Grapevine 2017 issue 89 decjan2018 fullcol

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Ealing Christian Centre

ECC’s New Missio


is committed to the Great Commission: to go into all the world to preach the Gospel; to teach and disciple the nations, with signs and wonders confirming the preaching of the Word of God. Jesus told his disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them, to be his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the world. As a church, we do much to witness and minister in different ways to our ‘Jerusalem’ - our local community in the borough of Ealing and its surroundings. We then go further afield by planting new churches beyond Ealing – into our ‘Judea and Samaria’. And finally, we send out missionaries to different countries, for the same purpose.

Celebration of the establishment of UVN, which was preceded by several days of training for around 150 workers and church planters. With representatives from a number of different countries present, including Elim’s International Missions Director, Paul Hudson, it was truly inspiring to see how much the Lord has accomplished through UVN in a country where, 65 years ago, there were no Christians and anyone attempting to plant a church was imprisoned.

Nepal Mission

This time has been a window of opportunity for church planting, while the political parties were taking many years to agree on a new Constitution, following the change from being a Hindu kingdom. There are dark clouds on the horizon now, however, as the new, agreed Constitution forbids seeking to convert anyone, with imprisonment as the consequence. Bhab has forewarned his wife and daughter to be prepared for his possible arrest one day.

Rajinder and I have recently returned from visiting Nepal, where our missionary, Bhab Ghale, has been working with amazing effectiveness - together with his wife Kumari and daughter Ichchha - to establish an outreach across the whole of his nation.

It was a blessing to be presented, on behalf of ECC, with an official Nepalese trophy, together with framed Certificates of Appreciation for all that ECC has done - and continues to do - in the ministry and story of United Vision Nepal. It was touching to see a certificate being also presented to the first person to raise and give funds to UVN. That person was Bhab’s daughter, Ichchha, who at the age of just ten, made and sold some calendars, donating the money together with her own pocket money. Today she is at university studying to become a medical worker and carrier of the Gospel, and will become a great asset to God’s work.

It was eleven years ago that we prayed over and commissioned them in our Sunday morning service. They had been members of ECC for five years, and we were sending them back to their home country of Nepal with a vision to plant one church with one trained worker in each of the thousands of densely populated villages in Nepal. Having gone as three individuals, with little in the way of equipment, one year later Bhab registered UVN (United Vision Nepal) as a Non-Governmental Organisation that is now well established and respected throughout the whole of Nepal. It is the NGO that the government goes to when it needs help to distribute aid in national emergencies, including after the shattering earthquake of 2015. We visited the site of their new offices, which comprises a campus site of four blocks to house their 43 staff members, and where training also takes place. On the back of providing life-changing improvements to villages, now nearly 200 churches have been planted in the past decade, with a vision for 500 in the next few years, demonstrating that the work truly is experiencing the hand of God upon it. The purpose of our visit this time was for the 10th Anniversary


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018

Wide reach of ECC As a church, ECC has now sent out missionaries to - or supports outreaches on - four different continents: South America and the Caribbean; Europe; East and West Africa; Central & South East Asia and the Far East. And it is exciting to know that we are now preparing to send out three more missionaries at the beginning of 2018, as you will read here in their articles.

Nigeria: Akin & Toro Osuntoki Many will be aware of vision of our elder Akin Osuntoki and his wife Toro to establish a new work in Lagos, Nigeria. This has been in the prayerful making for the last two years or so, and highlighted in this magazine. The vision is to reach out to a large section of Nigerian society that is needy but without much help, namely the aged and OAPs. Through a programme of food distribution and other practical help, the Gospel will be taken to them. This is a new kind of work for Elim, which is now being pioneered. As a couple, they have already visited Lagos on different occasions, to make preparations and to plan the practicalities of the outreach, which is expected to begin early in January.

The Philippines: Georgina King Also going to the Philippines as an ECC missionary is Georgina


C ontents


We are not all called to leave home to be missionaries. But we are all called to serve God wherever he has placed and called us.

Editor-in-Chief: Senior Minister Richard Buxton Editor & Design: Berean Services UK Email: Front Cover Design: Sandy Chander Photography: Roy McEwen plus various contributors from ECC Stock Images:,,, Google images,, Printed by: Deluxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: Website: Grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where Grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2017. All rights reserved.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue XX • XXX / XXX 2017










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Women’s Page compiled

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Men’s Page

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ANSWERS by Roy McEwen

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by Akin & Toro Osuntoki

compiled by

TESTIMONIES compiled by Bro Tom Ibrahim

Ylaya, Philippines

10 11


Called to serve

Senior Minister



These three ECC members will not only be missionaries from ECC, but have also been recognised as official Elim missionaries. Georgina has already completed - and Akin and Toro are currently completing – the Elim’s Missionary Academy in preparation for this ministry.

Richard Buxton



Georgina is now returning to work full-time alongside the team in the work there.

As we stay strong and, together as a church, keep looking to build his kingdom at home and abroad, we will also know God’s blessings on all we do.

“HERE I AM. SEND ME” by Georgina King

King, daughter of Pastor Mark and Cora King, who travelled out with her family when they originally went in 2004 to pioneer and establish the work in Cebu. This work has now grown from nothing into a whole family of daughter churches, planted out of the original church.

We are not all called to leave home to be missionaries. But we are all called to serve God wherever he has placed and called us. ECC is like the Philippian church which, although not the most significant of the New Testament churches, was the one that did most to support the apostle Paul financially as he planted churches in different countries.


Update from

by Pastor Mark King


Sharon Grant

PULL-OUT pages 13-20


incl Christmas/New Year

by Pastor Rajinder

by Akin Osuntoki

FELLOWSHIP by Ann Vorkel



in pictures If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please email your article to, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. The deadline for the February/March edition is no later than FRIDAY 5th JANUARY 2018.



Beauty I

n April this year, at the end of an ECC mission trip to the Philippines, I experienced a tragedy that I hope and pray I don’t ever experience again.

On 26th April, a massive fire - started accidentally - broke out in a squatter village called Ylaya, in Danao, Cebu. Fifty-two houses were

from ashes

but there were sufficient funds to pipe in water: bring in electricity, and also provide toilets and sanitation.

The blessings didn’t stop there; we arranged for the shipping of three large boxes of aid, containing clothes, lanterns, toiletries, shoes and blankets. Also, one of the Missions team members, who is a teacher in a local school, organised a fundraising event that brought in a further £1,000. It was an incredible outpouring of God’s blessing! This blessing also brought a challenge for the local church, GEMI, as they had to leap into immediate action with limited resources, both financial and personnel. Working with the local authorities,

burned to the ground but, miraculously, there were no fatalities. As well as this, and only a week before, unseasonal rain fell so heavily that it caused landslides and floods, which killed three people and destroyed numerous homes. As I was still in Cebu at the time, I sent back word to ECC via the Missions team, to lift up these poor people in prayer as well as help them rebuild their houses and lives. I remember saying to the Lord at the time that, if we could just raise about £1,500, we could give these people enough to have a simple shelter in which to survive until they can rebuild. That would be an amazing witness.

they provided each family with emergency packs, which included clothes, food, rice, water and blankets. Unfortunately, help arrived too late for one child and an elderly man, as they succumbed to the elements. Although in the Philippines it can reach as high as 40°C during the day, it can be very cold at night in some places, so the very young and very old are most at risk of illness in such conditions. This was sadly the case here. However, because of the finances raised by ECC, we were able to help these families with their funeral costs. Seven months on, and the Ylaya villagers all have homes to live in. Some actually returned to Ylaya to rebuild, but some relocated to places like Cogon Cruz. As with many of the humanitarian aid

Little did I know, however, that God was about to touch the hearts of the ECC family and unleash a mighty blessing upon these poor innocent victims of this devastating fire and turn their ashes to beauty... Not only did God answer my prayers in reaching the target of £1,500, but - as it says in Luke 6:38: “A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap” over £17,000 (seventeen thousand pounds!) was raised! This meant that the villagers wouldn’t only receive a new house,


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018

MISSIONS: PHILIPPINES projects that ECC undertakes, the aim is to bring comfort to those who have suffered, but also that they will have an opportunity to come into contact with Jesus through our actions. In Matthew 25:35-36, Jesus expressed His expectations of us when we are confronted with people who are in need. I’m so proud of both the ECC and GEMI families’ response in this case, as many of the villages truly experienced and recognised the love of Jesus through this extraordinary act of kindness. Many have now made Jesus the centre of their lives by committing their lives to Him. Many have joined the local church, and a weekly small group has been planted in Cogon Cruz, where regular discipleship is taking place.

Who would have thought that salvation would come through personal tragedy? Who would have thought that a local church, almost 12,000 miles away from the Philippines, could impact over 300 villagers in their time of need, as well as help mobilise a local Filipino church to impact one of its communities? God knew, and only He knows how many disciples, leaders and churches will come out of these ashes. I would like to thank you all again for being obedient to God’s call in serving this way.


Mark King

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018



“Here I am. Send me.”


Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.” - Isaiah 6:8

reetings in Jesus’ Name!

After a short mission trip to Cebu, Philippines, in April 2016, God spoke to me and told me that my work as a missionary was not over - in fact, it had only just begun!

My personal plan at the time was to become a classroom teacher, and I had already been given a position at Brunel University to study the PGCE. But, as the Bible teaches us in Proverbs 16:9, ‘Man plans his course, but the Lord orders our steps.’ So God had other plans for me! Over the months, I continued to seek God about what He was calling me to do. I’ve always had a heart to work with children and youth; I’ve always wanted to invest in the next generation and help them reach their potential, whether through their learning or making life goals. In September 2016, I had a brilliant opportunity to enrol on the Elim Missions Academy course, only it meant that I couldn’t study the PGCE. So, after much praying and listening, I stepped out in obedience and began an amazing journey with 14 other people who also enrolled. In May 2017, the 15 of us graduated, and I am so excited to announce that I am now an official Elim Missionary! Earlier this year, God gave me a vision of a church in the Philippines, where I saw a worship leader, a steward and someone preaching - all of them youth/ young adults. Since then, I have a strong sense that God wants me to pioneer a ‘Youth Church’ - a church run by, and that reaches out to, the young adult generations. Over the summer, I spent a month in


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018

Cebu, where I was able to serve in the worship team and lead teacher training workshops, where I gave feedback; input some ideas/ creativity, whilst also encouraging and appreciating the teachers. I also took part in the visitation ministry and worked closely with the youth and children’s ministry leaders to help with planning. During my time out in Cebu, I will be helping to train up the youth/young adults through Bible study sessions, equippers’ training and leadership training, also running worship and drama workshops. I am proud to be sent out as an Elim Missionary, but also by my home church, ECC, where I was born and raised. I hope to start this amazing journey in February 2018. So please pray with me as I continue to plan, fundraise and prepare for the missionfield, and that God will use me in for His glory. God bless you! Georgina King Elim Missionary

If you would like to support me, please visit my profile page on the Elim International Missions website at Georgina_King.aspx, or speak to Pastor Mark King Thank you




few years ago, God spoke to us about the need for us, as a church, to venture into Nigeria; not to set up another church – those are in plentiful supply there - but to set up an expression of church, ministering to OAPs. And so, Aanu, ECC’s ministry in Nigeria, was born. Aanu is a Yoruba word meaning mercy and compassion. God, of course, calls us as believers to show compassion, including to those who may hold no tangible benefit for us. We are called to love people for the simple reason that our God is love! Aanu is thus inspired by the words of Isaiah 58 - especially verses 6 and 7: ‘Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter – when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?’ Despite the abundance of her natural resources, and despite boasting of church buildings literally in every other yard, Nigeria has unfortunately, criminally and unrighteously neglected her aged population, both rich and poor. If you are aged and poor, you are often left to live in abject poverty; even those who were employed and entitled to pensions are habitually denied of their legitimate entitlements. If you are aged and financially selfsufficient, you are often left lonely and denied mental stimulation, as there have been no provisions for such by successive governments. Our vision is thus to utilise Aanu as a ministry for the aged, through establishing a drop-in centre where the elderly can come in for fellowship, fun and food. We aim to be not just a feeding centre, but a place to belong - a place where those who come in can enjoy refreshment, social interaction and mental stimulation, as well as free basic health checks.

When we minister love to those who may otherwise be deprived of love, we minister the Gospel!

a mission in partnership You may remember that I visited Nigeria in November 2016, where we held two events distributing food to the aged in Ogbomosho and in Shaki (both located in Oyo State, Western Nigeria). In both places we blessed 283 and 253 people, respectively. Since then, Toro has visited Nigeria on a praying trip, to soak the land in prayer, and to prepare the place spiritually for what God has in store to achieve through us as a missional church.

Finally, the time is here ... and we are ready to answer God’s call to go

Convinced of God’s calling, Toro and I have asked the leadership team to send us to Nigeria as missionaries - a request that has been granted. The leadership is currently working to formally commission us in 2018 as its missionaries in Nigeria. And to actualise God’s calling upon us, Toro and I have enrolled on Elim’s Missions Academy, which will mean that we are not just sent by ECC but accredited by Elim as Elim missionaries.

For years now, we have spoken about it, thought about it and ‘threatened’ to go, but finally, the time is here, the Rubicon has been crossed, and we are ready to answer God’s call to go. This will involve leaving our home and our children here in the UK; leaving our comfort zone, and Toro leaving her job. We ask for your support in prayer. Some have asked: What is an ‘expression’ of church? What is the purpose of mission without setting up a church? Be reassured that we remain focused on the Christian mission to proclaim the Gospel. When we minister love to those who may otherwise be deprived of love, we minister the Gospel! When we pray for the specific needs of those we minister to and God answers, we minister the Gospel! Mission is the reason the church exists. We cannot and do not want to do this alone. We have a vision that can only be realised through partnership. You as senders, we as goers, both parties together trusting God to bless His work.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018


EVANGELISM: LOCAL LIGHTHOUSE Catholic woman accepts Christ as personal Saviour in Greenford, and God’s healing power is at work on the streets of Wembley


Team leaders: Michael Smith & Edgar Ciemess



TESTIMONIES One lady on the streets told us she had a hip replacement and that her right knee was so painful. So I said, “Jesus can heal you. Just believe that He will.” We prayed for her healing and, when we had finished, we told her to bend her knee, which she did.

We asked her how the knee felt and she said, “A little stiff,” so we prayed again. She bent her knee again and said, “It’s fine.’’ Then she left and got as far as about sixty yards, and came back crying and said: “I am healed. The pain is completely gone.” We rejoiced with her. To God be the glory. One gentleman was walking with difficulty, using his wheel walker. He explained he had been knocked down by a speeding car, which was driven over him, causing very serious back injury, surgery to implant a metal support in him to support his spine. We prayed for his healing and advised him to trust in God alone, and not to lean on Roman Catholic teachings. After the prayer he said, “I feel much better.” Another lady complained about poor health, and believed that some people had been putting a curse on her. We prayed for her health to be restored and for her heart to change and accept Jesus as the Saviour. We also prayed for the curse to be broken in Jesus’ Name, and for God to demonstrate His power in her life. Whilst giving out tracts and talking to people, one of the sisters from another church approached us for help, because her friend’s little boy, a two-and-a-half-year-old toddler, had wondered away and they couldn’t find him anywhere. Such fear and panic had come upon the troubled family. The first thing we did was to ask other brothers and sisters to come quickly, pray and ask God for help to find that little boy. As we finished praying, we saw from a distance a woman walking with the little boy, and his mum by his side. God had answered our prayers instantly. The little boy had been noticed by a shop assistant, Ania, walking on his own. She asked him a few questions, and soon he was reunited with his mother. Ania wanted us to pray for her too, and took Gospel tract and a free Jesus DVD. The prayers moved her to tears.

Turn to page 21 to see where you can get involved in Local Lighthouse Evangelism 8

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018

Team leaders: Stephanie Collins & Sharon Daye


here were six of us on the team, including Stephanie Collins’ daughter, who was blowing up the balloons. Many children were taking them away as quickly as she blew them up. All six team members were operating under the leading of the Holy Spirit, talking to many people of different faiths, as many Gospel tracts were handed out. God provided an open heaven. He provided opportunities to speak to people of other faiths and an opportunity to lead a Catholic woman to Christ. We started talking and noticed she was very tired-looking and weary, not only that but she also had pain in her knees, and issues in her family that were worrying her. After sharing our testimony with her, she wanted us to pray for her for healing and for the issues in her family. After explaining about how to be born again, we went through the sinner’s prayer with her, and she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour. We then prayed for her knees and the other family issues. We are praying that she will come to visit us at ECC.


How to

GIVE SPIRITUAL ANSWERS to awkward questions


any people have been told negative stories about the Bible -stories that ‘sound’ logical to them - and it’s so logical that some Christians don’t have an answer! Muslims are taught ‘logical’ information about the Bible; for example, that Jesus was a prophet and cannot be the Son of God because God can’t have sex. All logical - in the flesh - until you answer from the Spirit. Remember, the enemy is a one-trick pony; his strategy is to deceive you. I know “The devil is a liar” is a popular saying, but this is important for you to understand: the enemy doesn’t start with a lie; he starts with ‘deceptive questioning’. The enemy will never ask you a spiritual question that reinforces what God has said. Instead, he will ask you a question that is fleshbased - a logical question. Remember when he tempted Jesus, he related every question to the flesh: “Bow down and I will give you the world”, “Turn these stones into bread”... Each time Jesus answered from the Spirit: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” - a spiritual answer! I caught a taxi from Terminal 2 after working away for the week, and just wanted to get home for some family time. The taxi driver had other things on his mind. As soon as I sat down, he asked me if I was a Christian. I said Yes. Then he proceeded to tell me about the Qur’an, and ‘correcting’ the ‘mistakes’ in the Bible. Everything he said, to my human ears, sounded logical. Seriously. But, through Jesus the Christ, we are born into a relationship of spirit and truth - not logic and flesh. He made logical statements; such as, “God can’t have sex, so how can He have a Son?” We know better. But consider this: there are people who don’t, and would agree with him, because it makes logical sense. However, our faith is based on the supernatural resurrection of Jesus from the dead - a relationship founded on spirit and truth.

When he took a moment to breathe, I took that opportunity to inform the taxi driver of some historical spiritual facts, basically starting from where he is. I informed him that the Bible was written over a period of 1800 years, by over 40 different writers - all talking about Jesus the Christ. Then Jesus the Christ comes to the earth, and some 600 plus years after Jesus left the earth, Muhammad was born. And the purpose of Jesus the Christ is to restore us in ‘spirit and truth’ to God. He interjected to ask me if I’d got the timeline right. I said “Yes, please Google it.” After listening for some time, I then asked him: “Who would you believe: someone who was actually there (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) or someone who heard about it, hundreds of years later?” He started laughing, and told me I was a smart man. Then he returned to repeating what he’d been taught about the Bible, but this time he wasn’t so certain; he wanted me to agree with him. On arriving at my address, I instructed him to read the Bible himself, and learn about Jesus and what He means to all of mankind. When answering argumentative people, always answer in the spirit; never answer in the same tone and emotional level as they are speaking in. Always answer in a calm tone and, if interrupted, ask politely to complete what you are saying: “May I finish? It’s important for you to hear this in full.” Now when you reply, do so in the spirit, and with compassion and understanding, because you are of the light, and must be a beacon to guide, not to blind. Be encouraged.

Roy McEwen

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018



Please email your Wedding, New Baby and other good news to SHARON GRANT at

HERE FOR YOU Dear ECC Community

1. Pastor Bob, for the wonderful funeral service; the sermon was uplifting.

On September 18th, my family lost one of its members. Alan, my son, died unexpectedly at work.

2. Sharon Grant, for her hard work in putting the order of service together. We couldn’t have asked for a better tribute.

His loss dealt a crushing blow to me, as a mother, to his young family, and to his brothers, sisters and the extended family.

3. The choir, Rebecca Scott, Chris Adjah, Priscilla Mensah and Pastor Sam Blake, for giving up their time to provide the beautiful choruses at the funeral.

An event like this has the capacity to make you question your faith, but thankfully we had the wonderful support of the community at ECC. The comforting words and prayers of the ECC leaders, the many condolences given and practical acts of support from congregation members went a long way to helping our family restore its faith in God and acknowledge that, even in the depths of despair, He gives us hope. The warmth and love I’ve felt from

4. The stewards and others, whose names may not be mentioned here, but whose efforts and support didn’t go unnoticed. ECC over the intervening weeks is overwhelming, and I feel truly blessed to be a member of this fellowship.

The wounds opened up by Alan’s death will take time to heal, but my family and I know that in ECC we have the best, most loving support network.

On behalf of my family, I would like to say Thank You to everyone at ECC, but especially to:

Bridget Elias

Saturday 9th December 2pm - 6pm

EVERGREENS Tuesday 12th December CHRISTMAS LUNCH AT TOBY CARVERY, DENHAM Meet at ECC 8.30am Return at 6.15pm 2 courses for £10.49 or 3 courses for £13.99 both options include free tea and coffee ******* Monday 15th January NEW YEAR, NEW YOU IN 2018 1.30pm to 4pm at ECC Lunch costs £3.50 10

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018


Please contact Sherine or Sharon via ECC church office for further information on how to get involved


EDNESDAY Afternoon Fellowship



6th Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob 13th Carol Service 20th CHRISTMAS BREAK 27th CHRISTMAS BREAK


3rd Chris Seare with Pastor Bob 10th Pastor Bob with Merle Aqui 17th Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob 24th Pastor Bob with Merle Aqui 31st Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob




Hakeem and Folakemi KASUMU on the birth of their SON Olaoluwakiitan Othniel born Monday 9th October weighing 3.52kg

Moses and Nathalie OLOSINMO on the birth of their DAUGHTER Glory Oluwatosin Arike born Friday 29th September weighing 3.44kg Sister to DamiLola & Joshua




Tony ATKINS married Karen THOMAS on Friday 26th May in Cyprus

Daniel KING married Shalene CHOVAN on Saturday 9th September (pictured with their proud parents)

Joseph and Cassie WHYTE on the birth of their SON Noah Gabriel Rohan born Tuesday 26th September weighing 8lb 10oz

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GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018



PRAYER # centre

A woman called the Prayer Centre because she had been suffering from depression for many years. She called back, praising God for answering her prayers. The Lord has now turned her life around, and her set her free.

020 8799 2199


The Prayer Centre received an anonymous call from someone who wanted to give thanks to God for answering her prayers. She had been praying for funding, which has now been provided. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.


A woman was very relieved that her bus pass and security pass had been found at her GP surgery after she called the Prayer Centre for prayer. Hallelujah!


A woman called the Prayer Centre. She needed healing for her back pain; her mortgage to go through without complications, and for a job. She rang back to thank God for answering all her prayers: back pain totally healed; mortgage went through smoothly, and she has just started her new job!







A mother called the Prayer Centre to request prayers for her son, who was seeking employment. She wanted God’s guidance and direction for him. She later called back to say her son had a successful interview and had been given a job. She gives thanks to God for His faithfulness and kindness towards her son.

God miraculously provided finances for a woman who called the Prayer Centre because she was under a lot of stress and was facing financial challenges. She called to thank God for answered prayers. A woman needed permission from her employer to travel to visit her family, but her boss said No. After ringing the Prayer Centre for prayer support, she called back two days later to say that her boss had relented and had now approved the request.

A few months ago, the Prayer Centre received a call from a woman to pray for her friend in the US, who was suffering from grade 4 stomach cancer. On 29th October, she received a call from the States that her friend had been cleared and completely healed from cancer. To God be the glory. A wife called the Prayer Centre to ask for prayers for her husband who was feeling unwell, and they were due to travel abroad on holiday. She called back to testify that within 48 hours of receiving the prayers, her husband was feeling much better.

A woman called the Prayer Centre for urgent prayers for a friend who had suddenly stopped breathing and was on a life support machine in hospital. She emailed back, thanking God that her friend was now breathing on his own, and doing much better.

Please contact Tom Ibrahim or Rudy Brann on 020 8799 2199, if you would like to volunteer for this important ministry.


Popular Bible verses, including new flag designs, on mugs, prints, posters and keyrings Excellent Christmas gift ideas On sale at ECC after the morning services on:

DECEMBER 3rd, 10th, 17th (to be confirmed in Sunday Notices)



Thank you for your continued support. 12


A woman called to ask for prayers, as she was going for a job interview. She called back to say that she had been chosen out of 20 candidates, and offered the job as a nurse.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018

January 2018



he book of Haggai shows just how much can be achieved - and changes brought about - with a timely word from the Lord. This prophet ministered for only a few months, but his words - brought at the right place, at the right time - caused a significant shift in the direction of the nation.

From a place of great discouragement, he quickly caused the mood of the people to change and to see what was possible, if they were willing to take an honest look at themselves; see where they were making mistakes, and to make a decision to change.

They had been living in a state of defeat and couldn’t understand why they were not experiencing the blessing of the Lord. They were the ones who had returned from the land of Babylon, where the Lord had sent the nation into exile for seventy years because of the prolonged disobedience and ungodly behaviour of their forefathers. They had returned to the ruins of Jerusalem with high hopes of rebuilding the temple and subsequently the city. But, after a promising start to the work, everything had ground to a halt. With strong enemies all around them, they became discouraged; lost their vision; stopped the work of the God, and then started concentrating solely on their own individual affairs. But, no matter how hard they tried, nothing seemed to prosper. God brought Haggai to refocus their vision and gave them His word. The people needed to get their priorities right. If they chose to seek first the work of the Lord rather than their own interests, they would start to experience the favour of God. If they looked after God’s business, God would look after their business, which would include material provisions and financial blessings. They were not to look at the enemies and obstacles around them, but to understand God was with them, working for them. If they did that, they wouldn’t work in their own strength but in the strength of the Lord. God would make their leader, Zerubbabel, like the signet ring on God’s finger. In other words, God was delegating His divine authority to them to work in the fullness of God’s power. Though they seemed weak, small and insignificant, and facing a much larger hostile enemy, God’s power and Spirit would work through them and on their behalf to cause them to succeed. In the same way, the Church today is facing a large and increasing hostile opposition in the land. But Jesus has delegated His authority to go in the power of His Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel with healing, signs and wonders. As we seek first His Kingdom and righteousness, He will add to us all we need, and allow us to move in His Spirit-filled power as He builds His Church over which even the gates of hell cannot prevail. 1:1 1 Haggai Hearing the Word of the Lord

1. Speak to us as individuals, Holy Spirit, and help us discern Your voice so that we may act upon it in obedience. 2. Speak to us as a church, Holy Spirit, and may we collectively hear Your voice and put into operation everything You tell us. 3. Speak to all the churches up and down the land, bringing a unity of purpose to earnestly seek the Lord and to be obedient in seeking to turn our nation back to God. 4. May we discern Your voice, so when You are saying “No” to us, we are obedient. 5. In ways they will understand, speak to the leaders of our nation of the need to change the path of our nation back to the ways of God. . Haggai 1:2 Complacency 1. Lord, deliver us from every complacent attitude concerning our need to live out Your ways, and to serve You with all our heart, soul, strength and mind. 2. Give us a sense of urgency, O God,


about the shortness of time before Your return, and of our need to be active for You. 3. Build Your Church, Lord Jesus, and touch our hearts daily, so that we may be available for You to use for that purpose. 4. Lead us into new and effective ways to witness and evangelise to the unsaved, so that they give their lives to Christ and become part of Your Church. 5. Give us a zeal for You, O Lord, and the desire to fulfil Your perfect will and destiny in our lives, as we make the right godly, daily choices. 1:3-4 3 Haggai Wrong priorities

1. Give us the wisdom to make You our first priority in life, so that everything else will fall into its correct place, causing us to know Your blessing on all we do. 2. May we not be a selfish people when it comes to giving to the work of God, but rather to generously give to Your work, O Lord. 3. Bless our finances, our jobs and our businesses, so that out of our financial blessings we may give generously to all

aspects of building the Kingdom of God. 4. Teach us to understand that what we do for ourselves has limited value, but what we do for You has eternal value and eternal consequences. 5. Build Your church in our midst, O Lord, and do not let the gates of hell prevail against us.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth


1:5 4 Haggai Give careful thought to your ways

1. Teach us to number our days carefully, to consider our ways, and to make whatever changes You require us to make. 2. Lord, as we give careful thought to our ways today, if there is any sin in our lives help us to deal with it quickly and decisively. 3. Teach us Your ways, and show us Your will for our lives today and every day, keeping us from straying from Your perfect will in all that we do. 4. As we submit our thoughts, attitudes, desires and plans to You, O Lord, help us to discard anything that falls short of Your standards. 5. As we consider our words and our actions - past and present - convict us, Holy Spirit, of anything that grieves You.

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Haggai 1:6 When the blessing runs dry 1. When we enter a season of barrenness, give us the spiritual discernment to know whether the reason is because we are out of Your will, or if it is a season of testing. 2. If we are in a place where the blessing has run dry because of our own foolish actions, help us to understand, repent and be restored back into fellowship with You. 3. If the blessing has run dry because You are allowing us to go through a season of trial, help us to rise to the occasion and come out much stronger. 4. May we be able to say, like the apostle Paul: “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether living in plenty or in want.” 5. Give us a heart that is always able to pray: “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the Name of the Lord.”


Haggai 1:7-8 Do the work of the Lord 1. May our words, our attitudes and our actions always be such, O Lord, that You are honoured in all that we do. 2. Having put our hands to the plough, may we never think of looking back, much less turning back. 3. Having been saved by Your grace alone, O Lord, may our lives demonstrate our faith in You and our love for You by all our acts and service we do for You. 4. Cause us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, realising that it is You, O God, who works in us to will and to act according to Your good purpose. 5. Help us to so live our lives here on earth that, when we stand before You, we will hear Your words: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”


Haggai 1:9 Building the Kingdom of God 1. Holy Spirit, as we wait upon You, reveal to us the gifts that You have given each of us, so that we may use them to maximum effect for Your Kingdom. 2. We surrender every practical gift that we have, O Lord, and consecrate them and all our ways unto You. 3. We surrender every charismatic gift to You, O Lord, and pray that we might use them powerfully, effectively and unselfishly for You and Your Kingdom. 4. Make us effective servants for You - not merely pew-fillers, who think only of our own needs. 5. We pray that every member of our church


January 2018 will be stirred to be active in their service for You, in seeking to extend Your Kingdom. 1:10-11 8 Haggai The nation suffers when God’s

people are neglectful (1) 1. Lord, forgive Your Church when we have been silent and neglectful, saying nothing as our nation has been sleep-walking towards its own selfdestruction. 2. Lord, the tide of evil has arisen across our land, because the Church has remained silent, so stir up Your people and radically change us from the inside out. 3. As children starve from a famine of the Word of God in our nation, help us, as Your people, to mobilise to bring change to our society before it is too late. 4. When we have neglected to pray for the leaders of the churches and of the nation, and backsliding has occurred, forgive us, open our eyes and change our focus. 5. Call Your Church to arms for the spiritual battle, since millions of people in our land are heading for hell because too few people are reaching them with the Gospel.

9 The nation suffers when God’s Haggai 1:10:11

people are neglectful (2) 1. Forgive us for our times of prayerlessness, and place a burden on Your people to engage in powerful intercessory prayer. 2. Forgive us, O Lord, when the Church has been content to be inward-looking, neglecting Your command to fulfil the Great Commission, and cause Your Church to be fully obedient. 3. Lord, have mercy on the families of this land, where there is discord, violence, break-up and divorce. 4. Have mercy on those of our nation, who are addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling or cigarettes; help us to point them to You, who can set them free completely. 5. Cause us to lead to Christ all those all whose lives are empty because they do not have any knowledge of or hope in God.

1:12 10 Haggai Obeying the voice of the Lord

1. Cause us to remember that “Obedience is better than sacrifice”

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and so always be careful and willing to be obedient to our God. 2. Give us ears that truly hear Your voice, and a willingness to act upon what You tell us, O Lord. 3. May be we be doers of Your Word and not merely listeners only. 4. Cause the fear of the Lord to increase amongst Your people, so that we may live close to You and so be effective instruments for You to use. 5. We pray that when unsaved people come into our meetings, there would be such a presence of God that they will immediately be convicted of sin and seek salvation.


Haggai 1:13 I am with you 1. May Your promise that You will never leave us nor forsake us bring us confidence instead of fear. 2. Knowing Your presence is with us at all times, make us bold in our witnessing and proclamation of the Gospel. 3. Give us the courage to pray for the sick, in confident belief that You are able to answer prayer, 4. In times of despair or in times of need, may we encourage ourselves in the Lord, remembering that You are no more than a prayer away, 5. Strengthen our feeble arms and weak knees, O God, causing us to march into every spiritual battle, knowing we can come out victorious as You are by our side.


Haggai 1:14-15 Stirring up the spirit within 1. Stir up our spirits within us, O God, so that we may not have a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and self-discipline. 2. If we are growing weak or growing cold, stir up the zeal for the Lord within us to achieve new things in God that we have never achieved before. 3. Renew our minds and renew our spirits, O God, so that we may live in the power and strength of Your Holy Spirit. 4. Make us like Caleb, who had “a different spirit” to the others, and so was able to see God’s victories in his life. 5. Teach how to live daily in the Spirit and not just in the flesh.


Haggai 1:14-15 United in God’s work 1. Help Your people to be united in spirit, so that You may flow through us in power. 2. Give us a common purpose and vision that is perfectly in line with all You want to do in us and through us, to seek Your will and not our own individual desires.


December 2017 W

hen Jesus was growing up in Nazareth, being taught how to read and write through the Old Testament scriptures, even as a young boy, we see he had a deep grasp of word of God. Isaiah’s words must have been ingrained in his mind during his growing years, waiting for the time he would step out into the ministry he had come to earth to fulfill.

The book of Isaiah, in many ways, is a complete summary of all the teachings in the Bible concerning God’s plan of salvation, regarding sin, the need for repentance, God’s provision of a Saviour who would die for the sins of the world but rise again from the dead. It covers heaven and hell, the creation of the eternal new earth and heaven where God’s presence among his people will be forever. Of all the prophets, Isaiah had the most profound and detailed insight into the coming of God’s Messiah, whose virgin birth he foretold seven hundred years before the event. Jesus would have been familiar with all Isaiah’s prophetic words. These included the detailed description of the Saviour suffering on the cross for the sins of the world and being buried in a rich man’s tomb as recorded in Isaiah 52:13 through to 53:12. He was fully aware this was his purpose for coming into the world and his destiny, which he had willingly embraced even before leaving the glory of heaven to come to be born, not in a palace but in a stable. So familiar with Isaiah’s prophecies was Jesus, that he choose this passage from Isaiah 61:1-2, to launch his ministry to Israel and the world, as he proclaimed, “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom to the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” By so doing Jesus set out his mission, which he powerfully modelled in both word and action and which he then delegated to his followers to continue. He fearlessly, yet compassionately, preached the good news. The Kingdom of Heaven was near and people needed to repent of their sins. He was God’s Saviour of the world and the only Way, Truth and Life through whom anyone could come to God the Father. He demonstrated that was who he said he was, namely God’s Son, by his miracles, signs and wonders among the people, with his resurrection of the third day being his ultimate vindication. As we pray through the prayer points this month, we are asking God to help us continue the mission of Jesus, just as he instructed us to do. 61:1 1 Isaiah Anointed by the Holy Spirit

1. Fill us afresh this day, Holy Spirit, with an anointing that will overflow into the lives of others 2. Give us the opportunity today and each day to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who are spiritually poor 3. Give us hearts of compassion to minister by your grace to those around us who are broken-hearted and need to know the Good Shepherd 4. Give us the opportunities, by ministering the power of the gospel, to set free those who are captive to various bondages 5. For those around us in spiritual darkness, give us divine appointments and opportunities to lead them into the Kingdom of Light

61:2 2 Isaiah Proclaiming the Word of the Lord

1. Give us the courage to preach the whole gospel; total forgiveness

for the repentant sinner and the punishment of God for those who die in their sins 2. As we pray for your favour, O Lord, on all we seek to do for you, guide us by your Holy Spirit 3. We pray for your divine favour on all the ministries in the church so that we may be fruitful because we are following the leading of your Holy Spirit 4. Give us a heart for the lost, for the needy and for those in trouble, enabling us to help meet their need 5. Help us always to walk faithfully in your ways so that we may know divine favour on all we do


Isaiah 61:3 Destinies changed 1. Since you are a God who is able to change people completely, help us to see change in people’s lives as you work though us to minister to them 2. We pray for a powerful move of God in the church that causes men and

women to truly repent and so be radically changed 3. We pray for the presence of God to be heavily amongst us whenever we meet together, such that it brings a great conviction of sin 4. So move amongst us in your power, Holy Spirit, that ordinary lives will become extraordinary 5. If any of us are not in the right position in life that you want us to be, show us what to do, when to act and give us the courage and faith to walk into your destiny for our lives

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

GOD’S WORD TO THE NATION Isaiah - Chapters 61 to 63

61:4-5 4 Isaiah Renewing the nation

1. O Lord, restore the honour of your name in our nation 2. Cause our nation that has been ruined with years of ungodliness to be rebuilt once more on the principles of godliness 3. We pray that a weariness of the fruit of sin in our land, will sweep over the nation and give the people a yearning for a change for the better

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4. Raise up in our Parliament men and women who see the moral and spiritual ruin of our nation and take a stand for righteousness 5. Answer the prayers of your people praying up and down our land for the spiritual revival of our nation, O Lord 61:6 5 Isaiah Priesthood of all believers

1. May we not neglect the priestly privilege of offering the spiritual sacrifice of prayer, but rather to regularly use that privilege 2. Help us not be so busy that we fail to remember that we are on this earth to be ministers for you and help us to be effective in living for you 3. Having our privilege of being able to come boldly before the throne of God through the blood of Jesus Christ, we now bring before you all the unsaved we know, praying you would save them 4. Cause us to remember that we are all ministers for Christ, and to live our daily lives accordingly 5. Bless your people financially, O Lord, not merely for personal gain, but so that your work may be financed fully as you desire

61:7 6 Isaiah A double portion

1. Lord, teach us to carefully follow all your ways so that we may receive a double portion of your divine favour on our lives 2. We pray for a double portion of your divine favour on your church, O God, on the work within the discipleship cells and on all ministries being carried out in accordance with your will 3. We pray for a double portion of your blessing on our families, O God 4. We pray for a double portion of your blessing on our jobs and businesses 5. We pray for a double portion of your blessing on all the areas of witnessing and evangelism we are involved in

61:8-9 7 Isaiah Blessed by the Lord

1. We pray that your kingdom will come and your will be done on earth just as it is in heaven, and that we will be blessed by witnessing you doing marvellous things in our land 2. We pray for your blessing on all the brokenness in our society, that the


December 2017 people of our nation will seek the Lord while he may be found 3. Help us to be peacemakers to all those around us by the power of the gospel, bringing people to reconciliation with God and with other people 4. As we pray for all the sick amongst us, them let them be blessed by the healing touch of God no matter how serious the situation 5. Let your divine power increase mightily upon all the work of the Prayer Centre, causing a multiplication of amazing miracles as intercessors pray for all manner of situations 61:10 8 Isaiah God’s salvation

1. As we thank you, O Lord, for your free unmerited favour that enables us to be saved and adopted into the family of God, give us the joy of seeing others receive your salvation 2. We pray you would continue pouring out your Spirit on all the countries of Africa and so bringing millions to Christ 3. We pray for your salvation in the all the countries of the continent of Asia, that millions would know the joy of finding Christ 4. Cause the revivals now taking place in some countries South of America to spread from country to country and city to city throughout North and South America 5. Lift the veil of darkness from the eyes of the people in all the countries of Europe and cause them to experience your salvation in their millions, O God

61:10 9 Isaiah God’s righteousness

1. As we thank you for the righteousness of Christ with which we are clothed, cause us to live in accordance with our status as the children of God 2. Lord see if there is any wicked way in us so that, by your Spirit, we may cause it to be removed from our lives 3. Holy Spirit, so work within us that others can see as we are being changed to become more and more like Christ 4. In our thought lives, we pray you would help us to overcome every thought and temptation that would lead us away from the righteousness of Christ 5. Holy Spirit, so move upon those

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in your church that there is the desire for each one to want to be continually changing to be conformed to the image of Christ 62:11 10Isaiah Fruitfulness

1. Lord, help us to develop daily every aspect of the fruit of the Spirit, helping us realise that you will use the trials of daily life for that purpose 2. Help us Lord to exhibit the grace of God in our lives in our day-to-day activities and in so doing be effective witnesses to others 3. We pray for fruitfulness of spiritual growth and evangelism in our discipleship cells, seeing each growing more spiritually mature and evangelising non-christians 4. As a church we pray for fruitfulness in each of our evangelistic endeavours, enabling us to see many saved and added to your kingdom 5. Lord build your church through us and may the gates of hell not prevail against us

62:1 11Isaiah Not remaining silent

1. Lord, help us not to remain silent in our witnessing for you, but give us wisdom to know when to speak and what to say 2. As we continue to pray for our city until we see a change in the spiritual climate, Holy Spirit move in power in London to turn back unrighteousness and turn people to you 3. May we not cease to pray for our nation, O Lord, until we see a dramatic change for the better in the spiritual climate 4. As we pray for all the churches up and down the land, raise up bold and godly leaders who will speak with godly wisdom and cause the voice of the church to he heard and listened to 5. Grant success to all those Christian organisations in our nation who are working tirelessly to seek to turn back the tide of evil

62:2 12Isaiah The nations will see your righteousness

1. We pray that your church in all the nations of the world still ruled by communism will expand in power and change the countries from the inside out 2. In all those countries where Christians are persecuted simply for following Christ, give them strength, causing your church to become strong 3. In the countries that have been historically Christian but which have turned away from you in recent years, cause your church to arise turning the people back to righteous ways 4. Holy Spirit, move mightily and open up to the power of the gospel, all those nations


December 2017 62:3 13Isaiah A testimony to God

1. Lord help your church to understand the depth of love you have for us and may that understanding cause us to serve you with all our hearts 2. Help us to be the ambassadors for Christ that you have placed us here to be, O God 3. Let our lives be living testimonies to others of the power of Christ to change people, and to live lives that overflow with the of joy and peace of the Lord 4. Keep at the forefront of our minds the indescribable blessings of the eternal life you have given us, so that we may never grow spiritually cold and backslide 5. Let our faith in you Lord, be strong and continue to be our strength and our hope despite all that may happen

62:4 14Isaiah God’s favour

1. We pray for your divine favour on our daily lives, to make us be the fruitful ministers for Christ you have called each of us to be 2. Lord, grant your divine favour upon your church, so that we may achieve all that you desire us to achieve, through good circumstances and bad 3. We pray for your divine favour upon our families so that they would be strong and therefore be instruments that you can use to extend your kingdom 4. Cause your divine favour on our lives to help us accomplish the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit to evangelise, disciple the nations, heal the sick and deliver the demonised 5. We pray for your divine favour upon our nation to turn back the tide of evil that is sweeping our land and instead cause the righteousness of the kingdom of God to take its place

62:5 15Isaiah God’s joy

1. May we truly experience daily the joy of the Lord as our strength, in every situation, no matter what may come our way 2. Heavenly Father, give us the joy of leading someone to Christ today 3. Lord, give us the joy today of doing something that will prove to be a blessing to someone, especially if they do not deserve it


Isaiah 62:6-7 God’s watchmen 1. Lord, for all in the church who you have called to intercessory prayer, strengthen and equip them in power 2. Raise up in our church, O Lord, more and more people who are burdened to intercede for our city and our nation 3. Give each of us a burden to pray for the state of our nation and for a turning from evil back to God 4. Show each intercessor the areas of spiritual warfare you want them to engage in, and through them demolish spiritual strongholds of darkness 5. Raise up across our nation intercessors in every church, village, town and city who will cause the clouds of darkness over our nation to be repelled

62:6-7 17Isaiah Constant in prayer

1. May we give you no rest until we see the fruit of our prayers for the revival of our nation 2. For all those in the church who allow the busy-ness of life to rob them of their time of prayer with you, restore to them that time, we pray 3. Lord teach us to pray, fully understanding the power of prayer and the necessity of prayer 4. Lord give us the determination to engage constantly in spiritual warfare in prayer until we see the victory 5. In accordance with your word, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, O Lord, asking for your kingdom come

62:8-9 18Isaiah God’s provision

1. Keep us conscious that you are a God who is able to supply all our needs according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus 2. Lord, give us today all the spiritual things we need and out of our abundance may there be an overflow into the lives of those around us 3. Give your church all the material things we need and out of the financial overflow to give to you in order to further the work of your kingdom 4. Lord, prosper the work of all your people working around the world who are demonstrating the love of

Christ through humanitarian works 5. For those nations devastated by drought or floods, have mercy on them, provide their needs and let them find you as the only true God and Provider 62:10 19Isaiah Prepare the way of the Lord

1. Lord help us to fulfil everything you have called us to do in order to prepare the way for your coming 2. Cause each of us to see the urgency of reaching our own generation in the time that remains before you return, Lord Jesus 3. Holy Spirit, reveal your divine strategies in all areas of ministry 4. Show us daily your plan and purpose for our lives in every detail, so that we are guided to accomplish everything you want us to do, O Lord 5. We pray: Even so, come Lord Jesus!

62:11 20Isaiah Proclaiming to the nations

1. Lord, for all the missionaries working in Muslim countries, prosper their work and give them favour to lead many to Christ 2. For all missionaries working in areas hostile to the gospel, give them grace, keep them safe and make them fruitful, O God 3. We pray that millions will hear the gospel going out through satellite T.V. programmes and be saved in their homes 4. For all the christian radio stations that are proclaiming the gospel, give them continued favour with authorities and make their ministries fruitful, O Lord 5. We pray that you would cause all short-term missions going out to be profitable for the extension of your kingdom

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

4. Increase within us, or restore to those who have lost it, the everpresent joy of our salvation in Christ 5. Help us to understand and seek after the joy of the Lord, which comes through our relationship with God, rather than seeking after happiness which comes only from our present experiences

which forbid the preaching of the gospel and the opening of churches 5. Cause all those people groups on earth who have not yet heard the gospel even once, to hear the good news through individuals, TV and radio

62:12 21Isaiah Redeemed and holy

1. Lord forgive us for our shortcomings and help us to walk in the power of your righteousness 2. Lord, so grant us your favour so that people will seek us out to hear the word of God from us and help us to use every God-given opportunity to witness for you 3. Let us be a people who are known to be men and women of God who can bring the healing power of Christ to the sick, glorifying yourself through us 4. Lord, let not one seat in our church be empty but fill every seat with people thirsting after knowledge of the living God 5. Cause the church in our nation no longer to be spoken of by the world as “deserted” but rather let them be astonished by a revival that causes millions in our nation to seek and turn to God

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Isaiah 63:1 Mighty to save 1. As we thank you for our great salvation through Jesus, teach us to live and walk in the power of Christ, working out our salvation with fear and trembling 2. We pray for your mercy to save all our unsaved family members 3. Have mercy on all our friends and neighbours who do not know Christ save them, we pray 4. We bring all our work colleagues before you who are unsaved, O God praying for their salvation 5. Give us wisdom in how to witness to people so that we can be effective in bringing people into your kingdom

63:2-3 23 Isaiah God’s wrath

1. Cause us to remember, O Lord that your Word teaches the everlasting punishment of the wicked and may such knowledge cause us to have a passion to reach the lost 2. We pray that you would speak to and save all those we know who are caught up in sexual sin 3. We pray for all those we know who are enslaved to drugs to turn to Christ to set them free, physically, mentally and spiritually 4. As we contemplate the righteousness of God which makes hell a necessity for sinners, cause us to ensure our own house is fully in order, O Lord 5. As we see the rise of evil around us, O Lord, may it stir up the spiritual fire within us, so we can seek, by all means, to rescue men and women

Isaiah 63:4-5 24 Working for God

1. Lord, you have placed us where we now are, so reveal to us all you would have us do for you in our current situations 2. Holy Spirit, as your church help us to be always be listening to you so that we hear and act as you lead, thereby being successful in all we do 3. Prosper and bless every avenue of evangelism that takes place, causing us to see many people truly won for Christ and following faithfully in his ways 4. We pray for the hand of God to touch every area of discipleship in the church, that more and more people would become transformed and passionate about becoming like Christ in every way 5. Lord, take our hands, minds, ambitions, desires and lives as we offer them now as a living sacrifice unto you for you to have your way and your will in us

63:6 25 Isaiah God and the nations

1. Lord Jesus keep us thankful that you came to save the world and us


December 2017 2. We thank you this day, O God, for your indescribable gift of Jesus 3. As we give gifts to others to day, may we give to you our all 4. Cause many unbelievers who attend church today just because it is Christmas, to hear the gospel and be saved 5. Just as you gave your best to us, O God, help us to give our best to you – Isaiah 63:7 2626th Witnessing to the goodness and

kindness of God 1. Lord we acknowledge with grateful thanks and confess that you are good and your mercy endures forever 2. Lord, let us be quick to share with others testimonies of your intervention in our lives, so that unbelievers can be challenged and believers may be encouraged 3. Give us faith to believe and courage to act in order to see you do amazing things amongst us that will turn people’s eyes to you, causing them to believe truly God is in our midst 4. Since you have will never leave us nor forsake us, in our times of trial help us always to see your goodness and kindness that is still at work in our lives, so that we may not become discouraged 5. For those who have been waiting a long time for an answer to a particular prayer, cause them to begin to see a breakthrough now at this time

63:8-9 27Isaiah God’s protection

1. Lord, we pray for your protection from all the plans of the evil One towards our church 2. Lord, watch over and guard our families, keeping them in the will of God 3. We pray that you would protect our nation from the onslaught of evil that has been unleashed across our land 4. As we take authority in Jesus’ name against all the forces of lawlessness, violence and vice in the streets of our cities, drive the evil from our streets O God! 5. Move amongst the generation now growing up, Holy Spirit, to turn their eyes from the emptiness of materialism to the fullness of the life in Christ

63:10 28Isaiah Grieving God’s Spirit

1. Holy Spirit, teach us to be sensitive to your promptings and quick to respond when you convict us of anything that causes you to grieve because of us 2. May we not grieve you, Holy Spirit by failing to use the charismatic gifts you have given us, but rather

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cause an increase in the use of prophecy, healings, words of knowledge, faith and miracles 3. Reveal any sin in the midst of your church that is causing you to grieve, Holy Spirit, and deal with anything that would hinder you moving in our midst 4. Holy Spirit, you must be grieved by apathy and double-mindedness in your church, so wake us up, shake us up and set us on fire with a passion for God 5. Holy Spirit, as you grieve over great the sin of our nation, rise up in mercy and cause there to be a turning back to you by this nation that is unprecedented in our history 63:11-14 29Isaiah Visit us again, God

1. You have visited our nation with revival many times in the past, so do it again in our time, O God 2. Holy Spirit manifest yourself in power once again in our midst, to save, heal, deliver and change the lives of many 3. We pray for such a manifestation of the presence of God that we will see people regularly crying out to God repenting of sin 4. Let your presence be so powerful amongst us, O God, that signs, wonders and miracles will be and remain commonplace amongst us 5. Quicken our spirits and send us out in the power of your Holy Spirit, we pray

63:15-16 30Isaiah We need you, O God

1. Lord, we were nothing and can do nothing without you, so help us live as the princes and princesses you have made us 2. Lord, help us to remember that our every breath and our every heartbeat belongs to you, so teach us to number our days, living each day profitably for you 3. Holy Spirit, since we need you in all that we do today, guide and direct us in everything 4. Holy Spirit, teach us to value your presence and to include you in everything we do 5. In times of trial, give us strength as we always remember that you have said you will never leave us nor forsake us

63:17-19 31Isaiah Wandering from God’s ways

1. Lord, for all those children led astray by books on witchcraft, thinking it is merely a bit of fun, open their eyes to the truth of such evil 2. Have mercy on all who are practising the occult today, causing them to see the folly of seeking after evil spirits that will lead them to destruction 3. For all those of your people who have consulted mediums and fortune tellers in the past and are still suffering adverse consequences, prompt them to seek you for deliverance 4. If we have strayed from you in any way this year, forgive us and cause us to walk closer to you this year 5. As we end one year and look forward to the next, fill us with the desire to seek you for greater things to come

January 2018 14

Haggai 2:1-3 Remembering the former things 1. Cause our hearts to be encouraged, as we thank You for every blessing and answer to prayer that we can recall. 2. May the remembrance of Your blessings to us in the past motivate us to actions now. 3. As we recall Your answered prayers in the past, may it serve to give us faith to believe for greater answers in the present and the future. 4. Lord, may we never get discouraged with our present circumstances, but keep our eyes focused on the future and on Your unfailing promises. 5. Give us a powerful vision for the future, O Lord, and the determination to live in a way that sees it fulfilled.


Haggai 2:4 Be strong 1. We pray for Your strength in all our spiritual leaders, helping each one always to stand boldly for the truth. 2. We pray You would fill the hearts of all our Discipleship leaders with encouragement to stand strong in the Lord. 3. We pray that all those who teach our children and youth may continue to minister in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit. 4. We pray that each member of the church would have the courage in their hearts to always stand for the truth of the Gospel in every circumstance. 5. Let Your Church rise up in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit, exercising an influence on our nation far beyond its size.


Haggai 2:5 Relying on God’s Holy Spirit 1. Holy Spirit, we ask that You would anoint us afresh again today, and renew our minds for every task You have for us. 2. Holy Spirit, teach us how to love so that we do not hinder Your operation in our lives, but rather allow You to be working through us at all times. 3. Teach us when to speak and when to remain silent and, when we do speak,

give us the words that incorporate Your wisdom. 4. Enable us to learn how to be led by You, Holy Spirit, and ever more so effectively. 5. For each of us who are struggling to know Your will for our lives, Holy Spirit, help us to wait upon You and receive Your divine revelation.


Haggai 2:6-7 Shaking the nations 1. Shake our nation, O God, and cause its people to fear and take note. 2. Shake the Islamic nations, O Lord, and cause them to turn to Christ. 3. Shake those nations that see themselves as ‘post-Christian’, and cause them to see the magnitude of their mistake. 4. Shake those nations that have never seen a visitation of God or revival, and turn them spiritually upside down. 5. Shake all the nations in this world in these last days, and send a worldwide revival; may we see it and participate in it, O Lord.


Haggai 2:6-7 God’s house filled with glory 1. Holy Spirit, come with a new visitation to Your church, which will see it filled with Your glory. 2. As individual temples of the Holy Spirit, may our lives be so close to Christ that the glory of the Lord in us is evident to those around us. 3. Let there be a new move of the Spirit in our midst that will bring glory to Christ and a harvest into the Kingdom of God. 4. Lord, remove from Your church everything that prevents Your glory being manifested; may we not resist Your promptings to change. 5. Put the burden on our hearts to wait upon Yyou ceaselessly in prayer, until we see Your house filled with Your glory.


Haggai 2:8-9 All belongs to the Lord 1. Remembering that each of us is created by You and for You, O Lord, we surrender our all to You. 2. We surrender our lives, our will and our ambitions to You, O God, and whatever is not in line with Your will, cause us to change. 3. As we consecrate all our worldly goods to You, O Lord, teach us to be good stewards of all we own.

4. As we bring our families before You, teach us to remember that they belong to You, and may our attitudes always be right towards them. 5. Give us a heart like Abraham, who was prepared to offer up to You his dearest possession, knowing he could trust You completely.


Haggai 2:10-11 Remembering God’s law 1. Since we are saved by Your grace through faith, may we never seek to abuse that great privilege by ungodly ways. 2. May we always abide by Your law of love, O Lord. 3. As Your commandments are written on our hearts, O God, may we adhere to Your will closely at all times. 4. Keep us diligent readers and students of Your Word, so that we may become ever more familiar with the law of love. 5. Help us remember that we always have a continuing debt to repay, which is the continuing debt to love one another, and so make us generous givers.


Haggai 2:11-12 No second-hand holiness 1. Help us to maintain hearts that are pure and holy, O Lord. 2. May our actions not be tainted by the desires of our old nature, but rather, may they follow those of our new spiritual nature. 3. Lord, if we are depending on others for our spiritual lives, help us to stand on our own two feet. 4. May we not remain spiritual babies requiring only spiritual milk, but cause us to grow into mature spiritual adults, feeding on the solid food of Your Word. 5. Give us the determination to not only grow in spiritual maturity, but also to become spiritual fathers and mothers to others.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

3. Prosper the work of our hands and anoint our service for You, so that together we may accomplish Your plans for Your church. 4. Give us the hearts of servants, so that our desire is for Your glory and not our own individual concerns. 5. Show us each individually where we fit into the corporate work of Your church, and help us to fulfil our part diligently.



Haggai 2:13 Avoiding defilement 1. Although we live in a fallen world and are surrounded by ungodliness, keep us from sin, O Lord. 2. Help us to guard our hearts and minds from every attack of the enemy, and for each of us, who is struggling today in their thought life, help them to overcome.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018



3. Give us the wisdom not to frequent or even visit those places that would tempt us to sin. 4. Keep our eyes from seeing and watching anything that brings us defilement - either in mind, body, soul and spirit. 5. As we live and work in an ungodly world, give us the wisdom to draw strength from those who would encourage us in the ways of holiness.


Haggai 2:14 Unacceptable offerings to God 1. Let all we do for You, O Lord, be with the right attitude, so that it may be acceptable to You. 2. For any who are experiencing unforgiveness in their hearts and, as such, it is a hindrance to their relationship with You, help them to release it. 3. When we say or do something in Your Name but, in reality, we are promoting our own interests, forgive us so that our spiritual offerings to You may not be unacceptable. 4. When we offer up prayers and spiritual sacrifices to You, O Lord, but we are out of relationship with other brothers and sisters in Christ, convict us of our need to put things right. 5. Give us pure hearts, sincere motives and selfless actions in all that we do, so that we do not grieve Your Holy Spirit.


Haggai 2:15-19 Weighing up our actions and God’s blessing 1. Whenever we speak or act, may we give careful thought to the consequences and effects of our words and actions, so that they may be pleasing to You. 2. Lord, as we remember all that You have done for us in the past, may it give us a confidence and a stronger faith to believe for greater things now and in the future. 3. We pray for Your blessing upon all our witnessing and evangelistic activities, so that many may receive Your blessing of eternal life and a relationship with You. 4. We pray for Your divine favour on all the children and youth in the church, so that they rise up to become mighty men and women of God. 5. Bless our nation by visiting us with a new move of Your Holy Spirit in revival power, we pray.

25 20

Haggai 2:20-21 Believing in the power of God (1) 1. Let Your Word come to our nation one

January 2018 more time, O Lord, before it is too late, and cause many to believe in Christ in these last days. 2. Sovereign Lord and Creator of all the universe, help our small minds to grasp the height, depth and breadth of Your power, so that we have a faith that moves mountains. 3. Help us to keep praying in faith for all our unsaved loved ones, until they accept Christ as Saviour. 4. Lord, we believe, but help us in those times when doubt and unbelief start to enter our minds. 5. Lord, draw us so close to You in prayer so we can believe that the evil in our nation will be turned around and that people will turn back to You.


Haggai 2:20-21 Believing in the power of God (2) 1. We take authority over every enemy spirit that is operating in or over the lives of those in the church, and command those people to be set free in Jesus’ Name. 2. Cause us to see a rising number of people giving their lives to Christ, and great growth in the church. 3. Let every member of the church have a fresh vision of the greatness of Your being and power, that will cause them to rise up in greater effectiveness for You. 4. Give us such conviction and belief in Your power, O Lord, that we can pray intercessory prayers that open doors for people that have been shut for years. 5. Give us such conviction in prayer, O God, that puts to flight our spiritual enemies in high places.


Haggai 2:20-21 The fall of those who oppose God 1. Break the power of the teaching of evolution in our nation, O Lord. 2. Help us to see many Muslims come to You, O God. 3. Cause us to see many Sikhs and Hindus come to Christ. 4. Cause us to see the eyes of many atheists open to the reality of Christ. 5. Bring down the spiritual powers that operate in our nation, and bring godly change, O Lord.


Haggai 2:22 Earthly rulers 1. Lord, we know all authorities lie in your hands so, in accordance with Your Word, we now pray for all those who rule over us. 2. We pray for our Queen, and that

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018

each member of the Royal Family would come to know You as Lord and Saviour, and use their position of influence for Your purposes. 3. We pray, by whatever means, that You would put the fear of the Lord within our national government and its ministers, giving them wisdom to govern. 4. We pray that our mayor and local councillors may govern with fairness and wisdom. 5. We pray that many of Your people would be elected to positions of local and national government, and so be salt and light in the most needed of places.

1 29

Haggai 2:23 Using the power delegated by God - God’s signet ring (1) 1. Because You have delegated to us Your power, help us not to be deceived by the devil into thinking we cannot do great exploits for You. 2. Cause our minds to understand the magnitude of the power You have delegated to us, and give us the faith to exercise it. 3. Give us an anointing to share the Good News of Christ with a conviction that causes those we speak to, to get saved. 4. Cause our prayer meetings to become ever more powerful, to the pulling down of all spiritual strongholds that may come against, inhibit or hinder Your church. 5. Give us the boldness we need to fearlessly fight the good fight and to overcome every strategy of the enemy.

1 30

Haggai 2:23 Using the power delegated by God - God’s signet ring (2) 1. Give us the boldness and the faith to pray expectantly for the sick, and to see them healed. 2. May we see miracles in answer to prayer: the dead raised, the blind to see and the deaf to hear. 3. Give us the gift of discerning of spirits, Holy Spirit, so that we may discern angels and demons, and the motives in human hearts. 4. May we operate naturally in the gifts of words of knowledge and words of wisdom for the saving of souls and the furtherance of Your Kingdom. 5. Help us to so use Your delegated authority, O Lord, that we may take significant territory from our spiritual enemy, and see the victory in the earthly realm.


Haggai 2: 23 Chosen by God 1. As we thank You for Your mercy and grace that chose us before the foundation of the world to be conformed to image of Christ, make us more Christ-like. 2. Lord, since we have been chosen for a purpose, help us to be effective witnesses for Christ at all times. 3. Help each of us to know Your destiny for our lives, and seek at all costs to fulfil it to its maximum potential, we pray. 4. Lord, since You have a unique purpose for each local church in fulfilling Your kingdom plans, cause us together as a church to accomplish Your desire through us. 5. As part of Your body, cause each of us individually not to neglect what You would have us do as our contribution to the life and work of Your church, O Lord.



11am to 1pm


Call our confidential prayer line for ANY need 24 hours a day 7 days a week

020 8799 2199

Saturday 9th December

Saturday 13th January


Acton Brentford Chiswick Hayes Hounslow Northolt Shepherd’s Bush Southall Twickenham Uxbridge Wembley

Acton Brentford Chiswick Ealing Broadway Greenford Hanwell Hayes Isleworth Northfields Northolt Shepherd’s Bush Southall Wembley West Drayton

Monday to Friday Morning meetings - 10.00am to 11.00am EVENing meetings - 6.00pm to 7.00pm


Read the updates from the Local Lighthouse Evangelism teams on page 8 POLISH FELLOWSHIP Elim Springs Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the FOYER

ECC Japanese Fellowship Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the MAIN AUDITORIUM For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA

Last prayer meeting is Friday 22nd December Meetings recommence Tuesday 2nd January


MONTHLY REVIVAL & HEALING MEETINGS Second Sunday evening of every month at 6.30pm Sunday 10th December Sunday 14th January

DELIVERANCE MEETINGS For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder NO MEETING IN DECEMBER Saturday 20th January For non-ECC attenders: Please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060

ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETINGS Last Friday of every month 10.00pm to 5.00am A night of intercession, celebration, thanksgiving and praise NO DECEMBER ALL-NIGHT Friday 26th January GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018


Note from the Treasurer Don’t Miss Out On Gift Aid

Gift Aid is tax relief on money donated to UK charities. As the Elim Pentecostal Church is a registered charity, it is exempt from income tax on its income. Making donations using Gift Aid will enable us as a charity to reclaim the basic rate tax on the gift. The benefits of Gift Aid to ECC: • Every £1 given by Gift Aid is worth £1.25 to the church, increasing the amount given by just over 25% • So if £100 is given each month, this increases to £125 per month • Over a year, the £1,200 of giving increases by £300 to £1,500 • This is a significant increase in giving, and greatly impacts the local church finances • Therefore, anyone who gives to the local church should be made aware of the benefits of Gift Aid so they can decide to give this way The benefits of Gift Aid to the Individual: • No extra cost - Yet the giving increases significantly • No minimum amount - Tax is reclaimable on all Gift Aided donations, including regular and single gifts • No minimum period of commitment - One declaration can last indefinitely, yet can be cancelled, if circumstances change • No need for separate forms - One declaration enables ECC to reclaim the tax on any donation for a special appeal, as well as regular giving. Should you be interested in the Gift Aid scheme, please kindly collect a form from the Finance Desk at the back of the church auditorium, and drop the completed form in the offering bucket on Sunday. God bless you Sandra Dawodu


WEEKLY Meetings Sunday services Celebration service

9.00am to 10.45am

with classes for Children & Youth

Celebration service

11.15am to 1.00pm

with classes for Children & Youth

Japanese service

2.30pm to 4.30pm in Auditorium

Polish service

2.30pm to 4.30pm in Foyer

Evening service

6.30pm to 8.00pm

See ‘What’s On at ECC’ on page 23 for details


Prayer meetings

10.00am & 6.00pm

Prayer meetings

10.00am & 7.30pm



Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Little Stars’ Parents & Tots Term-time only 10.00am to 12.00pm Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 2.00pm to 3.30pm


Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Life skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm Registration required


Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Ministry skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm All-night Prayer

Registration required

10.00pm to 5.00am

Last Friday of the month


Street evangelism

11.00am to 1.00pm


FOR YOUR FAITHFUL GIVING TO GOD’S WORK Sept 2017 Oct 2017 Tithes & Offerings £49,911.95 £53,347.18 Building Fund £7,419.95 £3,425.42 Standing Orders £15,561.60 £23,587.45

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018

WHAT WE BELIEVE Elim Pentecostal Churches 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error, the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and co-eternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.


Sunday Services at a glance 9.00am, 11.15am, 6.30pm

January 2018

December 2017 am 3rd pm am 10th pm am 17th pm 24th 31st

am pm am pm

PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan

am 7th pm

CHRISTMAS FAMILY SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Sam Blake REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton CAROL SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Sam Blake ONE MORNING SERVICE ONLY - 10.30AM CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton SPECIAL CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE with Pastor Sam Blake ONE MORNING SERVICE ONLY - 10.30AM CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan STARTS 8.30PM NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION Guest Speaker: Rev Chris Cartwright General Superintendent, Elim

Celebrate with us! CAROL SERVICE

Sunday 17th December @ 6.30pm Speaker: Pastor Sam Blake

CHRISTMAS MORNING COMMUNION SERVICE Monday 25th December 10:30am to 11:30am Speaker: Pastor Mark King

unless stated otherwise


PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Mark King HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan


CELEBRATION SERVICE with overseas worship leaders Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton


REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker Pastor Rajinder Buxton

am 21st pm am 28th pm

CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Mark King PROPHETIC WORSHIP SERVICE Speaker: Helen Yousaf HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton

HELEN YOUSAF will be with us for the morning services on Sunday 28th January


Sunday 31st December Doors open at 8pm Starts 8.30pm till after midnight An exciting evening of praise, worship & prayer with special guest speaker Rev Chris Cartwright General Superintendent Elim Pentecostal Churches

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018



The God of BREA T

he theme of our third Women’s Prayer Breakfast for this year was ‘The God of Breakthrough’. The ‘DNA’ of ECC is prayer and, through prayer and fellowship, we arise to overcome hurdles that come our way, as you will read in some of the powerful testimonies shared below. It was good to see some of the young women joining us this time, and snippets of their experiences and testimonies are also included. Next year, we will be going to another level of prayer, so please join us for future Prayer Breakfasts. Pastor Rajinder Buxton


ather, I pray for the youths that they stay true to You and to know who they are in You. I pray that when temptation comes their way, You are there with them. Never to lose sight of You, especially when it comes to exams. I pray that they will stay focused, and know that You are sitting right beside them when they are stressed out. Please lay Your hand on them, and let them hear: “I am always by your side.” I pray for the younger kids - the ones in nursery - that they will grow up to walk in Your ways. For the children in primary school, please encourage them to keep trying harder. Help us to develop a closer relationship with You that is true and beautiful. Afua, 15


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017


here was a great sense of freedom and liberty as women engaged in worship; shared their very powerful and heartfelt testimonies, and launched out in prayer. Holding the meeting in the auditorium was great, as there was more space for people to move around during the prayer sessions. For me, these Prayer Breakfasts are a wonderful time of refreshing; forgetting about everything else and just focusing on Jesus. There was an awesome presence of the Holy Spirit throughout the whole meeting.’ Jessica Smith


he foyer was filled with women smiling, laughing and getting to know one another over a tasty hot breakfast. The women’s prayer time was held in the auditorium, which was amazing. (I believe one day the auditorium will be filled with women praying). We worshipped, some women shared their powerful testimonies of how God has moved in their lives and, most importantly, we prayed. 1 Timothy 4:12 – “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” Lami and Afua did just that. They set a great example by praying with confidence and power for the youth of their generation. It’s always a joy to attend Women’s Prayer Breakfast. If you haven’t been before, it would be great to see you there. Nicole Morgan



ohn 3:16 says: ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ We pray for all children in my school who don’t know Christ, and in other schools, that they may come to know Jesus. We pray for salvation for these children.


hallenges are in my life all the year round; when I wake up, they rise with me. I have three choices to make: face them, ignore them or pretend they are not there or hide from them. I choose to face most, ignore a few, and hide from one or two every day. The ones I face I conquer eventually, sometimes immediately and sometimes over time; the ones I ignore, they stab me in the back, and the ones I hide from become the ones I have to face tomorrow. I have a catering business which was taking a serious toll on me, so I decided to really seek God’s intervention. He granted me the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the three spheres of my life: my spiritual, family and business. He said: ‘You can work five days a week’ and achieve what I need to do. I then sat down and wrote down what I do, what I really need to do, and how I can achieve it. My husband and children like the way I work now, as it has taken the burden off my shoulders. As we face challenges every day, sometimes you need others to help steer you back, and I had one of those. Thank God for Pastor Rajinder, who helped to steer me back on course. Bisola Obileye

Lord, we cry out to You for Your help that You will change these children’s lives and bring them to know You. So, Lord, we cry out for the lives of children - not only of this church but outside of ECC. Lamide, 12


he Prayer Breakfast - from beginning to end - was just awesome. Everyone interacted with each other as they enjoyed their breakfasts. The presence of the Holy Spirit was tangible as we entered the auditorium and, together with praise and worship, the prayers and testimonies brought us to another level. It was very uplifting, and I’m sure many women went away blessed and looking forward to the next one. Cheryl Sooknanan

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018



THANK YOU for the music Handing over the baton


he words in Ecclesiastes 3:1 - “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” - have become real and personal for me, as I relinquish my role in the Men’s Ministry in order to pursue other areas of ministry that I am convinced God is leading me on to.

involvement of men in church life!

And so, I pass on the baton to Pastor Alex and to Elder Prosper (pictured below) - two capable pairs of hands that I believe will advance the cause of Men’s Ministry at ECC beyond where it is now.

For me, it’s a time for reminiscing. There are, of course, several memories that stand out, including the many hours spent with Ken Sakulku (pictured) in the early hours of the morning (3am) at Smithfield meat market buying chicken, burger and sausages for successive church summer BBQ events, which the Men’s Ministry traditionally take the lead on. I will always remember how many of our men - many of whom will not cook at home, mind you - ‘fight’ over the right to slave over the BBQ sets, as we cooked the meat and roasted plantain and corn.

PICTURE: Pastor Alex

My involvement with Cell ministry at ECC dates back to the very beginning of cell ministry in the church, when I served as a leader of a mixed gender Cell group until I left to live abroad in November 2002. In those days, the Men’s Ministry involved mainly the breakfast meetings, which continue to this day. I first got involved with the current Men’s Ministry when I returned in 2008; I took on the leadership of a Cell group in Hayes. What a fun and memorable experience that proved to be.

Pastor John (Starr), who was in charge of the Men’s Discipleship Cell Ministry at the time, subsequently asked Elder Prosper and myself to serve as PICTURE: Elder Prosper Primary Cell Coordinators, roles we gladly accepted and have performed ever since, subsequently incorporating Men’s Ministry as a whole, including the bi-monthly breakfast meetings.

I therefore pass on the baton, knowing that God has helped us to move the ministry forward even as we continue to pray for greater success amongst the men of ECC.

I chuckle each time I recall the laughter and great bond amongst the brothers, as we fed the ‘multitude’. These, for me, are endearing memories. I will never forget an incident during an Ignite event (a community event organised over a number of years with the Women’s Ministry). I remember with fondness two men (who shall remain nameless!) going off to Morrison supermarket for the simple task (or so we thought) of buying 300 pieces of bread rolls and 300 pieces of burger buns. We should have suspected something was wrong, when they didn’t come back for hours. They arrived with a van load of 300 packs of 6 in rolls and 300 packs of 6 in burger buns. Talk of feeding the multitude!

During that time, we have had ups and downs - more ups than downs, thank God! We have witnessed amazing transformation in some men; remarkable testimonies of God’s blessing upon others, and spiritual growth in others. Above all, we have seen greater


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018

PICTURE: ‘Class’ of 2014


Neither will I will ever forget successive Men’s Encounter Weekends – not having missed one since 2008 – each proving to be a great spiritual experience, but also full of fellowship and fun. How can I forget when I carry a permanent reminder in a broken and healed (but not properly set) left thumb, playing football at the 2014 Encounter Weekend? Indeed, many great personal relationships were born at these events. One Encounter Weekend that particularly stands out in my memory was one where we went camping at Rock UK in Sussex. Not only were we camping (six to a tent, in open ground), we were also self-catering - the purpose of which was to bond the brothers for the works of ministry at ECC. Of course, it was a ‘great idea’, which we didn’t take into consideration the number of delegates who snore like freight trains! So loud and deep were some brothers’ snoring that their tent mates promptly ‘abandoned ship’.

is up, and I must move on. However, I remain fully committed to the cause of Men’s Ministry here at ECC, and I will continue to contribute fully to the ministry, including supporting its current leadership and contributing articles to this page. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to have served, and thank all who enabled my service. If I may borrow the words of the popular song by Abba, I say ‘Thank you for the music’ (with no intention to plagiarise the works of ECC’s ‘Band of Snoring Brothers’!).

Elder Akin Osuntoki

Celebrate with us!

But, of course, there was no escape, for wherever you were in the camp - indeed for miles around - the snoring was loud and clear in the still and quiet night! And so, we (meaning any breathing soul within miles of our camp) endured two nights of sleeplessness, listening to snoring in harmony (a first for many of us!). For weeks, the ring tones on the mobile phones of some of our naughty brothers were the rich, deep and ‘beautiful’ sounds that they had recorded at our ‘snoring concert’! And so, for now, my time in the leadership of the Men’s Ministry



The ECC office will be closed from Monday 25th to Friday 29th December and on 1st January




Rev Chris Cartwright



(Piccadilly line)

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GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018



A n eye for an eye...


n Proverbs 24:17, the Bible says: “Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles, lest the Lord see it and be displeased and turn away His anger from him.”

Obviously, this is not feasible without the help of the Holy Spirit, as it practically requires us to be saints. As soon as I read this, a certain person sprang to mind. Now, I’d been friends with this person for two years, and I thought we had a good, solid friendship. That was until she did the unspeakable and we had a massive argument. Of course, I was desperate - almost dying - to get my revenge and, trust me, I came up with a few good plans (one of them was to stuff her PE kit with ground pepper!). I then remembered that I was a Christian, ditched all my evil plans, and did what any good Christian would do: I prayed for God to disgrace her in public (please note, this is not a recommended prayer). Shortly after, something terribly humiliating did happen to her and, well, I’ll let you imagine my reaction… Actually, I’ll just tell you: I was beaming with joy. The most tragic part of this story is that her embarrassing moment made absolutely no difference to the situation. She had still offended me – greatly - and I was still reeling with pain. Perhaps we should look at a more helpful and interesting story: the story of Saul and David. A bit of context: Saul loathed David because, ever since the sling and the stone incident, everyone (including all the women) had been praising David and ignoring Saul. In addition to that, God appointed David as His chosen king instead of Saul. By this point, jealousy, the green-eyed monster, had kicked in. Saul decided that the only solution to this problem was to kill David. David, however, didn’t feel the same way. Unlike me, David didn’t plot revenge against the man who was out to kill him; instead, he spared Saul’s life - on two occasions.

I then remembered that I was a Christian, ditched all my evil plans, and did what any good Christian would do


The first time, David was in the perfect position to kill Saul but, instead, he simply cut off a piece of Saul’s robe, saying: “I will not lay my hand on my lord, because he is the Lord’s anointed” (1 Samuel 24:10).

The second time, God delivered Saul into David’s hands, and Abishai said to David: “Let me pin him to the ground with one thrust of the spear.” (Don’t we all wish we had an Abishai in our lives?) But, instead, David refused, saying: “Who can lay a hand on the Lord’s anointed and be guiltless?” Here, David displays some admirable nobility. Now, I think it’s important to note that David didn’t necessarily love Saul so much that he wanted him to live; he just always remembered and acknowledged the fact that Saul was also a child of God. This is something that in our fury, a lot of us tend to forget or just ignore. Our enemies weren’t created by the devil; believe it or not, God made them - every single one of them. The same grace of forgiveness that abounds for us when we sin also abounds for every one of our enemies, regardless of the gravity of their offences. Simply because they may have made a mistake doesn’t take away from the fact that they are God’s creation or that Jesus was crucified so that they may be made whole. Their words and their actions don’t deprive them of the love that their heavenly Father has towards them, and the fact remains that they are still “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Thinking that we are better or more deserving than our enemies is simply being proud and, in James 4:6, the Bible says that ‘God opposes the proud’ and, trust me, you want God on your side, not against you. Now, let’s address this situation: How do we actually ‘pray for our enemies’? In my opinion, it all comes down to one thing: love. (Agapé love, by the way). As Christians, we are called to uphold and look after one another in this temporary life. Jesus Himself stresses the importance of love when He says that the first commandment is to “love the Lord thy God”, and that the next most important commandment is to “love thy neighbour as thyself”. If we truly claim that we love God, we’ll choose to obey His commandments, and a significant part of that is to love those whom God has placed around us. So, back to the famous ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’. The next time you’re praying for God to visit your enemies with a heavenly slap, just take a moment to reflect and think to yourself: would I like my enemies to pray KOFO BOBOYE the same prayer?

...a tooth for a tooth?

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018


fun-filled times of fellowship SUMMER ADVENTURE This summer, we took the children to a series of three adventurethemed Sundays - the Mountain Adventure, Jungle Adventure and Desert Adventure - to discover the ‘Secret to Everlasting Life’. The adventures involved role-playing, story-telling, activities, games and video presentations. We ‘travelled’ with our protagonist, a brilliant professor played by Sade Ajayi, to the high mountain, remote jungle and harsh desert on her quest to find the secret to everlasting life. This was an exciting way to spread the message of hope and salvation.

What a fun-filled day of learning, games and fellowship!

... an exciting way to spread the message of hope and salvation

SUMMER MIDWEEK KIDS’ CLUB To provide an opportunity for children to experience God and know Him more, we organised a five day club session last August. The children enjoyed Bible exploration, challenging games and stimulating craft activities.



On Sunday 29th October, we held a Bible Character Day event. The children came dressed up as characters from the Bible. Fantastic effort was put into their costumes and props, and I was incredibly impressed by their creativity! It felt like we were transported back to biblical times! The children had fun discovering a lot about some of the famous biblical characters. As we looked into the life of several Bible characters, they came to understand how those characters lived their lives and, most importantly, their relationship with God. What a fun-filled day of learning, games and fellowship!

Our Sunday School teachers, Mark Dishley and Harry Bridgette, led the children to a fun-filled, actionpacked day of games to celebrate the summer month. The children enjoyed active indoor games, ECC KIDS such as volley-balloon and bowling. Encouraging STORE DAY! teamwork and building relationships through fun competition was the aim of the event. On 24th September, The winning team received medals, we launched our ECC Kids certificates and prizes and consolation Store. prizes went to the rest of the Children were able to teams. purchase various items, such as toys, goodies, gift items, stationery, and lots more, using their tokens. Children have the opportunity to collect tokens for their accomplishments, including Sunday School attendance, reciting memory verses, bringing a friend, completing monthly devotionals and other achievements. Store Day occurs twice a year.

ANN VORKEL Children’s Ministry Coordinator

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 89 • DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018



Baptismal S e


hat an awesome and joyful baptismal service we had with the Japanese and Polish churches joining us in this great celebration!

The testimonies touched our hearts as we saw the reality of Jesus Christ in the lives of those getting baptised. The service was well attended, with families and friends present to witness the baptism in water - a symbolic, outward sign of what has taken place in a person’s heart and life. Six people responded to the Gospel appeal at the end of the service. If you would like to get baptised in water, please collect a baptismal form at the information desk. Complete it and leave it in Pastor Rajinder’s pigeonhole (situated in the main Auditorium). Pastor Rajinder Buxton

Martin Austin ‘I was once lost in my sins, doing things that I shouldn’t have done, like taking up with various addictions. I was tired of living life in my old ways - without Jesus. I’ve now chosen to follow Jesus and to live my life for Him.’

‘I was depressed, suffering from addiction, and was quite lost. I had no idea what was wrong with me and was in a state of limbo. I was a Buddhist for nearly 10 years, and had been a leader. My wife took me to her church in Madrid and shortly after, I gave my life to Jesus. Jesus took away my depression, and guided me to freedom from my addictions and chains. He died for me; His blood washed away my sins. Whatever good I tried to do, I couldn’t do it on my own, no matter how hard I tried.’

Neale Corrigan

Marie Johnson ‘My life wasn’t good. Jesus has done so many things for me and my kids. He gave His life for me.’


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017

Saeid Khan Ahmadi I felt hopeless and so lonely, with no one in my life. I tried to even kill myself. One of my friends told me about Jesus and church, and by the time I became homeless, I had been sleeping in a church for 12 weeks. During the night, I was reading many books in the church about Jesus, and I found Him. I talk to Jesus and don’t feel lonely anymore. I am so happy and want everyone to know Jesus.’

‘I was without direction and had no sense of purpose and focus – even though I was born into a Christian home. My life changed when someone on the bus gave me a tract for this church and I started coming here. I now have joy, a sense of purpose, direction and peace. Jesus died for my sins on the Cross.’

Mary Akinrinsola

Joseph Foster ‘I was lonely and my life was losing its course. I came to this church with my children and I was very happy. Jesus has given me a clear mind and He helps me to keep on track.’

Ronnie Jafrate I love coming to church and meeting new friends, and I love all the amazing things Jesus is doing for me and my mummy. Jesus brings me joy and hope.

‘My life was dark and really messed up. I was kind of lost, depressed and hopeless. Then I asked a friend to bring me to this church. Now I’m happy and I feel my life is full of light. JESUS gave me hope. He took my hand and led me from darkness to a bright future. He died for us to forgive our sins.’


ervice Gabby Ezigbo ‘My life before I met Jesus was very carefree. No element of guilt at all. But now, the Holy Spirit, my Helper, is always drawing my attention whenever I go astray. I was born into a Christian family in the Catholic Church, so the Name and Person of Jesus were not unfamiliar. But I didn’t practise His commandments until I was born again. Since then my life has changed so much. By His death, He has opened up for me a direct relationship with God the Father.’

Stahn Lebrun ‘I became a Christian when I accepted Jesus into my heart as Saviour and Lord of my life. Many miracles have happened in my life.’

Diane Yao Nicola Jafrate ‘I was very sad and I felt like I was going nowhere, as though my life was on hold. My mother-in-law brought me to ECC and I fell in love with it. I thank God so much for saving me. I am much happier, and my life is amazing. Things are starting to happen: my son is currently in a wheelchair; the doctors said he would never walk but he is starting to! My life has changed so much, and I can see so many changes taking place in me and my son.’

‘I became a Christian at ECC in 2016. Pastor Richard made the Gospel appeal and I responded to Jesus and received Him into my heart.’

‘My life was empty and confused, lacking purpose and direction. I felt I was always seeking, but didn’t know what I was searching for. I felt as if I was constantly in the dark. I came to know Jesus at Ealing Christian Centre, when Pastor Richard asked those who wanted to be saved to come to the front of the stage. I now have a stronger sense of direction, no more alone. Jesus died so I can be set free.’

Caroleen Palmer

Collette Tayong ‘My life was filled with ups and downs and a lot of anxiety and fears. I attended Christian primary and secondary schools and was taught about Jesus and how to live a Christian life. In Jesus I have certainty about my future; courage to face situations, and a better understanding of the spirit realm. Through Jesus, I have peace and joy. Jesus took my place on the Cross. He died, paying the penalty for my sins, and has given me the chance to be a daughter of the Most High God.’

Also baptised from our Elim Springs (Polish) and ECCJ (Japanese) churches:

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 87 • August / September 2017


CARIBBEAN EVENING Sunday 22nd October 2017


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