rapevine G Ealing Christian Centre
TH Issue
Issue 100 OCT/NOV 2019
An Elim Church
elcome to the 100th edition of Grapevine magazine. Over the past 99 issues, we have chronicled the story of the amazing way God has faithfully developed His work of ministering through ECC and its members to build His church, both at home in the local vicinities and abroad, with signs and wonders following the preaching His Word.
The other testimony was the touch of God upon a couple whose marriage was in trouble. The wife wrote: “During the morning service, I felt the almighty presence of God upon me. I could not stop crying and went forward for prayer. I asked the Lord for my marriage to be restored. I went home in faith, trusting God and allowing Him to be Lord of everything in my life.”
Copies of Grapevine go out to many places at home and to other countries, as a witness and testimony to the power of Christ to save and change people’s lives; to heal sick bodies in miraculous ways, and to answer every kind of prayer in our lives today. The Bible tells us that ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8).
The husband wrote: “I attended the evening service at ECC on the same day as [my wife]. I was at this time brokenhearted and, although I felt aware of my own wrongful actions, I was confused and fearful. I did not know what to do in order for things in my marriage to be right again. As the anointing of God fell upon God’s people, I felt the need to repent and ask forgiveness for everything I had done wrong. As I allowed the Holy Spirit to fill me, I felt a presence around me, and then I felt Jesus put His arm around me and say: ‘Do not worry, I am in control.’ At that point all my fears and problems seemed to disappear. I felt calm and peaceful. The Lord revealed to me how He wanted me to put Him first, before my wife. He also showed me I was repeating old life patterns, and that His way (God’s way) is the best way. The chains of bondage have broken in Jesus’ Name. I am now free, and God has changed me and made me a better husband. Thank You, Jesus!”
Although we now print 1,500 copies bi-monthly, with 32 pages in full colour, originally the magazine began, in winter 2000, much more modestly: as 12 pages in two colours (one of which was black). It was given the name ‘Grapevine’, as it was intended to convey to the ECC congregation and beyond, with its biblically symbolic title, news of all that was going on both inside and outside the church, of things natural and supernatural. So it has included the accounts of the day-today activities in ECC, with numerous baptisms, weddings, dedications, activities of the members, and all the things that make up church life.
Grapevine begins So, on the natural side, our first issue recorded the wedding of Felix and Esther Iyekekpolor, who are still active in ECC but now with two daughters - one of whom is at university. On the supernatural side were two testimonies - the first of hundreds that would follow in each subsequent edition. One concerned a supernatural healing of a woman who had had one leg shorter than the other for many years, and had to have all the heels for her right foot specially made up by 5/8ths of an inch, so she could walk evenly. But, when her leg grew out, she needed to have 12 pairs of her shoes changed back to normal, as her legs were now the same length!
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
Since these first testimonies, there have been countless healings, answers to prayer, lives changed and restored… too many to be captured in the magazine, but a snapshot of them are recorded in each of the editions to date.
Amazing testimonies, plus launch of the 24/7 Prayer Centre Our 4th edition, in Spring 2002, recorded the dramatic testimony of one of ECC’s members at the time, Christopher Hyman, who wrote how his life was changed by his escape from the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York. He was having a meeting at the awful moment the hijacked planes were deliberately flown into the Towers, eventually causing the buildings to collapse, with the loss of thousands of lives.
OUR 100th ISSUE by Pastor Richard Buxton
Editor-in-Chief He described the dramatic events and how he realised the hand of God was upon his life, down to the very point where his meeting, originally scheduled to take place on the 95th Floor that day, had been rearranged the day before to a lower floor. It was the 95th Floor that the plane hit, immediately killing everyone present. In the summer of 2002, our Issue 5 covered the launch of our 24/7 Prayer Centre, which has been operating ever since, and is now in its 17th year. This issue reported how members of the congregation had given a total of £20,000 to enable the conversion of the boiler room, which once housed the cumbersome oil-fired heating system. Our recent conversion to a gas-fired boiler, now located in a different room, meant that the previous heating system was now redundant. All the equipment was stripped out and the whole room completely renovated to accommodate the prayer intercessors and the telephone lines on which people would call to ask for prayer over the telephone. The primary purpose has always been to establish an unbroken communion between ECC and God. All the many yellow prayer request cards that are prayed over in our Tuesday evening prayer meetings go to the Prayer Centre for continued prayer. Around 1,200 calls a week come in from our local area, from London, from around the UK, and from overseas. We soon started publishing the amazing answers to prayer from these calls, as people often call back to report prayers being answered, and this practice continues in each edition of Grapevine to encourage the faith of other believers. These answers include: people getting saved, healed, provisions provided,
HEALED OF HYPERACTIVE THYROID by Sylvie Zokou Shepherd’s Bush Update
by Helena Owusu PRAYER CENTRE TESTIMONIES compiled by Pastor Tom PRAYER DIARY
RETREAT TO ADVANCE by Pastor Alex Morgan STAND FIRM by Kofo Boboye Special montage of front covers
A special look back at some of the ECC highlights as reported in Grapevine magazine LOCAL LIGHTHOUSE EVANGELISM UPDATE by Pastor Rajinder & Edgar
Isleworth Update by William Sam-Aggrey
compiled by Sharon Grant
by Roy McEwen
by Yvonne Boakye
by Fiona Abraham
If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please email your article to info@ecc.org.uk, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. The deadline for the December/January edition is no later than FRIDAY 1st November.
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CELEBRATING OUR 100th ISSUE broken relationships restored, lost people found, and any number of other situations that form the experiences of life in a fallen world.
Whole church community outreach and ECC extension begins Winter 2002 was our 6th edition, which covered three significant events. The first was ‘The Festival of Hope’ - a church-wide evangelistic outreach in Gunnersbury Park (pictures below). In the days before mandatory Health & Safety laws added such a huge financial cost as to make it prohibitive, the ECC used to conduct summer outreaches by hiring a marquee over a period of about a week. Many church members were involved in engaging with hundreds of members of the public in all kinds of ways during the day: face painting, bouncy castles, gospel music and short outdoor dramas and sketches. And, in the evenings, there would be a gospel meeting or at other times a play, written and performed by ECC members, always aimed at leading people to Christ, which always happened. The second significant event reported was the clean-up of the land between ECC and the neighbouring kebab shop. When ECC bought the current building, it did not include that piece of land, which had been sold separately with planning permission. We prayed constantly that we would be able to buy it, but it was sold from one developer to another. However, in answer to prayer, it was never developed and ECC was finally able to buy it, with a vision to build on it what was later to become the new building extension. This annexe block now houses all the classrooms. Volunteers gathered to prepare the land for this future development,
and by December 2005, our 17th and 18th editions would be covering the start of the building of the new Annexe block. The third significant event was to report the celebrations that took place to mark the fact that the original £500,000 mortgage (borrowed to buy the building) had been paid off in the record time of just seven years. The summer 2003 edition began to report the miracles that were now happening more frequently in the monthly Revival & Healing meetings. On this occasion, it was a man who could not walk and who, after prayer, was able to run up and down the stairs in the auditorium. Numerous other testimonies shared by people of healings and astonishing answers to prayer followed, and were recorded in different editions, including the healing of high blood pressure, injuries, sciatica, migraines, glaucoma, a hole in the heart, and with cancers and fibroids disappearing, bent backs straightened, frozen shoulders unlocked and operations cancelled after prayer because the condition was no longer there.
ECC begins to send out missionaries July 2003 saw the 9th edition of Grapevine go to its current bi-monthly publication, now with 24 pages. By February 2005, our 12th edition (pictured left) was reporting the beginning of what would become an expanding missions outreach of church planting from ECC in different countries of the world. Our first full-time sponsored missionaries were Pastor Mark and Cora King, who went to Cebu with their family for what would be a nine-year stretch, to pioneer and establish what in time would become first one church plant, with its own building, and then many churches, run by the local Filipino leadership. Prior to this, Pastor Mark had led short-term missions to Cebu and other countries, but this now was a big step for them as a family - and for ECC as a church.
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CELEBRATING OUR 100th ISSUE their daughter Aoi moved to ECC, having just completed studying at Regents, our national Bible College, with the desire to start a Japanese church. From that small beginning, reported in Issue 33 for August 2008, our Japanese church, ECCJ, has
There would follow, as reported in our October 2006 edition, the commissioning of our next missionary family, namely Bhab Ghale, together with his wife Kumari and daughter Ichchha back to their native country of Nepal. Bhab had been studying for a theology degree for five years in London, during which time he was an active member of ECC. Since that time we have covered the amazing expansion of the work throughout Nepal. Establishing an NGO in that country, called United Vision Nepal, it has gone on to become a highly respected organisation by the national government, and it successfully combines practical, community, social relief projects with church planting. At the same time, Mark Dishley, after training with Oasis Trust, was commissioned for mission work in Zimbabwe for an extended six-month term. This would lead to a challenging effort, first reported in Issue 50 in June 2011, of two members of ECC, who on different occasions embarked on a sponsored climb to the Base Camp of Mount Everest on the border of Nepal, which is 5,364 metres high. First, Katariina Sabah, who at the time was ECC’s administrator, spent several months training for the event and successfully achieved it, and subsequently Samir Chovan, who had had training in the military, also completed another such sponsored climb. Between them they raised thousands of pounds for the work of UVN.
Street Evangelism Nearer home, the ECC street team had now become highly active and effective in reaching people with the Gospel, going out each month to different locations in the surrounding boroughs in a group of about 50 people. Not only did the teams give out tracts, but also had a street artist, and took chairs to invite sick people to sit and be prayed for (pictures below). At times there would be a queue for the seats for prayer, with many testimonies of healings taking place there and then in the Name of Jesus.
ECCJ starts... with one family As we moved into 2008 and 2009, two ethnic churches began to feature. Pastors Aogu and Chisato Tateyama and
grown to become a pioneering church in different countries, reaching out to the Japanese Diaspora. One ECC member gave a gift to pay towards the costs of financing this new church plant, and another offered accommodation to this Japanese family for the first year. Within that one year, the church had not only got off the ground but was flourishing. Not only is it now helping another Japanese outreach in Finland, but with over 200 Japanese having gone through the ECCJ church, and getting saved and built up spiritually since its commencement, they are now planting churches in Japan itself through these returnees.
Chinese Church begins At about this time, there was also a small Chinese fellowship meeting regularly on Sunday afternoons in ECC. They were made up of a group of students who had come to the UK to study. One of my favourite photographs is of the Japanese and Chinese churches together, which was taken after a joint service between them in English, Japanese and Cantonese, and they are sharing food together. Given the hostilities between the two countries in the twentieth century, it was wonderful to see Japanese and Chinese functioning as one in the body of Christ. Here is an extract from the article one of them wrote at the time: “Although we speak different languages, and some of us do not even speak English, we laughed and enjoyed time together. It was a priceless reminder of all I have ever learned theologically about the Church being a family. It was a very special time for me to see and experience that GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
CELEBRATING OUR 100th ISSUE meaning in such a way, and I would like to encourage everyone to make the effort to enjoy fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ who are of a different nationality. You may even be from a country which has a ‘bad history’ with another country, but there are no divisions between brothers and sisters in the Lord. Jesus taught about the Feast we will have in heaven, when ‘people will come from east and west, north and south, and will take their places at the Feast in the Kingdom of God’ (Luke 13:29). How wonderful it is to be able to gather now with people from all nations as a pre-experience of that Feast.”
Grapevine expands with the addition of Prayer Diaries Also in August 2008, Issue 33 was expanded to 32 pages, as the daily prayer diaries were added as pull-outs in the centre pages. Each day there are five prayer points, all based on Scripture. These prayer points are included in the daily morning and evening prayer meetings in ECC. By featuring them as the centre pages, they can be easily removed and kept in our personal Bibles, enabling the church to now pray at home in line with what those attending the prayer meetings were also praying. So together, the church is able to pray and intercede for these prayer points, seeking personal, church and national revival.
Polish church joins ECC As we move to edition 40, in October 2009, we reported on our Polish church, Elim Springs, moving into ECC, where it has been a part of the ECC family ever since. Elim Springs reaches out to the large Polish community around us, and is building a vibrant, growing church.
From humble beginnings ‘Elim Sound’ goes global Another major ministry from ECC that has since gone on to become part of the global Elim ministry, was first reported in February 2011 in our 48th edition. A couple of years earlier, our Pastor Sam Blake had met with a three other worship leaders from different Elim churches, dreaming together about how to equip the wider Elim Movement on a local, national and international level regarding creative and inspirational input with worship.
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Having arranged to meet with Rev John Glass, Elim’s General Superintendent at the time, Pastor Sam wrote: “We then proceeded to play him some of the songs that we had written, and the awesome, magnificent presence of God came and dwelt with us there in that office.” John Glass gave them unqualified support and Elim Sound, as the ministry was named, was born. The following year, in 2010, Elim Sound were commissioned at the Elim Annual Conference of ministers, and from there the ministry has grown to encompass a world outreach. Releasing worship CDs; running a worship leaders’ course in our national Regents Bible College; running worship workshops; training new writers how to compose worship songs for inclusion on new CDs, and now training leaders in different countries around the world, time has demonstrated this was indeed a God-given vision.
A God-given personal dream fulfilled One testimony, related in April 2010, our 43rd edition, has a direct connection with this magazine. Hakeem Kasumu, who grew up as a Muslim but came to know Jesus as his Saviour, was asked one Saturday in a Men’s Breakfast meeting, what his vision was for God’s work in his life. He explained to the group of men that he wanted to possess his own printing press and print Christian literature. It seemed an impossible dream back then, as he was working at Tesco’s at the time. An opportunity came to buy a printing press at the impossible price of £500,000. The bank laughed at him when he asked for a loan. Registering his own company in faith, and getting men at ECC to pray for him, Hakeem wrote: “To cut a long story short, God took charge of the whole process from beginning to the end.” The finance materialised, the final purchase price was less than 40% of the original price, and he was able to buy the printing press and now continues to operate it, printing the Grapevine as part of his business. He ended his testimony: “If you have a dream, continue to trust in God that in the fullness of time He will come through. He will come through.”
A vision of a ministry to Kenyans sees explosive growth Outreach from ECC has taken many different forms and, in the same year, another great work began, which was subsequently described three years later in June 2013 in Issue 62. One of our Kenyan ECC members, Jane Kiguru-Wamae, shared how she had felt the Lord had spoken to her with these words: “Gather the Kenyan community; call them and the nation to repent and come back to Me; advocate for healing, unity,
reconciliation and refocusing. When that happens, then start to rebuild the broken walls within the community.” God had placed a specific date on her heart to begin this process. It was a Saturday and ECC, unusually, was free from any prior bookings on that day. Five hundred Kenyans, not counting the youth and children, turned up on that Saturday, including the Kenyan High Commissioner, and the work among the Kenyans in the UK had begun. That first meeting opened the door to many other meetings and invitations to hold similar gatherings all over the UK. As ‘Community Rebuild’ began from that time, it spread quickly around the country with the hitherto dispirited Kenyan community coming together as the organisation focused on its four pillars: spiritual, social, economic and political (but, importantly, non-partisan). They also had invitations by the Kenyan Diaspora outside the UK to hold similar events in Israel, Sweden, Germany, the USA and Ireland. Doors have since opened for them, with invitations to the House of Commons to discuss ethnic issues; the Royal African Society, to discuss the role of spiritual organisations in developing countries, and from the President of Kenya and the Kenyan government, to help draw up a mental health policy for their country and for help regarding special needs children in Kenya. Today, the reach and godly influence has grown to extend into all manner of areas of society.
ECC Business Network takes off In February 2014, our Issue 66 covered the launch of ECC’s Business Network, brought into being by Trevor Hyman, with his extensive experience as an international businessman. This combined both the practical and the spiritual, explaining the concept that the spiritual leaders in the church (‘priests’) provide the vision, and the business people (‘kings’) are gifted by God so they can support the work of the Kingdom financially. Tens of thousands of pounds have been raised for the church building fund through their efforts.
New local churches planted
Hillingdon by Pastor Ruth Trbojevic featured in our Issue 71. In addition, in 2018 our sister Elim church in Perivale, Petra, was adopted as a daughter church. Started by Pastor John Starr, who had worked parttime in ECC for many years as he ran the Petra church, it has always been in close fellowship with ECC. And, following his retirement and moving away, it became fully adopted by ECC, first with Pastor Mark King overseeing it, and now our Pastor Tom Ibrahim is pastoring the congregation.
More missionaries commissioned to Nigeria and the Philippines Yet another overseas missions ministry was launched in 2017, and highlighted in the Issue 89. This time, one of ECC’s elders and his wife felt the call to plant ‘Aanu’, the Yoruba word for ‘mercy and compassion’. So Akin and Toro Osuntoki were sent to Nigeria to launch this ministry to the neglected poor and elderly, reaching out with the love of Christ through practical help and spiritual fellowship. At the same time, Georgina King responded to God’s call to go out as a full-time missionary to Cebu, to work alongside Pastora Jen Peñas, the pastor and overseer of the churches there, with a vision to pioneer a youth church. No stranger to the country where she had lived earlier with her missionary parents, this would lead to her meeting her life partner, who is also in full-time pastoral ministry there, and they will be celebrating their marriage shortly at the end of this year. These extracts from the last 99 issues of Grapevine form only a snapshot of some of the amazing works of God in our midst, because there are far too many to recount. We thank God for the leading of His Holy Spirit on so many of the folks who have felt called to make ECC their spiritual home and base for service for the Lord. And we also look forward in faith and excitement for the many more things He will do, knowing that, with God, all things are possible.
Richard Buxton
Senior Minister
More local church planting was first covered in our December 2013 (Issue 65), as the ECC church in Feltham commenced and in the following year another new ECC church plant in GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
REVIVAL & HEALING TESTIMONY Confession means to repeat with our lips and from our hearts the things God has said in His Word. In times of sickness or need, we boldly confess His Word. ‘Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise’ (Hebrews 10:23). Please join us for ministry at our Revival & Healing meetings, on the second Sunday of every month at 6.30pm. Pastor Rajinder Buxton
t started in September 2016. I hadn’t been feeling well; I’d been sweating excessively, I’d been having difficulties sleeping at night, indigestion symptoms, a painful burning sensation in my chest, tiredness and headaches… and I put up with all these symptoms for a few months before I finally decided to consult my GP. He referred me to the Endocrinology department at Charing Cross Hospital for some tests. They noticed a small left submandibular lymph node and a small thyroid nodule in the midline, and carried out repeat thyroid function tests and scans.
Healed of a hyperactive thyroid by Sylvie Zokou
The doctor prescribed medication that has the side effect of neutropenia (ie. severe sore throat, mouth ulcer and flu-like symptoms). I really didn’t want to take this medication once a day because of its side effects, so I informed the doctor, who wrote in his report: ‘Patient chose not to take this’. Instead, I decided to submit a prayer request at a Tuesday night prayer meeting. I wanted Jesus to heal me without medication. I was very reluctant to take these tablets and refused the idea of becoming dependent on them. This caused me to rise up in my spirit in prayer, refusing both the sickness and the medication. I was declaring the Word of God for my healing, and the hyperactive thyroid had to bow down at the Name of Jesus and go! During my visit to the doctor, I enquired about the deficiencies that were in my blood, and was informed that my blood count was low. Afterwards, I started to take my God-given authority to command specifically for this sickness to leave me, and for my blood count level to rise
up in Jesus’ Name. I pleaded the blood of Jesus over myself and declared: “I will not have (this sickness) and I will not live with it either.” I kept doing that regularly, even up to the day of my next appointment, when I was to receive my results. The consultant opened the Excel sheet (on his computer) to show me my results, told me he’d be back in a few seconds, and then left the room. Immediately I laid my hand on his computer screen, commanding and declaring that my results and blood tests would be all fine. When he came back, he said: “Your blood tests results are good” and showed me the deficiencies had been corrected. He encouraged me to continue taking the medication as they were “solving the issue”. I told him: “Actually I didn’t take any medication.” He looked at me and smiled. I gave him a gospel tract before leaving, which he thanked me for. On the report to my GP, the consultant wrote that he had ordered a follow-up appointment for thyroid function and blood tests in three months’ time, and added: “It would be nice to see these episodes settling without need for treatment.” I had the yearly follow-up checks and again was asked the same question: “How are you coping with the medication?” to which I replied: “I don’t know, because I never tried them.” So, they decided to grant me a total discharge, as my thyroid had been functioning normally for the last two years. I have no symptoms; everything else is normal. God is faithful and Jesus is the Healer, the Great Physician. There is power in His blood, and by His stripes I am healed.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that this and similar articles do not constitute medical advice. ECC recommends that you follow the advice of your medical practitioner, and that you do not stop taking prescribed medication unless instructed to do so.
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God does miracles on the streets
ur God is a supernatural God and He wants us to have a lifestyle that is supernatural, taking His power and presence wherever we go.
There are people outside of the four walls of ECC who may not believe in who Jesus Christ is, but a simple miracle or healing done by faith in Jesus Christ could leave a lasting impression on them. “But if I do His work, believe in the evidence of the miraculous works I have done, even if you don’t believe Me. Then you will know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father” (John 10:38). Below are some miracles that took place on the streets when the evangelism teams went out to witness for Jesus. Pastor Rajinder BUXTON
Healed of back and knee pain
Longstanding hip problem healed
ne lady, using a walking stick, sat down on a bench chair, ready to receive prayers from the team. She didn’t know about Jesus. As the team ministered to her, excitement broke out, as one leg (that had been shorter than the other) grew out to the same length as the other. The lady was able to walk, with no pain in her back. She still complained that there was pain in her knees, but as the team again laid hands on her knees and prayed a prayer of faith for her healing, she stood up and started kicking her knees forward and backwards, very excited since the pain in her knee was completely gone. The team talked to her about Jesus’ love and compassion for her, and she said she was ready to pray the Sinner’s Prayer, inviting Jesus Christ into her life. She walked off holding her stick in the air.
young lady complained of a severe pain in her hip, caused by being involved in an accident a few years earlier. She had a shooting pain down her left hip into her left leg, and had lived with the pain for years. As she allowed the team to lay hands on her hips, she suddenly said, “I feel heat in my hips”, as God’s power
came upon the young lady, who knew nothing about Jesus. Her hips started to rotate as the Holy Spirit worked to put her hips back into the correct position. She went away with the Gospel given to her, to show her how much Jesus loves her. She said she will come to ECC, and we pray she will.
Feeling the joy of the Lord lady allowed a team member to pray with her.
The team explained to her she was feeling the real and tangible presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, and then explained the gospel message to her.
“I have had pain for a few years. I actually broke my collarbone and, for a few years now, I’ve been unable to lift my right arm up,” one young lady explained her need to the Evangelism team. As the team ministered healing to her in Jesus’ Name, she suddenly looked up in amazement as she was asked to demonstrate her healing. She lifted her arm right up, moved it up and down and said: “No pain!” She was given the good news of salvation, and we prayed that she will visit ECC.
Suddenly, the unsaved lady stopped her and said: “I am feeling so much joy in me. I am feeling something I’ve never felt before.”
Healed of collarbone problem
See page 21 for the October and November locations
The next ‘Ministry of the Supernatural’ course, on how to heal the sick, will commence on Friday 1st November for three consecutive Fridays at 7.30 pm.
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vangelism is a very special and most important ministry, commissioned by the Lord Jesus Himself in Mark 16:15-20.
I minister as a Head Steward at ECC, and it was about four years ago when Pastor Rajinder asked me to help with Local Lighthouse Evangelism, and since then I have been out on the streets with the ECC evangelism teams on a regular basis. At the very beginning, there was a bit of fear, doubt and other lies of the enemy that tried to scare me off evangelism. But, even the very first time I was out with the LLE team, I was greatly encouraged by the things I saw and heard. It was so special to see people being healed on the spot, and some giving their lives to God. I was really happy to share my testimony and my belief in the Lord Jesus with complete strangers. Since then, I have been given greater responsibility by the ECC leadership, to support and encourage the ECC evangelism team leaders in different towns across West London, including Shepherd’s Bush. Honestly, this is the most exciting thing for me: being used by God to lead people to the Lord and to encourage the teams. We have noticed a remarkable change regarding people’s responses to evangelism materials, tracts and the Gospel. Three years ago, people didn’t even want to stop or take any tracts, but today we see people’s hearts and attitudes have changed with prayer. Some now stop and have a chat with us, and are very thankful when we pray for their different needs. Most of the time people don’t realise they are also playing their part in evangelism, because when they leave the tracts and other materials behind on buses, trains or flights, others get the chance to read them too! Please approach any of the Local Lighthouse team leaders and become a witness for the Lord Jesus. You’ll be greatly blessed. Or pick up a registration form from the Information Desk at the back of the Auditorium, and place it into Pastor Rajinder’s pigeonhole in the Auditorium after completion, then someone will contact you.
LLE Team Coordinator
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Impact of the Gospel continues to grow in Shepherd’s Bush
s a team (with Ileen, Minette, Velma, Tannica, Astrid and Edgar), we witness together in front of a very strategically placed ‘Westfield’s Shopping Centre’ - an important location, where the bus station and the underground station meet.
It is a very busy place where people come for shopping. In the past, people weren’t keen to take tracts from us. But today, we see them walking away, still holding the tracts in their hands and reading them as they go. Some will stay and chat. In the month of August everyone took the tracts and we had conversations with them. Some even promised they would visit ECC. There was a woman with two little boys who received a tract from us. One of the boys asked me: “What’s the tract for?” I said to him it’s about Jesus. He asked me: “Who is Jesus?” I responded by telling him a little story about Jesus. But the boy still wanted to know more about Jesus. So, I told the mother that we have a Sunday school service for kids in the church and, if she wouldn’t mind, she could bring the kids so they can learn more about Jesus. She looked inside the tract and saw the church address, and said that they will visit the church. We gave a tract to a Muslim man, who was willing to talk. He went away and came back, still holding the tract in his hands. As he was standing waiting for the bus, he was reading it. We could tell something inside the tract had caught his attention. Another man and his little daughter were given a tract. Initially, the man refused to take it, but he later came back, apologised, and took the tract from the team.
Helena Owusu Team Leader
Making a difference in our community of Isleworth
ocal Lighthouse Evangelism has touched and impacted many saved and unsaved individuals across different boroughs in London. By the grace of God, the ministry continues to grow. I was presented with an incredible opportunity to lead the Isleworth Local Lighthouse evangelism team. This started with Elder Prosper Doe (who also plays a supervisory role in Local Lighthouse evangelism) and myself for the first few weeks, when we went out onto the streets, doing prayer walks and witnessing for Jesus. In the subsequent weeks, we had brother
James and sister Joyland join us, who are so inspiring to the team. During the festive seasons, we have given out goody bags containing tracts and goodies; these are provided by the church for members of the public. For example, they were so popular at Easter that we very ran out of them after about 15 minutes. A woman in her late 40s/early 50s approached me, and asked which church I was representing. I told her Ealing Christian Centre. Her next words were: “Thank you for thinking about us.” I was very encouraged and impacted by her words, as I felt I was making a difference to the community. I wandered what she meant by ‘Thinking about us’. Did she mean
thinking of the people I had come into contact with? The people of Isleworth? The county, or the country as a whole? I am trusting God to provide more labourers, as the harvest is indeed plentiful in Isleworth. I am hoping two new members will join the group by the end of 2019. If you live in Isleworth or would like to join our team, please collect and fill in a registration form from the ECC information desk and leave it in Pastor Rajinder’s pigeonhole. We welcome anyone who lives locally or nearby to join us in sharing the love of Christ to the community we live in.
William Sam-Aggrey Team Leader
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PRAYER centre
Here are just a selection of the testimonies received at the Prayer Centre. Please contact Pastor Tom Ibrahim or Rudy Brann on 020 8799 2199, if you would like to be involved in this important ministry.
A husband had called the Prayer Centre because he wanted prayer for his marriage. He called back recently to thank God, saying he knows God’s hand is upon his marriage.
A woman rang the Prayer Centre to thank God for healing her sister. She had been admitted to hospital for four days after being diagnosed with meningitis which had caused a serious headache and neck pain. After prayers, she was discharged from hospital and is now back at home.
A father requested prayer for his son to successfully complete his university studies. He called back to give thanks to God; his son finished his studies and had even recently received a job offer.
A mother had been praying for the past three years for a financial breakthrough for the whole family, and for monies owed to them to be repaid. The financial breakthrough finally came, and they are now enjoying God’s blessing in other aras of their lives too. “We serve an awesome God,” she said.
A first-time caller, a Muslim man, rang the Prayer Centre. He was frustrated with his life of drug addiction, hopelessness and suicidal thoughts. Glory to God, he received the Gospel over the prayer line, gave his life to Christ, and was happy that he called the Prayer Centre.
A woman was finding it difficult to forgive her friend, but after receiving prayer, she forgave her friend, and they resolved their differences.
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A mother called the Prayer Centre, as she was due to attend a court hearing to decide on custody of her son. She was granted custody in June, and rang back to give God all the glory.
A man had previously called the Prayer Centre as he had been having eye problems. He recently called back to say that God had healed both his eyes, and he was now able to read without glasses.
A woman rang the Prayer Centre, concerned for her sister’s safety. She had been battling with depression since her marriage breakdown and the loss of her home, and had left the house without telling anyone where she was going. Thankfully she returned home safely.
A serious headache caused this sister to wake up during the night. She called the Prayer Centre for prayer, was healed of her headache, and was able to go back to sleep.
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A man called the Prayer Centre on behalf of a sister who had become homeless, asking for prayer that God would heal her and provide a place for her. He called back to praise God because she was granted sheltered accommodation, where she will be cared for.
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A woman had been diagnosed with lymphoma a few weeks ago, but in August she received the news that she had been healed, and called the Prayer Centre to give thanks to God. A woman needed a lift to the hospital for an appointment with her consultant, so she called the Prayer Centre. Shortly afterwards, a friend called her and promised her the lift she needed. Praise God.
November 2019
Praying for our nation’s revival Ezekiel Chapters 36 to 38
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
or some years, Ezekiel prophetically warned the Jews in Jerusalem that the city of Jerusalem would be destroyed if they did not repent and turn back to God. They ignored the warning, and so Jerusalem was razed to the ground. In these chapters the city had now already been destroyed, and Ezekiel is looking forward into the future, right up to the present time in which we live now.
His famous vision of the valley of dry bones that come together after he follows God’s instructions to prophesy over them, portray the once-dead nation of Israel, coming to life once more and becoming exceedingly powerful. The nation of Israel would be reborn, and the land would be occupied once again and be rebuilt. For the next 2,500 years after this prophecy, Israel was not a nation. For a brief period it had some measure of autonomy under the Jewish leaders called the Maccabees. But then the Romans came and conquered the land and, not long after the time of Jesus, expelled all the Jews from the land. It became a wasteland, a place that was neglected and without much population. But, in fulfilment of Ezekiel’s prophetic words, all that changed in the 20th century and, on 14th May 1948, the nation was reborn with its ancient name and has since grown to become a powerful nation once again. Our generation is the one that is alive to see the fulfilment of Ezekiel’s prophetic words. He went on to prophesy that, in these days - the last days - a coalition of nations from the north, including Persia (modern-day Iran), would attack Israel but that God would supernaturally protect His people. As we follow the news today, and see the hostility of the nations around modern-day Israel, and hear of their desire to totally destroy its very existence, we can be sure we are truly in the last days. It is quite conceivable that this war could take place at any time now. As such, seeing the reality and truth of God’s prophetic words, the Church needs to be awake, alert, and as active as any time in its history. Time is short – no doubt much shorter than most would realise. And while it is still day, the Church needs to be seeking to pray and act to see the revival of the dead bones of the Church in modern-day Britain. God has not changed. He gave Ezekiel the spiritual power to prophesy new life into a dead nation. We have the power of the Holy Spirit within us to help us live for Him and serve Him. We have access in prayer to the very throneroom of the Father, through the blood of Jesus. We need to be interceding for a revival in our nation before the time is over and the opportunity lost. And, as we pray through these chapters this month, we are doing just that.
1st - Ezekiel 36:1-4 Prophesy to the land
1. We speak, in Jesus’ Name, the overthrow of the powers of darkness in high places that influence the life of our nation for evil. 2. We speak, in Jesus’ Name, the return to godly values in our national government and local governments in every part of our nation. 3. We speak, in Jesus’ Name, to all the institutions that are part of the fabric of our daily lives in this nation, that all opposition to Christian practices would cease. 4. We speak, in Jesus’ Name, over all the cities in our nation, that the forces behind crime and violence will be bound. 5. We speak, in Jesus’ Name, over all the towns and villages in our nation, that where there is a spiritual barrenness there will be a turning to the Lord.
2nd - Ezekiel 36:5-7 The nations
powerful turning to the Lord of all their peoples.
1. We pray for all the nations of Europe, that there will come from the people a rejection of godlessness and a great turning to Christ. 2. We pray for all the nations of Africa, that revival will sweep from north to south and east to west, and the nations would know prosperity as they turn to Christ. 3. We pray for all the nations of Asia, that they will see a great revival for Christ in Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and all other nations. 4. We pray for all the countries in North and South America, West Indies and other islands, that there may be a great move of the Spirit of God in revival power. 5. We pray for Australasia and for all the other island nations of the world to witness a sudden and new and
3rd - Ezekiel 36:8-12 Fruitfulness
1. Lord, prosper Your church and make it fruitful in terms of the deep spiritual growth of Your people. 2. Lord, prosper Your church and make it fruitful in terms of the numbers of people turning to Christ and being added to the church. 3. We pray for church growth up and down our land, O God, that people would grow weary of their spiritually empty lifestyles and turn and find You. 4. Lord, we pray that You would make Your people fruitful in every area of their work and business lives, with a heart of thankfulness to bless Your work financially. 5. Lord, we pray for fruitfulness in every area of our family lives, that we would recognise and give grateful testimony
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November 2019
to Your goodness to us.
4th - Ezekiel 36:13-15 God’s enemies silenced
1. Lord, cause all those in our nation, who seek to impose a godless, atheistic agenda in our schools, colleges and universities, to be frustrated in every attempt. 2. We pray for our hospitals that God’s people will have a freedom to honour Christ without fear of reprisals. 3. We pray for all Your people who work in all our national institutions, that the forces that seek to silence them will be thwarted themselves. 4. We pray that all those who promote ungodly lifestyles in the name of freedom, will find that people see the harm it causes and turn away from it. 5. Rise up in the midst of our nation, O Lord, and silence those who seek to claim the soul of our nation.
5th - Ezekiel 36:16-21 Honour God’s Name
1. Lord, forgive Your church for years of compromise with the world, we pray, and cause our hearts to burn for You. 2. May we honour Your Name, O Lord, by ensuring our actions in all we do are uncompromisingly godly. 3. Teach us to fear Your Name, O Lord, so that we are always careful to honour You. 4. Teach us the difference between honouring You with our words but not with our actions, O God, so we may not fail You. 5. May we learn to hallow Your Name, O Lord, by living as Your ambassadors at all times
6th - Ezekiel 36:22-23 God’s holiness demonstrated
1. Lord, for the sake of Your great Name, demonstrate Your power and presence amongst us, we pray. 2. Help us to draw closer to You, O Lord, so that You may display Your power through us. 3. In all we do and in all we think, enable us to be holy, as You, O God, are holy. 4. Holy Spirit, breathe afresh upon us and stir our hearts to seek our God more and more. 5. Holy Spirit, bring to our minds anything within us that runs contrary to Your holiness, and help us to change, we pray.
7th - Ezekiel 36:24-26 A new heart and a new spirit
1. Lord, renew within us a new heart and mind that only ever desire to draw
closer and closer to You. 2. Lord, renew and refresh our spirits, we pray, so that we may scale new heights in our relationship with You. 3. For all those in the church who are not yet baptised in the Holy Spirit, give them the desire to ask, and the patience to wait on You until they receive, O Lord. 4. Give us a keen sense of what is pleasing and unpleasing in Your sight, O Lord, so that our desires may always be godly. 5. Help us to grow spiritually daily, so that we do not remain as spiritual infants but become mature in the Lord.
8th - Ezekiel 36:27-28 Led by the Spirit
1. Lead us this day, Holy Spirit, and guide us in all we do, so that all may be done in accordance with Your will. 2. Cause us to understand the God-given plan for our individual lives, and cause us to make the right choices to ensure we fulfil our God-given destiny. 3. For all those seeking a marriage partner, guide and lead them to the right person, we pray. 4. For all those seeking a job, career or profession, O Lord, guide them to what You have planned for their lives. 5. In all our service for You, O God, guide us in each ministry You have called us to, and give us the courage and wisdom to begin to step into it effectively.
9th - Ezekiel 36:29-30 God’s prosperity
1. Lord, we pray that You would prosper our jobs, homes and families, and cause Christ to be firmly and clearly at the centre of each of our homes. 2. Lord, we pray that You would prosper our Discipleship Groups and their leaders, and that through them many will find Christ and grow strong in spiritual maturity. 3. Lord, we pray for every activity of witnessing and evangelism, that You would prosper all we do, enabling us to lead many to Christ. 4. Lord, we pray that You would prosper our children and youth, causing them to become great witnesses for Christ to their own generation. 5. Lord, prosper Your church spiritually, and send us an abundance of men and women seeking after Christ, and an abundance of signs and wonders in our midst.
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10th - Ezekiel 36:31-32 Turning from sin
1. Lord, we bring Your church before You throughout this land, asking You would have mercy for every failing, compromise and faithlessness, and send revival. 2. Lord, as we bring the national leaders of our nation before You, and pray for Your mercy in leading us away from God and down a pathway of sin, send revival. 3. Have mercy on those parents in our nation, who have neglected to teach their children the pathway of righteousness, and rescue the lost generations, we pray. 4. As we bring before You the institutional, moral corruption that pervades our schools, colleges and universities, rescue us from our iniquity, we pray. 5. Lord, by Your Spirit, turn our nation from celebrating sinful lifestyles, as it does at present, back to desiring what is right in God’s eyes.
11th - Ezekiel 36:33-36 Restoring the cities
1. We bring our capital city of London before You, O Lord, praying You would send revival from north to south and from east to west. 2. As we bring all our major cities to You, O God, revive the churches, and let there be a new turning to You, we pray. 3. We take authority over every spirit of violence, corruption and lawlessness over the streets of our cities, and bind them in Jesus’ Name. 4. We take authority over every spirit of poverty that blights the lives and hopes of people, and bind them in Jesus’ Name. 5. We pray for all the towns and villages of our nation, O Lord, praying You would turn the spiritual deserts back into fruitful spiritual gardens.
12th - Ezekiel 36:37-38 Filling God’s house
1. Fill Your church to overflowing as people turn and flock to know their God, we pray 2. For all the churches in our area, we pray for a move of the Holy Spirit that will fill them with men and women seeking and finding Christ. 3. We pray for children and the youth to be drawn to Christ by Your Spirit, O Lord, who seek and find answers in the church. 4. Fill Your church with Your Holy Spirit, O God, and may we be overflowing.
October 2019
God’s warning to the nation Ezekiel Chapters 33 to 35
zekiel lived at a very distressful time in the life of his nation. The people, whilst paying lip-service to God, were engaging in the immoral practices of the followers of Baal and their pagan activities. Prophet after prophet had been raised up by God to warn the people that, by forsaking the true and living God, to engage in these wicked practices of the pagan religions around them, they were breaching the covenant they had made with God as a nation. The penalty for this, set out clearly under the Old Covenant through Moses, was to be overrun by their enemies and taken into exile. God’s mercy was so patient that He waited for many years to give the people an opportunity to respond to the message of His prophets. But they did not. So, as a warning, God sent the Babylonians to take captive some of the people from Jerusalem - the aristocracy - which included Daniel and his three friends. That did not cause the people to change, however. So God sent the Babylonians once more to take into captivity more of the Jews, this time including Ezekiel. From his enforced new home in Babylon, Ezekiel was raised up by God to warn the Jews that the city of Jerusalem would be totally destroyed if the people did not repent and turn back to God. At the same time Jeremiah, who was still living in Jerusalem, was prophesying a similar message. The prophets were ignored, and so about ten years after Ezekiel was taken to Babylon, King Nebuchadnezzar marched his armies back once more, and this time totally destroyed the city of Jerusalem - including the temple built by Solomon - and reduced everything to rubble. He then took virtually all the nations into exile. Shortly afterwards, Jeremiah wrote his book of Lamentations, expressing his utter sorrow at the needless fall of the city caused by the hardness of the people’s hearts against their long-suffering God. The people would experience, just as Jeremiah prophesied, 70 years of exile before being allowed back home to begin the process of rebuilding Jerusalem and the nation. They learned the lesson and never went back to following the idolatry of paganism. We live in a similar generation. Our nation once held the Bible and the moral laws of God in high esteem. But, like the Jews of Ezekiel’s day, it now prefers the immoral ways of the followers of the religion of secular humanism that takes its values - or lack of them - from its theory of evolution that excludes God, the Bible and the moral values based in it. As a result, our society is on the pathway to destruction. God is patient and will allow time to repent and turn back to Him but His patience has a limit. This month, as we pray through Ezekiel’s prophetic words, we are asking God to turn our backsliding nation back to Him before it goes too far and before the time for repentance is over.
1st - Ezekiel 33:1-6 Heeding God’s warning
1. Help us to continually walk in the righteous fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom. 2. Keep us from becoming complacent, O Lord, so that we never treat Your Word and Your ways with anything other than 100% seriousness. 3. Holy Spirit, we ask that You would help us work out our salvation with fear and trembling. 4. When You speak to our conscience, Holy Spirit, cause us to respond in obedience without hesitation. 5. Give us ears to hear and eyes to see all that You want to reveal to us, O God.
2nd - Ezekiel 33:7-9 The watchman
1. Lord, You have revealed Your truth to us, so guide us to those You would have us speak to with the message of salvation.
2. May our lives and characters be so like Christ that even when we are not speaking, our actions may be a witness to others of the truth and the power of the Gospel. 3. Give us a Holy Spirit boldness to be witnesses and ambassadors for Christ, O Lord. 4. Keep us from unconsciously absorbing the values of this world, O God, even though we need to be mixing with those who share this fallen world’s values. 5. Use us to bring others out of condemnation, and into the forgiveness and freedom in Christ.
3rd - Ezekiel 33:10 The sins of the nation
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
of our nation’s acts of godlessness, and to bring strong leadership for godly change. 3. Break the scales over the eyes of the people of our nation, O Lord, and cause them to begin to desire to see a change in the destructive selfishness that marks our society. 4. Shake our nation, O Lord, in a way that will cause many to see the foolishness of rejecting the biblical values that so much of our nation’s heritage was built upon. 5. In Your great mercy, send revival to this land once more, O God.
4th - Ezekiel 33:11 God’s heart for the lost
1. We give You thanks, O Lord, because 1. Have mercy on this nation, O Lord, You are a God of love, who has gone to which has turned so far from Your the greatest extent to give repentant ways, and bring godly change. sinners the opportunity to be saved. 2. Cause our government to recognise 2. Heavenly Father, give us a heart of the destructive nature to our society love for the lost like Yours. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019 15
3. Show us, Holy Spirit, what we can do to reveal the love of God to those who are currently bent on self-destruction through rejecting God’s way of salvation. 4. Give us words of wisdom, Holy Spirit, that will speak directly into the spirits of those we share the Gospel with. 5. In our speaking to people who are living ungodly lifestyles, may love always prevail over judgment.
5th - Ezekiel 33:12-13 No backsliding
1. Keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, we pray. 2. When we pass through times of trial, keep us from fainting, falling or failing, O Lord. 3. For those who are struggling with issues which keep them in bondage, help them today to make the decision to call on You to break free totally, we pray. 4. Give us the strength to persevere when times are difficult, and to cast all our cares upon You, heavenly Father, for You care for us. 5. When everything is going well in our lives, O Lord, let not our blessings cause us to become complacent and so take our eyes off You, but rather keep us fully focused.
6th - Ezekiel 33:14-16 True repentance
1. O Lord, forgive us this day our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. 2. Lord, since You know the secrets of everyone’s heart, forgive us today for all our secret sins, and cause us to turn away from them. 3. If we are not fully on fire for You, forgive us, O God, and breathe afresh upon us as we seek to fan into flames the spiritual fire within us. 4. Lord, if we are taking the wrong direction in any area of our lives, reveal it to us so that we may repent and turn our lives around. 5. Lord, if as a church we are taking the wrong direction in any area, reveal it to us so that we may repent and change to the direction You would have us go.
7th - Ezekiel 33:17-20 The righteous judgment of God
1. Lord, as You are righteous and true, teach us Your ways of justice in every area of life, we pray. 2. Lord, Your Word tells us to examine ourselves in order to bring selfdiscipline, so that You do not need
October 2019 to discipline us, so teach us to do so effectively, we pray. 3. Speak to us each day, Holy Spirit, by putting Your finger on any area of our lives that is unpleasing to You, and cause us to change. 4. Knowing that the perfect justice of God requires the eternal punishment of sinners, may such knowledge motivate us to serve You tirelessly, O Lord. 5. Realising that Your ways are not our ways and Your thoughts are not ours, but higher, O Lord, may we never question Your will but simply be obedient.
2. Lord, our young people are being led to ruin by being taught godless evolution, so rescue this generation, we pray. 3. Our young people are being led to ruin by encouragement to be promiscuous, so rescue them from such destructive forces, we pray. 4. Lord, we pray that our nation would once again refocus its eyes away from the material here-and-now, to spiritual matters that are of eternal importance. 5. Rescue our land from the wicked powers in the spiritual realms that seek its destruction, we pray.
1. Like Ezekiel, O God, may we experience Your hand upon us, so that we may speak Your words. 2. Keep us from being silent when we should be speaking up for the truth, we pray. 3. We pray for Your Church in this nation that it may no longer be silent in the face of wickedness, but speak up for the ways of God. 4. We pray for our own church, O Lord, that we may never fail to preach the uncompromising truth of Your Word. 5. Raise up prophetic voices in our nation, O Lord, with individuals in places of significance, who will have the attention of leaders, institutions and society.
1. Lord, may we be doers of Your Word and not hearers only. 2. Cause us to be like the people the apostle Paul spoke to at Berea, who ‘examined the Scriptures every day’. 3. Deepen our understanding of Your Word, O Lord, so that we may always be able to explain Your Word to others. 4. We pray that as we listen to Godinspired sermons, and put their principles into practice, they may help us to grow more like Christ. 5. Holy Spirit, continually bring to our remembrance all the things we have read in Your Word when we need to act on them.
1. Lord, cause us to remember that You are a God who sees all things - good and bad, so that we may be careful to live according to Your values. 2. Lord, help us to remember that You are a God who knows all things; search our hearts today, rooting out all that is unpleasing to You. 3. Lord, help us to remember that You are an all-powerful God, and enable us to believe that all things are possible for You. 4. Lord, keep us from relying on our own strength, but rather teach us the anointing that comes when we rely wholeheartedly on You. 5. Lord, since You are a God of justice, in our dealings with others, help us to act justly.
1. Lord, cause us to be Your mouthpieces to the generation in which we live. 2. Lord, help us in our schools, colleges, places of work and neighbourhoods to be witnesses for Christ. 3. We pray that You would give us divine appointments each day, and also to all those who go out on the streets witnessing, helping us to lead many to Christ. 4. We pray for all our Discipleship Cells, that You would help them to be places where we can motivate one another to be witnesses for Jesus. 5. Give us Your courage, O Lord, to be a people who are wise in our words and ways, and yet bold in our service for Christ.
1. Lord, have mercy on our land which is being wasted by unbelief and cynicism, and turn our nation around, we pray.
1. Speak to us, Lord, and give us ears to hear all You are saying to us. 2. Cause us to be diligent students of Your Word, Holy Spirit, and give us spiritual insight into all we read.
8th - Ezekiel 33:21-22 No longer silent
9th - Ezekiel 33:23-26 The all-seeing God
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10th - Ezekiel 33:27-29 A wasted land
11th - Ezekiel 33:30-32 Doers not hearers only of God’s Word
12th - Ezekiel 33:33 Being the mouthpiece of God in our generation
13th - Ezekiel 34:1 The Word of the Lord came
October 2019 14th - Ezekiel 34:2-6 Caring for the sheep
1. Cause Your church, in our dealings with one another, to be those who can build up, encourage and strengthen Your people. 2. We pray for all who are in roles of leadership within the church, to give them the love and wisdom to fulfil their work for You fruitfully. 3. We pray for all those of Your people who are straying from You, O God, and from the safety of fellowship, to help us encourage them back to full commitment. 4. We pray You would strengthen the sick and infirm amongst us, and help us to encourage them in their time of need. 5. Raise up to positions of leadership those who have a love for God and a heart for people, we pray.
15th - Ezekiel 34:7-10 Praying for leaders
1. Lord, speak to those individuals that You have called to serve You in different positions of leadership, and give them the courage and grace to fulfil the role You have called them to do. 2. Encourage all our leaders in their work, and make them fruitful in all they do, O Lord. 3. Give to all our pastors and elders Your vision, guiding their footsteps and helping them fulfil Your will, O Lord. 4. Encourage all our Discipleship Cell leaders in their work and, as they seek to be a blessing to others, bless them in their faithfulness, we pray. 5. Give to all our teachers and leaders of departments and teams in the church the joy of seeing fruitfulness from all their labours, O God.
16th - Ezekiel 34:11-12 A heart like God’s
1. Give us a heart like Yours, O Lord. 2. Give us the same vision for Your church and for the lost that You have, O God. 3. Give us the same motivation for ministry that we see in You, Lord Jesus, when You were on the earth. 4. Give us a faith that can move mountains, O Lord.
5. Anoint us with power to accomplish Your will in us, O God.
17th - Ezekiel 34:13-16 Praying for the Jews (1)
1. Lord, we pray for all the Jews throughout the world to open their hearts to the Gospel, and cause them to come to know their Messiah. 2. We pray that the constant troubles in the land promised to Abraham will be used by You, O Lord, to turn the Jews to Christ. 3. We pray for all the Arabs living in Israel who do not know Christ, that You would save them, O God. 4. From the atheistic Jews on one side to the ultraorthodox Jews on the other, open their eyes to the truth that they are saved through faith in their Messiah, Jesus Christ. 5. As we see prophecies being fulfilled before our eyes in Israel today, and know Your coming is soon, Lord Jesus, may it inspire us to greater service for You.
18th - Ezekiel 34:13-16 Praying for the Jews (2)
1. Lord, as Your Word encourages us to do, we pray now for the peace of Jerusalem. 2. Cause the veil in modern-day Israel to be lifted from their eyes, so that they may see the truth that Jesus is their Messiah, O Lord. 3. We pray for all who are today suffering in the Promised Land - Jew and Arab alike - to bring them to peace by individually knowing Christ as their Saviour. 4. We pray You would help all the messianic Jews in Israel, who have accepted Christ as they witness to others about the truth of Jesus. 5. We pray for all the Christian Arabs in Israel for You to help them as they spread the Gospel, O Lord.
19th - Ezekiel 34:17-19 Preaching the uncompromising truth
4. In all our ways, in our places of work, may we always speak and act according to Your godly standards, we pray. 5. As we share Your Word with others, cause us to be fruitful as we see many saved and discipled for Christ.
20th - Ezekiel 34:20-26 Rain from heaven
1. Send the rain of Your Spirit upon us, O Lord, refreshing and strengthening us for the work of God. 2. For any of us who are feeling spiritually weak at present, refresh us, O Lord. 3. Rain down in all our services, Holy Spirit, bringing a fresh sense of Your presence and power, we pray. 4. Rain down upon our families afresh, Holy Spirit, bringing an ever closer sense of Your presence in our family lives. 5. Rain down afresh on our work and business lives, Holy Spirit, bringing a fresh reality of Your presence in those areas.
21st - Ezekiel 34:27 Breaking bondages
1. For all those we have been praying for, who are not yet saved, save them, O Lord. 2. For those in the church who are in bondage to certain sinful or unhelpful habits, give them the willpower to seek You to break free completely, we pray. 3. For those in the church who have financial burdens, give them the grace and wisdom to break free, O Lord. 4. For those of our families who are in bondage to destructive ways of life, hear our cries, O God, and cause them to repent and come to You. 5. As we pray for all who are under the effects of any form of curse, help them to recognise it, and find the power of Christ to break it, so setting them free.
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
3. Lord, speak to us and through us, in words of prophecy, words of wisdom and words of knowledge. 4. Speak to us through dreams and visions, O Lord, and give us the spiritual wisdom and insight to interpret them correctly. 5. Speak to us and through us with words of godly counsel, that will bless and uplift, we pray.
22nd - Ezekiel 34:28 No more fear
1. Lord, as our society seeks to marginalise and restrict the influence of Your Word, keep us unswerving in our determination to never water down the message of the Gospel. 2. Give us both a boldness for Christ in our places of work, and also divine favour upon our lives with those over us, we pray. 3. In all the messages preached on Sundays, in midweek meetings, on the streets and wherever else we are, anoint us in power, O Lord.
1. May our relationship with You, heavenly Father, be so close that Your perfect love drives out all our fear. 2. Give us a faith that is able to trust You at all times for all things, O Lord. 3. For those in fear of losing their jobs at this time, give them Your peace, O God, which comes from knowing You are in control of every part of our lives. 4. May the only fear we have, heavenly Father, be the reverent fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom. 5. Help us to experience Your peace, O Lord, which passes all understanding.
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23rd - Ezekiel 34:29 God’s provision
1. Give us this day our daily bread, heavenly Father, we pray. 2. For all who are looking for godly relationships, guide them by Your Spirit to such blessing, we pray. 3. For those amongst us looking for a job, to change jobs, or promotion, undertake for such provision, O God. 4. For those seeking specific guidance in their lives from You, O God, show them clearly, so that they may walk in Your destiny for their lives. 5. For those struggling with their finances at this time, provide for them, we pray.
24th - Ezekiel 34:30-31 God with us
1. For those among us who, for whatever reason, are feeling distant from You, O Lord, help them sense Your close presence, we pray. 2. Cause us to draw close to You, heavenly Father, so that You may draw close to us. 3. When things seem to be going wrong in our lives, help us remember that You have not left us nor forsaken us, and help us grow spiritually at such times. 4. May the knowledge that You are close to us at all times give us a faith that enables us to do astonishing things. 5. Fill us afresh with Your presence this day, Holy Spirit, we ask.
25th - Ezekiel 35:1-4 Interceding for God’s enemies
1. Lord, have mercy on all the atheists we know who have chosen to reject You, and save them before it is too late for them. 2. We pray for all Christians who are being persecuted for their faith in Muslim lands; cause their enemies to receive a vision of Christ and be saved, O God. 3. We pray for all Christians who are being persecuted in Hindu countries; save their enemies by revealing Christ to them, O Lord. 4. We pray for all Christians who are suffering for Christ in Buddhist lands; save their persecutors, O Lord. 5. We pray for all Christians who are suffering at the hands of military regimes or dictatorships; move in power, Holy Spirit, to save the people of those lands.
26th - Ezekiel 35:5-6 Praying for Israel’s national enemies
October 2019 of Jesus, and know peace with God and the peace of God in their situation. 2. We pray for the ancient nation of Persia, now called Iran, and as we thank You for the many Iranians now turning to Christ, may this turn into a flood of conversions. 3. As we pray for the nation of Pakistan, which is so opposed to Israel, strengthen Your people in that nation, Lord, and use them to see many Muslims turn to Christ. 4. Lord, break the iron spiritual grip over the Arab nations immediately surrounding Israel: for Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and cause many to turn to Christ. 5. Lord, since You have said You will curse those who curse Israel, have mercy on all the nations of the world that are acting with hostility towards Israel, by saving their people before Your judgment falls.
27th - Ezekiel 35:7-9 Time to fear the Lord
1. Lord, help us to understand the depravity of sin, so that we may fear to walk in unrighteousness. 2. Keep us from becoming so familiar with the ways of the world we live in, that we at times begin to compromise. 3. Keep us from becoming lukewarm, O Lord. 4. May our godly fear of You, O Lord, ensure we never fear the opposition of mere men and women. 5. Teach us Your ways daily, O God, and may we know Your blessings as a consequence, no matter how our temporary circumstances may change.
28th - Ezekiel 35:10-11 The victims of war
1. Lord, have mercy on all the innocent people around the world who are the victims of war, and in their troubles may they turn to Christ and find great help. 2. Cause all the children around the world who are being made orphans by war to find You as their heavenly Father, O God. 3. Even out of the horrors of war, we pray that You may turn situations around for good for those who cry out to You, O Lord. 4. Protect all those who are moved to go out and help the victims of war, through charitable organisations, and may Christ’s love shine through the Christians. 5. Lord, we look forward to the return of the Prince of Peace, and pray that Your Kingdom will come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
1. Lord, we pray for the Palestinians that many would begin to call on the Name 18 GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
29th - Ezekiel 35:12 God hears all things
1. Lord, help us to guard our lips, so that nothing ungodly or unedifying is spoken. 2. Lord, if in times of frustration, anger or pain we have spoken negative words about You, forgive us for our foolishness. 3. When we have spoken words to others that have hurt or demoralised them, forgive us and help us to make amends. 4. Lord, when You see all those unspoken prayers that we carry in our hearts, that are often too painful or personal to speak out, hear and answer from heaven, we pray. 5. Lord, You hear our cry for revival, and we pray that we will see You move in revival power.
30th - Ezekiel 35:13-14 Words spoken against God
1. As we pray for all our schoolchildren, who are taught that God does not exist but rather that all things spontaneously evolved, may their spirits discern the truth. 2. Have mercy on, and reveal Yourself to, all teachers in schools and colleges and universities, who teach our children to ignore God and disparage Christian beliefs. 3. We pray for all parents in our society, who teach their children to ignore God and disparage biblical teaching, and convict them and save them before it is too late. 4. To all the government authorities and agencies that marginalise or dismiss Christians for revealing their faith in Christ, show them their folly in opposing You, O Lord. 5. Lord, as we pray for all Christian judges, teachers, social workers, medical workers and all in similar positions, help them speak for You both through words and actions.
31st - Ezekiel 35:15 The enemies of God
1. On this night of Hallowe’en, frustrate the plans of all in our vicinity who are actively seeking after the power of satan to harm God’s work and people, O Lord. 2. We pray for all children in our neighbourhood who engage in ‘trick or treat’; open their eyes and those of their parents to the realities of the fallen spirit world. 3. We take authority over every wicked word spoken by witches against Christians and the church, and break the power of their curses in Jesus’ Name 4. For everyone in our neighbourhood, who is encouraged today to be involved in any form of the occult, convict their spirits with the reality of its evilness, we pray. 5. We take authority over every wicked spirit that seeks to oppose the work of God in the church, and break its power in Jesus’ Name.
November 2019 5. Fill Your church with those who are not merely converts, but rather disciples, we pray.
1. Lord, touch us afresh today, we pray. 2. Lead us by Your Spirit today, O God. 3. Place Your finger on any part of our lives that You want to bring to our attention that needs change, O Lord, and give us the humility to do so. 4. For all among us who need emotional or spiritual strength this day, touch them and strengthen them, we pray. 5. Lord, we need You, so open our minds to receive from You today as we prayerfully read from Your Word.
14th - Ezekiel 37:2-3 A nation spiritually dead
1. Lord, as our nation is dying spiritually, rescue the people of this land, we pray. 2. Lord, many doubt that our nation can be spiritually strong once again, but prove them wrong, we ask. 3. Lord, since many of the churches in our land are dying, do a miracle in our nation, we pray. 4. Break the strong grip that the powers of darkness have over our land, O God. 5. Restore faith and determination in Your Church throughout this land, O Lord, to fight against the wickedness that is seeking to triumph.
15th - Ezekiel 37:4-6 Breathe on our nation
1. Breathe new life into Your Church in this nation, O God. 2. Breathe new life into Your people, O Lord, and give them the motivation to expect great things from their God. 3. Breathe Your breath of life on all the institutions of our national life, O Lord, blowing away the corrupting influence of sin and immorality. 4. Breathe on our Parliament, O God, and let a fresh breath of righteousness sweep through the corridors of power. 5. Breathe on us, O God, so that we may be continually growing to conform more and more to the image of Christ.
16th - Ezekiel 37:7-8 Revival of a nation
1. Give Your Church the vision to see and understand the unlimited power of God to bring a total change of heart and direction to our nation. 2. Cause us to be inspired by Your Spirit to prophesy revival over our nation, O Lord. 3. Help us to see things as You see them, O Lord, not what is but what can be, through Your Spirit.
17th - Ezekiel 37:9-10 A vast army
1. Cause the spiritually dead in our nation to come alive, O God. 2. Turn around the exodus from the churches, O Lord, and make it into a mass return as Your Church forsakes compromise and preaches the fullness of the Word of God. 3. Put the desire for God into the hearts of the children, Holy Spirit, and cause them to seek and find Christ. 4. Cause the hearts of the youth to remember their Creator during the time of their youth, so that they can live lives in effective service for Christ. 5. Turn the hearts of hardened adults, and cause them to melt before the love of their Saviour, Jesus Christ.
18th - Ezekiel 37:11-13 Renewed hope
1. For those in our midst experiencing hopelessness for any reason, renew their experience with the living God. 2. For those amongst us who, because of overwhelming circumstances, are having a crisis of faith, touch them afresh, Holy Spirit, we pray. 3. For those amongst who are feeling mental oppression or depression, renew their hope for the future and their joy of the Lord, we pray. 4. For those amongst us who have allowed circumstances to cause them to backslide, restore them to their closeness to You, O Lord. 5. Keep our eyes fixed on the finishing line, O God, so that we do not let any momentary trouble cause us to stumble or fall.
19th - Ezekiel 37:14 God working through us
1. Holy Spirit, anoint us afresh this day, we pray, and cause us to grow daily spiritually stronger. 2. Holy Spirit, so work within us that day by day our characters become more and more conformed to the image of Christ. 3. Holy Spirit, lead us to those places, including schools, colleges, jobs and accommodation, where You want us to be an influence for Christ. 4. Guide our thoughts, our decisions and our actions, Holy Spirit, in a way that
enables You to fulfil the destiny You have for each of us, we pray. 5. Help us, Holy Spirit, to live in this world, without living as though we were of this world, we pray.
20th - Ezekiel 37:15-17 Unity in God’s house
1. Lord, unite us together by Your Spirit in the genuine love of Christ. 2. For any amongst us who are out of fellowship with a brother or sister in Christ, bring reconciliation, we pray. 3. Teach us to understand the power of forgiveness, that it helps both us and those we forgive. 4. For any who are holding on to unforgiveness and are struggling to let go, help them to do so, Holy Spirit, we pray. 5. As we join in ever closer unity, Holy Spirit, we ask that Your anointing would flow ever stronger through us.
21st - Ezekiel 37:18-19 Praying for Israel
1. We pray for the government of Israel that You would help them to look to You to know what to do, O Lord, and not to their own wisdom. 2. In the midst of dissension in the land of Israel, protect the innocent on both sides of the conflict, we pray. 3. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem, O God, as Your Word encourages us to do. 4. Open the eyes of the orthodox Jews to realise that their Messiah has already come, and His Name is Jesus. 5. We pray for all who live in the land of Israel - Jews and Arabs alike - that You would cause them to come to know Christ as their Saviour.
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
13th - Ezekiel 37:1 God’s hand upon us
4. Let every believer in Your church, O Lord, start to experience the fullness of life that Jesus came to bring them. 5. Send every spiritual gift into Your church, Holy Spirit, and give us the faith to use all those gifts powerfully and effectively for the extension of the Kingdom of God.
22nd - Ezekiel 37:20-23 The re-gathering of the Jews
1. Lord Jesus, as You re-gather the Jews from around the world to their ancient homeland in preparation for Your return, open their hearts to the Gospel, we pray. 2. As we pray for all the Arab Christians in the land of Israel, bless them and use them mightily to bring many others living in Israel to know Christ. 3. As we pray for all the Messianic Jews, who have come to know Christ as their Saviour, bless their churches and multiply them, O Lord. 4. Cause the eyes of all the Jews we meet to be opened, and for them to realise that Jesus Christ is their promised Messiah. 5. As the time draws near in these last days for the final conflict in Israel, cause us Your church to be alert,
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
November 2019
active and fruitful whilst there is still time to be witnesses for Jesus.
23rd - Ezekiel 37:24-26 The second coming of Christ
1. Lord, let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 2. Cause us to be effective ambassadors for Christ at all times, so that we may hasten the Day of the Lord’s coming. 3. Cause us to seek the gifts of the Spirit, and to use them wisely and effectively to manifest Your power on earth, O Lord. 4. May we be like the five wise virgins, O Lord, who were ready and prepared for the coming of the bridegroom, and keep us filled with the oil of Your Holy Spirit. 5. In these last days before You return, Lord Jesus, bring a revival in our hearts and in Your Church that will impact our neighbourhood, our city and our nation, we pray.
24th - Ezekiel 37:27-28 Praying again for the nations of the world
1. As we pray for all the nations of Europe, save them, O Lord. 2. As we pray for all the nations of Africa, save them, O Lord. 3. As we pray for all the nations of Asia, save them, O Lord. 4. As we pray for all the nations of North and South America and the West Indies, save them, O Lord. 5. As we pray for all the nations of Australasia and all other island nations, save them, O Lord.
25th - Ezekiel 38:1-3 Praying for the nation of Russia
1. Lord, Your Word foretells that Russia will invade Israel in the last days, so in these final days, move in revival across the nation of Russia, we pray. 2. Lord, we thank You for all those in Russia who are turning to Christ; keep the door of opportunity for the preaching of the Gospel there wide open, we pray. 3. For all those who have lived under atheistic communism, open their hearts now to find their Creator through faith in Christ. 4. As we pray for the orthodox church in Russia, sweep through the outward trappings of religion, and bring a genuine move of the Holy Spirit in their midst. 5. We pray for all the Evangelical and Pentecostal churches that have begun in Russia in recent days, and bless and
prosper them, and make them fruitful, O Lord.
26th - Ezekiel 38:4-6 Praying for Iran, Ethiopia, Sudan and Libya
1. As we pray for the ancient country of Persia, now called Iran, and thank You for the many Muslims who are turning to You in that nation, cause many more to do so. 2. We pray for every satellite Christian TV programme that is being watched in Iran; use such programmes to turn many to Christ. 3. As we pray for Ethiopia, open the eyes of the Muslim people there and turn them to Christ. 4. As we bring Sudan before You, O God, sweep through that Muslim nation with a supernatural revival power. 5. We pray for the ancient country of Libya to be filled once again with the sound of people responding to the Gospel, as it was in the years after Christ.
27th - Ezekiel 38:7-13 The forewarning in Scripture
1. Lord, teach us to take every warning in Your Word seriously. 2. We pray that as we read the warnings in Your Word, O God, we may live in the righteous fear of the Lord. 3. As we read in Your Word, not only about heaven but also about hell, may it serve to motivate us to be serious in being witnesses for Christ. 4. As Your Word forewarns us as believers that we must not be complacent or negligent in our spiritual lives, teach us to remain close to You at all times, O Lord. 5. As we see the Day of the Lord approaching, cause us to look up, knowing that our redemption is drawing near.
28th - Ezekiel 38:14-16 Nations intent on war
1. Lord, for all the nations that will prepare to attack Israel, move now in their populations to save many before it occurs, and while it is still a time of peace. 2. We pray for all those nations currently at war or in civil war; cause them to bring their conflicts to an end, O Lord. 3. As we pray for all the innocent people caught up in the conflicts of war today, help them find You and be sustained by You, O God. 4. Lord, as we see the signs all around us of the last days, keep us close to You day by day.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
5. May Your Church not fear the conflicts to come that Your Word has forewarned us about, O Lord, but to trust You at all times.
29th - Ezekiel 38:17-22 God’s omniscience
1. Lord, because we understand that You know all things before they happen, keep us from worrying about the future, we pray. 2. Lord, You know what our individual futures hold, so give us the wisdom to seek You to discover it and seek to live it out. 3. Lord, if we are not currently in Your perfect will in any area of our lives, show us now and help us move into that perfect will. 4. Because You know all things, Holy Spirit, help us bless others with words of prophecy, words of wisdom and words of knowledge, we pray. 5. Since You know our hearts, search us, O Lord, and show us how we can change to be more conformed to Your will, we pray.
30th - Ezekiel 38:23 God’s manifest glory
1. Lord, manifest Your glory in our individual lives and in our homes, as we put You first in all things. 2. Lord, manifest Your glory in the church, with signs wonders and miracles, accompanying the preaching of Your Word. 3. Lord, manifest Yourself in our Discipleship Groups, moving in power through the leaders and group members in all spiritual gifts. 4. Lord, manifest Your glory on the streets as the Gospel is shared, and save, heal and radically change the lives of those we minister to, we pray. 5. Bring glory to Yourself in Your church, Lord Jesus, by visiting us and inhabiting the church with the revival power and the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit.
Call our confidential prayer line for ANY need 24 hours a day 7 days a week
020 8799 2199
REVIVAL PRAYER MEETINGS Monday to Friday Morning meetings 10.00am to 12.00pm - Annexe Room 2* EVENing meetings 6.00pm to 7.00pm - Foyer (*accessible from Northfields Avenue)
7.30pm to 9.15pm - Foyer
REVIVAL & HEALING MEETINGS Bring your family, friends & neighbours Second Sunday evening of every month at 6.30pm Sunday 13th October Sunday 10th November
For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder Saturday 19th October Saturday 16th November For non-ECC attenders: Please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060
ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETINGS Last Friday of every month 10.00pm to 5.00am Come when you can! Friday 25th October Friday 29th November
EVANGELISM Every month, the Evangelism teams go to various towns across the borough of Ealing (and surrounding boroughs). Please see below for the locations.
Saturday 12th October
Saturday 9th November
Acton Brentford Chiswick Greenford Hammersmith Hanwell Harrow Hounslow Isleworth Northfields Northolt Shepherd’s Bush South Ealing Southall West Drayton West Ealing
Acton Brentford Chiswick Ealing Broadway Greenford Hammersmith Hanwell Harrow Hayes Hounslow Northfields Shepherd’s Bush South Ealing Southall Uxbridge Wembley
All welcome 11am - 1pm
All welcome 11am - 1pm
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
Note from the
Be a Cheerful Giver (Part 2)
uke 6:38 Jesus tells us: “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be poured into your lap.” This does not mean that God will always financially bless those who give but, if we make Him a priority, He will take care of us. “For it pleased those from Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor among the saints who are in Jerusalem” (Romans 15:26). The money Paul collected was usually earmarked for the poor saints in Jerusalem. These were people who stayed in Jerusalem and developed the foundation of the church. Many lived in poverty after abandoning homes and farms to learn more about Jesus. Ultimately, this is what our offering should go towards: equipping the saints and spreading the Gospel. If our gift is not being used to build up God’s Kingdom or spreading the love of God to humanity, we need to rethink why we are giving. God’s gifts are meant not only to bless us, but for us to bless others (1 Peter 4:10). To give grudgingly - or not at all - is a sign of a heart issue that we value money, comfort and security more than the Kingdom of God. It is only when we learn to give ourselves to Christ that we can cheerfully give to support His purpose. Make up your mind today to be a cheerful giver from now on, and see the miracle of what God will do in the area of your finances.
Sandra Dawodu Please note that you can give to ECC through the website at www.ecc.org.uk or via mobile apps: Acct No 18844979 Sort Code 60 05 16
Sunday services Celebration service
9.00am to 10.45am
with classes for Children & Youth
Celebration service
11.15am to 1.00pm
with classes for Children & Youth
Japanese service
2.30pm to 4.30pm in Auditorium
Polish service
2.30pm to 4.30pm
Evening service
in Foyer
6.30pm to 8.00pm
See page 23 for details
Prayer meetings
10.00am & 6.00pm
Prayer meetings
10.00am & 7.30pm
Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Little Stars’ Parents & Tots Term-time only 10.00am to 12.00pm Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 2.00pm to 3.30pm
Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Life skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm
Registration required
Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Ministry skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm Registration required
All-night Prayer 10.00pm to 5.00am
Last Friday of the month
Local Lighthouse Evangelism 11.00am to 1.00pm
FOR YOUR FAITHFUL GIVING TO GOD’S WORK J UL 2019 AUG 2019 Tithes & Offerings £34,817.31 £39,191.49 Building Fund £1,061.00 £1,473.50 Standing Orders £23,055.70 £32,567.19
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
WHAT WE BELIEVE 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally
given, to be without error, the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and co-eternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.
November 2019
October 2019
ECC streams its morning and some evening services live on YouTube. If you do not wish to be shown, please ask the ushers to seat you away from the cameras. Thank you.
9.00am & 11.15am
PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Mark King
HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan
CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton
CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton
HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Mark King
CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan
HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton
CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Mark King
CARIBBEAN EVENING A Fun Evening of Praise, Worship & the Word
CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan
Elim Springs POLISH FELLOWSHIP Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the FOYER
Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the MAIN AUDITORIUM For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA info@eccj.org.uk
Spotlight on Forthcoming Events Listen for details of the next
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
ECC FAMILY NEWS Please email your Wedding, New Baby and other good news to SHARON GRANT at sg@ecc.org.uk
Collections Donations will be received on the following Sundays: October 6th & 13th November 10th & 17th December 8th & 15th Please see guidelines (right) on what to bring. If you or someone you know requires the Foodbank services, please contact Sharon Grant to discuss. Thank you.
EDNESDAY Afternoon Fellowship
2nd Pastor Bob 9th Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob 16th Pastor Bob with Ann Morris 23rd Pastor Bob 30th Lola Vassell with Coleen Barry-Austin
6th Lola Vassell plus Prayer & Praise 13th Pastor Bob 20th Lola Vassell with Rudy Brann 27th Pastor Bob
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
2pm - 6pm
Next ECC sessions take place on the following Saturdays: 19th October 23rd November Please contact Sherine or Sharon via ECC church office for further information on how to get involved
EVERGREENS Please contact Sharon in the office if you need further details of these forthcoming events
3rd NOVEMBER Adoption Sunday is a chance to stand together on behalf of vulnerable children, to pray for families in our community, and reflect upon how we at ECC can make a difference. Please stand with us as we mark Adoption Sunday on 3rd November. The theme this year is:
Scan for Zazzle store
BEREAN DESIGNS CHRISTIAN GIFTS will be on sale on the following Sundays: • October 13th • November 10th • December 8th
Aanu mugs and bookmarks are still available to buy from the ECC Office. ALL proceeds go to the Aanu Foundation. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
HOW GOOD & BAD BEHAVIOUR are enemies of Spiritual Authority
o say we are living in interesting times is an understatement! The status quo is being overturned. The voiceless are given a voice. Darkness in every area of life is being exposed. Light is being shone into every aspect of life. Leaders in political and religious life are struggling for answers to life’s challenges today. If you feel bewildered at times, I don’t blame you; however, be encouraged. The status quo of ‘good behaviour’ is being overthrown in our generation, and it’s very uncomfortable for many people, because it’s their anchor. For hundreds of years, people holding forms of power on earth have used good behaviour as the measure of what’s acceptable and what’s unacceptable. We are seeing the very people who publicly disciplined others over their bad behaviour being publicly disciplined themselves by the Great I AM for their own very bad behaviour. A spiritual light is being shone on the clergy of all denominations - the epitome of good behaviour - and many are being found wanting. Even in our evangelical movement, God is shining that light, exposing good behaviour as filthy rags. God is revealing how good behaviour is the enemy of spiritual authority. Where spiritual authority is fearless, good behaviour is fearful. Fear of making mistakes that - in their minds - will incur the wrath of God. This is a lie from the enemy, though, because who in the Bible, except Jesus, never made a mistake? Of course God will punish sin 100% - this isn’t in question - but good behaviour itself is a very sinful thing. Being a spiritual person in the Bible does not look like ‘good behaviour’. What do Abraham, Moses, Joseph, David, Jacob and Mary all have in common? Their spiritual authority was not based on the appearance of good behaviour. Abraham was worshipping idols when
God promised him the greatest honour imaginable. Moses had the blood of an Egyptian on his hands when he was asked to lead God’s people from slavery to worship. Joseph went from prison to prime minister with an accusation of rape on his record. Are you getting the picture? Good behaviour was never and is never the marker of spiritual authority. In fact, good behaviour can be the enemy of spiritual authority. When the highest authority within the kingdom of Israel was being bestowed, Mr Jesse completely forgot about his ruffian son. In fact, even the prophet
– past, present and future. His behaviour towards Levitical priests and those in power at the time appeared bad. Even to many who followed Him, His behaviour wasn’t as they expected. Today, many of us focus on good behaviour at the expense of a spiritual heart. God reminds us that while men look at the outward behaviour, He looks at the heart. After reading God’s Word, do you find yourself asking: How do we outwork that? (Or similar). Well, STOP! The question should be: How can my heart’s desires be changed to desire what Jesus would desire? In Psalm 139:23-24, the Psalmist asks God to search and check his heart - not his behaviour. I love how Psalm 1:1 (NIV) reads: ‘Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked, or stand in the way that sinners take, or sit in the company of mockers…’ A ‘good behaviour’ person reads this and decides: I won’t walk with wicked people or be found in the same way as sinners, and I won’t sit with mockers. Reasonable? In the flesh, yes. But to maintain good behaviour requires you to judge people - something we are commanded NOT to do. Good behaviour requires a judgemental spirit, which is an evil spirit. So, whose heart does God want our hearts to be aligned to? His!!! This is the key: good behaviour is what is left when there’s no heart connection with God. Let’s engage God with our hearts, and worry less about how our behaviour appears to men, because men can’t help but look at the outward. Let’s be like Jesus and embrace our spiritual authority, knowing it is not going to look acceptable to men but to God. Be encouraged.
Everyone used mightily by God at the outset were not examples of ‘good behaviour’, but they became mighty examples of spiritual authority. Samuel, on seeing Jesse’s first son, was convinced this was the ‘Lord’s anointed’ (his words). David was not an example of good behaviour, but he received the mantel of spiritual authority to take the land and establish the throne of God in Israel. Mary was put in a perilous situation; she became pregnant before marriage - literally a death sentence. Hence Joseph, a man of peace, wanted to put her away ‘silently’. One word out of turn from Joseph, one slip of the lip… and Mary would have been dead. Literally. Everyone used mightily by God at the outset were not examples of ‘good behaviour’, but they became mighty examples of spiritual authority. An evil, inherent in good behaviour, is that the heart never needs to change -just make continuous adjustments in behaviour to ensure they always ‘look’ right. Jesus our Christ was made of no repute, taking on the sins of the world
Roy McEwen Praying.Works
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
Retreat to advance Men’s Encounter Weekend
ver the weekend of 26th to 28th July, 35 men from ECC went to Lane End Conference Centre for our biannual men’s retreat. Personally, this is one of my favourite weekends of the year: the joy of being around like-minded men, and getting to know different people in a new surroundings. The conference centre facilities were excellent and boasted a sauna, gym, chill-out rooms, football pitch and the most incredible scenery. It was definitely a suitable place to go and retreat from city life. One of my highlights of the weekend were the times we ate together. The food was extraordinary, but better still were the conversations we had with one another. Throughout the whole meal times there was laughter and chatter, as we got to know each other even better. The main reason for our retreat, however, wasn’t to eat or relax but to encounter God. He turned up in an anointed way during our meetings. Pastor Daniel Shillingford (pictured), from City Gates Church in Ilford, was our guest speaker on the Saturday, and we are extremely thankful for his ministry. He challenged us to live unconventional lives, drawing inspiration from the life of David. What I love about the
ministry of Pastor Daniel is that he looks at the world in a completely different way than I do. Therefore he challenged us to think of new strategies in order to reach men for Christ. The way we do church not only has to be more authentic, but also more unconventional in order to attract men in today’s society. On the Saturday evening, Pastor Daniel used the life of Mephibosheth to show we need to be vulnerable and real with each other as men. One moment that will live long in my memory was Sunday morning, as we gathered to have communion together and share testimonies about what God had challenged us with during the weekend. The men’s retreat this year was special, as always. It was a moment where men drew closer to God and to one another. I always find that if we take time to retreat, God always advances in our lives.
Thank you!
very August Bank Holiday, the men of ECC always have the privilege of preparing and cooking for the church BBQ, and every year, without fail, we have a group of men who show up, willing to serve the wider family of ECC. This year we had around 20 men, who were cooking, serving and making sure lines were moving, as we served over 300 people. The night was an incredible success, with people were still chatting to one another well past 10pm. We want to say a massive Thank You to all the men who helped out on that day. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Men’s Ministry
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
WOMEN’S DISCIPLESHIP “God is good All the time He puts a song of praise in this heart of mine God is good God is good All the time” (written by Don Moen)
offer to God a heart full of praise and thanksgiving.
What started as an ordinary Saturday, on 30th March 2019, ended horribly, with me falling down my stairs at home at about 11.00pm. I was taken to hospital, and was diagnosed with a broken right femur. I had no idea about the seriousness of this injury and, to cut a long story short, I was admitted in hospital/rehab for 11½ weeks.
Practical love in action by Yvonne Boakye
It wasn’t an easy time, but through it all God was with me.
God took me through various processes, to name a few: red blood exchange transfusion, emergency surgery, issues with my left ankle, issues with my liver… I was introduced to medical terms, such as non weight-bearing, weight-bearing, walking first with a gutter frame, and then with a Zimmer frame. This left me so confused and wondering what was happening to me. It wasn’t an easy time, but through it all God was with me. I would like to say I was up all the time but that would be untrue. There were times when I was really down. The support from my Discipleship Cell group, church members, family, friends and workmates helped me through this tough period. From the day of the accident, my Cell members were in hospital with me; they visited frequently; they prayed with and for me. I had visits from Pastor Bob and other church members as well. I rang the Prayer Centre several times. On most Sundays, I watched
the services from ECC on You Tube. When I eventually got home, I was still not mobile, and my Cell group and family continued to support and bless me, with cooked food and prayers. The members of my Cell continuously encouraged me with Scriptures. Being in a Discipleship Cell group has really helped me through this time. They have given me and continue to be a great support. Why this accident happened, I will never know. However, I trust God and know that God will use the experience I went through for His good. I firmly believe God loves me; His plan for me is to give me a future and a hope. I say thanks to God from the bottom of my heart - for His presence, His goodness and His continued healing hand on my life. I also say thanks to God for blessing me with my church family (Cell members) and my own family. I am really blessed for the support I received. Thank You, God. As a member of ECC, I would like to encourage all who are not members of a Discipleship Cell group to join one. Being in a Cell is important; you make friends, you grow spiritually and, when in need of support (as in my case), they are there for you. The practical working out of God’s love is demonstrated in Cell groups.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
officially interrupt summer festivities to inform you that all has not (yet) been going too well. There’s only so much I can share here, but I suppose God has been and is still fighting my battles; I’m just waiting to win the war. Over the last few weeks, after hearing a couple of sermons and realising that, for a perfectionist, my spiritual life was lacking, I decided to move prayer up my priority list. As a morning person, I commit my most important tasks to this time of day. If I have an essay to write, I’ll usually have it done by 11am. So, I started taking my devotional time more seriously: I dedicated half an hour in the morning to read and reflect. As if she had been spoken to by the Holy Spirit, my mum also suggested that we move our Bible study to the mornings. Thus, as planned, every morning, we would read at least a chapter in the Bible; reflect on it; draw out prayer points from it, and pray together. I imagined that as soon as I started praying every morning and asking for the Holy Spirit, things would ameliorate. But no, they didn’t; they got harder. The amount of breakdowns I was having increased (drastically), and Mr Comparison, the absolute thief of joy, kicked in like a flu jab. It’s interesting that whilst all of this was happening, I was reading the Book of Job. If you’re not familiar with the story, Job essentially loses everything: kids, wealth and peace of mind. Yet he refused to denounce his faith in God. Forty long chapters later - imagine how long it must have felt for Job, who was actually living through it - Job has everything restored… and double the amount. Job 42:12-15 says: ‘The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys. And he also had seven sons and three daughters. The first daughter he named Jemimah, the second Keziah and the third Keren-Happuch. Nowhere in all the land were there found women as beautiful as Job’s daughters,and their father granted them an
inheritance along with their brothers.’ However you choose to define success, what God gave Job in the latter years of his life would certainly suffice! Part of growing up in this generation has meant that we’ve become accustomed to quick fixes and, when these solutions don’t work or aren’t sustainable enough, a problem arises. In the same way, I expected that once I’d started praying and reading my Bible more, the Red Sea would miraculously part before me. I’m not disputing that miracles happen - after all, I am one! :) but before this happened, the Israelites had endured generations of injustice under the Egyptians. Also, notice that the devil is quite clever, and tempts people who are literally at the cusp of their breakthrough. Jesus had fasted 40 days and 40 nights when the devil came to tempt Him; he waited until the last moment. Matthew 4:2 says: ‘And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry.’ Now when the tempter came to Him, he said: “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” I know, sneaky devil. Also notice that the devil picked those he tempted quite well: Eve, the first woman, enjoyed the presence and blessings of God freely; Job was like the model Christian, and Jesus was sent to redeem the sins of the whole world. So, I’ve come to the conclusion that, if I’m being tested, perhaps it’s a good sign; the enemy wouldn’t go through
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019
all that trouble of trying to break me for no reason. After all, Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has plans to prosper me and to give me a desired end. The devil truly has a lot to be fearful for when it comes to my life - and I mean a lot - because whilst I may not know them yet, God has HUGE plans for me. In the words of Guvna B: “Every test is a blessing if you choose to see the message.” This is possibly the most exposing piece I’ve written for Grapevine, but this is truly where we are. However, 2 Chronicles 20:17 says: “You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them, and the Lord will be with you.” All that’s required here is trust and obedience. We trust that God does as He says (and there’s plenty of evidence to prove this) and we obey His instructions. A little secret: Whenever I get sad, I think back to the last Marvel movie I’ve seen, and imagine that this must be what it looks like when God is fighting on my behalf. Only it’s 100 times more magnificent.
Kids’ Summer Club
his year for our Summer Club we decided to change things around. Instead of running the club for one day a week over the five-week break, we decided to run it for five consecutive days in the week. Oh… was it fun for the kids and the organisers? Everyone had a good time and enjoyed it.
The main Auditorium was converted into a big play area and decorated with a Superhero theme. We had activity tables with Hama beads and jewellery making, biscuit decorating, weaving, and drawing and colouring. There was a large bouncy castle on one side and a little tuckshop on the other, so kids could get their treats too.
every day of the week. Besides that, we were delighted to have a few kids who were non-churchgoers attend. They loved it. Each day, parents had to literally drag their kids away at the end of the sessions.
There were FIFA games to be played on large screens, and even a little football pitch in the car park which was cordoned off for the kids’ safety. There was a photo booth with capes and masks for the kids to take selfies, which they all enjoyed. I have to admit, though, somewhere in between all this activity we managed to get the kids to sit down and learn Christian principles through worship, storytelling and group games.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to everyone who was involved - from the planning to the execution, at the forefront and background - of this Kids’ Summer Club.
I must say the highlight for me was to see the fun the youth had when they came in to help
I enjoyed the games and the bouncy castle. Joshua Ebewele (6)
s’ Club. I I enjoyed Kid mes, and liked the ga e craft and especially th ellery. je g makin w am (10) Zara Abrah
I liked Kids’ Club. I had a lot of fun on the bouncy castle and icing the biscuits. Adiya Olosinmo (7)
You can read some of the children’s comments at the end...
God bless you for helping make it a success.
I enjoyed Kids’ Club because we had fun and food. Liya Akeju (6)
I have had fun with all the activities this week, especially the football, FIFA and bouncy castle. Thank you for all you have done this week. David Ebewele (9)
I enjoyed Kids’ Club so much! I’ve made lovely stuff, like a bracelet and a necklace, and I used beads to make a flower. Kerala Spillane (8)
I enjoyed Kids’ Club because I played lots of fun games that distracted me from technology, such as the Hama beads and making bracelets, necklaces and earrings with Aunty Cora. I also had fun with my friends playing Dice of Disaster , especially when I put shaving foam on Rachel’s face. Keyla Gutierrez -Languidey (9)
I enjoyed Kids’ Club because it was fun. I loved the songs and especially the Dice of Disaster, I didn’t pie anyone, but it was still I enjoyed Kids’ Club fun. because the activities were fun, and there were a Destiny Ibrahim (7) variety of activities, like jewellery making, football, even a bouncy castle. We played lots of fun games and putting shaving cream on people’s faces! Kayla Akeju (9)
... and even one of the youth helpers commented: ids’ Club was a really good experience as a leader, to really get to know the kids and to have fun with them. It was also fun because I enjoyed dancing with the kids. It was just a fun experience in general. I would love to do it again next year. Olamide Ajayi (14)
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019