Youth Exchange Programme 2016-17 Student Sharing Exchange Trip in Poland Ives Li (BBA-BAF, Year 4) In the last week of September, I flew to Warsaw for the International Youth Exchange Programme 2016/17. In our journey, we exchanged ideas and insights on social innovation and youth participation with the delegates from Lazarski University. They surprised me with how alike we were, and I realized that we would become great friends in the coming nine days. The tour brought us to the Warsaw Old Town, Wieliczka Salt Mine, and the Poland Museum of the History of Polish Jews. It was at the concentration camp in Auschwitz where I was stunned, with every detail of what happened during the WWII gathered by our dedicated tour guide. Not only we visited all these landmarks in Poland, but also we were given the chance to perform traditional Chinese acrobatics. Planning another visit to your favourite country would only confine you to your comfort zone, yet going on an exchange programme to unfamiliar destinations would let you dive in the colourful adventures. I would never have learnt so much of the culturally-enriched Poland if I had not grabbed this valuable opportunity.


Student Achievements Glocal Greenovation Challenge First Runner-up Chung Hau Ming, Carmen (BTB) (Middle left)

CTA Tax Competition 2016

First Runner-up Yim Chak Hong (BBA-ACC) Liu Ho Fung (BBA-BAF) Ku Ching Man (BBA-ACC) Man Ka Sing (BBA-BAF) (From left to right)

Selected Kong Chak Wa (SCM)

UNOSSC, Youth EXPO, Dubai

The Most Valuable Companies in Hong Kong 2016 SHIU Yin Ning, Elaine (BBA-MKT)

Mediazone's Most Valuable Companies in Hong Kong Awards 2016


The Commencement of JINESS Project Joint-Institute Network for Student Success (JINESS), an online job platform for both students and employers in offering solutions to searching career opportunities and recruiting talents respectively, is funded by the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) from the Education Bureau (EDB) and officially starts in January 2017. As a principal applicant, HSMC has led the other 4 self-financing institutions, namely, Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Centennial College, Chu Hai College for Higher Education and Tung Wah College, to lay the groundwork for two-year project over the year. All the participating institutions will collaborate together to facilitate interinstitutional events, such as careers fair, HR forums, student conference and research, within the project period. The Commencement of JINESS project will mark a significant step forward in the selffinancing higher education sector.


英才網計劃(JINESS Project)正式啟動 英才網 (JINESS)提供「一站式」網上就業平 台及教育項目,為自資專上院校的學生及畢 業生開拓不同的就業機會,同時讓僱主有效 地招聘人才,滿足行業需要。二零一七年一 月,本計劃獲教育局自資專上教育基金的質 素提升支援計劃 (QESS) 撥款資助推行。 作為英才網 (JINESS)的主要申請院校,恒生 管理學院 (恒管)聯同其餘四所自資專上院 校,包括明愛專上學院、明德學院、珠海學 院和東華學院,推行此為期兩年的計劃。 所有參與院校將會於計劃內共同舉辦就業相 關的活動,例如招聘會、人力資源論壇、就 業高峰會以及就業研究和統計等等。英才網 的啟用將會為自資高等教育的發展奠定重要 的里程碑。


Event Highlights Thematic Programmes of RC In October, Mosaic College held a communal dinning at Block B restaurant for student residents to socialize and get acquainted with one another. 博文書院於 B 座餐廳舉辦晚宴,宿生可藉此互相認識,建立人際網絡。

Wellness College organized regular Yoga Pilates class to enhance students’ awareness of mind-body-spirit. 為配合其健康生活主題,康活書院定期舉辦 瑜珈班,提升同學身心發展。


Prof. Haydn Chen, Vice Rector (Student Affairs) of University of Macau visited the HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges on 18 November 2016 and shared with us the experience of the residential colleges (RC) system at University of Macau. During the meeting, there were exchange of views and ideas on effectiveness and successful factors for the RC system. 在 2016 年 11 月 18 日, 澳門大學副校長(學生事務)程海東教授來到恒生管理學院賽馬會住宿書院參觀, 並 分享澳門大學住宿式書院系統的經驗。在會面中,大家亦就如何令住宿式書院對同學產生更大的效用,作出 不同的分享及交換意見。

Vice Rector (Student Affairs) of University of Macau visited the Residential Colleges

A group of secondary students, who joined the “My Green Space” Green Building Competition for Schools 2016 organized by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, visited the HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges on 3 December 2016. We hoped the visit could help them understand what sustainably-built was and gave them inspiration and ideas on the competition. 在 2016 年 12 月 3 日, 一班參加由香港綠色建築議會舉辦的「綠色空間 由我創造」綠色建築全港學生比 賽的中學生來到恒生管理學院賽馬會住宿書院參觀。 藉著是次參觀加深同學對綠色建築的了解及掌握, 有助他們參加比賽。


President visited Residential Colleges and Old Hall to cheer residents up In early December, the final examination was approaching. When all students were studying hard in their rooms, the warm visit by the President, Vice President, Acting Vice-President, RC Masters and SAO members could really cheer them up and give them encouragement in the exam eve. Prof. Ho, visited Residential Colleges and Old Hall and chatted with the residents and shared apples with them, reminded them to stay healthy and wished them good result in examination.

校長到訪住宿書院及元舍堂為宿生打氣 臨近考試,宿生們難免緊張,所以他們都專注地在房間裏埋頭苦讀。何順文校長、副校長許溢宏教 授、署理副校長方永豪博士、一眾住宿書院院長及學生事務處同事在 12 月上旬的一個晚上特意親臨 住宿書院和元舍堂探訪宿生,派發生果,為宿生們打氣加油,祝願他們在考試中獲得好成績。


Activities for Inbound Exchange Students

Welcome Lunch 歡迎午宴


Orientation 迎新活動

Hong Kong Tour 香港遊


Cantonese Class 廣東話班

Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration 中秋聯歡


Appreciate Sha Tin 欣賞沙田

International Day 國際日


Autumn Hiking 秋季行山樂


26.08.2016 & 29.08.2016

06.09.2016 - 27.09.2016



Global Connections

Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Hong Kong visited HSMC 荷蘭駐香港總領事館代表到訪 20.09.2016

Hamburg School of Business Administration, Germany visited HSMC 德國漢堡工商管理學院到訪 03.10.2016

Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Hong Kong visited HSMC 德國駐香港總領事館代表到訪 18.10.2016

Consul-General of Finland, Hong Kong visited HSMC 芬蘭駐香港總領事到訪 22.11.2016

HSMC visited Consulate General of Belgium, Hong Kong

Hertford College, Oxford University, UK visited HSMC 牛津大學赫特福德學院代表到訪 23.11.2016

到訪駐香港比利事總領事館 07.12.2016


The 53th Annual Aquatic Meet The 53th Annual Aquatic Meet, organized by University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China (USFHK) was held on Sunday, 23 October 2016 at Hong Kong Sports Institute. HSMC Swimming Team of 12 male and 4 female members to participate in 29 events including individual events and relays. We ranked tenth out of 13 teams. It was a good start for HSMC’s first attempt especially competed with many Hong Kong Swimming Team representatives. 第五十三屆水運會於十月二十三日假香港體育學院舉行,恒管派出了由十六位隊員組成的泳隊,競 逐二十九項個人和團體項目。是次比賽恒管在十三間參賽學校中排名第十,期望下屆比賽成績能更 進一步!


8th Careers Mentorship Programme Kick-off Ceremony The 8th Careers Mentorship Programme was officially kicked off on 5 November 2016, and more than 100 Careers Mentors and Mentees were presence in the ceremony. Dr. Tom Fong, Acting Vice President (Organisation and Development) gave a warm welcome to the participants and highlighted HSMC’s latest development. Mr Simon Leung, Careers Mentor and two of his mentees shared their unforgettable mentoring memories in the past year. Participants enjoyed the mentoring sharing and the networking session. 第八屆職業導師計劃啟動禮 職業導師計劃踏入第八週年,過百位職業導師及學 員於 11 月 5 日參與本年度計劃的啟動禮。署理副 校長(機構發展)方永豪博士為啟動禮致歡迎辭及 簡介學院的最新發展。職業導師梁牧群先生和他的 兩位學員分享了過去一年他們的相處及難忘經歷。 職業導師及學員亦把握是次機會互相認識及交流。

Recruitment Activities SAO organised around 30 recruitment talks with renowned corporations in semester 1 (2016/17). There was the presence of employers from diverse industries, including accounting, marketing, aviation, logistics, banking, finance, property development, IT and government, etc. Students were enthusiastic in attaining the first-hand recruitment information.

職業資訊和就業活動 學生事務處與各大知名企業於 2016/17 年上學期舉辦約 30 場職業資訊和就業講座。專業範疇包括會計、廣告、 航空、物流、銀行、金融、地產發展、資訊科技及政府職 務等。不少恒管同學都把握機會,反應踴躍。


“Fitness for all” Programme In order to keep students’ mental freshness, Physical Education Unit organized a fitness program for all sports teams members in examination period. We used different training gadgets including battle rope, resistance bands and tire flips to enhance students’ fitness level and even improve concentration and improve the alertness during this critical time.

為促進學生精神健康,體育組於考試月舉辦了名為” Fitness for all” 訓練計劃,活動中使用了不同的訓練 工具,包括戰繩、阻力及車胎,以改善學生的體能, 甚至提高溫習時的集中力。

Using tire flips for training 同學正使用車胎進行訓練

The 30th University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China (USFHK) Cross Country Race HSMC cross country team including 10 males and 6 females, 16 students in total, took part in The 30th University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China (USFHK) Cross Country Race that held on 6th November 2016 (Sunday), from 8:30am to 12:00noon at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 16 名恒管越野隊隊員於十一月六日參加了第 三十屆香港大專體育協會越野賽,賽事於香港 中文大學舉行。 Members take a group photo before the race starts! 一眾健兒於起跑前合照


ICAC Ambassador Programme

2016/17 Personal Ethics Talk cum Briefing Session of ICAC Ambassador Programme 2016/17 個人誠信講座暨廉政大使計劃 2016/17 簡介會

ICAC Ambassadors 2016/17 恒管廉政大使 2016/17

Nov Sep

Input Session cum Training Camp

Dialogue with the Commissioner of ICAC, Mr. Simon PEH, at College Assembly Session #03 Starting with Coffee


學院月會 - 《從咖啡說起》與廉政專員對話



Team Building Workshop

Visit to the Elderly in the Mid-Autumn Festival


同心關懷賀中秋 2016


Sep Rehab Power Day 2016 復康力量傷健共融日 2016

HSMC Volunteer Team Organizing Committee


VolTrekkers Service-learning Award


VolTrekkers - Team Building Workshop VolTrekkers - 團隊建立工作坊

VolTrekkers - Briefing Session VolTrekkers - 簡介會


College YMCA College-Y (HSMC) was established in 2011 with over 1,100 members. We organize diversified activities in five different categories (including Global Vision Committee, Personal Growth Committee, Social Awareness Committee, Social Concern Committee and Christian Action Committee) and various types of joint-u programmes with other University and Colleges YMCA in Hong Kong. Through participating in our programmes, we hope our members can have more opportunities to serve the community and broaden their horizons. 學院青年會於 2011 年成立,至今會友已超過 1,100 名。本會以五小組形式(包括世界大同、個人成長、社會觸覺、關懷社 群及信行合一小組)籌備多元化活動,另亦與其他院校之大學及學院青年會聯合舉辦不同類型的聯校活動,讓參加者能夠 有更多機會服務社會,擴闊視野,達至全人發展。

Previous activities 過去精彩活動 :

Orientation programme ( O’night and O’camp) 迎新活動(迎新夜及迎新營)

Joint U Orientation party 聯校迎新派對:「動物狂奔 JUST 4 FUN」

Joint U Oversea trip: “Playground Builder” Philippines Service Trip - Build a playground for local kids to grow and develop


聯校海外活動:「Playground Builder」 菲律賓服務團 - 為當地小朋友興建一個具訓練成長發展的遊樂場 

Joint U Oversea trip: Study and Cultural Tour in Belarus & Ukraine 聯校海外活動:「向東歐出發-烏克蘭、白俄羅斯經濟文化體驗團」

Social Concern Committee: Low income family children service 關懷社群小組:「筆如一起過聖誕」低收入家庭兒童義工服務


Joint U Charity Fund-raising event: “Escape Island 404” – Care about poverty issue 聯校慈善籌款活動:「Escape Island 404」- 關注貧窮問題

Joint U Christian Action Committee: “Walk with love” Flash Concert 聯校信行合一活動:「愛.同行」快閃音樂會 - 為身邊的朋友送上祝福和支持

Joint U Oversea trip: Study and Cultural Tour in Belarus & Ukraine 聯校海外活動:「向東歐出發-烏克蘭、白俄羅斯經濟文化體驗團」

Social Awareness Committee: “From 2D to 3D” Cultural Conservation Tour 世界大同小組:「珍惜.惜食」菲律賓考察服務團 - 了解世界糧食短缺議題

Personal Development Committee: Adventure base training activity 個人成長小組:「Y not 出 pool」歷奇及上水訓練活動

Global Vision Committee: Philippines Study and Service Trip – Understand world food shortage issue 世界大同小組:「珍惜.惜食」菲律賓考察服務團 - 了解世界糧食短缺議題



Orientation programme ( O’night and O’camp) 迎新活動(迎新夜及迎新營) Personal Development Committee: Adventure base training activity 個人成長小組:「Y not 出 pool」歷奇及上水訓練活動

Social Awareness Committee: “From 2D to 3D” Cultural Conservation Tour 社會觸覺小組:「從 2D 到 3D」文化保育導賞活動

Upcoming activities 未來精彩活動 : Joint U programmes 聯校活動及事工 : 

Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong – Jockey Club “Mapperthon Community Action” Project (MCA) 青年會:賽馬會「起動傳承」社區運動大使計劃

Global Y Trainee Programme 2017 海外工作實習計劃 2017

Alliance of University & College YMCAs – Joint U Student ExCo training camp 2017 大學及學院青年會協會 - 聯校學生幹事訓練營 2017

Social Concern Committee: Volunteer service for hearing impaired persons 關懷社群小組:「我用手說話」聽障人士義工服務

Social Awareness Committee: Homeless people Service 社會觸覺小組:「橋下的小城」露宿者探訪服務


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