Grapevine Magazine

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ECC Prayer Centre - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Call for prayer on 020 8799 2199


Issue 102 FEB/MAR 2020


An Elim Church

One family of many nations proclaiming one Gospel through many disciples


Created to Worship


atching items on the national news recently, one story caught my attention. It was how a growing number of local community choirs are being formed around the country, drawn from different groups in society, who may be disadvantaged in some way or another. The main news focus of the story was how helpful it is to be part of such a community choir for the personal wellbeing of the individual, especially mentally and emotionally. It has been found that joining such activities do individuals a lot of good, as there is a ‘feel-good factor’ caused by endorphins being released into the bloodstream, when singing as part of a group of likeminded people. Football is sometimes jokingly called the nation’s ‘other religion’, but it is quite interesting to observe how it can serve as a replacement for what people are missing from a true worship experience with their God. The crowd singing is designed to lift spirits and bring encouragement to players and supporters alike. Its religious nature was summed up by some quotes by Bill Shankly, a former Liverpool Football Club manager who famously remarked: “Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you it is much more serious than that.” And, “At a football club there is the holy trinity – the players, the manager and the supporters.” Other regular occasions where people can fulfil the desire for collective singing, include mass concerts where adoring fans can engage in a form of ‘worship’ together before their pop idols. It is perhaps not surprising to hear such things about people who do not have a personal relationship with the true God through faith in Jesus. We are created and designed to worship, and that includes singing together. This is one way - and an important way - how


a human being, who is physical in makeup, can express his or her love to God, who is not a physical but a spiritual being and therefore cannot be known through our five natural senses. Jesus said: “…the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. God is Spirit and His worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24). Worship in general - and singing in worship in particular - is, as it were, part of the human DNA. It is something innate within us that requires an outlet and a focus. The true focus, of course, is God Himself, who helps us fulfil that human need to its fullest extent, by giving us His Holy Spirit to live within us, and so help us to worship in spirit and in truth. “I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind. I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind” the apostle Paul wrote, in 1 Corinthians 14:15. If a person does not know the true God, he or she will seek a substitute to worship because we are created and designed to do so. The Bible shows us how singing in worship to God is a major feature in heaven, and it is designed to make us feel good, ecstatic even.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

In recent decades, there has been a giant leap forward in medical technology that can help resuscitate people who have clinically died. There are now many who have experienced, as a result, what is known as Near Death Experiences, where they have been clinically dead for some minutes and then medically revived. Stories of the experiences of such people have often included, from those who know Jesus, accounts of being in heaven, where they can hear a melodious hum of singing as they have walked along. After a while, they realised it was the flowers harmoniously making the tunes. In the Bible, God declares: “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands” (Isaiah 55:12). I used to think that verse was metaphorical, but am wondering if it may be more literal than I once supposed. We cannot build doctrine on people’s testimonies alone, but if they reflect some things that are hinted at in the written word of the Bible, then there may be grounds for thinking they are real possibilities. I am greatly encouraged to see how ECC is forging links with other churches overseas in the area of worship. Our


MISSION TO UGANDA by Pastor Sam Blake

Pastor Sam, through Elim Sound, has been visiting the great 35,000-member Watoto Church in Kampala, Uganda at their request, and teaching hundreds of their worship leaders, as you can read in his article in this edition. This is a relationship they and we at ECC want to deepen together. Their Children’s Choir, who were with us in January, visit on an annual basis, and because ECC is just a 20-minute ride from Heathrow Airport on the Piccadilly Underground, we are a great place for them to arrive at or depart from. Additional links we are looking at forging with them include the area of prayer. They have told us how helpful it would be for them to arrive and be prayed for in one of our meetings, with us continuing to pray for them through our Prayer Centre and prayer ministry, as they embark on long itineraries in many different churches throughout the UK for several months at a time. They would also like us to pray for the children who are unaccustomed to coming into a new country with a colder climate and to a very different culture in many of the churches they will visit. And finally, regarding worship, it is good to remember Romans 12:1, “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him” (NLT).



Richard Buxton

Senior Minister


Editor-in-Chief: Senior Minister Richard Buxton Editor: Jackie Raymond of Berean Services UK, Front & Back cover images from NYE 2019 celebrations, taken by Roy McEwen Photography: Roy McEwen plus various contributors from ECC Stock Images:,,,,, Google images Printed by: Hak Services Ltd, HA0 1SU, Tel: 07477 844599. Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: Website: Grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where Grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2020. All rights reserved.

in pictures






by Rebecca Scott



by Monica Martyn, Fiona

























by Joel Hampton

Lapido & Eileen Naughton

Adam Wiecki




Advert with details

by Pastor Rajinder

by Sheri de Mel

by Vanessa Karera


If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please email your article to, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. The deadline for the APRIL/MAY edition is no later than FRIDAY 28th FEBRUARY.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020



Mission to UGANDA My work with the Watoto worship team continued over the next few days, where I had the opportunity to encourage and minister to the team. Watoto made sure that whilst we were there they used us to our full potential, and whilst Caleb and I were with the worship team, Rachel (a Head Teacher) was used across campuses to support the teaching aspects of Watoto. This included supporting teachers in the Primary and Secondary Schools, and those that taught the children as part of the Watoto Children’s Choir. Our children also made excellent teaching assistants, supporting with the input of these sessions, including our four-year-old, Naomi.


or some time now, my wife and I have been looking for an opportunity to take our whole family on a mission. Mission is an incredible way to position yourself to be used by God in ways that are often outside your usual

One of the most memorable moments for our family was visiting the Watoto orphanage. Here we had a real sense of God’s love, and the compassion to these children was outstanding. We fed the babies milk; gave them dinner, and left our hearts there with them! Our children were incredible, and loved every moment; we had to drag them away! Rachel and our daughter, Tilly (9), had spoken to their schools about our mission, and we were able to take a case full of new baby grows and activity books for the children. Our family came back to the UK changed for the better. We met some incredible people, who spoke into our lives and into the lives of our children. We even saw the odd giraffe and elephant! We thank God we were able to take our family there. We are left feeling that Kenya is a very special place, and we can’t wait to go back!

routine - to meet new people, to experience their way of life and be exposed to their needs. We wanted our children to experience a culture and a different way of living that would hopefully change their outlook and give them a new understanding of how life can be for other families across the world, for the good and those that struggle every day. We landed at 2pm on Saturday afternoon, and were whisked from the airport, straight into sound check for the Saturday evening service, as I would be leading worship and Caleb would be playing drums at the five weekend services at downtown Watoto, which usually sees over 10,000 people coming through their doors. Sunday was a 6am start for the four back-to- back services, which all went extremely well.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020


Mission to KENYA


n September 2019, Elim Sound, in partnership with Elim Missions, sent four of our worship team members out to Nairobi, Kenya, for a week of serving and teaching.

Cluny Wiecki, Daniel Scott and Joel Hampton, together with Pastor Sam Blake and Ian Yates from Elim Sound, began the week at the African Pastors’ Conference, where men and women in church leadership from all over Africa came to receive encouragement and inspiration. Following this, the team spent two days training musicians, singers and technical engineers on subjects such as: the heart of a worshipper; forging a successful song list, and individual instruments. To round off a great week, they led worship at City Lighters Church, a youth church that has grown to over 400 within two years! Here’s what the team had to say about their experience…

and challenged me as a worship leader. This trip has impacted how I see and do worship, urging me to seek and ask for more. Daniel Scott Hearing the testimonies of the pastors there was mind-blowing. We worshipped with people who knew the true meaning of sacrifice, and wanted more of God.

I made connections with many people who wanted to learn and grow in their worship team. Visiting a youth church Joel Hampton was one of my main I remember being highlights on the trip, eight years old, looking and I was moved by the at traditional African power of their worship. tribal drummers playing together, and Sam Blake it became a dream of In 2019, Elim Sound mine to join them one has reached India, day. the Philippines, South America and finally Having the privilege Kenya. It was personally of drumming on significant because I was this mission trip has able to include three of been a dream come our ECC worship team: Cluny, Joel and Daniel. true for me, and my testimony is that of The hunger for worship and teaching was so God’s faithfulness to different from what we see here in the UK. One an 8-year-old kid, with worship leader travelled through the night to get little going for him but to the conference, another came nine hours from pure ambition and a Mombasa, and three people from the Maasai tribe passion for worship. walked two hours on foot and four hours by bus. God will always deliver Teaching and encouraging brothers and sisters on His promises. in Christ, who had sacrificed so much to be there, was a humbling experience. Cluny Wiecki Setting out for this We thank our ECC family for the support both in prayer and finance. trip, my heart was to You made this trip and its successes possible, and I’m sure we will share my passion for hear of the fruit this mission is producing in the future. worship with others. In every session, we sensed hunger for the Presence of God and a desire, as musicians Words and photos and singers, to supplied by improve their craft. Pastor Sam Blake and Their desperation Joel Hampton for the things of God deeply moved us,

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020


WORSHIP: Youth Choir


hen anyone asks me what life is like as a youth leader, I always have the same answer: I’m not a youth leader! I’ve always found that God has a funny way of placing you where you didn’t actually intend to be, but rather where He needs you to be. I joined the ECC staff three years ago, thinking I’d mostly be working directly with the Worship Team, and yet time and time again, God has proved Himself faithful and opened doors for me in other areas. Running the ECC Youth Choir is by far one of my favourite roles, and it’s a privilege to support our youth in their relationship with Christ, worshipping Him together as a family. I began the Youth Choir back in August 2017, after speaking to Pastor Sam Blake about young people missing on the Worship Team. I was 21 at the time, and yet I was the youngest singer on team. When I joined I was 16, so where had all our 16 to 20-year-olds gone? We both decided this was something that needed addressing, and the idea of creating a Youth Choir was formed. Originally, I was terrified about working with young people. Not because of the stereotypical image of a rowdy, backchatting teenager, but rather an insecurity in whether I’d be able to manage a group of young people, and teach them not only to sing, but to cultivate their passion for Jesus. For our first week, I started with just three teenagers between the ages of 11 and 14. The three who attended are still regular members of the Youth Choir, and it’s been amazing watching them from 2017 up until now. Where there was a lack of assurance, there is now a joy in worshipping together. By December 2017, I had eight teenagers,


Worshipping with the At the start of 2019, both Pastor Richard Buxton and Pastor Sam Blake championed our young people, by giving them space to serve in our Sunday morning services. The Youth Choir have since sung onstage with the Worship Team every three months, being led by, taught by, and being invested in by the wonderful members of our team. It’s a fine line between performing and worshipping, and it’s sometimes very easy to find yourself crossing between the two if you’re not careful. Hebrews 12:28 says: ‘Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that with up to 14 the following year. Jade cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, Aygei-Kyeremateng and Priscilla and so worship God acceptably, with Mesaque have been instrumental in reverence and awe’. Worship is not running the Youth Choir alongside me, about how we feel or what we do, and I am so thankful to them for not only but rather that we place onto God supporting me, but also encouraging the honour that He deserves. We are and instilling confidence in our youth. called to minister to the Lord, just as the Levites were in the Old Testament. Getting the Youth Choir to where it is Our Youth Choir have grown in their now is not because of anything I’ve understanding of what worship looks done, but because these teenagers are like - whether that’s on stage, in our looking for somewhere to be, where they Youth Choir meetings, or in their not only have fun, but can also open up bedrooms at home. about their relationship with Jesus, and share in a weekly devotion together. It’s Knowing what true worship is, means so important that we ‘train up a child we can experience a freedom and joy in in the way he should go [so that] when giving God glory. The youth thoroughly he is old, he will not depart from it’ enjoyed their first Limitless Sunday (Proverbs 22:6). on 1st September 2019, where they led ECC in worship for the first time. When I think about how God has Despite their worry in not being able guided me up until this moment, I to lead worship for 30 whole minutes, always think of and commend my they gave it their all and worshipped parents, Sunday School teachers, youth leaders, and aunties and uncles in the church, who have encouraged me through my teenage years. You are so important in the lives of our youth, and they will remember what you’ve done for them. It really does take a village to raise a child!

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

WORSHIP: Youth Choir


with everything within them. For any of you who were there, you’ll know that the auditorium was heavy with the presence of God, and the atmosphere was electric. When we have to rely on God, that’s when He’ll always show up. That Sunday morning service left me feeling so proud of where they had come - from that small meeting back in August 2017. Everyone knows that preparation is the key to success, and sometimes we don’t see the hard work that goes on behind the scenes. Learning one song for the choir could take up to three or four weeks, yet each young person is dedicated to learning their part and singing it well. The Youth Choir meet every Friday at 5pm, and for most of our youth that means coming to church straight after school. In winter, it might be dark and cold, yet they still come to rehearse, learn and socialise with one another. One of our key values is family, and we’ve always wanted to create a

space where our youth can feel safe sharing with one another. I’ve learnt so much about each one of them in the last three years, whether that’s their favourite Chinese takeaway order, or stories from their childhood. One Thessalonians 5:11 urges us to ‘encourage one another and build each other up’, and we can only do that by spending time with and getting to know one another better. I’ve spoken a lot already about how the Youth Choir came to be, and what they have been up to since then. But what does 2020 look like for us as a team? Since 2017, the gap I noticed on the Worship Team has gotten smaller and smaller, with young people signing up to serve – not only onstage but behind the scenes. Our Tech Team has grown tremendously, with quite a lot of our youth joining on the Sound and ProPresenter (PowerPoint) teams. In the last two years, we’ve had Nicole Turkson, Dami Olosinmo, Levi Blake, Afua Asiedu, and Olivia Itoje all sign up to run either sound or words for us for our Sunday morning and evening services. Both Nicole Turkson and Diana Tedesco have come onto team as singers and instrumentalists: Nicole learning bass, and Diana learning piano. A lot of you will also know Lamide Ajayi, who has the reputation of being ECC’s sole female drummer! You’ll find all three of them serving not only on a Sunday morning, but also at our Tuesday prayer

meetings and Women’s events. Both Joanna Smith and Olivia Itoje are also learning acoustic guitar – an instrument we don’t find all that often at ECC! There are also many more I could name who serve selflessly in our Youth Services and Choir – you know who you are! The next generation is rising up in the background of everything going on at ECC, and they are slowly coming to the forefront of their respective areas. Stand with us, not only by encouraging our young people, but also by praying that they would be on fire for God. They are called to be a generation that won’t back down or compromise – and one that follows the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Let us be deliberate in teaching our youth, and supporting them to achieve their full potential and purpose in Jesus Christ. Amen!

Rebecca Scott

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020




first realised something was drastically wrong with my body when climbing stairs at tube stations made me very breathless. I had to wait to catch my breath, and even when I walked my legs felt so heavy. This went on for a number of months. Being a nurse, it greatly troubled me, so I visited my doctor to find out what was wrong with me. The doctor’s diagnosis reported: ‘CT Coronary Angiogram showed patient has severe mid LAD disease.’ LAD (Left Anterior Descending artery) is a coronary artery, ie. supplies the heart muscle with blood, and is considered the most important of the three main coronary arteries. It is almost always the largest, and severe blockages can cause serious heart attacks. By now I was very worried, and threw myself at God’s mercy to bring healing to my heart, whilst the doctors carried out their care. I sought much prayer and, one day during our Sunday morning service, Pastor Richard was having a worship and prayer time. We would worship, then a prayer point would be given, and we prayed that prayer point. As we went on during the service, one of the prayer points was on healing of our physical bodies. This was my opportunity to reach out to God for my healing.

God healed my diseased heart by Monica Martyn

As we prayed, I asked Jesus to remove every blockage that was in my heart, and for my heart to be totally unblocked in Jesus’ Name. As I cried out to Jesus right where I was sitting to unblock my artery, I suddenly felt a strange sensation in my heart muscle. I felt a ‘tapping’ and a ‘shaking’ happening right there in my heart. It felt like invisible fingers tapping my heart inside. Then suddenly it seemed like a stream of cold water running through my heart. At that moment I knew Jesus had healed me. I left church without telling anyone that Jesus had healed me, just so I could test it for myself. As I walked up the stairs of the church to go out, my legs felt light. Something had happened. I walked everywhere, and yet didn’t experience any breathlessness. I went to see my doctor, who put me through various tests, and even had a dye inserted through my artery. After several tests he said there was nothing to be worried about and reported: ‘Her echo showed a structurally normal heart.’ I was encouraged to exercise and to eat healthily, and was discharged. I thank Jesus for my healing, as it has been quite a journey for me. It is so important to be in the presence of the Holy Spirit, as anything can happen when we are in God’s presence.


Healed through a prayer cloth

rene is my friend, and she was running a temperature. Despite taking paracetamol, her temperature remained high. She later noticed an old surgical wound, which had become inflamed and painful. While attending the hospital for routine blood tests, she informed the doctors about the abdominal pain and the old wound. The doctor decided to admit her, and carried out several tests: blood tests, an X-ray and an abdominal CT scan. The doctors took some time to come to a decision on the best course


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

of action. As I am a nurse at the hospital, I was able to visit Irene, and we continued to pray, believing God to be in control of everything. When I was at the Revival and Healing meeting, I decided to get an anointed prayer cloth from Pastor Rajinder, which she prayed over. I gave Irene the prayer cloth, and she taped it securely onto her abdominal area. This was done in accordance with Acts 19:11-12, when Paul used handkerchiefs as a point of contact through which people were healed and delivered from evil spirits. Irene and I


Healed of genu valgum by Fiona Lapido I was born with a Vitamin D deficiency, which resulted in rickets, and as a result, I had deformities called genu valgum or ‘knock knees’. Knock knees is a common lower leg abnormality that is usually seen in the toddler, preschool and early school-aged child. In genu valgum, the lower extremities turn inward, causing the appearance of the knees to be touching while the ankles remain apart. This is where both my knees constantly touched each other. Basic running was an issue, as I often fell over, which caused me great distress. I had no friends in primary school, and felt different from others around me. This led to other kids bullying me at school, calling me ‘ugly’, and my sister was the one who got the bullies off my back. As I grew older and started going to church, I was prayed for and noticed that my knees were starting to get straighter and straighter, until my problem simply disappeared. I no longer had ‘knock knees’ and I am truly thankful to God for my miracle. To be honest, I thought I was totally healed over the years, but I wasn’t aware that my right leg was shorter than my left leg. This was noticed recently at our ‘Ministering in the Supernatural’ healing class at ECC. We were taught how to command healing on the lower back, and growing out the legs if one leg was shorter than the other. As we got into pairs to practise on each other, a command of healing was given for my shorter leg to get into alignment, and for both legs to be aligned. As the command was given for my right leg to grow out, I experienced God’s healing power in the class. My shorter leg grew out by at least an inch. My knee joints are even stronger, to God be the glory! God is amazing, and what He has done for me He can do it for you too. Trust Jesus.”

- no operation necessary were standing in faith to believe God for a miracle. One day, when Irene took off the prayer cloth to have her shower, she noticed the abscess had actually popped and was bleeding, and she squeezed out the pus. (Irene is also a nurse.) The doctors had planned to take Irene to theatre to drain the abscess. She was kept nil by mouth all day. In the evening, they still hadn’t taken her to have surgery, as there had been some emergencies earlier that day. I asked the nurse in charge whether Irene would be having surgery, as it was now evening. The

nurse in charge wanted Irene to remain nil by mouth, in case surgeons came and wanted to operate on her. The next morning, I went to see Irene and was surprised she still hadn’t had surgery. The doctors decided to order an ultrasound and couldn’t find anything. There was only a tiny bit of fluid there. The surgery was cancelled, and Irene was discharged. God had caused the abscess to drain out naturally, and healed her.”

Eileen Naughton

Irene and I were standing in faith to believe God for a miracle

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020



MAINTAINING OUR BUILDING by Adam Wiecki and Pastor Mark King


n the autumn of last year, along with publishing our plans to develop a second auditorium in the basement area, we announced that major repairs need to be carried out around our building. As well as general wearand-tear, the repairs are mainly due to continued and welcomed use by ECC, ECCJ, Elim Springs and various outside organisations. Our building, built in 1932, was never designed for church use and, as such, we are constantly thinking of creative ways of making things work or fit around our requirements – not an easy task for an old building. There is the daily challenge of trying to work with (or replace) building materials used back in the 1930s, such as asbestos, which are either no longer available or are rendered unsafe and therefore illegal to use. Yet we are still custodians of this beautiful Grade 2* listed building and, as a legal requirement, we are bound to take care of it. Have you noticed the difference in our heating system, especially in the main services? We hope so! With the old system we had, it was a constant struggle to regulate the heat during the winter, which meant that those sitting in the balcony were uncomfortably hot, whilst those downstairs were cold. Over the summer, our maintenance team worked with Nigel Steele-Davis to come

then move on to the auditorium roof.

up with a fan system, which regulates the heat more effectively. This system also acts as a cool air system during the summer as and when required. Since we purchased the building in 1995, we have chosen to make ‘piecemeal repairs’ to our roof over the foyer and auditorium, as they are both 100% asbestos. (The other areas are bitumen.) We chose to do this mainly because of the cost of demolition, scaffolding and replacement, which would have been in the region of £500,000, bearing in mind that our roof space covers almost 2000m². However, in the years that we have delayed giving our roof a complete overhaul, technology has opened up a fantastic solution in the form of a liquid rubber roofing system, which can simply be sprayed onto the existing asbestos roof after it has been prepared. This will guarantee us a watertight roof for up to 25 years - for a fraction of the cost. We praise God for this wonderful opportunity! So, before last Christmas, we employed the services of a company called Rainfast to carry out the roofing project and, despite the wet weather, they have made good progress. Completion of the weatherproofing and repairs over the foyer roof should hopefully be finished as you read this article. The workmen will


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

You will also be pleased to know that an overhaul of our electrical system will commence shortly – again, mostly concentrating on the auditorium and other small areas. The main electrical intake and breakers will be upgraded, with some of the circuitry also being stripped out and replaced with new switches. This will bring our electric system up to a very good standard, and also help us with future upgrades and expansion. Please continue to pray for good weather, so the workmen can complete the roof repairs and waterproofing; there is an ongoing need for finances, and that the work for the development of the basement will progress swiftly. I would also like to give you all the opportunity to contact me if you have any suggestions regarding the building, or how we can utilise it more effectively for the glory of God. You can do this by emailing me at: May God continue to bless you all.


How to... ACCELERATE YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH “You don’t know, what you don’t know.”


he first time I heard this statement I laughed. It just sounded odd. But it’s one of the most truthful statements ever. God said: “My people perish from a lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6), so we need knowledge to ensure we do not perish. We need knowledge to ensure we know! Be encouraged. Let’s recap our common journey: From the day of our birth to today, everything in our lives has a point of reference. Agreed? Our lives are filled with valuable reference points and structure: time to wake, time to sleep, birthdays, Christmas, bank holidays, Sunday routine, Saturday routine, work - whether inside the home or outside. Then we accept Jesus into our lives, and guess what we instinctively do? We add ‘human structures and references’ to our Christian walk. Every time we experience a move of the Holy Spirit, we map it and say: “God works like this…” reducing the Almighty God into our structure. Ouch! Romans 12:2 says we must ‘renew our minds’ - oh, how I hope you get this! As non-spiritual humans, we need structure to make sense of everything going on around us. Now let’s think of God, before everything was. God is a spirit being. Agreed? Good. God exists outside of time, physical space and gravity. Agreed? Good. When creating the earth and planets, how does God know where to place them? Into what structure is He placing creation? Think about it. If we wanted to build a house, we can’t start from the roof down; gravity won’t allow it. Everything ‘we’ do has a point of reference. True? Our God did everything - with no reference points!

Now think. Healings have no reference point. Salvation - by declaring sins and accepting Jesus the Christ - has no reference point. Baptism of the Holy Spirit has no reference point… Remember what the men in Acts said, when they heard unlearned men speak in their language? “They must be drunk” (Acts 2:4). This was their only reference point. Are you getting this? How can this knowledge accelerate your spiritual life? When in the ‘spirit’ we are in God’s existence not our own. We must become comfortable being ‘reference-less’. You cannot find a reference for the power that created heaven and earth, who heals, who saves... Living each moment of each hour of each day through the Holy Spirit means we are living reference oints. Scary, I know. Jesus told us: “The Comforter, who is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:26). This promise is simply mind-blowing. Choose to rely on the Holy Spirit to teach you how to exist in the Spirit, declaring things to be on earth as it is in heaven. Choose to accept there’s no fixed structure or reference points in the Spirit. So what now? You’re a spirit human, so make stuff happen. Change the world - like right now! Be encouraged.

Roy McEwen Praying.Works

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020


Testimonies from the

PRAYER centre


A woman requested prayer for a new onebedroom flat, and later called back to thank God for answering her prayers.


The desire to become a British citizen caused this woman to ring the Prayer Centre on a number of occasions. Her faith was rewarded because her application for naturalisation was successful.


A concerned mother called the Prayer Centre, because her son had been reported missing in America; there was no information regarding his whereabouts. She called back later to confirm that the police were able to find him, and that he was fit and well. Thank You, Lord


The need for work experience before returning to work caused this caller to ring the Prayer Centre. After prayer he received a phone call out of the blue from his former boss, who offered him work experience he needed, with the possibility of even getting paid employment afterwards. Thank You, Lord.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020


A woman had been accused by the Home Office of entering into a sham marriage, and her application for residency had been rejected for over two years. However, following constant prayers with the Prayer Centre, she was granted permission to marry and is now legally resident in this country. She thanks the Lord and the Prayer Centre for standing with her.


Severe pains from fibroids and endometriosis were preventing a woman getting pregnant. Her doctors advised her to get a complete hysterectomy, but she wanted to be a mother, and after prayers and declarations, she is now three months pregnant – a miracle indeed – and she gives glory to God.


A woman called the Prayer Centre, as she was going for a job interview. Sh called to give thanks to God, because although she didn’t get the job she was after, God blessed her with an even better job at the end of the same week.

These are just a selection of the testimonies received at the Prayer Centre. Please contact Pastor Tom Ibrahim or Rudy Brann on 020 8799 2199, if you would like to be involved in this important ministry.


March 2020 T

he Book of Psalms is a collection of five hymn books which were written to be sung as part of public worship. They contain not only theology, which when put to music and sung makes it easier to remember, but also the whole spectrum of the expression of every human emotion, from the ecstatically joyful on the one hand, to the deepest of distress and overwhelming sadness on the other. David wrote approximately half of these psalms and as such we often know his circumstances when he wrote them. For many years he was in serious danger of his life, learning how to trust the Lord for his every provision and for overseeing his safety from mortal danger. And it was out of these desperate experiences where he learned how he could trust God in any and every situation. But even when he became king he was not immune to threats and danger, as his kingdom was surrounded by hostile enemies all around. But what disturbed him often was the presence of wicked men around him. David knows that to know God’s presence, provision and protection he must stay close to God, who knows every detail about each individual. So David knows that the thoughts of his mind and the intents of his heart need to be kept pure in God’s sight. The forgiveness of God comes when we sincerely acknowledge any wrongdoing we have committed, and also his Holy Spirit is with us to provide spiritual strength to stay on God’s righteous pathway. As with anyone who is in a genuine relationship with God, David acknowledges the rightness of God’s statutes as revealed in the Bible. By contrast he hates the ways of wickedness and evil which often manifest themselves around us in this fallen world. He led a very busy life in carrying out his kingly duties which put him into contact with all kinds of wicked people and their deeds. And he was conscious not to allow himself to be influenced by such behaviour. Instead there was the need to keep himself strictly accountable to the all-knowing and ever-present God who created us, searches our hearts and from whom nothing about us is hidden. As we pray through these psalms this month we are praying from the standpoint of someone who acknowledges the truth of and the greatness of our God as Creator of all things, who is righteous in all his ways, shows absolute justice in all his commands and who is concerned that we walk closely to him in all moments of our lives, not being influenced by the ungodly attitudes and practises around us. And as such, from that position, to petition God in prayer and intercession for the fallen world around us, seeking his mercy before it is too late on those currently rebelling against him – that they may be saved.

1st – Psalm 17:1 A cry unto God 1. Lord, we bring before You all our personal needs and pray that You would help us in all our circumstances 2. Give us this day our daily bread, we pray 3. Forgive us our trespasses, O Lord, as we forgive those who trespass against us 4. Deliver us from every attack of the enemy, we pray, enabling us to stand strong against temptation and all the plans of Satan 5. May our lips be used only for speaking what is right, edifying and true, so that when we speak to You in prayer, O Lord, You can answer our cries 2nd – Psalm 17:2-3 Seeking to live righteously 1. Lord, as we surrender every part of our lives to You, help us to hold nothing back

2. As we come before You each day in prayer, Holy Spirit, reveal anything in our hearts that we need to confess to You, so that nothing may hinder our relationship with You 3. Help us to place a guard over our lips, O Lord, so that we do not sin with our mouths 4. Help us to place a guard over our hearts, O Lord, so that we harbour nothing there which will prevent You responding to our prayers 5. Order our steps each day, Holy Spirit, so that we always walk in the ways of the Lord 3rd – Psalm 17:4-5 Avoiding the corruption of the world 1. Give us the determination that, though we live in this world, we will not allow its ways to taint or corrupt us 2. Give us wisdom, O Lord, regarding the things we watch, whether television,

films, the internet or the things we may read, so that we do not allow ungodly ways to influence us 3. Keep us close in our relationship with You, O Lord, so that as we mix with people daily in our places of work, school or college and neighbourhoods we remain spiritually strong 4. Make us people who remain accountable to other believers, so that we remain strong in the Lord 5. Strengthen and encourage all our discipleship cell leaders and all other leaders in the church as they invest their time in building up others in the Lord 4th – Psalm 17:6-7 A God who answers 1. Show us daily the wonders of Your great love, O God 2. May we be people in whom others can see the wonders of Your great love also,

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

Deepening our Walk with God Psalms 17 & 18



March 2020 O Lord 3. Help our lives to be a living testimony to others as they see the grace of God on our lives in many different ways 4. When we receive answers to prayer, O Lord, may we be willing to share testimonies of the reality of Your hand upon our lives 5. We thank You and give You praise for every answer to prayer we receive, O God 5th – Psalm 17:8-9 Staying close to God 1. Keep us as the apple of Your eye, O Lord 2. Hide us under the shadow of Your wings, we pray 3. Keep us conscious of Your presence, Lord, even when we do not feel very spiritual 4. Protect us from every spiritual attack that seeks to prevent us fulfilling the destiny You have prepared for our lives, O Lord 5. Help us understand Your power already within us, O Lord as we realise that he who is within us greater than he who is in the world 6th – Psalm 17:10-13 Protection from the assaults of the enemy 1. Lord, keep us close to You at all times, we pray, so that the devil may not gain a foothold in our lives 2. Guard us from every plan and strategy that the enemy may be making against us, we pray 3. Every attack against us by the enemy of our souls we pray You would turn around and cause to work for our good instead 4. Lord, as we pray for all Christians whose employers make it difficult for them to express their faith in the workplace, use them nevertheless for Your glory 5. Rise up in our midst, O Lord and let every enemy of Yours be scattered 7th – Psalm 17:14-15 Provision for those who seek the Lord 1. Lord, we ask You to provide us with all the things we need for this day, including the wisdom for our daily decisions 2. For all those amongst us who are seeking a job or a change of employment, we pray You would lead them to the right position for them at this time 3. For all those among us who run


their own businesses, we pray that You would guide their decisions and prosper their businesses 4. For all those among us who are students, we pray that You would help them into the employment that will bless them and where they can be a godly influence 5. We pray that You would provide all that we need for each member of our families 8th – Psalm 18:1 Loving God 1. As we hunger and thirst after righteousness, fill us, O Lord 2. Teach us the wisdom of always putting You, O God, before our own personal interests 3. Since those we truly love we will talk to often, may we not neglect to talk with You daily in prayer, O Lord 4. Since You told us, Lord Jesus, that, ‘If You love me You will obey my commandments’, help us to show our love for You by the way we live 5. Holy Spirit, help us to deepen our love for the One who loves us 9th – Psalm 18:2-3 Calling on the Lord 1. Lord, we cry out to You to save the ones we love, the ones we meet or work with daily and the strangers we meet and talk with 2. Help us to walk in such close communion with You, O Lord, that we know the mind of Christ in every situation 3. Cause us to remember, O God, that You always see and hear the cries of the righteous, even when we are tempted to think otherwise 4. Lord, take our lives and let them be wholly consecrated to You 5. As we bring before You right now the deepest of our needs that only You can meet, help us to see the answers come, we pray 10th – Psalm 18:4-6 God’s deliverance 1. For those amongst us who are sick, heal them now O Lord 2. For those amongst us who are in financial difficulties, give the wisdom and opportunities to come out of debt 3. For those amongst us who are being oppressed by the enemy of our souls, deliver us from the evil one, we pray 4. For those amongst us who are being

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oppressed by people they know, deliver them from malice and harm, O Lord 5. As we walk closely to You, deliver us from every form of evil, O Lord 11th – Psalm 18:7-12 The awesomeness of God 1. Help our small minds to begin to comprehend the greatness of Your omnipotent power, O God, so that we may trust You completely 2. Open our eyes to the reality of Your total omniscience, O Lord, so that we may never fear because You know all things about us, past, present and future 3. Cause us to realise the wonder of You omnipresence, so that, realising the truth that You will never leave us nor forsake us, we will always be bold 4. Since You within us, are greater than the devil who is in the world, bring to our remembrance that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength 5. When we feel defeated, O Lord, cause us to remember Your words: ‘The God of peace will soon crush Satan under Your feet’ 12th – Psalm 18:13-15 God’s wrath at the sinful world 1. Lord, as we pray for all the nations of Europe, move in revival power before it is too late 2. As we bring all the nations of Africa before You, Holy Spirit, sweep through them in revival, we pray 3. As we pray for all the nations of the Americas and Caribbean, have mercy and bring many to Christ, Holy Spirit, we ask 4. As we bring all the nations of the continent of Asia before You, O God, turn many to Christ in these last days 5. In all the nations of Australasia and all island nations, we pray for a great move of the Holy Spirit in revival 13th – Psalm 18:16-19 Raised up by God’s might 1. Help us co-operate with You, Holy Spirit, so that we are constantly being changed from glory to glory to become come more like the image of Christ 2. Teach us how to live in this world, not as children of this world, but as sons and daughters of the living God 3. Enable us to understand the fullness of who we are in Christ so that we can


February 2020 Jeremiah Chapters 1 & 2


hen Jeremiah received his call from the Lord - to be a prophet speaking into the national life of the kingdom of Judah, its kings, priests and people - it was a daunting task that he felt ill equipped to carry out. For one thing, he was just a teenager, who didn’t feel mature enough for such an onerous role. There was a good practical reason why God called Jeremiah at such a Young age. He was born into a priestly line that was carrying a curse of God to the effect that, although much good would come from those in that line, there would never be a man in it who would live to be old. This came about because of the disobedience of Eli the priest (1 Samuel 2:27-33). So, for Jeremiah to fulfil all that God had for him, he needed to start Young. I am sure that for Jeremiah himself this would not have proven a regret, because he had the hardest of lives and expressed his thoughts that he wished he had never been called to this heavy responsibility. This was because of the evil times he lived in and was called to prophesy in. The northern tribes of Israel had already been overrun and taken away into exile by the Assyrians for their disobedience. Now Jeremiah knew the southern tribes led by Judah were on the brink of experiencing a similar experience. The Old Covenant that God had made with the nation at Mount Sinai through Moses, which the nation of Israel had readily agreed to and sealed with blood, was simple and clear in its conditions: Obey God, and they would be blessed in every area of their lives; disobey God, and all God’s protections would be withdrawn and they would end by being overrun and carried away into exile. The role of the prophets was to remind the kings, the priests and the people of this Covenant and its terms, in the hope that they would repent and turn back to God, and so prevent these wholly avoidable self-inflicted punishments. But in Jeremiah’s time the whole nation preferred to reject God and instead worship idols, together with the immoral lifestyle that accompanied such worship. So Jeremiah was a lonely man, forbidden by God to marry and have children because, in the violent and hostile atmosphere of the time, against the preaching of righteousness, that would only have made Jeremiah’s heartache worse. So Jeremiah carried on warning the nation of God’s impending judgments. But no one heeded his warnings. His words were ignored; he was imprisoned with just bread and water; beaten and abused, resulting in his tears that earned him the name of the ‘Weeping Prophet’. He lived to see the fulfilment of his own prophesies concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, and his heartbreak over it is recorded in his book of Lamentations. He was later forcibly taken to Egypt, where his unhappy life was ended by assassination. On earth, his efforts seemed to have ended in failure, but in reality he was a total success. God had raised him up to give the nation one last chance to repent and so avoid the judgment of God. Jeremiah fulfilled that role with excellence, even if with a heavy heart. But his ministry demonstrates God’s own heart: in His righteousness He must judge sin, but in His love, giving even the most wicked every opportunity to repent and be saved. What a welcome Jeremiah must have received in heaven, and what an eternal reward. We live in a nation that once acknowledged God and His righteous ways, but which in recent generations has turned its back on Him and chosen a pathway of rebellion and sin. God cannot deny His own character of righteousness, and so must bring judgment. In His love He will delay for a season only, to give opportunity for repentance and a turning to Him. Like Jeremiah, our job is to share the Gospel in a rebellious nation, while the window of opportunity still remains before God’s judgment falls.

1st – Jeremiah 1:1-3 Continuing to hear God’s voice 1. Give us open ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to us, we pray. 2. Speak to us through Your Word, through prophecy, the wise counsel of godly people, and revelations of Your Spirit, giving us discernment to know what You are saying, O Lord. 3. Remove from our lives and the life of the church any blockages that would hinder us hearing Your voice, O Lord. 4. May we as individuals and as a church be continually hearing Your voice, Holy Spirit, so that at any time we may be interceding and acting according to Your will.

5. O Lord, send revival in our individual lives, we pray. 2nd – Jeremiah 1:4-5 God’s destiny for our lives 1. O God, help us understand Your perfect plan for each of our lives, and give us the desire to seek and find it rather than choose our own self-centred plans. 2. Help us to fulfil our daily lives, responsibilities and tasks as the ambassadors of Christ that You have called us to be amongst those in the world, who do not yet know You. 3. Help us to make a positive difference for Christ to the generation in which we live, we pray.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

Praying for a Nation that has turned its back on God

4. Holy Spirit, show us the decisions we should make, and the actions we should take that will fulfil Your plans for our individual lives and our ministry for You. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, we pray. 3rd – Jeremiah 1:6 The need to mature 1. Give us the humility to know our weaknesses, but the boldness to step out in faith to achieve all You want to accomplish through us, we pray. 2. May we not let false humility hinder us from having the courage to take the steps of faith to fulfil Your will, O Lord. 3. Help us understand the power of Your

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February 2020 presence already within us, O Lord, so that we can serve You in this world with all boldness and confidence in You. 4. As we wait on You and are obedient to Your Word, enable us to be daily maturing spiritually, we pray. 5. O Lord, send revival to the churches in our borough, we pray. 4th – Jeremiah 1:7-8 Go … 1. Keep us from peddling excuses for inaction, O Lord, but instead to obey Your command to go and spread the Gospel. 2. When we lack courage to make our stand for Christ, fill us with a fearlessness that comes from You, O Lord. 3. Help us to remember that You use the weak and foolish things of this world to shame the wise, and therefore to understand You can accomplish much through us. 4. May we remember that our first calling and priority is as servants of Christ, as salt and light, bringing changes for eternity in a corrupt world. 5. O Lord, send revival to the churches in our city, we pray. 5th – Jeremiah 1:9 God’s words in our mouth 1. May the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts always be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, our Rock and Redeemer. 2. Help us draw so close to You, O Lord, that Your thoughts become our thoughts and Your words, our words. 3. In all our activities in the world each day, cause us to be able to speak with the wisdom of God, both to nonChristians and to Christians. 4. Holy Spirit, help us to speak and pray prophetically in a way that causes Your purposes to be achieved. 5. O Lord, send revival to the churches in our nation, we pray. 6th – Jeremiah 1:10 Uprooting and building 1. As Your intercessors throughout our nation cry out to You, uproot the wickedness in our nation, O Lord. 2. In Jesus’ Name, we pull down every wicked spiritual stronghold that has taken root in the lives of our nation, of individuals and of the Church. 3. Lord, cause there to be the start of a


rebuilding in the lives of our nation, of individuals and in the Church, of every principle of righteousness. 4. In the midst of apathy, apostasy, ungodliness and outright rebellion against You, O God, rebuild Your Church in our nation, and may we be at the forefront. 5. O Lord, as You send revival, start Your work in me. 7th – Jeremiah 1:11-12 Watching to see God’s Word fulfilled 1. Lord Jesus, have mercy on our nation and fulfil Your Word to build Your Church, even in this backslidden land, not letting the gates of hell prevail. 2. Fill us afresh daily with the power of Your Holy Spirit, so that we can make a difference for Christ in this fallen world. 3. Fulfil every prophetic word spoken over our lives and over the life of the church, and help us to live in such as a way that they can be fulfilled through us. 4. May we not be ashamed of the Gospel, but as we speak it, cause us to see the power of God to bring salvation to those who hear. 5. O Lord, send revival in our Parliament, we pray. 8th – Jeremiah 1:13-14 Forthcoming disaster 1. Have mercy on our nation and turn it back to You, O Lord, before You deem it necessary to send Your judgments on our land. 2. As troubles afflict our nation, and people become fearful and anxious, cause it to turn the hearts of the people to You, O God. 3. In the midst of natural disasters afflicting different nations around the world, cause the people cry out to the One who can save them completely. 4. May Your Church stand unmoved in the midst of any trouble that afflicts our nation, knowing that when we are rooted and grounded in You, O Lord, we need not fear. 5. O Lord, send a great move of the Holy Spirit in revival in all our schools, we pray. 9th – Jeremiah 1:15-16 God’s judgments on nations 1. We pray for the salvation of many in all the nations of Europe. 2. We pray for the salvation of many in all the nations of Africa.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

3. We pray for the salvation of many in all the nations of Asia, Australasia and the island nations. 4. We pray for the salvation of many in all the nations of North, South and Central America and the Caribbean islands. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in our colleges and universities, we pray. 10th – Jeremiah 1:17-19 Fearless witnessing 1. Make us wise but fearless in our witnessing for You, O Lord. 2. Move us with compassion for the lost, O Lord, no matter what their reaction to us is, recognising that, without Christ, they are heading for a lost eternity. 3. When our words of witnessing are rejected, may we not become discouraged, O Lord, but instead more determined to intercede more powerfully. 4. May every plan of the enemy to seek to overcome us as witnesses for Jesus - either as individuals or as the church be brought down, we pray. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in the National Health Service, we pray. 11th – Jeremiah 2:1-2 Remember Your first love 1. Cause us to remember, O God, that although we are in this world, we are not of this world, and that our true citizenship is in heaven, and so act accordingly. 2. Keep us from the love of this world, which offers only temporary attractions, but rather may You always be our first love, O Lord. 3. Enable us to be ones who influence others for Christ, rather than us being influenced by the world, we pray. 4. As we grow in love for You, O Lord, may we become more motivated to take a stand against the ungodliness that surrounds us. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in our local governments, we pray. 12th – Jeremiah 2:3 Walking in holiness 1. May we continue to learn the joy that comes from walking in holiness, we pray. 2. Help us to encourage one another daily to walk in the paths of holiness, we


February 2020 churches in our nation, we pray. 15th – Jeremiah 2:7-8 Spiritual leadership 1. As we pray for all the leaders of churches in our nation who do not preach and live out Your Word, O God, have mercy on them and change them, O Lord. 2. As we pray for every church in our land where the Gospel is not preached, send a shaking that will make clear the absolute necessity to declare the Word of truth. 3. We pray that all the bishops in our land would use their positions of public influence in the House of Lords and other places to turn the nation back to godliness. 4. We pray for all the pastors and elders of our church, O Lord, that they may always walk closely to You, preaching and living out the uncompromising Word of God. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in all the Methodist churches in our nation, we pray. 16th – Jeremiah 2:9-12 God’s charges against the nation 1. Forgive our nation for rejecting Your authority over our lives, O Lord. 2. Forgive our nation for passing all kinds of laws that are an offence to You as a holy and righteous God, we pray. 3. Forgive our nation for choosing to no longer teach the wisdom of the Bible to our children in schools, we pray. 4. Forgive our nation for worshipping all manner of false gods and engaging in all kinds of idolatrous and ungodly practices, O Lord. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in all the evangelical churches in our nation, we pray. 17th – Jeremiah 2:13-16 Forsaking the true God 1. Forgive us as a nation, O God, for rejecting You in favour of the gods of immorality, greed and selfishness, and bring change, we pray. 2. Forgive us as a nation for removing You from guiding the making of the laws of our land, and instead replacing Your righteous standards with ungodly ones; bring change, O Lord. 3. Forgive us as a nation for rejecting You from schools, colleges and the workplaces, and bring change, we pray.

4. Forgive us as a nation, O God, for turning to false gods and occult practices, and bring change, we pray. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in all the Catholic churches in our nation, we pray. 18th – Jeremiah 2:17-18 Self-inflicted troubles 1. Have mercy on our nation, O Lord, for making the breakdown of the family ever easier, and bring change. 2. Have mercy on our nation, O God, for rejecting You and causing the everincreasing need for anti-depressant drugs to treat those without hope, and bring change. 3. Have mercy on our nation, O Lord, for allowing a generation of children to be raised with little knowledge of Your Word and Your ways and without godly boundaries, and bring change. 4. Have mercy on our nation, O God, for desecrating human dignity and selfworth, through allowing pornography and every manner of sexual sin, and bring change. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in all the Brethren churches in our nation, we pray. 19th – Jeremiah 2:19-20 No fear of God 1. Teach us to have a reverent fear of You, O Lord, that always has respect for Your holiness in all we say and do. 2. Keep us from backsliding, and for those we know who are already backsliding, bring them back to Yourself, we pray. 3. Bring a revelation to those who govern us, O Lord, that the lack of fear of God that results in ungodliness, is destroying the very foundations of our society. 4. Reveal to those who govern us, O God, that much of the misery in our society is caused by pursing ways of life that run contrary to the revealed will of God. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in all the United Reformed churches in our nation, we pray. 20th – Jeremiah 2:21-22 The guilt of rebellion 1. Forgive us when we rebel against Your will, O Lord - no matter how trivial a matter it may seem to us - and keep us on the straight and narrow pathway. 2. Forgive our nation for rebelling against

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

pray, always seeking to be a model for others to follow. 3. As we seek to live according to Your ways, O Lord, may we enjoy Your protection from any who would seek to oppose us or seek our harm. 4. As we seek to walk in Your ways at all times, O God, may we be filled with the power and anointing of Your Spirit to be effective ministers for Christ. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in the Pentecostal churches, we pray. 13th – Jeremiah 2:4-5 No fault in God 1. Have mercy on those we know who reject You, O God, and soften their hearts. 2. Save those we know who use the evils in this world to blame You, O God, and as an excuse not to turn to You as Lord and Saviour. 3. As we pray for all those we know who make idols of their possessions, their careers, sport or individuals, turn their hearts to what is truly worthy of worship. 4. For our nation that has so quickly turned its back on the true God whom they held in respect for so many years, bring a realisation of the folly of rejecting You, O Lord. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in all the Anglican churches in our nation, we pray. 14th – Jeremiah 2:6 Failing to seek God 1. Help us not to get so busy or distracted with life that we fail to seek You continually, O Lord, but rather to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to You. 2. For those in our families who are not seeking You, as we lift them before You in prayer, Holy Spirit, bring them to repentance and salvation. 3. For all those we work with on a daily basis who are not seeking You, O Lord, may Your presence in us bring them to a place of conviction and desire to know You. 4. For our Parliament, government and local authorities, who are not only failing to seek You but are rejecting You, O Lord, help them to see the folly of their ways. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in all the Baptist



Your laws on sexual purity, O God, and bring change. 3. Forgive our nation, O God, for rebelling against Your laws not to take a human life, but instead allowing hundreds of abortions each day; bring conviction of sin. 4. Forgive our nation for rebelling against the command to have no other gods but You and to worship You with all our heart, soul, strength and mind, and bring change. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in all the independent churches in our nation, we pray. 21st – Jeremiah 2:23-25 Self-deceit and defilement 1. Open the eyes and save all those we know, who falsely believe they can know salvation through another religion but not through Christ. 2. Holy Spirit, convict of their folly all those we mix with, who believe that death is the end and that there is no Day of Judgment. 3. For all those we know, who engage in any form of occult practices being deceived by its power, open their eyes to the danger they are in, and may they turn to Christ. 4. Have mercy on this generation, O Lord, that always looks to find others to blame, without recognising the reality of personal sin. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in all the churches in Scotland, we pray. 22nd – Jeremiah 2:26-28 Trusting in the untrustworthy 1. For those we mix with daily, who trust only in their material possessions to satisfy their lives, may they come to understand their need to trust in the living God. 2. For the people we speak to, who trust in the theory of evolution, rejecting a Creator God, open their spiritual eyes, we pray. 3. For those we know, who trust in their own good works to save them rather than the Cross, open their eyes to their sinful nature and accountability to You, O Lord. 4. For those who trust in false religions and cults to save them, help us to show them the true way, O Lord. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in all the churches in Wales, we pray. 23rd – Jeremiah 2:29 The guilty refusing to accept blame 1. Holy Spirit, whenever we sin in mind, body or deed, convict us so that we may be quick to repent and seek forgiveness. 2. If we are harbouring unforgiveness in our hearts, convict us, O Lord, and give us the grace and strength to release those who have hurt or offended us. 3. Help us to explain the Gospel clearly and persuasively, O Lord, to a generation that no longer understands the seriousness and the reality of personal sin.


4. May Your presence be so strong in our meetings, O Lord, that we see people convicted of sin and repenting upon realisation that they have fallen short of Your righteous standards. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival to all the churches in Northern Ireland, we pray. 24th – Jeremiah 2:30 Failure to respond to God’s correction 1. Lord, when You discipline us for our own good, give us the discernment to understand and to change in whatever way You desire of us. 2. Holy Spirit, we ask that whenever we proclaim Your Word, we would not see it being ignored, but receive a positive response from those who hear. 3. When You shake our nation through calamities that befall our land, may there be those who have the wisdom to turn from their complacent lives to You, O God. 4. Have mercy on those in our nation, who seek to stop every expression of the presentation of the Gospel;, and hinder their ungodly plans, we pray. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival to all the churches in the South of Ireland, we pray. 25th – Jeremiah 2:31 Consider the Word of the Lord 1. May Your Word always come to us like a double-edged sword, dividing soul and spirit, and showing us the true pathway. 2. May we not neglect the daily reading of Your Word, O Lord, which is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path to guide us through each day. 3. As we read Your Word, Holy Spirit, enlighten our minds and our understanding, and speak to us through it, we pray. 4. Holy Spirit, bring to our remembrance the Word of God at any time of the day when we need to draw on its wisdom for whatever we are doing or saying. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival to our police forces, we pray. 26th – Jeremiah 2:32 Forgetting God 1. Forgive us as individuals and as Your church, O Lord, when we prioritise other, less important things before You. 2. Help us, Holy Spirit, to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength at all times. 3. May we live each day in such a way that we are conscious of You in all that we say and do, O Lord, being Your ambassadors to those around us. 4. Help us to be careful when all is going well for us, O Lord, not to allow ourselves to be drawn away from a close walk with You.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival among all our sports men and women, we pray. 27th – Jeremiah 2:33-35 Skilled in sinning 1. Turn back the tide and forgive our nation, O Lord, that teaches its youth how to live lives of immorality. 2. Turn back the tide in our nation, O Lord, which worships mere human celebrities but not the everlasting God who is their Creator. 3. Turn back the tide in our nation, O God, that loves to pursue material riches, but at the same time fails to understand or seek true spiritual riches. 4. Turn back the tide of sin in our nation that mocks righteousness and delights in wickedness of every kind. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival in television and all the different media. 28th – Jeremiah 2:36 Changing to ungodly ways 1. Have mercy on a generation that has replaced worship of the true God with worship of self, and bring change. 2. Have mercy on a generation that has rejected seeking after the true and living God, for seeking after self-enrichment and self-gratification, and bring change. 3. Forgive the churches in this land, O Lord, that have abandoned the preaching of the true Gospel, preaching a false gospel instead, and bring change. 4. Forgive the leaders of this nation, and have mercy on our land that has replaced righteous laws based on divine wisdom, with sinful laws based on human ‘wisdom’, and bring change. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival amongst well-known celebrities, we pray. 29th – Jeremiah 2:37 The shame that follows rejection by God 1. O God, we pray that our generation would begin to understand the shame of sin, rather than delighting in it. 2. Holy Spirit, we pray that You would once again convict this generation to understand the shame of sexual immorality and the harm it causes. 3. As condemnation on the Day of Judgment looms before those who reject Christ, help us to snatch them from a Christless eternity, even as one is snatched from the fire. 4. We pray that those who are currently proud of their sinful ways of life would be struck with conviction, repent, and learn to be proud of knowing and walking with Christ. 5. O Lord, send a great move of Your Holy Spirit in revival amongst the entertainment world of actors and actresses and comedians, we pray.


March 2020 is great 4. Cause us to be people who are always true to our word, fulfilling our commitments, responsibilities and promises, we pray 5. Anoint us afresh this day with Your power, Holy Spirit, we ask 17th – Psalm 18:26 Purity 1. Help us to maintain clean hands and pure hearts, before You and before others, O Lord 2. Help us to guard our minds from receiving any ungodly, coarse or degrading images from what we see and hear 3. Make us wise in our decisions as to what to watch on the T.V. or internet, so that we do not compromise godly purity, we pray 4. For those we know who are in bondage to actions that compromise godliness, help them to be set free, we pray 5. May we be careful to maintain a good and godly testimony, as befits those who are ambassadors for Christ, O God 18th – Psalm 18:27 Humility 1. Help us to always remember what You have saved us from O Lord, so that we never are tempted to believe we deserve our salvation by our own efforts 2. Keep our eyes on You as our example, Lord Jesus, who, although You are Lord of all, became a servant in order to save us 3. Teach us always to put the interests of others before our own, O Lord, so that we are never tempted to believe we are better than others 4. Teach us the humility that will enable You to use the talents and abilities You have given us to their maximum advantage, O Lord 5. Help us to see the faults in our own lives as easily as we see the faults in others, and help us to change them 19th – Psalm 18:28-29 God’s help 1. Holy Spirit, keep the fire burning within our hearts, we ask 2. For those amongst us who are feeling spiritually low, fan into the flames within them, we pray, and help us to be an encouragement to them always 3. When things look bleak in our lives,

O God, turn the situations around for good, we ask 4. When we have to face difficult tasks in our daily lives enable us to go forward confidently, knowing that You will help us through 5. Help us remember the times in the past You have helped us, O Lord, so that we will have confidence to believe for greater things in the future 20th – Psalm 18:30-32 Equipped by the Lord 1. Equip Your church with anointed apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, we pray 2. Equip us with all the necessary practical gifts: of administration, being helpers, financial giving, leadership and showing mercy 3. Equip us with the spoken gifts of speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues and prophecy, we ask 4. Equip us with the gifts of revelation: words of knowledge, words of wisdom and the discerning of spirits, we pray 5. Equip us with the gifts of power: miracles, healings and faith, we pray 21st – Psalm 18:33-35 Spiritual armour 1. As we put on the full spiritual armour of God, when the day of evil comes, O Lord, enable us to stand our ground 2. Give us the integrity to conduct all the affairs of our lives wearing ‘the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness’, we pray 3. May our feet continually be ‘fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace’ so that we are always willing to be witnesses for Jesus 4. Help us to leave no gap in our spiritual armour, O Lord, but to ensure that the shield of our faith is always in position to protect us from the devil’s fiery darts 5. Prompt us to pray in the Holy Spirit on all occasions, with all kinds of prayers and requests, always interceding for the saints 22nd – Psalm 18:36 God’s guidance 1. Give us the wisdom to see Your will in every decision we make, O Lord, so that we fulfil the individual plan for our lives You have for us 2. Guide each person in the church with regard to personal relationships, so that those seeking a wife or husband

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

minister to others, not out of lack of self-worth, but out of a position of strength 4. Raise us up to be people whom others seek out for counsel, both Christians and non-Christians 5. Raise us up so that we are the head and not the tail 14th – Psalm 18:20-21 God’s response to righteous ways 1. May we know the blessings of not walking in the counsel of the wicked or standing in the way of sinners or sitting in the seat of mockers 2. Cause us to always delight in the law of our God 3. As we meditate on Your Word, O Lord, cause us to become as fruitful as a tree planted by streams of water, yielding spiritual fruit in season 4. Help us to make Your Word a lamp for our feet and a light to our paths, O Lord 5. Keep us from deliberate or careless sin, we pray 15th – Psalm 18:22-24 The laws of God 1. Help us to be self-disciplined enough in our lives to spend time not only reading but also meditating on Your Word, O Lord 2. As we read Your Word, Holy Spirit help us to understand and retain the things we learn 3. Enable us to make the right choices that adhere to Your ways, O Lord, even when it makes us stand out of the crowd or attracts hostility towards us 4. Whenever we need them, bring to our remembrance, Holy Spirit, those parts of Your Word that we need to remember, speak about, or act in accordance with 5. Fill us daily, Holy Spirit, with Your supernatural joy that comes when we are walking in the paths of righteousness 16th – Psalm 18:25 Faithfulness 1. Give us boldness to stand firm against every temptation in this fallen world, we pray 2. Give us a boldness, coupled with gentleness and great wisdom, to speak out for Christ at each opportunity 3. Help us to always remain faithful to You, O Lord, not denying You by word or action, even when the pressure to do so


PRAYER DIARY will be led to Your choice for them, O God 3. Help us to recognise the ministries You are calling us to, both outside and inside the church and may we fulfil them with diligence 4. In all our relationships both with Christians and non-Christians guide us with all wisdom, helping us to always act and react in a way that honours You, O Lord 5. Give us the wisdom to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness so that all things we need will be added to us, O God 23rd – Psalm 18:37-38 Overcoming hindrances that war against us 1. Lord, help us daily to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles so we can run with perseverance the race marked out for us 2. Help us to crucify our sinful nature and instead allow our new spiritual nature to reign supreme in our lives 3. Lord forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us 4. Deliver us from all evil, we pray 5. Enable us to humble ourselves under Your mighty hand, O Lord, to resist the devil and see him flee from us 24th – Psalm 18:39-40 Armed and anointed to overcome 1. Arm us with the humility that enables the Holy Spirit to work powerfully through us, we pray 2. Arm us with an understanding of the Word of God which we can use as the Sword of the Spirit, we ask 3. Arm us with the powerful and effective prayer that comes from the lips of the righteous, we pray 4. Arm us with the faith that can take You at Your word, O Lord, and move mountains 5. Arm us with a single-minded determination to do Your will as a first priority, O Lord, rather than our own 25th – Psalm 18:41-42 The plight of the lost 1. O God, since choosing to make You an enemy is the most foolish thing a person can do, use us to win for You, those who currently reject You 2. As we contemplate the horrors for those who are separated from their Creator forever in hell, may it move us to spread the Good News 3. Holy Spirit give us the wisdom and sensitivity to explain sin and salvation, heaven and hell as the circumstances are required 4. Enable us to love those who reject us and Your gospel, O Lord, so that we never stop praying for them and seeking to win them to Christ 5. For those who reject You ,Heavenly Father, because they have never known a loving earthly father, help us to be the love of the Father in action to them


26th – Psalm 18:43 Raised up to positions of influence 1. Raise up Your people from the church to all kinds of positions of power and influence and every area of nation, O Lord 2. Raise up Your people to be heads of companies, where they can decide and carry out godly polices 3. Raise up Your people within companies and organisations, to positions where they can influence the decisions, directions and polices of those organisations 4. Raise up Your people to positions of influence in every part of public life and service, O God, to be salt and light and resist the trend of ungodliness 5. Raise up Your people to positions where they can influence for good those who govern us and make the laws of this land 27th – Psalm 18:44-45 Strongholds broken down 1. We take authority over every spirit of violence that influences the people in our neighbourhood and bind them in the name of Jesus 2. We take authority over every spirit of immorality and bind them in Jesus name 3. We take authority over and bind in Jesus’ name, every spirit of religion in our neighbourhood that blinds the people into thinking there are ways to God other than through Christ 4. We take authority over every spirit of lawlessness on our streets and bind their power in Jesus’ name and ask You would drive lawlessness from our neighbourhoods 5. We take authority over every spirit of witchcraft and the occult in our neighbourhood and bind their powers and influence in Jesus’ name 28th – Psalm 18:46 The living God 1. May we constantly draw strength from the knowledge that You are the living God who never slumbers or sleeps 2. When we feel weak, cause us to remember that You are our Rock and our solid Foundation, O God 3. Since we live because You have created us, O Lord and we are born-again because You have re-created us in Christ, help us to live in the power of Your Spirit daily 4. May everything within us constantly give You praise, O God our Rock, because though we were to gain the whole world, its value is nothing compared to our eternal salvation in Christ 5. Reign in every part of our lives, O God

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

29th – Psalm 18:47-48 Subduing nations 1. As we pray for all communist nations that reject the reality of a living God, break through the propaganda and open the minds of their people to the truth of the Gospel 2. As we pray for those nations ruled by dictators who persecute Your church, O Lord, overcome their hindrance to the gospel and let many be saved 3. As we pray for all Muslim nations, especially those who forbid any expression of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, open the door of salvation to their populations 4. As we pray for all democratic countries who try to suppress the truth of the gospel through ridicule, ungodly laws and regulation, shake them out of their arrogance 5. As we pray for all nations that follow other religions and persecute the church, overcome their opposition, Holy Spirit and bring many to faith in Christ 30th – Psalm 18:49 God’s praise among the nations 1. Shake You church from complacency in our nation and cause it to stand firm against corrupt and evil ways, turning back the tide of evil, for Your glory, we pray 2. We pray for all those nations that are materially poor, that believers in them may demonstrate that they are nevertheless rich in Christ, to the praise of Your glory 3. As we pray for the believers in those nations where they are persecuted for Christ, may their brave witness bring You praise, O God 4. Send revival in each nation, O Lord, while there is still time and may Your church bring You praise in the midst of those revivals 5. Move in sovereign power in Israel, Holy Spirit, causing converted Jews to give praise by acknowledging Jesus as their true Messiah 31st – Psalm 18:50 God’s victories 1. In the midst of the trials of life, O Lord, help us to live as overcomers because of our relationship with You 2. Keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, so that we always are able to see above and beyond any present trials, we pray 3. Help to always realise, O God, that the trials of this present world are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us 4. As we live in a fallen world and are surrounded by wickedness, help us always to remember that Christ has already won the battle and the defeat of all wickedness is certain 5. O Lord, may we have such an assurance of who we are in Christ that we can always be overcomers




Call our confidential prayer line for ANY need 24 hours a day 7 days a week

020 8799 2199


REVIVAL PRAYER MEETINGS Monday to Friday Morning meetings 10.00am to 12.00pm - Annexe Room 2* EVENing meetings 6.00pm to 7.00pm - Foyer (*accessible from Northfields Avenue)





Every month, the Evangelism teams go to various towns across the borough of Ealing (and surrounding boroughs). Please see below for locations.


7.30pm to 9.15pm - Foyer


REVIVAL & HEALING MEETINGS Bring your family, friends & neighbours Second Sunday evening of every month at 6.30pm Sunday 9th February Sunday 8th March


For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder Saturday 15th February Saturday 21st March For non-ECC attenders: Please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060

ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETINGS Last Friday of every month 10.00pm to 5.00am Come when you can! Friday 28th February Friday 27th March

Saturday 8th Feb

Saturday 7th Mar

11am - 1pm

11am - 1pm

Acton Brentford Chiswick Greenford Hammersmith Hanwell Hounslow Northfields Northolt Shepherd’s Bush South Ealing Southall Wembley West Drayton West Ealing

Acton Brentford Chiswick Ealing Broadway Greenford Hammersmith Hayes Isleworth Northfields Northolt Shepherd’s Bush South Ealing Twickenham Uxbridge

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020



Note from the



Secretly Matthew 6:1-4 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Sacrificially 2 Corinthians 8:1-3 Moreover, brethren, we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia; How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. Willingly 2 Corinthians 8:11-12 Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have. For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not. Exactly 2 Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; Cheerfully 2 Corinthians 9:7 ...So let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. Expectantly Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. May God richly bless us all, as we continue to faithfully give to His Kingdom’s work. Amen Sandra Dawodu Please note that you can give to ECC through the website at or via mobile apps: Acct No 18844979 Sort Code 60 05 16



Sunday services Celebration service

9.00am to 10.45am

with classes for Children & Youth

Celebration service

11.15am to 1.00pm

with classes for Children & Youth

Japanese service

2.30pm to 4.30pm in Auditorium

Polish service

2.30pm to 4.30pm

Evening service

in Foyer

6.30pm to 8.00pm

See page 23 for details


Prayer meetings


10.00am & 6.00pm

Prayer meetings


10.00am & 7.30pm

Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Little Stars’ Parents & Tots Term-time only 10.00am to 12.00pm Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 2.00pm to 3.30pm


Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Life skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm


Registration required

Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Ministry skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm Registration required

All-night Prayer 10.00pm to 5.00am


Last Friday of the month

Local Lighthouse Evangelism 11.00am to 1.00pm


FOR YOUR FAITHFUL GIVING TO GOD’S WORK N ov 2019 Dec 2019 Tithes & Offerings £35,514.06 £47,223.02 Building Fund £4,146.43 £4,534.75 Standing Orders £26,455.57 £36,919.80

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

WHAT WE BELIEVE 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally

given, to be without error, the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and co-eternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10.THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11.THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12.THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.


Mar 2020

Feb 2020

ECC streams its morning and some evening services live on YouTube. If you do not wish to be shown, please ask the ushers to seat you away from the cameras. Thank you.

9.00am & 11.15am


PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Mark King

BAPTISMAL SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton

CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan

HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Mark King


PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan

HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton

CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Mark King

HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan



AN EVENING OF WORSHIP with ECC Worship Leaders Speaker: Pastor Sam Blake


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

2nd 9th


Elim Springs POLISH FELLOWSHIP Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the FOYER

HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Mark King

Spotlight on Forthcoming Events Spend the day at ECC on Sunday 22nd March


Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the MAIN AUDITORIUM For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA

Mothering Sunday Services at 9.00am and 11.15am Worship Celebration at 6.30pm

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020


ECC FAMILY NEWS Please email your Wedding, New Baby and other good news to SHARON GRANT at



Congratulations! Joseph BATUCAN married Georgina KING (daughter of Pastor Mark & Cora) in the Philippines on 23rd December



EDNESDAY Afternoon Fellowship


Next ECC sessions take place on the following Saturdays: 15th February 28th March


5th Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob 12th Pastor Bob with Colleen Barry-Austin 19th Pastor Bob 26th Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob


4th Pastor Bob with Ann Morris 11th Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob 18th Pastor Bob 25th Lola Vassell with Rudy Brann

EVERGREENS Please contact Sharon for details of forthcoming events. Thank you.


2pm - 6pm

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

We would love more volunteers for 2020!

Please contact Sherine or Sharon via ECC church office for further information on how to get involved

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020



Going Deeper Into God’s Presence


s around 140 women gathered together for the ECC Women’s Prayer and Praise Day, there was an air of expectancy that God was going to do something awesome amongst us. The foyer area and upper foyer area were packed. Women praised and worshipped God with their hearts and minds, and ascended to another level of praise and worship, as the Holy Spirit moved amongst us powerfully. The theme was ‘Going Deeper into God’s Presence’… and deeper we went. In between the worship sets, we prayed for various prayer points led by different sisters. Prayer declarations were made, as we believed that God answers prayers. One sister said she was visibly shaking, as the presence of the Holy Spirit moved powerfully from the inside out. She felt revival had come! Awesome and powerful testimonies were shared that moved every heart. Rosemary shared of drawing near to God through the trials she faces with her children still residing in Cameroon. She told how they had a shock when one of her grandson’s schools was broken into by terrorists, and they all feared he had been one of the victims of kidnap, as he didn’t return home that day. Through much prayer and intercession, and speaking in tongues for four days, her daughter miraculously saw her son come home. He hadn’t been kidnapped, but managed to escape, and had hidden himself somewhere safe. He came home after four days, not having had anything to eat or drink. What joy filled their hearts, even though he was greatly malnourished. Rosemary shared how sge doesn’t leave home without first praying and reading her favourite Scriptures: Psalms 23, 91 and 121. Eleni shared part two of her testimony of how God changed her lifestyle completely after she gave her life to Jesus. She did a lot of soul searching, asking God to draw her deeper towards Him. He started doing


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

just that, and she received revelation upon revelation on how to lead a holy life for Jesus, forsaking her past way of life and being renewed in mind and spirit. God not only looks at our outward appearance, but is deeply interested in how we think, so that we can be transformed in our minds to live right with Him. Reading God’s Word has been important to her, and prayer is at the forefront of her life. Knowing that her identity is now in Jesus Christ, the Lord and Saviour of her life, has given her the assurance she needs. Sade testified what a blessing it was to be part of the Day and to be able to contribute and allow the Holy Spirit room to work, so we could receive from God. She had spoken to the Lord before the event started, seeking Him for a move, because she needed a shift in her place of work. She has been going through a very difficult time, and the pressure was becoming unbearable. She said the praise and worship sessions blessed her immensely, and felt she’d had a release. She decided to stay in the place of praise and worship and not get distracted. Obedience is better than sacrifice, and on that day, as she stayed in that place of praise and worship, God came through for her, and answered her prayers. We shared communion together at the end, as it was the last Women’s Prayer and Praise Day for the year. As the meeting ended, many felt they wouldn’t be the same again, and were looking forward to seeing their prayers answered. We ended with fellowship and a buffet lunch, with many saying they were looking forward to next year’s events. What a great time of unity and love shown between one sister and the next. It was truly a blessed day, getting deeper into God’s presence. Pastor Rajinder BUXTON




ost of the leaders had come straight from work, showing great commitment, dedication and zeal in serving Jesus as Discipleship Leaders of the women of ECC. After dinner (provided for each leader), we shared our hearts and prayed together after a short word of encouragement. The theme was ‘Be like an Eagle’. An eagle is a bird that doesn’t like to be confined to a small space, as does a chicken or a duck, but likes to fly. As leaders, many of us have the same desire not to be confined in one space, but to grow and extend our boundaries. This often means taking risks; sometimes enduring loneliness; making difficult decisions, or perhaps even being criticised and misunderstood, in order to achieve everything God has for us. When God gives us the desires of our hearts to extend our boundaries, we take the risk, stepping out to act on what God has placed in our hearts. Others may discourage us, but we move forward in what God has called us to do. As Paul told Timothy to ‘fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you…’ (2 Timothy 1:6), so too you must fan until your gifts shine brightly. As a woman of God, don’t hide your skills and uniqueness, but see the potential God has placed within you and rise like an eagle. I remember when our daughters were teenagers, we took them to a Business Person’s Fellowship, having been invited for the event. Astronaut Neil Armstrong, who landed on the moon, was the preacher that evening. He was selling some of his books, and our daughters bought one. He signed it and wrote ‘Aim High’.

As we journey together in this path of leadership, refuse to give up, so that you fulfil your destiny. Stay committed, even as an eagle that flies high above the currents. We must trust Jesus to take us through any hardships that come along our way in leadership. And there will be plenty, as my husband and I have experienced in ministry over many years, so face them with courage. J esus helped us keep our heads above water, so to speak, flying and soaring above those difficult times. As Isaiah said: ‘Those who wait on the Lord (look for and hope in God) will gain new strength and renew their power. They will lift up their wings and rise up close to God, like eagles rising towards the sun. They will run and not become weary; they will walk and not get tired’ (Isaiah 40:31). If we are struggling with life, let’s take our place in God’s presence and rest in Him, read His Word and meditate on it. Let’s pray, and also speak in tongues - our prayer language - that peace and joy may flood our very souls, and refresh the inner parts of our lives. Pray for one another as leaders, and share your experiences with other leaders as ‘iron sharpens iron,’ that we may be learn from each other and stay united, bearing much fruit in our ministry for Jesus.

Pastor Rajinder BUXTON Overseer, Women’s Ministry & Discipleship Groups

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020



HUMBLE YOURSELVES Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To Him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.’ 1 Peter 5:6-11


hese words, which Peter uses to sign off on his first letter are words that are as important and useful to us today as men. Over the next few Grapevines, we want to look at these words and dissect what they mean for us.

Thoughout Scripture, we are often reminded that we are supposed to be a people who are humble. In our family life, work life and church life, we are supposed to walk in humility. That means we don’t take all the credit for the work that was a group effort. Forbes magazine outlined the 13 habits of humble people: 1. Situationally aware 2. Retain relationships 3. Make difficult decisions with ease 4. Put others first 5. Listen 6. Are curious 7. Speak their mind 8. Say ‘Thank you’ 9. Have an abundance mentality 10. Start sentences with ‘you’ rather than ‘I’ 11. Accept feedback 12. Assume responsibility 13. Ask for help As I look at these characteristics, I discover there is something in these points that helps us understand the importance of being humble men. We are called to be men who put others first. “Humility is the true key to success. Successful people lose their way at times. They often embrace and overindulge from the fruits of success. Humility halts this arrogance and self-indulging trap. Humble people share the credit and wealth, remaining focused and hungry to continue the journey of success.” (Rick Pitino).

times, she will say: “You’re not really listening!” as I gaze at her from the TV. We need to be people who truly listen. We need to actively listen to those around us. Humility is the ability to listen to others, as their ideas might be better than ours. Listen to them so they feel like they are being heard, and actually listen and weigh up the suggestion they are making. “When you listen, you learn. You absorb like a sponge, and your life becomes so much better than when you are just trying to be listened to all the time” (Steven Spielberg). We are called to be men who have an abundance mentality. In church, we often refer to this as a ‘Kingdom mentality’ - one that states there is enough for everyone. We are not called to be men who build our own kingdoms but men who build His, and this entails continually keeping our eyes on Jesus and following where He leads, whilst at the same time helping others to reach the same destination. We aren’t in competition with each other; the end goal is the same. “Humble people don’t believe that one person’s ‘win’ necessarily means another person’s ‘loss’” (Jeff Boss). Finally, humble people ask for help. “Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I do that every day. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength. It shows you have the courage to admit when you don’t know something, and to learn something new” (Barack Obama). As men, the hardest things at times is to ask for help. However one of the most precious things we can do is to ask for help. Sometimes it is extremely important to ask people for help before it is too late. This can be really hard for anyone, but it is actually in those moments of asking for help that I discover that God begins to lift the burdens off my shoulders. As we continue to move through 2020, let us be men who are humble in the way we walk.

We are called to put others before ourselves. We need to know that in our humility, we share the glory with others around us. We make sure everyone gets credit for the work they have done in making everything work. As a church, we have to understand there are so many people who make church work. We need everyone for the body to function properly. We are called to be men who listen. My wife often tells me I don’t need someone to fix my problems, but someone to listen. At other


Men’s Ministry


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020



The Mission Field Under Our Noses

ne of the things that first attracted me to Ealing Christian Centre at the young age of 14 was our passion to be a mission-minded church. Over the 24 years I’ve been here, I have seen our church reach out to people both home and abroad, and make a difference in people’s lives, regardless of background or circumstances. From the committed teams who run street evangelism, all the way through to the individuals who tirelessly serve the homeless - not to mention our dedicated mission teams abroad all of this wonderful work is for the Kingdom of Heaven…

So where does the ministry of children fit in? I wholehardheartedly believe the vision God has given ECC for this season stretches not only far and wide across the globe, but is also a vision that encompasses the precious little children who are right under our noses daily. We don’t have to look too far to know there is a war taking place in the spiritual realm over the lives of our children. Each time we come into contact with a child, is another moment God has provided for us to reach out with the love of Jesus to that young soul. In a recent survey, the National Association of Evangelicals found that 63% of Christian adults accepted Christ between the ages of four and 14. This is a relatively small window of opportunity for the Church and for parents to come together and impact the lives of our children, whilst “...the harvest is plentiful” (Matthew 9:37).

The stage between childhood and pre-teens is when children are most impressionable. These are a child’s formative years, when they are most likely to embrace faith and retain the emotional connection they’ve had within the church family through friendships, as well as times of prayer and learning. Whilst the goal is always to reach every child for Jesus here and now, we are also planting seeds in their hearts forever so that, like the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11–32), they will always feel a yearning in their spirit to return home to the love they were shown as children. During the 18+ years I’ve taught in Children’s Ministry, I would often keep in mind the parable of the Prodigal Son as a source of encouragement to myself. The wayward son eventually gets to a point where he is desperate, and calls to mind the love and kindness of his father, causing him to willingly return home. I believe the work of bringing children to Christ, and the ongoing development of young Christians, is a fundamental call to be ‘missional’ within our church walls. This is an unique mission field, but one that will reap eternally.

by Sheri de Mel

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020



Through Prayer and Supplication


ecently, I was reminded of one of our duties as Christians: to pray. One Thessalonians 5:17 says we should ‘pray without ceasing’. Often, many of us mistake this as an invitation to regularly update God with our latest wants and wishlists. Now, God does care about us and wants us to ‘make all our requests known’ to Him ‘through prayer and supplication’ (Philippians 4:6), however, prayer should not only be about ourselves. As Christians, our prayer time should go beyond selfish requests and on to intercession. Praying for those in need; praying for the sick; praying for the homeless, and today’s topic: praying for missionaries. I imagine that being a missionary is no easy role, and I have always admired anyone who was willing to give up the comfort and familiarity of their home, sojourn to a different country, and help others find Christ. A lot of countries in the world (sadly) still do not grant their citizens the right to have and practise their own religion and, unfortunately, the persecution that Paul and other apostles faced in the Bible still carries on today. These missionaries (and their families) need our support and prayer: for safety, financial provision and the strength to continue. Now, apart from praying for others during your personal prayer time, there is one more thing I would like us to consider. One Corinthians 12:17 says: “If the whole body were an eye, how could it hear? If the whole body were an ear, how could it smell?” As tempting or appealing as it may (or may not) be, not every one of us is called to


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020

be a missionary. If we were all chefs, then who would be the farmer to grow the crops? Or if we were all doctors, then who would drive the ambulances in an emergency? God has a purpose carved out for every single one of us and it is imperative that we seek Him to discover what this purpose is, and not simply follow the crowd. Some of us were born to go out into countries, where people are suffering from a lack of hospitals, to provide them with medical care; some are born to design clothes (so we don’t run out of things to wear!); some of us are born to be nutritionists; some of us are meant to be poets; some of us are born to be missionaries. Whatever your calling or purpose is, the worst thing to do would be to ignore it, or try to evade it. Ask God for the courage to begin, and then start. As the saying goes, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Each of us is called for a unique purpose, but we are all called to pray – without ceasing. This week, pray. Pray for your future; pray for your family; pray for the person you really do not like; the homeless person you see on the street; those suffering from poverty. A reminder to myself as much as it is to anyone else is: pray, pray and do not stop, because the power of prayer is immeasurable, even though you may not see the effects yourself.



Friday Night Youth


hen I think about the New Year, and all the opportunities it offers, I’m reminded of Peter stepping out of the boat. Whenever I’ve heard a sermon focused on Luke 12:22-33, it’s often centred on Peter’s lack of faith. However, whenever I read it, I’m encouraged by his courage and bravery. He saw Jesus walking on water and understandably wanted to follow suit. When I was younger, I thought my big brother was the coolest person I knew. I would watch him closely and try to imitate whatever I could, so that I could be as cool as I viewed him to be. Imitating someone we admire is universal, and I see this even with our young people and how closely they look at and copy the leaders they look up to. Peter asked Jesus to affirm that he too could walk on water before attempting it, and recently that’s made me wonder how much I trust in the good plans I know the Lord has - not only for me, but also our young people and where He wants to take them. I realised that I had allowed Fear to creep in and have a seat at the table that was only built for my daily communion with God. Fear had been around for so long that I allowed him to actively participate in conversations he should never have been privy to and, while reading these beautiful verses, it was as if I could hear Jesus sweetly and lovingly rebuking me just as He had to Peter, questioning why I doubted Him. During spring time, I felt as if God had put it into my heart to completely change how we did youth Friday nights. I was to change them into drop-in sessions and invite the

young people in our borough. Although this scares me, I am emboldened by the knowledge that He who began a good work, is faithful to complete it. In other words, nothing God places within us is ever completely ours to accomplish; He calls us to walk beside Him and participate in the great story He’s writing. We’re not asked to step out of the boat alone and navigate our own path, but instead to step out with the confidence that He not only has full knowledge of the path He’s asking us to take, but that He also waits there for us, patiently. With that encouragement, I’m excited to announce that, starting 21st February, Friday Night Youth will become a drop-in session, so that we’re able to create and provide a safe and nurturing space for young people in our borough, a place where they’re able to be curious about and encounter the changing presence of God. We would love it if you’re able to pray for us as we start this exciting new adventure. We’re always looking for new volunteers for Friday nights, so if you or anyone you know is interested, please feel free to email me at or visit me at the office.

Vanessa KARERA Youth Ministry Leader

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 102 • February/March 2020


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Articles inside

YOUTH DROP-IN by Vanessa Karera

pages 31-32


page 30


page 29


page 28

WOMEN’S PRAYER DAY by Pastor Rajinder

page 26

BE LIKE AN EAGLE by Pastor Rajinder

page 27


pages 23-25


page 22


page 21


page 20


pages 13-19


page 12

by Monica Martyn, Fiona Lapido & Eileen Naughton

page 9


page 8

by Rebecca Scott

page 7


page 10


page 6


page 11

MISSION TO UGANDA by Pastor Sam Blake

page 4

MISSION TO KENYA by Joel Hampton

page 5
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